naevisweluvu · 2 days
Fontaine, Archon Quest Spoilers (fem reader) "It should be obvious the situation! This - is a mockery to Our Grace!" A citizen yelled, watching your calm face standing on the defendant's podium. You were being sued by none other than the Hydro Archon, Furina, for being an imposter, impersonating the Creater they speak so highly of.
"Ironic, ain't it?" You whispered underneath your breath, a smile on your face regardless as you ignored the citizen's whines and groans, but staring at the eyes of the supposed Archon standing across the room from you.
You giggled softly. "Monsieur Neuvillette, may I have a duel to avoid trial?" You asked the Chief Justice.
"What?! That isn't fair! They're basically admitting to it!"
"Our true Creator would never avoid a trial!"
"Boo! Face your consequences!!"
"ORDER!" Neuvillette shouted and the crowd went silent. He stared at the Champion Duelist, to Lady Furina, and finally, his eyes landed on you. "I have no reason to deny this request. But miss, you do realize if you fail to win this duel, you.." He trailed on as you nodded, cutting him off.
"Yes, I realize what I'm doing." You said, and he exhaled. "Alright, then, the duel between Champion Duelist, Clorinde, and miss [name] will begin."
You walked down, holding your weapon of choice loosely in your arms, and so did Clorinde, with a tighter grip. You nodded to her, with a smirk on your face.
The duel started as usual, avoiding attacks, and the Duelist, obviously, landing a few hits here and there. It was then after a few minutes that she summoned her elemental energy, and you made the act of 'summoning' your owns as well.
8 minutes passed, and the crowd was watching attentively, and you decided you had gotten bored of the back and forth. You let Clorinde slash a huge hit on your back, ripping your shirt enough for the wound to be visible.
The wound leaking gold.
The crowd gasped,
and so did the Duelist,
and so did the Archon and her dragon.
You smiled, making a show of waving your hand and bowing, your back facing now the mentioned representatives of Justice. You bowed, like a magician would after their show.
And then, in a second, when the Duelist came back to her senses and would yell for a medic,
you dissapeared.
Only the traces of your elemental power remained, dissapearing after a few minutes.
The Chief Justice ordered for the crowd to leave, and started an investigation on your case, and where you might have possibly went.
But hell, who's gonna be able to track the almighty Creator?
(It starts to rain uncontrollaby hard after this incident, some people think if the prophecy doesn't drown them, that rain will)
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whistlecat · 1 day
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𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖑 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖍
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callas-ferbadger · 2 days
So I found this on X(Twitter) by Kamiiart, and they're too cute not to share.
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Their profile says sharing is ok as long as they are credited. So here is a direct link to post so you can support the artist on there if you wish:
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tallic0 · 2 days
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I have a complicated relationship w this game but I love the characters!!!!! So take some Fontainians or whatever!!!!
I’m sorry MUTUALS I never made this post bluhhhh
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cheri-2047 · 1 day
Lyney x Reader (reverse comfort)
TAGS: gore, blood, slight mentions of SA, trauma, child abuse, child labor, fluff at the end
CHARACTERS: Lyney, mentions of lynette, Freminet, Arlecchino
A/N:this was actually from an anon but I accidentally posted it and I had to delete it, anyways I hope u still find this 😞 another A/N at the end
Situation: Lyney used to be more catlike just like Lynette, until when he was being cared for by nobles, they had to cut off his ears and tail.
It was one of those quiet nights. Nights where your boyfriend was a bit more drained than usual. Nights where he would come home tired from a mission and just desperately wanting to go to bed, and nights where he just wanted to lay comfortably in the solace of your arms.
He came home from a difficult mission from “father.” He came with slight wounds and bandages all over his torso, causing you to worry about him before he brushes it off, saying he had gotten treatment from the nurses and the healers at the hearth.
“Please..whats wr-“
“I’m gonna take a shower…”
He said a bit coldly, not intending to sound rude, he really was just tired.
He went off to the bathroom and you couldn’t help but think of what to do.
Is he okay?
Is he tired?
Is he hurt?
Is he sad?
….you couldn’t tell.
You couldn’t differentiate if your lover was just tired or sad.
That night, lyney skipped dinner once more. Not because he wanted to but because he was extremely exhausted.
“Can we go to bed a bit earlier? Just wanna rest for now”
He said with a smile. You could tell it was forced so you wouldn’t worry. In turn you just nodded to make things easier for him.
“Let’s go.”
You two got in bed. Whenever he was like this, he liked being the little spoon. He hugged you tightly and buried his face on your chest.
“Good night reader…”
He said before pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
He falls asleep almost immediately. You were a bit restless at the time and just watched him sleep. You from time to time played with his hair and that’s when you noticed two odd bumps.
What the…
You looked at both, it looked stitched closed. You looked at him with a concerned look, as you tried to check on it more “did this happen today? No no it doesn’t look new” as your hands passed over the top, lyney jolted up and sat up, before grabbing your hand violently
“A-ah… sorry sorry I- don’t touch please… not there”
He felt bad for reacting that way to you, as he let go of your hand.
“Sorry! I-I didn’t mean to hurt you”
“It’s alright… just.. sensitive is all”
He smiled, trying to explain.
“I’m worried about you lyney… I saw the stitches…”
Lyneys gaze averted from yours. He didn’t want anyone to see that, even if it was from freminet, or father (even though she already knew).
“I don’t… um…”
Lyney didn’t know whether he should tell you or not. He wanted to but at the same time he didn’t want you to worry.
“If you don’t want to say anything it’s okay… you..you don’t have to. I’m really sorry for touching there darling”
“Mon cher…”
He laid back in your arms
“When..Lynette and I were street rats, before ‘father’ found us…”
He said while playing with his shirt a bit. Still not giving you eye contact.
“We were adopted by nobles. A kind man, he said he was impressed by our tricks on the street.”
“…he would give us a home to live in, to stay away from the streets and in turn we perform for him at his parties”
“Lynette and I needed to ensure we would stay at our ‘home’ so he would force us to practice all day”
“It was all fun and games at first until he started waking me up in the middle of the night”
Lyney clutched his shirt tighter.
“He would scold me into practicing more, yo the point he would pull my tail as if it were a leash”
Your head tilted in confusion
“One night, after a performance, he pulled me away”
“You did great lyney! But I think it would be better if you looked a bit more… distinct from your sister don’t you think?”
“I didn’t understand what he said, I thought he meant he’d color my hair different, but suddenly I saw a pair of scissors and a medical table.”
“I told myself he’d just cut my hair, that is until he told me to.. lay down on the nearby bed”
“Chest on the mattress” he said”
You held out your hand out to see if he would wan to hold it for comfort.
Lyney let go of his shirt and held your hand
“He then cut off my tail. He covered my mouth tightly with his hand so I wouldnt yell, before he pressed my head down and cut off my ears as well”
Lyney had a pained tone, one he wouldn’t usually wear.
“I used to be like Lynette”
He buried his face on your chest. You felt it getting damp slightly.
Lyney never liked to cry, he hated it. But he never talked about what happened for years. Not just one, not just two, 10.
He hated remembering, but he wanted to tell you.
“So..so that’s why… oh love I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to trigger you and I’m so sorry he did that, you don’t deserve that…”
(I’m leaving this space a bit empty so you can also say your own words to him in ur head does this make sense 😓)
Lyney shook his head, before trembling a bit in your arms, before nodding at your response “it’s okay…”
You could tell he was still in pain due to the events.
You pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
“Do you… feel bad about what happened?”
“Of course I do… I never wanted for it to happen and I liked it before since it made me look more like lynette”
He frowned.
“What about this… do you have a mission tomorrow?”
“Not that I know of…”
“Let’s go out tomorrow and do anything you want, I’ll pay…like a day off AND date to make you feel better”
You offered, as you hugged him tighter
You feel him nod.
“I love you, thank you Mon cher”
He muttered before pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
That night, you spent the night whispering comforting words to his ear until you both fell asleep.
A/N: this wasn’t proofread and I kinda didn’t know how to go for the ending so I made it like that
Sorry this was so badly written 😓 I haven’t been able to write good recently and I really tried.
Anw, I hope this was ok!
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moonlightrapsodia · 3 months
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evercelle · 9 months
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three crowns for a king!!
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velkia · 6 months
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mrabubu · 7 months
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Furina's demo is a pure chaos
And I love it
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cor-lapis · 7 months
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demo of all time
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ffluv · 8 months
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Fontaine! 🩵
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chrisjalejo · 8 months
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Fontaine Mons part 1
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bqnnabreado · 8 months
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Take Fremmy to the aquarium day !
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arireindeer · 9 months
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Inspired by one tweet that was deleted, I suppose. I'm really laughing because of this fact :>
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anemovisionuser · 8 months
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Wriothesley's fatui priority list:
Make sure the young lady is comfortable
Save that boy from drowning maybe
The brother will turn up eventually
The harbringer? Ah right. Tagliatelle or whatever. Idk
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sobashuu · 9 months
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Happy 4.0!!!
Here’s my totally accurate Fontaine prediction
bonus wriolette & original dick smasher
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