#*i HAVE cut a LOT of fast food trips and soda and have just watched my food intake bc ive decided to make a change....
actual-corpse · 4 months
#living that 'no red meat' life be like...#id love to fully convert over to pescatarian but FISH IS SO EXPENSIVE#so i suffer with poultry (i am not a poultry fan)#but#and#then i see these people eating the red meat#and im like... damn.... vegetarians are.... oof#bc cutting ALL meats? i can BARELY cut red!#but i am losing weight (probably not entirely related... correlation causation bla blah*)#*i HAVE cut a LOT of fast food trips and soda and have just watched my food intake bc ive decided to make a change....#and ya know#it really proves to me that i CAN change! i CAN improve if I truly want to try!!!#and thats what matters#the ability to follow through!#and i think....#idk#it gives me hope#ive gone back to doing things I like. watching things I enjoy!!#i can watch Trixie Mattel again! (my ex and his friends are Cringe [derogatory]... I actually couldnt watch anything I liked... It was alway#shitty YouTubers talking about Magic The Gathering and Pokemon... and I couldnt object...#i was nothing but a live in maid and when I couldn't do that I got ignored... I wasnt treated well and I guess I set myself up for that but#it still wasnt right! I DESERVE BETTER GOD DAMNIT)#anyway#i REALLY want some shitty McDonald's burgers rn i stg im so fucking glad I live 20mins out of town bc I am so tempted rn#it is ONE AM... The MACCAS WITCHING HOUR! I AM HUNGY... and thursity#but I have a 40 pack of water in my car (I cant afford a LifeStraw filter pitcher and I NEED one for safe water)#byyyyeeee
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safetyfirstpls · 3 years
You walked along the streets of your city, carrying bags of groceries, and assorted items of your choosing.
Your stomach growled, and you looked down at the bag of ingredients.
You only needed baking soda, flour, cream of tartar, and salt; and you defiently couldn't eat any of those, and you still had more errands to run.
You grumbled, and pouted at the sight of people eating fast food around you.
You had given yourself a strict goal to not eat out for a while.. It was expensive anyways.
You shook your head, trying to not think of food, and you begrudgingly move on with your chores.
You had exited a store, when you spot a anthro mouse across the street, turn a corner.
They were still quite small, about the size of a small dog, but you still watched them almost get trampled by multiple people as they walked.
You followed after them.
You caught up with them quickly, and get their attention with a tap on their shoulder.
They looked up at you with an inquisitive look, their ears tilting, and big eyes blinking.
"You need help?" You asked, looming over them, your shadow on top of them.
They stammered, and fiddled with their small tote bag "I-I don't know with what.. or w-why.." they stared at the ground, as their tail wrapped around their leg.
You kneeled down, and pat their head "You seem to be tripped on a lot. I wanted to help" you smile.
They looked back up to you once you touched their soft hair, and sniffed a little "Are you s-sure it won't burden you..?" they question, twiddling their fingers.
Your head shaking, you pick them up, and place them on your shoulders, as they squeak at the sudden action, then grip on to your neck with their small hands.
"Just tell me where to go" You say in a chipper tone, as you start walking.
You spent the rest of your afternoon with the small mouse, helping them get their items needed to fill their bag.
They'd squeak and stutter every time you would pick them back up after your trip through a store. It was adorable, and made you want to...
Eat them up...
Your stomach growled, and the mouse stiffened slightly at the sudden noise.
They looked at your face from behind you, and looked worryingly at you.
"Have you e-eaten at all today?" they pouted a little
You shook your head and sighed, looking down at your bags, then looking at the mouse.
You got an idea.
"I was planning on making something once I got back home, would you like to come along?" you looked at them in an almost begging way.
They fiddled their objects, and looked around a little, and avoided making eye contact with you "I-I don't know if I-I should.. I m-mean..-"
You cut them off "Come on, I live alone, and it gets lonely eating by myself, and I personally think I'm a great cook!" You brag a little
The mouse bit their tongue, before nodding a little "O-okay.. I'll have to head back home right after th-though.. I have things to put in the f-fridge.."
You smiled, and headed home with the mouse, while you walked with a little jump in your step.
The mouse sat on top of the table as you made the food for you, and them.
You set the food down in front of them, and they sniffed it a little, and looked up at you, "Aren't y-you going to eat?"
You sat across from them as you looked at your phone, with no food in front of you; you went pale a little "Oh! Y-yeah.. I tasted it a lot while making it.. I'll eat it later when you head back home"
They tilted their head, and looked at you with a questioning look on them, before they took a small bite out of the food you prepared, and their eyes lit up, forgetting your suspicious behavior.
They ate all of the food they were served and sighed "You weren't lying.. Y-you are a good cook"
You smile as you place a dish in the dishwasher, and walk up behind them "I told you! Best chef in the house!"
They laughed a little at your dumb joke, before they were snatched up by you.
They froze up a little, and looked at you in the eyes their big orbs.
You smiled, then licked across their cheek, causing them to squeak and squirm in your grip.
They looked at you in fear, as you smiled at their taste, and you made a sound showing it.
"It's okay~ I'll put your stuff in the fridge" you smirk, and lick their head, and ears gently.
Your stomach growled as your tongue gathered their flavor. You place your hand on your stomach, patting it a little, before stuffing the mouse's head inside your mouth, sucking on it, and salivating on them.
They squirmed, and tried to pull their head out, but you held gently, but tightly on to their body.
Saliva dripped from your mouth, and you swallowed their head into your throat; it made a very obvious lump in your throat, and from the outside, you could see it moving from the mouse's struggles.
You enjoyed every bit of their flavor, as your stomach became more impatient by the minute. You grumbled, and sighed, and started swallowing more quickly.
You made a thick swallow, and made it so only their tail was outside of your throat and mouth. The lump on your neck was much bigger, and you placed your hand on it, enjoying the squirms of the lil mouse inside.
You slurped up their tail, and took another swallow. Their body went down to the area of your chest, but needed to be swallowed more; You made another swallow.
That did the job.
They entered your stomach with a squirm, and a squeak, stretching your tummy out with their body, and their struggles.
You looked down and watched as your tummy jostled around, and round bumps went around it.
You pet your expanded stomach, and smiled, as you licked your lips.
"You are most definitely better than my cooking~!" You lay down on the couch, and hoist your legs up on the arm, and give your stomach a big pat.
The mouse squirmed and panicked inside you, and you rubbed your tum "Shhh~ It'll be okay~" You coo "I'll let you out later. Just let me enjoy my dinner~" you smirked.
They whimpered and hit the walls around them, before flopping down, and whined inside you.
You rub your stomach gently, as you enjoyed your stomach's soft gurgles around your prey
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
can i request a fic where sapnap takes the reader to his hometown? like the classic going to places he went to when he was younger. maybe playgrounds and ice cream shops idk
places i used to go
warnings: language of course, an allusion to virginap, my uneducated guess of what sapnap was like in highschool, tiny detail of long haired!sapnap, singular canon detail of underage drinking, jokish about marriage
tags: sapnap x gn!reader
words: 2191
A/N: you are a god, anon. i love comfy and nostalgic fics like these and it was so fun to write. if you hate it dont tell me but if you like it lemme know akskdjd
inbox/requests: open
The wind whips fast on your bare fingers, cool and quick and raising goosebumps in its wake. You blink in the haze of the early sunset, head lolled to the side of the headrest. It feels good.
“That’s where I went to high school.” Sapnap interrupts your thoughts and points a finger at a collection of tall brick buildings down a side street. The silver of the lettering is dull, but you can still feel the nostalgia.
“And you’re about to see the park that me and my friends used to hang out at after work and—actually, nevermind.” His arm drops to the middle console and he looks straight ahead with slightly pinker cheeks.
“Do what?” You ask, voice all sweet, and a grin grows on your face. You turn towards him and wiggle your eyebrows.
“Nothing. Homework.” He avoids your eye contact and hikes his hand up higher on the steering wheel. “Anyways— Do you want to get some food before we head out? I know a great place.”
You two were just coming to a close on your little trip to visit his family; it was his step-mom’s birthday and you decided to make a week of it. It was your first long-term trip with Sapnap, and also your first time meeting his dad’s side of the family. You were proud to say she loved you. His little sister took a little more effort to talk to you of her own volition, but soon enough she was on your side.
You have a couple hours to kill before making your flight back home, so Sapnap has taken it upon himself to give you a quick tour of his hometown.
“Yeah,” you decide, bottom lip popped out. “Can we get ice cream after?”
“Uh, duh.” The Neighbourhood’s Stargazing starts through the speakers and he reaches to turn it down. “I’m so ready to get home and sleep.” He stretches his neck in his seat, letting out an uncharacteristically inappropriate grunt when his bones pop. You make a disgusted face, nose wrinkling, but stretch your own back, slumping down in the seat. The day had been full of packing up and this horrible hike his dad liked to do early in the mornings, so you two were pretty beat.
“Okay, we’re here,” he announces three sleepy minutes later in his best attempt at a whisper. Lifting your head off of the corner of your seat, you blink in the setting sunlight as a yawn splits your face. “You’re so cute.”
“Shut up,” you mumble, and struggle to get your seatbelt off in that post-nap haze. You’d barely been asleep for thirty seconds, damn it. The air is a swampy heat when you step out of the car onto rocky gravel and nearly twist your ankle climbing over the curb. Sapnap catches you by the lower back, trying to hide his laugh but failing miserably. You slide him a dirty look, smacking his shoulder as hard as you can manage while limping towards the front entrance.
The door jingles when you two breach the doorway, alerting a bored-looking hostess that the circus has arrived. She looks at Sapnap a second longer than she should, eyebrows screwed together in silent confusion. But she leads the two of you to a booth near a large window, handing you sticky menus and promptly fucking right off to the host station. She nearly runs.
“Do you know her?” You ask, inconspicuously hiding your face in the search for their 24/7 breakfast menu. You feel his eyes on you.
“Don’t think so.” He leans on one elbow and slides his phone out of his jeans’ pocket. In the 25 seconds it takes for you to find their french toast and sides menu, he has browsed and closed his phone with an animatedly shocked look on his face.
“What?” You give him a weird look and put down the menu.
“I totally went to homecoming with that girl.” He eyes the hostess. You glance over at her again, meeting her gaze, and offer a polite smile. She turns away quickly, eyes wide.
“She’s cute,” you say, voice high and fake, and he drums his fingers on the tabletop as an amused look makes its way onto his face.
“Are you—?”
“What?” You reply right back.
Thank God the server comes up to your table then and starts asking for drink orders, or else you’d have to admit (sheepishly) you were a tiny eensy-weensy bit annoyed. Only a tad. But after requesting a Dr. Pepper and a water the conversation surrounding the nervous-looking hostess dies.
“I’m so hungry I think I feel my stomach shrinking.” You flop your head onto your arm on the table top and make a whiny noise into the stack of napkins your server left at the table. Sapnap rubs his thumb into the side of your forearm, touch warm and nearly dissolving the pangs of hunger and jealousy.
“You weren’t hungry an hour ago.” He lifts your hand to his face and plants a kiss on the back of it. Oh, pulling out the big guns, huh? “I would have made you something.”
You tilt onto your chin, pouting, and stare up at his cute face. His cute, scruffy, perfectly-kissable face.
“I think I got hungry staring at you for half an hour.” A mischievous grin grows on your previously-petulant face and he just shakes his head.
“I do have that effect,” he admits with cockiness in his tone, lifting his eyebrows and leaning back into the booth with his lips pursed.
The server returns with two glasses and takes your food orders onto their little yellow notepad. You chug the water down when they leave for the kitchen, getting your lap and chin thoroughly wet in the process. Sapnap just snorts at you and shoves the napkins your way.
“So,” you start, patting dry your jeans. “tell me what you were like in high school.” You cross your arms and settle into the booth, smirk on your lips.
“What I was like?” He parrots, sipping at his soda, looking thoughtful. “Firstly, a virgin.” You make a noise. Duh. Dude had a buzz cut his junior year. (You’ve seen the pictures. His step-mom particularly likes them.) “Secondly, I was actually— well, I wasn’t popular, but I had a lot of friends. We were all semi-athletic lonely band kids but we had fun. Had one girlfriend senior year but she went to Cal Tech in the fall and I didn’t. I, um, worked at a Dairy Queen in the summers and gained so much weight I had to lose all over again for Unified Track.”
“Relatable,” you comment, drinking noisily at your water. He fiddles with the paper straw wrapper and crunches it up into a ball. It goes soaring into your drink with a quiet “Kobe” and you just give him a look. He smiles toothily right back at you. “Stop being cute, I’m trying to listen to your story.”
“Oh, my bad,” he mocks. “Anyways. That’s what I was like in highschool.” You fish the paper ball out of your water and flick it wetly at his arm. It sticks and you choke on a laugh, cheeks puffed.
Two plates of warm food are set down loudly onto the table and you thank the server with a surprised smile, Sapnap mirroring you.
Two minutes of wordless chewing passes, minds occupied just by “food, me eat” instead of anything related to your previous conversation. You realize that Sapnap is one of the loudest chewers ever, and he realizes that you fail to notice the streak of maple syrup in your hair.
“C’mere,” he mumbles through a mouthful of omelet and hash browns and beckons you with his hand. You lean closer, chewing slowly, as he pats a napkin at the strands of hair trapped in syrup.
“Thanks, baby.” You take the napkin from him and pause your assault of the warm french toast before you to clean the sticky sugar out of your hair. He just watches you, half of a smile on his lips.
You two finish your food in record time. It’s borderline vacuum-like. There’s a short grace period where you just sit like two lazy cats, slumped down in the booth and holding your full stomachs. But the check comes soon after, and you both pay your way and are out of the restaurant without any mad dashes for the bathroom. A miracle, really, because of the American-like amount of butter you both consume.
“I’m a much more functional person now,” you mutter into the cotton of his shoulder, swinging your hand in his. He just hums in agreement.
“I guess we’re not getting ice cream, then,” he teases, and you just groan in response.
“I don’t feel like having diarrhea on a plane, unfortunately.” You sigh heavily when you have to split and get into your respective sides of the rental car.
The entire trip (somewhat roundabout because of the amount of side quests to show you things from his childhood) to the airport Sapnap is a chatterbox. He’s like this when he has sugar: either bouncing off the walls with energy or talking your ear off.
“That’s where my dad proposed to my step-mom. I was kinda young but I remember being surprised at how big the ring was— dude broke the bank for her.” It’s a little gazebo you catch a glimpse of through the trees in a park. It probably was an incredibly picturesque moment, and you can sense how much she must have loved it. With just meeting them this weekend, you can already see how much love those two have for each other.
You hope people can see how much you love Sapnap.
“Oh my God, it’s still there.” He points out the side of your window to what looks like a Dairy Queen that has been through World War 3. “My buddy Eric and I once spilled a gallon of that liquid ice-cream-shit all over the men’s bathroom.”
You shoot him a horrified look. “Why was it in the bathroom?”
He just smirks.
“—And that’s my Uncle Ron’s house. Had my first beer there.”
“And last, hopefully,” you add, pulling a disgusted face. The two story bungalow is cute, and one of your favorite colors: olive green. “That shit is nasty.”
He just shrugs and continues down the side street.
“Is this the park you were talking about?”
He pulls into the gravelly parking lot of a small clearing of tall trees, a picnic table and campfire sat squat in the middle. But he doesn’t respond, just turning the car off and climbing out. He reaches the passenger door without speaking, and opens it for you. You climb carefully out, confused.
“Come on.” He takes your hand and starts for a small path to the left of the picnic table. The mid-sunset shade envelopes the both of you.
“I hope this isn’t where you kill me.”
“No,” he snorts. “I just wanted to show you something.”
It’s just a few moments of stumbling through the damp underbrush before you’re coming face to face with a small, mossy pond that sits right underneath an incredibly old willow tree. He stops right on the edge of the rocky path and turns toward you.
“This your make out spot?” You ask between a grin as he snakes an arm around your waist and tugs you flush to him. Your innocent smile fades when you feel the press of his lips to the side of your neck, light and ticklish. Oh.
“No,” he murmurs, and just breathes you in. “I came here once—the night before I graduated highschool. And I told myself when I really really loved someone I’d take them here with me.” He sways with you in his grasp, a gentle and song-less dance.
You grip his shoulder tighter in your hand and lean into him.
“That’s— awfully romantic, huh?” Your voice is quiet. Almost nervous. He just makes a noise of agreement.
“So here we are.” His voice is the opposite of yours, all strong and confident.
You two just move together for a moment. The sun breaks through the tree canopy, shining bright orange down onto the glassy surface of the pond. Crickets and frogs chirp back and forth as the willow vines swing in a cool evening breeze. You watch nature come alive around you, suddenly grateful for the man in your arms.
“Don’t propose,” you whisper, breaking the gentle tension. A laugh breaks the silence and he’s pulling away to look at you. Maybe in disbelief. A strand of hair falls into his eyes and you brush it away, fingers stilling on his temple and sliding down onto his cheek. Stubble scrapes against the skin of your palm and he stares at you through those meadow eyes.
You realize in that moment that he is exactly himself. Of course he is. He’s Sapnap, and everything that encompasses that. Dark and light and fiery and cool. He always has been, and always will be.
You realize you wouldn’t mind if he proposed.
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. let me know what you think
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soclonely · 3 years
ൠ☯♦☮♥☠☆★☾ - dogma and tup
(if its too much just do dogma... i love him XD)
Dogma Headcanons
ൠ - random headcanon
Dogma likes to collect things, something little like bottlecaps from glass bottled sodas he has had or something. He likes the designs and labels on them and its like having art but on a smaller scale. He keeps them in a shoebox under his bunk
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Likes to just people watch. Take him to a park with you to chat and watch people playing, walking their dogs, and chatting and he is comfortable. Dislikes doing nothing. It makes him nervous to just sit around for long periods of time if work isn’t happening 
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Dogma probably would scrapbook. Its a good way to organize memories and souvenirs without it being a mess.
☮ - friendship headcanon
His love language for friends and family is gift giving, but nothing too flashy or expensive. and i am down with the idea that he would take the time and energy to make you a scrapbooking page of a trip you took together, a shadow box with ticket stubs in it, or a memoriy box of your friendship together. It shows a bit more loyalty and feeling then something you just pick up at Target
♥ - family headcanon
Dogma is extremely dedicated to family and that can sometimes be a problem when they do something completely wrong but ask for his support. Inner conflict in what is right vs what is expected. He has to slowly learn also that blood doesn’t mean family, and its okay to let people in that aren’t “blood related”
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
I don’t think he is much of a violent person when angry. He is more of a frustrated kind of angry when he doesn’t understand someone. He ends up more upset with himself than the other person and its all kind of confusing to him. It takes a lot to set him off.
☆ - happy headcanon
Dogma will casually go out and pick up trash as he is walking along the walkways in neighborhoods and parks. He always carries a small storebag for trash and wlll toss it after his walk. 
★ - sad headcanon
Dogma has a lot of questions on becoming a better person, but its for the wrong reasons. Deep down, he has this acceptance issue and when someone doesn’t like him he thinks its a “he” issue and immediately wants to learn why so he can “fix”. It takes him a long time with the 501st to understand its okay to not be liked by everyone and to also not like everyone yourself. the important thing is being kind and polite.  
☾ - sleep headcanon
Insomniac, but no one knows it. He lays there for hours listening to the others sleep, chat, sneak off to wander the ship, etc. he doesn’t understand why. He just can’t fall asleep
Tup Headcanons
ൠ - random headcanon
When no one is around, Tup will take a ship for a joyride. He is a pretty decent flier and secretly wants to be a pilot. 
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
This man LOVES cereal. He would eat it all meals of the day if Rex would let him. He isn’t picky either. Sugary cereal, fibery cereal- he don’t care. He hates warm breakfasts and honestly anything cooked and warm. He likes cool foods that he can eat fast
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Tup has a lof of internal anger issues and likes to do martial arts to sort of combat that and keeping his anger in check. He saw the jedi meditating and tried that, but he needed something a little more hands on. He likes to move and critically think, but without the pressures of being on a battlefield.
☮ - friendship headcanon
He is that friend that randomly shows up to your house at 2am with taco bell.
♥ - family headcanon
His family consists of an assortment of animals!
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
Deep rooted temper issues. Isn’t violent on purpose. He doesn’t realize it until he is told. Will sort of recoil and hide away after
☆ - happy headcanon
LOVES to cook. This man could be a chef. And he can do it with amost no fresh resources.
★ - sad headcanon
Feels like his hair defines him and he hates that. Doesn’t want to cut it, but gets tired of the jokes and hair related comments from everyone
☾ - sleep headcanon
you cannot wake Murder Tup up. The only way to wake him up is to take away his stuffy he is snuggling. And you better have a bowl of cereal or something waiting for him because he gets hangry
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matildaofoz · 4 years
Memento Mori Pt 3. (Michael Langdon x Fem!Death!Reader)
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You reached the courtyard of Kineros Robotics in record time, Michael hot at your heels.
“Can you walk a little slower?“ Michael complained, walking quickly beside you to keep up despite his long legs. You weren't lying when you had told him that you were on the clock.
„No can do, kiddo. Now come on, use those wonderful legs of yours,“ you threw at him over your shoulder, your hands searching for the car keys you had stashed in one of the conveniently hidden pockets of your dress without slowing down. Why weren't those a thing yet when humanity had invented every other type of useless thingamabob and yet pockets on a dress were blasphemous, you wondered. The intricacies of humankind often evaded you. The fingers of your right hand grazed the keys in your pocket and with a satisfied smirk you pulled them out.
“I'm not a kid, you know. I'm the Anti-,“ Michael began, irritated.
„The Antichrist, yes and you were born exactly when, 2012? You may not look it Michael, but in the grand scheme of things you're barely an amoeba,“ you interrupted him, not in the mood for any more temper tantrums. Without having to look back at his face, you felt the anger rolling off him in waves. He really was not used to being treated as anything less than the son of Satan. If he wanted you to lick his shoes, he was sorely mistaken. If anything, he should be on his knees before you, praising the universe for having sent you in his hour of need.
Continuing to ignore a seething Michael, your eyes zoned in on your newest toy. A 1965 Black Ford Mustang Convertible with bright red leather seats. Seeing as you were all things considered an ancient being and material things meant positively nothing to you, you did have two weaknesses. Fast food and fast cars. You liked to think that it was due to the human form you took, your immense power being pressed into the confines of a limited body and your patient nature being expressed in a rather paradoxical instant gratification. Thankfully, you couldn't gain any weight nor die in a car crash, remaining ever the same, and so you chose to indulge yourself at every given opportunity. Soon enough, those fleeting pleasures would come to an end. Might as well enjoy it while you could.
You skipped over the curb to the driver's side, admiring the way the inky paint coat glistened in the late afternoon sun, not a speck of dust in sight.
Michael came to stand by the passenger door, now more confused than angry. He was ever-changing, you mused.
“Did, did you sell your soul to my father too?” he asked, mustering the convertible before his eyes searched your face.
“No, Michael,” you chuckled amused. H really didn't know the first thing about the Apocalypse or his place in all of this. Maybe there would be time to give the boy a lesson, but not until you had had a good meal.  
“I think I'm out of your dad's league if we're being honest. I am more a collector of souls myself. Your father or God don't actually hold the monopoly even though that's what they like to tell everyone. Tell you what, over dinner you and I will take a little trip down memory lane,” you explained, watching him with intent.
“Liar,” Michael said lowly, processing your words. His icy blue eyes narrowed at you. You could feel his power trying to claw at you, yet it felt distinctly like a kitten lick.
“Oh please, Michael, I don't lie,” you retorted unaffected, your hand grabbing the door handle and sliding into the seat, grabbing the pair of sunglasses on the dashboard and putting them on before looking at Michael, your fingers drumming on the steering wheel. This was not going nearly as well as you had planned and if you wanted to keep the plan you had set in motion rolling, you would undoubtedly need to change course, despite the fact that you loathed having to do so. Death be damned, you thought.
“I don't like repeating myself, Michael. I don't owe you any answers but perhaps I'm growing soft and the fact that you are left to your own devices, trying to figure out the single most monumental task on this rock hurtling through space has me feeling a little...sympathetic,” you stated, leaning over to push open the passenger door as a sign of goodwill.
“Tell you what, you can ask me all the questions you like, deal?”
Michael contemplated for a few seconds. He didn't like to admit it but so far he hadn't been the one to come up with any good plans that didn't involve The Omen 3 plot and his father had been absent throughout his accent so far. He didn't trust you or anybody bar Ms. Mead and yet you presented an enigma to him, one he needed to crack open. He was brilliant at problem-solving and he would solve you too, he thought to himself, a little grin creeping into the corner of his mouth. His invisible claws retracted.
“Deal. But I get to ask as many as I want,” he replied, pulling the door open all the way and plopping himself into the passenger seat beside you, arms crossed over his broad chest.
“Fine, a deal's a deal,” you groaned only halfheartedly, shooting him a grin of your own as you fired up the engine and pulled out onto the road. You really did have your work cut out for you. Lucky for Michael, he was so easy on the eyes that you didn't mind as much as you should have. You pressed the 'on' button of the radio and stifled a laugh at the song that had just started playing:
I see the bad moon a-rising I see trouble on the way I see earthquakes and lightnin' I see bad times today
Don't go around tonight Well it's bound to take your life There's a bad moon on the rise
°°° 20 Minutes later, you pulled into a parking lot, turned off the engine, hopping out of the car, and came around to Michael's side to take an unneeded but deep breath, filling your lungs with crisp evening air and the distinct smell of desert. The sun had just begun to set, a slight chill setting in and the last remaining rays illuminated Michael's blond hair in a way that reminded you an awful lot of his father before the fall. You let your gaze wander over his sitting form for a second, before lightly slapping the arm he had draped over the side of the car, lost in his own thoughts.
“Come on, Angel, we're here,“ you chided playfully, knowing it would rile the blonde man up unnecessarily. On cue, Michael's gaze shot up to meet your own, nostrils flaring at the more than holy pet name.
“Don't call me that! I'm anything but that!“ he bit out but couldn't keep the blush from creeping up his neck. He didn't like the way you made him feel. Weak and unsure of himself. No power he had encountered could match his, not even Cordelia's and then you came along. As if he wasn't already feeling insecure enough, even after having massacred the witches and warlocks, you only added to the sense that he hadn't yet achieved what he was meant to do, or be where his father expected him to be. Sensing his unease, you tussled his locks with your left hand, pulling him out of his self-induced reverie.
“There is nothing a good cake can't fix, Michael. Trust me,” you smiled at him, hoping he would pull himself together and get out the car. At the word cake, he did perk up, finally glancing behind you to look at where you had taken him.
“The Cheesecake Factory, really?” he looked up at you quizzically, disbelieving. If you were in fact Death, and he wasn't yet sure you weren't lying to him despite your overpowering aura, shouldn't you be dining in some high-class restaurant on the other end of town where they didn't even have prices on the menu?
“Are you food shaming me?” you retorted, one eyebrow shooting up.
“Err, no. It just doesn't...suit you,” Michael replied, his right hand coming to massage the back of his neck, embarrassment evident at his remark.
“Wouldn't you like to know what does and doesn't suit me. If you must know, it's kind of my thing. Don't ask me why but I just can't keep my hands off sweet things,” you explained, winking at him and only adding to his embarrassment. Before the Antichrist could slide any further down your passenger seat and be swallowed whole by the ground, you opened his door and gestured for him to get out.
“Relax. You clearly don't know how to take a joke. Come on, I can smell the cakes from here.” You turned on your heels, cape dress swishing behind you as you made your way across the parking lot to the entry. You weren't quite sure your words were meant as a joke but that was a heart-to-heart you'd have with yourself later. The only sweet thing on your mind right now was cake and soda. The slam of the car door indicated that Michael had managed to detach himself from the red leather interior and he jogged up beside you, matching your stride.
“I hope you're hungry. I'm paying,” you said, smiling with glee and making Michael chuckle. Another thing to add to your slowly growing list of likes about the spawn of Satan, you noted to your dismay.
°°° You placed the fork neatly back onto the now empty plate, devoid of even the smallest crumb, that had held an entire ultimate red velvet cake, groaning blissfully. Eyes closed, you swallowed down the last bite. Opposite you, Michael had stopped eating his pasta dish some time ago. When you had said that there is nothing a cake couldn't fix, you had meant an entire cake after all.  The hunger you felt whenever you were in a human body was not easily satiated. Something that Michael or the waiter were clearly not prepared for. Both had been watching you for the last 5 minutes, jaws slack, as piece after piece traveled on the fork and into your mouth.
“That was positively delicious,” you hummed, casting a glance at Michael, fork suspended in mid-air.
“W-would you like anything else, Miss?” the waiter stuttered, taking your plate and admiring it as if it were a rare antiquity.
“Oh no, I think I've been quite naughty enough, don't you think?” you giggled, reaching for the Fanta and taking a large sip.
“Michael, you've hardly touched your food,” you noted, your voice rousing the young man out the trance your display of gluttony had placed him under. He cleared his throat, putting the fork down, adjusting his seat on the table.
“I'm not hungry anymore.”
“Oh, ok, well in that case we'd like the bill please,” you addressed the waiter with a satisfied grin, gulping down the last remnant of orange soda in your glass.
“Hey, you said you'd answer my questions! I knew you were a liar!” Michael intercepted, trying his best to keep his voice down.
“ I don't lie, Michael. You chose to watch me enjoy some cake instead of asking questions, didn't you?” you countered, your elbows coming to rest on the table, fingers intertwining. His anger and frustration bubbled to the surface once again. If he weren't the Antichrist, you were sure he would have a heart attack by the time he hit 30. His body tensed at your statement of truth, eyes squinting menacingly at you. Yet you were right, he had been so busy watching you, he had forgotten all about the myriad of questions buzzing in his mind like moths around a flame. His eyes fluttered shut briefly, gulping down the rage that threatened to burst out his chest. You watched as the blonde man tried to gain back his composure, your finger coming to run along the rim of the empty glass in front of you.
“Michael,” you demanded. His eyes opened to meet your own and you could see his restraint hanging by a thread in them. He did have a temper and you didn't want him setting fire to your favourite restaurant just yet.
“I'm in a good mood tonight. Instead of just answering your questions, I would like to show you something that will answer almost all of them. A deal is a deal,” you tried to reason. Michael mulled your words over in his head, sizing you up while doing so.
“Oh for goodness sake, Michael! I'm not trying to manipulate you. I'm trying to help you!” you exclaimed, exasperated at his hesitance and mistrust. While you knew his beginnings on this earth weren't exactly peppered in love, warmth and trust, you couldn't afford him seeing you as the enemy. Neither could he.
“If you don't believe me, take a peek. Make it last, this will be a one-off,” you encouraged him, an invisible finger beckoning him closer and allowing him limited access to your mind momentarily. Michael's mind pushed through your doors, grazing, flitting over millennia of memories before you let him look at your core.
No lies, Michael, you see?
You eased him out and sealed the doors shut tightly once again, leaning back in your chair, the restaurant coming back into focus.
“Here's your bill, Miss. Thank you for stopping by at the Cheesecake Factory tonight,” the waiter had brought you the bill. Wordlessly, you handed him a 100$ bill, nodding your head briefly at him to suggest that he could keep the change and waited for Michael's response.
“Ok,” Michael finally replied, rolling his head on his shoulders, resulting in a gratuitous cracking sound. You weren't sure if he was entirely satisfied with your show of goodwill. Not that it mattered.
“Let's take a walk,” you suggested, getting up without even the slightest hint of a stomach after decimating an entire cake. Michael's eyes never left you and the enigma you were to him just became a lot more enticing. A boyish smirk crossed his face as he stood up to walk in front of you. At the exit, he held open the door.
“My, my Michael. Didn't take you for a gentleman,” you chuckled, gracefully pushing past him and into the cool night air.
“My Ms. Mead would expect nothing less of me,” he offered, not bothering to hide his Cheshire cat smile. You had allowed him access to your mind and the things he saw, he desperately wanted to see again. You were like a box of confectioneries to him. For once in his life, his pride and ever-growing sense of entitlement took the backseat.  He felt like he had finally met someone of his own caliber and the feeling was exhilarating to him. You weren't his father but you were the next best thing and best of all, right in front of him.
Tag List:
@sexwon131​ @leatherduncan​ @rocketgirl2410​
52 notes · View notes
momosandlemonsoda · 3 years
get to know me meme
tagged by @xcziel (thank you!!)
Part I
name: I’m a fandom old and I don’t use my real name, but on most platforms I’m afrikate, from which you can guess part of my real name. When I got a tumblr I wanted something different, so I’m momosandlemonsoda. At the time I was traveling to Nepal a lot for work and momos and lemon soda was one of my comfort meals.
rest behind a cut because it got long!
pronouns: she/her
star sign: I’m a pisces but I don’t really line up with most of the characteristics so,  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
height: 5'5" (165.1cm)
time: 7:18pm
birthday: end of February
nationality: american
fave bands/groups/solo artists: I don’t listen to a lot of music these days, though I’ve been through a Hamilton obsession in recent years and also loved Blackpink’s The Album. My love was 90s alternative rock, all the Brit-pop emo bands and folks like REM and the Violent Femmes. But I also love rocking out to 80s hair bands.
song stuck in your head: at any given time, probably one of the Daniel Tiger songs, sadly.
last movie you watched: I have been rewatching one of my comfort movies, The Sound of Music, in an attempt to move my kid on from animated movies a bit. So far, she’s not biting, but I find it soothing to sing along.
last show you binged: I can’t really binge adult shows--at most I generally can watch a couple episodes in the evenings. But I made my way through Sha Hai as fast as I could-- for all that The Lost Tomb Reboot holds my heart, I think Sha Hai might objectively be the best of the Tomb shows-- given plotting, production values, and the story itself. I’m making my way through Ultimate Note now, but I’m finding it slow going.
when you created your blog: I honestly can’t remember. 2011-12? Maybe? When did Teen Wolf happen?
the last thing you googled: I have no idea-- my brain is not retaining information well these days.
other blogs: I have an old skool DW and a twitter that’s locked down, but my fannish interaction is mostly confined to tumblr these days.
why i chose my url: I explained it above--I was deep in travel to Nepal at the time. Mmm… now I want momos...
how many people are you following: 224
how many followers do you have: 72
average hours of sleep: Oh god, I wish it were 7-8 hours a night. Right now, it’s probably more like 5-6 and I am feeling it.
lucky numbers: 8
instruments: long ago and far away I played viola, but I gave it up in college.
what i'm currently wearing: skinny jeans, a tunic top, and my hair is too long so it’s pulled back.
dream job: HA. HA. HA. Right now, I fantasize about owning a yarn shop / cafe / ice cream shop with my friends. We joke that we’ll run away to an island and open a store. That’s… not really likely or feasible. Once upon a time I would have said my current job is my dream job, but younger me really didn’t understand what she was signing up for.
dream trip: my current fantasy is to be in business class on one of the Gulf airlines, eating warm nuts and drinking champagne. I don’t even want to arrive anywhere, I just want to be on a plane forever.  But when I get past my intense desire to be alone, I would like to go to the beach with a group of friends in a rented villa and not have to do anything at all for a couple of weeks.
fave food: too many to name. Sushi, for starters.
top three fictional universe you'd like to live in: I can’t think of any, honestly. What makes for a good story sounds exhausting to live in, and our current reality is enough (too much, really) for me.
Part II
last song: My Favorite Things from The Sound of Music
last movielast stream: I don’t watch streams.
currently reading: I started the first Mercenary Librarians book, Deal with the Devil by Kit Rocha, but I have kind of stalled out on reading a book, even with a guaranteed happy ending (it’s a romance)
currently watching: Ultimate Note, which is a tonal 180 from Sha Hai and Reboot, but better than TLT2. I miss surfer!Pangzi, who is the spiritual predecessor to best!Pangzi, but I do think that UN!Wu Xie is better than twink!Wu Xie. I also am glad to never have to see the bickering tree ever again. I would like to watch lots of different c-dramas and bl shows, but given my extremely limited free time,  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
what is antipoetry to you: is anti-poetry a thing? Or is this just like the opposite of poetry? I have no idea.
currently craving: to be alone. No one waking me up in the morning (even the cat). No one demanding something or needing help or having a crisis only I can solve. Just me and books and wifi.
tagging @uschickens and anyone who wants to! I hope no one feels obligated, though. Do whatever makes you happy!
10 notes · View notes
srprincess · 4 years
Guess what!?! It’s Fictober time again! So – new prompts, but I’m still out here (making an attempt at) finishing my same old fic.
Prompt 1 – “No, come back!” // fandom – omgcp // fic rating – T for language reasons
Notes: This is actually chapter 19 of the Spookydoo AU I started last fictober. I can’t believe it’s been an entire year. I guess months worth of pandemic related block and a cross country move will tend to slow these sorts of things down, but, yeah – a year. Wow. Back at the start I had thought this was going to be a quick month long project, but here we are! If you’re still following me from way back then, here’s the long promised update. If you’re new this will make NO SENSE without the rest of the story - and honestly only minimal sense after - so I’ll drop a link to the rest of the story on Ao3 in the replies (since tumblr hates links)
“Are you sure I don't need to head back and get them?” Will asked, for the third time.
“Nah, they’re resourceful. Quit worrying,” Nursey told him, also for the third time. At least. Maybe he had asked a few too many times.
He, Nursey, Shitty and Lardo were gathered back around the table in his kitchen, while Sammy sat at the edge of the doorway leading into the mudroom, happily chewing on a length of rope that Will had knotted up for her. He didn't have much to offer in the way of snacks while they waited, but he’d managed to scrounge up a bag of not quite stale pretzels and some cold sodas. Not the best spread, but good enough he didn't think his mom’s memory would judge him too harshly under the circumstances. Said circumstances being that these particular guests and their friends had basically wiped out his pantry over the course of their previous visits.
They were waiting, with varying levels of patience, for Holster and Ransom to show up with their lunches, and - maybe more importantly, it depended on who you asked - to tell them what they'd found out about Lou’s place. Or rather the house that she had been...haunting? It was still hard for Will to think about it that way, about his longtime friend being a ghost, but, well, could he deny it anymore? Honestly? It was strange, but if she was a ghost - which she was - and had been staying in and around the house - which she had - what else could you call it other than a haunting? At any rate, finding out the property had been sitting vacant might have explained how it could have had a ghost-in-residence for so long without attracting too much attention, but it opened up a whole other set of questions. Who would leave a house on the water empty for years? Sure, it needed some upkeep, but still, it was a nice enough place in a great spot. Where were the owners? Why hadn’t they been trying harder to sell it? Or failing that, using the property themselves? He also wanted to know more about how Lou had ended up connected to the property, but that was going to have to come from her and not a simple property search. Unfortunately, she hadn't seemed any too eager to talk about her final days when he and Nursey had talked to her earlier.
After his stomach grumbled, Nursey checked the time, again, and sighed.
“I said I could head back in for them,” Will pointed out. “It’s not an issue-”
“Might be a while, but I’m sure they're on the way,” Shitty assured him. “I think they were looking for an excuse to rent that bike, and a ride’ll take them a minute.”
“Not the tandem!” Lardo shook her head, “I thought we talked them out of that.”
“Yes, the tandem, and you tried to talk them out of it. I, on the other hand, might have offered to pay the fee as long as they took pictures.”
“They'll never make it here in one piece on that thing.”
“Oh, ye of little stature and faith, they are perfectly synced. They'll make it fine.”
“Whatever. Then why did you want pictures, hmmm? A 20 says they'll crash and burn at least once.”
“Hopefully they don’t fall on my sandwich,” Nursey muttered under his breath.
“Because Jack can't be the only one with pictures of these trips, that’s why. So, deal?”
“Deal.” Shitty and Lardo were just shaking on the bet when the sound of tires on the rocks outside was followed by a knock at the door. They all turned to look at Will, who looked blankly back before it clicked -
“Oh. Yeah. My house. My door. Best be getting that.” He rushed to the answer, more to hide his blush than out of a hurry to let the two in.
He opened the door to the double whirlwind that was Ransom and Holster pushing through, arms loaded with bags.
 Shitty took one look at them before holding his hand out to Lardo. “All in one piece. Well, two pieces. As expected. Pay up.”
“Not so fast,” she told him, attempting to shove his hand away before turning to them. “How did you manage to carry all of that on a bike?”
“No bike,” Ransom told her.
“It was already rented,” Holster added.
“Ha!” She slapped Shitty’s hand down. “No payday for you.”
“You neither,” he pointed out.
“Hmmm. I still say you owe me ten,” Lardo argued.
“The hell I do,” Shitty scoffed back.
“But if they would have ridden the bike they would have fallen, and you know it.”
“Says you. Wrongly.”
“My. What an excellent defense. I can see why you're the high-powered attorney here.” Lardo pulled a face at him before stating her case, “If they had tried to ride that bike they likely would have fallen. If they tried to ride it while holding all those bags, they for sure would have. I see no possible way that they would have made it here safely, and so I still deserve half the original bet winnings.”
 “Incorrect,” Shitty took a final sip of his drink and a deep breath before standing. Full attorney mode. “First, both these fine individuals have a history of athletic excellence in a sport known for quick moves requiring great balance skills, coordination and teamwork,” he counted off each point in his hands. “Second, they've been known to safely carry much more than a few bags of food, over unfamiliar terrain, in the dark-”
“Well, I did fall on Rans that one time we-”
Shitty hushed Holster before continuing, “Shhh - You aren't helping the case.”
“Why are we even on trial?” Ransom asked, confused. “Anyways, I remember that. Kind of. You only almost fell, bro, and we were hella fucked up that night.”
“You,” Shitty pointed to Ransom, “are helping. Thank you. As I had said - teamwork. While, errr, shall we say inebriated? They were able to use teamwork to accomplish their goals. Mostly safely. Sober, and in the clear light of day, making it here safely would have been no problem. Thirdly, if the bet had been that they `likely’ would have fallen off the bike with their arms full, I allow that you might have won. Unfortunately, for you, it wasn’t and so you didn’t. In closing, your point is dismissed for being unprovable. Case closed. The End.” He, smugly, picked his cup back up to drain the drink.
“You can't just close the case yourself-” Lardo argued.
“And yet, I have,” Shitty shrugged.
She growled under her breath, “this isn't over,” Lardo pointed at him before asking Ransom and Holster, “So, no bike? How did you get here?”
 Will, who had been watching like the exchange like it was the most interesting show he’d seen in years, and, let’s be real, with television as spotty as it was out there it kind of was, turned to them, curious himself to hear the answer.
Nursey, who had been enjoying watching Will watch the others, said, “Probably an Uber.”
“No Uber round these parts.”
“Fine, Lyft, whatever.”
“Nope, don’t have those either,” Will told him. “We do have a Martha, but there’s no way that’s how they got here.”
“What’s a Martha?” Nursey asked.
“She calls herself a taxi service, but truthfully she’s just a busybody who got herself a fair reliable rig and a business license. Let’s her keep up on who’s new around, see what they're about and then give them a mandatory tour of her favorite places. Takes her forever to get anywhere. Guaranteed it would have taken them at least another hour to get out here with her.”
“An hour!? How is this town even big enough to take that long?”
“Well, if you drop her a ’tip’ she's sure to add your place on the route, yeah? Bunch of shops do every year. That's a lot of side roads and loops. Now me? I throw her some money every season to miss The Light entirely. She would have tried stalling and distracting them as long as possible before heading this way.”
 “So, don’t take ’a Martha’, noted for future.” Ransom cut in.
“We didn't need to anyway,” Holster told the group. “Did you know, if you order food for delivery, you can get yourself delivered along with it?”
“That's not a-” Nursey started to argue before looking to Will for confirmation. “Is that a thing?”
“No. Definitely not a thing.”
Holster gestured at the bags and then at himself and Ransom, “I do believe it is.”
Will frowned, confused, “You know what...I don’t even think they do delivery at all. Outside of town, leastways.”
“You’d be amazed how far friendliness and a smile can get you,” Holster said, flashing a near alarming display of teeth.
“Maybe you should try that sometime, Poindexter,” Nursey joked.
“Ha fucking ha,” Will said, flashing a smile that veered more towards frightening than not.
“Hope you tipped well,” Shitty told Holster, ignoring the shoulder shoving across the table.
“Pfft, of course dude.”
“Good, then. Now, important business, where’s my sammie?”
A whine came from the doorway.
“Sorry, I meant my sandwich, not you Sammy,” Shitty turned to tell the dog. She sniffed in their direction, clearly looking for attention in the form of food of her own but not wanting to leave her new rope unattended. “But, yeah, her food, where’s it at? Guys?”
But he’d lost the attention of Ransom and Holster. With a nudge and a head tilt to where Nursey’s ankle was practically hooked around Will’s, Ransom smirked at Holster, who in turn sighed and pulled some money out of his pocket to hand it over.
Nursery watched the exchange before he narrowed his eyes. “And what’s this about?”
“The money?”
“That? He owed me for the, umm, dog dishes.”
“Yeah, sure he did.”
“Right, Holtzy?”
“Absolutely, the dishes. We were going halfsies. Because, uh, gift?”
Ransom scrunched his face up before he mouthed ’gift, really?’ back at him, but Holster just gave a small shrug.
Nursey still looked doubtful and Shitty, who had given up waiting and was rooting through the bags for himself, distracted them when he asked “Well, where are they?
“Where are what?” Ransom asked.
“The. Dog. Dishes.” he answered slowly and deliberately.
“Shit. Fuck. Damn. I, uh, forgot them?”
“Uh-huh,” Nursey shook his head. “You forgot to bring the dishes. That you just bought. As a gift. Suuuure.”
“Don’t worry about it. So long as you brought the food, I can find something to put it in.” Will got up and dug through a cupboard by the sink that was little more than a jumble of used butter tubs and came up with two bowls.
 One bowl he filled with water and set in front of the dog. The other he handed them to Lardo who filled it with some of the food Shitty had found in the bags, leading to a very happy Sammy, who flopped on top of the rope before digging in with enthusiastic messiness.
“Isn’t that uncomfortable? And look at that-” Nursey pointed out the puddles and food pieces spread all around the dog.
“It’s fine,” Will waved him off.
“What about your precious floor? All I did was drip on it the other night and-”
“Oh, let her be. Unlike people, she can’t help it if she makes a silly little mess.” Will ruffled the fur on top of her head. “Besides, she’s a good girl, aren't you Sammy,” Sammy wiggled at the good girl comment and went back to happily working to empty her bowl. Dog mess was fine, Will told himself, nothing he couldn’t clean up later. He wondered if maybe he should consider a dog of his own. The company might be nice. He shrugged off the thought for later and went to wash his hands before grabbing a stack of plates to take to the table.
 All business of bets and money exchanges temporarily forgotten, the gang worked as one to pass around the lunches.
A giant sub was split between Lardo and Shitty. She flicked an olive that had stayed to her half at him, which he easily caught with his mouth before flicking a pepper back towards her. When he went to grab a drink, she swiped another pepper and one of his tomato slices too. Ransom passed her his pickle spears, and she gave him half her lettuce. Holster split his bag of BBQ chips and the salt and vinegar ones in front of Ransom between them 50-50. Okay, maybe 60-40. But neither complained. Instead of being split up, a large bag of fries was just torn open and left for each to pick from as they wanted. Ketchup squeezed out onto one of the wrappers that had previously held a wrap. All the exchanges spoke to the habits of friends who’d shared a meal many times over. Will eyed the onions that Nursey picked off his sandwich, wanting them. Even though no one else had made a move for them, he wasn’t quite brave enough to push his way into their rituals. No matter, because as soon as the look was noticed, he found them deposited on the side of his own plate. Happily piling them on his own sandwich he spared a slice of bacon back, but just one. He wasn’t that generous.
Will had originally thought they had brought back too much food not realizing some of the others had gone, but the reason for the pile of random extra sandwiches dropped in the middle of the table became clear as each was picked apart and passed around until everyone was full.
 As the last scraps of their meal were being cleared away Ransom spoke up, “So, I got in touch with that realtor,” he told them. “The property is up for sale. Technically. Has been for a while.”
“What do you mean, technically? Then why isn't it listed anywhere? Being shown?” Will asked.
“Well, that's the thing. Apparently, they tried? But the seller wasn’t very motivated and only interest at the price was for a package deal.”
“A package-” Will paused and frowned. “Wait. What was the realtor’s name again?”
When Ransom told him, Will’s face clouded over and a hint of rage built up at the set of his jaw.
“So, I take it you do know him. He said you'd, hmmm, spoken? Before.” Ransom filled in the others, “There’d been a big deal in the works with a developer, but they wanted this whole area or no deal.”
 “Yeah. Those assholes. Not likely to forget them. Wanted to turn this place into some ridiculous restaurant.”
“Waterfront restaurants can be nice,” Holster tried to play devil’s advocate, “a good draw for the area.”
Will was having none of it. “My grandfather and father both would roll over in their graves if they knew I sold this place. After all the work they put in on the updates? Especially to some stiff from away. All so someone could open a restaurant we probably wouldn't even be able to afford to eat in? No way. No how. I think not.”
Shitty agreed, “I get it, yeah. People like that’ll suck the soul out of a place to make a buck. Fuck ’em.”
They’d only met recently, and it was hard for Will to tell if Shitty was motivated to agree with him in an attempt to stay on his good side, because he actually did agree or just because he couldn't resist joining in on a potential argument. In any case, fueled by the agreement, Will’s knew he was headed into full ’soapbox mode’ but couldn't help himself. “It’s the developers ruining towns like this all up and down the coast,” his voice rose and his arms flailed as he got more worked up. “For years we’ve helped our own. Didn't need anything from anyone other than basic neighborliness. Share and share alike, and everyone makes it just fine. Then some upstart comes in with his fancy ideas and a pile of money and, and, we’re supposed to sell up and then what? Go where? Do what-”
Holster, who seemed to have finally realized what can of worms he opened up, tried to back it up, “I didn't mean- not your place. Just, like, in general? Attractions, well, attract. But you're here, using the place. There's open land out there and they shouldn’t-”
Will steamrolled on, “-always say they want the authentic experience getaway but that’s not what they're really after. What they really mean is some bland cookie cutter experience that’ll get copied at every seaside town. So they can do the same things and share the same photos as everyone else. Nothing is genuine anymore. Where’s the originality of that? If they have their way every place will be the same as the next. Whatever happened to-”
Ransom held up a hand before interrupting, “Dex is right about that. It does seem to be what they were after here.”
Will grumbled out an “Obviously” but other than that let the other man continue speaking.
 “This particular buyer wanted everything from the lane out to the water. All the lots. They’d had plans to turn this place into a restaurant, private outdoor seating at the top. The couple houses as you’re coming out this way redone and connected by a huge kitchen in the middle to make a big bed and breakfast or inn type situation. And then uh,” Ransom paused, “well, your friend's house? That was going to be turned into a gift shop. Upscale souvenirs they told him. But, without adding the rest, there wouldn't have been the traffic to support a shop. So - all or nothing.”
“There was, and is, no way I'm selling up and moving out,” Will shoved himself back from the table angrily.
“Hey, I’m not saying you should,” Ransom held up his hands. “Just passing on what he said. Pretty sure he knows that now.”
“Why do ya say that? I mean, good, but why?”
“He described you as - now keep in mind this is coming from him, and not me. I think you're great, and so don’t-”
“Spit it out.”
“he-called-you-the-lighthouse-lunatic,” came the quickly murmured answer.
“He what?!” Will yelled.
“Come on man, don't make me say it again,” Ransom said with a wince.
“He called me - Well that's - that’s rude is what it is. Imagine invading a man’s home, after he’s - then you're going to call him names? Rude. Even more glad I didn't sell. Lunatic,” Will huffed.
“I wouldn't call you a lunatic,” Holster said, as the others added their agreement. “You do get...excited, but no.”
“At the risk of getting you all, you know,” Nursey gestured vaguely at Will before scooting himself back to a safe distance and continuing, “I’m just saying, coming from a person you tried to forcibly eject days ago, is it completely inaccurate?”
“Is it though?”
“I will throw you back into the ocean with my bare hands. Right now. Let’s go.”
 Nursey offered back a weak smile to show he was kidding, mostly, and the rest started to throw out other words in Will’s defense.
“Not lunatic.”
“No, of course not.”
“Touchy, edgy?”
“Nah, opinionated?”
“And, fiercely determined”
“Oh, good one.”
“And hermit like?”
“That’s territorial.”
 A woman’s voice from the other side of the room said, “he’s enthusiastically defensive.”
Nursey snaps his fingers. “Exactly!”
“Enthusiastically defensive,” Will repeated before turning and nodding in the direction of Lou, who had appeared over by the sink. “I can accept that.”
She smiled before disappearing again.
 “Okay, so, big picture-” Nursey tried to take control of the conversation, “it boils down to, without Dexy’s place here, the whole deal was off the table.”
“And other than that offer there wasn't any real interest,” Holster, who had listened in on Ransom’s call with the realtor, finished. “With no package deal, and the other house owners not willing to take the low offers coming in, he decided it wasn't worth coming all this way to show it to people who are never going to buy anyway. Without the potential sellers pushing him, he stopped promoting it. He’d almost forgotten about the listing himself because no one has ever checked up with him in the last few years. Said it was like the owners themselves had even forgotten about it.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, what he said, zombie property. But now back to THAT.” Ransom frantically waved his arms. “What the? Who the? Tell me you all heard that.”
“Uhhh well-” Will stalled.  
Ransom looked around at the rest of them, who were visibly trying not to react.
“Is no one going to mention the fucking ghost in the room?!” He shrieked. In a manly way. If you asked him, he would have called it a shout. A very high-pitched shout. That he made while pushing himself as close into the corner, behind the table, as he could.
“Oh, that’s - Lou?”
“Yes, Derek?” she answered from over his shoulder.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to call you, I was just telling him - but since you’re here-”
“Your friends seem a little troubled.”
Will snorted.
Most of them were only staring, quiet, and more than a bit shocked, but remarkable not freaking out. At least not externally. But Ransom - well, his face was doing its best fish impression and - try as he might - he couldn't manage to force another word out.
Holster tried to help by giving him a slap on the back and he managed to eke out the words `girl’ and `ghost’ before slipping under the table.
“Is he...okay?” she asked.
“Eh-” Lardo said, tilting her hand side to side.
“Not really.” Holster reached under the table and gave a supportive shoulder squeeze.
“Hi,” was all Shitty got out.
“Maybe I should go,” Lou said, slowly fading.
“Hi?” Shitty asked.
Will thought it was weird to see her fading, when he’d already found himself getting used to her quickly blipping in and out. Then he realized how weird it was he found himself getting used to anything at all to do with this situation.
“No, come back!” they all yelled. Well, all minus Ransom. He whimpered unintelligibly from his hiding place.
Lou faded back in, “are you sure?”
“Hi.” Shitty repeated, prompting a choked back laugh from Lardo.
“I think he means yes,” Will told her. “Stay a while.”
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purplesurveys · 4 years
[created by: vyvyan86]
What do you do for work? I work at a public relations agency, so I handle servicing for a good number of clients across different industries. PR is basically like the extroverted sibling of journalism; and since I turned out to not enjoy journ, I gave PR a try halfway through my time in college and ended up liking it more.
What would you ideally like to do for work? I actually really enjoy what I do, like getting to work directly with big local and even international brands. I’m glad I made the decision to make the career shift because I can’t imagine how miserable I would be in a newsroom.
What are you doing in order to achieve this? I’m already where I want to be, at least for now. I don’t see it changing any time soon because I’m nowhere near tired of the work yet.
What is the meaning of your life? What is it that you really live for? Erm I don’t really try to define it or have an answer to this right away because I feel like it puts a lot of unwanted pressure on me, by me. As long as I’m satisfied in the present, I shouldn’t be worrying for whom or what my life is ultimately supposed to be.
Have you ever REALLY thought what it means to have children? Yup. Having kids would be the perfect life, but realistically speaking I am not at all ready to start that particular chapter. I don’t make enough money to be able to build a family, and I’ve never even tried changing a diaper yet...then you have to think about weekly formulas, what school to enroll them in, building a nursery...it’s all very hectic and stressful and it’s definitely not a priority as of the moment.
Are you planning to have children anyway? It would be nice, but I still don’t know if it’s in my future.
What is the most awful thing about the world today? I doooooooooon’t understand racism. It’s those videos of white people being caught on tape harassing POCs without a care in the world that get to me the most. It’s horrifying and it’s made me have close to zero plans to travel to the places where the videos usually come from. It’s happened too many times and too many clips have gone viral, that I can’t help but think it would happen to me and my family as well. What do you think is the worst being on the planet? Abusive and/or neglectful parents.
Have you ever been arrested? If so, what for? Nopes.
Have you ever been in court? If so, in which role? Definitely not.
Which do you think is a more valuable being, a human or an animal? I don’t think it’s fair to compare. A life is a life.
What, in your opinion, will cause the end of the world? I’m gonna let science answer this and refer to whatever predictions they have for the future based on their calculations. 
What does your mother do for work? She works in an international hotel chain as an executive secretary, but work is actually kind of slippery for her at the moment because of Covid. There are only certain days in the week where she’s called in to report for work, and there is a chance those requests will stop coming in at a certain point.
^If she's a homemaker, any specific reason for this? She’s not anymore but she did enjoy a brief period of being a homemaker after resigning from her previous workplace back in likeeeee 2013 I’d say? which according to her had increasingly turned into a toxic environment after 20+ years of working there.
What about your father? What does he do? He is an executive sous chef. Cruise ship industry, so his situation is also actually quite bleak. Fortunately the job security with his company is a lot stronger and more guaranteed.
How do you like your coffee? I like it sweet and for its color to be light brown.
If you're of age, what's your favorite alcoholic drink? Tequila shots if we’re going hard. Long Island Iced Tea or Zombie if I’m looking to have a chill session with friends. Red Horse is fine as well, whatever. I hate beer with a passion but I’d drink it if everyone in the table is having a bottle.
If you're under-aged, what is your favorite soft drink? Bold of you to assume all minors like soda hahaha. I don’t, though.
Do you smoke? Yeah, just super seldom though because I don’t want to form a habit. I had the opportunity to last Friday but voluntarily skipped out on it, but that was also because I already had a vape pen on me.
^If so, did you start when you were 18 or were you younger? My first cigarette was when I was 21. Start of 2020.
Did your parents approve of your smoking/alcohol use before you turned 18? They wouldn’t have approved of it at all. And I wouldn’t have let myself either.
Do you have siblings? If not, skip the next few questions. Yeup.
Are you eldest, in the middle or youngest? I’m the eldest of two siblings.
How big an age gap is between you and your siblings? With my sister, 2 years. With my brother, 5 years.
Do/did your siblings cause trouble? Not at all, actually. We were all well-behaved, aka the three of us were always too shy to do anything bad or mischevious. I guess the biggest issues with each of us were - I was very messy with my stuff and ignored all my homework; Nina was a crybaby and would get into tears over literally any inconvenience; and my brother was a violent crybaby, which means he is Nina but always ready to punch you in the face, kick you in the neck or stomach, scream into your ear, etc.
If your siblings are old enough, what do they do for work? My sister is taking up digital filmmaking in an art school; my brother is only in his junior year of high school.
Have you ever been jealous of your siblings? I’m not jealous of her, but Nina is amazing at art and drawing and painting and all that stuff and I always wish I shared even like 1/98th of her skills, hahah.
Do you still live with your parent/s or do you live alone/with a partner? I live with my family, yeah. I’m nowhere near ready to start being on my own.
What do you think about growing up? Like what Paramore said (heheh), has to happen sometimes.
What about having responsibilities? I don’t really think anything of them? They’re kind of expected.
Do you know how to cook? Nope.
^If so, what's your favorite thing to cook? I don’t know how to make anything yet, but some dishes I would love to be able to master are risotto and paella. I’d also love to inherit my grandma’s kare-kare recipe but I’m already 300% sure from this early that I’ll never be able to make it as good as she does.
What about baking? I also can’t bake but some stuff I’d want to learn how to make are cupcakes, macarons, cheesecake, and a chocolate chip cookie recipe so good that my kids would literally bring their friends over to our house just to make them try it.
Do you ever drink tea? Iced tea for the most part. If I do ever drink the traditional hot tea, it’s usually because it’s served either at a hotel I’m staying at, or at an Asian restaurant.
Have you ever followed any of these fad diets that go around? I don’t follow a diet. I’m usually open to trying out foods that are packaged to fall under a certain diet, though – paleo, keto, etc. - just to experience how much different it could possibly taste from the food I typically have.
What do you usually order at your favorite restaurant? I usually get rosu, a type of tonkatsu cut that has a lining of fat on its side. My favorite restaurant then provides unlimited rice, miso soup, and cabbage with my order.
Do you prefer a proper restaurant to a fast food place? Not necessarily. I love a lot of either.
What's your dream vehicle? A Mini Countryman.
What about your dream house? I don’t have an exact image of it yet, but I always said that my dream house, wherever and whatever it might be, must have a room for all the wrestling memorabilia I plan to collect in the future. It’ll be like a ~mancave~  as I also plan to have a couch and a big TV in it so I can watch documentaries and pay-per-views there.
What is the biggest dream of your life? Right now, I would say the ‘biggest’ - since I’ve established it since I was a kid - is to go to the 50th installment of Wrestlemania, which is like the Superbowl of wrestling. This year it’ll be the 37th, so I have 13 years left to plan the dream out and save up and stuff.
If you could travel to another country right now, where would you go? Morocco.
What is a country you'd never ever visit? There isn’t a country I wouldn’t want to visit at least once. I’d probably avoid the ones that have dangerous political situations or are literally at war at the moment, but it doesn’t mean I don’t ever want to step foot in them.
Are you good at taking care of your finances? I’m getting there! I was able to have a good amount of savings this month :) My finances were shit for the first two months of my job because there was immediately soooooooo much to pay for, but I’m glad everything is on track now.
Have you ever had any trouble paying your bills? Well no, because I don’t pay my own yet. I do hand a portion of my allowance to my parents every payday so that I can help out with the family bills, though.
What about your rent? We don’t have rent.
What do you think is the best thing about being an adult? The freedom that comes with it is very empowering. I don’t technically have to ask permission to go out with friends anymore, or be scared of a curfew (but my mom still imposes one, LOL. It’ll mellow it within time though, I’m sure); I make my own money and can spend it however way I want while the rest I can save; I can take a drive or book an entire trip altogether as long as I can afford it...it’s letting me get to know myself even more, in a way that college and my teenage years weren’t able to do.
What about the worst? Being expected to have my shit together when I’m very clueless still about so many things in life. I make fuckups at work at least once a week and I always feel like I’m going to get fired with every mistake, lol.
Is there a person in your life, who wastes their life somehow? Hmm, I don’t think so. I have an uncle who had seemed to be headed nowhere before, but I think he’s slowly getting back on track. I think. At least I don’t hear anything about him anymore.
^If so, how are they wasting their life? Never had a stable job, was a neglectful husband and father (I think he still is), was never able to secure a house and even a car for his family, and deals with his problems by drinking...and worse, drunk-driving, sometimes. It’s an embarrassment and I don’t care if my grandma tells me off for giving him the cold shoulder every family gathering. I’m not gonna get close to someone who negatively affects my mood and my energy.
What is something you need to do, but you keep postponing it? Getting a new pair of glasses. Booking an appointment is a Newly-Unlocked Adult Thing that I’ve never done yet, so I’m nervous and I keep putting it off, hahaha.
Do you think life should just hand things to you? Not at all.
Or should you earn the things you want and need with hard work? Yeah, there you go.
Would you rather live off government benefits or earn your own money? Earn on my own, as much as possible. But some balance would be nice as well so that I can start feeling as if the government is actually helping and serving me.
When you take a survey, do you skip questions? Typically, no. But some of the older ones I’ve seen made by, like, 15 year olds of the time will have nonsense, downright immature, or lowkey racist/homophobic questions that I will have no problem deleting altogether as I think no one here would have any interest in answering them either.
Why, do you think, people write lyrics as the title for a survey? To be creative and catchy, I guess. And it works - I do tend to click on surveys that use lyrics.
If you have a Facebook, what do you use it for? Look for things to share, mainly. I’m fully back on it now after going a way for a bit to do some healing on my own.
If you have a Twitter, what do you use it for? As a space to let out literally all my thoughts and brianfarts. No one cares on Twitter, so it’s the perfect space to make a mess and be a mess.
If you have a Tumblr, what do you use it for? I used to have a wrestling-themed Tumblr (and before that, many more other themed Tumblrs), but when my interest died down I soon switched to using Tumblr for my surveys and being more lowkey altogether on here.
If you have an iPhone, why? I find it easier to use, and I like the interface more. The camera’s features are also more to my liking.
If you have an iPad, why? We have a really old model of it, and we bought that because iPads were all the rage at the time. It had been the newest concept from Apple and most people felt they had to have one, including my family. We definitely don’t feel the need to get another tablet anytime soon since it just functions like a giant phone for the most part.
If you have the latest electronic gadgets, did you pay for them yourself? I’ve never paid for a gadget before.
Do you always put your litter in a trashcan? Of course. I know how to pick up after myself like a respectful human. < Yup.
When you walk/ride your bike/drive your car, are you careful? Yeah, unless I’m mad. Sometimes road rage will take over me tbh, especially if other people on the road have been stupid for quite some time.
What is the rudest thing a person could do or say to you? Something phobic after seeing Jess and I together. < This reminds me of when my ex and I used to get stares or whispers in public. But to be honest, I actually enjoyed those encounters because it only served as fuel for me to get even more affectionate and piss them off more, lol. Good times. 
Anyway, the rudest thing I can think of at the moment is being cut while in line. Some people do it so subtly too, and their shy, careful shuffle to get in front of me is what irritates me the most because THEY KNOW they’re doing something shitty and yet are being so sneaky about it.
Have you ever been that rude to someone else? I have never cut in line, never will.
Do you think your parents are proud of you and what you do with your life? I don’t know. I hope so. I don’t know if they’re expecting me to move out at this point, but I hope they’re at least proud of the fact that their first kid managed to land a job, especially considering we’re living in Covid times.
Which would you rather be, famous or a "nobody"? Why? Can’t I be somewhere in between? When it boils down to it, I’d probably go with being a nobody...I’d miss the socialization and having friends, but at least it means I can get away with more.
Do you need to have the latest fashion in clothes and accessories? It would be nice, but I’m not desperate to have them.
If you have a job, do you get along with your co-workers? Yeah, I’d say so. I definitely have never fought with anyone yet. It’s hard to gauge my relationship with each of them because I entered the workplace while we’re under WFH so I’ve only gotten to talk to most of them through Viber; but so far, so good.
What kind of hobbies do you have? I like traveling and learning, so anything that’s got to do with those - going to museums, visiting ancestral houses, trying local art forms - I would definitely dive into. But if I’m not in a new province or country altogether, I like trying out new food and new restaurants, embroidering, watching my favorite shows, coloring, painting, and reading essays about history. :)
Would anything in the whole world make you give up any of those hobbies? I’m not super attached to painting anymore, so I guess.
Have you had/do you have any pets? I currently have two dogs. In the past we’ve had a cat, a rabbit, two birds, and several goldfish.
Do you even like animals? I love them, except insects.
If you aren't already, would you ever get married? It would be a nice thing to tick off my life event list.
If you are already married, what was the ultimate reason for the marriage? -
As a child, did you do anything really bad? I was raised in a highly violent household with the worst influences as my elders. Yes, I managed to squeeze in some horrible stuff when no one was looking.
^If so, what was it? What were the consequences? I was violent towards my brother but won’t get into it. The only thing I’ll mention is that I used to chase him around with a knife whenever he’d start becoming too much of a headache.
As a teenager, did you do anything really bad? I don’t think so. I was well-traumatized and abused by the time I was a teenager so I was afraid of fucking anything up and being in more trouble.
^If so, what was it? What were the consequences? The worst thing I did was lie about my performance in school, honestly. Which, looking back now, doesn’t even seem like a big deal considering I was only in high school then and grades from there barely matter.
Do you have a problem with authority? Nope. Well, a good number of my teachers didn’t seem to like me for some reason. I’d say it’s their problem though since I never did anything to raise hell in school, ever.
What's your favorite comic strip? I don’t have one.
Is there a piece of clothing you absolutely must wear every day Underwear... < Yep.
Has a doctor ever told you to lose weight? No. I’ve always been on the lighter side so that has never been a comment given to me by anyone.
Have you ever been diagnosed with a lifelong disease? Isn’t scoliosis a lifelong thing? If it is, then yes I have been.
What is something you absolutely hate? Fruits.
What about something you absolutely love? Seafood! Which is why I have spicy tuna salad and dynamite rolls with me at the moment :)
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Finally dropping a fanfic for you guys. It's Yoonmin and it's kinda not rated G so if you're not for it, then don't read it
Disclaimer: WG fic. Very gay as well.
Jimin was all always a little chubby. Nothing too noticeable though, just a bit of softness around his tummy, thighs, hips, and face. Him and Yoongi were roommates for a few years and the older was beginning to question their relationship. He caught himself blushing every time Jimin would let him use him as a pillow. He caught himself stealing glances at the younger whenever he would eat, his tummy expanding as he became very full at every meal. Even those times when Jimin would ask Yoongi to rub his full tummy sent Yoongi into an aroused state. However, there was no drastic change, as Jimin did dance regularly, paired with his moderate workouts and such to get his exercise. Even while watching him dance, Yoongi would have no other choice than to stare at his friend and roommate's thick thighs. Yoongi liked Jimin's thighs a lot. He liked that they were still somewhat soft covering all of the muscle. Yoongi had only recently learned his own kink and he was beginning to feel that Jimin was going to drive him crazy one day. The older however, wondered what his friend would look like with more weight on him. He wanted to know what his friend would look like with a big, soft plush tummy, a cute round face, and thicker, juicier thighs. Shame he wouldn't be able to experience it though. Unless...
It had been six weeks since Yoongi began his plan to fatten up Jimin. The younger had put on about 30-40 pounds within this time. Yoongi still craved more from his friend. In truth, the older felt like crap. He knew he was risking a lot over this, but the younger didn't seem to notice so far. However, he did notice. Jimin definitely noticed his pants getting tight. Jimin definitely noticed how much Yoongi fed him. He definitely noticed the stares he got from his hyung whenever he would eat to his stomach's content. Jimin also definitely noticed that he was beginning to like this whole scenario. He sprouted a plan.
"Hyung. I'm hungry. Can we go get food?" Jimin whined for the umpteenth time.
"Sure, where do you want to go?" Yoongi responded, looking up at his friend who was allowing him to use his thighs as a pillow.
"I don't know..."
"How about we try this new place Seokjin hyung suggested? He gave me a coupon and today is the last day I can use it. Some sort of all you can eat place." He muttered his last sentence as to not make Jimin too suspicious. Jimin's face lit up.
Oh, yes. I wanna go."
With that, Yoongi and Jimin were out the door.
The pair had arrived and Jimin looked at the display with wide eyes. All different kinds of different foods all for him to try.
Yoongi chuckled at his friend's excitement as he noticed the latter clap, his sweater sleeves (a sweater that was once very oversized but now revealed evidence of his belly) covering most of his hands.
"We can go get started." Yoongi stated simply.
After perusing and selecting the two came back. Truth was, Yoongi wasn't all that hungry, but he got a lot on his first plate so that Jimin would feel less nervous about having so much.
Jimin finished his plate in record breaking speed, leaving his hyung in the dust.
"You eat so slow, hyung." Jimin jested, flashing his signature eye smile, all the more adorable due to his chubbier cheeks.
"Haha, yea."
It wasn't just that, however. Yoongi had been cooking more for the both, encouraging Jimin to eat more, and even sneaking weight gain powder into Jimin's food and drinks.
"I'm gonna go get more f--"
"No no." just as Jimin began to stand, Yoongi him off. "Don't worry about it babe, I got you." Yoongi mentally cursed himself out and hoped that Jimin didn't notice him call him that.
"Thanks, love." Jimin responded playfully.
Yoongi had made about 5 trips back and forth, continuing to pile Jimin's plates with food. The older watched in awe and felt an all too familiar pool of heat in his stomach as he watched the younger stuff himself silly. At this point, Jimin was beyond full, but he wanted Yoongi to suffer.
"Hyung, my tummy hurts, but I want more. Can you rub my tummy?"
Yoongi almost choked on his drink. He walked over and sat in the chair next to Jimin. Yoongi began to rub his crush's tummy. Thank goodness this was a private section.
"Mm, that feels so good~" Jimin nearly moaned.
His tummy was taut to the touch, but not so that there was no more room left. Jimin could finish the rest of this plate and dessert. The younger, out of humour, reached once again for his fork, pretending to struggle-- only to drop it in the process.
"Hyung... can you feed me the rest?"
"Don't worry. I'll take care of you Jiminie."
Jimin held his mouth open, ready and willing for each bite. Yoongi kept up his slow pace. Too slow for Jimin to handle.
"Hyung, you can go faster. I won't break."
Wordlessly, Yoongi began feeding Jimin faster and rubbing his swollen belly in the process.
"Hyung," Jimin signalled for Yoongi to pause.
"Are you okay Jiminie?"
"Yea, I just need a drink."
Yoongi brought the soda up to Jimin's lips. Jimin drank fast, causing his stomach to swell even more. The younger signalled when he needed a break. Yoongi set the drink back down on the table. Jimin allowed his shirt to ride up more, revealing his belly in all its glory. Yoongi tried not to flush red at the sight. It looked perfect. Round and taut, faint stretchmarks scattered along his plush love handles and up his belly. Yoongi craved more than to just rub his belly. He wanted all of Jimin, but his belly would have to do for now. He rubbed Jimin's belly, applying slight pressure to help some of the carbonation out. Once Yoongi saw that it was enough, he continued to feed his younger.
"Hyung?" Jimin managed out, stifling a burp.
"Can you bring me dessert?" the younger asked sheepishly. Yoongi just nodded. He returned a bit later with just about every dessert the establishment offered: cake, pie, cookies, ice cream, etc. Jimin's eyes lit up. Somewhere else felt ablaze as well. The younger thought about how much he ate and how much he had to eat left. Admittedly, Jimin was a little turned on by the thought of how much food he had consumed. How big he was going to look, how big he felt, and how Yoongi would react.
Yoongi began to feed Jimin the desserts. He started with the cookies, shoving each and every one down Jimin's black hole of a mouth. As Yoongi nearly finished stuffing his dongsaeng, he began to find it unbearable to ignore the feeling in his pants. If he was gonna be exposed, he decided it would be better to just admit it than have his cock do the explaining for him.
"Jimin...I have something to say."
"What is it hyung?"
Just as Yoongi was prepared to answer, he heard a snapping sound. followed by a clinking sound as something almost hit him in the head. He and Jimin looked around in concern for the object. Yoongi bent forward to pick up the now found projectile. It was Jimin's pants button which gave up its valiant fight to keep Jimin's belly in. Yoongi and Jimin looked flush at each other, blushing.
"I-I'm sorry, hyung... I thought you would like it if I got big--"
Just like that, Yoongi cut him off with a kiss. Jimin fell into the kiss. Slowly, Yoongi made his way onto Jimin's lap, straddling him. He let his hands roam, his hands deciding to knead and rub the younger's plump, taut belly, lifting then dropping it, watching as it jiggled . Jimin moaned into the kiss as Yoongi's erection grazed against his own.
"Aish, you're so soft and big and sexy Jimin, I love you and I can't wait to see you get bigger and bigger for me... and that button pop was so hot. You have no idea." Yoongi nearly growled out between panting and grinding against Jimin. The younger began grinding back, craving the friction between him and his hyung.
"I love you too Yoongi. Ah~"
Yoongi picked up the cake that remained and fed Jimin as they continued to grind against each other. One hand feeding Jimin the cake, the other hand rubbing his belly. Both were in pure euphoria as Jimin soon finished his cake. The friction had proven too much for the both as they each came at the same time with quiet breathy moans, minding that they were in public. After catching their breath, they left. Jimin began to feel last minute doubt on the car ride home.
"Hyung, are you sure you're okay with me like this." he looked down in shame. Yoongi just looked at him and smiled.
"Absolutely. I love it. I love you to the ends of the earth, beyond, and back." Yoongi paused. "But are you sure you're okay with this? You do realise that your body-- your life will never be the same."
"I'm sure, hyung, I actually really like this. And as long as I'm with you, I'll have nothing to worry about."
Welp there you have it folks~
-Admin Kai
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reddie 20
Your song is ‘You Gotta Be a Football Hero’ by Ben Bernie !!!
(Send me a Stephen King ship + a number & I will shuffle my music that many times and write you a little one-shot!!!)
Beverly Marsh found out about the empty backyard pool from a classmate named Deborah Hat. Her mother was a real estate agent and in the middle of trying to sell the property (which was not going well). So young Debbie used it as a quiet place to smoke with occasional partners.
Bev was invited when Deb found out the girl had an endless supply of cigarettes & was kind enough to share. Showing her gratitude, Deb welcomed the teen to use the pool as a hang-out place for herself & her weird friends.
Though no one blamed Deb for thinking weirdly of Richie considering the idiot used the same pickup line on her every-time they crossed paths. 'May I try this hat on for size?'
He didn’t even mean it. He just thought it was clever as hell.
: : : : : : : : : : :
Knowing where it all went wrong doesn’t mean a person posses the capability of fixing the situation. Hard to swallow pills didn’t come after a prescription, sometimes they just ended up in the usual round-table of Eddie’s medication. Usually after days of spiraling thoughts about his life.
He was sitting coldly on the last step of the ladder leading to the pool, legs dangling over the side. The Tozier boy was sitting, legs spread out, on the pool floor. His A&W Root-Beer shirt folded as he hunched over to get a sip of Stan’s soda.
“Y’know, you don’t need to wait thirty minutes after you eat to get in this pool.” Came Mike’s voice from above. With a crack of his neck, Eddie glance up to see his friend bent over the round handles.
Eddie grinned & hopped down to the ground so Mike could climb down. He clapped his back gently and made his way towards Bill & Bev who were digging into their cheeseburger meals. Richie had suggested they stop for a bag of fast-food before headin’ out.
“Need a lift, Ed’s?” Richie wiped grease down his jeans as he stood to make his way over.
“Please.” Eddie decided to let that nickname pass for now and instead he happily enjoyed Richie plucking him from the ground. He placed the smaller boy back on his spot on the ladder with a genuine grin.
His thin fingers snaked around the cool metal and suddenly those scary thoughts of the future were dismissed. Because it was always the age of cartoons & comic books when Eddie looked into Richie’s wonderfully crazy eyes.
“You still mad at me?” Richie tried to act casual but his voice cracked in the tiniest way which nearly broke Eddie’s heart.
His nose scrunched when he shook his head. “No. You were just trying to help me.” He reached out to push Richie’s glasses up for him. “Besides, my mom started it.” He tried to smile but found it hard when he remembered that day.
Because that was just Richie, he understood and planted a tiny kiss on Eddie’s cheek. “Would you tell me to go fuck myself if I gave ya something kinda sentimental?” Anxiety was clear in his tone.
Eddie shook his head, hair tickling under Rich’s chin. “Never.”
Richie grinned and shook something out of the pocket of his jacket. “I want you to wear this as a promise ring, ok?” He smirked, still hiding the actually prize in his palms. “Screw it, right? We don’t know our plans but we do know one thing & what’s that Ed’s?”
Eddie smirked, reluctant to do the little routine but amused all the same. “We go together.” He mumbled, half-embarrassed considering all the Losers were now looking at them.
He hummed happily. “No matter how scary our future may seem, we’ll be brave!” Richie fell victim to another character performance, Eddie watched happily. “I mean, are we men or are we mice?”
From behind him, their friends erupted “We’re mice!”
Richie’s eyes glowed as he watched Eddie chuckle as he joined them. Instead of saying more, he opened his hands and held out the present.
“Holy Shit!” Eddie hopped off the ladder with wide-admiring eyes laying upon the greatest little trinket he thought lost years ago. In the hill of Richie’s palm was a nostalgic little Captain Midnight™ Decoder Ring. “Dude, I thought I lost this like a million years ago.” He swiped it and slipped it on just as easily as he used to when he was eleven.
Those elated eyes of Richie continued to beam with admiration. “Yeah, I found it buried in my old sandbox.”
“Why were you digging in your sandbox?” Mike asked from behind them.
Richie took an amused expression. “My dad said he was excellent at finding lost shit so I buried his keys!” He laughed at the memory and looked back at Mike before turning softly. “So, you like it?”
Eddie grinned, holding his hand close to his chest. “I have such a crush on you, Dick.” He giggled at his useless words but there truly wasn’t a better way to describe it.
“Don’t embarrass yourself!” Richie whistled to distract from his blush.
A paper boat did not float so easily on dampened brown mush but on this day the air was heavy with thick wind and the ground was seeping with foul rainwater. Nobody’s child would be out, in fear of catching their death from the wet air.
Inside the warm car, a cheap paper cup spilled droplets of Root-Beer piss down into Eddie’s cupholders. Not an easy place to clean. His eyes burned a little just from watching the liquid bounce & pour over as the car moved.
“I’ll be back in like...” Eddie spoke with exaggerated relaxation. “five minutes or so-”
He was abruptly cut off when Richie held up his hand. “Wait, we’re having a transcendent moment, Eds. Let it play out...” He leaned the front seat back and Eddie attempted to hush his snort.
Somewhere beyond Eddie’s car, a chain-link fence rattled and someone’s lost umbrella blew in the wind like a tumbleweed. “In the pharmacy parking lot?” He chuckled and flicked a quarter off his thumb & into the air.
Richie hummed.
“I want my ibuprofen, Dick.” Eddie shook his head and reached for the door handle again. “If were going to the homecoming game, I need to be prepared for the headache that always comes with it.”
Richie just smiled and leaned back in his chair, looking at his boyfriend. “You should be excited, Ed’s.” He finally turned the vehicle off, letting Eddie know he intended to join him inside even though the trip would only take a few minutes.
“All the football heroes putting on a great show for us losers in the bleachers. I can suck down a hot-dog with you sitting on my lap. My hands between your knees...” He reached over and took Eddie’s free hand.
Eddie rolled his eyes but felt reluctantly joyful. “Those are basically the lyrics to Jack & Diane...” He raised his brow.
“Well, we’re the gay Jack & Diane, remember?”
Eddie chuckled. “You’re the only one who calls us that.” He slid free from Richie’s grip. “Jack, he's gonna be a football star...” Eddie mocked a singing voice. “Doesn’t really sound like you does it?”
Richie huffed. “I’m Diane, asshole.”
Eddie giggled. “Of course, sorry.”
“And who says you gotta be a football hero to get along with a beautiful fella, anyway?” Richie whistled the tune of that old song. “The sentiment is what we are, Ed’s.”
“Highschool sweethearts?”
Richie shrugged. “To put it bluntly, yeah.” He took a long sip of his disgusting soda. “But we go on. Like the song itself, baby!” He smacked him lightly. “Annoying thousands with our staying power and radio-play.” He smiled.
“You’re ridiculous.”
Richie just hopped out of the car, again starting the whistle of ‘You gotta be a football hero’ as he walked....
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exoticarmyofcrowns · 4 years
50 questions tag~
tagged by the wonderful @flowerkth thank you, darling! 💖
what color is your hairbrush?: pink and black
name a food you never eat: uhhh basically any seafood (sorry)
are you typically too warm or too cold?: uhhh neither really but i do run pretty warm (my friends like to hug me for warmth lolol)
what were you doing 45 minutes ago?: figuring out how to style my new bangs lolol
what’s your favorite candy bar?: ohhh ummm cadbury milk chocolate or lindt
have you ever been to a professional sports game?: nah, not a big fan lol
what’s the last thing you said out loud?: something about roti lol (i was cooking with my nannie aka grandmother)
what’s your favorite ice cream?: hmm i really love coffee ice cream esp if it has chocolate chips or something 🤤
what was the last thing you had to drink?: dalgona coffee lol
do you like your wallet?: uhhh don’t have one haha
what’s the last thing you ate?: a bagel
did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: aklshfja no i’m too scared to buy any new clothes bc i haven’t been to the gym in 2 months
what’s the last sporting event you watched?: uhhhh a basketball game at uni like 2 years ago? and only bc i was in pep band
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: plain buttered
who’s the last person you sent a text to?: i texted my friend that pic of yoongi and jiminie bc it was so cute 🥺
ever go camping?: once, the summer after senior year of high school but it was like rv’s so idk that it counts? but we went kayaking and that was super fun!
do you take vitamins?: vitamin d cuz ya girl is deficient 🤪 (but i frequently forget to take them)
do you go to church every sunday?: not really
do you have a tan?: i mean, i’m brown so...yes?
do you prefer chinese or pizza?: oh crap um.... it really depends on my mood... i guess pizza bc there’s a REALLY good pizza joint near me and i haven’t had it in so long :(
do you drink soda through a straw?: only metal ones babyyyy
what color socks do you usually wear?: black
do you ever drive above the speed limit?: yes lol but only 5 mph over, that’s my rule
what terrifies you?: the future, mostly lmao
look to your left, what do you see?: my nearly-empty water bottle that i really should go refill bc i’m dehydrated af
what chore do you hate the most?: probs the dishes, i hate wet food
what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?: i think it sounds neat!
what’s your favorite soda?: i try not to drink too much soda but probs coca cola
do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive thru?: i never used to use the drive thru but i actually started doing it earlier before the whole miss rona thing. i still prefer physically going in though
what’s your favorite number?: 98
who’s the last person you talked to?: my nannie
favorite cut of beef?: uhhh i don’t actually know, i don’t typically eat a lot of beef
last song you listened to?: ugh! - bts
last book you read?: skeleton man (was doing a book study for children’s lit lol)
can you say the alphabet backwards?: yes i literally would sit down and just practice that when i was younger lmao
favorite day of the week?: friday or saturday
how do you like your coffee?: iced with a lot of caramel!
favorite pair of shoes?: hmmm my short combat boots that i got from walmart OR my black flats (good for when i sub at schools)
time you normally get up?: i have an alarm set every weekday for 7:15 but sometimes i ignore it lolol so usually like 8:30ish
sunrise or sunsets?: sunsets 
how many blankets on your bed?: two if my comforter counts
describe your kitchen plates?: white with a thin, navy blue border
describe your kitchen at the moment?: a little messy bc my nannie and i just made roti lol
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?: amaretto sour!
do you play cards?: not typically but i’ve been playing a lot of solitaire recently lmfao i also looove spit
what color is your car?: piper is red (yes her name is piper she’s my baby okay)
can you change a tire?: HAHAHHAHAHA
your favorite state/province/county/city etc.?: umm i’ve never really thought about it before... i guess i really enjoy boston!
favorite job you’ve had?: my current job as a substitute! (although technically unemployed bc no school = no work for me)
how did you get your biggest scar?: my most prominent one is one on my ankle and i got it from tripping over the stones that were around my pool when i was like 3. it kinda looks like a trident, which i always thought was very funny
whew! that was fun! thank you for the tag, natalie~ 😙💕
tagging: @vante-love @sugaerie @suhmayzooka @kookswife  @memeofthesoul @bitoftaewithsugaandkookie @namugguk @hopefish15 @crybabyjk @sunshope @heavyinmyarms @mystically-mysterious @cliffordbuttcheek @sweetpeajeon @dreamerxfimprobabledreams @chunghamor (as always, don’t feel obligated to do it!)
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ijustlovehockey · 4 years
50 Questions Game...I was tagged by @quinnhughs and @alexandrgeorgiev thank you ❤️ 
(To those I tagged don’t feel pressured to do it!)
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? Red
2. Name a food you never eat? Peanut butter 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold, especially in winter
4. What were you doing 45 mins ago? Making breakfast and coffee
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? Double Decker, love them
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? A couple of football games back in Scotland. And a couple in Australia but can’t remember what for.
7. What was the last thing you said out loud? “Shoot the puck into the feckin’ net!”
8. What is your favorite ice cream? Chocolate 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee 
10. Do you like your wallet? Yes, it has Supernatural on it lmao. I’ve had it for a while, but I’m due a new one as it’s falling apart now. It’s a spacious wallet though.
11. What was the last thing you ate? Toast
12. Did you buy any new clothing last weekend? A shirt with Dachshunds on it
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? The himbo yeehaw boys v the lightning bolts 
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Butter
15. Who was the last person you sent a text to? My mum
16. Ever go camping? Used to a lot for school trips, but haven’t been camping in a few years.
17. Do you take your vitamins? In chewable form, I can’t swallow tablets lmao
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? Nope
19. Do you have a tan? A very light tan, I barely go out in the sun but it’s getting warmer now so I can imagine I’ll end up with one by the amount of time I spend in our pool.
20. Do you prefer Chinese or pizza? Pizza
21. Do you drink soda through straws? Not all the time, but when I do we have silicone straws because plastic ones are a waste.
22. What color socks do you usually wear? Typical Bonds brand with cushioned bottoms when I go walking or else my feet will ache. Marvel ones if I’m just kicking back at home.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? I don’t drive
24. What terrifies you? Failure
25. Look to your left, what do you see? My Winter Soldier art picture
26. What chore do you hate the most? Vacuuming 
27. What do you think when you hear an Australian accent? Well I hear it on the regular and I just think “Ah there’s a good time”...I’ve met some Aussies that were really fun at parties lol
28. What’s your favorite soda? Irn Bru 
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? I go in
30. What’s your favorite number? 13
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? My dad
32. Favorite cut of beef? Eye fillet 
33. Last song you listened to? Neon Odyssey by Konrad Celinski
34. Last book you read? Most Valuable by Gare Joyce (it’s about Squidney Crossbar)
35. Favorite day of the week? Friday! 
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? Not a chance 
37. How do you like your coffee? Long black, no sugar 
38. Favorite pair of shoes? My red Converse 
39. Time you normally get up? 7-8am at the moment
40. Do you prefer sunrise or sunset? Sunset, makes for some good pictures 
41. Describe your kitchen plates? They’re plain and like an off white colour??? 
42. How many blankets on your bed? None 
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment? Plates everywhere, I have yet to clean it
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? Whisky
45. Do you play cards? I prefer board games
46. What color is your car? I don’t have a car but we have three (one is a work car) and they’re all white. My family is boring, car wise 
47. Can you change a tire? For someone who doesn’t drive, yes I can
48. Favorite state? I’ve never been outside Queensland so ??
49. Favorite job you’ve had? I haven’t had a proper job since I graduated in 2012, but that’s the job market in a small town for ya’
50. Tagging: @erikjohnson @wearepenguins @andrewcogliano @maybe-seggy-will-be-our-always @stylesbooze @thatflyersfan
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churchofrileytanev · 4 years
50 Questions! 
tagged by @ethan-bears and @itsjuliak5 thank you!!! 💛✨🤩💫💫😌💛💛✨💗🤍🤍💗🤠💫🤠😌🥺💛
what is the color of your hairbrush? i have a wooden paddle brush and a black pick comb
name a food you never eat? mushrooms
are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold, my body like refuses to regulate temperature normally lol
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? having a breakdown over algebra then eating tacos
what's your favorite candy bar? crunchie bar
have you ever been to a professional sports game? i went to a flames game when i was like maybe 10 and had no clue what was happening, can’t even remember who they were playing (maybe arizona????)
what is the last thing you said out loud? something about how my dog loves ice cream i think
what is your favorite ice cream? either moose tracks (people from british columbia rise up) or tiger 
what was the last thing you had to drink? bubbly water
do you like your wallet? yes, i have a small card wallet which is great for errands and my actual wallet has cacti on it
what is the last thing you ate? dairy queen skor blizzard
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? no but the few pieces i ordered awhile ago finally came, we do be loving new sweatpants and cord jeans
what's the last sporting event you watched? hockey
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? idk normal flavour, salted, but pickle popcorn does slap
who is the last person you sent a text message to? my sister 
ever go camping? as often as i can!! one of my sisters and i did a week long camping trip this summer 
do you take vitamins? when i remember, yes
do you regularly attend a place of worship? no, i am not religious 
do you have a tan? my tan from the summer is still around so that counts i think lol
do you prefer Chinese or pizza? pizza
do you drink your soda through a straw? though it elevates the experience, no
what color socks do you usually wear? depends, i went through a funky sock phase so i still have a bunch of those but mainly like no socks or black
do you ever drive above the speed limit? i try to drive the speed limit in residential areas, speed of traffic on any main road, and highways..... the speed limit is a suggestion 
what terrifies you? failure, falling, being a disappointment, apes/monkeys
look to your left, what do you see? my yoga mat
what chore do you hate most? vacuuming 
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? steve irwin????
what's your favorite soda? diet cream soda
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? definitely the drive through 
what's your favorite number? my favourite number is 11 but my jersey number is 19
i accidentally deleted this question so i’m sorry 
favorite cut of beef? i have no preference, i’m mainly vegetarian lol
last song you listened to? “lovers” by anna of the north
last book you read? ‘world war z’ by max brooks
favorite day of the week? thursday and saturday 
can you say the alphabet backwards? no
how do you like your coffee? with vanilla coconut creamer or frothed milk
favorite pair of shoes? either my hiking boots or any of my vans
time you normally get up? 7ish for school, 4-5 for hiking, and 9ish for weekends
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? both, i will not pick
how many blankets on your bed? three in the summer, four-five in the winter
describe your kitchen plates? white and blue 
describe your kitchen at the moment? everything is cleaned up 
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? i don’t drink a lot because i’m diabetic and just turned 18 but pink whitney and bubbly water, gin & tonics, wine/sangria, and cocktails slap (sound like a bit of an alcoholic from that lol but i swear i don’t drink a ton)
do you play cards? i play crib sometimes 
what color is your car? the family car i can drive is black but i ALMOST bought a dark blue car a few weeks ago
can you change a tire? yes, i will be the prefect match for any nhl player
your favorite state? i have only ever been to california and hawaii but i would love to do the pacific northwest (washington, oregon) and like colorado and utah
favorite job you've had? i was a swim instructor for youths with disabilities and that was so awesome
I tag: @tylermotte @cartrshart @dude-wheres-makar @berrybreadd and anyone else who wants to join but pressure though, it's a long one
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btsfan15 · 4 years
Zombie Apocalypse (Part 1)
It was a beautiful day in South Korea. I was on my bed, on my phone, browsing through. Then, I decide to spend the day outside. It wouldn’t be right to be cooped inside, so I hopped out of my bed, and picked out a outfit. I wore a pale, yellow crop top with a jean shirt, and pink Converse high tops. 
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After I got changed, I went downstairs, grabbed my car keys, and head out the front door. I get into my car and decide where to go. Then, I remember there was a carnival today! So, I drove to the carnival. I got out of my car and admired all the rides. I got cotton candy, pretzels, churros, fries, soda, snow cones, and burgers. I got so much junk food! I didn’t even finish it all! 
Anyway, I had so much fun riding all the rides. I didn’t have the confidence to ride the bigger ones. They looked...scary. And terrifying. A few hours later, it was dark out, so I decided to head home. It was super dark out and I didn’t have a flashlight. I don’t know if I was gonna find my way to my car. Turns out...I was right. I got so lost. When I went right, I came back to the same spot. When I went left, I came back again to the same spot. 
I was so worried that I wouldn’t find my way. Who knows how far I went. It was so quiet, I could hear a pin drop. The crickets were chirping and I was cold and scared. Then I heard a strange sound. Like a growl. Then something whooshes behind me. I get goosebumps. I gather my courage and turn around and see a zombie coming towards me. I scream and run as fast as I can. 
I find an old, abandoned junkyard and go inside. I lock the door and try not to make a peep. After a few minutes, I peek out the window and see if the zombie is there. I don’t see anything, so I decided to make a run for it. I try to open the door, but it won’t budge. I pull with all my might, but it still won’t open. That means I’m stuck inside here. Alone. Oh no. 
Then I remembered I had my phone with me. I take it out and turn on the flashlight. I use it to find my way. The place was really dirty. There was dirt, sticks, and leaves on the floor. I pointed my phone to the wall and saw something red. I gasp. It was blood. “I hope there aren’t zombies in here.” I whisper. I keep on walking when I come upon a four-way. “Which way do I go?” I say. I have no idea where each way takes, so I took a right. 
I’ve never been this scared in my life. My feet crunch on leaves as I walk slowly. Then, I hear something behind me. It’s another growl and it gets closer to me. I’m afraid to turn around, but I do. I see another zombie coming towards me. I scream even louder and run. I trip on a stick and fall down. I get dirt all over my clothes. Leaves stick to my hair. I get up and start running again.
But, as I’m running, I don’t look where I’m going and I bump into something. I fall backwards. It’s definitely a zombie. I close my eyes. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into you! Please don’t kill me!” I say. Then when I open my eyes, I gasp. It wasn’t a zombie. It was a man. A young man. It looked like he was in his 20s. 
“I’m sorry. Are you okay?” He says, giving me his hand. I take his hand and he pulls me off the floor. I brush off my clothes and look at him. I take in his features. He had brown, chocolatey eyes, a perfect nose, and plump, red lips. I also saw that he was kinda tall, like me, and he had very broad shoulders. And, he was very handsome. He was wearing a brown shirt, and black pants with a belt. His shirt and arms were dirty.
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“Are you okay?” He asks, again. “Huh, oh, yes, I am. Um...sorry for bumping into you. I’m very clumsy sometimes.” I say. “It’s okay. Happens all the time.” The man says. “What’s your name?” I ask. “Kim Seokjin. My friends call me Jin.” Jin says. “I’m Navya. It’s really nice to meet you.” I say. “Navya. That’s very a beautiful name.” He says. I smile. “Thank you. So, what are you doing here?” I say.
“I was just going for a walk when I got lost and somehow ended up here. How about you?” Jin asks. “I went to the carnival and it got super dark. I couldn’t find my way back to my car. Then, a zombie started chasing me and that’s how I ended up here.” I say. “Wait, there are zombies in here?” Jin asks. I nod. 
“Oh, we have to get out of here. Fast.”
“How? The doors are locked.”
“I think there’s an open door, but we need to go upstairs.”
“Upstairs? With zombies? There’s no way we can survive.”
“We won’t until we try. So, are you up for the challenge?”
I think for a minute.
“Okay, let’s do it!” 
Jin and I tiptoe through the junkyard together. “So, where do you live?” Jin asks. “I live pretty close to here. Not too far away. You?” I say. 
“I live with 6 friends.” 
“In one house?”
“That sounds crowded.”
“It is. I have a roommate and he’s very lazy and eats a lot.”
I giggle.
“Sounds like me. I’m lazy and likes to eat a lot.”
“I’m not that lazy, but I eat a lot. You should see the way I eat. I stuff my face with big pieces.”
I laugh.
“Sounds pretty funny. Looking forward to it.”
Jin laughs. “Anyway, how long have we’ve gone? This place is like a maze.” I say. “I think it is a maze.” Jin says. “Really? Oh, it’s gonna be even more harder to get out now!” I say. “If we stick together, we can get out.” Jin says. “What about the zombies? How are we gonna fight them?” I ask. 
“I’ll fight them.” 
“You can’t do that! You’re gonna get hurt.”
“Who cares if I get hurt? I need to protect you.”
“Protect me? You don’t have to do that. What if I help you?”
“Hmmm...I guess that’s fine.”
“Okay, then.”
“So, how long have we gone? Where are the stairs?”
“They should be right here. Oh, wait!”
Jin grabs my arm and pulls me back. “What?” I whisper. “There’s a zombie blocking the stairs.” Jin whispers. “How’re we gonna get past it?” I ask. “I’ll distract him and you run up the stairs.” Jin says. “Okay...Just be careful.” I say. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.” Jin says. Jin picks up a stick and goes behind the zombie. I stay behind the wall and wait for Jin’s signal. He smacks the zombie with the stick and it falls to the floor. “Now, Navya! Go!” Jin says. I run past the zombie and run up the stairs. Jin runs behind me.
“We did it!” I say. Jin looks behind me. “No, we didn’t! Look!” He says, pointing. I turn around and see more zombies! I gasp. “Oh, no!” I say. “Don’t worry. I got this.” Jin says. He runs and smacks all the zombies. I watch and hope Jin can defeat them. My heart was pounding out of my chest. Then one of the zombies trips Jin by his leg! He falls to the floor and the zombies start beating him up! “Jin!!!” I say. I pick up a stick and charge towards the zombies.
I hit them left and right and they all fall to the floor. I help Jin up and we both run to a safe place. We both catch our breath. “Are you alright?!” I ask. “I...I’m fine. Just a little shaken up.” Jin says. “Oh, you have a cut on your lip.” I say, taking out a tissue. I dab Jin’s lip. Then I feel Jin’s eyes on me. I stop and look up at him. We both lock eyes. We both lean in. Our lips are inch away, but Jin sees a zombies behind me.
“Behind you!” Jin says. He takes the stick from my hand and whacks the zombie on the head and grabs my hand. We both run to a safe place again. “Are we almost out? I’m tired of running.” I say. “We’re almost there. We just have to take a left.” Jin says. We both take a left and gasp. There were zombies here, too! “Seriously? More zombies?” Jin says, “It’s okay, we can defeat them.” I say, taking the stick from him. I start to walk, but Jin stops me. 
“Oh, no, you’re staying right here. I’ll deal with them.” 
“You just got hurt. There’s no way I’m letting that happen again.”
“It was just a scratch. Now, stay here and wait until I give you the signal.”
“Ugh, fine. Go ahead.”
Again, Jin fights the zombies. I should thank for him protecting me. Or the other way around. I was getting even more worried now. I really wanted to help him, but he said he could handle them. Then, two zombies sneak up behind Jin and kick him in the back! He falls to the floor. “No!!!” I say. I run toward the zombies and kick them left and right. I help Jin up and we both get to another safe place.
We both catch our breath again. “I...told you...I could...handle them.” I say, out of breath. “I...I didn’t...know that...they would...trip me.” Jin says, out of breath. “Well, they did, and now, you’re hurt again. Look at your face! You have more scars! And on your neck, too!” I say.
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“Let’s just get out of here, first. Then we can deal with my wounds.” Jin says. He tries to stand up, but ends falling down on the floor. He groans. 
“What’s wrong?!” 
“My stomach. It hurts a lot!”
“Oh no! Here, let me see.”
Jin was holding his stomach with his hand, so I took his hand off and gasped. He was bleeding really bad! “It looked like the zombies stabbed you!” I say. “I think...*groans* one of them...*groans*...had a knife.” Jin says. “I never saw that! I don’t even remember the zombies having a knife! Only the sticks, I remember!” I say. Then Jin collapses to the side. I gasp. “NO!!!!” I say, going over to him.
I hold him in my arms. Tears start streaming down my face. “Jin...please don’t die. You’re too young.” I say, crying. “Navya...there’s...there’s something I need to tell you.” Jin says, weakly.
“I...l’m glad I met you today...”
“I...l’m glad I met you, too!” 
Then, Jin slipped away. “No, Jin! Jin, stay with me! Jin!” I said, crying and shaking him. I cried even more. Even more tears streamed down my face. Jin was gone, and there was nothing I could do about it. I cried and cried and cried. Then, in the corner of my eye, something glows. It’s a leaf. But, it’s not an ordinary leaf. It’s golden. I go over to it and pick it up. I was so confused, but then I realize. 
Could...could this help Jin? It’s worth a try. I go back to Jin and still have hope in my heart. I take him in my arms again and put the leaf on his wound. I look at his handsome face. “Please, Jin....Please wake up...” I thought. Then, Jin opens his eyes. 
“Did you know that I’m Worldwide Handsome?”
I gasp. “Jin!” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. He puts his arm around my waist. I squeeze him tight. I look at him, happy. He smiles at me. I laugh and I kiss him on his lips. I grab his shirt. Jin was surprised, but he kissed me back. Then, I open my eyes while kissing him. I back away. I was so embarrassed. “I-I think we better get going.” I say, flustered. 
But, Jin cups my face with his hands and kisses me back. God, his lips were so soft. He breaks it. Jin smiles at me. I smile back. “Come on, let’s get out of this dump.” He says, standing up. He gives me his hand and I take it. He pulls me off the floor. We both exit the junkyard. “Ugh, finally! We’re free!” I say. “I don’t know how much longer I could’ve survived in there.” Jin says.
“Me too. I’m even more dirtier than you. I never would’ve thought that I would be chased by a zombie today.” I say. Jin laughs. 
“You know what they say: Life is full of surprises.” 
“Yeah...You know, I was scared at first when I first entered the junkyard, but then when I met you, all my fears went away.” 
“Really? Why?”
“I don’t know...maybe because I wasn’t alone anymore. I had someone by my side. Anyway, I wanted to thank you for protecting me. I-I really appreciate it.”
“No problem. I want to thank you for helping me when I was hurt. I appreciate it. Speaking about that, there’s something I need to ask you.”
“Go ahead.”
“Navya, do you...do you care about me?”
I stop in my tracks.
“Of course I do, Jin. In fact...I care about you...a lot.”
“Is that why you wanted to fight the zombies instead of me?”
“Yes! I didn’t want you to get hurt. But you refused and got stabbed in the stomach and almost died!”
“But, you didn’t give up? You revived me with that golden leaf you found, didn’t you?” 
“Well, yes. But still! What if...what if the leaf didn’t work? I would never forgive myself. And, I-I put you in danger!” 
I start crying again. Tears stream down my face again. 
“Oh, Navya. It’s okay. Here, look at me.” 
I look up at Jin and sniff. He puts his hands on my shoulders. “You didn’t put me in danger. We both worked together to defeat the zombies and now we’re free.” He says.
“We are free.”
“Yes, we are, so don’t push yourself, okay?”
Then, all of a sudden, I burst into tears and wrap my arms around Jin’s waist. I cry loudly. Jin wraps his arms around me. “I was so afraid I was gonna lose you! I really like you! A lot!” I say, through tears. “I like you, too.” Jin says. I let go of him and cry even more. “Navya, don’t cry. Look at me.” Jin says. I look up at him again. He wipes my tears with his thumbs. 
I sniff. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cry like that. I don’t know what got into me.” I say. “Everyone cries. Don’t be ashamed. Now, let’s go home.” Jin says. I nod and give a weak smile. Then, I fall to the side, but Jin catches me. He carries me in his arms. I was so tired that I fell asleep and didn’t even notice it. Jin carries me to my car and puts me in the passenger seat. 
He drives me back to my house. I slept the entire ride. Once we get there, Jin picks me up and carries me inside, up the stairs, and into my bedroom. “Jin...wait.” I say, half asleep. “What is it...Navya?” Jin asks. I grab his face and bring it closer to mine. I connect my lips to Jin’s soft, plump lips. I let go. Jin just blinks twice and puts me on my bed. Then, he leans in and connects his lips to mine.
Then, he lays beside me and cuddles with me. He tucks a piece of loose hair behind my ear. Then he falls asleep with me.
Part 2 coming! Stay tuned! Love you guys! 💜💜💜💜
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nvmguk · 4 years
50 Questions Tag
I was tagged by the lovely and wonderful @exoticarmyofcrowns thank you Asha 💕
What color is your hairbrush?: Pink with daisies 
Name a food you never eat: Most seafood
Are you typically too warm or too cold?: Too warm, I over heat easily 
What were you doing 45 minutes ago?: I went to the store, technically grocery pickup
What’s your favorite candy bar?: Reese’s Take 5
Have you ever been to a professional sports game?: I went to several Arizona Diamondback games when I was younger.  My family were season ticket holders.
What’s the last thing you said out loud?: My dog’s name, Cupcake
What’s your favorite ice cream?: Cookie dough and coffee
What was the last thing you had to drink?: Water, I really only drink water and occasionally a cup of coffee
Do you like your wallet?: Yeah, it’s mint green with little birds on it
What’s the last thing you ate?: A bagel that was slightly burned
Did you buy new clothes last weekend?: No
What’s the last sporting event you watched?: I watched Game 7 of the 2001 World Series back in February on YouTube
What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: Buttered or kettle corn
Who’s the last person you sent a text to?: My dad
Ever go camping?: Does staying in a cabin count? If it does it’s been like 19 years since I’ve gone
Do you take vitamins?: Vitamin D and B12 
Do you go to church every Sunday?: No
Do you have a tan?: Nope, I never tan.  I’m pale and I only burn
Do you prefer Chinese or pizza?: Chinese, the only really good pizza place near me closed and other then that there is really only Papa Johns, Domino's or Pizza Hut
Do you drink soda through a straw?: Metal straws
What color socks do you usually wear?: White
Do you ever drive over the speed limit?: No, in my city you can be cited for going 5mph over
What terrifies you?: The unknown of the future
Look to you left, what do you see?: A small personal fan
What chore do you hate the most?: Taking the trash out. It means that I have to go outside in the heat and I don’t want to
What do you think when you hear an Australian accent?: I like it
What’s your favorite soda?: I don’t really drink soda, but if I get one it’ll be Coke
Do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive thru?: Drive thru
What’s your favorite number?: I don’t really have one, I guess 3 or 7
Who’s the last person you talked to?: My mom
Favorite cut of beef?: Which ever one carne asada comes from
Last song you listened to?: Just One Day by BTS
Last book you read?: I started to read Map of the Soul - Persona by Murray Stein, but I haven’t gone back to it
Can you say the alphabet backwards?: Nope
Favorite day of the week?: Friday
How do you like your coffee?: Vanilla or mocha iced coffee or black with creamer
Favorite pair of shoes?: A pair of Sketchers I got last year, they’re so comfortable
Time you normally get up?: Between 7 and 8 in the morning which is surprising since I can’t sleep most nights
Sunrises or sunsets?: Sunsets, but Arizona has some of the prettiest sunrises and sunsets
How many blankets on your bed?: One but I hardly use it.  I get really warm at night so sometimes I just use a thin sheet
Describe your kitchen plates?: White with little blue flowers around the edges
Describe your kitchen at the moment?: Right now it’s pretty clean, I just cleaned it last night
Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?: I don’t drink much, but I do like Seagram's Escapes wine coolers
Do you play cards?: Currently no, when I was younger I played solitaire a lot at my dad’s mom’s house
What color is your car?: Copper
Can you change a tire?: That’s a big no, but I do have road side assistance through my insurance
Your favorite state/province/county/city etc.?: I love my city and a city called Yuma.  In general I love Arizona.  I may complain about the heat 99% of the time, but I really do love my state. 
Favorite job you’ve had?: I haven’t had many jobs except cashier and my current job at a doctors office
How did you get your biggest scar?: I don’t have many scars, but one that is sometimes noticeable is on my chin.  When I was in the 3rd grade, I tripped over a projector cord and hit my chin on the edge of a filing cabinet. 
This took a little bit to do, but it was fun!
Tagging: @heavyinmyarms @taesjpg @utopiajeon @naturaljeon @tatavangogh @agust-dyke @bitoftaewithsugaandkookie @sunshineandserendipityplease @sopefactory @flowerkth @lucid-jjin @filterbyjm @sketchguk and anyone else who wants to do this!
If you have already done this or don’t want to, no worries!
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winterballads · 4 years
I was tagged by @watermelonsugarhii to do two ask games, thanks so much darling! 😚💞🌸
Song titles
Rules: only using song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and tag 10 people
Artist: Howard Shore (composer of the LOTR/Hobbit soundtracks)
What’s your gender? A Very Respectable Hobbit
How are you feeling? Hope and Memory
If you could go anywhere? Lothlórien
Favourite mode of transportation? The White Rider
Your best friend? Samwise the Brave
Favourite time of day? Evenstar
If your life was a tv show? The World is Ahead
Relationship status? May It Be
50 questions you’ve never been asked
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush? purple
2. A food you never eat? a couple of vegetables I don’t like (tomato, onion, bell pepper, olive) if I can avoid it + all seafood except for fish
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? always too cold! ❄️
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? getting out of the shower and making breakfast
5. What is your favourite candy bar? not sure they count, but Reese Peanut Butter Cups and Caramilk <3
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? I think once to a boring soccer game shfgjs
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? something about my cat being annoying, cause she’s asked to go outside 3-4 times today and every time I open the door for her she changes her mind smh 😂
8. What is your favourite ice cream? that changes according to my mood of the moment, but usually very dessert-y stuff like cookies & cream, cookie dough and blueberry pie 😍 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? drinking water atm
10. Do you like your wallet? yes, it’s a Hobbit one I’ve had for a few years and it’s perfect for me in terms of practicality and aesthetics 😌
11. What was the last thing you ate? two peanut butter toasts for breakfast
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nope, haven’t bought any new clothes in a long while actually
13. The last sporting event you watched? probs some bits of ice hockey while watching TV with my step-dad (yes I know, very cliché for Canada haha) 
14. What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? where I live we mostly eat salted popcorn with butter, and that’s the one I like the most
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my very good friend Paweł 💜🌈
16. Ever go camping? not so much anymore, but I really like it and have been wanting to plan a camping trip with friends for a while! 🤗
17. Do you take vitamins? no, I tried taking multivitamins recently but it wasn’t doing it for me
18. Do you go to church every sunday? absolutely not fhdsgf, I only ever go to church for special occasions and/or concerts
19. Do you have a tan? nope haha
20. Do you prefer chinese food or pizza? both, please don’t make me choose 😭
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? I try not to drink anything with a straw bc it gives me stomachaches rip
22. What colour socks do you usually wear? all sorts of colourful stuff with funky patterns (unicorns, flamingos, cats, etc.)
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? I havent driven a car in like 5 years or something sfhsdg, but back then I don’t think I did
24. What terrifies you? lots of stuff which might be too heavy for this ask game: pain, loneliness, the cruelty and stupidity of human nature, the destruction of our planet... 😪
25. Look to your left, what do you see? a window giving to a little tree on the side of our house 🌳
26. What chore do you hate? cleaning the shower/toilet bye
27. What do you think of when you hear an australian accent? my mind’s literally blank hahaha
28. What’s your favourite soda? Crush Orange I think
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? depends, sometimes I like to take food away with friends and eat it somewhere nice outside 💞
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? my step-dad
31. Favourite cut of beef? none, I’m not crazy about meat tbh :/
32. Last song you listened to? Rita Ora & Liam Payne - For You (One World: Together at Home performance) 💛
33. Last book you read? I’m currently reading Ut og stjæle hester by Per Petterson and The Story of Kullervo by J. R. R. Tolkien 🌸 
34. Favourite day of the week? Friday/Saturday
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? mmm maybe, but only with a lot of concentration 😅
36. How do you like your coffee? non-existent lmao
37. Favourite pair of shoes? haven’t had nice shoes in years rip so idk :(
38. At what time do you normally go to bed? 10-11 PM
39. At what time do you normally get up? 6-8 AM
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunrise ☀️
41. How many blankets are on your bed? one fluffy blanket
42. Describe your kitchen plates? white with nice textured borders, got them together with my mum a few months ago!
43. Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? MEAD SDGFGSHJ I love feeling like a badass Viking 💁
44. Do you play cards? not often enough
45. What colour is your car? I don’t have one, but my parents’ cars are blue and red
46. Can you change a tire? haahahaha that’s a hilarious question 😂
47. What is your favourite state/province? well to answer for my own country I’d definitely go with my province aka Québec 😊✨
48. Favourite job you’ve ever had? working at the city library
49. How did you get your biggest scar? don’t really have any scars
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? it’s 9 AM so haven’t had a lot of time to do that yet haha, but maybe promise my mum I was gonna make lunch today?
I’m tagging @technicallysideacc @amantisegreti @sunflowrhaz @softlikelou @hiccoops @vilounelle @ireallysawanangel @tobeakingbesideyousomehow @jungkookofficials @loveisbraveryx @winteraell @marrymybed to do whatever part of this you want 🌷💚
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