#*drops my silly headcanons*
nocreativityfornames · 7 months
I'm convinced that whenever Satan doesn't like the ending of a show/movie/book or feels that a particular scene rings out of character he'll just hop on ao3 or whatever version of that there is in hell and will write the most passionate gorgeously and masterfully well-written fanfiction about what should've actually happened instead.
And it gets to the point where fandoms will purposely recommend a fictional media to him JUST SO he can be pissed off about the unsatisfying ending it had that didn't do justice to the characters and fix it.
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lowlightsahead · 6 months
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"Quit with the habit of rolling all over the ground whenever you're worrying"
Just how many times did Chuuya witness it in the past to know that it's a habit. Imagine them on a mission, being in a pinch, Chuuya shouting,"Oi shitty Dazai what next? ", there is no response. "What the fuck are ya-", Chuuya turns around to find Dazai rolling in the mud.
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merriclo · 1 month
this is primarily a silly hypothetical but do you think Akutagawa ever dropped off/handed over Kyouka’s important paperwork.
in all likelihood, it was probably Kōyō who did it, and probably alongside the files detailing Kyouka’s past, but the idea that Akutagawa just. like. mailed the ADA her paperwork is so funny to me
it’d be so silly if, in the middle of their first mission together, Atsushi’s just like. “hey by the way. about that package you sent the agency.”
“yes. Kyouka-chan’s important paperwork. i ensured that everything was included. her birth certificate, immunization records, et cetera. why, is anything missing?”
“no. it’s all there. thanks.”
and then they’re immediately back at each other’s throats
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guess-i-do-art · 3 months
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Random Steven Universe headcanon: Lion sometimes picks people up by the collar of their shirt and carries them around :P
You can’t stop him
His favorites are Steven, Connie, Lars, Amethyst (when she shapeshifts) and surprisingly Pearl. He and Garnet have a mutual agreement so they leave each other alone
Lars hates it so much, but Lion tends to hold onto him the longest
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fixedspeech · 1 year
Ya know Mori probably became a skk supporter bc he no longer had to be on suicide watch for Dazai 24/7
That man saw Dazai have no interest in life, until he meets Chuuya who literally makes Dazai rethink his entire perception, that maybe there is a reason to live.
Mori saw Dazai say breathing is a burden and unbearable yet then watched him become obsessed with this short angry redhead seemingly overnight to the point where Dazai kept a weekly "Chuuya is A Sore Loser" newsletter going for months & preceeded to openly admit that he spends all his time thinking about ways to annoy Chuuya
Mori witnessed this numb apathetic little shit who barely reacts to anything, do a full 180 bc he saw Chuuya in the hallway
Mori deadass just shrugged and was like, as long as he's not obsessed with dying anymore I support him
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jellori · 1 year
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Do you know what happens when a Reject Splits?
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coffeecatcraze · 8 months
So I've seen some comments about how once Charlie and Vaggie patch up their relationship, Vaggie will have to deal with "fell from heaven" and other angel-related pickup lines from Charlie, but honestly that might be giving Charlie too much credit. I love her, but I'm not sure she could manage to get through pickup lines like that, even with her own girlfriend she's been with for years. She's precious and sweet and loving, but I do not have full faith in her ability to flirt coherently, especially if she's actively trying to do it.
But you know what I'd love to see? Angel teasingly throwing those lines at Vaggie. Not with any kind of flirty intent (obviously, he's gay and she's a lesbian in a very committed relationship), but as his way of casually showing her he still cares about her even knowing the truth about her past. Accompanied by Vaggie pretending to be pissed, but actually knowing what he's trying to say and appreciating it. Him tossing angel-related pickup lines at her every few days and her insincerely telling him to shut the fuck up would be so good, and a great way for his care and support to show through within the bounds of their existing dynamic.
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greghatecrimes · 1 year
A recent addition to this fic/AU as it’s slowly being written:
The property that House and Wilson’s ‘farmhouse’ is on is a frequent hunting ground of many local stray cats. The cats love to greet Wilson (whether by rubbing up against him or just walking near him) when they see him, so Wilson starts leaving food out for them in return. There’s five or six ‘regulars’ that individually stop by at different times during the day/week.
After Wilson dies, House finds it hard to continue Wilson’s habit of feeding the cats. He does it when he has the energy to get around to it (which isn’t often, since the entire thing reminds him of Wilson, after all), but he’s nowhere near consistent with it. Still, the cats keep coming, even when Wilson is no longer around. After House brings Thirteen to his place, she ends up taking up the torch of leaving food out for the cats on her own, without being asked or knowing that it was something Wilson did.
Eventually, Thirteen mentions the cats to House. She finds out that they’ve been around for a while, are fairly fond of House (for the most part, even if House pretends not to be fond of them), and that House and Wilson even gave them names. The cats are as follows:
Robbie, a fluffy golden cat that’s bigger than the others, highly affectionate, and was the first to approach Wilson;
Remy, a willowy, clever, and slightly elusive brown tabby;
Foreman, a disgruntled gray cat that looks about two seconds away from committing murder at any given moment, and who will swat at House if he gets too close;
Foster, a playful young tuxedo who is the reason why there’s a basket full of cat toys, mainly purchased by Wilson, on the front porch (his full name is Lawrence, but he is only ever called by his nickname);
and finally, a tortoiseshell with piercing blue eyes that watches House with a startling level of awareness and responds to “Cutthroat Bitch”.
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total-drama-brainrot · 10 months
Eva and Noah rely on each other to act as anchors against the crazy of their surroundings. Not just Izzy's shenanigans, but the daily chaos of Total Drama as a whole.
They help each other through overstimulation or social burnout frequently, especially during the later days on the Playa, since they're both relatively quiet and happy to share silent company. With the other around, they can trust someone else to play straightman to the others' over-the-top energies.
(They're both different flavours of autistic btw.)
As such, Noah can often be seen reading quietly in the Gym as Eva works out.
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bmpmp3 · 4 months
I must hem and haw over the volume levels in the mix for the next few weeks even though its basically done SO in the meantime have this doodle:
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original song Mesmerizer by 32ki (major warning for flashing for the music video), UST by アトリ科ヒワ属のゲン!
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lemonysnicket · 2 years
i'm curious; who is your snicket not-quite-blorbo? a character that might be really irrelevant and that you wouldn't consider to be on your favorites list, but who keeps rattling around in your brain regardless? mine is gustav, personally
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davepetaz · 1 year
ooooooh that's dope, i think i would be kinda cool if like jades marking were on the inside of her hands while roxys were on the outside
oh wait that's so real actually.... i might end up just doing that
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catcatb0y · 1 year
Man I just wanted to watch a silly video and draw a little bit before I had to wake up at ten am, but people can't stop being Weird (deragatory) On The Internet. I'm gonna get less than five hours of sleep on a day where I'll get yelled at if I put in my headphones.
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andessence · 2 years
quasimodo tag drop!
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basslinegrave · 2 years
i have to experience shadow content on my own cuz he gets so much needless hate "omg hes so edgy/finally hes not edgy" what if i want him to be edgy. its not bad, hes cool, has a design i love a lot, let him be an asshole its cool
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sakurarisen · 2 months
mind: does my muse have any mental conditions that affect their lives? what are they? how do they handle them? what coping methods do they use most? 
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All About A Sera's Health~!
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mind: does my muse have any mental conditions that affect their lives? what are they? how do they handle them? what coping methods do they use most? 
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Apologies for long ahead of time because wow this unintentionally is long XD
Sera does - She has anxiety, both general and a little social, some issues with depression, and PTSD, none of which are particularly diagnosed in most verses because Sera very much dislikes seeing doctors of any kind, but it's been brought up to her in most and she actually agrees with it, even if she won't say as much to most people. Even when she isn't aware there's names for it, she's more than aware she has something going on - But even in this case, she's prone to just calling it "her nightmare" and "the nightmare's voice", largely because she has nothing else to actually call it by. It keeps her constantly looking over her shoulder, afraid of thunderstorms, unable to handle large crowds of people on her own or tight things around her wrists, being alone with someone clearly scheming or giving her strange looks. and doesn't do well with people who've made their intention to hurt others clear, among other triggers.
As for dealing with it... That depends on what point in her life you're asking her. While she's usually good at hiding it and only breaking down in private, or excusing herself to deal with it alone, she's still dealing with it alone until she finds herself a home and settles down with Zack, and 'dealing with it alone' doesn't usually go well. She's prone to breaking down when she's alone, curling into a little ball and sobbing... For a long time, Sera would've - and did at one point to Zack - described herself as a 'broken porcelain doll stuck in a glass box', eventually progressing that to 'a broken doll played with and thrown aside out of the owner's boredom'. She may have seemed to have it under control, but in truth, her 'nightmare' controlled a lot of what she did and how she acted, and she just didn't have the words - or ability - to explain it.
As she grows into her 20's, however, and finally allows herself to develop a tight support network, she learns better ways to explain herself and her mental state and problems, and discovers better coping skills, as well as ways to combat 'the nightmare' that is her PTSD, fears, and anxiety. Grabbing or touching something physical - grabbing onto the hem of her shirt or the sides of her skit/pants, holding Zack's hand, touching his shoulder or arm, leaning against a tree and pressing her palms flat against it, etc - is a big way to keep her grounded and remembering what's real life and what's just her mind trying to run away with itself, the feeling of something solid and physical a wonderful way to help in re-focusing herself.
She's learned breathing exercises, and has anti-anxiety measures frequently nearby that change depending on verse, like squishy keychain toys, fidget toys, and in all verses, her stuffed husky, Zax. Zack and their closest friends who know of her traumas - a number of people she can count on one hand - are on speed dial on her phone, and reachable with the press of a button, or at least easily reachable in verses where phones don't exist (Genshin), ready to pose a 'rescue' and give her a safe place to break down if she can't avoid it, or help her fight off the 'nightmare', be it with distractions or helping to talk her through it.
To that, she's also learned how to talk through it, and while she doesn't have the 'proper words', persay, even now to explain how she feels or what's going on with her, she's taken to Zack's nickname for her of 'Kitten' and embraced the idea of 'I am a kitty' much like a child, and uses that to help explain herself when everything else fails. Sera is very much capable of being a mature adult and regularly is, only being childish around close friends and family who're okay with her being silly and embracing the childhood she never had, but even then, 'bad kitty' when she feels like she's screwed up something and can't figure out what or how is pretty self-explanatory, and so is 'Kitty doesn't feel good-'; if she's referring to herself as 'kitty', it's fairly known she's having trouble dealing with something really upsetting her she doesn't otherwise have the words to explain any better.
She doesn't have her mental state fully under control just yet - There's still a lot Sera doesn't know how to handle or how to word, and she's someone who will try to deal with things alone to avoid being a burden on others, but she's certainly come a long way and is still learning, each and every day.
#Questioning A Flower [Asks]#Colors Of Sakura [Sera Headcanons]#Long Post-#Warofthebeasts#And if my net would stop trying to kill itself today plzthx-#Sera deals with a LOT? Some of it is due to her past as Aria but for the most part#This is recent trauma from this/recent lifetimes#And she doesn't know how to properly explain it or what she can and can't say? She doesn't want to be 'pitied' either#She's surviving and that's what matters - Even though 'surviving' until Zack is really just powering through somehow#There's bigger issues in the world than what she went through? And she doesn't mind suffering if it means others don't#But now she's trying to learn how to cope and what's up with her and while she doesn't have 'proper' words#She's at least learned a way to communicate 'hey I'm not doing good and I need help' and learned how to talk about it a little#She doesn't need to do this alone anymore TwT <3#She's a complex little flowercatbirb-#Also the usual reminder Sera is very much an adult woman and regularly acts it without issue - She doesn't think she's ACTUALLY a cat#But it's something of her 'last line of defense' so to speak and comforting? Cats have claws and can fight back! So can she if she's kitty!#But it's also the reminder of 'Zack calls me this' and that's something she can cling to even when she thinks the world is against her#She can be childish because she's been reassured it's okay to claim the childhood she never had and wants to experience#Sure she'll 'miao~!' at someone but it's playful and silly? And dropped in a heartbeat to be a mature woman if needed#She's still sorting herself out now that she's actually free to <3
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