#......tbh? I think they find languages interesting as a whole but it's so HARD it's so much WORK to learn a whole language u know?
byanyan · 8 months
new genre of ask where byan comes barging in and asks your muse to teach them how to swear in their native language, or any other language(s) they might know
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deadsnakey · 1 month
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ᯓ★ ᡣ𐭩 fluff ⦂ little angsty ೀ Headcanons. . .ᐟ 0.8k words ┈─★
ㅤ ꒰⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐୨୧⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐⁐꒱
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જ⁀➴ he's very sweet, but only to you mostly and tbh he's a conniving bitch but he gets his character development!
જ⁀➴ as soon as he gets the hots for you and not just wanting to get into your pants, he's definitely nicer and more tolerable to you.
જ⁀➴ like, he's very charming but if you make him chase you and play a little hard to get, he's gone.
જ⁀➴ loves trying to win you over even if it does take awhile; but he's willing to do whatever it takes!
જ⁀➴ when y'all start dating, he's truly the sweetest and most considerate.
જ⁀➴ you probably had to teach him cause I think this is a more enemies to lovers trope.
જ⁀➴ before lovers you had to teach him that you have to open doors for your lover, get them flowers, be gentle and kind to them, never raise his voice or hit a lady
જ⁀➴ especially his girlfriend.
જ⁀➴ but after he really does start being nicer in general, you start falling for him and eventually start dating.
જ⁀➴ he talks about you a lot; his friends are tired of it.
જ⁀➴ they definitely tease him about how he's gone soft because of you and he can't deny it, but he's not mad about it.
જ⁀➴ he'll shamelessly show you off and give you affection in public, around your friends, his friends, etc because he's not ashamed of you.
જ⁀➴ the first time he said I love you to you was probably not even 3 whole weeks of dating, it just kind of slipped in the moment.
જ⁀➴ tries his best to be good enough for you; he's changed for the better for you, so he can finally have you and call you his lover.
જ⁀➴ sometimes though, he has doubts and needs some reassurance verbally that you still love him despite his flaws and imperfections.
જ⁀➴ definitely has physical affection as his top love language, but acts of service is a close second.
જ⁀➴ I can see him constantly gifting you things he knows you like or are really interested in.
જ⁀➴ loves seeing you happy but quickly gets jealous or upset if it's anyone but him making you happy. (Especially if it's a guy).
જ⁀➴ if you're very talkative, then he's more then glad to listen to you go on a rant about an interest of yours or sum, he loves listening to your voice.
જ⁀➴ but have someone insult you about talking too much or in general and even though he's not as big of a fighter as Mattheo (Theo being second) is, he's not afraid to fuck a MF up for you.
જ⁀➴ then he'll come and find you after with blood on his face, not all his, and with a cute little smile fondly looking at you as if he didn't almost kill someone lol.
જ⁀➴ I think he'd love matching with you even as simple as rings or bracelets, shoes or phone case. He finds it cute.
જ⁀➴ let's you play and style his hair, he finds it relaxing and doesn't care if you put to small pigtails in, as long as you're happy!!
જ⁀➴ also falls asleep sometimes, he tries so hard to stay awake but you're just so comforting to him he can't help himself sometimes.
જ⁀➴ always wanting to touch you in anyway he can but will try and control it if you're not too big on it.
જ⁀➴ but in public he WILL be putting a hand on your waist or holding your hand, he will get pouty and whiny and that's annoying to deal with.
જ⁀➴ sends you pictures of things he knows you like or find cute.
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laneydays · 2 years
ghost boy headcanons
billy showalter
adults and old people LOVE him. take him to meet ur parents, do it
but also hes the type to act way different with ppl his age than adults
kind of a smart mouth.... but in a cool kind of annoying way
twirls his hair a lot LMAO
crosses his arms when he's upset mad sad or annoyed
loves coca cola and root beer
adores dogs, his dog is his best friend
extremely supportive of queer identities even if he isnt queer himself
love language is acts of service
just loves to be helpful
feels bad if people do stuff for him though
griffin stagg
is lowkey a menace sometimes
but also a sweetheart
he likes weird unexpected shit for someone his age
incredibly smart but doesn't rlly know that
great at art
doesnt curse a whole bunch but when he does he curses like a sailor and he does it good
doesnt know how to match his clothes for the life of him
wears bandanas to pull his hair back, gets made fun of and called a girl for it
everyone just wants to kiss and hold him like a little kid, he doesn't understand it
doesn't like when people baby him
love language is gift giving, probably picks up random shit to give to you
"here have this rock" "i got a pretty flower for you" "i found a cola bottle cap"
you keep them all
vance hopper
adhd probably 
pinball hyperfixation need i say more
he's actually pretty chill when hes not angry. if u don't bother him he's real quiet
aromatic and asexual. no he wouldn't be a player
but also is open to meeting someone, whether its platonic or romantic (remember aroace people can still date)
tries to act tough but hes just a big nerd tbh
smoked a cig once. never again, hated it
gets very mad at people when they make fun of his choker, he gets embarrassed 
acts homophobic but he really doesnt care
would probably beat someone up if they made fun of a queer kid
that doesnt stop him from saying "thats gay" as a (joking) insult however
doesn't really have a specific love language, just anything to show you care he appreciates it quietly
not big on physical touch but he doesn't mind it 
collects vinyls
wears a looot of denim
finney blake
also autistic
space special interest
kind of good at drawing
literally wouldn't hurt a fly
his jokes are so unfunny that its funny
sounds like an angel when he laughs and looks like one when he smiles
and its hard to get a smile out of him
carries that little spaceship with him everywhere, freaks out if he can't find it
cant think of anything else for him
doesn't have a specific love language either, just anything to show that u care
bruce yamada
bro is not as good in school as everyone thinks he is
but tries very hard and does his best
really loves history
i feel like this is obvious but he collects baseball cards
flexes them on you every time you come to his house and it gets a little annoying 
is the nice guy of the friend group
probably the corniest person ever
is pretty funny but when he tries to be funny it doesn't work
love language is quality time definitely
also physical touch, just the little things though like touching shoulders or brushing fingers
robin arellano
wears his bandana literally every day and it smells so bad
says its to keep the hair out of his face
bro is gorgeous without it
his wardrobe is 70% sleeveless shirts
a huge showoff and a sucker for praise
laughs at potty jokes every single time
his humor is fake flirting
very protective but he isn't scary at all
fucks up the school lunch like its his last meal
probably complains about it though
can talk to literally anyone and everyone, its really nice
he's.... not great in school but he tries to be nice to the teachers
passes notes in class 24/7 and he gets in trouble so much for it
canon movie fanatic, loves watching them even if they suck
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all-pacas · 10 days
I saw some of your posts saying how observant and clever Chase is,while also being a "dumb whore". I feel like this is the right place to say that I don't find his "ditzy slut" moments funny in isolation,without taking his cunning,calculating traits into account. If Chase is just a "himbo",it takes away the shock value(not to mention I've seen way funnier "simple dumbasses" than "isolated Chase moments"). On the other hand,a guy who can clearly think on his feet making terrible mistakes that could be avoided by a bit of common sense is a recipe for hilarious "wtf?" moments. Like,I've seen you deduce stuff with striking accuracy with minimal information,how did you come with such an inane conclusion? It's what they call "high intelligence,low wisdom".
Also,I saw a post of you saying Foreman is "book-smarter" than Chase,while the latter is more observant and a "people-person",besides having more "improvising" skills. This is certainly interesting,considering their backgrounds(Foreman was raised in the hood,had some involvement with gangs;whereas Chase was a rich brat with many opportunities. One would think their skillsets would be inverted,lol)
Even before I finished reading this comment, I was planning on making a "he's a high in/low wisdom," so thanks for making that joke for me, lol.
The thing is, Chase is legitimately very lazy. Or like. He works hard and he's very good at his job, but I think it's interesting that both his specialties are… obviously to be a doctor you have to be smart, but he has very hands on specialties. His job isn't to memorize and know everything about auto-immune diseases, his job is to be great at cutting people open and fixing them. Again, I am well aware surgeons and intensive care takes a lot of knowledge! But it's interesting to me, you know? He definitely comes off as less cerebral.
And he's deeply unambitious. He spends half the show in a fellowship, a training program, because he's more comfortable there. Cameron and Foreman have a subplot about writing articles; we never hear anything about Chase doing the same. House literally has to fire Chase to get him off the team. Where Foreman is always desperately trying to prove himself and be the best doctor in the room, and where Cameron is honestly also deeply competitive and demands respect, Chase… we joke about him being spineless, he is spineless, but also he never really seems to mind it. He doesn't care. He does not seem offended Foreman keeps getting put in charge, nor does he really want it for himself. He has the most seniority of the fellows, but never plays it up; he's fine where he is. And I think that's where his 'laziness' comes in. He just… doesn't try very hard. Very rich kid of him, tbh. He coasts whenever possible.
Meanwhile Foreman is a huge perfectionist, and has a huge inferiority complex. He is the first to tell everyone he had perfect grades (he tells Chase a time or two), went to top schools, has a perfect resume, because Foreman derives a lot of his self worth from being able to say that: if he's the best, no one can say he doesn't belong. I think it's because of his background that he's like this: he's a Black man from a Bad Neighborhood and has a Record and he's absolutely aware what that makes him in the eyes of others. He can't afford to be like Chase — Chase can get away with being lazy and unambitious because he's a rich, good looking, white guy (and foreign, at that — but the good kind of foreign, who speaks English as a first language and comes from a rich and successful family). If Foreman acted like Chase — like he didn't give a shit about his career, like he was just working for House for the hell of it — it would look different. It would feel different. Foreman is a perfectionist and has an inferiority complex because his whole life the world has told him he's not as good, he's doomed to "turn out" bad, he won't and can't amount to anything because of who he is. Cameron is assertive and ambitious and gets really touchy when people underestimate or overlook her, because she's sensitive and kind and weak (Foreman himself tells Cameron he thinks she needs to "toughen up"), and so she also constantly has to prove herself, and that she can be a Good Doctor And Leader while still being compassionate and soft. Again, Chase doesn't have to worry about any of this. He can be unambitious and easy-going about his career, because it doesn't really matter to him in the same way. He doesn't have to be the best student or get the best marks and have the best record. He has very little to prove.
And in a way, Chase is in the same kind of perception trap as the others. Not to suggest he has it soooo much worse than Foreman, but because he's a Rich Good Looking Dude, you kind of expect him to be a nepobaby. You kind of expect him to be useless and underqualified and shallow. To coast on his looks and to not have brains and have no idea how to manage in the Real World. It's definitely how Foreman sees Chase — he says as much, and lowkey hates him for it, and fair enough — but again what's interesting to me is where it isn't quite true. Chase is brilliant, when he cares enough to try. His apathy is learned, not born from an easy life; he comes off as cool and easy-going but holds grudges and resentments and trauma about two inches down. He's afraid of rejection and trying and failing, and so stays in his comfort zones. But where Foreman spends all his time and energy trying to prove the entire world wrong, to fight every automatic perception of who he is as a person, Chase leans in to his own facade. I actually think that S8 Foreman is a pretty happy person. I think S8 Chase, Chase MD in House's office, is at least 70% miserable.
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
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Four Swords Returns pages 45-48
Hahaha I actually got stuff to say of substance this time: Smth I feel that is underplayed in fan works is Vio's (At least implied in the manga) insecurities about his relationship with the other 3 and his actions towards Shadow Link as a whole. (He's clearly torn about it from the "Oh Shadow Link..." panel.) I will never let go of the him dropping the sword thing (WHY IS THIS NEVER BROUGHT UP IN FS SPACES??? THAT'S SUCH A HUGE CHARACTER MOMENT!) + letting his guard down enough from Shadow Link's words to let Shadow link TOUCH HIM, going from tense to more relaxed as Shadow continues talking. He also looks sad in a panel too at what Shadow Link says like Broooo- (And since we KNOW Shadow Link was watching him, I genuinely think he chose Vio to turn on the other 3 because he felt a connection between their loneliness, bro is a bit TOO earnest later in the book for me to think the scene in the woods was 100% manipulation as some others do, a part of me thinks Shadow Link was just speaking how he felt from watching Vio interact with the other 3 tbh. XD.) Unless Vio was playing 4D chess with the sword drop/general body language while Shadow Link talks I'm lead to think our Purple hero legit considered what Shadow Link said for a second, (Which is also the route I'm taking in FSR) which means Shadow Link was correct on SOME level about Vio's feelings towards the other 3. (In that, he feels alienated from them.) I FIND THAT EXTREAMLY FASINATING.
Then again: Vio lies/doesn't speak his true feelings for literally most of his screentime so it's hard to say solid things about his character imo which is why I head cannon so much about him and it's interesting to see how other's view him. X'D (Unless smth is outright stated, it ain't cannon so...Oop. Vio's kinda an enigma.)
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webanglikethat · 2 months
so, I just want to address something I found out recently. await a long rant tbh.
while scrolling through my second account (which I do not use often — it’s on my iPad and it’s simply because I couldn’t be bothered to remember my login details for this account), I searched my username because I wanted to find a very old post I reposted about ice skating. while doing so, my name popped up in a post I had never seen before. thus, I realized my name was on a blocklist. I was extremely confused. I just recently, during May (don’t quote me on that though), began being active on Tumblr. before that, I was mostly lurking and reblogging fics from fandoms like Obey Me! or Haikyuu. so, I really didn’t know why a person would put me on such a blocklist.
turns out, they’ve been looking through the “narcissistic abuse” and “#narcissistic abuse is real”, “#raised by narcissists” and “surviving narcissism”. the reason why they put me on this blocklist is because they believe I am of the notion that every person with ND (narcissistic disorder) is an abuser. to say I was shocked would be an understatement tbh. I was so confused. I never stated that ANYWHERE on my account. so I began looking and combing through my liked on those tags. I did find two / three posts with those tags that I liked.
One of the posts in question says:
'you're so sensitive'
i was never fully allowed to express my emotions as a child because when i did i would get yelled or made fun of”
narcissistic mother is the 13th tag. or for example this one:
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now, me personally I don’t get it. I think it’s fucking ridiculous — and pardon my language but the anger has been rising more and more since reading all of that — to look and nitpick for every. single. post. I had no idea they were even tagged with narcissism. I never claimed that my mom nor dad are narcissists. sure they’re messed up. but I never claimed that. the fact that someone has extrapolated such a specific and serious claim from my online activity is not just incorrect, it's irresponsible. I get that people are trying to be aware and protective of others online. that is great, really. but this level of scrutiny and assumption? it is not helping anyone. it’s just creating more misunderstanding and division. can’t someone like stuff they relate to anymore? I got fucking trauma thanks to childhood abuse, can’t I be allowed to look at stuff and think “wow, me too!” without being afraid of misjudgment? that’s kind of the whole point of social media, isn't it? to connect, to feel less alone in our experiences? I should be able to see a post that resonates with my experiences, think "Wow, me too!" and hit that like button without fear of being misunderstood or labeled. it’s not about diagnosing anyone or pushing an agenda. it’s about finding moments of connection in this big, messy digital world despite the gloominess of the real one.
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this person stated they weren’t 100% sure if I believed in this or not.
isn’t that just so stupid. you go out of your way, nitpick my name and then state you’re . Not Sure? you’re ruining my character and my image. I don’t even know you.
this is SO infuriating. I’ve worked hard to curate my online presence to reflect my interests and personality, only to have some clueless jerk — again, excuse my wording but I can’t be bothered to care about someone’s feelings right now — misinterpret my intentions and slap my name on a blocklist based on pure assumptions. it’s so insane that liking or relating to a post is enough to get you labeled and shunned without any direct statements or actions to back it up.
what’s even worse in my opinion is that this person admits they’re not sure of my stance. they have jumped to conclusions based on a handful of posts I’ve liked, without any solid evidence of my beliefs or intentions. it’s one thing to fight against harmful ideologies, but it’s another to vilify someone based on wild guesses.
to the person who put me on this blocklist: you don’t know me. you don’t know my experiences, my thoughts, or my intentions. your actions have real consequences, and you’ve chosen to act on baseless assumptions instead of facts. this isn’t activism; it’s a witch hunt. and it needs to stop. you claim to be fighting against harmful ideologies, yet here you are, perpetuating the very toxicity you pretend to oppose. you are not solving problems; you're creating them. you’re not protecting anyone; you're just stroking your own ego and patting yourself on the back for being such a "good person." Newsflash: good people don't engage in character assassination based on hunches and half-baked theories.
I mean for god’s sake — did it ever occur to your brain that your actions have real consequences? that by putting me on a blocklist, you're potentially cutting me off from communities, conversations, and connections that matter to me? all because you couldn't be bothered to do actual research or, God forbid, reach out and ask me directly about my views? and let's talk again about your spineless approach to this whole situation. you block me, refuse to engage, and then have the audacity to claim you're "not 100% sure" about my beliefs? if you're not sure, then why the hell did you take action? your uncertainty doesn't absolve you of responsibility; it makes your actions even more reprehensible.
so while you might never see this since 1) you blocked me, 2) are not replying to me on my second account — I demand an apology and a retraction. not just for my sake, but for everyone who’s ever been misjudged and slandered by people who think they know better. this isn’t how we build understanding and empathy. THIS is how we build walls and create divisions. and I refuse to be a part of that bullshit.
and to anyone else who thinks they can pull this kind of stunt: think again. I won't stand idly by while keyboard warriors with delusions of grandeur try to dictate who I am or what I believe. again. you don't know me, you don't know my story, and you sure as hell don't have the right to define me based on your misguided assumptions. I mean, who appointed you as the moral arbiter of the internet? what makes you think you have the right, the authority, or the wisdom to dictate who I am or what I believe? you’re not a hero; you're a nuisance, a digital mosquito buzzing around, causing irritation and spreading disease.
if you truly care about making the internet a better place, start by looking in the mirror. examine your own biases, your own knee-jerk reactions. ask yourself why you're so quick to judge, so eager to categorize people into neat little boxes that fit your worldview.
remember that behind every username is a real person, with real feelings and real experiences that you know nothing about. your actions have consequences, and it's high time you started considering them.
I won't be silenced. I won't be labeled. and I sure as hell won't stand by while you and your ilk try to dictate the terms of online existence. this is my story, my identity, my truth. and no amount of your misguided, self-important crusading will change that.
the mic is yours @cccat-in-a-meat-sack,
will you finally answer?
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wszczebrzyszynie · 10 months
Hello! You don't really strike me as someone who reads fanfictions, but do you have any recommendations by any chance? I've been trying to find Ranchers fics written more in character.
Tbh by "in character" I just mean something resembling the dynamic you potray them as having. I really like your interpretation and I was wondering if you ever found anything that fit that somewhat.
If not then I would also gladly take any actual books that you've enjoyed!!
i wouldnt call my rancher interpretation "in character" but if you want fanworks that feel similar to how i imagine them/interpretations that i like, then i would recommend you the gundam birdie series and a secret third thing by YacintheMorning (which i realize now were written by the same person! cool), as well as tangotek evil inconporated by onawhimsicot (which is probably also one of my favourite takes on this whole hotguy/superhero au thing when it comes to Jimmy and Tango. I like when they are lame)
As for books i like: they will probably not be of interest to you, because i tend to only read research-related books nowdays ... biographies and different kind of history and polish ethnography books, mostly. That being said i havent read an actual book that wasnt for school in a few months (a bit embarrasing). All ive been doing for the past few months is drawing constantly in my free time. But from fiction i enjoyed: Mary Shelleys "Frankenstein" and Christies "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" are the first ones that come to mind. I like murder mysteries the most i think. I also remember i enjoyed Uładzimir Niaklajeus fictionalized "Automat z wodą gazowaną z syropem lub bez", but i should probably re read that soon and see what i think now. Not sure if it would count as a book but i generally like Mickiewiczs "Ballads and Romances" (Świteź and Świtezianka being my favourite ballads of all time, probably) ... some of the only of Mickiewiczs works i actually liked
Does not count as a book but i will forever be annoying about them: Naoki Urasawas "Monster" and Ryoko Kuis "Dungeon meshi" mangas are some of my favourite works of fiction of all time and i highly recommend reading them if you have the time
I also finally got my hands (not really; i had to pirate it) on "King Stakh's Wild Hunt" by Uładzimir Karatkevič... it was the only book of his i could find, and only with an english translation. The language barrier really is hard on me here but i desperately need Karatkevičs books for my own story. So maybe i will share my thoughts once i sit down to read it
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aspd-culture · 1 year
I think the House pfp makes me like you a lot more, lol. /srs
We love our very problematic but extremely, sometimes painfully, unflinchingly honest and mostly accurate portrayal of (SPOILERSSSSSS) canon ASPD. Tbh, one of the few accurate portrayals I've seen and the only one that doesn't cover it up with "but he's a good person" or "but they learn to love and change their ways and no longer are like that yay they're cured" or pair the representation with a side of demonization. Special interest infodump below:
We know House does bad things, but in light of that, the show forces you to stare in the face the questions: What does it mean to be a bad person? If it's your intentions, do your bad actions not matter? If it's your actions, do your intentions not matter? Does the effort not to hurt people in spite of your pain and trauma and maladaptive worldview not matter, no matter how hard you try, if you fail? How many failures is considered "being human" and how many makes it "being a bad human"? Does a good or bad person even exist with how fluid and nuanced life and human nature is? Can you, as a fellow flawed human, define a good or bad person and if so what gives you the right? The show demands you look at this man with low empathy and learn to feel for him whether you like it or not. And so many prosocials completely misunderstand the show and paint him as the antagonist when the entire point of the show is (imo) to humanize the people you shove into the "bad" box. Also hhhh I hate the people who say "House is autistic that's why he acts like this!" Nope nope nope he is literally diagnosed with ASPD. Do I think he's got autism too? Possibly, but I think he may understand social cues, body language, subtext, etc too well for it to be that. I would personally guess ASPD+ADHD+MDD. One of his major specialties is dissecting the social boundaries not because the doesn't understand them, but to show the blind spots they leave, the disservice they do us. He knows what he does is against the norm, he knows he doesn't speak like the people around him and he knows how to do it right. He just *doesn't* because he finds value in removing that and finds no value in others' opinions on him. He knows he is seen as terrible and does not care to change it, not because (imo) he was not accepted as a person but because he was traumatized against people as a whole. See also, MIA and unknown father, questionable mother, shitty stepfather, and all the things he hints at but does not tell us outright. House is a lot of things, but socially unaware is not one of them, and whilst there are autistic people like that who are prosocial, I think the show addressed this clearly in the early episode of the autistic (they used the n*zi term but I will not) child who gives him the PSP or gameboy or whichever it was. House sees some of himself in that child, but it is clearly addressed that it's not quite right - that House relates but does not seem to click properly with being autistic. However, in the "soci*path" patient episode, House heavily struggles to separate himself from her, and finds himself repeatedly coming up empty on reasons they aren't the same. In fact, when he finds out it is reversible, it seems to me like he is simultaneously glad to have figured out the puzzle - and maybe to save her from his suffering - and distressed and jealous that she gets to get out of this. She will get to meet people who did not know her that way and be like them and feel like them and feel like one of them. Unlike in the autism episode, the characters around him seem to believe he has it as well. If he is autistic, he has ASPD as well - diagnosed in fact.
It's such a damn good show.
You did not ask for my (as restrained as possible) infodump about House, MD but you activated my special interest trap card.
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sentience-if · 8 months
Im starting to get a bit addicted asking, But I just keep wondering whats the RO's type?just so I can be a whole different new person for all the RO's
kinda difficult to answer, since I don't want anyone to feel like they have to play a certain character to romance them. So I'll go with what they're most drawn to
klaus: loyalty and intelligence, especially street smarts over book smarts. he likes having the power in a relationship but doesn't mind some pushback at all 😏 prefers lean or soft over big muscles
Ira: curiosity is key, and definitely needs someone who can get on their level and be a bit overprotective. I don't think Ira really has a type beyond someone who is just sincerely interested in them
Val: not sure Val has a type either, tbh. the only requirement is knowing that bothering people is their love language lmao
Kat: honestly, kat is her own type. refined, wicked smart with a sense of humor to match. she leans more toward femme people, but it's not a deal breaker. just look pretty and keep up with her antics
Connie: normally goes for the calmer, quieter ones; chaotic Io is a bit of an exception that way, and part of the reason Connie finds them so frustrating 😅. has mostly been with people smaller than they are, though frankly it's hard not to be
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k1rameki · 1 year
THE TIME HAS COME EVERYONE. ITS TIME TO TALK ABOUT MY EXTENSIVE LIST OF TABI HEADCANONS (hcs are under the cut plus this also counts as a little debrief of his human design bc jesus christ i put so much effort into making this man's design it went through a LOT of trial and error before settling on what i got now considering ive gradually made him less and less "human")
also quick thing b4 i proceed – please please PLEASE ask before making things w my tabi design bc ive seen a rlly cool papercraft made w/o my knowledge and that was kinda sucky so ya thats around it (other than the basics of no nsfw and such)
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first and foremost — hes half japanese because i remember his aside counterpart being japanese iirc and i thought that was really cool and wanted to implement that into my own little hc (also he speaks like a dozen languages bc of another thing i'll go into detail with in a bit
so many different facial features, scarring (theres a very elaborate reason for this tbh), moles, freckles, etc all bc why not?? (freckles is primarily bc of my bestie crow and now im obsessed)
lashes bc why not, give every man a pair of lashes i think theyre pretty
PIERCINGS. so many piercings. this is primarily because i am a very firm believer that tabi gets piercings done because he wants to feel human again so he finds comfort in decorating himself as much as possible for that reason and also the aesthetic
broken horn bc of the mod events, damage beyond repair and whatnot
HE HAS LONG HAIR BC I SAID SO ‼️‼️ i figured considering he's been invisible for so long he never really knew what to do when it came to cutting his hair, so eventually it grew out to around his waist, and he kept that hairstyle ever since (he prefers wearing his hair in a ponytail or smth bc sensory issues when it comes to hair touching his skin)
a lot of tater's hcs infected my brain hehehehehe especially the tail and his hands still being what they were when they were cursed (also. paw beans. /vpos)
HES TRANS ‼️‼️ hes also very dumb and has very little regard for his health and forgets to take his binder off a lot (trust me he gets scolded a lot for that)
hes autistic and has adhd — the autism hc i lowkey stole from crow but the adhd hc ive had for a long long while now — one of his lifelong special interests is performing arts and musicals
chronic insomniac — sleep? never heard of her
plays like 5 different instruments but primarily specialises in piano and guitar
safe food is anything sweet or chocolatey — he has a massive sweet tooth and is obsessed w cookies and pastries in particular which ayana baked for him a lot (ill prolly make a whole other post for her in the near future but guys. pastry chef aya. hear me out)
an absolute boss at board games, especially monopoly, and he constantly loves screwing everyone over
extremely hyperfixated on pokemon and owns a bajillion folders filled with cards worth a buttload of money, and a dozen plushies + figurines (projecting bc pokemon is one of my hyperfixes dont judge me) his fav gen is absolutely johto
his eyesight is pretty bad but like. not bad enough for him to be needing glasses (unlike a certain someone cough cough agoti)
speaking of said certain someone, he and agoti do each other's hair a lot simply because its really fun and provides some stimulation, and also because it helps tabi practice with self care and such
VERY SENSITIVE TO SOUND AND TEXTURES, often times he will probably start crying if something sounds or feels wrong
sometimes he forgets certain words in english and has to resort to using what theyre called in russian
has the goofiest sounding laugh ever and i will die on this hill. when you get tabi cackling he will start rolling on the floor and making the most UNGODLY sounds
can speak like 6 languages fluently and a dozen others in simple conversation (NERD ALERT)
he sucks so hard at writing essays but is (for some reason) really good at maths
despite being the more serious one among his group of friends, tabis a dumbass and does a lot more stupid things than one would expect
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shoko-komi · 8 months
The Komi Report - Communication 441
This week in Komi Can't Communicate...
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...destinies are sealed!
Read It: Mangareader Mangakakalot Viz Media (North America Exclusive) Mangadex (English updates are dead, but there’s the backlog; and Spanish language updates)
The conclusion of the group discussion! With these kinds of tests, it's never the decision you reach that the examiners are looking for, but rather the way in which you communicate with and form understandings with others. It's a great test of the skill set that Komi has been cultivating!
I like Oda's decision to show us this whole thing from girl-Tadano's perspective; we get familiar with a new character, get invested in her personal struggle and growth, and tension is built around not knowing what Komi's thinking! After she overcomes her anxiety, Komi pretty much aces the test. So if we'd seen the whole thing from her pov it wouldn't have been as interesting.
A deft maneuver, Oda-san!
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I'm often like this in group conversations ajsdnoandsoasd. I'll be listening silently and my mind will start wandering; then by the time I have something to say, it's a complete non-sequitur...
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...and I spend so long getting ready and planning what I'm going to say, I go on autopilot and end up saying what I rehearsed even if it doesn't fit.... she's so me.....
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My girl is too gay to concentrate
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This is so funny alsdnlaksndlasd. This is exactly the complete breakdown I was hoping for. And it's more productive than how things were going before tbh. It's good to get everything out in the open; like when you're rearranging your shelves and have to take everything off and make a mess on the floor before you put it all back on neatly.
Y'know, Egypt is kind of growing on me. The joke of her saying random ancient egyptiany words didn't appeal to me at first, but her interjections fit perfectly into this chaos. And of course we discover that she actually serves an important purpose in this arc.
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Maybe she's not so much like boy-Tadano after all
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That's my girl!!!!!! If I was the examiner I'd be passing Komi immediately based entirely on this. No one else tried to understand Egypt until Komi took the initiative.
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This framing is so cute. How can we achieve world peace? By working hard to understand one another and meet on equal terms, perhaps?
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God this moment is good
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it's great to see some genuine passion from girl-Tadano. At first she was so concerned about looking good that she was holding herself back, but now she breaks down that wall and starts acting like her earnest self.
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they should all get fried eggs!!!
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If you ask me, they're the perfect group for the course. Developing a mutual understanding is vital to overcoming interpersonal challenges! That's sort of what this whole manga is about
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uuuuwwwaaaaaaaaa 😭😭 *has to be personally invited to feel like she's welcome* fr fr fr fr fr fr
Yay!!!!!! I enjoyed this!!!! I hope we get a chapter of them in the restaurant! I need Komi to talk to girl-Tadano about her name so we can find out what's up with that.
Does this mean Komi has got into University, or is there a third trial? Who knows! No one but Oda (and probably his editor).
I'll see you next week :3 and until then, stay safe!!!
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justallihere · 6 months
So I’ve been thinking about your Irish Kindergarten Teacher Xaden (tbh I have a hard time imagining him with an accent, but I love love love the idea of him using words she doesn’t know and it drives her craaazy, only to find out they’re sweet nicknames) - was this inspired by Saint Patrick’s Day tomorrow? Or is this fate incarnate? 😂
I don’t imagine it as a very thick accent, just like a hint but he still uses the language and everything. I totally forgot about St. Patrick’s Day today actually 😂 I was thinking about the general influence of the language on FW as a whole honestly and it seemed like an interesting addition to his character
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yvtro · 2 years
You said something about Eastern European Armand hcs? Expand on that please, I'm so curious!
this took me so long because i have *so* many and it was hard to be selective and not make it into an essay. here are some that i think still work good within canon (there's lots of stuff that is more contemporary and better for non-vampiric aus, but that's a whole another topic)
i am positive that armand's native language is early ruthenian. he would also definitely know old church slavonic. as for modern times, i'm sure he would be interested in learning ukrainian, and be very obsessed about his duolingo streak.
andrei might not be even armand’s first name. (not a well known fact but) slavic people used to give their newborns temporary names for the time of their childhood, and only give them “proper” names when they were old enough to make sure they will survive. plus, well, andrei is a western name, while the child name he had would probably be a traditional slavic name (which were not looked kindly upon by the churches because they were “pagan”) 
armand would be a great host, which is something that also relates to his habit of creating safe spaces for the ones he loves. hospitality is perhaps the best preserved tradition in the region, and people are *very* serious about it. eastern europeans will clean their houses for hours just because someone told them they will drop in for a cup of tea, and then proceed to apologise to the guest for its "terrible" state ("it's like an actual brothel here, i'm so sorry" is the phrase my mother uses lmao). and no matter you came for a tea, you will get a 3 courses meal. the food part is of course something doesn't work for vampires, but i think all the seriousness and formality of being a host can remain. (also, you might be best friends/family with your host and they might logically know their house won't offend your sensitivites and that you don't care for being served like nobility – doesn't matter. it's an imperative)
complaining without realising that it has cultural significance. complaining in ee is a matter of small talk, you complain for sport, or for no reason at all, and if there's nothing to complain about, you invent something for this purpose. and usually no hard feelings are attached to it; it's a way of bonding with people (and talking about nice stuff in your life or around you feels a bit like bragging tbh.) i like to think armand will find something to complain about at all times without realising people around him believe he *actually* finds it disagreeable. he would tell daniel 5-star hotels they are staying at are *terrible*, the weather is dreadful whatever it is, people around are too loud or too quiet, this movie is *so* bad (no, don't turn it off, he's enjoying it), the instructor at a night class they went to was incompetent and annoying (yes, they are going to the next one, what kind of question) etc.
there exists a popular assumption that people who smile for no reason are either stupid, insane, or on drugs. the amount of times my family/friends directed my attention to a person who walked down the street smiling just to say "what is wrong with them"– i think armand would absolutely do that. daniel, what is wrong with this human. what are they so happy about? answer me.
offering things. i don't think most people think about it (i do as an immigrant, because the cultural difference still confuses me at times) but if someone offers you something it is polite to refuse at first and kinda go back at forth, but ultimately you *need* to accept whatever they want to do for you. i think because of that armand would come off as forceful when giving people stuff, which goes well with "devil's minion." like, daniel might say he doesn't want something, but that's just a thing people say, so he will nag about it and daniel *will* receive whatever it is. this point is literally canon tho, i just like to think it has a bit more cultural significance to it.
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desultory-novice · 10 months
What is your opinion on the theory that void is related to kirby.
I know it's sort of an old theory, but I want to know your take/opinion on it.
Is it weird? I've found that as time goes on, I'm slightly less interested in the whole Void - Kirby connection mystery! Everyone already has their theories on it. I find I care more about Kirby and what he's doing than his origins or his species or where he came from.
I find myself hoping we never find out "where" Kirby came from, ya know? How is it supposed to change things, anyway? If we did have a single origin story for Kirby, that wouldn't answer MORE questions. That would just tell a number of people with differing theories, "Oops! We've decided to lock one of THE most flexible characters in gaming (1) down to a single identity. That means your concept of Kirby is now officially WRONG!" and my goodness, that sounds like the most un-Kirby statement I can think of!
(1) Gender, personal identity, physical form, language, even age! All these things are heavily debatable with Kirby! Anyone and everyone are supposed to be able to see themselves in Kirby. The more Kirby's existence is defined by his relationship to other characters, even Void and super popular ones like Meta Knight, the less we are able to be Kirby. (Unless you make your own custom puffball based on you, I suppose. But "having an OC" shouldn't be a necessary corollary to that statement either! You should always be able to be "Kirby.")
That tangent aside...
I did re-re-review the Void Termina pause screen lore, and when it talks about the 'countless numbers of Voids in the sky, twinkling like stars,' it is easy to imagine those as a species of Kirbys.
It's hard to be definite about it, because we have two depictions of Void post-game. One as Void as we know them. The glowing marble. The other being the fan theory that Void incarnated into Classic Kirby. Which, while a great theory, doesn't really make sense? It's not like Void goes back in time to Kirby's Dream Land...
:8-bit Green Greens starts playing: :Dess passionately ignores this:
...Okay, listen, you! Magolor being implied to have gone back in time to Kirby's Adventure for the sole purpose of watching King Deded throw bombs at Kirby so he can copy that idea for his theme park and then hop dimensions to one in which Meta Knight decides to not fail his initiative roll and single-handedly take down the HWC, facing a computer generated clone of Dark Matter just so that he can make a party favor is bad enough! Do you really want to induce a closed time-loop grandfather pardox into Kirby?!
So I tend to stick with the interpretation that post-Star Allies Void is just Void as we know them. In which case, it DOESN'T become a Kirby, it just takes after Kirby. Which is what Void does. Takes after people. Void is an emotionless mass of emotions that copies the traits of those who have the greatest influence on its awakening. It's possible the Dark Matter forms have more to do with the kind of stuff Hyness was messing around with. And didn't that one interview state that Void's similarities to Kirby are specifically a result of Kirby being there IN THAT MOMENT? Not that it was always a Kirby-like, but that Kirby arrived just in time to have a strong influence on it.
I mean, if we're going to compare Void to Kirby and say that those similarities are heavy indicators they are the same species, what about allllllllllll the other last bosses Void takes after?
It's true that Void's emulation abilities and Kirby's copy abilities do seem to pair up naturally. And they're both round. But...
Tbh, I don't know. But I am a little tired of it being treated as a given that "Kirby is Void but happy." Rather than Kirby being a member of those countless Voids in the sty, I like to think of Kirby as the progenitor of (post-game) Void and not the other way around! I think I like the idea that Kirby is the important one in this equation!
...Having said that, I will inevitably bring about The Curse (of Dess Always Being Proven Wrong About the Lore) and next game will come out proving that Kirby IS the same species as Void XD
Despite what I said above about the tired thing, I did recently look up the Pokemon Puffy Pink hack (You can find the link for it on the resulting Youtube video. Sorry, I'm in a rush or I'd get you all the link) and I thought the idea of "Void" evolving into "Kirby" when they had a maxed out happiness stat was, in fact, adorable!
Dess is not completely jaded!/lh
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mecachrome · 2 months
Hello, I was reading your about me post and it's very impressive that you've studied six languages! Did you learn them at school? Do you have any tips / resources for language practice (I have a goal of reaching german B2 by next March but I'm really struggling lol). Have a nice day!
hey anon!!! tbh i don't really consider myself an inherently good language learner but it's a mix of heritage + upbringing + personal interest hlksdjfh, if you asked me for a composite fluency score with everything rated out of 1 it'd be more like...... 3.4 languages though 😔 also without constant practice it's been atrophying a lot lately </3 but the reason is basically that i attended several multilingual schools growing up and by middle school was formally studying 4 languages (+ weekly latin that i remember absolutely nothing of LMFAO) and at home i also already speak 3 of those languages with my parents.
the only 2 languages i started properly studying as an adult are korean and german for similar reasons really (i've been into k-pop for half my life so i took a few semesters in undergrad for fun, with german i got into german media, was really enamored with its grammatical complexity, and then self-studied a few notebooks before taking it in university)... as for how to study and practice, i'd say it definitely depends on the language & language family, how much you're able to or willing to immerse yourself, what your specific goals are in terms of proficiency, and ofc what your existing weaknesses are!!! for ex spanish is a lot easier with a french background and japanese is a lot easier with a korean background compared to, say, the other way around, so personally when i was learning korean vocabulary a lot of times i'd check the root to see if it had a sino-korean origin and that helped a lot with memorization. also with languages like korean and german that have many unintuitive grammar rules for native english speakers, i'd argue that it's super super important to spend a lot more time learning those rules and practicing complex sentence construction than with a romance language for example; french has a lot of weird pronunciation and conjugation rules but overall it's not... really that hard. one thing you can do to practice is to start with a very simple sentence (my name is x / the apple is red / etc.) and then keep building clauses on top of it one-by-one to force yourself to use complex structures without overwhelming yourself trying to write the end product all at once, and then slowly build up confidence that way...
then of course i'd say that it's important to balance different kinds of media and study materials if you want to stretch your language-learning muscles and have a more "comprehensive" understanding. so for german this was during the pandemic and what i'd do was find example texts/stories/children's books/fairy tales and record myself reading them so i could listen back on my pronunciation, then for grammar i self-studied 2 textbooks by myself every single day, and for vocabulary + some other grammar tips i did basically the full duolingo tree but i always tried to treat it as a supplemental resource that wasn't crucial to the learning experience (imo it's pretty bad for non-latin scripts though c__c but i thought german was decent). i also did a lot of random a2/b1 online preparation exams for fun shdklfh but i think b2 is a much higher jump so it's probably not that helpful... i also liked to translate song lyrics and another thing i did was watch a show i liked without subtitles and i'd take a whole scene and transcribe what the characters were saying + translate them line-by-line and then double check with the subtitles afterward. but again to me a lot of this was kind of for Fun so i learned a lot of things in isolation and less with the intention of "i'm going to move to this country and that's why i need to learn the language ASAP," so ofc in that case the best way is really to immerse yourself in an environment where you're forced to speak it or to converse with native speakers (if you can find a buddy who speaks german to converse with regularly that'd be a massive boost) you'll almost always learn fastest that way.
like even though i took university courses and learned proper grammar a lot of the korean vocabulary i've learned is kind of like... hsdflhdf internet/fandom-specific, because i'd "immerse" myself by reading fan forums and follow fan accounts and stuff that use a lot of slang and practice my listening by subtitling vlive videos or watching unsubbed idol videos and a lot of that lingo isn't really useful in everyday contexts LOL—which i was fine with and doing on purpose because i don't intend to move to korea and that's the context i had the most use for. but some other languages i know i find more important to be able to speak rather than read because i do need to use them in conversation with relatives and acquaintances around me. so basically the important thing is really being able to pinpoint both your needs and weaknesses — for ex do i need to be better at listening or reading or speaking, is there a certain verb tense or irregular case that i always mess up (if so, note them down and then dedicate a day to just practicing THAT specific concept or until you're confident with it), do i have the basics down but my vocabulary is lacking, do i just not have enough confidence in speaking and get overwhelmed trying to converse with native speakers? — then you can determine the best course of action from there i think... it's basic but just having a consistent practice routine is important even if you're just doing a little bit, like you definitely shouldn't burn yourself out but incorporating some reading every day or continuously reviewing vocabulary can help to stay immersed. and don't be afraid to consume children's media and also don't be afraid to consume more complex media and Not Understand Everything, you have to be comfortable with being confused before it starts making sense you know... idk if that's much help but good luck!!!
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postalollie · 2 years
What are ur favorite things about pdude :) any of them and what do think dating one would be like 😳
In general I love the fact hes a morally grey character that in general doesnt seems to care for what other think of him! (except if hes wearing a gimp suit obviously lol) and his smugness as well, for postal 2 dude I love his colors! theyre more dull which for me fits his character really well and I try to do that in my art of him as well (though Ive been slacking more on that aspect lol) his design in general is just so nice to look and memorable too, its simple but effective, peak character design right there and I dont even mean it as a joke I genuinely think his design is super good, and most importantly THE GLASSES!! I like drawing him with his eyes showing but when he has the sunglasses is where the fun is at, because it kinda brings a surprise factor to him, his colors are more died down but then you see his eyes and BAM!! green! of course theyre not too bright as to match with his other colors but still bright enough for him to have some contrast and bring some surprise to the player!
Now for p1 dude, I once again love his color scheme, I love red so its fun to look at him, even with just his limited model on the original postal you can see a lot of stuff in his design which is very impressive! I love his fingerless gloves and his sweater vest as well/shirt he wears on the gone postal cover, also...long hair...pretty.. ALSO his design with the red coat and green vest! I dont usually see it being drawn (I personally do prefer to draw the red and black version because I prefer that color scheme but the other is still quite good and I wanna draw it someday!) idk his design is just once again very cool to me
NOW FOR THE DATING PART OwO (sorry if these are hard to understand im very bad with writing and most of my fantasies rarely follow a story or a very strict personality to them lol)
for p2 I imagine it would be more difficult for him to "open up" I guess, he would start pretty closed off like he is in the game, even when hes interested in you hes still kinda closed off, with stuff like flirty interactions the thing he can do best because hes more in control, show that man some genuine affection and he wouldnt know how to take it (show that man love no one in paradise apreciates him >:( ) he would probably blue screen a bit from affection, however slowly he would start getting used it and start showing a bit more as well, you would just need to be a bit patient with him, he would however still care for you and be a bit possesive, not in the unhealthy way I mean would get jealous about you and if anyone tried to do anything he would kick their ass, in general his love language is a mix of physical contact and acts of service, he also calls you darling and dearie :)
NOW FOR P1 oh p1
tbh I think he would a bit more possesive compared to p2 by a bit, finding a not sick person would be a miracle to him, he would be a bit more emotional as well, confiding in you and being the only one he would trust, to me he would profess his love to you in a way more I guess poetic way?? idk how to call it but yeah! man is down bad for you essentialy, dont get me wrong though hes still postal dude of course, just ya know with more problems
now for the massacre part.. I feel it COULD be possible to be able to stop him from doing everything like people generally write p1 x reader fics but honestly to me, idk I feel like no matter what something would make him snap, the thing is would you join him or not... my self insert does but really I think that changes from person from person, I imagine that during the very small breaks from the killing he would be all over you, you're the thing that calms him down, also if he went to the asylum he would be saved by you, together till the end no matter what
AGAIN I know the whole joining in with him might seem bad! its just that for me its not any postal dude, especially postal 1 dude wihout some violence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
ALSO i headcanon all the dudes with the exception of corkscrew for obvious reason that theyre all part brazilian and portuguese is their first language! (self projection wee hoo) so they would call you pet names or say how much they love in the language! I feel they would say amor a lot and the variations of it (amorzinho, meu amor, mo, also that basically means my love in different ways in english) p3 would say xuxu or xuxuzin for sure though (idk how to translate this but like, imagine it as like saying doll or darling but in a more joking manner)
In any way, all of them would be protective of you, wouldnt want to hurt you no matter what and if anyone tried they're dead
(also bonus p3, he would be the most smug out of all of them, he KNOWS you love him and he loves you too and oh boy is he gonna have fun with it, also both him and p2 would probably fight for you a bit in paradise lost lol)
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