#*with my arms wide open* i am this dumb guys
castieldelamancha · 1 year
"Well?" Dean asks as soon as Castiel leans back against the side of the impala next to where he is standing, "Got anything from the kids?"
Castiel actually nods and Dean feels a surge of pride, he is getting so good at the whole hunting thing and maybe Dean as bad of a teacher as he believed himself to be, "here, have a look." And right then is when the pride he was feeling is replaced by confusion, as Castiel moves back the sleeve of his trench coat and shows him a bracelet. Made out of a string of colorful green wool and decorated with mismatched beads, that aren't enough to cover the whole string and come in different sizes. "Are you familiar with the concept of friendship bracelets? Because I wasn't."
"I meant about the case, Cas."
Castiel shakes his head, lowering his arm, "nothing but a children's version of the local legends we have been hearing since we arrived. They didn't see or hear anything that night."
"Great," Dean huffs, "I've nothing either, let's hope Sam has had more luck." He side-eyes Cas, he is back to staring at the bracelet, Dean smiles amused and bumps their shoulders together, reaching to touch one of the beads, "at least you got something out of all this, sweetheart." Castiel smiles at him, a small thing that doesn't ease the clear worry in his features, he reassures him with a hand on his shoulder, they will do all they can to make sure this town doesn't lose another one of its children, "I didn't have any friends back then, apart from Sammy but that little brat never made one of these for me, so I never had one, but I knew of them." He didn't spend much time at one place to attend school regularly, but the days he spent there, and wasn't avoiding going to class, he could see the popular girls wearing them, he thought it was kind of stupid but, well, he never got the chance to be a stupid teenager himself, so maybe that's why he didn't see the point of them or many other things the other kids did.
Castiel's face seems to light up at that, which okay, weird, especially because anytime Dean refers to his childhood all he can see in his blue eyes is sadness, anger sometimes, a boundless empathy, he reaches into one of his pockets and fishes out another bracelet, "I can change that, unless you think it's too late."
Dean reaches out for it and Castiel gives it to him, he observes it, for a moment, this one looks properly done, blue and green beads intercalating along a brown string, two of the beads are different than the rest, they are white, one has a D and the other one a C, both black. He clears his throat, closing his fist around the bracelet, "thanks, Cas."
Castiel simply leans in and kisses his cheek, walking away to go sit inside the impala.
Sam is going to ask about the bracelet hanging from the rearview mirror, but one look from Dean is enough to let him know such questions aren't welcome.
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wannabeanotter · 4 months
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Fucking tops. It's Friday, nearly midnight and instead of dancing I'm stuck in the washroom at a gay club, hiding from some shithead.
"Tops, right?"
Next to me is a tall guy in a flannel shirt. He's pretty hot, but, urgh, he's the last thing I want to be thinking of right now.
"Yeah," I try to sound chatty, but it's clear I'm pretty annoyed "How did you know?"
He turns to me and crosses his arms, grinning, "Oh, you know. What happened? I bet you have loads of guys chasing after you"
It's true. I mean, look at this ass
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"Urgh. This guy grabbed me from behind and started grinding against me. Can you believe it?? He didn't even ask, all I did was wink at him."
"Hmphh, you winked at him? Sounds like he was giving you what you wanted. You know, all you bottoms are the same. Needy. Demanding. Seeing real men as just dumb grunting animals. Maybe that guy was trying to do you a favour?"
I groan and turn around to leave "Oh, fuck you." Just what I need, another smug shithead.
He heckles me from behind. "God, twinks like you are so fucking lame. Maybe we're fed up of being nagged all the time?". He sounds kinda angry, but I ignore him, and roll my eyes.
"You know what, grab your dick."
I freeze, and my eyes go wide with shock. Why am I so shaken? That's not the worst thing I've heard at a club. I try to move but I can't, I just sputter, "Wh- what?? I'm not doing that"
He grins, "I'm not asking"
I feel something pull against my pants, but I look down and see it's my own arm
"WHAT THE FUCK! Are you... you're doing this?" My arm creeps down, playfully running my fingers over my tight stomach, and slips down through my waist band.
"Haha, yeah I am bro. So, bottom bottom bottom. What to do with you. What if I open your eyes a little?"
I, I start to shake. Something in me feels good. Beefy guys start to flash through my mind, and whatever's taken over my hand knows what it's doing down there. Athletes, wrestlers, big bulges in tight clothes...
"Here's the thing. There's enough brats like you around here bro. Someone's gotta do something. Think of it like, uh, giving back to the community."
The images in my mind start to change. The models get smaller, swapping out athletes for tight twinks in tighter shorts. Instead of biceps, I'm thinking of big, curvy asses, and my hand... I can't control myself. I wanna grab someone, anyone, and start grinding.
But then, one of my crushes slides by - Jason, a HUGE wrestler on my college team. Biggest pecs I have seen in my life. Thank fuck, finally, a real man. He looks at me with his big, brown eyes and oh my god, my heart flutters. I look up at him and in my mind I start to walk towards him
The guy in the flannels shirt is egging me on, "Go on, do it." How does he know what I'm thinking? Whatever.
I reach out, and Jason smiles. That big, goofy, handsome grin... and then he turns around. He gets down on the mats, on his hands and knees, raising his big, firm ass into the air. I'm looking right at it.
I squirm. "Oh god. No. No no no no no"
"Uh, actually, yes." The guy in the washroom grins. "I want you to be a dumb, grunting animal, you will do that for me. Are you starting to understand?"
I lean down over the sink, but in my fantasy I fall against Jason. I hold him tight, pinning his big sweaty form down against the mats. At first, there's barely anything I can do to control him - he's WAY bigger than me, but soon I start to feel... bolder. Firmer. He tries to roll me over, but I slip my arm around his shoulder and a vein pops up over my bicep. My legs strain and my glutes start to stretch. Fuck, my whole body is throbbing.
I grunt, and slam him downwards, which gives moment to catch my breathe. Does he feel less sweaty? I wipe my forehead. Wait, am I more sweaty?
"Yeah bro. I know what you're thinking, I know how much you love guys after they've worked out. Damp clothes, that manly smell... it's exactly what every bottom wants these days. Now it's yours"
We twist around each other, and I reach my arms across his body. Wait, all the way around? His shoulders have gotten smaller, thinner... twinkier. And, well, mine are the opposite. He lunges, but I grapple him. All the mass has gone from his legs, meanwhile, my biceps are big enough to crack a skull.
"I want to make you a real fuckboy, you know? Someone who just thinks with his dick. Gym, sex, gym, sex, gym, sex... I want you to always be turned on, I want it to control you, I want you to never get a break."
I've got him, firm between my legs. Jason's tiny now, the same size I was 2 minutes ago, and I start to grind my bulge against his soft, bubbly ass. Fuck. Fuck! It's so good. This is the best fantasy I've ever had in my life. I want to fuck him so bad.
My whole body is throbbing, shaking. Blood is pulsing through my, through my everything. Fuuuuuck. I feel almost dizzy. Everything about this almost feels real. I go to lift up my shirt, but it's gone, and I run my other hand over my stomach. It's like I can really feel the abs
I cum. Oh my god, did I just cum in a... a washroom at a night club? And, I was thinking about topping a guy??
"Ahem". I turn to stare at the guy next to me. He looks pleased with himself. Very pleased.
"There bro! How do you look?"
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I look in the mirror, and it hits me like a fucking brick. My body... my clothes. Oh my god, everything's gone. THAT WAS REAL? I look like some stupid fuckboy. Am I a stupid fuckboy? Is that a JOCKSTRAP? My jeans are gone, now just a pair of shorts. Very short shorts. Is that it? Is that all I'm wearing? Over the top of my huge pecs I see my converses are gone too, swapped out for some worn down gym shoes.
This can't be real. If it is, my boyfriend is 100% going to break up with me. How do I even explain this? That I'm like, ripped now? No, wait... that's not it. I try to imagine him topping me but, but, fuck, it feels so gross. A total turnoff
"Of course you don't want to let him top you. You're not a bottom anymore... that's kind of the whole point."
But he would never let me top him. But maybe we don't need to have sex for a while. That wouldn't be so bad, would it...
"AHAHAHA, sorry, with your new sex drive? What part of a fucking animal don't you understand"
There's no way he would want to stay with a horny fuckboy, but, but...
what if I am a stupid fuckboy? I'm already thinking of a nice, tight twink. I'm not that interested in him anyway - he's too tall, too beefy. All the guys I saw earlier are racing through my head. The skinny guy I danced with with the great ass, that cute short one by the bar... urgh, he had those perfect legs, that cute crop top, tight stomach... I bite my lower lip and reach down...
I start hyperventilating. "This isn't me. I'm not a jock, I am ABSOLUTELY not a top. And," I lift up my arm, "there's no way I actually smell like this"
He laughs, like he's having the fucking time of his life. Maybe he is. "HAHA, sorry dude, yeah you do. And, yeah, you are. Think of that fuck stick like a gift, not just to you, but also to every cute boy you see on grindr. You'll get used to it, trust me"
His words flood my head... I imagine scrolling through the app in bed later, looking at the sea of boys all desperate for me... I reach down again...
"NO! Fuck! Make it stop. Why are you doing this to me?!!"
He pauses for a moment, then sighs and shakes his head. His expression... he's looking at me like he thinks I'm stupid. Does he think I'm stupid? No way - this motherfucker!
"Really? I know I fried a few wires up there dude, but you cannot seriously be asking that. Why do you think I'm doing it?"
"I - I..." I can't find any words. I really don't know. I just don't fucking get it. He's ruining my body, my LIFE, and for what? Fun? Revenge?
But he laughs, and looks at me. I'd think he was being pitiful if he wasn't grinning so fucking hard.
"Bro," he says, "I'm doing this because I think it's hot."
My heart sinks. "You're doing this because, because it fucking turns you on? Don't you give a shit about me at ALL?? I'm going to lose my boyfriend, I'm trapped in this horny, sweaty, disgusting body..."
"Just stop complaining. You know, so what if you don't get in a say in this! Sometimes you just gotta take what life gives you, and right now that's a huge fucking cock"
I feel like I'm about to burst out crying. He grabs my new, boyish face, and pulls it up towards his. "So, yah! Glad I could clear that up," he laughs, "Look, ok, this isn't gonna work if you're gonna be such a fucking loser about it. It's also not gonna work out if you don't work out - you gotta be going to the gym from now on. Those biceps, those pecs... you're chiseled like a statue and I'm not gonna let those new muscles go to waste. You need to be in there DAILY."
He gives my cheeks a squeeze, then lets me go. I clutch my face. It feels different, unfamiliar. Am I crying?
"URGH, bro, will you just quit looking at me like that. Puppy dog eyes, I shouldn't have made you so fucking handsome... Look, I'm gonna give you one last chance, ok: cheer up, right fucking now, or else I'm gonna have to do some rewiring. Right now, all your decisions are being made up there", he flicks my forehead, and then he smirks and grabs my crotch. "But, if I flick the switch, this guy gets to do all the thinking. You'll be so dumb, so horny, HAH, you'll be drooling over your own dick. A real fucking animal. Got it?"
If I don't get a grip, it's over for me. But what do I do? I gulp, and try to swallow my tears. I wash my face a little in the sink. He stares down at me, and the two of us stand in silence. It feels like forever, but it must have been just a minute.
I look up at him, and let out a squeak. "Yeah. You're right. I got it"
"No." he says "I don't think you do."
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Damnnnnn, look at these pecs. Fuck, what was I doing? Whatever, I gotta get back out there. See if that blonde guy by the bar is taken. Just thinking of him and his ass makes me wanna... I grab my crotch, and let out a moan.
Wait, is that cum? Yoo how did I not realise. I clean myself up and slide my waistband back over my jockstrap, letting it snap into place against my cum gutters. I flex, and light shines off my glistening, sweaty muscles - if someone were to see me now, they'd think I was a greek statue. These strong, firm thighs, the perfect curve of my glutes... these shoulders look like they were made by fucking Michelangelo.
Nah, I'm way better than that. A statue doesn't have a dick. See you at the club, bro
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cozmiccass · 1 year
ʀᴜɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅsʜɪᴘ
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ʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ : sᴍᴜᴛ ☠︎ ᴀɴɢsᴛ ✩
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*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
YOU WERE HOME ALONE when the guy you've grown to love showed up at your door reeking of booze and pot. leave it to eddie munson to still look hot as fuck when he's drunk off his ass. his curly hair was sticking to his forehead, no doubt from the performance he just put on at the hideout.
"hey, babyyyy," he exclaimed as you opened your front door, he was leaned against the doorway with a wide smile on his rosey face. his sweet button nose the reddest of all and you just wanted to kiss it(even if you were slightly annoyed).
"hi, eddie," a less than amused tone came from your pouty pink lips as you crossed your arms. you knew he was a grown man, but you worried about him all the same.
"awe, sweetheart, please don't be mad at me..." his bottom lip stuck out with intent. eddie kicked his shoes off like he did every other time he came and sauntered towards you and you couldn't help but feel a little timid, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks.
you began to walk backwards, careful not to topple over any furniture. "i'm not mad, i just worry about you, dickhead."
eddie looked at you sadly but also with a slight glint of mischief in his eyes and let his fingers graze your jaw momentarily, "you wound me, princess" then, his right hand went to his chest while the other found his forehead dramatically. the silly boy stumbled onto your couch with a solid FLOP! nearly hitting his head on your side table.
"i wound you, huh? i'm the one that has to take care of your dumb ass when you get like this. nearly every weekend, i might add," your eyes rolled at him as you sat between his legs, one up on the couch and the other lazily draped off the cushion. you couldn't believe him, you loved him; you would never do anything to hurt him. truthfully, you'd do just about anything for him.
"i wouldn't want anyone else to, ya' know," suddenly serious chocolate eyes bored into yours before a wide grin appeared across his pretty features. "i may be drunk, but i'm not stupid, well, i am, but you get it!"
"you're not stupid, eddie." one of your hands found his thigh and you squeezed lovingly, earning a little jump from the metal head. "let me get you some water, okay?"
you walked the short distance to the kitchen, noticing that eddie was staring ass. a smirk played upon your lips, "what was that?" eddie wasn't the only ornery one around here and flirting with him was one of your specialties. it always surprised him when you made the first move.
"hmm?" he quickly decided to play dumb, rubbing his eyes and trying to pull off a horridly fake yawn that ended up turning into a real one.
"you got caught, eddie, no need to lie to me." you laughed lightly, "i know my ass looks great in these shorts."
"yeah, no kidding, 'ts like you knew i was coming over here or something." it was hardly loud enough for you to hear, but boy did you hear it.
and you definitely did wear them for him. every saturday night he would play at the hideout, he would come to you, drunk as a skunk, and you would make sure he didn't have a hangover the next morning, or at least baby the hangover that was to come. so yes, you wore the smallest shorts and the most see-through top you owned.
all for eddie.
"and if i did?" you found your way back to the sofa and kneeled next to him on the floor. you looked up at him through heavy lashes. your mind was screaming, retreat, retreat! but you stayed. you didn't know where the sudden courage had come from, but there you were, so close...
"well then that would be fuckin' awesome, sweetheart," a goofy grin appeared once again; he was still decently drunk. his ring-clad hand covered his blushing face, "but you're wayyyy too pretty to do that for lil' ole' me!"
"that's not true, now drink your water," eddie sat up on his elbows before you handed him the cup. you watched him take gulp after satisfying gulp, adam's apple bobbing, and some droplets coming from the side of his mouth. you wanted to lick them up desperately. 
he let out a refreshed "ahh" before handing the cup back to you with another cheesy smile. you accepted it back and got some more for him, but only this time came back with some tylenol and crackers. this was practically a ritual by now.
you enjoyed that eddie came to you every weekend. it gave you a certain satisfaction knowing he wasn't going home with anyone else.
"you're too good to me, sweetheart. what did i do to deserve you?" he sat up fully before taking the items out of your hand graciously and downing the medicine before looking at you with soft eyes. an emotion you couldn't read was displayed within those chocolate irises. "seriously. no one has a better best friend than me."
the words stung, but eddie was a free soul. you didn't ever want to stop him from being who he was, so you never told him how you felt. little did you know, he felt the same way about you.
"best friends forever, right?" a bruised tone left your lips and eddie picked up on it instantly. you could hide nothing from that boy nor did you necessarily try to in that moment.
"hey, what's that for?" he strummed your bottom lip sweetly as he frowned.
you brushed him off with a half laugh that wasn't nearly believable enough and he was forced to pry it out of you. "if you don't tell me, i'll have to make you tell me," he playfully threatened, but it only added to your ever growing frustration. a heat rising in your belly and headed straight to your warm gushy canter.
the way he spoke, how his hair fell somehow perfectly and so messily at the same time, the light freckles that sprinkled his pink cheeks and nose; it was all too much for you to handle. too much for you to pretend to not be obsessed over.
"if i tell you something you don't know about me, you have to tell me what's going on in that pretty, brooding brain of yours, mmkay?" he tapped your forehead and then your nose, finally making you crack a real smile. "or i can just tickle it out of you and we all know you just love that."
the way eddie could make light of any situation would always be something you loved so dearly about him.
"i'm so not brooding, but fine," you huffed like the complete brat you are. "it better be a good secret then."
"oh, it is, but you have to swear you won't be weird after." the flirty smile he gave you made your heart do a thousand flips. he'd probably just tell you he jacks off to farrah fawcett or something.
eddie, already feeling a little more sober, readjusted himself on the couch, " okay, so," he clapped his hands together dramatically, "when we were both seniors... i had, like, a massivecrushonyou. okay! now you!" the words came out as one, hoping you would just not understand him somehow.  it failed royally.
but it was true, he'd had a crush on you since your senior year/his second senior year. you had always been so kind to him and never made him feel less than you in any way. it was refreshing and he only wished he had gotten to know you sooner.
it wasn't until you turned twenty-one and him twenty-two that you became more closely acquainted. you and your other friends would go to the hideout on the weekends just to watch eddie play in his band. you thought they were the coolest and you were peer pressured into talking to him by robin buckley. she would always claim that you were "oogling him." you definitely were, but you'd deny it til you were blue in the face.
you got a little bit older and decided you would much rather stay home than party, but eddie had a reputation to uphold and a stage to rock. of course, that didn't stop him from visiting when he could, ie., that night and every other saturday. it was like a bootycall, but less sex. much less sex.
you were happy to take whatever he gave you though.
stolen not-so-secret glances, light touches that felt like flames dancing on your skin, harmless kisses on the cheek when you said your goodbyes and hellos. you could've been happy with the little things forever...
until that fateful night, that is. the way he was sat there, sappy eyes practically begging you to make the first move.
but still, your running mind hadn't entirely processed what he just said, so you were a little dumbfounded. "you what?!"
"yeah, yeah, you were pretty and nice to me and i thought you were cool as hell, so whatever. it's cool. your turn." he tried brushing it off so quickly that it made you wonder if he maybe still had that crush... but no way.
"you liked me?" the blush formed quicker and much hotter than you anticipated and eddie saw. not to mention the wetness that was forming between your thighs as you tried not to be too obvious about rubbing them together.
"well, how could i not?" his thumb softly stroked your chin and your heart was beating out of your chest. "you're a catch, princess."
the sly smirk eddie gave you made you certain he knew the effect he had on you. eddie got shamelessly flirty with you when he drank which was a very big reason you kept allowing him to come over like this. that night felt so different though.
he leaned forward so his lips came dangerously close to you, "now, it's your turn, tell me what's got you so grumpy, baby."
eddie started to pull away, but the eye contact had engulfed you so intensely that you didn't even realize that you had reached for his face.
there was no going back now.
with a sudden surge of confidence, you caressed his cheek, "i don't just want to be your best friend, eddie." just as quickly, your lip quivered in anticipation of the rejection you felt you were going to receive.
eddie's eyes flicked to your mouth as he gently grabbed your hand and brought it to his mouth before he kissed it, "then what do you want to be?"
"i want to be everything," your breath staggered and your faces were so close.
"do you know how fucking long i've waited for you to say that?" his eyes screamed of hunger and lust.
"so do something about it,"
it was almost embarrassing how quickly you were ripped into the metal head's lap, but at that point you couldn't give a fuck less.
your legs were on either side of him while his hands gripped onto your love-handles. your cunt throbbed at the way his dick was pressing against you, only a few layers between you. the need to kiss him was almost unbearable, but passing that threshold meant changing everything forever. but who were you kidding? everything was already changed forever.
luckily, eddie didn't seem to mind as much as you did as he crashed his lips into yours; the movement was that of an ocean, not rough, but also not quite calm either. the taste of tobacco and beer, but so much more delicious and just as addictive. you felt as though your purpose in life was to kiss this man, to feel his tongue dance with yours, to mold your lips to his plump ones.
eddie's grasp on your hips went from secure to deadly as he made your clothed clit drag along his very prominent hard-on. the back and forth was delectable, but you could see him growing more and more impatient.
being on top didn't last long for you when he swiped you at the back of your knees and landing rather roughly onto your back. one of his silver-clad hands traveled heavily down your body and back up to your lips. he put his thumb at the edge of your mouth, "you're so fucking pretty, you know that? i don't know what you're doing with me."
instead of trying to reassure him with words, you took his thick thumb in your mouth and sucked, flicking your tongue around and around. neither of you dropped eye contact and you don't think you'd ever been so turned on in your life.
eddie let out a shaky breath, "fuck..."
he slowly dragged his thumb to strum your bottom lip and moved his hand to your throat and you basked in it. "you really want this, baby?"
all it took from you was a nod and eddie was ready to go. a split second and he was practically mauling your neck, but it wasn't sloppy. the kisses were deliberate and placed with the utmost care, hot and wet. his breath made you shiver as you brought your hands to his back making scratches through his hellfire shirt. you were practically begging for him to take it off, but it wasn't good enough. he needed words.
"what do you need, sweetheart. tell me and i'll give it to you," the devil was in his eyes at this point, they went from that beautiful dark brown that reminded you of hershey syrup to obsidian.
"i need this off," you huffed. "now, please!"
eddie laughed, throwing his head back, his brunette curls bouncing with him. he obliged, though, with no objections whatsoever. in one swift movement you could see his perfectly pale skin, scattered freckles and beauty marks, his do it yourself tattoos that you loved so much, and even a few scars that you weren't sure how they got there. you made a mental note to find out later.
"take a picture, sweetheart. it'll last longer." eddie smirked and you bit your lip. your nails scraped down his now bare chest and he hissed.
you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him close and whispered, "i want you to touch me, eddie, please."
"how can i say no when you asked so nicely?"
eddie slid down your body painfully slow, stopping at the hem of your tiny shirt. he pulled up, giving you time to protest, but you wouldn't dream of telling him no. 
why would you? you felt like you've been waiting your whole life for this moment. this had been a fantasy that you never thought would be made a reality. eddie was the forbidden fruit and you were eve.
he slid your shirt carefully off of you and stared in awe.
"take a picture, sweetheart. it'll last longer," you mocked.
"i'd like to see you mock me after this,"
eddie started at your neck again, leaving bruises with his mouth, trailing to your breasts. he sucked your left nipple in his mouth, teasing you with that talented tongue of his, all while palming your other tit. he made sure to give the same attention to the right.
he made sure to make you squirm as he licked all the way down past your navel. his teeth scraped against your hip bone causing you to squeal.
eddie's head rested between your thighs, so very eager to please. the view from above was heavenly; big glossy button eyes staring up at you like you were the most beautiful, longed for being on earth, an angel sent down just for him to devour.
and devour he did.
he placed hot kisses to both thighs, getting closer and closer to your core with each one.
he wasted no time in stripping you of your underwear before taking that long tongue down the middle of your sopping cunt. the sensation was surreal. you knew you'd been deprived, but one touch had you uncoiling so quickly that it was embarrassing. eddie took it as a win.
your clit was first on his hit list, making sure to learn your body as quickly as he could. he saw which angles contoured your face in pleasure, perfect o's forming on that pretty mouth of yours.
with your fingers tangled in his hair, the tingling feeling built up until you felt that dam in you about to break, "fuck, eddie, i'm-i'm coming."
and just like that, he stopped.
"what the fuck?" you whined.
"do you trust me?" eddie smirked.
"this is going to feel so good, i promise." and for some reason, you believed him.
he took his two most middle fingers through the slick of your pussy and put them in his mouth, moaning at the taste of you. "how did i know you were going to taste like fucking peaches? such a perfect girl."
his same fingers then plunged into your core, moving at an unforgiving pace. they were curling in the most perfect way, hitting your g-spot every. single. time. the moans you were letting out were near pornographic. mewling, squeaking, sighing. and you felt like you were going to piss yourself.
"you feel that, sweetheart? that's it, keep chasing that." he encouraged you until you finally felt that white hot release. liquids gushed from between your thighs, covering eddie in you. you felt like you could pass out from the intensity as you shook. your brain was empty, no words could be formed.
"awe, poor thing, never squirted, have you?" you stared up at the ceiling, completely dumbfounded. when he got no response he chuckled. "i'll take that as a no."
you smiled weakly and covered your face. you'd never came so hard in your life and odds were that more was yet to come(cum).
"well, baby, i'm just getting started, c'mere." he grabbed your waist harshly, pulling you into his face and dug right in again, thus came your second orgasm of the night.
"wanna take care of you too, eddie..." your bottom lip stuck out, exhausted from overstimulation but so ready and willing to please eddie.
"it would be rude of me to decline such a pretty girl, wouldn't it? show me what that mouth does besides talk shit." eddie pulls you up by the nape of your hair and onto your knees on the couch as he stands in front of you. he unbuckles his belt effortlessly and drops his pants and boxers revealing a very pretty cock coming up to slap his stomach.
you couldn't help but gawk. it was nine inches, easy, just the right girth, veiny and such a pretty pink. good enough to fucking eat.
through heavy eyelashes, you look up at him and lick a stripe up the underside of his dick. you give the slit on his swollen head a kitten lick causing him to jolt and moan so quietly, but it still made your thighs clench together.
before you even think about giving anymore attention to his dick, you take his balls in your mouth and suck. eddie takes in a sharp breath, "are you even fucking real, holy fuck."
he groans as your swirl your tongue around being sure to make him feel just as good as he made you.
you replace your mouth with your hand, spitting on it before palming his balls and taking the head of his weeping cock in your willing mouth again. only this time you don't stop there. spits spills off your tongue, making sure to be sloppy. your eyes met eddie's that were already boring into you before you take most of his length into your mouth, almost choking on it.
"fuck, you're so good at that." his ring clad hand finds its way to your hair again and pulls. hard. eddie shoves you back down, his head hitting the back of your throat making you gag. you press your thumbnail into your palm as he face fucks you. tears were streaming down your face.
when he finally pulls you off of him, you're a slobbering mess. your mascara that you had put on just before eddie got there was rubbed into your skin and made you look like a raccoon, but he thought you'd never looked so beautiful. to have you under him with his dick in your mouth, spit running down your chin, shining in the dim light of your living room. he could get used to having you like that.
"my turn." he said and scooped you up to take you to your bedroom. this made your heart fucking pound out of your naked chest. oral was one thing, but actual sex was another; a line that would change everything for the rest of time. you were fooling yourself though. things were already never going to be the same. you both knew that and eddie couldn't have been happier about it.
it felt so right for both of you, like you were finally letting go of all of the worries and doubts you ever had and just leaned into one another.
your metal head kicked the already slightly cracked door open all the way in a truly eddie fashion that made you giggle. he tossed you lightly on the bed and kissed up your thighs, yanking you to the edge of the bed. your legs were hiked up on his chest, spread wide open for him as he spit onto your clit and rubbed it with his thumb. you jerked from the contact on your already sensitive bud.
"you ready, pretty girl?" he smirked and you nodded sheepishly.
eddie lined the head of his dick to your hot center, but not before giving it a gentle slap, and slid in gently. you both moaned as he slid back out and plunged back in harsher. your tits bounced with each thrust he made, his balls slapping against your ass. you were addicted, that much was for sure. you needed eddie's dick every day for the rest of your life.
the sloshing noise your cunt made with each impetus made eddie groan, "so tight, baby. fuck, i can't hold out much longer. you feel too fucking good."
eddie suddenly takes his cock out and flips you over the edge of your bed, ass perfectly aligned to his waist. he grabbed a fistful of your hair with one hand and pushed himself back into you.
the thrusts started out slow, but he knew it was for naught. it wasn't long before his hips were stuttering, "where do y—"
"inside me, eddie. please. been wanting you so bad for so long," you whined, pressing yourself into him. you needed to feel him fill you up to the brim.
"oh, shit!" one final, exasperated pump and he was spilling his warm cum into you and you came with him: a truly ethereal experience. eddie let go of your hair and leaned over you, beaming from ear to ear; post-nut euphoria.
his hands rubbed along your sides sweetly, a contrast to how he was handling you seconds ago. humming in your ear. kissing your shoulder. you definitely felt like you were dreaming.
"you're just so fucking pretty," eddie cooed. you looked over at him shyly about to cover your face with your shaking hands. "don't hide from me, sweetheart."
"i just never thought you felt the same way." you pouted.
"and how do you feel, doll?" long fingers reached to move your hair from your face.
you thought carefully before you said your next words, face completely red with vulnerability, "i feel like i don't wanna do anything like that with anyone else ever again." your eyes shifted from his intense eyes to his chest.
eddie grabbed your chin and forced you to look him in those big, beautiful, now full of passion and love, eyes. his hand cradled your face and lips met yours once more, only much softer.
"and you'll never have to if i have anything to do with it."
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
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paladin--strait · 2 months
soulmates part 2
luke hughes x reader
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part 1 here! series masterlist here!
tw!!: some language, mentions of sex, verbal arguements, use of y/n, reader can be depicted as any body shape/size. this story moves kinda fast, since I want it to only be a couple of parts long.
warning: this is a complete work of fiction. I am no way saying or implying that these people act the way the do in the story. as always, this is really cringey as I'm still figuring out my writing style! I am open to any sort of constructive criticism! thank you for reading and enjoy!
y/n's pov;
the chatter of the lake house game room was loud, just as expected considering the amount of players and their partners that are packed into the smaller room. I was nestled in the corner with a drink tucked in my hand, watching jamie and trevor play a 'friendly' game of pool.
the boys bicker and laugh while they play, joking around with their friends. but the rumble of my hungry stomach is enough to bring me out of my trance of watching the game. I walk to jack, and ask if I can get something to eat, to which he says yes before I make my way to the kitchen.
the kitchen is packed full of yummy foods that can either be cooked and prepared or can just be enjoyed the way they are. I eventually settle on some chips and dip for my small meal, enough to fill me up but enough to leave space for me to eat dinner later.
I soon hear the sound of footsteps traveling down the hall that leads to the kitchen and it catches my attention, pulling me away from my food to see who it is.
its kaitlyn.
and if looks could kill I would be dead right now.
her arms cross against her chest as she stands with purpose. "I don't appreciate you flirting with my boyfriend." she says, slowly. even though her voice is soft, with the tone and the way she says her statement, I know she means business. "I see the way that you look at him and talk to him. he's not interested in you so I hope you can get that through your fat skull quick enough to know not to mess with me." she states, slowly getting louder and closer to me before she laughs and pokes her finger into my forehead.
I stifle back a laugh before I push her finger off of my forehead. oh how I wish she could see that look on her face right now.
her face is red, boiling with anger and jealousy while she breathes huffs of hot and boozy smelling air in my face. I soon can't find the strength to hold back my laugh any longer, and the cackle that escapes my throat is like no other laugh that I've heard leave confines my mouth.
if its even possible, her face turns a deeper red the more I laugh. I can physically see her body twitching and trembling with fury while I'm attempting to calm my laughing fit.
"oh sweetheart, I'm honored that you think I'm fake enough for jack. it seems to be his type considering all the girls he's been with all look like you. plastic."
I'll apologize to jack for that one later.
"listen here you dumb fuck! I could beat the shit out of your fat ass. don't even test me." she yells, not aware of the growing crowd of people behind her, including all of the hughes brothers. "I've been with more guys than you can even think of! and most of them are celebrities. nobody seems to mind that I supposedly look like plastic because I get more dick than a pornstar does anyways! why do you think I'm here? I've hooked up with soccer players, football players, volleyball players, basketball players, and now I'm about to hook up with a hockey player and I will not let you get in my way!" she yells, the grip she has on her brand new iphone getting harder.
"I don't think y/n be the one getting in your way of getting into jack's pants tonight." quinn yells out and kaitlyn freezes, her eyes going wide as she slowly turns to look behind her, seeing that she has attracted everyone in the house. and they all saw her little outburst of jealousy.
"seems the only one stopping you from that is yourself. it looks like you were to busy only thinking about yourself that you can't even pay attention to your surroundings. I bet that you wouldn't even know it if a snake bit you just then." I say with a chuckle. "I also hope that you know that i don't care anything about fucking with jack. I barely know the guy and he's not even my type. but I hope you can think over your life choices in your ride home, bitch."
I barely have time to think over what I'm doing before I 'accidentally' spill a cup of lemonade all over her phone and expensive clothes, causing her to drop it. "oh no...oops!" I say with a smile. her mouth drops open, while she bends down to pick up the phone to see that the screen is completely cracked, sticky from the lemonade, and it won't even turn on. "I guess you can't call an uber. looks like you''ll have to walk home..." I shrug, refilling my cup and looking her while she screams her lungs out at me before running to the door. "make sure you grab your STDs on the way out!" I yell out at her, smiling.
jack came over and thanked me for saving him from in his words, 'such a crazy bitch' and quinn came over to cheer me on for winning my little fight.
"there's the y/n I know!" quinn says, hugging me tight and shaking me.
I laugh and pat him on the shoulder after he pulls away fro. the hug. "thanks for chiming in, quinnifer. I was getting a little worried since I didn't really know what to say." I say with a lighthearted laugh.
we chat a little more about it then decide to let that be in the past and continue to enjoy the rest of our night at the lake house.
people end up leaving to go to their own hotels or air bnb's for bed and the people staying here slowly navigate to their rooms. eventually leaving me and luke in the game room. "wanna go outside and sit on the dock, luke?" I ask with a sigh. it's been awkward between us since we met and I wish that would go stop.
"sure. we can go out on the boat if you want?" he says, and I agree while he walks over the key and coat rack. "you can wear my devils jacket so you don't have to dig through your suitcase to find yours. I usually get it a size or two larger than usual so it's not tight. I don't like tight jackets." he explains while he hands me the jacket. I look at it in my hands and see the devils emblem with his name and number on the chest area. I smile and I feel my face heat up slightly so I look away, trying to hide my blush.
luke and I slip on our jackets as we walk outside onto the dock and closer to the boat. he jumps in and then holds out his hand to help me get in. I thank him and take a seat on one of the built in benches while luke drives the boat out into the lake. "you should come out here with the guys and I sometime. sometimes we bring the jetski's and we just mess around a lot. but other times we just sit and talk. it's a lot of fun." he says, stopping the boat and coming to sit beside me.
"I bet. quinn has already begged me to come out here with you guys tomorrow and I think if I don't come he'll probably kill me." I say with a laugh. "but it sounds like fun so I'll most likely come with you guys." luke laughs along with me and we sit in scilence for a few minutes. just looking around at the stars and the beautifully lit docks from other people's lake houses.
"hey y/n, I'm sorry about earlier. when you came onto the dock to introduce yourself to me? I was really nervous. I'm gonna be honest with you, you're the prettiest girl I've ever met and I was worried that I would fall for you and I was scared about that since I thought you were quinn's girl. he's my brother and if I fell for you while you two were together I don't know what I would do or what quinn would say about it. until he told me that y'all weren't a thing and that he thought we would be perfect together...sorry for being so rude and awkward." luke says, looking up at the stars before looking back down at my wide eyes.
"luke, quinn and I aren't a thing. we never have and never will be. I've always seen quinn as an older brother type of friend. when I met him, I was scared and alone in a club that my friend left me at while she went to hook up with some guy. this man that was way older than me was hitting on me and he wouldn't leave me alone until quinn and brock came up and scared the guy off. he found out I was new to the area and kinda took me under his wing. he's always talked about you and jack so much and I was super excited to meet you guys. he told me not to tell you this when I met you but since it seems he told you the same thing, I guess I'll just say it. but he said that he can see us becoming the perfect couple and that he really wanted for me to meet you so 'he can be right'. those were his words by the way." I explain to luke, watching his eyes go wide. "quinn moved me out of my apartment that I lived in with my ex best friend, moved me into his apartment with him, and got me a job in media with the canucks. he really helped me out and the more time we spent with each other, the more we became best friends. "
luke nods and then asks me some questions about how life was living with quinn and whether if he was a good roommate or not.
"luke. let's get back to what we both said earlier. we both said that quinn told us we would be perfect together, right? I hope you don't think that I just came down here so I could meet you and become your girlfriend and become famous and all that. that wasn't my goal and I hope you don't feel that way because that isn't what I meant for it to seem like." I spit out, rushing my words because I really don't want him to feel that way.
sure, I wanted to meet the person who is my supposed 'soulmate'. but I also wanted to spend time with my best friend and meet all of his friends and family. my fingers twitch and my leg bounces while I wait for his response.
"I didn't think of it that way at all." he responds. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "I just thought you came down here to be with quinn and to meet us. and don't worry about it, I didn't think about you like that at all." he pats my shoulder and laughs.
"okay good." I say with a laugh and look up to look at the stars, "the sky is so clear. it's like you can see every star in the galaxy out here. it's so beautiful"
luke chuckles, "yeah, I agree. the view is beautiful." I turn to look at him while he talks and I realize that he's been looking at me the whole time.
I can feel the heat creeping up my cheeks but I pull the jacket tighter around me to keep my body warm. my eyes widen when I feel luke's arms reach around my waist and pull me into his chest.
"we can go back to the house soon. I just want to stay out here with you for a bit longer." he mutters into my hair, and I wrap my arms around his waist too, getting more comfortable.
I hum and close my eyes, the feeling of sleep overtaking me.
I wake up to luke saying my name and shaking my shoulders. I sit up and stretch, opening my eyes and its bright, the sun hitting my face.
"y/n, we fell asleep on the boat! we need to get back to the house now before quinn kills me." luke yells, turning the keys and starting the boat, driving back to house while I fall in and out of sleep in the seat.
when we get back, luke gets off of the boat and helps me out.
"luke warren hughes! I can't believe you!" quinn yells out, speed walking towards us, his little posse behind him. luke and I's eyes go wide and we look at each other with fear. "I can't believe you two fell asleep on the boat. I called both of you and your phones went off on the couch. what if you ran out of gas last night? how would we have found y'all?" quinn goes on and on about how dangerous it was but luke and I don't listen.
luke gives me a mischievous look and I smile back while giving him a nod. he grabs my hand and runs with me straight past quinn and the rest of the people who followed him and back into the house, running straight for the front door and out to luke's car. we laugh and jump in, taking off down the driveway while quinn is yelling at luke behind us.
"well since he didn't kill me then, he'll definitely kill me later." luke's laughter fills the car and soon mine does too. "so, where are we going? breakfast?" he says, looking over at me, but still keeping his eyes on the road.
"yeah, breakfast sounds great. where though?" I ask. we talk about it and soon settle on a local cafe. one that doesn't get a lot if attention so luke wouldn't be bothered while eating his breakfast.
"I'm scared for you when we go home." I laugh, "you would think that since be wants us to date so bad that he would be okay with us spending time with each other."
luke agrees and we continue chatting while we eat. we talk about what he and jack do in their free time, and what quinn and I do in our free time. I ask him about what type of drills they do during practice and whether or not they skate suicides when they mess up and I ask him lots of other stuff too.
our conversation is going really well and I'm getting to know luke really well. but its all cut short when I make eye contact with a new customer who just walked through the door. its quinn. and he's pissed.
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giuseppe-yuki · 6 days
I just had a stupid thought, just imagine somwone maybe new at Mercedes was bitching at kimi and hia huge tiger girlfriend sitting behind them just waiting for them to finsih and everyone around them snickering
no thought is a stupid thought! i love to receive asks from readers :)
lord help the soul who thinks he’s “better” than kimi just because he’s older and has more “experience” in the field of racing.
kimi antonelli x tiger shapeshifter!gf
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kimi nods, trying to be be polite as the man in front of him elaborates on his skill and practice on the sim brig.
“…since i was literally a baby,” the engineer points out, exaggeratedly gesturing with his arms. “that’s why i know for a fact that you should not be turning like that on turn 4- you should take the outside line.”
scrunching his eyebrows in confusion, kimi blinks at the man in confusedly. “um…okay.”
your boyfriend swivels around on his chair in the garage, trying to end the conversation. however, being too polite to just walk away, he has no choice but to sit there, enduring the ‘words of wisdom’ from this newly hired engineer that everybody knew gave out the most bullshit advice. several long-term engineers shoot him looks of pity at their desks after seeing him trapped in the impractical conversation.
that’s why he brightens up like the sun peeking out behind a cloud when you flounce into the garage in the following moments, pressing a kiss onto his cheek when you reach him.
“hi kimi,” you giggle, ruffling his curls with your hand. “working hard?”
he smiles at you, nodding. “yep! i’m designing mercedes’ next championship winning car,” he jokes.
you laugh, before a voice behind you speaks up. “do you mind? i was just giving him tips on how to drive better out there. it’s simple, really.”
whipping around, you come face to face with a rather young looking lad, who you suppose to be the infamous new-hire that everyone despises.
“oh, sorry,” you say, not feeling sorry at all. “did i cut you off from your conversation with kimi?”
“yeah,” the engineer says, with an air of confidence around him. “i was informing him on the many things he should do better on next time on track. i’ll have you know i have years of experience.”
the gall of this man, you think. that’s no way to talk to my boyfriend.
and when you thought the engineer could be even more repulsive, he opens his mouth yet again.
“by the way, i don’t know how you even got in the garage, but fans are supposed to stay in the paddock,” he sniffs, as if repulsed by the thought of a random kimi enthusiast in the mercedes garage.
even the nearby merc employees raise an eyebrow to the overly-cocky engineer’s comment. it was pretty much common knowledge of your position as kimi’s girlfriend in the paddock, showing up to nearly every event to support him. besides, you literally just gave your boyfriend a kiss on the cheek- a fan couldn’t have possibly done that.
your boyfriend jumps off of his seat, ready to defend you.
“hey! this is my-“ he begins, but you cut him off, squeezing his arm gently.
“really?” you gasp, eyes wide with faux surprise. “i am so sorry! i just wanted a signature from kimi- i had no idea!”
giving you a look of disgust, the engineer gestures behind him towards the exit. “yeah, yeah, dumb mistake, whatever,- just go that way, and make sure to read the signs next time.”
ignoring kimi’s look of surprise and the snickers of knowing engineers, you take your leave from the garage. behind you, you hear the engineer snort. “eugh, fans these days…always so overeager to meet their idols, am i right?”
yeah, someone should really stop you before you bit his head off.
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you pad back into the garage several minutes later, in your tiger form. you had to teach this stupid guy a lesson. gingerly stepping around tires and spare parts, you weave your way through groups of merc employees and engineers. of course, being used to your presence, they give you a few pets on your head.
you hear the engineer’s voice before you see him.
“i also want to say, your tyre management is- how do i put this nicely- horrible.”
turning the corner, you spot a miserable looking kimi picking at his fingernails as he half-listens to the arrogant man in front of him.
at the sight of your aggressive figure- a total 180 from your usual shyer demeanor, the employees surveying the scene start to quietly snicker again.
hearing the laughs, the engineers mistakenly believes that they are laughing with him instead of at him.
“see, even they agree with me,” he chuckles at kimi. “you really should be working on managing your tires on track.”
unable to take it anymore, you sprint towards kimi, purposely nudging the engineer’s chair, knocking it off balance by a little. you nudge your large head underneath kimi’s hand, demanding pets.
the egotistic engineer yelps, almost falling off the tall stool. somehow being the only one not having seen kimi’s ’pet tiger’ before, he stutters out, “a-a-a- tiger!” before fleeing to the opposite of the garage.
you growl at him, purposely flashing your sharp canines at him. it makes you feel smug when he shrinks back even more, cowering behind a spare tire.
kimi rolls his eyes at the man’s extreme reaction. “maybe,” he says pointedly to the engineer while stroking your fur, “instead of you giving me pointers on how to do my literal job, i should be giving you pointers how to control your emotions. like, what are you so scared of? it’s just a tiger!”
when you roar again at the engineer to emphasize kimi’s point, you are pretty sure the engineer nearly pees himself.
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lovverletters · 11 months
Ok so I did send a request idea but im also still thinking about the serial killer guy and im just.
Im so love him so so much and just
Sobbing crying and holding his face gently.
Im so gay. Im such a gay lil man for big scary dude
And I just wanna.... dote on him.
Like ok I mean yes he HAS killed people and all and is kinda super scary
But god my dumb ass with a big heart just seeing him covered in blood and maybe hurt somehow and going like "hey... hey uh... let's get you cleaned up and patched up ok?"
And just being so gentle with him, wiping the blood off and maybe even learning to stitch wounds closed just for him.
Ok so what if maybe he has kidnapped me. He means well I think! Hasn't done anything to hurt me so I mean come on maybe he is lonely and needs some kindness ya know? (Totally not delusional ♡♡♡)
I mean sure it was scary at first and all but like he's a person too right? He's got a heart. He needs some gentle care and love.
Making him a flower crown, putting stickers on his mask and arms, holding his hand gently and just feeling his big palms with my smaller lil hands and treating him with such gentle care.
I am so sappy and gay im sorry
I just love him-
♡Bunny (whos a gay lil idiot♡♡♡)
Yandere! Serial Killer part 2
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A/N : this was supposed to come out on Halloween but um things happens💟 hope you like it! Sorry for the ending heh🐰
T/W : blood, mentioned of murder, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome(?), the reader lowkey kinda insane too, yandere themes.
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
[Name] stared at the screen of the television showcasing a random horror movie absentmindedly, not paying much attention to it as their thoughts were occupied.
It was well past midnight and they were still wide awake.
They were unable to sleep due to the loud thundering sounds of the storm outside and decided to watch a movie instead and hopefully fall asleep to it.
It didn't work obviously as they were currently staring blankly at the scene of a man being brutally murdered by an axe-wielding killer in the movie. It was concerning how they barely reacted to the grotesque scene.
They've seen real horrors before.
[Name] has essentially been desensitised of seeing blood and gore. The sight being far too common nowadays after they met him.
Their ears perked up at the sound of a jingling keys and the doorknob twisting open. He's home. [Name] turned their gaze from the movie to the man who's currently standing at their front door.
"You're back and.. bloodied as usual" They greeted him, eyes trailing over his current state.
Lorn was covered in blood from head to toe, both his and his victim's they presumed. Cuts and scratches littered his muscled arms, some look fairly deep ones as it bled. The killer stood still as a statue all the while [Name] inspected him, he knew [Name] will be angry at him for walking around bathed in blood so he remained glued to his spot.
"Found a tough one. Scratched and sliced me once with a knife. That's why m'so bloodied, had to cut their limbs off f'touching me" He explained, staring at [Name] who were grabbing the items they had kept in the supply closet.
If they had not known better, they would've thought he was innocent, incapable of harm as he stared at them through his red horned mask with those adoring eyes. Who would've thought that the infamous Lovelorn killer was a small puppy towards his object of affection.
"Come here, let's get you cleaned and patched up. Wouldn't want you to bleed everywhere, blood is hard to get out of carpet okay?" They motioned him to strip his clothes off and dump it in the basin of clothes to be washed separately.
As they wiped the blood off of Lorn, stitched and wrapped him up in bandages they were overcome by a realisation. Something feels off about themselves. A normal person would've screamed bloody murder and ran to the police but here they are pampering a serial killer who they are living with.
'I might be insane myself' they thought to themselves, chuckling humourlessly.
It had been months since they were locked inside this house with only Lorn as a company. They were protesting at first, demanding to be freed but even then deep down they didn't really care. [Name] only did it because it's what they thought a sane person would do.
Maybe they and Lorn aren't that different.
[Name] snapped out of their thoughts when a rough hand were placed on their jaw, the touch so gentle they barely feel it.
"What's wrong?" Lorn was looking at them with those eyes again.
They shook their head and smiled, continuing their work of stitching up closed a cut on his arm. After they were done, Lorn stood up and englufed them in a hug, their sizes difference were apparent as he towers over them with his muscular built.
"Thank you. I love you so much, [Name]" He said, burying his face on their hair.
They pat his back and suddenly a thought crept up in their mind. They bit their lip as they contemplate on wether to ask him or not.
Fuck it.
"Hey, Lorn?" He hummed in reply, too busy mooching off their warmth.
"Why don't I join you the next time you went out for a kill?"
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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Seen your 1000 celebration congrats! 🎉
Here’s my request:)
Stucky x puls size reader.
Promts: 9,10, 12,13 either 28 or 33 your choice :)
Trope: 3, 11,18
AU. Mob and A/B/O
it’s okay if you can’t do all I just really really love your writing!!
Quick Fixes for PMS
Mob!Stucky x plus size reader
Some days are just worse than others and today is definitely the worst. Or, hormones really are a bitch.
Warnings: all fluff, reader is really emotional and clingy but we love that for her, pms, guys being dumb in a loveable way, implied smut, a lot of crying, some nudity
WC: 1.4k
a/n: Sorry i changed up the request a bit! I needed some fluff in my life, I still hope you enjoy ❤️
Minors DNI
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9: “You make me so mad. So fucking mad. But I will never, never leave you. You’re mine and I’m yours. Forever.” 10: “I can’t do this anymore.” 12: “I can’t imagine a life without you.” 13: “D-don’t leave me, you’re my life.” 28: “C’mon, you’ll be less cranky after you’ve had a snack and an orgasm.” 7: Mob
1000 Follower Celebration
Y/N groaned and rolled over, reaching over to the other side of the bed. “Baby?” She murmured, voice still thick with sleep as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the cold sheets beside her. A deep chuckle from behind her caused Y/N to turn around once more and force her e/c eyes open.
“Mornin’ doll.” Bucky smirked down at the woman struggling to right herself in the tangled mess of sheets she was currently trapped in. “Where’s Stevie?” “What, am I not good enough for you?” He only got a half-assed glare in return, which admittedly wasn’t very threatening since it came from the plump naked woman still tangled in the expensive Egyptian cotton sheets. 
“He had a meeting, remember?” Y/N grunted in reply, her lips falling into an adorable pout. “But that was supposed to be at noon.” She whined, drawing up the sheets to cover her body in some kind of defiance for her other boyfriend having abandoned her. Bucky cooed and sat on the bed beside her, laying his large metal hand on her wide hip. “It’s almost one doll. You’ve slept through the whole morning.”
“No I didn’t.” Bucky sighed, giving her hips a squeeze. “No matter how cute that little pout is-” His other hand came up and cupped her face, his thumb tracing the seam of her mouth. “The clock isn’t wrong. And now I have to go too.” “Nooooo.” Y/N flung herself at her boyfriend, burying herself in his strong chest as her fingers gripped his incredibly expensive plaid suit, rumpling the fabric.
“D-don’t leave me, you’re my life.” He felt her chest heave with sobs as she clung to the mob boss, her tears soaking into his black undershirt. He wrapped his muscular arms around her heavy frame to hold the young woman close. “Oh dragă, you’re pms-ing real bad huh?” Suddenly her weight against his chest was gone. Her previous tears were now replaced by a deep glare that sent a shiver of fear down the mobster’s spine. 
“I am not pms-ing, James.” She snarled, shoving him away from her and attempting to scramble to the other side of the massive bed. But Bucky held firm, keeping a large ringed and wrapped around her plush bicep as she tried to yank it away. “I can’t do this anymore.” Y/N huffed, leaning her entire weight forward, trying to get the man to release her.
“Do what anymore doll?” With one swift pull of her arm, the smaller woman collided into his chest once more. His metal limb curled around her thick waist to cup her large stomach. Her face was turned away from him in a pitiful act of defiance that made his chest burn with affection. “You’re being mean.”
Bucky cooed, nuzzling his nose onto the top of her head, leaving a little peck there. “‘M sorry doll, I just think you’re so cute when you’re tired and I shouldn’t have assumed that you were going to get your period soon. I can’t imagine a life without you, I hope you know that.”
She remained quiet for a moment, and then. “You make it really hard to hate you. But not impossible.” And with that, she launched herself to the side and rolled away, dropping off the side of the bed and landing on the carpeted floor with a small grunt. 
“Ce am făcut ca sa merit asta.” (What did I do to deserve this?) He groaned to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You ok down there?” Bucky called out, receiving a winded ‘yes’ from his girlfriend. “I have to go now doll, I promise Steve will be back soon and you can bother him.”
Her head popped up. “Are you saying I bother you?” He rolled his eyes. “I love you, I’ll see you later.” And he walked out the door.
There was a brief moment of doubt in her mind as she typed out the 67th text message in five minutes to her blond beau, but it quickly disappeared when she remembered how he abandoned her in bed this morning without a goodbye kiss. Smirking to herself, she hit send on the long winded message talking about how hot Eddie Munson is and then set her phone down on the marble countertop.
“I don’t think it’s a very good idea to be pissing off the most powerful men in the country.” Her bodyguard and old friend, Clint, spoke up from over his cup of black coffee. “‘M not pissing them off.” She sassed, crossing her arms over her heavy chest. “I’m just annoying them a bit for being mean to me.” 
His eyebrow raised. “And how exactly did they annoy you, your highness?” Y/N’s face heated in embarrassment and looked away, picking at her bowl of fruit, not responding. Clint groaned. “Don’t tell me that they didn’t give you enough attention this morning, what a travesty!” “It is a travesty!” She insisted, pulling Steve’s hoodie tighter around her body and burying her nose in the soft fabric.
“Then why are you wearing Steve’s clothes if they upset you so much?” He pointed out, gesturing towards the overly large dark purple tracksuit she was wearing with ‘Rogers’ written across the back. “And don’t you dare say it’s laundry day, I know for a fact that Sunday is laundry day because I’m the one that does it.”
“My period is in a few days and I want attention.” She muttered shamefully, curling in on herself as best she could on the small barstool she was sitting on. Clint sighed, putting his mug down and slipping from his own stool. He placed a warm hand on her back, gently rubbing her shoulder blade. “You want me to go out and get you some chocolate, kid?” 
“Yes please.” “Finish your breakfast while I’m gone, I don’t need your two little boyfriends busting my balls because you haven’t eaten.” Clapping her on the back, Clint scooped up the keys to his BMW, leaving her alone in the massive kitchen. Y/N happily wiggled in the seat, popping a strawberry in her mouth.
Then, she looked down. And right there, at the bottom of her phone screen: read 2:43 pm. Her eyes widened in terror as she heard the thundering footsteps that could only belong to one man. She received confirmation a few seconds later when the giant stepped into the massive doorway.
His blond hair was slicked back, dark brown beard perfectly styled, and expensive navy suit with not a wrinkle in sight. But those bright blue eyes were wild, highlighted by the slight pink blush of his cheeks. “Oh so now you’ve got nothing to say?” He rumbled, his chest expanding with a deep inhale that caused Y/N to clamp her plump thighs together.
“Answer me, sweetheart.” It took him only two strides to reach her from across the room. His arms caged her against the counter as he towered over her, making her feel incredibly small under his gaze. She remained silent though, too focused on the way the buttons of his shirt strained against the huge muscles of his pecs, giving her a small glimpse of his dark chest hair beneath. 
Steve sighed as he watched her zone out, her e/c eyes going hazy with her little daydreams. “Y/N.” He said firmly, breaking her out of her thoughts but he quickly began to panic when a tear dripped down her full cheek. “I’m s-sorry, I just was ma-ad and missed y-you.” She sniffled and reached up to wrap her arms around his thick neck.
“Oh sweetheart it’s ok, I just don’t exactly enjoy you talking about other men you find attractive but I know it must’ve been tough being alone this morning considering how tired you were.” A big thumb wiped away the small trail of tears as his other hand settled on her hip, giving it a quick squeeze. Y/N melted at the softness of his tone. “S-so you’re not mad?” 
The mob boss chuckled. “You make me so mad. So fucking mad. But I will never, never leave you. You’re mine and I’m yours. Forever. No matter what. And I know you’re hurting so how about we spend the afternoon together.” She nodded and smiled up at him, still sniffling, her sobs tapering off. In a swift move, Steve bent over and pressed his broad shoulder into her large tummy and hoisted her over his shoulder. Y/N giggled against his back, her fingers hooked onto his black belt to keep herself steady. With his other hand, Steve picked up her abandoned bowl and turned to leave the kitchen. “C’mon, you’ll be less cranky after you’ve had a snack and an orgasm.”
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neo404 · 4 months
Start Over. (Part 2)
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Note: a biiiit short.
Cold air hits my wet cheeks, a few tears running escape my eyes as I walk to his house. I can see it, its close. My throat tightens when I’m close enough to see him.
He looks up from his phone and stands up from the porch stairs.
"Nick..." I whisper when I step on the sidewalk Infront of his house.
"Shh..." His warmth hits my body, his arms wrapping around me, comforting and loving. I bury my head on the crook of his neck and I fight back the urge to crumble completely on his arms. "Let's go inside." He whispers.
We walk inside, his arms never leaving my body. His eyes filled with worry and love. We sit down on his bed, my legs shaking and my breath unsteady.
"I’m here. What happened?" his voice is soft, like I will break if he speaks any louder. He didn’t need to raise his voice for me to break, I cried move, his arms pulling me into his chest.
"Broke up with Lila." I say when I manage to calm myself down.
"I know. It's okay, take your time." I shake my head against his body, he shushes me as I try to remain calm.
"Nick... I like a guy." I pull back, looking at him dead in the eyes. He looks surprised but tries to remain calm. "Fuck this. Nick, I like you... and shit, I feel like I’m going to die, I have liked you since I have memory, since we met at school and you shared your crayons with me, and I think I feel in love with you when you pushed me down the water slide when we were 12. And I know I sound insane, I know I am "straight", but I’m not, I don’t know it I’m gay or whatever, the only thing I know is that I like you, it has always been you... " I look down at my shaky hands, tears rolling down my eyes even when I don’t feel like crying anymore. I wanted this to be over, if he was going to insult me and kick me out do it quick. If he was going to slap me then at least I could feel his warmth one last time.
I close my eyes, the tears that were polling on my eyes fell quickly. I feel his warm hand on my cheek, he didn’t hit me, instead he holds me. I nuzzle into his touch like it’s the last time I will do it, I don’t dare to open my eyes, I can’t look at him after all of this. I feel his lips near my eye, his lips touching my teary cheek.
"You are so dumb." he whispers near my skin. "I can’t believe you never told me." Another kiss, this time on my lips. Soft and tender, it’s the first time I feel good while kissing someone, maybe because he isn’t a girl. or maybe because the only person I ever wanted to kiss was him.
"I love you, I’m sorry." I mumble between caresses and kisses.
"Shah. I love you more." His arms pushed me closer to him. Our heartbeats becoming one, my fears banish thanks to him.
"I want to be yours. Let me." I look at him in the eyes, our forehead touching, his deep blue eyes piercing throw my soul.
“I let you. You are mine. Mine to take care of, mine to love, mine to kiss, cuddle, comfort. Mine to be with. Mine, mine…” his voice soothes my racing heart. I close my eyes and he kiss me again. Yours, I’m yours. I have always been his. Now he has given me the right to tell everyone that.
Lil extra:
"So, he was the reason you found out you liked girls?" Nick smiles widely while looking at Lila who sits in front of us with her girlfriend besides her.
"Yeah, can you believe it?" Lila winks at me and takes a sip of her drink. I blush and look at Nick.
"I hate this double date things."
"But you said you wanted us to be friends." Lila pouts.
"I know Ly, and I mean it. The both of you team to tease me and I don’t like that."
"Aww, don’t be so grumpy." Nick wraps one arms around me and I look away from him.
"So, tell me again how the two of you meet?" Lila’s girlfriend asks while pointing at me and Nick.
"Ohhh, it’s a fun story. So..."
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Taglist: @freshloveforthefit @shywolfapricotfan @sturnphilia @matty-bear @thenickgirl @stvrniolvsp @paige05 @soursturniolo @miloisdone1 @teenagetrash00 @lovely-calypso @h3arts4harry @malirosee
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
Worst People To Bring Home...
Based on a poll I did the other day.
It had two days left but ehhh 1 day isn't enough and 7 days is too much tbh.
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Well done Marco for being lowest on this. I am concern Sabo wasn't higher.
Under the cut is some of my FAVE tags/replies.
The age gap might be the first concern of your folks when you bring Doffy home, that and how much cleaning up after that big shedding feather coat will be needed.
You won’t even get to introduce him, he’ll be there with a big shit-eating grin with his arms wide going MOM DAD even though you have only been dating like a month.
Prepare for the most awkward time of your life when your folks ask about his family. 
Maybe get your folks some bulletproof vests in case something mildly offends Doffy at the dinner table, like your mom didn’t cook his steak how he liked.
Will sit there and go on about how much nicer the food is at all the fancy restaurants he can afford to take you.
Brings his own solid silver cutlery.
Offers NO help to your folks when cleaning up after.
Brought his own wine, wine that costs more than your car.
But brought the cheapest wine he could find as a dinner gift.
Laughs loudly and talks over your folks.
Will touch your ass in front of them.
Sheds pink feathers everywhere, and butts in conversations because he can’t wait for his turn, loving the sound of his own voice.
When asked why Doffy you just shrug and tell them how much he makes monthly and your parents sort of get it but don’t like it.
Ask you to blink twice if you want out of the relationship.
Does not take his huge clunky muddy boots off when he comes into the house, because there are too many straps and buckles and god knows what else.
He grunts in reply to things like a stroppy teenager when asked anything by your folks.
Goes to reapply his lipstick every so often and your dad asks if he always wears so much makeup and nail varnish.
0 Table manners. Is a wild mess when he doesn’t have Killer to reel him in.
If he does take off his shoes you have to deal with his bare feet and the smell.
Hands your mom a bunch of flowers that clearly were stolen from somewhere. 
It’s the thought that counts right?
Wears so many piercings that every airport security in the country fears him.
Enough spikes and bling to be an anti-theft device.
Will hit on your mom a little, something casual like ‘Man your mom's banging, what? I meant it as a compliment jeez’
Your parents are lowkey scared of him but try and be nice because he mentions how no one messes with you and he does seem to love and respect you.
Burps and laughs.
Alright! Your folks think look at this little guy, look at this little man with his straw hat and polite smile.
Sure he opens doors with all his might and leaves marks but he seems super friendly and shakes your dad's hand and gives your mom a hug.
You think it’s going well until actual dinner starts and Luffy starts telling stories of him and his brothers and all the dumb shit the three get up to and your parents start to think you are dating one of the three stoogies.
He also talks with his mouth open, eats off everyone's plates, and asks if you're done with that? And eats it before anyone has a chance to answer.
Eats loud, food flying everywhere in a flurry of grabby hands and loud billowing laughs at comments, he’s having a great time.
Your folks have no idea where this little string bean is putting it all.
Asking how you guys met and Luffy just says someone was bothering you and he punched them through a wall or something.
Info dumps about stuff, annoying your parents a little but… you could have brought worse home, right?
Your folks are EXCITED to meet your fancy smart doctor-surgeon boyfriend.
Imagine their horror when they see Law with his eye bags, scruffy hoody, and jeans, all his tattoos death on his hands. 
They exchange looks and definitely think he’s a doctor of something else and when you're alone in the kitchen ask if he is a dealer and or a stoner which you have to tell them it’s just sleep deprivation mixed with cheap energy drink.
When folks ask him about what it’s like to be a doctor he goes into too much detail about certain issues or surgeries that put everyone off of their food.
He’s also the fussy eater that people dread coming over to their house.
After folks went to lengths to make sure they got food he wanted he’d still reject it and end up eating a bowl of rice or cereal looking like he’s about to fall asleep any second.
Says creepy shit with a straight face or a smile.
Says things in inappropriate ways like ‘I can’t wait to be inside them and fix their heart’
But hey, at least he’s a doctor?
Zoro always seems to have a wave of intimidation wherever he goes and your parents are a little scared of him when you and Zoro rock up.
Though he’s polite enough, if not a bit quiet.
When asked things by folks he just gives one-word replies until he’s asked about booze then he’s all ears, he’ll drink all the good stuff but at least he’s talking now?
Oh great now he’s talking.
About swords.
His special interest which he goes into great detail about. Now your parents think he’s one of those nutjobs who are ready for the zombie apocalypse. 
Drinks and eats so much, talks about swords, gets out his phone and shows your dad each sword in his collection, twenty facts about them, and what their name is.
Falls asleep on the sofa after dinner and is impossible to move, guess Zoro just moved in with you guys.
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isaacswhy · 1 year
isaacwhy x gn!reader (sfw) summary: you and isaac just got into a relationship, you're moved into the big house, but things are new. isaac doesn't know how to talk.
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The summer heat was too much for you. It wasn't uncommon that you stayed indoors while the boys ran around outside, just barely avoiding injury. You worried for them sometimes, but everything washed away when Isaac was around. He'd come in early or stay the whole day inside with you, cuddling up with you on the couch.
It had only been a few months since the two of you became official. A month ago, you had moved into the big group house with all of the boys. Nothing had prepared you for this new life, but you didn't mind it as long as you were spending it with Isaac. He was sort of a protector against the rest of the guys. Every time someone made a joke that stepped over the line, Isaac was the one to put his foot down and was willing to kill the mood if it meant you were okay.
The rest of the group had just clamored in from spraying each other with water guns for a video and where sopping wet, which mildly infuriated the two of you.
"Are you serious?" You asked, "Please stop getting everything wet."
Blake laughed. "We forgot to bring the towels outside! Sorry!"
"You gotta be kidding me." Isaac stood up from beside you, "You guys are cleaning up this mess once you're dry."
"Sorry, daddy Isaac," Nick joked.
Isaac just shook his head and took his spot back next to you. The two of you chilled out together as the commotion now in the bathroom continued. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and held you close, your head rested against his chest. You heard the loud noises of laughter getting louder as the guys poured into the living room once again.
"God, you two are gross," Larry scoffed.
"You just wish you were in my place," You retorted.
Larry shook his head, but a wide grin was across his face. "You got me there. I would die to get Isaac's big, strong arms around me."
"You're fucking weird." Isaac bit back.
"Seriously, though, you two gotta stop clinging onto each other like you'll never see each other again. It's embarrassing to live around." Tanner joined in.
"What? No, we're friends, dude!" Isaac shouted.
"Friends?" You looked over to him.
"Well- you know, we're.." He trailed off, his gaze averting from you.
"Spit it out already, will you?" You said.
"Together, right? We're together?"
You wriggled out of Isaac's grasp and stood up, looking down at him. "I hope you can figure it out."
It shouldn't have been something that set you off, but it did. You stormed back to your room, which you hated in the moment that you shared it with Isaac. You shut the door and locked it, laying on the bed and scrolling through your phone. You wanted to be exclusive and have dumb labels with Isaac, not just be some weird "friends" with him.
It didn't take very long before a knock came and Isaac's voice followed.
"Hey, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know what to say and.. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I just don't know what to call this thing between us, you know?"
You sighed, finally standing up from the bed and walking over to the door, unlocking and opening it. You looked up at Isaac with an uninterested look on your face.
"This 'thing' between us is more than a thing to me, Isaac. You're my boyfriend, aren't you?"
"I am! I am your boyfriend! I'm fine with you calling me that, I'm just.. god, I'm screwy with my words."
"If you need help, I want you to be able to ask for it."
"Okay. Um.." Isaac fidgeted with his hands, "What would you like to call this?"
"A relationship. We're dating. I'm your partner. We're together, yes, but I don't want it to be some shaky word that sounds like a 'maybe'. I want it to be us. Okay?"
"Okay. I like that. Dating. Relationship. All that."
"God, you're such a weirdo. Come here."
You embraced Isaac, and everything felt lovely again. Larry was right, his big, strong arms were a dream to be held in.
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millie-mar · 2 months
the stranger things i hate about you
chapter four: the hideout pt1
| 1k words | 10 things i hate about you!steddie |
Throughout the eighteen years that he’s been alive, Steve met many people. He made friends, dated a bit, hooked up a lot, but in the end it was all pointless. He realised that he brings people pain, so he isolated himself, but now, he has to go back to that extroverted Steve Harrington and go out with Eddie Munson. He’s mostly concerned with the fact that Eddie seems to not buy his bullshit and definitely suspects something.
Steve’s thoughts linger on that as he leaves the school building a bit later than others. He couldn’t stop thinking about his earlier exchange with Eddie, so much that he lost track of time and didn’t realise everyone from his class already left long ago. So now he’s alone on the school’s parking lot. He stops in his tracks and looks up at the sky, then closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in and out.
‘Finally. I thought I’d have to wait here for the rest of the day!’ Robin’s voice interrupts Steve’s thought process and causes him to jump slightly.
‘Dammit, you couldn’t give me a warning?’
‘Isn’t me speaking up enough of a warning?’ Robin approaches Steve, patting his back. ‘So… How did it go?’
‘How did what go?’ Steve knows what the girl means, but he was confused as to how she knew about his conversation with Eddie.
‘Don’t play dumb. I pay you to do something for me, so of course I’m going to track your progress.’ Robin says, her chin up and an uncomfortable smirk on her face, she’s definitely not used to saying something like that.
‘We’re meeting tonight.’ he sighs.
‘Tonight? Grea-‘ she stops, thinking for a second ‘Wait. Tonight?!’ she exclaims ‘But he’s meeting Jonathan and Nancy tonight!’ At the mention of the latter name, Steve halts and looks slowly at Robin.
‘Nancy? With Eddie?’ He cannot believe that. He’s never even seen the two together, and since the girl broke up with him after the ‘incident’, he has kept his distance, but he has never stopped caring about her, and liked to check in on her now and then. ‘How do you even know that?’
Robin’s expression changes completely, her mouth slightly open, eyes wide, but it’s temporary and she regains composure. ‘I have my ways.’
Steve decides not to question it for now, he’s not really in a position to do so, so he changes the topic. ‘What am I supposed to do then? Eddie said he’ll pick me up at seven, and we’re going to a bar.’
‘What bar?’ Robin immediately jumps in, determination on her face.
‘I’m not sure, the name kind of slipped in to the conversation.’ he replies, deep in thought. ‘Steakout? Hangar-‘
‘Hideout?’ she interjects.
‘Yes! That’s the one.’
‘Hideout is an inclusive bar. It’s on the edge of town, kind of in the middle of nowhere.’ Robin takes her phone out to check the exact address.
‘An inclusive bar?’ Steve questions, confused.
‘Yeah. A gay bar.’ Steve’s eyes look like they’re going to fall out his sockets. He’s never been to a gay bar, maybe because he’s not gay. But does this mean that Eddie is? ‘Well, technically an LGBTQ bar, but saying gay bar makes it easier for people who are not part of the community to understand.’
Robin types something on her iPhone, scrolls couple times and gives her phone to Steve. ‘Here. You need to find out what the guy likes if you want to befriend him.’ The way she said ‘befriend’ stuck to Steve. What exactly does Robin expect him to do?
Steve took the phone and looked at the page opened on the screen. It was Eddie’s instagram profile, full of posts. Most of them don’t even show Eddie’s face, but one; a picture of Eddie, smiling brightly with his arms around a guy who’s covered his face and… Nancy. Steve opened the post, the caption saying ‘night out w my ppl🤘🏻’ . He never thought Nancy would be friends with someone like Eddie, she’s always been a preppy girl. While Eddie, he’s a punk, he smokes, does drugs, drinks, he’s in a band, hangs out with other weirdos from younger years.
Steve’s jealousy clouds his judgement. He’s seen how close everyone at Eddie’s table is in canteen; they laugh, chant and even hug each-other. While his table would chuck things at other people and laugh at someone else’s despair. He wants that connection with someone, which is why he fell in love with Nancy. She gave him that feeling. But now she’s got that connection with Eddie. A pang of pain hits Steve in the chest. The thought of her and Eddie doing the things they did fills him with annoyance and a bit of anger.
He will befriend Eddie, and whether it’s to make a change or be a prick and destroy what he has with Nancy, he’ll decide later.
After scrolling the posts on Eddie’s profile for the past ten minutes, Steve gathered the basic things that Eddie likes; metal music, his guitar, his band, D&D, his friends and a dog that he apparently has. Most of these things Steve already knew. He gave Robin her phone back, the girl already at the edge of losing her mind from the wait.
‘I’ll need your help.’ Steve says, an idea forming in his head.
‘With what?’ Robin couldn’t be more confused, seeing a little smirk on Steve’s face.
‘I need to get his attention somehow, and make it believable I wanna be friends, right? Be at mine for six. Bring your makeup, and any punk jewellery you can find.’
With that, Steve leaves Robin on the parking lot, dumbfounded, still not able to comprehend what is happening. Slowly, she smiles to herself, ‘Welcome back Harrington.’ She mumbles and leaves the place not long after, hand in her pockets and the smile not leaving her face.
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I was wondering if maybe you would be able to write a story where Steve gets super jealous of one of your guy friends and steve acts super weird and clingy throughout the day and super horny and then the second you get home he fucks her raw 😘
I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense 😆
ofc i had to do eddie with this. this has not been proofread at all and its like 1 am but I wanted to get something out for you guys cause I lovveeddd writing this! this is smut so minors please dni <3 go have a snack and come back another day!
cw: smut, jealousy (not triggering/toxic), enthusiastic consent, oral sex (m and f receiving), p in v sex , mild daddy kink, an exorbitant amount of praise, slightly perv!eddie, overall fluffy happy smut <3 remember to stay safe and don't force yourself to read something that makes you upset or uncomfortable, that goes for everything on this website! enjoy loves <3
it's movie night! but… steve has not been having a good night. you're so oblivious. utterly oblivious to how much eddie is flirting with you. you don't even notice, guys don't usually flirt with you, so why would eddie? and he knows you love steve. he's having so much fun with it, teasing looks thrown at steve while you keep talking to him. usually, steve wouldn't get too jealous, but he knew eddie. and he knew eddie had a crush on you before. every ounce of reasoning leaving his body, replaced by the primal urge to claim. eddie knew what he was doing. he knew that you didn't want him, but in his mind he was doing you a favor, making sure you get fucked real good tonight.
steve comes up behind you and wraps an arm around your waist. pulling you into his side. “cmon babygirl, time to go. you’re tired baby.” and you just assume that you looked tired, steve was always good at sensing things before you.
a wave of your hand directed towards the rest of the small gathering in the living room as you ascend up the stairs to his bedroom. pulling you in and carrying you to the bed, ripping the cotton panties you had on under your nightgown. climbing over top of you.
a gasp, “- steve, steve?”
“youre mine baby, right?”
“yes im yours steve im yours,”
“can i show you? can i show you youre mine?”
“yeah, yeah, yes please”
and hes moving you to have your head hanging off the side of the bed. kissing your lips and then you’re forehead before bringing your hair together in a makeshift-ponytail. excitement buzzing in you when you hear the zipper of his jeans come undone, the denim disregarded.
“you wanna open your mouth for me babydoll?”
and you do. immediately. opening as wide as you can and relaxing your throat as much as you could.
“good girl, beautiful.” he cooed, “you know what to do if you need me to stop, right baby?”
you tapped on his thigh three times, signaling that you knew what to do. eyes still glassy and blown out from his dominance as he leans down to kiss your forehead.
“love you, sweet girl,” stroking your face with one hand, while taking his cock out with the other. big and heavy, flushed near the tip. a vein on the bottom protruding slightly. tapping it lightly onto your tongue before you start suckling on his tip. he's panting and pulling your shirt up over your tits while you work your skirt off.
“fuck- you want more honey?” and you open your mouth wider for him almost instinctively. “good girl, my pretty little thing.” pushing his cock further into your mouth till it hits your throat, allowing you to position yourself in a way that's comfortable for you. “love you so much baby, you're mine. fuck- just mine, yeah?” panting as he rocks in and out of your mouth. your face flushed and lightheaded. fucked dumb and he hasn't even touched you.
that is until he leans over you, still pushing himself inside your mouth, spit drooling down his cock to his balls. and presses two fingers to your clit. moaning around his cock and making him twitch.
he pulls out slightly so that you have room to breathe when you need to, only taking half of him. before leaning down and gripping your hips. lifting them up and to his face. kissing your pretty pussy that was all his. licking and sucking your clit while you mewled around his dick. pushing him to the edge with your pretty moans.
his tongue leaves your clit, pulling away to come back to your face.
“im gonna cum now and then ill fuck you baby, okay? is that okay? you gonna let me make love to you?”
“yesdaddyyesdaddy” nodding frantically, fucked out and just ready for him to cum on you.
“good girl, get on your knees for me baby.” throwing a pillow to the ground before helping you situate yourself in front of him. eye level with his pelvis. “love you so much, my girl…my girl.” looking down at you adoringly, a sweet smile on his face while you take him in your mouth and start bobbing your head. He's panting and fucking his hips into you while you suck him off. “fuck yeah baby, keep going, ‘m gonna cum, love.”
with a few more thrusts he was gone, pulling out and releasing all over your face and tongue. leaning down to kiss you before reaching to his bedside table and grabbing a tissue to wipe your face with. situating you on the bed once he has your face all “clean” . your poor legs shaking from anticipation. steve almost never asks for blowjobs, and when he does, he always makes you feel really good after.
his face hovering over yours’ “good job babydoll, you did so good, that was amazing. you want me inside you honey?”
“yes please”
“okay babydoll, relax for me” pushing his half-hard cock into your cunt. wet and warm around him. moaning when you felt his cock harden in your cunt. taking his kisses graciously as he started to fuck you, holding your thighs on either side of him. fucking you nice and slow, sensually and romantically. pace picking up slowly. he leans down to take your hand off your mouth.
“i want you to be loud for me baby. let them know you're mine. let em know who can make you do this, who can make you cum like this.” his cock still drilling into you. wet sounds and skin slapping filling the room. grinding his hips down on your clit till your legs are shaking and he's cooing at you. “need to cum babydoll? you gonna cum for me? cmon honey. daddy wants you to cum baby.” you're both grinding into each other before his hand comes down to your clit and rubs small circles into it while he fucks you. pushing you to the edge. a moan almost as loud as a scream falls out of your mouth. your orgasm has you floating, making your cunt contract around him, legs shaking and breath heaving. feeling steves warm cum fill you up shortly after.
claimed. his.
of course, steve flips you over and onto his lap, pressing your back to his chest and rubbing your thighs to calm you down a little bit. before sliding two fingers inside you. palming your clit while he spreads a mixture of your cum over you. your back arched and once again almost screaming, this time from overstimulation.
“ahh- hurts daddy hurts,, thank you thank you thank you”
“shhh, don't have to thank me honey, relax your pretty head baby, let it be empty.” and guides your head back and onto his shoulder. trusting that steve will take care of you. completely blissed out and relaxed. unconscious moans leaving your lips. turning into whines quickly when his rhythm became faster and steadier.
“stevie, gonna cum, ‘m close,”
“shhh, let it go baby, cum for me. good girl.”
riding out your high by grinding up into his palm. whimpers and moans becoming softer and softer till you're falling onto his chest. head still a little empty.
“‘m yours ,stevie”
“and im yours, lovey”
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bbrissonn · 2 years
Hi! Request for Kylian Mbappe. Where y/n is out partying with her friends and kylian is left at home. And it’s nearly 2am and y/n is not home yet. Kylian always texting and calling her but she cannot be reach cause her phone died. And when she’s home, kylian is mad and think she’s cheating or something. They fight and make up at the end. Make it fluff and romantic pleaseee thank you 🫶🏻
okay so my dumb self listened to become the warm jet by current joys while writing this and i sorta ended up making this sad... oops under the cut ! warnings: not proofread, slight swearing
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"Where the fuck have you been?" Kylian asked harshly as you pushed the front door of your shared apartment open, jumping slightly at the sound of his voice.
"Jeez, Kyky, you scared me." You laughed a bit, placing a hand over your heart as you wobbled over to him, your boyfriend shaking his head in disapproval as he watched you.
"I missed you." You tell him as you try to wrap your arms around his neck, only for him to push them away, making you fur your brows at his reaction.
"I am not gonna asked again, Y/n, where the fuck have you been?" He asked again in a harsh voice, making you even more confused. You had been talking about going out with your friend tonight for at least a week now, he watched you get ready and told you enjoy your night, so why on earth was he asked where you had been. You had told him about a hundred time the bar you and your friends would be going to.
"What's this all about? Kyky, I told you a million times where we going, you knew that I'd be coming home late. I don't understan--"
"It's two in the morning, Y/n. You said you'd be home by midnight."
"So what if I came home a little later than I thought I was going to? Me and the girls, we've barely had time to hangout all of us together, we got carried away and last track of time, okay? You're acting like I've been gone for a month."
"You could've told me you'd be coming home late!" He yelled out like it was the most obvious thing in the world, making you roll your eyes at how he was acting. You walked over to the kitchen, him following closely behind you as took out a water bottle from the fridge.
"My phone died, and I don't know your number by heart so I couldn't use anyone's phone to call you. Look, I am sorry, okay?" You apologized, hoping he would finally drop the subject so the two of you could finally go to bed.
"Who is he?" He asked, making you choke on your water as his words filled your ears.
"What?" You asked confused as you placed the water bottle down on the counter, your eyes staring into Kylian's brown eyes.
"The guy you're cheating on me with, who is he?" He asked rudely, making your eyes grow wide as your jaw fell.
"You think I'm cheating on you? Kylian you are so fucking out of line right now." You exclaimed, a laugh of disbelief leaving your mouth as you walked away from him and into the bedroom, him following behind you once again.
"I am out of line? I am not the one coming home like nothing happened after cheating--"
"I didn't fucking cheat on you, Kylian. Let me charge my phone and then I'll call someone so you can stop acting like a crazy motherfucker. Fuck, you actually think I'd cheat on you?" You spoke calmly, your voice shaking a bit as you questioned him, and it was like something in him clicked. You had finally found time to hangout with all your friends and have a good night, and he ruined it all, the smile that once stood on your face when you walked in gone, now replaced with a frown as your eyes stared at him.
He let out a loud sigh as he slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, his head resting in his head as his elbows leaned on his thighs. Shame taking over his body at the way he had reacted, and the fa t that he thought you'd cheat on him, because he deep down he knew you'd never do this to him.
"No. You care too much about people to ever do something like that." He admitted in a soft voice, his words making you sit down next to him and lean your head against his shoulder.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, his voice so low that you barely heard it, but you did, and that's all the mattered to him. A tear slowly feel from his eyes from the shame he felt, guilt and regret soon being the reason for the other tears to start falling down his cheek.
"I love you, Kylian." You spoke softly, and he could hear just how much his accusation had hurt you, making even more tears fall.
"I know."
"And I'd never, ever even think about cheating on you, love."
"I know." He said in a broken voice as a sob finally left his mouth. You barely ever seen Kylian cry, only when he was injured badly or when the two of you would watch disney movies, and the two of you have had multiple fights before, and he never cried because of those. Those facts made you sure that there was another reason behind those tears, but you weren't going to force the answer out of him, he needed to tell you himself.
"Kyky, what's bothering you?" You whispered softly in his ear as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling his head into your chest as another sob left his body, making your heart ache for him. His arms wrapped around your waist as he cried some more against you, something he had never done before.
"It's just... it's just so hard."
"What is, love?"
"Everything. The press, the fans, everyone and everything they say about me, it's just so hard. I know that I should just ignore it but it's millions of people just talking shit about me on the internet and they don't even know me." He explained slowly through his sobs, making tears well up in your eyes. Kylian was never one to let the media get to him, instead always fighting them back and acting like he didn't care, but clearly with all the rumors that have bee flying around about lately, it was all too much for him.
"Let's go away." You suggested, making him look up at you a little confused as he hiccupped slightly.
"One weekend, just me and you, away from everything. We can go anywhere you want, but there's one rule. You delete all your social medias from your phone the moment we leave the apartment." You explained, luckily for you, it was his off-season meaning go away wouldn't be a problem at all.
"Just me and you"?
"Me and you, love." You confirmed, making him shake his head lightly as more tears fell form his eyes as he leaned his forehead against yours.
"Yeah, yeah, I'd like that."
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kitashousewife · 2 years
not just for kids
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an: happy october! i am gonna make some halloween-ish fics i think. here is the first one!
pairing: timeskip!sakusa x fem!reader
warnings: food mention, candy mention, sakusa being a party pooper, fluff, lowercase intentional
"just turn off the lights, this is stupid," sakusa groans, flopping himself onto the living room couch. "there's plenty of other houses in the neighborhood."
"so what omi! come on, it's our first halloween here! i want to be the fun house," you plead, holding the first of many bowls of candy in your arms. "besides, it's only 7:00. they've barely even started!"
with a dramatic groan, sakusa attempts to throw a pillow at you. he isn't going down without a fight.
sakusa hates halloween. he always has. even when he was younger, he didn't care too much for it. he isn't the biggest fan of sweets, staying up later than he needs to, and especially hates costumes of any kind. it isn't just the night itself. oh no, he hates it all. the movies, the pumpkin carving, the endless parties.
he sat through two hours of pumpkin carving last night, carving the most basic jack-o-lantern face possible into his. it took him ten minutes. the rest of the time he watched you use the tiniest, cheapest knife he's ever seen, from the kit you just had to have, making the most intricate design. he only sat through that because he was very entertained at the furrowed brows, extreme concentration, and delicate work you did on the dumb vegetable.
he also just really loves you.
"don't be so lame, kiyoomi!" you shout from your front door. "why do you hate this! you don't even have to say anything,"
he flips through channels on the tv, rolling his eyes at every station. does everyone have to play some stupid halloween movie?
"why would i be excited about handing out candy to kids, let alone candy that we bought. and they're getting it for free."
you huff, stomping over to the living room where your husband is sprawled out, clearly set on not moving any time soon. you grab the remote and shut off the tv.
"babe, i was-"
"please, kiyoomi! just for an hour? after that, i promise you can go sit down," you plead, giving him the best fake pout you can muster up. he rolls his eyes, standing up as slow as he can. you clap your hands together, pulling him by the arm to place a kiss on his cheek. "i owe you, so big. i promise, just an hour,"
"trust me, you're only getting an hour. then i'm going to bed."
shuffling over towards the front door, you flick on the porch light and wait. sakusa fights the grin that comes onto his face. you're so excited, rocking back and forth on your feet. he finds it adorable, but he's really trying to get out of this.
"what's so fun about this, anyway?"
you gasp. "everything! the decorations, everyone is so happy and excited. and the best part is," you grab the candy bowl in preparation. "the costumes!"
"that's the worst part."
"i'm talking about the kids! it's so cute, kiyoomi! i remember being so excited to dress up, i begged my mom every day to let me wear my costume."
he snorts. "whatever makes you happy, sweetheart.”
you peek through the window and squeal when you see your first group of trick or treaters coming up to the door.
"move omi! here they come!"
he steps to the side, wincing as the doorbell rings. that's going to get old.
you open the door, beaming as all the children shout "trick or treat!" you coo at them and reach into the bowl, grabbing the biggest handfuls of candy that you can. sakusa wants to stop you, wants to warn you that this is the first group, but it's no use.
"what do we have here? a dinosaur, a princess, and what are you?" you bend down to their level, and the kids smile wide at you. one boy looks at you with a toothy grin, and points to his chest. "i'm superman!"
you laugh. "that is so cool! i love it. enjoy you guys!" you wave at the parents, and as the kids run down the steps, you hear another group approach them.
"now that you gave away half the candy, let's just wait for a bit,"
"shush omi! awh, look at them!"
he sighs and looks at the kids. it looks like siblings, one girl and one boy. the girl looks to be some superhero of some kind, and the boy looks like a lion. he will admit, they're pretty cute.
"wait for your brother!" sakusa looks up and sees what looks like the parents waving at their kids. the boy and girl stop, and wobbling behind them is another little boy, no older than a toddler.
his costume?
a MSBY jersey, number 15. he's wearing little kneepads over his tights, and even has arm sleeves. by the time he reaches his siblings, you have already dropped candy in their buckets. sakusa comes into the doorframe and bends down.
"oh my god omi! look, he's you!"
sakusa can't stop staring. it's the cutest thing he's ever seen. without a second thought, he swipes the bowl out of your hands and dumps it into the toddlers bucket. the boy is a little too young to understand, but his siblings cheer.
"you win for best costume, bud."
giving the smallest thank you he's ever heard, the boy wobbles back down to his family. the parents wave, kneeling down to the boy with excitement. as you shut the door behind you, you can't help but smirk.
"now that you gave away half of the candy," you mock, and his cheeks turn pink.
"oh please. i know how much candy you bought. we have enough for 50 more of those bowls."
you walk over to his spot next to the door and pull him down for a kiss.
"halloween isn't so bad, huh?"
he kisses you again and smirks.
"it's fine. hey, do you think there will be more volleyball costumes?”
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odetodilfs · 2 years
Be mine, please
As promised, here is the Din engagement sex fanfic!
Pairing: Din Djarin x male!reader (both top and both bottom)
Content: Established relationship, marriage proposal, multiple rounds, multiple orgasms, helmetless Din Djarin.
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Din had finally returned from a bounty hunt, you knew it as soon as you heard the door open, you heard his heavy steps and you immediately ran up to him and hugged him, he sighed in relief as he felt your arms around him, “Hey” you smiled at him, “Hey love, how was it without me?” he asked, “Terribly lonely, I missed having my Din here to cuddle me at night” you chuckled, you noticed he hadn’t taken off his armor, he had revealed his face to you before he went to the bounty hunt so that meant he no longer had to wear his armor around you, and cuddling was now comfortable, “Sweetheart, take your armor off” you asked him, “Oh, right, I’m so dumb” he said as he took off his helmet, his beautiful face and eyes showing, then his armor came off, leaving him in just normal clothes.
“Much better now?” you asked, “Yeah, I feel so relieved” he said, a silence followed, Din wasn’t a talkative guy but you could tell something was bothering him, “Din, what’s wrong my dear?” you asked him, totally seriously, “I… I just wanted to ask something, but I’m not sure you’ll like it” he said as his eyes darted from you. Oh no, was he going to break up with you? Were you not enough for him? These thoughts raced to you mind, “Din, say it, please” you asked him, trying to contain the tears in your eyes from what you thought might happen, “Well, if you want” he nodded and got down on one knee, holding a box he’d taken from his pocket, “My dearest, you’ve made me that happiest man in the galaxy, I couldn’t be thankful enough for you, you’re such an amazing man, I love you, so damn much, if I lost you, I don’t know what I’d do without you…” he swallowed, “and… I don’t want to lose you, I want you to be mine, will you marry me?” he asked, with tears down his eyes.
You yourself were also crying, but now of happiness, it was the complete opposite of what you thought and you couldn’t be happier, “Yes! Yes!” you jumped in happiness as he put on the ring, it was precious, just your favorite color in a gem, “My favorite color too… I couldn’t love it more, Din, I love you” you said as you hugged him tightly, you looked at each other, “I love you too” he confessed as he brought you in for a kiss that slowly got more and more heated. Before you knew it, you were in your room, your back on the bed as Din was on top of you, his mustache felt amazing on your upper lips as you kissed him fiercely.
“Din…” you asked him, running your hand down his face, he was so beautiful, you begged him to fuck you with the look in your eyes, “My love…” he brought his lips and kissed you sweetly as he stroked your cock, “What do you want first dear?” you asked, “Me inside you or you inside me?” he thought for a second, “Me inside you first, then you can be inside me” he smiled, “I like that idea” you said as Din went and got lube to put on his fingers. He fingered you and whispered sweet nothings in your ear until you were begging him to put his cock inside you. 
“Ready?”  he asked so sweetly, “Yes- please-” you begged for him as he started putting his hard dick inside you, you moaned at the feeling of being stretched so wide, you’d forgotten how big his dick was since his last bounty hunt, you tried to muffle your cries of half pleasure half pain, “Am I hurting you?” he asked, “J-just a bit, let me get used to it” you said as he stopped thrusting and let you take his size, he stared into your eyes so lovingly, “You feel good around my cock” he started, “you can make anything feel good” he praised you, you were taken aback by how cute his words were, “Din-” was all you could moan “you can- move now” you sighed of relief.
He started moving inside you and the pleasure was heavenly, the way each thrust made a long glide along your prostate, sending shivers down your spine, you whimpered at every thrust, “Such cute sounds you make for me” he commented, making you writhe, “F-fuck- don’t stop-” you said as your hands interlocked and you kissed as fiercely as you could. He kept thrusting into you, your warm tightness and sounds you made bringing him closer to orgasm, “Din- gonna cum-” you moaned, “Cum for me, let me feel that seed spray on me” he asked you so dominantly, 
“Fuck!!” you screamed as your dick twitched over and over and sprayed a load on you. The way your ass clenched around Din made him lose it and he came inside as he let out a scream of pleasure. Din stayed looking at you panting, it had been 2 months without having sex with you and it just felt so great to cum inside you.
“You okay there baby? You can still have a round 2?” he asked you, “Yeah, on your back, beautiful man” you said, in a few seconds, he was on his back with his legs spread open, begging look on his face and his hole exposed towards you, you squirted the lube on your fingers, he begged so prettily, his hole expanding, then, you put a finger inside as he gasped in pleasure, “Good boy,” you praised him, “taking my finger so well,” you encouraged as he just moaned. After stretching him out enough for you, you started to slide your dick into him, his moans and whimpers making you hold back the urge to rail him and absolutely wreck the guy, but you held back and looked as his mouth opened in pleasure and the way his eyes were shut tight, “You want anything my dear?” you asked him so sweetly, all you got where whimpers and moans from him, “H-harder-” he asked you and so you started fucking him harder and faster. The way his ass felt around your dick was making you feel like heaven, but cumming had stopped being your main focus now, you wanted him to feel as much pleasure as possible, your soon to be husband, who worked his ass off for you, “K-kiss me-” he begged so prettily, you could only go in and kiss him softly, your lips interlocking together, his mustache rubbing on your upper lip, his moans and whimpers as you gently fucked him, they all made you feral.
You thrusted into him the way he liked it, slow and long, after about 30 minutes he finally screamed your name out loud as he came all over himself and over you, the sight of him cumming added to how clenched his ass was made you tip over the edge and you thrusted hard inside him as you came, you were both gasping now, recovering your breaths, Din was basically quivering.
 “You alright my love?” you asked Din,
 “More than alright” he said as he nuzzled his face into your neck, “I can’t wait to be your husband” he whispered into your ear
“Me neither, I love you so much, Din” you kissed him as you smiled at each other, his beautiful brown eyes as captivating as always as you went to sleep, cuddled to each other and with a smile on your faces.
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whositmcwhatsit · 1 year
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Chapter 3
AN: Well, this whole writing thing got away from me for a bit, sorry everyone! Thank you to my alpha @thatbanditqueen, who decodes my gibberish, and a big thank you to @vintageshanny, @ellie-24 and @be-my-ally for keeping me sane without even knowing it.
Here are the previous chapters since you'll definitely need to be remind yourself what it's all about!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
There was a sharp rapping at the door after lunch the next day. Sally had gone back to the room to change into her bikini and robe, deciding to brave the poolside because she was tired of looking like the washed-out spirit of some pioneer girl haunting the hotel.
Thinking it was Laura checking on why she was taking so long, Sally threw open the door as she went to the mirror and adjusted the bikini top beneath her loose peasant blouse.
“Do you think I should untie the straps on this thing? I don’t want to have white lines on my shoulders.”
The tall man standing in the doorway raised his eyebrows behind his sunglasses and flashed a wide smile.
“Uh, I don’t know that I’m qualified to answer that one, Miss,” he replied amiably with a shrug.
Sally whirled round, feeling her mortified blush tingle as it hit her hairline.
“Oh gosh, I thought you were someone else,” she mumbled lamely. “Sorry.”
“Yeah, my name’s Sonny. I work for-“ He pointed a finger up and Sally frowned.
“God?” Utah wasn’t a million miles away but surely they didn’t send missionaries to the Las Vegas casino hotels. That just seemed unfair on both sides.
“What?” He gave a sharp laugh. “No!” He shot her a look like he thought she was either dumb or crazy, maybe a mixture of both. But she wasn’t the one who cased the corridor like a secret agent before murmuring: “Elvis. I work for Elvis.”
“Oh.” She thought that he was maybe waiting for more of a reaction, but after worrying that he was a Mormon missionary, the fact that he was one of Elvis’ guys was a relief.
“Uh, anyway, my boss wanted me to bring you these-“ He whipped out the tickets for that night’s show. “And, uh, this.” He held out a small, dark green velvet case in his other hand. She took both and frowned again at his look of expectation.
“Do you… Oh, I don’t really have any cash on me right now. Hang on a second, I can check-”
“God, no.” He wiped his face with a big meaty hand and yanked off his sunglasses, fixing her with a look that she thought was supposed to be intimidating but just looked exhausted. “Can you open it please? I’m s’posed to let him know how you… acted.”
“No pressure,” she muttered, lifting the lid.
Inside was a gold bracelet interlaced around emeralds circled by little diamonds. It looked like something the Queen of England might wear to a soiree, not a teller from a bank in the middle of nowhere. Not without being accused of embezzlement.
All of that ran through her head as she stared open-mouthed. Finally, she remembered her audience and she glanced back up.
“Can you tell him that I was overjoyed and jumped up and down and was grateful?” she asked, worrying that she hadn’t accrued enough goodwill to get him to lie for her. “I am very grateful, really grateful, but this is… I’ve never even seen anything like this before, let alone touched it.” She tentatively put a finger to the metal; it felt cool against her fingertip.
“Yeah, I’ll tell him.” He slid his sunglasses back on and gave her a small smile and a nod. “I’ll see ya.”
Sally nodded back and closed the door, clutching the tickets and bracelet to her chest. “Well, that was weird.”
At the pool, Laura huddled over the bracelet, pulling Sally’s wrist close to her near-sighted eyes like she was a jeweler, appraising gems.
“You think they’re real?” she asked, tilting Sally’s arm to see the stones caught the sun. Sally looked around at the other people on the sun loungers, feeling slightly too conspicuous thrusting precious stones in the air.
“I don’t know.”
“And you didn’t even have to sleep with him.”
“Keep your voice down!” Sally hissed, snatching her arm away.
“I’m just saying, you’ve got to be careful playing hard to get, you know, Sal, they can get tired of it real suddenly.”
“That’s not what I’m doing. I wouldn’t do that.”
Sally could imagine that he would be able to see through that pretty quickly too. He seemed to do that, to see deeper than people thought he did, or at least it felt like he did when his eyes were on you.
Almost as if she was afraid of being caught, she glanced up at the towering white façade of the hotel. It rose up and disappeared into the shimmering heat of the endless blue sky. Somewhere, right at the very top, which she couldn’t make out from the bottom, he was there. She wondered if he was thinking about her. Maybe he was looking down at the pool… She felt her cheeks heat up and she had to look away just in case.
That evening, she and Laura were standing in line for the dinner show. At the front were the devoted fans who had probably started queuing while they were still at the pool.
“Imagine if they knew you what you got up to last night,” Laura remarked, wiggling her eyebrows. She seemed more excited by the cachet of Sally’s relationship, such as it was, with Elvis, than Sally herself was. “What? It’s okay to enjoy things, Sal, Jesus!”
Sally opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted by Emilio the maître de who had somehow picked them out of the crowd of heavily made-up glamorously dressed women.
“The Beatles fan… Sally, is it not?” He pecked both her cheeks and then grabbed her fingers, wrapping them around his crooked arm. “We have been told to take extra special care of you.”
Sally glanced back at Laura, who had snatched hold of her other arm, and pulled a face. They giggled as they were escorted past all the baleful looking people in front of them in the queue.
“It’s like being a movie star!” she whispered to Laura.
“Now you’re getting it.”
Sitting in the central booth again, they felt highly visible as the room rapidly filled and staff served dinner. Sally watched the tables beside the stage fill up, the biggest tippers sitting central, women only closest to the stage.
“You know, some people come all the way from Japan and England and Australia just to watch these shows. Not even on vacation, just to see Elvis. The other night, I was talking to some people from South Africa!”
“Well, older folks have more money I guess,” Laura murmured, sipping her champagne.
“It’s not just older people,” she murmured, hearing how defensive she sounded. Laura shrugged, but didn’t reply as the lights started to go down.
The show passed in a blur of lights, sounds and, of course, music. Sally could tell that Elvis was getting more comfortable on the stage with each show, the patter between each song was becoming longer, sometimes surreal, usually funny, and he was cutting up during the songs more, swapping lyrics, usually for something dirty. The audiences seemed to enjoy it, and he certainly seemed to thrive on that.
Joe appeared during the piano intro for ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love.’ This time, he didn’t ask them to come backstage, he just gave them a smirk and gestured for them to go ahead of him.
In the wood panelled outer dressing room, Sally recognised some of the stars in the crowd, there were the actors from the Mod Squad, over there was Glen Campbell, but there was only one face she was looking for. She stayed back as the inner dressing room door opened, there was a glimpse of fleur-de-lis wallpaper, and Elvis came out.
Sally thought he looked anxious as he emerged, but even as her brain was registering it, his face relaxed into his usual charismatic smirk and he scanned the room. She averted her eyes, her stomach fluttering manically, and tried to look casual. She twitched a nervous smile at a stranger across the room and looked around for Laura, finding her beaming up at a tall, tanned older man.
Shaking her head, Sally turned back and almost banged her nose on Elvis’ chest.
“Snuck up on ya, didn’t I!” He looked pretty pleased with himself even as he grabbed her forearm so that she didn’t stumble back. He pulled on her arm a little harder, tugging her towards him so that he could lean down and give her a lingering kiss on the cheek. She felt a wave of goosebumps ripple up her spine as her hand brushed against his suit jacket and his cologne tickled her nose.
“You did, I almost pulled out my pepper spray.”
“Pepper spray?! Hell, that ain’t no good, honey, that’s just seasoning. We oughta see about getting you a gun.”
“Oh, no thank you,” she replied, pulling a face.
“Not a big one,” he reassured her, like that was the problem. “You know, they make ‘em small enough that you can just put it in your purse.”
She envisioned fishing around for a mint or lipstick and shooting herself instead.
“I think I’m more comfortable with the pepper spray.”
Elvis pulled a face that told her that he wasn’t, but luckily they were interrupted by one of his famous guests, who leant right across her to shake Elvis’ hand and pat him on the shoulder. Sally moved back before she was elbowed. She almost stepped on the foot of a man behind her who was wearing a jacket covered in Elvis pins. It was a comedy of errors as she shuffled and circled and edged out of everyone’s way. She found herself pressed up against a decorative carpet that hung against the wall, overshadowed by a dark wood cabinet. It didn’t feel that different from the showroom, standing at a distance, watching him say his lines and his audience beaming at him. Even off stage he was still always giving a performance.
After about half an hour, the tall man who had delivered her bracelet- Sonny- gave her a pleasant smile and asked her to come with him. She glanced over at where Elvis was explaining something with animated hand gestures to a rapt group of men and women. The group let out a loud collective laugh as Sally grabbed Laura and they followed Sonny from the room.
“Where’s Elvis?” Laura asked as they walked along the bland tiled corridor towards the elevators.
“He’ll be coming along,” Sonny replied, pausing to introduce himself. Laura’s eyes lingered on him a little longer and Sally looked down to hide her knowing smile.
The elevator ride felt like an interrogation as Laura questioned Sonny on himself, on Elvis, on Hollywood, and anything else that caught her attention. Laura’s enthusiasm was unphased by Sonny’s stoicism, even after he mentioned his fiancée. Sally envied her friend’s confidence and self-assurance. Laura was the top saleswoman back home every month because she had a knack of dragging customers into conversations and building rapport with them so that when she mentioned that she was worried that they were not sufficiently covered by insurance, or that they could get that home renovation done now if they just signed up for a little, low-interest home loan, they felt they were being advised by a friend. If anyone had told Sally that one of them would get noticed by Elvis while on vacation, she would have bet all her cash on Laura.
Up in the Imperial suite, Sonny brought the women a drink and settled them in the den like they were his house guests. He seemed to have succumbed to Laura’s charms, sitting beside her on the couch and stretching out his arm behind her. Sally clutched her drink and surveyed the room, pretending to be intensely interested in the chandelier as Laura giggled quietly off to her right.
Finally, the door of the suite burst open and half a dozen guys strode in together. They all seemed to be talking at once, laughing at some in-joke. Elvis appeared amidst the group and the corner of his mouth twitched up as he caught sight of her. He made a beeline for her as his entourage peeled off and headed in different directions. Joe handed him a bottle of water, still talking to him, but it didn’t slow Elvis’ stride as he came and stood in front of her.
Without a word, he took the drink from her and placed it on the side table, then grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her to her feet.
“C’mon, honey, let’s go hide.”
Sally bit down on her lips to stop herself grinning like a cartoon as he tugged her along behind him. He took big strides so she had to half jog in her heels to keep up and she kept her eyes on the floor to make sure she didn’t trip on the thick carpet or any hidden steps.
In the bedroom, he slowed down as he purposefully closed the door, leaning on it for a moment before he turned round and smiled at her. She shivered involuntarily at the light twinkling in his eyes.
“Hello,” she giggled and he bit his lip as he moved toward her, his eyes taking her in with an almost predatory hunger. His lips pressed softly against hers even as she felt him gathering her up, his hand around the back of her head, the other on the small of her back, sliding up as he pressed her into him.
Sally almost sagged in his arms as the anticipation and tension she had felt since leaving him passed liked waves from her body. She didn’t realise he was moving the both of them backwards until the side of the bed hit her calves and she made a squeaking noise against his mouth as she wobbled. Elvis’ grip of her tightened even as her arms tensed around his athletic frame, trying to keep herself upright.
Elvis pulled back from the waist up, his eyes opening slowly, thick black lashes flickering against his cheeks, as if he didn’t want to quite let go of the kiss. It only made her want to launch herself back at him, but she suspected he knew that.
“Man, I been thinking about this ever since I saw you in that dress,” he murmured, his hand dragging around her waist from her back and his long fingers tickling underneath the short hem.
Sally had already worn all of her good outfits to his shows, so she had borrowed a green mini dress from Laura and had spent most of the evening tugging it down.
“You wear this for me, honey?” His warm breath tickled her neck as he leant in to pepper her jaw and throat with soft butterfly kisses. “You ain’t trying to get me in trouble now, are you.”
At the same time, her thighs tingled with goosebumps at the feel of his callused fingers trailing up to the edge of her underwear beneath her skirt.
Part of her was protesting that this was too fast, that he was too much of everything: too experienced, too rich, too famous, too handsome, too Elvis for her. She was so far out of her depth that drowning was inevitable. The problem was that he made drowning look both exciting and pleasurable.
“I wore it because it matched my new bracelet,” she said, slipping her fingers through the opening of his jacket, warmed by his skin and the feel of the coarse chest hair against her fingertips. She could feel the thudding of his heart reverberating through his rib cage and sternum.
His chin dimpled as he peered down, grabbing her hand and pulling her wrist up for examination. She gazed at his face as he inspected her wrist, his left eyebrow twitching with self-satisfaction. She loved the creases at the corners of his mouth, how they made his full lips look sullen even as she knew he was suppressing a smile. It felt like a secret between them.
“You like it, baby?”
Sally shot him a look of disbelief. “Of course, it’s beautiful, Elvis, so beautiful, but you shouldn’t have. It looks expensive.”
“That don’t matter,” he murmured, frowning. “It looks pretty on your little wrist here.” He dipped forward and pressed his lips to the bony part of her wrist. Sally’s whole arm twitched at the heat and velvety softness of his mouth and her stomach fluttered as his pout continued its path round to her pulse point. His hair brushed against her jaw and throat as he leant over pressing kisses up the delicate skin on the inside of her forearm.
“I -uh..” She dropped down onto the bed, even as she was thinking that she was starting to feel a little lightheaded from holding her breath.
He looked like he was holding back a laugh as he asked, ‘You okay, honey?”
“I meant to do that.” She frowned, daring him to contradict her.
“Uh huh.” He nudged her legs open with his knee so that he could step closer and she could feel her skirt sliding to the top of her thighs as he drew in, his thumbs on her jaw tipping her head back so that he could kiss her as he slowly and gently lowered her back onto the bed, his tongue teasing its way into her mouth.
“Well,” he said, pressing his knee into the mattress right at the apex of her thighs, the pressure of him answering the ache beginning to throb there, “I might not get around to the next show, but-” He lifted a mischievous eyebrow. “It’ll be worth it.”
It took every drop of restraint in Sally’s being not to grind down on his thigh, but her self-discipline was almost immediately undermined by Elvis pressing down on her, and she let out a sigh mixed with a moan, catching a glimpse of his smirk before he kissed her again. Yet again, he was performing exactly the show he knew his audience enjoyed.
Trying to find some sense of balance, she let her hands glide down from his shoulder blades, feeling the mechanics of his lean muscles working beneath his suit jacket, and cupped his perfectly round ass. She felt him pause for a second, before he tried to cover his surprise by moving with even more authority, rolling his hips and driving a moan from her that had her turning her face into his neck and hiding in embarrassment. He didn’t seem to realise this was what she was doing as he shuddered and showered kisses on her throat and shoulder, pulling back her neckline as far as it could go so he could taste her pink, sun-kissed skin.
Sally felt his teeth clamp down lightly on the muscle in her shoulder before he drew back, depriving her of his spicy warmth, so that he could shrug off his suit jacket. As usual, he wasn’t wearing anything underneath and she couldn’t stop herself reaching out to touch his skin, running her fingertips up his sides and making him twitch and hiccup a laugh before he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. Her bracelet bit into her skin from the pressure, but she didn’t fight it or protest.
“This okay?” he asked softly, his face looking suddenly very boyish and vulnerable. It was unexpected and helped ease some of her nerves as she gazed up at him and nodded. Her lips were swollen and tingly, seemingly a side effect of being in close proximity to him, and she bit down on her bottom lip, trying to stop herself from panting too needily. He groaned, mumbling about how she was going to be the end of him, and sank back down into kissing and rubbing and pressing against her as she shivered and writhed and pressed right back.
Sally’s skirt was now somewhere around her waist and her restraint was buried somewhere in the sand outside of Las Vegas along with everything else that people from this city found themselves forsaking. She hooked her fingers into the tight waistband of his pants and tugged impatiently even as her tongue was sliding against his.
“Hey, whoa whoa, easy, baby,” he mumbled into her mouth. “We got plenty of time. I got you to myself all night, right?” She nodded dumbly. “That’s right, we made a deal.”
Despite his words, he walked his fingers up her thigh and her breath stuttered in her throat as he slipped his thumb into the warmest, wettest part of her. His eyes crinkled slightly and his mouth fell slightly open as he studied her face, which she was desperately trying not to screw up into unflattering expressions as he circled and dragged the pad of his thumb over her slippery skin, flooding her with sensation, before slowing and ebbing back, letting her breathe and float for moment. He seemed to take her efforts to be quiet and composed as a personal challenge, shifting his hips to get more comfortable and pressing himself against her thigh, before pulling out his thumb from the leg of her underwear and insert his whole hand into the front.
“S’okay,” he whispered, panting softly, as he played her like an instrument with his delicate fingers and she bit down on a whine. She could see where his mascara was beginning to smudge below his eyes as they both lost their cool both figuratively and literally.
Sally felt sweat trickle from her hairline down behind her neck and she shifted slightly. Elvis glanced up from where he was watching the movement of his hand and his heavy-lidded eyes seemed to assess her. In one smooth movement, he rolled onto his back, his hand still working in her underwear, and reached over to grab a pillow from the top of the bed.
The next thing she knew she was being thwacked lightly in the face with it.
“No, wait, that ain’t right,” he remarked dryly, picking it up again and smirking at her disgruntled expression beneath. “Lift your head, honey.” She clasped her hair in one hand and raised her head so that he could tug the pillow into place with his free hand, grunting slightly as he tried to keep himself up at the same time.
As soon as he was satisfied she was comfortable, he leant back over to kiss the air from her, increasing the pressure of his fingers as they began to sink into her while his thumb strummed at the bundle of nerves, making her twitch and writhe.
“Oh God,” Sally breathed, clasping at his neck and the damp tendrils of his hair. She couldn’t decide where to touch him, still not able to believe that she could. Her hands moved from his neck to his shoulders to his back, brushing his narrow waist, kneading his perfect ass and squeezing his thighs.
As the knot tightened in her belly, her muscles tensed and she began to moan freely, losing her inhibitions, she palmed at the firm bulge in his pants. He growled softly, pressing his face to her chest and resting his warm, sweaty cheek against her decolletage, scratching her with his sideburn. It felt like he was everywhere, leaving nowhere for her to retreat and hide, making it impossible to stay calm and demure, giving her no way to hold it together.
His fingers prodded deeper, causing the swell of the waves of pleasure in her gut to break and ripple through her body. She whimpered into his damp hair as stimulation so intense that it was almost painful rolled over her, making her thighs clench and her toes curl. The aftershocks made her twitch and he huffed a laugh into her temple, giving her pussy a scritch like it was actually his pet.
Sally shot him a disapproving look, a little embarrassed at how completely he had taken her apart with just his hand. He raised his eyebrows and shrugged as if he wasn’t responsible for what he did.
While she slowed her breathing and felt the unwelcome return of her inhibitions, Elvis hovered over her, straightening her underwear and diligently pulling down her skirt. He moved up, adjusting her neckline and pulling the shoulder of her dress back into place. Sally hoped they hadn’t stretched it, because she knew Laura would make her pay for another and she suspected it wasn’t from a catalogue like Sally’s own dresses.
“All better,” he pronounced in a soft, babyish voice, looking down at her body. When his eyes returned to her face however, he snorted softly. “Up here’s a different story though, baby, up here you’s a mess!”
“Noooo!” she protested, her hands going up to her hair, feeling the damp frizz and knots as he gave a cartoonish cackle and nodded. She pouted and reached up, vigorously ruffling his hair and pushing it in his face. “There, now we match!”
There was a pause and her stomach dropped as she thought that maybe she had crossed a line, but then he laughed and shook his head, swiping his black hair out of his eyes before he swiftly straddled her and obliterated any hope she had that her hairdo was salvageable. She wrinkled her nose and blew a lock of hair off her face.
“You made me do that!” he informed her. “I didn’t have no choice.” He did one of his patented sullen smirks as he picked up a long lock of her hair and laid it across her forehead like a monobrow. His laughter vibrated through her and his thighs tightly clamped her hips as she batted at her face and knocked her hair away.
“You are a public menace,” she informed him.
“You ain’t the first person to say that,” he nodded. “First person with a bird’s nest on their head to say it though maybe…”
In spite of his playful tone and the calming endorphins flooding her body, she was starting to feel self-conscious and she tried to roll over and escape his grip.
“Okay, let me up.”
“Honey, I’m just teasing. It ain’t that bad.” The expression on his face contradicted his words. She shoved at his thighs, trying to push herself free, and quickly discovered when her hand slid up that she might have been a mess, but she was apparently an exciting mess.
It was another twenty minutes of rolling around on the bed before she made it to the bathroom to examine the damage to her hair. It was as bad as she had feared, and she rooted around in the drawers and cabinets looking for a brush or comb to attempt triage. During her search, she found three pistols, some amber bottles of medication with a range of names printed on them, and a photo of a cute blond-haired baby, before she finally found what she was looking for.
Two hours of curlers and teasing and half a can of hairspray wasted, she vigorously brushed her abused hair into long brown curtains on either side of her face and wet some tissue to wipe away her smudged and smeared eye make-up.
When she emerged from the bathroom, Elvis was laying on the bed and he did a double take as she came out.
“What?” she asked, pausing nervously.
“Nothing… Nothing, honey.” He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “You just look different with your hair all down like that.”
“I didn’t have much choice now, did I?”
“No, I guess not.” He rolled off the bed and somehow made it onto his feet before he hit the floor, striding over to clasp her head in his hands and kiss her almost chastely. “It looked so pretty before though, honey.”
“Thank you?”
He shook his head sharply. “I mean, you’re still pretty. I don’t even know what I’m saying, man. Sorry, baby.” He kissed her again, this time with more force. “Every time I get up on that stage I think I must shake something loose up there, losing my damn mind. You’re pretty, you’re beautiful, honey.”
Before either of them could speak again, there was a gentle tap on the door.
“E, it’s time.” The guy’s voice was no louder than speaking volume and clearly audible through the door. Sally was horrified, thinking about what they might have heard on the other side of that door. Elvis didn’t seem bothered though, just annoyed that their time together had to end, but then he was probably used to all of this.
“I gotta go to work, honey. Sold my soul to Kirk Kevorkian for a hundred thousand a week and I’m starting to think I’m the one that got snowed.” One side of his mouth twitched up into a half smile as he rose, but she didn’t quite understand what his expression was trying to convey. And in in an instant, it was gone.
“You coming to the show?” he asked with a bashful smile.
“If that’s okay with you?”
At this, he cupped her face in his large hands and kissed her, nipping her bottom lip between his teeth before pressing his forehead against hers.
“You ain’t real,” he told her, to her confusion. “There ain’t no way you’re real.”
“Funny,” she replied, “I think the same about you.”
As he walked her to the main door of the suite like they were on a surreal date, he told her not to bother coming down to the stage for a kiss at the midnight show.
“Oh,” she murmured, a little deflated. “I did exceed my allocation after all then?” He gave her an amused little frown.
“The way you talk, honey! Naw, I just got something else in mind. Don’t go messing with my plans, now, okay?” He gave her a peck, motioning to someone behind her. Laura reappeared, straightening her dress slightly and looking sheepish. Sally looked from her to Sonny wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
The midnight show, her fifth now in three days, confirmed that the tummy flip when Elvis appeared on stage was a permanent thing. Meeting him, talking to him, hadn’t lessened her wonder and awe at his talent and energy. If anything, seeing him up close in the flesh and learning more about him only made that huge presence he projected seem that much more impressive.
“Does it bother you?” Laura asked curiously, pouring herself a glass of champagne from the magnum resting in an ice bucket. They hadn’t ordered it, it had just been presented to them with the assurance that there was no charge.
“What?” Sally asked. Laura nodded towards the stage where Elvis was crouched down in front of a couple of women who were giving him a gift. He gave them both deep, effusive kisses, going back for seconds from one of them.
“Why would it bother me?” she laughed. “if he didn’t do it, I wouldn’t have got to kiss him.”
“Exactly,” Laura said cryptically, raising her eyebrows. Sally rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the show.
Elvis didn’t introduce Love Me Tender until later in the set, leaving Sally wondering what he was talking about when he said he had a plan. When he finally started the introduction, she suddenly became vigilant, like she was waiting for an ambush.
At first, nothing seemed much different, Elvis sang a little, kissed a lot and the band persevered, playing verse after verse. Then, after walking to the wings, he just… didn’t stop. She watched his dark head drop down into the crowd and pandemonium broke out. People- women- were charging down from the back of the showroom, the audience were laughing and whooping as girls called Elvis’ name and begged to be able to touch him.
“God, they’re going to eat him alive!” Laura laughed, as they both craned their necks to follow the knot of people moving through the crowd.
Sally watched as people tried to climb over tables just to reach out and touch his arm as he passed by. He was being jostled by the press of his own bodyguards and then the fans begging for kisses. Her eyes widened as she realised the procession and growing mob were heading toward their booth; blue uniformed security guards were already appearing behind her, ready to marshal him through safely.
A beautiful blond managed to step into Elvis’ path as he almost reached the back of their booth. Sally and Laura had turned in their seats and were kneeling up on the red velvet cushions, watching the circus. He clasped the blonde’s face, just as he had done Sally’s only an hour earlier, and kissed her on the lips. Sally wondered if maybe she should be feeling jealous, but the truth was that she really just felt empathy with the woman, understanding how exciting and delicious it was to be kissed by him.
Despite the pressing and the chaos, he managed to pause at their booth, his tanned hand replete in gold rings gripping the white scrollwork to fight the momentum pushing him on. He gave her a lopsided grin as he leant in.
“How’d you like my plan? Seemed a good idea at the time.” He almost stumbled as he was jostled from behind.
“Not bad for a public menace,” she grinned, wrapping her fingers around his sweaty neck and almost sighing against his soft lips. A security guard stepped closer as if she was an overexcited fan that he was going to have to drag away, but she drew away before he could reach out and grab her.
“See ya later!” Elvis called over his shoulder, taken by the current. As he was swept on, she only heard the word ‘deal’ float back through the screams and whooping and laughter.
Turning round and smiling at Laura, Sally licked her lips and savoured the salt there. 
Tag list:
@itsnotthatserious03 @everythingelvispresley @bigromansgirl-blog, @sillybookmarks, @returntopresley
As always, shout out to the Elvis harem: @thatbanditqueen, @be-my-ally, @vintageshanny, @ellie-24, @from-memphis-with-love, @missmaywemeetagain, @peskybedtime
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