#*rose from titanic voice* it's been 11 years
scapedgrace · 2 years
i used to be a lil ball of anxiety about posting thoughts/headcanons about ships on my own blog bc i don’t want any of my partners to feel pressured by my posts. 
on hawke i’ve just kinda been like “fuck it” and it is rather freeing, tbh. 
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cosmicjoke · 9 months
I’m not sending this in because of Mikasa ship, or any other ship for that matter, I’m sending this because I absolutely hate it when people call Levi old….
This is actually copied from Quara — it’s exactly what I always believed plus the math is already done so ;
[start] Popularly people say that Isayama said that he was in his mid thirties in the first three seasons. I read somewhere that in an before timeskip interview Isayama first said that Levi is in his late 30's but later corrected himself and said that Levi is in his early 30's. Makes sense that he cannot be older than than 32–33 given the timeline. Kenny took in Levi sometime after year 829(the year Uri inherited founding titan) and Levi hardly looked 10 there. Even if we push his birth year to 817, it makes him only 33 in the year 850 and 37 in year 854. This is something I would say Isayama forgot to properly think about, because if Levi was 13 years old when his mother died, then he could have done better than sitting and waiting for death. I mean, Uri Reiss looked way too old when Kenny met him, well his aging was because of stress but still it should be atleast a few years after inheriting the founding titan that he met Kenny because Rod was looking older too. So let's say Kenny met Uri in the year 831 and then later went to see Kuchel in the same year, Levi here was let's say 10 or 11 and that's already stretching it. That would make Levi 29–30, we can cut an year and make it 830 for when he went to see Kuchel but that is the most practically speaking. That is why, i personally believe he is 30–31(birth year 819 or 820)at the start, unlike most who call him 35 at the start. That would make him 35 after the timeskip. Hange is maybe a year younger or same. [end]
The interview was sourced (still is) on Levi’s wiki page, but unfortunately the tumblr account who translated it is deleted. It was actually Armin’s voice actor who corrected Isayama when he said that Levi is in his mid / late 30’s in the beginning (if I remember correctly it was later said that he made that mistake because of nervousness)
It should also be taken into consideration that there is no way Levi looked his age when Kenny found him. He was severely malnourished. He was lacking people skills — Kenny referred to Levi as “socially withdrawn”; he barely talked with him, which suggests he barely (if) talked to other people. Considering this, I don’t think Levi knew how to beg for food properly / in a way people would actually give him some.
I always believed that he’s 30-31 at the start. Idk just thoughts 🙈 I should probably stop sending you those essays 😅
Yeah, I always assumed Levi was at most 30 or 31. And the timeline adds up. I've never payed much attention to the timeline, so I never thought too much about it, haha, but for sure, Levi looks very young when Kenny finds him, but as you said, it's hard to gauge his actual age, given how malnourished he was. I actually wrote two, long posts about Levi's upbringing, and what it was probably like. You can read them here if you want: https://www.tumblr.com/cosmicjoke/714444060984737792/the-psychological-and-emotional-impact-of-levis?source=share
Most people tend to have a rose-colored view of Levi's years with his mother, because we know she loved him. But given the desperation of their circumstances, I don't think their lives together could have been very happy at all, and I think Kuchel most likely had to have been somewhat neglectful, not because she didn't love Levi or want to provide for him the best she could, but simply because she couldn't. People rarely think about the toll her "work" had to have had on her. You couple that with raising a young child, in a place as dangerous and cut-throat as the Underground, and I think Levi probably spent a great deal of time alone, with no one to teach him. I think Levi's lack of social skills, and his withdrawn behavior when Kenny found him, was a sure sign that he hadn't been socialized at all, and that was likely a result of Kuchel simply not having the capacity or the option to teach him how to interact with others. This is something that we see still affects Levi to this day. He's no good at talking to people, or expressing himself.
Anyway, yeah, it's pretty cool to see people have figured out the math on this. I never understood why people called Levi old, but I guess maybe it's a result of Isayama misspeaking in that interview. You can tell Isayama doesn't like giving interviews, I think, so that doesn't surprise me that he would make a small mistake like that. I always just assumed Levi was like, 25 when Erwin pulled him out of the Underground, and about 30 when the 104th finally makes it into the SC.
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heich0e · 2 years
Here's a prompt for you if u want to!!! In honor of daddy's birthday uwu
You Isabel and Farlan have been trying to get Levi shitfaced on his birthday EVERY year. He never gets a little more than tipsy, maybe stumbles over his words a couple times. But this year? You three SWEAR it's gonna be the year he gets completely smashed at the birthday/Xmas party Erwins thrown at his family's house. He's spending the night so he doesn't have the excuse of having to drive!
a/n: this one... rly got away from me uwu ty ley bb and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEVI
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bubbly levi ackerman/reader (attack on titan) word count: 1.8k tags: modern!au, holiday fluff, friends to lovers, mutual pining, furlan and isabel being menaces
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"Hey, Levi!" Farlan called across the party, his voice carrying over the soft rendition of some classic Christmas tune that the pianist that had been hired to perform for the evening was playing. The sandy-haired boy reached up, waving one long arm over his head to capture his intended target's attention.
You watched as Levi eyed him from his place on the other side of the room, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed - the same glass of whiskey he'd been nursing for the better part of two hours still held between the tips of his fingers. His gaze narrowed slightly, and then the crowd between you shifted and you lost sight of him.
Farlan groaned, his arm dropping much like his spirits. "This is a total bust again."
"How does this happen every year?" Isabel huffed, letting her slight frame slump against yours.
Your eyes were still glued to the other side of the room, and when the well-dressed crowd parted again, you saw that Levi had slipped away, nowhere to be found.
Of course.
"You've almost gotta admire his resolve," you added with a world-weary sigh. "Not even Mr. Smith's open bar can tempt him."
You missed the look that Farlan and Isabel had shared from either side of you the moment that you uttered the word tempt.
"Say," Farlan said, snaking an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side, a little further from Isabel, though she let you go willingly. "Have you tried to get him to down anything?"
You blinked up at him curiously -- perhaps it was the champagne you'd been drinking, but the sly tone of his question was lost on you.
"Er, yeah. I've been right with you all night?" Your brow pinched in confusion at his words.
"You know, I think that if you asked him really nicely, he might have another drink," Isabel agreed, tapping her chin thoughtfully as her glossy lips pursed.
"I can try," you said, though your intonation rose at the end as though it was a question more than an agreement.
"Great!" Furlan clapped his hands together in excitement. He turned and picked up the two glasses of champagne he'd secured from a passing server, forcing them into your hands. "He probably went up to our guest room, you go meet him there and give him one of these."
And so you found yourself shuffling along through the sprawling halls of the Smith family home towards the guest room Levi and Farlan were set to share for the evening. You couldn't hear the music anymore this far away from the main part of the house where the party was taking place, though if you listened hard enough you could still hear the faint drone of voices drifting through the sumptuously decorate corridors -- Mrs. Smith really didn't play around when it came to holiday cheer.
You tapped lightly on the guest room door once you made it, waiting to hear any sign of life on the other side. You wondered for a moment if maybe Levi had gone to bed, but it was still only 11, and even if he was feigning slumber you'd known him long enough to be confident he wasn't really asleep.
You pushed your way into the dark room, squinting against the absence of light as you dragged your knuckle across the wall in search of a light switch -- being careful not to spill the champagne in the flute between your fingers.
You gave up trying to find the light, knowing there were lamps on either side of the bed, and treaded carefully towards the bedside table nearest the window where the faintest moonlight illuminated your path.
You nearly shrieked as you turned the corner of the bed and saw a shadowy figure on the ground.
"Jesus Christ, Levi!" you yelped, recognizing the vague, fuzzy lines of the body at your feet as his own. "You scared the shit out of me!"
Levi said nothing, but as your eyes adjusted to the moonlit room a little better, you watched him tilt his head up towards you.
"What are you doing on the floor?" you asked him flatly.
"Ha, ha." You stepped over him, grateful for the dim lighting so he couldn't see up your cocktail dress, and flicked the lamp you'd been searching for on.
Levi blinked up at you from his place on the floor -- his back against the bed and his legs stretched out towards the wall. His glass of whiskey (still half-full) was resting next to him.
"You're hiding," you said to him.
"I'm taking a break."
"In a dark room, huddled behind a bed?" you asked, tilting your head to the side.
Levi rolled his eyes before shutting them completely, letting his head tip back to rest against the side of the mattress.
"Scooch over," you said to him, and he cracked an eye as he peered up at you. You nudged his leg with the toe of your shoe for emphasis.
He heeded your request begrudgingly, sliding over so there was enough space between him and the bedside table for you to take a seat beside him.
"I brought you this," you said, once you'd settled in on the floor at his side, handing one of the champagne flutes to him.
Levi clicked his tongue admonishingly, but took the glass from you anyway -- fingertips brushing against yours as the thin stem moved from your grip to his.
You raised your own glass of fizzling wine to your lips.
"I see you and the dumb dumb duo are still hell bent on getting me drunk on my birthday, even after all these years."
You nearly choked, spluttering over the carbonation that was rapidly crawling up your nose.
You turned to look at him.
"You knew?"
"You three are about as subtle as an uppercut," he snorted, eyes sliding over to meet yours.
You gaped. "You're the worst!"
Levi laughed at that -- an honest chuckle slipping from his lips as they curled at the corners in a little smile.
"Yeah, guess I am," he said with a shrug, turning to look forward at the wall again. "Mean thing to say to a guy on his birthday though."
"You hate your birthday," you replied, frowning.
"I do," he agreed.
"You don't even let us buy you presents," you added.
"I don't," he said, concurring once more.
"You know, it's Christmas," you said to him after a moment.
"So I've been told," Levi mused, and you resisted the urge to elbow him in the side.
"You didn't get me anything."
Levi looked at you, a little taken aback.
"We never exchange gifts."
"I know that, but you didn't even ask if there was anything I wanted," your lips pursed forward in a little pout as you said the words.
"Well," Levi cleared his throat slightly, "was there?"
"Maybe," you mused, feigning reticence.
"What was it?"
"For you to drink that champagne."
Levi groaned at your obvious ploy, tilting his head back and throwing a crooked arm over his eyes.
You laughed a little to yourself as you sat beside him, sipping your own drink while you let him wallow.
"Well," Levi said after a few quiet moments, and you turned to look at him, your glass still poised at your lips. "It's not fair if I get you something but you don't get me something. It's my birthday after all."
He still wasn't looking at you. His eyes shielded under the sleeve of his dress shirt.
"What do you want?" you asked him, your mouth suddenly a little drier. You took another drink.
For the first time since you sat next to him you became aware of just how close the two of you actually were -- how your thighs were flush, how you could feel the heat from his body radiating into yours, how you could smell the cologne he always wore at the end of each inhale.
"If I drink the champagne, you have to give me it."
You almost could have laughed at how serious Levi sounded, but for some reason, you didn't.
"Okay," you replied, but you found that you could only whisper the words.
"No matter what it is?" he asked.
Slowly, Levi let his arm drop, peering over at you hesitantly. You watched as he brought the glass of champagne to his lips, taking a healthy swig. Your eyes traced the way his adam's apple bobbed on each swallow -- and after three rhythmic dips, the flute was drained.
"Merry christmas," he said, grimacing a little against what you could only assume was the burn in his throat from the bubbles.
"So what do you wan-"
Levi's face was suddenly very close to yours, a blush on his cheeks too prominent and too sudden to be from the champagne, and you questioned if maybe he'd had more to drink that night than you'd noticed.
"No matter what it is, right?" he said quietly, seeking confirmation as the warm breath behind his words broke across your lips.
Your heart seized in your chest, and all of the carbonation in your stomach suddenly felt like it had gone to your brain -- all you could do was nod slightly in response, your eyes raking over his features.
Levi leaned forward, one hand reaching over your waist to rest on the floor on the other side of you -- effectively pinning you against the side of the bed beneath his frame.
His lips brushed against yours -- so sweet and soft that you half-questioned whether they'd met at all.
Your eyes were open, and so were his. Slate grey peering back at you with a flicker of anxiety behind them that betrayed that he was worried he was taking things too far. He pulled back slightly, staring at you with the same earnest worry as when he'd been kissing you.
"Is that all?" you asked him after a few pulse beats thrummed loud in your ears, the words a little more fluttery than you would have liked them to be. "Seems like a kind of half-assed birthday present."
Levi laughed a little, half-incredulous and half-relieved, his head dropping forward to rest against your shoulder. "Do you have something better in mind?" he asked quietly, so close to you that you felt the words reverberate through his frame.
You set your empty glass to the side, cradling his face between your hands as you tilted his face up towards you again. His blush was so fierce now that even the tips of his ears were red -- but this time you knew the alcohol had nothing to do with it.
He licked his lips, his gaze trailing down to your mouth before flickering back up again -- all of the hesitation in his gaze having fizzled away like the bubbles in the champagne you'd just drank.
"I might have a few ideas."
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heybeybey · 3 years
Of Bank Robberies and Math Lessons
@petra-realsnk shared on the Rivetra Writers discord a badass cottagecore outfit with a rifle for Petra and for some reason it reminded me of this fic idea I've had for sometime.
So here, have this drabble of Robinhood-type Criminal Petra x Elementary Math Teacher Levi because I want Levi in glasses and badass Petra Ral.
Also also, if you're curious why I chose math, there was one scene in the Junior High anime where Levi scored a high grade in the subject. Big brain, big dick. Just Petra's type
Word count: 1,369
Summary: She comes in and out of his life, but with how she's making a difference, he finds that he didn't really mind.
"You're here." He almost drops the math book in his hand when he sees a flash of ginger hair in the alleyway.
"Missed me, sir?" Petra teases, pulling on his cravat to lead him a bit further into the alley and away from from the prying eyes of school kids.
Levi shivers at that, huffing as he pushes the bridge of his glasses up to see her clearly. He takes in her white corset top, flowing dark red skirt and leather boots. She has a brown hooded cape on and he notices that the rifle gun on her side might be the reason for that. He notes how her outfit absolutely just screams Petra—feminine and dainty but still a spark that's waiting to burn.
He missed her, and he doesn't wait to lean down to capture her lips in a desperate kiss, an arm encircling her petite waist to pull her closer. It's been two weeks since he'd last seen her and he's taking every moment he can get to compensate for that.
"Tea?" she asks breathlessly and with a stupid smile on her face. He'd already dismissed his students and Levi was planning to grade papers back in his apartment, but he knows he can't deny her when they rarely even see each other.
He shrugs. "Why not."
- -
"So... how are your students?" He doesn't look up from his task as he answers Petra, content to just work while he basks in the presence of his girlfriend. They're currently in one of his favorite tea shops, with him grading papers and her sipping on her tea under her hood.
"Stupid as ever. There's this kid who I've been tutoring one-on-one for weeks now and he still keeps failing," he rants. "All he talks about are the titans outside the walls. I don't get paid enough for this bullshit."
"You should relax more, Levi." She reaches out, suddenly grabbing the glasses from the bridge of his nose while he was in the middle of encircling a student's final score. He gives out a "tch" in annoyance, moving to take the glasses back from her but just sighs when he sees that she's wearing it just to tease him. Petra looks so adorable cheekily smiling in his glasses that he almost allows her to have it for a little longer.
"I would but if you're surrounded by imbeciles, it's hard not to pop a vein."
"Cut them some slack, Levi. They're 10 years old."
"I was already forced into child labor when I was 11 years old, just so you know." He quips. Petra just rolls her eyes at that.
"Maybe if you loosen up a little, they wouldn't be so scared to actually ask you things they don't understand," Petra scolds lightly.
- -
They were lying naked on his bed, bodies covered in freshly-laundered sheets and breaths panting as they bask in their afterglow, when she drops the bomb.
"I wanted to say goodbye, Levi."
He's no stranger to this, to Petra popping in and out of his life. To be frank, he wasn't even that bothered. He does miss her whenever she'd disappear for weeks on end. Sometimes he'd start to worry if she was still even alive, only for her to pop back in, cheerfully greeting him with a "Hi Levi!" and peppering kisses all over his face.
Well-intentioned she and her group may be, Levi's pretty sure he's fucked up in the head for being smitten over a criminal the first time she robbed the bank while he was making a personal deposit.
Looking back, she may have been as smitten as he was. It turns out she popped up outside of the school he's teaching in two days after to introduce herself.
"The fuck are you doing here?" He eyes her suspiciously. Levi scans his surroundings, trying to find something that he can use against her in case she tries anything. He can't risk his students' safety.
"Wow, you're more paranoid now than when I placed a gun on your head and demanded you to put your hands up back in the bank." she replies, amused.
"Hmm. Well, as long as you don't miss our anniversary-"
"I meant for real." Levi's throat closes up at her words before he can even find the guts to say anything. "We'll be in Mitras tomorrow and we're taking on a big mission."
Petra looks away before continuing. "If we're successful, the money we'll be able to get is insane. Enough to feed all the kids in the Underground for at least a few months."
"I don't get it. You've been doing this for years. What makes this one different?"
"It's a heavily guarded bank in the capital, Levi. We heard that the establishment's been thriving on dirty money." She shrugs. "Thought we'd give it back to the people, as usual."
"Are you seriously going to die on me? You?"
Petra's musical laughter rings through the room.
"No, dummy. If I died, how will we give it to those that need it the most?" she said, but her voice takes on a morose tone. "But we heard the owners have a high position close to the crown. I'll be in hiding until who knows when. Most of our contacts who've dealt with them before disappeared after just a week or two."
Petra fully turns to him, eyes soft. "I just... I don't want you to get mixed up in anything."
Levi bitterly looks away from her sad amber eyes. "So you're just going to leave me. In case you don't remember Petra, I can protect myself."
She cups his cheek at that, running a thumb from the corner of his eye to his cheekbone.
"I know that," she says. "But you must also know that I'd protect you whenever and however I could. Doing this is the only way I can guarantee your safety."
He suppose he should've seen this coming. What did he expect? For him to come home from work and find Petra sitting around back in this apartment as his housewife? The military police would find her in a heartbeat if she stayed in one place for so long. And with a portfolio of bank robberies and noble hostages under her belt, he doubts she'd get less than a decade behind bars, even if she'd never committed anything as serious as murder.
A part of him wanted to come with her. It's not like he didn't have experience. He'd been in and out of juvy for most of his teenage years, but he also knows that he wouldn't make Petra happy that way.
As illegal as their methods may be, Petra and her group are actually making a difference. Significantly more than the government who promises that "they're for the people". He'd heard stories of how she'd help expose corrupt official, then funnelling the man's dirty money to a dying hospital in a village within Wall Rose instead. He'd heard small family businesses getting another chance because wads of cash just showed up on their doorstep, giving them enough capital to start anew. And those are just a few in the three years that they've been doing this.
He decides to savour this moment with her instead, taking in her amber orbs staring up in content at him. He tugs on a ginger strand of hair and runs it lovingly down his two fingers. Even if he tries to convince her, Petra was made for greater (albeit a tad bit fucked up) things.
"I.." He gulps, trying to find the courage to finally say those words because this may be his last chance. Levi sees her giving him a soft look, her hand running up his bare back to pull him closer.
Petra understands, beating him to it. "I love you too, Levi."
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asciendo · 3 years
The Return
Jean was the cocky bastard that walked around like he owned the place. Y/N couldn’t stand him so when the time came that you were his sparring partner, you couldn’t wait to teach him a lesson.
Little did the both of you know, that sparring match would be the start of your unexpected relationship with Jean Kirschtein, that will change your life, and the rest of the Scout Regiment forever.
Chapter 1/Chapter 2/Chapter 3/Chapter 4/Chapter 5/Chapter 6/Chapter 7/Chapter 8/Chapter 9/Chapter 10/Chapter 11/Chapter 12/Chapter 13/Chapter 14/Chapter 15/Chapter 16/Chapter 17/Chapter 18/Chapter 20
Tag list:  @empty-glass-full-of-emotion @dai-tsukki-desu @usernamehere91@princess-peaches1 @thestrugglesofateenagedirtbag
The Scouts have only been gone for a few days but to you it felt like it had been years since they left.
The other cadets back at HQ tried to keep you company, playing card games, or cooking for you, you appreciated their efforts but couldn't shake the thoughts of the expedition.
You weren't sleeping well, thoughts of the worst things that could happen to the Scouts plagues your mind every night. Thoughts of pain, destruction and death were all you could muster.
Then there were thoughts of Jean. You knew he was reluctant to go, leaving you behind in your state. But one of the things you admired about him was deep down, he was the bravest person you've ever met. Seeing his growth from the cocky bastard you couldn't stand to the man who would sacrifice everything for his team, you couldn't ask for more.
As you sighed staring at the gate like you did every day, you pictured him walking through the large doors and into your arms.
Suddenly, there was yelling.
"THEY'RE BACK!" One of the soldiers announced and your heart rose. They're back. They're home. Jean is home.
As the gates opened, your heart immediately dropped. There were so few of them, you could count the survivors with both of your hands.
You ran down from where you were seated onto the main area. You see Captain Levi and Hange, both had solemn faces, but Hange's face brightened up a bit when she saw you. Where was Commander Erwin, you thought.
Floch trudged behind them angrily, he was looking at the ground and cursing under his breath. Suddenly, you see someone being carried in a stretcher and you freeze. You walk closer and see Sasha. Her eyes are barely open but she tugs on your hand as you approach.
"W-what happened?" you whisper and she smiles. "I'm fine...I promise...just need some bread.." she mutters and you smile. Despite being injured, she's still thinking about food.
You turn around and see Armin, Eren and Mikasa. Armin smiles sadly at you and Eren looks more distant than usual.
"Y/N..." Armin begins. "There's something you should know..." he begins and your heart drops. You haven't seen Jean yet. Is he okay? Is he...alive?
"Not now Armin..." Mikasa scolds and Armin nods, gives you a hug and walks passed you. Mikasa hugs you as well and Eren places a hand on your shoulder. You suddenly feel someone grabbing you and hugging you from behind and you turn around to see Connie.
"Connie! I'm so happy you're alright!" You hug him back and Connie laughs. "Wow, seeing your face has got to be the best thing that's happened the past few days." He looks down and plays with his fingers.
"Connie...just tell me what happened. Armin was about to tell me something but Mikasa stopped him. Is it Jean? Is he—"
"Y/N." you froze. You could recognize that voice anywhere. You turn and there he is. Jean was standing with his shirt battered, dirt on his cheeks, and cuts on his face. But he was here. He survived. You felt tears in your eyes at the sight of him and you've never been so thankful in your life.
You started jogging towards him and his frown curved up into a smile. He grabbed you and kissed you and you swear you've never been happier.
"YUCK!" Connie yells from behind you and you roll your eyes at him. Jean cups your face and slowly wipes the tears that were streaming down your cheeks.
"I though you—"
"I told you I'd never leave you right?" He whispers and you nod. He pulls you in once more and places a kiss on your forehead.
"What happened? Where's Erwin?" You ask and the look on Jean's face tells you everything. He was dead.
"Is that what Armin was trying to tell me? That he was gone?" Jean looks at you with sadness and you knew there was something more. Jean couldn't speak. He didn't know how to tell you Bertholdt was dead and how Armin was now the Colossal Titan.
"Come with me to my room?" He asked and you nodded.
As you got to his room, you plopped on his bed and Jean snaked himself next to you.
"Bertholdt is dead." He states and your eyes shot open. You didn't think it would affect you after everything but you felt a heaviness in your chest.
You were trying not to react, knowing how Jean felt about him and Reiner betraying you. "Don't hold it in. It's alright." Jean states and you close your eyes once more as your tears come back.
"Shit." He mutters and he brings his arms around you and wraps his whole body around yours.
He tells you everything, how Armin is now the Colossal Titan, about Erwin, the things they found in the Eren's basement.
"I feel terrible...I wasn't there—"
"Don't." Jean cuts you off and you sigh. "Knowing you were back here...was what kept me going...if you weren't..." He trails off and rests his head on your stomach.
"What kind of world is this, Y/N? What do we even do now..." Jean closes his eyes.
"I don't what's going to happen to us. There's no light. Nothing. No hope—" he suddenly stops and stares at your stomach.
"Y/N...I felt something." Jean stares at your stomach in disbelief. "The baby is kicking." You smile and Jean looks up at you. Staring back at your stomach you see the tears start to form in his eyes.
"Jean, are you okay?" You giggle and nods slowly.
"I have hope. There's hope." He whispers and you can see that something in him has changed.
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djmarinizelablog · 3 years
Levihan, Fluff 11? Please, again? Lol
#11.) Levihan, Fluff: “I know it’s 2 in the morning but do you want to…” I think I was drunk when I wrote this draft, so, uhm, my apologies.
Summary: Levi is dead, dead, dead, and he is very, very confused. Crack fic, beware.
Rating: M
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Only the Good Stories Remain
Levi thinks he’s a goner; his butt has been kicked by that stupid monkey because Zeke—fucking—Yeager pulled the pin of the thunderspear. Waiting sure makes revenge more satisfying. He wants to say, “A shithead like you has no one on your side.” He wants to chop him up with the Executioner from Hell and feed him to the dogs of Marley. Like bad boys with their bad toys, because sticks and stones may break his bones but whips and chains excite him. Zackley is in the corner, using his torture device on Pixis and Nile. Once he’s done, the Prime Commander sets them all on fire, and Levi thinks this is okay. Hands off, Chief. If Zackley ever touches his face, Levi’s gonna break his bones. He almost had it all, but what they gave him was his angst. He is just the right kind of lost, like a sour, wrinkly grape waiting to rot. It’s him, a painful death, and all the heroic stories in between. But heroism is also a deadly flaw. Like hubris or vanity or snorting soap suds to calm him down. That’s why he thinks he should do away with it. There is something wrong about him so he looks down and sees himself naked. His nose twitches. Somebody comes up to him and grunts, “Fancy, huh?” He glances to the side and sees Farlan and Isabel. They’re cleaning and scrubbing every inch of him. “The fuck you’re doing?” Isabel laughs and splashes an entire bucket of tea onto him, upset that he’s held it the wrong way all these years. He stares down the cup and sees his reflection: it’s a sad blob of smoke and blood. The handle is more fragile than his ego. Behind him, his horse is whinnying; it’s wild and free and the next thing it does is a somersault in the air with his ODM gear. It spins in the air, just like what he does when he’s slashing at Titans in full rage. And then the horse transforms into Erwin without notice. There's no mistaking that blond hair, blue eyes and eyebrows thick as worms. “Erwin, what the hell?” The Commander is running to him with a huge pastry the size of his thigh. “I’m here to keep you high.” He turns around and sees Erwin covered in cream and chocolate. “Surprise, I’m the pastry.” Levi is disgusted and his face does not hide it. But he still wants to bite it even though he might choke on that. It probably tastes like wild berries and bratwurst. Or beef jerky. And all that Levi does is imagine. Pretend he’s not a 30-year-old man who hangs out with teenagers because all his friends are dead. It’s like when they say the history is written by the winners—stories don’t grow in Paradis; they come out of Marley’s ass. Put that on loop and you’ll get a new season. Out of nowhere, Mike keeps on sniffing him; he doesn’t know why but he knows he smells of grapefruit and mint. The next thing he knows is Mike sneezing like it’s the end of the world. He keeps wheezing until Wall Maria falls once again, and then it topples over Sina and Rose. “Oh my god,” Sina blurts out from the afterlife. “Did you mean goddesses?” Rose flips her hair and winks. Oh my us, indeed. Next to him, Nanaba is laughing out loud. She’s a blonde version of Levi, but her hair makes her look like a banana. Maybe that’s why her name is like that. He believes blondies on board do the trick; they’ve all developed a kink for napes. It’s an awkward question if he asks her to confirm that. But he’s waiting for secrets to come out. Blondies should die their hair a different color so people don’t think they’re dumb. And now Levi’s tired because all of his rabid fangirls are trying to ship him with anyone and everyone; he doesn't have enough holes for that. He wants to strangle them all with his cravat. But nobody really dies a virgin because life fucks them all. He’d rather break their bones because they have 213 of those. Nothing here makes sense, he says, seeing Kenny and Kuchel run around chasing knives. His mother is angry at Kenny for raising Levi like a homeless rabbit. So she skins her own brother alive with a backhand grip. And now they’re even, his Ackerman clan. Maybe it’s all about riding out the pain. Or just getting high. It’s a shit show. “Heya, midget!
Shit happens, right?” Kenny spits out the apple seeds from his mouth. “Don’t listen to him, baby.” His mother puts a finger on her lips, but Levi says, "I'm not a baby anymore." He might be growing old but he refuses to grow up and the dead just keep popping out of the dark like daisies. Lynne and Henning are beside Gelgar chugging mugs and mugs of beer. Bizarre and off the wall. He’s mad because nobody gave him an invitation to drink. And now the drinks are on him. Somebody’s throwing up in the back, it might be Kenny or his mother. But it’s actually Sasha, who choked on an entire potato because it wouldn’t fit inside her mouth. She throws up and all kinds of titans come out of her mouth. But they don’t eat anyone; instead they just crawl to the ground with their faces flat in the mud like Rod Reiss did. Even Rod Reiss says hi but Levi doesn’t give a shit. He can keep his face down in shit for all he cares. It’s like dreaming that he’s Historia and Eren is the person who got her pregnant. There’s too much riding and moaning for horny kids and he’s only got sore joints and eyebags from being a veteran. Petra is spanking Oluo for imitating him again. Watch her back; it might break again. The girl acts like a wife to this copycat avocado. Everything is like fish sauce and gin; they don’t make sauce but you still want to hear about it. Gunther is doing bondage with the harnesses, and it excites him, but now he doesn’t know how to free himself from it. “O Captain, My Captain,” Eld says, as if he’s reciting some lines out of a play or a poem. But that does not stop him because Levi cannot appreciate art. He thinks art is for fuckers who think they’ve achieved something good in life. Why be normal when he can be fab? He’d rather be something than nothing. Erwin’s voice is booming. “Do you believe in it?” His bolo tie is slipping. “Do you, do you, do you?” Erwin’s voice keeps repeating: do you, do you, do you, do you, until Levi himself finally has had enough and says, “Fuck this, get out of my head.”
Hange is looking at him. There’s no one else around. It’s just them, a bonfire, a tent, splintered wood, and a cart of supplies in the forest, and he’s fucking naked and there are bandages around his face.
Oh, and his fingers are missing.
“We’re all good here, right?”
Hange nods, slowly. “I know it’s 2 in the morning but do you want to…”
“...Maybe rest some more?” Hange puts their hands on his shoulders and gently pushes him down the mat.
It’s like camping. In the midst of war. And they’re out here, roasting marshmallows with his hand that has two less fingers. But he’ll be fine, who knows?
Then the cart explodes right behind them.
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FC. the gloriously underrated maw whitman
22-30 yr OLD, SINGLE, PAN AF (leaning to women), touguide at a museum, musician and low key vigilante oops. speaks several languages, loves cursing in spanish
caitie is pansexual, in her mid-twenties. she loves making music and hang out with her friends. she took her leap year a little too far. she works part-time as a tourguide in a museum and is close to her parents and uncle clark. she doesn’t have a problematic childhood but was bullied in high-school for not fitting other people’s beauty standards (even though she’s perfect and gorgeous as she is). she thought of becoming an actress but singing is more of her thing and it kind of runs in the family. she also will FITE* any assholes trying to take advantage of others at pubs, restaurants, 7/11, you name it.
ARROWVERSE VERSE: she is obviously the daughter of kara and barry. she’s close to her uncle clark and always resented not havign her mom’s kryptonian waist but eventually learned that there was nothing wrong with her. she’s also as pan as most of my muses, unapologetically loud and has a mix-up of her parent’s powers. she’s fast but not as fast as barry and she is strong as her mom but can’t really fly. she has the superhearing and the heat vision and is a hero in a hoodie.
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fc. the lovely miss conor leslie
25-35 YR OLD, SINGLE, DEMISEXUAL, formerly girl wonder and part of Titans. 
donna troy is a DC character that will be solely based on the Titans TV show, wih my own HCs. she’s a photographer and a Titan. she is half human, half themyscirian and didn’t want to dawn on the proverbial cape again but she has a soft spot for her best friend dick grayson and dawns the suit again.
spoilers for s2/3: she dies but is brought back, but no longer belongs to the titans and is flirting with the idea of being part of something else.
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fc. billy burke. alt. john krasinski
40-50 YR old divorced, boringly straight, loves his daughter, has a profound dislike for A vampire.
he’s a sheriff in forbes, wa., divorced. he’s canon divergent in the sense of he adores his daughter and is not emotionally constipated as in the book. he thinks of bella and he as a Team TM and will do his very best to make her feel at home knowing very well she has a profound dislike for forbes and the cold. he’s been alone for over a decade so it’s not going to be easy to share his space with someone else BUT HE IS GOING TO TRY HIS DAMN HARDEST OKAY. he also makes an awful lot of dad jokes and has no regrets.
obvs he has a twilight verse and a regular non-twilight verse when all the top things still apply minus vampires and shifters.
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fc. anya taylor-joy
25-35 yr old (looking in vamp verse), in a relationship (for tw verse, it not single), not as straight as one would think,  non-tw verse: model that is trying to learn the trade behind the scenes to be able to manage others
tw rape, tw abuse tw murder
twilight verse: rosalie hale was born in 1915 in NY, was in love with the idea of love and accepted a proposal from a dick, who in the night before their wedding decided to gangr*pe and mutilate her. carslile turned her into a vamp to save her life, or give her an alternative. except for her fiancee and his r*pists friends, she had been a vegan vampire since being turned. she had always wanted a husband, kids and a fence and loved the idea of possibilities. she has always trusted her looks and used them to her advantage as a weapon (except on her horrible dying night). she absolutely adores emmett and the cullens and is only reticent for bella to join them because she doesn’t want her to waste her possibilities.
non tw verse: rosalie or rose for short is a model that started her career at a very young age and was misconstrued as a spoiled brat by her former manager. she was thrown into a harsh world that seemed glamorous and couldn’t find her voice until she was 18 years old thanks to a friend that stepped in. she decided to go public with the struggles she had gone through and even though she knew a lot of people could see her as a ‘poor rich white girl’ she didn’t believe that diminished the psychological, verbal and sometimes physical abuse the industry put on her. bc of this, she has become somewhat of an advocate with her following and is trying to figure out her next steps that certainly involve helping others not to go through the same thing she did.
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delicatelyherdreams · 4 years
Pragma(tic) 12: He Gets the Visit of His Life
Pairing: Persephone!Bucky Barnes x Hades!Reader
Summary: In a world where the old gods never truly died, you must learn to navigate your way through the ups and downs of immortality. And if living forever wasn’t hard enough, an ancient evil is now threatening to break free after centuries of silence. And as if that still wasn’t hard enough for you, now a pesky and infuriatingly handsome god is trying to wedge his way into your life. Gods, work, love, and conflict—what more could a goddess need? [Hades & Persephone AU]
Word Count: 4350
Warnings: Language
Pragma(tic) Masterlist
Previous 11: She Takes a Stand
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Bucky had said that he’d give (y/n) a day at least to get back on her feet in terms of work, but he wasn’t sure exactly how much time she wanted. Was just one enough, or did she need more?
Eight days had passed since he’d left (y/n) at the border and, sappy and cliche as it might be, he missed her. He missed her smile and her laugh and even her sour glares she gave him when he said something stupid (which was often if he was being honest, but he only did it to get those damn glares from her).
He wondered how she was doing without him. Not that she needed him or anything—she was perfectly capable of living on her own—but she had told him she had a lot of work to do and he was curious to see how she was doing. He could only imagine how boring the paperwork was. He’d sat there and watched her do it one day and he nearly fell asleep. He felt so bad for her if that’s what she was stuck doing. Maybe he could rescue her and bring her to the island. Get her some sun. If there was one thing that was good about being in the Mediterranean, it was that it was sunny year-round.
Lying there in the grass under the shade of a tree to shield him from the sweltering sun, Bucky sighed and shut his eyes. He didn’t think it really mattered what (y/n) was doing at that moment and daydreaming about taking her out in the sun wasn’t doing any good.. The fact of the matter was that he missed her and he really wanted to see her. But he had to wait. Delayed gratification always paid out in the end and—
“Hey, Buck!” Sam’s voice called, pulling him from his thoughts. “You’ve got a visitor.”
Bucky groaned, keeping his eyes shut. “Tell my mother I’m sleeping.”
Sam laughed and Bucky felt him sit down beside him. “It’s not your mother. I think you’re going to want to go get them before Steve loses his mind.”
Bucky peeled an eye open and looked over at Sam. “What are you talking about?”
He nodded his head forward. “See for yourself.”
Bucky opened his eyes fully and sat up to look at the clearing. He couldn’t believe his eyes.
Standing in the clearing, talking to Steve, were two women and a large dog. He only just recognized the woman on the left as Peggy, the goddess of magic, but he would’ve known the woman on the right anywhere. 
(y/n) was dressed for a sunny day with a pair of loose black shorts hanging from her hips, a dark grey tank top hugging her torso, and a floppy black hat casting shade on her face. Cerberus stood by her side, nearly attached to her hip, as he sniffed Steve’s hand eagerly. (y/n) had her fingers tangled in his fur as she pet him absently, listening to whatever Steve was saying. A kind smile adorned her lips. When Bucky moved, he drew her attention and those striking eyes of hers landed on him. Her smile only widened when she saw him, and she raised her other hand in greeting.
He could only stare at her, his lips parted in awe. 
He’d never seen her venture out of the Underworld in the daytime and actually have time to appreciate her in the sun. The only time he’d seen her in the Mortal World like this was when she threw him out the first time. She was beautiful then, but it was a scary beautiful—the kind that came from radiating power and “I’ll kick your ass” energy. But now? She was stunning with the gentle glow that came with familiarity and sincerity. The sun kissed her skin, giving her a lively glow that seemed to send color to her flesh. She looked alive, and Bucky’s breath got caught in his throat.
He was on his feet and making long strides over to the quartet before he knew it.
(y/n)’s eyes never left him and her smile only grew brighter as he approached. “I thought you were going to come back later,” she said, her tone taking on a teasing tone. 
A smile to match hers covered Bucky’s face. “Oh, I was, Doll, but I wasn’t sure how much time you’d need to get caught up.” 
“Only a day or two. Eight was far too many.” She chuckled. “But time is irrelevant when you live forever.” She turned her gaze from him and looked back up at Steve. “Your friend here was kind enough to fill us in on all your moping over the past few days. Did you really miss me that much?”
“He did,” Steve confirmed, nudging Bucky with his elbow. 
Bucky hissed a “Hey” at Steve before rolling his eyes. “He’s exaggerating the whole thing. I was not moping.”
He cleared his throat. “Anyways! Why are you guys up here? I’ve never seen you topside and dressed for,” he gestured vaguely, “leisure.”
(y/n) looked down at Cerberus. “Well, we needed a bit of fresh air, and Cerberus wanted to go on a walk, so we figured we’d pop up for a bit and see you. You’ve been going under for so long that I figured it was my turn to come up and see you.”
Bucky’s heart hammered in his chest. She wanted to come and see him. She left her kingdom to come to him. If that wasn’t dedication, he didn’t know what was. He smiled at her and offered her his hand. “Then shall we give your beloved pup a walk?”
She took it without hesitation and nodded. “Yes.” She turned her head back towards her companion. “Pegs?”
“You go on!” the other woman encouraged. “I’ll be here talking with Steve.” She shot a grin at the blond man, eliciting a blush to rise to his cheeks.
(y/n)’s eyebrows rose in acknowledgment, a smirk playing on her lips. “Alright then. Come on, Buck.” She squeezed his hand and pulled him towards the trees that led out of the clearing.
He followed her, tugging her too. “This way,” he coaxed as he led her through the trees. “I know a good path for walking. Mortals rarely travel it.”
“Perfect.” She let him take the lead.
Cerberus trotted just a bit ahead of them, sniffing down at every little leaf he came across. His tail was wagging rapidly at the excitement of new surroundings. Bucky supposed he hadn’t really seen anything living in, well, ever. 
As if thinking the same thing, (y/n) giggled at her dog. “He doesn’t get out much,” she admitted sheepishly. “He’s a busy dog.”
“Oh, I bet.” Bucky hummed and pulled her closer as they emerged from the trees onto the vacant path. “I still can’t believe you came up here.”
“Honestly? Me neither.” She looked down. “But I needed a small break. Things in the Underworld… Well, they’re not looking too hot right now.”
He frowned and ducked his head to see her. “How do you mean?”
Her lips had formed a thin line as she looked ahead. “Kronos’ cage is… It was weakened. Like, so weak he could’ve broken out at any moment.”
Bucky’s brow furrowed. “I thought that you went down every week to—”
“I did. We think that someone might’ve tampered with it. Our leading hypothesis is titans, but everyone’s been accounted for.” She growled under her breath and her hand squeezed his with frustration. “But we’ve quadrupled up on security and have spent countless hours strengthening the cage. Everyone is doing their best. Even my sisters have come down to help. At this rate, it looks like we’ll be back to normal within days and we can put this whole thing behind us as a fluke. But it’s just been so hectic down there and I needed a break.”
“So you came to me?”
“Exactly.” She rubbed small circles on the back of his hand with her thumb. “I feel calm with you, Buck. So when I needed a break to just chill out, the only place that came to my mind was by your side.” She shrugged as if it was no big deal, but the words made Bucky’s heart pound.
He cleared his throat and his eyes darted down to her. He was glad that he could put her at ease, and he thought to himself that he could help her by breaking the tension with a bit of comedic relief. So, with a teasing grin on his face, he asked, “Do you wear anything other than black?”
Her head snapped up to him, and she stared at him. “Pardon?”
He gestured at her outfit. “Screw me, I’m trying to make conversation and lighten the mood. You’re stressed.” He cleared his throat. “Anyways! I only see you in black. Do you wear anything else?” 
A skeptical smile crossed her lips, but she answered him, “Yes. Sometimes I wear greys or reds.”
“So only gloomy colors?”
“I suppose.” Her smile gave way to an amused chuckle.
“What about a nice yellow? I think you could pull off yellow.”
Her chuckle turned into a full roar of laughter. “Yellow! Bucky, the day I wear yellow will be the day I die.”
“So never. After all, gods can’t die.”
She turned to him, a coy smile on her lips. “Now that is where you’re wrong. It’s very rare, but gods can die or be killed.” She paused. “I’ve seen it happen; in fact, I’ve had to kill some myself.” 
“What?” He turned to look at her, his eyes concerned. He’d never heard of this, and it made him anxious and worried for her to know that she had killed a god.
She continued to walk, acting as nonchalant as if she were talking about swatting a fly. “Erebus, the god of deep darkness and shadows was rebelling against us, trying to set my father free. He was a minor god, so he wasn’t a real threat, but he was still guilty of high treason against Olympus. Carol hated to do it, but she had to sentence him to death. Who better to be the official executioner than the goddess of the dead?”
Bucky continued to stare at her, his heart aching for her. He’d never really witnessed death before, but he could only imagine how horrible it was for her. Despite being surrounded by death down in the Underworld, he never could imagine what it was like dealing it out. “Wh-What did you do?”
She glanced at him sideways. “I don’t want to get into the details with you, Buck. You don’t really need to concern yourself with it. Death is… Well, it’s not always pretty. I don’t want to make you worried or ruin your innocence. Death is a nasty business.”
He nodded, but there was still something that bothered him. Every god presided over some dominion or another. Every god controlled some important aspect of life. What happens to their role when they die?
“If Erebus is dead, then what happened to his…”
“His charges? The deep darkness and shadows?”
It was like she read his mind. He nodded. 
“I took them. When a god dies, another has to take their role. Sometimes it goes to the god that already presides over something similar, sometimes it goes to the one most willing to take it.” She lifted her hand and instantly wisps of darkness curled around her fingers. “I was already Queen of the Underworld, a place that practically bathed in the deep darkness and shadows, so I took on the role.” She closed her fist and the shadows vanished. 
Bucky couldn’t decide if he was fascinated or terrified by the whole thing. He was impressed that she had more power because of the death, but he was frightened by the prospect that any god could become more powerful by killing another. 
“Don’t worry though. It’s extremely difficult to kill a god. Only one of the Big Three’s weapons or our father’s weapon can do it in one fell swoop, and my sisters and I keep our weapons under lockdown when we aren’t using them. The only other thing I can think of that could kill a god would be a sickness, and even then it would have to be a powerful sickness.” She shrugged. “Don’t fret about it, no one is dying anytime soon.”
“If you say I shouldn’t, I won’t.”
“Then don’t.” She fell silent for a bit before laughing. “Well, that was a failed attempt at keeping the conversation light. We go from talking about clothes to talking about death.”
“Well, when your girlfriend is the goddess of the dead, death and all its tangents are probably going to be normal conversation topics.”
At that, (y/n) froze and pulled Bucky to a sudden stop.
He grunted as he stumbled, pulled by his hand which was still holding hers. “You alright?” He hadn’t been expecting that, and he didn’t think she would stop unless she had good reason to. His eyes searched her body for any sign of sudden injury or disturbance, but all he could find was the startled expression on her face. 
She stared at him, still as death, her eyes darting all over his body. Her lips were parted in a silent gasp.
“(y/n)?” he called again, his voice cautious and timid.
She was silent for a few moments more before she asked, in a voice as timid as his own, “Wh-What did you just call me?”
“No, before that.”
He paused, wracking his brain for the word. When he finally realized what she meant, heat rose to his face. “I called you m-my girlfriend.”
Hearing it again, she turned her head down, eyeing him through her lashes. “Bucky… You’ve only known me for seven months or so. That’s… that’s not that long at all.” She hung her head, her expression unreadable.
For the first time in a while, Bucky was scared he’d overstepped the unsaid boundaries they’d established. His heart sank in his chest. What had he been thinking? Where had he gotten the idea that they were a couple? Was it from the countless hours they’d spent together? Was it the both of them kinda admitting their feelings back at Pop’s Pastries with no one but the fluorescent lights to bear witness? Why had he thought that meant she wanted to be with him even when he hadn’t asked? Was he really so stupid as to rush into this too fast and just assume? 
He lowered his head in shame. “I… I know and I’m sorry, Doll. I shouldn’t have assumed anything and I—”
“No!” she said suddenly. “I mean, I don’t mind. I just… I’ve never been an official girlfriend before and it’s just… It’s different, y’know?”
“Like a good different?”
She paused for a moment, deliberating silently, before nodding. “I think so. But, if I’m your girlfriend, does that make you my boyfriend?”
“If you want me to be.”
She was quiet for a bit before she nodded her head. The motion was slow at first, so slow that Bucky hardly noticed it, but then she began to nod her head more eagerly and a smile that lit up her whole face took over. “I’d like that very much, but I’m changing the name. ‘Boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’ sounds like something teenagers use. I think I’d prefer you to be my partner.”
He chuckled. “Then your partner I shall be. I don’t care what you call me so long as I can be with you.”
“But also,” she said staring at him pointedly, “you have to actually ask me out before we can be anything. Just because I like you doesn’t mean you can cut corners.”
“Fine. (y/n), will you go out on a date with me?”
Her eyes sparkled with joy and mischief as she said, “Sure. Aren’t we on one now?”
He opened his mouth to respond, but he was cut off by Cerberus yipping and the sound of footsteps approaching. 
(y/n) whistled sharply, drawing Cerberus to her side, and placed her hand on his head to hide his red eyes. She straightened up, her cheery manner being replaced with something more serious, and stared down the path where two figures were making their way up.
Bucky’s mouth fell open. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen mortals up here. Most of the time he only came across animals or nymphs, but these were full-fledged humans. He tugged (y/n) closer to him, encircling her waist with his arm as he pulled her towards the side of the path to let the people pass.
They were a pair of men, right around Bucky and (y/n)’s physical age, who were huddled together and murmuring in hushed whispers. They were American based on their accents, probably tourists, but that didn’t explain why they were this deep in the island. All the tourist attractions were closer to the bay or the city.
(y/n) had stiffened as she watched them grow nearer; she was not used to living creatures. Bucky saw her eyes flash a light shade of red.
He leaned into her so his lips were just inches away from her ear. “Easy,” he whispered. “They’ll be gone soon.”
She didn’t relax; her glare was fixed on them. “Why are they here?” she hissed. “I thought you said mortals don’t come up this far.”
“Sane ones don’t,” he confirmed before leaning back and calling out to the boys, “Hey! You kids lost or something?”
The one on the left, a brunet, perked up, his eyes startled. “Oh! Uh, sorry, mister. No, we aren’t lost.”
“Then why are you here?” (y/n) took her hand off of her companion’s head and crossed her arms impatiently.
The second boy, a blond, withered slightly under her gaze, his head bowing low. “We heard from locals that the gods roamed here in ancient times. The stories say that they still do. We’re theology majors in college and doing a project on Greek Mythology. We didn’t mean to trespass.”
(y/n) snorted, probably from the comment about the gods. “You boys came up here based on some stories? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but that’s all they are: stories. And pretty inaccurate ones if we’re being honest. I mean really? Where did they come up with some of that stuff.”
Bucky found her exasperation amusing, especially since most of the inaccurate myths were about her and her sisters. She looked about ready to rant about the truth of the gods but, although Bucky could listen to her talk for hours about anything, he really didn’t think that she should blow their cover to a couple of kids. He tightened his grip on her waist and whispered her name.
She slackened just a bit in his grip, but her eyes never left the men. “You shouldn’t be up here. It’s dangerous.”
The blond was the first to respond by saying, “Please. We just want to explore and maybe take some pictures for the project. Will you at least let us do that?”
Bucky was quick to answer. “Sure, but you guys are seriously going to want to get out of here soon. Not so nice characters venture out here sometimes, and they don’t like intruders.”
They gulped.
Bucky took (y/n)’s hand. “Come on, Doll. Let’s go.”
She whistled once more to Cerberus, giving him the okay to walk, and the three of them began to continue down the path. “Have a nice trip,” (y/n) said, her smile growing mischievous as her eyes flashed red at the boys.
The color seemed to drain from their skin as they stared at her incredulously.
When they were out of earshot, Bucky leaned down to her. “Really?”
She turned to him, her eyebrow cocked. “‘Really’ what?”
“Are you trying to blow our cover? Flashing your eyes at them?”
She waved her hand dismissively. “Nah, just trying to scare them a bit. I never get to have fun with the mortals.” Her lips turned down in a pout. “Let me mess with them!”
“You probably scared them shitless, Doll. I know I’d be freaked if I saw a pretty girl with red eyes.”
“Oh really?” She closed her eyes for a second before opening them to reveal the red that had taken over her irises.
Bucky’s breath hitched in the back of his throat as the rouge stared at him, ensnaring him with their striking gaze. Her eyes shone like rubies, piercing his soul and seeing the very depths of his heart. They were gorgeous, enchanting even. He’d never get tired of that color. “Really really,” he murmured, leaning in closer and pressing his lips to her cheek.
The giggle that passed through her lips was music to his ears. “Gods, you’re such an idiot.”
“I know.” He slowed to a stop by a small bush on the side of the path and reached for it. Simultaneously, it reached back, a small red poppy to match (y/n)’s eyes blossoming as it grew. By the time Bucky’s fingers had reached the plant and gripped the stem, it was in full bloom. Bucky plucked the flower and turned back to (y/n), tucking it behind her ear. “But I’m your idiot.” He let his hand linger on her cheek.
Color rose to her face as she leaned into his hand. “Yes you are,” she mumbled. “Come on, idiot. We probably should be getting back now. Who knows what mischief Peggy and your friend have gotten up to.”
“What? Peggy and Steve? Nah, Steve might be a dumbass, but he’s the second most responsible out of the three of us.” Bucky had no doubt that they were fine, if not hitting it off swell. Ever since his growth spurt, Steve had grown more confident around people. Though, he didn’t know if “people” necessarily included goddesses. Well, guess it was time to find out. 
(y/n) hummed as she turned him and Cerberus around to head back the way they came. “So then does that make you the least responsible?”
“Heh, yeah. But hey, my lack of responsibility led me to you.” And it did; if he had been responsible, he never would’ve taken Steve seriously and ventured down to the Underworld to get that ruby.
They walked in silence the rest of the way back to the clearing. 
Sam had vanished, probably to head down to the city and get food, but Peggy and Steve were sitting in the center of the field. Peggy was laughing at something Steve had said and Steve had the distinct red tint of a blush on his cheeks. Bucky smiled softly as he briefly observed them. Steve and the goddess seemed to be hitting it off. He’d have to make an inquiry about it later.
(y/n) stopped him at the edge of the clearing, right before they exited the trees, and turned to him. “Thank you for letting me come up, Bucky. Even if it was just for a bit. It was just the break I needed.”
He hummed. “Don’t mention it, Doll. You’re always welcome up here. Any time I get to see you makes my day, so feel free to visit whenever.”
“And the same goes for you, Buck.” She looked down at their hands which were still intertwined. “The Underworld is always open for you. You have every right to be down there. And I…” She frowned and bit her lip as if she was confused by what she wanted to or was about to say.
“And you…” Bucky prompted her, hoping to help her get the words out.
She held her silence for a bit longer before pressing her lips together and nodding. “And I want you to come down and see me. My responsibilities keep me pretty tied down there, I won’t always be able to come up and see you like this, but I want to see you. I want you to come down and see me. So please don’t be a stranger.”
Bucky held one of her hands in his as he used the other to cup her cheek. He gently leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I won’t, my queen.”
Satisfied with his answer, she straightened up, a soft grin on her face. “Good. Then I think Peggy, Cerberus and I will be taking our leave.”
“Good luck prying her from Steve’s hands,” Bucky said, looking out at his best friend and the goddess.
(y/n) said nothing but walked out to the pair, Cerberus keeping pace with her wide strides. She crouched down beside Peggy and said something inaudible to her, probably detailing that they had to go.
Peggy nodded and stood. She turned down to Steve and smiled, murmuring something that made him smile back. Peggy stood next to (y/n).
(y/n) dug into her pocket and pulled out what Bucky could only assume to be an Asphodel seed. But, before dropping it, she looked up at him one more time and gave him a smile. He could practically hear her saying, “Until next time,” with the grin. She tossed the seed onto the ground beneath them and the three of them were swallowed by the earth. 
A single Asphodel was left behind.
Left alone with Steve, Bucky walked into the clearing, stopping just beside the Asphodel sprout. He stared down at the flower, a soft smile playing at his lips.
Steve watched it too, but a frown was tugging the corners of his lips down. “We have to pick it, Buck. You know your mom will flip if she sees it.”
“I know. Just…” He sat down next to the flower and looked it over, the feeling of (y/n)’s hand in his lingering. “Just let it live a bit longer.”
Next 13: She Makes a Confession
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lovejustforaday · 4 years
My Top 10 Albums of 2019
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Rose Gold - Kitty
Main Genres: Electro Pop
A decent sampling of: Chill Hop, Chill Wave, Alternative R&B, Cloud Rap, Future Bass, Synth Pop, Trip Hop, Wonky Kitty's sound keeps changing from EP to LP, but one thing that remains constant is her witty, hyper-feminine cool girl persona. On "Rose Gold", she explores a variety of electronic genres while maintaining a near-perfect chill mood and atmosphere. "Rose Gold" easily avoids falling into the traps of repetitiveness prone to a lot of lo-fi chill music thanks to Kitty's charming personality and clever lyricism on tracks like "B.O.M.B. (Peter)" and "Florida". I feel like this is definitely a late night album, one you might listen to while sneaking around your kitchen to make a late night snack while wearing your cutest pajamas. Alternatively, this is the album your stuffed animals all get up and vibe to while you're sleeping. Oh yeah, and "Counting All The Starfish" samples FF7 which is pretty cool. Highlights: "B.O.M.B. (Peter)", “Don’t Panic (Interlude)”, "Mami", "Counting All The Starfish", “Disconnect”
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House of Sugar - Sandy (Alex G)
Main Genres: Indie Folk, Neo-Psychedelia
A decent sampling of: Folktronica, Psychedelic Folk, Indie Pop, Americana I admit, I was completely unfamiliar with Alex G's material until this album came along and garnered a lot of attention. I'm very excited to explore his back catalogue now thanks to this album. Fitting to its name, "House of Sugar" is somewhat like a psychedelic sugar rush, feeling at once strange and whimsical yet also sickly sweet and delirious. Under the album's upbeat folky veneer lies darker themes about loss both personal and conceptual. "Gretel" and the album title itself are both inspired by the fairytale of Hansel and Gretel, which makes a lot of sense because I really just want to get lost in the woods while listening to this album. "Project 2" is a noticeable outlier and the weakest track, forgoing conventional song structure completely for experimental synth music yielding mixed results, but even this short track manages to be oddly beautiful and adds to the overall experience. Likewise, "House of Sugar" is an exceptionally interesting musical journey even at its weakest. Highlights: "Gretel", "Sugar", "Hope", "Walk Away", "Taking"
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Titanic Rising - Weyes Blood
Main Genres: Art Pop, Baroque Pop
A decent sampling of: Progressive Pop, Psychedelic Pop, Soft Rock, Progressive Electronic, Alternative Country Most acclaimed album of 2019? Quite possibly. While it's not my top choice of the year, I can definitely understand the widespread praise this album has received. At its best, Weyes Blood's "Titanic Rising" is a truly lush and cinematic experience, incorporating musical influences from the best of 60s and 70s era pop music with a moving lyrical narrative of coming to terms with depression and getting older. Mering's voice is warm and tender, and her insights about generational woes on tracks like "Everyday" and "Something to Believe" are mature and nuanced. If you're new to being an adult like I am, and you find the prospects of trying to build a fulfilling and meaningful life in the kind of world we live in scary, then listening to "Titanic Rising" will feel like a very bittersweet soundtrack written for a movie based on your own real life. Considerably front-loaded, but the concept for this album is very fresh and ambitious, and when it's good, it's brilliant. P.S. definitely the best album cover of 2019 Highlights: "Everyday", "Movies", "Andromeda", "Titanic Rising", "A Lot's Gonna Change"
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Grey Area - Little Simz
Main Genres: Conscious Rap, UK Rap
A decent sampling of: Jazz Rap, Hardcore Rap
Little Simz sounds like she knows exactly who she is and what she's doing on "Grey Area", like she has her flow and writing lyrics down to a science. The album really feels like seeing the world through her eyes, and Simz holds nothing back, talking about everything from institutional racism and violence, to things like therapy, motherhood, and even video games. "Grey Area" succeeds as well as it does largely thanks to the strengths of Simz's offbeat personality, lyrical insights, and excellent delivery, while the production on the album is mostly smooth and slick in a way that never overpowers her as the main focus. I'll admit, I find at some points that the production on some of the songs falls considerably short of the standards set by Simz's own talent as a rapper, but when the production does reach that level on tracks like "101 FM" and "Venom", the pay off is brilliant. "101 FM" in particular is such an interesting and unique hip hop song, in the same way that Simz is a very interesting and unique rapper. Honestly this album is worth the listen alone just to hear what Little Simz has to say about everything.
Highlights: "101 FM", "Selfish", "Offence", "Venom"
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Pang - Caroline Polachek
Main Genres: Art Pop, Alternative R&B
A decent sampling of: Electro Pop, Glitch Pop, Ambient Pop, New Age, Downtempo Of all the albums I've listened to this year, "Pang" feels like the most varied journey with an impressive collection of 14 songs in under 50 minutes. On this LP, Caroline Polachek takes the listener through her world of romantic fairytales and magic. Some of the songs are poppy bangers like the funky "So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings" and the rhythmic "Ocean of Tears", while other songs are more mood-driven and meditative like "Parachute" and "Insomnia". Many of the songs place emphasis on the vocal gymnastics of Polachek herself, who makes great use of her range and techniques like heavy breaths on "So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings". The production work of Polachek and Danny L. Harle is sophisticated and intricate, with a lot of attention to detail on tracks like "Door" and "Pang". A lot of the songs are  mysterious and cerebral, especially the penultimate "Door" which has an equally cerebral and trippy music video. Overall, I'd say that "Pang" definitely opens and closes with its strongest few tracks, but there’s enough variety and intricacies throughout its entirety to make the album experience highly engaging on repeated listens as you explore the different musical worlds that each song has to offer.
Highlights: "Door", " So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings ", “Parachute”, "Pang", "Go As a Dream", "Ocean of Tears", “Hit Me Where It Hurts”, "The Gate"
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Norman Fucking Rockwell! - Lana Del Rey
Main Genres: Art Pop, Soft Rock
A decent sampling of: Dream Pop, Chamber Pop, Contemporary Folk, Psychedelic Pop, Piano Rock, Blues Rock, Americana, Pop Soul So yeah, this album happened. Lana Del Rey has always been an artist I appreciated for her unique sound and persona, but I found that her 2012 LP "Born To Die" mostly didn't quite live up to her potential as an artist, and I never really bothered with the rest of her work apart from individual songs until now. I'm so glad I checked this one out because "Norman Fucking Rockwell!" rightfully deserves the wave of acclaim it has received this year. Lana Del Rey's songwriting has become so sophisticated on this LP, and the warm, rich soft rock sound that she's adopted on tracks like "The greatest" compliments her vocals better than any other genre she's explored so far. Like most of her work, "Norman Fucking Rockwell!" explores American identity and femininity, and the songs are tinged with sadness and nostalgia. That being said, I actually find parts of this album very uplifting, especially on "Love Song" and "Mariners Apartment Complex". "Venice Bitch" is, simply put, a true masterpiece. It's the reason I checked out the album when I heard the single last year, and it damn near blows everything else out of the water with its gorgeous soundscapes and 9 minute length that could go on for an eternity if it wanted to. Regardless, there's a lot of songs here that I love, even if the LP is a little front-loaded. Lana has outdone herself this time with "Norman Fucking Rockwell!", and I already look forward to the projects she's announced for 2020. In the meantime, I should check out the LPs that I missed in her discography. Highlights: "Venice Bitch", "The greatest", "Mariners Apartment Complex", "How to disappear", "Cinnamon Girl", "Love song", "Norman fucking Rockwell"
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Keepsake - Hatchie
Main Genres: Dream Pop, Indie Pop
A decent sampling of: Shoegaze, Synth Pop, Twee Pop, Jangle Pop
This album pretty clearly derives a lot of its sound from a particular era of early 90s dream pop, shoegaze, and jangle pop. So what makes "Keepsake" so special? For one, Hatchie knows her sound niche and does it incredibly well. Songs like "Stay With Me" and "Kiss The Stars" feel like lost gems from an era when they could've been heard on college radios in between the Cocteau Twins, MBV, and the Cranberries. While her sonic timbre is pure retro, Hatchie's own take on classic dream pop from a songwriting perspective is fresh and unique. Her lyrics and melodies are pure and saccharine in a way that reminds me of feel-good teen romcoms about sappy high school romances, only I mean that in the best way possible. Songs like "Without A Blush" and "Secret" feel like what I thought falling in love was gonna be like when I was 11 years old. "Stay With Me" is a rush of euphoria, and the song feels like prom again whenever I listen to it. Her pop songwriting sensibilities are well-crafted in a way that makes it look like she's been doing this for years and years, when really Hatchie only started putting out her own music in 2017. The sequencing of the tracks is well thought out, and I find "Keepsake" is at its strongest in the middle portion. There's just a certain essence of carefree youth and sentimentality that Hatchie has captured so vividly with this album. If you're looking to recapture the feeling of your best memories as a teenager, "Keepsake" will take you there. Strongest debut LP of the year, and I super look forward to whatever she does next. Highlights: "Stay With Me", "Secret", "Her Own Heart" "Kiss The Stars", "Without A Blush", "Unwanted Guest"
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Djinn - Lingua Nada
Main Genres: Indie Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Noise Rock
A decent sampling of: Noise Pop, Progressive Rock, Math Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, Indietronica, Experimental Rock
Lingua Nada is that one really cool indie band that only I and a few others seem to know about. The band has a very distinct and creative sound which combines explosive noise with jerky, whacky rhythms and upbeat melodies. Last year's "Snuff" was a very raw and experimental album experience, and another year-end favourite of mine. This year's "Djinn" boasts slightly more conventional song structures, but the sonic timbres and rhythms are just as strange and beautiful, if not more. As its name would suggest, "Djinn" is partly inspired by Arabian folklore and evokes a sort of mysterious, ghostly presence on songs like the title track and "Salam Cyber". The mix of noise, acid-y psychedelics, and complex rhythms on "Habiba" and "Dweeb Weed" results in alien, otherworldly sounds. "These Hands Are Royal" is a very evocative track as well, with its propulsive beat and dusty guitar riffs giving me the distinct imagery of travelling a desert by foot. Lingua Nada never overwhelms the listener with their explosive songs on "Djinn", and the band takes time to mellow out a bit towards the end of the album with the bubbly, psychedelic indietronica bop "Yalla Yalla" and the minimalist folk tune "In Limbo". Lead vocalist Adam Lenox is buried pretty deep in the mix of guitars, and I wouldn't exactly say he has the strongest presence as a vocalist, but I can't say that this takes away much of the appeal because "Djinn" is clearly meant to be a more impressionistic experience. Lingua Nada have come out of the past two years with a strong 1-2 punch of innovative noise rock albums, and with "Djinn" they've proven themselves to be one of the most daring and multi-talented rock bands of the decade.
Highlights: "Habiba", "These Hands Are Royal", "Djinn", "Salam Cyber", "Yalla Yalla", "Proto", "Gucci Mecca"
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Ginger - Brockhampton
Main Genres: Pop Rap, Contemporary R&B, West Coast Rap
A decent sampling of: Alternative R&B, Emo Rap, Conscious Rap, Indie Pop
This album feels like it's all about growth. Brockhampton have undergone a lot of changes as a band since they first blew up in 2017 between sudden fame, signing a major label, and kicking Ameer for his toxic behaviour. Last year's "Iridescence" felt like a raw, anguished, and messy response to the sudden changes the band had to cope with. Now it's 2019 and we have "Ginger", a more lowkey and sometimes deeply sad album, where members of Brockhampton are still processing many of the same problems. This time, however, the album is far more consistent, more nuanced, and overall, masterfully crafted. There's a lot of talk of male identity and what it means to be a man on "Ginger", and some of the traits brought up are moral integrity, honesty, and vulnerability, all which are part of emotional maturity and subvert machismo gender expectations. True to its album cover, "Ginger" is like a big hug for young guys struggling with depression, but anybody can get something out of this brilliant piece of art. The highlights are many: Joba's verse on "BIG BOY", Kevin's verse on "BOY BYE", and Matt's verse on "NO HALO" just to name a few. But the defining moment of "Ginger" is Dom's takedown of Ameer at the end of "DEARLY DEPARTED", a brilliant 66 seconds of anger, remorse, pain, and condemnation.  Guest rapper Victor Roberts rapping about his traumatic childhood experience with the police on album closer "VICTOR ROBERTS" is also a key highlight, and serves as a fitting note to end an album that so forwardly tackles depression and coping with traumatic life changes. The production is fantastic, from the effortlessly cool R&B jam "SUGAR" to weirder tracks like the off-kilter "IF YOU PRAY RIGHT" which is built around a cartoonish trombone riff. I simply can't praise this album enough. Brockhampton have matured as artists, and "Ginger" will go on to prove their legacy as one of the best rap groups of the 2010s. Highlights: "DEARLY DEPARTED", "NO HALO", "SUGAR", "GINGER", "BOY BYE", "VICTOR ROBERTS", "IF YOU PRAY RIGHT", "BIG BOY", “ST. PERCY”
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Magdalene - FKA Twigs
Main Genres: Art Pop, Glitch Pop
A decent sampling of: Progressive Pop, Ambient Pop, Alternative R&B, Post-Industrial
It's hard to describe what makes this album so brilliant because it's so subtle. "MAGDALENE" slowly unravels to reveal its beauty, in the same way that a flower slowly blooms, petal by petal. Likewise, FKA Twigs slowly strips away all of her defenses, track by track, to reveal the heart of a wounded lover. "MAGDALENE" is all about the breakup of Twigs' highly publicized relationship with Robert Pattinson. The lyrics explore her lover's emotional distance on "home with you", her feelings of inadequacy after being thrust into the broader public eye on "cellophane", her lover's lies on "fallen alien", and the physical pain she endured undergoing fibroid surgery that rendered her feeling weak on "daybed". Like the rest of her work, many of the songs on "MAGDALENE" juxtapose the unnerving with the beautiful, with tracks like "mirrored heart" and "fallen alien" alternating between ethereal vocals backed by piano and glitchy, spine-tingling production that evokes earthquakes and mirrors shattering into hundreds of pieces. There's also a lot of empty space on this album, and a general appreciation for minimalism. Tracks like "mary magdalene" and "cellophane" are made stronger by allowing enough room for Twigs' vocals to carry the music, and boy does she ever. Twigs breathes, moans, cries, screams, whispers, and commands with her voice to utter perfection throughout. The vocal highlights are all over "MAGDALENE", but my absolute favourites include the last line of "home with you", the dark incantations of the verses on "fallen alien", and the withering refrain after the beat-drop on "cellophane". "cellophane" is the centerpiece of "MAGDALENE" and the perfect closer, like listening to the music of a dying flower as it slowly wilts away. Overall, "MAGDALENE" is a stunning piece of art. Twigs has reclaimed her pain on this album by turning one of the lowest points in her life into the most beautiful album of the year. Highlights: "cellophane", "home with you", "fallen alien", "mary magdalene", "daybed", "sad day", "mirrored heart", "thousand eyes"
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darkacademicx · 4 years
A List of Show Recs, While You’re Stuck at Home
This is a huge and continuously updating list.  The first 2 categories are ‘definitely DA’ and ‘Probably DA’, but beyond that all of the shows are sorted by category.  Enjoy!
Definitely DA:
The Living and the Dead - The plot revolves around Nathan Appleby and his wife, Charlotte Appleby whose farm is believed to be at the centre of numerous supernatural occurrences. Set in Victorian times and has ghosts and an excellent aesthetic.  Available on Amazon Prime. 5/5
A Series of Unfortunate Events - This series follows the tragic tale of three orphans -- Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire -- who are investigating their parents' mysterious death. The siblings are saddled with an evil guardian named Count Olaf , who will do whatever it takes to get his hands on the Baudelaires' inheritance. Violet, Klaus, and Sunny must outsmart Olaf at every turn, foiling devious plans and disguises. The series is based on the series of books by Lemony Snicket.  Available on Netflix. 
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - A dark coming-of-age story that traffics in horror and the occult. In the reimagined origin story, Sabrina Spellman wrestles to reconcile her dual nature -- half-witch, half-mortal -- while standing against the evil forces that threaten her, her family -- including aunts Hilda and Zelda -- and the daylight world humans inhabit.  Available on Netflix. 5/5
Downton Abbey - This historical drama follows the lives of the Crawley family and their servants in the family's Edwardian country house. The programme begins with the 1912 sinking of the Titanic, which leaves Downton Abbey's future in jeopardy, as Lord Grantham's presumptive heir -- his cousin James -- and his son, Patrick, die aboard the ship, leaving him without a male offspring to take over the throne upon his death. As a result, Lord Grantham must search for a new heir. As the programme progresses through the decade, other historical events happen leading up to Lord Grantham declaring in 1914 that Britain is at war with Germany, marking the beginning of World War I, which becomes a major plot on the programme.  Available on Amazon Prime.
Gran Hotel - Set in Spain in the early 20th century, Julio arrives at a luxury hotel to meet his sister, head chambermaid Cristina only to discover she has disappeared. Julio makes it his mission to find her and infiltrates the hotel under the guise of a footman.  This show is in Spanish but available with English Subtitles. 5/5
Penny Dreadful - An exploration of the origin stories of classical literature characters in this psychological thriller that takes place in the dark corners of Victorian London. Sir Malcolm is an explorer who has lost his daughter to the city's creatures, and he will do whatever is needed to get her back and to right past wrongs. His accomplice, seductive clairvoyant Vanessa Ives, recruits charming American Ethan Chandler to help locate Sir Malcolm's daughter and slay some monsters. Available on Netflix and Hulu. 
The Umbrella Academy - On one day in 1989, 43 infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy the day before. Seven are adopted by billionaire industrialist Sir Reginald Hargreeves, who creates the Umbrella Academy and prepares his "children" to save the world. In their teenage years, though, the family fractures and the team disbands. Fast forward to the present time, when the six surviving members of the clan reunite upon the news of Hargreeves' passing. They work together to solve a mystery surrounding their father's death, but divergent personalities and abilities again pull the estranged family apart, and a global apocalypse is another imminent threat. 
Sherlock - Dr. John Watson is a war vet just home from Afghanistan. He meets the brilliant but eccentric Holmes when the latter, who serves as a consultant to Scotland Yard, advertises for a flatmate. Almost as soon as Watson moves into the Baker Street flat, they are embroiled in mysteries, and Sherlock's nemesis, Moriarty, appears to have a hand in the crimes.  Available on Netflix. 5/5
Stranger Things - In 1980s Indiana, a group of young friends witness supernatural forces and secret government exploits. As they search for answers, the children unravel a series of extraordinary mysteries. Available on Netflix. 5/5
Twilight Zone - It's a strange mix of horror, science-fiction, drama, comedy and superstition. Serling introduced each episode, and many of the black and white episodes concluded with a surprise ending. Available on Netflix and Hulu. 5/5.
Outlander - After serving as a British Army nurse in World War II, Claire Randall is enjoying a second honeymoon in Scotland with husband Frank, an MI6 officer looking forward to a new career as an Oxford historian. Suddenly, Claire is transported to 1743 and into a mysterious world where her freedom and life are threatened. To survive, she marries Jamie Fraser, a strapping Scots warrior with a complicated past and a disarming sense of humour. A passionate relationship ensues, and Claire is caught between two vastly different men in two inharmonious lives. Available on Netflix and Hulu.
Probably DA:
The Magicians - Quentin Coldwater, a grad student at Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy, has been fascinated by the magical fantasy world since he was young. But as he has gotten older, Quentin and his 20-something friends have discovered that the magical world they read about as children is not only real, but it poses dangers to humanity. While studying at the secret upstate New York school, the friends struggle to cope with the aftermath of a catastrophe that befalls the institution. Available on Netflix, Hulu, and the Syfy website. 5/5
Merlin - This action-packed fantasy-drama revisits the saga of King Arthur and his wizard, Merlin, by focusing on the two characters when they were ambitious young men struggling to understand their destinies. In this telling, Prince Arthur is known to be the heir to the throne (no sword from the stone here). And he is acquainted with all those who will one day form the legend of Camelot, including Lancelot, Guinevere, and Morgana. Merlin is also forced to deal with King Uther's Great Purge, which bans all use of magic. Available on Netflix. 5/5
The Order - When Belgrave University student Jack Morton joins a fabled secret society, the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose, he is thrust into a world of magic, monsters and intrigue. Out to avenge his mother's death, he uncovers dark family secrets and lands in an underground battle being waged between werewolves and practitioners of dark magic. Assisting Jack in the fight is Alyssa, a tour guide at Belgrave and fellow member of the Order, which is led by Jack's estranged father.  Available on Netflix. 4/5.
Legion - David Haller is a troubled young man who was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a child. Shuffled from one psychiatric institution to the next, in his early 30s, David met and fell in love with a beautiful and troubled fellow patient named Syd. After a startling encounter with her, he was forced to confront the shocking possibility that the voices he hears and the visions he sees may actually be real. Syd led David to Melanie Bird, a demanding but nurturing therapist who heads a team of specialists -- Ptonomy, Kerry, and Cary -- each of whom possesses a unique and extraordinary gift. Together, they helped David to recognize and harness his hidden abilities and unlock a deeply suppressed truth -- he had been haunted his entire life by a malicious parasite of unimaginable power.  Available on Hulu. 4/5.
Derry Girls - Following Erin and her friends as they grow up in a world of armed police in armoured Land Rovers and British Army check points in 1990s Northern Ireland and attempt to navigate the highs and lows of being teenagers. Available on Netflix. 5/5
Broadchurch - When the corpse of an 11-year-old British boy, Danny Latimer, is found bloodied and dirty on an idyllic beach, a small Dorset community becomes the focus of a police investigation and media madness. Out-of-town Detective Inspector Alec Hardy gets the point position over Detective Sgt. Ellie Miller -- who feels the job should have been hers. Slowly, more members of the community of Broadchurch are drawn into the investigation. While dealing with so much unwelcome attention, Danny's family tries to cope with its grief. When a suspect is named and charged, the ensuing trial sees the defendant promising to expose more of the townspeople's secrets.  Available on Netflix. 5/5.
Haven - FBI Agent Audrey Parker arrives in Haven, Maine, on what she believes is a routine assignment. But the longer she stays, the more curious she becomes -- about the townspeople, who seem to be beset by a range of supernatural afflictions; about the town itself, which contains many secrets; and about her own surprising connection to this strange place.  Available on Netflix and Tubi.  4/5.
A Very Secret Service - At the height of the Cold War in 1960, André Merlaux joins the French Secret Service and contends with enemies both foreign and bureaucratic.  In French with English Subtitles.  Available on Netflix. 5/5.
Criminal Minds - An elite squad of FBI profilers analyzes the country's most-twisted criminal minds, anticipating the perpetrators' next moves before they can strike again. Each member of the "mind hunter" team brings his or her expertise to pinpoint predators' motivations and identify emotional triggers to stop them. The core group includes an official profiler who is highly skilled at getting into the minds of criminals, a quirky genius, the former media liaison who manages to adeptly balance family life and the job, and a computer wizard.  Available on Netflix and CBS.  5/5
Eureka - In the years since World War II, the U.S. government has been relocating the world's geniuses (and their families) to the Pacific Northwest town of Eureka. Daily life there shifts between amazing innovation and total chaos. U.S. Marshal Jack Carter learns this first-hand when his car breaks down in Eureka, stranding him among the town's eccentric citizens. When they unleash a scientific creation still unknown to the outside world, it's up to Carter to restore order. Subsequently, he's let in on one of America's best-kept secrets.  Available on Amazon Prime.  5/5.
Our Girl - Taking destiny into their own hands, British Army female medics of 2 Sections are dispatched on different missions, where they encounter the heartbreak and realities of life on the battlefield.  5/5.
The Crown - This lavish, Netflix-original drama chronicles the life of Queen Elizabeth II from the 1940s to modern times. The series begins with an inside look at the early reign of the queen, who ascended the throne at age 25 after the death of her father, King George VI. As the decades pass, personal intrigues, romances, and political rivalries are revealed that played a big role in events that shaped the later years of the 20th century.  Available on Netflix. 4/5.
Victoria - The monarch's life is chronicled as the story begins with the death of King William IV in 1837, her accession to the throne at the tender age of 18 and her relationships with the influential forces around her. With the advice of the prime minister Lord Melbourne and the support of her husband Prince Albert the young queen flourishes and establishes herself in her newfound role. Available on Amazon Prime. 4/5.
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slytherinlesbian3 · 4 years
All of the colors. Knock yourself out
Alright, Anon. I see you. I’ll leave out the ones I’ve already done though <3
red: describe your favorite shirt Blue. Literally just blue. Tight, but not too tight. Makes my biceps and boobs pop so it’s pretty nice.
blue: preferred type of weather? Rain or snow.
purple: a poem you think describes your closest friend Not a poem, but “I’ll be right beside you to the very end.”
turquoise: favorite sea animal? Dolphins.
cyan: are you religious? spiritual? Uh, I believe in more than one god and lean more toward Roman/Norse mythology than religion. I believe in every god, really. But I’m not submitting myself to blind faith for a cult I know nothing about.
violet: are you a part of the lgbt+ community? Lesbian through and through.
aqua: do you thrift? Do I...what? Thrift as in steal or thrift as in buy on sale? Because yes.
black: would you ever try going vegetarian or vegan? No.
coral: an animal you wish hadn't gone extinct Bro...Dodo birds. They were dope.
grey: how many languages do you speak? do you want to learn any more? Technically I only fluently speak English, but when I was younger I only spoke in Italian except to my family sejfnskejnfdjskn. I’m learning Latin right now and I can still speak Italian but not nearly as much. I know bits of French, German, Japanese, and Czech though. Beside Latin, I don’t really wanna learn any others.
maroon: do you care for clothing brands? Adidas and 511. Adidas because I’m a slut for soccer and 511 because their pants are so COMFY BRO. But they’re expensive so I only own a 511 belt </3
rose: favourite scent on a person? Something...floral. Roses or cherry blossom. Coconut is nice too. Vanilla is cliche but you can never go wrong with it.
charcoal: have you ever been camping? No and I do not wish for it ever.
claret: do you play an instrument? do you want to learn to play any? Trumpet and guitar. 6 years, 11 months.
copper: gold or silver jewelry? Neither, but silver probably. Just looks nicer with my skin tone.
cream: any piercings or tattoos? do you want any? None. I don’t even have my ears pierced. However, I do want a snake tattoo on my thigh lmaoo.
salmon: how many pairs of sunglasses do you own? Like 5 but I only wear one because they’re aviators :D
indigo: have you ever lived on a farm? Nope but I have stayed on one for about a month.
lavender: relationship status? Single but I do have a tumblr wife: @maritasdump​
erin: what was/is your best school subject? ENGLISH BECAUSE I CAN WRITE ESSAYS IN LITERALLY 15 MINUTES
fulvous: another name you think would suit you Ew, uh...well, Vi. It’s my nickname since it’s the shortened version of the nickname of my real name, but it fits me better.
coconut: a subject you enjoy learning about Rome and Latin :D
frost: a -core you enjoy A what.
porcelain: an tv show you used to love Powerpuff Girls, Teen Titans (original), eh
fawn: any interesting family stories? Well, one time my brother got a stick stuck in his shin. Kinda funny. Another time my brother broke my leg while on a trampoline Another time my brother almost broke my ankle by daring me to jump off a 20 foot ledge. Another time I made my brother bleed with my nails for taking my skittles. I could go on...it’s just a lot of sibling violence.
gold: do you wear your socks mismatched? I used to but I just wear black socks now. (Except for soccer)
honey: your thoughts on magic- does it exist? Yeah. Just in different forms:)
rust: form of art you enjoy doing? Writing lmao. But I guess just sketching is fun.
mahogany: your sun, moon, and rising signs I have 0 desire to calculate that because I don’t know it off the top of my head but I’m a capricorn and I feel like that’s enough information
blood: twin beds, queen, or king? ...And there was only one bed...
hot pink: did you/do you had/have strong feelings against the color pink? Hot pink is nasty but regular pink is cool asf. My soccer socks for October games are pink and I wear them every practice/game.
plum: a food you've never tried A lot, but I’ve tried a hella ton of European foods. So, uh...I’m not really sure. Something non-American (all Americas), non-EU, and non-Asian, I know that. 
lilac: dogs, cats, or fish? CATS.
amethyst: do you collect anything? Knives.
mulberry: earbuds or headphones? Eh...Depends what I’m doing. Voice chat? Headphones. Music at the bus stop? Earbuds.
azure: jean jackets? My God - on other people? Hot. On me? I’ll stick to leather.
teal: have a job? Not yet.
sapphire: do you think you can sing well? For the most part, yeah. Trying to incorporate my guitar playing with it and it’s going pretty smoothly.
mint: favourite flavour of gum? Juicy Fruit simply because my grandmother got me hooked on it from a really young age. That or plain ol’ wintermint.
pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up? Follow by Breaking Benjamin
penny: icecream or cake Ew. Sweets are a hit or miss for me, but um? Probably ice cream.
ash: can you do your own makeup? Hell no. I’ve only worn makeup twice and it was applied by someone else.
jade: ever written fanfiction? EKFMNSKENFJKDSN SO MUCH.
grape: how many blogs do you follow? 346!
umber: do you brush your teeth before you eat? No, ew. Why would you do that?
chestnut: type of phone you have iPhone 10 XS. Got it last May...First new phone I’d ever owned. Went from an iPod that could only call, to a phone that could only call, then an iPhone 5 until I was 15. They were all hand-me-downs and I never complained. They worked fine.
prussian blue: what's your first choice at the vending machine Soda, probably. If it’s food, either the chips or the rice krispy <3
aquamarine: beach or pool Pool. I’ve come too close to death at the beach to enjoy it anymore.
brass: least favorite food condiment Mayo/horse radish.
mustard: how much sugar in your tea/coffee? All of it.
silver: ever broken a bone? My entire leg and foot <3
rose quartz: rings or necklaces Necklaces with rings. I’m serious. But if I had to choose, rings. It’s the gay in me.
onyx: do you still play Minecraft? Sometimes?
apricot: opinion on 3 in 1 body wash/hair wash wait those exist? 
platinum: do you follow politics? Dude I didn’t know Trump was president til this year
magnolia: your Instagram handle? ha, nice try, luzer.
Bro I am LATE to somewhere because of this but I enjoyed it. Thanks again, anon! <3
Color Asks (I am closing this shite because I AM TIRED)
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ilistenedin · 3 years
1. favorite dessert?
Uh I do t think I have a favorite tbh, I’m not too into sweets. I do like Publix cake. And Nutella. And fruits.
2. if you could have your hair dyed any color you wanted, which color would you choose?
I wanna dye my hair peach. Cause it’s buzzed. So it would be peach fuzz 🍑
3. favorite fictional character?
It’s impossible for me to choose just one. I love Raven from Teen Titans, Asajj Ventress, Beverly Marsh, Ellen Ripley, and uhhhh Jules from Euphoria.
4. do you swear a lot?
I feel like I curse moderately
5. favorite disney film?
Lion King
6. favorite youtube channel?
Not a channel, but a show; Unhhhh
7. who's your favorite person on the planet?
Probably my sister
8. which color do you wear the most?
9. do you have any pets?
Yes; two cats
10. favorite horror film?
I don’t have a favorite, but some that I love and never get tired of; Hereditary, Midsommar, Alien (the whole franchise), IT (both chapters and the original made for TV movie ), Evil Dead (specifically the remake, don’t hate me), and uhhhh The Exorcist.
11. how many languages can you speak?
2; English and Spanish
12. favorite band?
My Chemical Romance
13. what's your spirit animal?
I asked my sister and she said “a sloth. Or a bear.”
14. do you prefer to watch movies online or go to the theatre?
15. show a sample of your handwriting.
I don’t want to lol
16. have you ever visited another country?
Yes; Bahamas and the Philippines
17. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
Ha. I have like, 20 dollars in my bank account.
18. do you know how to sing or play an instrument?
I have been told I can sing (I do t like the sound of my own voice), and I can play the drums and a little guitar.
19. what do you wear to sleep?
Sports bra and boxers
20. have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
A q-tip?
21. when was the last time you cried?
I think last week
22. do you like ghosts or skeletons better?
I like them both the same I think
23. what food are you usually craving?
Hot Pot
24. be honest, do you masturbate?
25. what kind of phone do you have?
iPhone 11
26. what was the last song you listened to?
Telepatia by Kali Uchis
27. what's your favorite object in your room?
My bed
28. do you like claymation or cgi better?
No preference
29. how would you describe your style?
30. have you thought about sex in the last 24 hours?
31. are you tired right now?
32. favorite sea creature?
Great White Shark
33. favorite flower?
Roses and peonies
34. would you ever get a tattoo?
Yes, already have
35. what's the riskiest thing you've ever done?
I’m not a risk taker
36. which social media site do you use the most?
37. favorite decade?
80’s and 90’s
38. are you a feminist?
39. would you say you sleep too much?
40. how many piercings do you have?
Stretched lobes, cartilage, nose, septum, and tongue
41. what's the last thing you bought online?
I don’t even remember tbh.
42. are you an introvert or an extrovert?
43. are you underage?
44. which fictional character's house would you want to live in?
The Weasleys home
45. what did you dress up as for halloween last year?
Pugsley Addams
46. what's something you want for your birthday?
Nothing comes to mind
47. have you ever skipped a class while in school?
Oh yeah
48. have you ever gone skinny dipping?
49. do you ever get zits?
50. have you ever sent a nude photo?
51. are you religious?
52. what's your ringtone?
Some generic iPhone ringtone
53. would you rather go to a zoo or an aquarium?
54. how tall are you?
55. do you like kids?
Not really
56. what are some of your pet peeves?
People with no spacial awareness, people who chew loudly/smack their lips when they eat/chew with their mouths open. Pinching. Rudeness.
57. would you say you have a popular blog?
Not anymore lol
58. last thing you ate?
59. waffles or pancakes?
No preference
60. favorite fruit?
61. are you in any physical pain right now?
Not extreme pain, but I am having some dental issues
62. what is your gender identity?
That’s a complicated question that I am currently avoiding thinking of
63. shoe size?
My real size is a 9 in women’s, but I usually go a size up and wear men’s shoes. Cause I feel like my feet look small lol
64. last concert you went to?
Taking Back Sunday
65. if you could have one superpower, what would it be?
66. could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
Probably not
67. favorite singer?
Gerard Way
68. how old are you?
69. what's something you know a lot about?
Modern cannibalism, sharks, serial killers, horror movies
70. which of your tumblr friends have you known the longest?
I have no idea
71. what color was your hair in 2013?
72. cake or pie?
Publix cake
73. are you a hopeless romantic?
I don’t think so
74. would you kiss the person in your icon?
It’s an avatar of me, no I would not kiss myself
75. what were you doing at 12 in the morning?
Probably on my phone
76. can you draw well?
0 notes
hellyeahheroes · 5 years
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Heroines of WOCtober: Rose Wilson
On one of his missions Slade Wilson, better known as Deathstroke the Terminator, Wolrd’s Deadliest Assassin, had to escort a Hmong princess Lilian Worth from Cambodia and along the way he slept with her. Because of course he did. The result of this affair was a girl named Rose. She possesses a precognition ability that allows her to see glimpses of a near future. It is theorized to be a result of her brain being alerted due to her father’s modified super-soldier DNA, allowing it to constantly observe all variables around her and predict what is going to happen.
Slade at first wanted to keep her from his life, going as far as sending her to Teen Titans so they can protect her from him and his enemies. At some point (read, when new writers took over) he changed his name and manipulated her into becoming his apprentice as new Ravager. In fact, he drove her to a point she gouged her own eye to be more like him....and then Slade decided to use her eyesocket as a Kryptonite storage without telling her it causes cancer. Father of the year /sarcasm.
Rescued from Slade’s clutches by Nightwing, Rose would join Teen Titans but her relationship with the team would be wonky. The fact her father is a good candidate to “Officially Bigger Piece of Shit Than the Joker” title doesn’t help. Rose might have been tiptoeing the line between hero, anti-hero and villain depending on the writer, but what she really wants is people who could accept her and for her father to love her. Sadly she got an old man whose idea of showing he cares is to put an anonymous hit on her so he can show up and save her life. I’m not even joking.
NOTE: In recommended reading I will not be putting New 52 books. Not only because they whitewashed her but also because said New 52 books just plain sucked.
Recommended Readings:
Deathstroke #15, #0, #42-48, #51, #55 - Rose’s introduction and early stories
New Teen Titans #122-126 - introduced to Titans, issues not avialable on ComiXology.
The Titans #25-38, #44, #50 - Rose becomes the nanny of Roy Harper’s daughter, Lian.
Teen Titans - Rose is featured through this 100 issue series in various ways, so I’ll just link to whole series and below will reference specific arcs.
Teen Titans 1/2, #7-12 - Rose becoming Ravager
Nightwing #112-117 - Dick teaches Rose how to be a hero and helps her break free of Slade’s control
Teen Titans #34-60 - Rose joins the team
Terror Titans #1-6 - Rose-lead team in clutches of Clock King and Dark Side Club
Deathtrap - Crossover between Teen Titans #69-70, Titans #13 and Vigilante #6 (last one not on ComiXology)
Teen Titans #71-76 and #79-82 have Rose in backup stories they were later collected in a standalone graphic novel Ravager: Fresh Hell
Teen Titans #77-78, #88-100 - First pair of issues has Rose fight zombies with her father, from #88 she rejoins the team.
Deathstroke #1-50 - Technically Rose only shows up in issue #2 and she isn’t in every issue but this book is tightly plotted in a manner that means you will probably have to pick it all (except Deathstroke vs Batman or Teen Titans crossovers) to not get lost. 
Guest appearances
Batgirl #64 - Rose as Slade’s apprentice fights Cassandra Cain
Blue Beetle #18 - As a member of Teen Titans helps Blue Beetle against Lobo.
Alternate Universes
Teen Titans #18-19 - Rose from Titans of Tomorrow Timeline
Tiny Titans #1-20, #29-30, #40, #50 - Rose in acclaimed humorous series for kids
Teen Titans Go! #49 - Despite the name, it is set in continuity with 2003 cartoon and has Rose as the daughter of Slade seeking to avenge him.
DC Comics Bombshells #74-75 and Bombshells United #11, #26-33, #38 - Rose is part of a coven with Enchantress and vampire Barbara Gordon and all 3 and Killer Croc are in a polyamorous relationship.
Flashpoint: Deathstroke and the Curse of the Ravager  #1-3 - In this alternate universe Rose is the daughter of Deathstroke the pirate
In other media:
Rose, voiced by Pamela Adlon, shows up in episodes “Cool School” and “Operation Dude Rescue” of Teen Titans Go! cartoon
Freddi Rogers voices a Mirror Universe Rose, who is a kindhearted political activist and daughter of the president Slade Wilson, in Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths animated movie
Rose is played by Chelsea Zhang in second season of Live-Action series Titans, making the character’s first foray into live-action (amusingly enough the name Ravager traveled to silver screen first, being used by a completely unrelated character in Arrow) 
Rose is playable in Lego DC Super-Villains video game
- Admin
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Jungkook- Shameless Tease
REQUEST FROM PROMPT LIST- RIGHT HERE!! (Psstt I also write for anime too wink wink)
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I like this request mostly because of the ‘uwu’ teehee. So lemme say I have an older brother so this is super awkward, so i’m sorry if this this doesn’t seem as good because I actually despise all of my brothers friends, but I won’t let that affect my writing i promise..
11- Do you not know what the word ‘mine’ means
21- Can’t you see that I...I..forget it
23- It was foolish of me to ever think you could want a relationship with me...forget it
32- Shhh, wouldn’t want the boys to hear us now would we?
70- You want me to name all the reason I love you? We’d be here forever.
Y/B/N= Your brothers name obviously.
You were excited! Your older brother was coming back from university! Six months without your hero there with you.
You had made all his favorite snacks and all his favorite foods. Your mom had told you to send her love from her. (She was on a business trip in Italy.)
“Hello!!!? Anybody home?!” You heard from the kitchen.
“Y/B/N!!” You yelled. You ran into the living room and now saw your big brother who now had dyed red hair and an eyebrow piercing. You ran into your brothers arms only to be lifted up and spun around.
“Is it me or did you get taller? You aren’t the same short geek I remember.” he joked.
“Stop it!” you poked his shoulder. “I missed you bro.” you hugged him again.
“I missed you too kiddo.”he chuckled.
“I’m not that younger than you!” you whined. 
‘I’m a senior in college, I automatically have the right to call you a child no matter how old you are.”
“Whatever.” you waved him off. 
“Wow, talk about a reunion.” another voice had interrupted you. “Hey Y/N.” 
You felt your face heat up violently, you could only hope Jungkook didn’t see it. He smirked as he threw Y/B/N’s suitcase down along with a duffel bag which you assumed was his. 
“Hm, you’re not the same cute little kid I met all those years ago.” he smirked.
“Uh..Hi J-jungkook.” you said shyly. You may or may not have had a crush on Jungkook since you graduated high school. You weren’t sure if he knew or not but you weren’t subtle about it either.
“Hope you don’t mind, kid. Jungkook is crashing here.”
“No, it’s fine.” you assured. “I guess.” you looked down.
“Something smells great.” your brother broke the tension which made you smile.
“Yeah! I made a lot of food!” you smiled, getting a little happy.
“Please tell me there’s spicy noodles involved.” he mumbled.
“Of course! It’s our thing!”
You and your brother had an obsession with trying different types of noodles, so when you found a recipe for super spicy noodles, you knew it would be perfect.
“I’m gonna go get the rest of my shit out the car, I have loads of stories to tell you kid.” your brother messed up your hair hair with his hand before bolting out the house. You were now left alone with Jungkook.
“You really did grow up.” he chuckled, which made you almost choke on...well oxygen. “You’re not that cute little kid anymore.”
“Y-yeah...I’ve blossomed!” you shrugged. Jungkook raised an eyebrow, looking slightly amused. “That sounded wrong!” you suddenly corrected yourself. “I didn’t mean it that way.” Great now you sounded like you were talking about lady bits
Jungkook chuckled at your attempts to try and fix what you said. You were so cute trying to cover up your words. He thought you little crush on his was adorable and frankly, it only made him want to protect you more from other shitheads. He even had a mind to say he liked you himself, only your brother would kill him on the spot.
Later on, you were clutching your sides when your brother had told you his other friend, Baekhyun had did a streak across the college campus.
“He didn’t get expelled?!?!” you asked in disbelief, trying to contain yourself.
“No! He didn’t even get caught!”
“No wa-” you were cut off by the door bell ringing. “...I wasn’t expecting anyone else.”
“That would be me. Hope you don’t mind kid, I invited some friends.” you bro nudged you. “I know you wanted to spend some time with me today but they insisted we hang out.”
“It’s okay.” you shook your head. “We still got a whole lot of time together.”
Jungkook got the door and two model-esque girls strode in.
“Y/B/N is this her?!?!” A girl in a rose pink skirt and white shirt. “She’s so adorable!” she ran over. “I’m Vera! Your brother had told me so many amazing things about you.”
“Hi Vera!” You were shocked. “My brother didn’t tell me he had a girlfriend.” you looked at your brother who was blushing deeply. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’ve been waiting to meet you for so long, I wanted to get you a gift but this one over here-” she pointed to the girl standing by the door. “She was way too impatient so..I’ll just have to take you shopping! My treat!” she gave you a hug, which took you by surprise.
“I like her.” you mouthed to your bro who mouthed back. “I like her too.”
You saw Jungkook walk over to the other girl who looked less than happy to be there. She begrudgingly walked over and crossed her arms. You were about to sit back down when she had made a beeline for your seat. 
“...Oh..I’m sorry were you sitting here?” she raised an eyebrow looking up.
“Lina, you saw Y/N about to sit there.” Jungkook sent a glance towards the girl.
“Oh, don’t worry...I can sit somewhere else.” you shook your head.
“The it’s settled! So..you’re Y/B/N’s kid sister?” she looked you up and down.
“I wouldn’t say I’m a kid, but yeah...I am his sister.” you looked down at your toes. “Lina was it?” you remembered Jungkook had said her name. “I’m Y/N...nice to meet you.” you trailed off.
“Hm, Jungkook was right. You are weirdly adorable in a geeky type of way.” 
Jungkook called you adorable...woah. “Really?” you asked taken aback.
“Yeah, he also said that he spends a lot of time around you.”
“Oh don’t worry about me.” you shook your head. “No really you shouldn’t.”
“Yeah don’t worry Lina, Y/N here is practically harmless.” Jungkook began. “Nothing more than a shameless schoolgirl crush, she can’t help that she’s like my biggest fan.” Jungkook pat the top of your head.
“What?” you said, your jaw and heart dropping.
“Yeah, she can’t stop thinking about me.” he laughed, which made your heart sink even more. “It’s cute how she thinks I don’t notice.”
“Lhm...well she’s sure not gonna get your attention dressing like a 4th grader.” she chuckled, crossing her arms. “I don’t think Jungkook likes girls who wear Attack On Titan T-shirts and who still use bendy straws.”
“Lina that’s enough.” your brother warned. “Vera convinced me to let you tag along but that doesn’t mean i can’t kick you out.”
Silence...that’s all that rang throughout the room.
You looked at your brother, your hands shaking. You stared at Jungkook, betrayed evident in your eyes.
“Um...Y/B/N...I’m kinda tired...I think I’m gonna turn in early.” you looked down at your toes. Who cared that it wasn’t even dark out yet, you just had to get out of there.
“Hey, Y/N I was only kidd-” Jungkook held out his hands but before he could say anything else, you had run off up the stairs. You ran into your room and slammed the door, sliding down the door. You buried your head in your hands and cried silently.
How embarrassing, How humiliating, how...ugh
It was now midnight and you hadn’t left your room, instead you opted for crying into your teddy bear and watching anime. You felt embarrassed, humiliated, another word to describe how you never wanted to show your face towards Jungkook again.
There was a quiet knock on your door, and instead of pretending to be asleep, you figured you’d open it. Maybe it was your brother.
You didn’t expect to see Jungkook standing in front of you,
“Nice pajamas.” he chuckled. Jungkook wore low hanging sweats and no shirt, It was sort of hard not to stare.
You looked down at your pink shorts with bunnies all over them and black tank top with another bunny on the front holding a cupcake. You thought it was pretty cute. Jungkook was chuckling.
“What do you want?” you crossed your arms, hugging your teddy bear plushie closer to your chest. 
“Can I come in? I don’t feel like standing in the hall.” 
You hesitated but eventually let him walk into your bedroom and close the door. You walked over and sat on your bed, Jungkook following in pursuit. 
“I came to apologize for making fun of you earlier.” he sighed. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”
“Whatever.” you said coldly. “Is that all?” You were genuinely hurt by what he said, especially after that stupid bitch of a ‘girlfriend’ of his disrespected you in your own house. If it weren’t for your brother stepping in and telling her to know her place, you probably would have been ridiculed more.
“Y/N...” he sighed. “I know what you’re thinking.”
“Do you?!?!” you stood up. “Oh I’m just Y/B/N’s nerdy little sister, I’m just your little follower, your little fan. Don’t mind me!” you shot, fighting back the tears threatening to fall. “How dare you look at me and think I wasn’t going to be upset by what you said!”you hugged your plushie tighter, almost wanting to cry and scream at him to get out.  “Get out...” you said.
“What?” he looked taken aback.
“You fucking heard me.” you snapped. “Get out of my way, Get Out Of My Room, GET OUT OF MY LIFE YOU-” you almost screamed.
You were cut off by Jungkook kissing you. Not a peck on the forehead or the cheek. He had held both your cheeks in his hands and slowly moved his lips against yours, causing your eyes to widen in shock. You knew part of the reason was to stop you from screaming even louder, but still.
“You’re so innocent Y/N...” he chuckled, almost pulling away from you. 
“...and that’s exactly the issue.” you spat, turning away from him. “Y/N the innocent little child-like emotional little sister that you love to tease and make fun of. I’m not that younger than you Jungkook!” you crossed your arms. “I’m not gonna be your little teasing monkey anymore either.” No matter how much you wanted him to kiss you again...
It was foolish of you to think that Jungkook could ever want a relationship with you...”Forget it.” You finally said. “Just go-”
“Are you going to let me have a chance to talk now?” he raised an eyebrow at you. “Before Lina cut me off, I was gonna say something else.” he sighed.
“I was going to say after I said that it was cute how you think I don’t notice, that it was also cute how you don’t know that I have some feelings of my own.” he chuckled.
“I’m sorry what?” you raised an eyebrow. “I’m confused.”
“Hm...then how about this. Do you not know what the word ‘mine” means?” he asked, smirking down at you. “Can’t you see that I...Hm..Forget it. I’ll show you instead of telling you.” He smirked again.
Jungkook leaned down and kissed you again, this time causing you to drop your teddy bear. Jungkook gently caressed your cheeks. He didn’t want fo force, or scare you. He had already kind of hurt your feelings earlier and didn’t want to risk anything. He had told your brother he was interested in you, which garnered multiple threats from your older sibling.
“If you hurt her I swear to god I’m gonna slam your head into the side of a fucking mountain then drop your body into shark infested waters, bro. Don’t fucking play with her feelings or you’ll regret it. We’re cool and all but I swear-.”
His exact words.
His fears were put aside when you had rested your palms over his hands. You had realized you needed to breathe and had yanked yourself away, inhaling sharply. Your first kiss with Jungkook wasn’t exactly how you imagined, actually you never really imagined a kiss with Jungkook...Until now!
“Hm, Breathe. Y/N...” he chuckled. He leaned down and kissed your against, this time wrapping his arms around your waist. Shyly, you wrapped your arms around his neck. You were hoisted off the ground and carried to your bed. Jungkook threw you on the bed and crawled over you. Your eyes studied his shirtless body. His body was incredible.
 “I know you didn’t picture our first time in the middle of the night in your bedroom, but I can’t wait anymore...can you?.”
Fuck no, you’d been waiting for this forever. As long as no one walked in, you didn’t care.
“I don’t have a condom yet...so we can’t do much.” he kissed you again, which made you smile shyly. Such a gentleman. “Plus your my best friend’s little sister, I want to take you somewhere special before we worry about doing that.” he trailed his fingers down your spine. “But I also want to make you feel good Y/N.” he bit his lip. 
“U-uh...I’ve never really...done anything with another guy before...mostly by myself if I’m honest.”
You stopped yourself from speaking...you just confessed to masturbating to possibly the love of your life...real smooth Y/N.
Jungkook look surprised. “Damn...I didn’t know you were such a wild girl.” he chuckled. “Do I have permission to go further?” he asked, his face becoming serious. “I need a verbal answer.”
“Y-yes.” you trailed off. Jungkook hovered over you. Even in the dark you could see and admire his pale face. You had no time to register Jungkook pulling at the hem of your cute bunny shorts, taking your panties with them, which surprisingly had no bunnies on them. Well at least to his surprise. He didn’t coin you as the type to wear thongs at all but it was a pleasant surprise.
You squeezed your thighs together, trying to stop the weird feeling from building up even more, even thought it was futile. Jungkook would make sure you were a panting mess. 
Teasingly, Jungkook brushed your slit. The pads of his fingers pressing down on your clit. The sudden feeling caused you to squeak out loud, making Jungkook laugh.
“Shh, wouldn’t want anyone to hear us now would we?” he cooed, pecking your lips again. “I wonder how you would react if...” he began rubbing your clitt faster, pressing down harder on the sensitive nub. “Listen to that sound.” he bit his lip, mentioning to squelching water sound that arose from you getting more and more turned on by the minute. “It’s so messy and wet down there Y/N.” he teased. “I love making you feel this way.” he expressed. “I love that face you make.” he mumbled again. “I love that you’re all mine, and no one else can steal you away from me.” he said, speeding up his fingers even more. “I would name all the other things I love about you...but we’d be here until the end of time, Y/N.”
Your arms, wrap around his neck kept you two close together. Despite it being cold in your room, you both were sweaty and trying to stay quiet. Mainly you. Jungkook grew impatient, he loved making you squirm and mewl for him, but he wanted to hear you say his name, moan his name, release for him.
Jungkook flipped you on your back, hovering over you again. With a silent laugh and a wink, he crawled down to where he was at eye level with your heat. 
“Keep quiet Y/N.” he kissed up your slit. “Though I’m sure it’ll be hard.” he delved his tongue between your folds. “Hm, as a matter of fact...maybe I’ll enjoy this more than you do.” His lips stuck to your clit, making an exaggerated sucking sound that caused your back to arch (also quite exaggeratedly). 
Jungkook held your thighs down, stopping you from moving around too much. You could only hyperventilate as his tongue lashed at your flesh. You knew if you made one loud sound, you’d be in trouble. 
It felt like a ton of bricks, crashing down on you. Jungkook muffled his moans of gratitude, mostly with groans and praise through kissing up the length of your body. 
“...You have to go back into the living room. If Y/B/N sees you in here-” you began to say
“I don’t care...I want you to be the first person I see when we wake up. Even if i have to sneak out.” he held you closer to him. “...and I’m taking you out tomorrow.” he mumbled, burying his head into your neck. You couldn’t answer because you had already felt yourself dozing off. “I don’t care fi your brother kicks my ass.”
You couldn’t want...for the date that is...
(This is very different than how I usually write, but I really wanted to capture the idea that Jungkook still cares about and respects you even as your bro’s little sis and wouldn’t do anything that could cause discomfort or scares despite being his flirty self. Bro I swear writing sex scenes makes me cringe into myself lol, but I do it for you guys.)
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recentanimenews · 4 years
IN-DEPTH: Neon Godzilla Evangelion, The Horrors of Hideaki Anno
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  "Something broken or deficient comes more naturally to me. Sometimes that thing is the mind. Sometimes it is the body."
                                                               -Hideaki Anno, creator of Neon Genesis Evangelion
  "Monsters are tragic beings; they are born too tall, too strong, too heavy, they are not evil by choice. That is their tragedy."
                                                                - Ishiro Honda, director of Godzilla
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  Image via Amazon Prime Video
  Horror is born of trauma. The pop-culture monsters we fear and are fascinated by tend to reflect our very real anxieties. Frankenstein tells the story of scientific progress so explosive that it risks leaving humanity behind. It Follows creates a nightmare vision of looming intimacy and the potential for unknowable disease. Leatherface, hooting at the dinner table with his brothers in rural Texas, was the child of economic angst, the crimes of Ed Gein, and of President Nixon's threat of a "silent majority" forcing Americans to reconsider whether or not they really knew their neighbors. 
  And Godzilla? Well, Godzilla is a metaphor for a bomb. A bunch of bombs, actually. But more important than that, he represents loss — the loss of structure, of prosperity, of control. Godzilla is our own hubris returning to haunt us, the idea that in the end, we are helpless in the face of nature, disaster, and even our own mistakes. We, as a species, woke him up and now we have to deal with him, no matter how unprepared we are.
  Hideaki Anno understands this.
  In 1993, he began work on Neon Genesis Evangelion, a mecha series profound in not just its depiction of a science fiction world but in its treatment of depression and mental illness. It is a seminal work in the medium of anime, a "must-watch," and it would turn Anno into a legend, though his relationship to his magnum opus remains continuous and, at best, complicated. It is endlessly fascinating, often because Anno seems endlessly fascinated by it. 
  In 2017, he would win the Japanese Academy Film Prize for Director of the Year for Shin Godzilla, a film that also won Picture of the Year, scored five other awards, and landed 11 nominations in total. Shin Godzilla was the highest-grossing live-action Japanese film of 2016, scoring 8.25 billion yen and beating out big-name imports like Disney's Zootopia. In comparison, the previous Godzilla film, Final Wars, earned 1.26 billion. Shin Godzilla captured the public's attention in a way that most modern films in the franchise had not, returning the King of the Monsters to his terrifying (and culturally relevant roots).
  So how did he do it? How did Anno, a titan of the anime industry famous for his extremely singular creations, take a monster that had practically become a ubiquitous mascot of Japanese pop culture and successfully reboot him for the masses? How did Godzilla and Neon Genesis Evangelion align in a way that now there are video games, attractions, and promotions that feature the two franchises cohabitating? The answer is a little more complex than, "Well, they're both pretty big, I guess."
  To figure that out, we have to go back to two dates: 1954 and 1993. Though nearly 40 years apart, both find Japan on the tail end of disaster.
  Part 1: 1954 and 1993
  On August 6th and August 9th 1945, two atomic bombs were dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively. These would kill hundreds of thousands of people, serving as tragic codas to the massive air raids already inflicted on the island nation. Six days after the bombing of Nagasaki, Japan would surrender to the Allied forces and World War II would officially end. But the fear would not. 
  Within a year, the South Pacific would become home to many United States-conducted nuclear tests, just a few thousand miles from Japan. And though centered around the Marshall Islands, the chance of an accident was fairly high. And on March 1, 1954, one such accident happened, with the Lucky Dragon #5 fishing boat getting caught in the fallout from a hydrogen bomb test. The crew would suffer from radiation-related illnesses, and radioman Kuboyama Aikichi would die due to an infection during treatment. For many around the world, it was a small vessel in the wrong place at the wrong time. For Japan, it was a reminder that even a decade after their decimation from countless bombs, atomic terror still loomed far too close to home.
  Godzilla emerged from this climate. Films about giant monsters had become popular, with The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms and a 1952 re-release of King Kong smashing their way through the box office, and producer Tomoyuki Tanaka wanted to combine aspects of these with something that would comment on anti-nuclear themes. Handed to former soldier and Toho Studios company man Ishiro Honda for direction and tokusatsu wizard Eiji Tsubaraya for special effects, Godzilla took form and would be released a mere eight months after the Lucky Dragon incident. 
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  Image via Amazon Prime Video
  It was a success, coming in eighth in the box office for the year and it would lead to dozens of sequels that would see Godzilla go from atomic nightmare to lizard superhero (and then back and forth a few times). America, sensing profits, bought the rights, edited it heavily, inserted Rear Window star Raymond Burr as an American audience surrogate, and released it as Godzilla: King of the Monsters! It was also very profitable, and for the next 20 years, every Japanese Godzilla film got a dubbed American version following soon in its wake.
  Years went by. Japan would recover from World War II and the following Allied Occupation and become an economic powerhouse. But in the late '80s, troubling signs began to emerge. An asset price bubble, based on the current economy's success and optimism about the future, was growing. And despite the Bank of Japan's desperate attempts to buy themselves some time, the bubble burst and the stock market plummeted. In 1991, a lengthy, devastating recession now known as the "Lost Decade" started. And the resulting ennui was not just economic but cultural.
  The suicide rate rose sharply. Young people, formerly on the cusp of what seemed to be promising careers as "salarymen," found themselves listless and without direction. Disillusionment set in, both with the government and society itself, something still found in Japan today. And though people refusing to engage with the norms of modern culture and instead retreating from it is nothing new in any nation, the demographic that we now know as "Hikikomori" appeared. And among these youths desperate to find something better amid the rubble of a once-booming economy was animator Hideaki Anno.
  A co-founder of the anime production company Gainax, Anno was no stranger to depression, having grappled with it his entire life. Dealing with his own mental illness and haunted by the failure of important past projects, Anno made a deal that would allow for increased creative control, and in 1993, began work on Neon Genesis Evangelion. Combining aspects of the popular mech genre with a plot and themes that explored the psyche of a world and characters on the brink of ruin, NGE would become extremely popular, despite a less than smooth production.
  The series would concern Shinji Ikari, a fourteen-year-old boy who suffers from depression and anxiety in a broken and terrifying world. Forced to pilot an EVA unit by his mysterious and domineering father, Shinji's story and his relationships with others are equal parts tragic and desperate, and the series provides little solace for its players. Anno would become more interested in psychology as the production of the series went on, and the last handful of episodes reflect this heavily. 
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  Image via Netflix
  After the original ending inspired derision and rage from fans, Anno and Gainax would follow it up with two sequel projects (Death & Rebirth and The End of Evangelion), and NGE's place in the pantheon of "classic" anime was set. Paste Magazine recently named it the third-best anime series of all time. IGN has it placed at #8 and the British Film Insititute included End of Evangelion on their list of 50 key anime films. The exciting, thoughtful, and heart-breaking story of Shinji Ikari, Asuka, Minato, and the rest has gone down in history as one of the best stories ever told.
  So what would combine the two and bring Godzilla's massive presence under the influence of Anno's masterful hand? As is a miserable trend here, that particular film would also be spawned from catastrophe.
  Part 2: 2011
  "There was no storm to sail out of: The earth was spasming beneath our feet, and we were pretty much vulnerable as long as we were touching it," said Carin Nakanishi in an interview with The Guardian. The spasm she was referring to? The 2011 Tohoku earthquake, the most powerful earthquake in the history of Japan. Its after-effects would include a tsunami and the meltdown of three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The death toll was in the tens of thousands. The property destruction seemed limitless. The environmental impact was shocking. Naoto Kan, the Japanese Prime Minister at the time, called it the worst crisis for Japan since World War II.
  It took years to figure out the full extent of the damage. Four years after, in 2015, 229,000 people still remained displaced from their ruined homes. The radiation in the water was so severe that fisheries were forced to avoid it. The cultivation of local agriculture was driven to a halt, with farmland being abandoned for most of the decade. And though the direct effects of it varied depending on how far away you lived, one symptom remained consistent: The inability to trust those who'd been sworn in to help.
  "No useful information was being offered by the government or the media," Nakanishi said. Many voiced a fear that the government had not done its decontamination job properly or would not continue to help them if they returned to their former homes near Fukushima. Some felt the people making decisions were far too distant to truly understand what was going on. Many thought that the government had underestimated the danger. In a survey taken after the Fukushima meltdown, "only 16 percent of respondents ... expressed trust in government institutions." In most of these stories, citizens stepped in to help, feeling as if they had no other choice. Eventually, his approval ratings dropped to only 10 percent and Naoto Kan stepped down from his role as Prime Minister. 
  And what of Godzilla and Anno at the time? Well, the former lay dormant, having been given a 10-year hiatus from the big screen by Toho after the release of 2004's Godzilla: Final Wars. And though he'd show up in a short sequence in Toho's 2007 film Always Zoku Sanchome no Yuhi, they kept good on their promise. But Godzilla fans did not have to worry about a drought of Godzilla news. American film production company Legendary Pictures was busy formulating their own take on him, having acquired the rights a year before.
  Meanwhile, Anno's post Evangelion life consisted of ... a lot more Evangelion. Though he'd direct some live-action films, his most newsworthy project was a series of Rebuild of Evangelion titles, anime films built with different aims (and created with a different mindset) than the original series. Departing Gainax in 2007, these would be created under his newly founded studio, Studio Khara.
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  Image via Netflix
  And while it's obvious from the contents of Evangelion that Anno is interested in giant monsters and giant beings in general (Evangelion is pretty chockful of them), this fascination would only become more open. In 2013, he'd curate a tokusatsu exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, one that showcased miniatures from Mothra to Ultraman to Godzilla himself. About the exhibit, Anno would write:
  "As children we grew up watching tokusatsu and anime programs. We were immediately riveted to the sci-fi images and worlds they portrayed. They put us in awe, and made us feel such suspense and excitement. (...) I think our hearts were deeply moved by the grown-ups' earnest efforts working at the sets that dwelled deep behind the images. (...) The emotions and sensations from those cherished moments have lead us to become who we are today."
  For the presentation, he'd also produce a short film called A Giant Warrior Descends on Tokyo, with the monster based on a creature from Hayao Miyazaki's — his old boss and an inspiration to Anno, along with the man that Anno would accompany on a trip to the Iwata prefecture to show support for communities wrecked by the Tohoku earthquake — Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind manga. It was directed by Shinji Higuchi, an old collaborator of Anno's at Gainax who had served as Special Effects Director for Shusuke Kaneko's stellar Gamera trilogy in the '90s.
  And though Higuchi would shortly go on to direct two Attack on Titan live-action films, their partnership would continue. Because in 2015, Toho announced they would team up to co-direct Godzilla 2016.
  Part 3: 2016
  Hideaki Anno has often thought of the apocalypse.
  In an interview with Yahoo! News in 2014, he'd tell the interviewer he "sincerely thought that the world would end in the 20th Century," and that his fear of a nuclear arms race and the Cold War had heavily influenced Evangelion. However, his creative process isn't just permeated by man-made threats. "Japan is a country where a lot of typhoons and earthquakes strike ... It's a country where merciless destruction happens naturally. It gives you a strong sense that God exists out there."
  This focus on earthly intervention by a divine presence is definitely a theme in Evangelion, but it also applies to Godzilla, a borderline invincible behemoth that was created to remind man of its mistakes. It's this kind of provoking thoughtfulness (among other things) that might have alerted Toho Studios of Higuchi and Anno's potential proficiency in re-igniting the slumbering Godzilla franchise. "[W]e looked into Japanese creators who were the most knowledgeable and had the most passion for Godzilla ...Their drive to take on such new challenges was exactly what we all had been inspired by," Toho would say of the pair.
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  Image via Amazon Prime Video
  It was a few years in the making, though. After the creation of Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, Anno fell into depression, causing him to turn down Toho's 2013 offer of the Godzilla project. But thanks to the support of Toho and Higuchi, Anno decided to eventually take them up on it. However, he did not want to repeat how he felt past filmmakers had been "careless" with Godzilla, stating that Godzilla "exists in a world of science fiction, not only of dreams and hopes, but he's a caricature of reality, a satire, a mirror image." Higuchi was also passionate about the project, saying, "I give unending thanks to Fate for this opportunity; so next year, I'll give you the greatest, worst nightmare."
  Rounding out the NGE reunion with Shin Godzilla would be Mahiro Maeda, a character designer who would provide the look of Godzilla, and Evangelion composer Shiro Sagisu. Sagisu's music often includes motifs from Evangelion and the work of Akira Ifukube — who scored many classic Godzilla films — and is a great match for the monster. It's powerful stuff. 
    Anno's main concern was rivaling the first Godzilla, a film that remains effective to this day. So, in order to "come close even a little," he "would have to do the same thing." Thus, after over 60 years of monster adventures, Shin Godzilla became Godzilla's first real Japanese reboot, following a long line of films that were either direct sequels or had ignored the sequels to become direct sequels to the original. It would carry many of the same beats — monster arrives, people struggle to figure out how to stop it, they eventually do. The end. But unlike many Godzilla films, in which bureaucratic operations took a backseat to the scientists that would eventually figure out how to stop (or help) the Big G, they were front and center here.
  And the depiction was often less than kind.
  Instead of confident and sacrificial, the politicians found in Shin Godzilla are ludicrous in their archaic behavior, seemingly more concerned with what boardroom they're in than the unstoppable progress of the beast destroying their city. Most of their actions are played for comic relief, a tonal clash with the stark backdrop of the 400-foot-tall disaster walking just outside their offices. Multiple references are made to the Tohoku earthquake, the tsunami, and the Fukushima meltdown — including the waves that follow Godzilla as he comes ashore and the worry over the radiation Godzilla leaks into the land he travels across. One plot point even includes Japan grappling with the potential use of an atomic bomb on Godzilla from the United States, showing that over seventy years after the end of WWII, nuclear annihilation remains a terrifying prospect. 
  In the end, only a team organized by a young upstart that's mostly free from the processes of his slower, befuddled elders can save the day. That said, "save" isn't really the right word. Echoing Anno's statement that Japan is "a country where merciless destruction happens naturally," Godzilla is only frozen in place, standing still in the middle of the city, a monstrous question left to be solved. Whether it's Godzilla or a disaster like Godzilla, it is a problem that you must deal with, prepare for, and rebuild after. It will always be there.
  That said, the film isn't just a parody of quivering government employees out of their depth in the face of a cataclysm (distrust in the goodwill of authority figures is a theme also omnipresent in Evangelion). It's also a really, really rad monster movie. Godzilla is a scarred, seemingly wounded creature, his skin ruptured and his limbs distorted. He is not action-figure ready, even as he evolves into forms more befitting of total annihilation. As the Japanese military increasingly throws weaponry at him, he transforms to defend himself, emitting purple atomic beams from his mouth, his back, and finally his tail. Higuchi and Anno's direction is often awe-inspiring, whether the camera is tilted up to capture Godzilla from a street-level view, or panning around a building to face him head-on. Godzilla feels huge. 
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  Image via Amazon Prime Video
  Its this combination of ideas and execution that would cause Shin Godzilla to sweep the Japanese Academy Awards in 2017, and, excuse my pun, absolutely crush it at the box office. But an incredible movie wouldn't be the end of it. In fact, while Shin Godzilla was a successful Anno creation, it hadn't yet gone to battle with Anno's other most successful creation.
  Not yet anyway.
  Part 4: 2018
  A few months before Shin Godzilla's release, Toho announced a "maximum collaboration" between Godzilla and Neon Genesis Evangelion, a team-up that first manifested itself in art and crossover merchandise. Art with the logo for NERV (the anti-Angel organization from Evangelion), with the fig leaf replaced by Godzilla's trademark spines showed up on a subsite for the Shin Godzilla film.
  Meanwhile, video game developers Granzella and publisher Bandai Namco worked on City Shrouded In Shadow, a game where you played as a human trying to survive attacks from various giant beings, including some from the Godzilla universe and some from Evangelion. And though this wasn't specifically tied to Shin Godzilla — Godzilla looks much more like his design in the '90s series of movies, a monster style that was the go-to branding look for years after — it did make the idea of the two franchises co-existing in similar spaces a little less alien.
  The big one came in 2018 when Universal Studios Japan declared that the following summer, it would be home to a meeting of the two titans in "Godzilla vs Evangelion: The Real 4-D." This ride/theater experience would give audiences a firsthand look at a clash between the EVA units and Godzilla. However, just as the horror of the original Godzilla had been diluted through various sequels that saw him becoming Japan's protective older brother, and just as the crushing melancholy of Evangelion feels a little less sad when you see Rei posing on the side of a pachinko machine, this ride would also be a reframing experience.
  Godzilla is a threat, at first, as the Evangelion units zip around, blast him, and try to drop-kick him. But then, out of space, Godzilla's old three-headed foe King Ghidorah emerges. The golden space dragon provides a common enemy for the group and they work together to eliminate it. Godzilla, seemingly forgetting why he showed up to the ride in the first place, trudges back into the sea. He is now a hero, his spot as Earth's Public Enemy #1 seemingly neutered. 
  To this day, news of theme park attractions that bear the Shin Godzilla design consistently pop up, including one ride where you can zip line into Godzilla's steaming open mouth! But Toho doesn't seem open to a live-action sequel that many see as the obvious next step (though they would produce a trilogy of anime films that take place in a different monster timeline). Instead, they opted for beginning a kind of Godzilla shared universe, like the extremely popular Marvel Cinematic Universe. And Anno and Higuchi have moved on to their next revitalizing effort: a reboot of Ultraman. 
  Wes Craven, the director of A Nightmare on Elm Street once said, "You don't enter the theater and pay your money to be afraid. You enter the theater and pay your money to have the fears that are already in you when you go into a theater dealt with and put into a narrative ... Stories and narratives are one of the most powerful things in humanity. They're devices for dealing with the chaotic danger of existence." The creators at Toho certainly gave people that with Godzilla, just as Anno did with Neon Genesis Evangelion.
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  Image via Amazon Prime Video
  But horror films are also entertainment, and soon these monsters are sequel-ized and commodified, losing their edge to the point that new minds are brought in to reboot them and help them move forward. It's a process we've repeated since people began telling stories to one another thousands and thousands of years ago. They help us confront the worst aspects of ourselves and of our worlds. It's what makes them vital. We need them. Like the next evolution of monsters sprouting from Godzilla's tail in the final frame of Shin Godzilla, the horror genre reaches out, grasping for fears that we have and fears that will one day come.  
  For more Crunchyroll Deep Dives, check out Licensing of the Monsters: How Pokemon Ignited An Anime Arms Race and The Life And Death Of Dragonball Evolution.
    Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features.
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marley-warriors · 5 years
Ymir Fritz- Origin, Life and Death
This post focuses on Ymir Fritz and is the third post in my series on the devil of all earth. (Holidays are nearly over so soon you won’t have to deal with the sudden influx of metas. XD)
Ymir Fritz- meaning
Fritz is a medival German name, and is short for Frederick, which means ‘Peace-Power’.
Ymir on the other hand is a scandinavian name, deep rooted in norse mythology. Ymir means ‘Mythical Giant’, which also accordingly makes Ymir the progenitor of all giants.
Further it is described that people by the name of Ymir have a deep inner desire and to give to others by sharing money, knowledge, and experience, as well as creative and artistic ability. This description does match up to that of Frieda Reiss when talking about Ymir as a kind girl that cares for everyone around her.
From the name we can assume that Ymir Fritz was Germanic/Scandinavian. This makes sense in the regard that most Eldians have German first and last names. The Eldians were probably scandinavian and germanic before they started rulling the world.
Ymir’s early life
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Based on the clothes we see Ymir wearing in paths, we can assume that she was a rather poor girl. This would make sense. After all it seems she took up the devil’s offer in order to assure her family and her people could live a better life. It is possible that they were in a depression due to constant wars, famine and poverty or illness.
There are other theories that suggest she was a royal, but no royal would be desperate enough to go out and agree on a deal with the devil. This girl was desperate for change, for a better life for her people.
The Fritz family probably did not start out as royal, but with the later power of the founding titan it would make sense for the Fritz family to have taken up the role of leading the Eldians and becoming their rulers.
Meeting the devil
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It may or may not have been by accident that Ymir found the devil. I think its more likely that it was the devil that saw Ymir’s desperation and offered up his services to her in a similar manner to that of Satan and Eve in the Bible.
Ymir was still a young girl, kind and naive. She would have been very easy to manipulate.
“I have heard innocent voice. I’ll sing out with my girl. Go to the meeting place, sing alone. Rolling stone. Come morning, everyone laugh again with me.”
This is a verse of season 2’s ending song: Yuugure no Tori. It has to be one of the darkest songs in all os snk, followed by old pictures of Ymir Fritz and the devil. I think that this particular verse may actually be from the devils perspective, since it talks about someone hearing an innocent voice. This may be the devil overhearing a young and innocent Ymir. Further this innocent voice must be that of a girl as pointed out in the next line. “Go to the meeting place” could refer to the place where Ymir and the devil first met. The next line about lauging the next morning almost seems as if the devil is laughing mockingly with others at Ymir, for entering a contract she did not fully understand. After all the devil had tricked her. The devil did not want to help Ymir, but enslave her for his own personal goals. Her and her people are now the perfect tools for any devious plans the devil might have had.
Just look at the devil. It looks like it is grinning after it handed Ymir the apple. The apple that had been passed on to Ymir must be the source of all organic matter that Eren Kruger mentioned. After ingesting this apple she gained the power of the titans. (Much like Eve gained the knowledge of good and evil after eating the fruit offered up by Satan.)
Why did Ymir accept the offer?
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The devil promised Ymir immense power, power which she could use for good. With this power, Ymir could help her people prosper. Whatever wars, famine and disasters were affecting them could now be solved by her new power. To the Eldians Ymir became a “god given gift”.
(Also why does Ymir have breasts in her titan form despite being just a girl? Well if you look at Annie Leonhard’ts female titan, she too already possesed large breasts in her titan form while still a young child around the age of 10 or 11. So it seems a shifters titan looks like a mature adult, no matter the age of the actual shifter.)
This is exactly what Ymir sought to do, use her powers for the good of her people. With the help of Ymir’s Progenitor titan she could cultivate the lands, build bridges and ensure her people prospered.
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Yet there was also a dark side to this power, which should be obvious since she obtained it from the devil. Perhaps Ymir was naive enough to believe that none of her successors would ever use her powers for the bad of humanity. Or maybe she never even knew that she would have successors to her powers. But the power recived by the devil did end up corrupting the Eldians.
The curse and death of Ymir
One clear condition of the contract seems to be that of the 13 year curse, now known as Ymir’s curse. She was doomed to die after just 13 years, and so are her successors.
But during her remaining 13 years Ymir did grow up and give birth to 3 girls, Maria Fritz, Rose Fritz and Sina Fritz. (Karl Fritz would later name his 3 walls after Ymir’s children.)
It has become evident that titan shifters age at a more rapid pace than other Eldians. The clearest example of this was with Uri Reiss, in which he went from being a young adult to looking like a man in his late years. Zeke also looks much older than he actually is. Even Reiner and Bertholdt look like they were in their late teens at the age of 13 and 14. Hence being a shifter seems to accelerate the aging proccess.
So 13 years later Ymir died, but another condition of passing on the power was to be eaten.
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This painting may very well be of Ymir Fritz’s corpse. (Her hair could be whitish because of the rapid aging process) The man behind the children could have been her husband or father. There is no manga panel of this picture yet, so its purpose is yet to be explained in later chapters. But the skeleton is still most likely that of Ymir Fritz.
Around Ymir there are 9 vase’s, each seemingly filled with her drained blood. The only people eating from the corpse are 3 young girls, which could be Ymir’s daughters or perhaps siblings.
Now about the cannibalism. I do not think Ymir was cannibalised to obtain her powers. The people around her may not even have known that her powers could be inherited. It could simply be that the cannibalism was ritualistic in nature. Which does seem to be the case as the image shows everyone dressed up in robes with candles around. Ritualistic cannibalism can include family members eating the remains of their loved ones.
The intersting thing is the 9 vases filled with blood. To pass on a titan, a shifter’s spinal fluid has to be ingested. It could be that the blood had residue of the sounal fluid. There are 10 people in the picture, so it can be assumed that 9 of them got one vase each. That may be how Ymir’s titan powers split into 9 individual titan shifters.
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Ymir may have promised herself to only use her powers for good, but perhaps she did not know that her powers would be passed on by accident during the cannibalistic ritual.
Ymir in Paths
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“Spend with me. Blow tomorrow. Every single day it is next to you.”
“With me, with me, with me, with me, Yeah.”
Another sentence from the season 2 ending song. “Spend with me.” Is that the devil mentioning how Ymir will from now on spend eternity trapped with the devil in paths? After all Ymir did die almost 2000 years ago, and yet she lives on in a limbo like state in paths. We know that Ymir is very unhappy in paths. Her eyes are blacked out with lines, which is Isayama’s indication that she is in emotional pain. She clearly does not want to be there. The sentence about it being next to her is also interesting. What is next to her? The devil? The contract, or perhaps the works of the devil? Clearly she is now trapped in paths as per her contract with the devil, seemingly unable to change anything while having to watch her successors either commit oppression and eugenics ir suffer from oppression and eugenics.
Ymir’s successors
8 of the 9 titans were passed on to random Eldians, which may have been the friends, and distant relatives of Ymir present at the funeral. One titan however was passed on to one of Ymir’s daughters. That titan became known as the Founding titan. With Ymir’s death, the Progenitor titan had split. There has been no progenitor titan since despite the ability for one shifter to collect multiple titan powers.
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Contrary to popular believe, I think the girl depicted in this pucture is not Ymir, but Ymir’s daughter. This titan has been specifically adressed as the founding titan, and not the progenitor titan. Further the girl in this picture stands above 8 other shifters bowing to her. Together they form the 9 titans that had split from Ymir. Ymir herself is no longer in the murral of the 9 titans as she had already died by the time her powers had split. Even if she were, she would have probably been shown as the 10th extinct Progenitor Titan. Further this titan does look a bit diffrent from the titan presented as Ymir. Ymir’s titan had more messy curls rather than waves as well as a fringe. The titan with the horn does not have a fringe and no messy curles.
It was with her successors that the Eldians started exploring the dark side of their power, using and abusing it, such as using mass produced mindless titans as weapons to wipe out opposing forces.,
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This may very well be according to the devil’s plan. After all, the devil would not have agreed to help Ymir unless there was something in it for him.
“Surely come in the morning, one day say hello.” (Ending song)
Regardless, the devil seemed to just be waiting for Ymir to come by and say hello.
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