#- my job is sewing with a heavy sewing machine
crunchchute · 5 months
i was at a routine checkup today and i felt how helpy felt during a markiplier gameplay. except i didnt get any candy after!! scam
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made elly and lisa cosplays :3
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marzipanandminutiae · 7 months
I brought the skirt I'm working on to the museum yesterday, to get some hand-sewing done at the desk between tours (a lot of my projects end up being done half-hand and half-machine, because I love working on the train or during downtime at my various jobs). you know, the one made of the God-Tier WoolTM
when I invited my coworker, a 19-year-old student, to feel the fabric- in that "OH MY GOD FEEL THIS!!!" tone -her jaw dropped
she had never felt soft, light- or even medium-weight wool in her life. she previously thought, it turns out, that all wool was coarse, heavy, and itchy. she couldn't stop stroking it with that awestruck look on her face
truly, fuck fast fashion and the modern garment industry. for depriving us of sensory richness in our clothing so thoroughly that most of us don't even know what we've lost
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chronicbeans · 10 months
What would it be like if you were Wally's puppeteer?
I actually have a whole story, start to finish for that scenario! I'll provide the links to the Masterlist that have the parts for it below, alongside some extra little info and just an overview for his behaviors and thoughts! Just a heads up, these Masterlists are a bit chaotic, because I am not well practiced in making them! 😅 Also, the story is pretty old - my first one on here - so idk how well it holds up!
Being Wally Darling's Puppeteer:
TW: Idol Worshipping, Obsessive Behavior, Unintentional Violence (Puppet Man Doesn't Understand how Fragile Humans can be)
As a puppet, Wally isn't necessarily in as much control over you as he would be as a puppeteer. He doesn't mind, though! He doesn't see the need to control you. It's your job to control him. Why would he want to control you?
He always knew he was a puppet, but not necessarily what it meant. To him and his friends, being a puppet was basically the same as being human, just with more stuffing and felt than skin and bone. So, when he got brought to the human world, realizing that every puppet has a puppeteer... someone who controls what they say and do everyday... his mind is blown. His mindset is filled with the idea that making you happy will, in turn, make his already pleasant life perfect! His friends will be even happier, he will be happier, and most importantly, you will be happier!
Then, that desire to make his own life better fades away as everything settles in better. As he watches you, he begins to grow attached to you. Well, more so than a puppet and puppeteer already are. You are his savior! Think about it! Someone who controls what he says and does in his world... What does that sound like to you?
He isn't scared to reveal himself to you. He's your puppet! Why would you be scared if he is walking and talking? You are pals! You have a bond stronger than pals, actually! He wants your attention. He wants your affection. He wants you to be proud of him. He needs it.
He is willing to go to extreme lengths, however, he doesn't understand the consequences of it. As a puppet, he can handle things like... say, a heavy object falling from a high place and hitting his head. That may sound very specific, but as a three foot tall puppet, that's one of the few things he can do. He can also handle things like accidentally stapling himself. Just pull it out! It feels uncomfortable, yes, but no severe injuries! He doesn't understand that humans can't handle it. That humans are harmed by it. He may know that if feels uncomfortable for them and mean to do these things, but he doesn't understand the extent of injury these actions can cause.
So, you may notice some of your coworkers being brought to the hospital for odd injuries. An "incident with the stapler", "a large box of tools fell on their head", "the sewing machine malfunctioned". They never really want to explain what actually happened when they come back, either. They tend to avoid you, too. Wally does feel bad, don't get me wrong! He didn't mean to hurt them that badly... But, depending on the person, he might think they deserved it. Specifically if they were mean to you in the past.
You also get a bucket load of letters, drawings, and paintings on your desk at work, every single day. He has no fear in signing them, either! He'll proudly write his name, mention how much he loves you, and doodle little hearts and smiley faces all over the paper. If he didn't reveal that he is alive at this point in time, you probably think that it is all some sick joke. If he did, you are most likely twice as scared as before.
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20dollarlolita · 10 months
What do you think of people always recommending the Singer Heavy Duty to beginners to machine sewing?
I have a lot of opinions about this. Since before I started this blog, so pre-2014, I've been saying that buying a modern Singer machine will almost always prove to be some of the worst value for your money. In the intermediate time, I actually took a job working directly for SVP, who make and distribute the machines with the Singer name. I've also modified that opinion a little bit.
Buying a modern Singer machine will almost definitely be the worst value for your money.
I want to say something about availability, and just address that before I go into my harsh critique of the brand. Not everyone has access to dealerships or a wide variety of machines. If you're looking at not a wide selection, the Singer Heavy Duty line may very well be the best option out of what is available. There's also a lot of Heavy Duty machines at various price points, so it's an easy thing to recommend people look for. If you bought a Heavy Duty, you're not wrong in using it and loving it. But I don't recommend them for a good first machine.
So the company that makes these machines also makes two different premium lines, which we'll call German Machine and Swedish Machine, since that's where they used to be made. This company's name is the first letters of the brand, so you can figure it out. The notable thing about this is that they intend for Singer to be their budget line. They sort of want Singer to be available to every household. To shorten it up in the worst way, if a Singer was good enough, it'd be sold under a different name.
The thing that the Heavy Duty really has going for it is the metal internal frame. Generally, you want your machine to have a metal frame, because it holds the main components that make the machine go. Some inexpensive machines have no frame, and they can flex and break when they run over something pretty hard. Sometimes, machines flex and they never go back to where they originally were, making the machine dead in the water. However, there's a lot of options that have a metal frame and are longer lasting than a Heavy Duty.
I'm a big fan of the Baby Lock BeGenuine collection. It's got three entry level machines that are fully mechanical. Most of these machines have been on the market for a long time, just under different names. The Baby Lock Molly has become the Zeal, and before it was a Molly it was a different name. A lot of these machines are still working today. These machines don't have all the fancy features at the same price point, meaning a $300 Singer Heavy Duty will have more bells and whistles than a $300 BeGenuine, but they have a much longer life. Most people who buy these machines replace them because their skills grow and they want more, and not because the machine breaks on them.
However, if you already know that you'll want to upgrade in three or fewer years, I guess you could say there's something to be said for buying a machine that doesn't need to last that long. It'll force you to replace it. I know people who've had a Heavy Duty last a long time, but I've seen a ton replaced because they've died on people. My general rule on these machines is to check how long the "electronics and motors" warranty lasts, and assume that if the full warranty is only three months to a year, well, there's a reason why it's not a "5 years on electronics and motors" warranty.
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daphnechantandshant · 26 days
Teru Minamoto x Fem! Reader
  Authors Note: This story has been a something that has been on my mind for a year now. It is a Demon Slayer x Toilet Bound Hanako Kun fanfiction, and is set in the time that TBHK is (so modern version of Demon Slayer). My schedule will be very off, because of finals and my other fanfiction that I am currently writing. This first chapter was rushed, because I wanted to get it out there. Thank you so much for reading.
        p.s. this won't be the last fic i'll be making. i'm currently working on fanfics for Maze Runner (Minho x Reader), School for Good and Evil (Tedros x Reader), and the Orange manga (Suwa x Reader). I have many more ideas for a wide span of movies, books, and shows (ex. Gossip Girl, Crave(?), and MANY more Demon Slayer), but those three are the only fics that I have an actual cover and chapter name for. 
        TWs: cussing, drug and alcohol abuse, gore, depression, suicidal ideations and attempts, frequent topics of self harm, minor sexual situations, weapons, and I'm sure others that I missed. This fic covers some pretty heavy stuff that (Name) and people close to her are feeling (most of my fics do) 
You jerked awake, the sound of your alarm clock blaring right next to your ear. You shut it off quickly so that you wouldn't smash it into a wall. You bit your lip, feeling the agonizing burn of broken stitches on your torso.
"Jesus..." You muttered as you looked down to see a red blotch forming on your comforter. You got up, even though you wish you didn't have to. Your feet made a soft padding noise as you walked to the bathroom, where you lifted your shirt to inspect the wound that stretched from your waist to your collarbone.
A couple of the stitches had come undone while you were asleep. You sighed, looking into your own tired eyes through the mirror.
What a wonderful start to the day.
As you threaded the wound back up, you practiced breathing exercises that Obanai had taught you two years ago. In for four, still for four, out for four, repeat.
"Total Concentration Breathing." He had said. "It doesn't just help with fighting too. It helps with anything."
Your second alarm went off.
You burst.
You snatched the tiny machine and threw it at the wall. It smashed with a satisfying noise that you would normally only hear in the movies.
You took a sharp breath in. Your entire body ached with wounds and exhaustion. You still had gauze up your arm, your entire torso drowning in bandages and stitches. It hurt to move any of your muscles, and you were just so tired.
You let out tears in gasping breaths, gripping the sink tightly and watching your tears fall into the drain. 
But you couldn't be tired, because you were the new girl. You had moved to Tokyo a week ago, and now you had to start attending a school. Kamome Academy.
They say it's a hub for all supernatural activity. That's why you were going there.
There had been a disappearance just two weeks ago, while you were still healing from the Great War.
The Great War was a term that demon slayers used to address the war between the demon slayers and Muzan. The public thinks that it was just a tragic earthquake that took the lives of a couple of people, but really, it was so much more than that. A lot of people died that day, and a lot of people died leading up to that event. Hundreds of people. Thousands. Maybe even millions.
That was the only reason you weren't tipping yourself off the ledge of a building right now. Because if you weren't here, millions more might die. You were one of the only people who could do this job, so you miserably stuck around. 
You changed the bandages, sewed any loose stitches back up, and threw on your new uniform. Sadly, it wouldn't cover the bandages that lined your arms, but it would be okay. It would have to be okay.
Authors Note: this chapter was short, but I’m going to come out with another shorter one in Teru’s pov in a while. 
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siennaditbot · 1 year
I've seen others share their Sonic AU and headcanon stuff so I thought I could share mine!
It's kind of a career focused thing, everyone has a job cuz they need money now. It's kind of in the IDW continuity but has AU stuff and other Sonic comic characters. The location is Seaside City from IDW, and everyone is a bit older than in the canon.
Team Chaotix has a café. Vector owns it, Espio is the assistant manager, and Charmy, Mighty and Ray work there part-time (my oc, Slushie, works there as well, for self indulgent fluff and shipping with Espio :3)
Vector and Vanilla are married and laid the groundwork for the café together before Vector found the staff members and randomly picked them off the streets. He plays the piano at the café
Espio isn't a ninja but does come from a family that's big on judo. Likes to paint in his free time (maybe also play the shamisen or koto, idk)
Mighty works as a personal trainer and does gym videos. Gym buds with Knuckles
Ray does "MeTube", both parkour and gaming videos
Charmy helps Silver with gardening around the city. He might not be adopted by Vector but he sees Cream as his sister and the guys as his brothers
Silver is the local gardener, keeps the city plants looking fresh and tidy (shipping with another oc)
Sonic is a really popular MeTuber (imagine MrBeast), he travels around the world, helps others while making fun and entertaining content. He takes Mighty and Ray along sometimes
Shadow owns a clothing store called 'Maria's'. He does the paperwork and keeps it running for the others (Amy, Honey, Blaze and Omega)
Amy works at Maria's, sews and sells the clothes. A casual writer outside work? (Unofficially a thing with Shadow?)
Honey has her own line that Shadow is willing to have and sell at the store. She comes and goes as she pleases
Blaze is the store's model, but also helps make and sell them
Zero (Infinite) is Shadow's competitive neighbour, creator of the 'Jackal Squad' brand (expensive but plain), has a crush on Blaze lol
Omega is an old campus robot (created by Robotnik) who wanted more from life. Shadow gave him a job, he's basically a living sewing machine lol. (Needles can be used in a threatening way, though)
Robotnik (Eggman) teaches robotics etc at a local university, students love him. Basically Mr Tinker from IDW
Metal Sonic is another campus robot who's willing to stay with his creator and help him. Based on the famous MeTuber
Tails is an intern studying under Robotnik at the university
Cosmo is most likely going to appear just for some Tailsmo fluff, not sure yet
Rouge has a jewellery store (and is married to Knuckles?)
Knuckles is a guard at Rouge's store. His calling is guarding gemstones lol
Big is still himself, just fishing
Cream works at a daycare with the other oc, Briar
Bean, Nack/Fang, Bark, Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, Rotor and maybe others are the kids at the daycare
Not everyone has appeared yet but at least these peeps are gonna be in the fic. I'm also kinda working on a comic of it but gotta rework some of it.
It's most likely gonna be a series on AO3, rn I only have a ship-heavy fic of Espio and Slushie going. Probably gonna write about what the others are doing soon.
Anyway, here's the link if anyone wants to read some Slushie x Espio (Sluspio) fluff lol:
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Is there a sewing machine you would recommend for an intermediate level cosplayer? Preferably with a few bells and whistles (buttonhole, different stitches, foot attachments) and something that is designed to be opened up and repaired? I don’t do heavy amounts of sewing all the time, but need something that can stand up to “oh shit the con is next week and I haven’t even started my cosplay” levels every couple months.
My advice will always be to go go a goodwill/your thrift store of choice OR Craigslist OR Facebook Marketplace OR estate sales/older friends of the family and look for a pre-loved metal machine from before the 1980s. Usually you can get one for $50-$80 and then sink $100-$150 into getting it tuned up by someone who knows what they're doing and you'll be in business for a good while.
Find the manual online, make friends with the search string for the machine make/manufacturer/model number on YouTube, and get acquainted with Sewing Parts Online and you should be good for a decent while. I think my mother's avocado green Kenmore she's had since the 1970s has gone in for a professional tuneup maybe twice since I've been alive, and put up with both her doing Crazy Upholstery Projects and me going from "don't know what I'm doing, but the machine can handle this, right?" costumer to "this is a longshot but I've seen this machine do dumber things?" professional costumer.
(If you have $$!!, Singer Featherweight, but they can be SPENDY to buy and then difficult to accumulate all the attachments for. I managed a series of Ridiculous Luck moments to get mine, and got the attachments as a weird perk of my job, and I fucking love her. They literally say in the manual "so easy to maintain the housewife can do it herself!" and they are not wrong- that is the easiest machine to field strip I've ever worked on, and exceedingly similar to the Juki industrials I use every day.)
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starsandauras · 9 months
Prompt 12: Dowdy
FFXIV 30 Day Writing Challenge Prompt 12: Dowdy Say hi to Streamer AU again!
“A bit old fashioned, wouldn’t you say?” Hades drawled as Brigid looked up from her sewing machine. “When we have such a wonderful invention in harnessed levin?”
Somehow, Brigid still wasn’t sure about the particulars, Hades had wound up in her studio and commandeered a chair as though he was some pretentious emperor, presiding over all the surveyed. She narrowed her eyes up at him, then huffed, hand coming up to start her machine again, easily getting back into the rhythm of treadling. “We’re also havin’ marvelous inventions in gags,” she shot back. “If you’re just comin’ ‘round to be complainin’ ‘bout me methods, you’re welcome to be leavin’.”
Hades hummed softly, but he otherwise fell silent, sitting back in his stolen chair.
At least for fifteen minutes.
“I suppose we should be thankful you’re not doing it entirely by hand,” he eventually said. “I can’t imagine how long it would take then.”
“A moon,” she retorted, not looking up. “‘Tis thankfully a great deal of long seams. Nay as though ‘tis bein’ any of your business, as ‘tisnae anything you’re payin’ for. And finishin’ work’s still bein’ done best by hand.”
He sighed. “Yes, yes, fastenings and trim, structure elements, I’m aware. I do know something of garment construction.”
Which made sense, really. As the owner, operator, director, and producer for the Amaurotine Opera House, it would behoove him to have learned how the various departments would work, even if only in theory. It still didn’t stop him from irritating the living fire out of Brigid.
“Remind me why you’re bein’ here ‘gain?” she grumbled, pulling the fabric from her machine and finger pressing the seam allowances open. It wasn’t as good as a proper pressing from a proper iron, but as Hades was sitting next to the iron, she wasn’t in an especial hurry to bother.
“Why, can I not visit a most reliable acquaintance simply because I enjoy her company?” he asked, voice full of innocence.
“Nay,” Brigid shot back flatly. “Nay, you cannae.”
“And you’re quite right,” he agreed, finally standing from Brigid’s chair and placing a bag onto a cleared space of her work table. “I’m here to drop off the remainder of my payment for your previous job.”
“Mm, aye, the four thousand gil was bein’ more generous than our agreement,” she said, setting her project to the side and going over to the table, ready to examine the fabric she knew would be waiting for her.
“It was pointed out that it was only proper to increase my payment in gratitude for your speedy and ever accurate work,” he nearly huffed, rolling his eyes. Dramatic shit. Hythlodaeus probably told him his previous offer was too low. “You will also find fifteen yalms of silk, instead of the ten.”
Brigid blinked up at him, schooling her expression enough that only an eyebrow raise showed her surprise. Oh yes, Hythlodaeus’s fingerprints were all over this turn of events. “Well, you are always callin’ me in at last minute, ‘tis only bein’ fair you’re addin’ extra.” Brigid picked up the bag, deciding it was heavy enough to hold that quantity of fabric and trusting that Hades hadn’t shorted her. He had yet to do so, after all.
Hades sighed. “Our agreement is concluded, then?” he asked, as though he was the one suffering in this ordeal.
“Aye.” Brigid sat back down at her old fashioned treadle sewing machine. “You can be leavin’ me house now.”
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notasapleasure · 1 year
a meme!
Thanks for tagging me, @grimm-lynn :)
1. Are you named after anyone?
I think the intention was to name me after my dad's mum (who died when he was very little), but to spell it in a more modern way. Inadvertantly, it's also a portmanteau of my parents' first names.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I was very sick and very tired and very frustrated when the removal guys broke it to me midway through emptying the house that they absolutely couldn't take any of my garden plants over the Irish Sea because of fucking BREXIT. I was also very angry with my husband, who was meant to have checked this. In the end, we managed to palm the plants off on friends and family and we'll try to bring them over later, once we've looked at the paperwork involved.
3. Do you have kids?
No!! I have known for a very long time that I never wanted them and do not have even an iota of maternal interest let along instinct.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
It has its uses.
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
My weekend hobbies as a kid were horse-riding and karate, and I played field hockey at school, did long jump and 200m sprint. But then, y’know. Everyone else got taller and I didn’t really. I dabbled in rowing at uni, because it was kind of expected that you'd try it, but my late-night carousing rather interfered with the early mornings. Also, as mentioned, I am short. Since then I haven't really done anything regularly except about a year where I got into weights. I'd like to get back into picking up heavy things and putting them down again, but I resent the cost of gyms and I need to have a structured class where someone tells me what to do, I don't have the willpower or imagination for solo training.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Hm, it's tough to describe (my mum would say 'their energy') but like...whether they're engaging with me, like really with me and curious about what we're talking about, or if there's that feeling that you're on the clock to prove you're interesting or whatever before they get bored.
7. What’s your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Weird things to compare?? But uh. Happy endings probably? Not in my scary movies though. I like scary movies with bittersweet endings. Though the more I think about this choice the more confused I get.
9. Any special talents?
I'm so bad at answering these things, my mind just goes blank and I'm like 'oh pffff I don't do anything special, there's always going to be someone who's better than I am'. Assigned Jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none. There are lots of things I like to do and I try to do them well. I guess I will say that you probably want me around in a stressful situation - I'm calm and I love coming up with solutions to things.
10. Where were you born?
In a county hospital in a large and rural county of England.
11. What are your hobbies?
Ok, well. Writing, obvs. Fic and poetry now and again. There's an original idea that's been rattling round my head for a few years that I keep saying *this* NaNoWriMo I'll do it! And then don't. Art used to be much higher up the list but I'm so rusty. I haven't painted in years (...has it been over a decade?). Gardening (I miss my garden so much SO MUCH rn). Baking and cooking. I go through phases of manic knitting interspersed with a little crochet, but I want to improve my sewing - I have my granny-in-law's sewing machine I need to learn how to use. If we get this amazing house we’re looking at I’m going to have to get good at DIY, too.
12. Do you have any pets?
Two greyhounds and six (yes. six.) ferrets.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Art and English lit.
15. Dream job?
Not to be all 'I don't dream of labour' but I for sure don't dream of working for other people/companies. As you can see from the hobbies section, I like to DO stuff and be busy, but I like to work on my own terms and I like project work. So my freelance editing and proofing stuff suits me fairly well right now, though I dream more of a UBI that would let me do more with my time that wasn't just about earning, but could encompass more volunteering and community stuff. Being on furlough during lockdown suited me so well - I did so much and recovered so much energy that I was much more willing to engage with strangers as well as friends through video chat etc.
Tag fifteen mutuals - FIFTEEN?! huh ok, I’m tagging y’all but no obligation, right? And Idk who’s already been tagged, sorry if you’ve done this already and I didn’t see! @stripedroseandsketchpads @notfromcold @erinaceina @bellaroles @batri-jopa @donnaimmaculata @notabuddhist @kheldara @blxcksqvadron @boogerwookiesugarcookie @elwenyere @thatonelemontreeiforgorabout @jimtheviking @weirdsociology @rapidashmascot
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superbowlsunday · 3 months
dear diary the other day i got rid of my old sewing machine, because as cool and beautiful of a piece of equipment it was, it's not practical to have a HEAVY solid metal machine I don't use often in my 1-bedroom apt. i realized older isnt always more practical, even if it's better on paper. I cleaned everything off the table and turned it into my boyfriend's new work from home setup because he deserves to have a nice space, especially for his job. the whole dining room feels so much nicer, and today i swept the patio and spent time out there. i feel pretty good. spring cleaning is going well, i'm really really feeling what marie kondo said about how getting rid of things makes you better understand what you prioritize in your life, and will make you more purposeful with your purchases in the future
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Watching Con O'Neill's old stuff cause it's fun. Day #?- Ordinary lies-EPISODE 1
I am going, to be honest. I don't know how to tag this without 'ruining it' look up the warnings on your own? Tell me below in the comments those of you who have seen this how you would tag warnings for this. Just take this meme and go googling.
UPDATED CON RANKINGS DOWN BELOW! Also, for anyone who doesn't know, I finally have a tag for this series! It's easy to find now!
As always thanks to @ivegotnonameidea for the love
Some people I follow who I think have seen this and I'd love their opinions @cliffcostello @gydima @dianetastesmetal @mossiestpiglet(if you haven't seen this, just ignore me. Or go read the warnings and watch it?)
Thoughts below, I'd love to hear yours.
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SPOILERS FROM HERE ON OUT BABES! ITS A WILD RIDE! For me this is almost as emotional as Joe Meek from Telstar. So....YEAH.
Con being the first name in the credits?
AHHH, smiling. A sign of more to come
OHH! Cringe boss/coworker Con! I love it. I've seen a gif of this speech out of context and thought he'd be an ass.
What job is he doing?
JOE! That name has no Con O'Neill associations.
"I don't assemble teams based on the basis of who might fuck eachother" JOE I LOVE YOU
I know that head of hair! Hey Joel Fry!
As someone who worked at a warehouse, they've got the energy down. "I will just, leave them here, for you" Yeah, real.
(As someone who has dropped a boxed up sewing machine on my head from about that height, the boy's going to need help. If he suddenly becomes 'crazy' ill be a bit peeved.)
Also, most pallets for warehouses are stacked bottom heavy. We don't know the freight they ship, but still. The only reason heavy stock was on top is if the whole pallet was heavy. (I get that they had to drop empty boxes on Con for ~Safety~ but they could have edited snappier)
I'm calling it. The wife is cheating on him. Joe's not allowed to be happy.
AHHH! They won't let him drive! Love it.
This over-the-bed shot was necessary, and I love it
Oh, look at him. Community leader.
So he's insecure, has a shaky relationship with his family, and is semi-committed to work? LOVE IT
No Joe, partners don't snoop at their partner's phones.
Also, that fucking look Joe gave him. love it.
If he cheats in retaliation, this will start a circle of cheating and bullshit. Speaking from life, don't put your kids through that.
Actually, this is the most realistic portrayal of warehouse managers. Especially ignoring basic safety rules for a laugh. The only thing they messed up on was doing it in front of the cameras. Managers know better.
I know Joel is a superhero which just makes this scene fun.
As paranoid as I am with my space, I like to think I'd notice.
EXACTLY TECH GUY. Trust is mandatory. Wait, don't threaten physical harm, that's a bit much
He's trying to be fun, but god. OH HIS YODA IS SO FUN
Going to a bar with coworkers sounds awful
I hope my life pushes me to follow the narrative as hard as it's convincing Joe that his wife is cheating on him.
Maybe don't fuck your coworkers?
Joe is going to a meeting, at least he's proactive.
GAY? Gay cheating or do they just have long hair?
Yeah, he's having a good day. 10/10
Why is the PA at his desk? What the fuck? Even if he wasn't paranoid, it's still wrong if he's upper management.
(Smoke alarm scene) Oh joy, the cards come crumbling. Also, I don't know when this was published, but they definitely had small enough cameras to fit inside a working smoke alarm.
SHE DOESN'T TRUST HIM TO TALK THIS OUT? At least entertain the thought that your teenager is smoking?
Ohh he's quizzing her to see if she's cheating, bro don't look too suspicious.
I love this adventure outfit.
What did he expect? They don't supply the mountain with 4g
Aww he's in recovery, it'd be a shame if, over the course of this episode, he slipped up :|
'Good Time Joe' :( (also, this is just going to make me sad, huh)
Good for him. But not including his wife/kids is kind of saying a lot.
That looks like a nice sleeping bag!
Oh shit, that's a walk. Good thing you didn't tell anyone where you were going. :\ he's asking to get murdered
Yeah, babe. This is creepy. Please evaluate your actions.
Yeah, this scene is sweet.
Wait, did he accidentally out his kid's relationship? Is that what I'm supposed to gather from this?
Also, if this is something 'serious' please tell me this wasn't the era when weed was the worst tv would do
I feel like this talk would be easier if you didn't make eye contact
She needs to stop fucking new employees, it's an HR issue
This whole meet-up scene is nice
IT IS BETTER TO HAVE NEVER FOUND OUT BABE. Life is a mystery and being able to find out is an issue. In fact, you can stop whenever you want. Like, now?
Teenage daughter is drinking, calling it now.
Okay, maybe the two women are just really close friends.
Also, even I don't know that I'd keep alcohol in the house if Joe is known to drink instead of reaching out for help. Obviously, everyone has different limits, but eh. Feels courteous at least.
Joe is not having a good time. If I need to pause for embarrassment reasons, I'll say.
"It's not porn" If you think your wife is fucking someone, and you caught it on camera, that's porn.
Look, say what you will. But it looks like she cares as his boss/equal.
He's not himself cause he's scared.
"How would you rate that assessment?" "6/10" BRO
Just tell her. About the cheating at least.
See, Joe is just coming to this realization. This is the healthiest mindset to respect people's boundaries.
No, you don't have a right to know everything. AHHH HE LOOKED AT THE CAMERA OMG THAT WAS SO GOOD.
Good! Look at him apologizing. An Adult.
Also, their business is heavily dependent on people's excess income. As hard as he can try, he's fucked living with the economy as his ruler. Sad honestly.
I haven't mentioned that he's spying in the bathroom now instead of the desk, but god is that unhygienic.
You know what, I have some hope for him.
IS THAT A GUY? Threesome? Foursome? Wait, what pamphlet? Are they close to scoping him out?
It's probably just her coworkers, right? This is all an innocent mistake?
How the fuck is he going to explain himself if they catch him?
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! OH GOD
What? What am I missing? Oh SHIT.
Look as shitty as it is, he has a point.
Violence won't do shit, and neither will entrapment.
Jesus. Just get a divorce.
Okay, Jesus, get a divorce.
No, let her do this, hit him.
How the fuck does he not know what statutory rape is in this instance? This is a really fucking good episode but Jesus Christ, that fucking neggs me.
At least he immediately went to go see someone in his support system (his daughter) after relapsing.
CON: FUCKING 10/10. I don't even know where to begin. I am so fucking happy I wasn't spoiled for shit besides his opening speech and seeing gifs of his chest. He plays Joe as a raw, damaged individual who just wants to protect himself and his family. I have entire fucking essays I want to write on his performance.
What Joe needs is a support group. I know he's in other episodes, and the entire point of this show is that people live Ordinary Lives, but just knowing how bad he's struggling, it seems cruel to me. Real in a way I want media to clean up nicely with a bow. He's reaching a new low in his life, and fuck! If yall tell me other episodes have more prominent Joe scenes, I will absolutely watch it.
Yes, I've seen "Let me buy you a drink! Tier Five Friday, whoo whoo?" and a few other clips of Joe and Joel Fry's character. AND ITS SAD, regardless of how funny it is. I'm so fucking weak for this depressed man.
It just hurts cause I know he can work to be happier.
If he thinks she's willing to cheat, he doesn't trust their relationship to hold.
But with how he feels like he's failed them as a protector, losing them could fucking break them more. As I mentioned sports supplies are an excess funds type product. Imagine if all of this shit was going on, AND a recession hits, and his position at work was threatened? I was laid off from my warehouse job THREE MONTHS before peak just because profits were low. Joe having a record of assaulting staff and unsafe workmanship on the floor could be enough to lose his job if things get tight.
I want to give this man a fucking happy ending, a partner who he can trust and have these discussions with, and a better fucking support system.
I know my 'as I watch' summary seems disjointed but my original one without editing was too long for Tumblr. It included me just fucking hitting my keyboard. LOTS OF FUCCKKKKKS. Etc, you get my point. I want to rewatch this to see all the nuances with full context, and also never think about this again cause I will explode it's so fucking good.
For Joe's final thoughts, who's better to give final words than Con himself?
"I feel for him. I wouldn't do what he does – but I understand why he does it."
Characters besides Con: 9/10. A few small things bugged me. But eh. They are people as Joe sees them. I'm sure if I watched other episodes these people would be more fleshed out.
Story 9/10: I love that this was a mystery drama in the truest sense of the word. We were meant to solve things along with Joe until the rug was pulled from under us. WE WERE THE OBSERVING EYES BUT WE WEREN'T ALL-KNOWING. The audience wasn't God. We went from thinking he was weird to even considering this, but Jesus. He caught his son doing one of the fucking worst things he could have possibly done.
Again, I know fuck ups exist in every goddamn family. But the son is old enough to have been aware of what happened to his sister when it happened. The son knew exactly what happened to his sister and still did what he did. Again, it's real, but it just feels like so much shit stacked on top of Joe's shoulders at the last fucking second to make him break. I feel for the Mom and Daughter but they were kind of side stories here we barely got to see.
Everything unravels from the audience at first thinking Joe is weird, to OH MY GOD?!??!?! Is a delight. If a mystery is served to us like this, I will eat it the fuck up.
Overall: 10/10. I fucking love this hour of television. We got so many scenes of Joe just slightly breaking down as everyone around him wouldn't just be honest with him. He had to break down in the last ten minutes, and we the audience had no clue just how shitty the situation was. If you want me to watch more, don't be afraid to fully spoil the cool stuff down below. If I didn't care more about keeping a 'scale' this would be a 11/10+.
Again, everyone in S is essentially interchangeable.
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I will add his bit roles if needs be. Or if I'm bored! (Update-2/23/2023 to include recent bit roles)
As always, have a good day. Or night. I'm writing this at 1 in the morning so hopefully, it's understandable. Please throw up words below, it always makes my day!
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Star Wars Ultimate Sheet 2.0
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Okay so I have rework slightly on my previous character sheet for Star Wars. Same as the previously, it have made as an help to develop your original star wars character, but also canon etc... I use it to put down all my ideas for a character, as well than picking up some ideas to develop an OC whith competence than I wasn't thinking of before (like picking up details for an unusual weapon, or crafting skill etc)... Of course the sheet isn't fully complete, there is a lot of hobbies, skills, personnality trait that I haven't put there, but please, please, feel free to add anything you wish, or MP me if you have more idea to add or anything to correct! Also of course you can use it as you wish, and don't complete all informations!
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Name - gender – race – age – sexuality – homeworld
 GLOBAL Nickname – place of residence – main languages spoken - their ship/speeder/mount owning name/class – marital status – pet? – education level
BACKGROUND + ERA in which era your character is evolving – summary & main backstory info (ex: your family caste, previous work etc.)
BODY DETAIL shape – height - hair – eyes - skin - freckles – scars – birthmark – cybernetic – tattoo – prominent feature - natural hair color – accent - etc.
DISABILITIES / or chronic heal condition etc.?
RELATIONSHIP family - lover/partner - allies – enemies – friends - famous connection - mentor - student
ALIGNEMENT chaotic/neutral/lawful - good/neutral/evil - faction - religion
ACTIVITY career/ job – etc.
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STRENGHT stamina - athletic
DEXTERITY acrobatics - stealth/sneaky - sleight of hand/thievery - insight - piloting
INTEL investigation – perception - history: native/faction/other culture – quick learner – language – tactical (strategy making) – adaptation – cartology
WISDOM nature knowledge: animal handling/taming, fauna/floral specialist, herbalism, surviving, gardening, farming – biology mastering: emergency medicine, medicine, chirurgical, cyber-prosthesis technician, alchemy, biochemical etc. – teaching – force knowledge: jedi order, sith order, ancient red sith science and magic, planet mystics (Gungan on Naboo, Voss, Nightsister, etc.), minor cult etc. – astrology – geology – protocol - demolition
CHARISMA deception – intimidation - persuasion – debating – diplomacy – leadership – acting
TECH slicing - engineering -tech maintenance – droid/machine technician -
CRAFTING forge: armor/weapons - sewing/embroidery/colorist textile(dye)/leatherworking/ etc. – handcrafting: wood, pottery, plasteel, etc. - cooking/bakery/mixology -
ART writing: lyrics, poetry, books etc. – drawing: tagging/painting/ etc. – dancing (style?) – singing – playing instrument –
INVENTORY does they have a special object of which they are proud? – what contain the bag/ belt pouch they often carry around?
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FIGHT weapon: type, left/right/ambidextrous and medium/heavy/light - explosive - medical fields - night battle - Melee/mid-distance/distance/far distance - riding fight - artillery, etc.
WEAPON one/dual/two hands in one - shaft - cultural weapon - vibroblade/vibrosword/vibroaxe/ vibrostaff - flamethrower - grenade - missile/rocket - combat gloves - sniper rifle - hold-out pistol - blaster rifle - blaster pistol - gatling - energy canon - experimental weapon - laser bow/crossbow - shield, etc.
ARMOR light/medium/heavy/none - stealth and/or technologic suit - secret weapon inside suit (like Theron Shan bracelet/Mandalorian etc.) + outfit style: casual/formal/fancy/plain/comfortable/sportive/smuggler/sithy/jedi etc.
LIGHTSABER barrier - throw - Telekinetic lightsaber combat technique - sith alchemy(DS)/ force weapon ritual(LS) - jedi stance discipline (Shii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Shien/Djem So, Niman, Juyo/Vaapad) - new jedi order stance (Strong, Medium, Fast) - wielding style (dual, solo, pike, double-bladed, Lightwhip) - other fighting Forms and Style (Unorthodox and Hybrid Fighting Methods, Trispzest, Tràkata, Sokan, Dun Möch, Lus-ma, Su ma)
Light side: force listening (communicate with someone while not speaking their native tongue) – animal friendship - plant surge – Severe Force/Force light (jedi only user is directly attacking a Dark Side user's connection to the Force and negating their ability to communicate with it)-
‘Gray’: healing (revitalize other ppl, hibernation trance themselves, dark transfer, rez) - psychometry/retrocognition² (feeling memories of people who have touched an object) – telekinesis (force barrier, lightening: shock, lightening channeling; force push², force blast², &force burst, &force grip, &force wave, &force repulse, force destruction, force crush, deflection, whirlwind, &storm,  slow, shadowstrike, stealth², &pyrokinesis, &force travel(DS)  -  &levitation/flight – force sense (tracking, traumatic events, physical danger to a loved one, interconnectivity to the universe) – &force illusion (conjure projections, apparitions, or even Force projections of themselves, hiding their signature from the force)- precognition – body enhancement (running, charging, jump; berserk, agility, strength, unbreakable will, ) - &metamorphosis (shape into that of another person, creature, or entity, mask: reshape an individual's appearance, altering the subject at the molecular level ) –
Dark Side: &force walk (interacting with ghosts, bind them to the user ) - &life manipulation (dark side only, force drain: life sucking from another person; Midi-chlorian Manipulation; dimmish: damage to an opponent's health and vitality) –  control² (mechu-deru: mechanical structures could be bound to the will of the user and imbued with the force, creating technobeast // mind trick/control, emotions, mind probe, crushing darkness/horror/insanity, malacia: troubling opponent equilibrium, stun, stasis²,) -  &Battle Meditation (mass mind control) - &Corruption (force plague) - Dathomir magic (traditional Allyan Magic//Shadow magic: force healing, bubble shield, whirlwind, teleportation, enhance physical, Nightsisters talismans crafting, mommies rez, conjure solid items, communicate with the other realm, rituals, spirit-conjuring techniques linked with Nature, heartshadow: foresee the various possible futures, scrying: peeping, Mesmerism : mind domination) – old sith sorcery (diseases such as rakghoul, rituals) – old sith alchemy (permanently alter an item or living being, nefarious toxins, crafting artefacts, creative dark side creature, enhance the strength of weapons and armor, Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut : waking dead servitor) -
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INTEREST sleeping; romance; friends; one-night stand; imagination; creating; flora; fauna; photography/video; reading; food; conversation; fashion; entertainment; fighting; debating; ruling; credits; pranks; droid; spaceship; etc.
CHARM lively – confident – persuasive – charming – chatty – diplomatic – cheeky – cocky - popular – funny - friendly
NEGATIVE - cruel -  mean - etc.
MOOD active - calm – dynamic - cheerful – lazy -  // childish – mature // aggressive //  adventurous – creative – enthusiastic – intuitive – optimistic
PERSONAL sociable – loud – quiet – reserved - unconfident – self-deprecating – humble – proud - arrogant // authentic – honest – manipulative – ambiguous – helpful – unreliable // shy – extrovert //  neat -  // realistic -
RELATION possessive –insecure - understanding – arrogant // Loyal – respectful - insolent – polite  // affectionate – gentle  // selfish – easy-going – generous - // magnanimous -
R dominating – bossy – ambitious – power-anger -  submissive // careful - conscientious - focused – adaptable – determined – deliberate - impulsive – patient - stubborn - truthful – unpredictable -  hard-working - meticulous// frank – bold – tactless // argumentative – circumspect – //
L lucky – unlucky - clumsy //  fearless – prudent – cowardly  - brave - // spoiled - // silly – crazy - wise //
OUTBURST delusion – berserk - excited - obsessed - despair – angry - belligerent -  stress crisis
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- and // is to separate two ideas
italic is the main idea of something who is developping after the word
& in force abilities means that it's a very very strong technique
² in force abilities means it's a rare and moderate hard technique
DS: Dark Side force technique
LS: Light Side force technique
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All the dividershave been made by the fantastic @firefly-graphics
An old character sheet that I have made some times ago, in a roleplay chart character style for Star Wars
Swtor era: The Alliance personal headcanon & worldbuilding
An awesome name generator for SW, based or races!
SW character generator (Race, faction, homeworld, Ship, weapon)
SW Galaxy Map + ressource for this map
The Ultimate Star Wars reference link, very useful (I don't even know why I have lost my time searching for all my link reference when this guide is just so complete fjsdjdjdjsdk)
More SW resource link because we never had enough
My alt blog SW resource tag in case you search even more references
Medic writing resource: 1 2 3 4
Togruta: * and **
Sith pureblood culture: red sith face, red sith biology, red sith global links of worldbuilding of @fluffynexu
Sith tattoo *
A big SW worldbuilding links by @badsithnocookie (jedi & sith culture, language etc)
GAR: batalion organization;
Jedi resources by GFFA and more jedi
... I will probably add more later or made a special post...
⋆ ࣪.  ⁺⑅ ⋰˚ *.゚ .˳⁺⁎˚ ˚⁎⁺˳ . ༺ ˖࣪ ˖࣪ ∗
Thanks you'all for reading this post, again if anyone wants to add or correct something please feel free to said anything. You can freely use this "sheet" as you please! :)
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periwinckles · 1 year
The train back home - chapter 3
By the end of the first week, we have put our plan in motion and by the end of the second week, we operate like a well-oiled machine, capable of rivaling even the efficiency of the District Thirteen regime.
Today I'm on water duty, along with Saul and Leevy, which entails carrying buckets of water to the camping site and distributing it to the workers. We collect the water from the fountain near the East mine entrance, which is a considerable distance away. However, all the nearer fountains are clogged with ashes, and there is no plumbing for water anywhere except at the train station and in Victors village. A couple of days ago, Haymitch Abernathy visited the camping site and offered to let us collect water from his house. The walk is shorter but the incline is steep enough to discourage us. I think he was hoping to trade water for liquor, which we obviously don't have. Thom ordered two more pushcarts and several water drums that we can reuse, and hopefully that'll make our job easier, but for the time being we need to carry it. I don't mind. It's hard work, but I still haven't seen the town, and I prefer tasks that keep it out of sight.
Our group is divided into three teams: the "cleaners," the "campers," and the "suppliers." Mr. Norbert oversees the "cleaners," the largest group composed entirely of males. Their task is clearing buildings for reconstruction, sorting and salvaging materials as they go. They are also responsible for the grim task of collecting and burying the bodies of the deceased, but I try not to dwell on that too much.
Mr Johnson is in charge of the camping site, the "campers". Along with his crew they handle everything from tents set up to gathering wood for the night's bonfire. Within three days of our arrival, they constructed a shelter using wood and oilcloth to protect our supplies from the elements and they're currently in the process of building a latrine and a few makeshift showers. We’re able to use the toilets from the train station for now, but it's not really convenient, as it's still a six or seven minute walk from here, and we only have one shower for forty seven people.
Saul wanted us to join Thom's team, so we're "suppliers". We handle food, water, orders from the train, as well as cleaning and organizing all the tools and equipment. We also take inventory of everything that the 'cleaners' manage to salvage from the wrecks. It keeps us mostly in camp, although Thom and a few others usually join the "cleaners" in the afternoons. Saul begs me to let him join them every day. I managed to keep him away from town so far, but I know it won't last long.
Keeping ourselves occupied helps us to move forward, both literally and figuratively, so that’s what I’m trying to do, for Saul’s sake. It seems odd that work would be the one thing that would give me a sense of joy again, but I guess I did always find contentment in it. The afternoons are my favorite, as I take time to do some sewing and mending. It was apparent I was the most skilled with a needle. The first few days I dreaded the moment I had to pick it up. It reminded me so much of all the time I spent helping my dad at the shop. But as I worked the stitches with the precision he taught me I was flooded with happy memories of him. So, I reserve the afternoons to spend time with my dad now. Even if it's only in my head.
"Delilah, let me help you!"
That is, until I’m bothered. Again.
Cyrus Johnson makes a quick jog in my direction to help me with my buckets but before he reaches me, I shake my head.
"Thank you, Mr Johnson, but I'm good, they are not that heavy." I only half fill my buckets. They are easier to carry and easier to lift to pour the water into the water drums. I need to make more trips, but they're easier to manage this way.
As I pour my water on the drum he makes a point to hold the lid open, and once more I pretend I don't notice the extra attention he’s giving me. What a striking contrast this is to two years ago when most guys wouldn’t even spare a second glance at plain Delly. Now it feels like all I do is fend off guys trying to get too close.
"You should rest for a bit, you've been carrying buckets all morning!"
It's barely 10:00 am and I have only made four trips so far.
" I will, once I get some of this water to Sae."
Sae's a 'supplier' too and she does most of the cooking. We're still eating canned food for the most part but she's heating it up and adding a few herbs she collects. We also got a large supply of eggs last week, that she's been using in every way imaginable. Leevy and her sister Luisa help her, and they sometimes let me join as well. I’m slowly getting the hang of it, though I’m not as helpful as Leevy and Luisa, who have been cooking meals for their family before learning how to read. You'd figure my poor cooking abilities would be enough to discourage the male attention.
"Hey, Ray, get this water to Sae, will you?"
Ray Thompson reluctantly stops what he's doing and follows Cyrus's orders, but it's clear that he's unhappy about it. His wife shoots me a disapproving glare, but otherwise, the other "campers" continue with their tasks, without noticing. Lucky for me someone else does.
"Delly, I'm going to the train station now to get this week's supplies, you want to come with?"
Thom appears next to us, seemingly out of nowhere. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, his hair is wet and messy, and the front of his shirt is splattered with water, as if he was hit by a spraying hose. It's clear he's been working hard today. He’s been trying to fix one of the closer fountains to the camp, to make it usable again, and from the looks of it, he succeeded.
Read the rest on AO3
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20dollarlolita · 1 year
Going to do a lolita challenge that The Random Lolita posted 12 years ago. I'm going to be spacing these out, but it seemed like it'd be fun.
I picked this because it's not coord-heavy and so that means more people could join in if they want. I've wanted to do this for quite a while, but always kind of found other people's annoying to read. Since tumblr has a decent blacklist function now, you can just block "20dollarlolita 30daylorlolita challenge" to avoid reading this.
Day 1) 10 things about your lolita bubble.
Not going to lie, I didn't do this one for the longest time because I didn't really get what "your lolita bubble" meant, and I didn't want to start this on the wrong foot. But I read some other people's things and it's apparently just things that are about how you interact with the concept of lolita fashion.
So here goes: 1) my lolita bubble is a mess right now. In addition to being non-weight bearing on my foot, which is making all lolita difficult, there's also some interesting things happening in the local community that I'm in. 2) I'm so used to being the lone lolita that it feels very strange to me to be so wrapped up in what other people in my area are doing. I was lone lolita for the first 10+ years I was in the fashion, and have only had a local community for a year or so. I changed jobs last year, and part of the reason was that I wasn't allowed to have a flexible day off and had to use my PTO any time I wanted a day off that wasn't a tuesday or wednesday. I would have quit over the disrespect that this issue was handled with, but the reason that this was initially brought up was because my lolita meets were not happening on weekdays. 3) I'm into lolita fashion because it allows me to be creative, to craft new things, and to build new things. I love buying pieces that are missing components and then rebuilding those components.
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Okay, line break, 4) I'm currently working on a bunch of projects, including resizing a JSK for a friend. I had to replace a broken zipper and add a shirring panel. I absolutely love how shirring panels make sewing lolita so much more accessible, because if the fit isn't completely right, you know the panel will compensate. I had to add a little bit on the sides, which one of the waist ties was sacrificed for. I'm trying to figure out how to turn the existing one waist tie into two so that the dress will have ties still.
5) I got into lolita in a really difficult time in my life. As is often the case with serious chronic mental illness, mine developed when I was in my very early 20's, which was right after I decided to get into lolita fashion. I really want to make a dress with the words, "Live through this and you won't look back," on it, but i've never had the right time or design to do it. 6) I love looking through old lolita blogs. I love looking at tutorials from 2007. I love how much of the more early western lolita scene is archived on livejournal. I love the privacy of lolita discord and the safety it's offered, but I always hope that people will archive tutorials somewhere public for the future generations. 7) I have a werid amount of guilt around the fact that I bought an embroidery machine a year ago and still haven't ever made a border print on it. I make a lot of patches but I've never done a border embroidery. 8) One of my favorite archived lolita things is the argument over that BTSSB flower crown and the person who kept insisting that she be given the contact info of a stranger who bought it so that they could ask it to be sold to them. 9) I think that most of the time when someone says that a dress doesn't look good without the waist ties that, if you dig into what they say, they hate fat people. Maybe this isn't true anymore, but it used to go hand in hand.
10) I spend a lot of time on this blog waiting for everyone to realize that i'm a giant asshole and to leave me alone. I'm grateful for everyone who is willing to stick around even when I say stuff like #9. I love how people are willing to come and tell me that they're glad there's a lolita tumblr that's still highly active, and that I've helped them. I went from doing this blog for me, specifically to give myself an excuse to make more lolita fashion, to being able to tailor posts to the needs of other people and a general audience. I have been going through some additional shit recently, and I didn't have enough time to do both this and my youtube channel, and we can see which one I picked.
Bonus thing: 11) I really want to figure otu how to do a stage transformation dress (cinderella dress) in lolita. The magic of somehow going from old school gothic to ott sweet or something would be so cool, even though it couldn't actually happen like it does in my mind.
Anyway, y'all let me know if you'd rather I stick to normal content and do the rest of this on my personal blog. BTW @handcraftedplumbingnightmares is my personal blog, if anyone wants it.
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anyroads · 9 months
I just saw your post about the Singer sewing machine restoration and it looks amazing! What did you use to clean the crud from the presser bar (in the second-to-last photo)? I recently got an old manual typewriter and it has a lot of similar stuff that I need to clean but I'm afraid of damaging it. Do you have any resources you used for how to clean the sewing machine?
That was a complex and intricate process, the most important first step of which was taking the time to curse the person who left this gorgeous machine to gather dust in a garden shed for 30 years. Once I packed up my candles and pentagram, I got my completely unprofessional tools out and got to work.
The most important thing is light - you need to see what you're doing and have a good, bright light trained on your work at all times. I started by carefully gathering and lifting out all the bits of fluff you can see:
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The fluff is the easiest, because it's light, and it'll stick together, so if you kind of gently scrape it in one direction it'll all become one collective ball of gross that you can coax out. I used a plastic stick with one pointy and one flat end for this, that some guy at the Apple Store gave me once to lift keys off my keyboard when I needed to replace them. I can't find any on ebay but it's definitely not the only tool you can use (and actually, I think this was the only unprofessional one I used, now I think about it, everything else was pretty legit and easy/cheap to find on ebay). Anything thin, light, that you wield carefully, will gather and remove this stuff - just make sure it's wood or plastic (metal could cause scratches, and a Q tip will leave fluff and is a surprise tool that will come in handy later, not now). A lot of people use brushes, and Bob Fowler has a trick where he gets a regular paintbrush and cuts the bristles short so they're more precise and trap fluff better. That's definitely the method I'm going with on my current repair.
Once all that fluff is out, if you're doing a vintage sewing machine repair, it's best to remove all the parts (WD-40 is your new best friend, cherish her, and don't strip your screws). If there are some that won't budge/someone already stripped the screws when you got there (*heavy sigh as the pentagram and candles come back out*), then dip a q-tip in some high potency rubbing alcohol (90%) and very gently clean the caked on old oil etc. off (when I say "a q-tip" I mean "a thousand q-tips," you'll have to use a ton, they take on dirt fast). After that, get some metal polish (preferably anti-rust, the linked one is the best in my opinion) and use that to clean everything, (with a microfiber cloth if you can remove things, otherwise with a q-tip to get into the tight spaces).
I'm not sure how that translates to a typewriter since I haven't repaired one of those (yet?), but if you know how to remove the keys then my guess is it's a similar process -- the more parts you can remove and clean, the more thorough a job you can do, and the more likely you'll spot any hidden bits of rust that need getting rid of. If you have a lot of rusted bits, soak them in white vinegar for a couple of hours, scrub them off with a small wire brush under running water, and dry them thoroughly and immediately. Then clean them with the metal polish, which will prevent rusting.
And most importantly: keep thorough records of your work. Take pictures as you go, keep all removed parts organized and labeled where possible, etc. It's easy to take something apart, but putting it back together is a whole other thing.
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