#...i might have gone a little overboard
ddeck · 3 months
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um. hi guys @ivvmell @phi-guy @forcesensitivebantha @ominouspuff @dragon-subway @keldabekush @/tobytost (cannot tag :/) @sithbian @calamity-aims
thank you so much for letting me use your art styles. this was as hard as it was fun. apparently none of us draw armor the same way and this is beautiful
each of them separately is under read more if you want to look closer
thank you again. peace and love
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volcanicsleep · 1 year
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i wanted to this when i first saw it six months agut but i hadn't drawn the turtles enough to know the answers ahahah, but now i do :)
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triptychofvoids · 5 months
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art trade for @littleguyconnor !! spy come get your spy
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ying-doodles · 4 months
a little what if lloyd and javier reversed their roles as absolutes-
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(lloyd's outfit is based off that skin from that unknown knights collab a while back btw-)
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peetsmoss · 3 months
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What if I spent the summer making Animorph fanart, then what?
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mariipun · 1 year
Adventures of Wally & The Gang (plus their Caretaker)
Adventures of Wally and the Gang (plus their Caretaker)
Associates Meeting (one-shot)
Warnings: None. Just fluff and funsies honestly; silly antics some of the cast members get themselves into. By no means are my interpretations in relation to Clown’s work, and therefore, not canonically based. Consider this an introduction to the whimsical one-shots to come with our dear Caretaker and the gang.
Word Count: 1,970
Brief Description: Set in the modern world, the Welcome Home cast is alive and aware, living alongside humans. And you have been contracted to be their Caretaker. [you are referred to by the puppets as “Caretaker” or “Care” for short.]
Dedication: @nonomives @kandavers
 *blows kiss* Wanted to give you both this as my debut. 
[I am open to constructive criticism, feedback and ideas! Please inbox me if you have any! I’m a bit rusty with writing, so I appreciate any insight]
In a world much like the Muppets, puppets co-exist with humans. Although the colorful ensemble of characters from the beloved children’s TV show portrays themselves as sweet, educational, fun-loving personas-- when they aren’t on the air, they happen to get themselves into quite a lot of mischief. And you, the lucky individual that you are, have been contracted as their Caretaker to ensure these chaotic puppet actors stay on schedule and don’t put themselves in situations that could cause bad publicity.
You walked off set after speaking to one of the producers as the show had wrapped up earlier than expected. This made it easier to schedule the upcoming appointments you had meticulously organized around the otherwise busy puppet’s schedules. With clipboard in hand, you made your way over to the break area, where most of the cast members were chatting with stagehands, makeup artists, or lounging in their deck chairs.
“All right everyone!” You clapped your hands together to garner the attention of the cast, all eyes turning to you except for Barnaby standing over the spread table, hungrily grabbing at the box of doughnuts one of the interns had placed out. You deadpan at him before shouting his name, earning an audible hmph?! as the blue mass turned to look at you, a sprinkled doughnut hanging from his mouth, with two others in hand.
“Okaaaay—now that I have everyone’s attention, we have an early flight to catch tomorrow for our meeting with our studio associates, which will take place later in the afternoon once we’ve arrived.” You scan the break area to ensure they’re still listening, amused by Julie and Sally as they respond with shared squeals, already chatting about plans to sightsee the area and meet their adoring fans. Their bubbly response caused you to grin momentarily, before turning serious.
“That means! You all need to be awake, packed, and ready to go at 6 A.M. sharp.” You say sternly, now earning loud groans from a few of the puppets.
“Okay, okay.” You waved your hand dismissively to the choir of complaints. You didn’t know why they were complaining, considering they usually wake up this early in the morning to start the show. Rolling your eyes, you let out a breath, mentally preparing for whatever shenanigans these puppets will pull on you later. “You guys have the rest of the day to relax since it’s only 2 P.M. right now. Just remember, we need to stick to the schedule. I don’t want to have to explain myself to the Manager if things derail.”
With a resounding “All right” from everyone, you went your parting ways and continued to work out the schedule’s details. “Also! Julie, you better pack light! We are only staying for two days, so don’t bring your whole wardrobe with you—again…” You called after her, ignoring her refusal to do so.
[Next Day: 5:41 A.M.]
You grabbed your duffle bag, slinging it over your shoulder before grabbing the briefcase on your way out of your small apartment. Before descending the stairs of the apartment building, you turn back in to grab your coffee, yawning in the process. “Ugh, gonna be a long day.” You murmur to yourself, the lingering drowsiness from slumber not yet leaving your body. You check the time on your phone as you take a gentle sip. You only lived a 7-minute walk away from the set, which you were grateful for since (1) You didn’t own a car and (2) The Studio provided you with lodging once you agreed to be the cast’s Caretaker. The pay was all right considering the added bonuses of what the Studio provided for you, although, it’s probably due in part to the various applicants that had been hired and then immediately quit due to their lack of ability to actually wrangle the cast from committing any sort of war crimes. (Guess the Studio needed to give some sort of incentive for someone to fill the role). Taking on the task was daunting at first since you quickly learned how eager the members were to push boundaries. You didn’t necessarily blame them for being curious since there was still so much of the world they wanted to learn about. Of course, this made your job more difficult to handle at times.
[5:53 A.M.]
You walked through the studio’s hallways, quietly greeting good mornings to other studio employees as you passed. The meeting location for everyone was in room 2A, usually reserved for auditions, but opened for you to ensure everyone came on time. Arriving at the room, you saw that most of the members had already arrived. Poppy, sitting comically large on one of the chairs and leaning against the wall as she continued to sleep. Barnaby and Wally both lazily tapping on their phones; Frank and Eddie who were both reading; Howdy who had just strolled in with a loud yawn, and…. Julie and Sally? Who weren’t even here yet. Of course, knowing them Sally would come in ‘dramatically’ late, as per usual, and Julie would usually stroll along. You greet those who were already there good morning, earning a few mumbled good mornings in return and a quiet snore from Poppy. You leaned against the wall next to the entrance, taking out your schedule:
6 A.M. - morning roll call
6:10 A.M.- arrive to cars
6:30 A.M. - board private jet
8:30 A.M. (projected arrival time)
9:00 A.M. – early check-in
1:30 P.M. – production meeting
5:30 P.M. – dinner reservation (for self)
You nod, everything was still on track for the most part… Sally would soon come in beaming and entered the room with a loud, sing-songy “I’m here!”, followed by the same response as the heaving Julie dragged an absurdly stuffed suitcase in tow. The sudden intrusion caused Poppy to jolt awake, everyone else looking over as the pair came in. You glanced at the time, 6:12 A.M.
“You’re late…and I told you to pack light--” You comment, shaking your head gently as the two tried to begin explaining. Raising a hand to stop them, you turned to everyone with a small smile, went over the plans for travel, and ushered them all to the awaiting cars outside.
[8:32 A.M. Landing]
As the jet landed, everyone deplaned and entered the cars that would transport them to the hotel. Once you have all arrived at the hotel, you check everyone in, soon giving them each their own room keys on the same floor. You gave them all a nod of approval as you all entered the elevator and went up to the 14th floor. You all agreed to meet in the lobby after freshening up to discuss any further plans. As you waved to them, you entered your room and took in the welcoming atmosphere. Plush pillows, clean sheets, a stocked mini fridge, a desk, a great window view, and a bathroom full of high-quality amenities you would surely take back home. (No one���s going to miss a few small bottles of shampoo and conditioner anyway). You place your briefcase on the desk, plop the duffle bag on the chair, and throw yourself onto the inviting bed. With arms spread wide, you inhale sharply as you stretch, sighing in contentment for a moment. The temporary silence gave your much-needed overworked mind some peace, before going into the bathroom to get ready. You would soon greet everyone with a much chippier attitude as they had all been waiting for you in the lobby area. You took notice as more guests began to enter the hotel, some with young children excitedly pointing out Wally and the others, pleading to meet them as their tired parents tried to calm their resounding squeaks. It was times like these when you got a break, witnessing the excitement and wonder of fans felt endearing. You were with a group of celebrities after all. Trying to keep a low profile was, unfortunately, not an option in your field of work.
“So, what do you guys want to do?” Eddie inquires. Everyone began throwing out ideas, Julie insisting they go shopping; Frank, who commented on a museum exhibit; Sally wanting to check out the old (presumably haunted) theaters; Howdy and Poppy bouncing ideas about taking a tour downtown; and Barnaby mentioning an all-you-can-eat buffet. The overwhelming chatter droned out your thoughts as everyone turned to you, arguing that they “Should do this!”, “No, this—“, “Care, I want to—“. You tried hushing everyone as their voices became increasingly loud in volume, garnering more attention from the hotel guests as their rambunctious natures were disturbing the ease of the lobby.
“Hold on, hold on. We only really have three more hours before we go to the meeting, so we might not be able to do everything today—” You try to console everyone, your response not satisfying the puppets as they began bickering amongst themselves. You heard a few complaints that you were being too ‘strict’, too ‘uptight’, ‘just relax a bit will ya, we’ve got time’. You huff, knowing you needed them all together since they’d do ‘who knows what’ when apart from you. Maybe you should just ask to be promoted from Caretaker to Glorified Babysitter at this point, the title is more suitable. You attempted to hush them again, only to be met with more insistence that they do “this idea, or that”. You could barely put a word in as your eyes slowly fell on Wally, who in his usual laid-back manner, said nothing. Simply observing the conversations and locking eyes on you.
You could tell by his demeanor, mischievous grin on his face, he was brewing up a plan. Your eyes narrow, squinting at him as you both engaged in a stare-down. “Don’t—” You emphasized, everyone else taking notice and silently watching. “Wally. Do not—”
“I said-- Ah!--?!” Before you could protest, you were encased in oversized blue arms, Barnaby coming up to give you a hug from behind, his chuckles booming loudly in your ears. He picked you up slightly, your legs kicking as you tried yelling for them all to “Get back here!”. Both Sally and Julie bolted for the entrance, waving hello and goodbye to those they passed by; Howdy and Poppy scuttled away, continuing to chat; Frank and Eddie looked at each other before heading to the museum, as Wally sneakily exited stage left. You went limp in Barnaby’s arms, cheeks red with frustration as you slowly descended back onto your feet. He chuckled, patting your shoulder (insult to injury).
“You know kid, you should just take it easy. We finally have some downtime, just let ‘em go and have some fun. Same with you, see you in a bit.” He chimed, walking off to the hotel’s restaurant.
You stood there in defeat, running your hands up and down your face before pinching the bridge of your nose. As expected, it was gonna be a long day indeed.
[2:03 P.M. Associates Meeting]
“Shouldn’t they have been here already?”
“Yeah, I tried calling Care, but they hadn’t respo—”
You burst into the meeting room, hair disheveled, breathing heavy with Wally and Julie tucked under your arms while the rest of the members stood behind you with smiles and greetings. You stomped in, some of the associates just staring as you plopped the two in their seats as the others strolled in before settling down themselves. You said nothing, cheeks hot and nostrils flared before clearing your throat and smoothing your hair. You move off to the side, taking refuge in the seat placed against the wall. You finally slump, head tilted back and resting on the wall as the meeting began.
Yeah, you needed a promotion… and a raise.
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freaky-flawless · 9 months
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The return of some old faces
I finally got around to fleshing them out, so here's some more info on them under the cut:
They're all students at New Salem University and share a dorm room together. Demonique and Luci have been longtime friends, attending elementary and middle school in Hell before transferring to Monster High together, while Fangel is newer to the friend group, but feels as though she's always belonged with these ghouls.
Fangel attended Belfry Prep her whole un-life until she was able to escape that stuffy and intolerant environment once she graduated and started college. She never agreed with traditional vampire values, and always kept friends outside of school that were different monster types, and she's absolutely thriving in campus life.
Demonique may or may not have feelings for her vampire friend, but knows that she's already in a happy and committed relationship, and so she keeps her feelings hidden. Aside from that she's super chill and often the voice of reason. She's also incredibly creative, and is apart of all kinda of clubs on campus.
As Lucifer's eldest child, Luci is set to become the new ruler of Hell once her father retires. She's actually pretty hyped about it, and figures a business degree will help her become an effective ruler. She's the campus's resident party girl, and given her popularity, she's known for throwing the biggest college parties around. Given her status, she's able to get away with more than the average student, but she tries not to abuse this power too much.
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wizardo-yo · 2 years
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A Wizard City Café Concept
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babygray · 10 months
Gintama image song ideas
A side: a song about continuing to live and make meaningful connections after losing everything
B side: Sugar Content Magic.
A side: a young man striving to find his place in an ever-changing world
B side: Otsuu cover with occasional asides about how horrid his sister's cooking is. Ends with an explosive cameo from Tae.
B side: a young girl's determination to rise above the limits fate has put on her and to nurture her familiar bonds
A side: a young girl's love for a seemingly unending list of basic, cheap food presented as the highest cuisine
B side: a martial cry for his men to uphold their vows to themselves and the shogun.
A side: a horny love ballad dedicated to Tae. It also ends with an explosive cameo.
A side: a song about loyalty and devotion and all that has to be cast aside for the sake of duty.
B side: an upbeat ditty called "Mayo Wonderland"
A side: A heavy rock song about painting the world red with a blood rain. Chants of "Die, Hijikata" make up most of the chorus.
B side: Completely unlistenable. Has been known to turn listeners insane. At the end, Mitsuba's soft laugh can be heard.
A side: a song about striving for a new age and the sun rising on a better world
B side: was left on standby in the recording booth, waiting for a chance to cameo in everyone else's songs. Does a duet with Elizabeth. It goes poorly.
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ec-arts · 1 year
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fanart for @pittdpeaches fanfic, A Garden Across Our Collarbone
I love this soulmate au! I highly recommend it!
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ochitea · 10 months
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composition practice to prepare for comms -w- Hallow (he/him) belongs to @bvnnysocks
[timelapse below cut]
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galaxynajma · 8 months
There is so much gayness in Blue Lock…(Not complaining)
first : Bachira
second : Nagi
third : Rin
fourth : It’s a clash between Hiori And Kaiser..
When I first started to read blue lock I thought to myself " this is a sports manga how gay can it actually be "…. Oh how wrong I was
Isagi here with like 4 or 5 ( maybe even more) boyfriends while most people can’t even get a date
But like I totally get it Isagi is so cute and sweet ( most of time… when he’s not playing soccer/football)
Look at him
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He’s so adorable… sure if your his opponent or maybe even teammate he might call you a slur or something but like at least he’s cute
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If I was Kaiser I too would be obsessed with him
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Isagi when his hair is like this: 🛐🛐
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Anyways the Isagi harem is totally valid ( I would join too )
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beryllheliodora · 7 months
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sysig · 2 years
Edgar getting jealous over Scriabin, Edgar getting jealous is so gooooddd
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Day 28 - Date Success! 🌟
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tmnt-on-the-mind · 10 months
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i hate white people, part 3
Mr Bungle at the Corner Hotel, Melbourne Australia, 2000 X
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