#...and I have to advance-write my english essay in a day
cartoon-skeleton · 5 months
a lot of my teachers this year have randomly complimented me on my writing even when the class largely has nothing to do with it and tbh??!??! it's really nice and it makes me want to write more?!?!?!!?!?!
#i thought i was bad at it but i think it's just bc i had to write so many academic essays that i stopped having time for creative writing#but i was shocked today because i had a one-on-one with my painting teacher which was basically my final#it wasn't even a crit just a talk basically about my painting#and i had to submit a write-up in advance about what i learned through the process of that class basically#so anyway when i got to the one-on-one the first thing he did was thank me for the write-up and he was like 'clearly you love writing'#'you're a good writer'#and i was like what!?!?!??!?!?#BECAUSE#im not trying to brag SERIOUSLY but i wrote it really fast and i didn't think it was that crazy#but it meant a lot coming from him because he's probably the most articulate and insightful teacher i've ever had#and also he like has a degree in english LOL#and he said i was a storyteller... so anyway..... i almost cried in the club immediately#well anyway. top ten moments#also my art history professor who i deeply respect wrote a very thoughtful comment on my work today to tell me that she thinks#that i 'have a true talent for written visual analysis' and to 'take her word on it'#BOTH OF THESE MOMENTS?? IN THE SAME DAY?!??!!?!#sorry for 18 paragraphs of bragging but i was truthfully floored#i am always floored when people compliment my writing because lowkey i am hugely insecure about it and feel like i can't articulate shit#like so insecure i cant even write lyrics for songs im like 'i have nothing to write about' man stfu just make shit up its called FICTION#anyway....#top ten days of my life
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ilottcallum · 2 months
i am practicing my time management skills at 2.47am
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shwoyo · 4 months
hello, i saw your reqs open and i wanted to ask if you could do a seokmin x reader where reader is a shy person who always listens and when they meet seokmin and he listens to their rambling and yeah, thnks in advance! :)
hi anon! thank you for requesting <3 i'm sorry this is kinda rushed + i kinda wasn't able to show readers shy demeanor lol, but i hope you like it!
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comfortable with you. — lee seokmin x reader
; fluff, little angst, comfort – warnings: like 1 cuss word – wc: 1,481
note: first req ever, kinda nervous 😅i kindaa rushed it in the end,,, im sorry. BUT ANYWAYS!! i enjoyed writing this! i had so many thoughts on how i wanted to go with this, but stuck with this (kind of) short one. I hope you guys will enjoy this teww! not my best work tho
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you love listening to people talking. you've always let people do the talking while you do the listening; its been in your nature since ever. they would talk, and you would hum in agreement or dispute, sometimes speaking your own thoughts. but sometimes, you wish you could just spill your unsaid thoughts to someone. but you can't, for some reason.
your junior year has started, new school supplies, new acquaintances, and, of course, a new seatmate. every first day of school always makes you nervous; everything is new, and by that you'd always have to introduce yourself; you hated it.
standing outside your new classroom with your other classmates, the teacher announced that she had already assigned the seating plan. you were kind of grateful, as you quite literally don't know anybody here; you got separated from your friend.
Ms. Shin, your teacher was calling your classmates one by one, then called your name, "next, l/n y/n!" you went up to her. "you'll be sitting next to lee seokmin, he's over there by the window, third row" she stated. you went in the classroom and walked to your seat, which is beside seokmin, your new seatmate. he sat at the aisle part, which left you sitting next to the window, and you were grateful for it.
you sat down and settled your bag behind your chair. honestly, you were pretty nervous because, for the first time, your seatmate was a guy. you were always seated next to girls for some reason.
"hi! i'm lee seokmin. but you can call me seokmin, or any nickname you can think of," he spoke. you quickly turned your head in his direction and just nodded, turning your head to look at the board in front. 'he's so... pretty,' you thought to yourself. it took a second until he spoke again, "what about you? what's your name?" he asked, and you turned to look at him again, quickly realizing that you haven't introduced yourself. "oh, i'm sorry! i'm l/n y/n sorry, did i come off as rude?" you replied, your voice lowering as you spoke. "ah, no, no! it's okay!" he giggled as he responded, waving his hands as a sign that it really is okay. "i'm sorry again," you said, voice low almost like a whisper. "no, i assure you it's fine! everyone gets nervous at the first day of school, even me," he stated. you just nodded, turning your head to look at your table.
your face was red in embarrassment, so much for a first impression with someone who will be next to you your whole junior year. you wished the floor could just eat you whole.
months into 11th grade, everyday was a struggle. there were new activities every week, mostly by partners, and you were grateful that in each partner activity, seokmin was your partner. seokmin is the most perfect partner you could ask for; he was always ready and always listened to the instructions of the activity given. you were so grateful for him; you probably wouldn't have survived first term without him.
right now, on a thursday afternoon, you and seokmin were at the library doing the essay activity given by your english teacher, a 15k word essay covering the important events and creations that happened during the renaissance, the deadline being monday. you were trying so hard not to cry as you were stuck on your third paragraph, the whole essay only having 487 words. usually you were quick with this; you love english, you always scored high on the subject. but right now, you were just not motivated enough to write properly.
"Hey, you okay there?" seokmin spoke up, noticing your distraught expression. you only hummed to his question. he was already making it easy for you; he has suggested that we should write 7,500 words each on our part to sum up the 15,000 so it would be easy. you felt bad as you were writing your part so... poorly. "we can take a break if you're stuck," seokmin suggested, "uhm, maybe i'll try to continue mine and you take a break. i wanna at least try and finish this third paragraph," you stated. "hmm, i think no!" he said cheerfully. seokmin closed his laptop, then yours. you looked at him in shock, but he just grabbed your arm, forcing you to stand up, then pulling you towards the door of the library. "s-seokmin! hey! what about our things?" you whisper-shout, "don't worry, we'll be quick!" he replied.
you kinda got used to this; whenever seokmin sensed that you were struggling or stressed, he would always do something to distract you until you were feeling okay. this time, he was pulling you in the hallways of the school, towards the exit, and then walked towards the ice cream stand near the school gate. "hello! can i get one vanilla ice cream and one chocolate ice cream? both no toppings!" seokmin said, the vendor nodded and made his order, "seokmin, i didn't bring my wallet with me." you stated, "its okay! its on me," he replied "no, i'll just pay you when we go back to the library," you said, "nu-uh, this is on me. i won't accept your payment," seokmin responded.
he's always like this. he does something nice for you, but whenever you offer to do something in return, he denies it. this is what you like about him, like as in platonically... yeah, platonically.
few more months in junior year, and your feelings towards seokmin kept growing, not platonically. you tried to deny your feelings, but every time you do, he does something that just makes your heart flutter.
and surprisingly enough, you've gotten so comfortable with him that each time you talked, you openly said your thoughts, even you shocked yourself. but, you still weren't comfortable enough to spill your deepest thoughts and rambles, rants you wish you'd said to the person who stressed your thoughts.
still, you were more than happy to be able to finally openly speak your thoughts, even if it weren't your deepest thoughts that hurt you. you were okay with this, you think.
but one day during the last 2 weeks of junior year, you were fed up. the world just kept testing and testing you, and you were so tired and just needed to rant, specifically to seokmin.
"and it's just... so fucking tiring! i don't get why they won't do their part. it's almost the end of the school year, and they're acting like this?! i'm just so..." you couldn't finish your sentence as you started to sob. seokmin looked at you with sad eyes, it hurts him to see you like this. 'why couldn't your group mates just do their job properly?' he thought. you sobbed harder as you thought about your uncooperative group mates, then seokmin hugged you.
it was the first time he physically touched you like this; usually he would tap your shoulder, pat your head, or pull your arm when he wants to show something, but hugging you? this was definitely new. but you were too tired to be shocked.
"mhm, i understand y/n." seokmin stated, you sobbed harder than before. for years in your life, you just wanted to hear those words—that someone understood you. you were always the one to listen; you never had the chance to be the one to rant as you grew used to listening. seokmin patted your back, still hugging you. it was so comforting; you wished you could stay there forever.
from that day on, you knew that you were super comfortable with seokmin. he's the person you trust your thoughts with the most. not a day goes by where you had to keep your thoughts to yourself anymore; you had seokmin, and he had you, of course. he was there for you, and you were there for him.
the feeling of finally being able to speak up about your deepest, unsaid thoughts and rants was so refreshing. of course, the more comfortable you got with him, the more your feelings grew too.
it was on recognition day when you had the courage to finally spill your heart out to seokmin. you were very nervous, but the funny thing was he beat you to it. he confessed first, leaving you shocked. of course you informed him that the feeling is mutual.
you were happy; he was too. your heart was so happy you felt like it would explode. you never have thought that you would find love this early in your life, especially with your old behavior of being shy. but seokmin was there, he was there for you in so many ways. he saved your heart and mind by letting you pour your unsaid rambles to him, and you were so grateful for him, for seokmin, who was now your lover 'till end.
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©shwoyo, all rights reserved.
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While I agree with most of your posts
I think bringing up grammar in song writing is just kinda weird
Like as long as a song isn't as egregiously grammatically incorrect as 'I'll do what I should have did' (thank you deacon blue) it just isn't a relevant criticism?
Even the song writer you respect most probably doesn't write their songs like an essay they can lose marks for. And that's a good thing! Songs would be a lot worse if writers were worrying about these things
It's just such a bizarre thing to bring up- and unfortunately it kinda makes your other points look less valid because it comes across as weird and petty and like you'll drag Swift for anything (Plus obsessions with 'correct' grammar is just rooted in abliesm, classism and racism- so yeah not a good look)
Plus bringing up your literature degree... like you never studied poetry? Which famously plays with grammar and sentence structure? Like that's inherent to the genre and while very little of TTPD is poetic, lyrics are still most similar to poems then they are to essays or journal articles
Sorry you just really hit a nerve here cos it's just such a ridiculous thing to bring up.
Okay, yes people don't write songs like essay's. However, they often still use determinable grammar rules in art.  
You are keying into the difference between prescriptive and descriptive grammar rules. 
The prescriptive rules are ones that you are most likely to find first listed in dictionaries or textbooks. Descriptive grammar rules contend with the dialectal differences and slang. In either case, rules and stipulations or exceptions are noted in various linguistic analysis of the demographic's dialect. Both subgroups of grammar are consistently evolving as the use of the English language changes over time.  
Before I move on, I just want to say that I am well-aware of the deep history surrounding the debates on proper grammar. These debates, of course stem, from sociohistorical issues surrounding class, race, and ableist attitudes. You are correct. However, the academic conversation on grammar and linguistics has advanced dramatically into the subdivision of grammar-practices with respect to dialectal and cultural differences. I judge Taylor Swift's grammar as similar to my own, since she claims to be from my “neck of the woods.” Thus, I feel it is entirely appropriate for me to throw metaphorical tomatoes at her.  
 In the juncture of this difference on prescriptive and descriptive, I want to make that point that people who utilize the difference well often take prescriptive rules and bend them to fit their specific thematic point, thus the lyric forms to its set of descriptive grammar rules. These artists do it with such finesse and precision, unlike Taylor Swift, that it’s nearly awe-inspiring.  
For instance, Kendrick Lamar uses many AAVE typical syntactical structures to make his music personalized art. He won a Pulitzer for it. Take, as an example, the intro to his song “Humble” in which he writes, “Nobody pray for me / It been that day for me” (2017). This is not grammatically correct according to the prescriptive grammar rules laid out in the 1940’s. However, linguistic scholars do not operate on so strict a pendulum anymore. Notice, too, that Lamar is not actually breaking any grammatical rules, only playing with the purpose and form of his syntax, when we take into account the dialectical intention with which he uses “it been” as a poignant use of the past participle form of the verb “to be.” Thus, the simple sentence of “it is” changes into the “it been” as a subjective call first to his cultural dialect and to the thematic gesture of the song. As the phrase “it been” leaves out the helping verb “have” which would put the phrase into present progressive tense should it be present; however, it’s noticeable absence as a stiff detraction from prescriptive grammar rules, focuses Lamar’s thematic point on moving the audience to mediate on the past as it intrudes on the present time. His use of language discrepancy between prescriptive and descriptive rules focuses recognition on his dialectal culture and on his main thematic point as it hinges on making sure to notice where you’ve been in life in order to stay humble and live with authenticity. He is a masterclass on descriptive grammar being used in such a beautifully artistic way that I am damn near in tears for his music.  
Okay, moving onto to your point about poetry not being grammatically correct. You are quite wrong here, because poetry "plays" with syntax but it does not throw the rules out. Much like the example I laid out above, poetry does the same thing wherein it plays with prescriptive grammar in a thoughtful way that often ties into the moral or theme of the work. Poetry centers on a different form of syntactical methodology... yes, you are right. However, the emphasis is still on the necessity of understanding grammar structures like poetic feet, meter, rhyme scheme (etc). It's not a free-for-all. The best poets of the last 6 centuries have been some with the most linguistically precise sentence structure that I've ever read. I can give you examples, but if I do that this answer will become a million words long.  
I am, however, sorry to have struck a nerve or come-off like a know-it-all. I was only expressing my frustration that Taylor Swift is apparently one of the biggest artists in the world and she doesn't even bother to ask a friend if the meaning of her phrases gets lost in excessively languishing grammatical structures. For instance, in her song “Chloe or Sam or Marcus or Whatever” she is stacking so many phrases hinging on coordinating conjunctions that the meaning of the phrase itself loses any poignant message. She writes:
Named Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus And I just watched it happen As the decade would play us for fools And you saw my bones out with somebody new Who seemed like he would've bullied you in school And you just watched it happen (Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus).
In this stanza alone there are 6 coordinating conjunctions stacked together, interspersed with additional prepositional phrases and 2 extra relative clauses. It is the most egregious run-on sentence I have ever seen published before. I've seen better, cleaner prose in the work I've graded from High School freshmen. Not only could she have said it in less words, but the way she is writing it makes it drag on and on. The meaning gets lost, and any emotional impact is shut down because people get lost in the wordiness.
It’s a failure on her part, and it’s clear how just writing a run on sentence with no meaning is so much different than the way that someone like Lamar is masterfully arranging language to fit his purpose.  It's offensive that she gets to make a million-billion dollars off so little effort. 
Sorry, I wrote you an essay, but I am so incredibly passionate about writing. Also, I’ve been listening to Lamar a lot today because of his recent diss track, and it just reminded about how much of a lyrical genius he is. Sorry, I detoured into a rant about how cool he is too. And I need people to understand that I am not critiquing Swift because I need to dunk on someone in order to bolster my own sense of self-worth. I just want better mainstream art, and I want people to have better, stronger art with which to engage.  
I did not mean to hurt your feelings.  You are quite right that obsession with "proper" grammar is bullshit; however, I am not looking for some old fashioned "proper" nonsense. I want people to write like Lamar, with intelligence and passion while he bends the notions of grammar, not like Taylor Swift with obvious run-on obfuscated and stupid phrases.
edit: Also, good writers do actually worry about grammar. It has to do with illocutionary forces behind the phrases. The best among us knows the language inside and out, and that is why they are the best writers.
Edit 2: Also, I've been thinking about this, but what do you think literary and poetry critics do? You say it's bizarre to critique Taylor Swift’s poor grasp of the English language? Of course, I'm critiquing that... she's the one who calls herself a writer. I don't go around checking everyone's grammar, but if you call yourself a "good" writer and a poet, obviously expect people to analyze the words on the page.
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ckret2 · 7 months
Your fic has taken over my brain, so I decided to list everything I love about it! 
First, and most importantly, the characterization. You’ve captured each character’s essence in dialogue and description. Everyone behaves naturally, as they would in the show, and makes independent choices (ie Soos and Melody starting an anime club with McGucket, and Pacific working to support her alpacas). No matter how small a role they play, everyone has their own emotional conflict. This makes every character feel like a real person who exists outside of the main POV. 
Second, the tone. It balances absurd humor and seriousness perfectly. I’ve experienced emotional whiplash multiple times (in a good way!). Plus, I love the scene breaks for flashbacks and time skips; they make it feel like I’m watching an actual episode of Gravity Falls!
Third, everything is set up well in advance. When revelations unfold, they feel connected to previous events. Nothing comes out of the blue, and every detail is important! I can connect the dots and theorize about each clue that comes up. And when something appears multiple times, I can be sure that a Chekhov’s Gun is in the works.
Next on the list is relationships: characters have dynamic interactions with each other, and everything is loaded with subtext. It’s fun to theorize about where things will go next. Because the characterizations are spot-on, every person sees things a little differently, and it shows in their interactions. Bill, especially, has an alien worldview, and his relationships with others are fascinating!
This leads to your portrayal of Bill and his development. I could write a whole essay about this specifically! Bill is a study in dichotomy: he can act as both a flat, two-dimensional villain and a tragic character. The way you write him captures all of this. He is infuriating and hilarious, sinister and pitiful, evil and sympathetic. His intelligence and ego are beautifully contrasted by his sheer stupidity. 
Bill starts as such an awful person, and your fic reflects this. His development is slow, but interwoven with hints of positive change. The latest chapter shows he’s growing to appreciate Mabel and her kindness. I can see how eventually, he grows to become a better person. 
Man, I wish this was an actual English assignment. I could write about this for hours! Anyways, thanks so much for pouring your heart into this fic. It’s truly amazing, and I can’t wait to see where it goes next!
holy shit 😭😭😭 Thank you so MUCH!! This means so much to me to hear. I wish I could think of more to say but it would probably be a whole page of heart emojis lmao. This is gonna fuel my writing for the rest of the day
(Credit where credit's due: Soos, Melody, and Fiddleford's anime club is @astro-b-o-y-d's idea, and I loved it so much I DMed him like "this is brilliant, could I use it too plz?" Because I thought the same thing, yeah that's absolutely something they would do together off screen.)
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hi! i’m curious, what does “not being self-taught” mean? if i took English classes and extra creative writing classes does that mean i’m not 100% self thought? i was just wondering :0
No, I just meant that I have a Bachelor's in Creative Writing. Which is a weird degree, and not one you see much in the U.S.
But most people who go to school in the modern U.S. get at least ~10 years' education in writing and reading English. Obviously it's going to vary in quality and focus, but modern literacy is off the charts compared to 100 years ago. Which is everybody's win.
I've also been lucky with regard to high school English teachers, to be clear — I used to straight-up turn in fan fiction as homework and get passing grades for it. (I guess from Ms. S's point of view, my 15-page AU of Great Expectations about Magwitch and Mrs. Havisham conspiring to burn her house down, collect the insurance money, throw a lavish wedding, and run off to Australia under fake names.... at least proved I'd read Great Expectations? Which is more than most of my class could say?)
Most valuable of all: from 1st to 4th grade, I had teachers who'd assign the class to "write a page a day." What about? Didn't matter. Some people wrote diary entries, some people wrote lists of things they could see, some people (me) wrote about scientists saving the Titanic passengers through trying to turn them into fish but accidentally creating horrible mer-mutants instead. We weren't graded on grammar, or content, or handwriting, or whether trout-people could survive the North Atlantic; we were just graded on having written. That exercise (no offense to my professors) was better for my literacy than any college class on Poetics Theory or Advanced Essay could ever be.
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thorfishcrusher · 5 months
first httyd rant of many!!! yahoo!!!
this is kinda just me nonsensically talking about the alphabet(s) used in httyd because theyre kind of inconsistent?? to put it simply
insert menacing dot dot dot here
googling "httyd alphabet" lowkey made me sob cuz there were so many different variations of the symbols they used, from somewhat official sources to definitely not official ones.
they all do share elements from the futhark runic alphabet used during, or around the time period viking were in their golden age. more or less; i honestly dont know too much about runes so i apologize in advance for anything im wrong about
runes used in that time period weren't very specific, they were designed to easily carve into the materials they were using and mostly relied on just sounding things out. like lets bring that back that sounds WAY easier than learning 20 different variations of spelling the same word
younger futhark(which was more popular during the viking age,) for example, only had 16 characters, in contrast to the 24 characters in the modern english alphabet. more often than not, translated runes are littered with spelling mistakes.
that doesn't mean the vikings weren't less intelligent than people today, spelling and writing just wasn't a necessity as it commonly is in current times.
but anyway, the alphabet systems used in the books, movies, and tv shows can be directly translated into modern english, long as you ignore all the stupid ass inconsistencies (this is directed at the films, not the books)
both the movies and tv shows have similarities to futhark runes, though the movies appear to be inspired by anglo saxon runes, and the tv shows do have similar characters used in elder futhark. neither can be 100% translated to any sort of alphabetical system used at the time, and i believe berk has developed their own writing system over the centuries.
in the movies (at least from what i know) the way words were spelt were influenced on how they were sounded out, while the tv shows were slightly more correct for the future day standards. so congratulations, you can most likely spell better than hiccup in the movies. the punctuation system isn't really clear, and in futhark variations words were primarily just separated by dots. though, according to that one episode in rtte that i totally remember completely watching where snotlout shat on his dads grammar, i imagine people in berk have a more complex grammar system.
on top of that, quite a lot of people in berk seem to have the ability to read and write, more than the average viking tribes of the time. id like to assume they put more emphasis on learning to read efficiently because of the dragon book. information regarding dragons was important, and so id imagine being able to to proficiently record said information was important, too. thus the berkians (and perhaps surrounding tribes, outcasts, etc) adapted to better suit their priorities
ummm yeah idk thats kinda it
i say as if i havent put more thought and time into this dopey ass fictional thing than i have with actual beneficiary stuff
tl, dr; did you seriously scroll all this way to see if there was a summary? youll be disappointed because i am the master yapper and i am unable to be quick with my words
but basically just me talking abt the differentiating runes used in httyd, and how they connect to real world languages at the time, wnd um er um yo MOTHER
ive literally had this account for a day and ive written a 10 paragraph essay on silly little symbols
ill probably be using rtte's alphabet cuz it seems relatively easy for my little pea brain
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alyimoss · 3 months
9, 10, 31,,, (ask game)!!!!!
ok so
9 What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
honestly i. have not done much at all. ever. so this is a tough one (and also bc i cannot for the life of me remember ANYTHING abt my life suddenly). idk if this counts, but. ive been told several times that im the kind of person people can come to when they have problems, either for advice or just to have someone listen to them. that at times ive been the only one they could turn to. and i consider my ability to become (and keep being) that person despite everything an accomplishment. its either that or learning mostly-proper, semi-advanced english in like 2 weeks after we moved to the states but i was like. 7. and kids that age are sponges so its not rlly anything special?
10 What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
either that i did ballet (albeit briefly) or that i used to be a social butterfly. im a pretty closed off person nowadays, riddled with anxiety and constantly too nervous to speak up. so i think if i told people that, at some point, i was not only social, but *popular*, they would not believe me. i could strike up a conversation with anyone. was literally getting bullied and i chatted with them like nothing was happening. fun times. wish i was still that kid sometimes
31 Describe yourself with 3 singers
what a horrible day to only listen to game osts lmfao. buuut maybe lemon demon, will wood, and mitski?? ld is kind of the. whatevers up with my brain. the hyper and excitable part that gets buried under the issues. the hyperfixations and the random info and oh its the neurodivergence. his songs exude a sort of vibe that i want to have and think i do have in the privacy of my own thoughts. never ask me abt his songs i will not shut up (i could write whole essays overanalyzing his music). will wood is the loudness and the issues that arent (necessarily) neurodivergence and also the gender issues. kind of vibes i wish i had also in the sense that his songs are so. in your face. a bit nonsensical at times, hard to make out, but you can feel the emotion so plainly. and then mitski is like. every song i hear from her is just my thoughts with a backing track. its actually kind of insane and i need her to stop bc i cannot listen to her songs like a normal person. anyway yeah across the three of those i think the common theme is "mental illness" and i do not know what that says abt me (i know what that says abt me)
anywayyy ty for the ask!! :3
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cherryy-slushy · 1 year
TW: Violence, cheating, abuse (alcohol related), smut?, alcohol, drugging, using (using a person for something), bad mental health. (Also I may change to personal pronouns halfway through I apologise in advance.)
(I forgot to add in part 1 that this is set in current time LMAO sorry lads and that the way I’m imagining this is Jamie muscatos JD) Also I’m sorry if these are really short and not very well written 😭 Only experience I have with writing is essay writing when I was in secondary school… AND IF I ACCIDENTALLY SAY “mam” OR “lads” ITS BECAUSE IM IRISH AND I TEXT LIKE THAT SO ITS A HABIT SORRY 💀
Part 3
Part 2!
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What did I really expect? That the super hot guy would completely ignore the pretty popular girl and go for a complete nobody like me? Pfft, don’t make me laugh. Veronica is gorgeous and I’m just bland. She’s popular and bubbly and I have like 4 friends and boring. She goes to party’s. I stay home and watch horror movies all night. Why am I surprised he likes her more? What I’m trying to say is IM JEALOUS. IM SO JEALOUS OF THAT GIRL. SHE WENT FROM LOSER TO LOVER ITS NOT FAIR.
After I left JD in the English classroom with Veronica I felt sick. Sick to my stomach. Like somebody just punched me in the gut and ripped it out.
I walked down the halls highly aware of everyone around me. I felt weird. Different. This can’t be normal. He’s just a teenage boy that I spoke to for half an hour.
A few seconds later I heard my name get called.
I looked back and saw half of my friend group waving me over.
We spoke for a bit before rushing off to 2nd period.
The class went by quick and next thing I knew I was sat at a table with my friend group in the cafeteria.
I was talking to my friend, Erica, and then heard obnoxiously loud laughing.
I turned to see who was making the annoying noise and was not surprised when I saw the 3 heathers and Veronica sat at the table watching Martha dunnstock open a letter and read it. The poor girl goes through hell because of them.
I watched as Martha got up and walked towards Ram Sweeney with the note in her hand. But before she got there Veronica swooped in front of her and started talking to her.
At least the girl has some sort of heart.
Martha then walked past Kurt and Rams table after a few minutes of talking to Veronica. The heathers were not happy.
I watch Veronica start to walk across the cafeteria back to the heathers.
Just then, when I turned around, I was greeted to J.D stood next to me at the side of my table.
“Hey”, he said with a small smile.
“Oh hey, how’s your first day going”, I replied politely with a small smile.
I seemed normal but inside I was screaming and felt like I was about to go bright red.
He was talking to me! He came to me instead of going over to attempt to get Veronica’s attention! Ohmigod Ohmigod OHMIGOD!
“It’s not too bad”, he said.
His gaze then slipped from me to somewhere else in the caf.
I looked to see where.
Of course, sawyer. It was so good to be true hey?
“Hey, what’s sawyers deal? Is she single?”, he asked.
I have two options.
I tell him the truth that Veronica’s single or..
I say she’s either dating someone or simply that I’m pretty sure she’s gay.
Ima go with the gay.
“Oh yeah I think she’s a lesbian”, I say trying to hide the giggle that’s trying to force its way out.
“Oh, right. That’s cool”, he says, clearly faking a smile.
I could tell her was disappointed but it’s giving me a chance I guess.
“Ya wanna sit here? There’s definitely enough room for you to sit here”, I say patting the bench next to me after moving up the bench a good bit.
“Oh, yeah sure”, he says with a tight smile.
I introduced him to my friends and then we went to talking about ms Fleming and her random bursts of energy in class.
Before I knew it the bell rang.
Fuck I have German.
“What’s your next class”, JD asked.
“German”, I said with a groan.
“Well it’s your lucky day because I have German too”, he smiles with a wink.
“Oh my god. Thank Jesus. Let’s go before Ms.Macy shits herself”.
I grab him and walk out of the cafeteria before Veronica can see him.
We spent the whole next class talking about movies.
Horror movies come up in the conversation.
“I can’t handle horror movies well”, I whisper to him.
“Awh come on they’re not that bad”, he whispers back with a breathy laugh.
“How bout after school today we go to my house and we watch one. Sound good?”, he asked.
IS THIS A DATE? No. You’re getting ahead of yourself Y/N calm down.
“Yeah I’m down. My moms working till pretty late anyways she won’t mind”, I say.
“Cool”, he replies with a smile.
The school day past quicker than I expected. And next thing I knew I was sat on the back of JDs motorbike. I looked around me. He hadn’t started to drive yet.
“You feel safe enough there?”, he asked.
“I guess..”, I said shifting myself a bit.
“Wrap your arms around my torso when we start driving. And grab on tight”, he said looking back at me with a smile. He gave me a helmet.
“What about you? Aren’t you gonna wear one?”, I asked.
“No. I’m fine. I never wear it”, he said.
I gave a breathy laugh in reply.
In the corner of my eye I could see Veronica staring over. I looked at her and gave her a wave (just to be petty) but made it look real.
She gave a tight smile and waved back.
“Get ready”, he said booting up the bike.
I wrapped myself around him. Tight.
I smiled against his back. It’s not creepy right?
We drove through town really fast and ended up at his house.
I texted my mom to let her know I’d be home later today.
Hopefully she’s in bed when I get home.. I cant put up with her on Friday nights.
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hamliet · 10 months
Dear Hamliet, I've read some of your analysis and I really admire the way in which you articulate your thoughts. I'm a literature major who goes through a breakdown every time I have to write an essay. It is a really hard job for me and recently a proff told me that I rely too much on paraphrasing and I don't understand what to do with that.
So I was wondering if you have any tips on writing a well articulated argument.
Thanks in advance and hope you're having a great day! ☺️🫶
Thank you! And of course.
First of all, go easy on yourself. Learning to write good essays takes time and practice. I routinely got told the same thing about paraphrasing in high school, and then in college it was "you didn't answer 'so what?'" I was also incredibly hard on myself in college, and only realized that I actually liked writing arguments and essays after college. Probably has something to do with the fact that, while some people tend to refine under pressure, I crumble into a heap of anxiety. Lol.
Tips for Arguments: Thesis
Here are my first tips: come up with a good thesis and write an outline based on this, but also keep in mind that your thesis can be revised after you've written it should you find you were arguing something slightly different than you planned on.
Good thesis tips: should be debatable (for example, saying "Daenerys and Jon Snow are foils" is not debatable; they blatantly are). It should also answer "so what?" aka, why does what you're trying to argue matter? In terms of literature, specifically, you might want to tie it to the themes of the story or the historical context of the work, depending on the prompt, to explain that your argument affects how people read the work. For example, "Daenerys and Jon Snow foil each other in that they each deconstruct a particular archetype of the chosen one, which shows both the bad and the good of chosen one arcs; ultimately, Martin affirms the heroic goals of chosen one tropes."
You'll also hear "repeat your thesis in every body paragraph!" Which you should do (or paraphrase it, lol). But basically you want the last sentence of each argumentative point to explain why it proves your thesis.
Tip for Argument: Bluntness
You can never be too blunt in an essay. Particularly if you're writing in English, and particularly even more so if you're doing so in America (yes, culture does play a role in the levels of bluntness expected in an essay, and there are actual studies on this, as well as how culture affects essay structures!).
If you think it seems obvious, state it anyways. Don't worry about repetition so much. Worry instead about being too vague.
This is obviously a different idea than in creative writing, where subtext and "show, don't tell" get a lot of attention. Not so in academic writing. Tell us, even if you think you've shown us.
Tips for Avoiding Paraphrasing:
Think about your audience. It's hard to know specifically what you refer to, but I'm going to assume that you might be referring to the idea that you might be summarizing the book too much?
Your audience already knows the story. You aren't speaking to a rando on the street. Your audience is your professor.
Every piece of text you cite, be it a quote or a plot development, is evidence. They don't need the context of the broader work. Assume they already have it. They need evidence.
Context matters for you, insofar as authorial intent (your intent as the author of the essay) matters. Not for the audience perception. Basically, I'm saying don't take quotes out of context to make them seem like they support your thesis when they really don't, but you also don't need to explain in great detail why the context does support your thesis. Assume your professor is not a hostile audience who needs to be convinced because they believe the opposite of what you're arguing.
The other potential thing you might mean for paraphrasing is that you use brief paraphrases of the text rather than direct quotes. Where you can use direct quotes, always use them.
If you ever have specific questions on an essay, please feel free to reach out! And if any part of this isn't clear, also feel free to reach out!
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masalafilmsrevival · 7 months
Hello! I'm writing a final Essay about Indian parallel cinema or new Indian cinema and I kinda got lost, there are so many movies and themes to explore! since the deadline is pushing me, I don't have much time to explore it deeply, i've watched Charulata and Apu's trilogy but couldn't move forward from there. (all of them mind-blowingly amazing btw) Could you please please please give me some direction on which way should i keep looking/researching or any of your favorite themes that are recurring in 50's-70's Indian "new wave" films ? anything would be really helpful. Thank you in advance, hope you have an amazing day!!
oh my god, i did not see this until now as i typically only see notifications for this blog when i'm on desktop, i'm so sorry!! i really hope this isnt too late to respond. okay so i'm no expert but just some thoughts:
so obviously its a film movement that originated in bengal, a lot of parallel cinema is bengali indian OR bangladeshi, i'm not sure if theres a specific reason you're focusing on indian parallel cinema for your essay but thats something to keep into consideration especially because it spans past the 70s well into the 80s and somewhat 90s so after the independence of bangladesh. and that does impact and put context to the narrative of many films
the themes that are recurring tend to be class consciousness and disillusionment, religious and racial discrimination, casteism, more frank portrayals of the topic of sex, marxist thought, the burden of patriarchal society and expectation, to some extent borderline nihilism in my opinion, essentially the polar opposite of bollywoods pristine glamorized and polished portrayal of life and society that borders on science fiction from how removed from reality it is. in spite of it often.
if you want an outline of some filmmakers, actors, and films that can give you a decent idea of the movement, off the top of my head:
films i can think of that will give you a decent understanding of the tone and themes of the movement at least:
mirch masala
a river called titas and cloud capped star
donkey in a brahmin village
the apu trilogy and charulata as you said as well as devi and shatranj ke khilari. (the coward is also one of my personal favorites but not a necessary watch)
mammo, mandi, and bhumika
dont cry for salim the lame, the strange fate of arvind desai
rat trap
maya darpan
duvidha, nazar, uski roti
quintessential filmmakers to at least get a decently rounded understanding (in my opinion):
saeed akhtar mirza
mani kaul
satyajit ray
ritwik ghatak
shyam benegal
mrinal sen
actors whose work or work during the period of early parallel cinema to look to:
smita patil (!) (probably the most important to look into if youre interested in this movement)
shabana azmi (early work)
madhabi mukherjee
soumitra chatterjee
 naseeruddin shah (early work)
om puri (early work)
all of this is really just what came to mind immediately, i had planned on writing up a comprehensive summary of parallel cinema and what i considered essential viewing and themes and i will do that eventually, but i wanted to answer this as quickly as possible so i could easily be leaving out an insane amount of things. also i primarily used the english translations for these films unless i couldnt remember them. if youre in the usa (and maybe outside of it as well im not sure) MANY of these works or works made by these directors are on youtube or archive.org. i hope this is of some help and eventually i will post more comprehensive detail + scans of books i have about this. hope this helps someone and you have a good day!
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iamhereinthebg · 7 days
Hello, How are you? I remember reading a long time ago that you are working in Animation and I wanted to know if you have any tips to get into an animation school.
Sorry for the weird question, I don't really know who to ask
Hello hello! I am fine thanks I hope you are too Anon ^^ No worries this isn't a strange question I am happy if I can help :))
Unfortunately I won't have much advices to give for some stuff, especially 2d animation schools.
I am specialized in 3d rigging and my school was for 3D/Cg animation and in France, so I know it can't apply on schools in other countries since all of them have their speciality.
I personnaly had a big entrance exam, where I had animation history, English and General knowledges tests + an essay to pass for writing. An oral test with a teacher/professional where you have to show your portfolio etc and storyboards and still drawings (here it was objects) to do in one day. But it depends on each school so if you have one in mind (especially if it's in the US) you can find some portfolio reviews on youtube really easily ^^
I do think there is wayyy more tutorials/reviews for 2d animation school (if you want 2D check for Calarts, Sheridan and Les Gobelins for example there are tone of videos for them ^^)
(here you go for example, and most of the time people answer question in the comments sections too :))
For 3d/cg hmmm it's great to have started a little bit 3D before school (blender exists now it's free yayy) But otherwise you don't have to have insane drawing skill to go in compared to 2d animation schools (I mean of course but voila ahah) The school is here also to let you learn, so of course you don't have to know everything about 3d before but it's nice to know some stuff before. Knowledges of the history of FilmMaking/Cinema and animation is always great!
If you wanna start with great basis, I think for 3d artist it's of course Anatomy for sculptor that comes first which explain really well sculpting (and topology too If I remember correctly) They are also a lot of tutorials on youtube for blender and maya
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I will be really honest but I am mostly specialized in 3D rigging which required more technical skills rather than artistic ones, compared to Texturing/Shading or Compositing for example.
In 3D you have differents jobs which can be classified like this (to take with a grain of salt of course, all specialities are both technical and artistic) and the more technical jobs you will have the more learning Coding is important too (but this can come after, just if you reallyyyyyyy want to do really advanced 3D/CG learning Python is always great)
For more general advices, I will say to just be curious ^^ Life isn't just about your job and people are always interested if you do sports/you go to museums/you watch movies etc. Idk for other countries but it was also pretty important for my school
And be aware that what is asked to the students change each year for the entrance exam (I passed mine when I was 17 so it was a long time ago already :') a lot of stuff must have changed)
Idk If I answered your question but that's all I can say for now. If you have more advanced question on CGI/3D I would probably be able to answer but not so much for 2D animation. And be aware that some jobs exist in both pipelines too! Like Storyboarders or Concept artists
I hope it helps a little and I hope you will get to go into this school ^^ Good luck!!
oh for 3d I definitely recommend this channel I love this guy a lot! He explains really well the basis for 3D animation and even if you don't wanna do that I do think it's interesting ^^
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I've been talking with my partner about Jake (homestuck jake) today and I wanted to ask you about your opinions on Jake and his relationship to romance. For normal reasons.
OKAY. I AM SO EXCITED TO TALK ABOUT THIS YOU HAVE NO IDEA. STRAP THE FUCK IN BECAUSE THIS IS GOING TO BE AN ESSAY THAT I THINK IS GOING TO TAKE DAYS FOR ME TO FULLY TYPE OUT. OK. I just got this ask on Oct 9 . future me i need u to write what date ur posting this on before u post it (Future me here, it is Nov 5. happy destiel putin election day everypony 👍)
SO. JAKE ENGLISH. Speaking as an aromantic person, Jake is so clearly aromantic coded, especially in Pesterquest (which is dubiously canon ofc but the PQ writers weren't pulling from nothing with his characterization, it has solid ground in canon). Jake, throughout most of the Alpha Kids' time fumbling to get into the game, was stuck in this weird love triangle with Jane and Dirk. And the thing is, he's not stupid. He likes to pretend he is, sure, because it absolves him of some responsibility (lowkey can relate, especially when it comes to romantic situations), but he's not. He's not dumb. He picks up on Jane's romantic feelings multiple times and even asks her if she likes him that way more than once. He KNOWS. But it's an awkward situation, so Jane makes excuses and tells him "no, it's not like that, I promise!" and like. Again, he's not stupid. He brushes off the question immediately like he's just pretending to believe her. He's a major people pleaser. He doesn't want to disappoint anyone, so he pretends that it's all fine so he can feign ignorance when someone does end up disappointed.
A lot of people who don't understand Jake's character think that naivety is his biggest character flaw, but it's not!!! He's not naive at all! His biggest character flaw is his selfishness. He pretends to be a clueless moron so that he doesn't have to take responsibility when Jane lies and says she doesn't like him that way, or when he ghosts Dirk, or when he asks Jane for relationship advice on her birthday. He wants to make things work with everyone, he wants to be a good partner to whoever it is that he ends up with, but he doesn't want to be responsible for any of the potential fallout. I firmly believe that if Jane had properly confessed, Jake would have taken that and they would have started dating instead. If Roxy told him she liked him, he'd probably date her! He doesn't want to turn anyone down, so he pretends to be oblivious to everyone's advances so that he doesn't have to be responsible for anyone's feelings until they explicitly confess their feelings to him. He doesn't romantically like any of them I think, he just took whoever confessed to him first.
And honestly?? Dude that was me with my first relationship in college before I realized I was aro. I knew where our relationship was going before it happened, but I pretended I didn't so we could just stay friends and keep playfully teasing each other. I found the attraction flattering, but once I was actually in the relationship, my mental health tanked because suddenly there were these expectations for romance I didn't want to fulfill. Jake avoids acknowledging the feelings of those around him so he can go on playing ignorant and pretend that he does want the relationship he puts himself in.
Jake is aro and an extreme people pleaser, which is not a good combination when he is the target of multiple people's romantic affections! He ghosted Dirk, feigned ignorance over everyone's feelings, and I honestly don't think he's meant for a romantic relationship. The expectations of it are too much. Someone get this guy a moirail or a queerplatonic partner and maybe he'll calm down.
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balletandbow · 1 month
Never in my life will I tell anyone else that their feelings or experience with homeschooling are incorrect or invalid or wrong. What I will say is that homeschooling can be and is done right, and that I think I was lucky enough to experience it myself.
My mother was a kindergarten teacher before she had kids, and worked as a nanny once I was born so she could stay with me more. By the time I was ready for kindergarten (my birthday is in August, I was barely 5) we were living in the middle of nowhere and I would have had an hour round trip bus ride every day. Our state had few laws prohibiting homeschooling, and this was literally what my mom's degree was in, so she just taught me.
We moved a couple years later, and by the time we hit the upper years of my mom's ed degree we had enrolled in the local school district's homeschooling supervision program. Every year my mother made a list of the curriculum she had chosen for me (and eventually my two brothers) and turned it in to a certified teacher who was assigned to supervise us. We did pretty much anything you can think of. English was separated into reading and writing (so many different books and so many essays oh my god), math (with a textbook fear not), history (my mom pulled out weird Manifest Destiny books out and added extra books from indigenous authors), science (I got my iPod taken away for pretending to do my work when I didn't lmao), and so many field trips and fun things that are so much easier to do when most kids are in school.
We participated in the weekly class that the supervision program offered starting when I was in 5th grade. Every Wednesday afternoon we would spend 3 hours with other homeschooled kids, doing theatre, art, or some kind of history or science project depending on the time of year. The middle and high school groups put on a full play in a semester every year. A few other kids and I who were supervised by the same teacher formed a little club and made our parents let us meet up a second time a week and we got to help make the play sets and generally were little nerds.
In middle school I started taking classes at our public middle school. I was there for math because my supervising teacher had me take a placement test when my mom decided to change math curriculums and they had decided I was ready for Algebra a little early. I also went for choir, because I liked to sing. I ended up taking math at the public school all the way through high school because our district had an advanced math track that let me take Algebra 2, Pre calc, and Calc AB in 3 years and I liked math too much to say no to that. I also took 4 years of Spanish, AP Lang, chemistry, art, theater, and lots of choir.
I had friends at school and I had friends at my homeschool stuff. I got to do a year of history curriculum learning about the early day of the Christian church. My freshman year of high school the writing part of my English curriculum was literally to write a novel. It sounds crazy looking back on it but it was so much fun, and I learned literally so much, which was indeed the point.
When the pandemic hit in the spring of my junior year our public schools all closed for the year. We kept homeschooling. I took all my senior year public school classes from our basement. It was hard, but not all that different than what I did with my other subjects. I started college in the fall of 2021 and discovered that it's really very similar to what I had already been doing. Go learn from the professor. Do your work on your own time. Come back, get feedback, and do it again.
I move in for my senior year of college in a week. There's a lot of discussions about pretty much every aspect of education happening in the world, from the pandemic to asynchronous classes to homeschooling and indoctrination to free lunches. There's a lot of bad homeschoolers out there, and there's a lot of kids who were never taught what they needed to learn to be successful adults. This is just what me and my family did. It definitely shaped me as a person, but as I'm getting older it's becoming less important to my life, which to me signals that my parents and various teachers did a good job.
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reidsvest · 10 months
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(gif is not mine,credits to @hotch-girl )
Hello!I'm completely new to this so first things first.My name is Avra,my pronouns are she/her and I am 21 years old.I'm currently on my third year of college, studying away from my home which sadly means traveling a lot, so i'm not sure how much or often i will be able to upload fics but I will be trying my best.Also my native language is not english and while I will be proofreading my fics before posting,I apologize in advance for any mistakes.I have a really big rambling problem as it has already become evident.That will probably be showing in my fanfictions and in the actual rambles i wish to post about whatever episode of criminal minds I'm watching so I feel like I want to apologize in advance for that too and I hope that it's not too boring/annoying.I promise my thoughts follow a logical order😂
Like I mentioned in my description I love everything spencer reid (and cm in general), jay halstead (same for cpd) and charles leclerc (you guessed it roughly the same applies to f1).Honestly what I'm trying to say is that I love most characters on chicago pd,criminal minds and many many drivers from formula 1 but the ones I mentioned are my top favorites.I have watched almost every single film that matthew gray gubler has acted in,i pride myself for making it through some really weird scenes but at the end of the day it was worth it for more mgg content to feed the obsessive monster.I also absolutely adore elizabeth olsen/wanda maximoff but i will not be writing for her.This is also a great moment to state how much i love Taylor Swift and her music!I am tho completely open and would love to talk with anyone about wanda or any of these topics.
My fanfictions for starters will be of the above mentioned characters (mostly spencer reid as he is my current biggest obsession) and will be female reader x character fics.I will be writing angst and nswf content (probably a mix of both) so minors please do not interact but I will also be writing fluff too. I'll try to post my first fanfiction soon-ish but I just wanted to write a quick introduction to my blog and say hello!If you read this whole essay,thank you so much!I cant wait to start!🧡🌼
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odetojupiter · 3 months
this is absolutely random but I got caught up on your tag saying "I'm way too good at reading things that maybe aren't there" and listen. I don't know what you study (I remember you mentioning you take creative writing classes so??? sorry if you literally know this just trying to encourage you) but I study literature and in literary theory there's a lot of discussions about whether what the author wanted/meant/intended actually matters in interpretation and understanding literary works and well, a lot of theorists actually agree it doesn't so if you say it's there it's probably there, no matter if intentionally by the author, so ig please keep going off unapologetically we love to hear it
(also just in general, your analysis of the number three pretty much resonates a lot with Jacques Derrida's formal idea of deconstruction (basically tearing texts apart to the minute detail, and collecting and inter-connecting these details/words with associations of the reader to form a structure of meaning and it's all very abstract (a pain to learn during studies but cool to see in action!) so I just had to think about that)) yeah that's it have a great day
ahhh this is my first ever ask so thank u anon <333
and yeah, i did a joint honours english and creative writing degree (graduating in three weeks :/) and there were literary theory modules each year that were compulsory for single honours english students BUT because i was also in creative writing, i couldn’t actually take them bc they ran at the same time as my cw classes soooo all this to say that even tho i did study literature i wasn’t really able to study that much literary theory - tho of course theory is relevant in all lit modules but i didn’t take a class specifically for that. (i wanted to, cause i love that shit, but i wasn’t allowed) ((annoyingly in first year there was a module that covered not only advanced lit theory but also academic writing that i wasn’t able to take so i never learned how to write university essays? like that’s not inconvenient at all))
that being said, i’m of course familiar with the concept of intention vs interpretation mainly through barthes’ death of the author theory (and it comes up a lot in cw classes because in workshops people share every thought they have about your work and ur not allowed to defend urself!! cause ur intention doesn’t matter if someone interprets what you wrote a certain way!!!) and the thing is i get it, i do - and i love to analyse whatever i can, i tear things to shreds with no mind for intent - but i also know people outside of literary studies love to say shit just isn’t that deep.
im always watching and rewatching shows with one or two of my sisters and one of them especially makes fun of me a lot for analysing everything from the dialogue to delivery to lighting and staging and camera work because she thinks i get way too into it. she either stares at me blankly or tells me to shut up (which happens a lot it’s very annoying let me talk ffs) so i guess i mainly added that in the tags to ensure everyone knows that i know that i analyse a lot so hopefully no one feels the need to tell me?? i don’t know, i just get slightly self conscious about analysing things when i know i could be saying something slightly unhinged lmao.
but, i will of course, keep going off on here about aftg bc that’s what im here for lol (i got sad about not being able to share my thoughts anywhere)
oops forgot to say THANK YOU for reassuring me about my jean number 3 analysis i’m always thinking someone’s gonna say wtf r u on about mate 😭😭
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