breannasfluff · 2 months
The back button
You can leave a story you don’t like and no one will know!
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adasknife · 2 months
this a sort of complain of capcom and some fans.
i have been *seeing posts of people 'trying' to slander claire and trying to uplift ada. when you see why they try to make those conclusions, it sort of makes sense why. ada is a character in resident evil and the fans solely base her around leon and her bad actions. it makes sense why people try to defend her especially when some (not all) claire fans mention ada's name over and over in attempts to slander her.
the line of defense of ada is, "well, without ada, nothing would've happened. leon wouldn't have survived raccoon city. oh, well, she sold plagas and continued the story in re5. she caused the issues of re6 and fixed them. she helped leon with the information in the end of re6. ada isn't really bad if she..."
blah, blah. all are valid points, but we are missing the biggest detail. why is ada's character written like that? why did ada patch leon up? why did the cold mercenary gain a heart in the original re2? why does she have to be there for leon?
it's fucking capcom.
you guys are allowed to like ada. guys, i like her. i fucking adore ada, but let's be honest. capcom doesn't know what's ada's motives were in the original game. the only reason ada does those things is because capcom doesn't know what to do. why did ada save leon if letting to die would be faster and quicker for her? idk.
or why does ada feel obligated to help leon in the og separate ways? idk.
why is ada a morally gray character? oh, yeah. for capcom it's for keeping leon safe.
why does ada do her actions?
"oh, it's because she is mysterious and we aren't allowed to know."
why not? why aren't we allowed to know if the time skip of re2 and re6 (in real time 14 years), all we know is that her name isn't real.
all of ada's actions are:
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when people ask, why don't we have an ada game? bro, do you honestly think capcom knows what to do with her? we barely got the remake and she makes a bit more sense than last time.
like even the original guy of re2 was like, "wow, i really like the kiss. it shows how much of a manipulator ada is!" [X]
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and let's not pretend that capcom and some fans treat her as a raging stereotype of asian women.
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trying to shit on claire/ada just pisses me off because girl characters have to stick together. capcom sexualises women every single chance it got. they queerbaited chris. capcom has a male dominant fandom base. they do things for the guys. why do you think ada's interaction with leon is all the time flirting? like guys, think it through.
why is it so hard to possibly think ada is a victim of bad writing from capcom? ada deserves fucking better and i'm tired of repeating it over and over. settling shouldn't be an option
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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legogradstudent · 2 years
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Submitting his final grades, the grad student awaits the inevitable arrival of undergrad emails contesting them.
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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Peanuts, January 7, 1965
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momentsbeforemass · 10 months
I have a friend who is very particular. He wants things just so. If something doesn’t meet his standards, he will complain about it. Endlessly.
He has yet to have a decent cup of coffee.
I learned this going to all of the big-name coffee places with him. Then, when none of those measured up, going to all of the most micro-batch, one-off, exclusive coffee roasters you could think of.
It was an amazing tour of the coffee of Chicago. And it was that tour, accompanied by his endless soundtrack of complaints, that showed me what was wrong with the coffee.
Him. He was what was wrong with the coffee.
It wasn’t that he had exquisite taste. It was that he was exquisitely skilled at finding fault.
Because he was busy finding fault, he missed out on some of the best coffee I’ve ever had.
I know this, because I went back to some of those places without him. When I didn’t have someone telling me how awful they were, it turns out they were great.
It easy to laugh at someone who does this to themselves. Piling up preconceived notions and finding fault, until they keep themselves from enjoying…pretty much anything.
But it’s not just the dynamic that we see playing out in today’s Gospel, with its violent rejection of Jesus.
It’s a trap that all too many of us fall into with our relationship with God.
We miss out on God’s best for our lives, because it doesn’t meet our preconceived notions. We keep ourselves from being able to enjoy all that God has given us, because we’re too busy finding fault.
It’s not that God isn’t pouring out His grace upon us. It’s that we are so wrapped up in our ideas about God, about how things have to be, that we aren’t able to receive what God is giving.
When we get stuck like that, it’s easy to blame God.
Even though we’re what’s wrong with the coffee.
When we get stuck like that, the only cure is God’s grace. To ask God to take away our love of fault-finding.
To ask God to give us a desire for Him, not our ideas about Him.
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Today’s Readings
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downfalldestiny · 1 year
Allah Azza wajal loves you, never forget it 🤍 !.
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clits-and-clips · 3 months
Just loveeeeee being alone and being forced to do shit alone from now on im SO happy about it🙃
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afza147 · 5 months
Ep16 my demon(finale)
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Gu won complaining on wifey🤭 but get caught😂
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kallso · 4 months
Why can’t I find any posts on here tagged “figure skating” from actual figure skaters? It’s all people simping over Asian guys who skate and anime guys who skate :/
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afreakingdork · 11 months
Hey @staff what the heck is going on!? Not only am I hitting a wall on my Dash where I can't scroll any further back then five pages, but when I compare my browsing history between desktop and mobile there are posts that are just missing!!!
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nobeansforyou · 7 months
For the sake of Mental Health™, I have decided to view the finale as not canon. To me, the season ended at Ep 7. That's all, folks.
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hurricanesfollowyou · 3 months
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I did a thing. It took me so long and the image quality isn’t right because I started off just messing around and I didn’t think it was going to have as much detail.
Can be found here on my art dabbling Instagram. I like doing digital drawing, it relaxes me and the time passes quickly. I’m slowly building my skills.
A little homage to @tooclosetotouchband
I loved this idea of doing sticker/flash style art around lyrics because I’ve always got lyrics stuck in my head and am always singing at random. This is inspired by Complain, the final song of the I’m Hard To Love But So Are You EP series that the band made in 2020. I’m a very medicated person so these lines stood out to me! The medication keeps me afloat when the depression wants to sink me.
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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I didn’t think one could truly have a toxic relationship with a cartoon character, but you ever just watch a character commit one of the top ten worst things any character ever does to another character in the entire series, then immediately go back through the episode to screencap every single frame they’re in
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dizzyymouse · 30 days
"It's college tomorrow mate"
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