#*insert Re:Zero Return by Death sound*
culxiaa-fn · 7 months
[Mark of Love]
There is a theory, a fairy tale about how mole is where the places where your past lovers frequently left a kiss. Ace thinks it's ridiculous, ridiculously "cringe" and ridiculously Sappy. Yet Ace out of all people knew it, no matter how much he denied.
This comes from one theory that is quite popular. Kantokusei is looped by someone's magic. Also the moles(?) The location is based on my own body HAHAHA I'm forcing myself to look at my own body while showering then i noticed I have quite a lot of beauty marks. I have no idea why I'm writing ngl very self indulgent.
- Fem&AFAB!reader
|| slight suggestive, nothing serious it's just Ace being bratty. Slight Angst at the end(?)|| Hint that kantokusei's death || Ace Trappola return by death era ||
--- Masterlist ---
Everyone got one or two moles on their body either its an easily visible area or more hidden one.
There is a tale, a bed time story, an old wives tales- how beauty mark is the place where your past lovers like to kiss.
Ridiculous, Ace thought it was ridiculous- nothing more nothing less, it's just a silly story.
Yet, when lying on the bed with her right by his sides, kantokusei is showing all her moles. The areas where he knew the best.
After all... There's no smoke without fire... All fairy tales come from somewhere that hold some sort of truth. And Ace out of all people knows this, tiny dots across kantokusei body, like an artist painting on his empty canvas.
Of course he knew, of course he remembered, he is the one that left those marks afterall.
Lower right, below your lips
Ace loves to tease kantokusei, he lives for her angry faces, the grumpy hufs and he loves when kantokusei sulk about it.
Call him sadist or anything, but lives for her angry pout quietly sulking refuse to admit her loss.
But it won't be long, Ace despite his words of being chosen is often very provocative, and when he wears that extremely annoying and punchable smirk, he has this charm that allows him to easily win people.
Ace:"Neeeee~ kantokusei, I'm sorry... Stop giving me a cold shoulder. I'm a very sensitive person you know?? "
Ace: " come on, it's been a while since we spent time together without anyone bothering us, are you sure you want to spend it like this??"
Ace: "I will give you a kiss, So can you stop sulking? I'm sorry okay..?? I will replace the pudding that I ate so yeah? Come on~"
Slowly Ace comes closer, purposely he misses her lips.
[name]: " Hmm..., don't tease.."
Ace:v" mm? I won't give it unless you forgive me~"
On right shoulder
Ace is by no means a genius, but that doesn't make him a hardworking person either.
I mean studying is tiring you know?? All these numbers and names that he has to memorize??
The warmth from his girlfriend and the softness of the bed is not helping him at all.
Yet, his girlfriend is just annoyingly hardworking.
And Ace had enough, who studies when their boyfriend is right here?? Normal people already gave up 30 minutes ago right??? Yet why is his girlfriend still stubbornly refusing to rest?
If being whiny is not enough then times to plan B.
Ace: "kantokusei~ we have been studying for a while now... Let's take a nap?"
*kiss* *kiss*
[name]: "you mean me right? You have been procrastinating"
Ace: " It's very comfortable right now, we still have 2 days until the test. Let's take a nap?"
Moving her hair out of his way, his lips connected to the exposed area.
*kiss* *kiss*
[name]: "Ace, you are distracting"
Inner left thigh
Running while it's pouring is really not a good idea. In Ace's defence, the planning part is usually done by Kantokusei, I mean there is a reason why Rook-senpai call Kantokusei "trickster".
And Kantokusei managed to trick Azul ffs of course he left the thinking part to her.
But Kantokusei is tired from thinking today, they just finished their magic history test after all, so Ace being a good boyfriend he is will help kantokusei do the thinking.
Doesn't mean it's a good idea- and now they are soaking.
[name]:"Ace, do you have extra pants or shorts?? My laundry didn't make it-"
Ace & [name]:"where's your clothes?" "where's your pants?”
Ace: Woah woah, aren't it a bit early to be seducing me?? Kantokusei so lewd~
[name]: where's YOUR clothes?!
Ace: now, now I'm not the problem here. You see many shirtless guys around here- Kantokusei you have to be careful you know? Men are wolves.
Ace Trappola can never take his eyes off this person, either from a sheer absurdity of some words that left her mouth, or to make sure this person didn't get in any unnecessary trouble, Ace can't avert his eyes from this person.
When they start dating, Ace finds out one thing about him that surprises even himself. He is clingy, and craves kantokusei's hand on his body and his hands on her body.
Either by secretly entwining their hand under their desk, to keep his hand on her shoulder, Ace needs some form of contact.
Now in all her glory, thighs exposed, Ace feels like a very deprived virgin. And not any languages or words can explain what possesses him to pin her on the sofa and bite kantokusei's thigh.
Two above left eyebrow
Ace is far from "boyfriend" materials in fact he is far from it. In fact people have said to him he has a very irritating personality and punchable face.
Ace is not a perfect boyfriend, every word that leaves his mouth can be irritating. Every time he speaks it very much has the potential to pissed some off.
Yet at this time when her tears drop on his hand, it sears his skin, every chocked sobs feels like a sword piercing his heart.
At times like this, Ace wishes he was good with words so he could stop those tears from flowing out of her eyes.
Instead, Ace left a faint kiss above her eyes, no Ace won't ask her to stop crying, Ace knows how frustrated it can be. Instead he hoped this clumsy action could bring some sort of comfort to her.
In the middle of the ring finger at right palm
Again, it happens again. Smoke, fire, collapse building, aching all over his body, blood stained his hand and distant sounds of a monster growling. How many times has Ace seen this sight? How many times has he been through this.
He has to- he NEED to find her. Only kantokusei can calm that spoiled cat. Only kantokusei can stop that damn cat from throwing tantrums.
Ah, again and again and again and again and again. Ace is sick seeing this view. Red everything is red.
Ace thinks red suits her, but not this kind of red. The jam from the unbirthday party tart, the red roses where they painted it together, the red mark Ace put on her face as a joke to make them match.
Ace thinks red suits her because red is his signature color. But this, Ace feels like he's gonna throw up.
Ah but he did throw up didn't he? The first few times he saw this sight.
Again he failed, again and again and again. Just what does he have to do?? Grim's rampage will be stopped later, he knows, just how many times do you think he has been through this. That's good right? A monster is defeated by a knight, that's how a fairy tale goes right?? That's when they reach their happy ending right??
Ace is selfish, he won't let this world have their happy ending without her, even if it means having to go through this hell a few hundred times more.
[name]: "Ace..."
Ace: "hey, dont talk, save your energy"
[name] : "Ace, grim... "
Ace: " worry about yourself right now"
[name]: "Ace....? What are you doing..?"
Ace: "sorry, forgive me. I'm so sorry. Let's meet again later okay? In front of the Great Seven statue remember? We always meet there"
And so with a kiss on her palm. A promise, an oath.
Ace think the world can go fuck themselves.
If it means going through this hundreds or even thousands times so he can achieve the ending where both her and the world save that he will do it.
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whaq · 3 years
Fuck You, Animu (2/4) - Re:Zero Episode 1
With non-stop suspense, compelling characterization, and hints at a greater narrative, Re:Zero’s first episode is sure to keep you coming back to the series over, and over, and over, and ove…
Based on a series of light novels, written by Tappei Nagatsuki and illustrated by Shin'ichirō Ōtsuka, Studio White Fox (Goblin Slayer)’s Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World is a new contender for the crown of the eponymous isekai (Another World) genre that has recently taken over the anime industry. Is Re:Zero the breath of fresh air the anime community needed to restart the trend of otaku running into oncoming traffic in an attempt to be reborn? Or just another run-of-the-mill zero in this already saturated market?
The series follows Natsuki Subaru, a hikikomori (shut-in) who finds himself suddenly transported into a fantasy world of swords and sorcery. Following in the footsteps of his fellow isekai protagonists, Subaru explores this whole new world with the help of his vast otaku knowledge. Unlike his isekai brethren, Subaru was seemingly transported with nothing more than a jumpsuit,a bag of convenience store goodies, and a surprisingly good physique, for someone who doesn’t leave the house. When he encounters danger in this new domain, he is saved by a white-haired, half-elf, mage whose kindness sparks inspiration in our hero’s eyes. The story continues as Subaru trial-and-error’s his way through this new land, using a new ability he doesn’t quite comprehend, all for the affections of a lady he eventually gets to know as Emilia.
As series openers go, Re:Zero’s first episode serves as a masterclass in how to introduce, not just a story, but its main players too. From the episode’s cold open, you’re immediately pulled to the edge of your seat as we’re given glimpses of the aftermath of a struggle and hear the last words of a man at the edge of his life. Unbeknownst to us, this scene is intercut with shots of this man, who we later find out to be our protagonist, merely living his life as he peruses the aisles of a convenience store. The show’s director, Masahiro Watanabe, of whom this series serves as his directorial debut, flexes his comprehension of cinematic storytelling by utilizing not-so-subtle visuals to convey exactly who Natsuki Subaru is and what kind of life he lives. In a single minute, we see Subaru read manga, cringe at the sight of a couple, and sulk over his life (or lack thereof), showing us exactly how much of a loser our “hero” is.
The character of Natsuki Subaru is, following the conventions of the genre, an audience insert. He’s a down-on-his-luck otaku whose backstory is practically non-existent to make it easier for the viewer to see themselves in his shoes. That said, unlike his contemporaries like Kazuma of Konosuba fame, Re:Zero does not shy away from the darker side of otaku. While the rest of the series hammers this concept home, the first nail in the coffin of this generic archetype is already set from the start. Upon his arrival, Subaru is faced with his first dilemma in the new world: a child who’s about to be hit by a carriage. You’d expect our dashing hero to well... dash in to save him, right? Not Subaru! He instead contemplates on how his grand entrance into the new world should go first before finally deciding to actually try and help. While it might seem like an off-hand gag meant to get a cheap laugh, this self-centered aspect of our protagonist permeates throughout the rest of his journey.
Upon entering this new world, the show greets us with one of its many iconic audio cues: an angelic gasp from the song Rondo of Love and Darkness. The series’ soundtrack is one of its best aspects. Composer Kenechiro Suehiro, who went on to compose the serene yet atmospheric music of Girls Last Tour, was tasked by Director Watanabe to utilize human voices in its tracks, which he uses to great effect. The music is filled with these ominously chilling chants that sound as if they were straight from a circle of Hell. This is heard in the likes of the aforementioned Rondo, and in the show’s ever-meme’d Call of the Witch that trails every pivotal moment in the anime.
Subaru is suddenly mugged by the city’s under dwellers. It’s during this scene that one of the show’s issues arises. Re:Zero has been praised for its subversion of the genre. While this is accurate at times, like how Subaru’s entrance into another world comes in the form of a blink instead of a glomp from truck-kun like his contemporaries, the show seems to think that acknowledging overused genre tropes gives them an excuse to use overused genre tropes. When Subaru sees a girl in the distance while he gets pummeled on, he hopes and prays for her to be the female savior he sees in manga; this hope is immediately dashed when this girl, Felt, turns out to be a thief and completely runs past our groveling protagonist. This, in and of itself, is hilarious and subverts what we the audience expect from this cliche. But then this gag is immediately followed by the entrance of an actual female savior, completely abusing the trust we put into the show to not be like the other isekai.
But all these technical issues are merely second to Re:Zero’s main strength: its premise. Subaru’s first day involves him helping his savior find a lost item of hers and this leads them to a tavern where he finds a pile of blood and corpses, of which he becomes part of as he’s killed by someone off-screen. The show finally gives us context to the cold open when we see that the people gasping for life in the beginning of the episode were Subaru and Emilia. Giving neither Subaru nor the audience time to breathe, we’re immediately taken back to Subaru’s first interaction with a citizen earlier in the episode. Before our protagonist is able to process what has happened, we’re already introduced to the show’s main mechanic: Return after Death.
Return gives the show a constant sense of suspense. Both the viewer and Subaru are having to work with limited knowledge of the situation that can only be broadened after literally dying, making Subaru’s mantra “what DOES kill you MIGHT make you stronger.” Each of Subaru’s retries unearth, not only new information, but also new character interactions. The show’s main appeal is how each of the character dynamics change when Subaru is given new knowledge about them while said character remains stagnant from the last run.  When your main protagonist’s only ability is an unlimited set of checkpoints, he has to rely on his adaptability and resourcefulness which does a good job of keeping conflicts in the show real and real exciting.
In contrast to Return being the highlight of Re:Zero, there are many parts of the episode that are barely worth mentioning. The voice acting feels like nothing special. While Yusuke Kobayashi and Rie Takashi, who play Subaru and Emilia respectively, seem to be good voice actors, they aren’t given much room to showcase their talents as most of the dialogue in the first episode is limited to world-explaining exposition. The animation was also just passable. While the few fight scenes in the episode were clearly animated, there truly is nothing to write home about with regards to the way things are drawn. There’s even the obvious use of CGI for background elements that feels so jarring to look at. Lastly, while most other critics praise the show for its creative world, the first episode doesn’t do it any favors. We’re shown lizard people, generic magic spells, and just another medieval-ish setting along with the same NPC-like side characters you know from RPGs.
Re:Zero’s opening episode is a thrill from beginning-to-end. Its musical score is top-notch, its cinematography is excellent, and the story, along with its subsequent gimmick, aims to set it apart from the rest of the isekai genre while still holding enough of its DNA to sit comfortably within said genre. Its pitfalls into both tropeyness and technical mediocrity are easily ignored by the oozing quality of the sum of its parts.
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