#.... and she is screaming internally every time she has to low key save his ass from her parents or someone
lilyharvord · 9 months
ur tags on the maven and corianne post literally have me losing my mind. amazing, exquisite, show- stopping
thank you (((((: I reread them today and they have all the caliber of an ADHD caffeine filled rant, but I agree. I love the idea of their interactions. So much so, I may actual buck up and write it sometime soon. We'll see.
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inkandpen22 · 4 years
Shared Minds and Shared Souls (7/?)
Pairing: Spike x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mention of past trauma, fluff 
Word Count: 1.8k
Part Summary: Y/N is doing everything in her power to get back to normal and recover. However, when Dawn goes missing, she’s stuck having to ask the one person she knows can help (though she hates to admit it). 
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Sitting on the floor of the living room, I place each healing crystal ranging from rose quartz to jade neatly in a circle around me. The strong scents of peppermint and lavender fill my senses as the oils radiate from my anointed hands. These elements will help me heal both physically and mentally. It will be a tedious process, but I hope that I’ll eventually be as strong and powerful as I was previously. Closing my eyes, I do my best to focus and internalize my thoughts. Every part of healing is internalized. I have to channel the healing power from these elements and transfer them to myself.
As I sit in silence meditating, I start to hear a faint buzzing sound. This is good, it means the spell is working. I’ll have to do this each day for a certain amount of time until I feel recovered.
The front door creaks open, distracting me for a second. I return my attention back to my task. If I slip, I’ll have to start over. Besides, it’s probably just Dawn getting home from school. She insisted on walking home today and I didn’t put up a fight. The girl has been through enough already and could use some space to breathe.
I hear Joyce traveling down the stairs to greet her youngest in the foyer.
“No, it’s me,” Buffy replies.
My eyes snap open and the crystals that were floatings around me fall to the wood floor with scattered thuds.
“But where’s Dawn?! Is she with you?!” Joyce rushes out, already panicked.
“She isn’t home yet?!” Buffy questions.
“No!” Joyce frets.
I gather my belongings together and set them aside, no healing today for me. It’s alright, I can survive another day all off-balanced, what else is new. I join Joyce and Buffy in the foyer, reaching for my jacket on the hook. The two of them turn to me.
“Where are you going?” Buffy questions.
“Going to go find Dawn,” I explain plainly, slipping on my leather jacket.
“But you’re still recovering,” Joyce ever so kindly reminds me.
Someone has to go find Dawn and these two are just standing here going back and forth.
“Someone has to do it,” I remark, sounding unintentionally snarky.
“Use a tracking spell!” Buffy suggests as if I haven’t already thought of that.
“I’m too weak. My intuition, along with everything else, is all out of wack,” I grumble, annoyed with my useless state.
“Then I’m coming with,” Buffy declares, already setting down her things from school.
“Peachy,” I mutter, already heading out the door. “You take the north side of town and I’ll take the south,” I instruct Buffy on the way to my car. “Call Willow to have her be on the lookout. I’ll check in with Xander and Anya, Dawnie may have gone over there.”
Buffy grabs my forearm, stopping me on the sidewalk in front of her house. “Why didn’t you pick her up from school today?!”
I raise my brows at her, the audacity of this girl. Is she seriously trying to accuse me of something? Who was the one who saved Dawnie’s ass last week and nearly lost my mind because of it?
I pull my keys out of my pocket and unlock my car with a snicker. “Don’t start with me, Buffy,” I warn her with a dismissive grin. “Let’s just find your sister.”
She releases my wrist and I jog to the driver’s side of my car. Climbing in, I immediately turn on my radio, blasting alternative rock. Buffy runs down the sidewalk, heading north. Geez, I was right. The sooner I can get out of this town and save everyone’s ass, the better.
As the sun starts setting, I’m running out of places to check. Xander and Anya haven’t seen Dawn all day. The achy feeling in my gut is growing with each passing minute. Dammit, why didn’t I just pick her up from school?! I slap my hands against the wheel of my car, screaming at the top of my lungs. If Dawn is fucking hurt, it’s going to be my fault and everything is already my fault! First, I go and get my head scrambled like damn eggs by Glory. Then, I fuck things up with Spike which were already pretty fucked up already now that I think about it. Finally, it’s my fault that Dawn is missing!
Wait, Spike! He’s the last person I feel like seeing right now, but he might be able to help! After the other day, when he said what he did and Buffy came in, he ran off. He never came back. Oh screw it! Ignoring the laws of the road entirely, I do an illegal U-turn in the middle of the road, whipping back in the direction of the cemetery. I guess I’m making a late visit to Bleach Head.
Without invitation, I barge into Spike’s crypt. I’ve never actually been here before, never having the pleasure of a visit. However, Buffy’s told me a million times about it, so it wasn’t hard to find.
“Spike!” I shout for the peroxide crazed vampy. “Dawn’s missing, I need-”
I halt, my eyes land on Spike and Dawn sitting across from one another on a casket vault. What the actual hell? Spike’s eyes nearly pop out of his head as I slowly approach the duo.
“Y/N!” Dawnie squeals with excitement. “Spike was just telling me the most intense story!”
My eyes remain on Spikes as I stand beside my young cousin. “Is that so? What about?”
“Oh it was nothing,” Spike is quick to hurry along with the conversation.
“It’s so suspenseful!” Dawn gushes.
“I don’t think Y/N cares to-”
She interrupts Spike, continuing to ramble. My attention fades as I look to Spike for some real answers. I haven’t seen him in a few days. He looks like shit. Well, he’s still gorgeous, but a little... well... undead. Spike nervously avoids my gaze, his eyes flickering between me and Dawn.
“Hey Dawn,” I interrupt her chatter calmly.
She hums, perking up.
“Could you wait for me outside? Your mom and Buffy are losing their shit and I need to get you home,” I explain, finally breaking free of Spike’s gaze to focus on Dawn.
“Oh great! So Buffy is just going to hell at me when I get home?!” She fusses with a whine.
“I’m not the one who decided to visit the cemetery on the way home with calling to let me know first,” I smirk at her with a knowing look.
She hops down from the vault with a huff and slings her back over her shoulder. “At least it was you who found me and not Buffy I guess,” she grumbles.
Abruptly, she grabs my arm in a panic. Why is everyone doing that today? Do I have a sign on my forehead that says ‘please grab me! I love to be touched!
“You’re not going to tell her where I was are you?!” She rushes out.
“You think I want Buffy yelling at me all night?” I sass, looking at her like she has three heads. “No way, you were at Janice’s, deal?”
“Deal,” she smiles and heads to the door. “Bye Spike!”
“Later Nibblet,” he hollers back before directing his attention to me.
“Go wait in the car!” I command. “No running off!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she repeats monotony, shutting the crypt door behind her.
Spike fiddles his rings, his head hanging low. I lean against the vault, crossing my arms over my chest. There’s a painful silence between us. Since the moment we met, there was never silence. When he thought I was Glory, we spoke. Even when we were fighting and arguing there was discussion. I’m unsure of what to say, but I’m certain I hate the silence.
“You’re... you’re very good with her,” he compliments quietly. “Nibblet.”
I swallow hard, finding myself wishing he would just look at me. Instead, he continues to avoid my eyes as he pulls himself a cigarette. I watch quietly as he lights it and takes a smoke.
“You are too,” I return the compliment in a whisper, lacking confidence.
His head slowly rises with surprise written on his features. Evidently, he didn’t expect me to exchange pleasantries. He forgets I’m not my cousin. I didn’t come here to yell at him or be bitter about everything. I’ve seen his memories, I’ve seen the cards he’s been dealt, and I understand. Why would I want to add to that mix? He’s been through enough and has caused enough suffering as it is.
Hesitantly, I approach Spike steadily. He sits uncharacteristically still with his sea-blue eyes locked on me. Slowly, I raise my hand reaching out for his cheek as my eyes search every aspect of his face. He cowers away slightly, avoiding contact for my sake. When I don’t flinch or show any signs of fear of the action, he relaxes. His brows scrunch together in faint confusion. I hover my fingers over my cheekbone, unable to actually touch him. The limitation frustrating me to high heaven. All I want to do is to touch him, feel him, yet I can’t.
My eyes glance back to his, his exquisite sea glass blue eyes. They flicker between my eyes and my lips. Compelled by him, I lean forward at a cautious pace bringing my lips closer to his. Spike hesitates, searching my eyes worriedly for any sign of second thoughts. Considering my hindered and weak state, I can’t blame him. It’s the only way we can touch and I need to touch him. He places his hand on my jacket covered arm, squeezing it gently. Then, he completes the remaining distance between us, pressing his lips to mine.
Closing my eyes, I see bright flashes of white and silver light. They’re bright like fireworks illuminating a dark sky and I feel an immense charge coursing through my body. Pressing my palm to Spike’s chest, I guide him back to rest against the vault. He complies, gripping my waist as I climb on top of him. No different than a rushing wave, it travels through my blood like a golden stream of life. I haven’t had this much energy in me since before Glory’s attack. My weak state is squashed and becomes a distant memory. As if I’m drinking from the Fountain of Youth, I can’t get enough. I lean into the sensation, deepening the kiss, craving more. I surrender to the glorious essence that consumes my body and soul. I let myself go and a jolt shocks me, causing me to break away. Sitting up, I catch my breath.
“Y/N!" Spike shouts my name beneath me.
I snap my head down, meeting his wide-eyed gaze.
"Your eyes,” he gasps, prompting himself up on one arm and holding me with his other. "They're... they're bright blue! Almost white even! Like bolts of lighting are circling in them!"
I blink rapidly and glance down at my hands. Strays of electricity travel between my fingers at random. I feel their charge and warmth. I snicker lightly, the overwhelming sensation makes me feel like I'm floating on a cloud. I've never felt so high and powerful in life. I could part the whole damn Pacific if I wanted to! God, this feels great!
Tags: @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @hexmancia​
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Mortal Kombat (2021) vs. Mortal Kombat (1995): Which is Better?
This article contains Mortal Kombat (2021) spoilers.
“Test your might.” These are the words of a minigame in the original Mortal Kombat arcade fighter from 1992. They were meant to signal an interlude between the simple pleasures of digitized sprites spilling buckets of blood. Yet they’ve also become synonymous with a franchise that’s arguably the most popular video game fighter of all-time. The phrase is also a pretty apt description for the various filmmakers who’ve attempted the challenge of taming this crazy dragon on screen.
More than any other video game series, Mortal Kombat has seen a plethora of live-action adaptations, from Hollywood movies to syndicated television. This weekend marks another milestone in that history, too, with Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema’s hotly anticipated Mortal Kombat reboot opening in theaters and premiering on HBO Max. It’s the third Mortal Kombat movie released under the New Line banner, but let’s just call it the second serious attempt at putting this universe on screen after the 1995 cult classic directed by Paul W.S. Anderson.
That ’95 movie holds the dubious honor of being generally considered the best video game movie adaptation of all-time, thanks to a tongue-in-cheek tone perfect for its mid-‘90s moment and maybe the greatest use of techno music in film. Genuinely, how many other pictures have the soundtrack scream the title of the movie over and over again, and it seems like a good idea?
The new movie took a different approach to the material, and certainly a bloodier one. While both adaptations share the same basic premise of chosen “Earthrealm” guardians protecting our dimension from an invading force via martial arts fights, the executions diverge radically. Here’s how.
The Story
The starkly different approach to storytelling in director Simon McQuoid’s 2021 Mortal Kombat is evident during the film’s opening scene. Beginning in 1600s Japan with a gnarly, brutal fight sequence between Sub-Zero (Joe Taslim) and Scorpion (Hiroyuki Sanada), this version of Mortal Kombat relies heavily on lore and world-building. If you know the video game backstory of Sub-Zero/Bi-Han, and how he was kidnapped as a child by the Lin Kuei cult so they could brainwash him into the magical ninja we now see slaughtering Scorpion’s family, the scene has a sense of fateful tragedy.
If you don’t, well Taslim and Sanada are such gifted martial artists that it still looks really cool. By contrast, Mortal Kombat of the ’95 vintage is pretty straightforward and to the point. This is basically an interdimensional version of the Bruce Lee classic, Enter the Dragon (1973), only with magical powers and the fate of the world at stake.
We’re introduced to three fighters in ‘95, Liu Kang (Robin Shou), Johnny Cage (Linden Ashby), and Sonya Blade (Bridgette Wilson-Sampras), who all get on a boat to the tournament for different reasons. And while Liu Kang was raised by his Shaolin monk upbringing to know what this tournament is, the other two act as our eyes and ears into this strange world of mysticism and Outworld menace. By the time they reach the island, they understand they need to compete with superpowered foes to save Earth in a structured tournament.
Conversely, Mortal Kombat (2021) is curiously both more secretive and open about its bizarre universe. For a much larger chunk of its running time, the new movie’s point-of-view character Cole Young (Lewis Tan) is completely mystified by the superpowered horrors happening around him while the viewer is keyed in early by scenes set in the evil dimension of Outworld. There we see the dastardly sorcerer Shang Tsung (Chin Han) scheme from a throne about killing Cole in order to prevent a prophecy vaguely connected with the movie’s prologue scene in the 1600s. So he sends Sub-Zero to kill Cole in his day-to-day life as an MMA fighter, slaughtering him before he understands he’s been chosen to participate in the sacred Mortal Kombat tournament, which is held in secret every generation.
In fact, there is no actual tournament in the new film. Rather the plot eventually becomes Shang Tsung’s chosen band of evil warriors attempting to cheat ahead of the conflict by attacking Earthrealm’s depleted champions before they even discover they have superpowers (or “arcanas”) and know what Mortal Kombat is. The film thus becomes a quest movie with Cole joining forces with other “chosen ones” (or chosen one-aspirants) to find the Temple of Raiden, a lightning god (played by Tadanobu Asano) who represents the interests of Earthrealm in the tournaments. From there the heroes must learn their powers and evade preemptive, cheating attacks from Outworld’s thuggish baddies.
Side by side, the approaches appear to be the differences between a traditional (if derivative) martial arts flick and a modern studio blockbuster that is trying to cram as much fan service and world-building lore into a two-hour movie as possible in the hopes of making fanboys happy. I hesitate to say the 2021 film is fully following the Marvel Studios template given its copious amounts of blood and (seeming) lack of interest in building a shared universe of interconnected franchises. However, the 2021 film was certainly released in a post-Marvel world where the focus in studio committee rooms is less on telling a single story and more on building a whole convoluted mythology filled with fan favorite characters who are begging to be explored endlessly by future movies. It’s less story-driven than it is content-driven.
As a result, it leaves the narrative lacking. Viewers know long before Cole or 2021’s Sonya Blade (Jessica McNamee) what’s going on, and all the anticipation for a tournament that never materializes feels anti-climactic. With its simple structure, the Anderson-directed movie in the ‘90s plays out much more satisfyingly with three heroes (plus poor dead meat like “Art Lean”) entering a tournament by choice or trickery and then trying to survive it while learning vanilla, if tangible, life lessons. Liu Kang needs to accept his destiny; Johnny Cage must look before he leaps; and Sonya has to accept she’ll be the film’s damsel in distress even though she kicks ass. It’s an Enter the Dragon knockoff but it still has more kick than fan service.
Round One goes to 1995.
The Tone
The tone and aesthetics are also jarringly different between the two movies. Released in 1995, the same year Pierce Brosnan became James Bond, and two years before Arnold Schwarzenegger chilled out as Mr. Freeze, Mortal Kombat (1995) is an unmistakably campy movie and it leans into that fact.
Working with a low budget for a Hollywood spectacle even before New Line Cinema cut his funds by another $2 million right before cameras rolled, Anderson directed a B-movie that accepted its limitations and had fun with it. Apparently stars Ashby and Christopher Lambert, who played Lord Raiden in the ’95 movie, improvised dialogue throughout the shoot and rewrote entire scenes. As a consequence, Lambert’s lightning god was more of a jovial trickster in temperament, reminiscent of Loki instead of Odin. Johnny Cage, meanwhile, was essentially the film’s Han Solo: a cocksure wiseacre next to the stoic hero (Liu Kang) and a no-nonsense woman who doesn’t like to be called princess (Sonya).
As again signaled by the almost funereal opening sequence of Mortal Kombat (2021), where Sub-Zero murders Scorpion’s young family, the 2021 film is going for a differing sensibility. There is actually quite a bit of humor still present, with the real reason the Johnny Cage character got cut becoming apparent the moment we meet Kano (Josh Lawson), a loudmouth smartass who takes on the comic relief role but with an added slice of thuggery. Hence his dialogue has a lot more F-bombs than it does cracks about $500 sunglasses.
Other than moments where Kano is allowed to steal scenes, however, Mortal Kombat (2021) plays it pretty straight. Asano’s Raiden is imperious and his fighters stoic. However, it’s also worth noting Raiden is played by a Japanese actor, as opposed to a white American-born Frenchman who was raised in Switzerland (Lambert has quite the international background). Indeed, one of the more admirable qualities of the 2021 film is the focus on a diverse cast that includes more roles for Asian actors and people of color, whereas the 1995 film whitewashed Raiden and left out the Black American character Jax for little more than a cameo.
The 2021 film also upped the gore quotient considerably. While the martial arts of the 1995 film were decidedly PG-13, the tone of the movie was only a few steps removed from Power Rangers in some respects, including its introduction of a horrible CGI creation known as Reptile. The Reptile in the 2021 film appears more convincingly, like the latest monstrosity out of a Jurassic World lab, and the violence he commits is visually gruesome (more on that later).
Honestly, preferences over the aesthetic differences between the two films comes down to a matter of taste. I prefer the tongue-in-cheek eye rolls of the 1995 film given how nonsensical this universe is, and how at the end of the day its target audience remains children. Yet I imagine many adult fans of the video games will prefer the blood-soaked earnestness found in 2021.
Round Two is a draw.
Chosen Players
Anyone who’s picked up a fighting game will tell you it’s all about finding a character or two you like and then training up with them. In 1995, Anderson had the advantage of primarily adapting the original 1992 arcade game with its limited collection of playable characters. Ergo, his film’s lineup easily focused on the three aforementioned heroes of Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, and Sonya Blade, plus the ambiguous Princess Kitana (Talisa Soto), and Lord Raiden. Meanwhile he divided his villain screen time between the sorcerer Shang Tsung (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa) and Shang Tsung’s minions, who were essentially glorified Bond henchmen with individual gimmicks.
Fan favorites Sub-Zero and Scorpion are present in the ’95 movie—with much more colorful, game-accurate costumes—yet they’re relatively low-hanging fruit in the tournament’s brackets. Their rivalry is given lip-service but they are dispatched by heroes Liu Kang and Johnny Cage relatively easily. Meanwhile Trevor Goddard’s Kano is more a hapless comic relief baddie who Wilson-Sampras’ Sonya kills with a great laugh line. “Give me a break,” Kano pleads with his head pinned between her thighs. “Okay,” she shoots back before snapping his neck.
Still, the movie largely belongs to Tagawa who makes a meal out of the scenery as the big bad. The guttural pleasure he has in so naturally turning all the over-the-top commands in the video game into his dialogue—“Finish Him!;” “Fatality;” “Test Your Might”—is infectious.
The 2021 film relies on a much larger cast of characters and, unlike the 1995 movie, attempts to give them each a moment to shine in the way Kitana and the original Kano could only dream. This surprisingly begins with the introduction of a totally new character in Cole Young as our point-of-view protagonist. While fan favorite Liu Kang was the hero in ’95, the character is now a supporting player played by Ludi Lin in 2021. And he’s not alone. The new Liu Kang’s cousin, Kung Lao (Max Huang), also gets enough screen time to show off his character’s beloved razor-rimmed hat, which he dispatches one of the movie’s villains with.
There is also the new Sonya, who may have the most complete arc as she strives to be accepted as a champion for Earthrealm, and Jax (Mechad Brooks), who is Sonya’s partner with the chosen one birthmark and who gets a new nasty origin story for his metal arms. And then the new Kano spends as much time working with the good guys as he does becoming a villain in an entirely rushed and unconvincing third act plot twist.
Read more
Mortal Kombat Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
By Gavin Jasper
Mortal Kombat: Biggest Changes the Movie Makes to the Games
By Matthew Byrd
There are even more villains, most of whom amount to glorified cameos, including Mileena (Sisi Stringer), Nitara (Mel Jarnson), and Kabal (Daniel Nelson). However, they’re all even more perfunctory than Sub-Zero and Scorpion were in 1995. At least the ‘90s ninjas each got a few minutes to show off before being dispatched. Even the ostensible main villain of 2021, the new Shang Tsung, is fairly underserved, left to state banal dialogue from a throne without a throne room, and he’s never allowed to dominate scenes the way Tagawa did so gleefully back in the day.
Unfortunately, this is because the 2021 film has so many characters that it lacks any sense of narrative focus or cohesion. Tan’s arc of wanting to learn his power/arcana to defend his family is as broad and serviceable a hook as Shou’s 1995 Liu Kang wanting to avenge the murder of his brother. But Tan’s Cole Young gets lost in the shuffle after the first act and until the movie’s ending. Character turns like Kano betraying the other heroes similarly feels hackneyed because there is too much noise on screen to really care about who’s making it. Even Kang Lao’s death falls flat. It’s admirable that it’s a good guy fans theoretically should care about (unlike 1995’s token Black character created by the filmmakers to die), but the 2021 movie fails to make the uninitiated be concerned.
Of course there are exceptions. Namely Sub-Zero and Scorpion. Even though Scorpion ill-advisedly disappears for nearly all of the movie’s running time after the film’s terrific opening 10 minutes, Sanada has such presence, and such strong chemistry with Taslim’s Sub-Zero, that their opening salvo leaves you waiting the rest of the movie for Scorpion’s revenge. Taslim is also able to give Sub-Zero some surprisingly tangible, if only hinted at, pathos even after he kills a kid in his first scene and is then forced to act behind a mask thereafter. He’s the real villain of the piece you want to see go down, and his death scene is incredibly satisfying as a result.
It’s probably enough for fans of the games to favor this kitchen sink approach. But overall, less is more.
Round Three goes to 1995.
Fight Scenes
If there is one realm where the 2021 movie truly excels in over the previous film, this is it. And yes, a big part of that is the gore quotient. Whereas the 1995 flick was produced with a PG-13 rating in mind (my elementary school thanks New Line for that), the 2021 movie was able to embrace the gross out charm that made the original game stand out at the arcade all those decades ago. Street Fighter might’ve been first, but only Mortal Kombat let you pull the other player’s spine out.
While that effect doesn’t quite happen in the 2021 movie, almost everything else does. Nitara goes face first into a Kung Lao’s buzzsaw hat, which cuts her cleanly in half; Sub-Zero freezing Jax’s arms and then shattering them in a stomach-churning effect; and instead of going off a cliff, Prince Goro is disemboweled by Cole Young—which almost makes up for the fact that Goro is reduced to a mindless mute this time.
It’s like a highlight reel of fatalities from the video game. But the reason why this film’s fight scenes really stand above the 1995 film isn’t the bloodletting; it’s the action leading up to it. With brutal fight choreography, the new Mortal Kombat shines whenever it lets actors who can actually do the stunts take the arena. That includes Lewis Tan, whose Cole Young mostly fights other MMA types or CG monsters. But it’s especially true for Joe Taslim of The Raid fame. As the villainous Sub-Zero, his moves are lightning quick, even if his powers leave opponents frozen stiff. So when he shares the screen with Tan or Sanada, the action reveals an auhentic flair.
In comparison, the 1995 film suffers a bit from the sin Johnny Cage is trying to dodge within the story: it relies on stunt doubles and tight editing to make the fights exciting. It’s a shame too since Shou is an excellent martial artist, and the one scene he got to choreograph—Liu Kang versus Reptile—has an edge. But much of the time, Shou’s constrained by the direction and editing. Ashby and Wilson-Sampras, conversely, are not actual martial artists, though credit must be given to Wilson-Sampras for doing all her own stunts when getting the role of Sonya at the last minute.
Still, the fights stand taller in 2021. It’s a bit of a shame though that the movie is so heavily edited that it too often hides this fact. Unlike the 1995 ensemble, most of the cast has the moves in 2021, but the editing still feels stuck in the past with its reliance on confounding quick cuts and coverage. During our current era of John Wick and Atomic Blonde this is both a bizarre and disappointing choice. Nevertheless, this is an easy call.
Round Four goes to 2021.
The final fight was relatively satisfying in 1995. Tagawa is a preening villain, and when the Immortals’ techno “Mortal Kombat” theme plays, it’s a pleasure to watch Liu Kang wipe that smug smile off Shang Tsung’s face. However, the ending keeps going with a Star Wars-esque sendoff to Liu Kang’s force ghost brother, and then the movie undermines its catharsis by immediately setting up a sequel.
In the picture’s final moments, our three heroes, plus Kitana, return to the real-life Thai temple that’s supposed to be Liu Kang’s home. Lord Raiden waits for them there, getting some final sideways cracks in before Outworld’s evil emperor Shao Khan appears like a giant specter in the clouds. He immediately threatens an Earthrealm invasion, despite losing the tournament.
I can attest that in 1995, this was a stunning cliffhanger for eight-year-olds everywhere. But then… Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997), one of the worst films of the late ‘90s, happened.
Meanwhile in the 2021 film, we have a much more satisfying death for its villain when Scorpion returns from hell to send Sub-Zero to the hot place. Their fight is much more technically satisfying, and the cliffhanger setup is a lot more subtle. After defeating Shang Tsung’s warriors, if not Shang Tsung himself, the heroes of Earthrealm saved us all without an actual tournament ever occurring. And instead of Outworld cheating in this moment by invading anyway, they retreat. It’s an odd choice since they’ve been cheating the whole film, so why start playing by the rules now?
Even so, it leaves a destination for a second movie to actually head toward. And to tease that fact further, it’s implied Cole Young will now travel to Hollywood to recruit movie star Johnny Cage for a sequel. It’s pure fan service, but the kind that leaves the possibility open for better things to come. Considering we know where the 1995 movie’s cliffhanger leads—to pits of cinematic hell worse than any faced by Scorpion in the last 400 years—this is a victory for 2021 by default.
Round Five goes to 2021.
Final Victor
Ultimately, neither of these films are high art nor do they aspire to be. In some ways, it’s a case of picking your poison between schlock or schlock. Each has advantages over the other, as laid out above, and each is a long way from a flawless victory. Nonetheless, due simply to narrative and tonal cohesiveness, and just more memorable lead characters, I’ll go with the one that actually gets to the tournament this whole damn thing’s designed around.
Game over.
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The post Mortal Kombat (2021) vs. Mortal Kombat (1995): Which is Better? appeared first on Den of Geek.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Epilogue: Bloom
Tumblr media
Pairing: Aurora x MC (Iris Everette)
Word count: 3.2 K words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Warning: smut in the first half and I'm not saying anything else
Taglist: @miyakokurono @vampiregirlsblog @agent-breakdance @trappedinfandoms @openheart12 @sekizincimektup @lilyofchoices (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list)
Songs: Two of us by Louis Tomlinson and Lover by Taylor Swift
Please forgive me for any mistakes
One year later.
The Boston sky seemed like an abstract painting. The sun was setting, and the entire sky was a mix of different hues of pink, purple and blue. There was an occassional singing of an nightingale, otherwise it's pretty quiet.
Almost hauntingly quiet.
Iris stood, basking in the rays of the dying Sun. She slowly bent down and placed the bouquet of forget me nots and a single sunflower near the cold headstone.
"Hey..." She softly spoke, as she made herself comfortable in the ground. After a cold, hard winter, the trees were slowly growing back the green leaves. After months of suffering, they finally bloom in spring, showing that time heals things.
"I know it's been a long time since I spoke to you. It was just hard to come here...makes it so much more real that you are not here in this world.." iris sighed, as she hugged her knees.
"Everything is great. I am not being sarcastic or anything. Seriously everything is so perfect that sometimes it feels like a dream. Ethan has given me a promotion to co-lead the diagnostic team, which I always wanted. I have even started going back to therapy. Because I know that if I didn't fix my mental state, you would haunt me in my dreams." Iris chuckled.
Picking at the grass near her, she spoke quietly. "Everything is perfect but you are not here... I think you would he happy to hear that Grayson is dead now. A month ago he was hanged for murder, assault and battery. I held such a huge party in celebration of it. I know, I know...what a sadistic bitch, but hey I think you can cut me some slack."
Tears welled up her eyes.
God I was hoping I could make it through without crying...
"I miss you so much. Oh! how much I wish that I could hold you one last time... It hurts but I am slowly making my peace with it. It's tough and challenging getting over not having you around but, I know you are in a happier place, playing healer for all the souls entering heaven."
She sat there for a long time, lost in her thoughts, as the sun set. When it started to get dark, she knew she had to make a move.
"Alright, I am going to go... My roommate will kill me if I don't make it in time for dinner." She pressed her fingertips to her lips and pressed it on the cool headstone. A lone tear rolled down her cheek. "I love you...I will never stop loving you."
She stood up, dusted herself and walked towards the exit, where her bike was parked. Clicking her helmet in place she revved the beast and zipped through the streets, towards her apartment.
She climbed up the steps and took her keys out to unlock the door. The moment she unlocked the door, she heard excited footsteps running towards her. She had hardly walked through the threshold when the huge golden retriever jumped on her.
"Hey Milo!! How's my boy doing? Hmm?" She bent down and hugged the dog. He was just a year old. "Who has been a good boy, huh?" She booped his nose and scratched the behind of his ears.
The pup just barked and ran in crazy circles around Iris. Iris let out a short laugh before standing up. "Where is mama, Milo?" She asked as she took her shoes off and hung her coat on the coat rack. Her girlfriend was very particular about these things.
Milo scurried towards the closed bedroom door and pawed the door. "That a boy.” She gave a last scratch behind his ear before entering the room and closing it behind her. She could see the bathroom door ajar and steam wafted out of the thin crack.
Iris stripped to get underwear and headed towards the bathroom.
"Hey baby." The voice called out, from behind the
"Hi." Iris opened the glass door and stepped in. She placed her hands on her waist and turned her around.
"EEE! What the hell Adara?!"
"What? Just saving water by taking a shower with you." She gave a sly smile as her hand reached down and grabbed a handful of her ass.
"You are incorrigible Adara."
"No I am in love with you, Rory. Get your facts straight!!"
Aurora pressed her lips to Iris'. "How are you? How was meeting your mom?" She took the shower gel and put it on the washcloth.
"It was nice... And peaceful. Will you come with me next time? I want you to meet her."
"Anything for you, my love." She lathered the soap and turned her around. Before she put soap on her back, she kissed the deep scar on her back. Iris just smiled into her shoulder.
"So... What do your parents think of me? I really couldn't get a read on them when we met the in NYC last week."
"Well, they definitely love you. My mom talked my ear off of how well behaved you are and loved your fashion sense. My dad went on and on that you were 200 times any man he had met. He was in awe of how you are co-leading one of the most prestigious diagnostics team and that you were perfect for me."
"Wow I am so honoured." Iris spoke as she turned around.
Aurora started lathering the soap on her chest. Iris took a sharp intake of air when she felt the texture of the washcloth on her breasts along with the circular motion of Rory's hands. Iris was getting wetter with every movement on her breasts and her clenching stomach. He slow hands finally reached the place where she wanted her the most.
She brushed the sensitive folds and Iris let out a low moan. Aurora continued her slow circular motions, enjoying the way Iris was losing control and was completely at her mercy.
Oh this was gonna be so fun. Aurora thought wickedly.
She continued the torture for a very long time. Iris desperately wanted to climax. "Now, that's clean enough." Aurora said innocently as she moved her hand away. Iris' forest green eyes snapped open.
Aurora didn't respond as she just gave an innocent smile and reached for the detachable shower head. She switched it on and started washing the suds of her body. She roamed her hand all around, touching everywhere, teasing her.
"Kiss me dammit." Iris said as she surged forward and kissed her, hard. Aurora let out a yelp but kissed back with equal fervour. She pushed Iris against the wall of the huge shower place. She pinned her hand against the wall and slid her thigh between Iris' legs.
"I like you like this. Wet." Rory said cheekily as she moved Iris' hair, so that she could kiss her collarbone.
"Stop fucking around. Fuck me Rory."
"And your wish is granted." Aurora spun her around and pushed her chest against the wall. Holding her hands above her head with one one hand, Aurora let her other hand wander around.
Her lips attached to the side of her neck, sucking and lapping the stray water droplets while her hand pinched Iris' nipples. She let out a hum of appreciation.
Sliding her hand down Iris' toned stomach, after an eternity, she finally reached her heat. Her long fingers circled her clit, applying just the right amount of pressure which made Iris moan.
She slipped her fingers into her her pussy and started fingering her. The heel of her palm continued to massage the sensitive nub of nerves. Iris shuddered from the over stimulation and let out a cry when her fingers brushed her sweet spot.
"Just like that Adara. There is a reason we got an apartment for ourselves. Scream my name."
Aurora curled her fingers and Iris was climaxing. She soared and fell simultaneously and her entire body shook with pleasure. Her knees felt weak and she leaned against the wall, not able to hold herself up.
Aurora took out two towels. She wiped the water droplets accumulated on her porcelain skin. After she was done, she wrapped her with the towel and kissed her nose.
"There. All clean now.'
Iris smiled as she saw Rory wipe herself. She was just reaching for her pyjamas when Iris stopped her.
"What are you doing Rory?"
"Wearing clothes?"
"Babe... Did you forget about our 'no clothes in bed' policy?"
Rory raised an eyebrow.
Iris rolled her eyes and threw her over her shoulder and headed to bed. "I'm not done with you Rory!"
It was 7 in the evening and Aurora's shift was over. She was exhausted. Being a senior resident was no joke. Managing her case load along with the residents and interns reporting to her was taxing. But she loved it. She enjoyed saving lives and shaping the future generations of doctors.
Aurora trudged to the locker room and changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt with the 'Guns N' Roses' logo on it. She was wearing her shoes when an blue envelope fell out of her locker. Confused, she picked it up and opened it to see a short poem.
"Take me to the place we first met, Both partnered up, with eyes full of hate, But I would be lying to your face, If I didn't say that I wanted to be your babe." ~A
She realised it was Iris' handwriting. Place we first met...? AH! The foyer area.
Aurora picked up her satchel and headed towards the foyer area. She went to the softboard where they used to attach the intern list. Surely, there was another blue envelope pinned to the board. And next to it, Elijah was waiting.
"What's up Aurora?!" Elijah squeaked.
"I'm good but what's up with you?" She asked as she unpinned the envelope.
"Chilling. And waiting for Sothy..Needed to talk to him.. Y'know the usual drill." Elijah gave out a nervous laugh. Aurora narrowed her eyes but decided to not give it any mind. Opening the letter carefully, she found another poem-
"Take me to the place where we had each other's back, Complementing each other, which other people lack, You panicked and didn't know what to do with your hands, And then I came and told you to take a deep breath and relax."
This was definitely regarding the triage they had performed during the subway accident. That was the only time Aurora had frozen. Even then, Iris was such a sweetheart. She quickly walked down to the ER.
She reached the nurses' station and Sienna was standing there, in her casual clothes signing her charts. "Hey Sienna." Aurora said as she subtly looked around, trying to find a blue envelope.
"Hey Aurora! Looking for something?"
"Huh? Yeah kinda..."
"Well, I think this might help you." She slid a blue envelope towards her. Aurora took it. "Do you have any idea what's going on?"
"I don't know Aurora. Iris just gave this to me." Sienna shrugged.
Tearing open the envelope, she found a amethyst stone necklace. It was her birthstone. It gleamed under the white lights of the ER. Holding it in one hand, she proceeded to read another poem-
"Take me to the place we lay face to face, Where the pain in my head left me in a daze, You made an exception for my case, And secured in my heart, your own place."
The hospital room! "Gotta go. Bye Sienna." Sienna just waved back.
Pocketing the necklace, she rushed to the emergency staircase. She took two steps at a time and reached the second floor. She ran to room no. 203, where she had stitched up Iris and slept by her side. Surely, there was a blue envelope sitting on the bed.
"Take me to the place where we first kissed, You were hurting and pissed, In the dark, your soul you bared, And I knew, in my future, you would always be there."
Wait a second...this was regarding the ED Case she had.
She hauled ass to the on call room on the third floor. She opened the door and tiptoed in. Jackie was lying on one of the beds, solving a crossword. "You took your time I guess." Jackie yawned.
"And you are as bright as a ray of sunshine." Aurora responded sarcastically, as she started moving pillows to search for another letter.
"Aha! Victory." Aurora said as she blew the hair which had fallen on her face. She eagerly opened it-
"Take me to the place where you said you loved me, I shared my burden and felt free, My heart was bursting and fell the tears of ecstacy, It was always you and me, Adara and Rory."
She walked fast towards the elevator bank. She was getting frantic. This scavenger hunt was fun but it made her impatient. She just wanted to hold Adara.
Reaching the elevators, she saw Ethan standing there, typing on his phone.
"Hey Dr. Ramsey."
"Hello Dr. Emery."
"Are you...texting?"
"Umm...but didn't you tell me that you hated it?"
Ethan rolled his eyes. "Emery, it's my wish if I want to use this godforsaken mobile. I can't even type without autocorrect making it into a different word. Lord, the end is near."
Aurora chuckled and one of the elevators near Ethan dinged. She was about to enter it when Ethan stepped in front of it, blocking the entrance.
"Oops. Looks like it's full. Go in the next one."
Aurora just gave him a weird look and stepped into the other elevator and what she saw, blew her damn mind. The elevator was illuminated by strings of blue fairy lights. She stepped in and marvelled at the sight. Sound of rain pattering on the pavement sounded through the speakers. She saw a Polaroid collage of their pictures, encased in a glass frame, on one of the walls of the elevator and laughed.
So typical. Iris and her Polaroid camera... The girl had an obsession.
To the glass frame, a blue note was attached.
"Take me to the place where it all started, The fairytale story which we tell children in bed, Long gazes, happy memories shared over cheap appetizers, The beginning to our happily ever after."
The lift dinged and she stepped out with the collage and the letter. She stumbled under the weight where Bryce stepped forward and balanced her.
"Woah! Watch out Big A. Don't want you falling for me now, do we?" Bryce smirked and Aurora rolled her eyes.
"God you are so annoying, Queen B."
Bryce just chuckled and held his hand forward. "C'mon give me that. I will hold it for you."
"If you drop it, I will kick you in your family jewels so hard, that your grandchildren will feel it." She threatened.
Bryce shuddered. "Hehehe. No need to bring my testicles into this situation. And don't worry, people say I have good hands."
She handed the frame to him. She then slipped the necklace around her neck. "C'mon Lahela. We are going to Donahue's."
The moment she stepped into the small pub, all the patrons stopped talking. Everybody's eyes were on her and she felt awkward.
What the fuck is going on here? Iris, what are you playing at?
"Hey Dr. Emery. These are for you." Reggie handed her a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers. Aurora smelled them and blushed. In midst of the flowers she found a small blue note.
"You are so close babe. Come to me. I am waiting for you, in the beer garden."
Aurora walked towards the back door opening into the beer garden. People just parted, like the Red sea, giving her place to go. When she opened the door, her jaw were on the floor.
Rose petals lined the path towards the stage where live bands usually performed. The gentle strumming of a guitar played in the background. She walked slowly, through the tables and what she saw made her halt in her tracks.
Iris stood there, with a soft smile on her face. She was wearing a midnight blue romper dress which ended in shorts. It was sleeveless and it was clinched at her waist. Her guitar was slung around her shoulder and she continued to strum the strings.
"This one's for you babe. Thank you for coming." She spoke into the mic and started singing in an angelic voice.
Salt on your skin and stars in your eyes
You close in the darkness and I'm all out of lies
Taking my heart, and made it your own
You are everything that I've ever known
I tried to, resist you
I tried to keep my distance
I tried to play it cool
I'm no match for your persistence
And oh, you lift me up
When the fog rolls in, you lift me
When the cold sets in, you give me
The strength to take on anything, oh anything
I see by the light you bring
You lift me up, you lift me up
I see by the light you bring, you lift me up, you lift me up
Aurora was hypnotised by her beautiful voice. Iris took of her guitar and handed it to a person, you continued to strum it. She slowly stepped down from the stage and headed towards Aurora.
She grasped her hands and squeezed. "Rory, you are the best thing that has ever happened in my life. When you walked into my life, love walked in. It was a magical moment that I will always cherish and treasure. They say that love is many a splendoured thing, constantly changing and evolving. My love for you will be ever changing like a chimera and ever growing like a verdant valley."
"You are my guide to love, my every wish, and the person I want to grow old with." Iris spoke with so much conviction that Aurora fell in love with her all over again.
She got down on one knee and tears streamed down Aurora's face as she held a hand to her mouth.
Iris pulled out a diamond ring, which glimmered under the fairy lights of the beer garden.
"Aurora Lucille Emery, will you do me the honour of being my partner in crime and my wife for the rest of our lives?"
"YES Iris Adara Everette. Hell fucking yeah!!" Iris got up and slipped the ring on her ring finger.
Iris was so giddy with joy that she picked up Aurora and twirled her. Aurora laughed and everyone was either clapping, hooting or crying. She set her down and grabbed her face and kissed her.
"I am not dreaming, am I??" Iris asked as she held Aurora tightly, forehead to forehead.
"No dum dum. We’re getting married. Guess you are stuck with me, huh?"
“And I wouldn't have it any other way.”
That was one of the most joyous night of their lives. They danced, sang and partied till the early hours. The wedding took place the following summer near the docks. It was a small ceremony, but everybody enjoyed it.
Sienna and Jackie were made the maids of honor while Ethan, Bryce and Elijah were made the best men. Ethan walked iris down the aisle while Naveen officiated the ceremony. 
The reception was a blast which took place on a boat. Jackie and Sienna managed to make everyone drunk and forced them to dance. Even Harper Emery and the Chief. Bryce almost started strip dancing and Ethan was doing the running man. Elijah did wheelies on his wheelchair. It was unforgettable.
Everything was perfect at last. Rory and Adara finally got their happy ending which they always dreamed of. They were happy, content and proud moms of twin baby boys. They continued to push boundaries in the medical field and became the dynamic duo of diagnostics medicine.
They both lived happily ever after.
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And here is the end of Rory and Adara’s tale. Thank you for reading this mini series through its ups and downs, laughter and tears
It was so much fun writing this and I so, so grateful to all of the comments you guys left under each chapter. It motivated me to deliver. So thank you.
Once again, I am grateful to every single person who gave this fanfic a chance and believed in my writing.
like, comment and reblog :)
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petri808 · 5 years
Storm of Another Matter
Inspired by @polyham beautiful art post here  Thank you for letting me write this!  and thank you to @diabl0o for giving me idea for the ending :)
“This is bullshit,” Katsuki growls at the airport check-in attendant.  But there was nothing the poor woman could do.  She hadn’t caused the storm that left the airport at a stand still.  
“Im sorry sir, but all I can offer is up to two free nights at the airports hotel next door.  We hope tomorrow we’ll be able to get planes off the ground again.  And here,” she hands him an umbrella, “complimentary.  I’ll have your bags sent to the hotel right now.”
“Fine,” he grabs the umbrella from the counter, “just make sure there’s two beds!”  No way, he was gonna share one with his co-worker Izuku. Katsuki’s ears burned just at the thought of it, but he stamps down the flutter.  He turns back to his nerdy companion, “come on Deku, let’s go!” Then marches off towards the exit.
“Sorry miss,” Izuku blushes, “Kaachan’s grumpy, but he’s not really a bad guy.  Thank you,” he waves and rushes to catch up to his friend.
Outside, the rains had slowed some but flashes of light and rumbling still raged on like a battle cry amongst the clouds.  Izuku looks to the umbrella gripped tightly in Katsuki’s hand.  “G-Guess the umbrella comes in handy,” he cracks a half-hearted wit. His co-worker merely grumps and opens it without saying a word.  Izuku sigh’s, wishing Katsuki would lighten up a little.  He wasn’t happy about being stuck here either but savoring these little moments between them made up for it.  
“Well?!  Get under here so we can go!”
That snaps Izuku out of his thoughts.  “S-sorry.” He steps under the umbrella, but his shoulder is still left uncovered.  
Katsuki takes a second to calm his tone and heart.  “Idiot move in closer.  I don’t wanna deal with ya if you get sick.”
It takes a couple more seconds of hesitancy as Izuku assesses the situation.  Squeezing in shoulder to shoulder still left him open to the elements.  But if he…  if Katsuki doesn’t immediately kill him for it...  Izuku slips his arm through the crook of his friends.  ‘Breathe,’ and smile, Izuku wills himself as he looks up and over.  
This man!  Katsuki bites the inside of his cheek and squeezes the hand he holds in his pocket into a fist.  It takes all the willpower he’s got to hold back the heat swirling in his frame from the contact, nor bite his co-workers head off for pulling such a stunt in public!  He turns to Izuku, managing a scowl, but nothing more.
Izuku’s cheeks flush, unable to hold back the emotions coiling in the pit of his stomach.  He bites his lip through the nervous energy, his breath catching when Katsuki’s eyes flicker for a second to them.  “We should get to the hotel.”  Izuku reminds in a soft tone too afraid for anything more.
Quickly, Katsuki turns his focus away, internally chastising himself for letting Izuku get the better of him.  Damn nerd always makes him flustered.  “Tch, you’re the one holding us up.”  
They hurry to the hotel located across the street.  A simple looking building with just a bland neon sign of its name, scaled above the door. Not surprising in any way, this was mainly for those needing to wait through a layover not some romantic getaway.
“I’m sorry sir’s, but due to the storm, all we have left are single bed rooms.”
“Kaachan,” Izuku grabs his friend’s shoulder to hold him back, “it can’t be helped.”
Katsuki roughly shrugs Izuku’s hand away and stomps back to their bags to cool off.  He wanted to snap, but they need somewhere to sleep and since some of the roads were also closed from flooding, this was their best option.  ‘Wonder if this place has got a gym?’
“J-Just give us the room please,” Izuku asks the front desk clerk, “he’s tired and we could use some sleep.”
With card key’s in hand, the pair head to their room.  ‘One freaking bed,’ Katsuki seethes as he glares at the neatly made King-sized bed. The room was small, made mostly for business travelers and didn’t even have a couch.  
Seeing the look on his travel companion’s face, Izuku offers to make do with the floor.  “No,” Katsuki responds in a low tone.  It wouldn’t be right to put Izuku in that position. “But just stay on your damn side!”
After showers and picking their sides of the bed, Katuski orders an action movie to watch.  He wasn’t tired enough to sleep yet and figured maybe the movie would help him get there.  Izuku lays back with the same intentions.  Katsuki gets comfortable, placing his arms behind his head to prop it. The movie wasn’t one he’d seen before and it was turning out to be a pretty good one.  Too bad his friend wasn’t lasting in the same way.  Slowly, Izuku’s eyes began to close and he found it amusing every time it would, he’d see his friend force them back open again. It was cute.
‘Stop it!’ Katsuki chastised himself, willing down the building warmth and fluttering in his stomach.  But he couldn’t help it.  They’d been friends since childhood and now co-workers. There wasn’t another person alive save his parents that knew him as well as Izuku did.  And although they were polar opposites in almost every way imaginable, the nerd had somehow wiggled his way into Katsuki’s heart.  Not that he wanted to say it aloud!  
He feels Izuku shift, and before he could stop him, the man rests his head on Katsuki’s shoulder.  “Oi, get off me!” he pushes Izuku back to his side as his heart stammered in his chest.  Thankfully, Izuku seemed oblivious.
“Sorry Kaachan,” Izuku yawns, his eyes still closed, “you’re nice and warm.”
“Yeah, so is the blanket!”
The next morning, Katsuki is the first to stir, but his arm is trapped.  He opens his eyes and all he can see is green hair!  ‘Oh crap!  Oh crap! Oh crap!’  Not only had Izuku cuddled to him, but he had done the same! Their legs were slightly tangled together and Izuku was now tucked to Katsuki’s chest, sleeping peacefully, with Katsuki’s arms wrapped around him.  ‘Fuck!  Fuck! Fuck!’  He tries to pull his arm out from under the sleeping Izuku, but the man whimpers and curls deeper into Katsuki.  The temperature of the room spikes as things grew awkward.  He yanks his arm away and forces a detangling. The jerking motion quickly wakes up Izuku.        
“Time to get up,” Katsuki snaps at the dazed man, then books it to the bathroom.
It takes a few seconds to process with a groggy mind, but Izuku finally realizes why Katsuki had snapped. He cringes, ‘uh-oh, I’d cuddled to Kaachan!’  Izuku braces for another round of yelling, but when Katsuki came out of the bathroom, the man didn’t say anything.  
For the rest of the trip home, it was never brought up again.  But things remained even more awkward than usual between the two men.  Short sentences and curt responses, and never once would Katsuki look Izuku in the eyes.  It baffled Izuku.  Shouldn’t he be the one more embarrassed and unable to look his friend in the face?  He was the one that cuddled to Katsuki, right? By the time the plane landed at home, Izuku was starting to wonder if maybe the reason his friend was acting suspiciously, was because it hadn’t been one-sided, but two?!  Did he want to ask and risk getting his head ripped off?  Oh, this was driving his over-thinking mind crazy!          
They grab their bags from the baggage claim and walk towards the front sidewalk without a word.  Ask, don’t ask?  Ask, don’t ask?  Izuku plays the petal game in his head.  The closer they get to the taxi section, the faster the words fly across his mind.  ‘Make up your mind!’  He screams at himself.
Katsuki sees an awaiting taxi and heads towards it.
“K-Kaachan, c-could I ask you something,” Izuku places his hand on his friend’s shoulder to stop him.
“What now Deku?  I just wanna get home already.”
“I-I know,” Izuku fiddles with his fingers, “but I was wondering, a-and I don’t know if I’ll have the courage to do this later, s-so, I….”
“Spit it out nerd!”
“W-would you go out on a date with me?!”
A bright flush, steal’s across Katuski’s face, a coloring to rival his ruby eyes.  “Did you just?!”  He couldn’t believe his ears or his sanity!  
Izuku flinches from the reaction, throwing his hands up in defense.  “I’m sorry, forget I asked!”  The young man was heartbroken.  His shoulders slump, “I’ll see you at work on Monday,” he turns and walks towards another open taxi, ready to go home and drown away his sorrow.
“Idiot,” Katsuki mumbles. “Deku, get your ass back here!”
“Huh?” Izuku stops and quickly makes his way back to his friend.  “Why.”
Katsuki motions towards his awaiting taxi.  “Just get the fuck in nerd.  Let’s go home.”  
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bluescarletdiamond · 5 years
TharnType the Series: Ep. 6 Review
THARNTYPE LETS GOOOOOOOO. I’m super excited they have AMAZING chemstry
Section 1
Y'all it hasn’t begun but this girl better not ruin shit !!!!
“Thinking of you” D I S G U S T I N G
Type better not ask Tharn to have sex while he’s being a little hoe ESPECIALLY since he knows of Tharn’s feelings and already told him they are casual lovers not just sex friends so just know imma throw hands
I also love my eggs sunny side up, Tharn love me instead pls
Tharn staring at Type texting that girl has me not uwu tho
Random side not: I’m a graphic designer and I love the posters on their wall
“You sent this handsome angel to save me” Your gay jumped out son lmao jk but I live for this broship
I’m also a musician and Tharn’s hold on those sticks aren’t that bad lol
Also imagine if Techno ended up falling for Tharn LMAO
Section 2
Miss me with that straight shit Type
Type just got back to the dorm and I know Tharn about to beat his ass (metaphorically lol)
Okay y'all serious shit: I know they aren’t dating but Type KNOWS of Tharn’s feelings, and he, HIMSELF called them casual lovers which of course is not the same as dating but he could have at least told Tharn since they never stated no strings attached and when you say “casual lovers” with no established boundaries, you gotta still consider the other person’s feelings smh
Also Type did not have to PUNCH my mans, a simple slap would’ve been fine lol but Tharn shouldn’t have said that especially after Type told him he didn’t like that
Oh Type my boy…
On the other hand, Tharn needs to respect the fact that Type says he’s not interested… like I understand chasing after the one you love but obvious this man has internal turmoil that he has to accept and smooth out before he can try anything
Also Tharn crying got me crying no joke
Klui and Seo are such an interesting dynamic to this show lmao idk how I feel about them 
Also how can Type just go and sleep like that lol
I feel like Techno low-key knows about them 
You can tell Type doesn't want to stop liking him lol
Section 3
The lighting of the room is beautiful
oop, Tharn’s not there when Type arrived cue lonely and needy feelings
that was embarrassing lol
OOP Tharn really said that shit ( basically they are just fuck friends, no strings attached and they can just fuck when the other feels the need to)
I’m not happy about it but whatever the story has to progress 
Type being pissed and thinking too hard while on his date with Pufai got my rolling on the floor 
“Where you thinking of other girls” nah m8 he was thinking of a boyyyyyy
BRUH Type crossing his fingers while telling a lie has me DED
Pufai got balls I wish I had no cap
a pinky promise ooooffffff we already know he will break that shit
OOP sex scene lolololol it’s so awkward (because of what’s going on lol) I CANNOT
Holy shit I forgot about Tharn’s performance :(((((((((((((((((((((((( I’m sad now 
first, you can tell type is stressed and also disappointed he can’t make it which makes it sadder
and it’s even sadder that he struggled to say that he was going to ask Pufai to be his girlfriend
these bitches got to stop playin with my emotions
we love supportive friends :)
“tall, dark, handsome” idk about the “dark” part lol but everything else is trueeeee
unrelated but that wrapping paper and bow work is ASTONISHING (I love wrapping gifts lol)
ooof straight kiss - ight imma head out 
lol never mind they didn’t kiss whew
Plus he didn't look disgusted that he thought of him uwuwuwuw
OHP they better not try shit or I really will throw hands and kachow Type’s ass of to another planet
“it might be a choice when you move off campus” bITCH GET OUTTA HERE NO ONE ASKED
she’s really trying to catch these hands
Section 4
Tharn has gorgeous hair and if Type doesn't wanna run his hands through those beautiful strands then I WILL
?? someone walked in 
He’s hugging Tharn from the back Im allllsdjf aosdjfaos
and he’s apologizing holy crap im
and he’s sorry about it??? 
But he slept with Pufai…
awww my boy Type didn’t actually sleep with her because he couldn’t do it with a woman
Tharn is struggling to believe it fadskjrvfewnio
Type is crying :(((((((((((((((((
but they’re hugging and it’s so cute and obvious than is forgiving
Type is struggling so hard to accept himself for his past and applaud him so much 
“I’ve always been yours” Iisdiofhis urdbfgdshfighsdfliughHOSHD
Highkey EVERY THAI BL has to learn from them because they have sooooo much chemistry and are in the best kissers I’ve seen
BRUH SHE SLAPPED HIM good for her??? idk man
“I told her I’m dating someone” y’all remember when I said Type was gonna catch these hands? Yeah I meant because I’m gonna hug the living shit of him 🥰🥰
“I feel like I’m having sex with a man because I’m desperate” y’all remember when I said I wanted to hug him yeah no I meant STRANGLE HIS ASS
“I was gonna break it off with you” YALL SEE MY BOY TYPE’s FACE :((((
Also Tharn rubbing/playing with Type’s ear/hair is what’s KEEPING ME GOING RN
“But because I was afraid you were going to break it off with me first” IM CRYING DURING CLASS YALL
“I want to hear you scream without holding back” BIEJAJDBSKKS IM SCREECHING RN 😳😳😳
“Then let me have my way with you all night” “suit yourself” WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS I CANT HOLY SHIT
Wow they really cut it off without showing us shit 😡
Bruh type still being unsure is so realistic because even tho he admitted his feelings it doesn’t mean he’s gonna be all content now but it was at least relieving for him I bet to be able to express his bottled up feelings
“I remember that ... we are together” 🥳🥳🥰🥰🥰
That such a weird angle to kiss at tho lmaoooo
Ugh that was so cute imma go and cry
Type still not being able to complete accept his feelings is so realistic I love it
Okay I don’t understand this next couple like at all?? Like their point in the story ? What they contribute to the plot? If someone can let me know that would be litty titty
I can already tell that Types dad is a poopoo head 😤
Tumblr media
“I just make sure you can’t refuse me” HOLY M-
Type’s smile is the cutest thing I’m-
The preview
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deacied · 5 years
evening sun  .  //  one .
summary: messaging stupid things to your celebrity crush on instagram has no repercussions because it’s not like they’re going to read it anyway! obviously this doesn’t entail sexual harassment or general creepiness, but sending a meme they’d like or a picture or maybe something actually stupid like your phone number seems irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
or the one where you dm joe on instagram and your life actually changes
warnings: none other than like fluff 
word count: 1.7k
    she sends the stupidest message she has possibly ever typed in her entire life (eighth grade, angsty teen posts on myspace included) to him in the second week of march. the chances were low that he would open her dm, but he had been known to ever so often answer a handful at a time, and what did she have to lose if he did answer the message? she had sent him other things before as if he were her best friend, memes that reminded her of him or funny t-shirt ads, whatever it had been that she thought might have him grinning to himself--- however, clearly the response never-received wasn’t with this particular “friend”. she didn’t really know him, and he, blissfully unaware of her existence, yet she tried weakly to get the attention of him while he received thousands of others flooding his messages doing just the same. it was just a bit of fun really. a shirt that showed a t-rex wearing mickey ears, “wrong park!“ written across it had her laughing manically to herself before sending the post over to joe. she hoped she would see him in that shirt soon.
    it was a hopeless cause that, well, wouldn’t crush her if the odds weren’t in her favor. nearly a month after she had sent the stupidest message, a notification of a new text pings through her phone. a glance over to it only to be met with an unknown number loses her attention as quick as it held it. she yawns. the action comes of mainly boredom though sleepiness threatens to claw its way into dominance as the summer rain continues to pummel unto the roof, warm florida air shifting through the porch, and the novel in her hand losing focus. a nap would be good-- perfect actually.
    the crackle of lightning followed by a gargle of thunder shook her out of her sleep only an hour later and back into reality. every afternoon without fail, the casual shower of rain would pass over her family home just after three as if mother nature were taking her time with her garden. florida often promised hurricanes so the thunderstorms weren’t uncommon, but this particular one wasn’t supposed to hit until thursday, and with it being only tuesday, she knew this storm would last forever now: the earlier they came, the longer and harder they reined apparently. notifications sound off at a quick rate, though she easily dismisses it as something extraordinary going on in the group chat. trekking back into the house with book and phone in hand, her free fingers pass over her dogs’ heads as she passes them to head to her room. the thought of a shower to wash away the dampness from outside was the most ideal option she possessed, however, the implied doom her mother promised of a shower during a thunderstorm was the least. more notifications go off in time before she turns off the ringer entirely and plugs it into the charger. sixty-four (jesus) messages in the group chat on discord, another twenty-one from the same group on instagram, and god knows how many more on snapchat, but the one, singular cluster of notifications tucked at the bottom that held her interest had her pausing with head tipping in interest: another message from the unknown number.
lower lip curls between teeth as brows furrow an inch together. finally clicking on the messages, she feels like she might throw up as her eyes follow the pixels. holy. fucking. shit.
FROM unknown 11:18 am: It’s super dangerous giving your phone number to strangers on the internet you know? FROM unknown 11:20 am: I tried to call and kind of chickened out. I got nervous and I’m sorry. FROM unknown 11:43 am: Oh my god, did you really shoot your shot and just leave the court?
    she has to read the messages at least eight times, take a screenshot, send it to her brother, and have him confirm she’s not having a stroke before she can go back to the originals with an intent to reply. thumbs hover over keys making absentminded shapes as she breathes deeply, loudly, anxiously trying not to have a whole mental breakdown. the message directly referenced her messages to none other than the boy from jurassic park, the bassist of bohemian rhapsody, the very angry baseball player of undrafted. there was absolutely no way that this was actually, truly, literally joseph francis mazzello iii. couldn’t be. nope. not happening. she doesn’t know what to reply back with for a good long moment, taking a second to collect herself and open up instagram to confirm for the hundredth time now that this is who she thinks it is.
    the dm’s screen welcomes her, exhale escaping lowly as she clicks on joe_mazzello’s chat. he hadn’t replied -clearly, she most definitely would have received a notification for that or else instagram would have a very angry woman on their hands- but he had opened it. the time read 3:56am two weeks ago when he read them. her head falls backwards as the mental math floods hurriedly through her brain, trying to understand: so he had called a week after reading them apparently, and then waited another week before engaging contact again. he... he had been thinking about this for a while; it wasn’t just a spur-of-the-moment ploy to entertain a fan. god, she might throw up actually this time. thumbs navigate to open the texts from the unknown number again just to make sure they hadn’t magically dissolved into thin air. a slow exhale. one more final time she moves over the keys.
TO unknown 12:56 pm: who is this? TO unknown 12:57 pm: if this is who i think it is i’m gonna Lose My McFreakin Mind
    she nods to herself as they send--- vague enough that whomever was on the other side wouldn’t think something strange was going on no matter what the outcome turned out to be. it had happened once where a friend texted the wrong number instead of her, asking if “mc fuckhead” was there. (that was an incredibly fun inside joke to explain.) head tips to the side slightly, hopping her train of thought from joe mazzello and him genuinely thinking of you to how strange every inside joke must sound to people outside of the inside. another vibration of the device jerks her back to the matter at hand, unable to help her heart thumping uneasily.
FROM unknown 1:26 pm: Hi, I’m Joe Mazzello from Jurassic- I mean, Bohemian Rhapsody and you’re watching Disney Channel! FROM unknown 1:26 pm: Thank God you’re a multiple text person too FROM unknown 1:27 pm: Please don’t Lose Your McFreakin Mind! FROM unknown 1:27 pm: Wait. FROM unknown 1:27 pm: .....Is this (@ y/ig)? Did I just fuck everything up with an actual wrong number?
    suspicions couldn’t get more confirmed than that. her next set of texts goes out rapidly and without much second thought, a stupidly huge smile graced on her face that probably made her look like a maniac--- but really, if any person’s celebrity crush had texted them wouldn’t they have the exact same reaction? actually, now that y/n thinks about it, she’s being really, really calm. the internal screaming stays internal -thank the lord- though her cheeks already ache from the face-splitting grin she currently wears.
TO unknown 1:33pm: if i’m (@ y/ig) then wouldn’t you be @joe_mazzello? no? just me? ok TO unknown 1:33 pm: but hi yes i’m y/n ??? holy shit ??? what the fuck ??? TO unknown 1:34 pm: definitely losing my mind rn   TO unknown 1:34 pm: but also 👀 real talk i was 👀 actually asking you 👀 out TO unknown 1:34 pm: like if you wanted to hang out 👀 haha
    as soon as the last one sends, her heart drops with fear. fuck, what if the actor just wanted to do a fan a favor and answer her dm just for shits and giggles, or, best (worst?) case scenario he wanted to online-befriend her. she can very easily lose the one single chance she’s gotten and--- god, yes, definitely going to throw up. she sends another message in a haste, praying to whomever was up above that her last text actually saved her ass. he responds in actual record time, the girl tucked up on her bed unable to help the excited and very, very, very ugly squeal she let out as she starts reading the messages.
FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: Interesting.... I’ll have to accept your proposal. We meet at dawn! FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: But you’re in Florida right? I think I read that on your account, I hope I didn’t just pull that out of my ass. FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: I haven’t been to Universal down there in God knows how long and I was planning to go at the end of the month funnily enough FROM joe omg 1:36 pm: If dinosaurs and King Kong and Harry Potter and whateva are your thaaaang
    an anxious groan soon follows-- of course this was the alternating year she had gotten a disney annual pass instead of a universal one like last year, and upon further inspection of prices, her bills due, and her bank account, it was a couple hundred dollars she definitely didn’t have to spend. she sets her phone down to calm her now raging anxiety, skin heating up and palms sweating profusely until she fists her comforter in hopes to dry them. asking an actual rich and famous person for financial help just to hang out with them was forcing her eyes to prick with tears-- she had to find something else, right? they could work something else out and she was just overreacting. it takes her verbally saying “you’re crying over universal, chill the heck out” before she comprehends and truly relaxes, tension melting out of her back as a slow breath falls from anxiety ridden lungs.
TO joe omg 1:42 pm: i actually love universal but i have a disney pass right now if maybe that was something you wanted to do TO joe omg 1:43 pm: idk if you’ve ever been to disney world but its so much better than disneyland if i’m honest lmao i’ve gone to california once and i went and i wasn’t super impressed TO joe omg 1:43 pm: i mean it was really cool cause it was the original disney but rides and attractions wise you know what i mean??? anyway im rambling wtf
    the conversation rolls with no further lulls in topics to talk about, one in the afternoon soon turning to one in the morning and her eyes threatening to droop closed. with a final goodnight text the pair decide to resume conversation in the morning, and lord, did she have something to excitedly scream about then.
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aleksandermorozovaa · 5 years
Cressworth modern au headcanons part 3
These have been in my drafts for fucking months and i’m trying to clear it but enjoy them i guess 
Part 1 Part 2
Thomas and Audrey do face masks together like every Friday
She’s has painted his nails before and he paints hers all the fucking time because she has not got the patience or the fine motor skills to paint her hands.
Like this girl can slice and dice corpses but paint her nails with her less dominant hand???? Nope
Thomas is really good at painting nails and he actually googles different techniques to do. His favourite is ombre nails.
Both terrified of spiders. Like absolutely terrified of them. To the point, they evacuate the room or flat in some cases and call for someone to come save them. 
Once when they phoned Nathaniel to come to remove the spider and instead he like used a lighter and hair spray to roast the little shit. 
They were mortified and Nathaniel just shrugged. 
They never asked him again. 
Thomas is a shockingly bad morning person, like he cannot function before at least 10 am? 
When he’s sick he is either a complete baby or he’s fine and nothing will get him to slow down and rest. It depends on how sick/ill/injured he is 
For example, the time he had the sniffles and a sore throat and he self-diagnosed bed rest for three whole days, then the time he literally had like a kidney stone and still insisted on standing for a four hour autopsy
Audrey Rose had to phone an ambulance after he collapsed five minutes in. She refused to leave his side.
You can be sure that he milks it. Like he guilts Audrey into giving him cuddles 24/7 when he's recovering.
But like not seriously guilts her if she has something she needs to do he’ll pretend to sleep so she can go do it.
Audrey Rose refuses to buy trousers with no pockets out of principle and Thomas thinks this is hilarious.
Then he actually sticks his hand into one of the jean pockets when they are out shopping and he's like “women LIVE LIKE THIS”
Queue feminist Thomas sending hundreds of emails to fashion companies like “how the fuck is my future wife going to carry the shit she needs with FAKE POCKETS”
Thomas always begs her to get a matching tattoo and like sends her photos of couples tattoos with the caption “pls x”
Its more a joke than anything else because she's super against tattoos or at least matching ones anyway.
Then one day Thomas is talking about how cool it would be to get like the chemical stain for “Love” or smth totally dorky (I failed my chemistry i know nothing about it fuckin fight is yea?)
And Audrey Rose just agrees
And he’s like internally screaming because he did NOT MEAN IT but is also too stubborn to say no and like so is she because she’s still not like sold on the idea but she won’t say anything 
so like a couple days later they are both rocking fancy ass science tattoos because they ARE NERDS WHO ARE IN LOVE OKAY
Speaking of x’s on texts. Thomas is a slut for it. He puts x’s on all his messages and even university emails. Dr Wadsworth is super confused and doesn’t understand it, and Thomas has gotten wrong off his professors multiple times. 
Audrey is adamant that x’s on text messages is fucking stupid and she won’t do it at all. Apart from messages to Liza because she’s the kind of person that like puts 50 x’s. So Audrey sends like three back. 
Thomas has a collection of old coins that he brags about? Like why? I do not know. But he fucking is so proud of his collection omg he will tell you about it for hours. 
Low key headcanon Thomas has Asperger’s and is really quiet about it but when Audrey Rose finds out shes like doesn’t understand because he would? And like she does loads of research into Autism and Asperger’s and like they are big advocates for making life easier and more accessible for people on the spectrum. 
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saintgale · 6 years
Forgive me. I’m having feelings and I think have talked about this a lot on a side blog before, but wanted to try to condense some of my thoughts on this here because I’m still bitter and upset after all this time, whoops.
This is about Starscream’s treatment in TFP.
There’s a lot of text below the cut and also tw for abuse mention. Also spoilers for TFP, some Aligned stuff, and TAAO.
Also warning that I’m going to get sort of heated here and I’m not making the best case for him (bc I’m emotional right now), and these points are not, as they are now, grounds for a really sound argument because there are holes and patches and references missing. Also let me say up front I don’t condone Starscream’s behavior, I am not trying to make excuses for anything that he’s done--but that’s not what this is about. This is more about his treatment in the series by other characters, through the fourth wall in the writing, etc. This is more about how victimized he is and how he’s painted so often as the end-all-be-all villain of the century when there’s so much more to it than that. I feel like so many times his suffering was meant for comic relief or to make a moment for another character. Also how everyone was bent on him being Evil when he was trying to be something else.
This isn’t about painting Starscream as a “good guy” or trying to make him look good. This isn’t about trying to pardon him from all the wrong he’s done. It is about what I see as pretty gross injustice and how damn relate-able he was as an abuse survivor.
-- Recall, he wanted to swap sides. We don’t know for certain how this would turn out bc the Autobots wouldn’t give him the chance but you know what, they have the same target, being Megatron. Starscream could have been invaluable: he could have helped them tremendously even if it was in the end just for his own gain. But damn would I like to think what could have happened if for once in the goddamn show someone treated him with an ounce of kindness.
You know what he does when confronted with Cluffjumper’s murder--he admits his mistake. He admits he made many. He repeatedly voices that he wants to CHANGE and he DOESN’T WANT TO FIGHT HER. (Fair, we don’t know if this was genuine or just excuses made to try to cover his ass, but seeing as he explicitly asked to join the Autobots at the beginning of the episode and made no attempts to resist, gave them the info they wanted, and didn’t once threaten them even when they treated him poorly--ex: battering and dragging him around, I’d say he was well on the path to trying to be honest with them).
It’s only when it’s clear that Arcee is going to murder him (ie: force him into combat when he’s being held prisoner and is very much going to fight to the death) that he turns on her. And then gets really nasty, because tbfh if she’s going to just treat him like a criminal and force him into a battle while he’s the Autobots’ prisoner, and no one’s going to give him a chance, etc., why should he hold back?
-- Here’s the thing about Starscream: he literally cannot afford to trust anyone and it’s painful to watch. He has been conditioned to look out only for himself, because he’s HAD TO to survive. Megatron has quite literally beaten it into him that he can’t rely on anyone else, he’s alone, no one wants him, and that if he doesn’t continuously prove his worth, he could be killed at any minute. Pair this with constantly being ostracized, threatened, yelled at, punched, blamed, etc., and here you have Starscream’s already existing paranoia all bundled up in the most on-edge ball of nerves you ever did see.
-- He has to trade information for medical care. (Ie: He can’t “prove his worth?” Then he’s labeled as useless and left to die or punished for it--but Star’s damn used to that by this point, right?) Given I understand the Autobots had limited resources themselves and then again this is Starscream but he was defenseless and asking them for help in a time of need. As if saving Arcee’s life from Arachnid or helping them locate the Harbinger and begging to join their side beforehand wasn’t enough proof that the potential for him to change was there--he wanted to change--but no one would give him a chance.
-- He was gravely injured and literally begging for his life on his the goddamn floor and Ratchet and Bulkhead were content to let him die. Alone, vulnerable, out in the middle of nowhere with no affiliation, when no one else knew where the hell he was, when he had renounced his allegiance to the Decepticons. He was a neutral at that point. He was literally disabled (ie: forcibly had one of his internal organs removed from his body so he couldn’t transform into his alt mode or even transform his arm into his gun to defend himself) and starving and left to fend for himself with whatever little resources his brilliant mind could scrounge up from the NOTHING he had to work with.
Sure, Star is notorious for being a trickster/backstabber, but for fuck’s sake at points he was lying there BLEEDING OUT on the ground, and he had already shown before that a) he was MORE THAN WILLING to join the Autobots and help them out instead and BEGGED THEM TO LET HIM JOIN and that b) he had ABSOLUTELY NO INTENTION to do any harm to them. As if he were even in the state to hurt them if he wanted to. Damn.
Again. It would be well within the Autobots’ rights to be cautious/take precautions around him. But the level of disregard for even his life was concerning. Yeah, there was a war going on, yeah he was their enemy, but he had no affiliation at that point--he was literally all alone and begging for medical attention, would it be that much to show some empathy?
Like I keep thinking of that line Optimus has at one point (I think there are several iterations of it throughout the series) something like “every sentient being deserves the chance for redemption,” how 1) not only was Optimus content to let Megatron into the Autobot base when they were fighting Unicron, but 2) lets him fuck off into space in Predacons Rising because apparently Megatron now understands “the true meaning of oppression.”
No shit, man? Isn’t that what sparked the Decepticon uprising in the first place? I’m pretty sure Megatron put Starscream through a hell of a lot more than what Unicron did to him in that brief period of time, but Starscream just doesn’t seem to be able to catch a break. When he does show some signs of potential change, it gets brushed off or denied.
-- I’m pretty sure the Autobots KNOW how awfully Starscream is treated by Megatron (and this is a joke, it’s supposed to be something funny and it’s sickening--G1 even had a Heroes laugh about Starscream’s mistreatment as they ride off into the sunset moment, if I recall). Starscream has literally been beaten within inches of death, to the point of hospitalization, and for SHOW in front of the Decepticon troops, and left with his entire body, head to fucking toe, littered with scars, scrapes, dents, etc. We’ve seen him scream and beg and get down on his hands and knees and pray to Megatron not to hurt him. And yet he seizes up and is completely powerless to stop it--watching it physically hurts me. He’s so fucking terrified of Megatron that he flinches and shrinks back and winces wen approached by him, when Megatron raises his voice, or fuck forbid his fist.
-- I love Bulkhead and all for but his gentle-giant act his literal response to Starscream not wanting to tell him where the exit of the Nemesis ship was was to beat the life out of him. (Turns out this was a clone, but Bulkhead killed it. He would have killed Starscream over Star not wanting to give him information because low and behold! Bulkhead didn’t have anything to offer him back. Which is really fucking funny considering when it was the other way around, with Starscream being desperate for help, Bulkhead and Ratchet wouldn’t even consider giving him the medical attention he needed unless Star coughed up intel they could use.) He’s not only Megatron’s punching bag, it’s like he’s everyone’s punching bag. Just because he’s fucking there. And hearing him scream and cry is funny apparently.
-- Get this, Starscream was SO DESPERATE that he went BACK HIS ABUSER instead of trying again to ask the Autobots to join them. He pulled off the impossible because he’s fucking brilliant--something that Megatron was never able to do: infiltrate the Autobot base (let us also recall that Starscream had been collecting intel since early season 1 on the base’s location, but he literally sets up a trap to get in through their ground bridge despite the world spitting into his face) and steal the Omega Keys. Which he uses, of all things, as bargaining chips to try to negotiate his way back into the Decepticon ranks--he even is willing to forsake his position as Second In Command, he just wants some goddamn patch of dirt to stand on at this point.
-- I stand by my statement that Starscream absolutely proved more than once through the series that he not only had the potential to change, but he really wanted to change. But no one else seemed to want to accept that change, and no one was willing to give him the room to grow on it or prove that he really was trying to better himself. He spends every second of his life in Megatron’s presence cowering in absolute fear (bar when Megatron was in a goddamn coma on life support and thus could not hurt him), and trying to find ways to make sure that no one can hurt him. I’m convinced that his actions and his goddamn levels of treachery/me-against-everyone-else is because it’s been proven to him over and over and over again that no one will help him, no one cares about him, and no one is willing to give him a chance to be anything but evil scheming Starscream. So at the end of it all what goddamn choice does he even have?
-- He doesn’t even know how to accept compliments. I don’t mean flattery/you scratch my back I scratch yours types of things, I mean like. Out of the blue really sincere stuff. Like when they think they’re gonna die and Knockout says something nice to him, and he just like. Shuts the fuck up and looks away and gets all flustered? I seriously have a hard time recalling any points where another character is legitimately nice to Starscream (let’s be fair, is he particularly nice to anyone else?, it doesn’t seem so, but then again who the hell has given him a reason to be anything else but hyper-aware and suspicious?) and that kind of just hurts.
-- THANK FUCK in TAAO he got the redemption arc he so rightfully deserved and it was handled pretty well imo, and at the end of it all, he was described, by the author, as exactly what he is: an abuse-victim. I’m still salty as fuck that Megatron got ANOTHER get out of jail free card in MTMTE/LL and gets to fuck off and around the galaxy on a space journey (again) while Starscream winds up punished via life in prison but that’s out of my hands.
I don’t know if it’s a coincidence that Ms. Scott worked as an assistant writer on TFP (and was probably well-aware of what TFP Star went through and the details of his character) and that TAAO Star gets such a goddamn well-written redemption arc and blatant address to the horrors that he’s had to suffer through in his life, particularly the physical and emotional abuse he had to endure at Megatron’s hands, but there’s some similarities here.
-- I’m not saying what Starscream (in any verse) does was right or anything like that, but what I am saying is that particularly in the case of TFP (and TAAO) his actions are understandable. We know why he’s doing what he’s doing and we know the extreme level of trauma that he still suffers and the lengths he will go to to ensure that it never happens again.
Also shoutout to the Aligned novels where we see him before the abuse really starts (though Megatron and Shockwave basically traumatize and power play him on purpose) where he is an absolute fucking badass and takes Megatron on head-on at a disadvantage and puts up a DAMN good fight. And looks him straight in the eye when threatened, like he does not give a Fuck.
We see how goddamn obvious the before and after is. We see how utterly afraid and miserable Star is and how he will do anything to kill Megatron, will do anything to try to make himself feel safe. (Or safer.) We see not only the sheer difference in size between Starscream and Megatron, but the difference in the power versus the powerlessness. Here’s the thing about Starscream, his whole personality and physical appearance in TFP is crafted around him not being very strong (physically)--it’s all about his mind being his sharpest weapon. (I have to note that this doesn’t mean he’s not a good fighter--he most certainly is, he’s proved that, and that for a bot his size he’s actually pretty strong. Also we gonna talk about the melee capability he has and how agile he is because this guy’s got spikey-pointy bits all over his body including what look like pile-bunkers on his elbows and claws like knives). Starscream can kill Megatron, and he’s come really close to it more than once. But he often feels like he doesn’t have the power to do it. He doesn’t fight back when Megatron beats the hell of out him, he either tries to get away and/or begs him to stop. It’s so damn relate-able and it makes me hurt inside.
Also for the record I don’t see the problem here as Starscream very clearly being a queer-coded character. (Though we can talk about in general queer-coding villains in media.) I DO see a problem with Starscream being a queer-coded character who used as a punching bad and constantly beat up by a hyper-masculine character (Megatron), and Starscream as being constantly kicked around, made fun of, and having to suffer because of his femininity, lack of strength, lack of control, etc.
For the trash-mess that was the RID sequel (there are still loveable bits though) one thing they DID get right was the expression of absolute hatred, fear, and bitterness that Starscream feels regarding his suffering at Megatron’s hands, and his entire reason for reappearing is to kill Megatron. Good on Starscream for calling out all the awful and horrible shit that Megatron did to him. AND calling out Bumblebee for the exact same ridiculing/belittling bullshit he tried to pull on him (which, as we saw, completely worked as a distraction because of how much it upset Star).
(Also can we talk about how the Dark Star Sabre “rejected” him and how Bee’s making fun of him because hahaa!! Look at you Starscream!! You’re such a failure that an EVIL SWORD rejected you!! But in actuality let’s think about the implications of this and wouldn’t this be a neat piece to reference for an Aligned redemption arc?? But I know that’s never gonna happen.)
And don’t get me started on the whole design change (the RID design itself was badass as fuck, the 180 from the TFP design and the reason for it was absolute utter fucking rotten dogshit) because I’m still pissed as fuck about that too.
-- You know. I think there’s a lot of differences between Starscream and Megatron but I think the one that sticks out to me the most is that Starscream never became his abuser the way Megatron did. Sure, we don’t know for sure, and maybe never will, but let’s also take note that for the short time that he was in charge of the Deceptions when Megatron fucked off to go get the Dark Energon and then was on life support or whatever, Starscream was aiming for big things (yes, devilishly evil in many cases but for fuck’s sake he’s at least competent, and he knows what he’s doing). Also yeah, we’ve seen him lash out at/smack people, but this really isn’t anywhere near on the same dimension plane as what Megatron does to him on a regular basis.
-- To me, Starscream’s the goddamn strongest character in the whole show (I don’t mean in brute strength, I mean strength of will and perseverance). He’s a survivor and he’s trying his damn hardest to keep surviving. We know damn well no one else is going to lift a finger to help or look out for him so he’s done that for himself. He’s absolutely ruthless and a menace but he’s been through some Shit and I just hope to hell and back he gets a happy ending somehow.
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Styles’ Towers. ||
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While I lean on a pillar and do my best to stay away from conversations with everyone, essentially because I’m sick of getting pried for information on various matters, such as when Harry will be signing the new contracts, when the Christmas bonuses go out and when Harry will notify some of the staff they’re fired. I had to assure two women that their husbands were not being fired and that they need to stop fretting.
I much preferred these things when I was merely a girlfriend and wife, not the fucking business Gooroo who just happens to be CAO and espoused to the CEO. If I had my time again I probably wouldn’t have accepted working at Harry’s company. It is becoming to be too much of a strain and hassle. I don’t know how he has managed to deal with everything for so many years, it’s no wonder he’s cranky and a dick most the time.
A waiter endeavours me a smile as he displays a tray of champagne flutes, “ma’am, this is for you,” he delivers me a white card, “from the man over there,” he gestures towards Harry and I nod while I open the card to read it.
“Elise, meet me in room 21 on the 12th floor, I love you, darling. — Harry xx”
Perhaps this is his way of apologising for being an outright ass to me and not considering anyone else’s feelings but his own. I was complaining to him that my back was giving me hell and he quite literally said, “Elise, you don’t know hell until you’ve had shards of glass piercing into your skin while you’re gasping for air. Take something for the pain and bugger off.” He was an inconsiderate prick today, I guess not sleeping too well after last night has something to do with it.
All the broken pieces of the room still rest in the positions Harry left them in, I’m waiting for him to undividedly calm down and become level-headed before insinuating that he cleans it up.
I contemplate meeting him, he has been an ass and now isn't a time to whisk us away for him to apologise. I glance over to Harry, he's still at the bar on his own, watching and keeping to himself. We lock eyes and hold our stare for a moment before I take a breath and break our stare.
When I lose Harry in the area, I make way through everyone and exit through the heavy gold trim doors and into the marbled hallway.
 *** ***
The elevator doors open and I step out into the carpeted hallway before I make my way down the corridor. I hear my name swiftly echo the walls' around me and I halt in my tracks and turn around to witness Anastasia.
"Hey, what are you doing?" I question, taking note as she seems just as equally as stunned to observe me here.
"I'm meeting Niall," her voice is low and delicate as she shifts a strand of hair behind her ear and I frown for a moment.
"Room twenty-one?"  
Anastasia nods, staring at me with innocent and bewildered eyes; I presume the boys' are in this together. I am not sure what they are concocting, I can only assume I won't be getting that apology like I had anticipated.
I stand in front of the door and I hesitate for a moment. I chew on my bottom lip and glance towards Anastasia. I discover myself unsure of whether to open the door and wander in or to simply go back downstairs. Since this clearly isn’t a one on one encounter with Harry and me, I don’t foresee I will sustain the justification that he owes me.
I take a breath and shake away my thoughts, shaking them off as me being overly problematic and somewhat overly emotional.
I pull down on the handle and find it unlocked before I shift the door open.
My world freezes as my eyes meet the same tormenting rust-coloured eyes that I once stared into while pinned against a brick wall with a hand clamped to my mouth to keep me quiet.
I observe every inch of my body become paralyzed, every single vein and fibre of my being feels numb, the breath feels hitched in my throat as the devilish eyes intrude my skin. I swallow hard, striving to regain the air that has managed to become knocked out of me.
“Well, well, well, is that all it takes for you two broads to stumble in here? A letter from your lovers? This is almost like stealing candy from a baby,” the man who appears familiar chuckles with an uncanny, nerve-rattling voice, “I expected it from doe-eyed Anastasia, but Elise, not from you,” he clarifies with a grin that I perilously wish I could knock off his face with the back of my hand.
I turn around and clasp my hand to the door but my heart quickens as the handle refuses to shed a little bit of light on this disaster, it’s locked.
“You can’t leave without this special little key, you see, I scouted this entire building the best I could and I found that this is the only room with a faulty handle. Your very rich husband should presumably fix that, soon.”
“Who are you and what do you even want?” Anastasia is the first one to speak between us. 
My breaths are still appearing to succumb somewhere deep down in me. I seem to have disremembered how to even speak at this point.
It’s when the man steps closer and I feel his touch caress to my skin that I sense as though my knees want to buckle and my whole body crumbles internally. His stroke brings nothing but invalidating fluctuations of revulsion, contempt and horror.
I shrug his touch away and his chuckle infuriates me beyond belief, “Elise knows who I am, don’t you sweetheart?” My body shudders at his voice, “Jack is the name. I had the pleasure to meet this lovely lady at an event that ended up with me being fired because she,” Jack points to me as he looks at Anastasia, “just had to be a bitch and have Prince Charming swoop in and save her from having one bloody drink,” … “jus’ one drink was all I demanded, couldn’t even give me that,” Jack laments before his scrutinizing eyes are penetrating back into me, searing into my skin. “Such a pretty face,” his hand reaches up and I flinch out of anxiousness, the constant fear of not knowing what this man will do flows my mind. “Not going to hurt you,” Jack murmurs before his fingers grace over my shoulder and towards my neck.
I mildly shove his hand away from grazing my skin which appears to abruptly unleash the shameful beast inside him, “don’t,” he raises his voice, as his fingers clasp the chain of my diamond necklace, he tugs on it which draws me closer to his repugnant body. I cock my head to the side, not wanting to glance at the repulsive man. “Defiant, as usual,” he yanks on the necklace, tearing the chain before granting the diamonds to plummet to the floor. “Listen carefully. The two of you are going to give me what I want otherwise your two little lovers won’t see daybreak.” Jack's voice threatens Anastasia and I. “Now, what will it be, my darlings? Sink or swim.”
I take a breath and look towards Anastasia who views as though she has observed a ghost. She’s gazing at Jack, shocked and unmoved. “Anastasia, sweetheart, did the cat suddenly get your tongue?”
“Leave her alone, Jack,” I steadfastly instruct, taking note of the fact that her hands are trembling as they stay beside her and there’s no doubt in my mind she’s inwardly panicking. I am too. But Jack is the classification of a man who thrives off of the fear of others. The more fear he sustains the more dynamism he receives.
“Your little leprechaun won’t be bouncing with pleasure when I’m done.”
“Leave her out of this Jack…” … “Anastasia he’s bluffing,” I mutter in an attempt to reassure her.
Jack laughs a loathing roar, it is revolting and the type you wish you could just strike away, “you and I both know the damage I can do. If he wasn’t for Logan that day there’s no telling how many bruises I could have left on you.“
“Leave her out of it.”
“Why? Because she’d do anything for Niall just like you’d do anything for Harry? Why do you think you’re both here?” … “you’re smart Elise, I’m sure you can figure out that you’re just bait. Harry will go berserk when he discovers you missing. We all know he’d give his life for you.”
“What do you want, Jack?” I challenge as he advances towards Anastasia but I intervene whatever his fingers were going to do, “leave her, she’s innocent in this.”
“You don’t get a say in this.”
“I do considering what you want is what I probably have access to,” I respond, narrowing my eyes to him, “I’m sure you want the access code to the vault. Just like I’m sure you want to know where the vault is.”
“Yes, where?”
“Why would I give it up so simply?”
“Don’t fucking play games,” he elevates his voice and goes to raise his hands to me.
“Uh-ah,” I chime, “there are only two people who can give you what you want, me and Harry. Hurting any of us won’t get you what you require.” I inform Jack and he promptly launches his hands to his side while his jaw clenches in exasperation.
Defeat isn’t something that appears to suit him.
“Let her go, she has nothing to do with this,” I gesture to Anastasia who is presumably regretting ever becoming Harry’s assistant, no amount of salary is enough to make up for the fact she somehow got dragged into this fuckery.
I don’t even know how Harry and I got into it and why these people, Jack, Charles and god knows whoever else is determined to destroy us. Literally.
Unless Harry has done shady things, which to my knowledge, is astonishingly absurd, it just doesn’t make sense.
“She isn’t going anywhere. Tick tock, time is wasting and I’m not a patient man, Elise.” … “one word and your husband is free game, this isn’t a one-man show, darling. Don’t forget I never work alone.” Jack informs me with his vindictive tone of voice.
I think for a moment, unsure of what the hell I'm meant to do. I can gamble screaming, but it’s unpromising that it will benefit us, it’ll only enrage Jack. I don’t think I can play him at his own mind games. At the end of the day, I know deep down he isn’t bluffing when he alludes to harm with Harry. 
I’m not naive. 
Enough hell has occurred in the last few months that I’m quite aware of the misery, anguish and destruct Jack and his mates can produce.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Jack who managed to devise the accident with Harry. The accident that almost caused him his life. The accident that I thought consumed me until Harry came back to us.
“Why do you want the vault? Haven’t you done enough?”
“That’s up to be boss to decide.”
“Boss?” I challenge, cocking my head to the side, now there’s a boss?
What is this? The fucking Godfather remake?
“The vault, Elise. Tell me. I’m getting impatient,” his hand wraps around my wrist like it did when I was propelled against the wall that one day.
I take a breath and nod, giving in. 
I surrender.
If Jack gets what he wants, everybody is left unscathed.
“You’ll have to let us out so I can take you.”
“The only way to access the vault is with my thumbprint,” I inform Jack and his eyes abruptly ignite at the perception of getting what he has had his eyes on.
Anastasia and I convince Jack to allow the two of us to walk with him. 
I lead down one of the numerous hallways and lure Jack to the main offices. 
I make eye contact with Anastasia and narrow my eyes towards her desk, she’s intelligent, she knows what to do. 
“It’s in here, Jack,” I distract him as I shift open Niall’s office, the only one I know is unlocked. Jack treads inside Niall’s office and glances around, “all you need is in the drawer, my thumbprint was only needed in the elevator,” I lie, striving to keep Jack occupied for a few extra seconds. He nods and shuffles towards the drawers Niall has neatly set up on the left. As he opens the drawers, I take the time to step outside of the office as the shuffling of feet become known.
Thank the heavens.
Security make their way in as Anastasia and I step back and watch, our nerves calming down.
Who would have thought Jack would be so easy to mislead? Amateur.
My eyes catch Harry as he barges his way around the corner, Niall, right behind him as they both strike their feet against the flooring to reach us.
The first thing Harry does is bring me into an embrace, he holds me tighter than a conventional squeeze and longer, too. I hold onto him, the tips of my fingers engraving into the fabric of his suit jacket as I inhale his scent. Despite everything and our dissimilarity, mainly his lack of care and love towards me recently, I’m content to be safe in his arms. And to have him flawlessly fine. 
When I married him I had no idea our worlds would collide and become this chaotic mess. I knew the honeymoon phase would end, as they all do, but I didn't expect for all this to happen. We were so happy, we were doing well, then everything just started to fall apart and all at once we kept going downhill.
I didn’t sign up for this division of aversions. I didn’t sign up to become apart of scandal after scandal, it seems like there’s just a layer of secrets and unexplained circumstances.
I tear away and glance at the man that I fell in love with, the man that I don't think I know anymore. When I gaze into his eyes, I don't recognize the tender loving care that used to grace my stare, I don't really perceive anything anymore.  
He hasn't been the same since the accident, I understand why, but I am not sure this is something I can get used to. 
If this is how my life is going to be, launched into a business world of secrets, desolation, instability and a man who isn't who he was when I married him... then I am not sure I want it anymore.
 “What’s wrong? Did he hurt you?” Harry cocks his head to the side as he glances into my eyes in an attempt to read me. 
I shake my head, “I’d like to just go home,” I respond as his arms stay draped around me.
His arms have always been my safe haven, but now I am not sure if I have just deluded myself to believe he is my safe haven or if he sincerely is. It seems like the more I am in his arms the more serious things occur.
 Harry nods, “I’m going to finish up a few things.”
I clear my throat before I begin to speak, “Harry, I want to go home.”
“Elise, I have things to finish up, then we can go. Just thirty minutes.” Harry’s voice is polite and considerate but he’s just not getting it. 
“Harry, I want to go home, I’m done for the night.”
“Well, what do you want me to do?”
“Nothing,” I shake my head, “go do what you need to do. I’m going to the penthouse. You go home whenever you’re ready.” 
There are somethings some people never learn, perhaps he will never learn how to disconnect himself from the business world long enough to realise the business isn’t the only thing disintegrating. 
Harry profoundly sighs as though I am hindering him and inconveniencing him. “Are you going to be like that? I’ll meet you in the penthouse when I’m done.”
“Whatever.” I respond bitterly— I’m not going to fight him on something he should already have figured out by now. 
“Don’t be like this.”
“Go tend to everyone else and everything else.”
Harry benevolently grasps my wrist, “Elle, please don’t do this." Harry whispers and I tenderly draw my wrist away from his grip. 
“Just once I wish there wouldn’t be an excuse or something else you have to tend to.” 
“Elise, this is my job, I can’t drop everything at your demand.” 
“Well, your job is what got me stuck with psycho, to begin with,” I gesture towards security who are currently hauling Jack towards the elevator, “your business is what is straining our relationship, your career is what’s going to get you fucking killed and you’re okay with it because you don’t know any better.” 
Harry stares at me for a moment, his lip twitching as he keeps his mouth sealed. He has something to say, it’s rattling around in that brain of his but he’s holding back. He clears his throat, “you don’t get to do this, you don’t get to blame this on me. This isn’t my fault, I never asked for it so don’t damn well blame me.” 
“I don’t think I can do this anymore.” 
“And what do you mean by that?” Harry questions. “Don’t you think you’re being a brat? I have shit to do and you’re pissed I won’t go home with you.”
I shake my head, “it’s not just that,” I murmur with a sigh. I don’t think he’s going to understand that I don’t recognize the Harry I fell in love with. I perceive a man who can’t draw a line between business and family. I see a man that has become broken. “Goodnight, Harry.” 
This isn’t about the fact he won’t leave with me, it’s about the fact that he didn’t think twice about choosing to finish up a few things, once again putting business before anyone else. 
Harry shakes his head, he isn't ready to just let me go upstairs. "No." His voice is firm but low enough to keep the word spoken between the two of us. "Tell me what it is." 
"You're not going to fuckin' listen so there is no point." 
"Tell me." 
I feel like I am not going to get anywhere with him if I speak my thoughts right now, but he is demanding it, so be it. "When I married you, this was meant to be me and you, not me, you and your business. When I married you, you didn't tell me about this shit. When I married you, you promised to give your all to me... I get a half-assed Harry now."  —  "You have a choice to make, it is me or this business. I'm not going to continue with this, it is dangerous. If you want work to kill you —  fine — but I am not raising a kid with all this tragedy. You tried so hard not to be your father, look in the mirror... you're becoming him in certain ways. I love you more than anything but I can't watch this all be the end of us."
He is becoming like his father to a certain extent, cynical and ruthless. He is changing. It's harsh, I know- but I don't think I have it in me to watch him turn into someone I don't know. I don't have it in me to continue this vicious course of danger where I don't know whether a note is from my husband or from enemies who seem to want his head on a platter.
I cut him off promptly while shaking my head. "No. You used to say, 'even when you think you have it all—you don’t.' Well, harry, you can’t have everything." 
*** ***
I make my way down the corridor I have toured numerous times before I reach the door of the penthouse. I unlock the door and step inside, somewhat relieved to finally be able to crawl into bed and sleep until I no longer feel drained from tonight. I kick my heels off and enable them to fall under the small table by the door before I make my way towards the bed, my bed.
There he is, resting on the bed with a Cheshire grin, “well hello, darling,” his voice is similar to nails on a chalkboard or the sound of squealing tires when the brakes are hit too hard. 
I gulp, my hand squeezing my phone in my hand out of retaliation. “Huh, not much of a talker, huh?” He questions while staring at me with malevolent eyes that feel as though they’re seeking to take the soul from my body. 
I grant him a soft and faked smile while my hand subtly unlocks my phone and calls Harry, “hello, how did you get in here?” I softly question, unsure of how in the world people are managing to get into locked rooms in this building. Harry has always had this building locked down with every security measure possible taken. 
The man shrugs, “you know, you can change the locks but it’s useless if you keep the same locksmith,” the man responds as he continues to relax on the bed as though it is his. 
“I don’t understand,” I clear my throat, anxiously calling Harry again since the first call went to voicemail. 
“Never mind how I got in here. I’m assuming nitwit failed his task?”
“Excuse me?”
“Jack. Since you’re here and not held captive with him, I assume he failed?” … “of course he did, good fo’ nothing moron. Well, I was hoping the final show would be of Harry, but two’s a crowd, right?”
“Two’s company, three’s a crowd,” I mutter, correcting this moron on the statement. “Why are you here?” I challenge, attempting to call Harry’s phone once again in a subtle manner. 
“Been waitin’ on Harry... What are you doing?” He abruptly growls as he catches me while I send Harry ‘Help, SOS’ in a simple text. 
I bounce back as my heart races at the movements of him lunging forward at me. He snatches the phone from my hands and hurls it to the wall before it hits the flooring. I can only assume it’s shattered by now. 
“Do you think you’re going to run, Sweetheart? Do you think you can get away from me like you did Jack?” The man cocks his head to the side, his vindictive voice sending me into a state of internal panic. “You’re such a sweet, innocent one. I have no idea why the hell you married Harry, the boy never knew his head from his ass.” … “stupid, stupid girl you were to marry him, now you’re stuck in the family circle of hell. Welcome to the inauguration, dear.” He, Harry’s father, pulls a gun.
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My Reaction to “Wonder Woman”
My skin is clear.  My crops are growing.  Everything is well and good.
Reaction and screams found below.
Holy smokes the new DC logo
It’s straight out of Justice League Unlimited and I LOVE IT!
That’s the Louvre.
Check out that Wayne Enterprises logo!
The photo!
Themyscira looks so cool!  I’m getting a Gondor from LOTR vibe from it but it’s all girls and no Denethor stand-in.
Little Diana is so flippin’ cute!
THAT WAS AN ARMADILLO!  There’s armadillos on this island!
Man, Princess Buttercup (Robin Wright) grew up and kicked ass.
Ares looks like the bastard child of that one horned helmet dude from Skyrim and Sauron from LOTR
This backstory about the gods is great
The music so far is fantastic as well.
“You’re stronger than you believe!”  And braver than you seem.  And smarter than you think.
Connie Nielsen and Robin Wright are amazing as Hippolyta and Antiope so far
Gal Gadot!
That one Amazon flinching in the background though is totally me
The braid Diana has in her hair is really pretty.
Aw, they cut out that shot of her diving into the ocean.
Oh snap.
OK, this is straight out of “The Little Mermaid”
Steve’s literal first word to Diana upon seeing her is “Ah.”
I’m in love
“They [the Amazons] got guns, right?”  Ah, no, no they don’t.
Aah no!
Uh... Steve...
The Lasso!
“I’m a spYYYYY!!”
Doctor Poison’s face prosthetic is a really nice touch
Way to go, Captain Kirk
That’s Danny Huston as the main German dude, isn’t it?
Go help, Diana...
“But you’re [Diana] an Amazon like the rest of us.”  Excuse me, what?
“I am... above average.”  That’s amazing.
Steve, put some pants on for Pete’s sake.
I legit thought Diana was not talking about the watch if you know what I mean.
I am getting so many feels from this movie it’s insane.
Hey, bull.  No seriously, there’s an actual bull.
What’s the inscription on the sword say?
I like how the Wonder Woman armor is conveniently blue and red.
Aw schnap the cavalry
The headband was Antiope’s!
The feeeellllssss....
Wait, so is Diana the Godkiller weapon then?  She’s gotta be.
“I’m the man who can!”  Oh my gosh.
This dialogue is so great and this little back-and-forth innuendo between Diana and Steve is so cute and glorious and I am enjoying every minute of it.
“Well that’s neat.”  I freaking love this movie.
“When it comes to procreation, men are essential, but for pleasure, not necessary.”  HOT DANG MOVIE!
Danny Huston in this scene looks like a bulldog.
[Huston rubs the back of his hand down Dr. Poison’s cheek] Noooope...
This is straight out of “Pocahontas II”
“Eyes to yourself, that’s enough.”  Steve Trevor, defending women since 1918.
Diana cooing over a baby!  Protect this woman at all costs!
OK, I am definitely buying this movie when it comes out on DVD.
Fashion!  Show!
Outfit number 226?!?
Etta is so freaking pure in this scene.
“Ah, it’s the bad guy convention.”  I freaking love this man.
Etta wielding the sword!
Steve:  Stay here.
Diana:  OK (sneaks in anyway)
Well, hello David Thewlis...
Diana’s “bitch be serious?” face toward the British intelligence officer is great...
I feel like I can charge into a battle after finishing this movie.  Anybody wanna join me?  The more, the merrier.
So, I already had it spoiled for me that David Thewlis is Ares and seeing him sit nice and proper and talking about a proposed armistice is low key brilliant.
Whoa wait what Diana knows freaking Spanish?
Charlie’s accent is nothing short of amazing.
“I am both frightened and aroused.”  Guys, have I mentioned that I love this movie?
Obligatory nuns.
Der little tugboat though.
That one Nazi general’s mustache is something straight out of a Snidely Whiplash cartoon.
Danny Huston, your accent’s slippin’
They [Dr. Poison and Luddendorf] even share an evil giggle together!
Is that a purple hat on Chief or is that the lighting?
No, not the baby!
This movie actually offers a really refreshing take on war overall and everyone’s opinions on it and it’s both heartbreaking and great.
What’s sad is that I can understand the Spanish that lady in the trench is saying.
The dramatic slow-mo of her taking her hair down... Elsa, eat your heart out.
That’s it.  That’s it.  I’m downloading the OST.
*externally screaming*
Steve, don’t.
Aah Sameer!
Steve literally pulled the “Sorry, I can’t hear you” excuse on freaking Ares on a freaking landline telephone.
You two love each other, dang it.
The chemistry between Gal Gadot and Chris Pine is freaking spectacular.
Urge... to download... OST... so... strong...
*screaming internally*
*screaming externally*
Wait... are they gonna... do the do that we want them to do?
YEESSS!!  And it was nothing explicit either and really subtle and I appreciate that.
The ragamuffin troupe (Sameer, Charlie, and Chief) call Steve “Steven”
Steve:  Don’t do anything
Diana:  OK (sneaks in anyway)
This is straight out of “Indiana Jones” and it’s amazing.
Why does Dr. Maru remind me of Alana Bloom from “Hannibal” but a lot more demure?
“Extra-ordinary.”  Ah... Steve... your fake accent’s slippin’...
How is she keeping her sword tucked in her dress?  Does she have her armor on underneath it?  OK, she does, nevermind.
Do I hear a certain leitmotif coming up?
Is her theme in Minor?!?  Cause that’s awesome.
What the heck is that stuff that Luddendorf is breathing in?  Is it like a really early prototype of Venom?
Well dang.
Diana, that ain’t Ares.
Steve’s speech to Diana about how not everyone is good is perfect.  Just perfect.
Oh.  Snap.  Son.
(Steve and the Ragamuffin Troupe wear gas masks to sneak in)  Are you my mummy?
Get.  The.  Crap.  Out.
Ares just pulled a Stealth Hi-Bye.  Twice in a row.
Diana’s the Godkiller.  Called it.
I can’t get over the fact that Remus Lupin is the villain of this movie.  Just have him ditch the woolly caterpillar mustache.
Wait so does Ares know that WWII still happens?  And that every other major war after that happens?
Aand another Steve sacrifices himself via an airplane and saves the world.  *slams head on desk*
Ares freaking created his armor out of the wreckage around him.  If that’s not a great visual representation of war, then I don’t know what is.
“Is that all you have to offer?”  Nope.
You did not just disrespect Steve in front of Diana.
“I can save today.  You can save the world.”  Gaahh!!
“I wish we had more time.  I love you.”  Gone.  I’m done.  My heart has exited my chest cavity and has sailed out the window.
Y’know, I could say that Gary Oldman could also make a great Ares but he’s known for playing bad guys and with David Thewlis, you never expect him being the bad guy.
This lighting is amazing.
Well, that final battle was... short.
Aaw Etta!
She thanked Bruce for giving her the photo and Steve’s watch!!
Four for you, Allan Heinberg!  You go, Allan Heinberg!
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hopelessndramatic · 6 years
took cocky to a whole new level: law school Harry AU
hi this is my first public fanfic so be kind! (originally written for my best friend hence the names)
Tumblr media
Synopsis: Lydia is friends with Harry in law school and there’s always been this unsaid sexual tension until he can’t hold it in anymore.
Warnings: swearing, smut (if it can even be considered that!?)
Please feel free to let me know any questions/concerns/issues you have!
Thank you fo even taking the time to read this, I know it’s long, but it means a lot!
Word count: 3463
You slam open the door to dorm 201, startling your roommate. After seeing your familiar frustrated demeaner, she turns back to her laptop and continues typing. For emphasis, you drop your bag to the ground, stomp over to your bed, and throw yourself down on the cool, creamy pink comforter. Not turning towards you, she says, “For someone only running on-” she checks her imaginary watch, “no sleep and beaucoup de Redbulls, I’m comforted to see you still have enough energy to be dramatic.” You huff out a sarcastic laugh. To say you were running low on energy was an understatement. It was nearing finals week and Chicago was ironically blistering. You resorted to wearing softie shorts and a DePaul DIBS tank to class. “You know what don’t even start with me Kam, I’m the one taking chemistry. Fuck you, you education major.” You don’t even have to make sure your comeback is noticeably light-toned. Being best friends since the first grade has its perks. “Speaking of education majors,” she swivels around in her desk chair, “my friend Abby from psych is throwing a little pre-exams get-together tonight and we’re going.” Knowing her, it truly was going to be a get-together. How were you even friends? Although people made you nervous, you loved to party. Fuzzy drunk, sloppy dancing was your scene; it helped give you confidence. “I think I’ll pass,” you laugh while slowly and painfully propping yourself up on your elbows. “Knowing your friends, we’ll be playing fucking Scrabble or something. You know that shit makes me want to gouge my eyes out.” “Harry and all your law-ey friends will be there…” she teases.
Fucking Harry, that British bastard. You haven’t met a real asshat until this guy. Yes, he was in your friend group but that never made him your friend. “Well in that case!” you get up and tie an imaginary noose on the metal of her lofted bed. She laughs. “Lydia shut the fuck up, you two would be all over each other if you had even three minutes alone.” You pretend to think, sniffing lightly after a moment. “Do I smell a bet in the air?” Smirking, she stands and holds out her hand to you. “You bet your sorry ass you do.” You walk to her, shake hard and say, “Deal, loser.” She shakes her head, smiling as she returns to her homework, but you lose your own façade once she turns away. What would really happen? In the beginning of the semester you met Harry through mutual friends at a party since you’re both law majors. You can still remember that moment, clear as if it were the present. He turned to be introduced to you and an evil smirk grew slowly on his pretty lips. He was beautiful. Fair skin, honey brown hair styled in the most perfect way you had to refrain from running your fingers through it. Broad shoulders you wanted to trace ever-so-lightly with your fingertips. You could see a hint of chest hair poking from how low his shirt was buttoned. You tried to stop the blush from reaching your face. He was a dream. A man sent from heaven above. You almost asked God, What did I do to deserve this blessing? Then he opened his mouth. “Well isn’t it my lucky day, to meet a chick almost as sexy as me. That is a new record boys. Hey pretty thing, I’m Harry.” Your heart stopped. What the fuck? For a small moment you couldn’t tell if he was kidding or not. By the way he held himself—like he was a treat for every female eye in the room—you were confused. He was hot. You loved confidence and assholes seemed to be your type in the past. But this one was different. Surprisingly, your previous anxiety about talking to the male species vanished. You fake looking around you. “Who, me? You must be mistaken or maybe fucking blind because I’m hotter than the motherfucking sun. Dick.” With that, you turned sharply on your heels and stalked away. Hands shaking and heels clicking, you could barely hear what his friends laugh at when his mumbled words implant themselves in your brain, “Oh you won’t get away from me that easily, princess.” Returning to the present, you fume at the thought of being a man’s prize to be won, used, and tossed away like a child with his cheap carnival toy. Ever since that night he would flirt with and tease you, always making sure to never forget your pet name. You would retaliate back with as many profanities that you could think of, but the effort only made you more annoyed. It was exhausting trying to hide your feelings around him. But you couldn’t give in to this dickhead. You’d show him. He’ll be begging on the ground for you before the night even begins. You can almost feel the devil horns growing out from your head. “On the other hand, Kam, I think tonight will be fun.”
One last look in the mirror. Kamryn has been ready for the last 20 minutes, sitting on the edge of your bed with her head resting on her arm perched atop her knee. “We might as well not even leave. If I knew you would take longer than usual, I would’ve lied about the time the party started.” She sighs and leans back on your bed. “Oh great, now I’m comfortable, look what you’ve done bitch!” You laugh when you see her shake her fist in the reflection. “And I’m the dramatic one, jeez I must be pretty bad then.” You look over yourself one last time. Blue floral tube top, favorite black jeans, white strapped heels. To top it off, you pull on your sexy black leather jacket. You’ve really outdone yourself this time Lydia. You made sure to pull out all the tricks: amazing cleavage, hint of midriff but not too much, tight pants to show off your amazing curves and accentuate your ass, sky-high heels to make sure you walked like a long-legged goddess. Fuck. “Would you want to fuck me?” You ask into the air as you continue to fix your hair, adding one last coat of your most expensive mascara for good measure. “Not after you made me sit for so long, I think I’ll never have sex again!” You love when your best friend makes you laugh, this time imitating The Scream with her hands on the sides of her open-mouthed horror-face. “Okay, you impatient baby, let’s blow this party up!” You grab your purse and keys and bounce out the door. You could conquer the world. “Please don’t scare my friends, I like them.” As you walk the short distance to Kamryn’s friends’ house, you start to get nervous. Damn, why did you leave your confidence back there! It’s fine, breathe idiot. God, how you wish you pre-gamed for this dreadful event. Walking up the steps, Kamryn’s BFF-intuition kicks in. “What’s wrong with you bitch, you appear to be nervous but look hot as fuck!” “Nothing!” you snap quickly. Save yourself. “I just don’t want to hurt your sensitive baby heart when I win this bet.” Your sarcasm tricks her for now when she giggles, and you knock a closed fist on the door, and it even fools you for half a second, but deep down you know you’re just as scared as you were back in junior high. Scared shitless. The door opens wide to a cool, inviting atmosphere. The amount of people doesn’t make anything better when you’re surprisingly welcomed by a crowd you weren’t expecting. There are tons of different people everywhere, adorned with the classic college statement: red Solo cups. Praise the Lord. As you walk through the packed hallway to the kitchen behind Kam, you make a mental note to yourself: never underestimate an education major. “Hmm, I don’t see any sign of Scrabble anywhere,” Kam says, squinting around once you reach the kitchen that connects openly to the living room. You playfully smack her arm. “Shut up.” Internally you sigh a breath of relief. You weren’t kidding when you said Scrabble would have been the death of you. “Well well well,” that familiar British voice floats to your ears from behind you like silk. Your heart stops for a second but the hairs on your body stick up to attention. Get your shit together you say to your body as you slowly turn, trying your best to relax and appear nonchalant. “I had a feeling my princess would be here to accessorize my arm tonight.” There it is. For a second his smirk had your heart melting like butter but the next moment it hardened back up and a frown engulfed your facial features. Rolling your eyes, you grab your best friend’s arm. “C’mon Kam, let’s go dance.” Pulling her towards the room, you push every thought of Harry out of your head. At least you try. “Well that was intense.” Kam shouts over the music as you find a spot in the crowd. You start to slowly shake your hips to your favorite Somo song, stopping once you laugh at her lame excuse of dancing. “You’re impossible.” You giggle at her face when you grab her arms to pull her closer and dance together. Not going to lie, she was weird and giggly at first, but the scene quickly grew hot as you both got into it. You knew she was too sure of herself and into the moment to notice anything else, but you could feel the hungry eyes of hormonal boys drooling over the sight of you two right in front of them. Some grew brave and began to join and soon enough your back was leaning into the hard chest of a stranger. You didn’t care at that point because you finally didn’t have a care in the world. Finals seemed so obtainable and small, Harry wasn’t even on your mind. Suddenly the pressure of a strong but gentle hand grabbed your wrist and you felt yourself being pulled out of the cloud of intoxicating dancing. At first you felt panic wash over you for the fear of being abducted or something worse. But as soon as you snapped your head in the direction of your kidnapper, furry rose like a bubbly pot of boiling water up and out of your mouth. “What the fuck Harry?” Once inside a bathroom, the music and the fun seemed far away as you stared up at his determined face. Is that frustration you see in his eyes? Doesn’t matter, you’re too frustrated yourself to care how he feels. “Why did you take me here? Why did you shut the door? Do you even care that I was having fun? Why are you so obsessed with me?” You’re almost screaming the last words when the breath is pulled right out of you. In an impossibly quick instant, he grabs the sides of your face and crudely crashes his lips to yours. You don’t even have a moment to think. With that one action, it’s like your bodies are magnets, opposite pulls so strong that it would take a mountain to pull you apart. His body soon follows the direction of his lips and his torso and lap push yours roughly against the door. You hear a click as he somehow frees a hand to lock the door, creating an impenetrable bubble between you and the outside world. When his hand returns, it grabs your hips and pulls you until what’s left of the remaining space between you disappears. His mouth is precise with practice yet sloppy with need as he mesmerizes you. Your open-mouthed kisses are warm from shared breath and you can taste the minty but somehow all-Harry taste throughout all your nerves. You don’t even think as you let him pull off your jacket and lift you up onto the counter, reconnecting your chest against his once more. After what seems like a complete forever, you huff disappointment when he suddenly pulls his lips away and leans his forehead on yours. Panting, your eyes are still closed and your breath is still trying to catch up when he utters the first words he’s said to you since before you were alone. His voice is hoarse and sexy when he whispers, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I saw you with that guy and I just couldn’t watch anyone else touch you like how I want to.” With those last few words he languidly runs his hands up and down your sides. You realize your arms are around his neck, hands entangled in his hair. You feel like you’re waking up from a coma. “Why didn’t you start with that months ago,” you laugh. “We could’ve been doing this all day, every day.” He laughs and bends down to lightly plant a kiss to your neck like it was a seed and he didn’t want to destroy it so that it would grow. You can feel the hairs on your body rise so much that you swear they’ll jump out of your skin. You lean your head back in wonder as you’re once again transfixed with his touch. As he continues you hear the familiar sound of your best friend’s cheesy ‘80s playlist suddenly blare from the speakers. Who let Kam have the aux? A groan escapes your lips before you can even register it forming in your throat and you look into the worried eyes of the beautiful man in between your legs which are now wrapped around his hip bones. “Could we leave? I don’t want this to stop but I don’t want it to continue to this dreadful soundtrack of my life.” You look into his deep eyes, sea-green like the ocean, and smile. “You mean you don’t enjoy hearing The Final Countdown while being only a few layers away from my skin?” He nibbles your ear and you can feel that smirk you once despised against the side of your head. “Anything for you princess. You smell delicious and I’m craving to taste your skin and see if it’s just as good.” As you jump down to the floor, grab your jacket, and head back to reality, you smile and bite your lip knowing he can’t see through the back of your head. You spot Kam with the DJ having the time of her life and decide not to face her smartass until later. Right now, you want to be far away and alone with the man you’ve craved since you first met. The drive to his apartment is quick considering he speeds up every time you draw pictures on his skin with your finger. He’s quiet and you don’t dare break the silence with whatever word vomit could come tumbling out of your mouth. He parks. You follow quickly after him, every three steps the length of one of his. Up the stairs. Your body is on autopilot and it’s a miracle in-of-itself you don’t trip and fall on your face. He fumbles with the key and you start to unbutton his blue floral button-down. You giggle to yourself and he’s the first to break the trance. “What is so funny to you right now?” he laughs which only makes you giggle harder. Neither of you have had anything to drink, you’re intoxicated and fuzzy off of the taste of each other’s mouths. “I just realized we kinda match.” He looks down at your chest and the tight fabric makes his eyes go dark. He leans in to softly breathe into your ear. “We’ll be matching in a minute when I have both of our clothes on the floor.” You stop giggling when the idea of this makes your face heat up. Fuck. This night has been one rollercoaster. The door opens with a bang and in one blink you’re inside the dark and empty apartment alone again, finally. He takes full control and moves your body hard against the wall. In no time, he takes off both your shirts and the first spark of bare skin touching is paralyzing. You moan into his mouth and this is the catalyst to his fire. He lifts you up with ease, never breaking lip contact as if you are sown together. Your heart drops as he lets go but you smile as you feel the soft fabric of his bed underneath your bare back. Caught in the moment, you begin to reach up for him but find when you open your eyes that he’s stopped right above you, looking down in awe. “What?” you laugh, your eyes trail down the carved figure in front of you. Like stone, he looks still and ever-present. Until he breathes in heavily. “You, babygirl, will be the absolute death of me.” You feel your body melt under his touch before your brain can even comprehend the depth of his words. Unlike his previous actions, these next movements are measured and agonizing. You want him. You need him inside of you, so much that it surprises you to the point of tears. But you can feel the pleasure he gets from this slowness seeping from his pores. He unbuttons your jeans and pulls them off, leaving kisses like tattoos forever engrained in every inch of skin he exposes. Your shoes are long-gone and so are his jeans. Next thing you know, he hovers over your body and you can feel all of him through what little fabric now exists. “You are glorious.” He purrs before connecting his familiar lips again to yours. It’s hard to remember a life without knowing these lips, but at the same time you never tire of what they are capable of. He leads your bodies in a dance you will never be able to recreate. He stops. Moves to your chin. Your neck. Your collarbones, your chest, your stomach. He’s about to go down on you but you just need all of him. You don’t care, you need him. He looks up at you through long beautiful eyelashes and smiles, barring his teeth. He bites. Not you, the last fabric left. The last piece of the puzzle. You’ve never even thought of this being so immensely hot but once he gets your underwear to your knees, you can feel how wet you are. You’ve never been this turned on in your whole life. Now you know why he went so slow but again you don’t care. He leans to kiss your soft inner thighs, but you stop him. “No, all of you, now.” Grabbing his face to begin to pull him up and reach for the grey band of his boxers you’re suddenly interrupted. “Hey, I’m in charge here. What do you want?” You groan and roll your eyes. He quickly grabs your wrists, hard, and brings them above your head, pinning you down. Now his face is so close but you don’t want to move. You like this. “Use your words or else I won’t give you what you need.” He leans into your ear and breathes, “I want to hear you say it.” Your breath hitches and gets caught in your throat but you somehow manage to get out, “Please fuck me so good that I’ll be able to feel you every time I move.” He chuckles, this amazing sound from heaven. “Yes ma’am.” The next moments are a blur. He pulls off his boxers and you watch in captivated awe as he grabs a condom from the bedside table and slips it on with ease. “Done this a few times, haven’t you Styles?” you say with sass. “Never with anyone that fits as perfectly as you do.” He pushes in and at first, he’s slow and gentle, letting the tightness inside you relax. Then he moves in and out with ease, immediately hitting the right spots and with the right rhythm and the right speed. Everything is perfect and you are overcome with emotions. When you think it couldn’t get better he grabs your arms again and goes harder, never tiring, continuing through your high and through his own. It doesn’t end as quick as it began. He gradually slows down, kissing your sweaty lips and neck, your hands running through his damp hair. You are euphoric. When he pulls out, he takes a moment on top of you, pressed so close, to catch his breath, you too, panting like you’ve run a marathon or more. He looks into your eyes. “Perfect princess.” He kisses your nose before he gets up. You lie there with your eyes closed, taking it all in. You could get used to being his princess.
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