#*da cast plus
downton-bridgerton · 2 years
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"Thanks so much for watching, come see the show!" "Show?" "It's a movie!!"
How Well Does the Downton Abbey Cast know each other? || The Vanity Fair Game Show (x)
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superkirbylover · 7 months
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FINALLY!!! the VERY final refs for the ponified cast of pizza tower. everypony has the same name except for pizzahead, who's called pizzahoof. pizzahoof was also designed by @c0met-dr01d!! go check them out :]
under the cut is me rambling about their cutiemarks (or lack thereof) and other design choices
gustavo's cutiemark is a pizza with three mushroom toppings, because he's a chef, and earlier in pizza tower development, he was a gnome! this isn't the case anymore though, but i still like to think he is. that, and i just associate him with gnome forest, so it felt fitting. plus, i suppose it adds to the mario comparisons lmao
peppino's cutiemark is a pepperoni pizza alongside a pizzacutter. i know people are raising eyebrows at the pepperoni, but my excuse is... uhh, they're not actually pepperoni. it's like, some vegetarian alternative. probably made of flowers or some shit. the pizza is obvious, he's a chef and he cooka-da-pizza. the pizza cutter isn't just to hammer that in, but it's also a callback to the various times throughout pizza tower development where he used to have a pizza cutter buzz-saw! especially in pizza massacre
noise's cutiemark is a bomb with its fuse lit, because it represents his explosive personality and he often uses bombs. dude is wacky, unpredictable and can be a feral fucking thing. also something about acting, being a mascot or being in the showbiz somewhere in the mix. he has a tail, but it's just... in his suit. he's a dumbass
noisette's cutiemark is a ruby chocolate bar. she runs a cafe, and while she presumably has Really Weird Taste, i figured it would be a really cute fit for her. it's sweet, just like her! and pink. just like her!
fake peppino deliberately does not have a cutiemark. it's to add to the sense of "failed clone," where many aspects of peppino have been successfully recreated (body type, hair color, coat color, outfit, facial hair) but other small things have been muddled or changed by mistake (height, eyes not staying in their sockets, hair being more smooth looking, face shape). not to mention, he's made of dough, like his original clone counterpart. in the show, it's established that only ponies can have cutiemarks. while he looks like a pony, who's to say he really is one?
stick's cutiemark is that television hud you see when you have enough money to buy a boss gate in pizza tower. i chose this cause on top of being a tv, a reoccurring object throughout the game, it also has some modifications to make it more... stick-y. it has his hat and a propeller coming from the top, and if you know stick, that man likes to make shit, specifically to sell and make money. that's also why there's a money sign in the tv. stick has a tail stub but i never really draw it myself. he's completely bald. mind you, he still has his coat, but no mane, no tail. zilch. he's a bald motherfucker. also stick's magic color is green
pizzahoof also does not have a cutiemark. he's a fucking cheese pony, why would he need one? dude just exists to be silly and whimsical. giving him one i feel would go against his character of just being clownish, doing what he wants when he wants, regardless if it means others suffer because of him or not. also, he's MADE of CHEESE!!!
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archie-sunshine · 6 days
hewwo!! i am like pretty new here also, do you by any chance have any good intro posts for kf? i love it but also have no idea whats going on HAHA like i have also been through the tag but definitely not all of it :'3 (my silliest question is do all da tfs have tails btw)
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OKAY SO BASICALLY I based a lot of the actual lore of knightformers on IDW, but i left a lot of open space for other people to play and add their favourite continuities characters in or even ocs if they want
but essentially, a really long time ago, megatron rose up against an oppressive senate that was using spiritual beliefs of labour and subjugation being purifying, holy and mandatory, and that was all great until he started going a bit mad with power, and killing civillians that wouldn't bend the knee to his new cool regime, and becoming violent and taking over the other provinces etc etc until optimus prime and the autobots stood up to him and started a war about it.
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Megatron also mobilizes his forces to begin expanding decepticon territory deeper out into the wilds, disturbing the fae(this universe's version of organics/humans) and causing a whole new big stink for everyone
Quick sidenote, here's basically what all the races look like, pretty typical dnd fare, plus the fae.
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they fight for hundreds of years (they have long but not infinite lifespans, think about like 1000 ish years, the war goes on for something like 250-300) until a greater threat arises in the form of unicron, an ancient god of malice and hate that feeds off of conflict between people.
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They defeat unicron, but not before galvatron (he's his own entity in this universe) casts megatron off into the faewild and he goes missing assumed dead in there for a few years.
With the war over (yaaaay!) everyone takes stock. Three of the provinces are totally destroyed and overgrown, tarn has gone untouched because the DJD live there, nyon is also mostly overgrown and partially destroyed.
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They divide up the remaining provinces between the leaders, not including caminus, which remained pretty untouched during the war.
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starscream gets vos, soundwave gets kaon, optimus continues to rule iacon while also helping to restore the church of primus at the nagging of the remaining heads of the church, rodimus gets nyon.
and yeah!! basically thats all the concrete sweeping lore i have. generally i've been focusing on the mtmte characters, most of whom are living in nyon in rodimus' jacked up palace helping him rebuild.
oh and also eventually megatron wanders out of the forest and he gets put under house arrest in rodimus' palace while they rebuild so that they can actually judge him in a proper court because of various political loopholes.
everything else I kind of make up as i go along!! there are tons of other personal tidbits, but they're more character based.
but yeah! thats knightformers! feel free to ask me more questions if you like!! you can also find some stuff under the tag 'kf lore' on my blog!
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chiquititamia · 3 months
Lo más dulce
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Enzo Vogringic x female oc +18
Este es mi primer fanfic, he intentado muchas veces pero esta es la primera que logro terminarlo. Seguramente tenga muchos errores, pero ahí les va. Les pido que me digan qué les pareció y si quieren una segunda parte, sí? Disfruten :)
warnings: sexo oral, todo muy explícito
Era un hermoso día de primavera, de esos en los que de repente te das cuenta de que el viento ya no es frío. Un dulce olor a flores inundaba las calles empedradas del pequeño pueblo de montaña en el que el cast de La sociedad de la nieve se había instalado durante el rodaje.
Tenían el día libre, así que Enzo había decidido dar una vuelta al mediodía. Su bicicleta rodaba por las calles bajo el sol, había olvidado lo agradable que es pasear de esa manera. Tan sólo el sonido de la cadena de la bici y de las cigarras llenaban el aire, al fin y al cabo, era la hora de comer y la gente se encontraba en sus casas protegiéndose del sol.
Hablando de eso, Enzo notó un pequeño gruñido en su estómago, el hambre comenzaba a formarse, sería mejor que encontrase un sitio donde comer.
Dejaba que la bicicleta le llevase pasivamente, sin pedalear, aprovechando una ligera cuesta hacia abajo.
Al doblar una esquina, no podía creer sus ojos: ¡un restaurante vegetariano! En un pueblo tan pequeño no esperaba algo como eso. No se lo pensó dos veces. Apoyó su delgada bicicleta en la puerta del humilde establecimiento, sin sentir la necesidad de atarla, ya que la honestidad y amabilidad de la gente no habían hecho más que acompañarlos durante su estadía allí. De todas formas, no había nadie a la vista.
Nada más entrar al pequeño restaurante, sintió el alivio inmediato de la sombra en su piel, caliente por el sol. Dentro se estaba fresco, y un maravilloso olor a comida le enamoró, no podía creer su suerte.
Tan sólo había cuatro mesitas de madera en ese local tan lindamente decorado. Junto a la barra, una vitrina albergaba deliciosos postres caseros: lo que parecía ser una tarta de zanahoria, una de chocolate y pequeños pasteles de manzana y crema. Los ojos de Enzo brillaban devorando los manjares ante él.
Una dulce voz le sacó de sus pensamientos.
¿Hola, puedo ayudarte?
Una hermosa chica de melena larga y negra le miraba con ojos curiosos, sonriendo. Llevaba una camiseta de tirantes y una falda debajo de un pequeño delantal. Ella debía ser la dueña del local, pensó Enzo.
Buenas, sí, eh…
¿Qué le pasaba? ¿Desde cuando era así de tímido frente a una mujer? Las palabras no le salían, lo que le hizo patearse a sí mismo mentalmente por que tenía que estar quedando como un tonto ante ella.
Ella se rio ante la falta de palabras del moreno.
¿Tienes hambre?
Soltó una risa.
Sí, sí… muchísima, vengo de pasear con la bici…yo… - explicó casi tartamudeando, con media sonrisa.
Bien, ¿por qué no tomas asiento y te traigo una carta y algo de beber?
Enzo tragó duro, y asintió mirándola fijamente. Ella, se dio la vuelta grácilmente provocando un soplo de aire perfumado con su melena. El olor a coco y mango de su champú no hizo si no despertar aún más su hambre, aunque quizás no tanto la que aquejaba su estómago.
Cuando se sentó, el uruguayo dejó su mochilita de tela en el asiento libre que tenía al lado. Sacó su móvil y comprobó sin mucha sorpresa que no tenía nada de cobertura y apenas batería, pero tampoco le importó, no tardaría en comer y volvería con los chicos a su residencia.
Antes de que se diera cuenta, la chica había regresado con un menú y un vaso de agua helada, lo cual él agradeció profusamente.  Si bien no había muchos platos entre los cuales elegir, todos sonaban estupendamente para su estómago vacío, con el plus de que no tenía que limitarse entre una o dos opciones como normalmente, ya que casi todos los platillos eran veganos o vegetarianos. Se decidió por lo que más le apetecía: Wok de noodles con vegetales, salsa teriyaki y aceite de chile tostado. “Suena bárbaro”, pensó.
Enzo observaba discretamente a la que parecía ser la dueña, la camarera y la cocinera, todo en la misma persona.  La chica danzaba en la cocina entre los fogones, manejando con soltura los utensilios; alguna llamarada ocasional salía de debajo del wok, alarmándole, pero ella parecía esgrimirlas como una hechicera, sin miedo.  
No puede evitar reparar en como sus caderas y su trasero se contonean con los movimientos. “Quizá esté escuchando música” se dijo Enzo, no comprendiendo si no, el ritmo hipnótico de su cuerpo.
Y aquí está – dijo ella depositando el plato humeante frente a él.
Muchas gracias, tiene una pinta buenísima…
La camarera volvió detrás de la barra tras desearle buen apetito a su único comensal y él comenzó a devorar el plato con gusto.
Las miradas entre ambos no eran directas, si no veladas e intermitentes. Ella fingía no prestarle atención y dedicarse a sus tareas, mientras que él trataba de limpiarse constantemente la boca con la servilleta para no tener además de todo, pinta de boludo con la cara manchada de salsa.
¿Estaba loco o ese era el mejor plato que había comido en su vida? Quizás tan solo estaba hambriento… ¿O era porque ella lo había preparado?
Cuando hubo terminado el plato se levantó tomándolo y lo llevó a la barra junto con su vaso, también vacío, para ahorrarle a la chica el viaje hasta la mesa, siempre tan galante.
Ella sonrío y sacó el ticket de la caja registradora. Él le devolvió la sonrisa y le sostenía la mirada mientras buscaba su billetera en la pequeña mochila de tela.
Más pronto que tarde, su rostro se tornó preocupado. No puede ser. Su cartera no estaba más ahí. Un pensamiento le cruzó la mente como un rayo. Esa misma mañana la había cambiado de sitio a una riñonera nueva. Lo había olvidado completamente. ¿Qué carajo iba a hacer ahora?
No era muy difícil adivinar qué estaba sucediendo, él dirigía su mirada al fondo de la maldita mochila y después a los ojos de la chica, frenéticamente.
Te juro que no sabía, yo… A-ahora mismo voy a buscar mi bille-
Es que estaba por cerrar -dice la camarera sin perder la sonrisa, como divertida por la situación.
Entonces esta noche, y-yo … mierda, lo siento mucho­­- Enzo notaba sus mejillas y todo su rostro ardiendo por la vergüenza, se sentía como un idiota.
¿No se te ocurre otra forma de pagarme? - ronroneó ella.
Enzo se quedó congelado, aunque a decir verdad estaba totalmente acalorado. No podía ser que estuviera escuchando lo que acababa de escuchar. Pero tampoco cabía la posibilidad de que se estuviera refiriendo a ninguna otra cosa, ¿no?
Todas sus dudas se derritieron cuando ella paseó su mano por el pecho de él, acariciando el borde de su camisa.
¿Eso querés? -trató de sonar confiado.
Ella se mordió el labio, respirando el aliento cálido de él.
Enzo no esperó a que ella respondiera, pues sus ojos ya le estaban dando la respuesta que buscaba, y que en el fondo había anhelado desde que entró en el pequeño restaurante.
La verdad que me he quedado con ganas de algo dulce… ¿sabés, chiquita?, como con hambre de algo vegano ¿entendés?
En ese momento él lanza una rapidisima mirada por la ventana del local para comprobar que no haya nadie cerca que vaya a interrumpirles. No hay nadie. Entonces, como si algo en su cuerpo y mente hubieran mutado repentinamente, Enzo toma su rostro entre las manos con una firmeza que ella había intuido, pero que no había experimentado hasta ahora. Se lanza a besarla sin ambajes, como si no fuera la primera vez que lo hace con ella, como si ya supiera qué es lo que le gusta, qué tiene que hacer para derretirla. Su lengua entra en su boca de forma imparable, la diferencia de tamaños entre sus cuerpos cobra importancia desde ese mismo momento, siente que la va a devorar. Si bien hasta ese momento ella había llevado la voz cantante con su actitud de femme fatale, eso ahora no le servía más. Él era el que estaba al control, sus labios guiaban a los suyos, contenía su mandíbula como una pequeña jaula donde introducir su lengua como una serpiente. Lo único que ella podía hacer era intentar seguir su ritmo y disimular lo muchísimo que le costaba no empezar a gemir.
Sin casi darse cuenta, él la había ido empujando hacia el interior de la cocina, habían caminado al unísono enredados en un nudo de cuerpos en el que ya casi no quedaba ninguna pena.
Pasó sus grandes manos por su cintura mientras seguía besándola, redondeando sus formas. Agarró sus gluteos por debajo de la falda. Ella se felicitó a sí misma por haber escogido sus braguitas negras de encaje para ese día, por ninguna razón en especial. Enzo metió sus dedos por debajo del elástico que abrazaba sus caderas, amenazando con bajarlas en cualquier momento.
Me estabas poniendo malo, nena, ¿sabías?
Ella aprovechó el pequeño respiro que le dio a su boca para contestar un leve “sí”
Ah, sí, eh? Mirá vos… - sonaba divertido, pero también desafiado.
Sin ningún esfuerzo colocó sus brazos debajo de sus muslos y la subió a la encimera, junto a los fogones. Ante eso, ella no pudo contenerse más y gimió sin poder evitarlo, mientras clavaba sus uñas bien cuidadas en la nuca de él, de donde se estaba agarrando.
Me vas a dar algún dulce, gatita? Mirá que tengo mucha hambre…
Ella asintió rápidamente, como una niña obediente.
Sí…? - Decía mientras depositaba besos húmedos por su cuello, ¿qué me vas a dar? – ronrroneaba entre cada lamida.
No podía parar de gemir, ninguna palabra, y mucho menos frase coherente iba a salir de su boca, simplemente no podía pensar, no mientras su lengua caliente recorría su cuello, no mientas sus manos invadieran el interior de sus muslos como si fuera el pan que ella misma había amasado esa mañana, sobre esa misma superficie. Sentía que estaba arruinando su ropa interior, no recordaba haber estado así de húmeda jamás.
 ¿Y? ¿qué me vas a dar? -comenzó a bajarle las bragas por la cintura ¿Una frutilla? ¿Eso tenés? – en lugar de pedirle que se levantara para poder sacarle la ropa interior la recostó en la encimera, tumbándola ligeramente, deslizando la prenda ya empapada por sus piernas.
Sin pedir permiso, abrió sus piernas para contemplar lo que sus bragas, ya tiradas por el suelo escondían. Enzo tragó saliva, provocando que su nuez se moviera por su garganta deliciosamente. De forma involuntaria apretó la mandíbula, había encontrado el postre más rico del restaurante.
¿Esta frutilla es tuya?- la miró a los ojos mientras un pulgar delíneaba sus labios ahora expuestos, como si nada.
Ella atinó a asentir con ojos suplicantes.
No,… no es tuya, es mía, chiquita. Es mía y me la voy a comer, ta? ­­– nunca una corrección le había parecido tan bien.
Sin más preámbulos bajó su cabeza hasta enfrentar su centro, que estaba húmedo estaba claro, pero es que además emanaba calor, parecía palpitar con deseo.
Y entonces empezó a comer.
Empezó a comer, comer y comer.
Abría la boca y manejaba su lengua como si en realidad le estuviera dando un beso francés, solo que en una boca distinta. Se introducía en ella como si no dispusiera de nada más que esa parte de su cuerpo para satisfacerla, con avidez.
Ella se deshacía en gemidos, no se retenía más, le daba igual gritar, sabía que nadie podía oirla, a esas horas no había nadie en la calle, no bajo ese sol abrasador. Pero, si así fuera, ¿sería capaz de parar?
Claro que no, aunque quisiera no podría pararle. Su boca mamaba de ella como un cachorro hambriento, no podría apartarle. Y sinceramente no querría por nada del mundo.
Qué rica que estás nena, sabes a miel … - dijo mientras introducía su dedo corazón en su vagina, con maestría, sin parar de lamer, en perfecta sincronía, como si su lengua y su mano fueran entes separados que sabían actuar de forma perfecta e independiente.
No faltaba mucho tiempo para que llegara a su clímax, lo notaba formándose en su bajo vientre, si seguía así no iba a durar nada.
Me voy a…!
A venir? Venite, princesa, vamos…- paró dolorosamente un par de segundos para pronunciar esas palabras, y al volver a tocarla con su lengua ella no pudó más y explotó en su boca como un fuego artificial. Grandes oleadas de placer arrasaban en ella, que gritaba y gemía. Él notaba como el único dedo que le había introducido quedaba aprisionado y recibía apretones entre sus paredes que pulsaban en su orgasmo. No lo sacó hasta que ella le hizo un gesto, recostándose ,agotada y sudorosa en la superficie donde normalmente trabajaba.  
Aún le costaba recuperar el ritmo normal de su respiración, y por una vez, su mente no se encontraba preocupada por tonterías como si estaba despeinada, o qué le había parecido al otro su ropa interior o si había gemido suficientemente sexy. Esta vez su cuerpo simplemente estaba anegado por el placer tan animal que Enzo le había provocado. Todo lo demás no importaba.
Él se había parado y se estaba echando el pelo hacia atrás, también estaba sudando. Gracias a Dios que un pequeño ventilador metálico les estaba apuntando a los dos, de lo contrario habrían muerto de calor.
Qué linda que sos, muñeca.
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eggroll-sama · 13 days
This is purely self-indulgent and just based on stuff that makes me go, “it’s them!” when it’s unrelated to them. But here you go and hope you like it. To make it sound more accurate, I replaced the nouns to fit Touchstarved cast.
Tyler Durban and Edward Norton from the FIGHT CLUB— “How much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been in a fight?” “Maybe self-improvement isn’t the answer, maybe self-destruction is the answer,” “Only after you’ve lost everything you’re free to do anything.” “We are the same person.”
The song, ‘I Remember You’ from ADVENTURE TIME— “I can feel myself slipping away, I can’t remember what it made me say, but I remember that I saw you frown, I swear it wasn’t me…And I need to save you, but who's going to save me? Please forgive me for whatever I do, when I don’t remember you.”
The punk from FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF. I can just see Ais at a police station, giving advice to a pretty stranger, and end up making out with them.
This scene (warning: graphic violence and gore) from ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD. It’s just so Ais and Princess-coded
VENOM, enough said.
The murder-mystery film, THE DA VINCI CODE. I feel like Kuras would love the movie if it existed in his world since it’s canon that he likes trashy murder mysteries.
The song, ‘No Good Deed Goes Unpunished’ from WICKED— “[MC] where are you? Already dead, or bleeding? One more disaster I can add to my Generous supply…No good deed goes unpunished. No act of charity goes unresented. No good deed goes unpunished. That’s my new creed.”
GONE WITH THE WIND— “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” This line was controversial when released in 1939 because swear words weren’t normalized. I feel like Kuras, like this movie, rarely swears but when he does, the whole room goes silent and you know shit’s about to go down. Also according to the RSS radial chart, Kuras has low empathy plus maxed out strength high wisdom, damn at some point that man might legit not give a damn-
MAQUIA: WHEN THE PROMISED FLOWER BLOOMS— “you smell weird, you smell like the sun;” “If you fall in love, you will truly become alone.” Contextually the line is about how an immortal should never get too close with mortals because they'll one day they’ll die, and it fits Kuras a lot.
HUNTER X HUNTER 2011—“[MC] you are light. Sometimes, you shine so brightly, I must look away. But even so, is it still ok to stay by your side?” I love the idea of an angel heavily associated with the sun (Prometheus, likes sunny days, radiates heat), finds someone that is the light of their life.
ONE PIECE— “I have seen the future of this country. And it is destruction. As long as [the Senobium] remains here, this country can never be cured, because even if medical technology progresses, even if [alchemical] research continues… there is no cure for stupidity.”
OPPENHEIMER. After I watched the movie all I could think about was Kuras doing the blank eye stare at the end of the movie.
Goob from MEET THE ROBINSONS (he’s literally just child Leander in the modern world ;o;)
Michael Scott from THE OFFICE— “I wanna be married and have 100 kids so I can have 100 friends and no one can say no to being my friend,” “it’s not about the horniness, it’s about the loneliness”
The painting, Death of Sardanapalus, by Eugene Delacroix. King Sardanapalus palace is besieged by enemies and he decides to commit suicide after he learns of the army’s defeat, but not before ordering his men to destroy all his favorite possessions- wives, horses, pages, and dogs. He’d rather his valuables all be destroyed than his enemies own them. King Sardanapulus selfishness is humane, but the extremity’s he would go to keep what is his is monstrous.
GASTON from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST— Gaston and Leander both have similar vibes. They’re both trusted and well-liked by most people, viewed as heroes, are human but are monsters on the inside, overconfident, attractive, has a possessive streak, hangs out in bars, nice singing voice. The main difference is that Gaston doesn’t try to act like a nice guy like Leander Fake ahhh
The song ‘Burn’ from HAMILTON— “Do you know what [Vere] said when we saw your first letter arrive? [He] said, be careful with that one, love, he will do what it takes to survive…Do you know what [Kuras] said when [he] read what you’d done? [He] said, you’ve married an Icarus, he has flown too close to the sun.”
Michael Corleone from the GODFATHER.
Sampo from HONKAI STAR RAIL— I barely know anything about Honkai Starrail, but I was going to an anime goods store with my friend and one look at him made me think of Leander. My friend gave me a run down that he betrays you for money and runs away and unironically I could see Leander throwing us under the bus.
This scene from the movie, MALENA. Vere is heavily desired by men and women alike, but his flirty and fickle personality is just a front to protect himself. And he hates how people see him as a pretty face or someone who needs saving from the Senobium. Tbh Malena herself just reminds me of Vere’s problem of how being pretty is a double edged sword. People see you’re pretty, so they feel threatened or idealize you. You feel extremely lonely bc people are distracted by your beauty and won’t try to understand you intimately. So you either own it and be alone OR assimilate and have friends. Vere is the former.
Madonna-Whore Complex. This article explains it pretty well, “The Madonna Whore Complex (MWC) is a psychological complex often perpetuated by heterosexual, cisgender males which places women into two categories the “Madonna, a woman who is pure, virtuous, and nurturing, or a “Whore,” a woman who is deemed as overly sexual, manipulating, and promiscuous. The dichotomy of MWC creates a rigidity that limits women’s sexual expression, agency, and freedom by defining their sexuality into one of two categories.” Vere is the latter.
Ymir from ATTACK ON TITAN. Both of them were self-proclaimed deity, was caught lying (presumably), and paid for it. Their personalities are similar too except Vere masks himself through innuendos.
The song, ‘The Red Means I Love You’ by Madds Buckley— “The red on my face is matching you. And goodness, you're bleeding, what a wonderful feeling. You're down and you're pleading, my head is just reeling. The red means I love you. Tasting your blood means I love you.” (I can’t see Vere becoming a yandere because he’s already deranged)
Another line from ONE PIECE —“Someday I will become too much of a burden. Someday you’ll betray me and cast me aside.”
SHUTTER ISLAND— “What would be worse, to live as a monster or die as a good [person]?” Mhin hates monsters ironically since they are one, and I could see them nearing the time limit where their curse becomes permanent and decides that maybe it’s better to die with their humanity than live forever as a monster.
The Beast from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. I already said this in another post but like IMAGINE THE AU. AHHHHHH
Felix from LAST LEGACY but more depressed.
Disclaimer: we don’t know much about Sen or Elyon yet so I don’t have much.
THE GREAT GATSBY— “…can't you see who this guy is, with his house and his parties and his fancy clothes? He is just a front, a gangster, to get his claws into respectable folk…(to Elyon) We're all different from you. You see, we were born different. It's in our blood. And nothing that you do or say or steal... or dream up can ever change that.”
Unfortunately I don’t have any for Sen. Her design reminds me of Frankenstein’s creature tho.
This scene from SHAPE OF WATER. MC falls in love with a monster and trying to save them from danger. MC knows that they are also an outsider, a monster. Being with the LI’s feels like they were finally accepted for who they are, regardless of their curse, so they can’t abandon them— “When they looks at me…the way they looks at me, they don’t know what I lack. How I am incomplete...and now I can either save them or let them die.” I think this quote can also be interpreted as the players choosing a route, essentially dooming the other players if we don’t choose them.
Famous line from 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU— “but mostly I hate how I don’t hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” The fact that us as players will keep coming back to them, replaying their routes even though they killed us, and obsessing over them. Yes they suck but we still love them.
This quote from Green Mile— “ I’m tired…I'm tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with.” I think this quote really emphasizes how touch-starved MC is, and how alone they feel from being betrayed by people they cared about in the past (also sparrow name drop ^-^)
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idollete · 2 months
a última ask me deixou pensativa💭🤔
como seria a reação do enzo quando a namorada vai visitar ele durante as gravações/press tour/premiações? eu pensei em todos os meninos se juntando pra ver ela no quarto do enzo pra bater uma papo, matar a saudade e ficar de bobeira, mas quero saber qual seria a reação dele a isso e a reação dele dps que ele colocasse todo mundo pra fora dizendo que quer dormir.
ps: pode ser um headcanon com todos os meninos. só coloquei o enzo aqui pra dar um exemplo
o enzo não dá nem meia-hora para os meninos conversarem contigo porque ele já já tá mandando todo mundo circular, alegando que está morrendo de cansaço e que você também precisa dormir (embora essa seja a última coisa que vocês fazem e todo mundo sabe disso), ele fica ainda mais desesperado por esse tempo a sós, principalmente se você tiver ido de surpresa, sem avisar. então, vai enxotar o cast inteiro e tá com um sorrisão no rosto no momento em que fecha a porta. ele vai ficar um tempinho, tipo, minutos, parado ali só te admirando, por maiores que sejam a saudade e a vontade, ele quer eternizar aquele momento na memória. seu sorriso fácil, os olhinhos brilhando, o jeitinho que chama o nome dele, manhosa, risonha, "enzoooooooo!!!", a expressão dele aumenta ainda mais, "sí, nena?", pirraça um tiquinho, até te irrita, porque parece que vai até a cama em slow motion, vai engatinhando na cama até estar por cima de ti, te encara beeeeeem de pertinho, pertinho mesmo, pra dizer que "será que agora a minha namorada pode me dar atenção?!", faz charme e drama, pois ele é um needy bf SIM! "deixa de ser egoísta, fica me querendo só pra você...não pode!", e você não fica atrás, faz esse teatrinho pelo simples fato de saber que as palavras seguintes dele serão: "pode, pode sim. você é minha. e você sabe que eu não divido, princesa". depois disso ele te beija da cabeça aos pés, mata a saudade de todo canto do teu corpo e vocês tem a foda of a lifetime, é tudo muito intenso, cheio de paixão e afeto. quando tudo acaba vocês permanecem desse jeitinho na cama, nus, entrelaçados e colocando o papo em dia. plus: no meio dessa conversa, ele vai deslizar a mão um pouquinho e te dedar, aqui vocês fazem um amorzinho lento e pegam no sono logo em seguida.
agora o pipe é do tipo que deixa a conversa rolar, mas tá com um bico DESTE 🫸🏻 🫷🏻 tamanho o tempo inteiro. cruza os braços e vai pra um canto qualquer do quarto, só sai de lá depois que você botou todo mundo pra fora. não te deixa abrir a boca e já começa o falatório, porque, até onde ele sabe, "você veio pra me ver, né? seu namorado. que sou eu, caso você tenha esquecido", a expressão é metade sisuda, metade de menino dengoso, a boca rosinha não desfez o biquinho, mas os olhos dele são iguais ao de um cachorrinho que quer carinho. ele provavelmente planejou por horas e horas o que vocês fariam juntos naquele curto período de tempo e não pode deixar de se sentir frustrado, mesmo que vocês só tenham perdido algumas horinhas (muito preciosas para ele) do dia. mas o jeito emburradinho some no segundo em que você põe a cabeça dele no colo e começa um cafuné lentinho, pede pra ele contar sobre como tem sido a gravação e, quando ele percebe, já está tagarelando contigo sobre o dia em que o simón se meteu em encrenca porque deu em cima de duas garotas da maquiagem. inicialmente, vocês só ficam no dengo mesmo, sabe? o pipe, embora cheio de tesão, prefere que vocês passem horas conversando. até porque ele vai passar a madrugada de fodendo. é nessas situações que ele dá a sua melhor performance na cama, te põe em posições inusitadas, diz que quer testar algo que ele ouviu falar, te deixa exausta de tanta pica. plus: no dia seguinte, ele acorda com o tesão nas alturas novamente e se esfregando em ti, "eu tinha toda um programação pra hoje...mas eu não resisto com você desde jeitinho do meu lado".
acredito que o fernando e o esteban sejam os mais compreensivos, porém, eu vou falar do kuku mais à frente, agora quero falar sobre o fer. ele provavelmente adora o fato de você se dar tão bem assim com os amigos dele, vai te observar interagindo com um sorriso todo bobinho no rosto, até interage um pouco também, mas prefere te deixar levar o seu tempinho ali. não se enganem, tho. tudo isso tem um motivo. vejam bem, é muito simples. o fernando te deixa matar a saudade dos amigos quando você chega, porém depois disso a sua atenção é inteiramente dele e de ninguém mais. ele também não tem vergonha de expulsar todo mundo do quarto, "o papo tá bom, mas agora a minha garota vai passar um tempo comigo. então, vazem". tenho pra mim que o fernando fica ainda mais kinky e maldoso quando vocês ficam muito tempo longe, então, é claro que tudo começa com joguinhos da parte dele. "a conversa tava boa, bebita?", fica ali recostado na porta mesmo, distante, não te dando o toque dele de propósito, "que bom, que bom", é até um pouco cínico como ele fala, "mas acho que você entendeu errado, sabe? eu te trouxe aqui pra matar a saudade. ficar comigo". e ele não tá chateado de verdade, beleza? é tudo parte do teatrinho que vocês tanto curtem. "invés disso, ficou dando atenção para todo mundo, menos para o seu namorado", aqui ele já começa a se aproximar, para ali na beiradinha da cama, se curva só um tico para ficar na altura do seu rosto, "você tá merecendo uns tapas por causa disso, princesa", segura as bochechas, aperta de levinho, ri quando percebe que seus olhinhos até brilham com a ideia de ser punida, de certa forma, por não ter dado atenção para ele, "e talvez eu te dê vários deles hoje". depois disso é game over, vocês começam uma pegação desenfreada que dura a madrugada inteira. é provável que fiquei acordados até o dia amanhecer com muito chamego e conversando bobeira com o outros num pós-foda que é muito afetuoso.
o matías é bem parecido com o pipe, a diferença é que, na frente dos meninos, ele disfarça o bico e a birra, chega até a se distrair se começar a conversar bobeira com um deles. acontece que ele fica impaciente em um certo ponto, é aí que a carranca aparece e ele começa a soltar os típicos comentários de boca de sacola. "ô, della corte, sua mulher tá te chamando lá", "vem cá, simón, cê não tem nenhum rabo de saia pra correr atrás não", "enzo, já deu o horário da terceira e idade, né", ele não para, é uma metralhadora de indiretas nada discretas até que todo mundo já tá pra dar um tapão nele. e quando tá todo mundo vazando, ele ainda tem a pachorra de gritar no corredor que "é por isso que eu nunca chamo vocês pra irem na minha casa, pelotudos!!!". não dá um segundo que fechou a porta e o matías já está em cima de ti, te dando um abração de urso e enchendo o seu rosto de beijos e mordidas – que ele diz que são uma punição por você ter praticamente cozinhado ele – enquanto te espreme como se vocês estivessem sem se ver há 10 anos. o matías não vai direto pro sexo, não, tá? ele prefere ficar de bobeira na cama contigo, batendo o maior papo de tiazona, conta todas as fofocas e barracos do cast, quem pegou quem, quem não pegou ninguém. e a vontade surge com muita naturalidade, é com um toque que se torna mais íntimo, uma mão boba, um cheiro no pescoço, uma puxadinha na nuca durante o beijo. daí vocês já se vêem envoltos numa bolha de prazer e afeto, porque ele com certeza vai fazer lentinho (no começo), dizendo um montão de putaria no pé do teu ouvido.
como eu disse antes, imagino que o esteban seja muito compreensivo com o fato de você tem esse vínculo com os outros meninos e acha natural que a saudade surja e você queira matar um tempinho com ele também. não acho que ele coloque ninguém pra fora, porque é educado demais para isso, só que, eventualmente, geral vai perceber o jeitinho meio pussy drunk que ele tá te olhando, o esteban não consegue nem disfarçar o tesão que sente em te ver naquele momento. nem presta mais atenção no que o fernando tá dizendo, só faz balançar a cabeça, o pensamento longe, como no que você está vestindo por baixo do vestido. é isso que "expulsa" o cast do quarto, com direito a um matías dizendo que "vamos deixar os pombinhos a sós, porque o nosso kuku vai entrar em campo hoje. por favor, dá pra esse homem a noite toda, porque ele fica ranzinza sem buceta" e sendo puxado pelo pardella, que deu um tapão na cabeça dele. e quando vocês estão a sós a primeira coisa que você pergunta é "ranzinza, é? quer dizer que o meu kuku fica de bico sem mim?", brincalhona, mas provocando, gosta do jeitinho que ele retrai, envergonhado de ter sido "exposto" desse jeito. é verdade, ele fica de calundu quando vocês estão separados há muito tempo, mas essa é a última coisa que ele deseja pensar naquele momento. vai te dizer pra deixar de ser boba e te agarrar DAQUELE jeito só para calar a sua boca, dá um beijão digno de cinema e confessa o quanto sentiu a sua falta, te diz juras de amor enquanto te leva até a cama, te endeusa, porque ele beija todo o seu corpo, te adora, é devoto o jeito que te encara, é assim que escolhe matar a saudade, te adorando (e te dando vários orgasmos). uma vez saciado, ele vai querer saber de tudo que você tem feito, cada detalhezinho e te enche de perguntas, mas te ouve com atenção também. plus: ele não pega no sono na hora, pois fica te admirando dormir um tempão.
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janehaster · 6 months
Dreadwolf won't be centered around Solas
Dreadwolf's big reveal won't be Solas' plan.
It'll be the Titans. More accurately, their connection to Arlathan, the Golden City and the true source of its magic.
The big magical mystery revealed in Inquisition - actually, in Descent - wasn't the Elvhen empire. We already knew the elves made a magical empire where they were immortal.
Sure, we were hit with a few surprises, like the fact that the elven magisters thrived due to slavery, to enslaving their own people.
Other surprises were: part of the empire was located in the realm of dreams, immortality ended with the creation of the Veil, spirits served the elven magisters, etc.
But the biggest reveal was the DEATH OF A TITAN. And by the hand of an elven magister, no less.
By now, every DA player knows about it. And how the afresco where it is presented is in a secret area. As if hidden on purpose.
Add to that Kieran's mysterious lines about ancient magic and a time before the Chantry, such as the ominous line to the dwarven origin Inquisitor - you can't be taller. Not without the Titans - and Shaper Valta's discovery of a living Titan, plus how she broke the age old taboo that dwarves cannot cast magic and you have one of the biggest magical mysteries of Dragon Age.
There are several other indications that Titans will take center stage in DA:D (such a weird acronym):
One, the arrangement of the eluvians around a water pool in the Well of Sorrows mirrors the shape of the Titan's core, where its beating heart is located and where we fight the Guardian. This means the kings and priests of Arlathan were aware of the existence of Titans and where their heart lay. They likely traveled inside a Titan for some unknown purpose. And if they did, they learned that the Titan is the source of magic, and that their blood is a way for you to acquire magical powers, even open portals to other realms, such as the Fade and possibly...the Beyond and the Void.
Two, plenty of codexes show the Titans were destroying the cities of the People. For what purpose, we do not know. But the discovery of Titan magic hints that magisters may have mined their bodies for lyrium, angering the stone giants, which lead to Mythal having to kill a Titan.
Three, we find a strange poem in the Fade in DA:I that hints at creatures of same nature being sundered, tainted, asleep and enduring while they wait for the moment to awake. There's every reason to believe they are the Titans, and that the Sundering might refer to when the Veil was created and they lost their connection to the Fade.
Four, Shaper Valta's fate teaches us that dwarves were actually made Tranquil for some reason since their connection to Titans was severed. The reason for it may be the creation of the Veil by Solas' hand.
I want to call your attention to parts three and four because I believe this is the most important fact we know so far: the Sundering, caused by the creation of the Veil was felt by the Titans and turned all dwarves Tranquil.
We never see this said directly in the game because not even the dwarves are aware of it. They completely forgot that part of their history. It's not recorded in the Shaperate, and Shaper Valta hints that the implications of it are quite severe. The entire early period of dwarven history was erased, and it revealed the existence of the Titans and their role in Thedas in the time of Arlathan.
Hence why I believe Dreadwolf will inevitably reveal this big truth, this missing big chunk of Thedosian lore, one that is behind the secret of Arlathan's magic, Elvhen immortality, the true nature of the Golden CIty, of the Fade, the Beyond and the Void.
Once the Veil is no more, the Titans may possibly awake from their slumber. They will be fully connected to the dreaming world, and that can have terrible consequences to the physical aspect of Thedas. If they awaken, they might destroy entire continents, kill millions, entire kingdoms may disappear overnight. They can literally reshape the surface of Thedas. Hence why I believe the consequences of Solas' actions will be apocalyptic. And he's fully aware of it.
As he states to the Inquisitor, as the world burns in the raw chaos, I will rebuild it. What he doesn't mention is that the chaos will be caused not by the arrival of demons or even the Evanuris, but by the cataclysmic actions of the Titans.
I'm really curious to see the full impact of this revelation on a dwarven protag and if they will suddenly develop magical powers once the Titans awaken...
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
I Couldn't Ask For Anything Better
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✦ Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Better Man Universe
✦Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Single!Mother
✦Word Count: 9.3k
✦Warnings: Smut (finally), Daddy kink, unprotected sex, Pure fluff, Dad!Jake, Dagger squad fluff, just adorableness, miscarriage mentioned, angsty ending
✦A/n: Holy Crap! this took forever to write, I hope you guys love it!
✦Library (Follow for updates! I no longer have a taglist.)
You had been working on getting Jake’s cake ready, you and Mathew decorated it last night and now you were just getting it in a portable cake container. It was Jake’s 35th birthday and the whole gang was celebrating on the beach in front of the Hard Deck.
Penny had a grill set up on the deck, which the guys planned on doing a bbq on, while Nat, Penny, and Lacey planned on bringing sides. You had been put in charge of the cake, and thought they hadn’t told you; you took it upon yourself to get the drinks. You’d made sure that every possible drink request and type had been met, an array of sodas and alcohol stay in a cooler, already out in the back of Jake’s truck.
Your parents got called away on a conference, and even with your father retired, the Navy still asked him to make appearances. You had all gone to your parent’s house last week for a small birthday dinner, knowing that they would be missed today, your mother and father were insistent on it. They loved Jake and wanted to still have a special day for him. Plus, the kids were more than happy about getting to celebrate and have cake twice. Even though Josephine was only 13 months, she already had a sweet tooth like her father and Mathew loved anything chocolate in general.
You situate the cake in the container, making sure not to mess up the happy birthday candies that Mathew had placed on it. The brightly colored candies, stick out against the white frosting covering the chocolate cake and spell out Happy Birthday Daddy. Per Jake's request, it was a recipe that his momma had given you the last time you visited and with them not being able to make the trip this year, Jake had specifically asked for this cake. You knew that he hated not seeing them, although you had gone and visited last month for Josephine’s first birthday and celebrated Jake’s as well, it wasn’t the same.
Your attention is quickly taken away from the task at hand, by the high-pitched squeal and sound of tiny feet running down the hallway. Making sure that the cake is stable on the counter, you glance back and see Josephine running towards your legs.
Duck towel on her head, and still wet from the bath, she clutches at your leg and her eyes stay focused on the hallway she’d just ran from. Tiny strawberry blonde curls peek out from beneath the towel, as her body shakes in excitement against your leg.
“Josephine Elizabeth Seresin, I wasn’t done drying you.” 
Moments later Jake appears, T-shirt soaked and slightly panting. The laugh that falls from your lips doesn't help the situation at all. As your daughter glances up at you and sees you laughing, then looks at her father and laughs even more.
“You alright there, Daddy?” Your tone is teasing and has Jake not only coming for Josephine, but for you as well.
His hands make quick work, at grabbing Josephine and wrapping her in the towel, before grasping onto your waist and pinching at your hips. You jump back slightly against the counter, laughing until you hit the cake and it almost falls. Your laugh ceases immediately as you glare at Jake slightly, then turn to push the cake farther on the counter.
 “Don't tickle me around the cake, we worked hard on it.” Your tone is still light and airy, even as you try and put on a hard reprimanding facade for the birthday boy.
Josephine clearly agrees with you, as her little fists pat on Jake’s chest.
“Dada, da da da”
Jake’s gaze casts down at Jos, and his eyes watch her with the most lovesick, heart-wrenching stare, that makes your toes curl. Jake has always been great with Maty, but seeing him with Jos from birth to now, set off a deep need to have at least 10 more babies with the man.
“Yes, baby! You're such a smart girl.”
His finger comes to bop her on the nose as he says it, a gummy smile giggles back at him from the action. You stare at the pair, so happy and in love with the family you've created. The matching green eyes and shade of red hair she got from Jake’s mother, was a telltale sign that she was overwhelmingly an all-around Seresin.
The quietness of the house pauses the sweet moment and has your eyes glancing around in search of Maty. Though you find nothing amiss, and the strange silence can only mean one thing, your 8-year-old was up to something and trying to hide it.
“Honey did you see Maty, when you were taming the monster?”
You bring your hand up and tickle Jos’ belly when you say it. Her little form wiggles in Jake’s arms, as she climbs farther up his torso and wraps her arms tightly around his neck. Jake’s hands find her waist and bring her back down to settle on his hip, completely unfazed by the wiggly toddler.
“Yeah, he's in his room packing a bag, something about him and Amelia playing a trick Mav.”
You eye each other cautiously, waiting for the other to decide whether you're gonna let them have their fun, or if you need to stop the prank. Your head slips side to side, and you bite your bottom lip as you weigh the possible outcomes.
“I mean they're kids, come on, we should just let them have their fun. Right?”
Jake maintains a straight face, not once cracking a smirk while nodding his head along with the plan. Josephine looks between the both of you and starts copying Jake, rigorously nodding her head too.
“Yeah, but if anyone questions us later whether we knew, the answer is no, baby. It's always no.”
The stern facade cracks sightly, Jake no longer being able to hold his laughter and you both end up laughing. Slightly excited about the possible outcome, that an 8-year-old and a 13-year-old were going to pull on the 58-year-old man.
You reach over to grab Josephine from Jake and lean in to give him a quick kiss. Your lips remain resting against his for a minute, though it's long enough for Josephine to start smacking your cheeks. You pull away eyeing the little girl, before over exaggeratingly leaning in, to kiss at her cheeks.
“I shall get the Princess ready in her party dress.” The soft raspberry you blow on her belly, has her laughing incessantly. “While Daddy goes and handles his mini-me.” Your eyebrows raise at Jake, and a teasing smirk rests on your lips.
“I can't help it if he wants to take after his father, who might I add is the best.”
Jake casts a wink your way, with a shake of the head and a laugh, you're walking off down the hallway. Though before you can get far, you feel a harsh smack land on your ass cheek.
“He's got good taste like his Mama.”
You only shake your head, used to his antics, and lean into pepper kisses across Jos’ face.
“Your Daddy is crazy, baby.” your voice raises to a higher octave as you say it, and Josephine pats your cheeks while humming. “Yes, he is. Absolutely crazy!”
You glance at the watch on your wrist, before putting in your earrings and take one final glance in the mirror. Josephine sits on the bathroom counter, clapping while watching you and babbling absolute gibberish. You smile at her, then grab her and sit her on your hip. The both of you glance in the mirror, and the high-pitch shrike she does makes you laugh. Adorning your frames were matching yellow sundresses and white cardigans, that Jake had picked out and requested you wore for his birthday. The matching bows you had placed in Josephine’s hair with her space buns, completed the look and you could help but to snap a few pictures of her.
“Come on my darling, let’s see if daddy and bubba are ready.”
Moving through the master bedroom, you can hear Mathew and Jake talking while in the bathroom.
“– it has to be to the left.”
“I know bud, but mom usually does your hair.”
Your eyebrow quirks at the conversation, and a laugh falls from your lips when you see the duo standing in front of the mirror. The hair gel sits open on the counter and Jake has a comb in his mouth while trying to style Mathew’s hair. His difficulty is clearly on display, as he stares at the massive cowlick in Maty’s hair, making it harder to style.
“Everything okay in here?
Jake huffs at you in reply, his back still turned to you as he works on Maty, clearly not finding the situation as funny as you did. You move closer to the pair, Jos settled in one arm while you reach out for the comb. It only takes a second for you to sweep Mathew’s hair to the left, and tame the few pieces of hair.
“I thought you were the best?” Your tone is teasing as you place the comb back into Jake’s open hand, though the pout resting on his lips has you giving him a kiss.
“Don’t worry baby, I won’t tell anyone.”
“Yeah, you better not, I’m the birthday boy.”
You laugh at the statement and pat Jake's chest, calling out to the pair that it was time to go as you leave the bathroom. You grab the cake, though it is quickly taken from you as Jake sends you out to the truck, to get the kids buckled. You situate Jos in her car seat, while Mathew buckles himself across from her.
“All set?”
You glance back at Jake as he rounds the truck, and Mathew gives him a thumbs up while Josephine giggles as your hands dance across her belly. Jake’s hand settles on your lower back, which slowly starts to dip down and grab your butt, as he places the cake underneath Jos’ car seat.
With a spin, you push the door close and are met with a smirking Jake, whose hand has now moved to clutch at the material flowing over your hips. Though one hand raises slowly, tracing up your torso and across the sweetheart neckline.
“Aren’t you the prettiest little present, I can’t wait to unwrap you.”
The finger tracing your neck plucks at your dress teasingly, and your breath hitches as Jake ghosts his lips across your neck. Though he pulls away just before his lips meet your skin, and gives you a sly wink.
“Come on Sweets. The sooner we get there, the soon I get you home and in bed.”
Before you can even get Josephine out of her car seat, Mathew is out of the car and running for Bradley. The echo of laughter lets you know that he has in fact reached his uncle and that Bradley is already riling him up.
You unfasten the straps of Jos’ car seat and pull her out onto your chest.
“Where’s my babygirl?”
You laugh as you glance over your shoulder and find Lacey making her way to you. Her hands remain facing out, making grabby gestures at Jos. Who in turn starts laughing and reaches for her Auntie.
“What are you gonna do if yours is a girl?” Your tone is teasing as Lacey grabs Josephine, and rests her on her hip. Her small bump peeks out from under the sundress she wears, and you can’t help but smile at how your best friend is glowing. She was officially 4 months last week and the morning sickness had finally subsided.
“I think it’s a boy, but if it’s a girl, who says I can’t have two babygirls.”
“I’m not sure what I think the munchkin is. Though I do think that Bobby as a girl dad, would be adorable.” 
You turn to grab the cake, though before you can even start for the beach Javy is at your side taking it from you. You huff slightly in annoyance and both he and Lacey give to small glares.
“I’m not broken.”
Javy releases a heavy sigh at your comment, before wrapping his free hand around and pulling you into his chest.
“We know that, but the doctor still wants you to take it easy.” You go to interrupt him, though you're quickly shushed. “Don’t even say he didn’t, Jake keeps us updated and we all worry. You don’t know how scared we all were.”
You melt into Javy’s chest as he places a kiss on the top of your head, silent tears roll down your face and Lacey grasps onto to the both of you for a group hug. Planted right in the middle of you three sits Jos, who has now climbed into Javy’s arms.
The hug is broken up when you feel hands wrap around your waist and tug you slightly. Jake's cologne clouds your senses, and you fall back into his arms, as Javy and Lacey head to the group. You turn in Jake's arms and nuzzle into his chest. One hand stays wrapped around your waist, as the other moves to stroke the back of your head. His hand moves slowly, before it’s under your chin and making you look at him. The tears lining your eyes are hard to hide and you feel horrible as you see a silver lining forming on Jake’s water line.
“I wasn’t supposed to cry today, it’s your birthday.”
You try to hide the pain with a small laugh, though it does nothing to cover up the quiver in your lip.
“Sweets, there is no rule that states that you can only mourn at certain times and that you have to hide your emotions at other times.” The hand stroking your cheek brushes the falling tears away, as you nod in answer, and a lone hand brushes against your stomach.
“I just wanted today to be happy, but it feels like a part of us is missing.”
Jake wraps his arms around you tighter as the last word falls from your lips and a choked sob releases from your chest. You can feel the multiple kisses that Jake lays on the crown of your head, and you can’t help but to feel bad. Today was Jake's birthday, it was supposed to be full of celebration. Though seeing Lacey’s sweet little bump and Javy wanting to help was just too much.
It had been two months since you had lost your little angel. The small blip in time from the moment you found out you were pregnant, to losing them at four and half months felt so far away, but also like it was yesterday at the same time. It wasn’t just the pain of losing them that consumed you, but you were terrified of forgetting them. Of your memory faltering and forgetting the small butterfly flutter in your stomach, and how their heartbeat sounded.
The past eight weeks had been hell on you and Jake. You had tried to be there for him whenever he broke down, but it always seemed to trigger your own tears and left him to comfort you. The doctor had put you on an anti-depressant right after the miscarriage, given that you had a history of depression. They helped slightly, but it wasn’t only a chemical imbalance, the loss had taken a piece of your heart.
“It’s going to be okay, Sweets. I promise.”
The statement comforts you and a small smile graces your lips. Jake had never broken a promise to you, in the beginning of your friendship it had been silly promises, but as time went on bigger promises were made. To you, to the kids, and not one of them had ever been broken. Jacob Grant Seresin was nothing if not a man of his word.
With a deep breath you nod, his words on repeat in your head, and when you smile at Jake, it’s not fake or forced. No, this smile was one of love and thankfulness that you had found such an amazing man to father your children and to spend eternity with. Your left-hand rises to rest on Jake’s cheek, the light sparkles off of your wedding ring, as you pull his lips down to meet yours. It’s simple and sweet, but oh so meaningful, and when you pull away your foreheads rest together.
“I love you. Thank you for always healing my heart.”
A delicate kiss is placed once more on your lips, just a peck, before he pulls away. Both of his hands rest on your cheeks, lifting your face to meet his eyes. They stare into your soul, sharing every little piece of pain, depression, love, and joy that has made up your world together. Your hands rise to grasp onto his, a silent gesture that it would always be you and him against to world.
“I love you; I will always love you. Don’t ever forget that baby.”
Jake’s hand slips from your face and creases your arms before linking your fingers together.
“Now come on, I’ve been thinking about that cake since yesterday.”
Your laugh is light and causes Jake to smile as well. His hands tug gently on yours as he turns and pulls you down to the beach.
You wait for the stares of pity from your friends, though find none. Not one of them mentions your tear-stained cheeks, and you're thankful when Penny makes her way over to you and sweeps you away.
“Go man the grill, I don’t trust Bradley to not burn everything.” The demand is thrown over her shoulder at Jake, who only winks at you and lets out a ‘yes ma’am.”
“The cake looks great, and Phoenix has continually been on cake watch. Considering each of the boys has tried to swipe frosting from it.”
You laugh at Penny’s words, though you full-on belly laugh when you see Nat standing, practically on top, of the cake with her arms crossed. Her eyes are set in a glare towards Bradley, though moves to you, and a smile instantly forms.
“I hear you’ve got a pretty tough job.”
She slips at her drink while shrugging her shoulders to you. It’s rare to see Nat in dresses, though the sun dress she wears now fits her perfectly.
“It gave me a reason to smack Roo, so it was a win for me.”
“I’m kind of sad that I missed it.”
You feel a body brush passed you, as little hands reach out to you. Josephine grabs onto you easily and nuzzles into your chest. Your hand moves up and down her back, and the motion brings comfort to the both of you.
“Oh, don’t worry, they’ve been plotting.”
Lacey nods behind you and when you turn, you’re met with the group of seven pilots looking toward the sky, trying to hide the fact that you had just caught them staring. A laugh falls from your chest, though it ceases quickly when a whine comes from a now-sleeping Jos. Your hand gently rubs at the back of her head, while you mutter sweet nothing into her ear. The growing toddler falls back to sleep easily as you sway with her.
“Wanna make a bet?”
Nat and Lacey, both give you questioning looks, though Penny only laughs at your antics. You had always been up for a challenge or bet, especially when you were positive that you would win. You glance back to the pilots one last time, thinking for a moment.
“Give it 20 minutes and it’s gonna be Javy.”
“Why are you so sure?”
The pair of them watch you, trying to figure out what exactly you’re picking up on that they aren’t.
“Bradley already knows you’re on full alert, Bobby is too scared of pregnant Lace,” the comment earns you a small ‘hey’ in protest, though she ends up laughing. “And Jake, well he knows better. Mav, Mick, and Rueben are all bystanders, which leaves Javy.”
All three of you turn to face the boys fully, giving them a smile and wave, with the hand not holding Jos. It’s a small taunt and their reactions only prove that you know how to get under their skin.
“Javy is unofficially my third child, and I know him like the back of my hand, but he also knows me. Meaning that he might tell the boys he’s going to do something, but if he knows somethings going to upset me, he won’t to do.”
The girl's hum as they listen to you, all three sets of eyes never leaving the boys. You wave one last time, then turn back towards Pen, she has Josephine’s baby beach tent set up and ready to go. The soft snores that emit from Jos' signal that she is passed out and that she wouldn’t stir when you laid her down.
Lacey and Nat continue chatting, while you settle on the beach towel with Penny. She wraps an arm around you and lays a kiss on your temple, then clasps your hand in hers and gives you a gentle squeeze. Your sister had always been someone that you leaned on when you were younger, and over the years you had slowly stopped telling her all the traumatic details in fear, that she would see you as a burden.
Though in the last two months, besides Jake, Penny had been your rock and had experienced a good number of your breakdowns. Your parents had been wonderful, helping with Maty and Jos, and being there for both you and Jake. But it wasn’t the same, you had always been the golden girl in their eyes, even when you got pregnant with Mathew and had to leave flight school. Your father had been sad, but never held it against you, and the thought of them seeing you like this. They wouldn’t ever look at you the same if they knew how damaged you were.
“Your one-year anniversary is coming up soon,” She nudges your shoulder as she says it, and a small smile forms on your lips. “I meant it when I said I would watch the kids. I think it would be good for the both of you to get away for the weekend.”
“I know, thank you, you really are the best big sister. We both need a weekend of just us, it's just been hard.”
Penny nods in understanding though doesn’t say anything. She knew that if you talked about it the both of you would cry and she wanted nothing more than for you to have a great day.
“Though speaking of anniversaries, Maty’s adoption one is coming up. Right?”
At the mention of Jake finally adopting Mathew, a full smile breaks out across your face. “Yeah, the first week in July. Which is so weird, because Jake has been his dad since he was two, but he is finally getting to change his name. It felt like all the pieces finally fit together.” You laugh slightly, thinking about Mathew’s request in the whole ordeal. “Jake always knew that Mathew loved him, I mean look at them.” You gesture over to the guys again, though this time a game of dogfight football had broken out. Jake had Mathew thrown over his shoulder and was booking it across the sand to the endzone, while Maty clutched onto the football in his arms. “I think that Mathew asking to have Grant as his middle name, really solidified it for Jake. We named Josephine after mom and Jake’s mother, so to have Mathew asked to be named after Jake, was a full circle moment.”
Your head leans over to rest against Penny, the pair of you content in watching your family. It’s not long before Nat and Lacey find a home on the towel next to you.
“I don’t want to ruin the day,” you glance back towards Penny, who looks apprehensive about whatever she wants to say “But, have you even heard from Adam, you know after you sent the papers off.”
A harsh sigh leaves your mouth, not at Pen but at the mention of your ex. You hated talking about him, but you knew that Penny was just asking out of worry. She had seen you have breakdowns at the thought of Adam, and she never wanted you to feel alone again. Another sigh falls from your lips, and you lay down on the towel. You relax against the sand and tug on both Penny’s and Lacey’s hands, who in turn tugs on Nat’s, and the four of you lie on the sand. Silently waiting for the metaphorical ball to drop.
“I wouldn’t have sent him the papers if the lawyer hadn’t strongly suggested it. Adam didn’t want to be on Mathew’s birth certificate, and his status with Mathew was deemed as abandonment.” Another sigh leaves your lips, both of your hands getting gently squeezed in support. “I guess it’s good that we have all of our bases covered, but I feel like I’m just waiting for him to show up. Like now that I’ve made this big step, he’s going to come back just to tear me down.”
“He’ll be getting his ass kicked if he shows up,” Nat had risen up on her elbows and was now staring at you. “And that’s just me. If the boys get ahold of him, he’s going to be lucky if he doesn’t leave in a body bag.”
Her eyes hold yours; it was her way of promising that you would be protected. That they would never let him put his hands on you again, and if he tried, he would instantly regret it.
“That’s the only fact, that lets me sleep soundly at night.”
The loud gasp, followed by the two high pitch squeals has your head turning from setting up the picnic table. You miss the prank, but you watch as the aftermath unfolds. A soaking-wet Maverick has taken off running after Amelia and Mathew, who both have taken off down the beach. You laugh as Mav comes to a slow jog and then walks, the two kids still running off in the distance. Next to you, Penny is in a fit of laughter, and the glare Mav gives her only makes it worse. His walk lands him in front of the two of you, pointing a figure at the both of you before reaching for a water.
“Both of them are trouble, just like their mothers.”
You stop laughing, really trying to feel bad for the man, though you’re laughing is set off again as Lacey reappears after using the restroom.
“What happened to you?” The question is so innocent, but it’s the icing on the cake. Mav only shakes his head at Lacey, and mutters quietly about the “hooligans.”
“What’d I say?”
“Don’t worry,” Your laughing slows as you motion Lacey over to you, “the kids decided to prank him.” 
An ahh sound of understanding with a nod of the head is only there momentary, as she starts laughing with you. The both of you work hand in hand to set up the tableware, placing the finishing touches as Jake comes over to you.
His sneaky hands wrap around your waist, and he places soft kisses along your neck. You lean back at the motion, resting your head on his shoulder, as he gently sways your bodies side to side.
“How is my birthday boy?”
The question only gets a hum in answer, as a string of kisses up your neck and onto your pulse point makes you giggle slightly. Your eyes had fallen shut, enjoying to small moment with your husband.
“How’s Jos doing?”  The question is whispered against your ear, and it has your eyes opening to glance at the beach tent.
“She perfect, like always. Napping soundly, though we are going to have to wake her up soon to eat.”
“Yeah, I saw that Penny brought some of that jello she ate at your parent's. She seems to do really good with it.”
This time it’s you that hums in acknowledgment, your eyes scanning the surrounding beach noticing the lack of your friends. You glance to the cake quickly, though find that it’s still there in perfect condition.
You turn in Jake's arms, and your eyes squint in questioning of the man, who remains calm and collected. You glance around the beach further and find Nat with Bradley at the grill, Pen and Mav up on the deck, while you see Lacey and Bobby down by the water with the kids. Your eyes fall back on Jake and the small smirk that he gives you is all you need to know that their plan was underway.
“Baby, where’s Javy?” The slight lift of your eyebrow does nothing to unsettle your husband. A small shrug is all you get, followed by a wink and a gentle squeeze on your hips.
“Jacob, I know you’re up to something and I’d suggest you think about this plan and the repercussions it may have.”
His hands only tighten on your hips even more, as his head drops back into a full laugh. “and what might those repercussions be my sweet girl.”
He’s teasing you, poking at that little button, because he knows you won’t really get mad at him on his birthday. Jake pulls you in slightly so that you're pressed near chest to chest and one of your hands rises to tap lightly on his chest. While your other hand comes to trace lightly along the sweetheart's neckline and causes Jake's eyes to drop immediately to your breasts.
“If anything happens to that cake before I get pictures of you blowing out the candles,” The hand resting on his chest slowly rises and tips Jake’s head back so that he is looking at you directly in the eyes. “There will be no unwrapping of your special present.”
Jake’s lips set in a hard line at your declaration and a small pout, forms on his lips. “Swee–”
“Nope, me and Maty worked hard on that cake, and by God, I will watch you blow out 35 candles. Don’t test me, Jacob.”
The harsh tone in your voice has a small sheepish look settling on his face, as his eyes move from the cake resting on the table and back to your breasts multiple times. With a heavy sigh, Jake’s hands fall farther to grab your ass, and his face comes to rest along the top of your breasts. His face nuzzles in and his teeth nip at your chest, as you bring your hands to the back of Jake’s head to stroke his hair and laugh at his antics.  
“I’m supposed to signal when I get you away,” The sentence is mumbled but you still understand.
“What were you planning to do with the cake Jacob.”
The sound of his full name has him pulling away from your chest and staring up into your eyes. His hands tighten on your ass and you normally would chastise him for groping you so freely out in public, though there aren’t any people close enough that you’re worried.
“Sweets, I don’t know. The boys just wanted the cake, and well –”
“You were peer pressured”
Jake scoffs at the words, and his hold has tightened even more. A small squeal leaves your lips, as you jump slightly in his hold and glare at the now-smirking man.
“Baby, I don’t get pressured into things.”
The small smirk you give Jake as he struggles for the correct words doesn’t go unnoticed. The small glare he gives you is adorable something you had expected. What you hadn’t expected was Jake to grab your waist and throw you over his shoulder, like he had been with Maty earlier today.
A shrill scream lips your lips, as your world spins upside down and the only thing you see is Jake’s tan back. Your hands grasp onto his sides, to stable yourself, and stop the sway of your body with every step he takes.
“Jacob Grant Seresin, you put me down right now.”
This laugh rings through the air and the shaking of his chest slightly shakes your body with it.
���No can do, darlin’.”
If only he could see the glare, you were giving him right now, he might change his mind. Though as a harsh smack lands on your ass and causes you to jump, you also think that the glare might have only egged him on even more.
“Your panties seem to be on just a little tight,” His hand ghosts just under the hem of your dress, grabbing at your inner thigh and lightly traces your heat. “don’t worry Sweets, daddy’s gonna fix that problem real quick.”
The sublet heat ignites in your core, and you shift slightly in Jake's hold, causing the hand on your thigh to brush up against your clothed cunt again. The moan that releases from your chest should embarrass you, though the laugh that Jake releases only has your panties damping further. You watch as the sand turns into the wooden deck of the bar, and you caught sight of a laughing Bradley and Natasha.
“Nix, you’re on baby duty. Jos is still sleeping, but me and the Mrs. have some business to attend to.” You hear the door open, the harsh light of the day disappearing, and shifts into the dim light seeping through the window blinds.
“Also, don’t touch that cake, Rooster. No one touches that damn cake while I’m gone.”
You just barely catch the yup from Bradley and the loud laugh that Nat releases, though you can’t help but to smile at Jake’s words. Your hands pinch at his side, grabbing Jake’s attention, before telling him thank you.
Just as quickly as you were thrown over his shoulder, Jake has you back on stable ground. His hands settle on your waist and push you back slightly. Your back bumps back against a wall, and as your chest heaves, you glance around to see where exactly you are.
You’re both tucked in one of the back corners of the Hard Deck, hidden away and out of sight right next to a spare pool table. The heaving of your chest slows, as you look back up at Jake and find his emerald, green eyes, replaced by a dark green with blown pupils that watch every move you make.
“You’re welcome darlin’, you should know that I’d never let anyone mess up something you worked so hard on, especially if it’s for me.” A cheeky wink and smirk grace Jake’s face, and they make you smile, as you nuzzle into his palm that had come to rest against your cheek.
“But since I am the birthday boy,” A finger traces along your cleavage, and brushes gently against the shell of your neck, causing you to tip your head back. “I want to open one of my presents early.”
“Jake –”
Your protest is cut off completely when Jake dips his head down and bites at your neck, smoothing over the nip with a lick of the tongue. A high-pitched whine releases from your lips as Jake slots his leg in between your thighs and brushes up against your pantie-clad heat. The hand tracing your chest moves up your frame and settles under your cardigan. Pushing it slightly off your shoulder, before his lips go back to work on you.
It’s too hot, and with every little movement that Jake makes he presses up again you, catching your clit against the lace of your panties. Your brain is no longer processing, as you pull off the light cardigan and throw it behind Jake. Your hands find purchase on Jake’s shoulders, grabbing on the tan skin as you keen with every nip he places on your neck.
Your chest is heaving as you tug on the back of Jake’s hair and slot your lips against his. It’s hot and needy, tugging and pulling more so than soft and loving. Jake only slightly licks at your lips and has you groaning in need. The moment of needy has Jake’s tongue slipping through your lips, as a soft battle ensues between the two of you.
You pull away gasping for a breath as Jake continues down your jawline, his hand working the skirt of your dress up and over your hips. Giving you the freedom to grind down on his thigh. The motion has you pulling back with a whimper, clit overly sensitive and pulsing. 
“No, no Sweets. Take what you need.”
Jake’s hands fall to your waist, pressing you down against his thigh as another whine slips from your lips. You can’t avoid the pressure though, as Jake moves your hips to his own accord. Pushing and pulling you, forcing you to ride his thigh as you hide away in his neck, nipping on his collarbone.
“Daddy–” your sentence is cut off when Jake sends a particularly hard thrust up, to jut against your weeping cunt.
“There’s my girl, such a pretty baby.”
You can only nod in answer, as one of Jake's hands slips up to cradle your face, and the thumb resting on your cheek slips between your lips. You nip and suck at his thumb, doe eyes focused up on Jake ready to be his good girl in any way that he asks. The look in your eyes sends him spiraling, before you know it his thumb has slipped from your mouth and he’s lifting you in the air.
Your heads dazed and foggy, consumed completely by the man holding you as he lays you on top of the pool table. You go to protest; you were at the Hard Deck and supposed to be celebrating Jake’s birthday of god’s sake. Though the words escape you when Jake’s fingers trace along your slit and rips the cloth from your aching heat.
The gentle trace of his fingers is everything and nothing all at once. Your back arches off the table and your head falls back as a low moan echoes from your chest, as Jake rolls your swollen clit between his fingers.
His laugh pulls you from the momentary bliss, as Jake looks down upon you strung out before him. Small babbles fall from your lips as you beg Jake for anything more, how you had gone from thinking with a clear mind to one that was completely hazy and your only focus was having Jake screw your brains out.
“Tell me what you want darlin’, use your words.”
He’s mocking you, with every shift of your hips trying to push down on the hand that is no longer tracing at your slit but resting heavily against your clit.
“Need you, Jakey.”
“Darlin’” His thumb moves in tight circles as he draws the word out, only pausing when you cry out. “You. Know. That’s. Not. My. Name.” Each word ends in a tap against your clit, that has your hands grasping out on the table looking for anything to hold on to.
“Daa– Daddy, Pleassseee.”
The name is just passed your lips and without any warning, Jake’s fingers fuck into you. Just barely easing in, before plunging knuckle deep and hitting the soft spongy spot that makes you keen.
“You gonna let me fuck you, Sweetheart? With all of our friends just outside.”
You can only nod in response, too focused on the way Jake’s fingers scissor in your heat. A chuckle leaves Jake’s lips again, though this time before you can react, Jake's free hand comes to wrap around the back of your neck and pulls you up to meet his chest. A low moan falls from your lips as Jake’s fingers reach even deeper in the new position and the palm of his hand brushes back and forth over your clit.
“Please” The plea falls from your lips in a mantra, and your hands wrap up around Jake’s neck to pull his lips down to your own. You melt into his touch, as his tongue slides into your mouth, coaxing your mouth in a dance of need and want.
He tastes like whiskey and malt, the crown and coke you made earlier is still potentate on his lips and you wonder if it’s your husband you’re getting drunk on, or the crown coating his tongue. Jake’s free hand cradles the back of your neck, woven into your hair and guiding you exactly how he wants. Your hips rock on their own accord, chasing a high that Jake is content to tease you with.
You lick into his mouth and your breath hitches in despair, as Jake pulls his hand from your weeping cunt. You watch, breathless as Jake brings his slick cover fingers to his mouth, moaning at the taste of your arousal and never breaking eye contact.
Jake had always been cheeky in the bedroom, how could he not, when he knew that just the sight of him shirtless had you panting like a bitch in heat. Though the wink that he gives you now, begging for him to touch you.
To fuck you, in any way that he wants. You would take anything from the man, so long as he touched you. Jake’s eyes fall from your blown ones and fall to your heaving chest. His hand trails down from your neck, to grip onto the top of your dress and yanks it down. The stitching of the fabric sounds like it has torn slightly, and it leaves the material to fall below your breast.
“Jake we still hav–”
Your words are stopped, as Jake’s hand grasps your cheeks and forces you to look up at him.
“Baby, shut up for me.”
The hand that’s not grasping your face works at your bra, pulling the cups down to expose your nipples. You squirm on the green of the pool table, as Jake ducks his head down and licks at one of your nipples, before biting it. His free hand works at your other nipple, and he plays your body like his own personal instrument. Coaxing every whine, moan, and hiss from you of his own accord.
The wanton moan you release as Jake tugs on the pebbled bead has his lips unlatching from your breast.
“Those are the only sounds I want to hear from you, darlin’.” Your eyes are clouded over, hanging on to every word that Jake tells you. “Though I’m not gonna stop you from begging, you always look so pretty when you get whiny and beg for me.”
The sound of the screen door slamming against the side of the wall has both of your eyes snapping in the direction of the bar. You're hidden back enough that you can’t see who comes in, though you hear Bradley’s voice ring out. He’s yelling at someone to get the extra ice from the back, it only takes a moment before the screen door is slamming again and the tension in your shoulders releases.
You were sure that the whole group knew you were fucking, and trusted that they would take care of the kids just fine. If they needed you, they would have already been yelling at you. Though the image of Bradley, Nat, Bob, and Lacey walking in on you and Jake fucking isn’t something you want to do again. It had been just after Jake had gotten home from a deployment when Penny and Maverick at offered to watch Maty for you. You hadn’t gotten pregnant with Jos yet, though you’re suspicious that she was conceived over the long weekend.
Your thoughts are quickly brought back to Jake, as you hear the zipper of his pants being pulled down. The sight of Jake's length has you drooling, the red tip leaks precum and you can help the whine that falls from you. A deep need to feel the weight of him on your tongue, to lick the salty tang off of him and relish in the way he fills your mouth. Your gaze is lethal, never wavering from Jake’s length not even when Jake chuckles. Though the tip of your chin up forces your eyes to leave it and look at into Jake lust filled, emerald eyes.
“Sweets, as much as I would love to have you on your knees, we don’t have the time.”
“Later?” Your hand grazes his cock, and you grasp the length. Your cloudy eyes drop from Jake’s, as you lean forward and spit onto the head. You use the precum and you spit as you stroke him, your grip tightening just slightly as you work around his girth.
“Whatever want baby.” His breath sounds ragged, fucked out by his own need for you. Your hand slips for his cock, as Jake grabs your thighs and yanks you to the edge of the pool table. Wrapping your legs around his waist, as your back falls to meet the green felt.
Your eyes catch sight of the swinging light fixture above you, and you watch it as it moves side to side. The harsh smack of Jake's cock against your clit makes you keen and has your back bowing in need. The arch pushes your cunt down towards Jake's cock, though he teases you, slipping the head along your slit and pushing into you before pulling back out.
“Daddy please need your cock, need you to fuck me.”
“I know baby, daddy’s got you.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, as Jake pushes his length into your aching cunt. Small whines and whimper roll off your lips as Jake bottom out, his hips coming flush with your ass. Your heat aches in need, and your hips rock to gain any type of friction.
“Nope baby,” Jake's hands grasp at your hips and stills your hips. “Feel me, Sweets. How well this pretty little pussy takes me, how you clench around me like a fucking vice.”
Jake’s breath turns ragged, as you clench down on him and the hands resting at your hips grasp at you, knuckles turning white and surly leaving fingerprints. The quick pull back from you makes you gasp, followed by a harsh thrust that you swear is in your stomach.
Jake's thrusts are harsh and uncontrolled, the both of you chasing a high, and as you lower one hand to work over your clit, needing the added pressure. Your hand is smacked away before it even touches the bundle of nerves, a protest ready to fall from your lips. Though in its place falls a deep moan, as Jake's thumb comes to rest on you, tight circles with the perfect pressure coaxing you to ecstasy.
“Baby… Daddyyyy”
His hips never falter as your hands grasp at the pool table, finding nothing to ground you. Your head tips back, your body moving against the green, with each of Jake's thrusts. He’s unrelenting as he works you over, a silent demand and need for you to find yours before he ever does.
“I know baby, let go. Come for daddy, like the good girl you are.”
His words send you spiraling and if you cared you might have stopped the moan that bursts from you. You should care as it echoes through the Hard Deck, surely alerting everyone of your pending climax. Though you don’t. The only thing you care about now was the burning heat in your core and the way Jake’s hands feel over your body.
Your eyes open and find Jake’s as a soft hand creases your cheek, the need, and lust ever present, but also a deep love that shines through as your husband watches you. With one final flick across your clit, your tumbling, begging and whining as you finally reach the peak before crashing into the abyss. Jake's hips only stutter slightly, as he works your through, his own release within reach.
“Where do you want it, Sweets?”
“In me Jake, please need to feel you.” The small plea as you clench around him has Jake peaking. His hips slow and he coats your walls, a deep moan falling from the both of you at the feeling of Jake’s cock pulsing within you. Pushing and pulling his cum back into you, fucking it into you, before he pulls out.
Jake's chest heaves as he looks down and your pulsing cunt, clenching around nothing and pushing his cum from your heat. Without a thought, Jake’s fingers scope at the mix of you both and pushes it back into your aching cunt. You’re sensitive and with every drag of his fingers you whine, you lift up onto your elbows so you both can watch as he fucks his cum back into you.
You bite your bottom lip, from not only how sensitive you now are, but also from how much you need Jake again. You could never tire of the man, though when he gets like this, it makes you practically insatiable. 
Though with one last push of the hand, Jake is pulling back from you and wrapping his lips around his cum cover fingers, winking at you before placing a peek against your lips. His hands find a home at your waist, as he pulls you from the pool table. He holds you steady as your legs shake, and places a gentle kiss against your temple.
“Still as sweet as ever, darlin’.”
The words are whispered into your ear and have you blushing. You push up on your toes to kiss Jake, hoping to avoid his gaze. Though the movement causes his cum to drip from your unclothed cunt, and the small squeak your release has Jake smiling in victory.
“You ripped my panties and my dress, Jacob. Everyone is gonna know.”
A harsh laugh falls from his lips before Jake grabs your cardigan and situates it back on your shoulders.
“Darlin’, people back home in Texas know. You’re not the quietest, especially when you climax.”
His words earn him a smack on the shoulder, as you move past him to go to the bathroom and right yourself before seeing everyone again. You glance back at the man, his eyes never leave your backside and the wide smile creasing his face is more than enough for you to not care if the whole world heard the two of you.
“Happy birthday, baby.”
“You best believe, I’m unwrapping the rest of my present when we get home. I still need to get my mouth on that sweet little cunt.”
You hum in response and smirk crossing your own lips as you shake your head that Jake’s words, before continuing to the bathroom.
“Hey Sweets,” the call has you pausing once again, spinning to face Jake and finding nothing but love in his eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too, honey.”
The pair of you reemerge from the Hard Deck as if nothing happened, though both Nat and Lace give you teasing smiles as you make your way over. A small smirk makes its way to your lips, causing both girls to laugh and a deep blush to cover your cheeks.
Jake had gone over to check on Amelia and Maty when you came out, both Penny and Mav stationed close enough to watch the pair, but also giving them the space to goof off. You glance over to Josephine’s beach tent and find her just waking up. The movement of her little arms has you making your way to her, and as you cloud over her line of sight has a gummy smile marring her features.
“Hello, my beautiful girl.” You pick her up easily and cradle her against your chest, enjoying the way her little hands grab at you. “Did you have a wonderful nap?”
Mumbles fall from her lips and bubbles of spit dribble down her chin, as she answers you.
“Ma ma ma ma.”
You bounce her on your hip lightly as you walk back over to Lace and Nat. Everyone had gathered as Bradley showed up with the food and placed it in the middle of the table. Maty finds you easily and clasps onto your hip to give you a hug. Your free hand brushes the hair from his face before you move down to kiss the crown of his head. 
“Momma I couldn’t find dad’s candles. Auntie Nix helped me look, but they weren’t in the bag.”
Your brows crease in thought, trying to remember where you placed them. You were sure that you put them in the bag, though they could have fallen out in the truck.
“Don’t you worry, my love. I’m sure they are just in the truck.” The three of you make your way back over to Jake, who is now chatting with Javy about the plane they were restoring. Catching sight of her father, Jos starts trying to reach out for him. The high-pitch squeal of your daughter gains Jake’s attention immediately and he’s grasping for her to toss her in the air. You smile at the duo, and overwhelming pride and love fills your chest for your small family.
Javy is quick to grab Maty, flipping him upside down and tickling him. Jake looks at you as you settle at his side and places a kiss on your cheek.
“I’m going to run to the pickup, love. I think your candles feel under the seat.”
“I can go look, Sweets.”
“Nope, you’re the birthday boy and I’ll be quick.”
Jake hums in agreement, before placing a sweet kiss on your lips. You pull away, only to be met with another kiss on the nose.
“I’ll be right back, then we can start eating.”
Jake watches as you make your way to the parking lot, quietly wondering how he had gotten so lucky. Josephine grabbles in his lap, patting at his chest as Javy talks to her in a high-pitched over.
Jake laughs at the pair, Javy and Jos were the best of buddies, the two were on the same wavelength. The number of times that Jake had come back, after asking Javy to watch her for a bit, and they were both asleep was astounding.
Though he couldn’t be more thankful for the extended family, that his own little family had in the Dagger Squad. Jacob Seresin might have been a hard ass, but seeing how much any one of his teammates cared for his children, turned him into a puddle.
“Dad, momma’s still not back.”
Mathew had been patiently waiting, though as time passed, he couldn’t help but grow impatient.
“I’ll go check on her bubba.”
Though before he can hand Jos to Javy, Mathew is protesting. Telling both Jake and Javy that he was a big boy and could help. Jake chuckled at his son, hand ranking through his unruly hair before nodding in answer.
“Go on then.”
A smile broke out across Mathew’s face before he was taking off up the sand to the parking lot.
“Watch for cars.” Jake's voice echoed across the beach, gaining everyone’s attention as Mathew signaled back with a thumbs up, then disappeared.
Jake and Javy both went back to talking with Jos, as Jake bounced her lightly on his hip. The setting California sun casts a warm hue over the beach, and Jake couldn’t help but think of you and how much you loved the beach.
Especially at sunset.
Jake had grown to love it just as much as you had, the comfort from the waves and sea breeze had become a constant in your lives. The four of you were constantly at the beach whenever the family had downtime.
Though that constant sense of safety and calm was ripped right from his chest as a bone-chilling scream echoed out across the beach.
Jake was passing Josephine off to Javy without a second thought, and sprinting towards the edge of the beach. Nearly collapsing at the sight of Mathew's tear-stained face, barreling toward him.
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jon-withnoh · 3 months
Give me the hot Elisabeth and Rebecca takes!
Sure thing! (Oh boy this turned out long.)
Elisabeth disclaimer: this is purely based on vibes. I have some knowledge of the historical background, but it’s not really my field of study.
Rebecca disclaimer: this is my field of study and I have very strong opinions on it, though I do not claim that I am always correct. I do however maintain that I could back up many of my claims if I had the time to do proper textual analysis and read secondary sources.
I genuinely think Elisabeth (the musical as it was written) is a masterpiece. The framing device, the way certain melodies mirror each other to foreshadow events or indicate character development — it’s amazing! Plus, the music is ridiculously good. 100/10. I love this musical.
Most stagings/recordings of Elisabeth since 2012 though? More than questionable. Levay/Kunze musicals in general appear to be following a pattern where the original production and a maybe one or two productions after it are full of nuance and complexity, only to have that complexity broken down and reduced over time. That is no fault of the musical itself, but a worrying trend of not trusting audience to be able to handle nuance and trying to make every element of a production more palatable and easier to handle. I hate it. Both the 1992 and the 2005 Wien productions have so much to recommend them (I can’t speak for the German productions but would humbly turn over the questions to more Elisabeth-versed mutuals like @fitzrove), but it all seems to be going downhill.
HOT TAKE: I think bringing on more and more “Broadway-sounding” performers to do both Elisabeth and Rebecca is a mistake. For me, Levay/Kunze shows have a very specific sound to them, a sound that fits into European musical theatre and makes sense for when and where they were created. Hiring almost exclusively people with a way more modern, belt-y sound is not a direction I personally like for these shows. Don’t get me wrong, this is not about any specific performers, it’s about trying to change the sound of these shows into something more akin to a big Broadway musical and that really doesn’t work for me. Both Elisabeth and Rebecca are so idiosyncratic in how they sound and how they’re written, trying to make them fit into a mould they don’t belong in does them a disservice. (Looking at you, VBW.)
Maybe not a hot take: but I love the 2005 Wien production of Elisabeth so much. It was my first exposure to the musical and remains my go-to cast album. It certainly has faults and I totally understand why people might gravitate towards different productions, but since I haven’t listened to the full 1992 Wien and 2001 Essen (?) productions yet, I can only compare it to 2012.
REBECCA HOT TAKE: Michael Kunze has stated that he views Rebecca as first and foremost a love story and I think he is WRONG. Daphne du Maurier herself would probably think he was wrong (seeing as she hated the story being described as a romance). This is a core problem with Rebecca das Musical. There are many things to love (Danny, Danny, Beatrice, and did I mention Danny?), but in my opinion, the whole “this is a great love story” angle does it a huge disservice. Let’s make it weirder! Let’s make it as bleak as it fucking is! (Probably not a crowd pleaser but let me have my fun).
Rebecca the musical could have done with some serious editing.
The Magdeburg production of Rebecca, which I am aware was not very accessible to a lot of people, might be one of the best productions of Rebecca ever. Kerstin Ibald absolutely knocked it out of the park with her Mrs Danvers and gave her all the nuance and emotion we so desperately crave. Her Danny is so broken, so lost. Patrick Stanke’s Maxim strikes the perfect balance between the haughty upperclass Englishman who takes kind of a fatherly tone with his young wive, and the haunted, jealous husband who absolutely did murder his first wife. Also in this production Maxim and Ich finally have some chemistry! This production’s Ich (Sibylle Lambrecht, I think) has such a great character arc and it is completely believable that she is into Maxim, even (or especially??) after his confession. Plus, the set design was amazing!!!
More Rebecca hot takes that I’ve definitely brought up before: I know we all like to write Ich as a repressed queer woman who ends up not being all that into Maxim, but honestly, she probably is very attracted to him. We can speculate about the why, but like, it is strongly implied that they have sex for the first time shortly after Maxim’s confession. She wants him.
I maintain and will die on this hill that making Danny sing “Ich liebte sie, doch sie hat mich verraten” is a mistake. I mean, yes please let Danny tell us she loved Rebecca, but come on. Danny doesn’t lose her faith in Rebecca. She doesn’t stop idolising Rebecca. Whatever her reasons for setting Manderley on fire may be it’s not that she thinks Rebecca betrayed her. I don’t even think Danny thinks highly enough of herself to even consider feeling betrayed by Rebecca. Rebecca is god to her.
I definitely have more, but this post is really long and I’m running out of steam… Hope you enjoyed!
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
How would the LI's react if MC walks in with one of their shirts/jumpers like "This is mine now" before waddling off
✦゜ANSWERED: Technically Ren is the only love interest, but I'll do da main cast as well!!
Ren Secretly really smug because he purposefully left his cardigan there in hopes of you finding it. 100% takes photos when you're not looking and gently teases you by saying how cute you look.
Moth Definitely takes a ton of screenshots and promises to mail more of their jackets to you soon. Asks if you can send them one of your Haruko hoodies in return.
Violet Simply laughs and playfully rolls her eyes, letting you live your best life in one of her more expensive designer tops. If you like it enough, you can take it home.
Elanor He cheeks flush scarlet red at the sight, but they let you wear her jumper however you see fit. Might start bringing another one to work in case you get cold again.
Conan Doesn't say anything, but leans in close to you before reaching into one of the pockets, slowly pulling out a pen, and sending you a fixed look.
Jae Tries to stick his head in the same hole at first, before laughing and pulling you close to his side instead. His furry companion is guaranteed to do the exact same thing, so just wait until she enters the room.
Leon Looks on with pride because you just-so-happened to put on his volleyball jersey. Starts calling you his #1 fan just to tease you, despite the fact that he's already wearing one of your old pyjama bottoms as well.
Teo Might ask if you stole that designer jacket because it looks waaay out of your budget, but he'll deliver 2 more in different colours plus a bottle of his cologne to your doorstep by the end of the week. Don't bring it up though, because he'll simply deny it and never do it again.
Olivia Lets you keep it, so long as you let her rest her hands in the pockets and entwine them with yours. Might even take a selfie together and make it her lockscreen and Impstagram story if you're comfortable with it.
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mintytealfox · 2 months
Hi! I'm super new to IDV and keep seeing a lot of art (official and fan) with Fools Gold and Alice! I love it all, but I was wondering is there a canon or fanon reason for their connection, or is it just a ship that developed based on their personalities? :)
EEYYYYYY~ I would LOVE for nortalice to be canon but I will be shocked if they make any coupling canon outside of psychologist (Ada Mesmer) and patient (Emil) and if they throw in Geisha's husbando and AKA mostly those who were already coupled before the manor games~
But I personally think there is potential there~ the Da Capo game (the one they are concentrating on in the main story) heavily leans on the Greek Lore of Orpheus and Eurydice~ with the cast consisting of The confirmed roles are these two: Orpheus: Novelist Eurydice: Alice/Journalist then the potential roles are as follows: Hades: Norton/Prospector/Fool's Gold Persephone: Melly/Entomologist not sure where Frederick goes, he will probably throw a wrench into this entire thing LOL
EDIT: So technically Melly and Norton could fall for each other cause of Hades and Persephone (I wouldn't be opposed to that either honestly cause that ship is my second love LOL I don't necessarily see them as romantic but I wouldn't be upset if they got together cause of the hades and persephone thing. plus whenever they are in anything together they are constantly memeing on the other and trying to get ahead at the cost of the other loool so I think they meme on each other a little too much for things to get romantical lol but who knows they could prove me wrong one day)
but I love em cause of their personalities and I feel like they would balance each other pretty well~
for example, Alice with her OCD would be calmed by Norton's matter of fact and 'it will be fine just work hard' view on things. ((that is what helps me with my OCD anyways lol is someone I trust taking my hands and saying its fine) I have an entire post about hand movements and I went into how Norton's movements are quick and precises and deliberate and Alice would need that for grounding 👀 While Norton needs a gentle touch cause that would be so unfamiliar to him that it would make him stop in his tracks I think~)) ANYWAY OFF TOPIC
Then vice versa with Norton and his gloom view on the world and Alice comes in with optimism and cheery-ness lol. She will protect her lil grumpy people LOL
Alice 👇 Norton👇
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So I guess to answer your question, its definitely on their personalities and completely based on potential~ The potential and nuance is there with what we know about them so far and there is the hope that Norton will turncoat in the story, with Melly convincing him to help her save Alice 👏👏 I just like adding the little bit of spice of 'you two get together and heal together okay' I feel like they would balance each other out well~
Norton needing that softness and Alice needing that wall to lean on. And I think they would work so well together~
I hope I somewhat answered your question, I feel like I was all over the place LOL my baaaad
also I have no idea why they keep having Alice looking so down bad for Fool's Gold 🤣🤣🤣🤣BUT I LOVE IT SO DARN MUUCCHH LOOOOL (and added to the fuel for this raging fire that is my love for Nortalice)👏👏👏🤌🤌🤌🤌💞💞💞but it has me LAUGHING at the fact that on hallucinogens drugs she STILL sees Norton as a knock out BABE -WHEEEZZEEE-
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sparring-spirals · 1 month
hello. to the person who sent me the ask about how to navigate fandom being kind of Blegh especially after. Exciting (contentious) moments like these. hello i am. Incredibly tired and the quick answer I wanted to give has ballooned intonlike 15 paragraphs i am not coherent enough to edit down rn so. instead. my Most Critical TL;DR so i can edit and post the ask tmr.
FUCK this still got long. putting a readmore in sorry.
- Do not feel bad about curating your fandom experience! Seriously. Blocking people or even not acknowledging certain people's posts does not have to be like. A moral judgement or anything. Follow people who you want to follow. Get friends who you can yell privately with.
- Do not feel bad about stepping away if seeing discussion and discourse is making you feel objectively Worse. Fandom is not a moral obligation, and you dont do yourself or anyone else a favor by continuing to look at things that upset you and making yourself feel worse. I cannot emphasize this enough. If looking at fandom stuff is exclusively making you feel worse, do yourself a kind gesture and. stop looking. u can leave. hit da bricks. etc.
- like related to the above, unfortunately there will always be some people who are just. Wrong On The Internet. You will not convince or correct them all. Nor can you stop them from posting. This is kind of something you just need to live with. Discussion and exploration of various views can be very beneficial! Just like. Yknow. Pick your battles.
- IMO People get really weird about character conflict and it gets quickly into Morally Right Vs Morally Wrong territory PLUS weird projections onto the cast. I have lots of opinions about this but i need to sleep so lets just say. People get weird. Emotions run high. feel free to disengage.
- There's been a lot of Events in the campaign recently, and being disappointed one way or another is understandable. There are different ways to approsch that particular sensation/feeling, but I'd say the biggest thing thats helped me is generally steering away from assuming malice or ill intent from the cast, as well as avoiding getting too caught up in assuming the story I am expecting is the only good iteration that can be told.
oh god this got so long. anyway sorry to the asker ill post the answer maybe tomorrow once ive slept and like. can edit. hopefully this is helpful in the meantime. to folks following me who did Not ask for me on a soapbox. i am very sorry. there will be more.
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mtsodie · 11 days
If they made a poker night 3 (which I mean. They probably won't. Telltale and licensing and all. BUT THE HYPOTHETICAL!!) what characters would u want to see in it? Personally I loved that glados was the card dealer in poker night 2 and I wouldn't have it any other way but other than them I think it might be fun to play poker with a new cast of random characters
OUUH UMM !!! ive actually thought about this a little bit . mostly the sam and max aspect because im normal >_> . but lets see ....
ok i think sam n max kind of have to be in the third one since theyve been in both games with max as a player in pn1 and sam being a player and max as a plus 1 in pn2 . it feels wrong to break the tradition !!!! i think either having both sam and max as 1 player would be rlly interesting for the ai coding considering theyre both ( surprisingly ) some of the better players . but also flint paper could play i guess ‼️ hes already shown to come there in pn2 so why not : )
for da second player .... might be a bit obscure might not be . but i think someone from the poker demo the devs made could be rlly fun !!!
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( this is where leonard steakcharmer comes from btw : ) )
UM ... this might sound a bit insane but gromit . from the wallace and gromit telltale game . i think it would be rlly funny
and someone from the tales of monkey island game !!! i think it makes sense since this guy runs the place if i remember right . maybe elaine marley ? ive never played any of the monkey island games so ....... idk much about it . working on that
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My Personal Favorite Dark Academia Movies ~
Knives Out (2019) - So amazing. Dark and moody, set during autumn, and of course features a dark mansion and murder mystery. Plus the plot is beautifully crafted and has the neatest vibe ever, with a large cast of characters that are so interesting and realistic it's amazing. Great soundtrack, intro and ending
Feat. - Chris Evans, Jami Lee Curtis, Rian Johnson,
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Uncle Buck (1989) : An 80's John Candy movie (<3), very cold and dreary (takes place in Chicago). This isn't really DA by most people's standards but it is to me and it has the best vibes. All the teenagers in this movie dress DA
Feat. - John Candy, Macaulay Culkin
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theillusionofpants · 1 year
my muppet casting of the US Cabinet
President- Kermit the frog
The wrangler of this fucked up gang. Though he has no hair, he's a compromising leader and the obvious choice.
Vice President- Fozzy Bear
Largely a ceremonial position, Fozzy is popular with the voters and always diffuses tough situations with slapstick comedy. Plus he does wonders and fundraising galas
First Lady- Miss Piggy
Originally I had her a secretary of defense (still a good choice tbh) but I think she'd be down for the glam of the position. She'd take up causes like a Hollywood celeb and her outfits would be Smithsonian worthy
Chief of Staff- Skeeter
Comfortable being behind the scenes and getting shit done, Skeeter would be perfect for the role.
Secretary of State- Gonzo
A bold choice and one that flabbergasted most serious politicians, Gonzo got the job by being so completely weird that he is disarming. For the chief diplomat of the country, he actually accidentally gets more done than people give him credit for
Secretary of Defense- Sam the Eagle
Level headed and without humor. He takes his position seriously and does not jump to conflict without provocation.
Secretary of the Treasury- Rizzo the Rat
Though he is definitely involved in some insider trading, Rizzo was the only muppet with any kind of sense for currency and market trends. He's got corporations in an uproar.
(notable runner up- The Count)
Attorneys General- Waldorf and Statler
They've never lost a case due to their scathing quips and criticism of the defendant.
Secretary of the Interior- Animal
Though press conferences have been suspended indefinitely (there was rumor of thousands of dollars of damage in equipment and bite marks on some members of the press), Animal is a passionate advocate of the parks. He has established 13 new national parks including the MORE PARKS MORE PARKS National Park which he named himself
Secretary of Energy- Crazy Harry
Got his position due to family connections. The energy grid is in shambles after a serious of mysterious explosions in power stations across the country. Investigations are in progress
Secretary of Education- Dr. Bundsen Honeydew
The only muppet with a PhD, Kermit wanted a science background in the position. Science fairs have become mandatory testing in schools. Students have caught on that the biggest mess usually wins first prize
Secretary of Transportation- Sweetums
Usually relegated to positions of service, Sweetums was called upon to run the trains. He has quietly approved high speed rail across the nation. He usually operates the line from Chicago to Los Angeles.
Secretary of Agriculture- Swedish Chef
He showed up one day in the office with three chickens, a moose and some talking produce and refuses to leave. The last press conference he had he was asked about his plans for subsidizing corn. His answer was "oooh de sküshy düshi corn corn flüœr un da grundi ground bork bork" There were no further questions
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development- Oscar the Grouch
No stranger to homelessness, Secretary the Grouch nationalized empty office buildings as low cost public housing. When asked, he said he did it so people would be off the streets and he could be left alone. Major corporations condemned the plan but Oscar remained unperturbed and told them to scram
Secretary of Homeland Security - Grover
Constantly exasperated, he has come to rely heavily upon a masked crusader named Super Grover
US ambassador to the UN- Big Bird
No stranger to travel and with family in many different nations, Big Bird has become an international icon for diffusing tension and having nations become friends.
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idollete · 1 month
lembrei da ask agora, juju... vou me jogar
honestamente não conheço o cast e só quero saber sua opinião sobre o assunto mesmo, mas quem do cast AMARIA uma namoradinha expert, buceta tecnológica, cria da cátia damasceno e quem ficaria extremamente chocado achando que é bruxaria, coisa de outro mundo e que você tá tentando sugar a alma deles pela xota?
um beijo querida! ♡
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oii solie, ai amei sua ask 🌷🌷🌷 e o meme KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK é tão a gente aqui no tumblr 🎀
vamos lá...eu acredito que o primeiro grupo seja composto por esteban kuku!!!!!!!!!! (ele é o acionista major dessa empresa), matías, pardella, simón, fran, santi e jerónimo. pra mim eles são os maiores fãs de Mulheres com M Maiúsculo que quicam até o dia raiar e o joelho fazer crack crack. also eu penso muito que pardella, matías, jerónimo e simón adorariam tentar acompanhar o seu ritmo e vocês acabariam entrando em dinâmicas de quem consegue enlouquecer o outro primeiro e o sexo acaba sempre sendo louco selvagem mind blowing breathtaking. e esteban, santi e fran adoram deitar pra mulher gostosa
agora pipe, blas, rafa federman, della corte, enzo e fernando ficariam completamente 😳😳😳😳😳 QUE ISSO MULHER VAI ME ENGOLIR PELA XOTA?! e principalmente esses dois últimos, porque eu imagino muito que eles chegam na intenção de te dominar por completo e se surpreendem quando você dá a sentada of a lifetime, com direito a muito pompoarismo coisa de outro mundo que eles nunca viram antes. e os demais é porque eles simplesmente não aguentam muito tempo na mão de mulher gostosa premium plus
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