#*voice to text typos but also i like “follow the sleep”
moonshinemagpie · 8 months
Adding "while amidst a mosh pit at a rock concert" to the list of unlikely scenarios in which I have fallen asleep
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fortheloveofbuddie · 10 months
Fuck it Friday
Tagged by the lovely @watchyourbuck 💗
Didn’t quite make it for Friday but anyway here’s my first ever attempt at posting some of my writing ahhh
Also I apologize for any typos lol, I have not read it through ✌🏻
Eddie was barely awake when his phone vibrated on the night stand right next to his head, casting a blue hue onto the ceiling.
He normally put it on silent during the night but this night was different. He had had an argument with Buck a few days ago and they hadn’t made amends. So he didn’t want to miss a single opportunity to talk to him.
2:47 AM
“Really?” Eddie mumbled to himself and put his phone in front of his face, the words on the screen fading into one another the longer that he looked at them.
His eyes started to slowly close again but shot open as his phone vibrated once more. And again. And again.
6 unread messages
Eddie sat up further in the bed, trying to make sense of Buck’s texts that mostly just looked like he had typed while almost dropping his phone. Or had it in his back-pocket. Or a combination of the two.
Rubbing his eyes made the words or at least, letters, in front of Eddie become clearer by the second and by his third, possibly fourth re-read, Buck’s messages started to make sense. It wasn’t Eddie’s first time decoding Buck’s drunken texts.
I know that it was my fault
I’m sorry
I was wrong
Eddie don’t answer now
I need to say this
I love you
The last message was the only one without any spelling errors and it was like Eddie’s heart stopped in his chest, his mouth dried up and his phone suddenly weighed the same as a brick, his palms dropping to his thighs. He lifted the phone back up to his face, thinking that the words on the screen might have changed since then.
I love you
They had said it before but that was before they got together and it just held so much more meaning now. Yet the first time that Buck told him this was in a drunken haze and suddenly it didn’t feel that great anymore.
So he left the messages unanswered. Read but unanswered. He crawled back under his duvet but wasn’t able to sleep.
I love you too, Buck
The words were typed out, staring him right back in the face, almost provoking him to do it. Not like this.
He didn’t remember falling asleep but he was woken up by knocking on the front door. It became more and more persistent when he tried to ignore it.
Eddie got out of bed and pulled on a shirt, his head heavy after tossing and turning all night.
He unlocked the door and right as he was about to open it, someone in the hallway pushed it open and Buck stood in front of him with a sheepish expression on his face.
“Buck” Eddie breathed out like he wasn’t expecting to see him and the well of feelings that had come over in him in the night hit him like a wave. He swallowed harshly and took a step backwards into the living room, letting Buck walk past him. Eddie crossed his arms firmly across his chest, letting his eyes wander over Buck’s body and face.
“I didn’t know if you’d want me to use my key or not” Buck smiled briefly and held the key out in his hand before placing it back in his pocket.
“No, it’s fine” Eddie said, nodding slightly before he dropped his arms to his sides and walked into the kitchen.
Buck was freshly showered, the scent of his cologne following him like this delicious smelling cloud that Eddie couldn’t help but to discreetly inhale. He could never get enough of that. Buck’s baby blue eyes were however glassy and somber, now showing how he truly felt as he stepped closer to Eddie.
“You left me on read” Buck stated as he leaned against a counter, his eyes dropping to the floor.
“Yes” Once again, Eddie’s voice sounded harsher than he intended for it to be but he also couldn’t help it. “I did” He continued, leaning against the counter opposite Buck.
“I’m sorry. For all of it. I shouldn’t have said what I did the other day, it was out of line. And last night, I shouldn’t have..” Buck hesitated as he caught Eddie’s eyes with his.
The pause in Buck’s sentence didn’t help the uneasy feeling that Eddie had in his stomach and he rubbed his hands across his face to hide how it was affecting him. The only problem with that was that Buck knew him well enough to know why he was acting like that.
Buck took a few more cautious steps towards Eddie, closing the distance between them by gently placing his hands on Eddie’s hips, watching for a reaction and when Eddie didn’t move, neither did he.
“Eddie, what I said last night, I shouldn’t have written that in a text. I don’t want you to think that I only said it to end an argument because that’s not why. I said it because you make my life better. I said it because the way that I feel for you, I don’t and have never felt for someone else. Because you help me heal. In here” Buck took Eddie’s hand and placed it above his heart, Eddie keeping it steady there.
Eddie dropped his hand and moved it under Buck’s shirt, tracing the soft skin right above his hipbone. His heart was pounding against his ribs and he was almost convinced that Buck was able to hear each individual beat.
“You left me on read” Buck chuckled lightly, the tension between them slowly becoming less tangible as Eddie finally dared to make eye contact with the man in front of him.
His boyfriend. The man that he loves.
“I did” Eddie confirmed once again and Buck wrapped his arms around the back of Eddie’s neck, letting their chest touch against one another and Eddie knew that Buck would have to be able to feel his heart racing like crazy. And he was right. It didn’t take more than a few seconds before Buck glanced down between them and then back into Eddie’s eyes.
Eddie felt his cheeks slowly becoming heated and he leaned slightly away from Buck but it was too late.
“I just..” The words got caught in the back of Eddie’s mouth and he had to close his eyes briefly to compose himself. Buck closed the distance between them once again by planting a gentle kiss on Eddie’s pink lips, it was so gentle that it almost tickled instead of anything else.
Eddie ran his hands over Buck’s back, let them move across his shoulders and up to the back of his neck, his fingertips touching the soft curls that he loved so much. He kissed Buck a bit more firmly and when they broke apart, Buck’s eyes were looking softly back at him.
“Eddie?” Buck said, now feeling his pulse rise too.
“Yes?” Eddie replied, watching Buck’s body language change, his shoulders tensing slightly as he got nervous.
“I love you” Buck’s voice was filled with joy and nothing but confidence radiated on his face as he finally spoke. He loves Eddie Diaz. He loves him so much that it makes his entire body ache for more all the time. He loves him so much that he’s almost scared to say it out loud.
“I love you too, Buck. You have no idea how much” Eddie eventually said as he got over the initial shock of hearing it for the first time instead of just reading it on a screen. He loves Evan Buckley and every fiber of his being.
Tagging: @buckleyobsessed @eddiediaztho @buckleydiaz @belovedbuddie @barbiediaz @cinematics123 @buddiex 💗 (lemme know if you don’t wanna be tagged in the future)
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roonyxx · 2 years
If Only...: Chapter 7
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Summary: When you get an invite from your family to go see them you refuse because they are always on your ass about being single. So what if Dean says he will pretend to be yours?
Warnings (*spoilers*): fluff, angst, language, SMUT, more angst…, use of alcohol, self-hate, heartbreak, Dean is little bit of a dick in this one.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
A/N: The text divider is from the very talented @talesmaniac89​​, so part 7 is out, thoughts are in italic, all typos and mistakes are mine (proofreading is hard) I hope you all enjoy xxx
A/N: This is also my entery for @msmarvelouswinchester​‘s 500 follower celebration. I had the prompt:” I don’t think my heart can take watching you love someone else again” I adjusted it a little to fit better in the story!
Wordcount: 4600
If Only Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Part 7
You were awoken by a loud grunt, the sheet above you was moving. You blinked your eyes open, trying to get rid of the sleep.
“Dean?” your sleepy voice went unanswered.
He was panting and sweating, little whimpers left his mouth.
“S-stop… no!” he screamed.
You were wide awake, you sat up and moved closer to him, putting your hand on his forehead like you had done so many times before.
“It’s okay Dean, I’m here. You’re not alone.” You whispered sweetly.
He kept whimpering, tears leaking out of his eyes. It broke your heart to see the brave hunter this vulnerable… the things he went through, it weighed on him. He didn’t deserve any of it. And you were angry at the world for treating him so harshly.
“S-stop… p-please.” His voice was a shadow of his usual strong baritone sound.
You moved closer to him, wrapped your arms around him and pulled him towards you as best as you could. In his sleep he moved closer, sensing someone was there for him. His head ended up on your chest and his arms tightly around your waist, his tears soaked your shirt. But you paid no mind to it. One of your hands came to his back, softly rubbing up and down, the other came to his head, your fingers ran through his short strands.
“You’re okay Dean.” You whispered in your sweetest voice “You’re safe. I’m here.”
You felt it as he pressed his head deeper into your chest, like he wanted to hide from it all inside you. Your heart broke all over again for the man you loved. You held him even tighter and started humming ‘Hey Jude’ like his mom used to do.
His tears eventually stopped and a tiny voice came from him, “I’m sorry…” he muttered.
You halted your humming, but kept stroking his hair. “It’s okay Dean, do you want to talk about it?”
He shook his head no, and his grip on you tightened, “C-can you just… hold me?”
You shifted a little lower on the bed so you both were in a more comfortable position.
“Of course Dean, just go back to sleep. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere, okay?” you rested your head on top of his.
He nuzzled closer into you ,“Okay” he sighed. Like he was relieved to hear he wasn’t alone.
“Y/n?” his soft voice broke through the silence again.
You hummed a ‘yes?’ in response.
“Can you hum again, please…?”
You smiled a little and started humming again, a sigh of relief fell of his lips, and together you fell asleep.
The rest of the night was peaceful, when Dean woke up he untangled himself from you and took a shower without saying a word. You were a little worried for him, this nightmare seemed to have hit him hard.
So when breakfast rolled through the door you tried again.
“Dean, are you okay?” you asked him “You’re quieter than usual.”
“Yeah, I’m good sweetheart.” He gave you a weak smile.
You put your hand over his, “Dean, you can talk to me, we have time. The nightmare hit you hard, didn’t it?”
He sighed “Yeah… it was Hell.” He looked down at the table as she said that.
You knew those were the worst of them all, you couldn’t start to imagine what happened to him in those 40 years…
“I’m so sorry Dean…but it’s over now, you’re free, you’re alive.” You held his hand tight “and you’re not alone.”
He gave you a little smile that looked much more sincere then the previous one. “Thank you, Y/n.”
It was silent for a little while before he spoke again.
“You were in it too…”
“Oh… I didn’t hurt you, right?” you were a little afraid of the effect you could have on him if you did.
“No, you… I was…I-I was hurting you.” His vice stuttered out.
“Dean” you said, but he kept his eyes on the table, “Look at me.”
Slowly he lifted his head and his eyes met yours. They held shame, pain and remorse.
“You didn’t hurt me, you would never do that, Dean.” You got up and sat next to him to take both his hands in yours.
“It felt so… real, it was like I was possessed. I didn’t want to hurt you but I couldn’t control my hands… you were screaming so loud and I just kept cutting a-and punching…” his voice broke again and you could see the tear that rolled down his cheek.
You let go of his hand and wiped the tear, cupping his cheek.
“It wasn’t you Dean. It was just a dream. I’m okay. Where was I cut?” you asked him.
“On your cheek.”
You took his hand and put it on your cheek, “See? Not real.” And gave him a little smile.
He slowly nodded and let his hand slide down to your neck. “I cut you here too…” his thumb brushed over your soft skin, you swallowed hard as his fingers reached that sensitive spot below your ear.
“Anywhere else?” you tried to keep your voice straight.
“On your waist.” He whispered.
You took his hand again and lifted your shirt a little so he could touch your skin there. A shaky breath left your lips as his warm hand touched your skin, setting you aflame. His eyes flicked between yours, his grip tightening a little on you.
“S-see, I’m okay Dean. No cuts, no pain. You didn’t hurt me.” Your voice wavered under his touch. He did quite the opposite to you…
He nodded and muttered a soft ‘yeah’, he kept his hand on you for a while, until his arm completely wrapped around you, to pull you into a hug, his face buried in your neck.
“Thank you Y/n… I needed that.”
You held him close to you stroking his hair again. “Anything for you, Dean.”
He slowly let go off you and ate a little more of is breakfast.
“So, what’s on the schedule today?” he asked. His words breaking the heavy tension in the room.
“Tonight is our last night. So it will be girl, boy evening.” you said.
“Girl boy evening?” he questioned.
“Yeah, I go with the girls, you with the boys, to go out and drink.” You weren’t happy with today, it was your last full day and you were always bored at girls night out. Luckily you had Sarah. You were more worried for Dean… he would be alone with your dad, and Josh.
“Oh so we won’t see each other tonight?” he asked.
“I’m afraid not, we can always bail, I mean we’re adults we do what we want.” You stated with a firm voice, making sure Dean knew he didn’t have to do it.
“No it’s okay, I want you to have fun with Sarah and Helena. Ignore Stephanie as best as you can, I’m sure Sarah will help with that.” He said with a smile.
“Yeah she will, are you sure about this. You’ll be stuck with Marc and Josh…”
He shrugged, “I’ll be fine sweetheart, I deal with vampires! I can deal with a dick for one night, and besides, I still have Marc. He’s a nice guy. It will be okay.”
“Sure? Because you don’t have to if you don’t want too…”
“Yes sweetheart, I’ll be okay.” He gave you another smile and kissed your cheek, setting them on fire with his lips.
“O-okay… the rest of the day is free, so I was thinking we could go to the wellness?” he deserved a good massage after a rough night like that. “It’s a private one, if I call now we might be lucky to still have it today.”
“Oh yes! I could die for a massage right now.”
You smiled as the happy sparkle returned to his eyes. You walked over to the phone and called the reception to ask if it was free, and you were lucky, because it was.
“We’re in luck De! It was still free, we can go whenever we want, I rented it for the entire day.” You gave him a smile.
“Can we stay in the room a little longer and be lazy? We could watch a movie and go after lunch? I still feel a little worn out from tonight…” he admitted to you softly.
“Of course De, let’s see if they have any good westerns.” You chuckled.
You both went to lie on the bed again, still in your pj and watched movies until lunch arrived. After eating, you got ready for the spa.
You put on the same underwear you had used for the bubble bath and smiled a little as the scent of it hit your nose and with that the memories of that moment. Although you had cried in his arms, it felt relieving and his gentle touches were something you would never forget.
You stepped out of the bathroom in you white fluffy robe with the resort’s name embroidered on the front breast pocket and smiled at Dean who wore the same robe and matching white flip flops.
“We look so rich.” He chuckled.
“Well here, we are rich.” You looked at him as he made his way to the door. His strong bow legs that came from underneath his robe looked so sexy… how can a guy wearing white flip flops be sexy?!
It was just another superpower of Dean Winchester, he looked good in literally anything.
“We are! Let’s go, I’m curious what it looks like.” He walked out the door and waited for you to close up behind you.
The wellness was located on the same floor as the garage but on the west side of the building, the side that faced the lake.
With a special code you received from the desk lady you opened up your section of the wellness. You had never seen this part of the resort, not being a big fan of wellnesses.
Both your and Dean’s mouth fell open at the sight of the big pool in the middle, the water as still as ice but the steam that washed over the surface said it was anything but ice. On the left side was a wooden jacuzzi installed, and on the right was a sauna and a steam cabin. In the left corner there was a little bell next to a door that read ‘massage’.
“This is awesome!” Dean half yelled, his voice echoing in the aqua room.
“It is! I have never been in this part before.” You took off your robe and hung it on the hook. Dean doing the same. Your eyes moved up his bow legs to his firm and tight waist, his black boxers hugged him in all the right ways. You swallow hard as you could see a faint outline of what he was packing underneath it… you quickly tore your eyes away,  only for them to travel up the faint hairline on his tummy, his soft but strong stomach made you ache to touch him. You followed the path of freckles up his skin to his chest, fuck… he was so broad, just looking at his wide chest and shoulders made you wet.
“Enjoying the show, sweetheart?” his chuckle broke you from the trance his body had put you in. Your eyes snapped up at his to see him smirk at you. Oh God were you really staring at him for a full two minutes without saying anything?!
“I… I s-sorry… I didn’t –“ you stuttered but his deep rumble cut you off.
“It’s okay Y/n. I’m just messing around.” He laughed “and I don’t mind you looking sweetheart.” He gave you a wink and stepped towards the massage and pushed the little button.
Was he… flirting with you?
You had no time to think about that because the masseuses opened the door and beaconed for you and Dean to lay down on the tables.
As the ladies started to work on yours and Dean backs you both groaned out in delight.
“Oh God… that feels so good.” He moaned.
“It does…. If I knew it felt so good I would have done it sooner.” You chuckled.
“How can you have never done this before, you lived here?!” he said in disbelieve.
“I was never a fan of it, it’s too hot and sweat is sticky, and I don’t like people touching me.” The masseuse stopped as you said that and you chuckled “No please, you’re very good at this, do continue, please.” In which the woman started to untangle your muscles further.
“Well now you are a fan of it.” He groaned louder as the woman used her elbow to add more pressure on his lower back.
“I am…” you hummed at the pleasurable feeling.
You were kinda glad that you couldn’t see Dean, you weren’t sure how you would handle seeing him get touched all over by a pretty woman. You knew it happened, not only now but that Dean saw plenty of ladies who got to touch the masterpiece he is, and yes. You were jealous of them. But you pushed it aside, hearing his happy chuckles from under the table made it all worth it.
You laid on the tables for about 45 minutes, Dean fell asleep after 25, his soft snores filled the room with an occasional ‘oh yeah’ muttered in his husky voice.
You got up from your table with a groan after the women left, walked over to Dean’s table and softly nudged him.
“Dean? Wake up.” You stroked his muscled back, getting lost in the feeling of his skin before he stirred.
“Yep, I’m up.” He groaned and sat up. “My God that was heavenly.”
“It was, sauna next?” you asked him.
He nodded and you both walked to the little wooden cabin and sat down it. The heat immediately clung to your body, Dean took a spoon of water and poured more over the hot stones. The sizzling sound empathized how hot they were.
You sat opposite of each other in the small space, your knees between his. Lips parted and panting. Your eyes fixated on his chest where tiny droplets of sweat followed the curves of his sculpted body only to dissolve in the waistband of his underwear. You clenched your thighs at the sight. Dean wasn’t as muscular as Sam but his body was a sex symbol, his voluptuous pecks begged to be bitten in, his perky nipples asked to be licked. You would love to see his soft but strong stomach contract as he comes. His hips… you have seen the way they moved, and every time you caught a glimpse of them you wanted to pull them flush against yours.
“You’re staring again.” His voice stated.
Your eyes shot up to his, your breath was taken away by what you saw. His eyes were dark with lust, his teeth bit down on his lips. His hands had a tight grip on the bench, like he was holding himself back.
“I… s-sorry.” You stuttered.
“Don’t be.” He licked his lips and his eyes traveled down your body “I’m staring too after all.”
“W-what?” you gasped, did the temperature just go up? It was really hot in here.
He leaned over, his hands grasped your knees and he slowly moved them up over your thighs, over your hips to end up around your waist. His face was inches from yours, nose brushing yours. His shuddering breath fanned over your face as he licked at his lips, while his eyes were focused on yours.
“You have no idea what you do to me, Y/n.” he whispered.
“I…” you couldn’t even form words with him so close, you were drowning in his touch. “D-Dean…” you moaned, leaning forward to brush your lips over his, encouraging to do what he wanted, what you wanted.
He pressed his lips on yours, his arms wrapping around your waist and lifted you up like you weighed nothing and pulled you into his lap. You moaned into his mouth as you felt his hardening length press up against you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and rolled your hips into his, he groaned at your manoeuvre on top of him. His hands holding you tighter. Every patch of skin that was on him immediately started dripping with sweat from the heat surrounding you, but neither of you cared.
You arched your head back. Exposing your neck to him as he kissed it.
“F-fuck Dean…” you panted, it was getting too hot, not only his kisses were making you light headed. You reached for the door and pulled it open while your other hand held his head against your chest, where his lips were devouring you.
The wave of fresh air that hit you both made you moan louder.
“Dean… air.” You moaned, white spots were forming in your vision. He got up from the bench his big strong hands held you by the back of your thighs as he stepped over to the pool and descended down the stairs into the water, giving you the refreshment you needed. His lips never stopped his ministrations, only when you were chest deep into the pool and he pressed you against the side, did his lips stop.
“I want you Y/n… fuck I need you…” he moaned against your skin. His hips pressed into yours.
“T-take me Dean.” Your hand moved up to come into his hair, tugging hard at it. “Fuck me.”
One hand let go of your leg and hastily pushed down his underwear, which was a little more challenging in the water, then his hand reached for your panties, pulling them aside. He grasped his cock and put the tip at your entrance. You looked down but with the water it was hard to see him. But you didn’t need to see him, soon enough he pushed his length into your tight channel.
“F-fuck! Y-you’re so b-big Dean…” you held onto his broad shoulders for dear life as he bottomed out.
His forehead rested on your shoulder, grunting loud. “Y-you’re so tight sweetheart… f-feel so good.”
Your nails dug into his skin “M-move Dean… p-please.”
He pulled all the way out, leaving just his tip in and slammed back in.
“Grah! Fuck Y/n!” he kissed you again, his hips pounded into you, the water splashed between your back and the side of the pool. Obscene moaning echoed in the room as Dean’s hips drilled into you.
“Yes Dean! Yes… Gonna f-fucking c-ome.” You bit at his lower lips. Your eyes looked into his green ones. Both clouded with pure desire and lust.
“Gonna come on my cock, baby? Fucking clench me, Y/n. I’m gonna fill you with my cum.” He grunted with every hard thrust, panted in your face as his tongue darted out to lick at your neck.
“Y-yes, fill me. Please Dean. I need your c-cum.” The coil in your belly was tightening, ready to snap at any moment. He was losing his rhythm. Signaling he was close himself. You wrapped your legs tight around him, digging your feet into his ass to push him even deeper.
“YES DEAN!” you came hard on his cock, clenching his member even harder.
His head fell in your neck, hips jerked into you as you felt his cum flood your belly. He bit hard into your shoulder, groaning around your skin.
“Y/N FUCK!” his arms warped around your waist, pulling you flush against him as you both came down. Panting against each other’s skin.
Your hand came up to stroke his hair. What did just happen? Did you have sex with THE Dean Winchester?!
“Dean I lo-” you started.
“Thank you” he cut you off as he lifted his head and unwrapped his arms from your body “I… I really needed that.” He slowly pulled out, hissed a little when he did.
Thank you? Needed that…? Not needed you… shit, of course. He had a rough night and didn’t have sex for over two months… He just needed an easy lay. You were his only option here.
“Y-yeah.” You quickly swallowed your tears. “That was… nice.” You lowered yourself in the water until your chin touched the surface and pulled your panties in place.
“Yeah it was.” He stepped a little back, his hands moved underwater, probably fixing his underwear. He didn’t even look you in the eyes.
Was he already regretting it happened?
“We have to get ready.” You said, keeping your voice straight. But deep inside you were slowly falling apart. Your mind reeled over his words. You were gonna say you loved him… and he said ‘thank you’. It hurt, you had him… he kissed you, he touched you, he fucked you.
You would cherish this moment forever, and try to imagine he wasn’t just fucking you, but that he loved you. This would be the memory that could keep you going, but also the memory that would destroy you…
He nodded and you followed him out of the pool. As you stepped up the steps you felt gravity taking its claim on you again, and with that you felt his cum drip out of you. You clenched your thighs in the hope it would stay a little longer inside you. It was the last you had of him.
You both put on your robes and left in silence to your room to get ready for tonight.
Not a word was said between you, not even when you washed up and got dressed. It was awkward…
“Dean…” you started.
“Where do I have to be tonight?” he asked you, he hasn’t looked into your eyes since he came deep inside you.
Was he disgusted by you? He couldn’t even look you in the eyes…
“Uhm, guys meet in the garage.” You told him.
“Okay, I’ll see you tonight.” He stepped towards the door.
“Dean, wait.” You ran after him. “Shouldn’t we talk about… you know?” you pleaded with him.
He looked at you for the first time since the pool, but it was a completely different Dean, he looked distant, his eyes cold. Gone was the forest with golden sunrays, replaced by a forest cloaked in a heavy fog.
“Why? We fucked and that’s it, right? Nothing to talk about.”
Every word of that sentence cut into your heart like razor blades. ‘Fucked’ nothing more, he needed a distraction and a release. You were his only option, he didn’t even have to work hard for you, because you were already tangled in his web.
“Right.” You stated with a cold voice. You couldn’t let him see the hurt. You’re still friends and if he knew that you wanted more than just a quick fuck things would become even more awkward and you would lose him. That can’t happen. He’s your everything, losing him is not an option.
“I’ll see you tonight, Dean.” You turned away from him and took the stairs down to the lobby instead of suffering in the elevator with him. You needed air, and a drink. More than one.
You met up with the girls downstairs and quickly made your way to the nearest bar, luckily the boys had chosen a different tavern to hang out tonight. You wouldn’t be able to pretend to be the loving couple after what happened.
You ordered a whiskey and emptied it in one go, ordering a new one straight after. You needed to forget his hurtful words.
An easy lay… that’s all you are to him. What would happen when you returned home? What would happen when Dean would go out to have sex with another woman or what if he finds someone, someone he will want to keep? You don’t think your heart can take watching him love someone else again. Because now you know what he feels like, how he made you feel. Just the thought of him doing that to another woman made you feel sick…
Sarah noticed the unshed tears in your eyes and how unusually quiet you were.
“Hey.” She put her hand on your arm, “You alright?” her concerned gaze searched your face.
You could feel the tears well up, ready to spill over and tell her everything that happened. But what good could it bring? Nothing, so you sucked it up.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You lied to her. You knew she saw right through it. But Sarah wouldn’t push it.
The evening passed slowly as you kept an eye on your phone, hoping he would text or even call. But the screen remained black. So you kept drinking. In the hopes you could forget his cold eyes. His disgust towards you. The girls kept giving you worried glances, except for Stephanie of course, but Sarah said you needed some space.
She knew you well, but she didn’t knew everything… what you really needed were Dean’s arms around you, his lips on yours as he told you that he loved you back. But that was all just a dream. Too good to be true.
Soon enough your vision started to spin and a buzz was rolling through your body. But it didn’t stop you, you kept drinking, straight from the bottle now.
It was only when you fell from your chair that Sarah and Helena helped you back to the resort.
“Jeez Y/n, you’re wasted…” Sarah grunted as she kept your arm over her shoulder while Helena knocked on the door of your room, hoping Dean was already back.
You couldn’t even form an answer to her statement, your head hung low, on the brink of unconsciousness.
The door opened, Dean was already in his pj. “Whoa, what happened?” he said as he took in the state of you, he immediately took you over from Sarah and Helena. You slumped against his body, your legs barely kept you up. The arm around your waist the only thing that prevented you from falling to the floor.
“She drank… and didn’t stop.” Sarah told Dean. “Did something happen? I have never seen her like this…” she asked Dean.
“Uhm, no. Not that I know.” He said, Sarah didn’t recognize the hesitation in his voice, “Thank you for bringing her. I’ll take care of her.” He gave Sarah a reassuring smile and picked you up bridal style.
“Yeah, call my room if you need my help, okay?” Sarah was obviously worried about you, but this wasn’t an issue she could help with.
“Yeah” he nodded, “We’ll be alright. Thank you again, for helping her.” He said
“Yeah, no problem. Just… keep an eye on her.” Sarah brushed some hairs out of your face, you could barely keep your eyes open. Everything was spinning and you could barely hold on.
“I will, goodnight girls.” He said as held you.
“Goodnight.” They said in unison and left after Dean closed the door.
He sighed deep “Why did you drink so much sweetheart…” his voice sounded so distant to you, but his smell and his body heat cere prominent.
He carried you over to the bedroom and took off your pants and sweater. He tucked you in the bed and went to get a water bottle and put it on your night stand.
“Dean…” you mewled, your voice was hoarse. The strong whiskey had burned your throat open.
He sat next to you on the bed and put some hair behind your ear, “Yes, Y/n?”
It all felt like a dream, the bed didn’t stop spinning and he was there. He was the only thing that didn’t move around you. You took his hand in yours, a small smile on your face as you felt his touch.
“I… I l-love you.” You slurred right before sleep took you.
Part 8
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baroquebucky · 3 years
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a/n: hi hi !! here is another fic inspired by one of my fave bts songs <33 hope u all enjoy lmk what u think !! pls excuse any typos
bucky was cold and sad before you, now he is warm and happy, most of all, he’s in love
word count: 3k
Bucky woke up from another nightmare, a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. He let out a shaky breath, looking around his empty apartment. He got up and washed his face, looking at himself in the mirror before tearing his gaze away.
Bucky didn’t sleep for the rest of the night, busying himself until sunrise, when he left his apartment and walked to park nearby.
That’s where he met you.
You were playing fetch with your dog, nearly tumbling over every time he jumped on you to get the ball from your hand, laughing as he would sprint away from you, tongue sticking out.
Bucky smiled at the sight, wishing he had a let of his own. You caught him staring at your dog and smiled, saying a quick ‘hello!’ and calling for you dog to come back.
Bucky returned a smile, the path he was on leading him towards where you stood. Your dog bounded over to you, ball in mouth and dropping it at your feet.
“do you wanna pet him?” You smiled at bucky, your dog staring at him wearily as he stopped near you.
“uh- he doesn’t seem like a fan” Bucky chuckled and you shook your head, scratching behind your dogs ear.
“he’s just protective, his name is ace” you smiled, walking towards Bucky slowly, ace following suit and sniffing at Bucky’s boots.
Ace warmed up to bucky quickly, sitting at his feet and waiting for his payment of pats. Bucky smiled, crouching down to pet him, the dogs soft fur against his hand made him smile.
You smiled at the interaction, thinking of what to say next, you knew this was the Bucky Barnes and you didn’t want to embarrass yourself.
“I’m y/n” you spoke as Bucky got back up, putting his gloves back on quickly. He turned to face you, a charming smile on his face.
“I’m Bucky” he replied, blushing as he finally saw your face, and wow were you breathtaking.
Your eyes met and you both blushed, you struggled to find words to keep the conversation going, not wanting him to leave so soon.
Is this love?
“why are you up so early” you asked, throwing the ball so ace could chase after it, still full of energy.
He paused for a moment before answering, “just an early bird” he smiled, you nodded. “what about you?” he asked, standing next to you as ace came back, dropping the ball at his feet this time.
“i have to tire him out before i go to work, so i gotta wake up early” you smiled, yawning not long after. You blushed and mumbled a quick ‘sorry’ and Bucky smiled at you.
Ace pranced back, no longer wanting to run around and play, only wanted to get back to his cozy bed and lounge for the rest of the day.
“we should get going, this guy makes me carry him to the car and up the stairs if he’s too tired” you laughed, bucky smiled and said goodbye, giving ace a few final pats before saying goodbye to him too.
Sometimes i know, sometimes i don’t
Bucky thought about you and your four legged friend for the rest of the day, wondering if you had always been there when he went for walks, was he too caught up in his own mind to even realize?
Bucky felt the day go by fast, feeling lighter than he had been the day before, talking to his neighbors a bit more and feeling tired by the time the clock hit 12 am rather than the usual 3 am.
He woke up early the next day, another nightmare shaking him awake, checking the clock it read 5:54 am, the sun barely about to rise.
He got up, changing and washing his face, brushing his teeth and heading out the door in 30 minutes.
The sun was up as he walked to the park, keeping an eye out for you, and sure enough there you were, this time throwing a frisbee to entertain ace. You looked exhausted and bucky felt a pang in his chest, how long did you sleep?
Your gaze me Buckys and you smiled brightly, perking up a bit as he walked closer.
“good morning bucky!” You smiled, ace running towards him, his frisbee in his mouth as he jumped to greet the super soldier.
“good morning y/n, and good morning ace!” He smiled, putting on a higher pitched voice for the dog who wagged his tail happily, hitting the mans leg with the frisbee.
Bucky took the frisbee, throwing it so ace could chase after it, you both smiled at your dog, running as fast as he could to catch the disk.
“how’d you sleep?” You asked, noticing the bags under his eyes, he shrugged.
“as well as i usually do. You?” He asked, trying to mask his concern.
“it was okay, wish i could’ve gotten more though” you smiled rubbing your burning eyes before throwing the frisbee once more.
Bucky nodded in agreement, the two of you making small talk until you and ace left once again.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” You asked, putting a leash on ace and walking with Bucky towards your car. Bucky smiled brightly, nodding his head.
“yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow” he replied, already looking forward to it.
You are the one who will give meaning to my memories
For two weeks you and bucky met up and played with ace at the park during early mornings, sometimes walking around the park and talking about your days and what you had to do. Neither one of you prying too much, just enjoying each other’s company.
Bucky reminisced on the memories with a fond smile as he told Steve about you.
“no yeah she’s great, her dog is really cute too” bucky spoke, giddy to see you on Monday.
“why don’t you ask her out then?” Steve questioned and bucky shook his head, not knowing how he would even approach the situation.
The following Monday you greeted bucky with a smile, ace bounding over to him in excitement.
As the two of you fell into routine, Steve’s words rung in his ears, deciding to take a leap of faith.
“would you- do you maybe wanna get dinner someday? together?” Bucky asked, a charming smile on his face as ace wagged his tail, looking up at you, almost as if saying ‘do it! say yes!’
“uh- yeah I’d love that” you smiled at bucky, both of you relieved that the you weren’t alone in wanting more time together.
Before i knew you my heart was filled with straight lines
Bucky was excited for your first date, putting on his best clothes and getting some flowers for you on the way, knocking on your door and heading aces familiar bark.
You opened the door, wearing a nice and casual outfit, letting Bucky in and thanking him for the flowers.
“I’m gonna just put these in water, feel free to sit down” you smiled, hurrying around to finish as quick as possible.
Bucky nodded, taking a seat on your couch and looking around, your home was so, homey. Ace smiling proudly as Bucky pet him.
“okay shall we?” You laughed and bucky smiled, saying goodbye to ace as you closed the door and headed out. Bucky offered you his arm and you gladly took it, walking down the stairs with your arms linked.
“ace makes you carry him all the way up these?” He asked in shock and you nodded, letting out a small chuckle.
“don’t let him fool you he is very evil” you teased, Bucky widened his eyes and nodded his head.
“note to self, never get on aces bad side” he smiled as you laughed, continuing to make easy conversation for the rest of the night.
Bucky found himself being nicer to Sam and the rest of the team, hanging out with them more and even cracking jokes.
“you don’t stare anymore” sam spoke, a smile on his face as steve turned to look at bucky.
“Hm, he doesn’t” steve smirked and bucky rolled his eyes.
“got tired of looking at your face is all” he snickered, making the two other men laugh, bucky took a sip from his beer.
“he’s seeing a girl y’know” steve whispered and bucky groaned as Sam cheered. Bucky couldn’t help but smile as he thought of you. It had only been a week since your first date and he already wanted to take you out again, despite having seen you this morning.
I’d like to be in your novel as a lover
Time passed and you and bucky got closer, going on more dates and texting each other during the day, even calling each other when one of you couldn’t sleep.
Bucky told you about his nightmares, telling you how he would always wake up, too afraid to go back to sleep so he would wait until sunrise and go for a walk.
You told him how you had trouble sleeping, sometimes your mind would just never stop, other times you just had too much work.
Within two months bucky has asked you out, a bouquet of roses for you and treats for ace, he has set up a picnic for you during the sunset, getting your favorite foods and talking the entire evening, finally asking you out when the moon had risen.
I’m just a human, you erode all my edges and turn me into love
You made bucky a better person, teaching him his self worth and to be proud of who he was.
“Bucky wake up, angel it’s just a nightmare” you shook him gently, ace watching from the foot of the bed.
Bucky shot up quickly, breathing heavily as you placed a hand on his back, pulling him into you after he has calmed down.
“you’re here, you’re with me you’re okay” you assured him, wrapping him in your arms and holding him tightly.
“it was bad, i was bad” he mumbled, tears falling down his face.
“you aren’t him. you are good, you are human baby, you’re my love” he squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on your steady heartbeat as you ran your fingers through his hair, his arm draping over your stomach as he slowly fell back to sleep.
Buckys nightmares became more scarce, he became happier and less cold, embracing who he was.
He was also helplessly in love with you, constantly buying you flowers, taking you out on dates, taking care of you when he could, writing you letters, and so much more.
You make live to a love
After coming into his life you made bucky a better person, you made him into the person he always wanted to be.
Bucky no longer walked with his head down, rather he walked with a set gaze, giving a kind smile to strangers on the street and helping those in need, helping the others his friends when they needed him and even volunteering at the local animal shelter when he could.
Because of you i know why a person should live by love
Before you bucky would punch his way out of all his fights, he would be hot headed and angry if he got into an argument with someone on the team.
Now he was understanding and patient, listening to what the other had to say and looking to reason with them, taking time to communicate. Bucky was sympathetic, not wanting to fight every villain they came across, instead trying to reason with them. Between him and Sam, usually they didn’t even have to fight.
I live so i love
“angel? I’m home!” You called out, ace greeting you at the door, smiling at the freshly cooked dinner on the dining table, it was your favorite.
“Happy one year doll” Bucky smiled as you turned around, hugging him tightly and kissing him all over his face.
“buck i don’t know what to say” you smiled, still in awe of all he had done.
“don’t say anything, just go get changed and let’s enjoy our night yeah?” He replied, kissing you once more before letting you go.
You were thankful he opted for a night in, exhausted from work and wanting only to be in your lovers arms. And you did exactly that, spending the night dancing in your living room, laughing at his bad jokes and sharing stories.
“okay best pick up line go” you smiled, excited to see what he would say.
“not really a pick up line but” Bucky paused, looking you in the eyes. “It’s a long way from I to U, fuck JKLMNOPQRST, i crossed all the letters and i reached you” he smirked, loving the way your heart raced at his words.
“now i know why you were such a ladies man in the 40s” you whispered, crashing his lips onto yours.
If i go would you be sad?
“God james cant you just shut up and listen to me for one second!” You stated, voice raising out of frustration.
“well maybe if you could get it through your stubborn head that it wasn’t my fault maybe I’d stop having to explain” Bucky spoke angry, his voice steady as he clenched his jaw.
You were upset he had kept you in the dark about an ongoing mission, he was upset you didn’t realize he had done it to keep you safe.
“you keep saying you did it to keep me safe, James i was almost killed because i didn’t know! How is that keeping me safe?” You spoke, anger boiling over as you sat on the couch, wanting to just sleep.
“if i had told you, you would have never let me be as protective as i have been! You wouldn’t have taken your vacation days because you’re too stubborn” Bucky spoke, still standing across from you.
“I just need some time to think” you spoke softly, Bucky’s heart fell. We’re you gonna leave him?
“I’ll go” Bucky mumbled, already moving to pack a bag.
“bucky stop” you spoke, making him stop in his tracks. “sit down i don’t want you to leave, let’s talk about it angel” you sighed, wanting to just work it out and be in his arms once more.
You’re my love
Bucky was excited, everything had been planned perfectly. He had woken up at 4 am, getting everything ready for the following morning.
He had driven to the park with Sam and Steve who helped him set up the picnic, a blanket laid out with fruits and drinks along with dog toys to play with ace.
It had been nearly 4 years since the two of you had met, he knew you were the one for him.
As the sun rose you woke up, getting ready to take ace out with Bucky, only to find the two of them gone.
Just as you finished getting ready bucky walked in, a smile on his face.
“goodmorning doll, let’s get going yeah? already got ace in the car” he smiled and you thanked him, heading out the door and to the park.
when you arrived you immediately saw the picnic.
“buck what-” you began and he cut you off.
“just because” he smiled and you smiled, sure he always took you on dates but this was different, it felt more intimate.
As the two of you sat on the blanket and munched on food ace ate some treats bucky had gotten him, excited to play in a couple of minutes.
“I taught him a new trick” Bucky smiled and you raised your eyebrows, sitting up straighter to see ace perform said trick.
“let’s see what you got Barnes” you smirked and he smiled.
“ace go fetch!” Bucky spoke, ace ran from the blanket in a straight line.
“haha bucky, we both know he already knew that, plus you didn’t even throw-” you cut yourself off as you saw ace pick something up, running back towards the two of you. Bucky stood up, offering you a hand so you could get up.
“y/n, i love you, you taught me what love is, you made me into a better person, from the moment we met i always felt like we were meant to be.” Bucky spoke, glancing over to see ace closer to the two of you, a little over halfway back.
“you’re my person, my desire, my pride, my one and only love” Bucky spoke, crouching down and taking the small box from aces mouth, letting him and giving him more treats.
Bucky got on one knee, opening the box and looking at you with bright eyes. Your vision was blurry, but unlike four years ago, it wasn’t from sleep, but from tears.
“y/n, doll, will you marry me?”
You nodded your head quickly, wiping away your tears and smiling brightly.
“yes, of course yes angel” you replied, wrapping your arms around him as he picking you up and spun you around, setting you down and kiss you, making your knees weak.
He slipped the ring on your finger with a smile, ace barking as the two of you kissed once more, pulling away with a smile.
“that has to be his best trick” you joked, petting ace and kissing the top of his head.
“now i gotta train him to be the ring bearer for the wedding” Bucky laughed and you nodded, squinting your eyes as you saw Sam and Steve running in the distance.
“is that-?” You questioned and bucky laughed, the two men cheering as they saw you and bucky cuddled up.
“she said yes!” Bucky called out and the two men cheered, arriving out of breath.
“thank god, he woke us up at like 3 am to get everything ready” sam spoke and Steve nodded, giving the two of you a hug, Sam quickly following suit.
“I’m happy for you guys” Sam spoke, Steve nodding along side him, squeezing Buckys arm before they left the two of you alone.
You smiled as you looked up at the sky, pinks and reds painting the clouds. You turned to tell bucky, but decided against it when you saw him on the floor playing with ace, voice high pitched as he baby talked him.
Your heart melted, you couldn’t wait to spend the rest of you life with your two favorite boys.
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
You’re Important to Me
Warnings: thoughts and ideations of the un-aliving variety
Genre: Angst but it gets a lil fluffy at the end
Pairing: Mammon x oc
Summary: The way the witches and his brothers treat him leaves Mammon feeling replaceable and unimportant. His human takes it upon herself to try and make him feel better after finding out something heartbreaking.
A/N: since I hit 150 followers either last night or the day before, I figured I would do something a little different for tonight’s post and give y’all a little 2 part fic instead of art. I haven’t written in a long time and this is not proofread so please excuse any typos. I’m a little rusty.
Part 2| Part 3| Part 4
Another day full of studying for upcoming exams at RAD completed and Arella couldn’t be more greatful to finally shut her texts books. Sure, she technically didn’t have to meet the same standards as her demon classmates this time around, but if only one thing could be said about Arella, it was that she was a perfectionist at heart. She’d put in the hard work to get the best possible score- seeing the look of surprise on Satan’s face as she scored better than him would be worth it too, as much as a pipe dream that that would be.
With a soft yawn, Arella pushed away from her desk before grabbing a nightshirt she had stolen borrowed from her boyfriend and stumbled to her bathroom for a quick shower. As she brushed her teeth, she could feel a presence enter her room- well more like she could hear him. Mammon was never all that quiet or stealthy to begin with as much as he’d like to claim otherwise.
Peeking out from the small ensuite, she saw the demon sprawled out on her bed, his face buried in her pillows. Something didn’t feel right. Deciding the shower could wait, Arella made her way across the room to where the bed was located.
“Hey,” She started, gently placing a hand on his back to let him know she was there, “I thought you said you’d be out late with the Witches. Did something happen?”
“Not really….” Mammon starts, his voice muffled by the pillows before he turned to face her. “They got all they could get out of me so they jus’ let me go and I wasn’t havin’ a good time anyway so I jus’ came home….”
Arella frowned at his tone. He sounded upset, depressed almost.
“An’ then the moment I walk in the door, Lucifer’s on my ass ‘bout some stupid fuckin’ bill that came in…. So I got to sit there ‘n listen to him go on an’ on about how I’m such a fuck up and what worthless scum I am, not to mention the rest of my brothers took the first chance they could to hop on the bandwagon and I’m….. I’m just so tired.” At this, Mammon flops over onto his back, throwing an arm over his face.
“Mammon…” Her voice is soft, full of concern as tries unsuccessfully to pull his arm away so she could look him in the eyes.
“Arella, Am I important….?” Mammon asks as he tries -but fails- to hide the way his voice cracks. “Would everyone just be happier if I was….. gone?”
Its that question that shatters her heart to tiny fragments.
“Wha- Of course you are, Love. Why would you say that? I know your brothers take things too far sometimes but they’d be devastated if something happened to you. I would be heartbroken if anything happened to you. We all love you so much, Honey….”
“It doesn’t feel like it,” Mammon barked out a laugh that sounded bitter. “Not with the way they rag on me like they do…. Actually, they’d probly be jumpin’ for joy if I were to off myself- don’t know why I ain’t done it already….”
“Mammon, don’t talk like that. You’re scaring me.”
“Its true though. If I take myself out, then they won’t ever have to deal with the consequences when I fuck up. Won’t have to worry ‘bout me stealin’ their shit to get my hands on some extra grimm.
“Stop it right now, please.”
“It’s not like they’d miss me much anyway. You probly would but let’s face it, ya could do so much better than me anyway... Ya know, I got this pills that I swiped the other day, plannin’ ta sell ‘em an’ all but I think-“
“Mammon, stop!” Arella pressed her hands over his mouth to keep him from finishing his sentence “Please. No more….. No…. More.”
She collapsed down to his chest as violent sobs erupted from her. She had lost someone to suicide before, she couldn’t and wouldn’t go through that again- especially not with the person who was most important to her.
“I’m here for you. I will always be here fir you.,” Arella tightened her hold on the demon beneath her, her body still shuddering with each breath she took in a miserable attempt to compose herself. “So please. Please just don’t do it.”
At her tears, the demon could only react with silence. He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting when letting his feelings out but it wasn’t a reaction like this.
Maybe part of him was hoping for her to agree with him and let her words feed into his terrible mood, or maybe part of him wanted Arella to scold him for daring to even think about taking his own life but there wasn’t any part of him that wanted her to react with sobs and wails, with her begging him not to go through with it.
Slowly, Mammon brought his arms to wrap around her, holding her tight against his chest. They were quiet for a long while as they just held each other.
“I’m….. I’m sorry….” Mammon was the first to speak, to break the silence that had suddenly become suffocating. “I don’t know what I was talking about….”
Arella didn’t reply right away, choosing instead to hold him just a little tighter a bit long.
“Do you feel better now that you’ve talked about what’s going through your mind?” She lifted her head from its place on his chest to look him in the eyes for the first time that night.
She smiled softly as he nodded, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek. “You’re so important both to your brothers and to me. There’s no one like you in the all of the three realms. If you weren’t here our lives would be so much darker and so much more boring, do you know that?”
“Yeah, I doubt that.”
“No it’s true,” Arella hums, as she pushes his hair back and places a peck to his forehead. “You want to know something else?”
“What?” Mammon arches a brow, “if it’s something cheesy, I’m leaving.”
Arella laughs at that. “I love you more than anything in this life or the next, and, no, you’re staying in here where I can see you.”
“What? C’mon, babe, I won’t do anything stupid, so don’t worry ‘bout me. And the last thing I need is Lucifer gettin’ at me because I spent the night in here when I shoulda been in my room.”
“Then I won’t give you a choice.” She starts matter of factly, “I’m invoking our pact. You’re sleeping in my room tonight where I can keep you close and pamper you all night. Also you’re going to tell me where you’ve hidden those pills you were talking about earlier and if their in one of your safes, you’re going to tell me the combination to it.”
“Arella, I-“ he groaned starting to complain
“No. This is important, Baby. I’m doing this because I care. Not to mention if Lucifer were to somehow find you in possession of those pills….. his rage would be so great that not even I would be able to stand between you two.”
Another moment of silence happened between them as Arella’s orders went into effect. Mammon let out a soft, discontented growl before finally breaking the silence.
“Fiiiiine. They’re in the safe that’s hidden in my pool table. The combination it 0127. Happy?”
“Very.” She replies cheerily. “Now, you’d better get comfortable, sir, because I’m going to remind The Great Mammon just how amazing, how wonderful , how special, and how loved he is.”
“Whatever, you dork, jus’ get off a me so I can move to a better spot.” He huffed as he shifted around under her, trying to hide the faint blush was already threatening to make itself at home of his cheeks.
Masterlist 2
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frogtanii · 4 years
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the warm light from your apartment filters out onto the dark street, a black cat slinking off to hide behind a trash bin. the sight causes a shiver to go down your spine, the heavy feeling of dread weighing down on your back. kei's abrupt change in behavior over text had startled you more than you'd like to admit. you both had been finding solace in each other nearly every night for the past two weeks. you couldn't count how many times you'd felt the tug on your heart to his room late at night, knocking softly and hoping he'd be awake. he usually was, opening the door with a roll of his eyes but you weren't oblivious to the small smile that played on his lips and the light blush that dusted his cheeks as he pulled you into the room and onto his dino decorated covers. the gesture was so soft and sweet and so unlike him that it would send butterflies to your stomach and heat to your face. the nights where you couldn't sleep beside him were filled with tossing and turning, overthinking, and a horrible headache that was nearly impossible to get rid of. kei didn't seem any better off than you, his dark circles a stark contrast against his pale skin the next morning. you'd both chug huge cups of coffee and joke about needing to sleep together more often but there was always a looming feeling that what you were saying wasn't a joke. at least so you hoped.
you shake off these thoughts, their presence only furthering your anxiety at what was awaiting you upstairs. the flight up seems longer than normal and by the time you reach your door, a pool of dread sits heavy in your gut. you fumble with your keys, attempting to get them in the door before swinging it open widely, toeing your shoes off onto the rack, and setting the bag of food from dinner on the kitchen counter. you can hear kei tinkering around somewhere in the apartment and your heart sinks. the containers of food are now cold in your hands as you unwrap one of them and set it in the microwave. the steady hum from the machine does little to soothe your rapidly beating heart, a hand finding its way onto your chest as if squeezing the area will cause the pain to stop.
"hell's the matter with you?" kei's baritone voice startles you out of your thoughts and you jump, heart beating so fast it feels as though it'll leap right out your chest. the microwave beeps and you turn to remove it, setting it in front of your roommate who has made himself comfortable on the counter across from you. he nods his thanks and begins eating, his nonchalant demeanor calming you down very little. you watch him for a moment but the question that has been on your mind since you'd gotten home claws its way out of your throat before you can stop it.
"where's hina?" you ask with false confidence, your eyes tracking his every move for a reaction. kei tenses for a half a second before shrugging, taking another bite out of a potato. "gone." he mumbles, golden eyes finally meeting yours. the apprehension in them doesn't go unnoticed so you continue to press. "how was studying?" you break eye contact, choosing instead to stare down at the marble countertops under your fingertips. a few moments go by without a response so you chance another look at him. his shoulders are slumped and his eyes are boring into his half empty container. if you could see his eyes at that moment, you would be shocked and confused to see tears welling up in the corners beneath his glasses. unfortunately, you don't get to see that uncharacteristic vulnerability being too occupied with waiting for a response, though the response you recieve is not at all what you were expecting.
"yn, what are we doing?" his voice breaks on the last word and your head shoots up to look at him. his glasses are clenched in his left hand, his right gripping the counter underneath him. his eyes refuse to meet yours but when you go to speak, he immediately interrupts. "i mean, we cuddle nearly every night, you tell me you love me, god, and i even say it back!" it's like a dam has been broken and he can't stop talking, tears that were once sitting on his lashline now flooding over his eyes and down his cheeks. with the golden light of the kitchen casting a glow over his tear-stained face, kei looks absolutely breathtaking but somehow you conclude this isn't the best time to tell him that. he keeps talking, his voice now raising in volume and you instinctively start moving towards him. "b-but you just came from a date more expensive than this apartment and i spent time here, alone with a girl that isn't you-" (your heart flutters at that statement) "-and now you're trying to make small talk with me? what are we doing?" at the sound of the question repeated, he finally looks up at you and your breath catches in your throat. he looks utterly broken and you can't keep your hands from going up to caress his cheeks, thumbs moving to wipe away his tears. kei unconciously leans into your touch, the gesture causing tears to well up in your own eyes.
"i like you kei. a lot." your voice comes out barely above a whisper but you can tell he heard you by the way his eyes widen and his head jerking out of your grasp. a pang of pain hits your chest at his rejection but you keep it together, hoping he's just in shock at your words. a moment passes and he continues to stare at you as if he's in awe of your very presence before you. in order to snap him out of whatever daze he's in, you tentatively place a hand on his shoulder and repeat your words again. "i like you." his eyes flutter shut as he lets your words envelop him like a warm hug, almost as if he's trying to memorize how they feel wrapped around him. when his eyes finally open, instead of being met with joy and maybe a hint of desire, his eyes are cold as they stare back at you.
he stands, pushing his way past you and to the door. your face twists up in confusion and you follow close behind him. maybe he's still in shock, you try to reason with yourself but you know deep down that this is a rejection. still, you say the phrase again, "kei, i like you." that proves to be a mistake because he turns towards you quickly with fury and tears behind his glasses. "no you don't." his words slap you in the face and you stumble back, the tears in your eyes finally kissing the cool air of the apartment. you try to speak again but it only takes kei two short strides to reach you and roughly grab your jaw to prevent you from talking.
"you don't like me and you never have. i'm a horrible, disgusting person who you could never truly care about." you go to shake your head no but his grip just tightens. "do you know who i am? do you even know what i've done? if you did, you never would have fallen for me." with that he releases your face and moves towards the door, slipping on a coat and his shoes. his hand is on the door handle when you finally find your voice.
"this had to have meant something to you, right?" of all the things you could've said, you knew this was the wrong one but you just needed to know he felt something, anything at all, that what you two had been through was real. a scoff causes you to look back up, kei's eyes piercing yours though the shine in his eyes tells you he isn't entirely unaffected. he tilts his chin up, looking down on you as though you were nothing, a condescending smirk speading across his face. if you had known him during highschool, you would realize that the look he's wearing is suspiciously close to the one he used to wear back then; cruel, yes, but even worse, he looked apathetic. like you crying was unwarranted and annoying. his mouth opens and you can hardly hear him due to the blood rushing in your ears but his words cause your knees to buckle and you hit the floor with a bang.
"no. it didn't." with that he's gone, taking your breath, your hope, and your happiness with him. you remain frozen on the ground for who knows how long but when you finally find it in yourself to move, you grab your phone and text the first person in your contacts before collapsing.
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< omg they were roommates :0
series masterlist
an: 😀 sorry 😀 also pls ignore the typos if there are any, i am ✨i l l i t e r a t e✨
taglist: @notamazinglizzy • @waitforitillwritemywayout • @1-800-schmacked • @babyshoyo • @tetsufairy • @deephumandragonperson • @krynnza • @tsukkiboii • @chaichai-the-weeb • @raineedayze • @moonlightreetops • @akirudo • @febvrury • @kamidoesthings • @boba-teaaaa • @lookuptotheskiesandsee • @akaashiissimp • @akvvard • @kittynovaaaa • @tinymouth • @ethylalcoholforfandoms • @smellybananaz • @animeanxiety • @angrylittlezizi • @mariamonteon97 • @rotn-decay • @galagcica • @rachelexe • @soleil-sole • @freyafolkvangr • @pleasemelafook-outta-ere • @hon3y-baby • @itsalyssa15 • @kac-chowsballs • @1987hotschott • @tsumu-core • @mangobeann • @moonlightaangel • @jaayypasta • @blveteaaa • @h0ngh0ngh0ng • @multifandomphenomena • @micmic-21 • @bokutosuwus • @melacholy • @loving-unicorns106 • @vanilla-beanzz • @obsessedwhxre • @hebotoxincheck • @slythxr • @kodzu-ken
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver - 25
Helloooo world. 
I had the week from hell so far, but tonight i felt a bit more energetic and I had the time to have a look at ch 25 and have it ready for publication.
But if you see any typos or errors, I am sorry I am still on the exhausted side. 
So, we have Elorcan to open the dances, because those two are cute.
Aelin and Rowan share a deep moment and Rowan finally closes a chapter of his life. 
A bit of angst that affects Aelin more than she expected and get ready for the hint of a crazy snowstom that will happen in ch 26.
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Lorcan woke up all of a sudden and when he noticed the time on the clock he cursed his military training causing him to have a natural alarm at the crack of dawn. He tried to move but realised he was blocked by a female presence sprawled on him. Her dark hair all over his chest tickling him with a sweet scent invading his nostrils.
He was getting used to that presence at his side making his miserable life better with each passing day.
He felt his lips tug up in a small smile, something that he had been doing more and more lately thanks to the woman in his arms.
Rowan and the others joked but he was starting to realise that Elide really was doing a miracle on him and in he was willing to secretly admit that he was actually enjoying the end result.
Elide had been exhausted after her shift so he had offered her a lift and they had gone to his place claiming that it was the better option since it was closer. He had stayed with her all day at the firehouse and offered to cook for everyone. The day had been brutal and he was glad she could finally have a day off. 
With his hand he gently stroked her hair. He was never one for love gestures like caresses, but Elide had been changing his mind about that too. He would not admit it to a single soul but he also had started to enjoy cuddling. Lorcan still believe in his stone-cold attitude with other people but for Elide he was happy to drop the mask.
Slowly and carefully he disentangled himself trying very hard not to wake her up and shifted his legs off the bed, only to remember he was naked.
Something else he had discovered since having started to date Elide was the joy to have sex for a person he cared for. With Elide it meant something from the beginning especially when she was still scared. He had allowed time to get to terms with the idea and they had taken it day by day allowing Elide to take charge and let her dictate the pace. Slowly, with time Elide has started to become more curious and he showed her. That had in the end been something new for Lorcan too. In his life he had a long list of partners and then a spell with Essar which was just pure sex. Never with feelings involved. Because of one thing he was certain, what he had confessed to Rowan was getting truer each day. He was positive what he felt was love for Elide. He was doomed. Utterly lost. 
He got off the bed, wore his boxers and walked to the kitchen taking his phone with him. Finally Lorcan  got off the bed and walked out of the room closing  the door behind him not to risk wake up Elide and phoned Rowan, knowing that the man was an early riser like him.
“What?” A very grumpy Rowan answered the phone.
“Are you still sleeping?”
“Yes, you idiot. It’s 6am.” He said quietly.
“Why are you whispering?”
“Because Aelin is still sleeping.”
Lorcan started pacing the kitchen “remember when I told you I thought I was in love with Elide?”
“Yes,” growled Rowan on the other side.
“Well, I am now positive. I am in love with her.” Panic thick in his voice “What do I do?”
“Deal with it like all of us.”
“Damn it, Whitethorn I have no fucking clue what to do.”
“Tell her.”
Lorcan froze in his steps.
“Practice with me, Elide I love you.”
“I don’t think I can.” He went back pacing, running a hand through his hair.
The reply took a bit longer to arrive.
“Salvaterre, grow a pair and tell her. And don’t fucking call at 6am ever again.”
Aelin had answered and then hung up on him.
He placed the phone on the counter and went back trying to make breakfast. Maybe Rowan was right, he should just tell her, but he was terrified of messing this up. Worried that she might not feel the same way. He was not an easy man to love. 
He turned to make some coffee when he felt a pair of hands on his waist and a gentle kiss on his back and a groan left him because he had woken her up and Elide deserved some rest.
“Why are you up at this ungodly hour?”
He turned and smiled at seeing Elide in his shirt which on her was gigantic reaching her knees.
“Sorry,” he kissed her head tenderly. “Go back to bed.” With his hand he gently pushed her away.
Elide instead buried her face in his chest “you come too.”
He abandoned the coffee and followed her back.
Once they were again under the blankets he pulled her to him and gathered all of his courage. It was the perfect timing. He was an airforce pilot. He had seen combat. He could surely talk to Elide and tell her about his feelings.
“Eli, can we talk?”
“Uh oh…” she said, looking up to him “you are bailing on me.”
“I am not.” He took her hand and played with her fingers gathering time to think. “Are you okay with me? As in happy?”
She gave him the most beautiful smile that reminded why he was in love with her “you can be grumpy, but yes, I am happy with you.”
He nodded “neither of us have ever done this before so I am going to improvise.” He hadn’t been that nervous in a very long time “I…” he took a deep breath “please don’t be scared by what I am about to say.”
Elide pulled back from him staring at his weird expression.
“I love you.” He had said it. He had doomed himself.
Elide moved closer and kissed him deeply and he thought that surely was a good response.
“I do too.” She caressed his head “I know we haven’t been going out for a long time but yeah I have these strong feelings for you.” She kissed him again “and I love that I feel safe with you.” She chuckled “having a giant of a boyfriend helps.”
Lorcan’s mind locked on the word boyfriend. That was something else they hadn’t discussed yet. They had been dating but no labels. But he had to admit he liked the sound of it.
He grabbed her and pulled her half on top of him “so, I am your boyfriend?”
“Yes sir, and I am Commodore Lochan now.”
Lorcan laughed “considering how bossy you are, you can be the CO in the relationship.”
Elide straddled him and he realised that under the shirt she was still naked “Good. Now shut up and kiss me soldier, it’s an order from your superior.”
Lorcan pulled her down and, like a good soldier, kissed her. Deeply, showing her just how much he loved her.
Aelin and Rowan had fallen back asleep when Aelin’s phone buzzed on her nightstand.
“What now?” Aelin groaned, turning and slamming the phone with her hand “what the fuck is going on this morning?”
Rowan growled and pulled her to him hating the loss of contact with her body.
Aelin grabbed the phone and saw the text from Elide “good, your boss has told Elide he loves her. They are officially together.”
Rowan muttered something and Aelin smiled at his face smashed in the pillow, his eyes still shut and his hair, which was getting longer, was all messy. She took a picture of him. She loved watching his sleepy face. The hard lines of his face disappeared and his features relaxed. She scooted closer and his arms folded around her as of on instinct and buried her face in the crook of his neck then angled her face and kissed his cheek and felt a hint of stubble. Now that he was during his time off he was far more relaxed and he hadn’t bothered shaving. She admitted she kinda liked it. Aelin brushed his hair, enjoying a side of him that no one knew about.
She heard him moan gently at the touch. In the morning it was when he loved to cuddle the most. He liked contact with her any time of the day but the mornings were his weakness. He cracked open one eye and groaned again squeezing Aelin against him. Skin touching skin. Clothes in bed had become very quickly an annoying accessory and Aelin adored snuggling against him and wake up with the contact of his warmth against her.
“You are so needy in the morning.” He nodded energetically and Aelin kissed his lips. 
She felt his hands sneak down her back cupping her buttocks “come on buzzard, we can have breakfast and then we can go and do grampa things and go to the theatre later.” In response he held her tighter and Aelin smiled at this interesting side of him. She had a feeling the six months apart had made him crave even more contact with her. Not that she complained. She loved it.
She disentangled herself from him among his protests, got off the bed and reluctantly she wore her house clothes.
Rowan sat up slowly, his face still sleepy “what’s wrong with you this morning?”
“Blame Lorcan, he woke us up at the crack of dawn.”
He collapsed back on the bed, staring at the ceiling “I am going to kill him.” He groaned and then extended his arms to grab her “come back in bed.”
Aelin instead pulled his arm “food.”
“I am pretty sure you can make toast without me.”
She dropped his arm and stormed to the kitchen almost annoyed.
Rowan huffed loudly, threw his legs off the bed and sat down, grabbing his boxers. Once he was dressed he stood and joined Aelin. He reached her side and bumped her hips with his pushing her away “you are dangerous even when you toast bread.”
She gave him a very rude gesture and sat on the counter but instead of making toast, Rowan started making pancakes “and don’t say I am not nice to you.”
Aelin scoffed and folded her arms at her chest “sure, if you are in the mood.”
Rowan gasped and pinched her side “you little devil.” Then went back to cooking “I was thinking that we could go to my place and get my stuff. I have a lot of kitchen things that we can still use and I can move the last of my stuff here. If you are still up to the idea.” He suggested quietly wondering if it had been a spur of the moment suggestion after he had come back.
“Getting cold feet, captain?” She smirked “you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
Rowan switched off the hob and moved to her “But I want to. My mind hasn’t changed from two days ago. I do want to move in with you. Officially.”
Her arms went around his neck “then let’s make this moving in day. We can go to the theatre tonight.”
“Are you sure?”
Aelin nodded “today is when it officially starts. Our life together. This will become house Whitethorn-Galathynius.”
Rowan’s heart started racing madly in his chest at the weight of her words. She was asking him to commit to her, to them. And although some of his fears still gripped his soul from time to time, he realised that, being with her, was all that actually mattered. He stepped closer to her “I am yours,” he had so many more things he wanted to say to her but that’s all he could muster. Her hand ran through his hair and the smile she gave him almost brought him to his knees “I am yours and you are mine.” She said softly against his lips.
“I am yours and you are mine.” He repeated.
Then her mouth moved to his neck and closer to his ear “now get a move on and finish those pancakes.”
Rowan laughed and pulled away “how did I end up with such a bossy woman at my side?”
She dunked her finger in the pancake mixture and smeared his nose with it “because you love a woman who likes to be on top and take charge.”
He cleaned his nose with a towel “you are a terror.”
It was an hour later when they arrived at his flat. It was the first time for Aelin and she was curious to see how he lived. He was very neat and tidy and super organised while she was the tornado. He would fold his clothes and put them away, she would throw them on a chair. In that aspect they were two complete opposites.
They stepped in and the flat was cold.
“Sorry, I haven’t been here in a while.” And went to turn the heating on.
The living room was simple with a bookshelf with a few books, a tv on a table, a sofa and a coffee table. There were no photos in the house and Aelin wondered if that was the house he had shared with Lyria.
“I never bothered much decorating.” He added when he noticed her expression “I moved out of the house I had with Lyria after I came back from deployment. I donated all of her stuff and got out of that place. I just couldn’t.” She saw the sadness in his eyes. No matter how horrible the woman had been she could see that he had loved her. “This has always been a place where to crash at night. It never felt like home.”
She brushed his hair “we now have our home.”
He nodded and kissed her then pulled away in case the kiss led to more. He had no intention of having sex with her in that flat.
“I have boxes,” he said “I’ll do the kitchen, could you please start with the living room?”
She grabbed some of the boxes he had pointed at and moved to the bookcase. That was a fun task at least, although he did not have many books.
“Almost all of your books are about flying.” She commented while browsing some of the titles with interest.
“I tend to have fiction on my e-reader. I can’t take physical books on a mission so my e-reader is my best buddy. I have hundreds of books in there.”
Slowly and methodically she emptied the bookcase and packed away his books. Once at the bottom shelf she noticed an hidden photo album at the back of the books.
She opened it and “Oh.” Surprise hit her when Aelin discovered it was a wedding album. Rowan and Lyria’s wedding album.
With a hint of curiosity she flipped through the pages and noticed that Lyria had been lovely. All that Aelin remembered of the woman was the bloodied and battered victim at the scene of an accident. Lyria was petite and graceful. She looked stunning in her wedding dress, then looked at Rowan in his dress mess uniform and her heart sank. He was gorgeous and much younger. He seemed happy.
She was so engrossed in the photos she did not notice him arriving at her side.
“Where did you find that?” He asked almost annoyed at her.
Aelin lifted her gaze and met his hurt stare “I was boxing the books. It was at the back, hidden.”
“I could not get rid of it,” he said, sitting at her side and grabbing the album “that’s why I hid it. 
“This is not something you bin.” She whispered. She had stashed all of Sam’s photos in a box full of memories about their life together. A box that was carefully hidden in the small attic her house had.
“We were happy in those photos, or so I want to believe.” He was silent for a while “I proposed before I left for a mission and promised we would get married upon my return. Once I was back Lyria had the wedding organised in a month.” He sighed, closing the book “soon after she started being unwell and we discovered she was pregnant. I should have known.” Aelin took his hand to offer silent comfort “it happened too soon to be mine, but I was so happy at the idea of becoming a dad that I ignored everything.” He stood and walked back to the kitchen and kept packing his stuff.
Aelin placed the photo album in the box and kept packing.
Once Aelin was done with the few belongings in his living room she joined him in the kitchen and noticed his full boxes “you really have loads of stuff for cooking.”
In response he gave her a wide grin, the sadness of a moment before completely gone “I was going to get us new stuff for our place but then I realised my stuff here is still in great condition so there is no need to waste money.”
Aelin raised her hands “you are the one doing the cooking. As long as you are fine…” She moved at his side and stared at him packing “can I do the bedroom or you don’t want me snooping?”
“Go on. Most of my clothes are already at our place. There’s not much there.”
She waltzed to his room and noticed it was even emptier than the living room. She opened the closet and found very few items in there. She folded the clothes and placed them in the bag and then moved to the nightstands and opened the drawers and took out the few items inside. In one of the drawers she found a box at the very bottom, hidden in the corner. She had a look and found out it was wedding rings. Hear heart ached. She had stashed away her engagement ring in her box of memories in the attic. A few times she had thought about selling it but never had the courage to do it. That ring was a promise she made to Sam and she would leave it with all the other pieces of a life that was probably never meant to be.
Aelin placed the tiny box in the one used for packing. Just like the wedding photos it was something that could be hidden away but never binned. No matter the hate. He had been married. Before they met they both had loved other people and that was a part of their lives that could not just be thrown away. It was part of who they were.
She finished packing the room and joined Rowan still in the kitchen finishing up the last few things.
“I think that’s us.” 
They did one final walkthrough and made sure they took everythin. Aelin helped Rowan load the boxes in his car and then he walked back to lock the door behind him but not before giving one last look at the place, ready to close that chapter of his life forever.
Once back in the car he took his place at the wheel and Aelin placed her hand on his knee “are you okay?” noticing his strange stare.
Rowan nodded shifting the gear into drive “I feel as if I finally closed a painful and chaotic chapter of my life and I somehow feel relieved.”
She kissed his temple “now it’s time for our chapter.” Then she giggled “just make sure there is a lot of smut.”
Rowan burst out laughing “no pressure, then?”
They got back to their house and dumped the boxes in the spare room except for the kitchen one. Rowan unpacked it and confessed he was looking forward cooking in an adult kitchen.
“Look at you. I am going to dress up like a frying pan maybe you will find me hot.”
Rowan stood and walked to her and pulled Aelin to him “I always find you hot.” His mouth close to her ear, his hand sneaking up her t-shirt, while the other one found its way in her shorts, pushing her closer to him, making her feel just how much he found her attractive.
Aelin kissed him fiercely and pushed him toward the counter “I want you naked, captain.”
Rowan pulled back and tugged off his t-shirt and his shorts, standing naked in front of her. “Your turn now.” Aelin removed her clothes and stopped in front of him “what are you going to do now?” She placed a hand on his chest and he grabbed her, lifting Aelin on the kitchen island. She lay on her back and locked her legs behind him, pulling him closer. Rowan bent over and kissed her belly “what about we started writing that smut chapter?” He added against her skin, then slowly moving down between her legs. Aelin moaned and her back arched “write away, captain…”
Aelin arrived at the fire station the next morning with a big smile on her face. She walked to the ambulance and climbed in when she noticed Lysandra in there working. She jumped on the gurney “Can I ask you something?”
“Go,” she said while storing away some medicines.
Aelin took a deep breath “when did you know that Aedion was the one?”
Lysandra stopped and turned “did something happen between you and the captain?”
“We officially moved in together. We went to get all his stuff from his flat.” She explained “we might have said things.”
“As in? Did you guys fight?”
Aelin shook her head remembering how they spent the rest of the afternoon before heading for the theatre.
“I don’t have an exact moment of when I realised Aedion was the man. All of a sudden I wanted him at my side forever. I just realised that he was the one.”
“I think the relationship with Rowan shifted.”
“Bad or good shift?” Lysandra abandoned her box of supplies and went into full gossip mode.
“Good. I think things between us just got serious.”
Lysandra smiled at her friend “and you are okay with it? Are you fine?”
Aelin nodded “Yes,” she brushed her hair “yes. I love the idea and it feels right.”
Lysandra squealed “I am so happy for you two. I knew you two were going to marry next.”
Aelin rolled her eyes “no one spoke of marriage. Yes, things developed but that is still very far away.” Then she looked at her watch “gotta go and get changed.” She jumped off the gurney “this stays between us.”
“Yes, mrs Whitethorn.” Aelin rolled her eyes one more time and left to get ready for their shift.
Once she arrived back in the common room she found it empty. That was strange. She walked out in the yard and found her answer.
Aedion, being the crazy military man that he was, was running rope rescue drills with Borte and the rest of the team was helping by playing victims.
“Captain,” said Aedion noticing her arrival “I just thought to use these quiet moments to do something useful.” She looked at Ress and Brullo playing victims and their face clearly showed that they would have been happier lazying in the common rom in front of the tv. A treat that Aedion allowed them only after he had executed his daily cruel routine. He believed in drills and training and Aelin was more than happy to give him free rain. When her workload would allow it, she would join in as well.
“Go on lieutenant.” She nodded, then turned to Borte “listen to him and you will do well.”
The woman nodded and they went back to training. 
Aelin on the other hand, went back to her office and buried herself on paperwork. That was the downside of being a captain, she had to deal with all the staff related issues for both shifts; holidays, rosters and any other issue coming her way. In front of her she had a small pile for staff requests, most of them time off requests she had to squeeze in in the next roster. The next bigger pile were the reports for the last call they had. It was her job to finalise them and file them. She hated writing reports. That’s why she was now procrastinating. One report lay in front of her abandoned while she was texting with Rowan. He told her he was having lunch with Gavriel later on. She told him to have fun and leave the other women alone. Aelin was about to go back to her paperwork when dispatch alarm went off and she laughed that she had been saved by the bells.
She ran out of her office and to her engine donning her turnout gear left on the floor with the others, jumped on the vehicle and put her jacket on while Nox drove out followed by truck and the ambulance.
“Structure fire,” said Nox.
“Don’t you just love mornings?”
The drive did not take long. Aelin jumped off the engine followed by her team. Luckily the house was small “Ansel, Luca I want you to vent the back.” Then she turned to Aedion “I can see a basement, take Ress and Brullo and do a search there.” Then she looked at the new recruit “Borte, Manon, you are with me, we’ll do a sweep of the first floor.” The three women moved inside “we don’t have much time,” she shouted over the radio “the fire is deep in the structure. Sweep and once you are clear you get out.” She turned right and indicated to Borte and Manon to cover the rest of the floor.
“Fire department, call out.” She shouted. Crouching low Aelin began to sweep methodically the room, visibility was bad and the fire was quickly spreading. They did not have much time.
 “Fire department, call out.” She was about to turn around when she saw a foot peeking from behind the sofa. “I got someone,” she shouted over the radio.
Aelin was about to grab the elderly lady when she perked up and started screaming “let me die.” The woman shouted and resisted Aelin’s help almost pushing her on the ground.
“We need to go.” Aelin grabbed the woman’s arms but she was much stronger than expected and pushed her away again “I need assistance in the living room.” She called over the radio and Manon appeared a moment later.
“Let me die. Let me die.” Kept repeating the woman fighting Aelin.
Aelin nodded to Manon and they grabbed one the shoulders and the other one the legs and carried out the elderly lady who kept trashing all the way outside. They placed her on the gurney and Lysandra and Elide took care of the woman who was now weeping hard.
Aedion joined her “basement clear.”
Aelin removed her mask “guys scene is clear, get the water going now.” Then she stared at the woman on the gurney and wondered.
They did a secondary search “fire originated in the kitchen,” said Brullo joining her outside “cooking oils fire gone wild.”
Aelin nodded “let’s pack up and return to quarters.”
The journey back to the station was quiet and Aelin could not remove from her head the plea from the woman to let her die. What kind of pain would drive someone to beg to let them die in a fire?
Once back at the station she hid back in her office and tried to work again, but after an hour she gave up. She got out and called her team “engine, let’s go for a ride. Aedion, keep truck here. I have the radio with me. If we get a call we’ll see you on the scene.” She jumped on the engine and Nox was at the wheel waiting for her orders “Orynth General.” The man nodded and the engine drove out of the station.
“Do you think she did it?” Asked Asterin from the back.
“I don’t know,” replied Aelin, her gaze fixed outside.
Nox parked the rig just outside of the hospital “you stay here just in case.” She got off the vehicle and walked into the building and then the A&E reception “Hi Sorscha,” she said to the woman.
“Hi Aelin.”
“I believe Lys and Elide dropped off an elderly lady we rescued from a fire. I was wondering how she is.”
“Yes, Mrs Perkins.” She typed something in her computer “smoke inhalation mostly and some first degree burns.”
“Did you manage to contact any family?”
Sorscha nodded “her daughter is driving from Illium just now.”
Aelin nodded “can I go and see her?”
“Med bay three.” And the doctor pointed her in the right direction.
Once there she knocked against the beam to announce her presence “Mrs Perkins?”
“Yes?” Said the woman shakily.
Aelin moved a step in “Hi, my name is Aelin, I am one of the firefighters who rescued you.”
The woman looked away “why did you do that?” The woman’s voice was strained.
“It’s my job. I can’t let people burn inside buildings.” She explained quietly.
The woman’s hazelnut eyes met hers “I begged you, though. I wanted to die.” Her voice broke and Aelin noted again the pain in the woman’s voice. 
She sat on the chair at her side and took her hand “why?”
The woman was silent for a moment “I lost my husband six months ago. We had been together for fifty two years.” Aelin’s heart hurt at the pain in the woman’s stare “it might make me weak, but I miss him and without him I feel lost.”
Aelin took a deep breath, fighting the tears threatening to appear. For a brief second her treacherous heart showed a life without Rowan and she could share the woman’s pain.
“You are far too young to understand.”
“A year and a half ago I lost my fiancee. He was a firefighter too. He died in a fire,” she confessed, pain gripping her heart. Yes, losing Rowan would probably break her completely, but Sam’s death had pushed to an abysm that she struggled to come back from for a while. “it almost destroyed me. I gave up on everything for a while. I felt like I could not go on without him. My friends brought me back from the darkness.”
“What was his name?”
“Sam.” She gripped the woman’s hand “I am sure your husband would like to know that you are still alive and well. He wouldn’t want you to give up for him.”
The woman nodded and in that instant her radio went off.
“Go,” said the lady “go and save someone else.”
Aelin rushed out and joined the engine “let’s go, guys.” And they rushed to another call.
An hour later engine and truck made it back to the station. Everyone went to their duties and Aelin walked back to the office, finally trying to catch up to all the paperwork. At least she had a good excuse for Dorian if it was late. Saving people had the priority.
She was finally in the zone and making some progress when someone knocked at her door.
“Come in,” she almost snarled.
Aedion popped his blonde hair in the crack “someone for you at the front.”
Aelin sighed and followed him on the apparatus floor and saw a woman waiting for her with a box in her hands “Hi, are you Aelin?”
She nodded.
“My name is Ellie, I believe you saved my mum from a fire this morning.”
“You are mrs Perkin’s daughter.”
The woman in front of her nodded and offered her the box “as a thank you to all of you. I got it from the bakery down the road.”
“Thank you,” Aelin grabbed the box and placed it on the big bumper of the engine “how’s your mum?”
“They will discharge her tomorrow. Given her age they want to keep her in for a night to keep an eye on her.”
“I went to see her.”
“My mum…” the woman started and Aelin knew she was restraining the tears from coming “since dad died, she has barely left the house. My husband and I live in Illium. I go once a week and do a big shopping for her, help her in anyway I can. But she gave up on everything.”
“She told me.”
Then the woman sighed “I convinced her to come and live with us. The climate is much milder. Plus she has grandkids and I hope playing grandma will cheer her up.”
Aelin smiled fondly “I am so glad.”
“Thank you for dragging her outside. I could not have been able to cope with losing my mum so soon after my dad.”
“No need to thank me, it’s my job.”
The woman gave her a nod and a smile “I need to go back to the hospital. I just thought to come and say thank you.”
“Give her our best.”
“Will do.” And she walked away.
Aelin stared at the woman disappear for a moment, then she grabbed the box and went to the common room.
“I bring goodies,” the box high up and eyes turned to her at the announcement “from the daughter of the lady from the house fire this morning.” She placed the box on the table and her team ran to it as soon as they recognised its origin. They w ere all fan of the bakery.
“Leave some for Lysandra, Elide and Evangeline. They are the only ones working.” She smiled and walked away ignoring the sweets, something that Aedion noticed and followed her into her office.
“Are you okay?”
Aelin nodded.
“It’s not like you to pass on sweet treats from the bakery down the road.”
Aedion sat down across from her, worry deep in his expression “ok, what’s wrong?”
“Will you stop it?” He almost shouted “I can totally tell there is something wrong but all of a sudden you have decided that you don’t need Lys and me anymore. I know you have posh boy but we have known you longer than him.” It was petty, but he was not letting her shutting down once again.
Aelin stood in a swift motion, facing him “that lady is what is wrong. She lost her husband of fifty two years six months ago and it just opened up wounds I thought had finally started to heal.” She paced behind the desk “her pain reminded me of my own. And every time I think I am getting better my fears come back, reminding me that Rowan has a dangerous job too and makes me want to bail on him and go back being on my own because I cannot go through that pain again.” She let out a ragged breath “this time it could destroy me for good. And I am so scared.”
He moved a step to her and hugged her tight “have you told him?”
Aelin shook her head “it’s just stupid fears,” her voice on the verge of a sob.
“No they are not and he needs to know. He deserves to know. The man is crazy about you.”
She sobbed in his arms her limbs lightly shaking “I love him, but I am so damn scared.”
“You should talk to Lys.” He said against her hair “even after years she is still terrified every single time that alarm goes off.” He sighed “and although her job is less scary, I worry every time she and Elide go out on their own. Until the ambulance comes back in here.”
Aelin pulled back from the embrace.
“Talk to him, okay?”
She nodded.
“Now come and eat some delicacies before the hungry hungry hippos we have in the common room polish up the entire box. You should have some. You saved that woman after all.”
Aelin was back in her office after she had managed to eat the last bits of cakes left. She also felt better. The chat with Aedion had helped and she had texted Rowan. She had to talk to him. Aedion had been right. Rowan deserved to know.
She was about to go back to work for the billionth time that day, when Aedion joined her again “hey, I know you are trying to work, but Orynth just got a snowstorm alert. It’s quite bad.”
Aelin got into action “I want to make sure we have supplies, have Ress check that the backup generators are in good shape. Make sure the truck and engine and the ambulance are in good shape if we get a call.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Aedion left and Aelin texted Rowan to get to the firehouse quickly. She did not want him around town when the storm hit. He texted back saying that he was driving Gav home and heading to the station.
Once in the common room she joined the others in front of the tv to listen to the news. The meteorologists expected high levels of snow and extreme temperatures.
“Ok, people we are in for a treat and probably a long shift. Let’s close the doors for now to keep the storm out.”
The squad spread out and went about their duties. Aelin went to phone Dorian for an update and Dorian gave her permission to use the house for shelter for anyone requesting it.
She tried to phone Rowan again and when he didn’t answer she started to worry. The weather was taking a turn for the worse.
The dispatch alarm went off calling for the ambulance assistance. The three paramedic ladies ran to the ambulance and Aedion joined Lysandra “be careful out there. It’s getting worse. Just drive safely, please.” He gave her a deep kiss “I love you.” She kissed him back and the three left.
Five minutes later they were on the scene and Lysandra gasped when she was off the ambulance and saw who was with the victim.
“Is that Rowan?” Asked Elide joining her.
“I took Gavriel home. I went to get something for Aelin before heading to the station and then I saw  her on the ground. I think she bashed her head on the pavement.” He explained not leaving the side of the injured woman.
Lysandra noticed the good job he had done “you blocked her neck.”
“She was unconscious when I found her, but she has been breathing and has a pulse.”
“You’d make a good paramedic. You have the right instincts. ”
Lysandra grabbed the backboard while Rowan placed the collar around the woman’s neck.
“I’ll help you ladies.” And he lifted the board on the gurney with Lysandra.
“Go to the station, she is waiting for you.”
“Be safe, the three of you. The roads are nasty.”
Lysandra nodded and they climbed in the ambulance. He shut the doors and patted the door to tell them they were good to go.
Rowan walked back to his car and dumped the food on the passenger seat. Aelin had been craving a burger from Emrys in a while and they haven’t been able to go so he decided to surprise her.
Getting to the station took him longer than usual, the storm had worsened and visibility was almost non existent. He hoped they didn’t have to go out on a call.
He walked through the door and found the firehouse quite hectic. It seemed like the guys were busy getting ready.
“Captain…” Brullo waved at him.
“Is Aelin in her office?”
“She is in the gear room doing equipment checks.”
“Thanks Brullo.”
Rowan walked into the gear room and found her sitting on the floor playing with the oxygen tanks.
“I bring food.” He waved the bag at her and Aelin looked up at the sound of his voice.
“Ro.” She stood and jumped quickly in his arms “you made it.”
“I also bumped into Lys and Elide. And helped. I am the one who called for the ambulance.”
“Paramedic Whitethorn indeed.” She kissed him gently “now sit,” and snatched the bag of food from him.
“You really love the food more than me.”
Aelin kissed him “I love you but Emrys burgers are amazing. And I love you even more for bringing this.”
He sat on the floor with her and stole a few fries. “You should have gotten one for yourself.” And pushed her burger to him “come on, take half.” He took a bite and pulled his arm around her shoulder while she munched away happily.
“Can we talk?” She said softly after a while, taking the last bit of her burger.
“Of course we can.”
Aelin turned and kneeled in font of him, placing her hands on his knees “we got a call this morning. An old lady we think torched her own place to kill herself.” She told him “when I tried to save her she begged me to let her die.” She looked at him “I went to the hospital to see how she was and we talked.” Her hand grabbed Rowan’s, twining her fingers with his “she lost her husband of fifty two years six months ago. She could not live without him anymore.” She sighed deeply “it opened some wounds. Wounds I thought had now healed and my fears came back and with them the need to bail. To not get attached because the pain could be too much this time.” She sniffled “ but I am not leaving you, no matter how scared I am.” Rowan cupped her face and kissed her “I have the same fears. The night you told me what happened while I was away and walked on the balcony and left you I had the same thoughts. I wanted to bail too.” He kissed her again “I am not leaving you, though because although we haven’t been together for fifty two years, I can’t imagine not having you at my side.”
Aelin sobbed and nested against his chest, incapable of utter any more words. It terrified her sometimes how quickly she and Rowan had become involved after they stopped fighting, how deep the connection. She hoped they were meant to last, because in his arms she could only imagine a future with her silver-haired man.
“We are okay, Fireheart.” And hugged her tight “we can talk about our fears. You can talk to me, you know.”
She nodded “I know.” She sat back down “thank you for the burger.”
A kiss in her head “it was my pleasure.”
“So what do you do for equipment checks?” Rowan changed the topic trying to cheer up Aelin.
“Mostly checking that the tools are working, but most importantly check that the oxygen tanks have been filled.”
He stood and went to grab her jacket and tried it on “this is heavier than I thought.”
Aelin smiled and went to get a bundle “remove your shoes.”
He looked at her with a puzzled expression.
“The boots are always inside the trousers. We leave this near the trucks so when we get a call we just remove the shoes, step into the boots and pull up the trousers and then wear the jacket.”
Rowan put his feet in the boots as instructed, then Aelin helped him pull up the trousers and the suspenders and placed the jacket on him.
“So, so sexy right now.” She took a photo of him and then walked closer and kissed him “I have so many naughty thoughts right now.”
Rowan pinned her to the wall and kissed her avidly but she stopped when she heard the sound of the backup generator kick in “that’s the backup generators. Which means a possible power outage. The fun is about to start.”
Rowan removed the uniform very quickly and together they joined the rest in the common room.
“What’s the update?” She asked.
Aedion was about to reply when the dispatch alarm went off.
“Let’s get moving.” Shouted Aelin while running to the engine. Rowan joined her “be careful, all of you.”
“You play host here. Sometimes people come here for shelter.”
He nodded and gave her a quick last kiss before shutting the engine’s. In silence he watched the three vehicles roll out of the firehouse and disappear quickly in the heavy snowfall. 
All he had to do now was wait and hope they would make it back safely.
He left the apparatus floor and sat on the sofa in the common room, the place eerily silent.
And waited…
52 notes · View notes
ethanesimp · 3 years
Pairing: Ethan Torchio x GN! Reader
Summary: Everyone at the Oakes Academy is aware of the rivalry that exists between two of the school’s best students, Ethan Torchio and Y/N L/N. What nobody knows is what a brilliant team they are when they’re at risk of their reputations being damaged and a killer’s on the loose.
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death and murder, mentions of blood, mentions of death and descriptions of it, mention of suicide (pls read with caution, ily <3).
Masterlist // Taglist link in bio
A/N: Again, I apologize for the delay, life has been a lil bit crazy this past week. I also wanted to apologize for any possible typos because I’m working on a project but decided to take a break to finish this for you guys! I promise I’ll proofread this as soon as I get some time. Also, in the part where they’re texting, I recommend you check the texts on the Google Drive for context. Otherwise you might get a bit lost.
Taglist (strike means it won’t let me tag you):  @oro-e-diamanti @gretavanfleetlove @victoriadeangeliswifey @cheese-toastie-11 @selenophiliaxx @superchrystaldrug @petit-poussin @bidet-and-legolas @fallingforyou123 @ethaneskin @soft-boy-ethan @teenyweenynightghost @reputationdamiano @cantaraiilmionome @tabi-toast @queen-of-brokenhearts @geklutst-ei @juststalking @cruz-ata @ohtorchio @ethan-torchio-angelo @unitermoonshine @everythingisdefinitelynotfine @marriedwithmarktuan @its-afucking-mess @juststalking @goldenpeaxh​
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LAST CHAPTER’S WINNING DECISION: They believe it is all real and go search for the body the finger might belong to. (The impact of this decision will be reflected next chapter).
Let the games begin. 
You had to read the last part once more, so consumed by the shock that barely any words had registered into your brain. Your hands were shaking as you held it closer to yourself. Maybe it was all part of the disbelief because you found yourself scanning the words over and over again until you had the first paragraph memorized. 
But then… then Ethan started laughing. 
Short, breathy laughs escaped past his lips, immediately followed by sharp inhales, as if he were desperate to get more air to reach his lungs. You brushed it off and went right back to reading the last few phrases that were on the very back, even said them under your breath to try and make them become real because everything seemed like nothing but a dream, no, a nightmare.
Then it slowly dawned on you after you finished reading the letter. All worry subsided and you had no doubt in your mind you would’ve started laughing too if you weren’t seeing red. Consumed by the sudden rage, you turned to Ethan and didn’t hesitate to tackle him into the ground.
In any normal instance, you wouldn’t have been able to do it, but you’d caught him off-guard, which was confirmed by the surprised yelp he let out as his back collided with the muddy floor and dry leaves crunched underneath his weight. You moved to straddle him the second you felt him shift beneath you, as if he wanted to get up. 
You looked at him for a split second. His face was illuminated by the soft glow of the red light. His distress was apparent. He was thrashing around to try and get you off him when you started hitting his chest over and over again. Your hits weren’t hard nor were they intended to cause any damage to him. In fact, he could have easily pushed you off him effortlessly if he wanted to, but Ethan didn’t even try. Instead, he let you continue hitting his chest.
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you? You’re… a… fucking… psycho!” Each word was accompanied by another frustrated hit to his chest as tears slowly fell down your face and sobs rattled your body, “You were the only one who knew that. The only person in this goddamn school I ever—ever was stupid enough to tell it to. And you use it for one of your sick and twisted pranks? Fuck you. Fuck you!” 
Your head fell and rested on his chest as you kept on crying. However, your words seemed to pull him back to reality. Only after a few seconds of you speaking, Ethan had already rolled the two of you around until he was on top of you. 
You firmly held his stare as you tried to get him off you. For some strange reason, it sent shivers down your spine to see his eyes so full of fear. Ethan was always centered and glued firmly to the Earth. No matter the issue, he was always capable of keeping his cool, but now was far from being the case. His voice trembled as he tried to speak up, “Shut up Y/N! You’ve got no right to blame me for something that is clearly your doing. I have no fucking clue what your stupid letter said but mine said something that has me convinced it was you!”
His accusation was followed by him shoving his crumpled up letter into your face. You had to squint in order to see it better with only the aid of the red light. When you read the words placed at the very bottom, your eyes went wide and immediately looked for his in a desperate attempt to convince him it wasn’t you, but he had his head turned away. You firmly grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie so he’d look into your eyes, “I-I didn’t. Ethan I don’t like you one bit but I’d never. Not this.”
Ethan scoffed and shook his head. He got off you and turned around so his back was facing you, “You know what? I don’t give a shit what you did or didn’t do. I’m going to wash this disgusting stuff off me and report this in the morning.”
“What the hell? Are you crazy? Ethan, we're in the middle of a crime scene. We cannot leave it like this. I mean, look at you! You’re covered in blood because, let me refresh your mind, you fell into a fucking puddle of blood and found a finger!” You flailed your arms around furiously at his stupidity and started followed him the moment he started walking away, “What if this is real?”
He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look at you, “What is real? A threat that looks like it was written by a thirteen-year-old who just finished reading The Analyst? And the blood… it belongs to an animal for all I care,” He didn’t seem an ounce convinced by the way he took a second to come up with an excuse, and he couldn’t even look you in the eyes, “Besides, what do you want us to say, huh? Oh yeah, sorry. We’re out past curfew because of reasons we can’t tell you and we casually found a disembodied finger lying in a pool of blood. Ah! And I almost forgot the most important detail. We’re being threatened with things that are not only good enough to get us expelled but also get us thrown in jail. But everything is fantastic.”
You rolled your eyes, “Fine, do whatever the hell you please.”
Ethan nodded nonchalantly and walked away from you. A long and deep sigh escaped your lips at his stubbornness. You wanted to scream out in frustration at how stupid he was being, but decided it was pointless to stay behind, just in case someone arrived and found you standing there, with your clothes filled with blood. 
——— ☆ • ♧ • • ♧ • ☆ ———
When you arrived back at the dorms, the first thing you did was take a hot shower as you tried to assimilate everything that had happened. Despite the water being so hot it almost burnt your skin, you still spent the whole time shivering and hugging your arms to your body. 
You had washed the blood off the hoodie in one of the sinks and still threw it in the washing machine afterwards. You didn’t know what was going on and part of you was convinced you didn’t want to know. Either way, you weren’t going to risk being roped into a crime investigation as a suspect.
Afterwards, you collapsed into bed. Your whole body was aching and, if it weren’t for the fact that your phone had exploded with notifications after you connected it, you would’ve fallen asleep. You lazily felt around the small bedside table for your phone and picked it up. Most notifications were just memes Will kept sending to the group chat you had. However, you’d also received a message from Ethan.
Upon reading the first few words, you already felt the urge to throw the phone out the window. He was being annoying, not like that was a new thing at all. You responded to the text nonetheless and left the phone back on the bedside table. You turned around in your bed to try and find a spot that was comfortable and cuddled deeper into the sheets. Then, just when you were about to close your eyes, the phone vibrated again. You groaned and picked it up once more. After reading those texts, you were unable to sleep all night.
You spent the great majority of the night crying and shivering despite being covered by layers and layers of warm blankets. Those few hours before your alarm sounded extended into what seemed like an eternity and you didn’t want to leave the room, afraid you’d find something like what you’d just seen at the oak tree. 
You only managed to sleep for about half an hour before your alarm went off at exactly six AM. Any other day, you would’ve snuggled back into bed for a little longer, but on that particular day, you’d jumped out of bed and hadn’t wasted a second before getting ready. You’d run out of the building to meet your friends at the dining hall, where you were currently at.
Damiano, Rory, Vic, and Will were already sitting at your usual table in front of the large window when you arrived. The curly-haired boy was practicing for a presentation while your three friends listened and made a few comments here and there on things they thought he should change. 
“Good morning everyone,” You murmured, then took a seat in between Damiano and Will, who turned to look at you and frowned, “Are you feeling okay, Y/N?” You nodded and put on the best smile you could manage. Then you stole one of the berries from his plate even though you weren’t hungry at all. 
You turned to look at Rory and Damiano, “Hey Ro, has the new phone you ordered arrived yet?” You questioned. After your conversation with Ethan the previous night, you needed to make sure it wasn’t them who had sent the text. Just the thought alone made you shudder in disgust and fear, but you just took a deep breath in and kept a soft smile on your face as your best friend shook their head.
“Funny that you ask that because yesterday I got an email from the store saying the delivery was going to take longer than expected because of the weather issues, so I gotta survive with this piece of crap for a few more days,” They sighed and placed the cracked phone on the table. You wanted to stop holding back the tears right then and there. Rory’s words were the confirmation that someone else had sent the text and you doubted it was Emilia. As much as you didn’t want to, with each passing second you started to believe the threat was true and that someone had died or was terribly hurt somewhere, and you needed to find them before it was too late to save them. 
Then you remembered another one of Ethan’s texts and had to resist the urge to get up and go search for him because you needed to talk to him as soon as possible. Instead, you distracted yourself by listening to Will’s presentation practice.
You were close to nodding off at some point as he kept on speaking, “Back in earlier civilizations, it was believed that any type of illness was caused by demons and—Hey, Y/N!” You hummed softly as Will called your name. He poked you on the rib and you swatted his hand away, “Are you sure you’re alright? You look terrible.”
“Thank you,” You mumbled sarcastically, “I’m doing fine. I just stayed up working on a project and barely got a wink of sleep,” You let your head rest on Damiano’s shoulder and yawned.
“I wish I were that productive,” Victoria said as she played around with her food. Everyone had insisted on her eating at least a few bites even if she was still sick, “I never do shit.”
Thomas piped into the conversation, catching everyone by surprise as he took a seat next to Victoria, “To be fair, Y/N always complains about feeling half-dead from lack of sleep. I’ll never be crazy enough to sacrifice my sleep for a stupid assignment.”
“Yeah, and that’s why you’re one project away from failing Year 12,” Victoria laughed and Thomas rolled his eyes, “The other day I put him in charge of finishing this essay thing for philosophy and by the time I went back to check on him, he was already asleep. I honestly still wonder how we’re at this school. I would’ve thrown us out a long time ago.”
“Look who’s decided to join us today!” Damiano exclaimed with a large smile on his face as Emilia and Ethan took a seat right in front of you. It was an unusual occurrence for him to eat with you because, well, you were there and he couldn’t shut his mouth for half an hour while you ate, which usually ended in an argument that made the whole table annoyed. 
You frowned at his appearance. He was struggling to keep his dark eyes open and his hand wouldn’t stop shaking. It was very apparent that he hadn’t slept much either from the bags under his eyes and his slow steps. Ethan was almost like a zombie. 
He shook his head the moment his eyes met yours and your shoulders slumped. It hadn’t been Emilia either. You got up from your seat abruptly and walked away from the table without an explanation. You desperately needed a breath of fresh air before you went insane. So with quick steps, you moved down the hall until you reached one of the open windows next to a couch. You let yourself fall onto the couch and tightly shut your eyes as you breathed the fresh air in.
“You seriously need to calm down. Otherwise everyone will start to notice just how suspicious you’re acting,” You sighed at the sound of Ethan’s irritating voice and up straight on the couch. You rubbed your eyes with the back of your hands and looked up at him with an annoyed expression.
“You cannot ask me to calm down after what we saw last night. When will it get into your thick skull that whatever this shit is, it’s real. Those threats were real and if we don’t do something we’re both going to end up in jail, or worse, people are going to die. We don’t know who this psycho is nor what they’re capable of doing. We need to do something now before it’s too late,” The words rushed out of your mouth desperately. The urgency in your tone and your voice quivering as you spoke made his face fall. It wasn’t often that he took you seriously, but by the look in his eyes, you could tell he was just as scared as you were and that was enough to make him shut up and listen to all you had to say.
“Shit Y/N, can you lower your voice? We have no clue at all who could ev—” Before he could even finish the whole sentence, the Head Professor cleared her throat. But your heads snapped in her direction and you gulped in fear at the thought of her overhearing the conversation.
Your heart fell to your stomach the moment she spoke, “Just the two I was looking for. I need you in my office right now.”
Your eyes went wide as you turned to look at Ethan, who already had his head turned in your direction. He nudged his head in the professor’s direction and you both followed her as she walked to her office but stayed a few steps behind.
“This is it, we’re going to jail,” You mumbled loud enough so only Ethan could hear. He hushed you and pulled you along when you stopped walking. People were looking at you as you passed by and that only made you feel worse. You loosened the tie around your neck and gulped.
“We are not going to jail unless you don’t pull it together. Now breathe and keep on walking. I’m not your fucking babysitter,” He whisper-yelled and quickened his pace. You sighed and did the same thing. It surely couldn’t be that bad, could it? You were probably just overreacting and the events of the night before had nothing to do with this impromptu meeting. 
You kept those thoughts in mind as the professor opened the door to the small office and you took a seat on one of the two squeaky chairs. The room smelled clean in a comforting way and you let your shoulders relax as you played with your fingers nervously and looked around the place. 
Her office had always been your favorite out of all the professors’. The place was always warm and during the mornings, you could hear coffee brewing in her old coffee machine in the corner of the room. There were books scattered everywhere and piled in a way that didn’t look messy but inviting. During your first weeks at the academy, when you still hadn’t made any friends, you’d go into her office and read while you sat curled up on the couch and enjoyed the warm and calm atmosphere of the place.
Things used to be so much easier back then and you had no clue how things could’ve changed so fast. Back then your relationship with Ethan was decent and you had no trouble with anyone or anything, now you were being threatened into being framed for murder and being sent to jail.
“You totally forgot about our meeting today, didn’t you?” She asked calmly as she poured coffee into one of her cups, filling the room with the delicious and strong scent. The professor pushed her long dark hair out of her face and straightened out her uniform before sitting down opposite to you, “You looked quite shocked. I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything important.”
Ethan sat there, speechless, just like you. But then realization hit you and you realized you were just being paranoid and stupid. She’d told you about this meeting weeks in advance. It was supposed to have something to do with your chance to get the sought-after 100% scholarship to study your career at The Oakes. 
“Nothing important whatsoever,” You replied quickly and sat up straight as you placed both hands on your lap. Ethan copied your actions and tied up his long hair with the black elastic that had been on his wrist.
Your eyes followed the professor as she dumped a small spoonful of sugar and mixed it around with the dark liquid. You couldn’t help but notice her hand shaking as she poured the milk and even spilled a bit of it down the side of the cup. 
She cursed under her breath and apologized as she got up to search for a napkin. With furrowed eyebrows, you shared a look with Ethan, who shrugged. 
“I apologize. I’m afraid I’m quite distracted today, but let’s continue. Shall we?” She smiled sweetly and opened up one of the folders on her desk as she sat back down. She grabbed two papers from inside and placed one in front of each of you. 
You picked it up and examined its content. It seemed to be some sort of permission slip, “So, as I’m sure you both know, our academy offers a program for all our brightest students that gives them the opportunity to continue their college studies with everything paid. You two are the people with the highest grades amongst the whole generation. The semester is—.”
Her words were interrupted by a few quick knocks on the door before a professor pushed it wide open. He couldn’t stop fidgeting with his hands and playing around with his tie as he spoke, “The council wants to have a meeting, professor.”
“I cannot do it right now, I’m—”
“They want to have it now.” 
The professor turned to the two of you nervously and laughed awkwardly. She stood up from the chair after quickly pushing it back, “I’ll see you another day, okay? Meanwhile, please send a scan of that permission slip to your parents and have them sign it, as soon as possible.” 
Once both professors were out of sight and had closed the door, leaving the two of you alone, Ethan spoke, “Something’s wrong.”
“No shit. Neither one could stop shaking. I say we go and try to listen to what the council members are saying,” You suggested and stood up, but he grabbed your arm and pulled you to sit back down.
“We need to go back to the oak tree first. Y/N, if this is all real and there’s something going on, we need to find that body before they do,” He said firmly. Both his tone and stare were serious and you could tell that there was no way in hell he’d take no for an answer. Instead of arguing, you agreed and walked out of the office right behind him, but then you paused as his words registered into your brain, “Why do we have to find it before them?”
He didn’t stop walking to respond, so with a groan you started to walk faster until you were right next to him, “You weren’t even attending the school when it happened,” Ethan began to talk under his breath, so quietly you could barely make out the words he was trying to say, “It was years ago so I cannot remember exactly how the story went. You can ask Thomas though, he has better memory than I do,”
“Either way, there was this boy who’d just gotten into college and during the secret society’s initiation, he was told to climb the highest tower at that campus but he slipped and fell like ten stories. Like I said, it was a secret society that neither the public nor the parents knew about. If the story of what had really happened got out it’d ruin the school and some of the most important students would’ve been sent to jail, so they twisted it to look like a suicide and got away with it. The only reason we know about it is because one of Will’s cousins, the duke, was involved in it all and Will told us all about it.”
“I refuse to believe that’s true. C’mon, it’s Will,” You laughed, “The same guy who convinced everyone in class that your family secretly ran part of the Italian mafia.”
Ethan only shrugged and stopped walking to knock on the door of the greenhouse. You’d left yours at your dorm that morning from how distracted you were, so you had to wait for Mr. Murphy to open up and let you through.
When he finally opened the door, his eyebrows shot up in surprise as he looked at the two of you in confusion, “What in God’s name has happened to get you two in the same place without fighting?” He mocked. You rolled your eyes and shook your head as a smile appeared on your face.
“I assure you, we can both be perfectly civil. Besides, it’s for a homework we need to do. And believe me it’s the last thing I want to be doing,” You lied and walked into the greenhouse with Ethan following behind, “Anyways, we’re gonna go to the lake to get some water and—”
“I’m afraid you cannot go out there,” He interrupted. You frowned at his words and tilted your head to the side.
“Why? Did something happen?”
“Nothing you should care about, kids. Just go to class, yeah? There’s someone coming and if you want to stay out of trouble you better leave before they arrive.”
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ksuew · 3 years
The Rookie 4x01 Life and Death Recap ****Spoiler city****
I promised a friend a recap, since she can’t watch until tomorrow, so I figured I might as well post it for anyone who wants to see it? I never can figure out a read more break on mobile so fair warning, DON’T LOOK IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS 😁
This is just a rough draft thing, so it’s probably full of typos.
@hamburgerheroes @piratesbooty63fan
Phew… crazy first episode. Unfortunately I was fielding calls and texts about a work issue the whole time so my viewing was very disjointed. So I’m rewatching as I type this recap for you.
The episode is preceded with a recap, of course. Then the opening scene is Chen, Bradford, Nolan, and Harper in tactical gear approaching a warehouse.
While waiting for the go order from Grey, grey has flashbacks of a few hours earlier. They realize Lopez and West are both missing, they find out La Fiera has escaped and assume she took them, then they get security footage of the kidnapping and are watching it at the station, still in their wedding attire. As we suspected. The footage shows Lopez being put in a vehicle and West struggling, then shot in the back, then stuffed into the trunk. Everyone is in shock, Lucy is crying.
Lots of fans are really upset about Jackson, and I get it. But the show runner and writers had no choice. Here’s excerpts from an interview with Alexi
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At this point, we’re back to Grey a different officer wants to wait, but Grey says it’s been 3 hours and they need to move fast and orders them in.
They breach the warehouse, find an empty get away car and Angela’s wedding dress on the floor. Lucy moves to pick it up, Nolan stops her, there is a trip wire to explosives under the SUV. They leave the warehouse and realize they had a plane waiting there from the tracks it left.
Next we see La Fiera, Angela, and her female goon in the airplane. Angela assumes they’re going to Guatemala so she can torture and kill her slowly, but La Fiera tells her (as we suspected) that she’ll be kept alive until Angela safely delivers her (La Fiera’s) baby (of course)
Next Grey and Wesley are meeting with a DEA bigwig who essentially says, we ain’t helping. Next they arrive in the compound in Guatemala and talk about how impenetrable it is, etc. She meets the doctor who will be attending her. Angela tries to tell the doctor not to touch her and La Fiera says if she resists she will be sedated for the rest of the pregnancy.
Back at the station Lucy is talking with Nolan, beating herself up about not seeing the trip wire. She’s really just upset about Jackson, she says she can’t believe he’s gone and she and Nolan hold hand for a moment.
Tim and Harper join them and discuss if Lopez is still alive and why. Lucy comes up with the theory that La Fiera wants Angela’s baby as the ultimate revenge. Grey tells them the DEA won’t help. They talk about how Jackson scratched his killer and they’re running DNA. Grey tells them all to go home and get some rest while they work on a plan. ***Chenford alert***
Lucy says she can’t go home and see Jackson’s empty room. Tim says, “you don’t have to, you can stay with me”
She says she doesn’t want to impose and this is where he says she shouldn’t be alone right now. She says thanks, he says yeah, then she wonders how Wesley is holding up.
Cut to Wesley meeting with some bad guy and offering to turn dirty lawyer in exchange for finding out where Angela is. I do not like this development and what it can/will do to them in the future.
Cut to a short, weird interaction with Lopez and the female bodyguard then, back to Chenford.
We see Tim in his jammies, setting up his couch to sleep on. The house looks different than I remember it and surely it has at least 2 bedrooms, so why the couch 🤷🏻‍♀️. Anyway. He looks adorable in his jammies. He says, “I’ll take the couch”. Lucy walks out of presumably his bedroom and says she thought he was setting up the couch for her. He says he’s not going to have a guest sleep on the couch and she says she’s not going to kick him out of his bed. He says okay, gets up. Looks a bit awkward, a bit nervous. Asks her if she needs anything. She says “the last 24 hours back”, he says he doesn’t have that power. She says, “a hug” and he says, “yeah. Come here” in a soft voice that nearly made me combust! He hugs her. As they go to part things get all UST, he croaks out “night”, can’t quite meet her eyes. Meanwhile she’s definitely got the “realization” light bulb starting to go off slowly. Still a bit confused. He goes to his room and flops into bed. Obviously affected by what just happened. she is the same out on the couch. Fidgety with nervous energy. He looks toward the door like he’s about to go back out there to her, say something more (do something more?) she looks toward his door from the couch, obviously contemplating same. Back to him purposefully looking away from the door, back to her making her decision. She’s pushing the covers off about to go to his door, when his door suddenly opens. He’s on the phone saying “yeah, okay, we’ll be right there”. She tries to pretend she wasn’t already up and moving toward the door. He says Wesley knows where Angela is and they head into the station.
Oh man, it was sooo gooood!!!
Next it’s the Wesley telling them that he knows where they’re holding Angela. They all say they want to help, but Grey says how’re we gonna do that . They bring up “Max” the covert government guy from the counterfeit money case. Grey says fine, reach out. He tasks Tim, Harper, and John to start tactical plan and says Lucy will stay with him to run the murder case. Then he takes a moment to congratulate Nolan on officially becoming a P2. They get the DNA back, the killer is a 17 year old kid.
Government guy shows up at Nolan’s they coerce him into helping. They go to Guatemala separately from Wesley who is supposed to get a meeting with La Fiera without getting killed. Nyla and Tim look hot playing with military surveillance toys while John steals the plans to La Fiera’s compound from the architect.
Lucy and Grey go after the killer. Grey has a really great scene after cornering the killer and he and Lucy take him in.
Back at the compound Wesley gets to see Angela. John tells Nyla and Tim that he has the plans and there’s a weakness, but the drone shows that the weakness has been fixed so they have to go to plan B. Nyla does not like plan B!
Cut to a very sad scene of Lucy finally going home and looking at Jackson’s room as he left it. Tim calls, says they’re going to plan B. Lucy, as well, does not like plan B. She says to give her a minute to get set up. Tim then radios government guy Max, who also does not like plan B. They decide on a different extraction point and he reminds them if they aren’t there at the agreed upon time they will be left behind.
They alert Wesley with fireworks. Turns out plan B is him injecting Angela with pitocin to start contractions so that they’ll have to transport her out of the compound to the hospital. Nyla will have a drug to counterreact the pitocin at the hospital.
Unfortunately, they separate Angela and Wesley. He’s put in a different car to take him away and kill him so Nolan goes after Wesley while Tim and Nyla get set up at the hospital. Lucy is tapped into a satellite giving them info on the vehicles, etc. Tim says, thanks, we got it from here”. Lucy says, “Tim”, the tension clear in her voice. “Please be careful”. With more significance than just one officer to another. He’s in business mode and replies, “I always am”.
Bradford and Harper ambush LaFiera et al. Angela gets into the hospital with Tim and Nyla and gives Angela the reversal shot. As they make their escape to the helicopter LaFiera follows and fires on them, grazing Angela’s leg, she turns and shoots La Fiera, killing her. They make it to the chopper, tell Max they need to get Wesley and Nolan, he says no, they all point their guns at him and he decides to make the stop.
Wesley and Nolan fight their two bad guys (Nolan simply must save the day in each episode). They make it to the chopper, everyone is safe and they get the hell out of dodge.
Then, the time jump. It’s 3 months later and Angela and Wesley are arriving home from the hospital with their son to a surprise welcome home party with Grey, Nolan, Harper, and Chen. They’ve stocked their freezer and bought them a second freezer and stocked that too. Tim is happy and relaxed. Lucy is a bit overly cheerful, it’s obviously a bit forced. She and Nyla present Angela with a basket full of teas and herbs and cookies tailored to uterine health and breast milk production (as she would). Nyla admits that it was all Lucy when she walks away. That it was good for Lucy to concentrate on something positive. This makes Angela turn a bit sad and reflective. The show ends with Angela holding her baby and standing at Jackson’s grave updating him on her life and how she misses him and hopes by the time her leave is over that she’ll be able to face the station without him in it. She then reveals (again, as we suspected) that her baby’s name is Jackson😢
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softholand · 4 years
drunk words, sober thoughts - t.h
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pairing: tom holland x reader
warnings: alcohol, swearing, sexual themes, lap dance, a tiny bit of angst, fluff, smut
word count: 4k
a/n: it’s here, my first ever smut, go easy on me, i’m fucking nervous!!!! i wanna thank @missevrythingg for helping me, i wouldn’t dave done it without you, i love you ray 💖 i really hope you guys enjoy!! i also made a playlist for this fic, it really sets the mood for it!! again, english in not my first language so there’s probably some mistakes/typos, just pretend you didn’t see it! ;) oh and please, do let me know what you guys think, it really helps! i love you all, happy reading! 💓
It had been a long time since Tom last saw you. Between his acting career and your college scholarship in Canada, you guys barely kept contact for the last year. That’s why, when you finally came back home, he decided to throw you a surprise birthday party.
Sam was responsible to bring you to the club Tom had rented for the night, with the excuse that the place had just opened and it was a success already. He told you to get dressed and since Tom’s car was already full of people, he offered you a drive, which you gladly accepted.
Music was blasting from the nightclub when Sam parked his car near the entrance of the building, making you even more excited to be celebrating your birthday with your childhood friends. It wasn’t until you stepped foot in the club and saw all your friends with a giant banner on top of their heads saying “Happy 21st Birthday, y/n!” that you realized the party was, in fact, for you.
Sam was the first to hug you and wish you a happy birthday, but from the corner of your eye, you saw Tom approaching you with a smirk the size of the place on his face, making you sure it was his idea.
“Surprise!” He whispered in your ear as soon as he wrapped his arms around you. “You little shit!” That was the only thing you could say upon realizing he was, in fact, the mastermind behind all of this.
“Oh, c’mon, it’s your 21st birthday, I had to!” Tom stated, making you roll your eyes. “No, you didn’t! But thank you!” You answered, giving your friend another hug.
The rest of the boys greeted you, all wishing you a happy birthday, which you thanked, hugging each one. Suddenly you saw Cara, one of your friends from high school that had unfortunately moved to Australia and you hadn’t seen her since.
“No, you didn’t!” You screamed, making direct eye contact with Tom. “I did it!” He stated, making your smile grow even wider. Without wasting time, you run to your friend, hugging her like she was going to disappear at any minute.
“I can’t believe you’re here! I missed you!” You said, smiling so much that your cheeks hurt. “I missed you too, y/n/n! And yeah, I couldn’t believe either when Tom Holland contacted me, wanting to bring me to England!” She said, making both of you laugh.
Once you had greeted all of your friends, Tom went to the stage with a microphone, shouting “It’s time to party!” at the top of his lungs, making everyone scream and celebrate. “Crazy In Love” started to play as soon as he left the stage and that was only the beginning. Tom knew your obsession with old pop, so throughout the night, he made sure the DJ played all your favorites.
Between the bar special drinks and tequila shots, you lost track of time and were now dancing “I’m A Slave 4 You” with your girlfriends. The song blasted from the speakers, the alcohol in your system making you lose control of your own body. Cara still remembered some of the choreography of the song, from when you two were kids and used to learn all of Britney Spears's music videos, and so practically obliged you to do it with her.
Tom, Harrison, Tuwaine, Harry, and Sam were sitting in one of the dark red booths at the back of the club, with beers in hands, watching as you and Cara gave a show to everyone present.
“When did y/n get so hot?” Harry was the first to point out, making his twin brother chuckle. “While she was in Canada, apparently!” Tuwaine shrugged, gulping the icy liquid in his hands.
“Tom, you better close your mouth, you’re going to catch flies!” Harrison teased his friend, earning him a deadly glare. “Fuck off!” Tom shoved him, before going back to admiring how your body moved perfectly to the music.
When the first notes of “I Love Rock ‘N’ Roll” started, your drunk body made its way into the stage, grabbing the microphone, ready to lip-sync another one of your favorites songs. Your friends all gathered at the front of the stage, screaming and encouraging you to keep going. You still remembered Britney’s classic performance and so, you tried your best to copy her movements, just like in the music video.
Screams filled the crowded space of the nightclub while you pretended to sing the song. Cara and another one of your friends joined you on the stage, pretending to be your back singers. The boys observed you while you played with the microphone cord, twisting it on your finger. What they didn’t expect was for you to get on your knees, continuing the, rather sexy, performance on the stage floor.
“Holy shit!” Harrison exclaimed, not drawing the attention of his friends, who were busy watching you. “Should we do something?” Asked Sam, clearly concerned by your, rather drunk, actions. “Yeah, get closer!” His twin brother answered, getting off the booth and making his way to the stage, quickly being followed by the others.
When your eyes caught Tom’s brown (and lusty) ones, you made a point of getting close and teasing him by playing with his hair, which made everyone else lose their minds over it. When the song ended, he helped you get out of the stage while your friends applauded, praising you for the performance.
“Need some help there, love?” Tom asked, securing you in his arms when your legs felt like jelly. “Nope! I’m goooood!” You answered, extending the o’s, completely out of your mind.
“I see! Maybe you should slow down the drinks?” You knew Tom was just trying to help you, but being in your embriagate state, you just shushed him, putting a finger on his lips. “I have a better idea, what if... we did more shots?” You shouted, getting out of his embrace and making your way to the bar.
A couple more hours had passed and unfortunately, the party was coming to an end. Some of your guests had already left, but the ones that stayed were left on the dancing floor, with not so much energy as before.
But everything changed when “Dance for You” by Beyoncé started to play, you didn’t know how but a chair appeared in the middle of the dancing floor, completely out of nowhere. You immediately understood what whoever put that chair there wanted and if you haven’t before, your friends shouting “lap dance” had also made it very clear.
As intoxicated as you were, you knew exactly who you wanted on that chair. Seductively, you made your way to Tom, making grabby hands once you were in front of him. The screams only increased when he accepted your invitation without so much of a protest.
Making your way to the chair, you made Tom sit, going around it and putting your hands on his shoulders. To be completely honest, you had no idea what you were even doing. You never gave a lap dance before, so this was new territory for you. But your friend's screams and Tom’s lusty eyes gave you all the encouragement you needed.
Your hands explored every inch of his body, through his chest, abs, neck, shoulders, what your hands could reach, you were touching, always making sure to get close to his ear and tease him as best as you could.
You used the music to your advantage, moving your body to the beats, making sure to emphasize your hips. When you finally sat on his lap, it was like the end of a war, everyone was celebrating, screams and whistles could be heard even with the loud music.
Tom didn’t know what to do, he just awkwardly sat there, with his hands by his sides, dying to touch you. His wishes came true when you finally took his hands, putting them on your waist, where they stayed glued to your body. You continued your performance, grinding, swirling, doing all the things you knew about lap dance and by Tom’s reactions, you seemed to be doing a really good job. His eyes were on your body all the time but they seemed different, now dark shades of brown, almost black, covered his once hazel irises.
The song was, unfortunately, coming to an end, and to finish your show, you properly took a seat in Tom’s lap, straddling his waist, and this time, you could feel how much he was enjoying your performance. With the position, your already revealing dress left nothing to the imagination, and locking your eyes with his, you saw nothing but lust and desire, very different things that you used to see in your friend's stare.
You leaned in and he did too, and once your faces were only millimeters away, you suddenly lost all the courage on your body and pulled away, burying your face into his neck instead. Next thing you know, you were being helped into Tom’s car while your friends discussed where you were gonna spend the night.
“I can’t bring her home like that, her parents are going to kill me!” You heard Tom say. “Well, let’s take her to our place then! We can send them a text saying she’s staying with us.” Sam offered and the rest of the group seemed to agree since you didn’t hear any more discussion.
You must have blacked out again because suddenly you were being put in a bed. “Where am I?” You asked, feeling your throat dry. “You’re at my house, darling! It’s okay, you can sleep now!” You heard Tom’s voice but couldn’t find him with your blurred vision. “No, I don’t wanna sleep!” You protested, sounding like a three-year-old, which Tom chuckled.
“What do you wanna do then?” He pushed, and you felt a weight on the bed. “I can think of some things…” You whispered, passing your fingers through his shirt, feeling his hard abs underneath your palms. “y/n, you’re drunk!” Tom tried warning, earning him a scoff. “You are too!” You mocked, really sounding like a child now.
“Yeah, and that’s why we’re not gonna do anything that we may regret tomorrow.” He said, taking your hand in his. “Nooo, I want you!” At this stage, your mouth had a mind of its own because you couldn’t even process the things you were saying and that was one of them.
“I’m sorry, darling! We can talk about this tomorrow when we’re both sober. Okay?” Tom was trying. He was trying so hard to not give in to your pressure, you were practically begging him to sleep with you. But no, he couldn’t. You were both drunk and this type of decision shouldn’t be made under the influence of alcohol.
“You’re no fun!” You complained, earning another chuckle from him. “Yeah, yeah! You’re gonna thank me tomorrow!” He told you and once you didn’t respond anymore, he realized that you had fallen asleep.
He then took off your shoes, your makeup with one of his spare makeup remover wipes and exchanged your dress for one of his old shirts, making you the most comfortable he possibly could, since he knew you were going to have a pretty bad hangover the next day.
Oh, the next day. You woke up feeling like the whole world was spinning, you felt nauseous, your head was pounding and you smelled like alcohol. Opening your eyes, you saw a bottle of water and some painkillers by your side, which you were quick to chug all down.
“Good morning, birthday girl!” Harrison’s voice was like a hammer to your already sore head. “Please, don’t! I’m dying!” You pleaded, laying down again.
“Oh, c’mon! Wore yourself out yesterday?” Harry’s voice came out of nowhere, but you were too tired to further investigate. “How bad was it?” You asked, actually scared of the answer.
“You know… the normal! You drank, danced, drank more, did a lip sync of a Britney Spears song, drank some more…” Harrison started to point out, making you groan and hide your face in the covers.
“Wait, wait, wait! I’m in Tom’s bed, wearing only one of his shirts… Does that mean we…?” you inquired, making the boys loudly groan. “y/n, c’mon! No, he slept on the couch!” Harry grunted, making a disgusted face.
“But you gave him a lap dance!” Sam’s voice startled you, making you jump on the bed.
“I did what?!!!!!!” You shouted, making the pounding in your head even worse. “I knew you weren’t going to remember so I recorded everything.” Harrison’s passed you his phone.
And just like he said, there you were, in Tom’s lap, with your tits practically in his mouth, while you danced and swirled your hips to a Beyoncé song. “No, no, no, no! Why did you guys let me do that?” You asked, completely perplexed with your actions.
“Well, you seemed to be enjoying it and it was your birthday party, we didn’t want to ruin your day,” Harry said, which earned him a death glare. “But my day is ruined! How am I supposed to face Tom now?!” You questioned, looking dumbfounded at your friends.
“Well, you better think about something because our families planned a brunch in a couple of hours,” Sam told you, matter of factly, making you loudly groan and slide even further under the covers.
Half an hour later, you were forced by your friends to get up, take a shower and get ready for brunch, since there was no way your parents would let you miss it, it was your birthday after all. With a simple summer dress, that you had laying around at the boy's place and sunglasses that were the size of your head, you made your way downstairs, where they were already waiting for you.
“Good morning!” Tuwaine’s deep voice startled you from his place on the couch, next to Tom, who you completely ignored. “Please, don’t!” You protested, feeling a hammer in your head every time you took a step.
Quickly, you made your way to the garage, not wanting to face Tom in any circumstances. Once he and the twins got into his car, Tom made his way to the restaurant where your families were already waiting.
To say the brunch was a complete disaster was an understatement. You were practically a zombie, the food at your plate made you want to throw up and the pain in your head was not ceasing. You could see Tom sneaking glances, trying to talk to you, but you looked away and dismissed him every time, you were just too embarrassed to even look at him.
When the torture was finally over, your parents asked if you wanted to come back home but you decided to stay with the boys, since you knew you had to talk to Tom at some point. The ride back was silent, only the sound of the radio could be heard and to be honest, the tension was starting to get you. Once Tom parked the car in front of the house, you and the twins were getting out when he stopped you.
“You can go ahead, I want to show y/n a place.” He said and you immediately looked at him with your brows raised, having no idea what he was talking about, but praying it didn’t have anything to do with last night's events.
Once the twins were out, you got into the passenger seat and Tom drove away, not even saying a word to you. The drive was short and just a couple of minutes after, he was pulling into an empty parking lot. Turning off the car, he put one of his arms behind the passenger seat, facing you completely.
“Oh, that’s it?” You asked, clearly confused with what was going on. “There wasn’t a place, y/n! I just wanted for us to be alone so we could talk.” Tom stated.
“Tom, let’s not…” You tried to brush off the conversation but he wasn’t having. “Yes, y/n! What’s going on? Why are you avoiding me?”
“Please, Tom! Don’t pretend nothing happened last night!” You rolled your eyes, still avoiding his gaze. “I’m not the one pretending here! You won’t even look me in the eye!” He huffed, getting tired of your behavior.
“I’m ashamed, okay?!!!” You screamed, losing your inner battle and finally looking at him. “God, the things I did to you last night were… awful!” You said, quickly averting his gaze.
“I wouldn’t use that word!” Tom smirked, making you roll your eyes and cross your arms. “Seriously, y/n! It’s not that serious!”
“It is to me, Tom! I’m not used to stuff like that!” You told him, getting tired of the conversation. “Well, it’s not like I haven’t thought about you like that!” The boy tells you.
“You what?” Looking back at him, you could see a giant smirk plastered on his face. “Oh, c’mon y/n! Don’t tell me you never thought about it?” Tom inquired, making you suddenly nervous.
“What? No! I mean… yeah, you’re… you’re hot but… no! Never like... that!” You tried your best to keep your voice steady and not give in to him but your stuttering made it clear you were failing.
“Really? That’s a shame! Because you looked stunning sitting on my lap last night. Made me think about so many things to do to you.” He whispered, very close to your ear, making you squirm on your sit.
“Tom…” You moaned, feeling his hot palm on your thigh. “What is it, y/n?” Tom asked, looking at you with eyes full of lust and desire, all for you. “Kiss me!” You begged and in seconds, his lips were on yours.
You were lying before, of course, you had already thought about Tom in more… sexual ways. The boy was practically a greek god, there was no way you couldn’t notice how his perfect six-pack showed even underneath his stupidity tight T-shirts. But nothing in this world could prepare you for the overwhelming sensation you felt when you kissed. It was like a fire ignited inside of your body and only he could help make it stop.
When the kisses weren't enough anymore, you tried to get into his lap, but the positions you were in prevented you from that. “Backseat?” He asked, breathing heavily. “Yes!” You desperately nodded.
In quick but awkward movements, you and Tom made your way to the backseat and he didn’t lose time by putting you in his lap, encouraging you to grind on his already hard bulge. “You’re so hot!” He breathed between kisses, making you grind even harder.
“Tom…” You moaned, putting one of your hands on his pants, teasing his still clothed cock, while the other stayed on his broad shoulders, steadying yourself. Moans filled the car once Tom put one of his hands on your core, already dripping wet. “God, look at you!” He praised, biting your bottom lip.
“Tom, please…” You pleaded, moving your hips faster, trying to get some relief. “What do you want, darling?” He murmured, putting your underwear to the side, coating his fingers with your slickness. “Fuck!” You cried out, begging him to keep touching you.
“It’s okay, I’m gonna take care of you!” Tom increased his movements and in seconds you were a mess on top of him, moans mixed with curse words left your mouth, making him even more eager for you. “Tom!” You moaned, taking his hand off of you when you were on the edge of your high, making him raise his brows.
“I wanna cum with you!” You whispered and at that moment, Tom felt completely intoxicated with you. Smirking, he fished a condom from his wallet, before taking his pants and boxers off. You wrapped your hand around his shaft, spreading his precum, feeling him twitch only with your touch.
Teasingly, you took the package out of his hands and opened it with your teeth, before sliding the latex material on his cock. “You know we don’t have to, right? I mean, I want to but if you don’t, that’s okay!” Tom let you know, and the look in his eyes told you he was telling nothing but the truth. “I know! But I want to!” You stated, making him smile before colliding his lips on yours.
One of Tom’s hands goes to your hip to guide you onto him as you hold your underwear to the side. Moans fill the car as you sink onto him, both of you at a loss of words with this new overwhelming sensation. “So fucking good!” You gasp, as Tom starts to help you move your hips up and down, increasing the speed with each move.
It doesn’t take long for you to be reaching your high but this time Tom will not let you escape. He presses one of his slender fingers on your clit, doing circular motions that drive you insane. “Tom, don’t stop… oh, fuck!” Your walls clench around him, as you feel your orgasm washing over in waves of pleasure.
“You good?” He asks with a cocky smirk after a few minutes of your racked breaths, making you want to slap it out of his face. “Not bad!” You tease him, quickly regretting your choice of words when he starts pounding into you with no mercy. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You cried, closing your eyes with the amount of pleasure he’s giving you.
“What is it, darling? I can’t hear you!” It’s his turn to tease you and after a few minutes, you’re left moaning out his name again, like it’s the most blessed praying in the world. “y/n, fuck!” With the feeling of your body convulsing on top of him, Tom loses the battle and as he screams your name, you can feel his cock twitch inside of you, making you clench around him.
With heavy breaths and sore bodies, you and Tom stay glued to one another, in silence, enjoying the post-sex feeling. “God, we should have done this a long time ago!” Tom smirks, making you chuckle. “Absolutely!” You laugh, leaving a kiss on his swollen lips.
Once you two had cleaned up and Tom got rid of the used condom, he invited you for ice cream, and, to be honest, how could you deny it? The place he took you was like a unicorn dream, the walls were pink with colorful sprinkles painted on it. After you were both seated on a rainbow table, a waitress came offering you a smile, before taking your orders, chocolate fudge for you, vanilla bean for Tom.
“So…” He said, trying to start a conversation. “So…” You copied him, feeling suddenly aware of what you two had done. “I’m… you know what? I’m just gonna ask it! What we did before was just… sex for you?” Tom blurted out, making your whole body fill with anxiety.
“Oh, I… I don’t know. I mean, I was... hoping not?” You answered, using the courage still left on your body. “Yeah?” He smiled, seemingly relaxed with your choice of words. “Me too!” He completed, taking one of his hands in yours.
You smiled, feeling completely enamored with the boy sitting in front of you. Leaning in, you kissed his lips, sweetly and slowly, feeling his smile grow between the kisses. Once you were done with the ice cream, he took you to the park, where you stayed until sunset, holding hands, stealing kisses, and watching adorable old couples doing the same things you were doing, even after all the years together.
“So… did you enjoy your birthday?” Tom asked, as soon as you took a seat on the freshly cut grass in front of a beautiful lake with a couple of swans peacefully swimming. Smiling, you leaned in, placing a kiss on his lips, before answering. “It was the best!”
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tagging some mutuals: @definitely-not-black-cat @stuckonspidey @bi-writes @missnxthingg @peeterparkr @tomhollandthing @wazzupmrstark @screamholland @fallinfortom @duskholland
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Hi fellow Gryffindor! Hope you're read for:
Not Yet Wed Questions
Note: Great Scott! This week, we are going back in time to MC’s intern year. Think of Ethan’s relationship with them at this point and answer the following questions accordingly. It is entirely up to you when in year 1 this takes place (pre/post Miami, pre/post CH 15, etc). Feel free to answer with dialogue or pictures or both :) Have fun!
No worries. All of this is off the record and HR will never know!
The setting for this answers is:
For Both
When I first saw them, I thought__________
What is your coworker's most used swear word?
Quick: What color are their eyes?
Three people at work your coworker hates?
What is your coworker’s strangest or most endearing quirk?
If they had a crush on anyone at work, who would that be?
(Bonus round! Feel free to skip.)
Never have I Ever:
come into work hungover
had a fistfight
been kicked out of a bar
gotten a tattoo
broken someone’s heart
been in love
For MC (Ethan is not there)
Where do you see him in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
What do you find the most impressive about him?
Last thing he texted you?
If he asked you out on a date, what would you say?
For Ethan (MC is not there)
Where do you see him in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
What specifically do you find attractive about her?
Last thing she texted you?
If she asked you out on a date, how would you respond?
Ahh my favorite time of the week again. Also on a side note these questions are brilliant.
I am sorry for being late, my school thinks it's okay to torture seventeen year olds, smh
(Ignore if there are any typos, I am sleep deprived)
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Previous Interviews
The setting for these answers is: Two days before they leave for Miami. Diana already knows about Naveen and as an extra context, they now spend time together at his apartment or at Derry Roasters to discuss Naveen's case and both of them (grudgingly in Ethan's case) call each other ahem...."friends"
[Two people make their way towards the busy little coffee shop down the street from the hospital, the man furtively looking over his shoulder, as if scared of being spotted, the woman, sensing her companion's distress, puts a tentative hand on his arm, which visibly seems to calm him somewhat. He sends a grateful smile her way.]
ETHAN : We are both busy doctors rookie, why are we supposed to do this—interview?
DIANA : It won't take long, plus we are already waiting for the test results for Doct- umm our patient.
ETHAN : Well if it will stop you from talking my ear off.
DIANA : (Says nothing just smiles)
When I first saw them, I thought ________
Diana : Actually the first time we met it was kinda in the midst of an emergency, so I didn't get much time to form an impression but once he left I thought he was a (glances towards Ethan, then says in a rush) handsome asshole.
Ethan : Excuse me, what?
Diana : Well after I helped save the woman you told me that it was incredible I didn't kill her, forgive me if I can't think that you were an asshole.
Ethan : (a little flustered) That's not what I said excuse me fo- never mind, I thought she wasn't completely incompetent for an intern and also that she's quite bold.
Di : "Bold" ?
E : Yes, you tried to flirt with me.
Di : Oh that was before I knew who you were.
What is your coworker's most used swear word?
Ethan : She alternates between Shit and Fuck
Diana : Goddamnit and Fuck
Quick: What color are their eyes?
Diana : Blue, a bright clear blue.... umm it's quite noticeable when someone chews you out every other day.
Ethan : Dark brown that appears almost black at times.
Diana : (mutters)I am surprised he can see my eyes from his giraffe height
Ethan : glares at her
Diana : What? Oh did I say that out loud? Umm well it's true (shrugs)
Three people at work your coworker hates?
Diana : (giggling) I think it's easier to tell you about three people he doesn't hate, he hates everyone except Dr. Banerjee, Dr. Emery both of whom he respects and well me.
Ethan : (a rare smile playing in his lips) who said anything about not hating you Rookie?
Diana : Because you are my partner in crime and I think we are friends.
Ethan : "partner in crime"?
Diana : Yes we go to burning buildings together and anyways deny as much as you want, you don't hate me.
Ethan : (softly) I don't. (composing himself) In case of Dr. Ramirez, I don't think she can ever hate anyone, she herself says "I love everyone" I don't know how that's possible but she doesn't hate anyone at this place.
What is your coworker’s strangest or most endearing quirk?
Diana : Definitely pinching the bridge of his nose thing, I once tried counting how many times he did it while morning rounds, it was exactly 17 times in two hours.
Ethan : Not my fault most interns are utterly hopeless. In Diana's case it's forgetting a hair tie every day and using a pen or a pencil to keep her hair up.
Di : This irritates him so much that he keeps a spare tie in his office now.
Ethan : I don't know why I put up with these habits (pinches the bridge of his nose)
If they had a crush on anyone at work, who would that be?
Diana : (in an uncanny imitation of Ethan's gruff voice) It's beyond me to have juvenile emotions such as a crush, it's mostly a result of continued exposure to the person for a long time anyways.
Ethan : What- I don't sound like that
Diana : You do!
Ethan : For her it might be one of her friends, they seem quite enamored by her.
Di : My friends....nah! It's someone else
E : Who else do you spend time with to have a crush on?
Di : A girl's gotta have some secrets. (muttering so softly that Ethan doesn't hear it) how much more oblivious can a man be?
Ethan : What is that?
Di : You drink if you have done said thing before, it's a classic drinking game.
E : I am not playing any such game.
Di : Come on we are already doing this.
E : *Grumbles in agreement*
come into work hungover
The iced coffee lies untouched before both of them.
Diana : We are responsible doctors.
had a fistfight
Both take a sip of their respective beverages.
Diana : Okay I'll go first, I once punched a guy in seventh grade because he was being obnoxious and then his other friends taunted him on being punched by a girl which hurt his male ego and he tried to fight back but some of our teachers spotted me dodging it and I escaped punishment because of my pristine record.
Ethan : Well, in our field there are many power hungry morons who deserve being punched.
been kicked out of a bar
Ethan takes another sip, Diana doesn't.
Diana : Okay dish
E : We all do regrettable things in our youth.
Di : Really, you won't tell us?
E : (grins) I am going for an air of mystery.
Di : Well it's working
(Both smile at each other, forgetting their surroundings for some time)
gotten a tattoo.
None of them drink.
Di : It hurts like hell so I am never getting one.
broken someone’s heart.
Di : Nah! I haven't. But Ethan you drink this time.
Ethan : Why?
Di : Honestly have you ever seen the way the nurses look at you?
Ethan : If you say so (takes a sip)
been in love
Ethan : Doesn't drink but all of a sudden he fixes his gaze at her almost involuntarily.
Di : (Drinks) I like to think I have been in love before.
Ethan : (trying to look as uninterested as possible) What changed?
Di : Well we broke up after around two yearsof dating.
Ethan : (doesn't say anything but looks visibly less tense)
Di : Oh we are out of coffee...
E : You sit here I'll place our orders.
Di : Thanks
Where do you see him in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
Di : Professionally he'll most definitely contribute even more to the medical world, lead the Diagnostic Team like the best doctor he is. Personally, I dunno maybe he'll find someone, I hope he does, he needs someone to help and support him through his problem of shouldering every little thing.
What do you find the most impressive about him?
Diana : His passion for medicine obviously, you should see when he talks about medicine, it's so evident how much he loves what he does and also how much he cares despite the gruff exterior he puts on in front of everyone.
Last thing he texted you?
Diana : He hates texting, so I think his last text was, let me see (scrolls through her phone)
"We need to put ciprofloxacin in our list, can you do me a favor by adding it?"
It's uh about a case.
If he asked you out on a date, what would you say?
Diana : It's never going to happen, he's Ethan Ramsey and I am, well me, but if uh hypothetically he asked me out, I'd say yes immediately, hypothetically obviously.
(Ethan returns with the coffee, then looks at Di's flustered face)
Ethan : What were you talking about?
Diana : Uh nothing I was just - (her pager goes off) We have the test results, I'll go and bring those back in a few minutes.
Where do you see her in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
Ethan : She'll be an amazing doctor obviously, maybe even with a spot on the diagnostic team. I suppose she won't hear this?
Interviewer : No, she won't.
Ethan : Personally, with someone who values her contribution to our sphere of work, I suppose.
What specifically do you find attractive about her?
Ethan : I really shouldn't be talking about this.
Interviewer : Don't worry, no one's hearing about this, it's just some extra information so that we know you better.
Ethan : She's an attractive woman obviously, but I think her smile, it's difficult to ignore and her eyes.
Last thing she texted you?
followed by a series of emoticons
If she asked you out on a date, how would you respond?
Ethan : I would have to turn her down, I am her boss.
(gazing wistfully at the street, eyes glued at Diana's approaching figure)
But perhaps in a different life I would have said yes.
Ethan : I think that's enough questions, she's here now and we have important matters at hand which require our attention.
Taglist : @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @drariellevalentine @rookie-ramsey @aleynareads @miss-smrxtiee @terrm9 @aestheticartsx @fireycookie @maurine07 @starrystarrytrouble @schnitzelbutterfingers @tsrookie @anntoldstories @iemcpbchoices @stygianflood @sophxwithers @actuallybored @iloveethanramsey @natureblooms24 @chemist-ana @mercury84choices @casey-v @uneravine @mm2305 @mrsethanfreakingramsey @smilex1104 @missmiimiie @shanzay44 @sweetheartdetectivex @potionsprefect @headoverheelsforramsey @jerzwriter @mainstreetreader @coffeeheartaddict @adiehardfan @mia143
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sickonthedancefloor · 3 years
His Personal Nurse, After Hours
Prompt: “I know it’s 2am but I had a nightmare”... or something along those lines. I can’t find the original prompt. Anyway, here’s some soft Namseok. Sickie: Hoseok Caretakers: Namjoon Content: fevers, flu-like illnesses, emeto
The nice thing about having Hobi as a boyfriend, Namjoon thinks, is that Hobi has a consistent sleep schedule. Jung Hoseok, the ever-busy dance coach and instructor, worked consistently early shifts and slept like clockwork. His good night texts always told Namjoon what time it was—almost always, 11:15 at night—and served as a good reminder on when he needed to sleep himself before he spent his entire night grading papers again. Being a college music history lecturer was no cakewalk.
But that’s what alarms him about that morning, waking up at a quarter past two in the morning to a handful of texts.
‘Joonie bug,, I miss you.’
‘I’m going to blame th Tue dance squad, they were all gros’
‘I love you baby’
‘I know is late but I ad a nightmare and I miss you, cannn you just tell me yu love me? Just so I kno you’re okay??’
‘unless your’e sleeping, plees slee\[‘
So, so many typos… Hoseok wasn’t the type to be hypervigilant on his texting, but he was far better about typos than a lot of them. But to see so many… a nightmare? The grogginess from his eyes begins to fade over the message. In the corner, he sees a flashing ellipses appear and vanish quite a few times. Was Hoseok still typing? Namjoon sits upright and just sends his own simple response:
‘I love you, Hobi, my sunshine.’
And then:
‘Are you okay?’
The read marking pops up immediately, followed by a typing indicator, but the only thing he receives is a small emoji heart. Hoseok up after two in the morning meant nothing good… Namjoon doesn’t bother to change out of his pajamas. He unplugs his phone from the charger and moves to slide on his jacket, before heading to the front foyer to grab his wallet and keys. Slipping on his shoes, he locks up and hurries to his car.
What was he even doing? In the middle of the night, going off of vague messages from his boyfriend who hasn’t said anything else. A heart isn’t an answer, not in the least; Namjoon merely hurries down the roads, the streets as relatively deserted as usual on a weeknight, and he’s quick to slide into the guest parking and make a quick run to the 24-hour shop next door. Hoseok and Namjoon have already traded keys, so Namjoon merely lets himself in to find Hoseok’s shoes kicked off haphazardly in the doorway.
“Hob-ah?” Namjoon calls out softly.
He gets a low groan in response, coming from the living room of his boyfriend’s apartment instead of his bedroom. Being 2:46 in the morning, Hoseok should have already been asleep, completely tuned out from the world until his alarm went off. But Namjoon could see an abandoned mug on the kitchen countertop (already something very un-Hobi-like, he always liked having a clean kitchen in the mornings) and the television’s lights still on, and moves in to investigate. There, Namjoon finds Hoseok, in all his rundown glory, curled up on a cushion on his plush couch, huddled with a blanket pulled over his head. Hoseok turns when he hears Namjoon walking, eyes a little startled.
“Hobi, sweetheart?”
Hoseok blinks owlishly, confused over his boyfriend’s arrival. “Joonie bug? It’s late, what are you doing?” His voice is raspy and almost a little nasally, mixed with sleep and… what sounded to the beginning stages of a cold. That doesn’t sound good.
As Namjoon approaches, he can see the dark bags under Hoseok’s eyes reflecting sickly from the television light. His eyes also don’t miss the mixing bowl and plastic bag on the center table, or the opened soda can. Hoseok really must not have been feeling well, but he definitely did try to prepare. When Hoseok catches Namjoon frowning at the bowl, he leans his head back on the couch.
“My tummy hurt earlier, that’s all…” he mumbled. “But Joonie bug…”
“You texted me. So I, uh.” With that, Namjoon just holds up the bag. “I wasn’t sure what you had but I brought soup. It’s, uh… it’s my best hangover soup, but I wasn’t sure what happened.”
But the sight of it makes Hoseok grin, toothy and full of heart. And then he sneezes, hard and loud, and it makes Namjoon jump. The skin under Hoseok’s nose reflects in the light, and he’s quick to grab a tissue, blowing his nose with it. So… sick and not drunk, well that’s good to know. Kneeling next to him on the floor, Namjoon strokes Hoseok’s hair away with his free hand to press a palm against his forehead, sighing when he feels a pressing heat against it. To be safe, he slides his hand down to the side of his neck to make sure, a small, pitying smile on his face.
“Oh Hob-ah, baby, you’re sick… You should have called me earlier.”
Hoseok lowers the tissue. “I felt okay earlier…”
“Did you, or are you just telling me you did?” Namjoon questions, moving his hand upward to pet his hair. His long fingers rake along his boyfriend’s scalp, featherlight touches brushing gently. Hoseok seems to melt under his touch, his eyes already fluttering closed.
“…I didn’t feel okay earlier…” his boyfriend mumbles. “That feels nice…”
Laughing softly, Namjoon nods despite knowing Hoseok can’t see it. But he knows he appreciates the comfort, and he wants to give it while he’s here. He can already see the sleepy drooping from the older one’s mouth, the relaxed nature taking over almost instantly from the gentle notions. He knows if he keeps going, Hoseok will fall asleep quickly, and it hurts him that he has to stop. He ruffles his hair instead, smiling when he sees Hoseok’s cute little nose scrunch up in displeasure.
“Nooo… keep petting me,” he whines, his small hands reaching up to hold Namjoon’s wrist in place.
Namjoon chuckles again. “Did you take any medicine? Or… eat anything?”
“Joonie… pet me…”
“Will you answer me if I pet you?” Namjoon’s fingers resume rubbing along Hoseok’s scalp, and he receives a satisfied hum in response. He decided not to push him too much; after all, his boyfriend was sick, and it was the middle of the night. But… he wasn’t going to sleep on the floor by the couch. He moves his hand away and goes to put the soup in the fridge, fetching a water bottle instead. He moves into Hoseok’s room and is still pleased to see it’s clean. Pulling the blanket back, he sets the water bottle on the side table and heads back out.
His attempts to move Hoseok receive just a whimper, but he somehow manages to get his boyfriend to his feet. Namjoon keeps his arm wrapped around his waist and helps him relocate into his room. He dragged the mixing bowl in with them, setting it on the floor by the side of the bed. Then, as Hoseok begins to whine about the bed being cold and lonely, Namjoon shucks off his hoodie and curls up next to him, pulling the ailing man into his arms. Hoseok is too warm in Namjoon’s grasp, but he merely uncovers his arms and closes his eyes, letting his boyfriend’s congested breaths fill the air.
 Namjoon is used to nights where he hasn’t fully slept, where he’s taken a thirty-minute power nap to get him from Day 1 to Day 2 with a mug of coffee and nothing but adrenaline and work to keep him going. But after his nap from earlier, and his nap again with Hoseok in his arms, he’s completely disoriented when he feels himself shoved to the side, the room immediately filled with the sound of retching. Namjoon blinks his eyes open as his hand stretches over to rub Hoseok’s back, trying to comfort his boyfriend as he mentally reminded himself of his location.
His sweetheart was sick, and apparently resting did not help. He sees Hoseok sitting up, the mixing bowl double-lined with plastic bags in his lap as he weakly attempts to throw up whatever was in his system. Hoseok looks pale and even in the weak light of sunrise attempting to peek from the windows, Namjoon can see his hands trembling. That’s enough recollection to have him sitting up, arm moving to wrap around his boyfriend’s shoulders, helping hold him up as he whispers encouraging words to him.
When Hoseok finally stops, Namjoon brings his hand up to wipe stray tears from his cheeks before he moves the bowl back, but not away just yet. Hoseok takes a deep breath, a pout on his lips as he scrunches his eyes closed.
“Want to rinse your mouth out, baby?”
“Gross…” Hoseok mumbles. Namjoon hands him a towel to wipe his lips, then the water bottle. With a sip, Hoseok swishes it around in his mouth and spits it out into the mixing bowl, then repeats the process when he feels like once wasn’t enough. All the while, Namjoon uses a corner of the towel to stroke at his face, and whether Namjoon’s wiping away sweat or tears, Hoseok can’t quite tell. Lazily, Hoseok’s hand holding the water bottle just moves to rest on his leg; he’s not sure if he’d make it trying to put it back on the table, but he really just wants to lie back down.
“Think you’re okay, for now?” Namjoon whispers. When he receives a nod, he returns the mixing bowl to the floor and moves the towel back to the bedside table. Gently gripping Hoseok’s hand, Namjoon brings the water bottle back to his lips and instructs him to sip. Hoseok takes a few weak sips before he lowers it back, pressing his face into Namjoon’s shoulder. Namjoon can feel the radiating heat from him, and he can tell for sure that his fever is just climbing.
“Don’t fall asleep on me, Hobi,” Namjoon laughs, “I need to yet some medicine in you first.”
Whining, Hoseok just shakes his head. He’s tired, Namjoon knows, but he’ll only get worse trying to wait it out.
“Let me make you some tea. I know you won’t eat anything big but let’s get something in you or your stomach will hurt more later.”
He gets a whine from it, but merely kisses Hoseok’s cheek and helps lower him back onto the pillows. “Rest, sweetheart, I’ll wake you in a few.”
“Cuddle with me,” Hoseok mumbles, bottom lip pouting out.
Namjoon just kisses his forehead. “I’ll never get up if I do that.” With a soft chuckle, he crawls over him and heads out, taking the bowl with him. Replacing the lining, he returns that before heading into the kitchen. Instant coffee for himself, but kettle-boiled yujacha for Hoseok. And a small bowl of rice and crackers, just in case he could get him to eat something. Carrying everything back into the room on a small tray, he sets it down before he tries to wake up Hoseok, just to make sure he doesn’t make a mess of everything.
“Hobi… baby, I have tea…”
Namjoon receives a whine, and Hoseok’s face crumbles, tears welling in his eyes the second he opens them. Namjoon spends a few minutes just stroking his hair, trying to calm him down before he works himself up. “Come on, sweetheart… don’t cry, nothing’s wrong. You’re okay. It’s just tea.”
“Tea?” Hoseok mumbles. He shakes his head, fist moving to swipe across his eyes, wiping away slowing tears. His voice cracks as he talks, but the younger man can see realization dawning on his face. “Don’t want tea…”
“It’ll help your tummy,” Namjoon coaxes, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. Hoseok squints, trying to hide his face as his cheeks flush. With a soft chuckle, Namjoon moves his hand away to press another kiss to Hoseok’s warm face, then another. “Come on, baby, just a little bit.”
“Don’t kiss me, Joonie bug, you’ll get sick.”
“I’ll kiss you again if you don’t drink the tea.” Namjoon crawls back onto the bed, sliding under the covers, and Hoseok immediately curls up to his side. Laughing, Namjoon just pulls his arm. “I will, even if you cling to me.” He manages to get a grumbling Hoseok to finally sit up with his help, curled up against his chest with the tea cup in his hand. He sips cautiously, as if every sip is uncomfortable. Namjoon strokes his hair gently. “Want to try some rice?”
With a groan, Hoseok looks up at him, lips pursed in a pout. “I’m being tortured, Namjoonie.” Hoseok whines. “Rice is too much… you’re too much.” He takes another sip of his tea.
Laughing, Namjoon just shakes his head. The rice was a stretch… they can try again later. “Fine, fine. Finish your tea and—”
“And nothing?”
Nodding, Namjoon presses a kiss to Hoseok’s crown. “And nothing. Medicine and then we’ll go back to sleep.”
Thankfully, Hoseok cooperates. Namjoon helps him take two cold pills and tucks him back into the bed, pulling the blanket up to his chin. With a small smile, Hobi curls up next to him and falls asleep within a matter of seconds. Despite being warm to the touch, he curls up next to Namjoon in his sleep, an arm lazily draped over his waist. Namjoon wastes no time in messaging his TA, asking him to assign the next week’s assignment early on the boards. He writes a small notice announcing his calling out of work and the plan for the rest of the week, shoots a quick message to the teacher’s line calling out, and then just puts his phone on silent.
Right now, the only person that matters is his boyfriend, and it’s barely a quarter to six in the morning. He has more than enough time to catch up on sleep with his most important person.
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icyllic · 3 years
Path of Destruction | JEON JUNGKOOK
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PAIRING: Jungkook x Reader
GENRE: Drama, Angst (maybe???), Thriller
WARNINGS: Stalking, obsession, swearing, a little dirty talk & thoughts
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*note: ↑ i came across this video and saw this comment by boogieedits (credits to parkchimn & boogieedits for the inspiration! 😍) and felt inspired by this wonderful plot! i’m inspired by the amazing video edit too! <3 i decided to give it a try and welp- truthfully i’m having writer’s block with my Full of Stars series that i might wanna take a break from it for a while until i figured what the next episode’s plot would be. for now, let’s enjoy this oneshot! 🥰 (extra note: several changes were made in this story and yes, the nickname might be a little cringy but i couldn’t think of a better pet name, so....bear with it, i guess 😅😂 also, Y/N’s angered replies are intended to have typos. i purposely did the typos in her texts bcs she was angry af :3)
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The night was feeling empty. The streets were quiet and you had no idea where you were heading. You couldn’t believe that you actually managed to get out from your best friend, Suzie’s party that was filled with a lot of her drunken friends and thank God you successfully escaped, even though right now you were feeling a little tipsy due to the amount of alcohol you consumed earlier.
“Fucking Suzie,” you mumbled as you walked home. “telling me it was just a small party and she lied! Who would lie to their own friends?!” You have the habit of talking to yourself if you feel alone and that was what you were feeling right now, so alone in the streets and you were clueless. You felt the need to cry but what’s the whole point? No one was here to save you even if you did.
You were sure you weren’t dreaming or hallucinating at all but you heard footsteps were following you. As you turned around, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, seeing as there was no one. When you turned around to walk again, the footsteps were heard. “HEY!” you yelled as you aggressively turned around. “don’t you dare follow me or I wouldn’t hesitate to call the cops!” You rolled your eyes in annoyance, mumbling to yourself again to make the uneasy feeling go away.
As you finally arrived home, you were struggling to grab the keys to unlock the door. At this very moment, the keys were tricking you; purposely tangling themselves with your pocket. “Are you kidding me?! I wanna get inside, you stupid keys!” You widened your eyes when you saw your older sister opening the door for you. How was she still awake at 2 a.m.?
“You look like a horrible mess.” Michelle commented, and you scoffed while pushing her away from the door as you went inside. 
“Why are you still even awake anyway? Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” You were shaking your head while shutting your eyes to avoid that tipsy feeling.
“How can I sleep when I know my little sister wasn’t home yet? I was worried sick, you moronic bitch.” She shook her head, feeling disappointed with how you acted right now. 
You were feeling sleepy and tired, so you decided to ignore her and went upstairs. Before you went to your room, you heard your sister yelling, “Yeah, go ahead and ignore me just like you always do to avoid conversations with me! I’ve had enough of babysitting you, Y/N! You’re so horrible!” You slammed the door before hearing any more of her complains. 
Despite feeling so tired, you couldn’t sleep at all. You took the time to stare up at the ceiling instead, filling your head with numerous thoughts. But the thoughts stopped as you heard a Ding! on your phone. You read the texts and to your surprise, it was from an unknown number. 
unknown [now]: sweet dreams, twinkle toes
unknown [now]: it took me nearly four years to pluck up the courage to text you
unknown [now]: and i can’t lie, i’m having butterflies 
unknown [now]: you don’t know how many times i’ve dreamed of touching you
unknown [now]: by the way, go take a shower before you sleep 🌹
“What the hell?” You got up quick and scanned the whole area in your room, worrying that person who texted you might be in there. Hiding under your bed, maybe? You didn’t know whether to text this person back or not, or to block him but if you block him now, how would you know where he got your number from? ... or how would you know whether this person was a male or a female? So you decided to just leave it be for a while and reply this unknown person’s texts tomorrow. After this dreamland taking over your world, you were hoping that these texts were just all hallucinations due to tiredness. 
....except that they were not hallucinations at all. You started to feel panic when you saw the messages were still there in your message box. Now it was your turn to build the courage to reply this person back. 
you [now]: Who are you and how did you get my number?
Anxiety started to form inside you. You were supposed to run some errands today but with the situation you were facing right now, you were having doubts whether it was safe to go out there or not.
Your daydream of thoughts stopped when Michelle walked in to your room. “Y/N?” You raised your head up to look at her. “you feeling better now?”
You nodded, feeling hesitated as you knew that answer wasn’t true at all. You weren’t feeling any better, even after last night for being a little drunk but with this stalker texting you??? A whole new level of creepy started to scare you. You kept wondering how on Earth this person got your number. 
“I baked you some cookies, just in case you were hungry and um,” she paused for a while. “I’m sorry for yelling at you last night. I didn’t mean to.”
These words shocked you. Her apology made you give her a look of astonishment. You and Michelle have been through it all; dramas over boys, arguing over little things and never once in your life you ever heard her saying sorry to you. This was so new, she finally apologized to you for the first time in her 25 years of living. 
“I’m sorry for being an irresponsible bitch, Michelle. I didn’t mean it too.” She shook her head while smiling, walking towards you and gave you a hug to comfort you. Ding! And this person appeared again, stopping you from hugging your sister. 
“Whoa, who’s texting you at an exact 8 a.m.?” Michelle teased while wiggling her eyebrows. You chuckled at her silly attitude, although this wasn’t supposed to be a happy situation at all. You were already feeling terrified as curiosity started filling itself in you, wondering what that person’s text might be.
“Probably just Suzie wanting to apologize too for being a lying turd.” You shrugged it off, chuckling alongside your sister. Michelle then walked out and you quickly locked the door, opening the stalker’s message. 
unknown [3m ago]: you’ll know soon enough, twinkle toes 🥰
Twinkle toes??? Who the fuck does this person think he or she is? Calling me twinkle-fucking-toes? Your thoughts started to annoy you right now. You felt the need to slam something out of frustration, but you weren’t feeling like it anymore. You were still feeling scared because of this whole situation. 
“Class dismissed!” Mr. Peterson announced when the bell rang. The whole Math class felt like a living nightmare. You were feeling sleepy the whole time but your attention was drifted off somewhere else. 
When you walked outside the classroom to pack your stuff in your locker, you were stopped by Adrian. Adrian, the guy you knew had a crush on you since sophomore year. He was indeed cute; shaggy hair that really matched with his bright, green eyes and had a very nice personality that could make every girl fall in love with him. Unfortunately for Adrian, you weren’t one of those girls. 
You’ve been taking the time to appreciate and love yourself for several years now. Your last relationship ended because that asshole cheated on and lied to you a lot of times, leading you to have trust issues and hence the reason why you didn’t wanna give Adrian a chance too. But Adrian, being a nice guy he was, stated that he’d wait for you no matter how long it might take. 
“I brought your favorite snacks, Y/N. I hope we can eat lunch together today.” Adrian showed you your favorite snacks that were hidden in his brown bag. You softly smiled at how thoughtful Adrian really was. 
“Thanks, Adrian. But um, I don’t think I wanna eat lunch today. I might just head home this afternoon. I’m not up for afternoon classes.” You felt bad for lying to him. Truthfully, you just wanted to investigate more about this stalker of yours.
His face was sad, but he seemed to understand. “Oh, okay.. are you okay, Y/N? You don’t look okay.” His voice was recognized with genuine concern.
“I’m having headache, that’s all. I need rest.” You scratched the back of your neck, feeling this conversation becoming awkward already. You were uncomfortable, your negative thoughts made you feel like this was an uncomfortable conversation to participate in. 
Adrian nodded as he understood why, so he patted your back gently. You didn’t see it wrong, though. He wanted to kiss your forehead, but hesitant to do so since he knew that might be wrong. It was because he knew you didn’t feel the same for him. 
{8.47 p.m. with Adrian walking in the streets alone}
Adrian was listening to music on his phone as he was on his way home from his friend’s house. But eventually stopped when he felt a sudden presence behind him. He turned around and it wasn’t there anymore. He shrugged it off, thinking it might have only been his imagination. 
When he was singing along with the song he was listening to, the footsteps were closer and closer and suddenly, two strong hands grabbed Adrian’s hair and pulling him to the ground, kicking him hard and punching him numerous times. 
This unknown person who punched Adrian was wearing a black mask, a black hoodie and ripped jeans that matched with a pair of motorcycle boots. Despite wearing a mask, his eyes sent deep, horrendous message. “If you ever touch Y/N again, I’ll make sure to have all of your bones broken so you can’t do anything in life anymore,” he aggressively grabbed Adrian’s collar this time. “Y/N is mine and mine alone. Don’t you fucking dare come near her.” He released it roughly, spitting on the spot of the ground next to Adrian and leaving him alone as he walked away. It was an unfortunate night for Adrian, no one was there to rescue him and call for help.
{10.11 p.m. in your room}
Ding! You groaned, knowing whose message this was from. You rolled your eyes as you read the person’s texts. 
unknown [now]: i’m feeling so happy right now
unknown [now]: you have no idea how happy i really am 🥰
You shook your head and scoffed whilst reading them. Who even decided to care whether this unknown person was happy or not? Definitely not you.
you [now]: Lmao do I even care if you’re happy or not though? All I know is that you’re crazy
unknown [now]: i am crazy indeed
unknown [now]: crazy about you
You groaned in annoyance at this unknown person’s response, not wanting to reply anymore. But then as you were about to place your phone on your side table, there was another notification from that person.
unknown [now]: i’m happy because soon enough, i’ll have you in my arms. no one’s gonna rescue you from me 
“What the absolute fuck?” you got up and this time feeling so angry to the point you were having typos as you typed your words in all capital letters.
Heaving a sigh, you grabbed a pillow and stuffed it on your face, screaming as loud as you intended. 
unknown [now]: you can try blocking me
unknown [now]: but i have a lot more phones that i’ve stolen and your number is saved in every phone i keep 
unknown [now]: like i said, twinkle toes. no one’s gonna rescue you and take you away from me 😉
This time as your courage was already built, you dialed this person’s number but they quickly rejected your call. You tried again and you got the same result; your call was rejected.
you [now]: What’s the matter, huh? No balls to answer my call???
unknown [now]: i’m not going to make you hear my voice yet, princess. where’s the fun in that? 
unknown [now]: i’m saving it for our date soon
you [now]: Screw you, you fucking creep
unknown [now]: damn, say that again 
unknown [now]: i’d love to be screwed by the one and only Y/N 😍
You were scared again. Not only this person secretly got your number, but he knew your name too! This was another whole new level of creepy! 
You shut your phone off, not wanting to take this conversation further with that creeper. You closed your eyes tightly to move yourself in your dreamland, and thankfully, it was successful.
{Meanwhile at someone’s place}
He watched you through the one of the screens in his room. You had no idea about this at all, but this stalker had already placed a few cameras in your house. One specific camera he always watched was outside the window of your room so he could have a clearer and nicer view of your sleeping face.
“My God, she’s so beautiful,” he said as he attentively watched you sleeping. He was playing with his fingers as his eagerness started to bloom. He was starting to feel desperate now, wanting to touch you, wanting to hold you in his arms, wanting to kiss you until you’re unable to breathe.
“don’t worry, my Y/N. You’ll be in the arms of Jeon Jungkook’s soon.” Jungkook started to smirk with the dirty thoughts of you forming in his head. He really, really, really couldn’t wait to smother you with his kisses. ....once he catches you.
The next day at school felt so weird as you found Adrian absent. Adrian wasn’t the type of a person who’d miss a day at school, but today he decided to do that. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you looked around for him. Weird. Where is he? you thought.
Ding! “Gosh, what the fuck does he want now?!” You opened to see who the notification was from, but thankfully it was from Suzie.
suzie patootie [now]: bubs, wanna hangout tonight? mum’s having a date with her 5th boyf. house is free for us girls
you [now]: Girls night, eh? I’m on
This girls’ night was all you needed to avoid feeling scared as you were right now. Sure, you were feeling brave already to confront that person through messages but you were still scared too. What if that person was watching your every move right now and you weren’t aware of it?
You decided to head to grocery store to buy some foodies and drinks for your girls’ night. You didn’t bother to head home first to take a shower since you knew that this girls’ night would be a sleepless night for you, anyway. 
As you walked out from the grocery store to head your way to Suzie’s home, the footsteps were heard again. You stopped your tracks. Oh no. What if this is that person? You were standing still and the footsteps stopped too. You didn’t care and you walked forward quickly and the footsteps got faster following you from behind. 
You started running and the follower chased after you so quick until he finally caught you, locking you in his strong arms. 
“Don’t run away from me, Y/N,” he whispered, placing a kiss on your earlobe and you started to cry. “didn’t I say I’d have you in my arms soon?” 
Before you could scream, he covered your mouth quickly and dragged you backwards with him to an unknown place while holding you tightly. 
“No one’s gonna save you. You’re all mine now, twinkle toes.”
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
Poolside Kisses 🍹[M]
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Pairing: Jimin x chubby! poc! Reader
Gender of the reader: female
Word Count: 5.6k
Genre: Fluff and Smut
Warnings: mentions of insecurities; Jiminie and his jealousy (but at the end of the fic they're talking about that); Jiminie is horny as fuck; swearing; petnames; filthy language + filthy dirty talk; praising; body-worship; teasing; edging; begging; marking; thigh-riding and thigh-fucking(?); a little bit dom-/sub-themes; a bit of spanking and pussy exhibitionism; semi-public sex (can you count fucking in your friend's house as semi-public sex?); creampie; unprotected sex (stay safe please!); mentions of aftercare
A/N: Finally, I wrote something for chubby! Readers and for poc! Reader as well. The moodboard was ready for weeks but the fic wasn't... And now it got longer than expected!
The texting with my dear @h0esvck inspired me again to write this fic here, after we talked about cute and sexy bikinis for chubby girls and how the boys could react to these swimsuits! (I really love that bikini in the moodboard💕)
Summary: Jimin said, you should pack a swimsuit into your suitcase when you're going to visit him in Korea. You thought, you'll go bathing somewhere privately, maybe just with the boys or so... and not going to a pool party of one of Jimin's Idol friends where you'll not know anybody! Since then you hate yourself that you only brought your new bikini to Korea that reveals more of your bare skin that you're used to...
Note: It's proofread but I'm sorry when there are still some typos
My Imagines for your requests
My official Masterlist
And as always, everyone can read the fic who's interested in it 🤗💖 Enjoy!
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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Since ten minutes you've been staring at the bikini that is spread out on the bed in front of you. You try to come to a solution for the problem that has been bothering you since this morning.
When Jimin said a week ago that you should pack swimwear for your visit in Korea, you already had been a little suspicious and unsettled. 
But you couldn't imagine anything else than maybe going with him and the other members to a privately rented pool. Or maybe going to a beach with them, where nobody knows them anyway, so that they don't get too much unnecessary attention.
The boys already know and love you, so they don't care much about how you look like, as long as you're happy and make Jimin happy as well.
With these thoughts, you calmed yourself a little bit down and quickly drove your worries into the last corner of your mind.
That was also the reason why you were thinking about to try something new, instead of just wearing this boring black one-piece swimsuit that you've had for the last six years.
Maybe something cute, a nice two-pieced swimsuit, something like a bikini or so, that flatters your curves and just hugs them in all the right ways. Something that makes you feel sexy and attracts Jimin's attention a bit more than usual.
The thought alone how Jimin always strips you down with his eyes when you wear something close-fitting, which emphasizes your large chest, your round butt or your juicy thighs in the right ways...
...oh god, just the thought of it makes your knees weak and your panties getting wet.
But that's not the point, you have a lot of other problems right now.
At breakfast this morning, Jimin told you for what exactly you need your swimwear. And it's nothing like you thought before, a day at the beach or at the pool and only with the other guys, no.
The real reason is, that one of Jimin's Idol Friends has his birthday today and throw a poolparty in his villa.
That's not how you imagined it...
Of course you are happy that Jimin is not shy about introducing you to all his other friends in addition to the members and showing up with you in public places.
Nevertheless, you're aware that being chubby is not one of the "desirable" standards of the beauty ideals in Korea. Plus, you're a part of people that have a colored skin tone and all of you still have to face unfortunately prejudice and racism in all corners of the world.
That doesn't mean Koreans are racists or they are going to bodyshame someone, oh hell no! But... of course there are always such kinds of worries, like that you couldn't fulfill all the expectations of his friends, ARMYs or in general the whole publicity.
But that shouldn't be your goal either. Jimin loves you the way you are and everyone else should accept and respect you as his girlfriend and thus your relationship.
Nevertheless, a dull feeling spreads out in your stomach at the thought of having to wear this two-pieced bathing suit.
You really like it and you immeaditly fell in love with this bikini when you tried it on while the shopping trip with your friends. You think that it emphatize your curvy figure wonderfully, hides your fluffy belly in a great way and still shows more skin than you are used to.
And that's exactly the point.
You would show more skin than you're actually used to, so you'd walk completely out of your well known and loved comfort zone... and now even in front of strangers you don't know at all!
Everything in you is reluctant to wear this bikini to this party. You had also thought about going on a quick shopping tour into the town this morning. Hoping to find a one-piece swimsuit that can hide your belly a little better than this bikini. But you rejected the thought so fast like it had came into your mind.
You know Seoul far too little to know, where to find the plus size clothing stores. You know they exist! After all, you had been in these shops with Jimin on your recent visits, but you have absolutely no clue where to find them. So you quickly throw this idea into your mental trash can.
So you have no choice but to put on this swimsuit here.
You sigh and look at this two-pieced bathing suit in frustration again. Why the heck were you so stupid and didn't pack both swimsuits straight away in your suitcase, then you wouldn't have this problem now! But you have no other option than to wear it, you don't want to explain to Jimin that you don't want to come to the party because of your swimsuit. He was so happy this morning to finally be able to introduce you as his girlfriend to all his other friends.
You are about to put your dress on when Jimin knocks gently on your door, the door of the guest room (which you hardly really "need" because you sleep with him in his bed all nights anyway) and asks you through the door if you're ready.
You answer him with a hasty "Yes, just give me two more minutes!" and quickly stuff your towels, a pair of fresh underwear, sunblocker and other things that maybe could be useful, into your beach bag.
You slip with your bare, dark blue painted toenails into your sandals and before you walk out of the door, you quickly fix your sun hat and sunglasses as you walk past the large full-body mirror.
You are as ready as you can be when you're going to show yourself to strangers in a swimsuit that is more skin-revealing for your usual standards.
When you open the door and give Jimin, who is standing in the hall and is waiting for you, a small smile, a bright smile spreads on his lips.
His eyes wander slowly down at your body, you don't miss how he licks his lips, which leave you even little bit embarrassed.
But he also looks so damn good in this white t-shirt that he wears, under which you already can imagine his well-built abs, together with this black, low hanging shorts and a pair of black sneakers, made of thin fabric. His outfit is so casual, but at the same time it looks so elegant on him!
"Damn, baby... you look absolutely gorgeous! You look so fantastic, to be honest I don't want to show you the others in this amazing outfit... I bet with you, that they start gawking and drooling because you are so damn sexy. I really have to be careful not to get jealous and to behave decently, so that I don’t do all these dirty fantasies that I have with you in my mind in front of other people’s eyes... ", says Jimin in a half serious, half playful tone and with a meaningful look into your eyes.
"Jimin! Don't say such things, I thought we want to go to the party of your friend!", you reply with a slightly embarrassed smile and hit him with gentle force at his right arm. He's whining a little bit, rubbing the hurting spot after your punch.
"Yes, yes! But that doesn't mean you have to hit me right away!", Jimin whines as you walk down the hall of the dorm to the front door. Like the gentleman he is, he opens the door to the passenger seat of the car dir you and let you get in with a charming smile.
On the way to the party you chat around, laughs about God knows everything and sings together to the latest summer hits that comes out of the radio. Jimin with his angelic voice and then you with your voice, that reminds you more of a screaming cat than anything else. Your boyfriend admits that you still have to practice a bit on your singing talent, but he motivates you with every new song again to sing along with him. But your exuberant, lively mood gets an unwanted damper when you turn into a street and you can already see all the countless cars parked on the roadside from the distance.
Some, like you, just seem to have arrived only a few minutes ago. When you see all these other slim, long-legged beauties in their gorgeous summer dresses or already in their bikinis outfits with these fit bodies, you swallow hard and start chewing on your lower lip. Jimin doesn't miss that.
"You think too much, my love. Just look at yourself, you are beautiful! And show that too, show them all how damn attractive you are. They'll love you, I promise! And if anyone giving you a weird look, this person will get a serious problem with me! Okay Darling? I love you and everybody else should know too how much you mean to me... and don't let these silly thoughts in your pretty head up there ruin the evening, okay?"
You take a deep breath and finally nod to Jimin confidently.
He is right, you are probably thinking too negative again. You should also go to this party without the prejudice, that they already dislike you for whatever reason and just think positive and enjoy the day.
"Ready, Baby?"
"Yes, I'm ready."
With a cheeky wink in your direction, Jimin gets out of the car and is fast enough at your door to open it for you again.
You roll your eyes in annoyance, but you can't help but smile.
"Jimin, that's really cute of you, but you don't always have to do that. I'm a confident, independent woman, I'm able to open the door by myself too!", you complain but have to laugh at the end of the sentences.
"Then show them with exactly this body here, how confident you are, my dear lady~", Jimin replies with a husky wisper into your ear, which let a shiver run down your back. You are only able to nod at this moment, try not to be too flustered by Jimin's sex appeal. The same person is fully aware of his influence on you and laughs contentedly as you walk together to the front door.
When the doorbell rings, it is opened by other guests who tell you and use vague hand gestures to indicate where the person, who has birthday today and is the actual party host, could be. You two thanks them and slowly find your way down to the terrace, between all of the chatting, sometimes already dancing and celebrating peoples.
It seems like you'll don't know anyone, really nobody at this party. Sometimes you only recognize some K-Pop Idols here and some other K-Drama actors and actresses there, but you don't know anybody really personally, except of Jimin. 
That's why you hold his hand even more tightly, afraid of losing him in the crowd. His thumb draw gentle circles over the back of your hand, he can feel how tense you are, try his best to calm you down. 
You're going to be stopped on your actual way to Jimin's Friend by some other idols or international celebrities. You have a small talk with them and you'll be greeted every time with very much enthusiasm when Jimin introduces you as his girlfriend.
You don't really know how to deal with it, least of all with their detailed gaze your body. They don't say anything and their looks are not to be rated directly as negative one, much more in curious and interested way?
But before you can start to worry too much about it, the small talk is already over and Jimin continues to guide you through the crowd to the rightful host, who is in the huge garden behind the villa.
This person greets Jimin with a buddy slap on the shoulder and pulls you into a warm hug, which you had not expected at all. You automatically stiffen up, so that the same person lets you go immediately and apologizes hastily for his inappropriate behavior.
At the same time, you want to make it clear that he didn't do anything wrong and you were just a little surprised. Now you both look at each other in an awkward silence and that makes you twoa little embarrassed, which makes Jimin laugh.
"...and may I introduce to you, that is my girlfriend Y/N."
"H-Hey Y/N! Nice to meet you! Jimin has told me so much about you and every time that happens, I got more curious to finally meet you! And when he said, that you'll be in Seoul in the week when I planned to throw my birthday party, I asked him, to please bring you here, so that I can finally get to know you in person. And when you two just showed up with holding hands, I got carried away a bit. Sorry for my overexited hug. But to Jimin's credit I can already say, that he has an exellent taste for amazing girls, like you are.", he says and gives Jimin and you a playful wink.
At this moment, a waitress with wonderfully decorated cocktails on a tray comes past you and Jimin's friend stops this person with a small gesture to give you two a cocktail of your choice. You all thank the waitress before letting her continue her round through the crowd.
Now the host returns his attention to you again.
"I am really happy that you made it to my party and that you-" at that moment he's looking at you with a big smile "... and that you have also agreed to come here! I assume that unfortunately you don't know that many guests here yet. But I can assure you, nobody will bite you here. But if somebody chat you up or so, please inform me or to the security guards, okay? Some of my guests may starts acting like the last idiots when they're drunk, but I don't let them ruin my party." The way he looks at you completely seriously and at the same time gives you an encouraging smile shows you, that he really tries his best to make you feel comfortable here.
You talk for another ten minutes or so, Jimin's friend already makes you laugh here and there with some jokes, so that you pretty fast don't feel like the "new girlfriend of his buddy" anymore. It's his charm that calms you down and you relax more and more with it. You realize, that everything isn't as terrible as you thought it would be.
To your relief, you also realize that your horror imagination is not coming true. Nobody is gawking at you like you're an exotic animal in the zoo. Nobody behaves weird around you and you haven't noticed until now that anyone starts gossiping about you or your relationship with Jimin.
Only one thing seems to be important to everyone. A great atmosphere and thus an unforgettable evening.
You are so engrossed in the conversation that you wince in surprise when someone taps your shoulder gently. You turn around and there is a girl in front of you, already in a bikini and soaking wet. She seems to have come straight out of the pool to you.
"Hey! You're... Y/N, right? I just want to ask you if you would like to come into the pool and play water volleyball with us? We need one more female player for our team, we want to beat the boys!", she says and point into the direction of the pool, where the other players wave with their hands enthusiastically and want to encourage you to play along with them.
Nevertheless, you look back at Jimin, still a little bit uncertain. Your boyfriend gives you an encouraging kiss on the lips and says teasingly: "Don't look at me so questioningly, come along and show them your talent. You can give me your dress and bag."
Before you can decide against it, you quickly slip out of your sandals and pull your summer dress over your head. You already put the bikini on when you still was in the dorm.
The girl who asked you for the game enthusiastically claps her hands together and immediately grabs your wrist to lead you to the pool.
Only in the corner of your eyes you can see how Jimin's jaw drop at your sight and look at you in disbelief.
However, you don't have time to think about his reaction. You are barely in the water and on your official position when the game already starts.
To be honest, you never thought that this afternoon and evening could turn out to be so good and that you just could play with the other games so boisterously. That everyone just treats you as normal like you are and nobody cares how you look.
But you get the first doubts, that everything is not as good as you think, when you see Jimin on the poolside with a less happy expression on his face. You apologize to the others and tell them, that you have to go to your boyfriend for a minute.
"Jimin? Is everything alright? What happens?", you als him, eyebrows drawn together in alarm.
"Y/N, can you come out of the water, please? I need to talk to you," Jimin replies shortly, looking at you intently.
"O-Okay, of course."
When you're about to step out of the water, he already starts to unfold your bath towel. As soon as you get out of the pool, he has put it over your shoulders and gripped your wrist. Without saying a word, he starts moving and pulls you to the door of the terrace and goes back into the house with you. Everything looks like that Jimin wants to drive home from the party prematurely and hastily.
"Jimin? Now tell me, what happened that you seem to want to go home just... now?!", you finally ask him, finding his behavior really questionable.
Your boyfriend just mumbles something incomprehensible, looks around in the hallway until he sprints up the stairs to the first floor with you.
"Jimin, we just can't-"
But the last words of your sentence get stuck in your throat when Jimin seems to have found what he was looking for all the time. The guest room.
He briefly looks around again to make sure that no one has followed you and noticed something about your unauthorized solo-action. Then he grabs the doorknob and quickly pulls you into the room and closes the door behind you.
You just want to start protesting again and ask him for a plausible answer for his behavior. But then you're already being pushed against the door and Jimin's hungry lips are chasing yours. 
The kiss is intense and greedy right at the beginning, Jimin's tongue is demanding, doesn't give you any time to understand what's going on.
"Baby, how dare you! These things I said to you when you came out of the guest room in this beautiful and sexy summer dress, I meant them absolutely seriously. How dare you, despite of my warning, to tease me so fucking much?! Then you don't have to be surprised that I can't hold back anymore. And besides that...", growls Jimin in a husky voice between two kisses in your ear.
"...I hate it how all the boys just looked at you all the time. They're speculating whether you were already in a relationship and how they could flirt with you... don't you understand that every guy down there wants you because you're so damn sexy?"
"Wait what, Jimin? I-I don't understand..." you stammer helplessly, your mind is already clouded by these breathtaking kisses Jimin gave you.
Jimin takes a deep breath, acting like he's trying to calm himself down.
"Your bikini, Babygirl. With this damn bikini you drive me crazy and wrap every guy around your little finger without even noticing. Seeing you in such an outfit is a real sin, Baby...", he whispers in your ear. 
Let the tip of his nose slide down your neck, inhale your scent, which has such an aphrodisiac effect on him. His hands find their way from your chubby cheeks down to your plush hips and grabs them firmly.
"Fuck, you're so sexy... I love you and your body so damn much that it hurts... I mean... literally!", he growls and rubs his already rock hard erection on your thick thigh.
"You look so damn sexy in this swimsuit and pretend that you have no idea what effect you have on me... and unfortunately also on these other guys down there... it's a shame! I think, I should show you what kind of indecent thoughts you've put in my head with this body, only covered by this little bit of fabric.", comes it panting from Jimin's lips.
He lets the wet towel drop from your shoulders onto the floor and steps a bit away from you to admire your whole beauty to the fullest. A shiver of desire runs down your spine, causing that something, that is all too familiar to you, starts growing in your abdomen. You start to squirm under his intense gaze.
"I'm really wondering who can be responsible for designing such a cute and at the same time so sexy swimsuit. And fuck. It looks incredibly good on you! How can you always wrapping me around your little finger? Hm Baby? Explain it to me...", purrs Jimin dreamily as he lets his hands wander on your big, perfect round ass and grabs it hard.
A whimper leaves your lips whe you feel his mouth on your neck, spreading kisses and is eager to give you enough hickey that everyone will surely see them. Just knowing that he marking you as his, as his girlfriend, makes your pussy even wetter than it already is.
"Don't tell me you're jealous, Jiminie~", you say teasingly, but at the same time you start moaning with closed eyes and furrowed eyebrows. He positions his right leg between your juicy thighs, flexes his thick thigh muscle just at the right moment and rubs it over your clit. Mastering thigh-fucking in a standing position so fucking well should be prohibited.
"Would you rather explain to me how I couldn't get horny and jealous at such a sight... and Baby? Do you like that? Do you like it how I fuck you with my thigh? How well I can stimulate your clit with it? I already can feel how wet you are... isn't that embarrassing for you, how desperate your pussy has become, just from grinding a little bit on my thigh?", he whispers. He doesn't even try to hide his satisfaction.
His words send an electric shock through your body... just the thought that you really look as good in the bikini as you hoped, so that Jimin can think of nothing more than to do dirty things with you. And then other guys also have noticed you, which has made Jimin so jealous, turns you more on at this moment than you would like to admit. You didn't want to make him jealous at all, but fuck... that's just so freaking hot and you could say your "plan" has more than worked out!
His hand travels to your breasts, pulls with a rough yank the top of your bikini over your breasts, a moan are leaving his lips when he see your big, beautiful breasts. Your nipples are already hard and are just waiting to be caressed.
"F-Fuck... Jimin... G-God... I-I need you!", you whimper as he wraps his lips around your left nipple. You grind in his thigh even more, at the end you start riding him.
"So damn desperate... but only for me. Right?"
"Yes, Jimin, yes! O-Only for you. B-But please, I-"
"Hm? What, Babygirl? What do you want? What are you so desperate for, my Dear? Tell me~"
Jimin loves to tease you. He doesn't give you what you need until you spell the dirty words out by yourself. He loves the way you get shy, always starting to stutter in a damn adorable way until those dirty words come over your own lips. He loves it when his good, decent girl says indecent and sinful things. He loves it when you talk dirty to him. 
"I-I want your big hard cock in my wet pussy... I-I... Oh god, Jimin... P-Please just fuck me... Please just fuck me like you already imagined...", you whine and bite your lower lip because of all this desire and need in your body. You need his cock in your pussy now. 
"Theoretically, you teased me a lot more with this godlike body, right? But we don't have the time for more teasing, I'll stuff your plump, pretty and sweet pussy with my big cock now and gonna fuck you so damn well~ Just look forward to the moment we're back home again... then you will get your well deserved punishment for making me so horny with this sinful outfit.", Jimin promised to you with a dark, lustful gaze.
With his hands on your delicious ass, he leads you from the door to the bed, which is placed on the opposite wall of the room.
"On your hands and feet, I want to fuck your naughty pussy nice and deep from behind. And you know how I loves it, to see your ass cheeks jiggle when I fuck you doggystyle~"
Oh God, now it can't be ans longer just water, that drips through the bottom of your panties onto the floor. Even if you don't want to admit it, his dirty talk and dominant behavior always makes a mess out of you.
In a matter of seconds, you turned your back to him and crawled onto the bed on all fours. For a very short moment you're sorry to ruin the neatly made bed with your still dripping body and the unrestrained sex, that will follow now. 
As soon as you have brought yourself into a comfortable and "stable" position, Jimin pulls your bikini panties down with an impatient tug. You moan in anticipation when you feel the cold air on your bare cunt, even starts to wiggle with your ass a bit more, knowing what kind of effect it has on Jimin.
A deep growl leaves his throat when he sees your plump, fluffy pussy lips are coated all over with your arousal. The way your thick ass cheeks jiggle causes that he gives you a hard slap on the your right butt cheek, what makes you whimper.
"Behave, little Girl.", he says quietly from behind with a warning undertone. 
But he doesn't fill your needy pussy immediately, he prefers to pull your ass cheeks apart at first, to have a much better view of your cunt. When he spreads your pussy lips with his index and middle finger open and sees your desperately waiting hole, clenching around nothing. Then he also lost his patience.
With uncoordinated movements of his hands, he pulls his shorts and boxers briefs down to his knees, grabs your hips with a firm grip and push himself into your tight pussy without any warning.
A little cry out of surprise and initial pain comes over your lips, but then you remember that you're having sex in a place where you shouldn't (especially not at this early hour!) and pressing your hands on your mouth quickly.
That’s better anyway. When Jimin fucks you hard, there are always noises coming out of your mouth that you never heard before from yourself.
In short: When Jimin fucks you hard, you're loud. Shamefully loud.
Your boyfriend doesn't give you much time to get used to his cock. But after these days you barely need to get used to it anyway, you have been doing it too often for the past few nights.
His thrusts are perfect, absolutely perfect... hard, fast and incredibly deep. Stretching your pussy just in the right way in all perfect places. And the more you can't hold up yourself on your arms because of the pleasure, the more you sag with your upper body onto the mattress.
This changes the angle even more and Jimin fills you up even deeper than before, finding that sweet spot in your body again. That spot that lets you see stars and the desire almost explodes deep inside your abdomen. But only almost.
This here is the best method for Jimin to torture you. Driving you to the edge of lust, but it's still not enough to let you cum.
Jimin loves this sight. 
He loves how your chubby body just shows him how well he fucks you. How the soft, plush flesh of your love handles or your ass cheeks jiggle with every hard thrust that his hips gives your plush body. 
How plump your pussy lips are, but how fucking tight your hole is, gripping his hard cock so damn well. He loves to places his palm between your thick thighs on your fluffy vulva, so soft because of that delicous extra flesh and toying your clit to elict even more sweet moans and whimpers from your lips.
"O-Oh my God, Jimin! P-Please don't stop, oh god, please don't stop fucking me and rubbing my clit like that! I-I'm gonna... I'm gonna c-cuu-", you moan, scream at the end, but you just can't stop yourself from being fucking loud.
And to be honest, Jimin doesn't want you to mute your voice. Deep inside of him, his little, dirty devil wants everyone down there to know that he's fucking you onto cloud nine.
When you cum, your walls contract so tightly, Jimin can't help but cum too, your pussy literally milks every drop of his cum out of his cock.
With a deep groan shoot Jimin his load deep into your pussy, mark you in the filthiest way possible as his girl.
You two are breathing heavily and have your eyes closed, Jimin lies himself down on your back. His hands slowly relax from the rigid grip on your hip, then he wraps his arms around your soft belly and lets himself fall to one side together with you, before he becomes too heavy for you.
In the following minutes your breath regulates themself and a certain silence gradually returns to the room. Only the dull bass of the music from outside breaks the silence, accompanied by laughter when someone jumps into the pool, screaming.
Jimin has softened and now slides out of you easily. You can feel the mattress sink under his weight as he gets up and goes into the guest bathroom to get a soft, wet washcloth for you. 
He quietly asks you to turn yourself on your back. He gently opens your legs and carefully cleans the mess between your thighs, trying his best to get you rid of his cum. After all, you want to stay a few more hours after this... Quickie? Can you call his here a Quickie?
It takes a moment for you both to straighten your clothes and hair so that no one can immediately see that you had wild sex less than 15 minutes ago.
Jimin is about to unlock the door when you grab his wrist.
"Jimin, let's be honest. No more strange jealousy actions today, okay?"
Jimin turns to you, looks at you thoughtfully until a cute smirk forms on his lips.
"Jealousy? I don't know that word, not anymore after I've marked your beautiful neck and chest all in detail. Now everyone will know that you're my girl!", says Jimin and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek.
You roll with your eyes and look back at him, pretty annoyed. 
"Yes, yes, Honey. I know... I know that I have to work on my jealousy problem...", Jimin says in a reassuring voice and looks at you seriously, showing you, that he understood what you mean.
"... but still you can't deny that you like it when I give you hickeys. When I visited you last time, I saw you proudly and satisfied admired my love bites in the mirror!", he reply with a mischievous and playful smirk.
"Oh god Jimin, you're going to shatter my last nerves!", you grumble and shoo him through the door.
You hate it that you can barely be mad at him over a longer time!
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jayjaydawn · 4 years
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Summary: Where the members find out about your secret relationship
Pairing: Soonyoung/Hoshi x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Language, implied smut
Words: 1.5k
A/N: Sorry for the typos, I hope you like this regardless.
“There are no secrets that time does not reveal.”
Soonyoung and you were sitting on your couch, your leg stretched out on his lap, him scrolling through his phone. The tv was on, you were focused on watching the k-drama, the main leads were just about to kiss when- “Ya! ____, Why aren’t you picking up your calls? Your mother is worried, she’s messaging me” Soonyoung says as he pushes my arm.
“Hossshhhh, you made me miss out on the most crucial scene ever, I can't even rewind it because it's on tv!”  “If you’ve missed it anyway, might as well call your mom and let her know you’re alive.” 
“Ughh! Fine, I'm calling her. I left my phone in my room.” you said as you forced yourself out of your comfortable position. As soon as you stood up, you felt soonyoung smack your ass, making you turn around and glare at him as you walked away. You could hear him snickering as you left. 
At the same time, Soonyoung received a call from Seokmin.
“Hello” “Hyung, where are you? When will you be back at the dorm, we’re ordering food, what should we order for you?” “Uhhmmm, i’ll let you know in 5 mins? I don’t really know when i’ll get back” he said and looked up as he saw you coming back from your room, phone in your hand. You gesture at him, ‘who is it?’ “Okay hyung, call me back as soon as possible, the restaurant doesn’t take orders past 10pm” “Yuppp, bye seokmin”
“Ooooh why did he call? Did something happen?” you ask him as you try to make yourself comfortable again on the couch. 
“Nothing, he was asking when i’ll be back, they’re ordering take out”
“Oh, I think you should get back tonight, you haven't been back on time this past week, they might get suspicious”
“Hmm, i’ll text him and let him know i’ll reach in a bit”
"Cool" you replied and looked back at the tv as he texted Seokmin to let him know he'd be reaching in sometime. 
Hoshi and you had been in a 'secret' relationship for the past two years. It wasn't that much of a secret really, both of your families knew about your relationship and you all had interacted on many occasions. Often his mother would contact you and the same goes for him. But due to personal reasons, you both decided to keep it a secret from his team members. One of the reasons being management, they didn't really approve of your relationship and when they figured it was quite serious, they made sure we kept it as private and secret as possible. Also between the two of us, we liked the thrill that came with the hide-n-seek. 
"Okay ___, I'm leaving, my phone is blowing up with messages" Soonyoung brought me out of my thoughts, as he gently pushed my legs off of his lap. 
You cutely put your hands out towards him and made grabby hands at him. He chuckled as he leaned down to hug you and kissed you deeply. "Mmm, okay now you really need to go before I don't let you" you said as you pulled away. He laughed and you both finally said bye, for real this time and he left. 
Soonyoung made it back to the dorm in record time. 
"He's finally here" Chan announces from the table when he notices Soonyoung is back.
"Sorry, I'm a little late." He said as he sat in his spot on the table. The rest of the members came in and began eating. 
"Okay so we'll be starting practice a little late tomorrow so it'll probably end a little late too. Just warning you guys." Seungcheol said casually while eating. 
Everyone acknowledged what he said and went back to eating. Soonyoung finished his dinner and got up to leave when Joshua asked him, “Hey hoshi, can I borrow your phone for a minute. I’ll give it back to you in your room.” “Okay” he says as he hands him the phone and leaves. 
Joshua’s phone camera had stopped working this morning. He needed to send himself some photos of documents he had. He took hoshi’s phone and opened his gallery to send himself the photos when he came across something that surprised him. There were pictures of him with a girl that he didn’t know. As he was staring at it, trying to recall if he had ever seen her, he felt someone leaning over his shoulder looking into the same screen he was. “Who is that with hyung? She’s so pretty.” Hearing Seungkwan say this, Seokmin and Mingyu rushed towards Joshua to get a glance too. Joshua hurriedly turned off the phone and stood up, “Don’t mention this in front of Soonyoung. You know him, he might get mad. I’m going to return the phone to him, I don’t want a single word coming out of your mouths. Understand?” 
The younger ones nodded their heads and looked at each other excitedly. Joshua headed back to his room and returned the phone to hoshi on the way.
 “Okayy guys, let’s take a water break.” Soonyoung announced to the rest of the group. They all stopped, panting and making their way towards their water bottles. Soonyoung sat down as he downed his bottle when he heard his phone ringing. 
____ Calling..
____ never calls in the middle of practice. He had made sure to tell her he wouldn’t be coming over today due to practice. Worried, he picked up his phone and rushed out of the studio to answer the call.
He heard your sleepy voice on the other line asking, “Why aren’t you here yet? I’ve been waiting.” “Baby, I told you I wouldn’t be able to make it today. Have you not slept yet?” “Oh yah. I completely forgot. I fell asleep watching Tv and woke up suddenly and I guess I just felt sort of disoriented. Sorry to disturb you.” “It’s okay, go to sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Byeee” 
He hung up the phone and went back into the studio. The rest of the members were sitting and seemed to be in a deep conversation with each other. 
“What’s going on here?”
“Oh nothing, just discussing that pretty girl whose pictures you had on your phone.” 
“SEUNGKWAN! WHAT THE HELL!” Seokmin yelled as he smacked him on the back of his head. Seungkwan’s eyes grew big as he realised what he had said aloud. 
“OH NO! FORGET WHAT I SAID.” Everyone sighed and looked at Hoshi, expecting him to blow up.
“Let’s get back to work now.” Soonyoung said gently and everyone hurried back to their positions, slightly surprised that he didn’t react they way they had expected.
“Hello baby, what’s up?” You answered the phone. “___ why don’t you come over to the dorm today. The members have all gone out to do their own stuff.” “Oh really? It’s been a while since I’ve been over. Okay, I’ll see you in a bit. Byee” You hung up the phone and got ready to leave.
You were lying on Soonyoung’s chest as he played with your hair. You looked up at him and rested your chin on him as you asked, “Are you hungry? I’m starving. Let’s order some food?” 
“Sure” As soon as he said that you turned to the other side and put on his T-shirt. You got up and rushed out to call the restaurant as he followed while simultaneously pulling on his boxers. 
Once, takeout arrived, you both started gobbling up the food. “Sex really does make you hungry ___” Soonyoung laughs. “Shut up will you? When are the members coming back? I’ll have to leave before that” 
“They texted me and said they’ll take longer.” He said and picked you up, making you straddle him. You looked at each other and slowly kissed. The kiss soon turned hungrier and sloppy when you heard a bunch of footsteps walking towards you both. 
You suddenly stopped, shocked and tried to get off his lap as fast as you could. Soonyoung’s grip grew tighter as he forced you to stop moving.
You turned and looked at all the members staring at you absolutely gobsmacked.
“What the fuck did I just see?”Minghao says.
“Aren’t you the girl who we saw on his phone. OH MY GOD ARE YOU GUYS SEEING THIS??” Seungkwan screamed.
“Okay, I guess it's finally time to çome out and just say it. Im sorry ___ I didn’t tell you first before taking this decision” He put you aside and stood up, pulling you towards him by the waist.
“Guys meet ___, ___ meet the guys. We’ve been dating for two years and that’s it”
The guys and you looked at each other with eyes wider than the sun.
“Uhmm Hi” You gave them the most awkward wave.
“Hi- Sorry for interruping your- uhh whatever that you-- uh- were doing” Dino said
“Okay, we are done for today, let’s talk about this over dinner. Shoo Shoo.” Jeonghan said and everyone moved away, whispering to each other.
Soonyoung and you looked at each other, “Playtimes over I guess” you giggle as you peck his lips and move to finish your dinner and get to know his friends for the first time. 
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vapid-slut · 4 years
Perfect Harmony; Ch.1
Warning[s]: Swearing, Michael being a dirty bitch
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: Entering her senior year as a cheerio, the reader is excited to combine both her love of music and her newfound popularity. To Michael, however, this is the perfect opportunity to fuck with his innocent neighbor
A/N: Can we say, I hate this, because I really do. I have no idea what has compelled me to post this dumpster, just know that if you read this, no u didn’t <3 + I did not proofread this so if theres any typos I’m so sorry, I’m running on 4 hrs of sleep and 5 cups of coffee
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Music was your life. Your parents often joked that you were singing before you uttered your first word. Unfortunately, there were no music clubs during your past two years of high school. It was only last year that you and the glee club won nationals, hence why you were able to keep funding. School administration was never really fond of the arts, but they would bend over backward to give the sports clubs whatever they needed.
Your biggest dream was to get a scholarship, preferably for music, since you excelled at it. All your life, you watched your father slave away to keep you happy. You just wanted to repay his kindness. Abruptly, your dream, which entailed you winning a grammy, was disrupted by the ringing of your alarm clock. Your arm stretched over to your nightstand, turning the device off, bringing the sound to a halt.
Slowly, you removed the sheets off your body, standing up for a brief stretch before walking to your bathroom. You went about your morning routine much quicker than you typically would. Mostly due to your excitement, this year would be the first that you spent closer to the top of the social food chain. Over the summer, your dad became fast friends with Coach Sylvester. She had come over a few times. And although their relationship was strictly platonic, they both had grown fond of each other. A week before school, she offered you a spot on the cheerios, one you couldn't turn down. Cheerleaders were at the very top of the pyramid. Girls wanted to be them while boys wanted to be with them.
Once you had finished doing the bare necessities your morning required, you hastily made your way to your closet, immediately reaching for one of the three cheerleading uniforms hanging on the rack. You stripped out of your pajamas before slipping into the skimpy skirt, unaware that you had an admirer. Michael had moved next door a few months into your freshman year, was a rather charming boy. He quickly became a hot commodity, no doubt due to how impeccably handsome he was. You were never too fond of him, but even you had to admit that he was a divine sight.
It never truly bothered you that the window into your room was straight across from the one piercing into his. But if you could see the look of satisfaction on his face as he watched you undress, you'd feel very unnerved. The boy had always felt attracted to you. He saw you as a challenge. You were one of the few students in your grade who was still a virgin. Not due to your looks, you frankly didn't have the time to go to parties or hook up with people. Your focus was on your education. And if getting into a great school meant sacrificing your social life, you were content with that.
Once you had finished getting your uniform on and slicking your hair into a neat updo, you gathered your things into your bag and hurried downstairs for breakfast. "Mornin' kiddo!" Your dad said, greeting you with a smile. You muttered a cheerful 'hey' in response, walking towards one of the cabinets full of cereal boxes. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. My car had to get fixed up last night so, I'll have to take yours today." You shrugged as a reply, not caring. "So am I taking the bus today?" Your father shook his head, reaching for a spoon at the same time. "No. That nice boy next door offered to give you a ride today. Isn't that sweet?"
Fuck- you thought to yourself, of course, the universe found some way to screw up your day. You took a long sigh before shifting your eyes to the clock on the wall. "Shit! I'm sorry, dad. I'd love to eat breakfast, but the Glee meeting starts in 20 minutes." Your dad shrugged, not too bothered. "It's fine, go have fun and tell Michael I said hello." You nodded to your old man, and with that, you were up and out the door.
As soon as you stepped foot outside, there he was. Hair perfectly curled, toothpick dangling from his soft lips. You sighed, walking towards the blonde, waiting for him to get out of the way. "Wow, you become a cheerleader, and now you think you're hot shit?" He spat, you gave him a death glare before pushing him lightly to get inside the car. He followed suit, taking his place in the driver's seat. "As much as I find you annoying, your ass does look great in that skirt." You scoffed, rolling your eyes at the boy as he started driving. "Listen up, Pillsbury fuckboy. Though this might seem hard to understand, I don't like you. And I'd rather not spend my senior year arguing with someone as unbearable as you, so can you please leave me alone?!"
The blonde chuckled at your response. Your mouth said one thing while your thoughts said another. "Your wish is my command." He mumbled sarcastically before reaching to turn up the music on the radio to an obscene volume. The rest of the car ride was entirely uneventful, neither of you uttering a word to each other. Ultimately, you had reached the school parking lot. Not many cars were there since it was early, and only a few clubs were meeting today. Before Michael could do anything, you swiftly got out the car, making sure to slam it loudly. "Don't fucking slam the door!" He said, his voice reaching you even though you were still walking, in response you promptly flipped him off. "Fucking bitch." He uttered lowly as you slowly left his field of view.
"Welcome back, New Directions!" Glee's coach, Mr.Shue, said as you embraced your friends. "As you know, this will be our last year together, and a few of our beloved friends have left for college already. Which means we'll be having auditions for some newcomers." As he spoke, he walked over to the whiteboard, grabbing his trusted magic marker. "But there's a twist." You and everyone else in the room watched as he wrote out the words American Idol. "This time, you'll be judging with me."
You would typically be seated next to Tina and Mercedes, but they were both absent for the meeting. Instead, you sat with Santana on your left and Quinn to your right. You had to admit that it felt nice. Usually, you wouldn't ponder on things so benign. But you had spent most of high school getting teased by Michael and the rest of his sought after friends. Not a day went by that slushies weren't thrown in your face, now you could finally walk the halls without fear of humiliation. 
Besides that, you were also really ecstatic to help Mr. Shue with auditions. Glee club was what had brought a group of entirely different people together. So you'd be more than glad to share that with a new ensemble of students before you all went your final ways.
The rest of your day went by quicker than usual. There wasn't much to learn on the first day. Once the clock hit 3:30, You rushed to the auditorium as if your life depended on it. You had to admit that you missed the stage, singing, and dancing with your friends. You made your way the middle of the seating area, taking your place beside Artie.
A majority of the auditions were lackluster. Only a handful stood out. Like that girl Marley and that kid Jake. You were just about ready to leave and go home until something caught your attention. "Michael Langdon?" Your eyes lit up immediately as you heard the name. You watched as the blue-eyed boy made his way to the stage, smug look on his face.
There was no way in hell Michael fucking Langdon, the same boy who referred to glee as "homo explosion," would ever willingly audition. His rendition of "Suit and Tie" was incredible, which only pissed you off more. Not only was he insanely attractive, but he just had to be talented too, fucking men.
You watched as your fellow glee members watched in amusement. It was the girls who seemed most excited.  Eventually, it all became too much, and before the boy could finish entertaining your friends, you stormed off into the parking lot. Far too upset with the blonde to drive home with him, you sent your friend Mike a text asking if he could get you. He lived pretty close to the school, so you knew it would only take a few minutes.
By the time Mike had pulled up to the building, the other glee kids were exiting. You quickly reached for the door of his car, rushing to get to the passenger seat. "You alright?" He asked, worried by how fidgety you were. You nodded. "Yea, I just wanna go home." Mike was always very comforting. The two of you became friends during your freshman year, mostly because of how many classes you shared. You both had a love for music and were smart, so it wasn't long before you two clicked.
Within a few minutes, you had arrived at your house, Mike flashing you a smile. "Thank you for coming to get me. It means a lot." The dark-haired boy shrugged. "It's no biggie, see you tomorrow, cheerio." You rolled your eyes sarcastically. "Whatever, jock-face." And with that, you entered your home.
The house was currently empty. He was taking the night shift at the hospital so, he probably wouldn't come back till late at night. You walked up the stairs to your room, dropping your bag on the floor. After everything that had gone down today, you were exhausted. You quickly took off the scanty cheer uniform and slipped on your much softer penguin pajamas.
You practically threw yourself on the bed, hoping to get some rest, but were promptly distracted by a notification on your phone. The text, from an unknown number nonetheless, read 'look outside your window.' You quickly sat up, confused, and turned your head only for your eyes to be met by Michael Langdon, who just happened to be balls deep inside some random brunette. 
You gave the boy a disgusted look before pulling down your blinds. Never in your life had you been more repulsed. Your mind tried long and hard to block out any memory of what you just witnessed. After around forty-five minutes, you received another text message from non-other than Michael.
'It's a shame you missed my performance."
'Go fuck yourself, Langdon.'
'If you say so ;)'
The rest of the night, you wondered what you had done to be the new subject of Mr. Pillsbury Fuckboys torment. You had spent most of your high school years avoiding him at cost. Suddenly it seemed like you weren't getting rid of him anytime soon. You were just lucky you only had to endure this for a few more months, and then you'd be on your way.
Or so you thought.
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