#*not really. more like 'staying up until stomach chills tf out'
eighthdoctor · 4 months
Would Jaina and Sylvanas have autism clashes?
Opened this 3 times to answer before tonight finding the brainspace* to do so
Unfortunately simple answer is I don't think so, because most autism clashes (I assume, it's not a phrase I've used or seen used before, but my assumption is it's "I need to stim" vs "I need everything to Stop Happening"??) rely on either social pressure or just...physical pressure to keep the two people in the same space.
If Jaina needs to stim and Sylvanas is going to pull her hair out if there is ONE MORE unnecessary noise--one of them leaves. Not even a question. If Jaina needs to infodump and Sylvanas is already overstimulated, again, someone leaves--we're currently still at the point where Sylvanas would rather be rude than put up with discomfort like that, and by the time we're not, they'll have like. Talked. I say, wistfully.
What they do have, a lot of, are trauma clashes, where either one of them doesn't realize that she's been triggered, or where one's response to the trauma is antithetical to the other, or where one of them was involved in the trauma...
From ch3:
“What would we talk about?” she says before Proudmoore can offer any more suggestions. “What topics do you think Shaw would find acceptable to discuss with the Warchief? Supply issues, perhaps? Problems with integrating Kul Tiras into the Alliance?” Proudmoore snaps, “I don't answer to Mathias Shaw,” which is probably even true. Sylvanas doesn't answer to Nathanos either. But she knows she'll have an extensive debrief with Nathanos upon her return, primary topic: Information given to and received from Lord Admiral Jaina Proudmoore. It would be insane for the Alliance to not do the same with Proudmoore. “Very good then, you won't mind me asking what the Alliance intends to do next.” Proudmoore is almost impossibly stiff, yet she doesn't jerk away. “There is a difference between military intelligence and just talking, Sylvanas!” “Warchief,” Sylvanas growls. It's proof—not that she needed it, not that she hasn't known—that the Alliance internally doesn't recognize her position as legitimate, that they still see her as Arthas's attack dog, rabid and fit only to be put down. Proudmoore slams her mouth shut with a click. “Warchief. There are topics other than the war, believe it or not.” “Are there?” The tone is scathing—deservedly so—but the question genuine; everything in Sylvanas's life comes back to war sooner or later. “What could we talk about that has no military application? Should I tell you my favorite haunts in Orgrimmar, so that you might inform SI:7 and I may look forward to a knife in one of them? Or would you like to share your comfort food and pray, I presume, that I don't use that knowledge to slip something into it?” Proudmoore grumbles wordlessly; but before she can move to either argue further or concede the point, Sylvanas presses ruthlessly on with bared teeth. “Or, perhaps, we could compare boyfriends. I understand that is a common topic at sleepovers,” she says, aware that the dig is incomprehensibly far over the line; that whatever Proudmoore deserves for being outrageously naive, this is beyond the pale. The words push out regardless, driven by a hot, pulsing need to make someone else feel just as rotten and angry as she does. “You go first. Tell me, were there any signs, when you took Arthas Menethil—” “Shut up.”
Here Sylvanas was already uncomfortable (physical proximity + Jaina's willingness to be vulnerable (physically and emotionally) to her) and does her normal "deflect by being snarky asshole" thing. This doesn't work well because they do need to remain in close contact and so neither can just move away.
Meanwhile Jaina got bored (fair) and understimulated so starts poking for things.
Jaina accidentally trips over one of Sylvanas's triggers (there is nothing but more violence), and Sylvanas...deliberately presses on one of Jaina's. This is a common pattern early on, where Sylvanas's response to her own trauma is to try and make Jaina feel worse. It doesn't always go well.
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Friday, February 23rd, 2024!
7:55am: I slept for so long and woke up with no alarms this morning :) feels amazing. Still had a huge orange chunk come out of my nose but it's less than before, I just don't know when it will stop lol (I literally had to get up while writing this and do another one). Last night I had to go to sleep unexpectedly early bc I had a milkshake and it made me so bloated omg. I think I'm officially at that age where I really can't just be eating anything 😂 of course I can bc I'm an independent woman 💅 but not without The Consequences. Also I just popped my BC in and I'm ready for my period to stop and also for the stomach issues to stop omg it's been rough out here. It really feels like spring break should be today, but the pros to it being next week are that it's one week closer to the end, I won't be on my period at all, and hopefully it will be warmer!! I'm tired of this cold ass weather!!
I feel good today besides the random brain thoughts that I don't particularly want. I need to figure out how to replace those thoughts with ones I do what. This journaling, as much ranting as it is, definitely helps me I guess regulate my runaway thoughts. I really want to take a post poop nap though those are the best so ttyl lmao.
10:47am: omg I continued to sleep until 9:50am I don't know how to explain to people how much sleep I really feel like I need. Idk it's probably depression but that's literally ok I'm just doing what I can. I still miss him and that's ok too. I don't really miss him I literally miss just having someone to talk to. But he fucked up and it's his loss, not mine. He lost a genuine person, and I lost a liar who cheats and steals money and nothing he does is genuine, it's all fake to get people to like him so he can use their shit for all it's worth. What's crazy is he's so fake he doesn't even care about these cats after he kept saying he misses them oh boohoo me it's like losing two kids, then blocks me so he'll effectively never fucking see them again. He's literally so fake AF. I take pride knowing I'm not a fake ass bitch and I don't lie to people. Doesn't matter if people believe me or not because I know I'm not lying about anything. If you think I'm lying, you just have something else going on in your life that you have to deal with clearly. This image of them getting on the bike together I think will stay with me for a while, I guess visuals are really my downfall. I know I'm the bigger person bc I literally said yeah y'all are cute together before he stopped speaking to me and everything was chill. It was chill because I made it chill. I made this entire friendship what it was and I'm really convinced of it now tbh. I don't like him, I like me and how I act towards him 😂 I like nice people, aka myself lmao.
If everyone likes me except for you.... Sorry I don't think I'm the problem boo 😘 just a matter of time before he does some more stupid shit I'm sure I'll hear about 🙄
Happy Friday!!
1:02pm ate my ramen leftovers and my boss is buying me CFA Cobb salad for work later :') people are awesome ❤️
10:09pm: JFC my feet hurt like hell. I wish I had a guy to rub my feet fr but one day lol. I just realized he didn't block me on sc so I could technically add him back whenever, I wonder if he's waiting for me to do that?? Hmmmm he's such a narcissist it's wild, plus the whole posting at me when I'm technically blocked on ig is actually crazy af. I bet $200 if he adds me back on ig that post will magically be gone or the caption would change. He's so petty and acts like a little bitch. Literally can't relate 💀
11:40pm: finished my law assignment and I'm so tired I think I'll eat my salad leftovers and literally pass out. My eyes are literally burning.
I really just be out here gaslighting tf outta myself. I'm sitting here like wowza I wish I had "guy" to vibe w me after getting done with my hw.... But it's been so long it's funny that I forget, that man in particular would NOT want to chill with me after I'm finished with my hw!! Name literally one time when he ever fucking did that?? Literally he never fucking did. I'm so gaslighting myself into thinking we'd be doing anything rn, he would've pissed me off all night and then would probably be asleep rn. There would not be random drive thru trips bc he's on a lame ass diet and won't stfu about it and there wouldn't be cuddling bc he would've pissed me off the entire afternoon sitting on his ass making fucking messes instead of contributing anything ever to the home we share and it would infuriate me!! That's not attractive 🙄 so yeah gaslighting tf out of myself to think that would be happening 🤣 it's been so long I forget how exhausting that bullshit was!! Don't go back sis you literally hated it!! Wack AF and manipulative tbh.
One day, there will be a man, he will rub my feet when I get off work, even better he'll see the insides of my shoes, know that I'm too busy/ADHD to remember to get insoles, and would surprise me with new insoles for my shoes ❤️ that's what care and love looks like. We will have a cute snack and then probably fuck before bed bc we are both grown and not scared of a little period fr, and he would get me a towel and draw up a shower for me afterwards and I'd come back into the clean bedroom with no dirty shit on the floor and get into my made bed and snuggle with the real love of my life who loves and respects me 🥰 manifesting lol 💕
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theboyzism · 3 years
[VICTON] S/O is on their Period
➳ genre: fluff ➳ ficstyle: bulletpoints ➳ requested: "Can you do Victon when their girlfriend is on her period? 🥺"
- Admin 💫
the sweetest
a little awkward the first few times tho
but he recovers quickly
not the type to log your period
but he'll just instinctively know from the way you act a couple days before your period
anyone else gets really sore boobs exactly 2 days before? I'll cry
he's always a caring and considerate boyfriend
but on your period he'll be extra caring and considerate
he has 2 sisters so he definitely knows plenty
has pain killers ready
and your favourite snacks
coddles you more than usual cause you're his baby and you're in pain
if you had a long day he'll be waiting with dinner & make you a hot bath after so you can relax
if you want him to he'll also massage your back & stomach
would literally do anything for you and give you anything you need, you just have to ask
will spoil you mainly with home cooked food
contrary to Seungwoo he actually logs your period on his phone
he stocks up your pads/tampons so you don't have to worry about it and makes sure you never run out
and he probably also carries an extra one with him when you go out just in case you need it
makes sure you eat and drink enough all the time
draws you a bath and will wash your hair for you if you're too tired
cooks all your favourite dishes
gives you these cute belly rubs when you’re laying in bed cuddling
does all the chores too so you can rest
tries every trick he knows and figures out the stuff that works best for you
i don’t think you’d really have to ask him for anything you need
contrary to Seungwoo I feel like he’d just know
instinctively gives you all you need before you even had the chance to ask
or if you’d ask for something like stocking up the fridge or doing the laundry, he would’ve already done it 💔
tries to lighten the mood by making you laugh
i think he might be a little awkward especially at first
will help you subtly tho?
before you leave the house in the morning he sneaks some of your favourite snacks into your bag
as well as some painkillers
if you ask him he just gonna be like
"Omg how did they end up there?"
acting like it wasn't him and that he doesn't care
he sends you cute or funny texts throughout the day to subtly check in on you
while you're gone he might also clean a little
which surprises you a lot
usually never helps cleaning lmao
tries to hold back on the teasing but fails
apologises by making you some tea or hot chocolate before sleeping
cuddles you until you fall asleep
it's uterUS
definitely uses your period as an excuse to eat all the snacks he wants and order a bunch of take out
"What? My baby is on their period, leave me alone"
will cuddle you while watching a bunch of movies and eating all the food you possibly can
makes you a hottie for your stomach aches
he's a teasing boyfriend but will hold back on the teasing until your period is over
scared you might lash out at him lmfao
flames with you when you say it's unfair to go through all of this ever damn month
he'll just fire you up and encourage your flaming
contrary to all the snacks and take out he always reminds you to take your daily vitamins and to drink enough, especially during hell-week
very chill tbh
he does what you ask
you want cuddles?
ok cool, he loves cuddling
you need him to run to the store and pick up pads/tampons for you?
he's out the door and on it
he’s very close to his sister so I feel like for him it's just kind of whatever?
texts you a little more than usual
if he has to stay late for work he'll order take out for you so you can at least eat already when you get home and don't have to wait for him
makes up for getting home late by giving you all the cuddles and strokes your head or belly whatever you prefer
literally will do everything you want, you just have to ask
he's a little awkward and blushy when you're like
"It's cause I'm on my period"
or if you just ask him to do something period related for you
but he's really just such a sweetheart
and like Hanse he does all you ask him to
I feel like he definitely had a relationship before so he knows some things
loves that you're in an extra cuddly mood when on your period and takes advantage of that
"Oh no babe! Come here into my arms, let's cuddle :("
picks up your favourite food/snacks on his way home from work
wraps you in blankets before you sleep
tries his best to make some sort of breakfast for you to eat before you leave the house
awkward and shy
he'd either subtly ask his mom for tips
or just ask the other members
or good old naver
tries everything at once and you're like
"Where tf is this coming from"
and then he admits he asked for tips
and you're soft
I feel like he's gonna be a little shy, awkward and blushy around the topic for a while
just freaks him out a little cause you're bleeding and in pain and he doesn't know what to do to help you
but he's gonna try his best and figure out what helps you along the way
together with you 💔
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
okay- first time requesting so im kind of nervous, but, hear me. Reader and class 1-A going out for the first time to a club and things getting lit and everyone living in the moment, reader gets a little drunk and wants to dance, so she gets one of the boys to dance with her but things start to get heated in the dance floor? with Kirishima, Sero and Bakugou? pretty plz 🥺
A/N: Bruh, fuck covid. I miss partying, but my ass finna stay tf home because these cases are kind of getting out of control. Stay safe yall. Also, everyone is 21+ in this 
Bnha X Fem!Reader
Warnings: cursing, mentions of alcohol and drugs, a little spicy, but nothing you haven't seen before lmao
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Kirishima Eijirou:
i hc kirishima to be that one unproblematic frat guy that loves to get lit
so when he heard the class wanted to go to the club, he was so hype 
if you’re taking shots, the man is right there with you 
bakugo can already tell he’ll be taking care of everyone’s drunk ass when he sees you and kirishima taking body shots off of mina 💀 
you and ochako see who can drink three beers the fastest
issa mess
after you’ve had your alcohol rounds, you and kiri are kinda just vibing with the music 
you’re laughing, talking, doing a little bit of shameless flirting~
then the alcohol hits you
and, oh look at that! theyre playing your favorite song!
you take kirishima’s hand and basically drag his ass to the floor
you two start dancing and it’s a hot mess for a second bc you can’t see and he lost all his rhythm on his second cup
but then you start looking at how his muscles look really good underneath the strobe lights and oh boy
he’s fine, like really fine
and you were ready to throw some ass
so you did
kirishima is one happy ass mf
he’s had fat ass crush on you for like 3000 yrs 
this is legit the best day of his life 
you two are really getting into it and denki and mina are hyping yall up like nobody’s business
you get up and fall back into his arms and you two laugh at what just happened
youre smiling at him like the sun and he knows he’s fucked 
kirishima makes his move
“you tryna get out of here?” he says in your ear
the look you give him makes him pull out his phone and call up an uber so fast 
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Sero Hanta: 
i see sero as more of a smoker
he prefers to vibe out, but he was in the mood to get a little lit tonight
so he drinks something momo mixed together at the pregame 
he’s a lightweight so he sticks to one cup
meanwhile, your dumbass is onto your third lmao
but you two are a good kind of drunk so it’s really fun from the pregame all the way to the club 
you two are cracking jokes and just having a good time in each other’s presence 
some heavy flirting going on
the sexual tension is kinda thick
the entire class is looking at yall like 👀 
they know what’s up
but they eventually go out and let loose bc everyone is kind of off their asses 
anyways, the two of you just kind of chill by the bar, but then you see how everyone is having fun and dancing and you want to be there too 
“dance with me” you suddenly say to sero 
not one to pass up a chance to spend more time with you, he agrees and yall go in 
at first, youre just rocking to the music and he’s busting out these corny moves, trying to make you smile and youre laughing so hard
someone accidentally knocks you into his chest and he catches you out of reflex
even people are basically fucking on the dance floor, the atmosphere turns romantic?
you’re looking into each other’s eyes and suddenly, your lips are touching
then yall just start making out in the middle of the floor
(you might not be the only one’s doing it, but don't be that couple yall 💀)
sero starts kissing your neck and pressing up against you
you moan when you feel his excitement on your stomach
and damn that thing was long
yeaaaa you’re ready to go
you send a quick text to the girls gc, telling them that you’re leaving with sero and they start blowing up your phone, teasing you and wishing you a good night 
your night was def more than good 
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Bakugo Katsuki: 
the fact that bakugo agreed to go to the club when you asked meant that he liked liked you, but you’re too dumb to notice 
he hated clubs, they were too noisy, dirty, and hot--and not in the good way
he’s only going bc to make sure you don’t do some slick shit and embarrass yourself 
and to make sure none of the dirty ass little boys pull a fast one on you bc  you’re looking good and he’ll fight anyone in the bih
anyways, when you get there, you’re just sipping on a couple margaritas to get you in the mood
all your friends from class 1-A were just talking and having fun until y’all separated into groups
some went to get some food, others were just by the bar, and your group went to go dance 
bakugo kind of just chilled in a spot where he could keep an eye out for you before he saw some shady-looking people trying to dance with you 
the reason why he charges into the crowd isn't bc he’s jealous or anything!! he just wants to make sure everything’s straight 
bakugo just cuts them off in the middle of their talking and gives them one look that sends them scurrying off 
while he’s yelling at you about stranger danger, you’re giving him bedroom eyes bc he was totally jealous and that just did something to you 
bakugo is too into basically arguing with himself to notice how a slow grinding song comes on, and your ass is already on him 
mans is stuck for a whole two seconds trying to process what’s going on, and then he’s on that ass like grass idc idc 
he’s here to finally prove to these extras that youre his 
when i say bakugo can catch yall...whew chile, he got some hips
as you twirl your hips, bakugo follows every movement, his hand going down to the back of your neck to bend you down more  
yall are basically fucking atp lmao 
gets to a point where he grabs you against his chest and straight up tells you 
“i’m fucking you up when we get to my place” 
let’s just say you had trouble walking the next day 
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wizardcommune · 4 years
aaaaaa i also love urbosa (i’m the previous anon that asked for her ehe) i am just a Little Lesbian who is starved for content... is it too much to ask for sfw alphabet with her? i really don’t think you write her out of character like you worry in the tags :>
urbosa sfw alphabet
a/n - THANK YOU!!! that means so much to hear fndbsngm 
also, i’m so sorry about the wait on this one!! my school’s trimester is ending early so i’ve been trying to raise my grades at mach twenty. i do have a break now though, so i’ll be able to write more frequently!!
pairing - urbosa x reader
warnings - none!!
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a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
urbosa prefers giving verbal affection, and receiving physical affection! she compliments you as often as possible
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
as a best friend, she teases you a lot. she's like a big sister
but like. y’know. not in a weird way,,
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
she does! she’s not an extremely touchy person, but it would be comforting to hold you
her favorite positions are to lay on her back and put your head on her chest or shoulder, or spooning. no matter your height, She Will Always Be The Big Spoon
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
urbosa would still want to lead gerudo town as chieftain, but she’d settle down more in terms of fighting. she wouldn’t want to risk herself as much considering you were there
honestly i feel like urbosa is just That Person who fucking sucks at cooking. she knows it too; she’ll just kind of stare blankly at you in pain if you suggest she cook
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
she would be fine with the idea of commitment! she would want to wait at least a few years before considering marriage. it’s a weighty decision and she doesn’t want to make the wrong choice since it could harm both of you
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
she’s very gentle with you! definitely not as much as someone like mipha, but she’s very careful not to accidentally hurt you
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
urbosa doesn’t hug you often, but she shows physical affection in other ways. i.e. gently pulling you to lean on her when sitting down, keeping a hand on the small of your back, running her hands through your hair (if she can), etc.
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
probably a couple months at least? (i've never been in a relationship so is that normal????) 
she’ll say it on a calmer night, when the yiga clan is silent for once and king rhoam hasn’t called for her help. on rare days like these, she’s accustomed to drawing a bath that smells good as hell, so you’ll be really comfy and probably sleepy LMAO
will tell you right before you fall asleep when she’s thinks you aren’t awake!!! once she realizes you are, will 100% give u a forehead kiss 
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
urbosa doesn’t get jealous very often, mainly pissed if someone won’t stop harassing you. she’ll wrap an arm around your waist, and if they aren’t already intimidated (they’d have to be drunk or just have The Audacity) she won’t hesitate to roast tf out of them. if you thought her teasing you was bad, it’s terrifying now. she won’t hold back
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
she honestly doesn’t have a preference on where to be kissed! she likes kissing you on the shoulder, forehead, and hand the most. :))
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
she’s actually really good with kids! even before she became chieftain, she liked hanging out + playing pretend with them
something really cool about urbosa that the kids like is that she treats them with high respect and talks to them like adults!!! (but very sensitive adults at that; she doesn’t tease them much. kids deserve kindness and you bet she’s gonna fulfill that)
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
she prefers long hours of sleep + waking up late. so if it’s a chill day when you’re not needed for anything, she’ll stay with you in bed for hours
if she wasn’t able to sleep as much, she’ll be lowkey grumpy in the mornings until she gets her tea
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
like the mornings, she drinks tea a lot before bed. she gives me jasmine or chamomile tea energy???? idk
long baths are a must, especially since it’s so sandy,,, everywhere,,,,
she’s the type to have a ton of candles and nice soaps and stuff, so she always smells really good before bed
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
pretty early in the relationship! she trusts you enough to talk about things that are bothering her/have in the past. 
although, i’m not sure if she’d talk about zelda’s mother and stuff like that due to privacy reasons. unless zelda herself didn’t express concern over it, she’d keep the details pretty tight
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
unless you’re a yiga member, urbosa’s patience is very thick. i literally cannot think of a time she would get fully mad at you?? 
if you ever put yourself in danger, (especially for her) she would definitely scold you. never angry, though
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
urbosa remembers things even you don’t remember. mainly things you point out at a marketplace or something. 
(on that note, she is absolutely the type to spoil you. you can mention a pretty flower in rito village in passing and she’ll be convincing revali to go get it for you within an hour)
r = remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
very protective!! even if you can fight/are a champion, she’ll subconsciously be protecting you in battle. 
she doesn’t want you to worry about protecting her, honestly. (tbh she lowkey likes when you lean on her for safety)
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
she puts a lot of effort into them!! she actually finds it really fun to get to plan dates and stuff. she loves giving gifts and they are always very well thought out!!
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
bold of you to assume urbosa isn’t perfect
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
she does care about her looks, but only because it makes her feel good!! as long as she looks professional and clean, urbosa could care less about what other people think.
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
urbosa is comfortable enough with herself to be okay without a partner, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt. if you ever were to get hurt/leave her, she would be crushed, but she would be able to heal.
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
she hates the cold with a burning passion and anytime she has to go to the tundra, she’s grumpy the whole time
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
i couldn’t think of a partner one, but she’s scared of dogs for some reason. she is a cat person and they lowkey freak her out
z = zzz (what are some sleep habits of theirs?)
even though she has guards, being the chieftain means either of you could be put in danger at any time. because of this, she’s a fairly light sleeper. she’s also pretty protective in her sleep! she’ll pull you close to her and keep a hand on the back of your neck or stomach
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wychive · 4 years
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𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙨 — 𝙟. 𝙮𝙝.
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pairing(s) // yunho x reader
genre // smut, fluff, soft sex basically,, non-idol!au, s/o!au
author’s note // this is my first time doing a bullet ‘oneshot’. i apologize if it’s too long! this oneshot is based off one of my friends’, @felymoon  ‘s, dream. i tried to make this gender fluid- so i hope you enjoy this as much as i did writing it <3
taglist will be in the replies!!
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it's been a week?? since you both got married
after two years of dating, he finally proposed to you on that fine sunday twilight
you still cant believe that you got married to this?? perfect handsome soft puppy of a human
you're just baffled at the fact that the best boy is yours, forever
for your honeymoon, the tall boy decided to bring you to the city of love
as soon as he surprised you with the ticket, you were just like,,, omfg bless God for an amazing man for the 28239032932nd time
the both of you stayed at some fancy hotel near the eiffel tower
after entering the room, you both laughed at the rose petals on and around the bed
you guys decided to go to disneyland and rode on some fun yet terrifying rides!
he ofc took many pictures of you
most of them were candids of you laughing, which made him fall in love all over again
that night, you both decided to just chill and watch some cheesy romantic movies
it wasn't long before it turned into a cringe and make out session
*sees the male lead flirting with the love interest in a vvv disgusting way*
"gross. that was you on our first date."
"don't think so, y/n. as i recall you were the one who looked up 'top 10 pick-up lines”
when i wasn't looking"after one (1) movie, you both decided to just rest and chill for the rest of the night
or so you thought
yunho flipped you over and decided to give you a small tickle fest
you bursted into giggles which made him go all -////////-
he stopped and just stared lovingly at you, kinda just going damn.. this is my wife?? this fr my baby? oh we going heart eyes 24/7
"you finally calmed down and placed your hand on his chin, grasing your thumb on his bottom lip
not long after, he kissed you. the last kiss you shared wasn't even an hour ago, but this treat made you hungry for more
you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to deepen the kiss you both shared
he slipped his tongue in which earned a slight moan from you
you both grew hot by the second, wanting to strip everything you had on, off
being the gentleman he is, he paused his actions, asking if it was okay to proceed
you never had sex before as you were scared that you might regret your first time by having it with someone who wouldn’t matter in five years time
but this was yunho, the person you promised to spend your lifetime with
alas, you gave a nod. you were read
he kissed your cheek and whispered a "it'll be okay." in your ear before he went to give pecks and small licks onto your neck
your husband could feel you getting wet as his knee was pressed onto your underwear
good thing you were wearing a bathrobe
purple marks appeared on your collarbone as yunho's hands untied the knot that was shielding yourself from his touch
when he opened up the white cloth, he sat up and admired your body figure
you could see a red blush appear on his face when he bit his bottom lip
the lover before him could never be more perfect
you let your cheek lay on the pillows, embarrassed at the way he looked at you. you bit on one of your fingers
after what felt like an eternity, yunho bent down once more
he took your hand, pinning you down against the mattress
his left hand was placed on your chin and turned your head to face him
the hunger you had deep inside didn't want him to hold back, and he knew that
you smashed your lips together with him tasting the sweet cherry soda that you drank earlier
you felt like you were in heaven your hands touched his soft skin, feeling his chiseled body
this was the point where you were thankful that he slept topless
one of his hands intertwined with yours, gripping them tight
the other, grazing your body little by little, feeling your outline
after stopping the second kissing session, he chuckled at your red plump lips
he began to move downwards to your wet core
a pink tint glowed on your cheeks as you gripped his hair
yunho planted purple flowers on your skin, some hyacinths and gladiolus’
the sounds that came out of your mouth were simple yet lewd enough to turn him on even more
he made it to your clothed area
ngl, the smell of lust almost drove him wild
he slowly pulled the thin underwear off, kissing the insides of your thighs while doing so
your husband hurriedly took out a condom from the side table
you closed your eyes, not wanting to get all flustered again
you heard his comforting voice, followed by slight laughter
"you can open your eyes now"
the voice was coming from above you, clearly as he had the protective rubber on already
you flutter your eyes open and immediately looked below and saw him lined up at your hole
you knew he was packing but?? excuse tf
"hey, promise me something"
“if it hurts, just tell me, i'll stop immediately"
you were taken back at his words. he really was the best person ever
you nodded, getting ready for the pain
before he pushed it in, he laced yours and his fingers once more, gripping them tighter than ever
he began to insert it slowly, keeping in mind that this was your first
you bent your neck backwards, and kept you head on the pillow
you manage to get the word 'continue' out, before letting out a small whimper
he finally pushed all the way through and bit his bottom lip, trying not to let out a loud moan
your walls clenched around him, which could make him cum right then and there
"you okay, y/n?"
"y-yea,, im fine, yunho"
he pulled it back out, almost all the way
before thrusting into you, hitting your g-spot
your eye capsules filled with tears
it was painful, but the good kind
yunho saw this and became worried but suddenly
you moved on your own, wanting to feel more of him
he began to be filled with lust and began to thrust in and out of you at a good speed
lewd sounds came out of your mouth, as messy groans came out of his
you tried to cover your mouth from letting out too much noise but nonetheless some of them slipped out
he kissed you
the kiss was full of passion, lust and love
you returned the kiss, of course, which muffled some of the sound
you couldn't take in everything that was happening rn
you were having sex, with your husband, jeong yunho, in paris
you couldn't have dreamt for a better setting
a tight feeling in your lower abdomen caught you off guard
you arched your back, letting yourself feel the whole of his length
he knew what was happening and started thrusting into you at full speed, hitting your g-spot so well
you took one of the pillows beside you and covered your face with it, letting out a full-hearted moan as you came
yunho pulled his shaft out of you and took off the condom in the process
he stroked himself until he came onto your stomach, as you were laying there, breathless and sticky
your mind went into a haze, still trying to process everything
the love of your life immediately rushed to get a wet towel
he wiped off his aftermath on your stomach, making sure it was clean
yunho removed the pillow on your head and gave a small peck on your forehead
"you did so well, baby. i'm so proud of you."
once he came back from washing the white cloth, you were already sleeping
he smiled softly before crawling into bed with you
he laid beside you
and wrapped his hands around your bare torso
before falling asleep, next to his lifelong lover.
156 notes · View notes
freddiesaysalright · 5 years
The Most Dramatic Season Ever - Week 7 - Fantasy Suites
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Summary: It’s your time now! You are ABC’s new Bachelorette and this is your journey! All these men (including our fav BoRhap boys and then some) are competing for your heart! Will you find love? Will you get engaged at the end? Or will you end up heartbroken? Find out, on the most dramatic season ever!
Word Count: 7k (i’m finally chilling tf out)
Tag List:  @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @the-moving-finger-writes​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @rose-writes-prose​, @queenlover05​, @moon-stars-soul​, @danadeacon​, @deacyblues​, @thesundrop​, @cupidben​, @lostlittlenerd​, @delilahmay39​, @timmvrphy​, @queenmylovely​, @loveandbeloved29​, @free-pool-trash​, @fairestkillerqueenofall​, @local-troubled-writer​, @babyalienfairy​, @littlecarowrites​, @allthethingsicant​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @mirkwoodshewolf​, @squishy-gay-astronaut​, @sherlollydramoine​, @butlegendsneverdie​, @dogmom2014​, @rocketrhap917​, @26-7-49​, @lelifesaver​, @frozenhuntress67​, @drowsebaby​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: I’m sorry this took so long and that it’s a little shorter. Writing has been hard as I’ve been really depressed this week. We moved my grandfather to a hospice house and dancing (the only thing that keeps me sane) has been cancelled. Anyway, I hope y’all are all staying healthy and safe :)
Warning(s): OKAY I thought about doing some smut in this chapter, but then decided against it. I don’t think it fits the format, since so far it’s been like watching the show. That being said, I got as steamy as I felt was cool. So, it’s steamy but it’s not like completely NSFW. I hope y’all enjoy :)
Night 1  Week 1  Week 2  Week 3  Week 4  Week 5  Week 6
Week 7 here we go!!!
The flight to New Zealand was long and tiring. It took almost an entire twenty four hours of travel. You tried to get some rest, but it was tough, since your heart was still breaking for Rami. It did not ease your pain to remind yourself that it was the right choice. It was the toughest breakup so far. And you were anxious because it only got harder. Especially because you were in love with the three remaining men.
This of course, made your decision even more difficult. You needed these overnight dates to determine who was further along and who was ready for a proposal. But the overnight aspect did have you a bit nervous.
Sex didn’t frighten you. But it usually deepened your feelings, so you needed to know how they felt before going to bed with them. And whether or not they were truly ready to commit themselves to you.
After a day to recover, you had your first date. It was with Joe, which of course, excited you. Joe’s hometown had been wonderful, but you needed to know if he loved you. If he was in this as deep as you were.
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Joe: I think I’m more nervous this week than I’ve ever been before. Knowing that Y/N and I could have the night together and take our relationship to the next level is really important to me. I also know that I’m in love with her and I need to tell her. My biggest frustration is that I know she can’t say it back. But I need some sort of validation because I’m starting to lose my mind a little bit. I didn’t think this whole journey was gonna be this hard…
You were meeting Joe in Hobbiton, where Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies were filmed. You were stoked when you got to the bar in Ireland based on The Shire, but now you were getting as close to the real thing as possible. It was an odd combination of nerves and thrill for you. You hoped you got to where you needed to be with Joe because you weren’t ready to say goodbye.
You beamed at him as he approached, your heart easing at his familiar form. He started to jog over when he saw you. When he reached you, he scooped you up in his arms as you laughed together. He set you down so he could kiss you.
“Hey,” he said quietly when your lips parted.
“Hey,” you returned sweetly. “Are you ready for today?”
“I’m stoked,” he assured you.
“Well, we’re touring Hobbiton,” you said with a smile. “So I think it’s gonna be great!”
You took his hand and led him up the path to Bag End. There, you met a guide, who began to walk you through the entire set. It was so cool to see everything in person and to witness the work that went into making such a huge, legendary film. The sun was shining and you felt it made the grass around you almost glow green. It was the loveliest day. After the tour, you sat together at The Green Dragon Inn, each with a drink. You toasted to your journey and took a sip.
“So, how are you feeling after last week?” Joe asked. “I know this is getting harder for you as the feelings get deeper.”
That was what you loved about Joe. He understood you, and never made you feel bad that this was the situation you were in.
“I’m okay,” you told him. “Obviously, last week was difficult, saying goodbye to Rami, but I knew it was the right thing to do. I’m optimistic about what this week will bring. Hopefully, it’s clarity.”
“I hope that for you as well,” he said. “I’m glad to hear you’re staying positive. Getting too caught up in the heartbreak...it’ll just bring you down. And I really want you to be happy.”
“That’s what I want too,” you said. “That’s the reason I’m here, y’know?”
“It’s the reason we’re all here,” he replied.
You each sipped your drinks some more and chatted about the experience. The day slipped by all too quickly. Before you knew it, it was time to part ways and get ready for the evening portion of the date. You carefully selected your dress. It was going to be a big night after all.
You met at the hotel where you were staying, and had a patio table all to yourselves. The lighting was low, just candles and soft, yellow bulbs. Drinks and dinner were set out and waiting for you. Joe pulled your chair out and let you sit, before taking the chair next to you.
“So,” you said. “Here’s to a wonderful day, and an even more wonderful evening.”
“Cheers, baby,” he replied.
You clinked glasses. When you set them down, you looked at him.
“So, I know this is a weird date,” you said. “There’s no rose to hand out, but there is something at the end, and I -”
“Y/N, I’m gonna stop you right there,” he said. “I know that it’s the fantasy suite, and I just want to tell you there’s no pressure. I’m really happy with where we are.”
You smiled. “I am too.”
He took a deep breath. “Honestly, there was only one thing I regretted about last week in New York.”
“Oh?” you wondered, brow furrowing. “What’s that?”
“I should have been honest with you,” he said. “The truth is, Y/N, I’m in love with you. Spending this day together only solidified that for me. I love you. With my whole heart.”
A smile spread slowly across your face as he spoke.
“Joe, I…” you trailed off, stopping yourself before saying what was on your heart. But only because you couldn’t say it. If you were not the Bachelorette, you would have told him that you loved him too.
“Thank you for telling me,” you said. “It means so much.”
“I just want to keep you informed with where my heart is,” he said. 
You beamed at him and leaned over to kiss him. Even kissing him felt better with his feelings out in the open. When you parted, you were still smiling.
“So,” you said, reaching over to the table and retrieving an envelope there. “We have this little offer here, and I’d like you to read it.”
You handed him the envelope. He opened it up and read over the words once before reading it aloud with a little grin on his face.
“Y/N and Joe,” he began. “Welcome to New Zealand. I hope you’ve enjoyed the lush world of Hobbiton today. Should you choose to forgo your individual rooms, please use this key to stay as a couple in the fantasy suite. Chris Harrison.”
“What do you think?” you asked with a smirk.
“I’d love to spend the night with you,” he said, but you detected some hesitation there.
“No buts,” he replied with a small laugh. “I just want you to know that I meant what I said before. There’s no pressure. We don’t have to do anything-”
You cut him off with a deep kiss.
“Joe,” you said. “I’m attracted to you. You make me feel so loved and desired. So, let’s go up to the fantasy suite and explore that more.”
He smiled. “Whatever you want, Y/N. I love you.”
You grinned wider at him. Then, taking his hand, you led him away and up to the main part of the hotel. Your suite was on the top floor so you took the elevator. For the whole ride, your heart was pounding. Your skin felt hotter each time he squeezed your hand. You were tempted to begin things right at that moment, but you had to wait until you were off camera.
After two agonizing minutes, the elevator dinged and opened its doors. You and Joe were both clearly holding back from running to the room. When you made it to the suite, he opened the door, and you saw the whole romantic set up. There were candles everywhere. A bottle of champagne sat on ice in the kitchen, with two glasses on the counter. Rose petals made a path from the front door to the bedroom door.
“This is beautiful,” you said, looking around.
“It really is,” he agreed. “But honestly, I wanna kiss you so bad, I can’t focus on it.”
“Well then,” you said. “Come here and kiss me.”
He made it to you in two strides, his lips claiming yours in the most heated kiss of your life. Your stomach lurched with fresh desire as he nipped at your bottom lip. You moaned into his mouth. He lifted you off your feet when you coiled your arms around his neck. Then he carried you into the bedroom, kicking the door shut. Finally, the cameras and producers were gone and it was just the two of you.
You were still kissing Joe when he set you back on your feet. You had become frantic with need for him. He chuckled into your kisses.
“Y/N,” he said, taking hold of your shoulders. “Y/N, slow down.”
You bit back a whine as he gently pushed you away.
“We’ve got all night,” he said. “We don’t have to rush.”
“The sooner we do it,” you returned. “The sooner we can do it again.”
He threw his head back and laughed. You smiled.
“Okay, we can go as many times as you like, but for our first time together, I really…” he trailed off. “I really wanna make love to you.”
“I’d love that,” you told him with a smile.
Your heart melted at his sentiment, but you had not lost any of the desire. You turned your back to him and moved your hair aside so he could unzip your dress. You heard him step toward you. Then his hands were on the zipper, the top of which was right at the nape of your neck. You gasped at the contact as your body begged for more.
Inch by inch, he lowered the zipper. You shivered when the air hit your back before Joe leaned down and kissed the newly exposed skin. You bit your lip.
He turned off your mic pack, which was at your lower back, and removed it, tossing it away. The straps of your dress fell from your shoulders. You faced him again. The fabric fell away from your body, revealing your bare chest to him. You hadn’t worn a bra. Joe sucked in a sharp breath as his eyes flickered down to your breasts before returning to your face.
“Like what you see?” you teased.
“Love it,” he said, pulling you into his arms again. “I love you.”
You giggled. “You can’t stop saying it.”
“No, nor will I,” he returned firmly.
You smiled again.
The way Joe made love to you was like nothing you had ever experienced before. It was slow, deliberate, and deep. He reached your very soul. He showed you the strength of his love with every kiss, every thrust, and every soft whisper of your name. Love was not just a word to Joe. It was something that required action. And you saw after that night that he was steadfast and strong. There was no doubt that he truly loved you. He showed you four times.
When you woke beside him the next morning, tucked safely in his arms, you smiled and hummed contentedly. You snuggled down closer. It almost made you wince, since your body was sore. It was the sweetest soreness you had ever felt. Joe shifted, eyes fluttering open. His smile was the only one that could match your own.
“Hey,” you whispered.
“Morning, beautiful,” he replied, voice low with the morning.
“How’d you sleep?” you asked.
“Wonderfully,” he said. “You?”
“The best sleep I’ve had in months,” you answered with a giggle.
“Good, then I did my job,” he joked.
You laughed again as he rolled half on top of you. He lowered his lips to yours. It was a soft and delicate kiss, since neither of you wanted to heat things up again without proper time. When he pulled back, he looked into your eyes.
“I think I could do this forever,” he said.
“What?” you asked.
“Wake up to you,” he said.
“Me too,” you returned. 
You cupped his cheek in your hand. The urge to tell him your feelings arose again. But you didn’t want to confuse him or hurt him. On the other hand, you felt it so strongly. He deserved some validation, didn’t he?
“Joe, I love you,” you said, so quietly you wondered if you had even said it aloud. But the look on his face told you that you did.
His eyes widened at first. Then, his brow furrowed. He was wondering if he’d heard you right. Then, all that melted away into the biggest grin you’d ever seen on his lips.
“Y/N, I can’t tell you what it means to hear you say that,” he said. “I love you.”
“I love you,” you returned.
It felt so right like this. But then, reality set in. Joe had to return to his hotel. You had two other dates this week. Two other men, who you also adored. As you got up and dressed, you tried not to despair.
You held it together well enough until it was time for Joe to go. He had his backpack slung over his shoulder and he was standing by the door. You slid your arms around him and buried your face in his chest.
“I don’t want you to go,” you said, voice shaking.
He kissed the top of your head. “I wish I didn’t have to, baby.”
You held each other for a long moment as a lump formed in your throat. You sniffled, but tried to hide it, burrowing further into him. He still noticed.
“Hey…” he said gently, pulling away to look at your face. “Hey, don’t cry, honey, I’ll see you soon.”
He wiped a stray tear with his thumb. Then, he pressed his lips to your forehead. Slowly, he detached himself from you. He had to, or you would have held him there all day.
“See you later,” he said. “Love you.”
“Love you too,” you choked out.
He gave your hand one last squeeze before releasing it and walking through the door. You closed it behind him. You leaned back against it and sank down to the floor, pulling your knees into your chest. Your heart was aching, and you just hoped you hadn’t made a mistake by confessing to Joe.
You had to travel later that day, since your next date was hours away, on the coast. Missing Joe terribly, you made your way to Papamoa Beach, where you would have a date with Ben the following day. The thought of seeing Ben raised your spirits.
The morning of your date, you were feeling much better. You had so much to look forward to with Ben. He was fun and cheerful and had the sweetest heart. And this date was going to be really cool.
You met him on the beach, wearing just a pair of shorts over your bathing suit. Ben came out onto the sand, looking straight out of a magazine in his tank top and swim trunks. You waved to him and he jogged over to you, planting an enthusiastic kiss on your lips when he reached you. You beamed at him as you parted.
“So, what have you got in store for today?” he asked.
“Something super fun,” you told him. “Since you’re so active, I know you’ll love it.”
“Now, I’m very curious,” he said, raising his eyebrows.
“Come with me,” you said, taking his hand.
Together, you walked down the beach, where a tall, broad man with long dark hair was waiting for you. He was extremely tan, so you figured he spent most of his days out here.
“Hello, Y/N and Ben,” he said with a thick New Zealand accent. “I’m AJ and I’m your surfing instructor for today. Have either of you ever surfed before?”
“I have,” Ben said. 
“I have not,” you admitted.
“Alright, that’s perfectly fine,” AJ said. “We teach all ages and skill levels. We’ve got some suits and boards waiting for you in there.”
He pointed to the building of the surf school. You and Ben went in and got changed. When you came back out, Ben looked you up and down before biting his lip. You stifled a giggle.
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Ben: I’m having such a wonderful time on this date. Y/N looks amazing in that bodysuit, so I am so grateful tonight’s the fantasy suite because it’s getting harder and harder to keep my hands off her. Obviously, it’s all up to her, I’m thrilled just to hold her, but I am ready for more. To take our relationship further and grow more together.
You were each given a board and then you followed AJ. He gave you some instruction on the sand - and some important safety information - but before you knew it, you were in the water, paddling out to beyond where the waves were starting. AJ went over a few more basics, and helped you find your balance on the board.
Ben tried to ride a wave first, since he had done it before. He looked so good out there. He smiled, tongue poking out between his teeth, and he glided through the water on the crest of the wave. You wondered how many times he had done this because he didn’t seem nervous. He had clearly mastered the art.
You had no such luck. Even keeping in mind everything AJ told you, your timing was off when you tried to stand up, and the wave knocked you clear off the board. The ocean tossed you around a minute as the wave moved past you. Then you kicked up toward the surface. You sucked in air and wiped your eyes as you broke it.
You were already laughing along with Ben and AJ. You knew it looked hilarious. Ben’s smile was infectious as you climbed back on the board and paddled back to where he waited for you.
“It was a great try, love,” he said through his laughter.
“You’re just being nice, it was terrible,” you returned.
“Not to worry,” AJ assured you. “There’s still lots of ocean for you to try.”
You made several more attempts. Ben did as well, nailing it over and over again. You, on the other hand, were missing the mark. It got to the point where you were actually getting frustrated.
“Come on, love,” Ben said at last. “Don’t pout. You can do it.”
“Ugh,” you groaned, to his amusement.
“Try one more time,” he encouraged. 
You met his eyes, and at the look on his face, your resentment ebbed away. He wasn’t being condescending or spouting empty words of praise. He really believed in you.
With a determined smirk, you got back on the board. You waited a minute or two before you saw it coming - the perfect wave. Eagerly, you began to paddle forward. You were going to get it this time. You had to.
You rode it until just before it crested. You popped up onto your feet. You didn’t fall! You were riding the wave! Adrenaline surged through you as you surfed - properly surfed! Your legs were wobbly, but you didn’t fall until the wave crashed, and you went down. But this time, you went down having accomplished the goal. When your head broke the surface again, Ben was already beside you, pulling you out of the water and onto his board.
“That was amazing, love!” he cheered.
“I did it!” you cried.
“You did it!” he affirmed.
He sat you down beside him and kissed you. Your mouths were wet and salty from being in the ocean all day, but you didn’t care. You had triumphed because he supported you. His hands found their way to the sides of your face as he deepened the kiss.
“Incredible,” he said.
You chuckled. “You were incredible. I didn’t manage to actually do it until the end.”
“Well, I’m bloody proud of you,” he said.
“Thank you,” you said, beaming.
After the lesson, you returned to shore to have a small picnic. It was just cheese and crackers with some wine. The suits and boards, you returned to AJ. Then you both sat on the blanket, realizing you were starving, and went in on the food.
“So, where’d you learn to surf?” you wondered.
“In California,” he said. “We had a series of matches out there, and in my down time, I picked it up. Then I got my whole team doing it.”
“Well, it was super sexy,” you told him.
“You’re way sexier,” he argued. “Your body in that suit was...incredible.”
You flushed at his words and under his gaze. 
You chatted a little longer on the beach. Then it was time to prepare for the evening portion of the date. You were excited to be in a dress and makeup after Ben had watched you wipe out all day. Not that you minded being goofy around him, but tonight was big. You wanted to be beautiful and sexy.
You walked with him to a beach side bar that was reserved for you. The candlelight was soft and warm, and made you feel cozy despite the breeze. Ben pulled your chair out for you. You sat down together.
“Thanks for being so supportive today,” you said. “I was being such a baby.”
“No, you weren’t,” he assured you. “It’s natural to get frustrated at stuff like that.” 
“You were still so amazing to me,” you said. “I appreciate you so much.”
“Of course,” he said. “I love you.”
You were convinced you’d never grow tired of hearing those words from his mouth. Once again, you were struck with the desire to say it back. But you refrained. You were already feeling guilty for telling Joe, and you didn’t want to do the same thing with Ben. You smiled. 
“I feel like your hometown date went so well,” you said. “This is going in a direction that makes me excited. I feel so sure of you, Ben. I know it made me nervous when you told me that you’ve never been in love before, but I’m not now.”
“No?” he wondered.
You shook your head. “I can feel what you feel for me. And you show me every time we’re together.”
You took his hand and stared into his eyes. You felt the words coming up in your throat. Only, you couldn’t stop them. You felt them too powerfully.
“I love you too, Ben,” you said.
Inwardly, you kicked yourself. How did these guys make your resolve so weak? Not that you minded too much, but you felt like you were messing up. Like it wasn’t decent behavior for the Bachelorette.
Ben’s smile made your regret fade. It didn’t disappear entirely, but you felt better that you’d said it.
“I love you more,” he said.
“Oh, don’t start,” you joked.
You laughed together. When it died down, you squeezed his hand.
“We’ve come a long way,” you said. “This journey hasn’t always been easy, but I want to keep going with you.”
“I do too,” he said.
“So, there’s an envelope on the table,” you said. “Why don’t you open it and read what’s inside?”
He smiled - making your heart jump - and then reached over to pick it up. You waited with bated breath as he cracked open the seal and pulled out the card.
“Y/N and Ben,” he read. “Welcome to beautiful Papamoa Beach. I hope you enjoyed learning something new together. Should you choose to forgo your individual rooms, please use this key to stay as a couple in the fantasy suite. Chris Harrison.”
“What do you say?” you wondered.
“I say absolutely,” he told you. “How could I not want more time with you?”
You giggled.
Just down the beach from the bar, production had put together a glamorous hut. It sat a good ways from the shoreline for when high tide came in, but you could still see the ocean from the doorway. Inside, there was a gorgeous queen bed. Candles and twinkle lights illuminated the one room structure with a soft, warm glow. Rose petals dotted the white comforter. Champagne was already iced down and waiting for you on the side table.
“Is this glamping?” Ben teased.
“This is definitely glamping,” you replied with a smirk.
“There’s nobody I’d rather glamp with,” he said.
“Same,” you returned.
With that, he closed the door to the cameras. You turned off your mic packs first thing. A beat passed as you looked at each other. Then you collided. It was all frantic tongue and teeth at first, desperate as you were to be close. You felt Ben’s hands at the back of your dress. He tugged the zipper down and it fell away from your body. You shoved his blazer off his shoulders and then quickly got to work on the buttons of his shirt.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he breathed onto your neck as he kissed you. “You’re so beautiful. I love you so much.”
“I love you, Ben,” you sighed back.
You kissed his chest when you opened his shirt up. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close. It forced you to pause. You stood there together, you just in your thong and he was shirtless. Your chests pressed together made you feel his heartbeat. It matched your own. Hot desire coursed through you. You wanted more, but he held you firmly.
“Just a minute,” he said. “Gotta breathe.”
You rested your head on his chest. You realized that you needed to breathe too. So, you caught your breath together. As you slowly inhaled and exhaled, you felt yourself uniting with Ben. Your hearts beat together. Your lungs worked together. Your bodies could have melted into each other. It was a moment of true tenderness, where your heart met his.
As your breathing evened out, both your hands began to roam. Fingers brushed deftly over sweltering skin. It sent a shiver up your spine to feel the feather lightness of his touch.
“How do you want this?” he asked.
You held his gaze. His pupils were blown wide with lust, but they were still that charming shade of green. You smiled. His eagerness to please you was not something you were used to. No man had ever asked for explicit instructions. 
“I want you in every way I can have you,” you told him. 
“Maybe I should clarify,” he chuckled. “How do you want me first? Tell me what will make you feel best.”
You blushed. “Really?”
He shrugged and rubbed your back. “What can I say? I’m an athlete, I like to be coached.”
“Well then,” you replied. “You can start by kissing me again.”
“I’ll kiss you forever.”
He claimed your lips once more, passionately. As your desire grew, you found it easier to tell him what you wanted. Ben was an attentive and giving lover. He seemed to thrive on your instructions and requests. It showed you the kind of man he was. He would do anything in the world for you. Your happiness was his happiness. Your pleasure was his pleasure. Your love was his love.
You and Ben only made love twice because he spent so much time exploring each other. He was so intent on making you feel amazing - something he accomplished over and over again. You’d never had so many orgasms in one night. And each one made you see stars. Your love for Ben ripened into deep passion. 
The next morning, Ben was awake before you. He rolled over and saw the morning light catch your hair, and he felt a pang of sadness. As much as he was enjoying this, his time with you was almost over. You had another date, and unfortunately could not spend the whole day together. Still, he watched you sleep a moment longer. 
When he couldn’t stand it anymore, he placed a soft kiss to your cheek. Even asleep, you smiled. You stirred and stretched slowly. Finally, your eyes opened and you took in Ben’s familiar form.
“Morning,” you yawned.
“Morning, love,” he replied. “Sorry if I woke you.”
“You can always wake me with kisses, hun,” you assured him.
He smiled half heartedly and looked away. You rolled onto your stomach and propped yourself up onto your elbows.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“I’m just…” he sighed. “I’ll be very sorry to leave you today. I hate this.”
You cut your eyes away from him so he wouldn’t see you tearing up. 
“I hate this too.”
He gathered you up in his arms, laying you on his chest.
“I know I’ll see you again soon,” he said. “But I also know there are still two other men in this. I just...I don’t know if...I don’t want to make you feel guilty.”
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I can’t promise anything right now. I don’t even know what decisions I’ll make at this point. And it’s so unfair to you because I know what all of y’all need right now is some validation, and I just...I’m not able to do it, and I’m so, so sorry.”
“Shh, don’t apologize,” he soothed you, kissing the top of your head. “S’alright. It’s just getting more difficult for me, and I want you to know where my head’s at.”
“I get that,” you said. “I appreciate you being so honest with me, Ben. Really. I wish there was something I could do to make it better, but even though I can’t, I want to know what you’re thinking. And how you’re feeling.”
“I’ll do my best to be open,” he said. “But I want you to do the same for me. As much as you can. The last thing I want is to be blindsided.”
“I understand,” you said. “I will tell you my feelings as soon as I can. I never want to hurt you.”
“Thanks, love,” he said.
You had some breakfast before he had to leave. It was another gut-wrenching goodbye. Things were more serious with Ben than you had anticipated. And now you had told two men that you loved them. It hit you suddenly that you were going to break someone’s heart. And you still had one more date left in the week.
You felt heavy going into your date with Gwilym. Once again, you had to travel a bit to get to where you were meeting him. As excited as you were to see him, you were also terrified. You knew how you felt about Gwilym, and it was strong. You knew he felt similarly, though he hadn’t said outright that he loved you. You needed to clarify everything.
You met Gwilym just outside your destination. He smiled widely at you, and you rushed forward to jump into his arms. He caught you as you wrapped your legs around his waist and kissed him deeply.
“Well,” he chuckled as your lips parted. “I missed you too.”
“I hope you’re ready for today,” you replied.
He set you down, but kept a hold of your hand. 
“What are we getting up to?” he asked.
“We are at Polynesian Spa,” you explained. “We are going to get treated today and relax after all these crazy weeks. That sound good?”
“That sounds perfect,” he said.
You went inside together. You and Gwil got the full treatment. You started with facials, before moving on to a massage. Your body was physically relaxed, but your mind was sort of going wild. Luckily, the nature of this day helped you to forget about the stress of your situation. During your massage, you cleared your mind and let yourself live in this moment with Gwilym.
After your massage, you went out to a private pool that overlooked Lake Rotorua. The water was warm and soothing. You felt especially relaxed now after being pampered, and you just wanted to enjoy this time with Gwilym.
“I’m so glad we get to chill,” you said, moving closer and leaning into him. You rested your head on his shoulder.
“I am too,” he replied. “Has your week been difficult?”
“A bit,” you said. “I’m feeling the pressure of things even more now than I was before, and I know that feelings are going to get hurt and I just….this is getting hard.”
“I’m sorry, cariad,” he said gently, kissing your head. “We’re coming to the end. Your feelings are real. Of course it’s hard.”
“How are you feeling?” you wondered.
“I’m feeling really good about us,” he told you. “I feel like last week went well. My family adored you. Which affirmed my feelings a lot.”
“I liked your family a lot too,” you said. “Your mom mentioned how hard you took your fiance’s death and it showed me how much they care about you. I admire that.”
“Yes, I relied quite heavily on my family during that time,” he said. “I even stopped going to read to the children for a while. I was just...not at all myself.”
“It’s almost hard for me to imagine,” you said. “I feel like you’re such a wonderful person and you’re mostly positive.”
“Grief is a great complexity,” he said. “I still don’t understand a lot of what I went through. But I know that every step of my life has led me to you. And for that, I’m most grateful.”
You smiled and straightened up to look at him. Then you coiled your arms around his neck, splashing the water a little bit, and pulled him in for a kiss. 
“I’m so grateful I met you too,” you replied when you parted. “I thank God every day for it.”
He kissed you again. You stayed there, making out with him, for what felt like hours. You didn’t feel the sun or the water. Just Gwilym’s mouth on yours. You swore you steamed up the pool with the heat of the kisses. It made you grateful that tonight was the fantasy suite. You were so attracted to him, and you wanted to explore the physical connection some more.
As the sun began to set over the water, it was time to get ready for the evening portion of the date.
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Gwilym: I’m excited about tonight. Y/N and I have a wonderful connection. We’ve been strong since the beginning. Truly, I could see us at the end of all this. I’m still falling steadily in love with her, and I want to explore our relationship further. I want to keep working on our relationship forever, hopefully.
You met up with Gwilym at a bar that had been reserved for the two of you. As relaxed as you’d felt earlier, your body was now tense. You needed to have a serious talk with Gwilym about the relationship and find out where he stood.
You sat down together at a little table. He pulled your chair out for you, and you thanked him. Then, he took up his drink as he sat beside you.
“To a wonderful day,” he said. “And the most incredible woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.”
“Cheers,” you giggled.
You clinked glasses and you each took a sip.
“So,” you said, setting your wine down. “I feel like we need to talk about where we are and how exactly we’re feeling.”
“I’m alright with that,” he said. “Would you like to start?”
“Sure,” you said. “Gwilym, I’m definitely falling in love with you. You have stood out to me since night one, and I think we’ve had a really solid relationship. I appreciate your honesty, how dedicated you are to this, and your vulnerability. I know I can see a future with you.”
He smiled as you spoke. 
“That’s lovely to hear,” he said. “I feel the same. We’re going strong. You’ve been as fair and honest in this whole process as you could, and I appreciate it. You make it so easy to be vulnerable with you because you are also so open. We’ve both really let our walls down. I fall more in love with you every day.”
You deflated a little. “So, that’s how you’re feeling. You’re falling in love with me?”
“Yes,” he told you. “That’s where my heart is.”
Your heart sank. So, he was falling behind. He noticed your expression shift.
“What’s the matter?” he asked.
You sighed. “I feel like….we need to be further along than this.”
“How do you mean?” he pressed.
“You were falling in love with me back in London,” you said. “If you’re in the same place, then it means we’re not progressing.”
He took a sip of his drink, swallowing slowly as he returned it to the table.
“Where do you think we should be?” he wondered.
“I don’t know if we need to be at a certain place,” you said. “But we should be further along than we were a couple weeks ago. We need to be going forward.”
“Just because I’m still falling doesn’t mean we haven’t made progress,” he argued. “I need time to know you more. For me, falling in love….it’s a long way down before I can get there.”
“I understand that,” you said. “But I still feel like we’ve just...plateaued since our one on one. And if we’re going to get engaged soon, then I need to feel like we’re climbing.”
He didn’t answer. His eyes remained fixed on the table. Your heart was beginning to beat wildly against your rib cage. 
“Gwil, please, I -”
“Y/N, I can’t tell you that I’m in love with you while you’re still involved with two other men,” he said, cutting across you. “I want to be the one at the end of this who gets down on one knee, but I cannot fully give my heart to you until you can give yours to me.”
For a moment, it felt like all the air was sucked out of your body. It was such a confusing thing to hear. Did that mean that he was in love with you and he just wasn’t saying it? That felt like a betrayal, especially when he’d always promised to be honest with you.
“So…” you began, deciding to ask the blunt question. “Are you in love with me? It’s your pride that won’t let you say it because there are still two other guys here?”
He sighed. “That’s not it. I don’t think I can get there unless we’re getting there together. I’m not in love with you yet.”
“Gwilym, that doesn’t make any sense!” you cried. “You knew what this process was when you signed up for it. Don’t you think you need to be in love before you get engaged?”
“Yes, of course, that’s the idea,” he returned. “But, because this is a unique journey, I knew that I’d need to be actually proposing before I could feel like we can really love each other. I don’t have that confidence while the others are still here.”
“None of you can be absolutely confident,” you said. “I’m not even confident of what decision I’ll make right now. But you have to take a chance. I know my heart is being pulled in different directions right now, but if I don’t have confidence that you’re where I need you to be in order for me to accept a proposal from you...then I don’t know what we’re going to do, Gwil. Because I need to be in love before I can say yes to someone.”
“Joe and Ben...have they told you they’re in love with you?” he asked.
“You know I can’t tell you that,” you replied.
“Right, sorry,” he said. “But I am getting the impression that it’s not that we haven’t made progress, it’s that I haven’t made the same progress as they have.”
“This isn’t about them,” you said. “This is about me and you. Our relationship is not about what’s going on with the other relationships.”
“But you must compare them,” he said. “How else do you make a decision?”
“I make my decision based on what happens between each person,” you said. “Yeah, some comparison happens, but I evaluate everything individually.” 
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I don’t mean to call you into question. You’ve been an excellent Bachelorette, but that’s just the thing. You’re the Bachelorette. If your heart really is being pulled in other directions, then can’t you understand why I struggle to feel confident?”
“I do,” you said. “And I’ve been in your shoes, remember? I’ve been on the other side of this. But I wasn’t afraid. I let myself take the chance and fall in love.”
A beat passed. He once again, did not answer. You took his hand.
“I’m doing the same thing now,” you said. “I love you, Gwilym.”
He stiffened and squeezed his fingers around yours.
“I…” he trailed off. “I’m sorry. I just can’t get there like this.”
You took a shaky breath, choking back tears. “So, what’s going to happen with us? Where are we going to go from here?”
“I dunno, Y/N,” he said. “I just don’t know.”
To be continued...
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baka-kawa · 4 years
Aobajohsai HC: simping for manager
Request | “Hello luv💗 just wanna say ur prev hcs are ✨exquisite✨ (look at me using big mature-ish words👁) Can u please do hcs for the team/s (specifically nekoma, seijoh, inarizaki. Feel free to change the teams tho,,) simping on their manager (reader) and protecting her from flirts from other schools? Hope it’s not confusing 😅 thank you sweetheart 💖💖💖
Notes | I’m so excited to write this :)) I will only be writing for the boys I have listed on my masterlist since I don’t know enough about the other characters to write about them. Hope you enjoy reading this :)
in my eyes oikawa is quite possessive
and so when you became their manager
oh boy,,
he keeps an eye on you at all times at games
he knows certain players on opposing teams and how predatory they can be
so he doesn’t feel comfortable w the possibility that if you aren’t in sight
bc you could possibly be cornered by a group of scary men
it’s platonic ofc
at least that’s what he tells himself
if he sees a guy even looking your way or attempting to speak to you,,
he’s there immediately
but he plays it off w you
just distracting you
and when your focused on something he’s showing you
he shoots the smuggest glance at any guy
or girl
pretty much saying
“you jealous? you should be, only I can touch her this way”
you seem so innocent to him
he wants to protect you at all costs
eventually he’ll break and fall for you
but whether something happens or not is up to you
bc shitty-kawa is a simp
but also a wimp
too scared to actually make a move to make something official
I can’t imagine Iwa being a simp lol
gentleman or sweetheart feels like a more suitable label for him
he knows boundaries
Iwa usually takes manager stress off of you
he asks what your tasks for the day are
and then he’ll do them quietly throughout the day
then you’re like
I don’t remember doing that
who tf did it?
eventually you catch on
and the pout on your face makes Iwa’s stomach flip
ffs why did you have to look so cute?
he’d simply shrug and say he had free time
you quickly became known as the mom of the team
and you always took care of the boys
whether it be cleaning up after them
or providing snacks and drinks
setting up little outings outside of practice or games
or even giving one on one talks whenever they’re having bad days or they’ve just lost a game
after some time of Iwa slowly caught feelings for his manager
and without thinking much about it
he’d take on the role of the dad of the team
he’d take care of you
making sure you had everything you needed
somewhere to sit
he even let you rest your head against him
the whole team knows he simps for you a thousand times more than any of them
but only shitty-kawa pushes him about it
Iwa continues to take care of you 
if you want anything to happen though
you’d have to make the move
this sweetheart is too polite to put you in an awkward situation w the possibility that you don’t feel the same way
this dude is a little hard to read
he doesn’t seem to care much
yeah you’re his manager
what about it?
he wouldn’t really simp
he’d be polite
and help out if he’s staying late for practice and you’re cleaning up
but other than that
he doesn’t really interact w you much
the only reason he’d go out of his way to simp for you
it’d have to be bc he has some sort of feelings for you
let’s see
if he did simp
he’d be a real nervous boy around you
he’d giggle a lot
scratching the back of his neck
if some other boy was taking your attention
his game would be off
he’d be screwing up so much 
even if you weren’t entertaining the guy or showing any interest
his own insecurities would overwhelm him and he’d play frustrated
it wasn’t until the coach pulled him from the game that you kneeled in front of him as he sat on the bench w his head in his hands
he’d fucking die internally the moment you both made eye contact
the feeling of your hands holding his in his lap
dear lord
he’d probably have a nose bleed
“what’s going on out there? what’s on your mind?”
your eyes looking up at him would put him in a trance
he was focused on the sensation
the feeling of your hands
the close proximity
your eyes
he didn’t want to forget this moment
“daichi? helloo?”
“s-sorry, idk what’s-”
he realized he couldn’t play without a clear head
and the only way he could clear his head was if he confessed to his manager
“y/n I like you, I like you and I can’t think straight when I see you with other guys-”
oh my god
he really said that
you’d giggle a little
“i know”
ofc you knew
you liked the boy too
you kissed his cheek and whispered word of encouragement briefly before sitting in your respected seat
after that occurrence
he’d simp so hard
think of a mini oikawa without intimidation
he wasn’t as possessive
but he’d make sure you had everything you needed
always made sure no one screwed w you
and waited w you if other team members wanted to practice late
even when he didn’t feel like practicing
just bc you hated leaving unless you closed the gym yourself
just bc some of the boys were lazy w clean up
and there were a few instances in which some of the boys forgot to lock up
the coach chewed you out for that
but yeah
kindaichi became a total simp for you after that
he’s interesting
i think it’s bc of his mad dog nickname that I feel this way
but he’s like a dog
a territorial dog
claiming what’s his
and he’s like a more aggressive oikawa
if he sees any other teams talking to you
he’s there in the background glaring at them
if anyone disrespects you
oh boy
they need to prepare to get shewed out by him
eventually he realizes he’s acting this way bc he has some sort of feelings for you
he doesn’t bother wasting time
this boy just goes straight up to you
“let’s go out.”
and you are a lil sassy so you respond
“a please would be nice.”
“wi-will you please go on a date with me.”
“I’d love to Kyo-”
“call me Kentaro, pl-please.”
you just smile
and this boy is at your will
not much else to say
he simps in the most masculine way possible
just very territorial in public
but in the privacy between you both
he’s a little like Kunimi
he’s very soft
like a cute little puppy that wants nothing more from you but your love and affection
you can bet that he’d destroy anyone on the team if they leave a mess in the gym or cause you to get in trouble for them
it’s awesome
this boy
very quiet
to himself
like kindaichi, he’d probably simp if he had a thing for you
it started out as respect for his manager
just helping you w clean up or whatever
mainly sits next to you in the bus
only bc you can be quite timid and quiet
he’s drawn to that kind of thing
allows him to sleep in peace
and he knows the other boys wouldn’t mess w you so they wouldn’t mess w him either since he’d use you as a shield
after seeing another team’s captain probably terushima that’s when he’d snap
but he’d never act out in a crazy manner
he’d simply grab a hold of your wrist
the same one that terushima was reaching for
and shoot the captain a stare that shot through his soul
“sorry she’s taken.”
shock from you and a few boys from the team that heard his words
terushima would eventually back off 
and when you question his prior words
he just blatantly confesses
“I like you and I don’t need other guys thinking they stand a chance with you.”
boy would pull you into a whole kiss
the team would fucking die
Kunimi Akira
the man who could care less
just confessed and made the first move all in one go?
chaos would erupt in the team
you’d be a whole tomato afterwards
as Kunimi would look as content as ever
“call me Akira please.”
bitch okay yes sir
I got carried away sorry about that lol
but it was necessary for context
but yeah
he’d totally simp afterwards
but only behind closed doors
he’d be so soft with you
always wanting cuddles
and treating you like a baby when you’re sick or going through depression periods
he’d take your calls or text at any hour
and come over the second you ask 
and he has all the supplies whenever you’re on your period
he just fucking loves you dude
and the fact that you’re their manager?
god he lives for that
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mysymestash · 5 years
RFA + Saeran w/ MC who has terrible allergies
He was so excited when you told him you were coming to visit him at work!
Freaking out though lowkey because this is the first time you’ve seen his workplace and he wants to make you proud
This boy cannot sit still he’s trying to make sure everything is perfect, taking pictures of all the cutest animals, etc..
His nervousness goes away pretty quickly as soon as he sees you talking with the front desk
You had brought him a homemade lunch wrapped up in a cute patterned handkerchief??? He really couldn’t handle it anymore and basically tackle hugged you
All that nervousness and panic comes flooding back tenfold as you start coughing and sneezing basically as soon as he makes contact
So confused, pulls away immediately to make sure you’re okay
When you tell him sheepishly that you’re actually allergic to cats and dogs, but you wanted to see him at work anyways
At a vets office
Yoosung: >:0 ????
He is mortified and drags you outside for you to get some air
Scolds you for putting your own health in jeopardy
Afterwards sits down with you and you two have lunch together
Shows you all the pictures he took,, the amount of cute animal selfies he sends you doubles the next week because he doesn’t want you to miss out just because of your allergies
I think you know where this is going
The first time you stay overnight at his place you forget your allergy medication at home (figures)
Still determined to stay because you don’t want to ruin the night
You decide to just try and keep your distance from Elizabeth as much as you can
That is, until she walks up to you and nuzzles your hand and makes your heart go uwu
Your fate had been sealed as you could obviously not bring yourself to push her away
Jumin comes home to find you sitting in the corner sniffling, eyes red and puffy
Drops everything and rushes over to you (does that slide thing on your knees people do in movies,, dude is dramatic)
.2 seconds away from calling the police in his distress
You have to stop him and fess up to your cat allergy
“The fact that you have been cursed to not be able to witness such a regal breed in person..it is truly a deep sadness. I will do everything in my power to bring the full light of Elizabeth III into your life.”
Rest In Peace Jaehee because this man is about to launch the largest campaign in C&R history to cure cat allergies
Even when you tell him it’s unnecessary, all you need is your medication
Good luck trying to stop him
He had been in a funk™️ the past week or so
Felt really bad for having you feed him and basically just keep him alive during that time
So he’s going to make you lunch!
More of a light snack
Because this boy does not know how to cook
PB&J sandwiches! A classic, everyone loves em
Even splurges a little from his HBC budget to get some marshmallow fluff in there
It’s all very cute,, and he brings you the plate plus a glass of milk
He’s got his proud and happy face on as you take a bite out of his creation
Until your face promptly starts swelling
Recognizes it as an allergic reaction almost immediately and mentally slaps himself for not checking if you had a peanut allergy
He keeps epipens and other medical emergency things around the house- but turns out he didn’t need it because you’d already dug one of your own out of somewhere and stabbed it into your leg
He didn’t realize he’d frozen up when your breathing became impaired
WILL blame himself for this,, requires an adequate amount of cuddles afterwards to make sure he doesn’t fall back into his funk™️
Makes sure to check that every little thing going into your mouth isn’t something you’re allergic to
“Are you allergic to hotdogs?”
“Wait! What if you’re allergic to my love?”
Quickly devolves into just teasing
But now he carries at least five epipens on his person at all times
Ayy allergy buddies
You immediately bond with him over your mutual cat allergy
Although it’s not nearly as severe as his who tf sneezes at pictures Zen
You two end up adopting a big fluffy black dog together
Teasing Jumin’s love for cats? Check. Spamming the messenger of selfies with your dog to annoy Jumin? Check.
Most of your interactions with Jumin will inevitably lead to the subject of your dog and Elizabeth III
Zen ends up taking your little ‘rivalry’ way too seriously
Both of you spend way too much money on dog collars, dog beds, dog clOTHES
Tries to get your dog casted in a theatrical show
Jihyun (V)
Oh the irony- you’re allergic to the sun
He honestly just thinks you’re really into skin care because of all your assorted lotions and creams
Doesn’t really think much of it until a very intense heatwave hits your town and you’re basically trapped inside your apartment
Usually you’re able to out for short periods of time during the summer as long as you cover up and moisturize, but this time it’s way worse
You can’t risk it so you end up just staying home most days
Except from Jihyun’s perspective it feels like you’re avoiding him??
You still message each other and have calls over the phone, but every time he tries to meet up somewhere you bail- not wanting to worry him about your condition
He’s pretty understanding for the most part, knowing that personal space is important to a relationship
But the man is human and he’s realizing that he really misses seeing you
A few days turns into weeks of not being out with you and my boy starts going a bit stir crazy
Begins to overthink every interaction you two have and had in the past couple weeks that may have caused you to start avoiding him
V being V, he bottles up all these emotions until one day when he’s just at your door
He’s just apologizing and apologizing for whatever he thinks he did wrong
You are just- incredibly confused
As soon as you figure out what’s happening you explain to him right away why you haven’t been able to go outside
The relief this man feels
Understands completely although he’s a little miffed you thought you had to keep this a secret from him
You two end up just hanging out at your place for the rest of the summer- cuddling and watching movies
He’s trying to make up for all the time you two missed out on lol
Buys you all the creams and medication you might need in the future 👍🏼
Being with Saeran means you’re probably going to be eating a lot of ice cream
...which might not be super good for your dairy allergy
It’s never gotten worse than a slightly upset stomach though so you keep quiet about it
Well, it’s never gotten worse until now
After a particularly busy day at a new Baskin-Robbins that opened near your place- where he obviously was going to try every single flavour
Your body just could not handle it and he found you throwing up your guts at 2 in the morning
He just starts
Thinks you’re dying for real,, does not know how to handle this situation
You’re basically trying to calm him down while also hacking and wheezing into the toilet
Once he sort of calms down enough to actually listen to what you’re saying, he just sits down next to you and pats your back really awkwardly
“Is this your way of comforting me”
“Shut up we’re never going back there again”
She had been overworking herself again recently and you’d forced her to take a break and hang out with you
You two decided to go out for a picnic, since it was such a nice day
She had packed cute bite sized sandwiches and fruit cubes
After eating, she had laid back on the blanket, just relaxing and listening to you talk
You were excitedly mentioning the new selfie Zen sent to the messenger, reaching for your phone to show her
Unfortunately you did not notice the bee chilling on your phone case
You did soon enough though when you felt the sharp sting in your hand a telltale bee sting
Jaehee immediately sat up when she heard your yelp, seeing your swelling hand and face
But this is baehee we’re talking about
Of course she knew about your allergy already and had three epipens ready
On the outside she was the epitome of calm and collected as she swiftly pulled out the pen and injected it into your thigh
But on the inside she was freaking out
Panic panic panic
After making sure you’re okay afterwards both of you decide that was enough for relaxing picnic time
You two had back home and just cuddle for the rest of the day watching recordings of Zen’s musical
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thefactsofthematter · 5 years
Sprace and uhhhh theres a house Thats Clearly Haunted and they Have To Find Out
ok i really popped tf off with this prompt and i apologize in advance for how it ends???
1.7k; sprace; modern au; warning for a pretty detailed character death yikes
Something weird is going on.
Something really weird. So weird that Spot hopes to God he’s hallucinating, because there’s no way this can be real.
It has to be a trick of the lighting. There’s no way Race’s eyes are actually glowing red. And his skin feeling so damn hot— that has to be because of the cozy jacket he’s wearing.
“I think we should take turns investigating the last room alone,” says Race, interrupting Spot’s train of thought. The echo around his voice must be due to the odd layout of this creepy old house.
They’re ghost hunting, you see. Or rather, they’re trying to prove to Albert and Elmer that’s there’s definitely no demons in this house— Race had been pretty adamant that they could do it. They’ve been wandering around all evening with no sign of anything notable, though Race’s strange behavior might as well be paranormal.
“You first,” replies Spot, trying not to show how unsettled he’s feeling. It’s probably all just his mind playing tricks on him. “Let’s do five minutes each and see if we can find anything. I bet you won’t last the whole time.”
Race grins, clearly up for the challenge. There’s something in his smile that rubs Spot the wrong way, though he can’t put his finger on just what it is.
“You’re on,” says Race, before clapping Spot on the shoulder and taking off down the hall. “I can totally do it, but I bet you can’t!”
With Race locked in the spooky old bedroom for a few minutes, Spot now has more time to think the situation over.
He has absolutely no justifiable reason to believe Race is possessed by a demon. The notion of it is completely insane.
But red eyes, burning skin, and that evil-looking smile… they’re not evidence, per say, but they’re signs that Spot would be a fool to ignore. He just has to test the theory— if it’s wrong, he was just goofing around and it’s a funny joke. If he’s right… well, he’s not sure what he’ll do if he’s right.
Carefully, he pulls a tiny dish of salt from his fanny pack, where Elmer had packed him a demon-fighting toolkit. He’ll simply line the doorway with salt, and see if Race can escape. Simple as that. It’s probably stupid and pointless, but it also sort of feels like it might be worth a shot.
“Time’s up, Racer! Come out!”
Spot feels incredibly on edge as he waits for Race to come out. He can hear the footsteps coming towards the door and each step is making him even more anxious than before.
Finally, the door creaks open and Race stops short in front of the line of salt.
He looks down at it, and then looks back up at Spot and just stares. Spot swears his heart might pound right out of his chest.
“Race…” says Spot, after a moment, trying to keep his voice from shaking. “Come here. Your time’s up.”
Race looks down to the line of salt again. When his eyes flick back up to Spot, the red tint from before is back, and there’s a creepy kind of darkness to his expression.
“I can’t.”
Spot’s heart drops to his stomach and a chill goes straight down his spine. Holy shit, he was right. He swallows thickly and tries to keep his composure.
“Why not?” he asks, watching Race’s expression carefully. “Just walk over here and stand with me. What’s stopping you?”
Race keeps his eyes on Spot, their red glow getting brighter by the second.
“I think you know,” he finally says. He gestures down to the salt with a look of disgust. “You did this on purpose. Do you think this is funny?”
Spot takes a step backwards and his back hits the wall behind him.
“You’re scaring me, Race,” he says, trying incredibly hard to keep his composure. “What the hell is going on?”
It’s silent for a long moment. Spot can hear his own pulse pounding in his ears— his blood pressure must be through the roof right now. His fight-flight-or-freeze reaction is fully activated, and his body has apparently chosen to freeze.
Race eventually sighs, shutting his eyes for a moment and clearly trying to calm down.
“Look, I didn’t want you to find out like this, okay? This… this isn’t fair to you. I never wanted you to see this part of me. We never should’ve come here.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and walks in a little circle, while taking a few deep breaths. He suddenly stops and whips back around to face Spot, pointing an accusatory finger at him. “How did you figure it out?”
Nothing makes sense right now and Spot is freaking out. Is Race implying that he’s not possessed, but is actually a demon himself? This is so fucked up on so many levels, what the fuck.
“The eyes,” says Spot, finding it increasingly more difficult to talk, the longer he stands here panicking. “They’re red, Racer. Glowing bright red. What does it mean? What are you?”
Race groans and presses the heels of his hands against his eyes. He moves like he wants to kick the salt out of the way, but seems to think better of it and continues to pace instead.
“What do you think, Spot!?” he snaps, finally losing his composure. His voice has gone disturbingly deep and it echoes around the room. “I’m exactly what the fuck you think I am! A fucking demon, alright? I’ve always fucking been like this and I didn’t want you to find out because it ruins everything! This stupid place, there’s so many spirits and shit, and it’s making everything worse!” He runs towards the doorway a punches the side of it with full force, which certainly would’ve broken his knuckles… if he were human. He stays there a long time, gasping for breath. When he continues, his voice is much quieter. “I don’t wanna hurt you, okay? I really, really don’t wanna hurt you. I love you.”
Spot doesn’t know what comes over him, but he finds himself nodding slowly and stepping a little closer to Race. There’s something about seeing him so upset that breaks Spot’s fucking heart, even when he should be terrified.
“It’s okay, baby,” he finally says, and the words feel foreign as they leave his mouth. He should be scared. Why isn’t he scared? “Calm down, alright? I believe you. I know you don’t wanna hurt me. I’ll… I’ll move the salt. I trust you, Race.”
Race’s eyes go wide at that, still glowing hauntingly, and he takes a little step back.
“You shouldn’t,” he replies. “You shouldn’t trust me, Spot, after what you just found out. You should leave. I love you so much, but you need to get out of here.”
Spot frowns and takes another step closer.
“I’m not leaving you here,” he says. “You just promised not to hurt me, and I trust you. If you’ve always been like this, it means you’re the same boy I know and love, right? I’m gonna move the salt out of the way, but I want you to calm down first, okay? It’s gonna be fine. Just breathe, Racer.”
Race can hardly hear Spot’s voice over the chorus of others echoing in his ears.
Kill him. Kill him. You know you want to. It’s the only way. If you really love him, you’ll take his soul right now. Remember when he said he wanted to be yours forever? You can make that happen for him. You have to kill him. You have to. He’ll never hurt again— mortals are so fragile, you can take that away from him. He’ll live forever with you. He’ll never hurt again.
Why the hell did they come here? There’s so many goddamn spirits around and they all seem to want to have a bit of fun with Race tonight. Why on earth did he agree to go ghost hunting? He thought he’d be stronger than this, but it’s becoming clear that he’s not.
If Spot moves the barrier from between them, Race won’t be able to control himself. He knows that for certain. As soon as that salt is moved, his instincts will take over and he’ll do something terrible. The voices in his head are screaming now, and there’s nothing he can do to stop himself as Spot steps forward and kicks the salt out of the way.
Spot screams as Race charges towards him and shoves him up against the wall with force that seems inhuman, the moment the salt line is broken.
Race’s hold on his throat is tight and Spot tries to struggle, but try as he might, he just can’t move. There’s a wicked grin on Race’s face, like Spot has never seen before.
“You said… you wouldn’t… hurt me,” Spot gasps, his breath growing shallower by the second. “Race… I love you.”
Race laughs wickedly and narrows the space between their faces to merely a few inches.
“I said I didn’t want to,” he corrects. “But I have to, Spotty. It’s the only way. You gotta understand— humans are so fragile, darling. So easily hurt. And I love you so much, I don’t want you to hurt anymore. I’m helping you, baby.”
His grip on Spot’s neck tightens, and Spot is seeing stars around Race’s head.
You’re killing me, he thinks, but he doesn’t have the air to say it.
“Hurts, Racer…”
Race sighs softly and uses his free hand to run his thumb over Spot’s lips, shushing him.
“Only for a moment, baby. Then you’ll be free. You’ll be mine forever, just like you promised.”
Insane. Race is totally insane. And all Spot can do is stare up at him with numb, wide-eyed horror until the world goes black around him.
Tag list (message to be added):@landlessbud @eponinemylove @i-got-personality @alovelymoonbeam @penzyroamin @graceful-popcorn @bencookisagod @auspicioustarantula @neverplannedonsomeonelikeyou @orollyitsracetrackhiggins @backgroundnewsies @magimerlyn @myheartissetinmotion @papesdontsellthemselves @supremebesson @justasadcryptid @marvels-ninja @aw-jus-let-em-try @big-potato-asshole @stop-the-presses @starrysence @wilde-guess @never-fear-brooklyns-here @r-a-c-e-t-r-a-c-k @fandom-fangirl07 @theresagoodchanceicouldfly @dying-poet @asphodelnerd
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subasekabang · 5 years
Long Dream –Live Remix– (A Side)
Title: Long Dream –Live Remix– (A Side)
Rating: T
Word Count: 7598 total, 3758 this chapter
Characters: Coco, Joshua, Neku, Beat, OMC, OFC
Warnings: Major character death
Summary: Her Magnum Opus nears completion, and as her audience approaches, she hurriedly arranges one final rehearsal.  Elaboration on a pet theory of mine, built out of Final Remix spoilers.
Every day streets are crowded with people
Every night streets are jammed with these noises
Things are so strange, are they real or a dream?
Where am I now, trapped in this city of illusion?
Neku surveyed his surroundings.  It didn’t take him long to recognize them.
“This is Cat Street…”
“Yo, finally!” Beat said, running a few steps ahead.  “We can get outta Shibuya from here!  I’m so ready to be done with this crappy Game!”
Neku looked up the street, murmuring, “Unless the way ahead has been rearranged too…”
He tensed a bit as Coco stepped up behind him, the tiny Reaper saying, “No worries fam!  See, the way ahead looks, like, totez clear!  That super tough wall you guys just made it past must’ve been the last challenge!”
Neku’s eyes caught on the café just ahead.  Even in this situation, it still sparked a very complicated emotion in his heart.
“Yo, whatchu waitin’ for,” Beat said, “an engaged invitation?  Le’s go, man!”
Beat took off.  Neku followed at a slower pace, saying, “Hold on!  While we’re here, shouldn’t we ask Mr. H what’s going on?”
The other boy skidded to a halt.  “Huh?  You think the H-Man’s gonna tell us anything?”
“He might.  We have time to spare—it can’t hurt to ask.”
Coco made a face as she walked up next to him.  “Uuuuh, source?  That guy, like, oozes bad vibes.  You should totez just finish the Game!  That’s all that matters, yeah?”
Neku shook his head.  “I still want to know what’s going on.  Out of the people who might actually know, Mr. H is the only one with an address.  We might not get another chance.”
The Reaper rolled her eyes and shrugged.  “I mean, I guess, but like, why risk it?  The finish line is literally right in front of y’all—just cross it and end the Game.  Then if you still wanna talk to Coffee Weirdo, just walk right back in and do it then!  It’ll totez be less stressful once we’re off the clock!”
Beat nodded.  “Yeah, man!  We gotta get this over with either way.  Plus we might get an explanation jus’ for winnin’!  We’ll keep the H-Man as a back-up plan, aight?”
Neku crossed his arms.  “I still feel like this would be less risky.”
“Aw c’mon!” Coco said, skipping down the sidewalk.  “You srsly need to chill, Neku!  Let’s just finish the Game already.  Besidez…while we stand here chatting, the other Players are still fighting Noise and stuff.  Like, uh, Shiki?  Do it for her!”
“Right: Shiki and Rhyme is still out there, Phones!” Beat said.  “We gotta end the Game now!”
With a sigh, Neku grumbled, “…Alright, I guess we shouldn’t keep them waiting.  But soon as we’re done, I’m coming back to get answers.”
The three of them ran down Cat Street, with Coco trailing farther and farther behind.  Eventually she came to a stop, and just watched the boys continue with a wide grin on her face.
“Ugh, finally,” she said to herself.  “This pair was WAY more stubborn than the last, 7.8/10 too much effort.”
Neku noticed they had lost her just as he and Beat ran over the city limits.  The next thing he noticed was pain.  Intense, searing pain, like his entire body was on fire.  Judging by the way Beat had toppled over on the ground, the same thing was happening to him.  Neku fell to his knees as the agony worsened.
Coco slowly approached them, taking care to not actually cross the limits.  “This is fine!  All according to keikaku.  Congratz on winning the Reaper’s Game: Expert Mode!  Oh btw, keikaku means plan.”
Beat cried out suddenly.  Black and red flames consumed him, burning brightly for a few seconds before vanishing, leaving not even ashes in their wake.  Neku’s eyes widened in horror.
“What did you do to him?!” Neku demanded.
“Erased him, duh,” Coco said.  “Though technically wasn’t me, actually my baby that did it.”
“He needs loads of food to grow up big and strong.  I’ve tried, like, a gazillion different things, and the Soul of super tough Players like you two is what works the best by far!  ty so much!”
The pain only grew.  Neku screamed, doing all he could to endure it despite knowing he was failing.
Coco put a hand to her ear.  “Mmmm whatcha say?  Couldn’t make that out.”
It wasn’t long before the flames consumed Neku as well, and then he too was gone.  Coco put her hands on her hips and smiled.  The world around her shifted, wavering like a mirage until it all melted into one swirling void of bluish clouds.  Before her spawned a massive creature: a tapir with purple skin and six tusks, yellow tattoo-like protrusions in the shape of flames erupting all across its form.  Its red eyes focused squarely on Coco.
“Yay!  Look at you, you absolute unit!  You’re, like, so strong now you could body anyone!”
Coco threw herself onto the tapir’s trunk, hugging it tightly—the creature gave a guttural rumble in response.  She could sense its power increasing, and giggled happily as she took a step back.  The tapir lowered its head and nudged her gently.
“Okay, okay.”
Reaching up, she scratched the tapir’s trunk.  It tilted its head and squeaked.
“Aw, who’s a good boy?”
Coco hopped up to the top of its head, lying down so she could reach far enough to scratch behind its ear.  The tapir lifted its trunk and trumpeted happily, then floated up and down in place, jostling Coco only the smallest amount.
“Haha, very good, such cute, wow!”
Soon it settled down.  Coco propped up her head with one hand, continuing to slowly pet the tapir with the other, and let out a long sigh.
“Tapez my dude, I’m, like, so glad I have you.  ngl you’re kinda my bff.”
The tapir grunted, swinging its trunk slightly.  Coco swayed along.
“I dunno when it’s going down…but I’mma make sure you get through it.  You’re one of my peeps too now!  So it’s a legit promise!”
Coco extended her pinky.  The tapir inclined its head a little and flexed its claws.
“Oooooh right.  Well, still totez binding lol.”
She pressed her face against the tapir’s skin, letting her eyes close.
“Aaaaaah, we’re almost there, Tapez.  Should just need, like, another few rounds and you’ll be a prime example of the ideal Noise body!  Though tbh if the next pair is as annoying as this one, totez just gonna yeet them straight into your stomach.”
Her phone chimed.  She opened one eye to look at the screen, and then rolled onto her back and groaned loudly, kicking her legs about in frustration.
“Uuuugh for real?  Fine, whatevs.”  She paused to pet the tapir one more time.  “Sorry Tapez, I gotta bounce.  brb and then we’ll go find you some more treats!”
The tapir squeaked a farewell, and then Coco stood up and shut her eyes again.  Focusing her power, she elevated her Vibe and reached out with her mind to feel for the world she wanted to travel to; after so many times, it was easy for her, and in mere seconds she had concrete beneath her feet.  Opening her eyes, Coco looked up at the skyline of Shinjuku and smiled brightly.
I love my city tbh.
Feel the people, hear the voices
They are reaching out to catch you
Feel the rhythms, hear the noises
You are beating all the visions
Coco moved through the city at a slow pace.  Shinjuku was a travel hub, a place that was purely transient for most: each moment was fleeting, but each brought something new, something different, and that everlasting tumultuous tide of life fascinated Coco in a way nothing ever had before.  Each second was something wholly unique, and she never wanted to miss even one of them.  She spun around on a corner, taking it all in, and just laughed to herself.
“Having fun, Atarashi?”
Her good mood was spoiled instantly.  She grimaced over her shoulder to see Joshua standing there, looking every bit as smug as she remembered him.
“fml what are you even doing here Kiryu?” she asked, turning around and crossing her arms in a huff.  “Can’t you, like, take a hint?”
“Nice to see you too.”  He raised a hand to his chin.  “Hm.  I’m curious: why is it you hold onto your wings even in the RG?”
Gesturing to them, Coco said, “Aesthetic.”
“…And what aesthetic would that be, exactly?”
“fyi I’m headed to a super important meeting rn so unless you’re finally ready to fite me irl then I, like, don’t even want to hear it.”
Joshua chuckled and brushed aside a lock of hair, which only made him seem even more smug and made Coco even angrier.  “Stimulating as that has the potential to be, we’d both be in quite a bit of trouble with the folks upstairs if we were to have a skirmish.”
“Oooooh good point,” she said as she turned away.  “And I bet you’re, like, already in hot water after the way you went off.”
“Nothing to worry about on that front.  I’ve spoken with my Producer and he assures me the matter has been put to bed.  Things in Shibuya will be staying the way they are.”
Coco spun around.  “WTF?!  You two are out of trouble just like that?  I literally have no words!”
“Hm?  Why, I would assume your Producer has been apprised of the details as well.  Has he not passed them along to you yet?”
There was a short delay, and then Coco glanced aside and grumbled, “That must be why he sent me that txt…”
“I take it you’ve been too busy with your side project to stay on top of the paperwork.”
Coco locked eyes with Joshua.  He was still smug, that would never change, but now there was a deadly undercurrent to his words that demanded Coco’s attention.
“tf are you even talking about?” Coco asked.  “You really need to stay in your lane, Kiryu.”
“That’s rich, coming from you.”
“Well for starters, I know you’ve been poking around my city.”
“omg!  Tourism is a crime now?”
“Considering our circumstances I believe it falls more under ‘corporate espionage’.”
“It’s totez hilair to me that you consider the UG a corporation.”
“Setting that aside for the moment, there’s also the fact that you’ve been shirking your duties as Composer to jaunt off to an alarming number of parallel worlds as of late.”
Coco smirked.  “Aw, u just jelly I can travel between worlds without needing to call an Uber to get back.”
Joshua shrugged.  “I admit, it’s a skill I’ve yet to master—even my alternate selves seem to have difficulty with it.  One came to call on me recently, you know.  Said something about a bizarre Noise erasing two former Players in his world.”
Yawning loudly, Coco said, “Kiryu can I, like, get a tl;dr?”
Joshua’s face began to darken, the undercurrent gradually rising towards the surface.  “Well Atarashi, it certainly sounds like you’ve been attacking alternate Shibuyas.  If so, that’s something I believe qualifies as ‘in my lane’.  Wouldn’t you agree?”
Coco cackled.  “Pffft omg are u srs?  I am DECEASED y’all, the guy who just tried to wipe his whole city is acting protective up in this bitch!  lmaoooooo!”
Joshua stared hard at her.  “Coco, do think for a moment: how do you suppose the Higher Plane would react to this news?”
“What, are you, like, planning to tell them?  If you’ve got some proof then hmu.”
Joshua didn’t answer.
“lol that’s what I thought, smdh you better sit down Kiryu.  Even if I were, like, messing with parallel worlds or whatevs, why would the Higher Plane even care?  Angels from this world have no jurisdiction there.  It’s free real estate.”
Slowly, Joshua nodded.  “…Alright.  Perhaps you have a point.  Let’s leave the Higher Plane out of this hypothetical.  The only one you need to be concerned with…is me.”
The air suddenly felt very heavy.  Coco actually needed to remind herself to breathe, but she made sure her reaction wasn’t obvious.
“So, Atarashi.  Explain to me why you’ve been killing Neku in so many parallel worlds.  And, do try your best to make it a very good explanation.”
Coco brought her hands up to her face, twisting slightly away.  “lololol I’m confused.  Mad cuz I beat your record?  Or want to make sure I don’t off this world’s copy of Edge Head before you can tell him he’s worthy of your grace?  Honestly?  I ship it.”
Joshua paused.  “Neku himself isn’t the issue here.  But if you’re making a move into my territory—“
“Yeah yeah yeah, cuz you care, like, SO much about your territory!  I am SHOOK seeing you come in here acting like the authority on protecting your peeps!  I could learn so much about my job from watching you!”
“I’m feeling a bit of déjà vu.  I could have sworn I’ve already told you that a Composer’s job is simply to judge their people, and that it is only the existence and boundaries of their respective UG that require protection.”
Coco covered her mouth.  “omg!  Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?”  She dropped her hands and stuck out her tongue.  “jk obv you’re full of it.”
“I don’t see why I should need to divulge my motivations to you of all people,” Joshua mumbled, “but if you must know…I was under the impression that Shibuya was not worth keeping around.  Now that I’ve seen it still holds potential, I of course have every intention of preserving the seeds that I’ve sown.”
Coco scowled at him, but didn’t speak at first.  Nearly a minute passed before she said, “Then tbh?   I’m not your enemy.”
Joshua’s eyebrows went up.
“It’s, like, only a matter of time before a new kind of Game starts up Kiryu.  Their Game.  And I’m gonna be mad prepared when it does.  If you had literally a single brain cell you’d totez be doing the same thing.”
By the time she was done, Joshua’s eyes had narrowed down to a suspicious glare.  “Surely you’re not referring to the party I’m assuming?”
“Like, who else?”
Joshua stared down his nose at Coco as he considered his next move.  Coco grunted, drew out her phone, and checked her messages.
“My, you truly are impossible to figure out,” Joshua sighed.
Coco gave her best Clearly Fake Smile and replied, “Because you’re an expert at that lol.  I’m nothing compared to your galaxy brain.”
“I think I could do it if not for that absurd…shall we call it a dialect?”
“Uh, this is how people talk now?  Hello?  If you knew anything about people, then like, you’d already know that, but as always you have 0 friends so buh-bye.”
“…Hm.  And, exactly how many friends do you have, Atarashi?”
Coco frowned.
Joshua turned.  “But, alright.  If this is some plan to deal with the Inferno, then I’ll drop the matter for now.  But, one thing I’d like to make clear before I go.”  He took one last glance back at her, eyes full of ice.  “I will not tolerate any interference in this world’s Shibuya.”
He was off without another word.  Coco suppressed the urge to shudder, turning back to her phone and mumbling half-formed syllables as she made herself look busy.  She looked back up to be sure that he was gone, and then sighed and tucked her phone away, gazing over Shinjuku once more as she waited for the tension to leave her body.  It was immediately replaced by joy.
“omg whoops.  Rōjin is totez still waiting orz.”
Is it angels?  Is it devils?
Whispering in my ears
Is it emotions?  Is it illusions?
I need to be with you
Coco poked her head through the shrine’s gate.  Looking up the path, she could see a bald, tan-skinned man with a stoic face sitting at the building’s entrance, his eyes already locked onto her.  She flinched.
“Uuuuh what’s up gamers?” she blurted as she stumbled forward.  “I know I’m, like, totez late, but I have a tru legit reason for it, get a load of this!”
The man was Seiji Rōjin, owner of the shrine and also Shinjuku’s Producer.  He offered not a single word as Coco hurriedly explained her encounter with Joshua to him.  When she was done, he nodded and closed his eyes; Coco looked around awkwardly for a few seconds, and then took a seat next to him.
“You must leave your Opus be,” he ultimately said.
Coco started.  “Uh, excuse me?  Abandon all my hard work just because that nerd doesn’t want me near his bf?  I think the heck not!”
Rōjin opened his eyes to look at her.
“…Um?  Something else?”
“The Higher Plane demands a Game.”
Coco blinked.  Then she rolled back, digging her fingers into her scalp and shouting, “AAAAAAARGH, srsly?!  I know I haven’t held a Game in, like, forev, but can’t they just let me handle thingz down here?  Please say sike!”
Rōjin said nothing.  As she accepted the reality of the situation, Coco’s heart sank.
“But…Tapez…”  She groaned.  “…Is, like, a teeny bit of faith in me too much to ask?  They know I’ve got mad skillz!  When you taught me how to make Tapez, you said I was one of only, like, three Composers whomst’ve ever been able to control Magnum Opus Noise—they should be totez impressed with me already!”
“The Higher Plane demands more of your position than mere talent,” Rōjin said.  “It demands discipline.”
Coco pulled herself back into a sitting position.  “I am, like, sooo disciplined!  I legit wanted to tear Kiryu’s face off, but I didn’t!”  She got back on her feet as she went on, “Like, sure, this is about Shinjuku, but the whole reason I’m working on Tapez is so he can protect my peeps!  Making sure he’s bad enough to dunk on anyone is literally The Best Thing I can be doing rn!  The Inferno is out there, you know, somewhere, and we dunno when they’re gonna throw hands!  And now I have to take time out of my counterattack schedule to run some basic-ass Game?”
She whirled back to face Rōjin.  He didn’t say anything.  Coco stared at him for a few moments, realizing she was getting a headache.
“…heck.  We don’t really have much of a choice, do we?  If the Higher Plane wants a Game so bad, then like, we gotta pull together a Game.  Tapez will just have to chill for a week I guess.”
Coco put a hand to her head as she trudged past Rōjin for the door.
“Ugh, lemme see, the Conductor obvs needs to show, and we should probably @ all the Officers too.  idk who’s gonna be the GM this week but they—“
The pain in her head suddenly turned sharp.  She paused mid-step.
Her vision blurred, then went dark.  And then she saw Shinjuku again, but it was…different, somehow.  As if viewed through some sort of filter.  She saw the streets, the people, and then a glowing red symbol up in the sky—and then the streets were empty.  Not a single soul was left in Shinjuku.  No, not quite, next she saw one person: a girl who slowly walked forward with a blank look in her eyes.  The girl stared straight ahead, but couldn’t see Coco.  Still, she opened her mouth to speak.
“All that’s left in the world is me.”
Coco gasped as the shrine came back into focus.  At first she was too surprised to make any sense of the event.  But as she breathed, she processed it, and her eyes shot wide as pure dread came over her.
Rōjin stood, watching her with furrowed brow.  Coco’s entire body shook as she turned to face him.
“I…I saw it again…!”
She jumped forward and grabbed Rōjin’s shirt.
“It was the same vision!  You remember, right?  From, like, WAY back when I first asked you about Magnum Opus Noise?  I saw it again!  Shinjuku was erased—it was an Inversion!  I-I…”  She looked down as tears started to form in her eyes.  “I haven’t seen anything since that day…why now?  Is…is the Inferno about to attack Shinjuku?  Is that what this means?!  Are we out of time?!”
She felt a hand on her head.  Looking up, she saw Rōjin staring back at her, his face as calm and stoic as ever.  Coco swallowed hard, and then exhaled slowly.
“R-Right…right.”  She managed a chuckle.  “Like, look at me, crying in the club like a little bitch!  Thanks bunchez, Rōjin.”
She stepped away and wiped her eyes on her sleeve.  Coco found herself looking up at the sky, as if to verify what she had seen hadn’t actually come true…at least, not yet.  The same skyline greeted her.  But this time, she just couldn’t feel happy about it.  This time, it made her feel resolute.  She turned back to Rōjin.
“Sorry fam.  But I, like, can’t just sit on my ass and play a Game rn.  The Higher Plane might not be convinced, but I just know the Inferno’s on their way to end my whole career, and I’m not about to take that.”
Rōjin paused.  Then, with a single nod, he said, “Mood.”
Coco giggled.  “omg, you’re, like, literally the worst!”
She left the shrine and made her way back up the street, thinking, Dunno how much more time I have to beef up Tapez.  My boi’s totez strong, but I can’t be too careful, and probs don’t have much time for last minute boosts.  I need to, like, think of how else I can improve his chances…
Her feet slowed, and she looked back at the shrine.
…Hm.  I wonder what she would think?
Coco crossed her arms.
I mean, she’s gonna be totez disappointed there’s no Game.  But like, she’s still my Conductor, yeah?  If I can’t trust her to back me up, then who can I trust?
She turned and got moving again.
At the v least I gotta ask.  Whatever it takes…my Shinjuku is going to survive.
Every day noises are killing these people
Every night noises are waiting for me but
Don’t run away, we’ve got no time left to fear
Where are you now, still it’s showing me illusions
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years
The California AU: Bloody Knuckles
based off of @bitching-newsboys ‘ aesthetic
warnings: spot beats a guy tf up, blood
ship: sprace
word count: 654
“What, we got some fags here?”
Race hadn’t even registered the words until Spot’s hand was gone from his grip.  He could feel his head spinning as he turned in time to see Spot’s fist connect with some asshole’s jaw.  His eyes were flaming in a way that made Race’s stomach clench and he froze.  He’d seen Spot angry before, but nothing as extreme as this.  It was as if his fight or flight had been turned from zero to one hundred, his fight instincts taking over incomprehensibly fast.  
By the time the shock wore off, Spot had landed a few more hits.  The other guy was hunched over, hands covering his face as he cowered.  Blood was oozing down his face, thick droplets landing on the concrete underneath them, turning pink in the falling rain.  Spot looked terrifying, teeth bared as he reared his arm back, other hand gripping the guy’s jacket as he found leverage for another blow.  
Rain hit the windshield hard, only to be swept away moments later by the windshield wipers.  Fingers tapped the steering wheel anxiously, a bouncing leg to accompany the repetitive sound.  They were speeding along the interstate, far away from trouble.
Race’s gaze shifted between the water droplets on his window and Spot, whose jaw was clenched impossibly tight.  He bit his lip, refraining from voicing his worries as his eyes traveled down to Spot’s knuckles, which were swollen and crusted with dried blood.
“Spot, lay off!”
Race lunged forward, grabbing Spot from behind and turning him sharply.  Spot’s chest was heaving and he struggled in Race’s arms, trying to advance on the guy once more.
“Spot, look at me,” Race urged, “Come on, it’s not worth it.”
Spot wasn’t hearing it.  Glazed over eyes struggled to stay focused on one thing.  Vibrating hands reaching up to grip firm wrists, bounding him to the spot, but doing nothing to ground him.
Spot’s eyes snapped to meet Race’s and Race let out a relieved sigh.
He hardened his gaze, demanding in few words for Spot to stay with him, “Let it go.”
Something seemed to break within Spot and his features softened.  Something like fear flickered across his face and he cursed, glancing at the guy once more.  He had yet to get up, still slumped on the wet pavement and nursing a bloody nose and soon to be black eye.
Without another word, Spot grabbed Race’s hand and they ran.
A car horn honked somewhere behind them and Spot grumbled, taking the nearest exit.  They drove for another ten or so minutes in silence before turning into a small shopping center, where a grocery store and McDonald’s was located.  Spot pulled up to the drive-thru and Race turned a quizzical eye towards him.  
Spot glimpsed at him briefly, “I want a shamrock shake,” he said, rather defensively.
Race smirked, “Will it make you feel better?”
Spot nodded, rolling down the window.
“Idiot,” Race muttered, “get me one, too.”
They sat in the nearly vacant parking lot, allowing for the dark quiet to wash over them.  Spot reclined his seat, looking significantly less angry with each sip of his shake.  Race eyed him for a minute before crawling over the console and wriggling next to Spot.  It was a tight fit, but Spot held him tight.
“Are you alright?” Race asked after a moment of tense silence.
Spot hummed, “Yeah, sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Race said, tracing shapes on Spot’s chest, “But you looked really....”
“...Gone?” Spot offered.
Race nodded, “yeah, I guess.”
“Yeah,” Spot sighed, “I felt gone, too,” he paused, “it was kind of scary.”
Race looked up at him, watching as the streetlights danced through the car window, illuminating the worried lines on Spot’s face.
He traced a hand down his jaw, catching his attention, “You’re safe.”
Spot studied him for a minute, then reached up to clasp their hands together, “I know.”
yeeet if you want an aesthetic written, hmu i got a folder goin
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
TAG LIST: @bencookisagod @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @axolotlwhizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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Can I request a scenario of Iwaizumi being woken up in the morning after a long week by his s/o with kisses all over him?? I just wanna kiss his muscles so much, especially his bara arms. Thank youu 😘
Ugh fucking goooooaaaaaaalllssss
Iwaizumi Hajime:
Forcing himself not to groan, Iwaizumi’s mind slowly rose to consciousness. Barely mobile at all in the first place after such a stressful, awful, burdensome week. He’d been bossed around, pulled all over, bothered endlessly, and he was sure he’d pulled a muscle when practicing with his best friend the other night - so that was just another issue to add onto the pile.
Hell, when he’d come home last night, you’d already been asleep. He pouted to himself, sure, and had even grumbled about it while he got ready to go to bed with you. But he didn’t blame you. Staying up until 2am every night was just too much to ask of you; You had your own life and career to worry about getting rest for, after all.
Briefly, Iwaizumi wondered why he’d woken up. Or at least what had roused him into being aware of his surroundings. The feel of the soft sheet resting over his stomach, the dip of the bed as you scooted closer to his warmth, the soft hum of the A/C in the background to almost lull him back into a restful sleep.
Something warm pressing against the side of his chest had his mind reeling back from sleepiness. His eyes remained closed, he didn’t want to open them just yet. Just a few more minutes of sleep, he begged, he’d give anything to just be able to sleep for a week. But that warmth persisted against his chest, then it trailed upward, to the juncture of his shoulder and arm, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep again. Not while that warmth was now pressing itself against his bicep that had been under your head.
So he bided his time. Iwaizumi was a patient man at times. Especially when he was in the plane of existence between being awake and dozing off again.
But a mistake was made when he inhaled deeply and let it out in a gust of a sigh.
You froze in your movements, your eyes staring up at his peaceful face in anticipation. Had you been moving too much? Had he felt what you were doing? You wanted to be able to see his beautiful eyes, be able to give him a warm welcome to the day, press a kiss to his lips and just spend the day with him in bed.
He was tired, though, you knew. He was exhausted. You’d been awake the night before, just barely, and you’d been able to hear him grumbling about everything under the sun. It had been cute, seeing him tossing off his clothes in frustration, practically throwing his bags across the room, tripping over the waistband of his pants in his hurry to get into bed and get to sleep. You had wanted to laugh when you’d felt that jump of the mattress from the impact of his body - but you’d kept your composure, feeling his arms wrap around you as if you were his lifesaving buoy in a sea of troubles. So warm, so solid, so strong… You didn’t want to ruin the moment; Not that you could have, anyway, Iwaizumi had fallen asleep almost as soon as he’d dove for the bed!
And now here you were, deciding it was time to help him with some of that stress. And while you’d had a few other ideas to do this for him, ideas that would surely shame your mother if she found out, you had decided to go with the most innocent first.
There’d be plenty of time for ruffling the sheets later.
Iwaizumi seemed like he’d fallen back into a peaceful sleep, as if you’d never bothered him in the first place, and you were thankful he hadn’t woken up. You wanted him to rest as long as he possibly could.
But you were weak and couldn’t resist leaning upward to press a kiss directly over his heart, smiling against his warm skin, feeling the tautness of it and the thrum of his strength and life moving under your lips. You closed your eyes for a moment, slowly inhaling his faint cologne.
Another kiss a little higher than his heart, just below his collarbone. You opened your eyes and stared up at his slowly furrowing eyebrows. He was going to wake up, you knew, but you wanted him to wake up to something a little sweeter than you kissing his chest.
So you kissed higher, the corner of his jaw - you would have kissed the dip of his neck, or even the swell of muscle connecting his shoulder and neck, but his head was tilted in a way where you couldn’t reach without jostling him too much. And you didn’t want to risk that.
Iwaizumi’s eyebrow twitched, and you couldn’t help but smile happily when his arms tightened around you. He was awake now, his senses being able to determine just what it was he was feeling through the warmth. Your kisses. His most favorite gift from you. The moment you’d kissed his heart, Iwaizumi had felt bliss. Sweet, soft, quiet bliss. Exhaustion still pulled at his mind, at his body, but with you he didn’t have to move a muscle. Loving you was natural to him, like breathing.
His mind didn’t register the whisper. Maybe it’d been the A/C wind wafting through the drapes, or maybe a shift in the sheets as you leaned closer to him.
“Hajime, Baby….”
Another slow, deep inhale from Iwaizumi made his presence of mind known. He heard you this time, loud and clear, he felt you closer to him than before, than the night before. But still not close enough. His arms tightened a bit more around you, holding you as close to his body as he physically could in your laying position. “Hm?” He didn’t want to wake up yet. He did, however, want to see your beautiful face - see how lucky he was to have someone like you next to him.
You smiled gently, resting one hand on his cheek and stroking his skin with your fingertips, “It’s time to wake up, baby….” His eyebrows furrowed, but he made no move to open his eyes. “Hajime…” Leaning forward, you pressed your smiling lips against the space between his eyebrows, smoothing his skin there with a sweet kiss.
“What do I get out of it?”
Deep and raspy. Iwaizumi’s voice sent chills down your spine and you were sure he could feel them even without touching you. But you sensed a challenge, and you weren’t a quitter.
You huffed in a quiet laugh, Iwaizumi felt your smile against his skin, “How about….” You pulled away and slowly stroked your fingers through his hair until you were cupping the back of his head tenderly, your fingers gently massaging his scalp. Iwaizumi shivered and leaned his head toward you, resting on your collarbone, and humming contently when you tilted your head over his. “A Good Morning Kiss… and a easy going day in bed?”
But Iwaizumi wasn’t buying your fairy tale, and he forced his focus away from your fingers working magic agains this scalp and on what you’d offered. “Don’t you have errands to run?” While his mouth protested, his arms remained strong around you, his pressure of holding you close not letting up a single moment.
“Hajime…. You’re my first priority… Now… Do you want your Good Morning Kiss or should I go see if Oikawa is up for the day?”
That had Iwaizumi snorting in amusement, shaking his head as he leaned his head back enough to be able to see you clearly, his eyes peeking open to regard you with his unimpressed dark green eyes. Though you could barely see his eyes with how thinly squinted he currently forced his eyes to be. “You know that trashy king is still face deep in a pile of pillows.”
You smirked and leaned forward, “So, is that a ‘Yes’?”
Green eyes rolling at your teasing, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours, stealing your breath away even having seen it coming. You hummed contently against his mouth, not caring about the bad breath being shared between you two. Who would if their boyfriend was as intense as yours. What was supposed to be a cute, good morning kiss quickly turned into something that you’d meant to hold out for until he’d woken up a bit more.
But were you really complaining? You slowly stroked your fingers through his hair, having him grunt into your kiss at the feel of your fingers pressing into his scalp. His left hand cupped the back of your head, holding you against his lips, while his other pressed against the small of your back. You were his.
“Mmm Good Morning to you, too, Hajime.” You were the one to break the kiss, feeling your lungs burning for some relief. “I did mention this was supposed to be an ‘easy going day in bed’, right?”
Fully aware and awake now, his hand on your back slowly rubbed up and down, then lower, before he was cupping your butt with a soul-stealing, sleepy, almost disheveled, smirk having your body feeling suddenly super hot. “So then… no spanking? Got it.”
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justkpopjokes · 7 years
Vampire!Minghao || PART 1
A/N: MingHao in the world do I have so many Hao scenarios…RIP THIS IS SO DELAYED LMAO HALLOWEEN WAS 4 MONTHS AGO but hopefully I can post more imagines!! I haven’t even had time to read anything rip but I have lots of drafts coming!!
part 2
If you haven’t read my 3-part Vampire!Mingyu, lemme just give you some context:
In this AU, vampires are real, and the whole world knows about them
They were a threat before, but after vampire hunters killed off most of them
The remaining vampires went into hiding, now with strict rules to keep themselves safe
For humans, there’s some constantly reminded warnings for your own safety
You went against one of them
You were walking alone at night, carrying bags in both hands; no free hands to defend yourself if need be
Honestly stupid decision with or without vampires, stay safe kids use the buddy system
You were the perfect victim.
Before you could do anything, you were pulled sharply by the shoulders into an alley, and you felt a sharp prick in your neck
You blacked out of course
But instead of dying a gruesome death, you woke up in an comfy curtained bed?
You sat up, perfectly fine on the outside, aside from a bandage on the side of your neck, screaming internally whERE TF AM I WHAT IS HAPPENING WHERE ARE MY GROCERIES
Suddenly a tall man entered the room with a breakfast tray
“Ah, you’re awake!”
“Excuse me sir, where the hell are my groceries am I? Who are you?”
“You’re at my mansion! Call me Mr. Xu. You should be pretty hungry, you’ve been asleep a few days now” umm excuse me a few days?
Mr. Xu hands you the breakfast tray and you happily munch on some bread rolls
While you eat, Mr. Xu chats
“Sorry about the bandage, my son shouldn’t have gone out to feed…it’s against the rules, you see. He’s also very bad at it, didn’t drive his teeth in far enough…he’ll learn”
Now obviously you nearly choke on your bread because wtf
“Excuse me? What is happening? He didn’t drive his teeth in far enough?”
“We’re vampires…? Did you not realize?”
“uM nO what am I doing here?!?”
“You didn’t die from a vampire bite. You’re one of us now”
Suddenly another man walked in, slightly shorter than Mr. Xu
He was dressed the same, except his hair looked more unkempt and his tie was slightly off centered
“Ah, this is my son Minghao”
“You mean the guy who bit me really sloppily?”
‘Minghao’ then realizes you’re awake and tries to back out of the room
But you’re like um bish no I lost my groceries cuz of you and glare at him until he eventually gives up and says something
“So do I get an apology orrrr”
The boi just sighs dramatically
“…I’m sorry”
You don’t know whether to forgive him or not bc even his dad looks disappointed in his manners
But he leaves so you can chat with Mr. Xu more
Now honestly you’re really chill in this situation…too chill
Cue a big pain in your stomach making you curl up into a ball, throwing up in your mouth a little
“Aw, I’m sorry,” Mr. Xu says and pats your shoulder, “I thought you’d be fine since you were asleep, but I guess the process was delayed”
You question him, and he explains there’s stages for “turning”
Stage 1 is your body rejecting regular food/very sugary liquids
You’re very iffy about drinking animal blood for the first time, but Mr. Xu mixes it with juice so you don’t taste it as much
After this drink, you feel more energized
But still you stay in bed, and Mr. Xu takes your tray and gives you some more time to rest
Once Mr. Xu closes the door, you get out of bed to grab a book
It’s a history textbook, and you read for a while, learning of vampire history
…Until a harsh voice disrupts your silence, making you jump
Amd there at the door is Minghao with crossed arms, saying “you’re reading a history textbook? What a nerd”
“Excuse you, I want to know more about what issues I’m going to have to live with from now on—”
“Let me just tell you myself”
And so this vampire, who looks about your age except probably 100 years older, sits on your bed and tells you about vampires
“Stage 2 is the enhanced strength/speed—you might accidentally speed run and knock stuff over, so I advise you stay in bed until that stage passes
And stage 3 is your fangs growing in. You want to be careful when you close your mouth because you might have bigger fangs than you think will grow in, and you’ll bite yourself”
By now, Minghao is bored explaining and is studying your face
You’re reading the textbook again, and don’t pay attention to Minghao until he says something un-related to vampires
“You’re pretty cute, you know”
Your jaw just drops slightly and you look up from your book to meet his dreamy eyes
“Maybe you could’ve been a model if you weren’t bitten”
You’re blushing now becaUSE THIS GUY JUST CHECKED YOU OUT OMFG, but manage to grumble back, “To be fair, you bit me”
“True…Sorry about that. I’ll leave you to rest”
Honestly you wanted him to stay, but it would be too awkward to ask
The next day, you wake up and start reading the textbook to start your day
However as you read through it you accidentally tear one of the pages clean out
And like you don’t even realize until after you try to turn the page again
You just throw the book across the room and hide under your thick blanket, looking at your hands
Mr. Xu finds you and sighs, pulling your blanket off to comfort you
You nearly cut off the circulation in his arm by squeezing it but anyways
Over the next few days, you’re going through stage 2, and surprisingly Minghao is the one who comforts you after, not his father he doesn’t really have a choice tho tbh
When you ask why his dad is never there, he says “He goes to work”, but doesn’t reveal where
The point though is this:
Minghao may have low-key flirted with you, but he doesn’t get any more social than that
Sure, I said he comforts you, but he legit just made you tea and sat next to you awkwardly
Honestly he seems like an emo kid; he looks depressed most of the time
And you barely talk to him, he just checks up on you every couple hours or so to ask if you need anything,
One day, you get into a fight
It’s a stupid reason; both of you were just fed up with each other
He hated having to check up on you, but if he didn’t and something happened to you, he’d be in big trouble since he was the one who bit you in the first place
To make things worse, you kept begging to go outside
It was annoying because he wasn’t allowed to let you out, so you kept begging
Then he shouted at you to shut up, which escalated to both of you arguing very loudly
Once Mr. Xu gets home, you both got into big trouble because now there’s unnecessary tension between you
So whenever Minghao has to check on you, he just knocks and you only raise your head for a moment and resume reading to get him to leave
It’s now depressing to be in this room; all you can do is wait until something happens
Your fangs are finally starting to grow in, so you feel them with your tongue as you contemplate what will happen after you finish turning
One day Minghao came in with a tray of hot drinks
You sighed, clearly annoyed that he came in, and took a sip as you read
Suddenly your eyes lit up at the familiar taste of something other than tea or blood
Hot chocolate.
You smile a little at Minghao sitting at the foot of your bed, staring at the wall as he awkwardly apologized for before
Then you push him a little with your foot and mumble a “thank you” as he takes a sip out of his own mug
He just smiles a little and nods
That was his peace offering, and you gleefully accepted it!!
Now your feelings for Minghao are positive, and you grow close to a point where he’ll chill with you and bring in books for both of you to read
He’s still very secretive about himself, but he has no problem chuckling at your funny experiences
Mr. Xu came back to find you one of those nights, and left you both alone knowing things had been resolved
Another day, Minghao knocks and gestures for you to follow him out of the room
This is actually the first time you’ve left the room at all for the past couple weeks, and Minghao leads you through the mansion and onto a balcony
It’s nearly dusk, so the sun is just setting, making a hazy glow in the horizon
You can see outside of the mansion for the first time; a long forest before it transitions to the city, your home
You and Minghao talk while breathing in the fresh air, opening up a bit more than usual bc seeing the sunset had put you in a good mood
“Hey, would you like to see something I like to do?”
“Promise not to laugh first”
You giggle a little like lmao why tho
“Just promise!!!”
“Ok fine I promise”
Hao leads you back into the room and brings out something from inside his desk
…It’s a ball of string and some knitting needles
“…Yeah…I make my own sweaters”
Then Hao rummages through his closet and brings out a really soft sweater for you to wear
And like woW this is actually really soft and comfy???
When you ask why he never wears them, he replied it’s just never needed since he doesn’t really get cold
“You look cute in that, Y/N”
This is like the first time Hao’s called you by name??? And hE CALLED YOU CUTE AJJDIDJWIEIDJEJ OK THEN
You blush really pink, and even have to bite your lip to keep from smiling like a dork—
Suddenly you flinch and by reflex pull your hand up to your mouth
whoOPS your fangs were too sharp and you managed to bite your own lip
Minghao quickly realizes this and manages to tell you to keep your mouth open in the nick of time
If you taste your own blood, you might like it and bite yourself in the future just to taste your own blood
So Minghao does the first thing he thinks of
He mumbles a quick “sorry for this”
Before fully plACinG hIS LiPS oN yOuRs
ANd liKE LicKinG yOuR LIp slIgHtLy????????
He was only trying to clean the blood off tho, so immediately after, he shyly went off to find you a napkin to stop the blood flowing from your bottom lip
Your jaw was dropped completely so no worry about tasting your own blood lmao
But he returns and dabs lol wait i just remembered the other dab a wet towel on your lip
You glance at Minghao and he’s licking your blood stain off his own lips and like first of all how dare you attack me like this
And then you question the blood issue
“Does vampire blood have a difference between human blood?”
“If you’re wondering if I’d bite you again to taste your blood then no, I might hurt you”
“Aw, that’s your reason?”
He kinda just mumbles “if you’re wondering, your blood doesn’t taste bad”
“Yea can I kiss you again?”
“waiT I MEAN”
He turns as red as the blood from your lip now lol
You just lean in and plant a soft kiss on his lips
I have more plot to this but honestly? I think I’ll just leave it as this for now. So request for part 2 if y'all want to know the rest!!
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phanarchy-blog · 6 years
✦✧85 question meme✦✧
tagged by: @roiceromo  @hey-laura and @phancryptid (sorry it took me so long) ❤
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people (oh no)
— what was your last…
1. drink: generic cola 2. phone call: clients at work. 3. text message: telling a friend I can stay at her house this weekend 4. song you listened to: When by dodie 5. time you cried: Saturday
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nearly 3 times, when will I learn  7. kissed someone and regretted it: yeah, but not that big a deal 8. been cheated on: yes 9. lost someone special: enough to know that I can cut ties with anyone and feel pretty okat 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
— fave colours
At the moment: 12. teal 13. purple 14. silver
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: not really! 16. fallen out of love: haha, I wish 17. laughed until you cried: definitely! 18. found out someone was talking about you: not this year !19. met someone who changed you: again, not this year! 20. found out who your friends are: meh, I kind of already knew 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: I haven’t kissed anyone this year lmao.
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: who honestly keeps track of that lol 23. do you have any pets: yes, my kitty Remus :24. do you want to change your name: If I could have chosen my own given name I wouldn’t pick the one I have, but I don’t want to change it now  25. what did you do for your last birthday: I worked all day and cried at night. 26. what time did you wake up today: 6:30 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping~ 28. what is something you can’t wait for: Going to Harry Potter world in to weeks!  30. what are you listening to right now: tv in the other room 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: sort of dated one but that’s a long story
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: a client asked me to call them after I was out of work for business, like hell no
33. most visited website: tumblr 34. hair colour: brunette 35. long or short hair: long
36. do you have a crush on someone: I’m in love but I’m real salty about it.
37. what do you like about yourself: lots of things- I’m caring, and I have fun, and I’m a good friend, and I’m passionate 38. want any piercings: nope 39. blood type: I don’t know it@ 40. nicknames: On Tumblr some people call me Ash and in real life people call me Cunk, which is regretful 41. relationship status: review number 36 lol 42. sign: virgo 43. pronouns: she/her 44. fave tv show: that 70s show 45. tattoos: when i get around to it 46. right or left handed: right 47. ever had surgery: yes, to get my wisdom teeth out 48. piercings: nope. 49. sport: eww 50. Vacation: going to Florida SO SOON 51. trainers: worn out pumas
— more general
52. eating: just ate half a pizza help 53. drinking: pepsi today 54. i’m about to watch: youtube. 55. waiting for: i keep waiting, waiting, waiting on the world to change 56. want: to chill tf out tonight 57. get married: eventually someone will want to marry me lol this is a touchy subject for me 58. career: mental health counselor!
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: embraces 60. lips or eyes: eyes 61. shorter or taller: taller than me which is still probably shorter than most 62. older or younger: older is possible 63. nice arms or stomach: I really don’t notice a preference 64. hookup or relationships: relationships 65. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: yeah, sleepovers are fun at 14 67. drank hard liquor: yep 68. turned someone down: yes 69. sex on first date: no 70. broken someone’s heart: yes 71. had your heart broken: yeah 72. been arrested: no 73. cried when someone died: yes 74. fallen for a friend: yes
— do you believe in
75. yourself: always 76. miracles: no  77. love at first sight: no 78. santa claus: really? 79. angels: no
— misc
80. eye colour: blue 81. best friend’s name: Leah and Sarah, don’t make me choose 82. favourite movie: (500) Days of Summer ❤ ❤ 83. favourite actor: I don’t have an absolute favorite but I love James McAvoy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Daniel Radcliffe
84. favourite cartoon: Danny Phantom is the first that comes to mind but it has been so long 85. favourite teacher’s name: Davenport
Tagging: Basically everyone in the writing GC I love you all and I want to know your answers but there are many of you and I am lazy
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jasperrollswrites · 7 years
Monster: Whole Hog!!
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A commission done for @mfmonstah, the first of quite a few. He wanted a TF into Roadhog, from Overwatch, and I was very happy to provide, given the guy is one of my absolute favourite characters ever. It was a lot of fun.
The lights in the 7/11 felt harsh, almost blinding. Wolf felt exhausted, but he was almost subconsciously grateful for it. It had been a long, rough day at work, and he needed something to keep his eyes open for the half an hour left it would take to get home - otherwise he'd just fall over right there.
He didn't like this state he'd gotten into. Work feeling like it was taking almost all of his life, collapsing the moment he got home, then waking up about 2 hours before his alarm before it started all over again. It felt like there was no time any more to do anything he enjoyed. Working retail was a nightmare in itself, but the aftermath hurt just as bad.
Wolf stared blankly at the fridge containing a bevy of cold drinks. Something sharp enough to just keep him going. Coca Cola, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Red Bull, Monster. He tried to consider the options, but his brain wasn't working properly. He rubbed his eyes, not caring if he smudged his glasses. Just pick something. Monster. He opened the door to take his choice, when he stopped.
Monster: Whole Hog!!
It was a new flavour. A bright yellow can, with the Monster logo alongside a familiar drawing of a pig. And that masked face on the cover...
Looked like Monster had done a branding deal with Blizzard, and it had resulted in...this. An Overwatch themed energy drink, and they'd chosen Roadhog to be the mascot to carry it. Seemed like a weird choice. Sure, Roadhog was just as popular as any of the other heroes in the game, but Reaper or McCree would've been a more recognisable one, even to people who don't play the game...oh, but who gave a shit. Wolf was tired and he didn't have the processing power to question Blizzard's marketing decisions. He grabbed it for the novelty, paid at the counter, and left.
There was a cold wind blowing - the kind of cold that went right through you, no matter how many layers you put on. Now that he was out here, Wolf wasn't sure of the wisdom of buying a refrigerated energy drink in a can. The cool metal made his ungloved hand feel frozen to it, and the liquid inside made it worse. But this was the only way he was going to stay awake at this point. He popped the tab and heard the slight carbonated hiss, then took a quick swig, rolling it around in his mouth slightly before swallowing. Nothing much to say about the flavour. It seemed like Monster as usual, not that he was about to complain. Just a bit disappointing for a branded can to really not be all that different. He felt gas bubbling up through his throat, before he let out a small burp.
He shook his shoulders to get his fleecy coat wrapped tighter around him. It was dark and foggy out, foggy to the point that he could only see as far as the next street lamp. This was the worst thing about winter, it got dark so quick. Wolf felt his vison blur slightly as he closed his eyes for a moment. He was so tired. He couldn't wait to flop into his bed and just sleep for...4 years would probably do it. Then he'd be ready to face the world again.
He took another drink from the can, a longer one this time. After a few seconds, he felt the gas bubbling up again before he let out a louder belch. He covered his mouth in surprise. This drink was definitely fizzy. Damn. He kept on walking, feeling the wind blow straight through him...especially on his lower stomach.
Wolf looked down to see that his belly had distended slightly. He had a pretty thin frame as body types went, but his stomach seemed to have spontaneously grown a bit - not hugely, but enough to expose his skin to the air. He grabbed his shirt and coat at the bottom and pulled it down to keep himself covered. Maybe he should lay off candy or something.
He took another swig of the drink, tipping his head back quite a way to drink a significantly larger amount. Wiping his lips, he began a yawn...which slowly evolved into yet another, loud belch, big enough to leave him in a coughing fit at the end of it. Damn, this drink was REALLY gassy.
The wind picked up again, and Wolf felt the chill go through him again...including on his stomach. He looked down in surprise to see his shirt had ridden up again - and his stomach was much bigger than before.
"I was...definitely not...this big...when I left the store" he murmured to himself, grabbing the sudden paunch he had gained and kneading it between his fingers. He wasn't entirely sure he minded - fat was as just as good as muscle - but the sudden gain was a little bit concerning. He poked his belly button. It was an outie, but he was fairly sure he'd been an innie a couple of minutes earlier.
The energy drink? It was the only thing that was really different than any other night he'd spent walking home, half asleep. He looked at the can. The image of Roadhog on it stared blankly back at him. "You're not much help..." Wolf said under his breath. He turned the can a bit, twisting his wrist, when he finally noticed that his fingernails had turned completely black.
Wolf nearly dropped the can in surprise. He was very confident he had not painted his nails today, or any other day before that. And now that he looked closely at his hand, he could see it was...bigger. Meatier. His fingers were thicker, more square, they had a bit of a rough look around them, like he hadn't bothered to wash them for a day or two.
He turned the can back to look at the render of Roadhog on the cover, and grinned. Of course. What else would it be? The whole thing was a cliché, but Wolf didn't really care. It felt good so far, he might as well roll with it. He felt wide awake now. Placing a thick thumb over the opening in the can so it didn't spill, he began running home.
The wallet and keys were roughly tossed on the counter as Wolf quickly shrugged off his coat and threw it over the back of the nearest chair. He briefly considered whether he should take his clothes off for this. He was wearing one of his favourite shirts but...hell, he had others, and it would feel so much better, bursting out of those. Besides, based on what he guessed was about to happen, he wouldn't give a damn by the end of it.
Picking up the can he'd placed rather gingerly on the counter in comparison to the other things he'd been carrying around, Wolf brushed his black hair back, to keep it out of his eyes. Raising the can slightly in a quiet toast to himself, he took a deep breath, then raised the can to his lips and tipped his head back as far as it could go.
There was about 7 seconds of silence as the drink slid down Wolf's throat. He closed his eyes, letting all of it drain away, until only little drops were left. With the drink finished, he lifted the can away and wiped his lips with the back of his hand, letting it drop to his side.
He looked down at himself to find that...nothing had changed.
Granted, he was still a bit pudgier than before, but that how he had looked before coming into the house. He didn't exactly expect it to have been over all at once, but...surely something was meant to happen? That was what he was lead to believe.
That was when he felt the rumbling in his stomach.
It wasn't the kind of rumbling you could audibly hear - it was pure feeling, the sensation of his gut twisting up as it tried to process what he'd just sent to it. It was coming now, he knew it. Wolf clenched a meaty fist, crushing the can easily, and threw it to the floor. Now that feeling was shooting upwards, rising up from the stomach, through the chest, up, up, bubbling through the esophagus. His entire body tensed in anticipation, as the feeling rose up through his throat.
This was gonna be a big one.
He felt the momentary resistance first, like it didn't quite want to come through, his mouth didn't want to open up. But it was too much - when was it ever not? - and it needed release. Almost forcefully, he opened up wide, and let out a loud, cacophonous belch, so powerful it actually knocked him off his feet.
It was a long one too. Stumbling back against the wall, surprised by the power, he watched as an inverse relationship happened to his belly. As the gas expelled itself from his mouth, his stomach expanded, fat piling on and on, bloating up on its own. He could feel the weight increasing, the belly beginning to hang over his waistline. His shirt rode up, now good for only covering his chest.
As the belch trailed off, he placed a hand on his ever-expanding belly, noticing that it too was changing, becoming even thicker and rougher. He felt little nicks of pain as tiny scars appeared all over his hand. He'd just gotten them, but they looked as if they had marked his skin for years. Wolf felt a grin spreading across his face, watching his previously small hands become big, heavy mitts that could crush a smaller man's head - and everyone was small to him now.
A sensation on his belly took his attention away, as a he saw a pair of black dots appear near his belly button. While the rest of his skin was taking on a sunburnt tinge, the area around his belly button turned pink. Black lines, drawn by invisible hand, outlined a pig's head. Following that, a motor, fully formed, slid out from behind the pigs ears, as an inky fire began to appear behind that, moving as if it was a real flame.
A loud tear pulled Wolf's attention to his chest, which was doing its own expanding. His modest flat breast had followed his belly's lead and bloated out into a pair of sizable moobs, tearing that shirt to shreds. Wolf reached up to pull the rags away, and took the chance to grope one. It was thick, but felt solid. He let out a sinister laugh, his voice coming out much lower and more guttural.
Suddenly, he felt a dull ache in his mouth. Raising a paw to his jaw, he opened his mouth as if he was yawning. He rolled the jaw around, and felt the click of bone. Beneath his large fingers, he could feel his jaw becoming broader, squarer, the face becoming overall larger. The little nicks of pain started up again, this time over his face - crossing an eyebrow, down his thick lips, scratching across his cheeks. Scars, newly formed, but looking like they had been there forever. As he closed his mouth, Wolf felt a slight tickle on his upper lip, and investigated with a fat index finger. His lower canines seemed to have grown enough to become tiny little tusks, breaking through his lips.
Wolf brushed through his hair again, and noticing something, grasped hold of a couple of strands. His previously dark black hair had turned grey, and it was now much longer. It fell flat on his head, cascading down across his shoulders - the hair of a much older man. And now, he was that much older man.
He could feel the memories pouring into his brain - long days in the endless wasteland of a country on the other side of the world, an old motorbike humming beneath him. Scenes of chaos and destruction, a hook and chain in his left hand, his scrap gun in his right. He closed his eyes, flexed his hands, remembering the feeling.
After a minute or so of low, heavy, tortured breathing, Mako Rutledge shifted his head, and clicked his neck.
He patted his belly, and did a quick check to make sure everything was in place. Tattoo fully formed, arms filled out and muscular, broad shoulders and back. The underwear the kid from before was wearing was still attached, covering him up, but it was stretched to its absolute limit. A single move and the waistband would probably snap. He looked at the torn up clothes on the floor. Whatever. Not like anyone would be seeing him like this.
He rolled his shoulders back, and began to walk. As predicted, the waistband pinged apart. Taking a few more heavy, thumping steps, Mako nonchalantly grabbed what was left of the pants and tore them away. Wouldn't be needing that. He'd be getting more fitting clothes somewhere else. Then after that, he'd need to head back to that 7/11. The kid had forgotten a couple of things.
It had been an hour or so since the last customer had come and gone - some guy who looked blazed out of his mind who had grabbed a drink. The clerk wiped his tired eyes and looked at the clock. 10:22pm. He looked at the mostly empty store. The only other person there was a guy with long messy hair, wearing a blue hoodie, who had been mithering around the soft drink/energy drink section. The clerk wished this guy would stop fucking around and pick something so he could start closing up shop.
He watched as the customer reached forward and took a yellow can of Monster, his eyes widening at what was on the can. Must be that video game character thing they got earlier this month - the guy looked like someone who never went out.
Both the clerk and customer were, however, broken out of their individual reveries when a large hook smashed violently through the window and planted itself in the counter, immediately destroying the silent alarm.
A long chain extended from the hook, and at the other end was an absolute mountain of a man. He was the fattest, largest man either of them had ever seen in real life. A tattoo of a pig face covered his enormous belly, and a gas mask shaped like a pig snout covered his face.
The customer dropped the can he'd been holding, with a combined look of fear and awe. The clerk, his back against the wall, was just scared.
The pig-man walked forward slowly, his heavy footsteps making loud thumps on the floor of the tiny store. He stopped next to the customer who was frozen still, and reached over his head to grab about 6 cans of the same kind of energy drink in one hand
"Y...you're...Roadhog..." the customer stammered out.
"Glad you noticed." Roadhog replied.
There were a few seconds of awkward silence, as the two innocents tried to process what was happening to them.
Roadhog grinned underneath the mask, and looked at the cans in his hand.
"Looks like you boys could use a drink."
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