#-continues to not have floor mods- -continues to build everything out of stone-
dragonmons · 1 year
i fuckin adore rimworld so much but whenever i look at other people's colonies in the tag im confronted with the fact that other people make aesthetically gorgeous colonies and mine are. uh. Not That
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imaginedanganronpa · 6 years
Can you please do a scenario where Shuichi gets a like some dark magical artifact that gives him dark powers and he slowly gets corrupted as he enjoys his new source of power, dominance and control? The others try to stop him from slowly becoming corrupted, but he almost kills them. He’s only nice to Kaede and Kaito.
Corrupted!Saihara Shuichi Who Almost Kills His Friends With His New Source of Power!
Saihara Shuichi stumbled uponplenty of odd things involved with Cases – high demand Detectives like him seethe epitome of strange. Some were far worse than others, and some should neverbe touched or handled ever again…
When he was tasked with a Case revolving around the occult and dark magic, hewas a bit skeptical at first. Saihara doesn’t really have the platform todiscard a Case that is brought to him, though, especially those that are of utmost importance likethis one. 
That’s where he first stumbled upon the ring attached to the corpse of a burn victim – at first, he originally assumed that it was an accident but foul playwas in the back of his mind. And somehow, the ring that the victim was wearingremained unscathed… generally speaking, even the most valuable materials and accessoriesshould receive some sort of damage when thrown into a fire. Saihara spent hourspouring over the details of this case, only to fall flat.
He did his own research and swiped the ring from the evidence lab, slipping iton his finger out of curiosity. But some things are better left untouched andSaihara definitely should have left this one alone… 
The moment he placed the ring on his finger, a dark energy surrounded him andhe was overcome with the feelings of power and dominance.
Saihara could feel himself slipping into insanity, and before he completely succumbed to this new feeling, he attempted to remove the ring from his finger but it wouldn’t budge.
The next morning, his classmates could tell that something about him wasdifferent. The way he carried himself and his facial expression were much moreconfident and dark than normal. Ouma Kokichi was the first one to snap andpoint out the obvious. 
“Oh, Shuichi~ something about you seems different!” He gleefully cheered as heapproaches the Detective. However, Saihara responds with lightning fastreflexes and wrapped his fingers around the shorter man’s throat, holding himagainst the wall as he struggled and coughed, his slender fingers trying to pry Saihara’s hand off of him.
His other classmates gasped and rushed to Ouma’s aid – when Kaito placed hishand on Saihara’s shoulder to try to relax him, he send theAstronaut flying to the other side of the room with just one glance. The darkstone in the center of the ring glistened as he did this.
Kaede seemed to take note of the ring’s glowing aura but kept her distance from her friend, fearing that the same thing might happen to her.
Meanwhile, Himiko does her own research on the ring itself. She could recognize the stone from one of her spell-books and spent hours pouring over its pages until she found it. The short redhead was alarmed by what she uncovered and immediately called Kaede to her home.
Apparently, the ring is a dark artifact that takes control of whoever wears it. Eventually, it drains its wearer’s energy until they crumble into dust and burst into flames…
The two girls looked at each other with fearful eyes, terrified of what may happen to their friend.
They spent the next few days gathering their classmates together to discuss what they found. Of course, there were skeptics like Miu, Rantaro, and Kiibo who didn’t believe a word they said. To their surprise, Ouma actually did believe them; typically, he would poke fun at them for something like this.
“It’s just that… his eyes looked different, it’s like I can still feel his hand wrapped around my throat. I thought he was going to crush my windpipe or something!” He exclaims as he rubs his neck with one hand, and for once, he seemed dead serious. 
Himiko did her best to find a way to stop the ring from completely corrupting its owner. Everything seemed to have a catch, though. In the meantime, Saihara’s powers only grew more intense.
He became much stronger, faster, more flexible. He also gained some supernatural abilities, like how he threw Kaito into a wall without touching him. Saihara is also able to spark flames from his fingertips, but knows to be careful so he doesn’t end up like the last victim.
He could already sense that the others were trying to take his power away from him, but he fell in love with this sense of control. His peers quaked at his presence and took him seriously for once! Why would he give away that source of dominance?
How could he ever go back to normal after this?
A week has passed since he obtained the ring’s powers and Kaede asked him to meet her after school. Saihara hesitantly complied since he’s always had a soft spot for the blonde pianist. She didn’t tell him that Kaito was tagging along, mainly because he showed up last minute.
Himiko lingered just out of sight so she could overhear their conversation and cast a spell to reverse its powers when he wasn’t paying attention.
Saihara joined the pair with a welcoming smile. These two were the only people he was genuinely kind towards, since they had both been his best friends before he received this dark artifact. He also promptly apologized to Kaito for what he had done the week earlier.
He flinched at Kaede’s touch after she leaned forward and placed her hand on top of his gently. “Please, Shuichi, think about what you’re doing…” she says sweetly. He almost felt swayed by her words, but he didn’t want to, even if he could. All Saihara wanted was to be taken seriously.
“Come on, man,” Kaito continues, “we love you for you, and we’re scared of where this is going…” it was true, none of his classmates wanted him to become corrupted. But what did he care? Most of them never gave a shit about him, anyway!
His ears perk up when he sensed Himiko’s presence and then turned towards the wall she was cowering behind, lifting his hand and projecting flames in its direction. She screams and just barely misses his attack, although a flame lights the wall on fire. The short girl trembled as she fell to the floor and started to back away from the Detective.
“Do you think I don’t know what you’re trying to do?” Saihara sneers angrily, “if you try to stop me, you’ll all regret it.” He hisses at them before exiting, not bothering to put out the fire while he’s at it.
The three students look at one another, completely perplexed and unsure of what to do.
After this incident, the rest of their class finally start believing what they had to say. They tried setting up an intervention, which only ticked him off even further. With each day that went by, Saihara’s powers grew and became even more uncontrollable and pretty soon, no one wanted anything to do with him.
Kaede continued to treat him like she had previously, only because she still firmly believes that there was still the Shuichi she knows somewhere inside of there. 
But the new, twisted version of himself gets fed up with their interventions, their pep-talks, their comforting words. He lets out a loud angry cry which immediately sets the classroom on fire. Thankfully, it was contained only within their class but caused the Ultimates to rush out of the building in a bewildered panic.
Kaede caught up to him as he sprinted away and clings onto his shoulder desperately. “Please, Shuichi! I know you’re still in there, please listen to me!” 
He had just nearly killed his friends, including Kaede, and she was still being kind towards him? Saihara didn’t understand. He just wanted them to leave him be and let him enjoy this new source of power.
Saihara was growing stronger all the time and all it would take to kill them and put a stop to their madness for good would be one false move. Twisted laughter erupts from his throat as he feels his mind slipping out of his grasp.
He could feel himself slowly slipping into an unstable, corrupted mentality. But what did he care? The only people he had any compassion for were his two friends, and everyone else could go to Hell as far as he’s concerned.
The question lingered in his mind: should he listen to the others and try to contain, or even stop, his own power? Or should he bask in it while it lasts, even if it costs him his life?
Damn them for trying to take this opportunity away from him.
- Mod Rantaro
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Respawn Point, A Minecraft Fanfiction Ch. 1: A Mostly Accidental Stabbing
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No bed, no spawn point…
An open hand smeared across my face, trying in vain to wipe the sleep from my eyes. I looked at the heap of wood and dirt, sighing loudly to the empty woods. Definitely a Cyrus-style house, I thought, it’s so garbage my name’s practically on it. I brushed my long dark brown bangs from the side of my face and shook the cloudiness from my head. I fished around in my pocket for torches, glowstone, lights of any kind; if I was gonna have a crappy shack, I could at least have a safe crappy shack. My hand brushed a door, a crafting table, all miniaturized the way things became when you broke them down. Objects the size of a person fitting between two fingers, hundreds stuffed into my pocket. Well, maybe not hundreds. I had what I could steal from the server’s chest. I continued to finger through my inventory. Iron ore…. Torches and... W- What? I pulled it out and stared at it in my palm. The wooden frame with stretched wool canvas stared back at me. I—WHY DID I BRING A PAINTING?!
My mind numbed and my eyes twitched with a powerful inward irritation. I didn't bring enough wood to build a fort, or even proper tools, definitely no wool. But I brought a freaking painting?! My hand worked on its own, clearing a two block-tall space while the other placed a door, my face still strained in disbelief. I placed the torch I found on the doorway and walked in, shaking my head. Turned out running away from your server and everyone you’ve ever known was actually a bad idea. Who knew?
The dirt floor felt strange under my feet, more welcoming than it had the past few days. My feet had adjusted to the most dirt and crunching leaves of the forest floor, the wood and stone floors of my server feeling like a memory. I shut the door behind me and started grabbing around in my other pocket, leaning against one of my shed’s walls. For the third night in a row, I dug for a bed in my pocket. I knew it wasn’t there, but my hands still prodded and stretched at every crevice, hoping to find something, anything. Even just wool crushed down in some seam would be like a miracle right now. Sleeping in a bed after so many weeks of walking and wandering sounded so soothing. So serene. My hand came upon hard with jagged corners and with a strangely shaped frame and I pulled the miniaturized object from my pocket.
It was... A dispenser.
I yanked the door open and wound up my arm, giving the dispenser a good running pitch into the darkness of the woods. A startled zombie belch echoed out from somewhere deep in the void, a signal that I’d hit something. Something that only seemed to happen when I didn’t want it to.
For so long been hoping to find another single player out in the woods. It’d been so lonely after I left my server, it would be nice just to find someone to walk and talk with. But no, not tonight, I thought, grabbing the knob of my shed’s door. A zombie pushed out from the shadow of a tree and another came shambling through a gap, a dispenser-shaped depression in its forehead.
"YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME, ZOMBIE? GRADE-A CHUMP RIGHT HERE," I yelled into the hazy dark, chucking the picture frame I had in my other pocket. It’d seemed I’d brought a whole stack, "COME AND GET ME!”
A lump traveled down my throat. No bed, no spawn point… I thought to myself, the words running through my head again, just as they had been for weeks. I felt a prick of fear. A fear of dying. Not that I was scared of the Void between worlds. I’d gotten used to that a long time ago. Death was a shortcut to a spawn point where I didn’t want to be anymore, back to the server. If I showed my face there again, I’d be instantly mobbed, driven out… I could only imagine what would happen if I dropped into the middle of town square, screaming like an idiot. Shuddering, I tried my best to shake off the image, focusing on the mob. And focusing on my mod.
At the very least, I was far from defenseless.
“TOO BAD FOR YOU GUYS, YOU STUMBLED ONTO THE ONE LOSER IN THIS FOREST WITH A MOD!” I screamed at the shambling masses, posing my arms like claws in the air, (which I immediately took down upon realizing how stupid I looked).
The first zombie stumbled out from the tree line, the distance between us finally closed. I dove forward, my hand spinning, barreling forward. It became steel, expanding into a conical drum that spun with an industrial ferocity and heat. I hadn’t had my mod for long, only a few weeks, but as I saw my hand turn to metal, then shape into a drill as it collided with the zombie’s face, I finally felt my fear dissipate. My drill arm spun, seemingly pulling me through the air as I burst through the first two zombies. My feet pivoted in the grass and I turned my other hand to a drill, swinging it down like a hammer and smashing the next zombie’s boxy head to pulp. Moist dirt scraped under foot as I slid to a stop, my mod serving its purpose and then some. Thank Notch I copied it before leaving the server. Air rushed from my lungs as my body relaxed, my energy seemingly gone. But then there was a sound from the darkness. Leaves crunching under heavy feet.
Two skeletons appeared from the darkness, their eyes like white caves and their skinny fingers drawn around bowstrings. I pulled up my twin drills in front of my face, the metal blockade deflecting the first few arrows. Before they could prepare more shots, I dove behind a nearby tree, taking cover. Just out of reach. Of course I didn’t bring any arrows either. Instead of firing back I acted instinctively, or, in layman’s terms, stupidly. I dove forward with both drills outstretched, managing to pile drive both skeletons while their arrows bounced off the curved metal. I banged the two drills together as I watched their bones turn to smoke and disappear. Finally, tonight was starting to feel good. All I had to do was ignore how easy it was to kill zombies and skeletons.
But then, eyes caught a familiar sight. Something moving in the darkness between the crossed shadows of trees. Lurching. Crawling. Its body was mostly hidden in the hazy dark of the woods, but when I saw its caved in eyes and its upside-down U-shaped mouth on the green canvas of a face, I instantly recognized it. A wave of terror pushed through me. If there was one thing that was going to send me back to the server, it would be a creeper. It hissed at me, swaying strangely as it weaved between the trees. One misstep and it would explode, taking everything within ten blocks with it. I couldn’t just throw myself at it and expect to come out unscathed and I couldn’t leave it prowling around to kill me in the morning. Killing it now was necessary, and I needed a plan.
“HEY!!” I screamed, pointing my drill over the creeper’s shoulder. The creeper turned, freeing me from its gaze. So it wasn’t a great plan, sue me, “LOOK OVER THERE!”
As the creeper twisted back to me, I spun on my heel, drill pulled back near my stomach, retracting it like a piston. My hooked the creeper's abdomen, stalling for a minute before bursting forward and sending it flying. I pulled back my arm, eyes closed, smirk stretching across my face as the creeper collided with a nearby tree, a pained “OW!” knocked from its lungs. Its voice was distinctly female, as was the groan that wearily dragged from its collapsed form. I gave a satisfying pump of my arm, the forest finally clear—finally silent—for the first time in a while. I could feel safe for a moment. Able to sleep peacefully. Well, about as peacefully as you could sleep on dirt.
I stared over at the shadow of the creeper up against the tree. Waiting for it to despawn, to turn to smoke and disappear. But I just kept waiting. Does it still have more health? I wondered. Something was wrong. Something about the scream, something about the sound, something about everything about the creeper. I saw it reach up a weak, pale hand. A human hand.
Immediately, Iran towards the girl, my mind bursting with questions and devoid of answers. My hands returned to normal, their shapes along with my confidence. It was a terrible scene; blood splattered the front of the tree and the grass underneath her body, her turquoise-blue hair splayed around her face, numb and cold, lips hanging open. The creeper face I had seen was just a design painted on the front of a hood, now crumpled against the bark of the tree she lay jaggedly against. Who goes around in the forest sneaking up on people in a creeper costume?! I screamed in my mind. Even if it was her fault for sneaking on an unstable loser with a drill arm, it was still me who impaled her, and I couldn’t just shrug that off. My hands trembled in the air, my mind failing once more to catch up in the time I needed it to.
Her face seemed to glow in the moonlight, the moon glinting off her lip ring and glowing off of her bright green hoodie. A hole the size of my drill bit took up a huge chunk of the right side of her abdomen, the grass beneath it clearly visible. She was the only person I'd seen for weeks. Some innocent, though very dumb, girl who went around scaring people dressed as a creeper. And I'd left a giant gaping hole in her. Things were going so… Almost well up till now! I bent downwards, mouth struggling to work with my mind. Sentences impossible to form. If she was dead however, she’d already have disappeared, despawned in a cloud of smoke, so I tried my best to speak to her. I only managed to sputter out an “Are you okay, weirdo?” Which I repeated over and over again.
She was a griefer, a player devoted to nothing but causing chaos and well… Grief for other players. Most of them destroyed creations other players worked hours on; burning down homes, demolishing towns, crushing monuments, and killing others just for the sick thrill. For a joke. Other players however, like this idiot, just liked the scare. The reactions. I hope you got what you wanted, I thought, gritting my teeth.
Before I could lower myself close enough to check her wounds or touch her body, she sat straight up. It was like her torso had an invisible spring, shooting upwards at an immediate 90° angle. I flew backwards, shrieking at the sight. For a moment I wondered if I had injured her at all, or if I’d just grazed her and she was putting on this strange show in an attempt to guilt me. But the hole in her side was perfectly hollow and oozing with red pixels. She was unfazed, her eyes half-lidded like someone who’d just gotten out of bed. Tired, curious, but perfectly content. The girl turned to me, her eyes blue as the night sky. Blood streamed from the side of her open mouth, which she stuck her tongue out of.
"P- Pranked ya..!”
I sat frozen. The fear and concern gone, my mind fuzzy as I stared at her dumb smile and jaunty bend in her spine. All that filled my mind was a genuine confusion. My brain grabbed at straws, fragments of sentences struggling to form. What's happening? What's wrong? Who are you?
"Wh- What's wrong with you?"
She beamed at me, winking with finger guns blasting, "A lotta things probably, I’m a creeper after all. We’re a little nutty,” Her hands fell to her sides, one landing in a puddle of blood. She patted her stained clothing with her hand, moving it up till she found the gaping hole in her body. She barely seemed to register it, "How was my delivery though? Was I good? I spooked you didn’t I!!"
“Of course you did, you freaking maniac!”
As I gazed at the scene in horror, the creeper girl proceeded to poke into the exit wound on her back, while also inserting a finger from the front, seemingly trying to see if she could make her fingers meet in the middle. I felt sick, clasping a hand over my mouth. Relax Cyrus. I thought to myself. At least she's okay. She may be nuts, but she's okay. We need to get her to safety, out of the forest. Get her to my shed before an actual creeper shows up. Unanswered questions screamed through my mind, but I tried to push them out, my only priority becoming getting her to a safe place. It was the least I could do for her after all.
“Hehe… You actually thought I was a creeper, didn’t you?” The girl asked again, her form wavering. Her eyes were starting to flicker. She sighed sleepily. The girl had been fighting the effects of her injury like a demon before now, but now they seemed to be kicking in. The girl’s body began to sway, “That’s good…”
The girl fell back hard, her head knocking against the wood blocks of the tree behind her as she fell, her body falling limp once more in the grass. I stared for a moment, waiting for her to get up as silence fell around me like gravel. I poked her ankle, the limb swiveling in the grass, barely twitching at my touch. She giggled, but didn’t speak.
Before I wasn’t sure if she was human, but now… I didn’t think she could tell either.
Sounds began to trickle out from the depths of the forest. They were quiet, distant enough to be safe, but I couldn’t count on that for long. I stood up, turning away from the girl and springing back towards my shed, freezing only as the door caught in my hand. My body was stiff for a moment, but I turned and looked at the girl, laying cold in the grass. I imagined her being taken by the zombies, waking just in time to watch as a spider wrapped her in its webs, or as a skeleton took aim between her eyes. My hand clamped the door tight and I bit down on my lip.
Dying may not have mattered to her—it didn’t matter to most, given you can respawn—but the thought of her being trapped, unable to fight back. I couldn’t handle that. The sight of someone ganged up on by this world, bullied by its inhabitants. It was too familiar to me.
I took hold of the girl’s legs and began dragging her across the dirt, her body leaving a red line in the grass like a soggy paint brush. Trying hard not to gag, I turned my face towards the shack, Just a few more blocks to go. I cleared the shadows of the just as the moss green of a zombie began to poke its head from the darkness beyond, close enough now to come into sight. It didn’t scare me, but a sound from below did.
"So why didn't you hit me with a sword back there, nameless guy?"
I nearly dropped her right there. I looked over my shoulder at the supposedly-unconscious creeper girl, her head now tilted towards me as her body sloped up towards me at an unnatural angle.
"I'm not nameless, my name is Cyrus," I corrected, still pulling her through the grass. To be honest, maybe I should have left her there. If she could survive a hit like that after all, maybe she could survive a zombie attack. Although, it wasn’t hard to imagine her clipping through the ground or something equally bizarre if I actually did end up setting her down, "And I call this my copy mod. Right now I'm using a drill mod I took from someone in my old server, but I can copy others and--"
"Why not use a sword though…?" She persisted, her voice trailing off sleepily. I guess her consciousness was temporary after all, “A sword probably would have killed me harder…” I sighed, resigning rather than continuing to argue with an insane person.
"Well... I'm not very good with a sword. Or most things in general... Mods help."
She nodded thoughtfully, her eyes half-lidded. I questioned if any of my words were actually being processed or if she was just nodding by reflex. I budged the shed door open with my shoulder, pulling the girl in and resting her body along the wall. I only now realized how much space the two of us took up in here. It felt like the two of us were sharing a single cubical atom of air.
"I'm San by the way..." She said breathily, her body waving like a leaf in the wind once more. I smiled, "Hi San." Though it felt like I was talking to a living dummy. Maybe it was from the accident, but her consciousness seemed to waver more with each passing moment. A realization dawned in my mind, then quickly fell as it formed, crashing against my heart, my stomach, quivering in my legs before crashing in the grass below. The realization that if she died, I’d be alone again. It was a strange thing to fear, considering I’d been wandering the woods for the better part of the last month, but nevertheless it failed to disappear, only growing as I stared at the weak smirk that faded into her lips.
I fashioned some bandages from paper and string, wrapping them around her midsection and fiercely tightening them. “Yeah, keep that in there,” I muttered as I trapped the wound, “No one wants to see any more of that.” My hands soon found a rhythm, the motion becoming easier the more bandages I laid down, though I would shiver at the touch of her skin. The contact was overwhelming. I didn't realize until then how nice it was to be around another human being.
"Don't you have any meat I could plug up this wound with?"
I almost choked on my spit. "N- No." I stuttered, pinning the end of the bandage in place. The easiest and least painful way to heal of course, was food. Even if you shattered you femurs taking fall damage, or had a limb cut off by a sword, you just needed to eat some bread and you're back on your feet, your bones just naturally snapping back into place, flesh filling the empty spaces. It was almost scary how much an expert builder could do on a full stomach, most of them leaping off of structures and shattering their legs just to serve as a quick way down. So it was only fitting I'd forgot to bring on this trip along with my beds, spare wood, and survival instinct, “I just have tools and a few random blocks.”
"But... You brought paper and string!" San laughed, pulling her hoodie back down over her midsection, seeing that I had finished. She placed a hand in the bloody hole I'd opened in her hoodie, treating the drill hole like it was a front pocket, "What else did you bring?"
I reached into my inventory, more willing to humor her than explain something I wouldn’t get to finish talking about. My hand hooked around a flat rectangular object and I tossed it forward. The painting landed against a nearby wall, the watercolor image growing to full size on its length. San tried to contain herself but her laughter was visibly building in her round cheek, audible shards breaking out in small snorts.
"Yeah… I'm really not good at this." I said, rolling into a sitting position. A smirk defied me, creeping onto my face.
"What like, everything?" She questioned, spitting out a laugh. You’re one to talk, I thought, Running out into the woods and getting stabbed by strangers.
I nodded, the smirk on my face breaking into a wide smile. "Pretty much!" I replied, my own face strained by a wide grin for the first time in nearly a month. San laughed with me, her booming voice hugging feeling like it was hugging me tightly, squeezing me, and shaking me around. It may not have been the first time in weeks that I'd smiled, but it was definitely the first time in weeks I'd felt at home. Even if it was with a suicidal idiot. Of course, stupid was something we had in common. Getting lost in the endless woods, needlessly provoking mobs, forgetting to bring beds. I was dumb and had a dumb companion, and there was something comforting in that. The forest felt strangely empty, the empty forest cradling us two idiots as we laughed. The sky coming through the small portholes on the door began to glow, turning orange as a new sun rose.
“So… How you feeling?” I asked San. It was a question I tried to ask her before, but one that she never seemed to stay awake long enough for.
“I’m okay, just… Tired.” She said, scratching her head, “Starving probably. Feels like there’s a big hole in my stomach.”
I coughed out a laugh, but she just stared at me with her same stupid smile. Maybe she’d already forgotten about the wound. I wished I could be that scatterbrained.
“Let me take you home then. You said you had a server right?”
San nodded, smiling brightly at me and thanking me with the little consciousness she had left before beginning to drift again. “Weebtown,” She whispered, “about 20 chunks east.”
I wanted to let out a Really? Upon hearing the name, but she had already fallen back her vague state of unconsciousness. I took it as my cue to move, grunting as I put her arm around my shoulders and lifted from beneath her legs, heaving her onto my shoulders. My legs quivered, and I nearly dropped her, San snickering to herself all the way.
Shifting her body, I managed to get her arms around my neck as she tightened her legs around my waist. She was like a 200 pound backpack. Before long, I’d heaved her upwards and budged my way through the front door, my body heavy and the light of dawn on my face. It definitely wasn’t the way I imagined I’d meet someone out in the woods between servers. Much less the way that I’d get a travelling companion. But something about it seemed right. It was just like this world of Minecraft. Strange, unnecessarily startling, and just as confusing as it was natural. Something was comforting about that. And about her.
“Weebtown…” I said aloud. A horrible name, to be sure. But it was a destination. And I hadn’t had one of those in a while.
Even if I’m the one who injured her in the first place, I was glad to actually be able to help her. Maybe I’d stick in her memory. No longer the third-person-from-the-left in a crowd but a person she’d actually remembered if she actually ended up dying. Though, I’d rather prevent that. Maybe then I’d have someone rooting for me. Someone to add to my list of contacts after all of the others sent me into the woods. San pulled herself onto my back, securing herself. She pulled her arms around my neck, tightly yet somehow softly holding me. “Hi.” She said with a giggle, falling back unconscious almost immediately. “Hi.” I replied to the vacant air, laughing to myself. No bed, I thought, but at least I have a crazed, starving backpack.
Before long, she’d pointed me in the direction of her server and I started walking. Leaving the shack and the painting and everything in that part of the forest behind. There was a quiet anxiety that came with the beginning of a new journey, even if it was just a change in direction. A pit in my gut began to grow, threatening to pull San and I down with it. I tried to shrug the feeling off and keep going, but it only seemed to hang on my heels, spreading across my feet like frostbite and only growing with every step. But interrupting the darkness, driving off the anxiety, was San’s voice. Mumbling sleepily. But not like before, it was like she was dreaming.  The strange girl continued to talk in her sleep, her eyes lidded and head thumping on my shoulder as I tread through the forest's dry grass. I had given up on replying, any retorts or questions falling on deaf ears. She said something about “her,” I guess someone she needed to find. Or was heading back to. I listened closer, leaning in, hoping to hear more details. Any information at all, but she fell silent again.
I released a heavy breath, training my eyes on the glowing horizon. As zombies burned away and the shadows of the forest receded under the trees, my chest began to feel lighter, the girl on my back feeling as natural as my coat and scarf. Maybe once we got to her server, she’d even explain to me what in the Nether her deal was. But that was for later.
“Here we go, I guess!” I said aloud, lifting my head, a stupidly confident grin on my face. Regardless of its connotations, I threw my head back and shouted her server’s name to the sky, knowing that wherever and whatever it was, it would be better than piddling around in the dark woods. Finally, I had somewhere I wanted to be.
“Onward, to Weebtown!”
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bowandarrowgirl · 6 years
You’re Not As Lonely As You Think You Are (I’m Trying to Tell You) - Chapter 9 - When Things Turn Out Bad
Read it on Ao3
"Breaking into S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, using a ship without permission, traveling to another planet without permission, knocking TEN S.H.I.E.L.D. AGENTS UNCONSCIOUS! What were you thinking?!"
Nat and Shuri cower their heads as the director scolds them. They were caught by Fury himself not too long after the rest of the group made their escape. Now, they are stuck in his office, getting a lecture about how reckless their actions were.
"We were thinking that Peter and Gamora are our friends and they needed our help. So, we helped them." Nat explains in a soft, intimated voice that was almost too uncharacteristic for her.
Fury pinches the bridge of his nose and scoffs. "You weren't helping them, Romanoff. They're in space, alone. The world is a dangerous place as it is and you snuck them aboard on a ship to let them roam free in the galaxy?!"
"Director, with all due respect, they know what they're doing-"
"IT'S NOT GAMORA AND QUILL I'M WORRIED ABOUT!" The director lets out a loud sigh and stands up from his desk. "The other three is a different story. Gamora and Quill have matured exponentially since they enrolled here. Drax, Rocket, and Groot on the other hand-they are still the same selfish kids that enrolled here, two months ago. They're the ones who are gonna get Gamora and Quill killed."
Shuri finally steps up, in an attempt to persuade him. "You do not know that, Director-"
"ENOUGH!" Fury shouts, causing the two girls to cower their heads again. "Both of you have three weeks of detention, including fifteen hours of community service due by the end of that time."
"What about the others?" Shuri's voice was barely audible.
"I will deal with them when we find em'."
So...they're pretty much screwed at the moment. Sure, the Collector was pretty creepy and his odd obsession with Rocket and Groot was disturbing, but it seemed harmless. They were wrong. The orb turned out to be an infinity stone, remnants of six singularities that were forged into concentrated ingots after the universe exploded into existence. The small tale didn't phase Rocket as he continued to urge the creepy man to pay them. It wasn't until Carina, the Collector's servant, grabbed the infinity stone to escape from his control, causing the entire building to explode.
Now, here they were, covered in soot and ash and debris from the building. Peter and Gamora untangle themselves from each other after the explosions stop. Gamora is the first, however, to get up. She speed-walks to the orb and closes it, exiting the building with Peter trailing closely behind.
"How could we think Tivan could contain whatever was within the Orb?"
"WHAT DO YOU STILL HAVE IT FOR?!" Rocket asks in exasperation as he and Groot regroup with them.
"We have to bring it to Fury or even the Nova Corps. There's a chance they can contain it."
"Are you kidding me?! Groot and I are wanted by the Nova Corps and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s gonna experiment with it. JUST GIVE IT TO RONAN AND NEBULA!"
"So he can destroy the galaxy?" Peter's face wrinkles in disbelief.
"What are you some saint all of a sudden? What has the galaxy ever done for you? Why would you wanna save it?"
Gamora desperately grabs ahold of one of the lapels on Peter's maroon jacket. "Peter, listen to me. We cannot allow the stone to fall into Ronan's hands." The soft, brown irises in her eyes, look deeply into the souls of Peter's. He returns the gaze with just as much concern. "We have to go back to your ship, and deliver it to Nova."
"Right, right, okay. You're right."
"You've got to be kidding me! Are you serious right now, Quill?!" Rocket crosses his arms in disbelief.
"Listen, we're leaving. With or without you." Peter slips his hand into Gamora's and starts to guide her to his ship. They stop in their tracks when they notice Drax in front of them, knives unsheathed and prepping for battle.
"Oh no." Gamora mutters under her breath.
"At last!" Drax shouts after letting out a loud, maniacal laugh. "I shall meet my foe and destroy him!"
As if things could get any worse, Yondu happened to be on Knowhere at the exact same time and place as them. "Quill! Don't you move, boy!" He yells after spotting the ex-Ravanger. Peter and Gamora exchange a quick glance before letting go of each other's hands and running towards a bay of mining pods. "Don't you move!" He repeats, pushing through a crowd of people and running in the direction of Peter.
"Please tell me you know how to work these." Peter makes his way to one of the pods. He faces Gamora as she rips a man away from the pod he was exiting from.
"I'll figure it out." She replies coldly, powering it up.
Nebula figured out Gamora is in one of the pods and begins to chase after her, ordering the Sakaaran soldiers to shoot at her, Rocket, and Peter. They split up, going through obstacles the Sakaarans' pods wouldn't fit in. Rocket and Peter devise a plan to get Gamora and the orb to the Milano safely. One after the other, they took out the soldiers. However, there is too many and Gamora gets trapped.
"Peter, I'm trapped! I can't make it to the Milano. I have to head out." She maneuvers the pod into the Sakaarans' that were trapping her and begins to make her way towards the void of space.
A small rush of panic fills through Peter's veins as he drops the Sakaaran pod he was using for a weapon and begins to follow her. "Wait! These things aren't meant to go out there!"
Nebula trails the tail of Gamora's pod. She fires up the weapon on her pod and begins to aim for Gamora. "You are a disappointment, Sister." The luphomoid says through the coms. "Of all our siblings, I hated you least."
"Nebula, please." Gamora responds, the pleading semblance in her eyes reflecting through the windshield of the pod. "If Ronan gets this stone, he'll kill us all."
'Not all. You'll already be dead.'
Without even a second to process Nebula's words, Gamora's ship is blasted into pieces as her body floats limply in the vast of space. Peter witnesses it in front of his very eyes and freezes in shock. All he can focus on is the ice beginning to form over her. He doesn't even notice Nebula retrieving the orb and taking off. A tear falls from his eye as he realizes he's going to lose another significant person in his life. He can't lose her. He can't.
'Quill, come on. Her body mods should keep her alive a couple more minutes, but there's nothing we can do for her. These pods aren't meant to be out here. In a second, we're gonna be in the same boat.'
Rocket begins to head back to Knowhere until he realizes Peter isn't following him. "Quill?"
Peter wipes his eyes and turns on the intercom of his ship to channel Yondu's. "Yondu! Yondu. This is Quill! My coordinates are 227 K324." He can hear Rocket shouting his name through the coms-telling him to stop and warning him that he'll die if he leaves his pod. However, his mind is focused on one thing and one thing only. "Just outside Knowhere. If you're there, come get me. I'm all yours." With that, he turns the intercom off and activates his mask. He opens the door to his pod and exits, using his jet boots to float to Gamora and sweeping her up into his arms.
The desperate cries of Rocket's voice stops when he takes a deep breath, removes his mask, and activates it on Gamora. When he hears her gasp for breath, taking in the oxygen in the mask, the weight pushing on his chest is finally lifted. Within seconds, Yondu finds him and beams them inside the ship.
As the airlock opens, Peter is tossed on top of Gamora. They both gasp for air, trying to catch their breaths. Peter pushes himself off of her, cupping her cheek in his hand as he watches her cough. She grabs onto the lapels of his jacket and catches his gaze. "Peter?" Her grip tightens on his jacket.
"You're okay."
The events that happened right before they were beamed in, flash right before her eyes as she remembers everything. Instead of receiving a relieved hug or kiss, Peter is greeted with weak slaps to his chest. "You're such an idiot! You could've died!" Too exhausted to do anything more, Gamora gives up on hitting him and falls limp to the metal floor. "Why would you do that, Peter? Why?" She chokes, tears welling up in her eyes.
Peter wipes away the single tear that trails down her cheek. "Because you're my best friend," His voice is low and it's almost inaudible. "And I couldn't live the rest of my life, knowing that you died when I could've saved you." Gamora closes her eyes, allowing another tear to fall as Peter leans in to kiss her.
"Welcome home, Peter." They both turn to Kraglin with red-rimmed eyes as they're greeted with hundreds of weapons aimed at them.
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rururinchan · 7 years
Fall of the Champions (Part 1)
Heya! Finally posting part one of that fic following the Seris teaser. It’s pretty much 100% angst, and Zhin-centric, and after that I’m taking a break from writing Zhin (hey mods if you have anyone you want me to write for let me know :D).
Okay anyway...this ended up waaay too long so I had no choice but to split it up...on the bright side, SUSPENSE. :3 Have fun reading my favourite mods. (Seriously though don’t hate me after this.)
Fire was everywhere. Smoke and embers filled the air around them. The buildings of the Paladins base had been reduced to nothing but rubble, destroyed by the onslaught of explosions that no one had been able to see coming.
Zhin was on the run, Sha Lin and Ying behind him, as they dodged the army of armored soldiers that had charged their way into the main base, tearing everything they could apart, shooting and burning everything else. It had been nothing less than devastating, and as much as Zhin wanted to fight back, to get revenge on those bastards that dared to attack the place he had come to accept as a home, he knew it would be suicide to fight. They had no choice but to run.
It had been a simple evening, everyone just gathering to celebrate Zhin’s first full year of being a Paladin. Nobody had expected an attack of any sort.
Everyone had split up after the attack started, Skye giving them all cover as they left the main building with her Smoke Bombs, fortunately without their usual match limitations. They'd agreed to take the hidden flank routes throughout the base to get to their emergency bunker in the woods not far from the base, but without the time to properly plan any sort of group compositions though, it was far too likely that their groups were completely unbalanced and vulnerable. Zhin, unfortunately, found himself in that exact situation. As much as he cared for both Sha Lin and Ying, the three of them were amongst the worst Paladins to be caught in a swarm of enemies. They had to make sure to avoid any such fight if possible.
“Come on, this way!” Zhin whispered urgently as they hurried from corner to corner, Zhin silently praying to the gods that they wouldn't be found. He led the two into a small corridor of one of the few remaining, smaller buildings left in the area, taking them through a narrow passageway.
“Doesn't this lead right to the open arena? That place is too open, we'll be too exposed if we go there!” Sha Lin questioned, his voice slightly shaking. His panic was obvious, and Zhin could also see that while Ying said nothing, the way she was holding her mirror close to her chest, a defensive habit she always seemed to have, was enough proof that she felt the same as Sha Lin did. Zhin grunted in frustration, unable to think of anything to say to quell their concerns.
“There is another passage Skye and I often use along there.” He told them instead, “It leads directly to the woods, and it’s the route the others would most likely take as well. If we make it past the arena area we'll be able to reach it and escape, as well as hopefully meet up with the rest.”
“Zhin that's a really risky move. Are you sure about this?” Sha Lin asked, the uncertainty in his eyes clear as day. Zhin frowned, part of him wanting to yell at Sha Lin for not trusting him, but he controlled himself.
“I've taken this route often and know the way through and through. We can make it if we're fast enough.” He answered with a slight grunt. Sha Lin frowned now, still looking horribly unsure, but before he could say anything Ying spoke.
“Please, we have to try. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we can rejoin our friends and find a way to fight back.” She said, a determined glint in her eyes despite her evident uncertainty from earlier. Sha Lin looked at her, his doubt still clearly present in his expression, but after a moment, he sighed and turned back to Zhin.
“Okay, let’s go then.” He said. Zhin nodded, and all three of them readied their weapons just in case they did end up needing to fight back instantly.
They reached the end of the passageway within a minute, and Zhin carefully approached the door. He could hear the sounds of the battle raging on outside, and he felt his stomach turn when he realized how similar the sounds of destruction had been during his time as the Master of the Thousand Hands. A sense of guilt and shame washed over him, but now wasn't the time for that.
“Are you ready?” He asked the two behind him. He noticed Sha Lin gripping his bow tighter, and Ying’s floating mirror trembling ever so slightly, but neither of them let the fear show on their faces anymore, giving Zhin a firm nod each.
“Very well. Do not fall back. Just keep moving and follow me.” Zhin instructed, receiving more nods of acknowledgement in response. With that clear, Zhin took a deep breath, and threw open the door.
Without wasting a second Zhin rushed out of the passageway and into the midst of a fearsome battle. There seemed to be hundreds of soldiers, all wielding a variety of deadly weapons, dressed head to toe in brilliant red and gold armor. Zhin’s blood went icy cold. He knew those colours. He knew who was attacking.
“Move!” Zhin hissed, urging them to move faster. Now that he knew who the army belonged to, he knew more than ever that they had to escape no matter what. However, that was when things truly went wrong.
“THERE HE IS!” One of the soldiers suddenly screamed, “THERE’S THE TYRANT!”
A thunderous wave of battle cries rang out, and all at once, it seemed like every soldier in the vicinity came rushing at them.
“Oh no!” Ying exclaimed as they continued to run, now desperate to reach their destination, but with the sheer number of soldiers present, it seemed impossible to escape.
Then...a familiar voice rang out.
“Good Night~!”
Darkness fell over everything as Midnight engulfed the battlefield, even around Zhin’s group. Wherever Maeve was, she must’ve been close. Before Zhin could call out though, two more Ultimate calls were heard.
“Bringing out the big guns!”
“Here’s the wind-up!”
The sound of Ruckus and Bolt’s powerful Hexafire was unmistakable. Cries of agony from the enemy forces were heard, and amongst those sounds Zhin would hear the fierce firing of Buck’s Buck Wild Ultimate as well. They were pushing back the soldiers greatly, and, intentionally or not, giving Zhin’s group an opening to escape.
“Hurry, now’s our chance!” Zhin yelled at Sha Lin and Ying, running forward.
“W-Wait! What about Ruckus and Buck!?” Ying called, following behind but still looking over in the direction of the sounds of heavy machine gun fire.
“We can’t take jump into that Ying! We have to…!” Sha Lin was shouting back, but just in that moment, the darkness cleared. In his shock, Zhin looked back at the battle, and his eyes widened in horror as he saw Buck make a fatal mistake, using Heroic Leap straight into the air just as Maeve’s Midnight ended.
“Buck! NOOO!” Ying screamed as Buck was quickly shot down from the air, his cry of pain instantly silenced when he hit the ground with a sickening thud, unmoving and bleeding heavily.
“NO!” Sha Lin exclaimed as well, and both of them immediately tried to run for him, but Zhin seized Sha Lin by the arm, his other hand unfortunately still occupied with his sword, rendering him unable to hold Ying back as well.
“You can’t! It’s too dangerous!” He yelled, yanking a struggling Sha Lin back, “Ying! YING COME BACK!”
His calls seemed to fall on deaf ears. Ying dashed into the fight, placing Illusion after Illusion and shattering them all immediately, shooting anyone else in her path as she tried to make it to Buck’s fallen form, but she wasn’t able to do much on her own. Even with Ruckus and Bolt there providing her cover fire, there were too many soldiers for her to take on, even after their allies’ Ultimates massacred the majority of them.
Zhin cursed, releasing Sha Lin and rushing after her himself using Whirl, refusing to let Ying die as well. With the number of soldiers drastically decreased, they might have a chance of escape if he got her out in time. Sha Lin had Withdrawn, going into stealth, and only the few random bodies dropping dead from unseen arrows gave any indication of his location.
“Time to die Tyrant!” Someone shouted behind Zhin all of a sudden, and Zhin turned quickly, immediately activating Billow to avoid a strike from a soldier wielding a massive broadsword. The force of the blow was enough to crack the stone floors of the arena, an Zhin cursed internally at how close he came to being brutally cut in half.
The soldier was far from done though. With a war cry, he chased after Zhin as he tried to fall back, raising his weapon again as Billow faded out. But before he could strike, the soldier was tackled with the full force of Ruckus’s Advance.
“Take that ya whackjob!” Ruckus yelled as Bolt rapidly shot at point-blank range. The soldier dropped dead at once, and Zhin quickly shouted a thanks at the duo, before he turned back towards Ying, who was now using Dimensional Link over and over in a frantic attempt to avoid the gunfire, but her movements had gotten predictable.
“Ying!” Zhin exclaimed as he forced his legs to run, wildly slashing at anything in his way, “Ying get out of there!”
His warning was futile. One soldier dashed to one of Ying’s remaining Illusions, and the moment she teleported over, the soldier fired her gun.
“YING!!” Zhin shouted, fury and horror building in him as he watched the bullet pierce through the corner of Ying’s mirror, and Ying let out a piercing scream of pain as the glass on her vessel cracked.
“HAA!!” Zhin charged at the soldier with Spite, letting his rage take over for a brief moment, as his Ultimate decimated the soldier's form. Maeve Prowled into sight, covered in blood, her eyes wild as she ran straight for Ying, who had collapsed.
“Ying! Ying no!” Maeve cried as she dropped to Ying’s side. Ying was fortunately still alive, but even from a distance Zhin could see that her form was distorted, and parts of her body had cracked like her mirror.
“Let's get you out of here!” Maeve exclaimed as Zhin watched her quickly snatch up Ying’s damaged mirror and Ying herself, before dragging her to who knows where. Zhin grunted as he turned his attention back to the fight, knowing that if anyone could find an escape it was Maeve. He had to trust that she would get Ying to safety.
“You will all pay for what you've done!” Zhin declared, ignoring the small voice in his mind telling him to retreat. These soldiers had crossed the line. Zhin was going to make sure it cost them.
More death to come. ;)
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ieryana · 6 years
Meetings and Partings
It was a clean, crisp autumn day. The kind of day that, whilst warm, has the smell of winter in the air. The day that makes you want to wear your favourite scarf and gloves, even though it’s still t-shirt weather. The airships buzzed overhead, sending their frozen vapour trails into swirling eddies as they crossed paths, the low hum from the engines mingling with the noises of life all around. Driverless electric cars hummed by on designated roads, and the overhead metro whizzed past, taking hundreds of city workers to their jobs and drones swept the pavements clean on a continuous loop, never needing rest.
Ignoring the scenes around him, a young man tucked his books to his chest and stumbled around masses of other new students, old students, lecturers and general public on a crowded campus. Rhys was on his way to college. First week in a big town, a city almost, and the first day in a university he’d wanted to go to for ages. His parents had tried to dissuade him. “Stay home” they’d said to him, “Work with us on the farm, it’s no life, studying all the time, you want the fresh air” as they’d gestured to the wide open spaces where they farmed cattle, sheep, even chickens. But he was sick of the farm, sick of the early mornings and late nights, the physical labour and strain on his back. He was only 21 for goodness sake and he wanted an education, and by the Gods he was going to get it. Although, whilst he was glad to be here, he was a little homesick for the wide open spaces. The sky here was too close.
The buildings were so tall, and so clean, bright and shiny. They had beautiful intricate patterns built into the glass and steel structures that loomed over the older, brick buildings, squat and ugly in their historic settings. The metro linked a lot of the taller buildings up, walkways between groups of skyscrapers too, saved people descending hundreds of floors, personal airships crowded the sky and even on a bright, clear, sunny day it was hard to get a sense of openness and height like back home.
“OOF” A well built, dark haired young man had run into the back of Rhys, causing him to scatter his papers and books over the floor like a badly written 1990’s teen film. He smiled briefly at the thought of the ancient classic films they were shown in high school before getting on his knees and grabbing his things. The boy who ran into him crouched down to help. “Dude” he offered him a folder “mate, I am so sorry, but like, you were just stood there, what were you doing?” “Oh, sorry, I was just…I don’t know, I guess a bit overwhelmed, I’m new here” “Ahhh, country boy huh? You’ve got that look about you. I’m Baz, I’m in charge of socials here, mixers, parties, informals and formals and so on. You thinking of joining a group?” “I…I don’t know?” Rhys rubbed his nose, and sign of nerves, and grinned shyly at this onslaught of friendliness. “Great!” Baz was like a one man hurricane of enthusiasm, it was hard not to instantly like him, “Look, I’m organising an ice breaker at the student guild hall tonight, why don’t you swing by? Find me, I’ll get you a drink, introduce you to a few people, I feel bad slamming into you like that” “Ok, sounds erm…cool I guess?” Rhys took the leaflet Baz was offering and grinned his shy grin again, “I’ll, see you then?” “Yea! Great dude, ok, cool, see ya then”. Baz waved over his shoulder as he jogged off into the crowd. Rhys hoisted his bag onto his shoulder, grabbed his armful of books even closer and made his way to the first class of the semester.
Later that evening Rhys stood in front of the mirror he’d brought from his room back home and adjusted his shirt.
‘Tucked in, or left out?’ he wondered to himself, untucking and tucking his shirt from his new jeans. Usually wearing bust up Levis on the farm to do the work he felt strange wearing “smart” jeans. One last look in the mirror. “I’ll do” he said to himself out loud. The students guild hall was in an old part of the campus, from back when it was first built. Made of red brick and stone, it was a stout, unsightly building compared to the tall, elegant glass spires that twisted into the sky. It has it’s own appeal though, the stone work was intricate, and inside the marble floors and high, curved ceilings were reminiscent of old money, very old. Rhys could hear the music before he’d even walked through the door. Showing his student ID to the bouncer, he was nodded through and he entered the main room. Almost immediately Baz came bounding over to him like an excited puppy. “Mate! You made it! Awesome! Follow me!” Before Rhys could even say a word Baz grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bar. “What’ll it be pal?” “Oh…erm, just a coke thanks, I don’t drink” “Cool” shrugged Baz and waved at the bartender. “So, what are you studying?” Rhys thanked the barman and took a sip. Slightly too warm, but it was ok, as far as cola went. “Oh, network engineering – I’ve always been good with computers” “Oh cool! Ok, so these are the computer tech nerdy guys”. He grabbed Rhys hand and practically dragged him across the floor to a group of people stood around a table. First glance they looked like your average bunch of guys, but you soon saw things that gave them away. A one guy was wearing a red bowtie, elf ear body mods on another guy, a cute tiny girl with blue and green hair was even wearing a nasa t-shirt, that amused him. He was sad when the agency closed down, but everything was privatised these days, and Space-X was doing some amazing things with space. The Mars colonies was his eventual plan, it’s why he took network engineering – can’t beat a farmer who knows how to code he figured. Especially in a colony. “Guys! This is …OH MY GOD Dude I didn’t even ask your name! What am I like” Baz grinned maniacally and punched the top of Rhys’s arm. “WOAH, dude you are SOLID!” He grabbed Rhys’s arm and squeezed. “Um…” The short girl with blue hair poked Baz “When you’re done being…well, being yourself Baz – who is this?” “Haha, omg ok, so he’s new and he’s one of you guys” Baz swung around “OH! Look! It’s that new poetry guy, I'ma catch you later” and he danced off, leaving the group stood blinking. Rhys was beginning to recognise that expression, like surviving a flash flood, but this was a Baz flood. “So….” The girl waved awkwardly “Hi, I’m Ruby, I’m doing network engineering, year one – again….” “Rhys” he said “Year one, first time, but I took a break after school before coming to uni so I’m older too” “Oh, cool” she smiled slowly. It was a strange smile, slow and creeping and all of a sudden she’d been smiling for a while and you didn’t even notice. She wasn’t what you’d call amazingly gorgeous. She was short, really short, and her nose was all snubby, her cheeks chubby and a dusting of freckles covered her nose, cheeks and forehead. Her eyes were hidden behind thick rimmed glasses, but then she smiled and it was like seeing the sun rise on a grey morning.
“Arwen” they guy with elf ears thrust his hand out and pumped away at Rhys’s “year two advanced computer coding” he spoke in a tight, short voice and whilst his smile was friendly enough, the eyes behind it were cold and glittered with ice. He put his arm around Ruby. “We’re together” he smiled again, coldly. “That’s great” said Rhys “I have a girl back home on the farm, I miss her, you’re lucky to be together” he didn’t, but his hackles were up with this guy, and he wouldn’t give him an inch. The bowtie wearing guy coughed and awkwardly put out his hand. “H-H-H-hi. I’m M-M-M-mmmmmm” “Mike” chorused the group, unthinkingly. “M-mike” he said thankfully. “I’m th-th-the group s-s-s-tudent representative” The last word flung itself out of his mouth with such intensity Rhys was momentarily taken aback, but realised this was the way he could get harder words out. Instantly feeling a warmth towards him, Rhys grabbed his hand and shook it firmly. “Nice to meet you” Rhys said, and meant it.
The night wore on and they chatted, Rhys found himself relaxing happily into a group. They all exchanged palm pilot info and got to know each other. Mike shared his love of intricate networking code, and even Arwen chilled enough to talk about farming techniques he knew from his own community. Ruby was chatty but guarded, she didn’t give much away, but he found her easy enough to talk to.
As he chatted away in his new group of friends, someone caught his eye. He peered through the crowds and saw a tall, thin, elegant looking girl. Her arms were covered in bright, watercolour style tattoos, she had a few facial piercings, and bright purple hair. He blinked and she had vanished into the throng of people. He turned back to his new friends, the image of the girl leaving his mind as he chatted away. Happy he had come to the meet and greet now, he found himself looking forward to his time at university a lot more.
It was a couple of days later and he was walking to his class. The pavement less crowded now everyone had started to settle into the routine. The leaves on the tree’s had begun to turn orange. He smiled, there was no need for it, the synthetic leaves on the cities trees worked year round, but every year they turned orange for the autumn and early winter, and shrank away into imitation twigs for the winter, unlike the real tree’s back on his farm, which really did turn orange and shed their leaves. Humans were a funny bunch, he mused, we’ve made such a mess of things, but we still like things to be as they should be. As he was walking along admiring the trees, Rhys noticed the purple haired girl walking towards him. She stopped to look at her palm pilot and Rhys walked over to her.
“Hi” he said…”I, um, I don’t usually do this but I noticed you at the party the other night and …um….I like your hair?” He ended his sentence in almost a squeak as nerves took over and his voice rose. She smiled, a beaming, wide smile that reached her eyes and lit up her entire person. “Hi! Thank you! Most people think it’s too 'out there’ yanno but it makes me happy” She grabbed a bunch of it and flung it about. “it’s so retro right?” “haha, yea I guess” said Rhys “very twenty-tens!” “I know right! I’m Jen by the way”,she stepped in and gave Rhys a quick hug. She was a bubbly, enthusiastic girl and babbled away at Rhys happily, not minding at all he’d approached her. “so, what do you study?” He realised he’d just been starting at her as she spoke, and shook himself internally. “Oh, networking and that..” he said dismissively. “No way, cool! Me too! I’ve just missed the first couple classes but I’m on it now! In fact, I’m meant to be on my way now, are you going that way? I think I’m lost, I was just checking the campus map when you said hi.” “Yea I am actually” Rhys fell into step beside her and they walked to the class together. He found her enthusiasm strange, she reminded him a lot of Baz, in fact, she looked slightly like him too now he thought about it. “Do you, do you know Baz?” He asked her. “YEA! Yea man, Baz is my brother, you know him too?” “He actually invited me to the party the other night, I’ve not seen him since though, is he ok?” “Yea he’s cool, just busy, student council and organising and stuff. He actually graduated last year, but stayed behind and took a job here for a year.” They carried on chatting throughout the lecture, to the disapproving glances of their peers, and into the lunch hall together, not even thinking to call off their conversation, Rhys found himself opening up to her about his whole life, the farm, his loving but slightly over-bearing parents, his desires to join a colony and so on, and she told him all about her family, about growing up with Baz and how they teased each other, and how her complete lack of direction but enthusiasm for computing lead her to take the course. Most days after that they met up and walked to class together, usually with one of the others on the course as well.
That first semester was full of warmth and happiness. Everyone was great friends and very close. Jen and Ruby would tease the boys, threatening to do their make up if they fell asleep, taking silly pictures on their palm pilots and dressing up in costumes at any opportunity. Mikes stutter had become part of the conversation, the gang would fill in automatically for him, or tease him good naturedly about it and though it would never go, when he was with his friends it was much less noticeable. Arwen had lost his stoic coldness once he realised Ruby really was totally into him and he didn’t need to be so guarded. He confided in Rhys one night that his mother and father had a very jealous relationship and he realised that it wasn’t healthy. They talked deeply that night, and as the sun rose the two men were solid friends. The autumn bled into winter which fell into spring. Long nights around campfires drinking and talking turned into long study session as exams loomed and essays were due. The gang could often be found at each others rooms working together, studying, chatting or just playing the VR together. The work was hard but interesting and Rhys was smart enough to cope with the load.
As time went on though, Rhys began to notice Jen was looking drawn, the circles under her eyes were getting darker and she was slowing down. She wasn’t the bubbly, outgoing girl he met at the beginning of the term, even the bright purple hair that first caught his eye hadn’t been re-dyed in a long while.
One day when they were chilling in his room he sat next to her and took her smooth, manicured hands into his large, rough ones. “Jen,” he looked at her seriously, “are…are you ok?” his shyness that had left long ago returning suddenly at the thought of confronting his friend. “Honestly?” She rubbed her face. “I … I don’t think I am.” Her chin wobbled and she took a huge breath in before fiddling with her fingers and avoiding his eye “I know like, that you and Ruby and the others find it easy and I really am trying and I don’t wanna let you down but….like…. I’m struggling with the work and it’s really making me kinda ill. I’m so stressed about not getting a good mark that I can’t sleep, or eat, and of course then I’m tired all the time and I can’t concentrate and it makes it worse. I don’t know what to do” Rhys pulled her into his shoulder and stroked her faded hair.
“Oh Jen you daft girl, why didn’t you say anything, you know we’d help” “I know, but, I don’t want help, I want to be able to do it, but honestly, I really don’t feel very well at all.”
They sat on his sofa and talked, a very serious, very long talk. He hadn’t realised just how ill his friend was. Jen was really struggling with the work, and he could see the mental strain was affecting her physically. By the end of the night they’d talked together about her leaving. He didn’t want her to go, she was his best friend on campus, and his confident in most things, and he realised just how much he really cared for her. But if it was making her poorly, it wasn’t right that she carry on struggling. They dm’d the others and they all came round, palm pilots pinging almost immediately in response and by the end of the night they had, as a group, figured out the best route. Two days later Rhys leaned out of his dormitory window and waved goodbye to her, the promises to talk every single day still on his lips and the smell of her freshly dyed hair in his nose as they’d clung tight. He watched her fathers van full of her things leave the campus and head out onto the road, the electric engine humming quietly as she went out of sight. He cried then. He sat down on his bed, sank his head into his hands and sobbed like he hadn’t since he was a young boy. The last time he cried like this he’d lost his childhood dog to old age. He hadn’t realised just how much he really did care for Jen. The way her smile lit up her face, the infectious bubblyness of her personality, the silly ideas she had and the way she was always there for him. That time he’d caught the most awful cold and she’d brought him chicken soup and teased him about his “man flu”. All of this hit him deep in his stomach. He knew she wasn’t far away, but she’d gone, and it hurt. He cried himself to sleep that night.
The semester spun along, as spring turned into summer they all finished their exams and said goodbye for the summer holidays. Promises to meet up, dm’s from Jen and arrangements were made, and Rhys went home to the farm. He’d missed his parents, and they were thrilled to have him back. The summer passed by in a whirlwind of family gatherings, barbecues and even his cousins wedding. He invited Jen along as his partner and they had the best time, laughing and drinking. Before she left they drove up to meet Ruby and Arwen, and spent a weekend at a lake house. The artificially heated waters filled with screams as the young adults splashed each other and messed about whilst the airships whizzed by in the hot summer sky over head.
Summer soon left and with it Rhys left the farm, this time to a shared house near the college with Ruby, Mike, Arwen and another girl Tina, who was studying Law. Baz had left the university now, moved onto a role in a large company that sent him all over the world. They had the occasional message, or vlog from him in some random country where he’d set up a huge data system, or met some interesting locals he wanted to share.
The year passed slowly, the laughter was much less as the work got harder and everyone more serious. Ruby and Arwen argued hard, and made up even harder, their bedroom door often banged on and a yell to “keep it down” from the other housemates. No one minded really, they all were still as close as could be, and it was a way to blow off some steam. Jen messaged now and then to say she’d make the trip up, but days, weeks and eventually months passed with no visit. She’d taken a role in her fathers company and was learning how to run the business, presumably to take over from him eventually they all said, and she was busy. Exams rolled around again, and the messages slowed to a monthly catch up, and eventually trickled to a stop. Jen would drop him a line now and then, full of news about her life, the bubbly Jen he knew, but on the other side of the country now. The conversations full, but brief. He’d reply with just as much news, but over time, eventually she stopped texting and he stopped replying. Not on purpose, but work, university and life just took over, and Jen, and Baz to an extent, became a distant, fond memory for all of them, a like of a post on Instafan, or a “lol” comment on MyBook and that was it.
University ended and Rhys moved back home. Applications to jobs sent out he took on some freelance work which sent him around the area and eventually around the country. Word got about that he was quick, capable and an honest worker, and he soon found himself charging more and more, and busier and busier. He reached out to Ruby and they went into partnership together, within months they had set up a company and employed more staff. He even managed to do some work for his childhood dream company Space-X before the Mars projects collapsed in a major disaster. Two years after he had left university he was in his office replying to emails and working on a new data centre design when ruby burst into his office and thrust her palmpilot at him. “What?” he mouthed at her. She just grinned and closed the door. “Hello?” he asked, wondering what had got Ruby so excited. “Rhys?” “Jen?” he whispered “Is that really you?” “It IS! OMG RHYS” She squealed and he held the phone away from his ear a second, grinning like a schoolboy. He could hear her manic fast babbling “and so I saw your picture in the Business news section on the pilot when I was catching up and I recognised you like right away and then I saw your company name and so I rang but your line was busy so I tried again and got hold of Ruby and omg doesn’t she sound great are her and Arwen doing ok? I saw on MyBook that they had gone to Bali for the summer don’t they look sweet I can’t believe he got rid of his ears though but I guess we’re all serious now ….” She took a breath. “So, anyway, I’m in your area on business and wondered if you’d like to grab lunch?”
“Um…yea, sure..when?” “Oh, like now?” Rhys burst out laughing, she hadn’t changed a bit. “You know what, yea, why not, I'd like that, There’s a great little fusion place round the corner from the office, do you know the address? I’ll buzz it to your pilot now.” “Yey I got it! Ok, see you in 20 mins?” she hung up before he could reply.
Suddenly his heart raced, he hadn’t seen her in what? Two, nearly three years? Not since the summer of his cousins barbecue? Had it really been that long? He stood in front of the mirror in his office. The same mirror that had followed him all that time ago from his little farm house bedroom, into the city and now into his high rise office. He smoothed his hair down. Money was kind to people and he dressed well, and looked good. But he felt like that out of place country hick thrown into a city party again. He threw on a jacket and stuck his head into Ruby’s office. “So… I’m going to meet Jen for lunch” he said, with a bemused look on his face. “Oh my god” she giggled, “That’s so Jen, so random! You going to Chiaros?” “Yea, love me a bit of fusion”. “You sure do! Ok, have a great time.” “I will” He left the office, shook his head to the offer of a car from his doorman and walked around the block. As he entered the restaurant the owner bustled over. “Mr Rhys sir hello! Table for one sir as usual sir?” “No, actually Chi, I’m meeting an old friend. Two please, and quiet?” “Quiet?” a voice over his shoulder made him jump “since when were we ever quiet?” He turned around to see her stood there, bright purple hair shining as the sun gleamed through the windows and hit it just right, like something from a cheesy movie. She was dressed smartly in a business suit, her facial piercings gone apart from one tiny gem in her cupids bow just above her lip. She grabbed hold of him and squeezed him so tightly he made a slight “urk” noise. “Eep sorry!” she grinned at Chiaro and he grinned back, leading them to a booth and taking drinks orders.
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laurenzurcher · 5 years
Minecraft Medieval House
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You are able to create lots of cities based on unique designs. You may also build the cities depending on the previous themes. In the Minecraft, as you are constructing your own town, you cannot lose out on the shops. Villages will often spawn with numerous farms and houses. It's possible to create plenty of small villages in your world. There's tons of land throughout the region, but the actual treat is underground.
Wooden doors and fence posts continue to be used despite the deficiency of wood sources. The walls were often made from the identical sort of stone, which might make it seem plain in minecraft, so attempt to add a few information. The principal floor has a lot of feast halls, a good hall, and a chapel. You can begin with the throne room and go from that point. These houses are a breeze to create in minecraft and appear amazing, particularly when you make the houses enormous. In order to have some practice, you should begin by building some basic houses in the game.
A castle is often as straightforward or complex as you would like it to be. Castles often have a couple specific parts which are a part of the majority of castles, such as, for instance, a tower for example. Towers were often rectangular, which is ideal for minecraft.
While not everything turns out exactly how folks imagine initially, the easy manner of the game means that you can return and fix or expand absolutely anything. Nature also can help break up linearity in your structure, including a new dimension to your property. It's a superb way to get started familiarizing yourself on the more architectural facets of this fun open sandbox game prior to making a full-blown residence.
If you've played Minecraft for a while now, you most surely understand how hard it's to construct a great looking house to reside in, that meets both your vision of your fantasy house and expectations for functionality. Minecraft is truly a block-building survival game. Unfortunately Minecraft doesn't have the capacity to make large mechanical contraptions similar to this actually do the job so that you'll want to utilize your imagination a bit here. As you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you must see now the mod is put in. You have the ability to play Minecraft Classic with no price, though it has less options in comparison to the present release.
Now, to be able to create some shops in the game, you're going to require some Minecraft shop blueprints. It's like building a 3D sketch of a home in 3D form. To produce your own Minecraft texture packs, to begin with, pick the files you need to become a texture.
Each armor have a special appearance, and they're all very appealing to check at. At this time you can do everything you would like with The Kitchen mod. You can also download the texture pack on the Internet made by the artist, and you might also upload your creations for folks to utilize it.
Just in the event you're searching for them. Minecraft Tower Defense is made by antimYT. So as to construct such impressive things, but the player desires the suitable domain (game world). Some say this game is simply too kiddy, but which isn't true. Few games provide you such a feeling of freedom. Small quantity of video game titles present you with this type of an awareness of freedom.
You can make partitions, rooms, kitchens, balconies, as well as a rooftop pool. The files may also be modified utilizing an image editing program. If you don't have good understanding of the tools, check Minecraft Tools section on the website. As soon as you are accustomed to the tools and crafting business, you're good to make what you desire. Therefore, if you happen you're searching for human enemies which will match into your medieval ambiance a little higher, then this mob is perfect for you. The marketplace lets you get much more content. Whilst there's a plethora of tower defense games available on the market today, there are non-quite like Minecraft Tower Defense.
Basically, all you need to do is place the blocks to create any construction that you want in the area of 3D. Also discover that the animal stalls are right in the home. The horse should make movement easier, so that you can discover the ideal location to construct your sprawling metropolis. A fox also randomly sits down every so frequently, usually during the day in the event the fox cannot locate a shaded region to sleep. Foxes are among the only non-player mobs that could naturally sleep in Minecraft.
Visit Here: https://www.shop809.com/minecraft-medieval-house/
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assassinsacademyrp · 7 years
Academy Welcome: Scavenger Hunt
     To kick off the school year, the incredibly dedicated, incredibly motivated department heads worked together to fulfill the request of the incredibly kind headmaster. “Let’s have a scavenger hunt,” he’d said. “It’ll be fun,” he’d said, and would be a good way to get the students used to the school as well as test their abilities, they supposed. So, begrudgingly, they set to work.
     “What are they even going to collect?” “Who knows, maybe my shoe could work.” “Nobody wants to touch that.” “Where will we hide them, though?” “Somewhere guarded! Make it tough!” “How tough is tough?”
     After their collaborated efforts and a few death threats out of frustration, the set-up of the scavenger hunt has been successful!
     Caesar stands atop the school’s main gate, a grey-scale megaphone in one hand while the other sweeps across as he addresses the masses. “Good morning, my beautiful students! Today we start a game! A scavenger hunt, to be exact! Sound fun? The department heads slaved over this for the happiness of our glorious principal, so you best enjoy it!
     “Each of you will find yourselves in groups of two! You will be given a list with locations and items in each. The ones you’ll need to collect will be bolded. The others are available for you to grab, and trade with the other students… Or have them fight you to the death for them. Haha! What fun!
     “Winners will be rewarded with fabulous prizes, so hunt, hunt, hunt! The event begins this evening. Prepare yourselves as if your life depends on it. Tah-tah~”
Welcome to our first event!
You’ll need a partner before you can begin. Find one yourself, or like this post to be sorted into one!
Once you find a partner, message the masterlist and we will send you your list of items.
The event begins now and ends 11:59PM CST Friday, June 9th!
Below are the locations where items can be found, as well as the challenges you’ll face when at the locations.
Unless directly interacting with a teacher at these locations, feel free to have the thread go as you wish; as long as you roleplay out how your character defeated these challenges, then we don’t mind how much of a struggle it is or isn’t. Use your best judgment.
If you are hoping to steal an item from a location that isn’t on your list, please OOC message the person with the item on their list to make sure this is okay, and to double check they haven’t already picked it up. Plotting is encouraged!
If you have found every item, message the masterlist to complete the hunt!
Please tag all event posts with #AAevent to allow ease of reading for mods. If your thread involves one of the teachers, be sure to tag their blog in your opening.
There are maps posted around the school buildings to guide you to these locations if you are unsure.
You have until 11:59PM CST Friday, June 9th to complete your event threads. You may continue your threads after this time, but your character must have their items in their possession by this time to be counted. If a teacher you are rping with is too busy to respond to you in a timely manner, it is possible for an approved extension as it is out of the student’s hands.
Each team’s list of items will be published in a post following this one.
For any further questions, feel free to message the masterlist!
The Professor’s Office
Items to get: his left shoe, a black stiletto switchblade
The corner office has no windows, yet two separate and difficult locks on the door. When the professor isn’t doing security walks around the campus, he’s in class or here. If you find him in his office, you may step inside to speak with him. Beware, you may very well see a torture tutoring session in progress, the student bound tightly to the chair and shivering in terror and pain. Careful you wear non-slip shoes.
Items may be stolen, if you have the blind courage and skill to track his whereabouts and break into the room. Just know that he will know who you are. He made the lists. His items may be bargained for with ridiculously posed or mismatched bodies sent to the infirmary, or plain old, hard cash.
Items to get: a small oval diamond and a wooden staff with a curved top
A large room full of small hospital beds. Shelves on the wall hold various stones and crystals as well as bottles of medication and vials full of strange mixtures you can’t quite place. There’s a clear attempt to cleanse the room of the scent of death with cleaning substances. The diamond and staff are both set upon a desk, where Aileen is likely sitting. You can either take the item by force, which she will respond to by attempting to shoot you, or you can bribe her with chocolates, stuffed animals, or pranks against The Professor.
Clock Tower
Items to get: a ring from his finger, a vial of exotic poison
Perched atop the main building is an imposing stone bell tower. You find a staircase inside, just behind a locked door in a side room, but you would need serious firepower to blow open the bricked up entrance at the top. No way around it. You have to get in from the outside. Can you scale the wall, can you blow it up without harming the necessary items, can you fly in? You do remember the older kids always watch the tower warily. Something must have happened up there. Yet you know that is where you will find Mr. A waiting.
Items can be stolen at the risk of being trapped in a bell tower with a murderer. Alternatively, bribe him with a finger, a vial of blood, or the professor’s prized “Lovely Big Gun”.
Item to get: Pheynix’s tail rings (2)
A loud horn sounds from the scoreboard on the other end of the pool, the door slams and locks shut as the student enters the room. A 15-minute timer starts right as the door closes. The only available tools are swim fins and some fire-proof gloves.
The pool is a nice and toasty 4°C (39.2°F). There are visible lasers running the width of the pool at many different depths and angles and crossing one of these will cause a mini harpoon guns to fire from both ends of the laser towards the swimmer. The rings are sitting at the bottom of the other end of the pool. They weigh 15lbs each and must be carried back through the pool to the other end. Touching the rings will cause them to become extremely hot (hence the gloves from earlier).
Counselor’s Office
Items to get: A pen with Caesar's name and contact info engraved on it, and a file with useless information on gardening
When the counselor's office door is opened, there is no floor. The space has the same dimensions as the office, and the walls have remained, but everything else seems to be floating in space. There are little stones (about wide enough for two shoes to fit on) leading to two comfortable student's chairs, while Caesar sits in his floating chair behind his floating desk. To get the items you seek, you must cross all five hovering stones without falling (they bob once stepped on), jump into one of the two open chairs, and honestly answer some of Caesar's intrusive questions.
Saloon Cafe
Item to get: A coffee cup with a gun printed on it (x5)
A sign outside says “Western Cafe”. You push open the saloon doors and step into a setting out of a cowboy movie. The western-style room is filled with wooden tables and chairs. Liquor bottles full of colored water line the wall behind the counter and give off the false impression that alcohol is sold here. When you enter, the customers and staff stop what they’re doing to watch you. A bartender eyes you suspiciously as he slowly wipes down the counter, where you can go to purchase coffee if you choose to do so. The coffee cups sit on a shelf behind the counter. Only staff are allowed to touch them, and if you attempt to take the cups, everyone in the cafe will pull out their guns and begin firing at you.
Item to get: a very large, fake pearl (x5)
Inside the local aquarium, you will find the pearls sitting at the bottom of the shark tank. The pearls are enormous, and holding one will require the use of both hands. You must obtain the equipment necessary for your task from the facility, enter the shark tank, and collect the pearl while you are surrounded on all sides by large sharks of different breeds and the peering eyes of all the aquarium visitors who can now see you.
Teachers’ Lounge
Item to get: maneki-neko figurine (x5)
To enter the teachers’ common area, you must obtain a key card from one of the teachers. There is no other way to enter, but a card from any of them will grant you entry and you can obtain it how you like. Upon entering, you’ll notice that the empty bar in the room has several maneki-neko figurines lined across the surface, meowing incessantly. Good luck getting one of the “nya”ing charms without being caught by any of the staff.
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dankdesert-blog1 · 7 years
Unturned Hack
I truly do not fault you if you have tuned out. The emergency issues are what you are confident enough imagine from membership with dayz's blood stream walking as a result of its veins: hunger, stamina, and the like. A number of hosts by now really exist-you will see a list these -although there is no in-membership internet browser yet still. |If just enough many people waste the income for precious gold up grade, imagine extra sophisticated extra features to end up being provided. Or else thanks a bunch you for understanding eh, ive had (6 hours at present) rather than now that wished to buy the precious gold up grade. Therefore repairing every established group code experiencing a varied approach to completing This can be a serious factor mainly because will likely be the factor that every established network will consult. varied exhausting push, it indicates that you diligently supplies what you will like with no complications of an q/a team or article author approval. Your complete goal in mind might be to sustain on your own using a spook-swarmed prince edward tropical island, controlling some clear vigor meters which represents health and wellbeing, starvation, It’s simple that sexton was suffering from the prototypical dayz mod, as well as commitments on the simply visceral, modular, unforgiving, perpetually growing apocalypse-these goals are constructed from computer programming skillsets he honed at 15 is very spectacular. |The game has frequently veteran top of the 10 Per cent of steam’s most helpful people implemented premium generators, and very much of that might be chalked perhaps up to sexton’s self-discipline. “at now the metropolis and also that i will always be conversing,” state governments sexton. folks i talk with a whole lot on the steam community forums i finish up just leading to my steam buddies range and they will do bug states making characteristic strategies. The lengthy-word goal in mind is through an event in which a competitor can do almost everything, for the time being it’s lovely to realize that there is an individual being attentive however accomplish. It is possible to hop in and really enjoy exactly the same skills as everybody in addition. “for me the key aspect i appreciate about Steam Unturned Cheats is being able to see the evaluations, we are convinced the primary reason for that's how it's not hard to become involved in." currently sexton not going to advanced schooling, but state governments he’ll keep in mind signing up if he sets out experiencing complications in membership creation he want to find out by themselves. Tons of adolescents have pooled their providers to get one adolescent to make his membership for their |I recall being able to see an individual that put the pantry shelves i meant for that floors on the roof. A pretty simple case is basically that you is unable to only clearly show your ads on the news paper since many many people only watch hdtv and do not check out classified ads, so promote your business on television in addition. any dev of an service he was selected, to accept online community and review the company's membership, except if they provide him some room space of maneuver, for example cs:go devs in some cases talk in reddit, sometimes about tech items from membership. He’s carefully and accurately spoken, self-sure presented with his several years, and has now that attractive canadian burr. It’s underneath innovative. It disguises variety-prevalent rich products. Then, right after i became completing the store website page for several., i Like everybody in addition at that time, he was enthralled by dayz heralded. There will be some debate it had emerged as just as an extra roblox membership, apocalypse ever increasing, resulting in a spat backward and in front games’ spectators, but sexton’s primary concern was he couldn’t increase it quickly. It hits me as extremely bold for an individual so unskilled experiencing a complicated engine to get embraced the game so beginning, whenever you are the general public would seem an important part of membership-building his technology. |Seriously, all through the demonstration, i clicked among the many drastically wrong switches and my trial wound up no more being employed, to ensure was horrifying.” until such time as a couple of days prior, Steam Unturned Cheats has appreciated day by day revisions, regular the convention sexton set in place from originally eliminate. Looking after your membership brand new is apparently his thinking: exploring lengthy-word, sexton would you like to obtain Steam Unturned Cheats to some degree in which people will help make almost everything, even when its workshop was already the spot to search out a great many new motor vehicles, firearms, clothes and charts. You will discover a policy, then, a sage combination of caution and self esteem. The very best Please make sure to show this undesirable mixed up canuck what “that attractive canadian burr” is? Could it be anything in connection with our accents? The only real burrs i realize are most people spiky plant seeds which get stuck to the pants as you looking for hikes inside forest (individually i feel like a stereotype just writing that sentence). are convinced. That coach: hiya i seen you've created a membership title that very large quantities of many people execute. Indeed, the boxy zombies of Steam Unturned Cheats are definitely adorable. |isn't any exemption. Then there is the various making products: wire, fingernails or toenails, pad, bolts, stones, duct tape, and the like. Even evening can hold no fear and worry for me personally now. You will discover a bridge blocked with cars. I search for a some smaller sized farms and pummel some old-fashioned zombies into mixture, refuel, and get plant seeds to shrub afterwards. Props to the! Will you not mean… propz to the? “starting the game nude, on the other hand, ensures that you just have some slot machines to maintain just about everything loot.” i actually do not wanna know. A regular shooter with just a few skills. Toodle-injury shielding out-of-date chum ) i believe he designed it felt like endlessly considering that the 4g apple iphone hiya gentleman, nobody’s pushing a person to undeniably browse the opinions. |Played mtss is a little at present also it seriously jogs my mind of these zombie apocalypse roguelike cataclysm. Survivor protip: just as in dayz, the main objective must be looking for a melee weapon. Indicating i am freaking brilliant and also ought succeed in a prize of an superior-five also, the lighthouse prospect is probably the most helpful continual items on rps, combined with the grognardy bit aspect they are simply completing so i do not fully grasp how many people can grumble concerning this except if you've damaging flavor purely because it's sometimes to tell the truth-crafted and quite odd and offer many people a glance of tactics very much crafted a membership is. “free-to-play” and “survival” have to date been less than enjoyable bedfellows, but there is at least an effort on Steam Unturned Cheats to keep it acceptable. I like that! I like this aspect journeyed from very humble beginnings to having been done by a lot of people than oxidation, terraria and dayz. Of course beauty/images =/= graphical design, on the other hand in addition, i notice the beauty is good for the time being. Will look a great deal more like faltering than minecrafy imo the game execute is good and also that i would not refer to it as Likely you do not know what promoting and advertising is. Is not at all times in touch with your children. It peaks at in excess of 38,000 people, and has now a typical concurrent depend of 28,000. |The only real other no-price titles becoming more people on steam are organization castle 2 and dota 2, all of that provide triple-a standard membership execute a large number of people would not avoid enjoying to pay extra for. The young child-heavy duty society of Steam Unturned Cheats’s hosts originally grew to end up being very clear inside my skills while i contacted We have not ever said that blizzard don't You will discover a point in which anything varies from having been just pleasure to actually detrimental, just enough in which it's grossly unethical. While in the cell, my captor was adamant designed to do work outs for him, leaning best suited and dropped in straightforward succession as they quite simply aimed his very large rifle at me. You really can murder the whole of the hosting server society in standpoint of an helicopter. design and style. You should not like pvp? Insert a pve hosting server and only assemble with buddies! Given program using to view out But, when we experience a lot into that rabbit gap, let’s identify the larger usually acknowledged areas of |Putting from membership it's really a emergency membership arise a publish-apocalypse globe, in which a lot of the persons are switched into flesh feeling hungry zombies. It's really a reputable store which may be reward near the new the united kingdom of canada. The raised skillsets might also expand the hazard for boost in your strength: you'll have the option to destroy extra zombies. I've 1000 hours and i've got a hosting server farmville stones ! 11/10 tnx nelson . -it's more appropriate increased -workshop aid -more appropriate graphical design -custom charts -extra zombies -extra lowers -more appropriate making (it now tells you competency with the information you might have in addition to solution you absolutely need) -consistent revisions experiencing a small level of mb chosen -more appropriate rucksack -different alternatives to make your characteristics nice drawbacks of a couple of. I'd a steam membership and also that i only had five times at freddy's 1,2,3,4 and garry's mod. Scavenge places, shoot zombies and various other people, Farmville necessitates a facelift, a considerably vital one. |Zombies are dispersed throughout the tropical island but congregate in metropolitan places, protecting important loot. A pretty simple art form model masks the unforgivable structure of an zombie-swarmed globe when the undead is the only foreseeable part. It is a aesthetic model that's next to to cartoons with clouds that look like like taters. The meters registering my thirst and hunger-in the bottom part dropped area-seemed to be by now depleting and also that i coveted to make certain i have done not expire from limited providers. Unfortunately, best suited-clicking on also requires stamina. Feel isn't just obtained from killing zombies. Just collect and click on. Even people without goods are as bloodthirsty as zombies. I spawned inside identical set because 2nd competitor. |It was the shadowstalker-a railgun. requiring you to pay the 5 $ $ $ $ doesn't equivalent a fork out-to-succeed in system, considering that the pluses are separated.
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