#*elemental mastery is over 300
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kazeofthemagun · 2 years
XEL ORT V - Technomancer
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[Lmfao, fish OC. Or, rather, as the species is now called on this blog Vodyanoi. Well, as soon as the idea of a water elemental doing electricity magic to power a mech invaded my head, I could not help myself.]
[Xel is the fifth head of house Ort at the tender young age of 37 (for her race. We headcanon'd Pist quite old and by quite I mean 300+). The Vodya Technocracy has been in disarray ever since Chaos devoured and incorporated the world into Wonderland, and not many families survived. Instead of banding together and cooperating to actually stand a better chance at surviving, the houses began to compete even more fiercely than before after the definite fall of the prominent house of Shaz.]
[Scientific innovation is the only authority respected by and capable of uniting the squabbling noble families under a common banner. Xel sees her career opportunity in refining military shellcraft as well as studying Mist thaumaturgichemistry. Having invented tech capable of rendering her body extremely conductive to electricity, she uses her liquid form-turned-energy current to power and pilot her shell, Volt.]
[She hopes to one day harness the ability to freely shapeshift the malleable Vodyanoi body into Mist - granting her mastery over all three states of matter and practical immortality. Possessing such technology would surely help her unite and take command of the remaining houses - directing the self-destructive species on a road to regeneration.]
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digitalmaniac2121 · 6 months
8 Tips To Choose The Best Mobile App Development Company
The income created by versatile applications overall added up to $461.7 billion in 2019 and is projected to be twofold by 2023, showing a growing and different portable application scene. In 2020, the quantity of versatile application downloads surpassed 200 billion, and it is normal to arrive at 300 billion downloads by 2025.
Because of extraordinary rivalry, it is essential to pick the right Versatile Application Advancement Organization to guarantee your application's prosperity both at send-off and over the long run. It is crucial to cooperate with an organization that has the skill, ability, and obligation to hoist your application idea higher than ever. General Data will walk you through 8 hints to pick the best portable application improvement organization.
1. Characterize Your Venture Prerequisites
When looking for a versatile application improvement organization, the expression "best" can mean various things to various individuals. To figure out what "best" signifies for you, laying out your particular venture requirements is fundamental.
Is it true or not that you are looking for a speedy and practical arrangement, or do you focus on top-of-the-line quality without bug execution? Is your application expected to have high-security includes, or do you just need an essential working MVP by a particular cutoff time? Each response to these inquiries will impact the result of your hunt.
To keep away from any likely disillusionments down the line, carve out an opportunity to plainly characterize your task objectives prior to starting your quest for a versatile application improvement organization.
2. Distinguish An Objective Market
Picking the right application advancement organization for your undertaking starts with recognizing its classification. Is it true or not that you are making an Online business commercial center, an eLearning stage, a membership-based help, or a game?
In the event that your application falls under a particular industry classification, it's critical to search for an organization that has a strong groundwork in that industry. For example, in the event that you're fostering a retail facade application, a Web-based business organization with pertinent mastery is the most ideal decision for ideal outcomes. Likewise, for a refined framework with numerous combinations, an undertaking incorporation supplier would be great, and for a game, a particular game studio is vital. The quantity of web or portable applications an organization has created is insignificant on the off chance that they need industry-explicit experience. Thus, it's essential to find a versatile application improvement organization that has broad involvement with your industry.
3. Assess Their Methodology
While assessing application advancement organizations, think about their underlying pitch and ways to deal with your venture. Do they intend to incorporate all highlights all along, or do they propose an iterative methodology that considers assessment and refinement of your item as it's being fabricated?
Be careful with organizations that focus on forthright installment for an element complete application disregarding your organization's drawn-out development. Such a methodology disposes of the valuable chance to refine your item founded on criticism and market interest.
To guarantee that an organization is focused on your application's prosperity, pose inquiries about their arrangements for post-send-off help and support. An improvement group that can focus on supporting your application from the very beginning is fundamental in the present market.
In the event that the improvement organization can give an exhaustive versatile application methodology, from ideation to send-off, it's a decent sign that they have done this previously and anticipate that your undertaking should be economical and effective.
It's additionally critical to explain who will be liable for bringing your application into application commercial centers. Will the organization give preparation and records, or will their staff handle the send-off?
Stay away from application advancement organizations that don't focus on post-send-off help and upkeep. Such organizations are probably not going to have your well-being on a fundamental level.
4. Portfolio And Surveys
When picking an application advancement organization, leading careful examination into their past activities and clients is essential. In the event that you esteem a keen client experience plan, for instance, perusing an organization's portfolio for instances of their past UI/UX work can be colossally useful.
A few vital elements to consider while assessing a potential improvement accomplice include:
How long has the organization been in activity, and do they have major areas of strength for in the business?
What number of effective tasks have they finished before, and what is their history for conveying quality work?
Do they normally take on enormous or little undertakings, and would they say they are knowledgeable about working with organizations of your size and extension?
Who are their past clients, and do they have experience working with laid-out enterprises or new businesses?
Is it true that they are included on respectable survey sites, and do they have positive audits and input from past clients?
By completely investigating and assessing these variables, you can settle on an educated conclusion about which application improvement organization is the most ideal to address your issues and convey a fruitful item.
5. Spending plan
In programming advancement, the "esteem triangle" is comprised of value, quality, and time. You can pick two out of the three choices. Certain organizations have deep-rooted strategies and thorough testing guidelines, permitting them to begin your task rapidly and convey an excellent finished result, however for an extreme price. Different firms might be more reasonable however penance quality for speed and cost.
Prior to going with a choice, think about the accompanying inquiries:
Is it more vital to deliver your application rapidly or guarantee it is generally welcomed upon send-off?
Might it be said that you are essentially attempting to deliver an MVP to test the practicality of your thought, administration, or item?
Moreover, it's smart to assemble numerous undertaking quotes. You might run over an exception (very modest or costly). Find an opportunity to comprehend the reason why it's uncommon and converse with the supplier about it - they might have experiences that others don't.
6. Obligations And Assumptions
What are the various jobs and obligations that the group will have? Which job would you like to play in the undertaking, and does it line up with the assumptions for the worker for hire? As a client, being engaged with the task as an Item Proprietor can assist the product improvement with the company better comprehending your business needs and objectives, in addition to the mechanical necessities and spending plan.
Be careful with any improvement firm that displays blind compliance and hauls out the issue as opposed to tracking down an answer. A decent improvement organization will carve out opportunities to grasp the client's objectives and decide the best way to deal with and tackle their concerns.
Search for an organization that has a perspective and will examine business necessities while putting resources into the progress of your business.
7. Innovation
While picking a product improvement organization, it's essential to consider the innovation they have some expertise in. Inquire as to whether they have a particular concentration or mastery in a specific market. Do they basically work with Android or iOS? Is it true or not that they are ready to effortlessly change their code base to fit the prerequisites of one or the other stage? These are significant inquiries to pose while assessing likely accomplices for your application improvement project.
8. Testing And Assessment
Inspecting an organization's trying interaction is a fundamental part of choosing an application improvement accomplice. You ought to ask about their quality affirmation (QA) framework and come out as comfortable with how they direct testing. For example, do they utilize actual gadgets, virtual machines, or a mix of both? How exhaustive is their cross-gadget testing?
A far-reaching testing system is fundamental for the progress of your versatile application, and it exhibits that the engineers focus on conveying the most ideal item for your business. In this way, it is essential to pick an improvement organization with a thorough testing approach.
9. End
We propose utilizing the previously mentioned guidelines to look at changed portable application improvement firms prior to arriving at a last resolution on the best one for your undertaking.
General Data Computerized is a Mumbai-based tech force to be reckoned with, giving elite computerized arrangements utilizing Light-footed processes. With 10+ long periods of involvement with programming improvement and being one of the Market Chiefs on Grip for the Versatile Advancement classification in Mumbai, General Data Computerized generally endeavors to make perpetual incentives for our clients by utilizing our mastery and suggesting the most appropriate arrangements. Reach us to converse with our specialists!
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Version 2.0 "The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia" Update Details(Part 1)
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Dear Travelers,
Below are the details of the Version 2.0 update "The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia" and the update compensation.
Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300 (60 Primogems per hour the servers are down)
Issue Fix Compensation: Primogems ×300 (please refer to the relevant compensation mail for more details)
〓Scope of Compensation〓
Maintenance Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above before 2021/07/21 06:00 (UTC+8).
Please claim before the end of Version 2.0.
Issue Fix Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 and above before 2021/07/21 06:00 (UTC+8).
Please claim the compensation mail before 2021/07/24 06:00 (UTC+8).
Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.
〓Update Schedule〓
Update maintenance begins 2021/07/21 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.
〓How to Update Game Client〓
PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update.
iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update.
Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen.
PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5: Highlight Genshin Impact from the Home Screen, press the "OPTIONS" button, and select "Check for Update."
Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.
〓Update Details〓
I. New Region
New Region - Inazuma
◇ New Areas: In Version 2.0, three areas, Narukami Island, Kannazuka, and Yashiori Island in the Inazuma region will be available.
◇ Unlock Criteria:
• Adventure Rank 30 or above
• Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act I - The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia"
▌New System in Inazuma
Sacred Sakura
Offer the Electro Sigils you obtain during your various adventures in Inazuma to the Sacred Sakura to raise your Sacred Sakura's Favor Level and gain valuable items in return. You will receive upgrades to your Electrogranum's level at certain levels of the Sacred Sakura's Favor, which will enhance their abilities.
Sacred Sakura System Unlock Criteria:
• Reach Adventure Rank 30 or above and complete the quest "Ritou Escape Plan."
These miraculous spirits are called Electrograna. They spawn from Thunder Sakura Boughs and grant the protection of Electro.
Electrograna have various powers. Carry them with you to travel rapidly using Thunder Spheres, traverse Thunder Barriers, and even withstand Balethunder. You can offer Electro Sigils to the Sacred Sakura at the Grand Narukami Shrine to enhance Electrogranum strength.
The powerful Electrograna will even aid Travelers they connect with in fighting against their foes.
Inazuma Reputation System
◇ Inazuma Reputation Unlock Criteria:
• Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act I - The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia"
• Complete the quest "The Commission's Commission"
By interacting with certain NPCs in Inazuma, you will be able to accept requests to complete and increase your Reputation. As your Reputation Level increases, you will unlock various Reputation Rewards!
In addition, Expeditions, Daily Commissions, and other new content will also be added in Inazuma.
◇ Inazuma Daily Commissions Unlock Criteria:
• Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act I - The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia"
• Complete the quest "Katheryne in Inazuma"
▌New Gameplay in Inazuma
Thunder Sakura Boughs
Sometimes in Inazuma you will come across Thunder Sakura Boughs, from which you can acquire Electrograna that last for a certain duration.
Thunder Barriers
A kind of impenetrable shield known in Inazuma as a Thunder Barrier.
For some mysterious reason, receiving the acknowledgment of Electrograna and carrying them with you allows you to pass through some such barriers unimpeded.
Some regions in Inazuma are affected by high levels of Electro concentration. While in these regions, you will gradually lose HP. This phenomenon is known as Balethunder.
Use Electrograna to protect yourself against the harmful effects of Balethunder.
Thunder Spheres
This strange entity is known as a Thunder Sphere. It is a common sight in Inazuma. Characters who wield Electro power or who are looked after by Inazuma can use it to move around at lightning speed.
Characters carrying an Electrogranum or affected by Electro in proximity to a Thunder Sphere can move towards it at great speed.
New gameplay mechanisms added in Inazuma also include Thunderstones, Lightning Strike Probes, Discharge Stones, and Cumulation Stones.
▌New Domains in Inazuma
Domain of Forgery: Court of Flowing Sand
◇ They say that in antediluvian times now lost to history, there was once a foolish ruler who dreamed of building a high garden in honor of the white sacred tree over the primordial sands. Now, dead silence fills the kingdom built on sand, but the obsessions of the past remain.
◇ Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 30 or above and complete the quest "Ritou Escape Plan."
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain Weapon Ascension Materials such as: Mask of the Tiger's Bite, Narukami's Joy, and Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea.
Domain of Mastery: Violet Court
◇ Sometime in the ancient past, the mountains rose higher than the skies, and the earth was larger than heaven's dome. But one day, the mirror shattered, and the oceans arose. In these legends, this caused the court of the primeval sakura to become sundered from the other islands.
◇ Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 30 or above and complete the quest "Ritou Escape Plan."
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain Talent Level-Up Materials such as: Guide to Transience, Guide to Elegance, and Guide to Light.
Domain of Blessing: Momiji-Dyed Court
◇ This court is ever a silent scene of falling red leaves. Perhaps lost causes and unforgettable loves may follow the veins of the earth and coalesce into the fruits of the court's white tree.
◇ Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 30 or above and complete the quest "Ritou Escape Plan."
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain artifacts in the Shimenawa's Reminiscence and Emblem of Severed Fate sets.
Domain: Empty Boat of a Thousand Gates
◇ This tengu annex dwelling that floats upon the sea like a lonesome boat once played host to the somewhat famous "Yougou Three," and this would later become the cage in which they, having despaired, spent the rest of their days.
◇ Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 30 or above and fulfill certain criteria.
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain rewards such as Primogems and Electro Sigils.
Domain: Shakkei Pavilion
◇ This magnificent mansion was built by an ancient ascetic warrior in the depths of the earth using scenery borrowed from the outside world. In latter days, a deeply disheartened eccentric would be discovered within.
◇ Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 32 or above and fulfill certain criteria.
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain rewards such as Primogems and Electro Sigils.
Domain: Formation Estate
◇ This estate once belonged to a lieutenant of Orobashi no Mikoto, until he, the body of his god, and the sky alike were rent open by a flash of lightning.
◇ Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 35 or above and fulfill certain criteria.
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain rewards such as Primogems and Electro Sigils.
II. New Characters
5-Star Character "Frostflake Heron" Kamisato Ayaka
◇ Vision: Cryo
◇ Weapon: Sword
◇ Daughter of the Yashiro Commission's Kamisato Clan. Dignified and elegant, as well as wise and strong.
"Inazuma Shogunate, Yashiro Commission, Kamisato Clan." Widely known as one of the most distinguished clans in all of Inazuma, it is the branch of the Tri-Commission that manages ceremonial and cultural affairs.
Since my parents passed, Brother and I assumed responsibility for all clan matters, big and small.
◆ Ayaka's Elemental Skill, Kamisato Art: Hyouka can deal AoE Cryo DMG to surrounding opponents. Her Alternate Sprint, Kamisato Art: Senho, allows her to move at high speed in the form of a torrent on water or ground. When Ayaka reappears, she temporarily receives a Cryo infusion.
When she casts her Elemental Burst, Kamisato Art: Soumetsu, Ayaka releases a long-lasting Frostflake Seki no To, a storm of whirling icy winds that slashes repeatedly at every opponent it touches, dealing Cryo DMG.
5-Star Character "Frolicking Flames" Yoimiya
◇ Vision: Pyro
◇ Weapon: Bow
◇ Owner of Naganohara Fireworks. Known as "Queen of the Summer Festival," she excels in her craft of creating fireworks that symbolize people's hopes and dreams.
Fireworks are born out of people's desire for light and beauty. The earliest mention of fireworks dates back to Liyue during the Archon War. Born from fire and embodied in stone and metal, they have since become an integral part of many festive activities in Teyvat. The Naganohara family has carried on this beautiful human tradition from generation to generation. It is rumored that in addition to the locally-made fireworks, fireworks made by Naganohara Fireworks were also used during Liyue's Lantern Rite, adding an extra touch of splendor to the festival.
◆ Yoimiya's Elemental Skill, Niwabi Fire-Dance, converts her Normal Attacks into Blazing Arrows for a period of time. Blazing Arrows deal Pyro DMG.
Her Elemental Burst, Ryuukin Saxifrage, deals AoE Pyro DMG and applies Aurous Blaze to one of the hit opponents.
All Normal/Charged/Plunging Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts by any party member other than Yoimiya that hit an opponent marked by Aurous Blaze will trigger an explosion, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.
4-Star Character "Mujina Ninja" Sayu
◇ Vision: Anemo
◇ Weapon: Claymore
◇ A pint-sized ninja attached to the Shuumatsuban, who always seems to be lacking sleep.
◆ Using her Elemental Skill, Yoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash, Sayu curls up into a rolling Fuufuu Windwheel and smashes into opponents at high speed, dealing Anemo DMG. When the duration ends, she unleashes a Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick, dealing AoE Anemo DMG. Hold to cause Sayu to roll continuously in the Fuufuu Windwheel state.
Her Elemental Burst summons the Muji-Muji Daruma, which can either restore character HP when characters are at low HP or deal Anemo DMG to enemies, depending on the circumstances.
◆ During the event wish, The Heron's Court, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Frostflake Heron" Kamisato Ayaka (Cryo) will get a huge drop-rate boost!
*The event-exclusive 5-star character "Frolicking Flames" Yoimiya (Pyro) and 4-star character "Mujina Ninja" Sayu (Anemo) will be available in a future event wish.
5-star Character Traveler (Electro)
◆ Interact with a Statue of The Seven - Electro to resonate with the Electro element, and use a new Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. The Elemental Skill, Lightning Blade, can unleash three thunder shadows that deal Electro DMG to opponents and leave an Abundance Amulet behind. Characters who pick up an Abundance Amulet will restore Elemental Energy and have their rate of Energy Recharge increased for a period of time.
The Elemental Burst, Bellowing Thunder, calls upon a shroud of lightning. When your active character's Normal or Charged Attacks hit opponents, they will call forth Falling Thunder, dealing Electro DMG. When Falling Thunder hits opponents, it will regenerate Energy for that character.
III. New Equipment
▌New Weapons
Mistsplitter Reforged (5-Star Sword)
◇ A sword that blazes with a fierce violet light. The name "Reforged" comes from it having been broken once before.
◆ The wielder gains an Elemental DMG Bonus for every element and receives the might of Mistsplitter's Emblem.
Mistsplitter's Emblem:
Gain up to 3 stacks of Mistsplitter's Emblems, with each stack's duration calculated independently. The higher the stack level of the Mistsplitter's Emblem, the greater the Elemental DMG Bonus of the wielder's Elemental Type.
The character will obtain 1 stack of Mistsplitter's Emblem in each of the following scenarios:
Normal Attack deals Elemental DMG (stack lasts 5s)
Cast Elemental Burst (stack lasts 10s)
Energy is less than 100% (stack disappears when Energy is full).
◆ During the event wish, Epitome Invocation, the event-exclusive 5-star weapon Mistsplitter Reforged (Sword) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
Thundering Pulse (5-Star Bow)
◇ A longbow that was a gift from the Shogun. Eternal lightning crackles all around it.
◆ Increases ATK when wielded and grants the might of the Thunder Emblem.
Thunder Emblem:
Gain up to 3 stacks of Thunder Emblems, with each stack's duration calculated independently. The higher the stack level of the Thunder Emblem, the greater the DMG dealt by Normal Attacks.
The character will obtain 1 stack of Thunder Emblem in each of the following scenarios:
Normal Attack deals DMG (stack lasts 5s)
Cast Elemental Skill (stack lasts 10s)
Energy is less than 100% (stack disappears when Energy is full).
*The event-exclusive 5-star weapon Thundering Pulse (Bow) will be available in a future event wish.
Amenoma Kageuchi (4-Star Sword)
◇ A blade custom made for a famed samurai who could strike down a tengu warrior, known for their incredible agility, in midair.
◆ After casting an Elemental Skill, gain 1 Succession Seed. Up to 3 Succession Seeds may exist simultaneously. After casting an Elemental Burst, all Succession Seeds are consumed and after 2s, the character regenerates Energy for each seed consumed.
◆ Complete the quest "The Farmer's Treasure" to obtain the Forging Blueprint for the weapon, Amenoma Kageuchi.
Katsuragikiri Nagamasa (4-Star Claymore)
◇ A blade that was once made in Tatarasuna. Heavy and tough.
◆ Increases Elemental Skill DMG. After Elemental Skill hits an opponent, the character loses Energy but regenerates Energy for the next 6s. This effect can occur once every 10s. Can be triggered even when the character is not on the field.
◆ When exploring in Inazuma, fulfill certain criteria to obtain the Forging Blueprint for the weapon, Katsuragikiri Nagamasa.
Kitain Cross Spear (4-Star Polearm)
◇ A special lance that was once used by a famed warrior who guarded the Tatarigami on Yashiori Island.
◆ Increases Elemental Skill DMG. After Elemental Skill hits an opponent, the character loses Energy but regenerates Energy for the next 6s. This effect can occur once every 10s. Can be triggered even when the character is not on the field.
◆ Complete the quest "Orobashi's Legacy" to obtain the Forging Blueprint for the weapon, Kitain Cross Spear.
Hakushin Ring (4-Star Catalyst)
◇ A catalyst that carries the memory of the Kitsune Saiguu of ancient times. However, this device is but an impoverished vessel for the full breadth of her thought.
◆ After the character equipped with this weapon triggers an Electro elemental reaction, nearby party members of an Elemental Type involved in the elemental reaction receive a Elemental DMG Bonus for their element, lasting 6s. Elemental Bonuses gained in this way cannot be stacked.
◆ Complete the quest "Yougou Cleansing" to obtain the Forging Blueprint for the weapon, Hakushin Ring.
Hamayumi (4-Star Bow)
◇ A certain shrine maiden once owned this warbow. It was made with surpassing skill, and is both intricate and sturdy.
◆ Increases Normal Attack DMG and Charged Attack DMG. When the equipping character's Energy reaches 100%, this effect is increased by 100%.
◆ When exploring in Inazuma, fulfill certain criteria to obtain the Forging Blueprint for the weapon, Hamayumi.
▌New Artifacts
Shimenawa's Reminiscence (4-Star and 5-Star)
◇ 2-Piece Set: ATK is increased.
◇ 4-Piece Set: When casting an Elemental Skill, if the character has a certain amount of Energy, they lose Energy and Normal/Charged/ Plunging Attack DMG is increased for 10s.
Emblem of Severed Fate (4-Star and 5-Star)
◇ 2-Piece Set: Energy Recharge is increased.
◇4-Piece Set: Increases Elemental Burst DMG by a certain percentage of Energy Recharge. A maximum of 75% bonus DMG can be obtained in this way.
◆ Obtain artifacts in the above sets from Momiji-Dyed Court, the new Domain of Blessing in Inazuma.
IV. New Events
"Thunder Sojourn" Event: Take part to obtain "Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean" Beidou (Electro)!
During the event, complete challenges across Inazuma to obtain Thunder Pellets and Thunder Crystals. Use Thunder Pellets and Thunder Crystals to obtain "Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean" Beidou (Electro), Crown of Insight, Talent Level-Up Materials, Hero's Wit, and other rewards!
〓Event Duration〓
Gameplay Duration
Act I
2021/7/22 10:00 - 2021/8/9 03:59
Act II
2021/7/24 04:00
2021/7/27 04:00
Act IV
2021/7/30 04:00
Event Shop Duration
2021/7/22 10:00 - 2021/8/16 03:59
Adventure Rank 30 or above
Complete the Archon Quest "Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves," and the "Ritou Escape Plan" quest in "Chapter II: Act I - The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia"
〓Act I: Bolt Blitz〓
During the event, complete the "Voyage Prep" quest to unlock Act I: Bolt Blitz.
During the event, Travelers may complete six challenges in total, with three new challenges unlocking each day.
After starting the challenge, Travelers must use Thunder Spheres to move quickly and reach the destination within the time limit.
Complete the challenges to obtain rewards such as Thunder Pellets, Primogems, and Mora.
〓Act II: Lightning Round〓
During the event, complete the "Tracking the Thunder" quest to unlock Act II: Lightning Round.
After starting the challenge, Travelers will need to defeat all opponents within the time limit.
Complete the challenges to obtain rewards such as Thunder Pellets, Primogems, and Mora.
〓Act III: Weaving Lightning〓
During the event, complete the "Crossing Storm Clouds" quest to unlock Act III: Weaving Lightning.
After starting the challenge, Travelers will need to defeat all opponents within the time limit.
Complete the challenges to obtain rewards such as Thunder Pellets, Primogems, and Mora.
〓Act IV: Automaton Front〓
During the event, complete the "Facing Distant Echoes" quest to unlock Act IV: Automaton Front.
Complete the Domain challenge to obtain Thunder Crystals. Thunder Crystals can be used to redeem for rewards in the Event Shop.
〓Event Details〓
Use 1,000 Thunder Pellets and 1,000 Thunder Crystals at the Oceanlord's Oath to exchange for "Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean" Beidou (Electro). Can only be exchanged for once.
2021/08/16 03:59 After the Event Shop closes, any remaining Thunder Pellets and Thunder Crystals in your possession will disappear, so please be sure to exchange them for rewards in time!
[Part 2 will be posted in a few minutes.]
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the-poke-nebula · 2 years
Frederic, your Dress-up Appeal has been Judged!
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Well, that was... certainly flashy, he’ll give it that. Not necessarily scary, except maybe for the ending.
“For Aesthetic Mastery, I’ll give it a 21. I mean, it’s good, don’t get me wrong, and I do appreciate the Plague Doctor aesthetic- but it’s not exactly jumping out at me, you know?
For Technical Mastery, I’ll give a 21. Like a Pokemon, I do see how your costume evolves throughout the appeal, but... I do think it’d be a little more appreciated if we can see more of it over just a short period. It’s more like a “Disappointed in what we didn’t get over disappointment over what we got”, y’know? What I’d recommend for a higher score is to just let us see more of what you’ve given.
For Thematic Mastery, I’ll say... 22. I just... don’t really see much of a Halloween aesthetic going along here. Sure, there’s the aforementioned Plague Doctor, and the ending was a bit of a jumpscare, but... that’s pretty much it.
Therefore, my score is 64 of a possible 100.”
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Sure, her little brother may be scared of a lot of things, his shadow sometimes being one, but she could sense that he wasn’t really scared of that little display either.
“For Aesthetic Mastery, I have to give it a 20. Sure, I like the Plague Doctor aesthetic as much as the next girl, but seeing as we also have another contestant use bones and other body parts of Pokemon before, it slightly waned the enthusiasm- not really your or Feiyun’s fault, and there aren’t any deducted points for that reasoning.
For Technical Mastery, I give it a 19. I have to agree with Tomo- I want to see more of what you have for your costume instead of a quick change between them.
For Thematic Mastery, I’ll have to give 25. Like Tomo said, the Plague Doctor aesthetic isn’t necessarily a Halloween thing- but props to you for having some kind of quick jumpscare at the end.
This makes your total from me 64 of a possible 100!”
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The good doctor should be thankful all this tech was already installed (and they had already insured this whole place due to battle effects and contests alike)- lest it’d definitely be something of a lawsuit from the Thorne Family.
“For Aesthetic Mastery, I give an 18. It is certainly flashy and somewhat of the Halloween scale... but not much more than that.
For Technical Mastery, I give a 19. 
For Thematic Mastery, I’ll give a 18. 
For these last two, I have to agree with my kids- Certainly your costumes are flashy and certainly goes towards a Plague Doctor feel, and while you and your Pokemon do match, I find it a tad bit underwhelming. Sure, you could Leer and Roar at us all you want, but it doesn’t give the whole ‘Halloween’ feel to us... at least, for right now. Perhaps your performance will change our minds about it.
If I were to say something to help you improve should you need it- I would try to incorporate more of a Halloween Element- perhaps some more traditionally Halloween-like decorum would do; perhaps some clothing that is reminiscent of a vampire, or more of a different monster.
For now, at least, your score is a 55 of a possible 100 points.
Frederic, your total score for this round is 183 of a possible 300.
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #74: Nursery Rhyme
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re making a hero of the children, Nursery Rhyme! You might think being a book would make adventuring difficult, but it actually makes it much easier (for you, not the person carrying you). Just make sure you skip ahead if things get too scary, getting pages torn out hurts.
Check out the build breakdown below the cut, or book it here to see her character sheet!
Race and Background
You might not have noticed, but ‘living book’ isn’t a race in D&D, so this will technically be more of an Alice build (or Lewis Carrol?) than Nursery Rhyme. Don’t worry, the star of the show will pop up soon enough. We’re starting off as a Human though, giving you and Nursery Rhyme +1 to all stats. You’re also a Cloistered Scholar, thanks to literally being a book. This gives you proficiency in History and Nature.
You might be a kid, but you’re also a book, so your Intelligence should be pretty high. Also, you might be a book but you’re also a kid, so your Charisma should be next. Books aren’t known for being hard to kill, so you’ll want your Dexterity to be high to get out of the way of attacks. After that is Constitution; I know what I just said, but you’re still a servant. Your Wisdom is a bit low-”practical” knowledge isn’t your forte. Finally, dump Strength. You’re a child, book, and caster. None of those things are that strong.
Class Levels
1. If we want to make a living book, we’ll have to be pretty clever at magic, so we’re a Wizard. This gives you proficiency in Intelligence and Wisdom saves, as well as two wizard skills; you’re literally a reflection of other people’s minds, so your Insight is pretty good. You’re also literally made out of magic, so you should know your Arcana. 
First level wizards learn Spells that use their Intelligence to cast and prepare. You also get Arcane Recovery, letting you recover half your wizard level, rounded up, in total spell levels on a short rest. You’re made of magic, so running out is a bad idea.
Wizards get a lot of spells, especially at first level, so forgive me for being brief here. You get Minor Illusion (get creative with it), Gust, and Frostbite (Wind and Ice magic are a little bit your thing) for your cantrips. For first level spells, Magic Missile and Mage Armor are classics at this point, Feather Fall is another way to use wind to your advantage, Disguise Self will help you transform, Sleep will help you lull kids to nap, and finally, you get Fog Cloud thanks to your connection to the London Singularity.
2. Second level wizards pick a school of magic, and the Order of Scribes will help you make a sentient spellbook, which is pretty important for this build. When you pick this subclass, you learn how to make a Wizardly Quill as a bonus action. It reduces the time needed to copy spells, and you can use your bonus action to erase anything you’ve written with it that’s within 5′ of you. You can also make an Awakened Spellbook. It’s sentient, can be used as your casting focus, allows you to replace one spell’s damage type with another if they share a spell level, and you can ignore the additional time caused by ritual casting once per long rest. You can only have one at a time, but it can be replaced over a short rest, using your wizardly quill and a blank book or attuned spellbook.
For your spells, Color Spray creates a dazzling display that can blind creatures in its area of effect. You can also cast Comprehend Languages to help translate yourself.
3. Third level wizards get second level spells. Alter Self properly changes your form instead of relying on an illusion, and Gust of Wind gives you a stronger wind attack. Not actually damaging, but stronger.
4. Use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Intelligence for stronger spells. Speaking of, you learn to make Friends, and can use Invisibility to be awesome at hide and seek. You also get Enlarge/Reduce, which will make more sense in a bit.
5. Fifth level wizards get third level spells. Fire isn’t really your thing, but thanks to your awakened spellbook, that doesn’t matter and you can get Fireball anyway! Your Nameless Forest also starts to grow at this level, allowing you to Slow down enemies.
6. You can finally ascend to your second stage thanks to Manifest Mind at sixth level. As long as your Awakened Spellbook is on your person, you can use a bonus action to create a tiny glowing construct. The Mind is intangible, so you only have to worry for Alice’s health if an enemy know Dispel Magic. It has 60′ of darkvision, and you can use an action to see through it for as long as you maintain concentration. You can cast spells through it as well, a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier. It uses your bonus action to move 30′ per round, and can pass through creatures, but not objects. Also, it has to stay within 300′ of you.
You can manifest a mind this way once per long rest, or by burning spell slots.
Remember how we got Enlarge/Reduce earlier? This is why. If you want to be child sized, you’ll have to spend your concentration doing so.
You can now Summon Fey Spirit to bring the Jabberwock down on your enemies, or use a Hypnotic Pattern for a more effective Nameless Forest that stops people entirely. Also, Summon Fey Spirit is complicated, so check the character sheet for all its abilities.
7. Seventh level wizard, meet fourth level spells! Confusion is another mind melting spell, with the added benefit that it doesn’t end on taking damage. Fabricate will help you bring your wonderland a bit more to life, as long as you have raw materials on hand.
8. Use your next ASI to become an Elemental Adept, ignoring resistance to Cold damage and causing every damage die you roll that does cold damage to be at least 2. We’d grab this again for wind magic too, but bludgeoning isn’t an option.
For your spells, Hallucinatory Terrain will help you make an actual forest if you want it, and Ice Storm is a big ol’ storm of ice. Or whatever else you want it to be, right now it could be force, fire, or just pure bludgeoning damage too. 
9. Another two levels has passed, so you’ve got fifth level spells! Animate Objects literally brings your wonderland to life to attack enemies, and Creation will help you make whatever you need, so long at it fits in a 5′ cube and isn’t a spell component. Now you can literally make candy out of nothing, awesome!
10. At tenth level you become a Master Scrivener, allowing you to copy a level 1 or 2 spell onto a blank sheet of paper or parchment, creating a spell scroll only you can read at the end of a long rest. It has to take an action to cast, but when you do it casts at one level higher than its base. It can be used once, and lasts until the end of your next long rest. You also only use half the cost and time to make normal spell scrolls.
For spells, Message and Dream are good ways to tell stories or other information without being overheard. You can also Control Winds, slowing down enemies, preventing flying creatures from flying, or making an updraft to prevent falling damage and add to your vertical jump.
11. You know the drill by now. Eleventh level of wizard, sixth level of spells. You can now turn your Nameless Forest into a Mental Prison, locking one creature in place if it fails an intelligence save. Making the intelligence save or being forced out of the prison also causes psychic damage, so that’s fun. We’ll also pick up an upgrade for the Jabberwock while we’re here, turning it into a fiend with Summon Fiendish Spirit. It’s similar to Fey Spirit, but there’s different abilities available, so check that out in the character sheet too.
12. Use this ASI to maximize your Intelligence to make a wonderland that even fewer people will want to leave.
You can also Detect Thoughts because you are someone’s thoughts, or you can make a Sleet Storm for hilarious pratfalls and to ruin someone’s concentration. 
13. At this level, you get seventh level spells, like Mirage Arcane which lets you make even more realistic landscapes and Simulacrum to make yourself a slightly more permanent body.
14. Fourteenth level scribes are One with the Word, giving you advantage on all arcana checks while holding your storybook. When you take damage with Alice out and about, you can prevent all that damage by killing her instead and temporarily losing spells from your book with a total level equal to 3d6. If there aren’t enough spells to cover that cost, you instantly drop to 0 hp instead. Until you finish 1d6 long rests, you can’t cast them again. Also, you can only use this reaction once per long rest.
You also grab Whirlwind for your first truly damaging wind spell, and Polymorph for further shapeshifting shenanigans.
15. For your eighth level spells, grab Feeblemind to finish the effects of Nameless Forest, destroying a creature’s intelligence and charisma scores. You also get Telepathy, because frankly wizards have too many spells.
16. Use this ASI to round up your Constitution and Charisma so you can get hit a bit more and so people want to hit you a bit less. You also learn how to Modify Memory to ‘help’ people play in your Nameless Forest forever, and Stinking Cloud because that’s the closest we’ve got to demonic fog.
17. You finally have ninth level spells, giving you Wish for the truly powerful parts of your noble phantasms, and Gate to travel to other stories.
18. Eighteenth level wizards have Spell Mastery, giving you a first and second level spell you can cast for free. I’d pick Fog Cloud for a permanent London mist and Enlarge/Reduce so you can always be child-sized, but you do you- this is a guide, not a mandate.
You also get even more spells; Greater Invisibility and Fly will help you enter your spirit form for when you don’t want to deal with something.
19. Use your last ASI to improve your Dexterity so you get hit less. You also learn Cone of Cold for one last icy blast, and Counterspell to prevent anyone from ending your fun early.
20. Your capstone level of wizard gives you two Signature Spells, third level spells you can cast once per day for free. I picked Hypnotic Pattern and Summon Fey Spirit so you can keep your NPs at the ready.
For your final spells, grab Scrying to help you find new stories and Investiture of Wind for one of the few wind spells that actually does damage.
Your Awakened Spellbook means your magical damage is very flexible. You can play to your strengths with cold damage when it’s convenient, but you can always fall back on a Forceball when up against anything that is immune. This also gives you great opportunity to flavor your spells to go the extra mile at the table, which could net you some DM points in the long run. Maybe.
You’re a solid support caster, able to spy on targets and relay information to the rest of the team with spells, slow down enemies, or control the battlefield through wind and ice.
Finally, your life is tied to your spellbook, meaning you can die a lot before it actually takes. That probably isn’t good for you, but living is always better than being dead.
If you plan to die a lot, it’s probably going to happen, because both you and Nursery Rhyme have very low health. Yours is just barely above 100, and hers isn’t even past 30 unless you use a simulacrum. I know the construct is flavorful, but you should probably just be yourself.
Summoning and charming both use Concentration, so you’ll have to be careful with your Noble Phantasms. Also, your concentration isn’t that good to begin with, but that’s to be expected of a kid.
Also, while your spell attacks are flexible, it takes a while for you to get them. Until level 5, your only attacks are magic missile and frostbite, so be prepared to lean on the rest of the party if a fight breaks out at low levels.
Next up: Another child! A lot of children, actually...
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I just downloaded Genshin Impact. I kept seeing your posts and I got curious. Do you have any tips for a newbie?
I don't know if I'm the best person to ask, but I do have some tips that could make your playing experience better! I'm still kind of an amateur myself even though I've been playing for a while lol
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Saving Fragile Resin
You get it through leveling your Adventure Rank sometimes or through the BP (Battle Pass) events. Saving it could help you in the future when you run out of Original Resin while going through Domains, Ley Line Blossoms, and Bosses. You get 160 resin to start with. Fragile Resin restores 60 resin each.
Keeping Characters on the Same Level
I've come to the point where I can't use anyone but my main four which is very bad for domains and bosses. So making sure your characters stay relatively close to the same level is a good advantage.
Artifacts, Weapons, and Talents
I honestly had no idea why these were so important, but they really impact how your team works. I focus on dealing damage all the time so my entire team are damage dealers with one character who also heals. Artifacts can change how much damage you do or how much healing you do so looking for what certain artifacts add can help.
A few sets you get pretty much immediately are:
Adventurer (2 set increases max HP by 1000 + 4 set allows chest openings to regenerate 30% if max HP over 5s)
Traveling Doctor (2 set increases in coming healing by 20% + 4 set allows elemental burst to restore 20% HP)
Lucky Dog (2 set increases defense by 100 + 4 set allows picking up mora to restore 300 HP)
Weapons usually have extra effects that help the wielder so checking the descriptions will help.
Here are a few you get in the beginning:
-Catalyst Weapons-
Magic Guide (Base ATK 38, Bonus Effect - Elemental Mastery + 41, Bane of Storm and Tide - Increases DMG against opponents affected Hydro or Electro by 12%)
Apprentice's Notes (Base ATK 23, Adds Nothing)
Pocket Grimoire (Base ATK 33, Adds Nothing)
Dull Blade (Starter Weapon, Base ATK 23, Adds Nothing)
Sword of Descension (ONLY FOR PS4 PLAYERS, Base ATK 39, Bonus Effect - ATK + 7.7%, Descension - Hitting enemies with Normal or Charged Attacks grants a 50% chance to deal 200% ATK DMG in a small AoE. Can only occur once every 10s. Additionally, if the Traveler equips the Sword of Descension, their attack is increased by 66)
Cool Steel (Base ATK 39, Bonus Effect - ATK 7.7%, Bane of Water and Ice - Increases DMG against opponents affected by Hydro or Cyro by 12%)
And it continues. 3 stars and up weapons only have extra effects though.
Moving on the Talents. You won't be able to level talents until you've ascended a character to Phase 2 so you won't be paying any mind to this until a bit later. The first 3 are the only ones you can level. First one is all about Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks. Second is all about a character special(R2/E). Third is all about their(△/Q). Each talent leveling is about increasing DMG or Range, or both!
Increasing Adventure Rank
You really have no control over how much you rank up if your just playing the game, but there are quests you get that you have to do in order to increase your rank. That is a time where you should make sure you have all materials to ascend and level your characters. Your world level will increase and if you aren't up to par, you'll get your butt handed to you. Don't increase you world level if you struggle with normal enemies in your current world! Make your characters and teams as strong as they can be before moving on.
Good Starting Characters
You get access to the Traveler, Amber, Lisa, and Kaeya in the beginning of the first Archon quest. They're all very good as a starting team and if you stick with them, they're still good. Later on you get Barbara at Adventure Rank 20(AR20) and she's healer, but if you put DMG increasing artifacts she can do a lot against enemies! You also can get Noelle once you unlock Wish. She's a Geo character. Her (R2/E) is a shield that can protect you from any incoming DMG. She can generally do a lot of damage if you keep her up to par.
The Pain of Grinding
This game makes you grind for materials A LOT so prepare yourself!
Save Starglitter and Stardust
If your in to doing the gacha and don't want to use primogems, if you save your Starglitter and Stardust you can get Intertwined/Acqauint Fates which allow you to pull on the gacha's without using primogems! Primogems are precious btw, don't use them unless you have to lmao
I personally don't play with people I don't know because of anxiety, but it was really really fun the first time I tried it. You can take on a bunch of monsters together and y'all get the same rewards so don't worry about stealing anything from them! The option unlocks after AR16 uwu
Don't Rush
It's easy to to just continuously level up to do the Archon and World quests, but that's the last thing you want to do as a newbie. Take the time to know your world and fix your team/characters just how you want them!
Have Fun
Although my tips are relatively serious, it's best to just have fun. Explore, find secrets, watch the world interact with itself, etc!
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sentimental-simp · 3 years
Lmao it’s been a while
I haven’t posted in months because I wasn’t really sure of what to write.
Basically I have been a little too obsessed with playing Genshin Impact. I managed to win the 50/50 for Childe on my 89th pull. I intentionally lost the 50/50 for Qiqi on my 87th pull. I was guaranteed Kazuha on my 84th pull. Ugh, when will I ever get a five star early. I’m excited for the 1.7 livestream. I really hope it’s Inazuma because I’ve been wandering in circles around Liyue and Monstadt.
Today, I earned 8k mora from the forum check-in. I apparently have been active in Genshin for 134 days. Though it has been months, nothing about me has changed much. I became a bit of a meta-slave. I’m constantly fussing over my Xiangling’s Crit Rate to Crit Dmg ratio since it’s hideous. Now I’m farming for Viridescent Venerer’s to increase Kazuha’s Elemental Mastery and all I’m getting are Maiden Beloved.
Genshin is great. The community? Uh... not so much.
I’ve been constantly dwelling on twitter from time to time. I don’t really post about Genshin there but seeing the drama unfold and die down makes me want to step back from meeting people online.
I play Genshin, therefore I’m part of the community? Even if I never interacted with people who make up with the community?
The feeling of belonging is quite difficult to explain or even register in my head. I only have 2 friends in my list. I made 1 during the Windtrace Event but I’m too scared to co-op again. The other is my friend in real life who’s getting burned out of the game. It’s hard to co-op when your ping is an average of 300 and monsters don’t spawn for 2 minutes under a 3 minute timed challenge.
I thought playing with random people online would be fun but now I’m just too scared and I feel embarrassed for them having to wait for me. I wish my ping would go down to green.
I need a new phone too. But oh well, I’m fine with what I have. I really enjoy playing the game. And I’m still grateful for having picked this up.
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Rhythmic gymnastics is a women-only event in which gymnasts perform on a floor with a rope, hoop, ball, clubs or ribbon accompanied by music, in individual or group events. In the 1800s rhythmic gymnastics operated under the guise of group gymnastics, and included a trace of elementary choreography. It grew slowly until the first experimental competitions appeared in eastern Europe in the 1930s, when its newfound complexity began to draw a wider audience. Rhythmic gymnastics evolved from a host of related disciplines. It incorporates elements from classical ballet, such as pliés and arabesques, as well as the German system of emphasizing apparatus work for muscle development and the Swedish method of using free exercise to develop rhythm. The FIG recognized rhythmic gymnastics as an official discipline in 1963, and a year later organized an international tournament in Budapest. In 1964 the tournament was officially declared the first Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships, and Ludmila Savinkova of the Soviet Union became the first world champion. The number of athletes grew as interest spread to other parts of the world. Gymnasts from the United States first appeared at the championships in 1973, and rhythmic gymnastics slowly emerged from the shadow of the long-established artistic discipline to enter the Olympic program in 1984. Since its integration into the Games in 1984 in Los Angeles, rhythmic gymnastics has always been a part of the Olympic program. In its inaugural year, it was Canada’s Lori Fung who won the gold medal. Until 1992 in Barcelona, only one individual event was on the program. A second, team event was added to the program in 1996 in Atlanta. At the 2000 Games in Sydney, the Russian Federation won two gold medals: the group and individual multiple competitions.
Court Dimension:
The standard performance is 13m x 13m. The border is 100cm minimum and where there is a delimitation strip between the performance area and the border, the strip is 5cm wide and included as part of the performance area. An Olympic floor exercise mat is required to be 12 meters by 12 meters, which equals 39.37 feet by 39.37 feet. The standard distance from one corner to the opposite corner is 1,697 cm or 55.68 feet.
Look for swings, circles, rotations, wraps, unwraps, figure-eight-type circling movements, throws and catches of the rope. Gymnasts also leap and jump through the open or folded rope, held by both hands.
Material: hemp or synthetic material, knotted at each end
Length: proportionate to the size of the gymnast
Common movements with the hoop include swings, rolls, tosses and catches, spins, passes through and over the hoop, rotations of the hoop on the floor and rotations of the hoop around the hand and other parts of the body. Most impressive here are the high throws and complex techniques for catching the hoop in a different fashion each time.
Material: wood or plastic
Diameter: Interior is 80-90 cm (31.2-35.1 in)
Weight: 300 grams (10.5 oz) min.
Waves, circles, throws and catches, movement with the ball balanced on the hand, bouncing and rolling the ball on the floor and along parts of the body are all key movements.
Material: rubber or synthetic material
Diameter: 18-20 cm (7-7.8 in)
Weight: 400 grams (14 oz.) min.
Swings, large circles, small circles, mills, throws and catches and rhythmical tapping are common tricks.
Material: wood or synthetic material
Length: 40-50 cm (15.6-19.5 in.)
Diameter: 3 cm (1.2 in) max. for head of club
Weight: 150 grams each (5.25 oz)
Ribbon routines are comprised of snakes, spirals, swings, circles, throws and catches and figure-eight movements. The ribbon must remain constantly in motion.
Material: stick – wood or synthetic material; Ribbon – satin or similar non-starched material
Diameter/width: stick – 1 cm (0.39 in); ribbon – 4-6 cm (1.56-2.34 in)
Length: stick – 50-60 cm (19.5-23.4 in); ribbon – 6 m (6.54 yds.)
Weight: ribbon, 35 grams (1.225 oz) min.
In the group event, five athletes work together as one cohesive unit. Group is judged on the ability of the athletes to demonstrate mastery of body and apparatus skills in a synchronized, harmonious manner. A group exercise must include difficulties from the same body movement categories that apply to individual competition and characteristic movements for the apparatus. In addition, the group athletes must execute elements involving both large and small exchanges of equipment. The more interaction between the gymnasts, the better the exercise. Each group must compete with two different routines. The apparatus used in group competition is selected by the FIG. One of the routines is performed with five of the same pieces of apparatus, the other routine is choreographed with mixed equipment. Group athletes are trained to work as a team. The close interaction of five athletes within a 13 X 13 meter (approx. 42.5 ft. square) area and the many apparatus exchanges that occur during a routine require each athlete to be extremely sensitive to the movements and actions of her teammates. Many routines have been saved by the quick thinking and action of a team member. Spectators are enthralled and amazed by the beauty, excitement and risk of a group routine.
  Basic Skills:
Fundamental requirements include leaps over the rope and skipping. Other elements include swings, throws, circles, rotations and figures of eight. The rope must be held lightly so that all movements and characteristics of this apparatus may be performed. These may be performed with the rope open, or folded, in one or two hands, or in several directions. Women compete on four events: vault, uneven bars, balance beam and floor exercise, while men compete on six events: floor exercise, pommel horse, still rings, vault, parallel bars, and high bar. Basic skills required for the gymnast are flexibility, core strength, balance, upper and lower-body strength, power, mental focus, discipline, and dedication.
 Technical and Tactical Skills:
 Fundamental elements of throwing, bouncing and rolling, where a gymnast is required to utilize the full floor and both their hands, showing a continuous flowing movement. These skills involve the following; Floor, Rolling Skills, Cartwheel, Round off and Handstand; Parallel bars, Swings through upper arm hang, Swings through support, Back roll, Shoulder stand.
Rules of the game:
Penalties and Deductions
1.     For each additional or missing second on the time of the exercise // 0.05
2.     For music not conforming to regulations // 0.50
3.     For each additional music with words // 1.00
4.     For each crossing of the boundary of the floor area by the apparatus or one or two feet or by any part of the body touching the ground outside the specified area or any apparatus leaving the floor area and returning by itself // 0.30
5.     For any use of non-conforming apparatus (Individual and Group exercises) 0.50
6.     For using any apparatus not previously placed // 0.50
7.     For excessive delays in routine preparation which delay the competition // 0.50
8.     For unauthorized retrieval of the apparatus // 0.50
9.     For an unauthorized use of replacement apparatus (original apparatus still in the floor area) // 0.50
10. Dress of the Individual and Group gymnast not confirming to the regulations (one time per exercise) // 0.30
11. For emblem or publicity not conforming to official norms // 0.30
12. Bandages or support pieces not confirming to the regulations // 0.30
13. For early or late presentation by the gymnast(s) // 0.50
14. For gymnast(s) warming up in the competition hall // 0.50
15. For Group gymnasts communicating verbally with each other during the exercise // 0.50
16. Entry of the group to the floor area is not confirming to the rules // 0.50
17. For coach communication with the gymnast(s), musician, or judges during the exercise // 0.50
18. Wrong apparatus chosen according to start order; penalty deducted one time from the final score of the exercise performed in the wrong order // 0.50
19. For Group gymnast leaving the Group during the exercise // 0.30
20. For “use of a new gymnast” if a gymnast leaves a group for valid reason // 0.50
21. Only female athletes compete in Levels 1–4. Levels A, B, C, and Group are mixed gender.
22. Athletes must compete on the same level in all chosen individual events. (Either A, B, C, 1, 2, 3 or 4.)
23. Athletes may specialize by competing in one or more events at their chosen level.
24. Gymnasts who do all four events at a level are considered All-Around. (i.e., Specialist: Level I Hoop and Ball; All-Around: Level I Rope, Hoop, Ball, and Ribbon)
25.  A gymnast may perform in one or two group routines in addition to individual routines, or perform just in group routines (no individual).
26.  The video of the compulsory routines is the official version. If a difference exists between the video and the written text, the video must be followed. For group routines, the video is the only version of the choreography
27. Compulsory routines may be reversed in their entirety (mirror image).
28.  Olympic order for rhythmic gymnastics is rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon.
29. All rules and regulations apply equally to athletes and partners.
30. Unified competition is allowed in both Pairs and Group events.
31. In Unified Pairs events, the athlete and unified partner can either perform together as a duet or separately. One panel of judges will evaluate the athlete’s routine and one panel will evaluate the unified partner’s routine. The scores are added together for a unified team score.
32. In the Group events, there must be an equal number of athletes and partners in each group.
33. Visually Impaired Athletes – Coaches must notify the meet director and judges of the athlete’s visual impairment before the competition and prior to each routine. In order to aid the athletes, the following types of assistance are permissible for all levels of competition without deduction: Audible cues, such as clapping, may be used in all routines.
34. Music may be played at any close point outside of the mat, or the coach may carry the music source around the perimeter of the mat.
35. Hearing Impaired Athletes – Coaches must notify the meet director and judges of the athlete’s hearing impairment before the competition and prior to each routine.
How to officiate Rhythmic Gymnastics:
Judge Panels: responsible in maintaining a record of all competitions, courses and workshops in which s/he participates. The total number of panel judges will be 16, consisting of two panels which follow FIG for D1 and D2, for D3 and D4, and for E1 and E2.
Judge Administrator: primary responsibilities of the Judge Administrator are to act as the GCG representative at EC and CC, to ensure that all Judge Rules and Technical Rules are followed, and to ensure that all score ranges are within FIG requirements. The JA acts as the coordinator judge and ensures the penalty deductions are applied as per FIG.
D1 and D2 judges: D1 and D2 judges evaluate the entire exercise independently and then jointly determine the partial D–score content (One Single common score). The D1 and D2- judges enter the partial D- score into the computer.
D3 and D4 judges: records the content of the exercise in symbol notation:
·       For Individual: evaluates the number and technical value of Dynamic elements with Rotation (R) and the number and technical value of the Apparatus Difficulty (AD)
·       For Group: evaluates the number and technical value of Dynamic elements with Rotation (R) and the number and technical value Collaborations (C)
E-Panel Judges: E- Panel judges must evaluate the faults and apply the corresponding deductions correctly.
a) The first (E) subgroup - 2 judges (E1, E2) evaluatesthe Artistic component independently and then jointly determines the Artistic penalties (one single common score). Discussion in subgroup is allowed if needed; in case of disagreement between E1 and E2, the counsel of the Technical Delegate/Supervisor must be solicited.
b) The second (E) subgroup - 4 judges (E3, E4, E5, E6) evaluates the Technical faults by deduction, determining the total deduction independently and without consulting the other judges (Average of the 2 middle scores)
c) Artistic and Technical deductions are entered separately for the final Execution score. The E-score deductions will be the sum of the two partial E- score deductions.
d) The Final E- Score: Sum of the Artistic and Technical deductions are subtracted from 10.00 points.          
Time Judge: Responsible for elapsing time and as well as enforcing penalties. Control time violations and record the exact amount of time over the time limit or less if there is no computer input
Line Judge: Determine crossing of the boundary of the floor area by the apparatus or one or two feet or by any part of the body or any apparatus leaving the floor area.
Secretaries: The Secretaries need to have knowledge of the Code of Points and a computer; they are usually appointed by the Organizing Committee. Under the supervision of the President of Superior Jury they are responsible for the accuracy of all entries into the computers, adherence to the correct order of the teams and gymnasts, operating the green and red lights, correct flashing of the Final Score.
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readebookfull · 3 years
PDF READ FREE The Language of Luxe { PDF } Ebook
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information book:
Author : Ed Ng
Pages : 300
Language :
Release Date :2013-3-19
ISBN :1935935542
Publisher :ORO editions
Founded over a decade ago, AB Concept has confirmed its position as one of Asia’s most ambitious, forward-thinking architectural and design firms. Honoured with an array of international awards, AB Concept has been behind some of the world’s most acclaimed hospitality projects. For the first time in their decade-long history, cofounders Ed Ng and Terence Ngan have compiled their stunning projects into one collection, The Language of Luxe.Chronicling their projects in over 250 pages, Language of Luxe maps AB Concept’s evolution, offering an insight into the team’s creative process and artistic vision. Innovative and adventurous, Ed and Terence’s designs are daring explorations of space and style, each one revealing their genuine respect for history, culture and the arts. Based in Hong Kong and with an office in Bangkok, Ed and Terence are part of a new generation of Asian designers who are bringing a cross-cultural aesthetic to their designs and making an impact on the international scene.Every AB Concept property reflects Ed and Terence’s ability to make the elegant look effortless. Driven to create sensual spaces that seamlessly integrate form and function, their style dictum is simple: Understated rather than overkill. As AB Concept’s lead architect, Hospitality Design named Terence Ngan as one of its 2010 ‘Wave of the Future’ honorees, acknowledging both the originality of his designs and his technical mastery. For each project, Ed Ng introduces an element of surprise. Whether it’s an unexpected use of colour or a modern twist on a classic form, each project tells a new story and evokes a sense of individuality.Together with select residential developments, Language of Luxe captures AB Concept’s most acclaimed hospitality projects, including the SPA at the Mandarin Oriental Singapore, the W Retreat & Spa in Bali and Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Tainan.
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steven-edward · 3 years
Denver Property Management
Landowners can frequently be reluctant to employ a property manager, endeavoring to take on the extra responsibility to keep away from added expenses and increment benefit. Notwithstanding, much of the time, landowners would consider the decision to re-appropriate the administration of their properties' money all around spent. Other than planning building support, work orders, fixing harms, cleaning units, settling occupant protests and concerns, and gathering rent and correspondence, property managers handle the inhabitant application measure – regulating security store escrows and guaranteeing consistence with neighborhood laws. They also handle the ad and appearing of empty units. The genuine feelings of serenity that accompanies the information that these important, and frequently dreary, assignments are in proficient hands, property managers can in a split second embrace a more sure, coordinated, and guaranteed way to deal with taking care of their properties. With Denver property management company you get the right reason and time to know when to hire the best property managers
There are incalculable conditions and disappointments that would lead a landowner to look for a property manager. In a ton of cases, landowners have been pretty much frightened off from property management in that they have had a repulsive tenants that panicked them or they have survived a shocking tale of a circumstance from working with their flow administrator. Tenants are clearly not "one size fits all" and will frequently introduce unanticipated difficulties in the manner they convey, pay lease, and for the most part involve the property. Denver property management experts guide you through the process to meticulously find out how to hire the managers for your property.
Keeping tenants issues aside, landowners frequently don't have any desire to manage organizing with the support staff, managing concerns and grievances of property neighbors, thinking about the limits of the HOA, and working with the tedious renting measure. In conclusion, it's basic for retired landowners, or those looking to move, regularly employ property the executives organizations to deal with the hard work, making their every day lives less stressful.
Denver Property Management company have undoubtedly seen a lot of landowner shocking tales. The most noticeably awful was a property inside a trust portfolio we assumed control more than quite a long while prior. One of the condominiums was the grossest thing we had at any point seen. There were creatures left in the condo and defecation, alongside food opened everywhere on the kitchen counters and beddings accumulated all over. You could scarcely stroll around without running into something frightful or stepping in/on a unidentifiable substance. There are really not very many words to precisely portray the circumstance, yet we'll leave it at: "stunning."
There is no reliable standard to address the sort of landowners or land holders that look for property the executives mastery. This choice relies altogether upon the individual and their remarkable circumstance. A vast dominant part of Denver Property Management company have more than one speculation property, yet we surely work with customers that have only one venture or are renting their own home.
Property managers can likewise work without city/state landowners. We have customers both out of state and globally. Correspondence for global customers is the trickiest angle, particularly with inhabitants when you are attempting to organize an upkeep call or work through some other issue. The main factor in keeping up non-neighborhood properties is having somebody with eyes on the unit consistently. In the event that there is a crisis, we react very quickly.
There are numerous huge, essential correlations between overseeing property all alone as opposed to recruiting an accomplished property supervisory group to do as such. Commonly, homes will sit vacant longer with DIY landowners, except if they have a quite certain individual or gathering they are attempting to market to and exclusively seek after that specific crowd. In such a case, they might actually fill opening quicker, in spite of the fact that they would almost certainly be abusing more than one reasonable lodging law simultaneously. Experts have the assets and capacity to market to the majority just as the framework to draw in with their clients. Denver Property Management fields anyplace between 300-600 inbound/outbound calls seven days relying upon what we have available. That doesn't represent any electronic correspondence we are occupied with either (for example messages, instant messages, and so forth) That is actually the principle reason we can fill properties quicker. Timely correspondence is the way to effective property the executives.
Another distinction is approaching a responsible support organization. Contingent upon how long a landowner has been in activity, they might have the intelligence and experience important to comprehend which support associations work and which don't. Property managers who have been doing business for quite a long time or have different properties have normally aggregated a fair organization of confided in associates or companions that have assisted them with excursion with support before. There are likewise regularly individuals that buy speculation properties accepting they can undoubtedly oversee everything on top of all the other things on their plate, and the circumstance rapidly transforms into an outright catastrophe. Regardless of whether a landowner is capable of keeping a property all alone or organizing their own upkeep group is subject to both inward and outer elements.
Finally, DIY property managers, contingent upon their involvement with the field, could conceivably have broad mindfulness and comprehension of the current real estate market laws. There are one such a large number of proprietors that hold the attitude: "I'm the proprietor, and I can do what I need." Very scarcely any DIY property managers have a land or expulsion lawyer on retainer to call upon at whatever point they have questions or get themselves in a dilemma. Property the board specialists can undoubtedly make up for this shortcoming by offering legitimate responsibility and genuine feelings of serenity.
Regardless of whether a landowner should enlist a property the executives organization is reliant upon a few significant elements. Prior to settling on a choice, landowners ought not just think about the size and amount of their properties, yet additionally their own functioning style, business procedure, support organization, eagerness to shuffle various undertakings all the while, lawful mastery, relational abilities, and capacity to focus on. Without a doubt, a few landowners work most adequately as an all inclusive resource, yet as a general rule, employing a property the executives organization diminishes a substantial, upsetting weight from their shoulders. Leading Denver Property Management Company service has long stretches of involvement with relieving customers' burden while offering priceless genuine feelings of serenity, reliability, and steady responsibility.
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galemalio · 4 years
Hazbin Hotel’s Pentagram City & The Meaning of the Pentagram
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The main setting of Hazbin Hotel is the Pentagram City. The aim of this post is to inform HH consumers of the Pentagram to prevent the old assumption that the Pentagram is a Satanic symbol.
Link references will be included in the Reblog because Tumblr prevents posts with links from appearing in tags.
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Pentagram Throughout History
The Pentagram has appeared in many cultures and with different meanings. 
In Sumer (an ancient Mesopotmanian region), pentagrams were used to mean sections of the heavens. [1]
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Khemetic (Egyptian) pentagrams represented the spirit's immortality in its journey to Duat (Egyptian Underworld) where the spirit is judges in the Hall of Thot if it should ascend and join the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.  [1]
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In the Jewish kabbalistic tradition, the Pentagram represents justice, mercy, wisdom, understanding and transcendent splendor -making it the official seal of Jerusalem during 300-150 BC. [5]
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Early Christians used it to symbolize the 5 wounds of Christ and was a more common symbol of Christianity than a cross. [4]
In China, a Pentagram is formed in Wu Xing or the cycle of the five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, water. [6]
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How the Pentagram Became the Symbol of Evil
In the 14th to 15th centuries, occult practices use Judeo-Christian symbolism and mysticism, combining its symbols with gnostic and pagan ones. Christian church accused them of paganism, satan worship and witchcraft. [4]
Because Christians don't want to be associated with heresy, they no longer used their symbols, including the pentagram. [4]
By Victorian times, the pentagram is now associated as an evil symbol of paganism, satan and witchcraft. [4]
In the late 19th century to the mid 20th century, the NeoPagan community adopted the pentagram symbol.  [4] 
Satanism and the Upside-Down Pentagram
In the 19th century, French occultist Éliphas Lévi first conceptualized in his book, "Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie", that if the upright pentagram is the sign of the Savior (forming the head and four limbs), an upside-down pentagram would represent Satan as the goat of Sabbath. [7]
In 1969, the Church of Satan used the upside-down goat pentagram as their logo, inspired by Lévi's concept. 
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The upside-down pentagram became strongly associated with the Christian devil after. Even if the Church of Satan defines itself as atheistic and materialistic. The said church does not encourage the worship of Satan as a deity. [7]
But still, in the mid to late 20th century, Hollywood imprinted the pentagram as the symbol for evil magic and devil worship in horror movies for shock value. [4] Particularly, the upside-down pentagram.   
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Fortunately, the Age of Information in the early 21st century was able to quell some fears of it. [4] But not enough if it will be continued to be used as a symbol of evil in media that causes unfounded fears outside of media. 
TLDR: The Pentagram has many meanings depending on culture. But it’s not an evil symbol. The Church of Satan that doesn’t worship Satan, used the upside-down pentagram as their logo. Hollywood horror movies then used it as a symbol of Satan. 
To learn more on "The Upside-Down Pentagram to Wicca”, click on “Keep Reading”.
The Upside-Down Pentagram to Wicca
In Wicca, the Pentagram is the supreme protective magical symbol, signifying the four elements and akasha or the univrsal spiritual power (From "Wicca: A Guide for The Solitary Practitioner" from Scott Cunningham).
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The Pentagram can be encircled to symbolize the universe that contains and connects it all. [4] It is different from a Pentacle which symbolizes the earth element (From "Wicca: A Guide for The Solitary Practitioner" from Scott Cunningham) .
The Pentagram is used to add potency and power to rituals [2] and to invoke and to banish elemental energies [3] among other things.
When it points up, the Pentagram symbolizes the Spirit ascending above matter.  [4]  
When it points down, it represents the Spirit descending into matter where it develops mastery over its fears, prejudices, etc. to gain self-mastery. [4]
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
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“Oreads” © TSR Inc., by Tony DiTerlizzi
[Commissioned by @crazytrain48​, who requested a more mythologically accurate version of the oread. The word is originally the name for Greek mountain nymphs, so PFRPG’s using it for earth elemental people rubbed a lot of people the wrong way when Bestiary 2 came out.This version borrows heavily from the Planescape version, which appeared in Planes of Chaos in AD&D 2e, and was converted to 3.0 in the Fiend Folio.]
Orestiad CR 5 CN Fey This lovely young woman appears something like a living statue, as her skin is the texture of stone. Despite her slender features, she exudes strength and durability.
Orestiads are the fey patrons of mountains. They may be mistaken for oreads, and indeed some oreads claim descent from orestiads instead of from shaitans or earth elementals. An orestiad is bound to her mountain the same way a dryad is bound to her tree. The eldest orestiads, called “snowhairs”, are capable of maintaining a bond with an entire mountain range, and they often shepherd young orestiads from the mountain of their birth to a new mountain that needs protection. Snowhair orestiads are the pillars of their communities, passing communications between the orestiads of different mountains and presiding over festivities and celebrations.
An orestiad protects their mountain from strip-mining, logging and other destructive exploitation. Some of the more stringent ones will draw the line at even rock collecting. They often use charms to attempt to defuse the situation, but orestiads are willing and capable of violence to defend their mountain homes. They do not carry melee weapons, as their fists are hard as stone and strike like clubs, but they are fond of slinging mundane and magic stones at a distance. Orestiads rarely stand still when fighting, using their ability to pass through earth and stone to make repeated hit and run attacks until their foes are slain or driven off.
Each orestiad has skin with a stony texture, usually matching in coloration and texture a rock type common on their mountain. If an orestiad moves, their skin changes to match their current surroundings. Their eyes sparkle like gemstones, and their hair is similar in color and texture to a lichen. Most, but not all, orestiads are female.
Orestiad Boons and Banes (CL 7th, 4th level, DC 17) Few orestiads are skilled at guile—they are more likely to use their banes against an enemy that they have beaten senseless. The slow nature of this curse and the thoroughness of the transformation appeals to their sense of retribution. Those that help to protect an orestiad’s mountain, however, are likely to be blessed with its boon—they do not hesitate to empower as many allies as possible if they know a fight is forthcoming. Boon: You gain the earth mastery quality of an orestiad. This boon lasts for 1 day. Bane: You begin to turn slowly into stone. Every day at sunrise, you must succeed a Fortitude save (same DC) or take 1d6 points of Dexterity drain. When your Dexterity reaches 0, you transform into a featureless boulder of your size. Before you reach 0 Dexterity, this can be removed with any effect that removes curses, but once transformed into a boulder, you can only be restored with a stone shape spell to restore your shape, followed by a stone to flesh to restore you to life. This bane lasts until removed.
Orestiad               CR 5 XP 1,600 CN Medium fey (earth) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +13, tremorsense 60 ft. Defense AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +6 natural) hp 52 (7d6+28) Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +6 DR 5/magic and cold iron; Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 16 Weakness mountain dependent Offense Speed 30 ft., burrow 60 ft.; earth glide Melee 2 slams +6 (1d6+3) Ranged sling +6 (1d4+3) Spell-like Abilities CL 7th, concentration +10 (+14 casting defensively) At will—magic stone, stone stride, stone tell 3/day—charm person (DC 14), stone call, stone shape 1/day—charm monster (DC 17), summon (1 Medium earth elemental or 1 earth, ice or salt mephit, 100%, level 3rd), spike stones Statistics Str 17, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 16 Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 19 Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Skills Craft (stonemasonry) +12, Diplomacy +13, Knowledge (geography) +12, Knowledge (nature) +12, Perception +13, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +13 (+21 in rocky environments), Survival +11; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in rocky environments Languages Common, Sylvan, Terran SQ earth mastery Ecology Environment any mountains or underground Organization solitary, pair or revel (3-12) Treasure standard (sling, other treasure) Special Abilities Earth Mastery (Ex) An orestiad gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both she and her foe are touching the ground. Mountain Dependent (Su) An orestiad is mystically bonded to a single mountain and must never stray more than 300 yards from its foot. An orestiad who moves 300 yards beyond her bonded mountain immediately becomes sickened. Every hour thereafter, she must make a DC 15 Fortitude save to resist becoming nauseated for an hour. An orestiad that is out of range of her bonded mountain for 24 hours takes 1d6 points of Constitution damage, and another 1d6 points of Constitution damage every day that follows—eventually, this separation kills the orestiad. An orestiad can forge a new bond with a new mountain by performing a 24-hour ritual and making a successful DC 20 Will save. Stone Stride (Sp) This ability functions as the tree stride spell, except that the orestiad can move between stone objects of at least Medium size instead. The distance traveled with this ability is as follows: Unworked sedimentary rock: 3,000 feet Unworked igneous rock: 2,000 feet Unworked metamorphic rock: 1,000 feet Worked stone of any kind: 500 ft. This is the equivalent of a 5th level spell.
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Notes from Robert McKee’s “Story” 09: Genre and Expectations
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The majority of this section defines genres and sub-genres of story. I’ll provide a summary of them at the end of the post. I think that we all as writers know what genre our works tend to lean toward, so I instead want to focus on what McKee has to say about what is expected of writers as dictated by genre and by the audience. 
Mastery of Genre
As life-long consumers of media, we have ingrained expectations of a story once we hear the genre. A rom-com? Well then, we’re in for a light-hearted comedy with a happy ending for the love interests. High fantasy? There’s gonna be lore and magic and elves and dwarfs, and a massive conflict that will probably span multiple novels or films. 
“The genre sophistication of filmgoers presents the writer with this critical challenge: He must not only fulfill audience anticipations, or risk their confusion and disappointment, but he must lead their expectations to fresh, unexpected moments, or risk boring them. This two-handed trick is impossible without a knowledge of genre that surpasses the audience’s.”
As writers, it is our job to identify our genre and research it thoroughly. In the previous section about setting, McKee explains how the setting of the story gives the writer both limitations and inspiration. 
Genre is, in a certain way, the frame in which the setting and story sit. Depending on the genre, the frame can be pliable or it can be rather fixed. Here you need to study your own genre deeply to find out exactly how flexible it is. For example, the genre of “Comedy” is much more pliable than that of the “Crime” genre. There are sub-genres, of course. But under the vast umbrella of “Comedy” almost anything goes as long as we can get a laugh out of it. “Crime” on the other hand, generally involves a struggle between a criminal and a justice-seeker (with the justice-seeker most commonly being the protagonist) and culminates in one triumphing over the other. 
How to Master Your Genre
“Never assume that because you’ve seen films in your genre you know it. This is like assuming you could compose a symphony because you have heard all nine of Beethoven’s.”
McKee states that genre study is best done in the following way:
List all the works that feel similar to yours, both successes and failures. Studying works that are similar to yours but were failures can lead to great insights.
Study each of these works from page to page, breaking each one down into elements of setting, role, event, and value. 
Stack these analyses on top of each other and look down through them all and ask yourself, “What do the stories in my genre always do? What are its conventions of time, place, character, and action?
Until you find these answers, the audience will always be one step ahead of you. 
Personally, that sounds like a lot of work lol. But doing case studies like he describes would certainly help me to better understand my genre. Idk when I’ll have time for it, but...well. I’ll work on it. 
Creative Limitations
This section really echoes what McKee had to say about setting, in that both setting and genre create boundaries for you to work within, but having boundaries pushes you to be more creative. 
Until now, I’ve always started writing a story on a whim, based on a single scene in my head that grows into some 300 page monstrosity. I resisted plotting and just wrote what I wanted to write that day. I enjoyed the freedom that came with having no specific plans and not thinking much about my genre. 
However, McKee uses a brilliant example to illustrate the beneficial aspects of understanding and working within the bounds of your genre:
“Robert Frost said that writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down, for it’s the self-imposed, indeed artificial demands of poetic conventions that stir the imagination. Let’s say a poet arbitrarily imposes this limit: He decides to write in six-line stanzas, rhyming every other line. After rhyming the fourth line with the second line he reaches the end of a stanza. Backed into this corner, his struggle to rhyme the sixth line with the fourth and second may inspire him to imagine a word that has no relationship to his poem whatsoever--it just happens to rhyme--but this random word then springs loose a phrase that in turn brings an imagine to mind, an image that in turn resonates back through the first five lines, triggering a whole new sense of feeling, twisting and driving the poem to a richer meaning and emotion.
Thanks to the poet’s Creative Limitation of this rhyme scheme, the poem achieves an intensity it would have lacked had the poet allowed himself the freedom to choose any word he wished.
The principle of Creative Limitation calls for freedom within a circle of obstacles. Talent is like a muscle: without something to push against, it atrophies.”
So one of our first steps as writers is to identify our genre or combination of genres, and then learn the genre conventions. 
Genre conventions are the expected aspects of a certain genre. In a “Boy Meets Girl” romance genre, an obvious convention is that a boy and a girl must meet. It isn’t a cliche--it’s a necessary part of the equation. These conventions force us to use our imagination to reinvent the paradigms our genres and audiences demand, and if we can do it right, we fulfill their expectations while giving them something they had never dreamed of before.
Mixing and Reinventing Genres
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What better way to sum up this section than Run DMC’s “Walk This Way,” which was the first hip hop hybrid video every played in heavy rotation on MTV? 
Generally, a work tends to be a mix of two or more genres. For example, there is a Love Story subplot in just about EVERYTHING nowadays, for better or for worse. By mixing genres we as writers have a chance to give the world something that has never been seen before. 
Something that McKee stresses is that genres are not static. He says:
“Genres are simply windows on reality, various ways for the writer to look at life. When the reality outside the window undergoes change, the genres alter with it.”
Social attitudes change. This means that what may have been a compelling story 50 years ago may not be as compelling when looked at once again today. The example McKee uses is the 1950′s film FALLING IN LOVE, which was about a man and woman who fell in love with each other but were already married and in unhappy relationships. Nowadays, in mainstream America, divorce isn’t a big deal. If an audience in 2020 watched this film, they’d just say, “You’re married to people you hate--just get a divorce already!”
“The audience wants to know how it feels to be alive on the knife edge of the now. What does it mean to be a human being today?
Innovative writers are not only contemporary, they are visionary. They have their ear to the wall of history, and as things change, they can sense the way society is leaning toward the future. They then produce works that break convention and take the genres into the next generation.
The finest writers are not only visionary, they create classics.”
McKee’s List of Genres
McKee states that there are many different ways to break genres down, and his is neither the best nor the most complete. Also, keep in mind that this book is actually focused around storytelling through film, so the references he uses are not books, but films. 
LOVE STORY. It’s sub-genre, Buddy Salvation, substitutes friendship for romantic love. 
HORROR FILM. This genre devices into three sub-genres: the Uncanny, in which the source of horror is astounding but subject to “rational” explanation, such as beings from outer space, science-made monsters, or a maniac; the Supernatural, in which the source of horror is an “irrational” phenomenon from the spirit realm; and the Super-Uncanny, in which the audience is kept guessing between the other two possibilities. 
MODERN EPIC (the individual versus the state).
WAR GENRE. Although war is often the setting for another genre, such as the Love Story, the WAR GENRE is specifically about combat. Pro-war versus Antiwar are its primary sub-genres. 
MATURATION PLOT or the coming of age story
REDEMPTION PLOT. Here the film arcs on a moral change within the protagonist from bad to good. 
PUNITIVE PLOT. In these, the good guy turns bad and is punished. 
TESTING PLOT. Stories of willpower versus temptation to surrender.
EDUCATION PLOT. This genre arcs on a deep change within the protagonist’s view of life, people, or self from the negative (naive, distrustful, fatalistic, self-hating) to the positive (wise, trusting, optimistic, self-possessed)
DISILLUSIONMENT PLOT. A deep change of worldview from the positive to the negative.
COMEDY. Subgenres range from Parody to Satire to Sitcom to Romantic to Screwball to Farce to Black Comedy, all differing by the focus of comic attack (bureaucratic folly, upper-class manners, teenage courtship. etc.) and the degree of ridicule (casual, caustic, lethal).
CRIME. Subgenres vary chiefly by the answer to this question: From whose point of view do we regard the crime? Murder Mystery (master detective’s POV); Caper (master criminal’s POV), Detective (cop’s POV), Gangster (crook’s POV), Thriller or Revenge Tale (victim’s POV); Courtroom (lawyer’s POV); Newspaper (reporter’s POV); Espionage (spy’s POV), Prison Drama (inmate’s POV); Film Noir (POV of a protagnoist who may be part criminal, part detective, part victime of a femme fatale). 
SOCIAL DRAMA. This genre identifies problems in society--poverty, the education system, communicable diseases, the disadvantaged, antisocial rebellion, and the like--then constructs a story demonstrating a cure. It has a number of sharply focused sub-genres: Domestic Drama (problems within the family), the Women’s Film (dilemmas such as career versus family, lover versus children), Political Drama (corruption in politics), Eco-Drama (battles to save the environment), Medical Drama (struggles with physical illness), and Psycho-Drama (struggles with mental illness). 
ACTION/ADVENTURE. This often borrows aspects from other genres such as War or Political Drama to use as motivation for explosive action and derring-do. If ACTION/ADVENTURE incorporates ideas such as destiny, hubris, or the spirtual, it becomes the sub-genre High Adventure. If Mother Nature is the source of the antagonism, it’s a Disaster/Survival work.
HISTORICAL DRAMA. The treasure chest of history is sealed with this warning: What is past must be present. He must find an audience today. Therefore, the best use of history, and the only legitimate excuse to set a film in the past and thereby add untold millions to a budget, is anachronism--to use the past as a clear glass through which you show us the present. 
BIOGRAPHY. This cousin to Historical Drama focuses on a person rather than an era. BIOGRAPHY, however, must never become a simple chronicle. That someone lived, died, and did interesting things in between is of scholarly interest and no more. The biographer must interpret facts as if they were fiction, find the meaning of the subject’s life, and then cast him as the protagonist of his life’s genre. These caveats also apply to the sub-genre Autobiography.
DOCU-DRAMA. A second cousin to Historical Drama, DOCU-DRAMA centers on recent rather than past events. 
MOCKUMENTARY. This genre pretends to be rooted in actuality or memory, behaves like documentary or autobiography, but is utter fiction. It subverts fact-based filmmaking to satirize hypocritical institutions.
MUSICAL. I would love to see a musical novel lol.
SCIENCE FICTION. In hypothetical futures that are typically technological dystopias of tyranny and chaos, the SCIENCE FICTION writer often marries the man-against-state Modern Epic with Action/Adventure. But, like history, the future is a setting in which any genre may play. 
SPORTS GENRE. Sport is a crucible for character change. This genre is a natural home for the Maturation Plot, the Redemption Plot, the Education Plot, the Punitive Plot, the Testing Plot, the Disillusionment Plot, Buddy Salvation, and Social Drama.
FANTASY. Here the writer plays with time, space, and the physical, bending and mixing the laws of nature and the supernatural. The extra-realties of FANTASY attract the Action genres but also welcome others such as the Love Story, Political Drama/Allegory, Social Drama, and/or Maturation Plot.
ANIMATION. I guess you could equate this to graphic novels, comics, and manga. 
Source: McKee, Robert. Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting. York: Methuen, 1998. Print
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tangomango2017 · 5 years
Thoughts on the Chinese DotA Animated Series, The Tower Will Go On, and its two main characters
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It’s been five years since this animated series based on Warcraft 3 Dota was made. The fan forum is still alive, and it’s amazing to witness the fan dedication to this work, in the form of essays, debates and even a ridiculously detailed second-by-second analysis of the opening theme.
But I barely got a glimpse of those essays before they were removed, apparently to be scrutinized by their internet police for objectionable content. The series itself has also been taken off all China websites, such that China’s fans themselves can’t watch them even if they wanted to revisit. Which makes me so glad that I have all the episodes in HD.
Anyway, on to the show itself. It’s divided into two parts:
Season One is about Crystal Maiden forming her rag-tag team of Radiant/Sentinel heroes. It’s light-hearted and full of jokes. The heroes die a lot and revive at the fountain every time. Sniper’s death count reaches above 300 at one point.
Season Two (titled Death for the Reborn) is darker as the team clashes with the Dire/Scourge and the war intensifies. The plot gets more complicated with internal factions, spying and conspiracies. The rules change: the river that revives dead heroes gets corrupted, so deaths are permanent.
One’s reaction to this show would likely be: “No! This isn’t Dota. This isn’t Invoker at all! What travesty is this?!”
But first, let’s consider these two things:
Firstly, the story is set in the game map. All hero skills and items stay faithful to the game. There is no ‘lore’ to speak of, as this series came out before Valve took over Dota. During that period, ownership of Dota was attributed to Ice Frog, who’s referenced in episode 2.
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Eul’s Scepter in the show
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Old Eul’s Scepter in Dota 1
Secondly, it’s fan-made. And as with all fan creations, anything’s possible.
For example,
It’s possible for Bloodseeker to be gay with a jungle creep(centaur) and foster a baby centaur.
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Bloodseeker X Jungle Centaur in the show
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Old Strygwyr in Dota 1
It’s possible for a carry to be so fed, he’s ten times the size of another:
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Daddy Doom and his Little QuoP
Love it or hate it, this fan tribute to Dota is in a class of its own. It’s entertained me for hours, made me laugh, sigh, cringe, think; it was one hell of a nostalgic ride back to Warcraft Dota days. And it will always have a special place in my heart.
And now, on to the main characters…
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The protagonist - a tribute to Support Heroes
‘Little Ice’ (China’s pet name for Crystal Maiden) is a fan-service kind of character whose appeal is mostly sexual and emotional. I won’t talk much about her but I won’t write her off completely either.
So Little Ice starts off with a dream to rise above her destiny as a position 5 support. She’s left her team carry (Dragon Knight) as she resents him for being overbearing and overly task-oriented. (It’s unclear what’s the relationship between the two, though they hug a couple of times). She tries to carve a career for herself, forming her own rag-tag team. But reality is a wet blanket, and like her role in the game, her impact on the story is limited and she ends up having her heart broken several times.
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Old Crystal Maiden from Warcraft 3 Dota
In the show, she is depicted as a klutz with a bad sense of direction and is sometimes impulsive, casting Freezing Field at the most ridiculous, anti-climactic moment and generally doing stuff that would be considered ‘bad decision making’ in the game.
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But despite her limitations, the girl has a mind of her own. She stands firm in her beliefs and is courageous enough to try to protect her male teammates. Even when said teammate is the Dragon Knight being bashed up by Roshan.
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She is also fiercely loyal, refusing to abandon the dying Bristleback and instead managing to persuade DK to risk a Roshan fight to get the Aegis.
Overall, I’d say her character serves two purposes here: as a shoutout to under-appreciated Support players, and as a symbol of innocence. This trait of hers is seen as a weakness and is used to comical effect, yet, at the same time it is also something to be prized and guarded. The Queen of Pain (portrayed as a man-hater with lesbian tendencies) mocks her several times for her naivety, yet she admits that CM represents the innocence that she’s lost and that she needs to protect.
From Zero to (Anti) Hero
The central character, Kael (pronounced Ka-er, I’ll refer to him as Carl since it matches the Chinese pronunciation) appears in the second episode and drives the entire story with his zero to anti-hero arc. The title of Season Two refers to him being reborn from the ashes (he was Doomed and almost killed in a fire). He is the only one besides QoP to have a backstory (both underwent the trauma of having their entire homeland and families destroyed).
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Invoker from Warcraft 3 Dota
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Invoker from Season One of the show
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Invoker from Season Two
While this Invoker is as OOC as he can get, there’s no denying the detail that has been put into his design. For example, in Season 2 his orbs are actually faces, perhaps representing the connection of Invoker’s volatile temperament to his elemental powers.
Just as the two parts of the show are divided into a dichotomy of light and dark, there are two different depictions of Invoker in each part.
Season One Invoker
If you’ve ever played this hero, Season One will remind you of how it felt the very first time you tried him in a game. Clueless, powerless, the butt of your teammates’ jokes perhaps.
Carl first appears in episode two quoting that famous line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It sounds really pretentious (not that surprising for Carl), but considering that Hamlet killed someone by accident in the play, it’s also a kind of foreshadowing of what will happen later on.
So Carl is introduced as a depressed guy trying to hang himself. In a comically tragic manner, he tells his story as a former prince who lost his home, sought refuge with the Dire/Scourge but is constantly scorned for being useless as he hasn’t figured out his spells.
With a background like that, who wouldn’t be damaged for life? But CM sees him as even more vulnerable than her, and he brings out the encouraging and protective side of her. Of course, the naive part of her ignores the fact that he is a defector from the enemy side.
Carl is of course extremely grateful, having found the acceptance he’s always longed for, and one can see the beginning of a pure, somewhat platonic love between the two.
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In China, Invoker/CM are almost regarded as canon pairing, with roots going back to Kael’thas/Jaina from Warcraft.
Initially, she brings out the good qualities in him, such as courage and self-sacrifice. Noob Carl is actually quite lovable, even willing to take one for the team by ‘donating’ blood to the Bloodseeker. He forges a strong friendship with the gang and they have a lot of fun fending off their one enemy in Season One.
Although he’s harmless at this point, his uselessness repeatedly emphasized by all characters, there are glimpses of his more complicated self, such as when he uses his knowledge and cunning to get the team out of trouble. More foreshadowing of who he is to become is given by the Queen of Pain, who tries in vain to warn CM about his potential for evil.
Meteoric Rise to Power
Two events serve as catalysts to the awakening of his powers. First there’s the excessively bloody whipping that Queen of Pain gives him, just because she feels like it. This happens in the middle of a team fight and in his state of desperation, it is his thoughts of CM (whose nickname is literally, Little Ice Ice) that unlocks his first skill, Ghostwalk. At the same time, the sinister side of him awakens as he turns the tables on the Queen and blinds her in one eye before burying her alive.
And then he gets punished by Doom, who’s rather high up in the hierarchy here. Doom (whom everyone calls ‘Daddy’) is furious to find out that his beloved god-daughter, his Little QuoP has been hurt. He finds out about this in an interesting manner - by devouring the jungle centaur that witnessed the incident.
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Tiny, CM, etc: (keeps quiet)
Doom: Very well, I shall find out the truth (devours jungle creep).
(everyone watches on nervously)
Doom: …CARL!
Carl: Yes Daddy?
Doom: How dare you eat my cookies!
Carl: I don’t get what you’re talking about, Daddy
Doom: You’ll get THIS, you little shit.
Season Two Invoker
After being doomed and running into the forest in agony, Carl goes missing for a while. A flashback later shows Dazzle’s saved him and bandaged him up like a mummy. By chance, Windranger finds him when her Powershot arrow accidentally hits him. Probably out of guilt, she brings him home and cares for him for three months. When Ogre Magi harasses WR and sets her house on fire, Carl rises from the ashes with a complete makeover, a costume change, full mastery of magic and a marked change in personality. The change feels really abrupt and I’d have preferred something more gradual. But the writers probably wanted a striking contrast between the two seasons.
So he helps her fend off the Ogre and she falls in love with him. But he stays true to CM.
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Despite what this shot in the opening theme suggests, WR doesn’t force herself on him. She’s really cool.
In Season Two, Carl’s personality becomes much more conflicted, longing to return to CM yet afraid to endanger her with Doom hot on his heels. While she thinks about him in her quiet moments, he watches over her in invisible form. The next triggering event is when the Dragon Knight beats him to rushing to CM’s rescue. He is consumed by jealousy and the fire element comes to the forefront. From then on, his emotional instability deteriorates further, and with some goading from Dazzle, he forms a plan to destroy DK with Ancient Apparition’s Ice Blast dealing the killing blow.
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However that plan goes tragically wrong when his old friend Bristleback walks into the Sunstrike spot. One mistake leads to another, and he ends up killing QuoP as well. That confrontation between the two is one of the most dramatic scenes I’ve ever seen. When the Queen threatens to reveal his bad deeds to CM, he starts grovelling and begging her for forgiveness, but it turns out it’s all an act allowing him to get close to her for a tornado. Despite the cringeyness there is a special kind of satisfaction in seeing one’s favourite video game character display the whole range of emotions, just as it’s satisfying seeing him perform the whole shebang of spells after being abused for the first ten episodes.
Carl’s final move is one that completely breaks CM’s heart. He steals the Aegis meant for saving Bristleback’s life. However, his motivation isn’t very clear and was the topic of much debate and speculation among the Chinese fans at that time. But going by his character’s trajectory, it’s highly likely he’s doing it for self-preservation. After all, Doom’s absolutely livid that he’s killed QuoP and the Aegis is his only chance at standing against Big Daddy Doom. But the ending leaves questions unanswered. Now that he’s pissed off both sides, what’s to become of him? Is his character totally irredeemable? How will the war end? Season Three was supposed to be in the works, but never materialized. 
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spoocyssonicaskblog · 2 years
Muse Profile: Fiona the Wolf
Name: Kunu Fiona
Aliases: Fi, Princess, Avatar of Lenu, Avatar,
Species: Grey Wolf
Age: : 386 (She only states she is over 300. To get her precise age you must ask other sources. In the timeline shared with the adult Lars and Silhouette, she would be 586)
Affiliations: Mages of Arcana (extinct), Spagonia university, The House of Lenu
Appearance: Light grey fur with silver muzzle, silver fur that goes from her chest to her stomach, and a silvery streak that goes down her tail. Long flowing ebony black hair with tufted bangs, sapphire blue eyes. Known for having small hands in comparison to most sonic characters, her hand can easily fit in the palm in most of the male sonic characters particularly.
Clothes of choice: a pure white dress with long sleeves that reach to her wrists and a skirt that tends to cover her feet when she is not walking. Pure white low-heeled dress shoes, she always wears a symbol of Lenu around her neck which is a pendant strung with plain cord with golden fasteners. The pendant depicts an intricate heart with angelic wings appearing to close around it.
Voice Claim: Tress MacNeille
Powers and Abilities:
She is a grand master in magics taught in her home city of Arcana, as well as mastery of holy magic. Her holy powers include the ability to heal serious wounds, being able to summon an angelic bow which fires arrows of pure light. The bow can be split in two to form dual blades. She does not use the dual blade option of her bow unless she is left little choice, as she is less experienced in swordsmanship. Her other magical abilities include a long list that harness the basic elements of fire, water, earth, and air. 
Other magical abilities include the ability to levitate or levitation of objects and people. With magic she can reach incredible speeds to keep up with Shadow and Sonic.
She also stopped aging and has appeared the same for over three hundred years. she will continue to look the same until the day she dies. She was given a boon as a baby that stops her from dying to age, but other factors can still easily destroy her.
Other info:
when Fiona was born, she was made an icon of worship. She was born with the exact appearance of the shapeshifter goddess, Lenu, and given incredible divine powers that had her named as the avatar of Lenu. She is now a conduit of her divine power on the mortal plane.
Fiona was the heir to the throne of Nagaris when her brother stepped down to attend other duties elsewhere. This makes her the last of her kind and faction until Lars is born.
her favorite beverage is hot tea, while her favorite food is a type of poundcake that has berries mixed in. The cake recipe was lost when her city was destroyed. Shadow has made a replica that Fiona enjoys dearly.
She currently lives in Green Hill. Which is located within the same region as Empire City.
Fiona was born as princess of the ancient city of Arcana, daughter of Queen Kunu Edna and King Kunu Drake. She not only had the appearance of the goddess Lenu, but incredible divine powers. She became an icon in the Lenu religion; as Lenu reborn, or the avatar of Lenu. When she reached adulthood, she lost the ability to age physically. Her brother, Kunu Lance, performed self-exile and stepped down as heir to the throne of Arcana to begin training under the current king of the underworld, King Hexus, and she was made the next heir. She also became the high priestess in the church of Lenu and gained the ability to make holy pendants that she wears to this day. she has been known to never take them off. The king became quite over-protective of her and would shoo possible suitors away that were seeking her hand.
One day, a speaker of Apocalypse came forward to announce the coming of the death dragon. Fiona begged her family to evacuate the city. Drake sent Fiona away with escorts that were not of Arcana birth, claiming she was going to be sent to a city where the refugees would be evacuated to. She left the city but found out that Drake summoned every mage to the city at an attempt to counter the attack. It ended with the complete destruction of the city and the death of everyone inside. Fiona returned to find her brother and Under King Hexus surveying the ruins. When she was told that she and her brother were the only members of Arcana left alive, she begged to go with her brother. Hexus had to refuse Fiona’s joining them as it would be dangerous for her if she did. Fiona then realized she was the last of her kind.
Her brother did however construct a house for her to live in the countryside, but it also kept her away from any major city or town. The forest nearby became her main supply of food unless she ventured to other cities. She spent over three hundred years in isolation. While keeping her sweet and friendly nature she had back when she was princess of Arcana, she was suffering inside. She denounced her title as princess, considering herself princess of nothing. She gained the fear of making any real friends or starting a new family, knowing that she would probably outlive all of them. She also had trouble learning about the new technologies that were not native to Arcana. She had gotten so depressed that she would make many attempts to end her life but could never bring herself to carry out the deed in the end. Hexus would still take visits from Fiona or he would often visit her. Hexus has also become witness to some of her suicide attempts and has often talked her down from it.
One stormy night while Fiona was still awake, a knock on her door would lead to her first introductions with Professor Charles Hedgehog. Having been caught in the nasty storm, he asked for shelter until the storm passed. Fiona agreed, and allowed him into her home. She provided him blankets and some hot tea as he took shelter. Taking notice of the lack of electronic devices and appliances in her home he began to make polite conversation with her. At first, he was a little intimidated with how she never smiled once during their conversations, but he began to realize how alone this poor woman was. Despite her constant expression of sadness, she still showed him hospitality. When the storm would continue throughout the night, she offered one of the spare bedrooms for Chuck to sleep. Despite the storm passing in the morning, he decided to spend a few more days with his new friend with her permission.
Chuck spent the next few days learning about Fiona. Finding out she was the sole survivor left on their world from the City of Arcana was enriching to him. he would read all the books and texts Fiona had on hand and with her permission, recorded everything he felt would do the Spagonia University good. even when Chuck left after a few days, he always returned and would tell Fiona all about the adventures he would have with a small group of explorers and archaeologists. He offered Fiona a chance to join them on their journeys. Fiona agreed and would accompany Chuck’s group as their priest figurehead, healer, and medic. One of these exploration trips took them to Christmas Island where they had planned to stay for some time. During their adventure, they would come across an infant blue hedgehog that had been abandoned in the forests. With no sign of parents, the group would pass on the care of the child to Fiona; much to hers and Chuck’s protests. Fiona did not feel ready to assume the role of caretaker for the child and Chuck was quite irritated that his group would force it onto her when she was not ready for the duty. His group just brushed it off saying that caring for the child may finally bring the ever-depressed Fiona back towards happiness.
Her protests having fallen on deaf ears she would spend the rest of the adventure caring for the tiny baby. Chuck, having felt responsible for putting Fiona in this situation, helped her with caring for the child and assumed the role of “Uncle Chuck.” Fiona had no intentions on keeping the baby long term and with Chuck’s help would try to find a family for him. As they cared for the baby, they realized the child was incredibly fast even if he could only crawl. Fiona would name the child: Sonic the hedgehog. As Sonic continued to grow, he would begin to call Fiona his mother. This one act would stop her and Chuck from finding a foster family, and Fiona finally accepted Sonic as her son.
Fiona finally felt her long-time suffering, mourning, and pain start to vanish. While still understanding that she will still outlive him one day as well as her new friend Chuck, she simply grew to accept it. One day however, her family gained an additional family member. When Sonic was eleven, he brought a friend home with him. four-year-old Miles Prower. Sonic explained to his mother that he had no family and was considered an outcast because of his extra tail. Sonic also told his mother that Miles preferred to be called “Tails” as he did not like his real name. Fiona eventually accepted Tails as her youngest son and brother to Sonic. Fiona would also call him Tails but also “her little kitsune” because of his twin tails. Tails was an incredibly smart child and would always teach Fiona about the technologies that were foreign to her and would become as close to Chuck as Sonic was. While she was still a novice on it, she would always hear tails out on his explanations and would listen to him go on and on about his plans and projects. Eventually the family would grow to include Lance’s marriage to Aries, the immortal daughter of Hexus and queen Hydra of Nagaris, their children to follow, and knuckles the echidna who would refer to the ancient Shape-shifter wolf as a loving aunt figure.
Being Sonic and Tail’s mother also made her become a prime target of interest for Doctor Eggman, the sworn enemy of the two. However, Eggman would find out that she was no normal wolf and was capable of fighting if the situation required it. He found out she has mastery of magic abilities and holy powers. While still a primary target of capture, he learned he needed to keep her powers suppressed to keep her as one. After a number of fights and the threat on Sonic and Tails’ lives in these battles becoming much clearer to her, she would begin to craft a pair of Lenu pendants for her children to act as boons of protection for when the time was right.
Fiona would eventually meet Shadow the hedgehog and they would bond closely with each other. Fiona viewing him as a sort of kindred spirit, while Shadow saw her as very much like Maria. All the hardship she faced and she still wished nothing but the best for the world and it's people.
Shadow becomes her future husband, and the father to two of her children. Shadow does not share that bond with Sonic and Tails, the feeling is mutual for the two. Fiona has accepted it, and 200 years in the future she and Shadow adopt Silver the Hedgehog into the family.
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