#Signs of the Moon
signs-of-the-moon · 2 months
Moon High: Chapter 20
Dew dripped from the trees, sunshine reflecting beautifully within them. After a light drizzle in the early morning, the rest of the day promised warmth and light. Moonpaw shook out her pelt to clear it of moisture as she stood alongside several other apprentices.
Sunpaw and his littermates were to one side of Moonpaw. Beside them were Smokepaw, Magpiepaw, Tigerpaw and her siblings. On Moonpaw's opposite side were Blackpaw and Beepaw. They were all standing along the edge of Tree Dome, their mentors on the opposite side. Between the divided groups was Thornberry, pacing around the sandy clearing to give instructions.
"'Paws," he started, "the first things you will be tested on today are your fighting skills. Each of you will be put up against another of your peers, and judged by your mentors as you spar. Winning isn't necessary to pass this part of your assessment. Rather, a good show of what you have learned will determine if you are prepared to move onto the next level of training." The deputy's gaze swept over each young cat as he spoke, an air of authority radiating from his coat. "Moonpaw, you're up first. Beepaw will be your opponent." Thornberry flicked his ear, prompting the named apprentices forward. Moonpaw's heart began to pound in her chest as she stepped forward to meet with Beepaw. Excitement and apprehension began to swirl in the apprentice's belly, causing it to ache and already begin to distract her. I hope I will do well, she thought as she lifted her chin to size up her opponent. Beepaw gave her a surprised look, as if she'd never expected her to act that way.
It wasn't common for cats in Treeclan to size up others in battle, Moonpaw had almost forgotten. But she'd gotten used to the concept because of Hazepaw. It was something he'd told her that Oceanclan warriors did. He said it made a cat appear stronger and more intimidating to a foe, which could throw them off. Especially if the cat doing it wasn't as large or capable as their opponent might be. Moonpaw thought it could be interesting to try for herself, especially since she still wasn't confident in her fighting skills. But it seemed that was the wrong move to make.
Flinching, Moonpaw gave her head a quick dip in apology before moving into a more traditional fighting stance. Beepaw did the same, charging at the other apprentice when Thornberry gave the signal to start. The silver and black tabby was fast, too fast to evade. Moonpaw decided to take the she-cat head on as she came within striking distance.
Moonpaw threw a front paw blow, slapping Beepaw across the jaw. Beepaw recoiled at the hit then threw one of her own, knocking the other apprentice over with her strength. Moonpaw yelped in surprise as the older molly came upon her, trying to force her onto her back. But Moonpaw resisted, kicking out her back legs to trip up Beepaw. With a stumble, the tabby apprentice moved away just enough for Moonpaw to rise. Moonpaw's confidence was growing as the battle waged on, though she could feel the mentors' judgment upon her. With all the strength she could muster, the silver and white molly retaliated and pressed her own weight against the older apprentice. She wrapped her forepaws around her neck and grabbed for Beepaw's scruff; anything to incapacitate her and force her into surrender. Beepaw struggled beneath her denmate and soon fell to the floor, particles of sand and dust clouding around them. Moonpaw continued to push the silver tabby she-cat down, pretending to give her an injuring bite to the back of her neck. Beepaw let out a hiss, and finally went limp beneath her opponent. Moonpaw held her there for a few heartbeats more, until Thornberry called an end to the spar.
"Excellent work, both of you," he praised, prompting Moonpaw to yield her grip and step back. Beepaw rose to her paws with a full body shake. She gave Moonpaw a friendly smile, clearly impressed by the other molly's skills. Moonpaw felt warmth pool in her chest. She was glad to have beaten the older she-cat. More importantly, though, she was glad Beepaw was such a good sport about it.
After dipping their heads respectfully to one another, the two she-cats rejoined their peers at the edge of the tree-crowded hollow. Another pair of apprentices stepped forward; this time Foxpaw and Tinypaw. They both had an air of confidence about them, though Foxpaw seemed more assured of victory than Tinypaw did. Still, the undersized apprentice had determination blazing in her amber eyes, promising a good fight.
Upon Thornberry's signal, the apprentices met with a wave of paws. Tinypaw was the first to strike, at first crouching to the floor before springing up at Foxpaw from beneath his chin. Foxpaw retaliated by throwing blows at Tinypaw's head and shoulders; strikes that would be painful, if the two were to fight with unsheathed claws. Tinypaw however seemed undeterred by the ginger tom's efforts of attack, using her forepaws to wrap around his neck. She tried with all her might to flip the tom over, but to no avail. Instead, Foxpaw flipped her, after grabbing her by the scruff.
Tinypaw was forced to lay belly up. But she smirked, as if this had been part of her plan all along. When Foxpaw moved to feign scratches to her delicate area, Tinypaw countered by swinging all four paws at him. Her hindpaws struck Foxpaw along his throat, while the front pretended to scratch his eyes and nose. Foxpaw backed away with a fake squeak of pain, shaking out his pelt before glaring at his opponent. Tinypaw managed to scramble back onto her feet, arching her back to look more menacing. After a couple heartbeats of posturing, the apprentices met again. Foxpaw made a move to strike, which Tinypaw easily evaded. She ran around the tom's side, aiming to get behind him. Foxpaw whipped around to stop her, swiping again. Tinypaw barely dodged the second blow, rounding the ginger tom again. This happened several more times, until it seemed that Foxpaw was growing tired. She's trying to use her size and speed to her advantage, Moonpaw realized.
Foxpaw was panting at this point, his eyes intensely trained on his opponent. When Tinypaw made her move to go around him once more, Foxpaw had a hard time keeping up. Tinypaw finally succeeded with her plan of jumping on his back from behind. She grabbed his scruffed, trying to force the other apprentice to the floor. She was doing so good! Moonpaw griped internally. Tinypaw knows she doesn't have the weight necessary to push him down.
Then, Foxpaw bucked his hindquarters, throwing Tinypaw off himself unceremoniously. With a shriek, Tinypaw came falling towards the forest floor. But it was calculated, as she kicked out her hindlegs and spun once she landed in front of Foxpaw. Foxpaw's feet were stolen out from under him, forcing the tom to crash to the ground. Again, Tinypaw grabbed his scruff, shoving a paw onto his face. Then, Thornberry called the match.
"Great work. Your choice of moves were unique to say the least. But nonetheless you both did well," the deputy complimented, sending the apprentices back to their ranks.
The rest of the battles went similarly. Flamepaw and Blackpaw were called forward next. They were almost evenly matched, and the spar went on longer than any cat expected. Both apprentices' techniques were aggressive, and Flamepaw accidentally bit his opponent's ear in the heat of their brawl. Though he drew blood, the injury was luckily minor. Still, that didn't stop Thornberry and Thrushmask from scolding the tom for his error. Thornberry decided to call the match after that and sent the toms to stand with their peers again.
Then it was Sunpaw and Magpiepaw's turn. Though he had an extra moon of training over her, Sunpaw was no match for Moonpaw's sister. She won pretty quickly, as Sunpaw had stumbled his way through the fight. He looked a little embarrassed once they were sent back to the sidelines. Moonpaw purred at him, giving her friend a warm smile.
Adderpaw fought against Tigerpaw. The two seemed to have the most fun during their mock battle, throwing witty banter between them as they threw paws and jumped at one another. In the end, Tigerpaw ended up being the winner, which she happily and loudly gloated about before being silenced and sent to sit beside Moonpaw. Moonpaw shouldered her best friend playfully as Tigerpaw giggled at her with glee.
Lastly, Deerpaw was called forward. He was a Code Keeper apprentice, and not meant to know how to fight. But he was expected to be able to defend himself. So, Thornberry called Smokepaw up to face him. The fight was pretty one sided the whole time. Though he wanted to show off his skills, Smokepaw was delicate with Deerpaw. He kept him on the defensive, but left openings for Deerpaw to strike if he wanted. The brown tabby's timid nature got the better of himself though, which gave Smokepaw a clear advantage. He managed to win, but not without feeling some guilt for it. Moonpaw tilted her head for him sympathetically, and Smokepaw gave her a small, regret filled smile in return.
"That brings the end of the battle portion of your assessment," Thornberry decided. "Your next task is to hunt. Bring home as much prey as you can. All will be judged on their technique, form, and speed, rather than amount caught. But- yes, Tigerpaw- you may be given extra points depending on the type of prey you catch. You have until sundown to complete this assignment." Once again Thornberry looked at each apprentice in turn. Blinking slowly, he added; "May the branches hold your weight."
Then, with a flick of his stubby tail, Treeclan's deputy dismissed the group. Adderpaw was the first to take off into the woods, Magpiepaw not far behind. One by one, each apprentice picked their own direction to stalk in. Moonpaw decided to turn around and head west. She'd hunt as far away from the Tree Dome and Treeclan's camp as possible, to ensure she'd find plentiful amounts of prey.
At this time of day, the forest was alive with activity. Birds chittered as they flew from branch to branch, singing their mating songs. The trees slowly blossomed as the warmth of the Newleaf sun shined upon them. Steam rose from the grass underpaw as dew evaporated with the growing heat. Mushrooms overtook fallen logs. Spiderwebs spread like gray film over ferns, and insects buzzed around fresh plant growths. Most importantly the sounds of tiny creatures skittering through the undergrowth made their presence known. Moonpaw opened her mouth to taste the air and see what was available. There was a quail digging about, around two fox-lengths away. A shrew crawled out from it's burrow a tail-length and a half in the opposite direction. But the scent of cat overwhelmed the delectable smell of prey closeby. One of Treeclan's other apprentices was hunting here. I'll have a hard time catching anything with competition around, Moonpaw decided, continuing westward until she could no longer scent any clanmates around.
Allowing the sounds and vibrations of the forest to guide her, the silver and white apprentice closed her eyes; getting a good feeling of the area surrounding her. A twig suddenly snapped nearby, grabbing Moonpaw's attention. An inexperienced young rabbit was making its way through the bushes. Its tiny twitchy nose snuffled through some fallen flower petals, detecting fresh sprigs of grass hidden beneath. It munched on its meal, unbothered, and most importantly unaware of the predator that lurked close by. Moonpaw quickly dropped into a crouch, prowling through the undergrowth with as little noise as possible. Her pelt briefly brushed along some shrubs, drawing the rabbit's attention. It sat upright, staring straight at Moonpaw. But the silver and white molly was too well hidden for its weak eyes to detect. So after another tense heartbeat, the rabbit relaxed and returned to its grazing. Moonpaw let out a silent sigh, then pressed on to close the gap between herself and her prey. When she was only a tail-length away, Moonpaw shot out of the undergrowth and lauched right onto the rabbit. She felt the lilthe creature gasp beneath her as her teeth fastened to the back of its neck. Before it could cry out or feel any suffering, Moonpaw snapped its spinal cord, ending its life. The rabbit went limp in her jaws, and Moonpaw silently thanked Starclan for its life.
After hiding it beneath a thick clump of sticks and mulch, Moonpaw went on to catch a mouse and a pigeon to add to her fresh-kill pile. But the sounds of prey died away in her area after the fact, prompting her to press forward in her search for food. As she stalked along, Moonpaw swore she saw a pair of intense amber eyes observing her through the trees.
Further ahead, a sharp acidic tang passed through Moonpaw's scent glands, nearly causing her to gag. She recognized the smell from one of her first tours of Treeclan's territory. It was the Thunder Path. She must not be to far from it, she figured. Prey would become more scarce the closer she drew. So Moonpaw decided to turn around and hunt elsewhere. But before she left, she spotted Flamepaw nearby, tracking a very fat squirrel. His form was flawless, and he moved as silent as a owl as he stalked. He'll catch the squirrel for sure! Moonpaw bet, tucking herself behind a mulberry bush to watch him make the catch. As Flamepaw readied himself to pounce, a hefty gust of wind kicked up, blowing downwind of him. The fuzzy creature sat up as it caught the scent of cat on the breeze. Its pupils grew wide and it scampered off without a moment of hesitation. Tough luck! Moonpaw pouted.
Flamepaw stood upright as his prey got away, chattering his teeth. His tail lashed with frustration, too. Moonpaw was just about to turn around to allow him to go back to hunting, when she heard a cat hiss out; "What are you doing!?"
Moonpaw jolted, crouching further behind her bush. The cat meowed again, only this time Moonpaw was sure they were addressing Flamepaw. She couldn't see who it was though, nor could she recognize their voice from this distance. The wind was blowing opposite of Moonpaw's direction, so she couldn't scent them either.
"Do you want to fail your assessment?" The cat threatened. Flamepaw shook his head. "Then go after it!"
"But-" Flamepaw whipped his head from the cat, towards his prey's direction, and back.
"Go now!" The cat yowled, scaring the squirrel into running faster. Flamepaw groaned and sprinted away from the unidentified feline, hurrying after the squirrel as fast as his legs could carry him. Moonpaw decided to follow from a safe distance, interested in seeing if Flamepaw could catch his prey before it was too far from reach.
The scent of the Thunder Path grew stronger as Moonpaw made her way along, until the black stone river came into view at the bottom of the hill. The squirrel was headed right for it. And so was Flamepaw. Worry began to creep its way into Moonpaw's belly. But she pushed it back, assuring herself that Flamepaw wouldn't be stupid enough to try and pursue the creature once it touched the monster path. But to her dismay, Flamepaw didn't seem to be slowing down. Moonpaw's heart clenched. She pushed her paws to move faster, pelting her way towards her denmate to stop him before it was too late.
The squirrel soon made it to the edge of the Thunder Path, and paused to look over its shoulder. Spotting Flamepaw, the lengthy rodent took the risk and scampered across. Moonpaw was certain this was where Flamepaw was stop. But he didn't. Her heart began to pound faster as she watched the ginger tom race after the squirrel, his claws nearly scraping its tail. A rumbling sound was rounding the nearby corner; a warning of danger approaching.
"Flamepaw!" Moonpaw yowled as she drew close to the Thunder Path's edge. But her cry was left unheard.
As her pawpads made contact with the unnaturally warm stone, Flamepaw had managed to snatch up the squirrel. Moonpaw wanted so desperately to celebrate her clanmate's triumph at that moment; but she couldn't. A monster had come roaring along the path, speeding past Moonpaw like a spark of lightning. It'd missed her by a whisker-length, striking Flamepaw instead. Red and gray flashed across Moonpaw's vision; her fur swept aside with the rush of wind and smoke the monster left behind in its wake. Moonpaw shut her eyes and coughed, just as the blood curdling cry of her clanmate ran out. Then, just as quickly, everything fell into silence.
Shaking, Moonpaw spared herself of the sight she knew she was about to see for a moment more. She took a few pawsteps back. Then, bravely, she peeked open her eyes.
Flamepaw had been thrown across to the other bank of the Thunder Path, his blood steaked vibrantly across it.
Moonpaw gasped. She backed up to the safety of the forest's edge in her panic. Then, she hurried to check on her clanmate before she had time to stop herself. He could still be alive, some optimistic part of her mind yowled.
Moonpaw climbed up a tree near the Thunder Path. She balanced her way to the edge of one branch, then bravely leaped across to another. The second branch bounced as it took on her weight, steadying after a few heartbeats. Moonpaw sucked in a breath as she crawled across it over towards the other side of the path.
"Flamepaw! Flamepaw, can you hear me?" She cried out again, trying to gauge the tom's level of consciousness. But her call was never answered. Moonpaw climbed down from the second tree to inspect her clanmate. But as soon as she touched down onto the grass, she wished she hadn't. From the other side, all Moonpaw had been able to see was a large river of blood, and Flamepaw's back. But from this angle she got to see all of Flamepaw.
She first caught his expression. His eyes were as wide as a full moon, and jaws gaped at an awkward angle. The squirrel lay only a nose's length from his open mouth.
Flamepaw's entrails were the next thing to catch Moonpaw's attention. They were completely exposed, leaking partially on the grass, but mostly on the stone. His abdomen was caved in from the weight of the monster running over him. His smell had almost instantly become pungent as it mixed with the odor of the Thunder Path itself.
Finally, Moonpaw noticed the blood and body matter. It was everywhere; splattered all over the ground, seeping into the grass, and now it was all over her paws. She'd been too flabbergasted by what happened to realize she'd been stepping in it. But once she did, Moonpaw jumped back, shaking her paws as if she'd just gotten it out of the creek. A brief moment of panic washed over her, before another bout of determination took its place. She had to get help. There was no time to stand around and cry.
With body quaking, Moonpaw turned and went back the way she came, clambering up one tree, crossing into another, and coming down on the other side. When she got there she spotted Darkfire standing nearby, staring at Flamepaw. Her eyes were wide, but nothing else gave away the emotions she might be feeling at that moment. Then, the tortoiseshell warrior looked to Moonpaw.
"Call out for help," she commanded before turning away. Moonpaw hoped she was going to get Mothsong, or Blazestar. But she didn't have any time to make sure. Instead she ran through the forest, yowling out to grab the attention of any other clanmates she could.
Leafheart was the first to emerge from the woods, worry etching her every feature. Moonpaw had hoped her mentor would not be the cat to answer her cries. Then Thornberry came along, followed by Blackpaw and Smokepaw. Each cat looked to Moonpaw for answers. The only thing she could do at that moment was look at Leafheart and mewl;
That's all Leafheart needed to hear. Between the haunted look of her apprentice, the scent of blood, and the name of her son, the ginger tabby she-cat was eager to follow. She wanted to see what had become of Flamepaw. Moonpaw led her clanmates to him, standing back a bear-length from the edge of the Thunder Path. The thought of another monster rolling past her like the previous one gave her chills. Moonpaw would be certain never to step foot on the black stone ever again.
"No..." she heard Leafheart whisper, as Thornberry made the climb to check on the orange tom. Smokepaw followed him, while Blackpaw remained pressed to Leafheart's side. Moonpaw moved to flank her other side as Thornberry made it to Flamepaw. His fluffy brownish-black pelt bushed with alarm when he saw the state the apprentice was in. Smokepaw gagged at the sight, turning to vomit into the grass. Then Leafheart began to sob, relying on the apprentices beside her to keep her upright.
"Flamepaw!" She cried out, "Starclan, no, not my son!"
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nyan-1233 · 2 months
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Grass clan? Bet they dont even eat grass
Cats belong to @signs-of-the-moon
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shinie-evie-art · 1 year
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mistyleaf!! from @signs-of-the-moon​ ‘s book series!! she was very fun to draw!
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shinieevie · 1 year
the urge to make some knights of the borrowed dark fanart vs the urge to read more of the books vs the urge to finish my drawing of marasi colms from mistborn vs the urge to finish my drawing of mistyleaf from signs of the moon
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byzbi · 4 months
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child of the moon
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theoccultz · 7 months
Some Fun Sextrology Observations :
All in one observations tbh-
There will be a post 2 about synastry ,degrees, asteroid ,draconic and composite , the post is already very long with deep analysis
Its an 18+ observation i hope minors follow guidelines .
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- i tried to keep my words safe for tumb!r policy .
Pisces is where people tend to be inspired by you or idealise you its a creative sign which expresses its creative nature the best , Pisces is one of the kinkest signs of the zodiac as much as these people come across as childlike, innocent pure its the opposite they have a lot of ideas , where you have pisces is where your gifts are admired and why you have most out of the box, never done before fetish.
A lot of piscean authors first book genre is erotica , the most common kinks i have observed in piscean people through houses :
Plus it can apply to how will you lose your virginity (its personal observations) + (remember pisceas holds 12th house energy its subconscious and early experiences , its those memories which is trapped in the subconscious either they're traumatic,rememberable or forgetful)
Note:its based on authors , movies ,some real life example , books , songs ,artist .
1st house: kidnapping , worshipping , physical position power
Please me type.
2nd house: breathe play , masochism , breeding
You're mine type.
3rd house: enemies to lovers , hand-foot kink(soft kink)
in the moment type.
4th house: sadism , overstimulation , in most weirdest places
I may hurt you type.
5th house: ex to lovers , sneaky link connections
No one can resist my charm type.
6th house: experimental , prey-hunter
Lets try everything type.
7th house : switch , tamer, teasing -choking.
Worship you type.
8th house: rigger , dom-sub , pet play .
Finally got you type.
9th house: degradation, submissiveness, vanilla .
Chaser- runner type.
10th house: Role play , voyerism, dom-sub .
Beg for it type.
11th house: partners with benefit , phone sex , power play .
I wont give in type.
12th house: sloppy - hard , anal , masturbation .
Cant wait type.
The most overly sexual people on planet is
Leo mars- man they just never stop , they wanna try everything, they want experiences and they dont settle for less they have high standards , you can learn from them , they are the best in pleasuring.
cancer mars - their imagination is so wild its insane , they know what you want , they are calculated ,they carefully evaluate what you like what you don't. They are not soft bunnies although they can be depends on the person and their mood , they mostly seek dominance .
Scorpio mars - they wanna explore each body part they get their hands on ,they dont give in easily , their hands ,their intense star ,their voice , their aura can posses you, they believe in their supremacy , and no they wouldn't leave you until they are done ,they sure are slow in taking actions but you can never rely on their actions its multifaceted.
taurus mars: what to say abt them , they strive for excellent in whatever they do , a night in their embrace is satisfactory and desirable , they have this appeal you cant ignore , they dont even need to do anything people are aroused by them in no time . These people are the most random fr , they can discipline you in seconds .
Gemini mars : these people are so sensual gosh they own their sexuality ,they can charm your pants off they know they have you and Arent afraid to show it through actions , these people hold bunny energy.
Balasmic moon energy:
Is it just me or Capricorn moon rage is the worst , i have seen cap people have the worst breakup ever like people use them and they overgive but it just doesn't end well. I love how they always rise like no other they usually make it big after tough time. They dont let it get to them its impressive how strong their inner belief is abt themselves.
Saggitarius moons are the most indulgent people ever these people want to seek knowledge in every corner of the world , you can always trust their wisdom these people are very good in recognising human emotions they are very practical in their plans ,on the flip side its very hard for them to rest they are obsessive with their wishes and hyperfixated on things .
Libra moon when in blasmic energy can go into people pleasing but its just not that , these people can read the energy of the room , they are well aware of peoples intentions, they know they are THE balance between groups , they can easily manipulate others and shift others perception.
Cancer /aries moon : as much as these people cultivate and establish things if you get between their goals or have any bad intentions that they know of they can turn off in the worst way possible they don't care about you anymore, they dont care about your secrets , they can only see how you treated them they withdraw completely,they turn venegful with their words and harsh in their actions , they get really irritated and take things to heart , its not very wise to be on their bad side cause even other people dont see them act up so "easily" on "others" . Its possible you wont be trusted by others as well .
Scorpio/aqua moon : emotions are overflowing and they dont have any control over them its energy is so strong that others can feel it too , these people are giver they are never those people who drain others cup and fill their own ,equality holds a different importance in their life and they can go to any length to defend and protect their peace. Scorpios/Aqua are often ridiculed yet desired ,considered as the black sheep , weird ,hard to read yet known , confusing, emotionless , mysterious sensitive,harsh ,etc , these people are very good in reading others and keeping everything in , even the things that can destroy others peace .
Neptune is where people are highly observant of you and have weird sexual thoughts about you .
is it a universal Neptune 12h ,7h,3h ,1h? experience where others even mistake your name constantly for no freakin reason? But they remember you for very long term even if your interaction was just for a moment?
Who says libras have soft aesthetic,mind you it depends on their mood and the occasion they can do both and mostly they have gothic style .
Neptune 12h and pluto 12h often feels familiar to people like i have met you or seen you somewhere but still cant recognise where? Its cause 12h is secrecy/past and pluto reserves + Neptune creates mystery.
V.v. common but nobody can match the eyes of scorpio and libra moons i'm sorry .
Pluto in 7h: others often feels overprotective of you if you cant figure out why others tend to obsess over you its really simple : pluto has this energy of revelation and reaching the core of things .
Lets talk about synastry:
Everybody talks about pluto venus synastry?
But hello mars-pluto aspect in synastry
no matter trine or square both parties cant figure out why tf there is infatuation developing for someone who i just met .
Saturn- venus aspects in synastry is so slow burn typa love goodness...
the feeling of lookin' for someone in the same place constantly, obsessively thinking, worrying if the person likes you , ignoring the signs , frustration , feeling of being impulsive its funny to assume that others have no idea as if you guys aren't the most obvious with each other and the STARE counts too , Saturn person wont make a move until they are sure of their partner on the other hand Venus hesitates and waits until saturns intentions are not clear this also a creates push and pull dynamic , a never ending struggle.
Uranus- moon aspects in synastry
is so cute lmao you both have this "idea" in the air that you like each other , you know you are in situationship but nobody is communicating about it cause both parties are in state of assumption that we can ruin things by confessing WHAT we have for what you already WANT.
Mercury - jupiter aspects in synastry
both are playing who's chasing who , both are trying their best to impress the other person , but still won't admit to themselves only . Its trying to attract the other person through various techniques lmao , Moon-jupiter synastry is the sweetest both are trying their best to let the person know that they care about them and doing big favours just for them . Its literally reading what's in your heart , its kind of made for each other aspect .You guys balance each other out despite having distinctiveness.
Neptune -uranus aspects in synastry
literally where did you come from? Its in my sight AND on my mind... both parties are attracted to each other even if the other person is not what they usually go for , its literally where do i go from here , what actions do i take , how do i know the other person ,you know what you want to do but you are not sure what you want to do ....its that sudden and daily realisations haunting your mind . Usually there's a lack of action here and more flirting here ,its i do like you but idk what to with it .
Moon- Mercury aspects in synastry:
is one fun synastry you are in love with moons layers , moon loves how witty and Caring mercury person is , you both love how analytical or deep your person is , you want to be near them ,feel them but at the same time this persons too witty too chatty for the moon ☠️ they can talk abt everything and anything while moon person is alrdy out of their daily battery life , meanwhile mercury person is on a soul mission to analyse the moon person + stalk them+ get them to come out of their cocoon of 12years in one day . Both parties are open and vulnerable with each other you know things about each other like you have been married with 3 kids and have recently celebrated 40 years anniversary -both are dramatic ..."& my man ...thank you to my man"... typa people.
Saturn- mars is honestly smth :
you both are opposite yet have something similar you both want to learn about each other , you love to spend time , the attraction is strong, the infatuation is strong, the curiousity is strong, the tension is strong, you both are sly with each other you both tease each other *staring counts* yet you both the most confident the most toughest people on the planet is shy as fuck to even start a convo both are intimidated +infatuated+ curious + opposites attract+ and the most fun thing is misunderstands are common in this relationship - you get each other , even if its mistaking your partners curious question for a dad joke ✋🏼yea its really that typa unpredictable mess 😭
Moon- pluto synastry is not always bad tbh
As someone who always had synastry of moon-pluto in square with my closes one's - the best way to know if it will work out or not is by recognising if the person is willing to work through disagreements & if the person is immature or mature . This synastry is best for people who are willing to learn from each other and heal each other in the best way possible, both parties have been through similiar experiences and share a lot of things in common. Both are protective of each other and get each other like no other , its triggering only when when the other person is triggering you with their behaviour remember that , most of the times its not a good aspect to have in synastry its a long-term relationship synastry aspect only if the other person is as gentle and as mature as you otherwise it turns obsessive and abusive if only 'one' person is not the best person alive.
Lets talk abt composite:
Composite Lilith expresses more of "unconcious desires" that unspoken dynamic of the couple its between you two that others dont see or get it /we'll see the flip side as well
while pluto express that hidden desires slash kink its instant attraction / what you two cant keep from each others , how has the relationship progressed/ we'll see the flip side as well .
🥀Composite Lilith 1st house :you are my home placement, you are not on edge with this person , this person makes you feel safe , you dont need to be on guard with them you may see them through rose coloured glasses , you guys see through each other nothing is hidden , you guys are each others support system , your feelings are validated when you're with each other . There's a need to posses one other however it can turn into guilt tripping or being overly demamding with each others its put me before anything else .
Composite Pluto 1st house: its hard to not show it but its there , its i cant keep my hands off of you , its i need you alone , there's this forever attraction , there's no replusion you guys are free with each other , there's this kink of powerplay the need to be dominanted , its others dont understand but we do . The couples gaze doesn't go unnoticed here . On the flipside its i want you and you should only want me too , insecurities and not giving the relationship genuine interest rather its too on the surface level because i need to hide from you . You dont respect me .
🥀Composite Lilith 2nd house: you guys want security and stability , you guys are super private with your relationship you only show what needs to be shown , there's no room for assumptions or worries it has took long to create safety . Its my partner knows everything abt me , its my partner trust me the most with anything. It can turn toxic if there's a need to appeal to everyone around you , to be on the top regardless of what's not happening in your relationship it can go into pretend and play and it can turn into i don't trust you but you know a lot about me as well .
Composite Pluto 2nd house: dom -soft sub dynamic , the only time where you guys want to hurt each others , bondage , chaining everything should be tried out , nothing should be left , its i know you to the core and i get you off of your highs like that too . There's this need to be valued its the fun in desperation . On the flip side , You guys know what the other person want but who's gonna break the tension first its my ego matters too . Its i wanna put myself first too i dont wanna get lost in you , you guys dont wanna be co-dependent or a mess so you keep your distance as well although there's no need to do so but still its needed to feel "safe".
🥀Composite Lilith 3rd house: you guys wanna give in , you dont wanna hide you dont wanna play , its i want you and let me be clear about it with right actions , its you may like me but i do more , you guys love each others traits, this relationship did took time to reach where it is now , you guys are open with your heart , you wanna do everything together its more fun with you , you teach me so much and heal me with each step , you guys get each other like no other the, inside jokes , the safe words is definately the interesting part for you guys , you guys value each other so deeply that you see them as a part of you Someone you'd want in every journey you begin . On the flip side there's jealousy streak where you guys are sure of each other but there's a worry of others you dont wanna be the talk of the town because its your relationship not everyone elses to meddle . Its i feel like my frnds want you too ,its i feel like people dont want us together and we must stick with each other without getting carried away by these things .
🥀Composite Pluto 3rd house: you guys have created an intimate relationship not only with each other but with yourself as well , you started to love yourself more deeply , you got interested in things you didn't thought you would be in , you are slowly but surely transforming your personal growth to next level , in the admist of this you guys have each other yes you guys are the fun couple but that doesn't mean you and your partner against the world isn't there , you guys are each others greatest strength and thats why your relationship is bonded the strongest of all Roleplay is the theme , you guys dont need a set or a proper play its everywhere and anywhere but with you , you guys love to frustrate each other until you cant anymore, you guys explore each other fantasies as if its yours to own , there's festish with your body that i cant hide and a need to be just in the moment or just between you , blindfold sex the stimulation , there's i will do stuff to you but you have to beg for it . On the flip side , its hard to get each others attention all the time this couple want their partner to be with them a lot but when it doesn't happen there's issue that takes home here , there's things i could never say but i do feel a certain way , there's issues of self sabotage and a need for constant re-assurance its i want my time too but i dont wanna hurt you .Only we gotta deal with it maturely but it stays on the sideline , there's unnoticed efforts.
🥀Composite Lilith 4th house: ofc you guys didn't trusted each other , ofc you guys were dropping signs but didn't know when is the right time for action , you guys respect each others space, you guys are each others newfound home , you guys love to spend time with each other you guys notice what goes unnoticed by others thats how deeply effectionate you are with each other. You guys are needy with pride that this is your person , you waited long for this and its here now , you guys are constantly taking action so this relationship lasts you guys are responsibile and caring with each other there's this need to protect the other person. On the flip side , its i do so much for you but i feel unappreciated cause you lack actions to show me the same , its i can feel things deeply and it effect me too but i dont wanna share it with you cause it can break things not realising it can build it stronger , its i acted up and behaved aggressively but i was just hurt than mad or angry , its i didnt wanted to let you know because i care abt you but it came out in other ways that it shouldn't have . Its i dont want you to hate me but i'm scared to apologise for the things that happened its i wanna sweep the issues arising under the rug cause i only want to show you my best part .
Composite Pluto 4th house: Worshipping cause you just cant get enough of each other , each time you want each other you wanna know your partners turn on and turn offs , you guys are very precise you wouldn't do or say things which the other person doesn't appreciate, you guys treat each as your equals there's no difference, you guys are obsessed with weird things but hey no one's judging each other instead you guys understand where is it coming from , breeding kink and obsessive interests about exploring the other person doesn't seem to leave a mind , its slow deep passionate lovers in the night , its arousing each other by being sneaky the whole day and now giving in to your desires , its i didn't knew you can do that too or let me do that for you , its i wanna do so much for you and i dont have all night to express it because i cant wait . You guys heal each other you have been through similiar experiences you guys dont wanna fall into harmful tendencies or be restrained by your circumstances or people anymore, you guys just wanna be immersed in each other and you don't leave a room for other people to chim in , its i'm secure with my partner and i wouldn't believe until i hear it from them.
🥀Composite Lilith 5th house: its i can go any length to make you mine , its i dont fall in love easily but something's happening, there's nervous excitement which keeps happening when i see you i wanna be with you but i dont know where to start , its i'm not possesive over you ,i just wanna show you off , want others to know you're mine , you guys are indeed each others and its very evident in your nature , you guys just care abt each other its with you others fade away , you guys click on so many different things that its insane , you guys love to present each other as the "poised made for each other couple" yes you guys do have disagreements and there's this maturity to recognise and solve what should be solved , you guys don't desire stability you bring it into fruition, you guys make things work , you guys are highly motivated and observant about your relationship you don't wanna loose each other to some petty arguments , On the flip side the feelings can overwhelm you , you guys always wanna move it to next level not being able to fully embrace whats happening in the present making each other feel ignore and heartbroken by your perceived " selfish actions " you guys need to work in unity but its not always possible as you guys do posses your own individuality so it can get a little tough to blend in,agree or be interested in other person's interest, you guys may have different plan and you cant always satisfy the other person , there's this need for clear cut communication and commitment to move your relationship to safer grounds .
Composite Pluto 5th house: you guys reminicise and remember a lot abt each other ,you guys are each others sweet distraction thats needed in the hectic life , you love each other so much to the point you guys are afraid to ruin each other a little too hard, its i go by your demands , its we'll try everything everyday , its pulling you in my office , kissing your neck in my car , and having quickie in restroom you guys do desire the best and wants to give each other but its not always possible as the lust over powers ,you want the person to just satisfy you in the ways they never thought of . On the flip side , there's a hangover with things , its hard to leave behind the things that happened ,words that were spoken in pure anger , you guys cant always understand each other and you need to work through that only .
🥀Composite Lilith 6th house: you guys want to be on the best behaviour when you're around each other , you dont want the person to go through hard times alone you want to give your all to the relationship you guys go through ups and downs but still come back to each other on a healthy note , there's no toxicity or impulsion or out of my mind behaviours that would hurt the other person , you guys are careful with a good balance of your needs + practical plans and emotional needs , you aren't afraid to put each other on top and appreciate the effort it took , you guys share an old couple bond that is hard to break , you dont want the person to have no power in the relationship you guys are secure individuals who realise a persons importance in life , you guys dont want to leave room for insecurity you talk things through and are very active with your actions and self service its an equal give and take relationship. On the flip side, its hard to be away from the person or ask for support you cant always be on your own and its hard to ask for help cause the other person is alrdy doing so much right? Why bother as if you didn't invested the right amount of energy , there's a grey area which creates s gap between you and your person , its i cant share with you because i'm afraid of your reaction or to which Length it can worry/anger you of what i'm thinking abt or going through. Its coming off as disinterested or aloof in a sudden manner when you need each other the most .
Composite 6th house: bet it feels lively to show other persons through actions FINALLY on the face how much you have the same sexual frustration as the other person ,yes you are into each other and you can finally show it in practical ways roughly on bed . You guys hold onto each other as if your partners embrace is the only thing that matters and you both can sense it , its vanilla sex with your lace panty in my hand ,its i was distracted by your thoughts but from now on i'll be more open .
Stay tuned for part2
Natal aspects:
Lilith/ Mc Aspects- i have always seen these people influence other people like no one , people always know of them ,they are the tallk of the town in reality these people usually keep it to themselves they speak when its needed , i have seen these people come out tough after any situation that dragged them down , specially Lilith square mc are mostly in controversies people want to get dirt on them these people have power over people, people dont hate them but they're suspicious of their endeavours.Usually these people are hardworkers and nonchalant. There could be some issues from their younger self which keeps them tied to their mysterious persona these people are very giving, talented , sharp and witty . They attract people like no other , it gives bad repuation is still reputation. You cant get through them until you know them . Young influencial celeb and celeb kids have this placement usually they are admired , people are curious abt what they will do next ? But still they're looked down upon in some way or other by a different group of people who don't accept or trust them easily thence they need to prove themselves to the public celeb or not .
Lilith / pluto - person seems like they have been through a lot of struggles to be where they are now , they wont settle for less and they need the best , these people seems unattainable you have to be something to stand beside them , these people are constantly changing their appearance until they find their signature style . There's a power imbalance in their relationship or with the people they surround themselves. These people will have to learn that making yourself inferior wont make others acceot them instead they'll bring them down more so you level up and be with the people who are willing to adapt and develop with you ,these people can attract envious people too , they're seen as a the villain and their hardwork is undermined , people dont respect their space but these individuals learn with growing time how important of a person they are .
Apologies for any mistakes!!
Thank you for reading 🎈your likes , reblogs, comments feedbacks are appreciated!!!
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cupidlovesastro · 7 months
𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓾𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝔂 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓳𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾
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venus in 1st- the way you look , your aura, your energy, your presence, the impressions you give on others, the attitude you have about things, how put together you come off, your beauty, your charismatic spirit, your aesthetic, your clothes, your make up, your forehead, your hair or hairstyles, your masculine features/energy
venus in 2nd- your financial situation, your ranking in your work place, if you come off/dress rich, the things you own, house decorations, your room’s aesthetic, your work ethic, your career, if you own expensive things, your neck area, collar bone, your voice, your lips, jaw, your beauty
venus in 3rd- your way with words, how flirting/ talking is easy for you, the way you speak, the way your brain works, your social group, your siblings, your creative writing, your journal/ notes, the elementary school you went to, your neighborhood, your thought process, your shoulders, collarbone, hands, how youthful you look/act
venus in 4th- how you regulate or cope with your emotions, your family or the family you’ve created, your household, your furniture, your decorations, your family roots, your background, the way you mother people or your children, your motherly energy, your femininity, the way you express your femininity, your self care routine, your self care products, how you grew up, how your family treats you, your chest, your boobs, your rib cage, your round face shape, the softness in your features
venus in 5th- your relationship, your lover, your youth, your inner child or the fact you can express it, your children, your features that your children have/will inherit, your aesthetic, the way you express yourself, your art style, the art you make, your spirit, how easy it is for you to get along with people,how easy it is for you to attract people, how many kids you have, the people you’ve hooked up with, the way you express your happiness, your stomach, bellybutton, your confidence, thick hair
venus in 6th- your work out routine, your work out equipment, work out clothes, your health, your pets, work ethic, your organization or organized nature, your resourcefulness, the way that people need you, the service(s) you offer, the way you analyze things, your waist, hips, your youthful appearance,
venus in 7th- your relationship(s), your marriage, how fair you are or act, the way you go about justice, how giving you are, the contracts you have with businesses, your skin, your lower back, your symmetrical features, hair, your feminine features/ energy, your beauty, your aesthetic, the effort you put into your look, your music taste
venus in 8th- your sensual side, your sex appeal, your financial situation, the money or things you’ve inherited from your family, things that you own, your properties/house(s), your mysterious energy or aesthetic, the way your partner spoils you or the way you spoil your partner, sexual organs, your groin, the way people seem to lust over you
venus in 9th - your community, your religion, your culture, your traditions, the places you’ve traveled to, how often you traveled, your intelligence, the degrees you’ve earned, the college you attend to or used to attend, the philosophies you have, the beliefs you share or follow, the way you learn, how learning is fast or easy, your thighs, your waist, your height
venus in 10th- your career, the goals you’ve achieved, your popularity, your influence, your fame, your reputation, your status, your father or father figures in your life, the way you father your children, your masculinity, your masculine features/vibes, your bone structure, teeth
venus in 11th- your social group/ friends, the way you care about the world or a certain community, the amount of social awareness you have, the technology you own like iphone/ ipad/ laptops, etc, the way you dream big, your individuality, your uniqueness the people you surround yourself with, your calves, your ankles, your unique features
venus in 12th- your healing journey, the way you heal from things, your spiritual journey, your spiritual knowledge, spiritual experiences, you connection with spirituality, your connection with your after life, your connection with your subconscious mind, your manifestations, your feet, toes, feminine features, your empathy, your compassion, your emotional intelligence, your intuition
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imagineastrology · 22 days
🩷 When the signs like you 🩷
Aries Moon: Becomes playful, bold, and you won’t miss their advances, shows off.
Taurus Moon: They will want to be more physical with you, buys you things, and stares at you.
Gemini Moon: Becomes inquisitive about you, sends you random texts (or memes) throughout the day, becomes a hurricane of fun facts and trivia.
Cancer Moon: Asks you deep questions, checks in with you, and wants to experience things that can heighten your emotions, such as watching films together. 
Leo Moon: Actually asks for reassurance, loud, and loads of compliments.
Virgo Moon: Reminds you of the little things, dreamily thoughtful, and will become talkative and will want to gossip.
Libra Moon: Wants to do everything with you, wants to share what they have, and likes to engage in intellectual discussions with you. 
Scorpio Moon: You feel them opening up, and becoming philosophical, softer and playful, likes to take charge of your life, and will ask thought-provoking questions about you and your soul.
Sagittarius Moon: Acts like they don’t need you, but their actions want to involve you in fun, exploring or trying new activities together, wants to excite you.
Capricorn Moon: Praises and celebrates you, builds you up, will offer to pay for things to show you that they can provide, may take you out to events as a partner. 
Aquarius Moon: Becomes a protector, and you feel you can be your truest, and nonsensical self, may playfully want to be devil’s advocate with you. 
Pisces Moon: Becomes even more sensitive than what you thought was possible, sends you songs with hope that you’ll pick up their hidden message, copies you (but it’s cute okay) and may even pick up your mannerisms.
~ Imogen :) x 🩵
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venus111 · 25 days
Astrology observations
👾 most of the air moon natives I’ve met have dimples
👾 Aquarius moons are good at acting,several famous celebrities have this placement
👾 people born on the 5th,14th,23rd are very beautiful and popular. I had a classmate who was born on September 5th all the boys were in love with her they used to come to class just to see her
👾 Taurus risings love listening to music all the time
👾 Scorpios tend to be attracted to Leos this pair may be good parents to their children since they seldom lose faith in their marriage
👾 Uranus/aquarius in the 6th house/degree can get electrocuted be careful
👾 mutable signs are naturally good at manifesting
👾 I’ve seen many Taurus placements women have pimples/rashes on their chest
👾 Lilith in 2H/degree/taurus natives can cook very well
👾 Sagittarius/pisces placements are either lucky or extremely unlucky things won’t work out for them
👾 The country italy has a Gemini rising. Italians are known to use their hands so much when they talk
👾 Libra and Pisces placements attract narcissists and abusers
👾 Aries placements tend to view love as a cat-and-mouse chase
👾 Scorpio women don’t have female friends If they don't get the right feeling about someone straight away, they're not interested in building a friendship.
👾 Mars in the 12th,7th,10th,and 11th house indicates bullying from other people
👾Scorpio,Pisces and cancer in the 3rd house daydream even when they’re driving
👾 I always wondered why the Somali people have big foreheads and are great entrepreneurs. The country Somalia has Aries Rising (Capricorn MC)
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scorpihoe1111 · 3 months
Astrology Observations-Part 2🌙
Having both Taurus and Aries placements in a chart can indicate someone who enjoys pressuring/embarrassing people when underdeveloped. These people can be actual bullies towards others when they’re at their worst.
Gemini rising’s/Mercury in the 1H look younger than they actually are.
Scorpio rising women are sometimes shorter than average while Scorpio rising men are taller than average.
8H moon’s can have dreams about scenarios that end up happening IRL.
Capricorn Rising’s usually have a skinny/bony appearance.
Whatever sign and house Saturn is in your chart can tell you what other people’s karma is for messing with you. Ex: Taurus Saturn in 7H? Taurus is a Venusian sign so it rules over beauty/appearance as well as luxury and money and the 7H signifies relationships, partnerships and marriage etc. Their karma may be their physical appearance looking uglier, plus going broke as well as their relationships/love life going downhill.
People with Scorpio in the 6H may prone to UTI’s/yeast infections or very heavy and painful monthly periods.
Cancer Rising’s may attract a lot of jealousy because of how intelligent they are (Gemini 12H)
Aries Rising men are usually buff and naturally muscular in appearance.
Aquarius in the 11H can attract multiple friend groups from all walks of life way more easily than the average person.
Pisces Moon/Venus are a lot more skilled in manifesting the things they want than they think they are.
Venus/Libra in the 12H can signify a lot more people than you think having a crush on you/being attracted to you. Your secret admirers just keep it to themselves because they assume you already know and don’t wanna boost your ego.
Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn rising women consistently attract men who neg them as a way of trying to get them to notice them.
Sagittarius placements (esp mercury) are blunt and rude in their speech but they don’t mean any harm by it, they just say whatever they’re thinking.
Virgo placements on the other hand are also blunt, but they over analyze every encounter and conversation they have so they usually know what’s rude to say and what’s not. So if a Virgo’s saying shady things towards you, they mean it.
Libra Venus’ can not remain in a relationship if there isn’t constant flirting. It’s also important not to let yourself go if you’re in a relationship with them because they are visual asf.
12H sun’s rarely get acknowledgment for the good they do but get a lot of attention for the mistakes they make.
12H suns can also be kind of gullible and naive growing up.
Mercury in the 2H usually don’t like to talk about things that aren’t factual or don’t benefit them in some way.
Mars in the 12H can be prone to high blood pressure due to internalizing their anger most of the time.
Venus in the 1H are very attractive, even if not conventionally handsome/pretty there’s something very aesthetically pleasing about their facial features and their overall vibe.
Venus in 1H can also do no wrong in the eyes of the public. Basically pretty privilege.
Same goes for Pisces Risings ⬆️ they usually get away with a lot due to their innocent demeanor.
Your moon sign is usually a prominent sign in your mother’s chart.
Saturn in the 8H might not lose their virginity until later in life, or at least not as soon as their peers.
Your rising sign can tell you what everyone was feeling or what was going on during the time of your birth.
Leo women have this tendency of leaving or cheating on men who are good to them for guys who are terrible people. (Not all Leo women of course, but I’ve seen soooo many Leo girls do this)
Pisces men are very, very confusing. The type of person to be married for years with kids and still try to keep up with what you got going on in your life.
Cancer in the 12H usually have issues with women/mother in their life.
Aries Venus prefer the chase more than the actual relationship.
Scorpio/8H placements have an inherent fear of their spouse/loved ones dying.
Pisces mars are freakier in bed than most people think.
Moon sextile Neptune manifest through their dreams a lot.
Sun in the 5H is someone who doesn’t take life too seriously and prefers fun over responsibility a lot of the time.
Mars in Scorpio are more revengeful and unforgiving than any other Scorpio placement honestly. These people can get revenge and still not be happy.
Mars in Sagittarius usually have lots of flings and hookups throughout their life.
TW!: Some underdeveloped Virgo men have a weird tendency to actually want to harm women mentally and emotionally. They’re not the type to just break up with a partner and move on, they usually want to make the breakup as fucked up as possible so the thought of them remains in the persons mind forever. I’ve met over 6 Virgo men who’s admitted to this before and the girl didn’t even do anything wrong in the relationship, they just didn’t wanna be with her anymore but didn’t want her to forget them.
Capricorn women usually have very long, flowing luscious hair.
Part 3 coming soon 🌪️
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signs-of-the-moon · 5 months
Moon High: Chapter 18
The moon was nearly at its peak in the sky by the time Treeclan reached the Gathering Clearing. At the front of the chosen cats, Blazestar stood, with a stern expression fixed on his face. Clearly he had something on his mind, something he'd soon come to make everyone else's problem too. Moonpaw wasn't too far from him, seeing the anger blazing in his eyes as the orange tom turned to dismiss his clan. Moonpaw crouched a little as she passed him, not wanting to be caught in his path and bother him. She followed the tail of her elder friend, Badgerface, moving up to his side to match pace with him as he mixed into the crowd. 
"So what happened to the Moon after the argument with the ocean? I have to know!" Moonpaw insisted, wanting Badgerface to continue a story he'd been telling on the way to the Gathering. 
“Ah. Well, you see…” the elder started as they walked. 
Moonpaw nodded along to the old tom's words, searching the clearing with her eyes as they padded along. Slowly, Badgerface's fable faded into background noise. Soon, Moonpaw realized she'd drowned it out entirely. She was too occupied looking for Hazepaw to focus. She was eager for the white tom to pop out and surprise her–like he'd done at the last full moon meeting. Though many white pelts mingled through the clearing, none belonged to her dear friend. Disappointment began to worm its way into Moonpaw's chest. It must have shown on her face, too, as Badgerface gave pause.
“Moon, I think you should go mingle with some cats your own age now," he meowed, resting his tail on her back. 
A pang of guilt suddenly gripped Moonpaw. She parted her jaws, ready to apologize for losing interest in the elder's story. Then the crackly mrrrp of another cat split through the air. A trio of old warriors appeared a bear-length ahead. Oh, perhaps it wasn't her sullen expression that had made Badgerface stop speaking. Instead, the arrival of his friends must have prompted him to set the task aside, for now. A golden tom, a long haired spotted molly, and a white mangled faced tom trotted up to Badgerface. Moonpaw looked at them in awe as they greeted her elder friend. Their pelts were littered with scars, which spoke of battles Moonpaw would love to hear tales of.
Badgerface laughed with sarcasm as one of the elders quipped at him. Something about bothering young apprentices with helping him get around in his old age. Then Badgerface moved to cuff the old she-cat over the ears. Afterwards, he pushed the golden tom to the ground playfully, displaying how capable and strong he still was as a counter-argument. The scarred white tom simply shook his head with a smile at the display.
Moonpaw mrrowed with laughter as she watched the old cats tussling as though they were kits. It made her heart feel warm to see them so lively, even at their age. But it was clear Moonpaw wouldn't fit in with this group, so she allowed Badgerface to go on ahead without her.
Moonpaw's gaze flitted over the throng of cats, still looking for that familiar pelt. One did emerge, but it didn't belong to Hazepaw. Instead it was Deerpaw, Tigerpaw's brother. He looked a little skittish with enemy warriors pressed around him on all sides. 
Despite being a moon older than Moonpaw, this was Deerpaw's first Gathering. He'd been too nervous to attend his first few. But he swore he could handle going this time around. Moonpaw could practically smell his fear. Clearly, Deerpaw had lied. It was sad to see him in such a state. So Moonpaw made her presence known to him, gently pressing her flank to his. Though he jolted a little, the tom instantly relaxed, realizing a clanmate had come to his aid. Moonpaw urged him to follow her to a less crowded part of the clearing, where he could feel more secure. Upon receiving the space he so desperately craved, Deerpaw heaved a sigh. He sat back on his haunches, then looked to Moonpaw almost teary eyed.
"Thanks," he murmured before wrapping his fluffy tail around himself. 
"It's no trouble." Moonpaw twitched her ears. "Are you sure you were ready to be here tonight, chipmunk? You know you could always go home."
Deerpaw lowered his ears. "Don't want to..." 
Moonpaw tilted her head curiously. Deerpaw looked as though he were ready to pass out with so many strangers around. Why did he push himself to deal with such anxiety?
"I'm too grown to be scared of Gatherings. That's what Tinypaw said. I want to be braver, to make her proud," Deerpaw elaborated.
Moonpaw nodded, understanding his choice now. Tinypaw was his favorite littermate. It made sense he'd want to face his fear for her. Especially so they could enjoy Gatherings together, like tonight.
Moonpaw swung around when she heard the high pitched mew of the pale tortoiseshell molly. Tinypaw came bounding over to them. Relief washed over her features when she saw her brother safe. Her tail raised in greetings as she got closer.
"There you are! I was starting to worry about you." Tinypaw rubbed her muzzle against Deerpaw's. Then she turned to Moonpaw. "Thanks for guiding him from the crowd. I'm sure the stupid furball was getting overwhelmed by the amount of cats around."
"...don't like strangers..." Deerpaw pouted and slumped his shoulders. Tinypaw moved closer to him, licking the tom over the ears. She was exactly his height, when he was sitting. 
“It really was no trouble,” Moonpaw assured with a tail sway, left ignored as Tinypaw fussed over her brother. Though she wished to carry on a conversation with her denmates–perhaps to distract herself from looking for Hazepaw more–it was clear she wouldn't get much out of the pair. After trying and failing again to catch Tinypaw's attention, Moonpaw padded back into the crowd. 
She mewed small "hellos” to cats she passed as she went back to searching for Hazepaw. Along the way she walked by Nightpaw, who was standing beside Wolfheart. Moonpaw's father was boasting about the apprentice to some of his friends, praising her quick wit and skills. Nightpaw was practically glowing with pride as her mentor spoke of her accomplishments. She looked up to him, it seemed, as she added in how good Wolfheart was as a teacher. Moonpaw had never seen the she-cat so happy before. 
Not far away, Nightpaw's mother, Darkfire, was standing beside two other tough looking warriors. Her claws were unsheathed as she told them about a recent Oceanclan skirmish she'd helped win. A close by sand speckled warrior had his eyes narrowed at her, clearly agitated by her recount of the event. 
There were others from Moonpaw's clan nearby as well, and cats she recognized from patrols and the previous Gathering. But none of them were Hazepaw. For a short while more, Moonpaw continued looking for him. But it did not seem like he was present tonight. Defeat weighed down Moonpaw's heart like a heavy stone. He promised he'd make it to the Gathering. Has something happened? She wondered. 
Moonpaw paused to look at Split Rock. Four of the five leaders were present atop the ancient cracked boulder. They'd be calling the gathered cats together soon, for sure. It looked like they were waiting for Brightstar to arrive. Moonpaw supposed she could wait in her place alone until the announcements began. It was a good spot to listen and be out of everyone's way. Then, someone called out to her;
"Hi, Moonpaw!"
For a heartbeat she perked up, turning around to see who'd called. Yet disappointment greeted her again as Sunpaw stood in front of her. 
"Oh, Hi Sunny.” Moonpaw deflated.
"You look a little down." Sunpaw blinked. Moonpaw gave a shrug. "Is it because you're lonely? I could keep you company, if you'd like?" 
Moonpaw thought for a heartbeat. Though she'd like to stay where she was, in case Hazepaw finally decided to show his face, she had to admit she was feeling lonesome. Perhaps spending time with Sunpaw could cheer her up. 
"I would like that, actually," she admitted. 
Sunpaw lit up. "Great!" He made a small hop. "Come with me!" Before Moonpaw could say anything about going elsewhere, Sunpaw was leading her through the crowd. 
Near a fallen branch, a few other cats appeared to be waiting for them. Moonpaw glanced at Sunpaw, confused. He seemed excited to meet with these other cats, his tail held high as he led her towards them.
"Hi everyone!" He chirped. 
“There you are, Sunpaw!” Purred a longhaired tabby with the scent of the mountains on her pelt. Beside her sat two Oceanclan mollies, sand dusted fur. Sitting opposite of them was a young muddy Marshclan warrior. And next to her were two slender Grassclan she-cats. They all mewed various greetings to Sunpaw, a couple stepping up to touch noses with him. Gee, Sunpaw's really popular with she-cats, Moonpaw discovered as she observed his group of friends. 
“‘Bout time you showed up,” grunted the only tom of the group, sitting off to the sidelines. Moonpaw couldn't pull her gaze from him once she looked over. Something about the tom seemed familiar to her. When she sniffed, his scent brought her an odd sense of nostalgia; the same way thinking about Skunkpaw or Rainkit did. But that was silly! How could she feel that way about a cat she'd never met? Was it a crush? Certainly not! But Moonpaw's head felt fuzzy the more she stared at the stranger. It was as if she'd met him before; like the tom had come from a dream. But Moonpaw was sure she'd never seen him until now. 
“I found my clanmate sitting by herself. Otherwise I would have been here sooner.” Sunpaw's voice drew Moonpaw out of her thoughts. Then his head tilted in her direction. “Everyone, this is Moonpaw. Moonpaw, this is Pinepaw of Mountainclan, Stemflower of Marshclan, Otterpaw and Whisperpaw of Oceanclan, and Heatherpaw, Quailpaw, and Rabbitpaw of Grassclan,” he introduced, pointing his muzzle to each named cat. 
Moonpaw nodded her head respectfully to them. “It's nice to meet you all.”
“So you are the fated moon spoken of so often.” Whisperpaw stared, her voice hushed and monotone. It was almost eerie, the way that she spoke.
“Does Sunpaw talk about me..?” Moonpaw blinked curiously, the fur on the back of her neck rising slightly.
“Sometimes he doesn't shut up about you,” Rabbitpaw snorted. Sunpaw's pelt bristled at the lynx point tom's comment. While Heatherpaw jabbed her denmate in the side with her elbow to be quiet. Moonpaw looked to Sunpaw, seeking an explanation. But he refused to give one, instead opting to lick down his chest fur. It was if he were trying to wash away the flustered feelings he was experiencing. Moonpaw resisted the urge to giggle. 
"Anyways! Uhm, last time we met up, Stemflower was telling us about what it's like to be a warrior," Sunpaw mentioned, trying to change the subject. 
"That's right." Stemflower flicked an ear, motioning to Rabbitpaw. "Rabbitpaw said he was interested in the duties I've taken up. I chose to be a Spy and a Gardener."
"What's a Gardener?" Quailpaw, a light brown tabby molly asked. 
"They grow plants on the dry land Mountainclan gave to Marshclan, in the pine tree forest," Pinepaw explained.
"I've never heard of such a job." Rabbitpaw swayed his tail.
"Us either," Moonpaw added while Sunpaw nodded in agreement. 
"I don't think the other clans are taught what Gardeners are. Considering they aren't needed out on the meadow, or in the forest," Stemflower told Pinepaw. 
"Why do Gardeners grow plants?" Sunpaw wondered. 
"For our medicine cats, mostly," the dark gray tabby she-cat responded. "Some herbs have a difficult time growing in the marsh. So we need to cultivate them ourselves. We also like to have plants for our dens; for construction and decoration. And we occasionally like to mix herbs in with our prey." 
"Mixing herbs with prey?" Otterpaw wrinkled her nose. 
Nasty! Moonpaw stuck out her tongue. She could almost taste the bitterness of the plants as she thought about having to eat them with her meals.
"Herbs can have nutritional value, besides those for healing," Rabbitpaw spoke up, "or so my sister, Mistypaw, says. So I guess cats are told to eat them to help make Marshclan's warriors stronger, right?"
Stemflower purred, looking amused. "Something like that. The plants we eat also happen to taste good with the prey we catch. Brightstar isn't ordering us to take herbs so we can be stronger than normal warriors, in case that's what you're implying."
Speaking of the Marshclan leader, Moonpaw began to scent the strong odor of mud and saltwater beside her, as the flame point she-cat walked passed. Her shoulder brushed against Moonpaw's accidentally, catching the Treeclan apprentice's attention. Brightstar turned for a heartbeat and flashed an apologetic smile.
"Sorry, 'Paw, didn't mean to bother you. Just have to get past to start the meeting!" 
Moonpaw smiled and stepped aside. "It's alright! I understand." It was almost awe-striking to interact with a clan leader besides her own. Most leaders would not mingle among the crowd for long after arriving at the Gathering clearing. But Brightstar seemed different. Though her clan was usually on time, she was almost always late to join her peers on Split Rock, it seemed. Moonpaw supposed she liked to spend time with her outer clan friends first. Or perhaps she liked meeting random cats, the way she was right now.
"It's an honor to meet you, Brightstar!" Moonpaw couldn't help but blurt out. 
Brightstar blinked, then let out a small mrrow of laughter. She flicked her tail with good nature, receiving a respectful head dip from Moonpaw in return. The other apprentices with her mimicked her motion. Moonpaw noticed her new friends looking just as excited as she felt when meeting Brightstar. 
Stemflower, on the other paw, nodded curtly to her leader, who brushed her tail along the warrior's shoulder. Then the Marshclan leader scurried off, taking her place beside Blazestar and the others.
"Let the Gathering begin!" Fogstar declared, looking down at the cats who gathered beneath Split Rock. Moonpaw made herself comfortable in a spot beside her new companions, tilting her head back to listen to the news of the evening. Sunpaw settled himself at her side, pressing their flanks together while they listened for news. 
Fogstar glanced between the other leaders seated beside him. They nodded, granting him the opportunity to speak first, once the crowd settled. 
"Welcome, everyone," he greeted, sounding as though he were in a better mood this moon than the last. "I come with much to report from Mountainclan. Firstly, my son, Darkpaw, has been accepted by Starclan, and will be training under Hawkfern as a medicine cat. Meanwhile our Code Keeper, Rockfall, has taken on Skypaw as his successor. Mountainclan welcomes these new apprentices, and hope Starclan will guide their paws on their journeys to become high ranking members of society." A pause was given so cats may call out the names of Darkpaw and Skypaw in celebration. Then, as silence returned, Fogstar continued; "Secondly, one of our warriors, Briarleaf, will be moving into the nursery after tonight. Her kits should come as Greenleaf arrives, and we are thrilled to welcome them into our ranks. Finally, Talonstrike has chosen to retire. He has served Mountainclan as a warrior for many years, and we are honored to care for him now, as he has cared for us. That is all I have to share this evening. Brightstar?"
Next, Brightstar stepped up to speak. "Marshclan also has big news to share, although not as joyus as yours, Fogstar. Coyotes have been spotted on the marsh. They're usually careful around clan cats. But this new bunch seems to be more tenacious than other families we've seen." Brightstar gave a moment of pause to allow cats to quiet down their murmurs of concern. "They also appear to be seeking territory to claim. My warriors have been doing their best to drive them out, so they will not stake claim on our land. But I believe this may push these beasts onto other territories in the Land's Star. So I urge you all to be cautious." Then Brightstar turned to the other leaders. Her expression shone with regret. But none of her peers seemed too upset by what she'd determined best for her clan.
"Which clan are they headed towards?" Blazestar decided to ask, his expression calmer than the other leaders'. Treeclan was the furthest from Marshclan. Moonpaw was certain that Blazestar was unbothered by the news of these unusual predators. Still, he seemed to care enough about the wellbeing of others to ask that question anyways.
"They'll likely turn to Mountainclan territory. With the upcoming warm weather, they'll probaby enjoy the cool air the higher altitude provides," the flame point she-cat answered
Fogstar grunted. "In that case, Mountainclan will increase it's border patrols." 
Another murmur broke out among the crowd. Moonpaw glanced between all the cats around her, gauging their reactions. Not too far off she saw Nightpaw. Her eyes were narrowed with interest, ears pricked and eager to hear more about the coyotes. Moonpaw then looked beside her to Sunpaw, who seemed to also have noticed their clanmate. He looked concerned for a heartbeat. Then he blinked and his expression settled. Moonpaw decided she'd ask him his thoughts later. 
Brightstar nodded. "Beyond that startling news, Marshclan has fared well this moon. Prey has increased, our clan is strong, and we look forward to Greenleaf. That's all I have to report." 
Following her, Blazestar stepped up to share whatever had been bothering him all night. "Treeclan is strong and continues to thrive as Greenleaf makes it approach. Though last moon we lost Skunkpaw, one of our apprentices. Twolegs kitnapped him. Our efforts to bring him home have yielded no results, but Treeclan remains hardy in the face of this tragedy. We've also been handling the pressures at our borders with diligence, and will continue to do so as long as Grassclan and Oceanclan keep pushing."
"What do you mean by that?" Oceanclan's leader, Wavestar, challenged. Whitestar of Grassclan nodded along. 
With a tail lash, the blazing orange leader continued; "Grassclan and Oceanclan scents have been caught beyond our borders. The stench of Grassclan has come particularly far into the forest. While Oceanclan remains close enough to the edge that they seem to be trying to act sneaky, still. But rest assured, my warriors are aware of your trespassing."
Dread struck through Moonpaw like lightning. Had some of her clanmates caught Hazepaw's scent on the Rubble Path from their meetings? Had they noticed hers there as well? Moonpaw's heartbeat quickened. She looked up to Blazestar, checking if he was eyeing her. But his focus was being held up by the enemy leaders instead. We'll have to be more careful from now on, she decided. Sunpaw pressed into her more, sensing her discomfort. 
"It's rich of you to accuse my cats of trespassing." Whitestar's ears narrowed. "Have you seen any of my warriors on your land? No? Because we've certainly seen yours on our territory! A warrior caught a Treeclan apprentice prowling around the Forest Patch without cause, just today!"
Gasping, Moonpaw whipped her head, looking around for her denmates. Sunpaw was of course the first apprentice she saw. His pelt was bristled and he shook his head at her, silently swearing he was not the guilty cat. Next, Moonpaw looked over at Nightpaw. The black she-cat appeared unbothered, busying herself whispering with Wolfheart. Then, Moonpaw spotted Tinypaw and Deerpaw in the distance--right where she'd left them earlier. Tinypaw was standing protectively in front of her brother; her body too small to act as a proper shield. Closer-by was Magpiepaw, who sat with some of her own cross clan friends. She was crouched, ears lowered a little. She looked frightened, guilty even. Was it her? Moonpaw wondered, finally returning her attention back to the leaders.
"There were other Treeclan cats with her," Whitestar continued, "all fully grown warriors. What do you have to say about that, Blazestar?"
Fury burned in Blazestar orange eyes. He grit his teeth, clearly holding back a growl. Then he shut his eyes, lowering his head a little with a slow shake. When he looked up again, he seemed calmer. "My warriors were only carrying out their duty to mark the border, nothing more. I will speak with all of Treeclan's apprentices, to ensure no border crossing occurs again. But I will not correct the cats who knew what they were doing."
"So you admit that you sent your cats to mark further into the Forest Patch than they should?" Though Whitestar's voice was calm, it held sharp accusation. 
"I've said no such thing!" Blazestar snarled. "My warriors know where Treeclan's territory is!”
With an indignant hrrumph, Grassclan's leader lifted a paw to lick. "See to it that they know what land rightfully belongs to Grassclan, as well. Or we will be forced to remind them ourselves." After glaring at Blazestar a heartbeat more, Whitestar faced the crowd. "Grassclan is and will remain strong despite the adversity. We have Cricketsong's newly named kits, who are quickly growing each day. We also have many strong apprentices; two of which will soon join us as full warriors. That is all I have to say this Gathering. Unless you've something else to accuse my clan of, Blazestar?"
Blazestar bared his teeth but bit back his tongue. He forced himself to sit further back onto his piece on Split Rock. Then he tucked his paws beneath his waggling tail. "No," he finally growled. 
Wavestar stepped forward. "Then I suppose I should speak my news," he decided. "Oceanclan is doing better, now that the Newleaf storms are subsiding. We've begun venturing back to the beach. We are also reconstructing our original camp, which was wrecked by the waves in the bad weather. I believe within the next moon, Oceanclan should be moving back to the Twoleg Settlement Bridge. That should bring you some peace of mind, Blazestar."
"I'll have peace of mind when your clan stops fighting for the Rubble Path," the ginger tom hissed. 
"I won't promise anything," Wavestar grunted. 
Blazestar snarled at him in turn, moving to get in the silver and white tabby's face. But Brightstar butted in, piping;
"It seems that's everything that needs to be said at this Gathering!"
"Yes," Fogstar agreed, "let's end this now, before you lot break the full moon truce."
Though the two toms appeared ready to continue their quarrel, they agreed. With a nod, the leaders went their separate ways, weaving through the crowd to gather their warriors. 
Sunpaw and Moonpaw took a short while to say farewell to their friends group before following each other to the edge of the clearing, seating themselves at Blazestar's side. Blazestar paused for a moment to rub against his son before calling to his gathered cats. He led them out of the Gathering Clearing and into the forest, but not before shooting a challenging glare over his shoulder towards Oceanclan. Moonpaw knew that tensions were high. But she hoped that things settled soon. 
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merrigel · 5 months
I want it back = I drag its dead weight forward
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cosmicplexus · 3 months
Astrology Notes...
🌻The house your Neptune is in, is the area your prophetic dreams are usually centered around i.e. Neptune in 6th house can be insight on career or health.
🌻8th house natives may not enjoy sex as commonly believed, but may merely view it as their best escape from deep seated issues(especially applies to moon, venus or mars in 8th house).
🌻Moon square Jupiter natives can heavily struggle with being consistent in their lives.
🌻Having a Cancer or Libra Mars at Aries 1°,13°,25° degrees can ease off the passive aggressive energy.
🌻Gemini moons are some of the most intelligent people you'll ever meet.
🌻Mercury in hard aspect to Saturn is the aspect of geniuses.
🌻8° and 20° personal placements tend to be more mysterious than Scorpio placements...insane if you have both.
🌻A 6th house, 6° or 18° Jupiter or Neptune can indicate the gift of being a healer.
🌻Saturn afflictions are a blessing in disguise as Saturn isn't just a life sentence of anguish, but a testimony that beautiful things take time. Don't feel unlucky over those personal placement-Saturn squares/oppositions.
🌻The degree your Saturn is in can either be an indicator of the area of your life that takes time to yield amazing results or is the things that reward you for a long time e.g a 29° Saturn can mean being in the spotlight for a long time.
🌻Moon in 8th house synastry may have an uncomfortable element if both people aren't ready to fully let each other in. This is because the partners seem to always know what's going on with the other or seem to have an awareness of the other's vices, past etc and this may be uncomfortable without mutual consent to access these things.
-Authors Note...Thank you all so much for the love you've shown me🤍🌻
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carmelcoco · 4 months
moon notes. 🌕
Disclaimer. these observations do not have to resonate with everyone and everything, all expressed in this post is based on personal experience and research.
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☾ aries moon
Aries moons are extremely protective of their romantic partners, possibly due to the difficulty they have in getting along with just anyone. When they find someone they can love, it feels like a miracle to them. Their tired eyes hold many secrets, yet they also invite others to share their own. Aries moons are deeply committed to their beliefs, prioritizing prayer if they believe in God or disregarding criticism if they're into crystals and spirituality. Being misunderstood frustrates them, especially if they have Virgo personal placements. Moon in Aries individuals often experienced a challenging and powerful childhood, shaping their view of home and family as constant challenges. They need to feel comfortable with their partner before starting a family to avoid repeating the same attitude they received from their parents or relatives. Aries moons live in the present, are passionate, and tend to be impatient. They take criticism to heart and become defensive. They crave excitement and can get bored in peaceful environments. Their needs, desires, and crushes are short-lived and sometimes vague.
☾ taurus moon
Individuals with Taurus moons display distinct traits influenced by their emotional development. Those with undeveloped Taurus moons may struggle with giving and receiving affection until adulthood. Conversely, a developed Taurus moon suggests a nurturing childhood marked by stability and material comfort. Taurus moon individuals exude groundedness and stability, attracting attention and commanding respect effortlessly. They uphold high standards, seeking the good in everyone while grappling with occasional indulgence. Despite their serious initial impression, they are actually fun-loving and seek positive energy. Partners may find them challenging to understand due to mood swings, yet they offer deep emotional healing and encourage appreciation for the ordinary. Taurus moons prioritize building secure and cozy environments, cherishing routines and loyalty. Affectionate and sentimental, they value reliability and comfort above all, making them steadfast companions with strong emotional needs.
☾ gemini moon
Gemini moons possess a natural charm and wit, fostering pleasant company with their curiosity about life. Yet, within their comfort zones, a sense of nervousness and restlessness often accompanies them. These individuals thrive on constant mental stimulation, becoming moody when deprived of it. Childhood experiences shape their communication skills, sometimes marked by instances of feeling mocked or uncomfortable, particularly by siblings. In adulthood, they seek partners who value open dialogue and opinion sharing, craving discussions on diverse topics. While they appear approachable, earning their trust to reveal their fun side can be challenging. Gemini moons enjoy sharing their interests, often trying to influence others' preferences. In matters of love, they can be shy yet straightforward and may send risky texts. Despite attracting attention effortlessly, they remain indifferent to others' desires to emulate them, focusing instead on genuine connections and mental engagement.
☾ cancer moon
People with a Cancer moon are very empathetic and in tune with the emotions of others. They are peaceful and seek familiarity, but can become moody. They hold onto old memories and have a forgiving nature, especially with loved ones. Drama is avoided, and they are focused on justice and fairness. Cancer moons are ambitious and career-oriented, valuing hard work. They desire to build a happy family environment, but can be hindered by their tendency to feel deeply and get hurt easily. Letting go is important for finding love and affection. When drunk, they may have the urge to fight or dance with strangers. Sharing is caring, and balance is sought in all aspects of life.
☾ leo moon
Individuals with Leo moons seek attention and love within their inner circle, exhibiting both a craving for admiration and generosity towards loved ones. Creativity and a sense of justice define this placement, alongside a remarkable capacity for forgiveness, even towards those who have wronged them. They may have experienced embarrassment due to past forgiveness, learning the lesson of discernment. Leo moons prioritize self-love affirmations and enjoy disproving others' opinions. Trust issues develop early, leading to a reluctance to share personal secrets. They are non-competitive except in defense of friends, showing jealousy in childhood friendships. Quick to forgive, they use sympathy to mend relationships, disliking prolonged conflicts. While disliking long conversations, they engage enthusiastically in mysterious topics and detective documentaries, demonstrating a thirst for knowledge. Despite a dislike for subjects like math, they persist in pursuing success, reflecting their determined nature.
☾ virgo moon
Virgo moons are known for getting attached to people very quickly. They admire those who work hard for their dreams and love to party. They seek soul ties with people who match their personality and are drawn to confident individuals who appreciate beauty in everyone. Cooking for loved ones is how they show their love, as they likely paid attention to their mom or grandma while cooking as a child. Virgo moons are ambitious and goal-oriented from a young age, but tend to care less about school as they get older. Despite this, they are kind and make even disagreeable statements sound agreeable. Virgo moons are sensitive and experience emotions mentally, which can lead to moodiness. They have a tendency to focus on details and can struggle to see the bigger picture due to early conditioning. It is important for them to be light-hearted with judgments towards family and future family. They find contentment in the little things and prefer simplicity. Virgo moons need to feel useful and thrive on routine, or else they become self-critical. They are trustworthy and reliable.
☾ libra moon
Libra moons are known for their desire for peace and harmony. They are social and sympathetic individuals who like to have the last word in arguments. Although they strive for the best, this focus can sometimes prevent them from enjoying the moment. They are fond of giving compliments and expect the same in return, but their egos are fragile and can be easily crushed. Libra moons are often taken advantage of due to their people-pleasing nature. They are also known for their strong attachment to their mothers. Libra moons may have been obsessed with their appearance during their teenage years, but as they age, they prioritize personality over looks when choosing a partner. However, one negative trait they possess is complaining even when they chose to help someone. Libra moons are indecisive about trivial things but are confident in important situations. If you are a Libra moon, it is important to work on being honest. Overall, talking to a Libra moon can feel like talking to yourself, but with agreement on every point.
☾ scorpio moon
Scorpio moons are the sweetest people. They are attentive, caring and very focused on making sure others feel good. They can get anxious but it's cute. They respect the privacy of others because they want their privacy respected too. Scorpio moons are great at comforting people, even if they feel awkward about physical comfort. They may have family issues and they love alone time. They love watching horror movies and learning from them. Scorpio moons are clever, perceptive and seek intense emotions and experiences. They value strong relationships and commitment. They live by the motto "all or nothing".
☾ sagittarius moon
Individuals with a Sagittarius moon placement exhibit traits of optimism, cheerfulness, and a love for freedom. They dislike routine and prefer spontaneity, which can lead to conflicts with more structured individuals. Despite their impulsiveness, they are trustworthy and forgiving, often giving second chances to those who betray them to avoid confrontation. They possess a genuine interest in other cultures and exhibit respect towards all races without discrimination. While they may avoid seeking advice from others, they are likely to turn to their mothers for guidance. Sagittarius moons thrive in social settings, preferring nature and the company of many friends over isolation. They are attentive listeners, willing to invest time and effort in understanding others, even when tired. Additionally, they have a diverse taste in music, gradually exploring various genres as they mature. Overall, Sagittarius moons embody positivity, openness, and a deep appreciation for diversity and connection.
☾ capricorn moon
Honestly, Capricorn moons have a hard time understanding their emotions and because of this people usually end up thinking that they are detached or emotionally unavailable. I hope they know that it's okay to admit how you truly feel and if they ever try to communicate with anyone please listen to them cuz they are trying hard. They always seem to need advice in relationships, even for small issues. They romanticize a perfect relationship and search for advice to make it a reality. They tend to force themselves to feel numb about the things that hurt them the most. All this happens because they are unable to understand their emotions and it takes them time to do so. They don't like ranting, but when they do, they pour their hearts out then act like they didn't. They're sensitive individuals who want to be understood, despite some people talking harshly about their detached emotions. Capricorn moons usually have a problematic relationship with their parents and may have experienced abuse growing up. They're reliable and levelheaded people who are well-organized and realistic. Tradition, authority, and security are highly regarded, and they are no risk-takers.
☾ aquarius moon
Aquarius moons are known for their observant nature and love analyzing other people's actions. They tend to feel like they don't fit in with their peers and value independence and individuality. These rebellious individuals don't take criticism well and take pride in their thoughts. Aquarius moons have a lot on their mind and are often thought of as stoners because they find themselves lost in thought often. They may make sex their love language because they want to please others and themselves. These people tend to enjoy aggressive music and may judge others for not liking the same artists as them. Aquarius moons have a great sense of humor and are always interesting to talk to. They tend to get lost in their thoughts and may zone out while telling their life story. Overall, these people are never boring and always leave an impression.
☾ pisces moon
Honestly, I could go on for pages about Pisces moons. They're the family member who knows everything and wants to come off as lovely to strangers. They avoid confrontation and might disagree with something just to be left alone. Pisces moons want to feel spoiled and financially stable. They either think about money, sex, or how depressed they are. They're also prone to falling for fictional characters or celebrities. If a Pisces moon is dating a Virgo sun, it feels like paradise, but they might not admit it. Pisces moons are hardworking to the point of forgetting to eat and might have trouble with spicy food. They romanticize toxicity and have remarkable intuition. They can get lost in the suffering of others and are known for their odd sense of humor.
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this post was created by @carmelcoco on tumblr <3 if reposting my work please give credits.
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cosmicpuzzle · 5 months
How to attract the right Man?
Mars, Sun and Jupiter signify the men in your life.
Sun is your father and elderly males like your Boss, Mars is your brother/boyfriend/male colleagues while Jupiter exclusively stands for your husband i.e. with whom you will co create.
Based on the houses Jupiter rules, you should prefer males with such Jupiter.
Apply this in tropical or sidereal but if it does not work in Tropical try sidereal signs.
Aries Rising: Jupiter rules 9th and 12th houses hence men with Sagittarius Jupiter and/or Pisces Jupiter will be right for you.
Taurus Rising: Jupiter rules 8th and 11th houses, hence men with Scorpio Jupiter and Aquarius Jupiter will be right for you.
Gemini Rising: Jupiter rules 7th and 10th houses hence men with Libra Jupiter and/or Capricorn Jupiter will be right for you.
Cancer Rising: Jupiter rules 6th and 9th houses, hence men with Virgo Jupiter and/or Sagittarius Jupiter will be right for you.
Leo Rising: Jupiter rules 5th and 8th houses, hence men with Leo Jupiter and/or Scorpio Jupiter will be right for you.
Virgo Rising: Jupiter rules 4th and 7th houses, hence men with Cancer Jupiter and/or Libra Jupiter will be right for you.
Libra Rising: Jupiter rules 3rd and 6th houses, hence men with Gemini Jupiter and/or Virgo Jupiter will be right for you.
Scorpio Rising: Jupiter rules 2nd and 5th houses hence men with Taurus Jupiter and/or Leo Jupiter will be right for you.
Sagittarius Rising: Jupiter rules 1st and 4th houses hence men with Aries Jupiter and/or Cancer Jupiter will be right for you.
Capricorn Rising: Jupiter rules 3rd and 12th houses hence men with Gemini Jupiter and/or Pisces Jupiter will be right for you
Aquarius Rising: Jupiter rules 2nd and 11th houses hence men with Taurus Jupiter and/or Aquarius Jupiter will be right for you.
Pisces Rising: Jupiter rules 1st and 10th house hence men with Aries Jupiter and/or Capricorn Jupiter will be right for you.
For Spouse Readings DM
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harmoonix · 4 months
☾ Your Moon Phase ☾
☾ ~ In your Birth Chart ~ ☾
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🌑 If you want to find your moon phase scroll down before you read so you'll know what you read about 🌑 ☾•☾•☾
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The native born during the new moon is meant to experience many vast, wild and beautiful experiences in this lifetime, since New Moon symbolize beginnings, your entire life is about yourself, to prioritize yourself, to prioritize your time. The new moon is also known as the "Dark Moon" is the phase where moon is the weakest, because is covered in full darkness. People born under the new moon love to try out new things, to start new journeys/ideas/ to extend their creativity, since Moon can be a bit more soft in this phase, the native has an unique sensitive nature, is very important to not lose your love for curiosity as you grow up, to always stay curious
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The natives born under a waxing crescent are more to embrace their lives with more curiosity and joy than others, their energy can be from clingy - to an attachment style in a really fast way, above all they're are independent and love to do the things their own way, they also tend to prefer their comfort zone and security (feeling safe) over anything else. They may also love challenges, especially if there is a reward involved, (risk taking). Some of them can also be a bit timid/shy at first but kind and respectful! The native during this moon phase tends to attach themselves to the past which can be a bit bad for them because you cannot change the past, you may feel sorry or bad over your past but don't let it to ruin your whole life
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Where the moon firstly finds herself being half illuminated, half and half, 2 pieces combining eachother, darkness and light. This phase of moon indicates growth. Therefore the native can be really grounding, motivational, more calm/peaceful. You are the protagonist/main character with this moon phase in your own life. The native has a very excited nature, the more excited thet get the more things they create out of it. They may also have a sense of achieving things, to collect as many things as possible and to open new doors in life. The native is a strong individual, proactive, sometimes a bit passive aswell. Your strong personality can help you to reach your full potential. Is very important to know that you can't change some things and have to let them happen, sometimes waiting for the result of a problem can be a key solver
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The native born during this moon phase is blessed with the gift of communication, while other moon phases search for an individual knowledge, this moon phase wants to share their knowledge with others. These natives can also identify as the "psychologist" or "therapist" of their group (friend group if is the case) because of their analytical mind, they often know how it is to go through from bad to good moods and vice versa, and they know how to deal with problems in their own ways. What's special about this moon phase is that you can be what you want to be, since the native can be a big believer of their dreams and desires, they will certainly achieve those. The native can easily be an influencer in the relationship, inspiring the other one and themselves in the same time.
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The time where wolves are howling to the moon, is a very wild phase for the moon to be in, is known for this moon phase to drive people crazy. The native born during this moon phase is very transformative. The moon is tightly tied connected to the natives feelings/emotions, and sometimes can even have a control upon it. For example to feel more agitated or stressed. You as a child of the full moon, you can often find yourself being a little more sensbile than others, sensbile to others people's energy as well. Is a state where your conscious mind allows you to dreams,to visualize your life, something about these natives is that gives "off vibes" is when it comes to being an extrovert or introvert, since it can manifest differently. An romantic native with a heart full of desires
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The children of the waning gibbous moon are gifted with a mind of a creator, they often have a very good intuition or like a little "angel" beside their shoulder energy, the moon finds herself being more of a reserved nature, if I was to describe this moon phase it will be the sound ocean waves at night. They're often that wise yet creative person of the group, but in the same logical and open-minded. You can find yourself always looking for a part that is missing, the feeling that you're not complete. You're very conscious of yourself/your life/your ambitions. And something very admirable about them is their beliefs, a native born during this moon phase will never be let down by their higher selves/by the God/source/universe
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The natives born during the last quarter have a sense of nostalgia in them, you have a quality about you that seems frozen in time, you keep yourself unique while trying to help others to do the same as well. This moon phase is more attachable than others, so therefore the natives not only attaches to people but to places/animals/things in life very easily. They may also have a sense of finding their meaning in life, while being happy about it even about the smallest things, because they represent "virtue". The native is known for being kind/lovely/loyal and sensible and sometimes they tend to hide themselves in their inner world. Sometimes the past can blind you from the joy of the present & future. The present is just as deserving of your love and attention as your past
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Born during the very last moon phase, the native born during this moon phase is gifted with an immense spirituality and intuition, to describe them with one eye they see the physical world and with other eye they see the spiritual world, so in a way they're connected with each other, the native is very likely to daydream a lot, may receive lots of insights and visions in their dreams. They are gifted with an active imagination, to imagine and create. A glorious nature yet sensibile and affected by others energy. You know how to get deep and meaningful, and it's because at your core, you're a thinker. The thing with them is that they get more wise by their age, just like a flower ready to bloom and show her beauty
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🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘 • 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
How to find your specific moon phase?
Try searching on google/internet your birthday and to add "moon phase" for example: 13.09.2020 moon phase!!
Another example is that astro seek (the site) wil show the moon phase right after you did your birth chart, scroll down to planets table and look right under the moon placement, for example like this:
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The 3rd option will be to just search "moon phase calculator" on google but some of them can have wrong results. I suggest that the first and 2nd versions are wayy better!
This was an easy take, hope it helped you to find your moon phase!! Also what phase was the moon where you were born?🌗 Harmo☾nix 🌗
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