#*puts it in front of u like a cat bringing u a dead mouse*
beeqisch · 9 months
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messy timkon doodle <3
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cheegu3 · 3 years
omg i have an idea for the jay series if you have the time 🥺 where you try to escape again and get outside but he catches you and brings you back in, but once inside again you get out of his grasp and hide somewhere in his house and he has to find you cat and mouse style 😶
Ty for saving me u genius bc I was running out of ideas again 🥴💜💜 this is quite a long one tho yikesss
TW / Trigger warning: yandere themes, violence, kidnapping, mentions of a dead body, mentions of stockholm syndrome
Word count: around 2k
Trapped Pt. 3 ~ Yandere Jay series
Cat & mouse 🔪
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After your little morning ordeal with Jay you two went up together, eating breakfast and cuddling. You found that he was in a better mood than usual not even bringing up your escape attempt once. Maybe he was over it by now, being confident that this time you actually wouldn’t try it again or rather if you did, he’d always find you.
When the movie you’d been watching together ended he stopped stroking your hair and it was quiet except for the pouring rain outside. These were your favourite kind of days.
‘‘ Will you take a day off today, we can stay in and watch more movies ‘‘ you said in a small voice still testing the waters.
He bit his lips, sitting up on the sofa now and pushing you away slightly.
‘‘ No I have something important to do, but‘‘ his eyes narrowed ‘‘-you better behave ‘‘
For a moment you caught yourself enamoured with him, ready to follow his orders and stay home waiting for him exactly like he wanted you to. But you caught yourself thinking these things and felt disgusted. Must be Stockholm syndrome, besides this is the perfect opportunity to escape again.
‘‘ y/n? ‘‘ he raised his voice making you flinch and quickly look up at him
He clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction, watching you closely.
‘‘ I said, IF you behave I’ll give you a better treat than the one I gave this morning ‘‘
‘‘ Oh, yes yes okay, I will ‘‘ you said distracted. Your head was buzzing thinking of all the ways to escape and the possibility of him finding you again. The anxiety was hard to keep under control as he got ready to leave the house. 
‘‘ I’ll call you every hour ‘‘ he made sure that you were listening as he put on his jacket and headed out, giving you a kiss and locking the door behind him firmly.
An hour. You had one hour to escape, only this time you had to be smarter. You began to frantically go over the different plans over and over again. The anxiety and fear of him finding you again wouldn’t stop bugging you. But you made up your mind, gathering a few things, like a scarf and glasses for a disguise and was out the door in mere minutes after he’d left. You made your way quickly to the village when you were reminded of the incident there last time, so you decided to go past it, keeping your head low as to not make any of them spot you. They seemed to be too busy anyway, chatting to each other while carrying large boxes of various vegetables and fruits. As you passed by them, by now having spotted your destined location, a bus station, you caught a few words.
‘‘ I heard Jay gave the girl a very hard time ‘‘ a woman said
‘‘ A deserved one ‘‘ a man answered snorting
‘‘ Indeed ‘‘ another said
Instinctively you wrapped the scarf around your head a bit tighter and increased your pace. They paid you no attention though and the chatter eventually got more distant as you made your way over to the booth. Well there, you were extremely grateful as you saw that a bus would be coming in under a minute and when you looked up you saw the blue rectangular vehicle approaching. Its sign read the name of the town your friend was living in which earned a sigh of relief from you, growing more anxious the longer you stayed here. The bus got closer and stopped with a squeaky sound flinging the doors open. You practically ran onto it and sat at the back. Bouncing your leg up and down anxiously, you kept your eyes on the door waiting, begging for it to close as if he’d jump on any minute now. 
Then, it finally closed and the bus was in motion. You looked behind through the window at the back of the bus as the village, landscape and that damned house swept by. You were free at last. How could he possibly find you now, you didn’t have a GPS or a tracker because you didn’t have a phone and the villagers didn’t see you. Leaning your head back, resting it on the seat you began to relax telling yourself that you were no longer in danger and everything was going to be okay.
A sudden stop that threw you forwards jolted you awake. Confused and newly woken you looked around and to your relief you weren’t back in the house. You were at the final stop, your friend’s town. As you got off the bus you quickly phoned your friend, and when the rain started to pour again you took cover under the station’s roof. She thankfully arrived in a few minutes, rushing to the car as soon as you’d finished explaining your...situation. The familiar blue sedan pulled over to the side right in front of you and you practically ran to it, swinging the door open and checking several times if it was locked.
‘‘ Hellooo? ‘‘ your friend snapped her fingers. You had been too busy being paranoid to even pay attention to her and it made you feel guilty now.
‘‘ I’m sorry, you know I’m just really paranoid. What if he’s here he- ‘‘
Your friend clasped her hand over your mouth muffling your protests.
‘‘ It’s fine y/n, you know I live at sea in a very small fishing town. How would that psycho even find us? ‘‘ she gave you a reassuring smile and playfully hit your shoulder.
Then she pushed the gas pedal down and down the bumpy road you two went, towards the little cottage sitting alone on the top of the hill. Your anxiety came back once again when you saw the fast approaching cottage. It was in the middle of nowhere, quite literally. If he were to find you here, you’d be dead. The nearest neighbour was what...3 miles away? Your friend noticed your breathing increasing slightly and gave you a few pats again as she forced the small car up the hill. She stopped it, stepped out and slammed the car door. She’d taken your stuff inside and left you there probably to cool off a bit. It didn’t take long until you followed her inside because you had made up your mind. She was right. He’d never ever find you or hurt you again. You were safe here and she said that you could stay as long as you wanted to.
You spent the rest of the night talking mostly about lighthearted stuff to not make you scared again but then you explained a bit about him, how he treated you and how he really was. After you chat was over and the sky had turned dark you went to your separate bedrooms. You climbed into bed and turned off the light falling asleep shortly after.
A loud bang awoke you making you open your eyes. It was still dark outside and the fear instinctively came onto you expecting the worst. Listening closer, having gotten out of the bed and laying your head against the door, you thought the noises sounded like muffled screams, whispers and thudding. Was he here? Without thinking you pushed the squeaky door open and as your friend’s cottage was very small you walked right in to the living room where you saw the scene which had been making all the noises.
It was your boyfriend, sitting on top of your friend’s lifeless body with his hands wrapped tightly around her neck.
‘‘ Get away from her! ‘‘ you screamed lunging towards the pair.
But when he stood up you already knew it was too late. You could see that she wasn’t breathing, her eyes looked soulless and she laid there like an empty shell staring into nothingness.
‘‘ Found you ‘‘ he smiled, a smile that broke you. Because looking at him you could see that he hadn’t struggled at all to find you. He wasn’t stressed, worried, surprised, angry or a mess. It made your heart sink. You truly never could escape from him. You didn’t even notice when his guards lifted you up dragging you towards his car, not even when they had strapped you in and started driving had it kicked in. You felt so numb, so helpless. 
Through the whole car ride none of you spoke a word but you could sense that he was satisfied. Perhaps he wasn’t that angry because he had killed someone you loved so dearly, your best friend. That’s a greater pain than any hits or cuts could ever do, and he knew that. He leaned back during the ride and really enjoyed the look on your face, replaying your face over and over again as you saw the lifeless body of your friend. 
The car ride came to an end way quicker than you would’ve liked it to. The guards were sent off by Jay and he turned to you.
‘‘ So naive. You didn’t learn a thing from last time did you? ‘‘ he said mockingly.
The hate was bubbling up in your chest and all you wanted to do was to punch him, kick him, anything, even kill him the way he brutally killed your best friend. But what you wanted more than anything right now was to get away from his mocking, smirking face that you wanted to punch so bad. But you knew if you did punch him you’d get it back but ten times worse so instead you stepped out of the car. When you did so, the guards stopped and watched you closely.
Suddenly you darted in to the mansion. You had to find a hiding spot. Anywhere away from this monster, even if it was for a minute would be ideal right now. And then, you’d try again and again. This incident wouldn’t stop that..surely. He took his time walking in after you and shouted out.
‘‘ Oh. So you wanna play darling? ‘‘ he sneered and you held you breath as you ran into the library, one of the rooms closest to the entrance which had caught your attention. It was huge and messy which made it the perfect hiding spot. You walked in, trying to walk as silently as humanly possible and crouched behind the first row of bookshelves in case he had gone into this room. When you didn’t hear anything you went to the inner corner of the shelf and sneaked along the walls, looking to your side on every aisle in case he’d be there waiting, ready to pounce on his prey. 
When you had reached the end you saw a hiding spot that caught your attention. In one of the corners, in the large bookshelf there was a small space behind the bookshelf where you could squeeze in. Having done so, you pushed the books closer to each other as to give more coverage and waited. A few seconds had passed, then minutes maybe hours? And your hope had started to come back. Listening a bit closer the silence baffled you and left you almost breathless. He must be on the second floor now, now was your chance to escape.
As if on cue, your hopes were crushed when you heard the slow footsteps that you were all so familiar with. 
Click, clack, click, clack.
They got closer and closer. Even though your heartbeat started to beat wildly the closer they got you were still hopeful. Your hiding spot was way too good. But when he came to the end of your row, the hope started to fade. They way he slowly walked made him seem confident and amused, something you recognised too well. But, to your surprise he walked right past you continuing slightly down the row closest to the wall where you had been walking along.
‘‘ I know exactly where you are ‘‘
He turned his back to you, stopping in his tracks and you swear he could hear your heart jump out of your chest by now. 
‘‘ And, ‘‘ he said threateningly, growling slightly ‘‘ if you don’t come out dear little mouse I will play with your family instead ‘‘ the evil smirk came back.
You made a run for it as soon as he had said these words. The books you knocked down caught his attention and he had you down in just a few meters after you had tried to run. He had expected you to. Your face hit the cold floor causing you to cry out and the pain only increased when he twisted your arms painfully behind your back. You could practically hear the twisted sadistic joy in his voice as he said,
‘‘ I win ‘‘
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angelcakedraws · 4 years
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Rin’s past is filled with twists, turns, death, and a freakshow that changed her soul forever.. care to hear? Give me a listen and let me tell you the tale of Rin Himura...
Rin was born into a middle class family in the countryside of Japan, in a small but quaint neighborhood. Her parents were young but loving, and they cared with all their heart about their little girl. She loved animals, however she didn’t have many friends because of her appearance. Being pale, having dark hair, and kinda creepy eyes frightened other children, but she didn’t mind. She had a few friends and her parents. Her quirk manifested when she was seven, as she had picked up a dead lizard that a neighbors cat had killed, and it had easily been dead for two days. Her parents were shocked but thrilled, neither of them had that quirk. Her parents told her that her quirk could save lives, like a doctor. She set her mind on becoming a doctor since then, and she wanted to save lives. 
Rin’s quirk allowed her to raise and control the dead. Anything animal had died, she could bring them back using her quirk and control their every move, like a necromancer.
Rin kept growing and was quite an intelligent girl, but with a Macabre side, like her mother. Her mom had always liked creepy old fashioned things, like a Victorian horror story. That had rubbed off a lot on Rin, and she would read stories with her mom. Her mother collected that type of clothing but never wore it, in order to preserve it, she kept it in her closet high up where Rin couldn’t reach. When Rin reached the age of 12, her parents took her to a renaissance festival in order to get some new stuff for a Victorian style. Unfortunately, Rin got separated from them. Next thing she knew, she was yanked into a dark tent and knocked out.
A group of men kidnapped her based on her appearance, since she looked to be very creepy. The people who kidnapped her were circus people and wanted her for gain, the recent development of quirks from the past years has led to a rise in the freak show business again. It was more underground than it was before but it was still humiliating for anyone who was a part of it. When they found out about her quirk they were even more excited. 
They made her show off her quirk in front of large audiences until it exhausted her, she’d pass out from the excess use of power, and get whipped when she would stop. She has scars all over her back now and that’s why she wears so much clothing. She had to overuse her quirk almost every day, and it caused her arm to start to rot away from excessive power use, a side effect of her quirk. She brought to life any animals, big or small, predator or prey. They even made her revive some of her fellow “freaks” and control them until their bodies started to smell too much.
For years she took it without a fight, and often nurtured those who were new, comforting them to the best of her ability. She even found herself a lover there, a girl with the ability to turn into a fiery bird of legend, a Phoenix. However, she died after having water thrown on her in her fire form, her body turning to nothing but smoke and steam. Rin carried on for 5 more years after her death, constantly having to smile at an audience that laughed and awed at her torture, and she dare not frown or try and fight, for the ring master had a gun pointed at her in the dark under the stands, and he would smile and point until Rin was done performing her revival act.
After 7 years, she decided it was enough. After being thrown into her cell and whipped on the back for the last time, she used a dead mouse to retrieve the keys and break her free. The rest of the staff and the ringmaster were putting on the other part of the show while she grabbed a gallon of gasoline and a match, walking around behind the dark stands where the audience sat and pouring the flammable liquid around it, she stepped outside the circle, lit the match, and dropped it. 
 She watched the tent burst into flames, creating an inescapable ring of Fire. It killed everyone in the audience. The rest of the staff and the “freaks” were able to escape the tent. She then used her power to bring to life all the freshly burned carcasses in the audience, having them attack the staff. They killed everyone and released the rest of the captives there, who ran free from their slavery. Rin found the ringmaster attempting to run with a charred leg, and ordered two of the undead audience members to seize him and bring him to her. He tried to shoot the zombies, but they couldn’t feel the pain, they were dead after all. She looked down at him, his fear filled eyes meeting hers. She grabbed his gun from the holster, and he watched helplessly as she cocked it, aiming it right between his eyes. He was shot dead on the spot, and Rin dropped her army of corpses, she herself dropping to the ground momentarily from exhaustion. She quickly stood up, remembering she was free. She made her way towards the city with quick strides.
The very first thing she did as she escaped was try and find her parents, she wasn’t super young so she remembered where her house was and how to get there. However, when she arrived at her house, it was abandoned. Boarded off and overgrown with the flower vines in the front yard. She went inside and her heart shattered with every glance, nothing had been taken, it was untouched. All the pictures were still up, there were still some dishes in the sink, and some of her toys were still on the floor. She went back into her room and nothing had changed, she stifled her tears as she looked around, her parents didn’t move a single thing after she disappeared. She quickly left, unable to control herself, and took a walk. She was walking along and ended up in the graveyard that her mom would take her to as a child, where her grandparents were buried. She kept contemplating what she should do, would and old neighbor recognize her? And would they tell her where her parents went? Would they even care? She stopped, walking up to her grandparents graves, seeing.. more stones. She look at the stones and started to shake. 
Akane Himura
Kyo Himura
She dropped to her knees, whimpers escaping her lips, shaking violently and tears streaming down her face. She let out the loudest, most painful scream, and gripped the stone of her mother, all the blood in her face gone. They were dead, they were gone. Her mom and dad were gone.. forever. She’s sobbed and gripped the other stone, memories flashing through her head and her heart shattering. Between hiccups and coughs, she glanced at the third grave, her sobs abruptly stopping. With tears still streaming down her face, she read the final stone.
R I N  H I M U R A
Her name was on that stone. She was assumed dead.. she couldn’t have died, she knew her parents would keep searching for her no matter what. She looked at the dates, her sadness slowly turning into a blood red rage. She had been confirmed dead not but a month after her parents had passed. Connecting the dots, she knew the heroes had stopped searching. Her parents had died 2 years before that day, and she knew they would have kept looking. Her parents had pestered the heroes to keep searching, but they weren’t interested, it wasn’t flashy or cool to look for someone’s missing child. Rin bolted up, tears still clouding her eyes and rage clouding her judgement. She grazed the tops of each family tombstone, and stopped at hers. She kicked, and kicked, and kicked. That stone came loose with her force, and she used a hefty amount of strength to push it down the hill with her foot, her “death” was bullshit.
She stormed back into the house, grabbing her small locket necklace that she had as a child, and her mother’s ruby pendant that she would wear to formal occasions. The heroes would pay for what they did to her parents. They were restless in her graves, and she could feel it, they could never rest peacefully until they knew she was safe. Only now, Rin knew they wouldn’t be at peace until heroes were shown what happens when you leave a child in need.
She found an abandoned hotel and made it her home, she spruced it up with the money she had. And eventually used a small area as a place to meet people in mourning, usually rich families. They had money, and that’s what Rin needed to survive. She told them about her power but lied about it’s specific abilities, telling them they’d have ten minutes to talk to their late friend or family member one last time. She brought them to their burial sight, brought the corpse to life, and had the “zombie” kill them, she proceeded to take their money and have the corpse rebury itself into the ground, which was easy since it was recently buried. She used the money she stole to redecorate her home and get nicer clothing. 
Rin saw the USJ attack on TV and was intrigued by the group who committed the crime, wondering what it would be like to fight in groups rather than on her own. She had always been a bit theatric with her attacks, but this was a level that almost fascinated iher. She decided to take a stab at something such as that. When she found out that the same class would be visiting a history museum, she sprung at the opportunity and attacked. She brought to life the skeletons of dinosaurs and other prehistoric skeletons. This was the first time she was shown publicly, all her cases she was involved with were stated as psychotic attacks by some sort of deranged murderer, never a larger conspiracy behind it nor different undead humans involved. 
Luckily, Rin was smart, and made sure her face was never caught on camera, yet some student saw her face, however, her arm was never revealed. Giran and Rin were at a dinner while Giran was talking with another potential member. Of course that colleague dm didn’t work out, but Rin’s sharp ears overheard the conversation. She approached him and introduced herself. She was proper and shared some casual conversation, she spoke with him about the league in a hushed voice. She told him of her attack on TV and of the attacks on the others she had killed for money. He was intrigued by her, and she was taken to the bar where she was recruited by Shigaraki. 
Her first time killing all of those people in the audience, even though they were all sick and twisted, it haunts her. She feels as if the blood on her hands has never washed off, another reason she almost always wears gloves. If you can tell, she never kills anyone herself, it’s always her undead minions who kill for her. She killed the people in the audience and the ringmaster, she feels little pity for her ringmaster, but it still shook her to her core how many people she killed that day, that blood was on her own hands.
But, something that comforts her is that she saved all the “freaks” at the show and gave them freedom. She doesn’t know where any of them are now, but she took care of them while they were there and set them free when she had the chance.
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xiubaek-13 · 5 years
Let Me In - Part 2
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Prompt: “If I knock politely will you let me in? I’ll make it worth your while”
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Word Count: 4,950
Warnings: Vampire AU, smut, blood, mentions of death, murder & torture.
A/N: Part 1 was in my Halloween drabbles from a long ass time ago. I continuously got requests for a second part so it finally came into being today. Let me know what you think, comments help me greatly given the large breaks between posting for me, they help me work out if I’m still any good at this writing business.
“S-so, a-are you g-gonna k-kill me?” You stutter out, your fear making it hard for you to get the words out.
He smirks and steps back, freeing you from the wall. Before you can even think about regaining some semblance of composure he kneels on the floor and sinks his fangs into the dead man’s neck. Your eyes widen as you stand frozen to the spot, unable to blink, run, anything. It takes all you have just to remember to breathe.
He drops the corpse back to the floor when he’s finished feeding, licking his blood-stained lips as he sets his eyes on you again. “I think you’ve bought yourself some time.” He steps closer to you, caging your body between his arms, your back pressed back against the wall. “Convince me to let you live, but your case had better be compelling since you wasted my time earlier.” His dark gaze feels like its searing lines into your flesh as you feel it travel from your eyes to your lips, throat, & chest before raking back up to your eyes. “You still haven’t let me in.” He smirks.
What was that stupid saying that you used to say to your friends? Mark me down as scared and horny. That’s pretty much where you were right now. Terrified for multiple reasons (vampires were real, one sent a madman to kill you then killed said madman in front of you and was maybe, probably, most definitely doing to kill you) but also horny. It was impossible to deny how attractive Baekhyun was, both before when you thought he was human and now as he pinned you to the wall. Your mind is racing, jumping between freaking out about your impending death and lewd comments about his lips, hands, hips. If it had the capacity to take on anything else it might also be disgusted with itself for allowing lust to creep in at a time like this. 
Somewhere deep down in your psyche a thought sparks. Draw this out, stay alive as long as you possibly can. The longer you are alive, the closer you are to sunrise. Make it to sunrise and escape. It wasn’t much to go on but it was the best you could think of. There was no way that you would overpower him with strength. If you wanted to win here then you were going to need to be smart and bide your time. Use every advantage that you could and the sun was a powerful one. His ego might just be another.
“I want to know more about you.” He raises one brow in response.
You inhale, steeling your nerves as you say the words that will change your life forever. “In the bar before, we talked. I liked that, liked getting to know you -” the words were not untrue. The bar had been nice. You’d captured the attention of the man every person, men and women alike, desired but he had only had eyes for you. You had been sitting at the bar enjoying your Old Fashioned when Baekhyun had first approached you. At the time it was immensely flattering but in hindsight you were probably just easy prey. You were alone and no one else had been paying much attention to you. “- but now that I know that you’re well, not human, I feel like that was all lies. Tell me about you first. Then I’ll let you in.” 
He shifts back and considers your words. “Why should I tell you anything at all? I could just compel you to let me in and use you until I’m bored of your body.” His tone betrays him. He might be impatient and used to getting what he wants but from the way his tone shifted when he said he could compel you, you could tell that doing so would ruin the fun for him. 
So you played with fire, figuratively speaking of course. Standard negotiating probably wouldn’t work here because a) you were terrified and b) impatient vampire. You weren’t trying to get out of sleeping with him either. You were attracted to him even through your fear and there was no denying that you wanted him. All you were trying to gain was time. The closer it got to sunrise, the higher your chances of survival were. 
So you tried to match his ego to unnerve him.“Where is the fun in that?” You shrug. “If all you want is a body to fuck, then why ask me to convince you to let me live? Surely it’s better for you with a willing participant.” You take a step forward, avoiding the dead body on the floor, and advance on Baekhyun as you continue to speak. “One that wants you, that begs for you, that needs you.” You lick your lips as you finish, your words affecting you more than you thought they would. “Why put it all of the effort at the bar when you could have simply locked eyes and told me what you wanted me to do? I think you enjoy the hunt so why spoil it now? What harm is there in telling me about yourself when I’m just going to die anyway?” You shrug. 
Baekhyun takes a few steps back and looks at you, really looks at you. His eyes narrow as he takes you in and tries to work out your ploy. “Interesting tactic little one. Futile though.” He smirks and turns away from you, heading off towards your kitchen. 
Left with the corpse just behind you, you decide to follow him rather than rush out the front door. Baekhyun has already proved that he is faster than you so you probably wouldn’t get very far and even if you got to a neighbour in time there is the very real possibility that they’d die and it would be your fault. 
As you enter the kitchen you spot Baekhyun mixing drinks. He points at the two armchairs you have in your makeshift reading nook, a place that has brought you comfort over the years. If there was ever a place for you to fight for your life then this would be the one place that would bring you strength. You make your way over to one of the armchairs and sink into its comforting embrace while you wait for Baekhyun to finish making drinks.
“I’ll play your game for now little one but don’t push your luck.” He says as he carries two drinks over, handing you one once he is close enough. You notice that he’s made the same drink that you were having at the bar. “You’re not wrong, compelling a mark kind of ruins the vibe but if I have to do it, I will.”
“Asking me to tell you about myself is a bit vague given my lengthy existence so why don’t you try something more specific? I’ll let you ask as many questions as you want but there is a price for my answers.” He smirks.
“Name it.”
“Each time I answer you, you must remove an article of clothing. Once removed I’m free to touch the unclothed area. When you run out of clothing, your question time ceases and you submit yourself to me to have you as I please.”
You gulp as you try not to let on how appealing his price sounds. The logical part of your brain tries to yell over the burning lust that is taking over your senses about the dangers involved here but as far as you see it your options are die in pain or die in pleasure. Given the choice, you will avoid pain at almost any cost. He thinks he has you trapped, like a cat cornering a mouse but you aren’t so sure that you’ve been beaten yet. Not that he needs to know that.
“I accept your terms.” You say before taking a sip of your drink. The whiskey soothing any errant nerves. 
You see Baekhyun’s eyes darken with desire as he sits opposite you, a smug look on his face now that he thinks he’s won. “I’ll give you a point for not forcing an unnecessary negotiation or rebuttal upon hearing my price.”
“You said not to waste your time. Your terms are not unsurprising and it did not seem like it was up for negotiation when you delivered it.”
“Smart woman.” He relaxed into the armchair, swirling his drink in one hand as the other beckoned for you to begin your questioning.
“How much of what you told me about yourself at the bar was true?”
“All of it.” He states bluntly, chuckling at the surprised look on your face. “I do work at a law firm in town with 8 others, it’s how we exist in human society. I don’t have traditional family as such anymore as I’ve long outlived them. I do prefer to go out at night for obvious reasons beyond my control and I find great beauty in the night.” 
Baekhyun was right, he had told you the truth, just a very short version of it. Should that make you trust him any more? Probably not, but it did instil a small amount of something in you about him. He could have just lied about everything in order to lure you away but he chose the truth. In some weird way that counted for something. 
“No lies, you just never bothered to dig deeper at the time.” He purred, eyes roaming your body as he waited to see what you would remove.
You slipped out of your leather jacket and draped it over the back of your seat. Baekhyun groaned impatiently when he saw the long sleeves that remained covering your arms. Victory, it would seem, was not yet within his grasp. Begrudgingly he took another sip of his drink as you laughed internally at his reaction.
“Is your normal pattern to trick someone into letting you into their home then you kill them?”
“No. My clan and I have tried many things over the years. Let’s see. There was compelling which was just too easy and made our existence dull, posing as missionaries which weirdly enough worked better than it should have… not that I’ll ever let Suho know that. Next was outright frenzy where we razed a town, feasted and moved on - that was one of the early ones.” He grins as he reminisces. “Where was I, oh yes. We told people we were vampires - that one was particularly popular in the 2000’s, we’ve pretended to be injured or dead then attacked the person who was kind enough to try and help us, also too easy in my opinion but effective. You humans are gullible.” He chuckles. “We also tried to use blood banks but supplies could not sustain our hunger without detection, so then we tried setting up our own donor systems but that was a logistical nightmare and more red tape than you should ever have to deal with as an immortal. Roleplay was a fun one, biting is a real kink for so many people - who knew? - and now the current approach which is an amalgamation of past methods - seduction and pleasure followed by feeding.” He finishes his account of vampiric blood sourcing by licking his lips, his fangs hidden from your view. 
If you hadn’t seen them plunged into the neck of the now deceased man in your entryway you could be fooled into thinking that the man sitting across from you was just that, a man. But you had seen them and you knew they were real. You also knew the telltale signs of an impatient man and Baekhyun was most definitely impatient. 
For an immortal being who could remain as still at the night he was fidgeting and tapping his glass more than any vampire should. Whether it was hunger or something else causing it you didn’t know. The erratic movements were unsettling and causing your nerves to return. His gaze pierces yours as he waits.
You set your drink on the floor and stand, moving your arms behind you as you unzip your skirt, letting it fall to the floor, revealing a small amount of flesh at the top of your thighs, your garter belt and stockings covering most of the unveiled skin.
You hear him inhale, something he does not need to do. “You’re just going to leave it on the floor like that? Little one, it will crumple.” His voice is rough as he chides you.
You smirk and turn away from him before giving him what he wants. You step out of the skirt, bend at the hips and collect the discarded piece from the floor. You can feel his eyes on your ass as you bend forward, leaving little to the imagination. Only a small strip of fabric prevents him from your sex.
After you place your skirt on the back of the chair, on top of the jacket, you sit. Your brain doesn’t register the movement but before you can cross one leg over the other Baekhyun is there, kneeling between them, his hands on the uppermost part of your thighs where the skin is exposed. 
“You,” He growls. “do not know the fire with which you are playing with.” You can see the tips of his fangs now. Your body betrays you as you feel heat and want rushing to your core and your eyes close. His fingers trace patterns into your thighs, ghosting near the edge of your panties and down your inner thighs which only builds your arousal. 
“You’ll beg for me to fuck you before you’re fully undressed little one. Why deny yourself what we both know you desire?” He grazes his fangs along the column of your neck as your core clenches around nothing. 
When you open your eyes he is back in his seat swirling his drink like he had never moved. The absence of his touch left you wanting. Your stubbornness is the only thing keeping you from rushing through your questions because Baekhyun is not wrong, you want him - badly. “Are you going to kill me?”
He cocks his head as he ponders your question. “Honestly haven’t made my mind up yet. Before this current bargain I was just going to fuck you and drain you, the only variable there being if I let you enjoy it or if I let you feel pain. Now… I’m not sure. You might be interesting enough to keep alive for now. It all depends really.”
Your fingers expertly undo the buttons of your blouse and you shrug out of its sleeves, leaving you clad only in your underwear and heels. “On what?” You ask. The lines of this little ruse are starting to blur for you. The original plan to keep Baekhyun talking in order to reach sunrise is fading, leaving only images on the vampire taking you every which way, giving you pleasure you could only dream of. 
“On you little one.” Baekhyun’s voice comes from directly behind you. You feel his hands moving down your sides, one snaking between your legs and gripping your inner thigh and the other splayed over your stomach. You feel his fangs drag over your throat and you shudder. “You might just convince me.” You feel his presence disappear and know without turning around that he is no longer standing behind you. You can feel where his hands were on your body, the ghost of his touch remaining. 
As you look around you can’t spot him anywhere. You know he’s still in the house because why would he leave now? You make your way to the various rooms in your home as you search for the vampire but he is nowhere. You start to feel frustration overtaking your lust as you call out. “Baekhyun! Where are you?” 
His voice sounds from a room that you had already checked, your bedroom. “This game needs to continue in another room little one.” You make your way back upstairs to your room as he speaks again, his voice closer this time. “You are far too indecently clothed to be in a sitting room.” 
As you enter the room you see him leaning against your bedpost, his eyes roaming your body. Your ears register the sound of him moving past you but your eyes do not. The door closes behind you and he appears to have not moved. The fear inside you spikes back up as you witness a modicum of his power. You’ve been toying with him when all along he could just snap you like a twig.the thought terrifies you but you try to push your fear down. It will not help you now.
You saunter towards the bed only for him to hold up a hand and stop you. “I believe you asked a question little one. You know the rules.” Left with only a few options you step out of your heels and continue towards the bed.
By your count you have three questions left before this little game ends and you plan to use them to ensure that whatever happens after doesn’t hurt you and might just lead to you keeping your life. You aren’t going to bother with asking more about his past. You are pretty sure you know enough, he’s been undead for quite some time but from looking at him you would guess that he was in his 20’s when he was turned. He can be cruel - you have not forgotten the madman he compelled earlier - he is determined, overconfident, smug, impatient and alluring and he has made you crazed with lust. 
“How do you want me?” you ask sultrily as you reach the foot of your bed.
Out of the corner of your eye you see him remove his jacket and place it over the chair at your dresser. His shoes and socks are next, then he starts to unbutton his shirt as he moves behind you. You can feel him standing behind you but he does not touch you. He lets the anticipation build, he knows this game has almost reached its end, he is one step closer to getting what he wants from you.
“Naked and wanting.” He confesses. “Reveling in the pleasure I give you, begging for more.”
Your bra drops to the floor, making him groan. “And what will you do to me?” You ask, before he can say anything to alter your train of thought. Your mind is set on one path and one path only now. You want him. You want him to make you forget that you were ever afraid of him, that he ever posed a danger to you, that he is anything more than an incredibly attractive man with eyes only for you.
“Everything.” He whispers in your ear. His hands cup your breasts, fingers lightly pinching your nipples. “I’ll make you feel pleasure like you’ve never felt before. Make you beg for me to never stop fucking you, for me to bite you. And I will, once you beg for it.”
A moan escapes your throat, giving away just how aroused you are. Your hand brushes against his crotch as you move to undo your garter belt and you feel how hard he is for you. He stops your hand and completes the action for you, sliding the stockings down your legs and off your feet. He spins you and pushes you down onto the bed, removing the shirt from his shoulders and undoing his pants as he kneels at your feet. 
“Why me?” you manage to say as you watch him undress, your eyes taking in the lean planes of his body. He wasn’t wearing underwear you muse as your eyes are drawn to his cock, hard and waiting to enter you. His eyes follow yours and he grins when he realises where their gaze has not wavered. Shuffling back of the bed far gracefully than he has any right to, he moves back into a standing position so that he can remove his pants. 
Fully naked, he moves back to his position between your legs. “What’s the point of being immortal if you deny yourself the simple pleasures in life?” he responds as he kisses your ankle, before moving up your calf, to your thigh, hip, breast, neck before finally reaching your lips. “I find beauty in the night and I take what I want. Right now, that is you.”
His lips crash into yours in a kiss that is so desperate that you don’t register the ripping of your panties until you can feel him, all of him flush against your skin. His body doesn’t emit heat, rather it is cool to the touch but it isn’t a bad feeling. Rather it is refreshing in comparison to how hot you feel. His mouth works against yours, the lip ring providing a new sensation for the kiss.
When he breaks the kiss to allow you to breathe you see the dark fire in his eyes, his desire palpable. “You’re mine now little one. I told you your game was futile, that you would give in to me and here we are, your wet little cunt begging for my cock. Do you think you deserve pleasure after how long you made me wait?”
“Yes.” you breathe.
He looks amused. “Oh? And why is that?”
“I was scared of you. There was no desire to let you in before we talked more but now, now I want you even though I know part of the truth about you. You said it was better if the other person was willing, well, now I am.” You laid out the truth for him. You were no longer scared of him even though you knew he could still inflict the worst pain imaginable on you and kill you. What you felt now was desire so strong that nothing, not even fear of death, could break through.
He grinned, baring his fangs to you. “You, my dear, have proven to be far more interesting than I gave you credit for. There is one thing I didn’t tell you though, something that will make what is about to happen much more pleasurable for you. Vampires can direct the blood flow of any body that they are in contact with. You think you want me now? Wait until you feel as though you’re on fire, your skin burning with need as I taste you. You’ll beg me to drink your blood from wherever I please. And I will.” 
You shuddered at his words. Desire pouring through you, making you feel as though you were drugged. “Kiss me.” The words left your mouth without any thought. Baekhyun leaned down and his lips closed over yours gently, seeing if you were going to try and get away from him. When he realised that you weren’t going anywhere he intensified the kiss, increasing the pressure and igniting your senses. 
He ran his tongue along the seam of your lips until you opened your mouth, allowing your tongues to work against each other. You could feel his fangs grazing your lip but it did not scare you, rather it made you want more. His hands roamed your body as the two of you kissed, teasing your nipples and brushing near your core, never where you wanted the friction the most. 
“Please” you moan.
“What do you want little one?” he teases.
“Touch me.” His hands grip your thighs, spreading your legs wide for him. You try to roll your hips, desperate for any sort of friction but you don’t achieve the contact you’re after. You whimper as the frustration builds. You want him to touch you so badly, you need your release and soon.
“Patience little one.” He chuckles. “As flattering as it is to see just how badly you want me, I want to savour this. His eyes drift down. “You look delectable.” He shifts his body down the bed so that his face is level with your dripping centre. 
He slowly drags his fangs from your thigh, up your leg, and moves over your centre, to the other thigh. The sensation makes you whimper as you try to grind your hips, but he holds you down with his hands as you try to find some friction to help you along. “Please” You breathe.
Smirking he moves back to where you need him the most, flicking his tongue against your clit. Your mind goes blank at the sensation as he repeats the motion, deepening the pressure he’s applying until you moan loudly. If anything, it only serves to spur him on, attaching his lips to your clit as his tongue presses and swirls around it. Your hips would have been bucking into his face if he wasn’t holding you down.
He pauses for a moment to confess “You are fucking delectable, I could do this all night.” before resuming his feast. You bite your lip as he rolls his tongue against you, his fangs lightly grazing your clit and sending a whole new wave of pleasure flowing through you. You never expected his fangs to draw such a response from you but you felt yourself moan louder every time they grazed over your clit. You could feel his eyes watching you as he pleasured you, taking in every reaction and building his actions on that. Your arousal builds as he alternates the pace and pressure of his tongue, and increases the feel of his fangs against you. 
“Fuck” you whimper. The sensations are building too quickly and you can feel your release approaching with haste when he detaches his mouth from you. You look down at him and he smirks at you before you can utter a complaint, not breaking eye contact as he pushes one then two fingers into your wet heat. 
You can’t stop yourself from moaning his name as he starts to move his fingers back and forth in a steady rhythm. “You like that?” he growls as you clench around his fingers. “Little one, you are so wonderfully wet. Just for me. You love it don’t you? You love how my fingers feel, how my tongue feels and most of all you love how my fangs feel against your clit. Don’t you?” His pupils are so dark and blown out with lust as he lowers his skilled mouth back to your bundle of nerves.
The combined sensation of his long fingers, skilled tongue and sharp fangs become too much for you. He moans against you as he works, curling his fingers inside you and fluttering his tongue against your clit. You writhe on the bed as he increases his speed to a level that a mere human could never achieve and right before your orgasm hits, he sinks his fangs into you. The pleasure was so intense, so overwhelming that you sobbed his name as he helped you ride out your high. You were too far gone to realise that he was tasting you, really tasting you now that his fangs penetrated your flesh. You felt no pain, only white hot pleasure. 
When he released you he looked up at you, mouth and fangs dripping with a mixture of your juices and blood. Your body still tingles with aftershocks of your orgasm and you feel like you’re on fire. You should be spent but you only want him more. 
God you wanted to him to fuck you.
He flips you over, positioning you on your knees. He grunts as he enters you in one fluid motion. He meets no resistance given how ready you were for his cock. He grips your waist tightly as he sets a brutal pace, the only sounds in the room are of skin hitting skin and cries of pleasure. 
“You fit my cock perfectly. Look at how much you want this, at how badly you want a vamp to fuck the life out of you.” He grunts in between thrusts. 
“Baekhyun. Fuck” You moan when he hits your g spot. 
You had never felt pleasure like this before. You’d had great sex before but this was on a level of its own. Baekhyun had had an unknown amount of time to perfect this act and hone his skills and he was not disappointing. He moved between a pace that felt more like what you were used to and then a pace faster than you could have ever imagined. 
“This.” He growled, “Is how a vampire fucks you.” and lifted your body up so that it was flush with his, tilting your head so that your throat was exposed for him. He ran his tongue along your neck, making you moan deeply as you recalled the feeling of his fangs.
“You want it don’t you?” He asked as he pounded into you. “Want me to sink my fangs back into your flesh as I fuck you?” You couldn’t form words to respond to him, only moans of want and pleasure. He grazed his fangs along your neck and you writhed against the touch.
His fangs pierced the skin of your neck and the sensation barreled you over the edge. Everything was heightened and a feeling that you had never experienced before flooded your system. You felt full, alive, and like you were about to explode. You shuddered and cried out as your orgasm ripped through you harder than last time as Baekhyun chased his. 
The last thing you saw before you blacked out were his eyes, now a deep red as he stared down at your form and smiled. “I think I’ll keep you.”
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wordywarriorwrites · 4 years
Chapter 9: On the Run
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Masterlist: The Boss of Brooklyn A03 Link Author: @wordywarriorwrites Summary: When it comes to being The Boss, James Buchanan “JB” Barnes rules with an iron fist. For him, there’s no room for sentiment, and certainly no time for distraction, even if it is in the form of an old flame. Steve Rogers had bowed out of the life a long time ago, but a twist of fate brings him right back into the fold, and face-to-face with a man he once loved. When a game of cat and mouse turns into a matter of life and death, both will be forced to decide whether they’ll be loyal to the business, or faithful to each other. A/N: Bucky Barnes Mob Boss AU. Stucky. For: Star’s Multi-Fandom Follower Celebration & Sherry’s Fall Into You Challenge. Warnings: Language, violence, drug use, alcohol, smoking, explicit sexual content, illegal activities.
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Instead of sticking to terms, Nick Fury was going for a hostile takeover.
It was a breach of contract, but from a business standpoint, it was the smart play. Hell, Bucky planned to do the same thing in the future, but the situation had gone tits up before he got the chance to put his own plans in motion.
They’d all agreed to the terms of the treaty, but as soon as Fury got back to his home turf, he unexpectedly declared Steve wasn’t the right man to handle their combined interests, and refused to work with someone he “no longer deemed trustworthy.” The Families didn’t have an alternate person who knew both businesses, and without Steve as a diplomat and go-between, the truce became strained.
In in an effort to maintain order in Brooklyn, dues were increased, funds were redistributed, and territories were rearranged. Tightening both the reigns and the purse strings helped for a while, but when people learned trade suffered because an outsider was badmouthing one of their own, they made their displeasure known.
It didn’t take long for whispers of disapproval to turn into deafening roars of outright dissent. The nature of the business had changed, but the foundation and principles had remained the same. In their world, unsubstantiated accusations still brought out visceral impulses, and after Sam went down, the gloves came off.  
Bucky had Natasha and Bruce investigate and they’d both arrived at the same conclusion: Steve and Sam had been loyal and all roads led back to Fury. He’d been the origin of the treason rumors, was behind the unsanctioned hit, and wanted Steve cut out so he could wrest control and poach from their joint revenue streams.
The situation reached critical mass after the funeral. Sam had been in the ground less than an hour when another attempt was made. Steve had been ambushed and almost killed in the middle of his own living room, and not long after, Bucky learned the Families private homes had also been compromised.
Bucky knew it was only a matter of time before Fury tried again, and once the Families realized he was gunning for them all, everyone agreed to batten down the hatches and move to undisclosed, more secure locations.
The hotel suite he was holed up in offered privacy, security, and best of all, a well-stocked bar. Yet, even with the creature comforts, Bucky still felt feel like a caged animal. He really needed to get his house in order, and so far, no easy solution had presented itself, and the booze wasn’t helping.
“If you want to take Fury out, you’re going to need to do it from the inside,” Natasha opined over FaceTime. “You need to turn his crew, and in order to get to them, you have to go through Steve.”  
“If he rallies Brooklyn and manages to get Fury’s people on his side, allegiances will be divided, and there will be mutiny here and abroad,” Bucky argued. “I can’t fight a war on two fronts.”
“You’ve always been stubborn, but I never knew you could be so ignorant.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Natasha leveled him with a hard stare, “Steve’s calculating, but he’s stalwart. You’re alive because he’s still in love with you, and that’s why he won’t ever betray you or try to oust you.”
Bucky sighed and poured himself another drink, “For the record, he’s not in love with me. And Steve may be steadfast, but he’s also unforgiving and prone to petulance.”
“Look, if you just apologize and set aside your ego, the two of you could--”
“My ego isn’t the problem,” he interjected. “And in case you’ve forgotten, his goon squad beat the shit out of me, and he left you for dead in an alley.”
“And in response, you had our guys torture him for a month. Then, you took away his choices, his money, and his freedom,” she retorted. “The time for posturing and tit-for-tat is over. If you don’t get Steve back on our side, our people won’t fight, Fury will bury us, and it will be your fault.”
Before Bucky could formulate a response, Natasha brusquely told him to, “get his fucking shit together,” and then, ended any further discussion of the matter by cutting off the call.
Partnering with Nick Fury had been a calculated risk, but Bucky could have never foreseen it going bad so quickly. The harsh, bitter truths Natasha voiced were difficult to face, but deep down, Bucky knew she was right. The wisest course of action would be to bring Steve back into the fold, but given everything that had happened, mending fences would be easier said than done.
Too exhausted to think about it anymore, Bucky texted his security detail, and let them know he was turning in for the night. He’d just started to undress when a response came through; thinking it was one of the men bidding him goodnight, he ignored it, but when his cell rang and one of the guards in the suit adjacent suddenly began pounding on the adjoining door, he knew something wasn’t right.
A rhythmic candace. Sharp, loud, repetitive snaps.
The sound was all too familiar and made the hairs on the back of Bucky’s neck stand on end. Instinct and a flood of pure, high-octane adrenaline made him reach for his own weapon at the base of his spine. He could hear muffled, indistinct voices; see the doorknob being rattled; feel the grip of the gun against the palm of his hand; taste the fear and whiskey on his tongue.
Knowing he was next, he bolted for the exit, and looked through the peephole. When the hallway revealed itself to be empty, Bucky slipped the chain back, flipped the deadbolt, and opened the door.  Both guards stationed just outside were down, and as he continued onward, the bodies kept piling up.
The culprit had taken them out one-by-one and managed to get into the suite next to his without raising any suspicion or alarm. Everyone had erred on the side of caution and the Families hadn’t revealed to each other or anyone else where they were hunkered down. If he was being targeted, it meant someone on the inside had sold him out.
A strange sound drew his attention away from his thoughts and back to the task at hand. When he approached the elevator, he saw the doors opening and closing, but a pair of legs sticking out from the inside prevented them from shutting all the way. Bucky didn’t know how many enemies there were or where they were all located, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to stick around to find out.
A flickering exit sign pointed toward the stairwell, and he hastily made a beeline for it. Twelve flights and another door saw him out of the hotel and onto the street. Without his phone, wallet, and keys, he had no way of reaching out to anyone or getting away quickly. Exposed, alone, and with the enemy on his tail, Bucky had no choice but to start walking.
Gun low and pressed to his thigh, he crossed the street, and made it about two blocks before a black SUV, headed fast in the opposite direction, suddenly pulled a U-turn right in the middle of traffic. There was absolutely no way to outrun a car, which meant he had little choice but to duck into the nearest alley.
Sweat pooled at the base of his spine and his pulse thudded in his ears, but he remained silent, and waited. The vehicle pulled right up to the sidewalk, but nobody got out. The tinted window on the front passenger side was lowered, which prompted him to ready his weapon.
Bucky was a hairsbreadth away from firing when the high beams were flashed and a familiar voice yelled his name. As he warily approached, the back door was thrown open; the interior lights came on and revealed Bruce riding shotgun, Natasha at the wheel, and none other than Steve Rogers in the seat behind her.
With the threat of death imminent, Bucky didn’t hesitate, and as soon as he was in, Natasha hit the gas, and drove like a bat out of hell.
“How did you know?” he asked.
Bruce turned around in his seat, “Ever since Sam was killed, I’ve been monitoring all communications, but there are a lot of phones and a lot of people. Fury managed to get to one of your guards. I just didn’t see it until it was too late.”
“And him?” he prompted, nodding his head toward Steve. “Why is he here?”
“Steve knows Fury’s playbook,” Natasha voiced. “He’s here to help.”
Bucky let out a sound of frustration, “You shouldn’t have involved him.”
“You want me gone? Fine,” Steve mumbled lowly. “Pull the fuck over.”
Bruce shook his head frantically, “Bad idea.”
Natasha glanced in the rearview mirror, “You’re in no condition to be out on your own.”
When the vehicle entered a tunnel and the car’s interior was flooded with light, Bucky instantly understood why Bruce and Natasha didn’t want to dump Steve on the side of the road. The evidence of Nick Fury’s brutality was on every inch of visible skin, and the sight of Steve’s injuries made his gut twist.
One eye swollen shut and the other bloodshot. Brow and cheeks marred with stitched up cuts. Jaw extremely distended. Bruises on his arms that hadn’t even begun to heal. Steve was pale and sweating, and his harsh breathing indicated there was probably something even worse going on beneath the clothes. A lesser man wouldn’t have been able to withstand the agony, never mind be upright, but Steve wasn’t like most men.
Ram-rod stiff. Vacant countenance. The composure and comportment of a soldier.
He may have been bloodied, but Bucky knew not to mistake it for weakness or surrender, and the cold, deadly look in his eye suggested he wasn’t going to let a few cuts and bruises prevent him from getting even.
Everyone in Brooklyn was baying for blood, including Steve, and war was inevitable.
Nick Fury started it.
And Bucky had a sinking feeling Steve would be the one who finished it.
Chapter 10: Behind Enemy Lines
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Everything: @jennmurawski13​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​
Steve Rogers: @patzammit @hearttoearth​ The Boss of Brooklyn: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @captain-rogers-beard
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thecozywhaleshark · 5 years
Pocket Monsta X - Beach Day
A/n: After seeing how happy Pocket Monsta X and Pocket BTS made people, I’ve decided to make it into a series. Now enjoy bringing your favorite pocket to the beach :)
(Please keep in mind Pockets are about the size of a mouse and should be carefully watched. Public places are specifically dangerous for them)
likes to watch the waves come crashing in on the beach
long walks
follows the crickets
tries to wrestle one
if he succeeds in catching one he will want to proudly bring it back to you and show off his prize
afterwards will release it though
prefers to take these walks with you but will go by himself
starts up a mini beach volleyball game
ends up being just him and pockets Minhyuk, Jooehon, and Wonho for the most part
will join Kyun swimming laps
likes to dive into the tide pools and see how deep he can go
thinks he can hold his breath longer than he actually can so watch him
has a lot of fun surfing with pocket Wonho until it breaks
is the brains behind the raft they make
just call him Captain Nunu for the rest of the day he will be so happy
big eye smiles all day
will skip next to you when you take him to get a slushy
blue raspberry please
blue like the water only makes sense
attempts to make a surfboard
he and pocket Shownu try to see who can stand up first and catch the most waves
both of them lose that competition
and by that i mean
both have to be rescued many times by their moms
so moms take away their surfboards 
when that fails, they build a raft
asks pocket Minhyuk and Kyun to go with him
they crash immediately almost every time 
but that doesn’t stop them from doing it again
you will have to keep an eye on their escapades so they don’t injure themselves or drown
will only stop when the raft is completely wrecked or one of them swallows too much water
wears Dora the Explorer arm floaties
will spend hours making sand animals and naming them 
will cry when he has to leave them at the end of the day
leaves them some of his snacks so they don’t go hungry when he’s gone
gives each a kiss on the top of their heads
waves bye-bye to the ocean once he gets in the car
will come to you at midnight crying because he misses the sand alligator he built and named Chompy - worries that he’s cold
yelling as soon as he gets there
put him down and he’ll run all the way to the water screaming at the top of his lungs
he runs straight into the water with no regard for his safety
swallows too much water right away
you have to get him and put him back on the sand so he can cough it up and breathe properly again
has a flamingo water tube to float in
wears humungous white cat-eye sunglasses and refuses to take them off for any reason
loses them in the ocean on one of the raft crashes
carries snacks around with him the entire time 
comes back when he finishes it for another
if you say no he will steal it when you’re not looking
spoils his dinner
tries to prank the others at the beach
comes up behind them randomly to try to push them in the water
wraps his towel around his shoulders and zooms around pretending he’s Superman
attempts to climb the sand dunes
will use the confiscated surfboard from Wonho and Shownu as a sand sled
takes pocket Jooheon with him
sand sled competition
when it gets too hot will head back to his floatie and just sit there for a long time, kicking around
lets others borrow it
dives under the water to grab the ankles of the other pockets and freak them out
pretends he is a shark using his hands to scare pocket Kihyun 
falls asleep when you are carrying him back to the car
helpful pocket
helps you straighten out the beach towel and make sure the umbrella is upright 
can’t actually help that much due to his size but praise him anyways
wears his suspenders and bow tie to the beach except they’re on a short sleeve button down and khaki shorts
will hand you his bow tie to go play
make sure you keep it safe
rainbow propeller hat
will take off sandals to go stand ankle deep in the water but goes no further
so hesitant to go into the water
“momma are their piranhas” 
“no baby”
“are you sure there are no piranhas”
basically baby Tantor in Tarzan
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allows himself to go up to his knees 
cue pocket Jooheon running past yelling “BUT THERE ARE SHARKS!”
screaming Kihyunnie 
will not go back in unless you cup him in your hands and place him gently in the water
like a little sitting pool in your palms
splashes the water happily with his hands
screams when he sees a big wave coming and doesn’t think you’ll pick him up fast enough in time
lots of cuddles when you get home
just wants to lay on the beach and read
finds the waves calming
but also will really need to pee
all the time
many bathroom runs
will prefer to stay under the umbrella on top of the cooler with his own little beach towel
where he can sip his juice box in shade and in peace
sits in the sand and stacks seashells
occasionally wanders off to look at the sandcastles the other pockets are building and throw shade at them
will hold his foot over the other’s sandcastles and slowly lower it amidst the protests and screams then last minute move his foot away and run away laughing 
will go explore the weeds on the sides of the beach for the little yellow and white flowers
will bring them back to you
can go farther into the ocean than the others can bc long limbs
pretends to be a mermaid 
will want to be wrapped up like a burrito when he comes out all wet
races pockets Kyun and Minhyuk to the water
is awed by the raw power of the waves crashing on the shore
screams at it 
does. not. stop. running. around
busy busy busy
has a bright red Hawaiian shirt
brings a stuffed animal with him to the beach
you have to put it in your bag so it doesn’t get wet
begins making not a single sand castle but a city
buries his own legs in the sand 
digs down deep until he reaches mud and covers his entire body in it
tries to give people hugs like this
especially pocket Kihyun because he is wearing his white shirt
you will have to step in and wash him off 
does aegyo for you to forgive him
still gets a time out
throws seaweed at the other pockets
gets another time out
picks a fight with a seagull to steal a french fry
is determined to climb on it’s back
is fighting the air with all limbs when you pick him up by the back of his shirt and put him on your shoulder
falls right asleep after a warm bath from exhaustion
wears his black hoodie to the beach because he is s t u b b o r n
eventually realizes this is a bad idea and will let you put it in your bag
wants to go exploring
has his own stick that he swings around while he does
finds a dead fish and pokes it with said stick
excited about his find
pocket Minhyuk comes over and stares, gets a mischievous glint in his eyes... “hey Kyunnie, have you ever heard of the tale of Jonah?”
both Kyun and Min slowly look at an innocent Kihyun playing in the sand
pocket Shownu catches on and has to interrupt them trying to drag Kihyun over to stuff him inside 
will play king of the mountain with Minhyuk and Jooheon on the dunes
sets about making an elaborate mini castle
spends a lot of time digging the moat
wants a trench to get the water into it
you’ll have to help him with that using your finger
cheers when the water rushes in
he will want to swim
dives all the way in
gleefully splashes around and swims laps
make sure he does this in like a puddle of water because he might get swept away by the waves 
will want flippers 
will try to walk on the sand on them
will make little quacking noises with every step
lets pocket Joo borrow them to try to be one with the seagulls 
will ask for fish sticks for dinner
wants to eat in front of the tv and watch Free Willie
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mercutial · 5 years
A More Wholesome Take on Victor Vallakovich
Hey guys! I hadn't found any deeper interpretations that made Victor out to be particularly wholesome, so here's the version I'm using in my campaign.
I've read u/guildsbounty's post on Victor, and while I love it because it fits in so well with the gothic horror themes, my party had already become friendly with Victor and he had already been established as a mild-mannered guy who didn't really have an aversion to people in general, mostly just timidity.
I've borrowed elements from u/MandyMod's fleshed out version of the Vallakovich household - the parts about Vargas and Lydia neglecting Victor emotionally for pretty much his entire life.
Vargas has avoided contact with Victor out of fear of being abusive like his own father was to him, and Lydia is no more than a brainwashed peanut. They don’t really bother socializing him with people outside of the household either... so Victor has been deprived of healthy human relationships. To pass the time, he read all of the books in his father’s library, which were mostly old histories and a few on philosophy, passed down from his great-grandfather. 
In lieu of human relationships, Victor has always loved cats. Cats are the closest thing he's had to companionship. He understands their need for space, their fickleness, and he loves it when he can finally earn their affection.
His first cat he found as a stray kitten and named it Twinkle, because as a child he read a book that talked about stars in the night sky, and how they “twinkled”. Being a Barovian, he had never seen a clear night sky before. So he named his cat after the sight he wished he could see, out in the free and open world beyond the mists.
However, Twinkle met an untimely end. (You can decide whether this is caused by the Wachter boys, either accidentally or intentionally, or if Twinkle was killed by an accident or rabid dog or something.) Victor was devastated. He refused to bury Twinkle, keeping the cat’s decaying body in a chest in his room until a maid noticed the smell and freaked out, prompting his parents to make him bury Twinkle in the garden. Later he went and dug up the grave in secret and took the body back to the attic. He never buried it, even after the body rotted away, leaving only the skeleton, which he kept hidden in an old toy chest.
He had read in a book somewhere of a mage who had been able to raise animals and people from the dead. Surely that was possible? Some of the travelers who came through Vallaki from were capable of magic. Driven by the promise of possibilities, he acquired spellbooks and books about magery, scouring them for knowledge. His two focuses: magic to raise the dead, and teleportation out of Barovia.
Eventually through numerous trials and errors, he figured out how to perform simple raisings. Despite the fact that Twinkle was now a mere skeleton, when Victor attempted to raise Twinkle, it was an undeniable success. The little feline skeleton picked itself up off the ground, turned to face him, and rubbed up against his leg just as it had always done. He was overjoyed.
His teleportation experiments weren’t so successful, however. The incomplete diagrams that he had acquired were not enough for him to complete a working teleportation circle. No matter what he did, the countless circles he drew in chalk, in ashes, in blood all remained inert.
Around a year and a half before the campaign started, Lady Wachter began to push her agenda of attempting to wed Stella to Victor, likely due to her husband’s recent death. Victor and Stella had met a few times in the past, but neither had really been made to interact. But now Lady Wachter began bringing Stella over for tea, “accidentally” bumping into Victor the few times he was out and about, and insisting that she and the Vallakoviches leave the two alone to talk on their own.
At first, Victor was resistant to the forced interactions. He had always been shy around people, and occasionally mocked or at least stared at, and so always tried to limit his time with other people as much as possible. But for whatever reason, Stella seemed to take a genuine interest in him. She was a cheerful and polite person, and her well-mannered inquiries into Victor’s daily life and activities grew on him over time. When eventually asked about why he spent so much time indoors in the attic, he dropped his hedging and timidly hinted at his “experiments”. 
To his surprise, she wasn’t put off. In fact, when he admitted that he wanted to find a way to cross the mists, Stella’s eyes grew wide in fascination. Uncharacteristically, she immediately began bombarding him with more questions about what he was doing, how he was doing it, what he had tried. Flustered, he offered to show her.
And so the two of them began to work together on the experiments in earnest. After swearing her to secrecy, Victor brought Stella up to speed on everything he had found – not difficult as she proved to be a quick learner. Lady Wachter and the Vallakoviches were curious at first as to why their children were spending so much time together, but the Vallakoviches quickly lost interest, and Fiona decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Soon it felt to Victor as if progress had more than doubled; Stella’s fresh inquiries and perspective revealed a couple of the faulty assumptions that Victor had subconsciously incorporated into his calculations.
Then at last, a breakthrough! One day, one of their circles came to life and zapped a test mouse away. However, Victor and Stella soon realized there was still some kind of issue with the circle. The various inanimate objects and mice that they zapped through only came back in pieces, and even then only occasionally came back at all. 
The two didn’t give up, however. At this point, several months into their pursuit, they were not only energized by their recent successes, but had also grown close. Perhaps, Victor hoped, as real friends… or perhaps even something more?
He had never really felt this close to anyone before – not his parents, not the servants, and certainly not the other townspeople. In contrast he found himself actually wanting to see Stella again, looking forward to hearing her lively voice, seeing her bright smile at the front door. He had always suspected that the love spoken of in his history books and novels might have a basis in reality, but he had never really felt it to be true until now. His parents’ loveless mess of a marriage, built upon the farce of a happy town they had created, had never come close to the ideal. But what he felt when he saw Stella… perhaps that was what the books meant. And perhaps the shining looks she gave him, the smiles and knowing winks they traded in their parents’ presence, the little inside jokes they had started to develop… perhaps that meant she felt the same way.
They had also begun to open up about things other than their experiments. He learned what she thought of her family – her concerns about her mother, her loving but somewhat antagonistic relationship with her jokester brothers. And he poured out his heart about his parents – how he wondered, after all he’d read in his books, whether something could have been different between him and them.
At one point they made several modifications to their most recent iteration of the teleportation circle. They were no longer receiving body parts of unfortunate mice and rats in return, but they were also fairly certain that the bodies weren’t being vaporized. Perhaps, perhaps they were really sending them elsewhere? But there was no good way to tell. Unless…
The Accident
Stella offered to send herself through the circle. Victor objected vehemently. Hadn’t she seen what happened to some of the things they sent through? It was their first full-scale argument, and it ended in tears and Stella storming back to her house.
Later that night, Victor was awakened by a sound on the stairs. He made it quietly to the door just in time to see someone slipping into the attic. Following, he discovered the intruder was Stella – activating the teleportation circle and stepping into it.
It all happened so quickly. One moment Stella was setting foot into the circle, the next thing Victor saw a blur of fur and realized one of his cats had darted into it as well… and then a flash of light blinded him.
In hindsight, it was lucky that Stella hadn’t been shredded to pieces, sent far away, or ended up with cat-like features or fur. But her mental state was just about as impossible to explain, and Victor was in no state to explain it. Lady Wachter was furious. She immediately took Stella home and locked her away while threatening the Vallakoviches with all manner of consequences she could safely threaten, and all Victor could do was watch miserably, numbly, in utter shame. Couldn’t he have stopped her if he’d just been a little faster? If he hadn’t lingered on the stairs? He should have known, he should have kept the attic door locked. In fact, he never should have introduced her to magic.
Victor had always been reclusive, but after the incident, he often shut himself away for days on end. Tray after tray of uneaten food sat by his door.
Eventually he went back to his attic and his books, but with a new objective in mind: restoring Stella Wachter.
During the Campaign
Stella is the only person who has ever shown that she truly likes Victor. He would feel numb about his parents dying, but if Stella died, he would probably lose all will to live. So she’s basically all he has left. If the party befriends him, he’ll likely ask them to help him find a scroll of Greater Restoration and/or someone who can cast it on Stella (e.g. Rictavio.)
However, even if the party manages to free Stella and find a scroll/caster, Victor will be nervous about restoring her to sanity. He’s afraid that she’ll be angry and blame him for her condition, and she’ll end up hating him… like everyone else in his life. To that end, he’s unsure if he should have someone perform a Greater Restoration on her at all.
And the way Stella is now (if she’s freed and gets to spend time with Victor), at least she’s very affectionate with him. She likes him a lot and wants to be with him all the time. If her sanity was restored, would she still feel that way? He doubts that. Why would anyone like him so much anyway?
Somewhere in the pit of his heart he feels that her former affection towards him was a fluke, or worse, fake. He knows that keeping her from being restored is selfish, but he also justifies it by arguing that it’s far crueler to force someone to understand the bleak world than it is to have them live in blissful ignorance. He feels that she’s probably happier being the way she is now. He feels like he would be. 
So that’s it! Hope this was an interesting take on Victor and gives you a few ideas for how to run him in your campaigns. In mine, it led to an interesting (though a little frustrating) roleplaying scenario between Victor and the party when he started getting cold feet about using Greater Restoration on Stella. Let me know if there’s anything you want me to expand on!
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babyleclerc · 6 years
Always Remember Us This Way
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader
Style: Series (TBD how many parts)
Warnings: Angst, angst, angst! Language, arguing, all the stuff that hurts my soul ‘n tears me apart.
Word Count: 1.2K
Summary: You’ve been friends with Chris since College, but as you’ve gotten older you’re getting tired of the on again/off again dynamic of your relationship. This time, you’re actually breaking up. For good.
A/N: I’m sorry this is so painful, it just came out of me without really trying. I’ve been in a writer’s block for SO LONG, and this is the only thing that I could write. Enjoy. As always, dedicated to the LOML @deartomhardy Sorry in advance if I betray u and ditch this partway through lmfao
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“For the thousandth time, babe, nothing happened.” Chris dragged a hand along his tired features, sighing as he sat on the edge of the bed, staring down at the floor. You’d had this fight so many times before, you practically had the dialogue memorized in your head. He went out drinking with his buddies, paparazzi took pictures of him with some girls at a club, Chris claimed nothing happened, you cried or yelled at him until he apologized, you broke-up or split or “took a break” - whatever the hell that really meant - and then the next week you two were back at it again. In love and happy as could be. As if nothing had ever happened.
But this time, this time felt different. You were okay with the cat and mouse game when you were both in college, running in circles around each other as if it were a marathon. But you were starting to get tired of the sprint. Tired of constantly running.
“Chris,” You start to say softly, understanding that you were changing the direction of the argument by putting the thoughts you hadn’t dared uttered over the past few years into words, “I can’t keep going in circles like this with you. If this is it… this has to be the last time.”
Chris’ soft blues left the raggedy carpet of your shared master bedroom to meet your eyes, looking slightly taken aback. “You’ve said that before,” He started, cautiously.
You shake your head, shifting your weight to the other foot, “I mean it this time, Chris. I want more than to just be your backup plan when things get rough. I’m tired of sitting here, wondering and waiting when you’ll come back to me. Or if you’ll come back to me. I’m tired of the drinking and partying every other night and acting casual. I don’t feel like I even know who you are anymore.” You looked down at your hands, picking at one of your fingernails. “You claim you want a family and kids, and all these things beyond working or acting. But you never talk about wanting that… with me.”
The room was dead silent other than the sound of your heart pounding in your ears. Over the past decades+ of your on and off again relationship, you’d never confronted each other about this. It was always just lurking, like a dark shadow waiting to pounce just when the time was right. But when you were together, there was always an excuse to not bring it up. It was his birthday, or Christmas, or summer was around the corner and you were both having too much fun feeling like kids again. But how long could you both deny the inevitable? How long could you deny that the “fun” was running out, and you weren’t juniors in college anymore, just having a good time?
“I don’t…” Chris’s voice cracked, averting his eyes from yours. He ran a hand through his thinning hair – a nervous tick he had developed during sophomore biology. Ordinarily, you’d smile at the sentiment and memories it rushed back to you, welcoming the warming sensation with open arms. But this time it made you frown – when would be the next time you’d see him do that? Was this the last time?
“Why now, Y/N?”
“If not now then when, Chris? We can’t keep doing this. Relationships have to move forward… and lately I feel like we’re stuck.”
“So, you’re saying that we break up or I propose to you? How is that fair?”
You could hear the tension in Chris’s voice rising and you sighed again, joining him on the edge of the bed.
“I’m not saying you have to propose,” You paused, allowing your eyes to meet his gaze. “I’m just saying that where we are right now, we’re not going anywhere. If we don’t want to be together…” You trailed off, your voice cracking slightly. You took a deep breath before continuing, correcting yourself. “If you don’t want to be with me long-term, then who are we fooling by staying together?”
“Y/n…” He was pleading with you now, his eyes welling up slightly. “I love you, you know that I’ve loved you since the moment that I laid eyes on you. Why does it have to be an ultimatum? Why are you pushing this so hard?”
“Chris,” You also fought to hold back tears as you brought your hand up to rest on his cheek. His skin felt warm against your trembling palm, and you squeezed your eyes shut as a lone tear rolled down your cheek, “You know that I love you, and I always will. But I’m tired, Chris. I’m so tired of being broken up with every other week. I’m tired of us fighting all the time, especially when we’re drunk. This isn’t good for either of us.”
“But babe, we have so much fun together. We’re good together.” You could tell Chris was trying to talk his way out of this, to hold on just a little bit longer. You stood your ground.
“Last night wasn’t good for us, Chris. It wasn’t fun, either. We scream at each other and get irrationally jealous when the other so much as says ‘hi’ to someone else at a bar. It’s not healthy.”
Chris pulled his face from your touch, and you allowed your hand to fall back into your lap lamely. He stood, rubbing a hand along his neck.
“You’re making this sound like we’re in an abusive relationship. For fuck’s sake, Y/N, this doesn’t have to be so serious. We have fun together, I make you laugh. And when we fight it’s not that bad.”
“Not that bad? Chris, every other weekend you’re leaving the house, storming off to God knows where and I’m left here, either sobbing or cursing you out. It is serious. Obviously, something isn’t working between us. And we can’t just keep avoiding it like it doesn’t exist.”
“Then leave.” Chris’s voice was low, but undeniably clear. You felt your heart stop as you looked up at him through watered eyes.
“Wh-what?” You stammered, not comprehending the sudden flip Chris had made so fast.
“Leave.” Chris said again, clearer this time. He moved a few feet away from the door, opening a path to you as his large demeanor towered over you. His muscles were taught against his long-sleeved cotton Henley, twitching furiously as he spoke. “Leave if you can’t bear to be with me any longer. That’s what you want, right? You want the out? Well here I am, giving it to you. Door’s wide open, y/n. Take it.”
“Chris, I…”
He sniffed, eyes glaring at you darkly, “Fucking take it, Y/N. And just like you want, I’m not going to come after you this time.”
You blinked a few times, unable to stop the tears from running down your cheeks as you grabbed your purse off the floor. Without another glance, you shoved past him, slamming the front door on your way out.
End of Part One.
Permanent Tag list: @markusstraya, @punkin-pie-mofo, @hazohazahazbro, @irishprincess9, @jedionironthrone, @aclutteredheadspace, @proud-of-being-me, @disneymarina, @dolangram, @nightcrawler0213, @thejemersoninferno, @xlemon-limex, @sadsmilesforstyles, @sleepylunarwolf, @tomssweetbouquet, @thehotstrangeryoullneverseeagain. @unfortunatelyymuggle, @knockbeforeyouspeak, @jordysgirl87, @fluasch, @tumultuous-love, @sadsmilesforstyles, @taeeemin, @taylorsreputationn, @queenmira29, @esoltis280, @dottirose, @captainrogerrsbeard, @xolilyxo, @cannonindeez, @castellandiangelo, @swimmingnacholover, @ssweet-empowerment, @notmyfault404, @taylorsreputationn, @queenmira29, @esoltis280, @dottirose, @milkshakeslou, @buckybarneshairpullingkink, @thisismysecrethappyplace, @patzammit, @captainrogerrsbeard.
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signs-of-the-moon · 6 years
Moon Rise: Chapter 7
It was sunhigh by the time the apprentices were finished hunting. After a rocky start, the pair managed to get into a groove. By the end of their time in the Forest Patch they caught one warbler, a rabbit, and a mouse each. Chicorynose praised their skills and ordered them to dig up their prey. Together, Swiftpaw and Shadowpaw carried their kill while their mentors led the way home with prey of their own. When they returned back to camp, the patrol placed their prey on the fresh-kill pile.
"Well done, 'Paws," Chicorynose praised. "Deliver that rabbit you caught to the queens. You can bring some prey to the medicine cats if you want. After you're done, go ahead and have a bite to eat yourselves." she touched each of them on the shoulder with her tail tip then dragged the hare she had caught over to the elders den. Shadowpaw dipped his head and picked up the rabbit, dragging it to the nursery, leaving his nubby tailed companion alone in the middle of camp. Thrilled to be left on her own for the first time, Swiftpaw bounced on her paws. She carefully picked up the warbler she had caught and walked over to the medicine den. Cautiously she poked her head inside, pushing past the ivy tendrils that curtained over the the den's mouth to see Mistypaw alone, sitting by the den's back wall. It looked as if she was organizing some herbs. Swiftpaw invited herself in, placing the warbler down at her paws. The strong scent of the herbs made back reel back for a moment, her lips curling in distaste. It took a heartbeat for her senses to adjust enough for her to speak.
"Mistypaw?" She mewed softly, not wanting to startle the other she-cat. Mistypaw perked her ears and turned around, letting out a small "hm?" as she noticed her guest. Her face lit up as she saw the white and black patched molly standing nearby.
"Oh, hello!" she chirped, tilting her head. "Is something wrong? Are you hurt?" worried laced her voice as she took a step forward, sniffing in the other molly's direction.
Swiftpaw shook her head. "No, I'm fine. I just wanted to bring you something to eat. I thought you might be hungry." She pushed the warbler with her paw to present it. Mistypaw purred, rolling up the bundle of herbs she had been putting together before approaching the other molly. She looked down at the bird in front of her, moving it a bit with her paw as if she were examining it.
"Did you catch this?" she asked turning her gaze onto her visitor. Swiftpaw nodded, smiling proudly. "That's amazing! Cats here don't usually catch birds, even though they're pretty tasty. This is a rare treat, thank you!" Mistypaw smiled sweetly and Swiftpaw shuffled her paws bashfully, her own smile never wavering. "Would you like to share it with me? I can finish my work later. We could lay outside the den and share tongues while we eat."
Swiftpaw's gaze met the fluffy silver she-cat's. Share tongues? she echoed in her head. She twitched an ear, dismissing the thought for now. "I would love to." Mistypaw trilled giddily, bending down to pick up the black and white bird. The peppy she-cats padded through the ivy veil of the medicine den and over to a patch of sunlight a couple fox lengths away. They settled down, tearing open the warbler to share. Swiftpaw dug into their meal while Mistypaw plucked a couple of feathers from the dead bird. She expertly placed them on Swiftpaw's head with a soft giggle. She stared, admiring her work. "What pretty plumage you have. They should call you Swiftbird!"
Swiftpaw blinked, turning her eyes upward in an effort to see the feathers. Mistypaw's giggles quickly turned into a mrrow of laughter muffled by her paws over her mouth. Swiftpaw shook her head, sending the feathers gently parachuting to the ground. A tiny feather landed on the white and black patched she-cat's muzzle causing her nose to wrinkle up. She let out a tiny sneeze, sending the little feather on journey to the ground to join the others. Mistypaw leaned over to groom the top of her companion's ear, which startled Swiftpaw. She pulled her head back to look at Mistypaw, flustered.
"What?" She asked. "We're sharing tongues."
So sharing tongues is grooming and talking? Why didn't she just say that? Swiftpaw thought "S..sorry," she mumbled, leaning back towards the other molly. Her pelt burned hot with embarrassment, which she tried her best to hide. Mistypaw purred softly and continued to groom her. If she had noticed Swiftpaw's bashfulness she didn't show it.
"So what did you think sharing tongues was?" The sliver she-cat asked as if she had read Swiftpaw's mind. Were medicine cats able to do that?
"I guess I thought it was just hanging out and talking." She murmured with a shrug. "I still don't know much about clan life yet, it's only my first day." Mistypaw touched her nose to the side of Swiftpaw's ear supportively.
"You'll get the hang of things soon." The black and white patched molly smiled, tearing off another piece of warbler. The two young mollies sat and talked for a while longer after they had finished their meal, making jokes and telling tales about their kithood antics. Chicorynose approached them from the leader's den, where she had gone while the two apprentices were eating. She peered down at the two she-cats, curling up her tail in delight.
"Whitestar wants you to stay in camp the rest of today to learn some things from your new clanmates. Why don't you go visit the elders?" she suggested to Swiftpaw. "They 're the history keepers of the clan after all, you could learn a lot from them. And while you're at it, check their pelts for ticks." Checking the elders for ticks didn't sound like much of an enjoyable activity, but if it was a small price to pay to be better accepted in the clan, Swiftpaw was willing to do it. Mistypaw stood up and headed into her den without a word, leaving the other apprentice to wonder why. She turned her head, looking at the mouth of the den. A few heartbeats later, Mistypaw returned with a piece of moss soaked in a foul smelling substance. Swiftpaw's nose wrinkled in disgust, driving her to jump to her paws.
"You'll need this for the ticks," Mistypaw told her, placing the moss wad down. "After you're done you'll need to wash your paws. But don't get any in your mouth, or you'll be met with a nasty surprise." As the silver she-cat passed on the moss, a familiar cat approached her from the far side of camp. It was Snowfrost, who had returned with a huge bundle of fresh herbs in her jaws. Her fur seemed a bit ruffled, her face written with sternness. She looked as if she had something to say, but refused to put down her supply. The lynx point molly twitched her whiskers, flicked her ears twice, and waved her tail while looking at Mistypaw. Mistypaw's ears lowered slightly.
"I wasn't goofing off, Snowfrost, I swear. I was just eating with Swiftpaw," she mewed in reply, sounding a little guilty. She shot Swiftpaw a glance before turning her eyes back towards the older medicine cat. Again, Snowfrost moved her whiskers, tail, and ears in a strange manner, throwing a couple of paw movements into the mix. At one point she pointed at the herbs she was holding, which made Mistypaw nod. She muttered another soft apology to the older she-cat before turning to Swiftpaw.
"Let me know if you have any trouble with that mouse bile. I'll see you later." And with that, she disappeared into the medicine den again with Snowfrost hesitating just outside. She briefly shot a cold glare at Swiftpaw before following Mistypaw inside with one final lash of her tail. A shiver ran down Swiftpaw's spine and a sensation of something being wrong overcame her for a heartbeat. She shook out her pelt and picked up the bile soaked moss, dismissing the feeling in favor of visiting the elders. She dipped her head to Chicorynose and went on her way. Swiftpaw excused herself as she entered the elders den, in case any cat was busy with something else when she arrived. The eyes of those that were awake turned onto her. Meadowcall and Poppycloud smiled gently at her while another two of the elders gave her a cold stare. Tornface let out a snort, resting his head back into his nest where it was settled before Swiftpaw arrived.
"Ah, Swiftpaw. To what do we owe this visit?" Asked Meadowcall with interest, sitting up from her nest.
"I'm here to help you with ticks?" Swiftpaw replied, her words sounding more like a question than a proclamation. In all honesty, she wasn't exactly sure how mouse bile was supposed to help get rid of ticks, as nasty as it smelled. How was she supposed to do this? She never had to deal with things like fleas and ticks before, especially not on other cats. She was completely clueless about how to get rid of them, but was sure it wouldn't be difficult to figure out.
"Oh great! I've got a nasty bugger stuck between my shoulder blades, and it's driving me batty," a black furred tom groaned, sitting up. His eyes showed tiredness, and his muzzle was beginning to grey. His joints cracked as he stretched and crept out of his wool nest to get a bit closer to the young apprentice. The old tom turned around, showing his back to Swiftpaw. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. "Well? Are you just going to get this tick off of me, or just stand there like an old tree all day?" he growled, his voice gravely with age and impatience. He turned his head around to glare at the patched she-cat, his green gaze baring into her. Swiftpaw shuffled her paws in uncertainty, her fur bristled as she drew closer the tom with caution. Using her nose, she started to part the fur on black tom's shoulders to find a rather large tick embedded into his skin. It looked as if it just about had it's fill of the elder tom, and Swiftpaw didn't see much of a reason to try and use the mouse bile to get rid of it. Instead she reached a paw up, batting at the tick to try and force it to fall off.
"What are you doing?" the tom snapped. "Are you mouse-brained? Use the bile, that's what you brought it for! Unless it's just a tasty little snack for a hungry little kittypet." The old tom's words were spat out like venom, stinging Swiftpaw with the harshness of his tone. Her tail wiggled in annoyance, and anger flared inside if her. But before she could snap at the elder, Poppycloud stood up and hissed at him.
"That's no way to treat the cat who is trying to help you, Smokesnout!" She snarled, ears folding back and fur bristling. She was acting like a queen defending her kit. For a moment Swiftpaw could see the warrior spirit shining inside this now old, frail queen. A wave of inspiration washed her, making her suppress a purr. Smokesnout's long tail lashed violently as he turned his hard green stare onto Poppycloud. Though he seemed angry, a tiny twinge of surprise could be read on his face. Perhaps being so quick to fight was not usually in the old she-cat's nature. The two held each other's gaze for a few tense heartbeats, the air in the den thick with tension. That is until Swiftpaw spoke up.
"No, it's ok. I am being a mouse-brain. I don't know what I'm doing. But I'm at least trying to figure it out. So please, be patient while I try to get the tick off. Or I will leave you to take care of last." She picked up the bile with a claw, wondering what to do. Perhaps the awful scent of the stuff would be enough to force the tick to release its hold on Smokesnout. Firmly, she pressed the moss onto his shoulder blades, pulling it away a short while later to see the tick wiggling with disgust. Swiftpaw took the opportunity to scrape the fat bug off with a claw and squashed it once it fell to the ground. Smokesnout sighed with relief, standing to shake out his pelt. His tail swatted Swiftpaw in the face who let out a hiss in response. Smokesnout let out a soft chuckle, and the young molly wondered if he'd done that intentionally. With a snort, she stood and took the mouse bile over to the next elder, Poppycloud. She checked and cleaned the old she-cat of her ticks then took a moment to groom her with gratitude.
"Thank you," she whispered. Poppycloud purred, touching her nose to Swiftpaw's ear.
"No matter where you come from, or who your kin are, you are one of us now. You are a part of Grassclan and you must not allow anyone to discourage you from believing that." The white and black patched molly nodded and licked the elder queen's shoulder respectfully. After, she moved on to the rest of the elders. Swiftpaw found herself spending the rest of the day with them, sharing tongues and listening to stories. Poppycloud took special care in telling tales of the clan's history while Meadowcall joined her by telling the apprentice about the other modern day clans. Another of the elders, Boulderfall, told funny tales about some of the clan's warriors and how they behaved when they were apprentices. He even recalled a time before Whitestar was leader. Swiftpaw felt like a kit again, listening to tales and having to be told about the world around her. But she was grateful, she didn't feel like much of an outsider anymore. By mid evening, Snowfrost, Goldensong, and Quailpaw came into the den. Snowfrost was rolling a giant ball of wool while carrying some herbs in her jaws. She put her collection down to replace the elders bedding. Goldensong held a shrew in her mouth, delivering it to Poppycloud. Earlier the old golden she-cat had told Swiftpaw that she was Goldensong-and a warrior named Waspwing's-mother. Poppycloud thanked her daughter, licking her on the cheek. The pale golden medicine cat sat talking with her for a moment, worried about how she was feeling. But Poppycloud assured she was feeling fine aside for some aching joints, predicting a coming rainstorm. Snowfrost gave Goldensong some of her herbs to feed to her mother while she went to check on the rest of the old warriors. Swiftpaw noticed that she kept glancing back at Poppycloud and Goldensong as they both ate from the shrew, Poppycloud having more of the share. Quailpaw dragged a huge hare into the center of the den, dropping it in front of the elders with a pant. Hungrily they surrounded it, digging into their dinner while Snowfrost checked them over. Quailpaw then turned to Swiftpaw and reminded her of the time. The white and black patched she-cat rose to her paws and thanked the elders for everything before heading out. She made a quick trip to the medicine den to grab some wet moss to wash her paws and to say goodnight to Mistypaw before she finally went to the apprentice's den. Swiftpaw settled into her nest with legs tucked under herself. She closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. But before she did, she made a promise to herself that tomorrow she would hunt for Poppycloud.
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wearethemusikmakers · 5 years
Been a minute
It's been a while since I wrote anything on here. Life has jus been that up n down roller coaster as usual. Can say I kinda am getting on a better path in a few weeks from now but sometimes it feels like forever when ur still dealing with bullshit outside of work.
Right now tho my spiritual balance is way off. I dont feel that connection I had with God sometimes and I jus feel empty every now and then. I would blame it on SAD (seasonal anxiety disorder) but at the same time I kno theres more to it than that. I also recently split from my ex gf not too long ago which slightly has me on the fritz but not as much. Things between me n her weren't getting any better. After I put us on break in 2018 cus i was feeling our love weakening we jus never really repaired while trying to work things out. But rather than beat a dead horse I allowed her to break us up. She believed we should keep fighting but I don't kno anymore. Would things change or stay the same? Get better or get worse? So I stopped fighting my heart had no more fight left. Another reason why I feel so empty.
Me n her still stay in contact while she's in school but it's not enough time between her school work and job to really meet up or touch base even as friends. Its difficult. I shouldn't be trying to find anyone to fill that void but I never been that kinda guy to jus let LOVE go. I've been in a war within myself. The rebellious side of me is winning on all fronts the good half of me fights wen it is needed I guess.
I've also come to a conclusion of my future circle of friends as to whom will still be around and who will leave me hanging. Basically my old band members and a few others. Sometimes u don't think certain things like money/ fame/ a child will break up a bond that u built with ppl but in the end it always does somehow n ppl are jus shitty. Almost no one calls, almost no one hits u up, they don't want u around them. U would think I was stealing from them or something with the amount of distance they put between me n them. But I plan on recovering as I still have not given up my gifts n talents. I still write, recording is the tough part. Im down to the wire with maybe like 5 or 6 friends in my circle maybe. I wouldn't be surprised if something else stops us from befriending each other. But I pray not. My heart can only take so much more unnecessary loss.
Recently I've come back in contact with an old ex, who by surprise did me in the worst way possible u could do somebody. It's a story for another time I suppose but let's jus say our first go around was one of my most unpleasant. But for some reason I am drawn to her each time she comes back. It doesn't matter how many times she leaves she always appears n I find my way back to her. Thinking maybe she's changed, maybe she's grown a lil more n she has but then there's this constant game of cat n mouse that we play that keeps making me wonder, "why now?". This time around I can feel that I pull her more into being drawn to me jus as much. Perhaps I'm slowly learning to suppress every single emotion and allowing her to come forward more. Perhaps it is the change in her that is also crying out for something different this time. Perhaps I am being led astray into another trap only to be hurt by her again. 5th times the charm I suppose. What's crazy is i now understand why superheroes like Daredevil Batman Spiderman Wolverine and others fall for these beautiful cat like, deadly assassin women in their lives. They bring out something in them that no one else can see. And wen they kno they hurt you they kno how to manipulate ur feelings and make u feel special. They're honest and brutal but yet still care how they affect you even wen they hurt you. They kno you inside out even if u only knew them for a short time. For once I am living in my own fkn comic book. It's crazy but it's true.
I've been trying to take her out of her usual environment because I kno wen it comes to men they don't treat her so fair. Its jus sex wen they need to bust one off. Strictly business. But it's never that way with me. However I don't kno how to take her out of her environment wen she always proclaims to be sleepy. This has happened several times n I'm running out of patience. We go once she does fine. We try again she puts sleep above everything and she barely works. N yet somehow she still begs for me to stay. But what am I staying for? Is it cus I think or hope too much that she will keep her word? Perhaps but all this energy I'm wasting it jus divides my soul even more from who I am supposed to be. I shouldn't be fighting for something like this. Sometimes I keep hoping for truth to reveal itself but this time what is the truth, has she changed or stayed the same? Meaning surprise or casual disappointment. Lord knows.
I jus want an answer so I can move forward or slow down. I need an answer for everything in my life at this moment. Im hoping I get one cus it's been a while since I had one
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askpet-archive · 6 years
PET ep 5
Ari made the we i r de s t noise waking up. i feel bad for anyone who might've heard it as she rolled over. Only to fall on the floor with a 'thump'. She opened her eyes a bit and looked up at the seeing, seeing the clock she had installed up there. 7:30 am. She got to her feet and shook her mouse to her computer, only to see V-Tale had shut off. Seems her entire computer had restarted..woops. She got to her feet and brushed herself off slightly, looking over at the bed, hoping her best friend hadnt woken up by her fall. Era blinks, snapping out of her thoughts when hearing a quiet thump. She proceeds to quickly get out of bed after hearing the noise- What if there's a intruder in the house?? Oh no that'd be bad. She opens her door before walking over to Ari's room and proceeding to knock on it "Heyyy are you okay?" Well Ari, you.. technically woke her up? She was awake anyways, she was just going back to sleep Ari walked over to the door and opened it quietly, giving a yawn first thing "oh- uh. Yea. sorry if i woke you." she mumbled "just fell off my chair-" she paused "-again.." that was some guilt. She chuckled to laugh it off and gave a tiny smile "did you get any, or well..enough sleep?" she asked, lightly patting her friend on the head "No you didn't wake me up it's okay- I was already awake." She blinks, staring at Ari "Uhm,, I think I did? Did you?" "I have no idea when i fell asleep. I walked into my room, watched VT for awhile and woop there i went." she muttered, rubbing her eyes slightly, "so..im not sure. but i mean.. i dont feel tired? like, more tired then normal. i feel normal, i guess." "Well that's good- If you feel normal, I mean- I dunno I'm still terrible with words." She pauses, taking a step backwards "M gunna go downstairs uhm, join me if you want to." She turns around, heading downstairs quietly Ari blinked, was Era okay? Was that normal? She tried recounting the times this had happened before, not remembering any.. She darted downstairs quickly and went and sat on the couch (not ontop of Max luckily), looking outside the window. The sun was up already, darn. Era looked over to Ari "Well that was fast." She blinks, looking over to where Max was sleeping on the couch "How was the talk with the newcomer yesterday?" Era questions, before sitting down on the couch herself "Max? Or Vincent?" she turned to look at her friend, then shrugged "Vincent, im p sure you heard that whole thing. i was kinda shook when i heard gunshots though. And Max seems cool. She watches VT and apparently didnt seem to know we lived right under north carolina. which is interesting. considering we're in south carolina. And she seems really eager about this job." she paused "..Era, you werent like, jealous or anythin were you? You sure acted like it. or was that just salt?" "Oh, well I mean, it's a good thing if she's eager about the job?" Era blinks, "Just my usual salt. I'm always salty over everything." Haha,, Max shifted on the couch, opening her eyes for a second before closing them again, determined to stay asleep. She knew she wasnt gonna stay asleep though. Ari blinked, that was the most obvious lie shes ever heard. "...oh my god you fuckin dork" she snickered slightly "Era your my best friend. aint nobody replacin you. got that?" she poked her friends nose and smiled softly, "besides, i just met this person. you know how my meetings can vary. Pissed, to shy, to overly happy. You had this same reaction with Angy, and me and Ang are just friends. not the bestest friends in all the multiverse." Era sighs "Ahhh, I know- sorry just. Uhm. Weird anxiety things?? But thanks hah." Ari nodded "i understand that..now, um, i do have something not as bright to ask. When are we going up a state to go meet Billy, because like..we kinda need to know our lives. considering our weird 'come back from the dead' issue." Era pauses, looking out towards the window for a moment "Uhm.. We should.. I don't know an exact time but like, we should do it pretty soon considering we don't know how many lives we even have. So, like, around today or tomorrow I guess? It kind of depends." "...Hey lil eavesdropper! we're goin to meet the Acachallas!" she called over to Max, havin known she was awake, before lookin back at her friend "We could do it today but i don't think Vincent wants to go somewhere, Arthur will hit me, Angy will say 'nope' and take a sip of sprite. and i dont want only two of us going, thats hella dangerous. they've got nukes." "..It sounds stupid but, maaaayyybe we could bring Max along? As like.. a test mission? Are you okay with doing that Max?" Max groaned. She felt slightly excited by hearing any of this, but sleep felt like a much better option. She just slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. "I'll do it, sure...." Ari made a snorting noise "that was a lovely noise. Alright" she clapped her hands together "What do you both want for breakfast" if anyone says Macaroni your going to have a very angry mom on your hands "I want ... wwaannntt.. cereal." "Ill eat whatever you got that isnt sausage, honestly.." Ari nodded "got it." off she goes into the kitchen Era blinks, looking over to Max "....." Klondike ears perked up "Thank you for not eating sausage" "??" "Uh, hi...." "Okay before you get confused Max, that's Klondike, a demon we have because of Spop." "Uh, okay...then..." mmm demons, woo, cause thats not gonna keep her up at night "They're friendly enough so don't worry." "I guess.." Sliiiides back into the room. she put eggs and Toast on Max's lap, and set down what looked to be juice on the side table, going over to Era and giving her some frosted flakes cereal™. She glanced at Klondike and rose an eyebrow "do you know what Spop likes to eat because i wanna get somethin ready for when she gets up." Era immediately starts eating her cereal, giving a quiet "Thanks" to Ari Max looked slightly more awake, especially with the food sitting in front of her. "Thanks dude." Piggy shrug "Spop is a strange girl. She likes worms" "...We dont..have worms but. i can make do." she grinned and ran into the kitchen, coming out with a packet of gummy worms, showing them to Klondike "will these do?" she looked back at Max and Era "no problem btw. I make breakfast for everyone alot." "You lied about not having worms" "These arent worms but okay." she went and put the gummy worms on the side table to a chair and then went back into the kitchen, coming out a few seconds later with eggs, toast, and bacon, hiding the bacon from Klondike's view. there she goes, sitting next to Era again. nom nom time "kay, wait. how are we going to explain to the group why we're disappearing. We cant just. poof. We're the leader and co-leader, and Max is a new member." she hummed "We tell them we're going to get a book on how many lives we have and put whoever we trust as leader and co-leader for the time being." "Arthur-" that was immediate, no thought there "Hes been here as long as me, and hes ore responsible then Angy...or. god forbid, Vincent." "Okay well, Arthur is the leader, Angy is kind of co-leader I guess while we leave." Up from Spop's room a frantic scream is heard "WHERE IS MY BEANIE?!!!!" "Alright then. i doubt any of em are gonna get up anytime soon and." she checked the time again, humming "its currently like 2 pm for North Carolins-" she snickered when hering the scream, bursting into uncontrollable laughter, A r i n o Klondike leapt from his place and ran upstairs to help the Spop Ari got up and ran to the closet, opening the door to take out her quiver, and taking a cat earred beanie out of it. Up the stairs she went to go into Spops room "Spop heyy, i still,, uh. had your beanie. oops. Uh. Worms are downstairs on a table if you want to eat" she smiled and lightly tossed the beanie to Spop Spop looked at Ari and caught the beanie "Thank you" ;u; beanie is hugged Ari gave a thumbs up and ran back downstairs "oooh kay. as i was saying. its now 3 pm for the north fucks. So if we wanna get up there it'd be a good idea to get outta the house asap. So.." she shrugged "we'd only be gone for like a day unless we decide to hang out there for awhile. but i doubt we will." "Well uhm. Guess we should pack then. Right now." Era stands up, walking over to where she placed her catbag near the front door, picking it up and putting on her high-heel boots "Okay I'm ready." Max just grabbed her over-stuffed laptop bag and put on her sandals. She literally never had anything more than that. Ari snickered, running upstairs, she came back down with two papers, simply having their deaths and causes written down. "welll, im ready too. Maxi?" she glanced at the other nerdo, putting one of the papers on the table and quickly writing a note for the other PET members "I'm ready, bro." Spop looked at the people about to leave. "You are gonna come back right??" Era walks over to the front door, proceeding to open it "Yep! We'll be gone for around a few hours or so. Maybe a day. Now lets goooo!" Ari nodded "kay, got it. The note just tells them where we're goin, what we're doing, and whos in charge.- Oh, Spop! i almost forgot- uh.." she paused, then blinked "Era, im not leaving my daughter alone with the maniac.s" "There's only one maniac though, shouldn't Spop be safe with Arthur and Angy?" Narrows eyes "Do you really trust Arthur and Angy with Spop?" "Nope." "Spop, you're comin along. Grab Klondike, your worms, and lets go" she muttered, out the door she goes to get the car started "Ok!" She runs off to get what she needs Era proceeds to walk outside too, heading over to the car but not going inside of it yet, waiting for Spop and Max to come out too Spop runs back out with Klondike and her gummy worms Max walked slowly out behind Spop, picking through her bag for something. Era grabs the handle of the car door, flinging it open "Well- lets get in the car, since that's a thing you need to do." She slides into the shotgun seat Max sat on the back right, closing the door and already staring out the window. Spop sat in the backseat next to Max Ari sliiides herself into the drivers seat, putting the papers in the side thing and starting the car. Woop woop roadtrip Era smiles, "Roadtrip start! Ari don't crash the car." Ari chuckled "i wooont" looks abck at Max and Spop "i dont have a drivers license." she warned, looking into the side mirror. Out of the driveway they go Spop looked out the window, fixated on the outside world
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