#.....shhhhhhh maybe
pocket-sized Foul Legacy except you’re fragile and sickly
you met the tiny Abyssal moth when you first moved into your house- at first you thought you had a mouse problem, but you immediately know that’s not the case when you see a small bundle of armor and glimmering fabric huddled in the corner. Childe takes to you very quickly, happily soaking up your kindness and keeping you company, which turns into a wonderful bond; there’s no one he’d rather spend time with than you, even if that time is perching on your shoulder and reading the documents you write for work.
but over time he begins to notice how frail you are, how often you fall ill and are confined to your bed, the countless days you have to send a letter to your place of work apologizing for not being able to attend. yet even on the days you’re burning with fever, too sick to walk, you still smile gently to a frantic Foul Legacy, petting his head with a finger to reassure him that you’ll be alright.
sometimes a man with long brown hair drops by to take care of you- Childe’s heard you call him “Zhongli”- and Foul Legacy watches from the shadows as Zhongli makes you tea and brings you medicine. the moment he leaves, Childe attempts to mimic his actions, fluttering around the house to fetch small snacks and any pills you might need- he peeps worriedly when the food goes uneaten, nudging your hand towards it. you must eat something, you’ll wither away if you don’t!
sometimes you’re awake enough to hold him in your hands, grip weak as he leans against your warm skin, too warm for a human mortal. he hates how useless he is, how he can’t do anything as you suffer time and time again, reminding him of just how quick and fleeting human lives are. you simply smile, tired but still with so much love to give, and scritch under his chin with a finger, lulling him to sleep so he doesn’t hear the sharp, jolting coughs you let out a few moments later.
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philzokman · 10 months
ao3’s down so i have to resort to medieval forms of gay smut (dostoevsky)
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angryaromantics · 1 year
What if I just deleted my blog instead of dealing with this multiple days in a row....
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oorevitcejda · 11 months
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i dont think any rio would like her boys fighting
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funkii4-blog · 7 months
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Did someone say art vs artist (no one did I just wanted to make this)
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Spending hours trying to figure out why I feel so irritable and sensitive today and I’m only realizing now it might have something to do w being invited to a birthday party full of an entire family I’ve never met and like seven very small children and the person inviting me assuming I would love that. I want to support her bc I like her and she’s family now, but I cannot---I will not---go to another family event and be pushed into the kitchen doing dishes with the women or cooing over someone’s baby who just stares at me and whines when I try to mask and say hello.
#my period ended so it ain't that.#maybe i'm a horrible person. i just want to be left alone for seven solid days. and i certainly do not want to be forced-#-to interact with children. they scare me. real bad.#maybe this also has something to do with my readings for this week and the fact that we're going to be discussing 'womanhood'.#like the subject is 'what IS a woman to you?' and i am not really looking forward to listening to 15 cis girls tell me-#-how awful it is and how much pain they themselves endured while entirely not acknowledging the existence of trans women#or gnc women.#why am i so irritable jfc.#every time i talk like this to my partner they give me that look lol. the look that's like 'uh huh. i know a trans person when i see one.'#and i'm like shhhhhhh. no. don't say that. shhhh. i don't want to be. i hate myself okay and my family scared me out of it.#wish i could fucking shapeshift. wish i was just fucking born with a dick and a flat chest. actually i wish i was two people.#so i could decide from day-to-day and not have to worry about irreversible changes.#how much of my alleged transness is just internalized misogyny? <- this is a question i ask very very quietly to myself#because i think it's what my mother thinks. and most of the world.#how do i learn to be comfortable AS a masculine woman? i have no one to look up to who can teach me or show me it's okay.#i have transmasc friends who are elated to go on T. i'm scared that they will make me want to do it again. why tf am i scared of that...#irreversible changes. society. literally everything. fucking hell............#no one talks about this particular experience of gender. no one talks about the in-between and the immense fear. at least no one to me.#why am i even taking gender studies in university if every class is full of cis women who don't even know the terminology of transness#or of gender-expansiveness...#i think i've become a very sour person in the last few years.#need to vent through writing or something. like through fanfiction.
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chancellorxofxtrash · 5 months
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same last name.... same kanji even.... many thoughts to be had
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rosicheeks · 1 year
😇thinking about being in the middle of a gangbang😇
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chwedout · 8 months
my flight just landed after 10 hrs and the first thing i see is .
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inverse-problem · 9 months
having a normal time thinking of what gabriel could have under his skirt. what if he has several dicks. what if he has tentacles. what if he has nothing. what if it fluctuates depending on his mood or the phases of the moon or something. in any case he's trans to me though
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hes-my-creepy-old-guy · 10 months
Lookin for the goods...
It's probably already asked before by billions of other people but I'm looking for any Beej/Dewey/Brightman-esque servers to pop in and spread my sinful art around and talk about the boys
If yall know of any, or you have one, lmk and send me a DM to it if it's joinable~
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red-elric · 2 years
IM not reblogging bokuroo past my bedtime YOU ARE
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raspiberry · 2 years
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Redraw time! It’s been a while since I drew this one and was done on a complete whim too, im shocked that I managed to land nearly on the same day!
Current: November 14th 2022 Original: November 15th 2015 (December 8th 2017 -> November 27th 2019)
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somekindx · 1 year
Fuck it, I'm going to post fic anyway
A little, tiny secret?
I'm an obsessive rewatcher of canon when I'm writing fic, which (a) I hate doing because it sucks the joy out of the original media for me but (b) I do it anyway because I always seem to catch mistakes after I thought the fic was done. Which I also hate. Perfectionism is a grind and a harsh taskmaster.
(At one point earlier in my longfic WITS I watched the same shitty episode every couple of weeks for MONTHS STRAIGHT. It was brutal. It wasn't even a fun episode!)
Fastforward to now.
My only extant copy of the series is on bluray disc, and I'm staying somewhere without a bluray player. I have the discs in a box with me (don't ask) but my bluray player is in storage in another city.
And you know what? I'm coming around to just not giving a frak.
Life is hard enough. The fic must be written. This time, I'm going to post without canon-checking.
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orcelito · 2 years
oh but i am so excited for the change in narrative of discacc bc aside from the initial stuff with goro getting into the metaverse, there really wasnt That much action to capture, bc most of the action was like. ykno. stuff that already happens in the game. i wasnt gonna have repeats of things that werent significantly different
BUT NOW.............. omfg omfg omfg ive been thinking about the thing this chapter sooo much (which is good considering im at the cusp of writing it) and just. it’s so goddamn FUN. i love writing action!!!!!! fight scenes r so fun!!!!!! and like no i dont have any kind of formal training with fighting BUT neither do my characters. & by working within the bounds of a video game, i have a general set of guidelines to follow, BUT ALSO of course i wont follow them 100%. no one wants to read a fight scene that just perfectly follows the bounds of turn-based gaming, complete with definite restrictions on skills and sp and whatever the fuck. like. the skills are whatever i need them to be. the sp is whatever i need them to be. i can give them whatever items i need them to have for the narrative. that is my freedom as a writer
AND SO. im having some fun stuff. sorry phantom thieves ur having a rough day today
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exporius · 2 months
Am i posting fanfics because my hands wont stop trembling making it impossible for me to draw? Who knowsss
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