#. at least when it comes to stuff made in the 90s that gets remade in the present day
lapinaraoflimbo · 1 year
One of the things about the Wii/Xbox 360/PS3 being retro consoles is that they are tangibly different from consoles like the NES, SNES, PS1, Saturn, N64 and (to some extent) the Gamecube/Xbox original/PS2. Which is that there was such a powerful force of acceleration when those early consoles were being made they would become obsolete in a few years. The SNES was a technological utopia compared to the NES and it was capable of things that one could barely dream of on an NES. NES games were not immediately made to be retro, but there was a significant gap between games made a year before the NES came out and a year after the NES came out.
And I think that specific generation. The SNES era is one of the last turning points of technology. They weren't capable of 3D, at least not in the way we understand it today, but when it came to 2D games they were fairly close to modern standards of quality. RPGs on the SNES are incredibly easy to go back to and feel modern in a way that NES RPGs do not. Modern RPGmaker games and stuff like Undertale are games that often could be remade to play on the SNES. There's not a significant difference in quality between Earthbound and Undertale, at least not in the same way there's a difference in quality between Mother 1 and those two games.
And of course, all of that isn't going into arcade games and atari games and the 2 bits and 4 bit and 8 bit systems. "Retro" was a really important signifier in games for a long time because it implied a level of technology the average player would not be used to. Pacman is a "retro" game in part because it was made many decades ago, but also because it has graphics and gameplay that are very simple compared to what we expect out of games today (and even in the 90s it was retro for those reasons.)
Now comes in the N64, PS1, and Sega Saturn. All of the sudden we have one of the last gigantic leaps of technological development: true 3D. But the implementation of 3D was not immediate and a lot of these early 3D games show that. There were not dual analog sticks on these systems and so any shooter game would not use the controls we use today. Cameras were awkward to control through the use of C-buttons or a D-pad. It took a lot of attempts to really figure out how to iron out the massive amount of complications that came with 3D and so a lot of these early games do stand out as retro and maintain that as a signifier for their level of technology.
But come around to the next generation and we are at a point close to modern tech. Sure, there were only SD graphics at the time and some limitations when it came to rendering but aside from graphics game were largely as technologically competent as what we have today. Final Fantasy 7 through 10, GTA III and San Andreas, Resident evil 4, Halo, Star Wars KotOR, Counter Strike original, Morrowind, Mario sunshine, Super Smash Bros Melee, Metroid Prime, Paper Mario TTYD...
These are all incredibly impactful and significant games that are very easy to get into today. The graphics on a lot of these has not aged that poorly, especially when the games themselves were stylized and modeled/textured properly. There is nothing about going back to these old games that actually warrants a technological distinction between modern games and even comparing some of the games from this era to modern ones there's debate over which has a better graphical quality. (cough cough pokemon)
Going one step further than this and the lines blur even further. Is the last of us a "retro" game for being 10 years old? Is grand theft auto 5 a "retro" game. Is minecraft a "retro" game. Certainly these are all old games at this point, many of them being 10+ years old. But retro was rarely a term that was synonymous with old. It was a term that meant something used outdated technology. Minecraft is a modern game. GTA 5 still feels like a modern game. Skyrim is still a modern game insomuch as it's being marketed and sold as one. Advancements to technology are not as noticeable now and many people are willing to give up 4K graphics and lighting shaders when they play video games. GTA 5 doesn't need to have the "retro" label placed on it because there's nothing about it that is hard for a modern gamer to get into. If you had a kid who has only played PS6 and told them to play GTA5 on the PS3 they're going to have an easy time picking things up. The biggest barrier is not going to be technological but instead be one of game design choices and cultural differences.
So "retro" as the term used to be used is likely not going to be updated as quickly as it was. It might take multiple decades for something to truly become retro now. Our technology is already so advanced that more advances don't significantly change what we can do. It's quickly becoming the case with video games that Manpower and resources are much more of a barrier than technology can ever be and there is no more need to be treating games as outdated because a new console comes out.
There's no need for technological improvement in games, and so there's no need for us to treat games like they're becoming retro anymore.
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telekinetiq · 4 years
so here’s what i thought of MSBE
as i expected, pretty much a scene-for-scene copy of the original, just with weirdass CGI
that said, everything besides the humans looked pretty damn awesome; the environment and buildings (esp the layout of mewtwo’s castle) were beautiful
dialogue was subpar overall; a nice line here or there but what was changed wasn’t for the better, and some scenes were clearly less impactful because of the changed or nonexistent dialogue
the movie seemed to simultaneously drag shit out by repeating itself over and over, or just rush things through because hey we’ve been through this song and dance before so we should all know it by heart (which begs the question why this movie was necessary to begin with)
Amber isn’t in this nor is there any mention of her (i knew this already but still :/)
some of my headcanons or implications I drew from the original movie were supported / outright stated in the ‘new’ one, which I am happy with. examples like Mewtwo not considering himself a human or a pokemon, but superior to both; seeing Pokemon as superior to humans but despising those who choose to serve and obey humans...
several important scenes in the movie literally had no background music??? which was made even more obvious because the original had a really fuckin epic soundtrack, so the lack of it was just JARRING and made the scene feel empty
also speaking of music, as I felt when I first heard the OST online months ago, the music in the movie was generic and uninspired as hell. sometimes the music didn’t even match the tone of the scene it was covering. it was just... bad.
the voice acting wasn’t terrible (sometimes it was though), but it wasn’t great. they brought Dan Green back to voice Mewtwo, who voiced him back in Mewtwo Returns. he’s not bad, but I still prefer Jay Goede, the original VA. the voice acting for the pokemon’s voices were hilariously bad sometimes though lmao
they watered Mewtwo’s character down significantly and the events leading up to and surrounding his creation and him dealing with the scientists & Giovanni feels so disjointed?? the build up to his anger isn’t shown or developed very well, nor was it given the same justification that it had in the original. also he even says “Humans I don’t intend to cause you harm” but like... he did?? in the original he intended on wiping out the human race, even if he was willing to spare Ash & co for the moment, knowing they wouldn’t be able to escape their inevitable end. so I’m just ????????
also it never stops being hilarious to me that every human acts surprised when they find out Mewtwo was created from Mew. like you dumbasses it's literally IN HIS NAME...........
i could break things down scene by scene as to what was missing or done wrong (but i don’t have the time or patience for it and i don’t think anyone else does either lol). they put what little focus they had on the wrong things. none of the minor new things they included added anything of worth. i feel bad for anyone who saw / liked this movie but never saw the original, because Yikes. even though the original had its problems, it did so much right.
all in all, graphically it’s pretty and beautiful, although sometimes the pokemon look very plastic / play-doh-y?? the humans are, of course, disturbing.
other than that, nothing about MSBE did anything to improve or expand on the original, and a lot of things were done worse. much like the plastic-y look the pokemon had, the movie felt empty, boring, awkward, lifeless and recycled.
i still hate that they kept the ridiculous “fighting is bad even though this is literally a series about children using their pet animals to fight” sentiment that the original english dub was changed to. “originals and copies, they’re all living creatures! does winning or losing really matter?” i dunno ask your entire franchise misty lmao
but like i’m glad that mewtwo hasn’t faded in popularity at all and still gets attention and content 20+ years later. i would love more movies including him. but like... new stuff please? we already have to deal with disney’s shitty remakes. please don’t start with pokemon too....
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musingsofsaturn · 4 years
Taking Matters into Her Own Hands
Fandom: Star Trek The Next Generation
Ship: The USS Titan Will Riker/Deanna Troi
Rating: MA for smutty stuffs that I can’t believe I actually wrote
Words: 2,400+
Summary: Much to the suffering of her husband, Deanna Troi-Riker is not a woman who takes kindly to being kept waiting.
Author’s Note: You GUYS I’ve wanted to write something like this for literal years but I was always so shy and embarrassed (you have no idea). Anyway, I’m still shy and embarrassed, but at least I wrote it, which is 90% of the work! If you see this on my blog, please know that I am extremely brave, or extremely drunk. And if you know me irl, GO AWAY PLEASE. Anywho, I’m gonna go try really hard to stop blushing and leave you to read. Hope you like it!
~ Saturn
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Deanna checked herself in the mirror one last time. Her hair was styled in the way she knew Will loved it, tied high on her head with long curls cascading around her face and dancing at her collarbones. She had on a silken robe that she’d brought with her from Betazed. The material was sheer, and it was cut to reveal a woman’s curves perfectly. She gave herself a reassuring smile, before turning on her heel and marching to the door between their bedroom and their living space.
Will was sprawled across the sofa, reading something on the PADD. She could sense his concentration, but also recognised that whatever he was looking at wasn’t of any particular importance.
She cleared her throat softly.
He turned towards the sound, and she watched his eyes darken as he drank her in. “Hello,” he greeted her.
His thoughts were always amusing to her in moments like this. Normally he seemed so focused and alert, and she loved that he could lose all that clarity in an instant, just from the sight of her. Well, the sight of her combined with his own imagination, the suggestions of which she allowed herself a moment to enjoy.
Just a moment, though. “Hello.” She matched his suggestive tone, stepping forward into the room. Will sat himself up, placing the PADD on the coffee table as she neared.
“Good nap?” he enquired, referring to the reason she’d gone into their bedroom in the first place. She’d been tired, and overworked, and was feeling all too ready for a rest. As she attempted to fall asleep, however, her mind had drifted to thoughts of the man in the other room, and she couldn’t put the thoughts aside.
“I didn’t take it.” Deftly, she untied the cord from around her waist. “I remembered that there are better ways to relax.”
Deanna’s eyes met Will’s across the coffee table as she pushed the robe off her shoulders and allowed it to drop to the floor.
“Deanna,” he said softly, appreciatively, as he took in his wife’s body, bared to him so willingly. Then he rose, before striding around the table to capture her lips in a loving kiss. “Gods, I adore you.”
A quiet laugh escaped her at his passionate proclamation, as her arms moved around his shoulders, gently slipping a hand under his uniform collar to stroke a fingertip across the skin at the back of his neck. Goosebumps rose at her touch, and she lifted her chin to kiss him again.
“I adore you too, Imzadi.” She pressed her body to his, and he took the hint to allow himself to be pushed backwards, towards the still-open bedroom door.
Will’s sudden groan caused her to stop.
Eyebrow raised, she all but laughed, “Will, I haven’t even touched you.”
“No, it’s just that... Alpha shift starts in a quarter of an hour.”
A slow smile spread across her lips. “We could make that work.” He laughed at that, leaning down to kiss her again. But she knew that this was less lustful, and more affectionate. He was already trying to calm himself down. “I could place you on leave.”
She was only half-joking, but Will let out a laugh at her remark. “I think that would count as an abuse of your position, Counselor.” With that, he carefully untangled himself from her arms, and moved to the replicator. “Two waters,” he instructed. He glanced back to her with an amused smile. “Cold.”
Huffing, Deanna picked up her robe from the floor, dressing herself quickly and tying the cord with an angry grunt, aimed squarely at Will’s back. She knew he got the message; his smile was apologetic as he handed her a cup and gestured for them to sit on the sofa. Juvenile as she knew it was, she couldn’t help but pout slightly as she did so.
“Sorry, I’m disappointed too. But we can do better than a rushed ten minutes, and you know it.”
“You said you had fifteen.” She was playing up her annoyance now, exaggerating it as she understood where he was coming from.
He moved closer to her on the sofa, snaking an arm around her waist before pulling her close to him. “You deserve hours of my undivided attention. And that is exactly what you will get. Later.”
Resigned to her fate of waiting, Deanna took a sip of her water. “We’re grown adults. We can wait a few hours.”
“Looks like you’ll be taking that nap after all.”
Once Will had left, Deanna tried to busy herself around their quarters. She rearranged the bookshelves, made the bed, tried to take a nap, remade the bed, asked the computer for inane facts that she really didn’t care about... The distractions weren’t working.
She reached out with her consciousness for the one thing she could think about. Will was bored, and she felt him stir slightly when he recognised her presence in his mind.
Retreating back to her own mind, she sighed to herself. Suddenly she snapped herself to attention. “Deanna Troi-Riker, you are a grown woman. And you do not have to wait for your husband in order to get some relief.”
Moving back to the bedroom, she removed her robe again, casting it to the side with a flourish that was uncalled for, but one she enjoyed doing. After settling herself in the centre of the bed (who was there to leave room for, after all?) she reached for the bottle of Betezoid lubricant on the nightstand, using her other hand to caress her breast.
As she splayed her hand over her flesh, before using her fingertips to gently pinch at her nipple, she realised she was trying to replicate the things Will did with his hands that she enjoyed. And with that realisation, she had a wicked thought.
He felt her presence pressing at the edge of his consciousness once more, and tried to project a loving welcome as he let her into his mind.
Of course, he was never going to be an Empath, but the Imzadi connection between him and his wife was strong enough for them to communicate like this, projecting feelings, thoughts, and words between them.
At first, this connection seemed like his wife innocently checking up on him, as they frequently did throughout the day. But as he relaxed to her presence in his mind more and more, he recognised that she was projecting certain feelings that he was only used to getting from her in a more private space.
She wasn’t, was she?
He let out a small gasp as he realised what she was doing, quickly stifling it in his sleeve as he pretended to cough. He sensed her amusement.
She projected the sensations into his mind, letting him practically feel her pleasure with her. He felt as a gentle fingertip circled her clit, teasing herself in a way that made his chest tighten.
‘I wish you were here.’ Her voice drifted to him. Helpless to her, he concentrated on echoing the sentiment back to her. All he wanted to do in that moment was replace her fingers with his own, allow her to relax and surrender to the pleasure he could give her.
He felt her pleasure deepen as she pressed her finger to her clit, applying pressure that was enough to send subtle tremors throughout her body. Will concentrated very hard on not letting out a groan right there on the Bridge.
Deanna’s laugh felt like molten gold as he heard it echo inside his head. ‘Are you regretting leaving yet?’
‘I regretted it the instant I set foot out the door.’ It took a lot of focus for him to project full sentences to her, but he could do it. And he knew that she’d understood him when he could sense her smug satisfaction. ‘You’re an evil woman, Deanna Troi-Riker.’
Her smugness only grew at that comment. ‘Only to you, Imzadi.’ Through their connection, he felt her hand continue stroking her clit lightly, while the other moved to lightly pinch and twist at one of her nipples. ‘Why does this feel so much better when you do it?’
The stroke to his ego didn’t go unnoticed, and he knew that she could feel just how aroused he was by her teasing. His arousal only grew when she ceased her actions, only to slowly press a finger inside herself. She was wet, he knew that much, and her eyes were closed so she could focus only on how good she felt.
Will felt his tension as she added another finger, and quietly tried to rearrange his features into a more neutral expression. One that didn’t scream: ‘My Wife is Finger-Fucking Herself Right Now and Telepathically Inviting Me Along for the Ride’. He wasn’t sure if he was entirely successful.
With a ‘come hither’ motion of her fingers, he sensed as she arched her back off the mattress. If he’d been there, he’d have been able to take in just how gorgeous she looked. He would have heard her beautiful sounds; her breathy moans, her whimpers and whispers of his name. He could have captured her lips with his own, being as rough and as commanding as he liked because he knew that she could take it.
‘Mm, sounds lovely.’ His thoughts must have been clearer than he realised. ‘But you’re not here. You had the opportunity, and you refused me. Now look where we ended up.’
Juxtaposing the not-so-subtle dig that her words suggested, there was a warmth surrounding their delivery into his mind. He knew that Deanna had already forgiven him within seconds of his refusal, and he also knew that she was very much enjoying ‘where they’d ended up’.
If there was one thing William Riker knew about Deanna Troi, it was that she loved to tease him. It rivalled her love of chocolate, rivalled the pleasure she could give herself physically as her thumb moved to stroke her clit in time with her fingers sliding in and out of her own wet heat.
She would use outfits to capture his attention, adding an elegant sway to her hips that was meant just for him. Her hand would go to her face, drawing his gaze to her dark eyes, or her soft lips. She would make a double-entendre in conversation, glancing her eyes to his to show that she was deliberately turning his thoughts to exactly what she intended.
And when she had him alone, she would tease him with her hands and lips, avoiding everywhere on his body that he wanted her to go right until he thought he might burst. She’d bring him to the edge and then deny him his release, just because she could. She would set the pace to whatever suited her, and he would just have to give in to it - no matter how hard he begged for her to slow down or to give him more, goddammit.
She did all of this and more to drive him wild, and yet he found that he was surprised to be held hostage in his own mind by the woman he loved. Deanna had found yet another depraved way to torture him with her patient teases.
As he felt her pleasure mounting, her thoughts becoming less coherent by the second, Will realised just how much trouble he would be in if he couldn’t get himself back under control. He was on the Bridge, and he was the Captain, no less.
‘Deanna, I really need you to stop this.’ He wondered if he sounded as pleading in her head as he imagined he would have if he’d said it out loud.
Her amusement was palpable; he could almost taste it on his tongue. ‘I know you do. But I’m enjoying myself a bit too much, Imzadi. I’m not sure I can let you go just yet.’
That white hot laugh that he loved and cursed in equal measure entered his mind again as he glanced down at where he was straining against his uniform. ‘Deanna, please-’
She was close, so close, as he sensed her thought: ‘I’ll stop if you order me to.’
Using all of the self control he could muster, Will suppressed the groan that threatened to escape his mouth. Just. ‘Counselor, I order you to stop this.’
‘Yes, sir.’
And just like that, her presence within his mind slipped away. He didn’t need it to know that her fingers would be working away furiously, as her back arched and she threw her head back, moaning his name in the most delicious way he’d ever heard it.
Her climax would send shockwaves of pleasure through her, causing her to grow tense, then shudder, then squirm as it continued. That was a sight that Will Riker knew well, and it was his favourite sight in the universe. He didn’t need a telepathic connection to imagine exactly what he was missing out on in that moment.
Saved from what could have been an extremely awkward situation for everyone on the Bridge, Will closed his eyes briefly and allowed himself a few deep breaths. He tried not to focus on just how easily he could have climaxed himself just from hearing her call him ‘Sir’. It was even more arousing to realise that she must have recognised how it had affected him, that she knew that her use of that word was enough to make his cock twitch and his palms grow sweaty.
Slowly, much more slowly than he would ever have admitted, he shook away what he could of what had just happened, gradually allowing his focus to recentre on, oh, captaining the Titan?
Later, Deanna was perched on the sofa, quietly reading a book. She knew exactly what time it was (having checked every ten minutes for the past hour), and she was listening for the telltale whisper of the door to their shared quarters opening.
When it opened, she glanced up from the book, meeting Will’s gaze, red hot, where he stood in the doorway.
“Hello,” she greeted him innocently.
Shaking his head lightly, he stepped into the room. “Computer, lock door.” As he kicked off his shoes, striding towards her, she stood up, knowing just how smug her expression must have looked. “You... you are-”
“Evil?” she suggested, a self-satisfied grin spreading across her face.
His hands went to her waist, pulling her to him roughly as he kissed her. Pulling way only briefly, she felt his breath on her lips as he whispered hotly, “Bedroom. Now.”
With her teeth, she nipped gently at his bottom lip, before pulling away to lock her eyes with his.
“Yes, Sir.”
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opalgelance · 4 years
thoughts on steven universe future
td;lr overall opinion: steven universe future is better than most of the original steven universe, especially seasons 3-5, but there are still some real iffy plotlines in future
i hate that the diamonds were redeemed but at the same time, the happy clouds blue and yellow putting gems back together scenes were so pure
it simultaneously warms my heart and infuriates me 
but we finally got a blue diamond song, god i love her voice
EDIT: also steven basically tortured white diamond and nearly killed her and it was pretty disturbing bc steven is 1. in a really bad mental state, like way darker than i thought they’d show him go, since this is technically a kids show and 2. was also kind of trying to hurt himself, which both hit me really hard bc i had similar periods of blazing anger, wanting to self harm and harm others that i felt had wronged me when i was a teenager, but its also what white deserves
ncsndlljklkcndkls i want to enjoy this show so bad but,,, steven having ptsd makes him a violent douche??? diamonds killed who knows how many gems in their reign and never really felt bad about it in original su but now they’re supportive life coaches??? no thank you
on more positive notes, i loved how priyanka described mental health and how she treated steven throughout the entire check up, she was so nonconfrontational and whenever he felt stressed she deescalated the situation,,, it was so good
the animation is the best its been since season 2. the poses are clean, very well drawn, and on model. there are more action scenes than like 90% of steven universe and they’re animated way better, like theres actual fighting and motion asjksacbcbj no one is stiffly posed, no one has strange proportions, no one is drastically changing sizes in between shots (well besides steven in growing pains onward but when he does change size its supposed to be like that lol)
i liked seeing the real roses but didnt love it? i wish we saw more of the roses designs up close, and i wish they fit a little more with the other quartzes? it might be just because its era 3, but the roses were all way more unique than jaspers and amethysts generally seem to be. i like that they were more unique designs and had different personalities, but surely the diamonds wouldnt have tolerated that back in era 1 or even era 2, had the rose quartzes not been bubbled? also i get that they’re reminiscent of pink bc she created them, but hippie and superfan were so naive, more so than other quartzes. if each quartz group was slightly different, it would make a little more sense tbh like if quartzes were the entire gem army, but each group was slightly different. i always liked the idea that rose quartzes were either the defense or the healers of the gem army.
little homeschool and guidance were fun and genuinely enjoyable, considering not a whole ton happens in them. i wish townie episodes had been more like them. like you could replace the gems with random humans, but it would still be a fun episode? idk, maybe involving the humans in gem stuff wouldve made better townie episodes, like lars and the cool kids. it wouldve probably helped steven feel more “human” too, if the human and gem worlds collided a bit more in the series.
bluebird was... an ok episode, but im not sure how well it will fit into what i feel like the end will be, where every episode of future featured someone steven helped or affected in some way, and they all come together to help steven when he corrupts. or rather, i guess if bluebird did say something, it would feel more hollow bc steven didnt help them lol the gems and universes were just friendly to them, and thats it. it wasnt as bad as a very special episode (my least favorite episode of future), but it felt like a townie episode with no townies LOL at least we got a new fusion i guess
a very special episode was just,,, infuriating. there was that weird football scene where they just like,,, talk about screen resolution for a minute then play the full commercial for little homeworld we just saw last episode???? i did genuinely enjoy the rainbow scenes, but it just built up to not nothing. oh no, it was something alright. the whole episode was just future vision and then theres like a minute long psa??? it felt like that wacky randomness that would have happened in like, ok ko, teen titans go, or clarence jaskjcbkcjbskb
mr universe is tied with dear old dad episode as my least favorite greg episode. i get how both of them feel. greg wanted to tell steven about how he escaped from his miserable childhood and remade who he was, no longer a demayo but a universe. the problem imo was that greg became way too absorbed in the past. it reminds me a bit of s1 pearl, how she’d proudly recount gem battles and basked in the glory of fighting for their freedom, but she struggled when she had to recount the more unsavory parts of war. and that really affected amethyst, since she didnt fight in the glorified war pearl told her and steven about. amethyst was the byproduct of one of the bad parts of the war, and that became part of her identity, until on the run, where pearl finally realized that she needed to tell amethyst that she wasnt bad. amethyst’s creation may have fractionally hurt the earth, but that wasnt her fault. it wasnt her fault that she emerged too late to fight either. and it wasnt her fault that she existed. sounds familiar to to stevens rant in the van. 
steven didnt ask to be made. he didnt ask to be the half gem half human son of a diamond. but he grew up being told about how great his mom was, and that while no one would ever say it, she was gone because of him. to create steven, rose had to die. it was roses decision, but as the product of that decision, steven feels responsible. not only that, but being told constantly about his amazing mother, steven felt like he had to live up to her, had to be like her, had to replace her in the gems and greg’s lives. throughout the series, steven is constantly either trying to be like his mother, until he realizes its ok to be himself. but then the question is posed; is steven even himself? or is he still part of rose? and once he finds out that he’s steven, and has always been steven, he’s still reeling from the realization that his mother was pink diamond. and that really shows in future, where steven is becoming like pink. at first he doesnt even know, because besides the jungle moon dream, him and the audience never knew about this side of pink. this angry, short tempered, diamond who lashes out mostly physically. and unlike before, no one’s telling steven about pink (besides pink pearl) hes finding out firsthand, and this pink mode is basically being forced on him by his gem. steven has little to no control over this form. hes not trying to live up to his mother, or wondering if he is her, like before. now, he’s losing control to whatever programming is in his gem.
but back to mr universe. in the van, greg is going on and on about how lucky steven is, and how free steven is, but how can either of them compare their lives to each other? the similarities just arent there. steven is right, greg and pink were “raised” in very similar “households”. both had their wishes and desires suppressed by controlling, abusive parents. we know pink was abused mentally, verbally and physically (being physically dragged away from the screen by yellow in jungle moon, stevonnie being grabbed and thrown into the time out cell by yellow, when she still thought steven was pink), but greg at the very least was mentally assaulted. but they diverge from here. as greg said, he thought disco was back. rose started a war. you cant compare them any further. 
but at the same time, steven was raised completely differently. he was raised in a home with love and freedom, but he was also not given the opportunity to be a normal kid. theres a difference being forcing your kid to do something and not giving them the chance to try something. steven was never given the option to go to school (well in the comics he was but i guess thats not canon now since it seems like steven wishes he went to school?) he was never given the option to live in a house, or go to the mall with friends. the only other kids he knew were the boardwalk kids, but even then, he doesnt seem very close with them. for such an outgoing, friendly kid, steven wasnt given many opportunities to make friends. steven’s upbringing was very relaxed, yes, but it was too relaxed. he needed more structure, and more importantly, more humanity. i always thought it was weird, how little steven seems to have interacted with humans before connie, considering that his mother so desperately wanted steven to experience being human. yes the show is about gems, (and yes, i dont like most townie episodes), but steven was never shown doing a lot of “human” kid things inbetween episodes. the episode never started with him coming home from a friends house, he hardly ever spent time with friends other than connie in little scenes. like he was never called for a mission while playing cards with peedee, or coming home after an after school activity. any scenes like that were either just steven by himself, or with greg, and occasionally connie. but connie is a new addition to his life. how many years has he been doing fun stuff with only his dad for company, or by himself? yknow, “non traditional” childhoods and living situations are becoming more and more common in media, rather than the “two parents in a suburb house” thing, but steven’s life is beyond any unusual childhood any other kid would have. i mean he’s never even been to the doctor! which is probably for several reasons, like the fact that he apparently doesnt have a ssn, he can heal himself, has a damn gemstone in his stomach, and is half alien. but still, thats not something he has in common with other kids. no matter how much love and freedom he was given, steven was raised as an outcast.
i agree with the notion that both greg and steven were both right and wrong in mr universe. i guess they both have that in common with rose lol 
greg should have read the room better, realized that his pep talk wasnt the support and apology steven needed to hear. but steven shouldnt have acted out in the way he did. i get that’s the “theme” of steven’s spiral, maybe for the younger audience to better understand how steven is acting? but crashing his dad’s van that gregs been living in for like 20 years? fucking SHATTERING jasper? that’s going way too far to prove a point. it would have been better to maybe mirror story for steven, where marty and greg are arguing, marty is watching the road and they narrowly avoid hitting a car. but crashing the car could have been pretty serious, especially for greg. now jasper, that episode shouldnt have been approved. steven should not have shattered jasper. he fucking killed her. rose/pink didnt even shatter anyone. and if it wasnt for steven getting another superpower out of nowhere, jasper would have stayed that way. he should have just cracked her gem, poofing her in the process. the rest of the episode wouldve played out exactly the same.
anyways ive been writing this for like 2 hours but i feel better letting it all out. if you enjoy future keep enjoying it! it’s definitely more like a B+ compared to season 3-5′s general C-/D+. but please take into consideration future has some themes that people personally relate to, like mental health, and that you shouldnt shit on someone elses opinions that are based on their own personal experiences. especially if you dont have mental health issues, dont keep pushing your opinion and telling people that personally relate to future’s themes that they’re wrong? thats fucked up man
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thegunlady · 5 years
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14, 16, 26, 27 :))
😁omg Sheridan you’re the best! 😁
 >> For the Film Asks: 
2. Is there an actress you’ll watch any film for?3. Is there an actor you’ll watch any film for?Hmm no, not really. I'm definitely more inclined to watch a thing if it has an actor or actress I adore, but I can’t think of someone I’d watch anything for. 
4. Name a film cliche you hate?Oh man, there are a hundred things I could say, but I am such a complete sucker for super cheesy dramatic romance onscreen — especially the tropes where lovers who have been separated are reunited, or one of them is falling over themselves to help/defend the other, who’s been hurt or upset in some way, etc. SO by extension, I fucking hate it when a story sets itself up for that and doesn’t do it. Like something happens to one of the lovers, but we don’t get to see the other react to it in real time, or even at all. I want to see characters WEEPING IN EACH OTHER’S ARMS over the PROFUNDITY OF THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER. Don’t bill yourself as a romantic drama and NOT GIVE THAT TO ME. 
(I guess the lack of a trope you like isn’t really the same thing as a “flim cliche you hate” but I’m rolling with it). 
5. Name a film cliche you love?Dramatically Reunited Lovers™ (see above, lol).
6. Is there a film that freaked you out as a child?I was terrified of absolutely everything as a child (and honestly still am), but growing up I remember being very scared of the classic Disney villains, made all the worse because being a little kid in the ‘90s, they were absolutely everywhere. I was especially scared of Ursula, Maleficent, and Cruella de Vil and I never wanted to watch those movies. I’ve come to love The Little Mermaid and Sleeping Beauty, but I actually still won’t watch 101 Dalmatians. 
8. What’s your favorite adaption of a book?I mean I think it’s my responsibility to say Pride and Prejudice (2005).
14. Your favorite film that everyone else seems to hate?I guess I’m sorta forgiving of the Star Wars prequels? They’re obviously not the OT, and I pretty much agree with every criticism, but tbh they still do some cool stuff. I also think what’s-his-name was a perfectly fine Anakin. 
16. Five films you’d choose to have if you were stuck on a desert island?Ok, so these are not necessarily good films or even my favorite films, but they’re some of the ones I am down to watch over and over: 
Mr. Right
Singin’ in the Rain
Dakota Skye 
Need for Speed
26. If they remade any film today, what film would you choose?I LOVE car movies. There was an entire era of them in the ‘60s and ‘70s, and I think it could be pretty cool to start remaking some of those. Or at least get back to that style of film. 
27. If they adapted any book today, what book would you choose?I can’t believe they haven’t tried to make movies out of those Marissa Meyer post-punk fairytale retellings. Those are BEGGING to be on screen. 
Similarly, I just finished the Stars of Fortune trilogy by Nora Roberts and IMHO it could make a truly fantastic Netflix miniseries. 
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irondadgroupie · 6 years
Tony introduced to Disney
Tony does not watch Disney movies, he just didn’t do it. Of course he saw some of them in his childhood but anything released after 1980 he knows nothing of, nothing more than the name and what magazine articles told. Once Peter made a Lion King reference but Tony was totally lost “Hakuna Ma-what now?”
Peter was so shocked his jaw nearly hit the ground.
“You don’t know the Lion King?”
“I know of it, just never seen it.”
So for their frequently unfrequent movie night, Peter brings his childhood DVDs.
“What do you want to start with? Shall we begin with the best” He points to The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast ,”history,” Pocahontas ,” comedy,” Emperor’s New Groove ,”feminism,” Mulan ,” or literature?” Hunchback of Notre Dame.
“What?” Tony sat up straighter and grabbed the case. “When was this made?”
“Um.. like in mid 90s.”
“How the hell did I miss that?”
“You know the story?”
“Had to read it in boarding school,” The man answered while reading the synopsis. “This story is- really fucking dark and gritty. I have no idea how to make a children’s movie out of it.”
“It’s gorgeous,” Peter nodded while putting on the DVD and settling back on the couch with the remoter. “But yeah, bit of a flop.”
The movie started.
“I like the music,” Tony nodded along with the first song. Peter munched on the popcorn. “So, do you want a commentary-”
“On what is different from the book?” Peter shrugged. “Why not, just don’t be a bitch.”
Song continued.
“Frollo was not a judge,” The man pointed out. “He was an archdeacon.”
“Wow, you have excellent memory.”
“Talking to a genius here, kid,” Tony took a gummy worm.
Quasimodo appeared.
“He is- well- alright, I guess that would be grotesque but adorable.”
“That is a compliment coming from you.”
“But he was deaf in the book so-”
“But it’s a children’s movie, they can’t make their main character deaf.”
“Why are not sjw’s demanding this movie be remade so deaf don’t feel left out.”
“Don’t tempt them.”
Frollo appeared and Peter watched Tony for any sign of discomfort. The man looked at him.
“It’s just- I know you had a shitty father-bond so-”
“You think this might harm me? No, Pete, I promise, my father was never that bad. It was mainly emotional absence.”
Out there- song.
Tony’s eyes were wide as he looked at the scenery: “Just, wow...”
“I know, I love this song,” Peter grinned and lifted one leg to the couch so his thigh rested against his chest.
“The budget for this must have been insane.”
“So you don’t hate this?” The boy looked at his mentor.
“A-a-ah,” Tony pointed at him. “Not too soon, we have- what, an hour left.”
Esmeralda appeared.
“Wow,” Tony breathed out. “Is it weird to be aroused by a cartoon character?”
“Hey, what do you think anime is for?”
The movie continued.
“So, any major differences?”
“Yeah, Phoebus was a jerk in the book and Esmeralda was much younger. She was looking for her mother.”
“Creative differences, you mean.”
The movie continued onto the Feast of Fools.
“It’s a bit jarring this tone change, though,” Tony rubbed his neck. “Like, what is this movie supposed to be?”
“And hey,” He pointed at the screen. “That clown- he is the narrator?”
“He is a jack of all trades.”
Esmeralda’s dance begun and Tony’s eyes nearly bulged out of his skull.
“Holy shit,” He whispered. “That dress- just-”
“She is hot,” Peter admitted. “My first childhood crush.”
“Watched this movie a lot, huh?”
“One of my favorites, I know the script by heart.”
“That’s- that’s pole dancing! She is basically a stripper- no, I cross it, this is like 16th century, she is a prostitute!”
Quasimodo was punished and the tone changed again.
“Oh yeah, so clearly a children’s movie.”
During Esmeralda’s escape from the guards, Tony kept face palming.
“Just basic running away would have sufficed- did the director demand to have all these ridiculous tricks?”
Esmeralda in the church and Frollo finds them.
“At least Phoebus isn’t a complete dumbass in this one.”
“Yeah, he’s a cool guy.”
Frollo grabbed Esmeralda and sniffed her hair.
“What the fuck?” Tony mouthed silently and Peter burst into laughter. 
Esmeralda’s song Tony rated pretty and passable. Her interaction with Quasimodo heartfelt and touching.
“Nice that they have scenes together, builds a bond. In the books, Quasi was a bit- well, he was deaf so interaction was limited.”
Peter grabbed a handful of chips, pleased that his mentor was enjoying himself.
“But yeah, maybe the morals are a bit to your face.”
“Hey, it’s Disney. Ever seen Frozen, that one was a mess?”
“Nope, but I still have heard Let it Go.”
“Oh you poor thing.”
Tony glared at him. 
Then came Hellfire and Tony had to rub his eyes to be certain they were not lying. 
“What the hell am I watching?!”
“One of best Disney villains,” Peter felt the urge to sing with.
“How the hell is this okay in a kid’s film?”
“You know, it’s Disney.”
“Yes, but still. This lusting for a woman, racial prejudice, how can you explain this to kids?”
“They grow up to it. By the way, was Frollo in love with Esmeralda-”
“Yes, he was but it was not this pronounced.”
Then Paris began to burn-
“About gargoyles,” Tony took a bit of the chocolate Peter was offering him. “Like, I get it, you need humor in a movie that is this dark and stuff but- so much of it. And it is mostly slapstick and what is this- what the hell is going on- they get a song?”
“What?” Peter whined. “It’s a good song!”
“Look, I admit, all the songs have been good, the music is amazing, I am definitely finding this on Spotify but still, this script needed work. Remove the gargoyles, or make them less annoying.”
The song ended and Tony saw the gargoyles were once again plain stone.
“Wait?” The man straightened up. “What is this? What? They are stone again? So, others can’t see them?”
“Umm,” Peter thought. “Yeah, only Quasi talks to them.”
“So,” Tony thought ,”in a way- wow, they could be a fragment of his imagination. Like, isolation does make a person lose their sense of reality.”
“Good theory but no,” Peter shook his head. “They take part in the last battle.”
“Huh, spoilers much,” Tony laughed and poked the boy’s shoulder. 
Esmeralda comes to the cathedral to hide Phoebus and they kiss.
“What a bitch,” Peter shook his head.
“She never led him on.”
“She kissed him on the cheek.”
“Yeah, Quasi took it wrong but it was not her fault.”
“What a horrible lessons for children, if you are ugly you won’t get the girl.”
Quasimodo and Phoebus went to the Court of Miracles.
“There is that clown again!”
“Clopin,” Peter corrected Tony.
“Whatever the hell- just what is his deal. Is he like the God of this story? How does he know about Quasi being in the bell tower?”
Peter shrugged.
“Oh, that is just nice, almost killing our heroes.”
“Well, they were a threat, you do anything for a family.”
Frollo arrived to the hideout and lied about Quasi telling them the truth. Esmeralda doesn’t believe.
“Thank God!” Tony breathed out. “That plot line has been so overused. Like fucking learn to communicate! Don’t jump to conclusions!”
“You’re one to talk,” Peter taunted his mentor.
“Don’t you start now-”
Esmeralda was about to be burned on the stake.
“Okay, in the book it was hanging but yeah, this is more dramatic.”
“Plus doesn’t hanging pretty much kill the person instantly.”
“Not always,” Tony shook his head as the choir began to sing and Quasimodo broke the chains. “Ideally it breaks the neck and yeah, instant death, but done wrong, you choke to death and that can take minutes. But by God, this scene is gorgeous!”
Quasimodo cries over Esmeralda’s body.
“Check her pulse,” Tony muttered and Peter snickered. “Come on, check her pulse, check her pulse-”
“It’s not my fault these people are idiots! They knew back then what heart is!”
“You actually think Frollo taught him anything?”
“He - wait, can Quasi write? Or read?”
“Here comes Frollo!”
The last battle happens.
“Well, he is at least an effective villain. Menacing, cruel, manipulative- I wonder how Quasimodo isn’t more fucked up.”
“The same can be said about Harry Potter.”
“I have only seen four movies and think the boy should be getting intensive therapy.”
“Order of the Phoenix after this one?”
“You got it, bud,” They did a fist bump.
The movie ended and Tony smiled softly as Quasimodo was finally accepted as a human being.
“I really liked the dynamic between the trio. It was a good addition to have Phoebus save Quasi-”
“I know! There was no competition between the two!”
“Now, in the book-”
“Okay,” Peter curled up against Tony, awaiting a story. “Tell me how it really ended.”
“Well,” Tony started. “The details are of course a bit vague but yeah, Esmeralda was hanged, she died and was buried, Quasi killed Frollo and then curled up with Esmeralda’s body and died of starvation. Eventually the grave was robbed and their bones turned to dust.”
Peter stared at the distance for a long time. Tony was afraid he had broken the boy. He waved a hand in front of his eyes.
“Earth to Petey.”
“What?” The boy blinked out of his trance. 
“A big shock, huh?” Tony grinned and Peter shrugged.
“So, did you like it?”
Tony did not think for a moment: “Yes, it was much better than I expected.”
“Really?” Peter raised an eyebrow, voice laced with skepticism. “Because the commentary was quite harsh in places.”
“Oh please, you make fun of Harry Potter yet love those movies.”
Peter chuckled: “True. So, bathroom break and then we start with the new movie?”
“Took words out of my mouth.”
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mariolucario493 · 5 years
So as you are probably aware, Banjo and Kazooie have finally made it into Super Smash Bros. This is a huge accomplishment, as they have been absent from Nintendo for years. But this begs the question - will we be getting a proper new Banjo title in the near future? I certainly hope so, but before that, it would be nice to see the original games re-released on current consoles.
Now the question is how they would do this. Would they just re-release the original games with slightly updated graphics like they did on XBLA? That seems like the safer option. But maybe they’ll go the interesting route and remake the whole games from scratch. Given that we live in a time where everyone seems to be capitalizing on 90′s nostalgia, the latter seems like a possibility. But I’m not here to complain about Disney’s live-action remakes. Besides, with video games, remakes seem to be quite faithful to the originals. We’ve gotten DS/3DS remakes of Mario 64, Star Fox 64, Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, and maybe some others I can’t think of. Pokemon has remade generations before as well. And of course, the remake of Link’s Awakening looks promising. Even Rare has gotten in on it before - remember Conker: Live and Reloaded? True, a lot of the original developers left Rare to form Playtonic, but maybe the two companies could joint develop it - as long as Microsoft gives everyone complete creative control, of course.
So let’s say they do go this route and completely remake the original two games. It shouldn’t just be the same game but in HD. There are some things I’d like them to improve upon from the N64.
First of all, they definitely should keep the changes they did with XBLA - that is, making notes permanently collectible. No one wants to get PTSD from Rusty Bucket Bay. Admittedly, this might make finding the last few notes more difficult, but it’s probably still better than dying with 99 notes. Or what if the notes do not reset if you die, but they do reset if you leave the level? That way, if you’re having trouble finding the last note, you can just reset. Maybe there could also be a special reward for finding all 900. Yes, there is that last door that requires 882 notes and doubles your health, but maybe something else. There’s already a reward for getting all 100 Jiggies in Mumbo teaching you about some of the Stop n’ Swop items.
And speaking of Stop n’ Swop, let’s talk about that. The limited technology of the time meant they weren’t able to implement the idea of transferring items from one game to another during the N64 era. Now they did manage to do that for the XBLA re-releases, but there were still a few flaws that I saw. In the N64 version of Banjo-Tooie, you had to essentially find the Stop n’ Swop items again. In the XBLA version, if you got them in BK, you would have them in BT from the start of the game. But the problem is that the secret areas were still there, just empty. If you had no idea what was supposed to be there, you’d be confused as to why these secret caves exist. So I think they should combine the two ideas. By that I mean, have the secret areas in BT empty normally, but have the secret items show up there once you get them in BK. Maybe include a sign in the secret areas that gives a hint like “Return to the Sandcastle and enter the following code.” If both games were bundled together, it would make the transfer of data even easier. Though the issue there was that the N64 version of BT only had the Ice Key and three of the six eggs. The developers would have to come up with places to hide the last three eggs in BT. But I think they could do that.
It would also be cool if there was a multiplayer mode. Banjo-Tooie had multiplayer minigames, but maybe they could add some to Banjo-Kazooie as well. Specifically, I’d like to see a multiplayer version of Grunty’s Furnace Fun. It would either be a race to the end or just competing for points.
One thing Yooka-Laylee was missing was world maps. Pretty much every 3D game nowadays has a way to bring up an overhead map of the area. But a combination of no maps and everything looking the same made Yooka-Laylee’s worlds difficult to navigate. So yes, there needs to be a map of each world. And that map should highlight certain areas such as the start area, Mumbo’s hut, all the Bottles/Jamjars locations (once you find them, of course), warp pads, etc. And there could also be an option to place beacons. You know, where you put a dot on the map and a light appears in the sky to guide you there. Admittedly, this would be difficult to implement in more cavernous levels like Clanker’s Cavern or Glitter Gulch Mine, so the beacon idea might not be possible. Also, for some maze-like sub areas like Targitzan’s Temple, maybe the map should not be accessible until you complete everything in the area. That way, you can still feel like you’re exploring.
One thing Yooka-Laylee actually did right (once it was patched, of course) was fixing the auto-scrolling text. Pretty much every game has the text pause until you press a button to advance it, but not BK or BT for some reason. You could still hold down the button to make the text scroll faster, but tap it to advance to the next sentence.
And now let’s talk about the toughest thing that I’d like to see changed for this hypothetical remake - that being the comedy. As timeless as these games are, I will admit that there are a few moments that clearly stand out as being a product of the 90′s. Certain jokes might not be acceptable today. Now I love all the fourth wall jokes and subtle adult innuendos, and they should definitely keep those. What I am concerned about is a couple of the characters that are obvious stereotypes. Take for example, Rubee, the snake charmer in Gobi’s Valley. Despite only being part of one Jiggy mission, this character seems to suffer from the same Indian stereotypes that Apu from The Simpsons suffered from.  With his overly large turban and strange way of speaking, he seems like he could use an update. Now how would they do that? My idea? Make him an animal. Perhaps an elephant, like Taj from Diddy Kong Racing. This could also fit his role as a snake charmer, as he could play his trunk like a flute.
There’s also Jolly Roger and Merry Maggie, who seem to be cheap shot at gay stereotypes. Jolly speaks in a very camp voice and makes those hand gestures. Maggie is implied to be a transvestite; and if I remember correctly, Kazooie reacts with disgust when she sees her. Again, we might have to change them up a little. I’m not sure how we would do that, but definitely start by making them more than just one-dimensional stereotypes.
But perhaps the most awkwardly stereotypical character in the Banjo games is Humba Wumba. Native American stereotypes seem to be one of the most controversial out there. The problem with Humba is that she is a much more important character than Jolly or Rubee. She appears in every level of the second game, and her transformations are essential for getting many of the Jiggies. Mumbo also seems to be based on the stereotypical tribal African witch doctor, but again, he is at least non-human enough for that to be acceptable. Humba, on the other hand, is definitely human. And she wears that stereotypical buckskin outfit and feather headdress, and she speaks in broken English Tonto-style, and her theme music includes that war cry that isn’t even a real thing. Now I personally am as white as white can be (at least I think I am, but I’m not about to sent a DNA sample to one of those ancestry sites so they can sell it to the government), so I’m not exactly the best person to talk to about how to write a Native American character. On top of that, Humba seems to just be there for sex appeal. Yes, I’ll admit, I had a few fantasies about her giant polygonal tits growing up. She’s definitely at least more attractive then the fairies in Ocarina of Time. Now for all its faults, Nuts and Bolts did redesign Humba to be a little less of a stereotype. In that game, she wears a more contemporary outfit and has a more realistic figure. It’s not perfect, but it’s a good start. Theoretically, Humba could work if they were more tongue-in-cheek about how insensitive she is. Like have Kazooie make a snarky remark about how the 90′s were a simpler time. If there ever is a completely new Banjo game, they could cut her out altogether; but in the event of a re-release, she is an integral part of Banjo-Tooie.
It was also kind of surprising back in 1998-2000 to see an E-rated game this violent. And I’m not talking about the goofy slapstick either. Both Clanker in Clanker’s Cavern and Lord Woo Fak Fak in Jolly Roger’s Lagoon visibly bleed. How many times do you see blood in an E-rated game? Yeah, they might have to change that. For Clanker, since he’s mostly mechanical, you could replace the bloody parts of his body with rust. And as for Fak Fak, you could just change the color of the blood like you did with Ganondorf. Which would actually be realistic, since red light doesn’t travel that far in water, so red things such as blood often appear greenish-yellow when you’re hundreds of feet below the water’s surface. Of course, Kazooie should still stay red no matter what.
There’s a few other things that might be seen as insensitive, like the child abuse that Boggy’s kids face, or the lady with the watermelons at the end of BK. But as much as some of those jokes seem mean-spirited, I actually think it would be better to keep most of them. I don’t see a game as goofy as Banjo-Kazooie beginning with a serious disclaimer about stereotypes like they put at the start of all those Looney Tunes compilation DVD’s, but the developers should definitely tread lightly if they want to keep the spirit of the original games without offending anyone. We may end up with an E10 or even a T rating, but it would be worth it. But this is Tumblr, after all, and being offended is like a national pastime here.
Just a few months ago, a new Banjo game seemed like a pipe dream. But with what we saw at E3, we might just get it. Either way, the kids of today deserve a chance to experience what we grew up with. But what else would you like to see in a Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie remake or a new game altogether?
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une-erreur-inconnur · 5 years
Tagged - Answer 21 questions
I've been tagged by @ninakh a while ago, however as usual I took a while to make it. Sorry about it >w<
Name: honestly I wouldn't advice anyone to give their name on Internet, but maybe it's just my old safe too attached to anonymity ^^' You can call me Mineko though, a lot of people use it (like a real name actually ) but it's the username I go to first generally in any website.
Nickname: I have a lot of nickname but most of them aren't used anymore
Zodiac: Cancer. By the way story time. Last year in uni I met a friend of one of my classmate that I was working with for a group project (we were assigned group by random so it's to tell you how much of a stranger this guy was). And in like 10 mn of discussion (and 10 mn of discussion with me when I don't know you is NOT a lot) the friend of my classmate just blurted out "you're born in July right?" So I just looked at him surprised before saying that yes I was. And then he told me I was acting like a typical cancer, so I guess if you're good in astrology you know now a lot about me? XD
Height: I know I already answered this before, I think it was close to 170 cm but not quite. Too lazy to search -_-
Time: 12:49
Favorite Musician: Stromae. If you don't know Stromae go check any of his song. Some are bellow his average level but otherwise he is a great artist. I know that in English a lot of his play of word are lost but hmm try anyway.
Recently I also had a liking for Chase Holfelder. You know this guy who remade "animal" which is used for amv in every fandom ever xD and it's the same for almost all the song he takes from major to minor keys. His kitchen cover are good too and made me dicover imagine dragon.
Recently, and on another genre Yann tiersen is also a musician I discovered recently and every song from him are beautiful to listen.
Also if you study biology acapella science is really good. It's where I first listened to evo devo- I mean despacito (yes I don't listen to radio) and while in the original song the good rythm is ruined by stupid lyrics, their evo devo version make this song have a great rythm AND being intelligent ! (Really if I had this song back when I was studying embryo development it could have helped at least a bit much x_x)
Song Stuck in my Head: The portrait of Pirate which is an old 2015 vocaloid song that I discovered just now.
Last Movie I Saw: The fantastical beast. I actually watched it in English, it was cool. Even if I was HIGLY disappointed by a certain character while having it coming since the first <.< if watched the movie you know who
Last Thing I Googled: a dandelion because I needed a reference for the last picture I made :3 but generally I don't google thing, I just go back to my three favourite site already saved xD
Other Blogs: mineko-mairhiel that I use to gather my drawings. I could have done that on this blog by tagging properly, but I didn't know how it worked before xp but I didn't post since a while on there. I mean tumblr is great to share fandom stuff but I mostly draw random character, not even OC, it's just, pictures x). But if I obsess on another game/series and the fandom isn't dead by the time I do (mystic messenger was a big exception, I usually start to be enthusiastic about things that people stop caring about xD) I might be active on there again, who knows.
Do I get Asks: It almost never happen but when I do get ask, I answer them ridiculously late (a bit like tag game) I'm sorry for the few soul who dropped by there, I swear it wasn't on purpose.
Why Did I Choose This Nickname: my current url? I guess it's the url since nicknames aren't chosen and generally just "happen" xD Well you know how there wasn't any proposition to chose an url before. And I tried absolutely every damn username I ever used in my life and none of them worked. And I got upset to see that it wasn't even "this url is already taken" but an unknown error happened (une erreur inconnue est survenue). So, out of spite I wrote "une fucking erreur inconnur" without caring about orthograph and it passed. I was so done when I wrote that that I just rolled with it xD Then a few month later I thought "hmm the word fucking in my url make me seems violent let's get rid of that. And I could also get rid of the typo while I'm at it." I'll let you guess why I ended up leaving the typo xD
Following: 102 o.o I honestly think most are inactive user because my blog isn't even centered around anything anymore. But for the few people who are still active and consciously following my blog... I can't understand you but a lot of love for you :3 may the silliness or the beautiful artwork I reblog help have you a good day!
Amount of sleep: If life was fair I could sleep 10 to 12 hours everyday. Since I have to study it's around 5-6. 8 if I don't work as much as I should o/
Lucky Number: 4 it's such a beautiful number. Look at it. Beautiful.
What am I wearing: my 8 yo pyjama that's not even purple anymore but fit wonderfully on me and that will never be thrown away unless it's shredded to piece or my mother come visit me.
My Dream Job: Huh honestly I currently don't know. I don't even have a expected job. I hope I'll be able to program things but life can take 90 degree turn so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dream Trip: either a country where I can witness a solar eclipse or northern/southern light.
Favorite Food: anything with cream in it I guess? Carbs? Fat? I can't choose a specific thing T_T
Instruments Played: well I think the good old recorder is universal. But I also had the chance to learn a bit of guitar (I can do some very very VERY basic song :p)
Favorite songs: this tag game is becoming too much long for what it is so I'll try to just give song without explaining why xD
Défiler -Stromae
Bâtard- Stromae
Quand c'est -Stromae
Basically the whole song track of Hamilton
Blessed Messiah and the Tower of Ai- I don't want to write q.q : Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei
Firework (minor key version)- chase holfelder
The portrait of pirate -Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei
Sister's mercy -Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei
The tree of reincarnation-Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei (gosh I guess he is my favourite composer)
The night series- Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei
How far I'll go(minor key version)- chase holfelder
Best day of my life (minor key version)- chase holfelder
What's up(minor key version)- chase holfelder
The willow maid-erutan
Natural- imagine dragon
I think we're good with those! As always sorry that it came that late, but tumblr acted up the first time I wrote it and I lost everything. So I was a bit disheartened. Thanks to @ninakh who still had the patience to tag me, even if I have a talent to answer super late ^^'
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erictmason · 7 years
Top 10 Disney Movies They SHOULD Remake
The Great Disney Remake Train shows no sign of stopping, especially after its most recent entry, “Beauty and the Beast”, managed to make a killing at the box office despite being, y’know, pretty Not Good At All.  Combine that with the fact that, last year, they were even willing to do a remake of “Pete’s Dragon”, a movie which has only ever been a cult classic at best, and it becomes clear there’s basically no aspect of its considerable film library Disney isn’t willing to mine going forward.  So, rather than bemoan the admittedly-tiresome reality of just how Corporate that strategy is, I thought I’d take the opportunity to think over a few Disney films that I’d actually like to see receive a remake.  The only criteria here are pretty simple:
1.) If Disney publicly attached its name to the film in question, regardless of in what capacity, it’s eligible.  
2.) The movie cannot have been remade by Disney already, nor can a remake be, concretely, in the offing.  There are a lot of prospective remakes supposedly under development at Disney right now, but if they don’t have as much as an announced director, I don’t count them as really underway.
Otherwise, though, it’s basically all fair game.  So let’s see what Disney movies might, in fact, have something to gain by being revisited, shall we?
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10.) Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Gary Trousdale/Kirk Wise, 2001):
I don’t necessarily share the immense nostalgic affection with which quite a few Disney fans view the original “Atlantis: The Lost Empire”.  Even so, I do feel like it’s a movie with an easily workable core and a solid cast of characters which, by virtue of the rather-desperate circumstances under which it was made (the movie was pretty transparently aiming to capitalize on the then-recent explosion of Anime into the American mainstream, to the point where some suspect it cribbed more than slightly from “Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water”), came out rushed and incoherent.  A remake, able to capitalize on the aforementioned Nostalgia cache the move has built up over the years thanks to its atypical-for-Disney aesthetic and tone, could very easily step in and fix those flaws (not least of all by doing more to address the White Savior stuff that fuels the plot).  As well, I can’t help but feel like Live Action/full-stop CGI animation could prove a much better fit for the Mike Mignola-designed aesthetic of the original.  And, if nothing else, don’t you want to find an actress capable of bringing Kidagakash to life?
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9.) Oliver and Company (George Scribner, 1988):
For the most part, the beginning of the “Disney Renaissance”, that period of consistent box-office and critical success Disney experienced during the late 80’s and early-to-mid-90’s, is credited to the 1989 release of “The Little Mermaid”.  And to be sure, that mega success is unquestionably important.  But prior to that, Disney kept itself afloat with somewhat humbler success stories.  But where, to my mind anyway, 1986’s “The Great Mouse Detective” is basically perfect as it is, its successor, a peculiar attempt to translate Charles Dicken’s classic “Oliver Twist” to modern-day New York City with animals as its primary characters, feels like an interesting concept marred in the execution.  Keep the animal conceit, sure, and maybe some of the songs too.  But dump the more dated stuff (Bill Sykes as a predatory lender especially) and try to find some way to put Dickens’ edges back into the story a bit.  Definitely work to make the cast better defined and more engaging, too. Do all that, and you could wind up with a version of this story that is just crazy enough to work.  
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8.) Condorman (Charles Jarott, 1981):
You know what’s all the rage these days at the movies?  Superheroes.  And wouldn’t you know it, Disney currently owns the absolute cream of that particular crop in the form of Marvel Studios.  But, as the smash-hit successes of both “Deadpool” and “Logan” over at 20th Century Fox have shown, audiences are also growing hungry for works that poke fun at, deconstruct, and do something to meaningfully comment on the nature of the genre as a whole.  So far, though, Marvel Studios proper, and thus Disney itself, has yet to capitalize on that quickly-growing trend.  The thing of it is, though, they already have a perfect vehicle to do so if they choose to use it.  The original “Condorman” is not an especially good film, awkward and uneven as it is.  But its dopey attempt to send up Spy Films and superheroes, combined with the brilliant design of its title “hero” (in reality a dorky comic book artist who stumbles into an espionage plot almost purely by accident), creates, to my eye at least, a perfect blueprint for a potential remake to run with in a sharp, satirical direction.  
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7.) The Aristocats (Wolfgang Reitherman, 1970):
The 1970’s were not one of Disney’s better periods, either creatively or financially, and a lot of that can be seen pretty clearly in “The Aristocats”.  It’s not without its charms, to be sure, but it’s also pretty obviously just “101 Dalmatians” all over again, except with contemporary-England-and-dogs swapped out for old-school-France-and-cats.  Still, there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with that idea, and hey, as far as I’m concerned, cats could always use more movies about them that portray them in a positive light.  Plus, the opportunities for a remake to improve on this one are almost painfully obvious: heighten the absurdity, tighten the pacing, and if you’re really feeling daring, maybe do more with the class gap between O’Malley and Duchess the original only ever lightly touched.  It’s the absurdity element that feels especially key to me, though, especially in terms of differentiating “Aristocats” from “101 Dalmatians”.  The original’s best moments are unquestionably its most ridiculous, after all, and amping that up, could do a lot to inject the movie with a more unique and enjoyable sense of personality.  
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6.) The Black Cauldron (Ted Berman/Richard Rich, 1985): At this point, "The Black Cauldron"'s reputation as one of the biggest flops in Disney history precedes it, even given the not-insignificant cult following it's picked up after finally receiving its first home video release in 1998 (nearly a decade and a half after its theatrical run).  But lost in analysis of its contentious place in the studio's canon is the fact that it's also a weirdly garbeld adaptation of the first two books of Lloyd Alexander's "Chronicles of Prydain" cycle of fantasy novels.  And as often happens in those cases, that means there are a lot of details that go unexplained or unresolved, from running gags like Flewder's harp and its breaking strings to significant plot points like the magic sword Taryn discovers.  But a big recurring choice in a lot of Disney's remakes of late is restoring elements of the source material that the previous Disneyification left out, and I don't know that any movie in the canon would benefit from that choice more than "The Black Cauldron".  You can keep the broad structure of the original, i.e. the characters of the first Prydain book, "The Book of Three", placed into the general plot of the second book for which the film is named.  But not only can we add some clarification around the edges (seriously, it is so easy to connect the story of that sword to even the heavily-revised version of the Horned King Disney created), more importantly we can also implant a lot more of the arch tone the books had, which would go a long way toward reconciling the original's rather confused take on the more-than-slightly deconstructionist story elements, to say nothing of likely making the movie less of a chore to sit through.  Supposedly, a new "Chronicles of Prydain" movie is in fact under development at Disney, so who knows?  Maybe we'll get the chance to see if this idea could actually work sooner than we think.
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5.) The Black Hole (Gary Nelson, 1979): You've probably noticed a running theme of my choices here, namely that a lot of them come from eras where Disney, facing the loss of its traditional audiences in the wake of a changing cultural landscape, decided to start experimenting well outside their usual wheelhouse.  And perhaps the most wildly experimental periods of them all occurred in the late 70's and early 80's, when Disney committed its efforts to making some surprisingly-dark Sci-Fi/Fantasy live-action films.  But where 1982's "Tron" became a cult classic (if not an especially strong box office success) and 1983's "Something Wicked This Way Comes" has its Ray Bradbury source material to keep it alive in the cultural memory, "The Black Hole" has more or less fallen down the memory hole.  Not that it's hard to figure out why; its grim, existential tone and nightmarish imagery (most noticeably its robotic villain Maximillian) combined with its vague, confusing plot make it a movie without much in the way of a natural audience.  And while that sort of thing is no easier to sell to a massive audience now than it was back then, there is nonetheless too much potential that can be dug out of "The Black Hole" without really having to alter too much of the fundamentals.  Working to really dig into the sense of cosmic dread of the original, clarifying the moral and personal conflicts that drive its central antagonist, the Captain Nemo-esque Reinhardt, maybe easing up on the cutesy robot sidekicks (or else leaning into them as a way to underscore just how unnerving the atmosphere really is)...but most importantly, working to earn the frightfully illogical ending of the original.  Of all the picks on this list, "The Black Hole" strikes me as the least likely, because even today an outright Horror movie seems outside the Disney purview...but for that very reason, it feels all the more compelling a choice.
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4.) The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Gary Trousdale/Kirk Wise, 1996): Even just a couple years ago, I don't know that I would have put this one on here at all, let alone this high up.  Disney's first "Hunchback" movie, while certainly not perfect, is nonetheless one of the more uniquely mature and well-crafted entries in the canon, and I don't know that the various simple nips and tucks one could make to it (like committing to the Gargoyles as solely creations of Quasimodo's imagination, as was originally planned) would really warrant a full-blown remake.  But then, early last year, I learned about a Broadway-style stage musical based on the movie (adapted from a German production from 1999).  This version, though it retains the original's soundtrack and some of its creative choices, incorporates a lot more of Victor Hugo's brutally-dark novel into the story (in particular, it is one of the only adaptations ever that allows Frollo to be the archdeacon of the cathedral as he was in the book).  That is not a choice I ever would have expected Disney to sanction (indeed, the original German version is a much more straightforward adaptation of the Disney movie), but now that I know they have, I'd say it is a very, very intriguing notion to bring that idea to the big screen.  Like "The Black Hole", that would indeed mean a movie the tone, themes, and aesthetic of which would indeed be well outside the studio's usual box, but not only is that a risk the company can afford to take more so now than ever before, I'd say there's a not-insignificant audience out there that is waiting for them to make exactly that kind of choice.  After all, as Disney and the studios it owns take up more and more space on the release schedule, a movie like this one could be might be welcomed as a positive sign that the studio can and will use its power position to take genuine risks.  
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3.) The Rescuers (Wolfgang Reitherman/John Lounsbery/Art Stevens, 1977): Sometimes, you want to see a remake because the original has some kind of untapped potential; a wasted premise, an unexplored thematic angle, that sort of thing.  Other times, you want to see a remake because you love the original, and simply want to see the thing you love expanded upon.  That isn't quite the case for how "The Rescuers" wound up in this slot; I do love that movie, indeed it and its sequel (the very first Disney-made sequel to one of its animated films, and by a fair margin the best of them to date) are among my personal favorites of the Disney canon.  But you know what else I love?  The original "Miss Bianca" books by Margery Sharp, to which the film version, whatever else its merits, bears only the faintest resemblance (in particular, as you might note from the admittedly unofficial name I gave to the series, Bianca herself is much more emphatically the main character).  It's another case, in other words, of a Disney movie whose remake could benefit tremendously from returning to the source material and re-integrating it into the overall mixture.  But it's also the case, to my mind at least, where it's not only the easiest to reconcile the original movie with said source material (like "The Black Cauldron", the original movie essentially plucks the characters from one book and plugs them into the plot of another, though the attendant adjustments to the characters are less radical in this case, and the plots of both books have a lot more overlap), but also the easiest for me to envision what, exactly, the resulting movie would look like.  I realize that one can count, on one hand, without needing all the fingers, the number of actually-good movies centered around realistic tiny CGI characters interacting with a real-life environment, but I can think of no story more ideally suited to the format than "The Rescuers".
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2.) Bedknobs and Broomsticks (Robert Stevenson, 1971): When one thinks of "splashy Disney musical primarily done in live-action but with significant animated elements", one naturally thinks first of "Mary Poppins".  Which makes sense, because "Mary Poppins" is a stone-cold classic (with a sequel/remake/??? on the way in the not-too-distant future, in fact).  But, even as its attempts to replicate that earlier success are pretty transparent, "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" has always struck me as an underrated little gem in its own right.  An ambitious narrative combining witchcraft with World War II, magical talking animals, and more, it's always resided mostly in "Poppins"' shadow, but its peculiar, distinctive identity not only could stand a bit more attention, it feels like a strong enough basis for a story that a second bite at the apple would seem warranted.  A remake in the present day would not have to contend with the legacy of "Mary Poppins" quite so tightly (even setting aside the aforementioned new "Poppins" film coming down the pipe), which means it wouldn't feel the need to imitate it quite so consciously, allowing the particular personality of its own story to shine through.  Because, for real, especially these days?  The idea of an older woman, seeking to explore the full potential of her abilities forced to contend with the relentless destruction of the Nazi War Machine, as seen through the prism of her reluctantly taking on a group of helpless kids in need of shelter?  Almost feels too relevant, on multiple levels, to The World Today, even as you don't need to draw the necessary lines all that explicitly to make those connections compelling.  And that's without even touching a finale that feels like it's begging for the modern effects industry to give it a go.  A "Bedknobs" remake, in other words, would not only rehabilitate a too-often-overlooked original, but provide a great experience in its own right.
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1.) Robin Hood (Wolfgang Reitherman, 1973):   Hear me out on this one, folks.  I love this movie too, a great deal.  A lot of people my age do; even as it is still largely considered "minor" Disney at best, it has become a real nostalgic touchstone for a whole generation of kids.  And it's a great deal of fun, with wit and genuine whimsy and wonderful characters and even a remarkably adult perspective on Romance that is nonetheless entirely in keeping with Disney's usual fairy-tale love stories.  But even with all those things being true, it was also made on a nearly non-existent budget, not only forcing large chunks of it to be done by way of re-used animation (with some swipes going back as far as "Snow White And The Seven Dwarves", for goodness sake), but forcing the whole thing to just sort of...stop, rather than properly end.  It seems to me a remake could easily resolve both those problems (oh what I would not give to see the film's originally-planned ending executed properly), without losing an ounce of the special charm that made the original such an enduring movie for me and so many others.  Heck, it might even provide Disney a good excuse to do a cel-based movie for the first time in over half a decade, since they have every reason to think this thing would have a strong built-in audience that will show up no matter what and can thus afford to risk one last try at the olden ways.  After all, two of their biggest hits of 2016 were "The Jungle Book" (a remake) and "Zootopia" (a movie about anthropomorphic animals, with a fox as one of its lead characters no less).  Still, it's the creative more so than the financial potential that secures "Robin Hood" the top slot here.  The original is a good, special movie, but there is so obviously a great well of potential right there in plain view, begging for the opportunity to truly realize itself.  And that's the best reason for a remake there is, in the end.
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iamanartisttype · 7 years
Why I stopped watching Dragon Ball Super after fifteen episodes
If I was told that there was going be another Dragon Ball based series after GT ended I’d have yelled no in a very over the top trope like tone. Not because I doubted that it was going to happen, but because I didn’t want it to happen. Hear me out all fans who adore Super for some reason. GT with all its faults was good. Sometimes exceptionally good with its ability to try new things and mix in references from the previous sagas, but at other times it was poor. Some of the new things that were tried just didn’t fit in well. Personally, the show wasn’t ever bad at any point. I enjoyed everything and got a kick out of the stupid moments. I’m not going to go into specifics, because there might be someone who’s never watched it and I don’t want to taint their opinion one way or another. I’ll just say it’s a love letter to Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z from people who did they’re best. Mixing the two styles as the creator may have been easy, but to other people it’d be tough and GT hit the mark sometimes. I would have loved to see what it could have been if Akira Toriyama had helped. At least, I thought I did.
Fast forward to Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods. I’m going to avoid spoilers again. So, I’ll just say that I loved what it brought to the table. It mixed the two series perfectly. You got the silliness of Dragon Ball with the serious tone of Z. To me, this reflects the novels the best. The novels never seemed to change its tone much like the two shows did. Bear in mind I’m from the U.S. and I am going by the English dubs.
The only thing I hated was the use of CGI. I adore hand drawn animation. It looks better to me. When I see CGI alongside hand drawn animation it takes me out of the moment. It’s like seeing a movie with poor CGI. You just raise an eyebrow at the eyesore or start laughing hysterically. That one complaint aside Battle of Gods is what I wanted if DBZ was to ever come back. It’s an after story that shows what the characters are up to and it brings some incredible action as DBZ always has. And then the news came.
I’m going to glance over the Frieza movie. I didn’t watch it and honestly, I don’t want to. It strikes me like the old DBZ movies. Those one-offs like Lord Slug or Android 13. They pop up and give some amazing action with a rocking soundtrack, but it adds nothing to the story for me. I’ve seen Goku beat Frieza twice and his brother, Cooler twice. I really don’t want to see this family again. Trunks can have them in his alternate time. Where he can stay forever and never return... I hate Super so much.
Now we come to the reason why I stopped watching. I’m not going to spoil much outside of the two major complaints that brought me to just click X on my browser and never look back. The first reason is the retelling of Battle of Gods. Yes, they retold it. It was awful. It took everything great about the movie and dumped it into the ocean. They just happened to be on a cruise that day. I completely understand the idea of showing it in the show since the show must start somewhere, but why not after the movie? The movie was a 9/10 to me and many others. Why did it have to be remade? To show off the horrid animation that looked horrible by 90’s standards? I guess so. It had a few extra funny moments with Vegeta, but I’d gladly trade those in for the movie. By the way, the movie had a scene where Vegeta did something you’d never think he’d do. For those who don’t seem to like his character development, I’ll just say that scene in the movie was fantastic. It made me start to absolutely adore Vegeta. The pain in the rear end redeemed himself and is still the coolest character of the bunch. I love Battle of Gods.
This was the first reason I wanted to stop watching and it ended up being the final one since it continued to resurface over and over again. The retelling and poor animation got my blood boiling, but the fact that it was now a staple made me quit. The characterization of Goku. Think about Goku. Think about all the time we’ve spent watching him interact with the world around him. Tell me, when was he ever this stupid?
In Dragon Ball, he was an ignorant kid from the mountains (and outer space) who learned as he went along. In Dragon Ball Z, he was an ignorant adult, but he still knew everything he’d learned from Dragon Ball. It showed since he could pick up on things faster thanks to his younger exposure. When he did something silly like ditch something for training it’s because he was bored not because he misunderstood the situation. It’s far more entertaining when he’s aware he’s wrong and doesn’t care than just being an idiot.
In Super, he comes off as slowing back down to an adolescent. If he doesn’t know something and it takes him forever to figure it out. Before Super, the silly moment happened, he’d get chewed out by whomever and he’d have a good laugh about it while explaining “But I don’t like that stuff.” In Super, it never stops. It’s a running joke of “Oh Hi, I’m acting like when I was a kid. Isn’t it funny how absolutely stupid I am acting?” He never stops and when he is being serious it's so much harder to take him seriously. Which means I can’t take the show seriously. I don’t want to watch a bumbling idiot save the world through ignorance and luck. If I did I’d watch One Piece. I want to watch Goku save the world and do it alongside his friends. I want him to be silly and somewhat ignorant, but know what he’s doing. That’s what makes Goku, Goku. That’s his personality. At least that used to be his personality, not anymore,
There is one saving grace from the handful of episodes I watched. Hercule in episode one has some amazing character development. So much happiness killed in the span of the same episode, but this was genuine happiness that matched what I felt with Vegeta. Good on you Mr. Satan! You’ve really grown since the Cell Saga. I just wish it had happened in Battle of Gods.
 Thanks for reading!
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remytest-blog · 6 years
I'm not blaming my mental illness, it's an explanation and it's not an excuse. I literally cannot control myself in a lot of things and I'm trying to make it better. The amount of mentally deblititating shit I've been through is enough that I'm barely functional. I can't hold jobs, I can't leave my house, and I look for every possible option to harm myself and it's something that I need to fix but I never get that far. I'm being sincere, I really am. I've been upset but it's been more than just you guys. Sixx and I talk, Kiev and I talk, Remy is hard to talk to a lot and you even more so. But I've got a lot of people I've been having issues with, such as 8bit, etc. Friens i've made outside ofyou guys that yesterday it stupidly came to a head.
It's not an excuse. My autism makes it extremely hard for me to understand a lot of things. I never knew that I turned subjects, and there were times where I would want to help but I wouldn't know what to say so I'll keep quiet and watch others speak and if I have something to add on i'll try. I know there are times I'll move on but usually I do it if I assume that whats done is done and it's appropriate. That's my autism, I don't _know_ and if I've been doing this I need to be spoken to. I don't hate you, I'm still at apoint where I'm scared that you hate me, that you don't want to rp with me.
I really do always want to rp with you I just don't know how with some of the muses I've picked.  I feel like I bother you compared to the others bcause you're always gushing about remy and kiev but when i've done stuff I get lackluster words in comparison to how you gush about the others so I get self conscious and my brain assumes well I'm just not good enough so crown's sugar coating it for me. It's stupid and wrong but it's what my brain does.
Myheads a stupid catastrophe and against it's not an excuse. Half of what you said last night was a huge surprise to me even. I was not aware of anyhting I was doing. And I bring up bee/dee because. idk.  I'm tying to gauge your guys response because I'm debating actually seeing about them joining the group.
And Idk. i haven't been spending much time with them till recently, and I get excited and want to share things with everyone. I. A lot of these issues are misunderstandings on my end, but I need tobe directly spoken to about a lot of them because i don't understand. I really dn't 90% of the time.  But like yesterday, Idk. i felt like I was being put out, because it was all of  you guys and no one had said a word to me.
I burst through TG because I wanted to be able to talk to you and Sixx about it, I always wanna rp with you guys and do stuff with you guysbut I'm awkward and Idk how to do anything at this point. And you not feeling -- Idk. I don't know how it came off that way, esp because I've been sitting here in the same position. Like you just aren't interested in RPing with me. I've been anxious ever since that thing with Camie, I felt like yes maybe you liked me but didn't really want to rp so you were putting on a front to make me feel better.
I love rping with you.
Half the time literally all I do is wait for replies from you and sixx and Remy. The reason I've been trying to show that I'm making friends is so that I stop clinging so hard because all I've done is cling to you guys.AlL i've done is sit there and be needy and want all of you guys attention because  I love you guys so much but my head gets fucking foggy and then this shit happens.
I want to get better and I want to fix things. And if you're still questioning my sincerity pelease don't because i don't apologize like this to anyone I don't give a flying fuck about I don't put that kind of energyand attention into people I don't careabout. It'd be one word shit or just a 'sorry about last night'. Not me attempting to make anything of it. I'm a fucked up person but I will not be disengenuous about things like this.
Crown I'm so fucking intimidated by you. I'm almost scared of you. I look up to you in so many ways that I've come to resent it a littlebecause I feel like I'm not good enough because I deseperate seek your approval and I rarely get any sort of response from you and it's frustrating. Crown you're like a literal senpai to me. I mean fuck I only remade that kirishima because I wanted so badly to try and rp closer to you.
And then boku became really triggering for me and I tried to branch out. I'm useless tomyself. I'm a walking suicide bomb. That's all I am. And the longer I have friends the worse I act because of that. because I don't expect people to stay around, because I start to act more like me which is a fucking underdeveloped sack ofshit that doens't understand what I'm doing half the time.
I really need the guidance of my friends when I do something wrong. I really, really do. Even if you just dm me about what I did like if I turn a subject or something. Please tell me. please I'm begging you because I reallydon'tfucking understand so much I realy don't. I'm begging you crown I don't mean to do this, I don't mean to do any of this and I really.
Ineed my friends help to try and be better and i'm pleaing with you and the others to help me get better on this front, on things that my therapist can't really touch yet. I'm fcuking crying like a scrub because this really is fucking important to me. Making a change, making a fix, being _sorry._ I only bring up my mentalillness because I want you to understand what's lead me to this response or thought process or whatever because maybe then i can try to fix it while i wait on medicines and things to fix me better.
I hate it but despite being haha super smart I'm like a fucking 15 y/o in a 24 y/o's body. mentally so much of me is still back in 9th grade before the torture incident that made it impossible for me to talkto people the way i need to. everything still feels so fresh  and i can't make my brains top thinking that it's all going to go back to the start.
I'm just.I' begging you to please understand me and that I'm meaning everything and I really do want to make a change. that everything i've done was not in that intention and the way i looked at things i didn't see them for what they were. like the vaguing. i posted it as a way to get my thoughts out because i was toiling in my own head, i never meant for it to hrt or BE a vague poost but thats exactly what it was. A vague post. the only person close enough to me is my damn father.
i dont know.pealse dont take this all as me trying to buy sympathy or god knows what else i'm really breaking down to the realest me i can. im not on the same level as any ofyou, i feel like a pretender in my ownbody, some broken down child trying to play with the grown ups and throwing temper tantrums because i don't know how to handle anything. all ido is care about you guys but  dont do it the right way or well and i just.i dont want pity but i want understanding and i want to try and make it better.
i dont want to be scared anymore. i dont want to be scared of my friends but i am. and because ofthat im pushing. and im just. i want to be normal. i wish i was normal, or even at least ony our guys levels of functioning. i wish i wasn't a fucking stupid moron  about everything. i wish i could just flip a switch and be a better person. that's why i cut,because in my head its like if i cut enough if i make mself bleed enough i'l bleed the bad away and it'll be okay i'll be better and i won't be so tainted for you guys and i'll be okay and it'll be all okay.
because to learn something when i did something wrong i was always punished and i can't get past it still i just can't. and now no one eventells me when i do something wrong and i just want to know so i can fix it. thats all. every lastbit of this is meaningful. itsall serious its all me. imbaring myself as much as i can and im trying not to make excuses i just dont understand so much i can't comprehend i can't i can't i can't.
i'm sorry crown i'm sorry. i'm sorry i'm sorry. it just sounds like more excuses but it's not i just want to explain i just want to explain m head because everything is hard and i never know when i do something wrong until it's too late.
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downinfront · 7 years
“Power Rangers” and the glorious death of your childhood
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Power Rangers comes not to kill your childhood. Well, it kind of does. But in a good way! Or rather, not in the way you might expect. Think of it less as a killing than a reinterpretation. This alone will likely cause the truest believers of the chintzy ‘90s institution (which memorably combined recycled Japanese tokusatsu footage for its monster fights and freshly-shot footage with American actors for its on-the-ground stuff) to cry heresy and run screaming from the theater to the safety of their Nick At Nite programming blocks.
Call that an unavoidable cost of doing business, especially for the reboot business and especially for the reboot business of the almighty 1990s. The kids of that decade have grown into those pesky, proprietary millennials, and the general consensus among them seems to be that anyone looking to update the shows that got them through the Clinton years can only do so much, which is why recent remakes mostly amount to a rearranging of the (occasionally enchanted) furniture. 
Of course, this negates the idea that the property being remade could, in the right hands, likely mean something very different to a newer generation of kids for whom the world is, indeed, very different. One cannot build a movie -- or a franchise -- on “remember when” alone, and if this the crew behind this sleek new Power Rangers hasn’t entirely done away with the sacred text, they’ve made it a point to give it a translation fit for the 2010s.
In other words, the basic premise remains the same -- five teenagers stumble upon an alien stronghold in their dead-end town and become intergalactic space ninjas -- but the focus has changed. The show dubbed the Rangers as “teenagers with attitude” and was content to focus on the first half of that moniker, but this movie, directed by Project Almanac’s Dean Israelite, turns its focus towards the latter. Our five heroes are now a band of misfits and weirdos that John Hughes would throw in detention in a heartbeat, and, in fact, that’s where we meet them.
The setting would seem like a cheap ploy to make the kids seem like outcasts, but the script does the extra bit of work to make sure they earn the distinction. Jason (Dacre Montgomery) is a washout football star under house arrest; Kimberly (Naomi Scott) is a cheerleader who’s embroiled in, of all things, a nude photo scandal; and Billy (RJ Cyler, far and away the best thing about this movie) is a bomb-making nerd on the autism spectrum. The punkish delinquent Zack (Ludi Lin) and the introverted, you-may-have-heard-she’s-gay-now Trini (Becky G.) show up a little later, and the quintet are quickly blowing shit up and running from the cops in a stolen van. 
This, needless to say, is a decidedly different take on the Power Rangers, one that doesn’t venture far enough to be labeled “gritty,” but one that’s definitely grimy at the very least. It also, admirably, isn’t afraid to show the slow, arduous process by which the Rangers form their bonds. They start as tenuous allies at best and aren't even that nuts about each other (“Are we friends or are we Power Rangers?” one character asks), but by the end of the movie, when they have their big moment, it feels genuinely earned. (That’s a testament to the acting, by the way, which is far, far better than you’d expect or need it to be.)
The story, amazingly, even goes so far as to muddy the halo around the Rangers’ boss, Zordon. A floating head in the original, he’s embodied here by Bryan Cranston’s giant face, looking like one of those bed-of-nails toys you used to make a handprint on ('90s kids will understand). He’s given a new backstory in the script by John Gatins and an ulterior motive that the movie deploys in a well-played reveal at the halfway point. It’s a surprisingly solid performance by Cranston, whose reputation as the ultimate good sport will only increase once everyone gets a load of him in the one-take prologue that seems, of all things, to be inspired by Adi Shankar’s bonkers Power/Rangers short from a couple years ago.
Fear not, though, there is hope for those who prefer their youth amber-preserved. Minus a slightly updated story of her own, much as you remember her is Rita Repulsa, the cackling hag played in this version by Elizabeth Banks,  who’s doing some kind of magical blend of Linda Blair, the Wicked Witch of the West and Sunset Boulevard. If there is one drawback to this Power Rangers, it’s that it takes itself just a mite too seriously. She’s clearly in it for the fun -- and, yeah, maybe the paycheck as well, but girl’s gotta eat. (Also enjoying himself is Bill Hader, who voices Zordon’s lackey Alpha 5. Yes, he says, “ai yi yi.” Too many times, I think, but he says it.)
Of course, all this Breakfast Clubbin’ has to lead to the friggin’ dinosaurs, and the movie knows that this, more than anything, is that for which you have come. Accordingly, it kicks into a frenetic and kinda sloppy finale that does, indeed, break out the legendary Zords, the legendary theme song, and a Krispy Kreme product placement that’s so ridiculously funny it will soon assume legendary status as well. It’s a little too schizophrenically put together (think less the careful beats of Captain America: Civil War’s airport fight and more the constant kaboomery of a Transformers finish) to really work in the way the movie wants it to, but it’ll be diverting for newcomers and fans will likely recognize the spirit of the original in all this harmless chaos, if not exactly the letter of it. (That said: My one beef as a devotee? The new Megazord. No, no, no. Bring back that blocky masterpiece and leave my monster be.)
Admittedly, the movie goes down better while you're watching it than it does afterwards. It’s not perfect. But the effort is there, and Israelite tries, more so than most remake directors, to make the characters mean something they might not have before. Much like the ‘90s themselves, the original Rangers met the bare minimum for inclusion, if ofttimes in a backhanded manner (the team featured a black and Asian character, but they were the Black and Yellow Rangers, respectively -- it hasn’t aged well as a look). It was enough, I guess, to let people know they were worthy of consideration. But seeing this Zack converse in subtitled Mandarin with his mother, or Billy’s painful neuroses, or Trini’s genuinely affecting monologue about not knowing how to tell her parents about the true self she’s discovering is something that will resonate a lot more with kids for whom these issues are becoming more and more a facet of daily life. (‘00s kids will understand.)
So, where does that leave the ‘90s kids, who are the reason we’re getting this movie at all? Well, consider this: If you are a ‘90s kid, see it for the memory trip. (I grinned when they hit the theme song.) And if you’re a ‘90s kid with a ‘00s kid? See it for the memories they’ll make. In fact, there’s one wrinkle that turns out to be very meta when it comes to the remake game: In order for the Rangers to assume their power, Zordon must sacrifice his own. The metaphor is as apt as it is weirdly profound, and if Power Rangers doesn’t openly advocate for putting away childish things, it definitely tips its hand in favor of passing them along. In fact, those inheritors will probably be in the theater with you. Treat them kindly if they are. Your childhood is in their hands now.
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horror-movie-blog · 7 years
HMB: Rosemary’s Baby Mini Series
Original Publishing Date: August 21st, 2015 
Rosemary's Baby is my favorite horror movie of all time. Sure it has some note worthy problems, but the suspense, film making, music, acting, story and characters are just amazing. But like every great horror movie, people think it needs to be remade. It won't be long until every great horror movie has a shitty remake. Sure, some remakes are fantastic like the Fly and the Thing, but those are movies made by people who loved the original and wanted to add to it. Rosemary's Baby has problems, so I welcome the idea of someone remaking it, but sadly those types of remakes rarely happen. Remakes are only made for one purpose and one alone, to bank on the original. You see, audiences are stupid, and can't watch movies unless they take place in modern day, so they can't watch any movies from the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and now 90's. So any movie from those decades needs to be remade so that they can take place in modern day. But not only that, but they need to take away any creative direction and writing that was in these movies because like I said, audiences are dumb, and good writing and directing could hurt their brains. Bland visuals and bland writing is completely acceptable. Also, when you're remaking a horror movie, you need to make sure to put in as much blood and gore as possible, even if the movie doesn't need it, if you want it to be a horror movie in the 2000's and 2010's, it needs to have blood in it. You don't want any insecure adults to think they are watching a baby movie. Like the majestic fart joke, people clap when they see blood, so make sure to put that above everything else. But the most important thing to put into a horror movie is sex appeal. Because let's face it, no one likes horror movies, they just want to see tits. I mean, that's what porn is for, but people are dumb and want soft core porn in movies that don't need it. And there you have it, blood, sex, blandness and cash grabbing; those are the four ingredients to make shitty horror movie remakes. And yes, sometimes those elements work, but most of the time its just to market to movie goers who just want at least one of those things. And just like all horror movie, Rosemary's Baby got a remake, which suffers the same fate. The story of Rosemary's Baby is about Rosemary and Guy Woodhouse who move into an apartment. The apartment has a shady past, which troubles Rosemary. They meet the Castevets, Roman and Minnie. They are you're typical old couple, they bicker, they chat too much, and come off as annoying, but also charming. Over the coarse of the movie, Rosemary tries to get pregnant, and succeeds, but it would appear unknown forces want her baby. Now I'm going to have to spoil some stuff, so please watch the original Rosemary's Baby, its a horror classic that's creepy, suspenseful and scary. Okay, so here's the deal with Rosemary's Baby. Rosemary does get pregnant, but not with Guy. Turns out Guy sold her to the devil. There's an entire dream sequence that pretty much spells this out. I mean, you could say it was a hallucination, but given that this is a horror movie, its kind of obvious its the devil raping her. This is the main problem I was talking about. While the original was creepy and suspenseful, there are moments when they try to hint at stuff but ends up making things even more obvious. That's why I want this movie to be remade, so someone can fix these mistakes and make the movie perfect. But no... In fact the problems in the original got worse in the remake. In the remake, a whole lot of shit is different. First off, in the original, the setting was New York City, in this one, its Paris. I guess to match with the love theme of the story. I my opinion it doesn't matter. Honestly some of the changes don't bother me that much. Hutch being changed into a woman named Julie was a good choice, I mean it was weird that Rosemary's closest friend was an elderly man. The best change in the remake was the devil himself. In the original he had red eyes, rock like skin, and large claws, and although we didn't see most of him, you can tell it was him. But in this one he's just a regular looking man. This keeps things more hidden and could potential work. But then there are changes that I don't like. Minnie and Roman are not elderly in this version, they are at most late 50's. This gives them more sex appeal, which you don't fucking need in this story. It's a story about rape, nothing about it is suppose to be sexy. And by changing them to such a young age you're taking away a bit of the creepiness of it. Roman and Minnie were your typical grandparents, which was what made it so shocking when you realized they were the master minds behind this large, evil coven of Satanists. It also erases a theme the original had of young vs. old. The apartment was filled with old people who constantly annoyed and butted into Rosemary's life. Rosemary took comfort in her younger friends. In this, Rosemary has no other friends but Julie and the Castevets' friends are all young too. Also Minnie isn't called Minnie in this version, her name is Margo. Guess Minnie isn't a sexy name. So here's the thing, this isn't a movie. Its a mini series, and when I say mini series I mean two hour and a half long movies. The original was long, two hours and sixteen minutes long, but it kept your attention. This doesn't. And here's the reason why; because its a mini series, so they need to drag things out as long as possible, which means long periods of talking, unnecessary scenes and forced build up. This movie is boring. Very, very boring. Let me give you an example. In the original, Rosemary and Guy just move into the apartment and meet the Castevets that way. In this one, they have a miscarriage, then move to Paris, then move to a different apartment, then Rosemary gets robbed, gets Margo's purse, returns Margo's purse, gets invited to a party, their apartment catches on fire, Guy gets rushed to the hospital to treat his burns, Margo gives them her spare apartment, and Guy is all better the next scene. In the time it took them to get the apartment in the remake Rosemary was already being raped by the devil in the original. This is the problem with it being a "miniseries", it needs unnecessary build up to something they could have just started out with. But here's the thing, the worst crime this movie commits is that its not creepy. Say what you will about the original, but it was creepy. The cinematography, the sets, the music, the acting, the pacing, the build up, the suspense, it was all creepy. It knew just how much to show and how to do it. In the remake, there's none of that. The music is forgettable, the sets are bland and gray, the acting is okay, but not memorable, and the cinematography is flat and boring. This movie makes no attempt at being creepy. The "scary" moments are forced in to remind the audience they are watching something that should be scary. And the way they hint at what's going on is horrible. They do a piss poor job trying to hide the Satanists. The first few minutes is a cold opening where a woman with a cross tattoo committing suicide in the same apartment Rosemary and Guy are staying at. Oh jeez, I wonder why she did that? And look, Roman has a cane with a monster on it, I wonder what they are trying to say? And look, Margo is doing some mystical chanting to calm Rosemary down, I wonder how she learned that? I know the original didn't do a good job at hiding the truth either but the remake does an even more horrible job. And the ending, my God, what a punch to the face. The ending to Rosemary's Baby is one of the best finales of any film. It was all done in one shot, building up to the reveal of the baby, showing only Mia Farrow's expression as she sees her baby, resulting in one of the biggest freak outs in movie history. The acting, the suspense, the music, OH MY GOD! I love this scene! In the remake, shot to shot camera work, bland music, bland set, and they SHOW THE FUCKING BABY! Are you serious! Do you think the audience are a bunch of idiots? Do you think if you don't show the baby but instead her reaction we won't get that she was looking at her baby? Also, the baby looks normal. The idea is that we are picturing the baby in our heads. It could be anything, a charcoal skinned hell demon or a normal looking baby, its up to the viewer. This allows us a satisfying ending. But nope, the remake fucked on one of the best scenes in the movie. The acting is terrible, the build up was terrible, this whole movie was terrible. If you like it... No, you know what? Fuck you if you like this version. Go watch the original. Its a million times better. Shorter, creepier, and doesn't treat its audience like a bunch of idiots. This is one of the worst remakes I have ever seen. Boring, flat, bland, gray, underwelming piece of shit. That's all I have to say. 
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