#...do you think satan would like minecraft?
gifti3 · 9 months
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bonefall · 5 months
Honest question, how do you think Clear Sky would react if he got yeeted to the Dark Forest upon death. I've been thinking about this for an AU and I have how I'll do it, but I'm super curious how you'd approach it because I like hearing you talk about the worst man ever
Oh he'd build an empire. Like. Immediately. First couple of cats that fall in with him would end up getting turned into his lackeys.
I lean into the Christian coding a lot but like, unironically, Clear Sky is the sort of dramaturge who could deliver lines out of Paradise Lost without breaking a sweat
Paradise Lost is about how Satan's ego lead him to oppose God, how he justifies hanging onto his anger at having had his ass kicked, and how he rallies all his demons to continue to fight for a lost cause they can't possibly win. Milton basically wrote it to connect that theme to humanity itself, exploring the various ways that Satan and humans aren't so different.
It just feels so right with Clear Sky in mind. Everyone knows the "Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven" line that the speech in Book 1 ends with, but the CONTEXT of Satan's words there is that he's looking at all his fallen allies doing the family guy death post at literally rock bottom, all these people who lost everything by following him, and he's giving them a pep talk.
"Ok yes. It smells like a sulphuric fart, the lights keep flickering, and everything is on fire," says Satan, "But maybe this is a you-problem. I'M this funny little thing called an ✨optimist✨ and you know what? Maybe God never built a minecraft base here because he's the real loser. YOU can say it's hell but you know what I call it? Free real estate babey. NOW LET'S GO FUCK WITH HIM!!!!"
And that's honestly the EXACT way I see Clear Sky reacting to something like that. Like he'd ever just lay down and die?? HELL no. He'd be PISSED that StarClan was SO UNGRATEFUL to him, that they did something so spiteful and unfair. Sure, he Made Some Mistakes, but he had to make HARD choices, and he was NEVER WRONG, and deserves his place being honored.
He might briefly have a moment of self-pity, woefully consider just giving up... but in the end, his damning would make him so mad. He'd want to get back at them as soon as his brief pity party is over (just like he did with One Eye), and he's absolutely incapable of ever NOT bossing other cats around. He just needs one or two goons before he's got a little base of power, and you KNOW that cats like Petal would do anything to go fight by his side again.
So yeah. If you're asking me, sending Clear Sky to the Dark Forest would unironically just result in the devil. And you'd have a great opportunity there, because StarClan SUCKS.
Both sides would be terrible options and you can really expand on the unfairness of WC's afterlife system, and the way that banishing a person like Clear Sky to an eternal prison with other desperate cats just ends up enabling and empowering his worst impulses.
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alectricblue · 5 months
Saw this tag game on another post and thought I'd do it (idk if I've done it before, maybe something similar, but my answers will be different anyway)
1. Were you named after anyone?
Nope My chosen name (Allister) however, is from a youtuber who has a very cool name and I stole it (Alasdair Beckett-King, very funny videos and he has great hair too). I adapted it a bit so people in Spain would at least have an idea of how to pronounce it at first glance (hopefully) It has nothing to do with any Crowley (which I did not realize was a thing until recently), tho for a bit I named myself AJ like Good Omens Crowley, but I don't like how it sounds in Spanish...
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last month probably
3. Do you have kids?
No. And I don't want any. I don't dislike them, but it's not for me
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Judo, karate and football (the indoors kind). All as a kid/teen. Now my brother and I walk every week day and go up and down stairs (when we remember...) One day I want to try to go to a gym to get some muscle, but not too much, just a bit of definition. Also, I'd enjoy doing rock climbing, but not competitive climbing or anything like that
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Irl: the way they move their face and hands when they speak, which then I subconsciously use to recognize people, bc I'm a bit face blind Online: the way they choose to express themselves
7. What's your eye color?
Gray/light blue on the outside and artichoke green/lime on the inside
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both, but I'd rather watch a happy ending. For scary things I prefer to watch Markiplier's scary games videos
9. Any talents?
I'm VERY good at jigsaw puzzles
10. Where were you born?
East of Spain, by some of the best Mediterranean coasts 😁. I enjoy it here, but one day I'd like to live in the UK, at least for a bit, I think I'd like it there
11. What are your hobbies?
Listening to music, singing, making art (crafting, building, drawing, painting, writing, ...), watching media (shows, panel shows, youtube, twitch), video games (rhythm/dancing, platformer, puzzle... Also minecraft, powerwash sim, potion craft...), going for walks, exercise, learning languages (especially English) If I had any good ones close, I'd go to theatres and museums too. And, if I had money, I'd travel. I'm also slowly learning about taking care of plants
12. Do you have any pets?
Not yet. I'd love to have dogs, cats, frogs, snakes... or anything really. I love animals. But I think cats and frogs would be the best fit for me, considering my personality and current lifestyle I've always wanted a dog, but I've only had a turtle and a hamster
13. How tall are you?
1.63m or 5’3”
14. Favorite subject in school?
Biology and technology
15. Dream job?
Anything that pays me enough to be independent and let me do all my hobbies Although, if I ever have the patience, base skill, and required mental fortitude, I'd go for general robotics and/or prop making (for film and/or theatre)
No pressure tags in no particular order (I tried to tag as many people as I could, but apparently there's a tag limit 😅):
@swamp-communism @they-thespian666 @strongsuits @skelesona @shinekittenace @yeetmewithachainsaw @rockium-z @gordonzola-ramen @vampireopossum @libraryfag @frostytheduck @tetostar @xyrnys @normalscientist @dolltwink @anxi0usgh0st05 @piersgender
@mettatonsass @sinfulauthor @flaretheidiot @sneebles-mcgee @pivotallemonade @aroace-genderfluid-snake @monstrousmaws @satanic-leaf @virtualunease @villowrose @handrazedsun @ceiltheoutcast @atroph1k @entropy-sea-system @abby-cat99928 @maroroque @galaxgay
@realyfroggyfrog @angrysheep @llamaflower @ultrabean @sea-salt-sky @queerestqueertoeverqueer @crowleys-queen @foolishlovers @cassieno @crowleys-hips @argylepiratewd @trianglebird4 @sugarplumanderson @underlilithswings21 @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @healingmyinnerteen
and anyone else that sees this, consider yourself tagged!
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
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(I have no idea how to reply to an ask being sent like this you guys, so here's a screenshot. If anybody knows, please do tell me.)
the obey me cast with a weapon-maker mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
a/n: I feel like this goes without saying but just in case, don't try to replicate some of the stuff in this fic at home.
content warnings: weapons, guns, barbatos wanting to use weapons on rats, I feel like this is lowkey a crack fic??
I mean, this information was in your files, but he did not expect the weapons to be this extreme
and honestly lucifer is cool with it as long as you don't cause any problems
also please don't bring anything to rad, that school is chaotic enough as is, we don't need lightsabers there
he thinks it's the coolest thing ever
mammon asks you to make some sort of tennis ball pitching machine out of leaf blowers to keep some of the witches who want his money away
it's up to you if you want to make it for him
at first he didn't think much of it
but then he realised you could probably recreate some insane weapons from his anime, and those would make great props for his cosplays
just don't make them functional or else levi will be banned from cons (if he even goes to them idk)
'look, mc, me and belphie want to prank lucifer and we need something-'
maybe don't listen to him because you will get in trouble and regret it
also it would be nice if you could modify something to be kind of a cat food machine, just imagine a nerf gun that shoots fish
weapons aren't exactly his style, so he doesn't really care about your hobby, as long as you're happy
but one day he thought it was a good idea to burrow one of your bags
later that day said bag turned out to be some sort of gun, he figured this out in the majolish dressing room
he's kind of scared to go in your room ever since he tried to eat a donut that was secretly a taser of some sort
but he admires how talented you are
'mc, it would be great if you could make me a portable cheeseburger bazooka, in case I randomly get hungry during the day, thank you :))'
he thinks it's cool, and would want to learn how to make weapons himself if only he wasn't too lazy
only too bad the weapons make noise though, he hates being woken up by them during good dreams
'mc, I forgot my pen at home do you have something- this is a laser'
he's really fascinated by your talent and passion
and diavolo wants to burrow your extreme weapons for the tiniest tasks
one time barbatos had a day off and he asked for your double-edged chainsaw to trim the plant in his living room
the human has a hobby? okay, as long as they don't cause trouble for the lord
barbatos didn't think much of it until solomon burrowed the kitchen one day and the room became rat-infested an hour later
that's when he shows up at your door, asking you to help him with the problem
he thinks all those crazy weapons are just decoration and don't actually work for a good while
the truth was quite the surprise
simeon thinks it's impressive and all, but please make sure luke doesn't come near the weapons
he wants to make something together
you know those splash potions in minecraft? maybe you could make some sort of gun together that shoots potions everywhere
but when lucifer found out, he put a halt to it immediately
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sleezeboss · 1 month
What video games do you play ? RPG ? Survival ? FPS ? Simulator? Puzzles ? Horror?Porn ? 🤔 Do you think Bub and company would play video games ?
I’ve been playing a lot of single player games like Sims 4 and ACNH lately, but I also play CoOp multiplayers like Helldivers, Vermintide and Darktide, Elden Ring. I’ve been known go on a minecraft binge with my buddies every now and again as well. I was also a longtime MMO player back in my day. Played a looot of WoW in highschool.
Thinking in terms of a modern au for my cast, I would think Bub and Belphi play a lot of bro games together. Your standard CoD, LoL, etc. Bub would def be a console player, whereas Belphi would had a super tricked out PC.
Mark I think is the right age range to play some games as well, I bet he and Bub would have fun with fighter games ala Tekken or Streetfighter. Smth they can get competitive about.
The rest of the cast is like… too Old or too uninterested to be ID’d as a gamer.
Mammon probably plays mobile match-3 games.
Satan plays Angry Birds.
Joe has an poker game he likes to play.
Rex plays solitaire
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asukamood · 10 months
Math (fmaa2)
I have no idea if any of you were like, wondering what the Creepypasta Squad was up to in fmaa2 au, but I am not going to wait for answer before uploading this and give you the answer. If you are wondering why I am writing fluff now, it is for an apology to anyone who might have suffered due to me torturing Hacker so much these past days.
I will not stop.
But have a break still.
Warnings: M a t h, strong language
Ships: None
Synopsis: Well, if he could not help Bobby himself then he still had that one ace card up his sleeve.
Or rather, a bi card.
He was the opposite of asexual after all.
The sound of frantic scribbling echoed inside of Bobby’s otherwise silent room. It was quite late, the clock on the wall ticking in intervals of seconds. According to it, it was already 8 P.M.
While his pen was indeed moving frantically, it did not write answers but incoherent gribbles instead, hoping that this bundle of disconnected and bent lines would somehow give him the answer to the math problem nagging him on his notebook.
And perhaps he hoped to fool the teacher into thinking he did his homework by mistaking these unintelligent scribblings for answers.
He could be staring holes into it as much as he wanted, the questions did not magically change to a simpler one because why would they? He hated math because he never understood what the questions were even about.
At the third line he completed tainting a faded grey with his pencil, he let out a loud growl as he threw his pen at the wall. “FUCKING HOMEWORK!” God, he wanted to go play Minecraft so bad, but Randy said he was not allowed to before he had finished doing everything.
He had been stuck on the same problem for hours now!
And there were more on that page!
An angry frustrated groan left him as he wiped his hand across the desk, knocking his pencil and notebook off. The items crashed onto the floor unceremoniously as Bobby buried his head in his hands, cursing out everyone who thought making school the way it is was a clever idea.
Randy soon came knocking at the door after hearing all the commotion. “Son? Is everything okay in there?” came his muddled voice from the door.
“No!” He replied, frustrated. “I hate school! And I hate homework! They suck Randy!”
The latter took that as a positive response to enter if the way his door swung open to reveal a worried Randy was any indication of that. Or he simply did not care. But it was Randy, he always cared so he doubted that was the case. That was why he liked him after all.
The latter came into the room and bent over to pick up the scattered books on the floor to put them back onto the desk. He opened them back where Bobby left them, and he groaned at seeing the same problems appear in his sight. The interrogation marks tempting him to run the tip of his pen through them so he would not have to see them anymore.
“What is the problem, son? Are the problems taking too long for you to figure out?” he asked as he patted the angry teenager on the head, ruffling his hair in the process. Normally, he would have thrown a tantrum about that, saying things about how it would mess up his hair but right now? He was too distracted by his pure flames of hatred aimed toward the educational system to care about his haircut all that much.
“No, they’re simply not coming to me at all.” He crossed his arms around his chest and stubbornly refused to even spare a glance at the pages. “I can’t understand what I’m supposed to do, and it sucks.” He pouted. “I wanna play Minecraft...”
Randy stared at the book and scratched his neck, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to read whatever was written in it. He had never gone to school and much less studied whatever kind of satanic writing those numbers were. While he did learn to read eventually, math was something he was hopeless with.
He was much more of a practical man than a literary one.
Well, if he couldn’t help Bobby himself then he still had that one ace card up his sleeve.
Or rather, a bi card.
He was the opposite of asexual after all.
“HACKER!” He hoped he shouted loud enough for the latter to hear, not wanting to bother the neighbors from screaming too loud, I think those suffered enough from Hacker’s and Bobby’s endless bickering on the balcony of their house.
Thankfully, Hope didn’t let him down this time.
“Yeah?” Soon came a muffled answer from a room from afar.
“Could you come here, please?” There was the creak of a door and footsteps before Hacker’s face appeared at the end of the doorway.
“Yes, what is it?” Randy motioned for him to step closer, and he did, his eyes falling onto the notebook in front of Bobby. He raised his eyebrow.
“Homework again?” Randy gave him a sheepish smile as he nodded while Bobby growled under his breath, his arms tightening around himself.
“Math homework.” Bobby was quick to add before Hacker had the time to make fun of him for needing help with school. The latter blinked before groaning too as he mumbled something about it being the most difficult subject to explain.
He sighed before walking up to Bobby’s side and looking at the questions he had to answer. He reached out behind him, feeling for the additional chair Bobby keeps in his room in case those emergency lessons had to take place before bringing said spinning chair to him when he got a hold of it. He sat down like the drama queen he was, frowning at the notebook.
Seeing that Hacker had probably the situation under control, Randy backed away from the soon to be battlefield and reached the door. “Well, you two kids have fun all right? Try not to stay up too late, you still have school tomorrow, Bobby!”
“You didn’t have to remind me!” Bobby half sobbed and half hissed as he attempted to punch his bottle of water.
“And remember to brush your teeth!” This time, he glared at him as he reminded me once again that he was eighteen and that he knew he had to brush his teeth. Randy swallowed back the remark about how Bobby forgot to brush his teeth multiple times after he reached majority he felt forming at the back of his throat and instead turned to target Hacker instead.
“As for you, son, you remember not to stay up too late, okay? While you do get eight hours of sleep, 4 A.M. to 12 A.M. is not an extremely healthy sleep schedule.” Hacker waved Randy's worry away with a wave of his hand.
“Yeah, I got it Randy, don’t worry about me.” He responded, knowing very well that he was most probably not going to stay up anyway because of watching too many tik Tok videos. Randy must have known but he did not comment as he closed the door shut behind him.
His hand traced down the thin page and he cursed. “Why did it have to be that math? It is literally the hardest of the hardest to explain!”
“Well, ask that to my teacher not me.” Bobby huffed, pouting. “I do not even get why we learn all that shit at school. You and Randy are both working but I never see any of you bring out those stuff for any kind of situation! It is so pointless!”
“I’m with you on that one, dude.” He nodded, as he slouched back onto his chair. “I mean, I guess it could be useful for some careers, but I doubt that you want to pursue anything in the scientific field.”
As if to prove his point, Bobby stuck his tongue out at the suggestion. “Ew, I would rather kiss one of your exes.”
“Well damn, if you wanted to that badly you should have just said so.” he snickered at Bobby’s outraged reaction.
“Ew ew ew! Hell no!” He shoved him weakly, earning a little laugh from the other.
“Well now that this is out of the question, I’m kind of not in the mood to do math.” He melted onto the chair as he spun back in forth, looking extremely bored. “What if we just skip that part?”
Bobby glanced back and forth from Hacker to the notebook spread on the table.
“I mean, I would love to, but the teacher said that whoever doesn’t do their homework will get a mail sent to their parents and two hours in detention.” Hacker scoffed at that, spinning a pencil in between two fingers.
“Did you forget that Randy cannot use any electronic device for the life of him? While he is your legal guardian, I am the one who receives your school mail. Besides, I can always talk your way out of that detention thing.” Bobby seemed relieved but he still had a frown on his face.
“They also said that we were going to get a pretty important test about it next week.” Hacker shrugged at that, a smirk on his face.
“Well, if you’re worried about your grades, your school’s system isn’t that hard to breach...” Bobby was about to tell him something, even a thank you with starry eyes before a disappointed dad burst through the door, startling both boys out of their skin.
“No hacking into the school’s system to change Bobby’s grades!” Randy put his fists on his hips as he stared sternly at them.
“No buts apart from the one attached to you! Do it in the right way or you will be banned from pancakes for a week!” Bobby and Hacker both groaned as they turned back to the notebook reluctantly, Randy huffing as he closed the door again.
“Well, I guess it’s time that I pull out my secret teacher skills.” Hacker said as he began cracking his fingers and neck like he was about to step inside a ring.
Bobby scoffed, picking up his neglected pencil.
“As if you had that.”
“Holy shit, you might actually be a good teacher.” Bobby sounded bewildered at the completed homework that he finished before the clock stroked 9 P.M. “You ever thought about becoming one?”
Hacker gagged at the suggestion. “Hell no! I am not going to spend my days teaching loud brats!”
“Well at least you would have earned more money, I don’t think your job at the 7/11 is paying all that well...”
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copiaslilrat · 21 days
Riding in the Shadows Behind You: Chapter 7
See the master post for Tumblr links to the other chapters. Read on AO3 here.
Days fade into weeks without issue. As time passes, Eros finds themselves more and more helplessly in love with Copia, and they have no concerns about their feelings being reciprocated. He treats them with nothing but the utmost care and compassion, even while feeding from them. It used to be something that was done out of necessity, but they have recently started introducing it as a regular part of their sexual escapades given how much it enhances the experience for both of them.
After one such venture, they find themselves curled up together on his couch playing video games. Eros never had the opportunity to play video games growing up and had never considered it as something they would enjoy doing as an adult, but Copia is very much into them. He decides to start them off easy with Minecraft, and he is delighted in being able to share one of his favorite hobbies with his favorite person. Eros is a good listener and very patient, and it doesn't take them long to grasp the easy controls. They very quickly learned that all they want to do is fish, and of course, Copia lets them do as they please while he takes care of the other tasks.
After some time, he sets down his controller and looks over at them. "It is getting late. Are you feeling hungry?"
Eros' response is delayed as they are currently completely engrossed in the game. After a few seconds, they look over at him. "Huh? Did you say something?"
Copia chuckles and leans in to give them a kiss on their cheek. “Dinner? S Ì?"
They blink at him. They look at the TV, and then the controller, and then back at Copia. "But...I'm fishing."
Copia finds their enthusiasm adorable, and laughs a little harder. “The fish will still be here after we eat, caro ."
"I…think you've created a monster by teaching me how to play this," Eros says, their tone deadpan but their eyes playful.
"You deserve things that make you feel happy." Copia rests his hand on their knee and rubs it affectionately. "It may sound silly for a person of my age to say, but video games have gotten me through a lot of hard times in my life. Sometimes it is nice to just sink into something and forget about the rest of the world, hm?"
Eros nods. "I don’t think that’s silly at all. Life is hard enough as is; we all have our outlets." They sigh and put down their controller. “So, yes. Dinner. What sounds good?”
“It is entirely up to you.”
They flush. “Can we order something to be delivered?”
Copia gives them a knowing smile, quirking their eyebrow. “That is a suspicious request, amore mio . Might there be a reason for that?”
Eros crawls into his lap and wraps their legs around his torso and arms around his neck. They press their forehead to his and give him their best attempt at puppy dog eyes. “Can we order delivery so we can stay in and play more video games together? Pretty please?”
Copia chuckles and nudges their nose with his. “Ah, well, when you ask so sweetly…” He presses a tender kiss to their lips. “How could I ever say no to you? You may have anything that you desire, always.”
Eros lets out an excited squeal and plants a firm, dramatic kiss on his cheek. “I love you so much.”
Copia gazes into their eyes and brushes a lock of hair from their face. “I love you too, Eros. I never thought I could feel for someone as much as I do you, and every day those feelings only grow.”
Their expression sobers, their voice quiet as they ask, "do you think it will always be like this?”
He readjusts them on his lap so they can cradle them in his arms. “What do you mean?”
"Will we always be this happy together, or…” They almost don’t want to say it out loud for fear of manifesting it, but it’s something that’s been on their mind for awhile. “Will you ever get tired of me?”
He levels his gaze at them and cups their heads in his hands, and Satan below he thinks they are the most handsome person he has ever seen and how did he get so lucky? “No. Never.” He smiles in an attempt to lighten their mood. “I think that is quite simply an impossibility.”
Eros worries their lower lip with their teeth. “Would you ever consider turning me into a vampire?”
Copia’s gaze softens, and there’s a certain sadness in the way he looks at them then. His thumbs gently rub their cheeks. “Now that is a much more complicated question.”
“I’m not asking you to do it now, or anytime soon, really. Just…eventually?”
“I would love to, truly—nothing would bring me more joy than to have you by my side for eternity—but,” Copia sighs heavily. “Turning someone is…it changes things. For both of us as individuals and as a partnership. And you know as well as I do that being a vampire is really not so grand; I do not know if I wish to impart this life on someone like you, caro , who has much to gain from being, well, eh...alive.” He chuckles nervously.
Eros nods slowly, their gaze dropping from his. Copia gently tilts their chin up to force eye contact again. “I am not saying no, amore mio . It is certainly something that we can consider, but it is not a decision to be made lightly. Bene ?”
Eros nods again. “I understand. I’m sorry for bringing it up so suddenly, I just…”
Copia kisses them softly. “Shh, I understand. There is no need to apologize. It is only natural to have questions and it is important to discuss these things.” His hands cup their face a little tighter. “I want you to know that I am very serious about my relationship with you, Eros. I would do anything within my power for you. Nothing brings me greater satisfaction than making you happy.”
They grin at him. “I suppose it’s a good thing that I’m happy just by being in your presence then, huh?”
Copia hums. “A very good thing indeed.” He gives their thighs a single, solid pat before squeezing them. “Now, you need to eat, caro . Will you let me up so that I may order dinner, or do I need to take you with me?”
“I am rather comfy. If you want me to get up, it may take some convincing.” Eros teases.
His hand slides provacatively between their legs, resting just on the inside of their thigh. “Do you truly need more convincing than free food?”
Eros bites their lower lip and readjusts slightly, trying to encourage his hand closer to where they want it to be. “Maybe…”
“In that case, I have an offer for you,” Copia smirks as his index finger traces slow strokes along the length of their thigh. “You remember how many times I made you come earlier, s Ì?"
Eros nods. It was—as always— many times.
“Double that, and you still get whatever you want for dinner.”
At this, they scramble off of his lap. Copia laughs softly and rises from the couch to grab his phone. With dinner ordered a few moments later, he returns to the couch. Eros places their head in his lap and stretches out on the couch with their feet propped up on the armrest. They pick up their controller and look at him expectantly.
“Let us try a different game,” Copia suggests, his eyes twinkling as he picks up his own controller. “This one is called Mario Kart.”
After dinner was eaten and several more games were played, they had decided to pivot activities and watch a movie to wind down for the evening. Eros is still laying in Copia’s lap, but they are now curled on their side with a large blanket draped around them. His gently cards through their hair as they cuddle, the short, choppy strands sliding like silk through his fingers.
Eros makes it approximately 15 minutes into the movie before they start to drift off into sleep. Copia lets them doze until he gets uncomfortable on the couch. It’s a Friday night, so there would be no work tomorrow, and he feels grateful as always for the days where they get to sleep in late together. If he had it his way, he would just sleep through the entire day until sunset, but his work schedule would never accommodate that. He muses to himself that Eros wouldn’t either, and since they are the self-appointed guiding force in his world now, he would gladly bend his entire life around to suit their needs.
Copia smiles softly at the sleepy bundle of mortal in his lap and gently sweeps them, blanket and all, into his arms. Eros stirs slightly at the movement, but in their sleep they snuggle into his warmth, their head resting heavy on his shoulder.
He carries them into the bedroom and tucks them in before and crawling into bed beside them. On instincts, they scoot back against him and he wraps a loving arm around their shoulder before planting a soft kiss on the back of their head.
In their state of half-sleep, they mumble something that sounds like “love you." Copia smiles at them again and whispers "love you too." Eros sigh contentedly at this and slip back into their deep slumber. Copia lays awake beside them for awhile longer, savoring the feel of their warm body against his: the gentle rise and fall of their chest as they breathe, the occasional small noise that they make as they dream, and he thinks to himself,
Yes, eternity would much better with you in it, wouldn’t it?
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softxsuki · 11 months
Congratulationson 1000 followers !!! You deserve them all and what to come in the future !! Always wishing you the best !! ♡♡
Here's for the event pls ^^ <3
1. She/her !
2. Obey Me! Haikyuu! And Demon Slayer pls !! ^^
3. Male ^^
4. Romantic Lovers ^^
5. Idk :<
6. Aries >:D
7. Quality time, physical affection, gift giving/receiving
8. Idk uh don't really think I have one ?
9 I have a personality like, well, ok I am VERY introverted, I have low self-esteem and I have horrible anger issues, but I'm also really sensitive(when it comes to arguements, once someone starts yelling or being more aggressive it'll lead me to crying, and I hate crying.). I tend to not be around a lot of people and I stay in my own space, a lot of people irl would describe me as mean and/or cold but I just have a hard time really showing a lot of emotion besides anger :^
10. 1-I like art, it's been something ive enjoyed since- 3? I just always adored it and still pull out some paper and pencils often ^^
2-gaming, I do enjoy playing games, my types of games honestly could be more like, Call Of Duty, Fortnite, Apex Legends etc but I also really enjoy minecraft and sometimes roblo and the sims ^^ !
3‐I could spend a little while watching animes :p I don't really binge as much as I'd want too but I do really enjoy animes ehe
4-I also like listening to music. I don't sing or dance or really do much besides a little lip-syncing when it's playing but I, well, just like it? I have a horrible time explaining and describing tbh...
11. Well, I'm a minor I'm school, I absolutely LOVE plushies, and hugs. <3 I can't live without my family and I love scary stories <3 I love hearing other people's stories and interests (especially if it's similar to mine) I find collections very interesting and I spend a lot of time looking at things to shop for online ^^; I love chocolate but I'm allergic to it >:^ I love overside shirts and hoodies so I WILL steal clothes. I am always/usually cold so I better get my match-ups jacket >:^ I also could get really clingy tbh :°
12. Can it be a walk in the park as friends and then a confession that leads to a café date ? ^^
I'm sorry I'm not the best at describing or anything so idk how good/bad this was ^^; ♡ ty in advance ^^"
1000 Follower Event Matchup #23
This is event is CLOSED. You can view the masterlist here.
Note: Hi Kya <3 thank youuuuu. so sorry it's taken me this long to get to your matchup, but it's finally done :D. Hope you like who I matched you with :)
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I match you with: MAMMON, KUROO, TANJIRO
Runner-ups were: Beel, Akaashi, (no one else from ds, tanjiro is perfect heh)
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I think Mammon would be a great match for you because he’d make you feel really special
He pays extra close attention to how you react to certain things and makes a mental note of it; such as how easily you cry when someone raises their voice at you, how you don’t show emotions very easily aside from being angry, and how you tend to stick to yourself when in a room with many people
Mammon goes out of his way to adjust himself to fit your own needs (he’d never admit it though)
Whenever you’re at a crowded event with him, he’ll take you to a quiet table and just spend time with you, entertaining you and helping you feel comfortable so you can have a good time!
If you randomly get upset at him, he’d be a little taken aback because he hates that he was the one behind your anger, but he quickly gets over it; he has Satan as a brother after all, and than man is literally the embodiment of anger, so it’s all good
Get all your anger out, Mammon would give you your space and wait for you to reach out to him again when you’re ready
Of course he won’t say that, but you’d randomly find one of his shirts or sweaters in your room and you’d just casually slip into it
When you come into the dining room for a meal and Mammon sees you in his clothes, he’d probably die on the spot, but have a proud little smirk on his face as his brothers watch with jealousy
How does Mammon confess to you if you were his friend at first?
It takes a lot to get him to confess
You know he likes you…it’s pretty obvious by how blushy he gets whenever you compliment him
So you might have to step up and be the first one to confess here
Once your initial confessions are out of the way though, Mammon naturally becomes a great boyfriend by spoiling you with beautiful things and getting you things on his way home from RAD
Would try and play it of like it’s no big deal, saying he happened to come across something that made him think of you…Yeah no he definitely scoured many stores to find the perfect gift for you 
His favorite type of date with you is just spending quality time together in his room, playing some video games, and ordering food until you eventually fall asleep 
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I find Kuroo very carefree, so your initial impression of being cold, doesn’t affect him at all, in fact he thinks it’s adorable
He teases you about it sometimes, but he just likes getting a reaction out of you, anything to see some emotion behind those eyes
He truly does help you express yourself a bit more since he’s super expressive himself as an extrovert lol
Your love of gaming is a bit exhausting for him, since he already has Kenma to scold about staying up all night playing games, BUT he’d find himself wanting to play some games with you to see what all the hype is about (he does end up enjoying playing with you)
Kuroo is very observant, he picks up on whenever you’re in a particularly bad mood, or going through a rough time and instantly smothers you in affection
He’d throw one of his hoodies over you (whichever you claimed as your favorite) then cuddle up to you, pressing tons of kisses to your face in hopes that he can kiss away your troubles
One of his favorite things about you aside from your wonderful personality and beauty, is your love for art; if he’s ever around while your drawing, he’d watch you quietly, and perhaps would want to join in on the fun and draw with you
How does Kuroo confess to you, his friend?
Very boldly–as soon as he realizes his feelings for you, he makes it well known, physically by always having an arm around your shoulder or teasing you so he can see you get flustered and upset (not seriously upset, he’d never do that)
I don’t think he’d ever officially ask you out, it kinda just happens one day when he excitedly kisses you after winning a game and it was all smooth sailing after that
His favorite place to take you on a date is a cafe and maybe even a museum; some place he can relax with you and see you happy
Idk I just think you’d be a cute pair
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Now onto the one I ship you with the most, TANJIRO
Your love for your family is so beautiful to him; we all know he cherishes his family as well, so he loves that you’re very close to yours :D 
It helps that you were friends first before dating, it gave Tanjiro an opportunity to truly know you (all the small things that he could have possibly never noticed had he fallen for you as a stranger)
Do you see how cuddly he gets with Nezuko, patting her head and everything? Yeah, he does the same with you, but it’s even better :3 he loves when you cling to him–being close with you like that gives him the chance to show you how much he loves you
Got anger issues? No problem. Tanjiro is friends with one of the most spontaneously angry guys out there, Inosuke, he can definitely handle any anger you have to throw at him
Ever going through a hard time? He can smell the sadness on you before even getting a chance to notice something is wrong, and he’s already running over to you to try and comfort you
HAVE YOU SEEN HIS HEART? HE’S SO KIND AND PURE HEARTED I just know a Tanjiro hug could melt all your problems away as he whispers beautiful things in your ear in an attempt to cheer you up
How did he confess to you, his friend?
He didn’t realize his feelings for you were romantic until one night when he almost lost you to a demon
He could feel the pain in his chest and how abnormal is was to feel that way for someone who was just a friend (of course having anyone in danger was terrible and would worry him, but this was different…)
That whole night and for many days to come, Tanjiro never left your side and eventually confessed to you
Get a little blushy after his confession, and is so overjoyed when you tell him you feel the same way
His favorite place to take you on a date is probably a busy village with many stores so the two of you could enjoy shopping for whatever catches your eye or browsing the many treasures each store has to offer
He loves how excited you look while shopping, one of the rare times he sees your open emotions and he’d never pass up an opportunity to see you happy
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Posted: 7/24/2023
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revenant-coining · 2 years
i couldve sworn i sent an ask or at least wrote a draft responding to all of this oh well KFJDSKLJ
you know i never really thought about how time works there thats so cool it sounds like in the overworld and the nether but instead of blocks its time !! :D how long do you think your dimensions time would equal to this dimensions ?? i wanna write down calculations you got me into dimensions !!
well i guess yeah you couldve just strived to find natural chaos but still i feel like its part of your job or life source to cause a little havoc . do you live off of chaos ?? and is there a difference between natural chaos and chaos you would cause ?? im glad you at least remember the emotions though that counts wee !!
DFJDJKF mood i have no idea about any type of politics other then theres a lot of discourse around it and i dont really wanna be apart of that /lh ooo but thanks for letting me know !! 
woah that is soo interesting im really glad money isnt as important because its such a big hassle tbh ?? do beings there need to eat or what did they usually pay for how come money isnt that needed ?? id love if we just used the trading system i feel like its soo much more useful what kinds of chores or quests were there if you remember ?? 
sorry if i ask things you already mentioned you cant remember btw i wanna ask if its alright to make a list of everything ive learnt about in your dimension ?? /nf
woah you are like a strong guy /neu then :D /pos [ neu is next to guy to mean that guy is used gender neutrally ] 
OH MY GOD THATS SOO COOL !!! what were the interactions between mortals and hell heaven beings ?? were they jealous or did they welcome them ?? ahh what were the humans culture too if you know ?? what kind of music did they play or did you listen to ??
ooo sounds like where the four legged spiders belonged HEHE but woah maybe thats the place where it was the torturing souls place 
ooo i love that !! sounds like it fits her very well :D is there a separate place where mortals go when they enter the afterlife ?? is that what fate does does she manage afterlife stuff ??
YEESS as he should i looove looking at minecraft builds theyre so pretty most of our headmates love playing minecraft what about you do you or have you ever played ?? and yup ill make one later today !! eee /pos
ooo thats so cool i like how you guys are like a team :D what kinds of natural disasters would happen there ?? thats so interesting were you usually collecting chaos or like you said you mostly just balance the chaos in the dimension how would you do that ?? like would you eat the chaos ??? :O that sounds like so much fun just noming and throwing yourself idk how people would feel neg about that !! /genc [ gen confusion ]
okay good because ugh please tell me more if i havent asked yet !! YEESS how could i not love learning i have stuff to learn about this earth realm but now theres more !! its all so cool and fun to learn about weee !!!
ahh yeah well do you at least enjoy being human ?? or is it at least toleratable ?? if you went back would you come visit beings here ?? ooo yeah just something that popped up me too i hoped they have the situation handled :O
YES YES YES nesting just makes the brain goo brrrr and for my tism its just yes yes yes soothing and comforting when we get enough money we wanna be able to split it up so that each main fronter can buy whatever they want !! but yeah maybe trying rolling your rs to mimic purring ?? we cant pur too and i can make rumbles myself 
WOAH WOAH WOAH you said the only one you remember was teh four legged spider right ahh that dimension sounds so cool i wanna visit some time !! are there different forms of magic like elemental magic or ?? :O 
woah as the god of chaos id assume you were made once chaos was made like arguements started i wonder if its like the god and satan thing where someone was the god of chaos before you :O
i mightve asked another question related to dimensions sorry i just really like learning about all dimensions now you got me hooked /pos !! are there any other pocket or sub dimensions you know of or is it only yours , fates , and the red dimension ??
oooo alright got it noted !!!
aww i love that im glad they make it easier to handle !! do you have any memories connected to your coping links or is it just in terms of form ?? 
- ramble anon
i'm not sure how i'd measure time here, though i could theorize that i am capable of getting energy back while in this body, and it's just taking a really long time for that to happen.
that's what i'm saying! what's a god of chaos who doesn't cause chaos? /lh if i don't have any chaos i just get really tired and sluggish. naturally caused chaos and caused by me chaos are the same, it's just the way it's caused that's different.
some beings need to eat my but all of them. i didn't need to eat but i'd do it anyway cause food is very tasty. money isn't that important cause why trade to get money to buy things when you could just trade for the thing? /lh. the quest stuff i'd usually do is foraging, i'd wander off into the wild of hell and find specific plants so others didn't have to do it themselves.
i don't mind a list of my dimension's info, feel free to make one :] /gen
i was a very strong guy /lh
i didn't interact with mortals much but there is A GUARDIAN SYSTEM!! mortals would go to magic schools and, in some cases, get a guardian. a guardian ranges from humanoids to creatures, and sometimes a heaven/hell being would be chosen. the guardian's main objective is to protect the person they're a guardian for. human culture is almost exact to this dimension human cultures, but different cause humans can use magic and stuff. they made the same genres of music this dimension has, and i'd mainly listen to any type of rock.
that's an interesting theory :o I've never considered that before
just like heaven and hell are sub-dimension, all types of afterlife were also sub-dimension. if you had a theory for what the afterlife was like, that's where you'd go when you died, if you believed in multiple you got to choose, if you didn't believe in an afterlife you would just. cease to exist, i think. and yeah Fate manages afterlife stuff as well, like making sure everyone gets to their afterlife.
i play minecraft ALL THE TIME in this world. it's on of my fav games :]
i'm consistently collecting chaos as long as it's being made, so all the time I'm getting it, but i'd also be using it often (using my tendrils uses chaos energy). i collect it by being in the same "parent" dimension it's being made in (so i still get chaos from my dimension when in sub- dimensions) and i balance it by existed, so i experience the results of to much or to little chaos so the dimension doesn't have to. noming is sooo much fun, I've had bitten all my friends, guaranteed. i guess people didn't like cause they didn't like being...surprised? but honestly i don't know /gen
being human is pretty fun, and i'm so glad there's a nonhuman community /gen, and i don't think i would've thought about my gender if i didn't have agab dysphoria from this body. if i could figure out where this dimension is after i got home i'd probably visit!
nesting is the best :] and thank you for the idea! I'll have to try that /gen
yeah there's all kinds of magic! any element or material can bu used in/as magic. my fav I've seen is controlling shadows
i was created after chaos existed, but there wasn't many beings that would be affected by the chaos being out of control yet. it wasn't until chaos was in line that species really started. mortals started existing a long while after i was made.
there's so many pocket and sub-dimensions it would be impossible to keep track, but mine, Fate's and the Red Dimension i remember the clearest /gen
yeah it helps a lot to be like 'the reason my brain isn't working is cause i'm a zombie and therefore don't have a brain' instead of freaking out about it. i don't have any memories from them, it's just the forms /gen
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friedbreadwombat · 2 years
Fuck was it just me or did naruto glorify sasuke being a, i dont know what they were going for he had no personality. Oh sorry I meant no character. Itachi is a depressed A grader boye who needs a lot of therapy and maybe olivia rodrigo.
But like, theyre supposed to be the ideal good thing we strive to be.
Bitch I dont wanna be boring.
They look like they actually need help. Itachi is also a child soldier. Solely because "hes a prodigy" its considered legal. No hes still a child, he has all autonomy stripped from him, he does not live, he lives dying. Because his life is war. His life is taking orders. His life is not making even one decision that's motivated by himself. Sure, you can count him sparing sasuke, despite being bound by his position and his authoritatives. But he just lives to fight and then dies at 21. He got a house sure but hes dyin. Boy's dyin. But hey, thats life. You die. Fuck. If it were that simple, we'd just be machines. Not human beings. Thats not human. Literally. If itachi is supposed to be a person, hes a person who is unsurprisingly, existing in sheer agony. Let him live you fucks. Leave britney alone. Jesus christ.
Anyway stan deidara boye literally fights armless with a knife in his mouth do you know how hard that is no because none of yall have ever set foot in a fight of any kind. Even if you havent not many people can do this, its like, ancient archery vs modern archery. It used to be like a gunpowderless gun, ancient warriors could do so much shit with it that most of us have no idea how it works, today. Things we didn't even know we could possibly do with a fucking bow.
And here homeboy out fighting adaptively with a knife in his mouth and with literal clay. Hes murdering people with clay. How many of yall can murder people with clay. And on top of all he can do, be a successful icon artist man that tops the character fan fave poll the moment he dropped, like he was kazuha from genshin. He gone in a mothafuckin flash and people still rember him. He's just that iconic.
Like have any of you tried punching people with clay. Do you think that fucking works.
If you do, clay fucking shatters. Clay is like the ego of a fuckboy, instant death on first hit.
If he makes it cement he can't mould it. You carve that shit like with a minecraft pickaxe, bitch.
Am not sure how the whole chakra thing even fucking works but its not a science. It's writer bia- okay fine. But assuming its basically the thing they use like the concept of mana to kill things and people i guess because killing people is all they do and for what FOR WHAT im going back to dragonball z that was some good shit yu gi oh seemed like good shit too but idk man i never watched or played it. Deidara motherfucking engineered a whole ass death robot made of clay powered by mana. How he do that i dont know. Fuck. Sasuke's just using an electric stick and summoning satan and satan gave him a, what was that? The tokyo ghoul appendage thingy. Hes becoming an eldritch fursona to beat this bitchboy. Thats so boring.
Just because deidara is, or has the capability and potential of a great warrior, doesnt mean he has to do something a certain way just because people want him to. Like, its understandable if they commissioned him. But they didnt even commission him they just kidnapped him somehow and left lol. He lives the life he wants. Hes not an idiot, a narcissist, a freak or a terrible person, for wanting what he wants.
The murder? Yeah that could be a discourse ngl.
Between the government that mongers war, radical violence everywhere, innocent people that arent really innocent, and bad people that arent exactly bad and dont get therapy at all ever, and just the world generally being on fire for seemingly no reason, who is he supposed to "side with". What would that help. He's just thinking for himself, and processing this as an individual and not because oh somebody told me this was right- like, why is it right then? Tell me this, or you will be cut like a throat in the 1800s by a hatpin.
Supposedly "bombing innocent towns" is just as bad as serving the akatsuki. The uchiha clan entire town was hell bent on eliminating everyone else so that they wouldnt die, yeah and, so everyone else has to? Just to let you live? Fuck you. And itachi and sasuke's parents. Love your children for once- oh wait, you can't. You literally cannot. Sorry, my bad.
I mean both parties, the towns and the akatsuki did contribute to the general violence and giant, war culture, in the whole place. When they could like try to solve a problem without a dbz fight.
The only time we see him do a lets kill the innocent is under akatsuki order, bombing gaara's motherland, it still is even if he got no parents left yknow, and fighting the man of sand of man himself, with tobi, or sasori i forgot, oh and sasori is put in better light solely because he respects the eternity. Ok i see u. Its still art though, but it involves self preservation at multiple costs, including people, and this 35 year old in a 15 year old teenage emo boy body is now a cold emotionless man serial killer, and that automatically makes him a better, or in this case, a more noble person. And this art he does is like the last and only part of his humanity he still has left. Dude thats just disturbing, and sad. He is literally naruto's dottore and people love him because he is definitely not a horrible person.
If a character you wrote doesn't fit your gladiator splatfest why did you write it just write sasuke 2 and give us the gladiator battoru scene then. Don't "art is stupid, join the army, and go to war" me.
People ask why someone would take pride in art, when they take pride in their capitalistic jobs, and pointless war mongering.
And then they make bokuto trying to, idk, be woke or something, and it flip flopped on its ass. Sarada has a missing father from her life and he supposedly loves her in his own way, without showing it at all. Sure. He didnt even bring the milk when he got back.
If you wanna fight my dumb rant opinion I just posted for fun give me an itachi therapy arc now.
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undeadromcom · 4 years
[sorting art] hmm i could merge all my anime into one folder bc i dont draw it often [puts homestuck in it]
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frenchfrywrites · 2 years
Its not really a NSFW request but may i request HCs when OM boys get high? if you are ok with it.
imagine MC just telling them "its getting real boring in here imma leave and smoke some weed and get some acid" and they ended up getting high together lmao.
HCs of the OM bros getting high
drug tw
Disclaimer: based on my experiences of being high (from weed.. Haven't done acid so I didn't know how to write for that :P)
Part of me wanted to say he wouldn’t get high (because he’s a hard ass)
But he’s got old man back pain.. Ofc he smokes weed
I think he also has edibles but he does them less often
Typically does it alone
Because he CANNOT and WILL NOT have his brothers interacting with him while he’s high
They would blackmail him 100%
But he lets you hang out with him
He gets so giggly and it’s weird lol
Mostly plays his cursed records and lays on his bed laughing to himself
He does like talking to you while high, but has moments when he's eerily quiet (due to cottonmouth lmao)
He does bong rips and coughs every single time
Tries so hard to convince you he’s normal 
Even if you watched him get high he’s like “ahaha its totally not hitting hehe I'm literally not high” 
Meanwhile his eyes are bloodshot 🙄
I think when he gets high he’s super unfiltered
Like literally says whatever comes to mind
And his tsundere side is gone, he’s no longer embarrassed about what he says
Wants to do whatever you want to do
If you ask him what he wants to do he rambles for hours without actually doing anything
Ate one of lucifer's/beel’s edibles as his first experience and had an absolutely horrible trip
He got very anxious and panicky and cried a lot 🥺
His brothers had to calm him down and send him to bed so he could sleep it off
Now he’s everyone’s sober buddy 
Nerd who doesn't smoke lol 
He makes weird ass potions instead
And because they’re weird ass potions, he always has a sober buddy (Levi) in case things go awry
Hangs out in Levi’s room and reads his manga collection or plays minecraft
I can’t really see him getting up to much
He’s just very mellow and sleepy
Cuddly too, but only with you 
He smokes a decent amount 
Enough that he has super fancy roach clips lol
And you guessed it, he gets horny while high
Also very giggly 
Also also,, he gets crazy munchies
He will fully raid the fridge while high and in the morning he’ll complain about how much his stomach hurts from eating so much
If him and mammon get high at the same time Asmo is a bad influence and they both become complete menaces 
Sometimes he does livestreams and makeup tutorials while high (like brandi tv)
He doesn’t get high often
But when he does he’s eating edibles 100% 
He usually eats them and then plays videogames with Levi and Belphie
He's no longer allowed to be high alone though
Because every single time he's alone eats all of them and gets crazy high💀
He'd then sit facing the wall until the high wore off or let Levi drag him to bed so he could sleep it off
Once smoked weed but he coughed so hard he cried so he sticks to his edibles 
Sometimes nibbles at beels edibles 
Has creative ideas while high
He’ll draw you very pretty pictures (if he doesn’t fall asleep while doing it)
Honestly I think he gets a lil horny when he's high with you
Like towards the end of it he gets really cuddly and affectionate
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cas-rivaille · 2 years
Could you do the brothers and undateables + luke with an mc who has a kid
a/n: i wrote this so long ago and it didn’t save even tho i saved it so i got mad and didn’t write it again bc i couldn’t remember it so take two
also like some of them might have a romantic relationship w MC but some might be friends it depends on how i see it but i hope you like it !!
MC who has a kid !
- the kid was not in the file
- why was the kid not in the file ??????
- queue confused lucifer
- nevermind the kid not being in the file
- how did the kid even get here
- he has zero time to take care of another child
- nonono don't touch that-
- he's tired enough with his children for brothers
- the kid isn't even that cute
- okay nevermind the kid is really cute
- nicknames the kid "mini mc"
- MC needs a babysitter for a night ? who cares about paperwork spending time w MC's kid is more important
- probably ends up doing paperwork anyways and let's the kid help him but stapling papers or something
- falls into a patterned routine of checking on the kid
- lowkey thought he wouldn't get along w the kid especially since he would have to take care of them too
- once he actually talks to the kid tho they form a bond
- partners in crime instantly
- MC has a kid ?? perfect *insert mischievousness*
- usually just recruits the kid to play pranks with him or be a part of his scams
- MC got mad and he didn't do it anymore
- after that mammon pretends like he's a bad influence on the kid but in reality he actually teaches the kid like important stuff
- would die/kill for MC and their kid
- would be the fun uncle dynamic
- he genuinely cares abt MC and their kid but won't admit it unless in private
- never really expected to become this involved in the kids life
- starts bawling in front of MC and their kid when the kid calls him "dad"
- also thought he would hate the kid
- who knew they would be gamer buddies
- the kid beats him in mariokart and 1v1 minecraft battles and levi doesn't know how
- one time levi lost he curled up in a blanket and cried so the kid brought him ice cream and levi swore to protect the kid with his life
- then instead of battling they teach each other what they know
- MC learned they were staying up past the kids bedtime so they got scolded
- levi now makes sure to get the kid to bed ontime
- he treats the kid like a younger sibling because he loves being an older brother
- doesn't like kids
- his room is an anti-kid zone
- though that's not to say he wouldn't take the kid to the school library and try to get them to read good books
- he starts with fairytails and then gets into what he personally thinks is the best
- ends up reading and the kid falls asleep on his lap
- MC has several pictures of instances like this
- satan really ends up bonding with the kid and would fight anyone who hurt them
- he overhears the kid ask MC if "dad" can read them a goodnight story again and his face turns bright red
- buys the kid a bookshelf for their room
- instantly bonds with the kid
- gossip sessions and face masks in his room
- gets the kid to get all the drama and tell it to him because the kid can easily eavesdrop
- absolutely spoils the kid and buys them all the cutest clothes or whatever they want
- has mini dance parties with juice boxes and gummies in his room for the kid
- the kid makes asmo care about more and asmo really loves the kid
- does the kids makeup and hair for fun
- basically best friends
- the two of them together are such cinnamon rolls
- the kid will get beel an extra cookie every now and then
- he would go from 0 to 100 real quick to protect the kid
- beel can pick up both MC and their kid at the same time and the kid loves it
- beel let's the kid sit on his shoulders to be the tallest in the house
- whenever beel gets to taste test food he tries his hardest to save some for the kid :)
- beel makes the kid and MC a scrapbook of their adventures together
- beel literally has the best time when he's with the kid
- at first he didn't wanna be near the kid because he thought his naps
- it caught him by surprise that the kid would nap with him
- MC had pictures of the two napping together
- the kid has fallen asleep right on belphie before and belphie woke up surprised to say the least
- belphie bought a nice pillow for the kid to nap on instead of the kid napping on him
- eventually he also bought them a blanket with the kids name on it
- napping buddies 100%
- totally used his money to spoil the kid
- invites the kid to his kingly meetings and tells his council that the kid is his advisor
- he has barbatos make the kids favorite snacks to eat during meetings
- he lets the kid play dress up in his royal attire
- he will get the kid anything they want and MC too
- he prepares royal dinners for them
- overall he's just very dramatic and acts with the kid and has a lot of fun
- he learns the kids favorite meals and makes them
- he honestly doesn't think anything of it when it was discovered that MC had a kid
- he just adapted pretty easily
- he always has a spare room ready in the castle for the kid
- he adores the kid to death
- also joins diavolo in spoiling the kid
- he also lets the kid run around the castle and he will play tag with them
- he is the absolute sweetest to the kid
- treats the kid like an angel both literally and figuratively
- he loves to just hang out with the kid
- he tried to teach them how to bake
- he's has movie marathons with the kid
- he always buys the kid something small and cool and collectible whenever he's out
- he writes the kid short stories
- he likes to play games with the kid like monopoly and life
- best friends with the kid
- they spend so much time together
- they will disappear for hours on adventures
- luke teaches the kid everything he knows
- such a wholesome friendship
- they taste test simeon's desserts together
- literal innocent angels
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things they do when they love you
Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Tanaka Ryūnosuke, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Kozume Kenma, Tendō Satori, & Ushijima Wakatoshi, all with a Fem!Reader
Warnings: literally nothing - pure fluff <3
A/N: sorry for the lack of content lately! I’ve been super busy with work and school and I feel myself starting to get selfconscious of my work again so I’m hoping I can break through the writers block it comes with! Hope you enjoy! Also thank you to @thisnoodlewritesao3​ and @satan-ruler-of-hells​ for listening to me talk about this fic probably a million times lol
haikyuu masterlist
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Kageyama is awkward with telling you how he feels so he just tries to give you things to show you. like you mentioned once you liked the protein bar that Coach gave you guys and now he bought every single one of them from the store and is bringing it to your house. Oh did you say you liked milk too? Well I guess he’ll just have to bring you the whole fucking vending machine. Just wants to show he will provide you with all the things you love, pls love him back. I feel like he’d also be bugging his older sister all the time - asking her all sorts of questions about girls. She’s the reason your first date wasn’t at a volleyball game (and also the reason why he no longer thinks your first date was the first time you attended his games. “Tobio, a date is supposed to be where the two of you are hanging out together.” “But.... we are together. She’s watching me play.” “.... somewhere where your whole team and the whole of the Miyagi prefecture isn’t!”)
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Tsukishima will let you pamper him lol. He likes the attention so when you’re doing face masks, he’ll like look through them and ask you questions about them. Sometimes it comes off as he’s judging you for spending money on this stuff but he’s really just waiting for you to ask if he wants to try one. You bought a dino face mask specifically for him but you thought he’d laugh at you if you asked. So you just kept it with the rest of your sheet masks. You’re putting one on one day and he’s like …. is that a dinosaur. And you’re like…. no? And immediately he’s like well now I have to have it please show me how to put this one. Lol cut to: it does nOT look like a dinosaur (have yall seen those ones that’s supposed to like look like a penguin or lion or something and just looks psychotic??? yeah that). He still likes it and even lets you take a picture of his first face mask cause you just look so happy that you’re doing it with him. It becomes a ritual and any time you’re doing face masks, he’ll do it with you and you just spill all the tea to him about shit you’ve heard at work or school and he just listens and aggressively calls everyone stupid  lol
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Tanaka aggressively praises you non stop but like in a good way haha. Did you just post a photo on instagram? He’s liked it first, commented a thousand different things about how he loves your outfit and your expression and how you’re the light of his life, and then he sHARES the photo to his story and is like look at how pretty my girlfriend is yall wish this was you. Oh did you just get a good grade at school??? Non stop bragging to his teammates about how he’s dating a genius (“I mean anyone’s a genius compared to you” “Tsukishima that is NO WAY TO TALK TO YOUR UPPERCLASSMAN YOU ASSHOLE”). If you’re feeling upset about something, he’ll comfort you and all but also tell you that you’re such a badass you could handle anything. And it’s not like empty compliments either - he genuinely believes that you are the most amazing human being to ever walk the planet
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Yamaguchi (okay I got this idea partially from @/paige.ipairs on tiktok but it’s so cute that i had to put it here) likes doing anything with you so he likes it when you’re out shopping and you help him pick a new outfit or you style something for him. But his favourite thing is when you’re painting your nails and he’s like … that’s a nice colour… and you’re like Yamaguchi would you like… your nails painted? And at first it’s just the one finger and it’s a matching colour with you. Like on his ring finger to symbolize he’s with you but then soon he’s with you at the mall looking at different colours and picks out one’s he would like for you to paint for him and he just carries them over to you like .. o.o pls
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Kenma will actively look for 2 player games that he can play with you. He’ll pretend like it’s nothing and that he just wants to try the game for the 1 player story but he’ll leave a controller out and just kind waits for you to ask to play or pick up the controller. He really likes it when you play, even if you wander around a lot and aren’t super focused on the story line. Minecraft with the two of you is always fun. He thinks it’s really funny how aggressive you get trying to save your animals from the zombies even though they won’t get hurt. You teared up once cause the pen you made for your chickens got blown up by a Creeper and he actually felt so bad even though you told him it was definitely not his fault. Cut to: you screaming aggressively when it comes to any Creeper as revenge for the chickens who were lost in the battle.
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Tendō starts reading your favourite mangas and watches all of your favourite series/movies before you two really started dating because he wanted to know what to talk to you about. But now that you guys are together, he’ll plan dates where you can binge-watch all of your favourite movies/shows or just lie around and trade mangas (you had this man actually crying at some of them, he wasn’t ready for the hURT). If you’re not the biggest fan of horror films, he’ll insist that you guys don’t need to watch them but he loves when you stick it out with him cause it means extra cuddles and more snacks as comfort! If you do love horror films, he’ll always buy tickets to the new movies so the two of you can watch it together right away.
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Ushijima will hold you no matter where you guys are. Big beefy boy doesn’t really understand why he wouldn’t hold you, even if you guys were in public. When you guys first started dating, you’d avoid reaching out for his hand because you figured big stoic guy like Ushijima, he wouldn’t really be a PDA kind of guy would he? Wrong. Well right, but also wrong. Boy probably doesn’t even realize what PDA is but he’ll reach for your hand and hold it anytime. And if you guys are waiting in line somewhere, he’ll just hold you in his arms in front of him. He has no sense of when not to do this. It’s like you’re his comfort person (which you are). In front of his Coach? Suddenly has you in front of him, hugging you to him. Being interviewed by some reporters? Oh look, you’re here too. Reminding Oikawa that he should’ve come to Shiratorizawa? You’re right in front sticking your tongue out at the Aoba Josai boi like the child you are lol. Honestly, he doesn’t think it’s weird but he knows deep down that he’s just really scared you’ll leave. He likes knowing you’re around because it reminds him you’re always there. 
Haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@al0ehas​ @aurumk​ @devilkittymusic​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @lucyheartfilias-wife​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @livy384​ @babyshoyo​
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Gender neutral pls they/them
Of course! I've been having a bit of shortages on ideas. So this is so fucking welcomed.
Father CC!Philza x Emo! Reader
Summary:your old parents gave you up as a teen, overflowing you with emotions, causing depression, mood swings, and quite a bit of anxiety. When you got adopted by a man and a lady,both seemingly very kind and understanding. You felt happy. They didnt expect the sleepy bois to come and visit so soon.
Tw:anxiety attacks, mention of depression, loving clothes (not a tw but damn I sometimes miss my old fashion sense.), mention of trauma, swearing!
A huge new family
They dont blame their biological family. They knew that they were being overwhelming. Slowly shifting into a state of mind where fluffy black and colored hair was their favorite. Their outfits became more extravagant and their makeup took a turn for the darker. But they didnt have to put them up for adoption.
About a year in and out of foster families, a few months in an orphanage, then one more foster family. It was official. They were the new child of philza.
Your life got better. Both of them accepted your choice of clothes and makeup, even supported it!
They helped with everything in the first few weeks. Giving you space, letting you know that they were there. But you nor phil knew that three boys were heading down to visit.
So when you answered the door to see three faces demanding philza minecraft and one just looking awkward. They were also changing about him coming and join them you felt panic flood through you. Slamming the door on their face you held near your chest.
Your uneven breathing was heard by your father and he was quick to scoop you away from the door and have kristin answer the door.
He was sitting next to you hand lightly rubbing your shoulder and he guided you through the panic attack. "That's it. In through the nose. Hold it for a few second. Breathe out." His voice was calm.
It took less time to calm you down then you've ever had. "There ya go mate. Just keep breathing." He kept coaching you through you panic attack.
Kristen let the four in with their promise of keeping calm. Your shaking form brought major concern to the two older ones and confusion to the two younger ones. "(Y/n) I want to introduce you to the four behind us. Technoblade, wilbur, tommy, and tubbo. They are really good friends of mine." Nodding lightly you sat there, not wanting to turn because if you did the panic would strike harder. Remembering what happened before you parents left you.
A huge group of people basically shunned your for your choices and didnt want to take you in because 'trash like you' wasnt accepted in the family. But these two were different. Supporting you with your choices. How different were their friends? "Hey I think you shirt is cool! Who's on it?" A slightly hyper voice broke through the silence. " black veil brides." It was quite but a start. "Cool! So their a band right? What kind of songs?" The brown haired teen was trying to communicate with you. "Uhm. Rock." It had started small but you opened up to the teens. They were about you age and they didnt bash what you decided to like. The two older ones hung out with phil and Kristen. You three hung out in your room which was kind of softer then your appearance. It was to reflect a bit deeper into you. Bookshelves, a desk, reading corner, and a bed. Not fully knowing what to put in there.
But you, tommy, and tubbo were almost the best of friends when they had to leave. Techno and Wilbur it took a bit. After the two teens left you had came out of your room, no makeup, hair had all products removed, and your clothes changed from Jean's and a black veiled brides shirt to a black tee shirt, grey sweat pants, with a book in hand.
Before sleeping you just chilled in the living room, reading while basking in the presence of your adoptive parents. You did not expect wilbur and techno to still be there.
Plopping down on the couch next to phil you opened your book and tried to zone out, to get engulfed into the book. Nope. Two sets of eyes just watching you.
"So you like poems?" The book you were reading was a massive collection of poems. Looking up to the two on the couch you nodded lightly.
Looking back down you felt nervous. "Small talk is awkward." Looking up to the brown haired guy with an American accent you nodded. "Same." Once more you looked down at your book. You already had issues focusing but you tried to work though it. "What kind of poems are you favorite?" You sat there for a second. Trying to think of something that catches your attention.
"Mainly ones about trauma. It reminds me I'm not the only one in the word that went through something I have. It just makes it more interesting when I can relate." It was true. Sometimes the poems you liked ring a little to close to home.
"Good choice. It does really intrigue the audience when they can relate." Nodding you closed your book. "Especially when you relate. It's a must for me. Other wise I get turned away from it and just cant focus. But if I like it then I am just dead set on that poem."
You and techno bonded over poems and wilbur brought up some songs. "So what is you song preference?" "Hollywood undead, black veil brides, other then that its random. If I like the song it's in my playlist." With no other preferences with music other then it had to sound good to you there was honestly no judgement for other people's taste in music. There were little treasures from almost all genres.
For a while you talked about poems and songs. It honestly helped you feel safer with them. They didnt care about what you found intriguing. Or why. You even went on a rant and there was no care. They just listened.
But sadly they had to leave. Bit they promised that they would visit more. They were like the brothers you never had.
"So I see that you were able to talk to all of them." Nodding to your father figure you smiled "they were nice. Honestly. I cant wait to see them again."
He found joy in you wanting to hang out with his friends/technically children too.
Now meet the rest of the dream smp. It was very fast. Meeting almost all of them at the same time.
Phil was streaming and no one except for the sleepy bois knew about you. So you walked into his stream, book in hand and sat on the couch behind his set up. You liked having another person on the room. You just hated being alone. It gave you really bad thoughts. "Who's that behind you phil?" A random donation read out. Phil looking behind himself saw you in the corner reading and you normally did. "Ah that's my child. They like to have company. So sometimes they come in here to read." "Wait you have a child?! Since when?" The voice made you jump. Your book fell out of your hands and you looked at your father's screen. A green man with a weird white blob for a skin on minecraft. "Yeah. I took a break to pick them up from the orphanage." All hell broke loose. You ran while phil answered questions. You were not dealing with that. No way. Nuh uh. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Not today satan. It took phil bribing you with a trip to hot topic to get you to come back in. I mean hey you get to score a few shirts and hats. Might as well.
Meeting the server wasbt too bad. But the questions were weird. You didnt answer the ones you were uncomfortable about and they didnt care. Your boundries were up. And when tommy, tubbo, willbur, and techno revealed they knew of you they were yelled at. It was funny. Watching people say they should of said something. But it resulted in alot of compliments and Phil's chat loving you.
You were now the older sibling of the chat. Why? Cause chat said so.
When you come in from now on the chat is chanting for you. Just "(y/n)!" Over and over.
Your life? Crazy. But it became a bit better after you were living with your new parents. It was heaven.
I'm sorry if its awkward I'm not good at introductions. And I am tis but a sleep deprived human. I need sleep and so do you have a nice day and once more I'm sorry if this isnt up to what you wanted.
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3maxren3 · 3 years
Obey me headcanons, sick MC!
Thanks too one of my friends for the idea Will include the demon brothers
Lucifer Oh gosh he's panicking He would be waaaayyy more stressed than he usually is He would give you soup or whatever you want every 5 minutes Pills? he's all over them He probably has a camera in you room to check on you Cough I mean what Probably forces Satan to do all his work when he's checking on you If you got your sickness off someone else, Lucifer would give them a 56 hour lecture (at the least)
Mammon Begs Lucifer for money to buy you food to medicine Probably thinks your gonna die and plans your funeral with you Literally this man would have the playlist, menu, entertainment and all of that sorted out Was probably way too lazy to actually care for you Like lets be honest he's too busy doing... whatever he does...
Leviathan Brings his whole PC into your room Plays games with you the whole time your sick Goes easy on you cause your sick, soon realizes your beating him in every game and gets competitive but you still beat his ass in whatever game it is You play Minecraft after that (creative mode ONLY) Buys you pocky
Satan Reads you books He would definitely buy you blankets Also buys you plushies omg Would spoil you to death When your better he would pretend nothing ever happened BGFDHSJBGSHJNFSJH
Asmodeus Would get sick too cause he can't help himself Like he would not go away from you no matter no much you tried Lucifer would probably end up taking care of you both This man would kiss you, cuddle you, literally everything If he somehow didn't get sick, he would buy you food He would also try to make an effort by buying medicine but would get the wrong one
Beelzebub Food More food literally has no idea Watches youtube videos on how to take care of people but ends up going down a rabbit hole of dr pimple popper
Belphegor Honestly stays away at all times You probably got sick because of him Feels bad and ends up cuddling you Gets sick again It's just a cycle Lucifer stops it by isolating you both
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