#...y'know...like Charlie's Angels...
la-cocotte-de-paris · 2 years
i've been out of academia so long (less than a year) that i forgot there were various citation styles
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mire1li · 8 months
Reader as Alastor's Mother part 2
Part 1!, Part 3!
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𓋼 You would absolutely decorate his microphone with a bunch of ribbons you found!
And he would absolutely allow it in fear of upsetting you, although he began to take them off later on when he had to leave, but seeing you get sad at his actions changed his mind… It did not help that the ribbons were glittery.
“Oh look, Sparkles got sparklier!” Angel had said when Alastor was passing by.
𓋼 He wants you to be happy but don't even try having feelings for anyone in hell, they'll most likely 'disappear under mysterious circumstances' and then you'll just so happen to hear their screams on Alastor's radio broadcast <3
Lucifer tries to flirt everytime he sees you outside (or once he comes back to see the hotel which… would be 'some' time later…) But it's not long before Alastor shows up bcs he has a shadow follow you everywhere
“My mother certainly would not want someone so… ancient…”
“are you trying to make me sound like a fossil?”
“Maybe~ I can’t say for sure though!”
"Y'know, I've stolen wives before… maybe it's time to steal a mother instead!"
"I'm going to fucking kill you"
𓋼 Lucifer would play silly games with you and bring you gifts by leaving them at the hotel’s doorstep, although you never received any (like he thought you did) because Alastor would always take them before you saw them. Or he would make them his own to give to you if you were having a worse day than usual!
“Mother, I had noticed that you weren’t feeling all too great so I brought you a wonderful gift!”
“Oh, thank you, darling!”
Your mood always brightened when he gave you these gifts. 𓋼 One time when Lucifer visited the hotel, he went straight to you to ask you about how you liked the gifts.
"[Name]! Hello, deer, how are you? Did you like the gifts that I left you?"
"Hello Luci, I'm fine, thank you! … Gifts? what gifts?"
"The ones… that I left on the doorstep of the hotel!"
"I dont recall seeing any gifts there… but Alastor recently started leaving the hotel more often! Not for very long though…"
And then Lucifer realised. You never received his gifts because Alastor got to them first! After that, he made sure to put a note with his signature on them. Though, that still didn't deter Alastor, to Lucifer's dismay.
𓋼 One time, Angel returned to the hotel at an unreasonably late hour, so you went to make sure everything was alright.
"Are you alright, Angel?"
"Huh? No, I'm totally fucked!"
"Why? What happened?"
"You know Valentino right? My boss?"
"Of course I do, everyone hates him quite a bit here and you always talk about him"
"Right, well, fuckin' Val made me work an extra 10 hours!"
"He what?!"
"Yeah! Absolute bitch move."
Naturally, Alastor was watching and listening to you two so you turned to him, with quite the menacing look in your eyes.
"Oh Alastor, prepare your radio broadcast!~"
𓋼 You noticed that most of the residents of the hotel all came to you for advice quite often (except Niffty, she's just an entirely different entity)
"It seems they have become quite fond of you, Mother"
"They have, haven't they?"
Alastor's expression was always one of annoyance whenever someone came to you for help. He wouldn't dare admit it, but he was most certainly jealous of anyone who even stood too close to you, let alone talked to you.
𓋼 Because of that one time that Alastor stood right next to Charlie to spite Lucifer, Lucifer decided to stand just that close to you to get back at him.
"An eye for an eye, Mr Radio!"
"I recommend you watch yourself."
𓋼 One time, when you were out of the hotel and walking around Hell with Alastor, Vox just so happened to see you on one of his tv screens, Valentino sitting by him, messaging someone.
"Hey Val, who the fuck is that with that old-timey prick?"
"Hm? No clue."
"You didn't even look, fuckhead"
"How would you know? You're too busy eyefucking Alastor."
"I am not"
"She's probably just another one of those redemption hotel idiots. It doesn't matter"
But Vox still just glared at the screen.
𓋼 Vox continued to keep an eye on you, seeing just how wonderful you are and so when you were outside the hotel alone (or so he thought) he went up to you. Somehow he didn't catch onto the fact that you're Alastor's mother.
"What do you think you're doing?" Alastor, of course, suddenly appeared out of thin air, standing in between you and Vox, with an even more annoyed smile than usual.
"Alastor, is this another one of your friends?"
"Yes, absolutely, ma'am. Great friends, in fact!"
"Ha! Well, you see, this is my Mother."
"Your what?"
Yeah, Alastor simply walked away with you whilst Vox was buffering.
𓋼 Vox constantly tried to talk to you alone but Alastor was always there to stop him, so unfortunate.
"Would you stay away from my Mother, you-! Ahem, my apologies, Mother."
"Hah! Your mother? I think you meant our mother!"
𓋼 Alastor would absolutely cover your ears when swearing at, or insulting, anyone.
𓋼 When you first met Valentino, you were so mad at him on Angel's behalf that you knocked him out and brought him back to the hotel with you. Of course, Vox was there with Val but he was like a lost duckling, just slowly trailing behind you, unsure what to do.
"I'm back!"
"What the fuck did you do??" Angel was lying down on the couch when you entered, dragging the unconcious Valentino behind you.
"A favour to you and hell!"
"No, but how?!"
"That's a secret~"
"Ok… so why'd ya bring him here?"
𓋼 Back to Lucifer! He would tell you random animal facts to try and impress you! He would also unironically ask around, and search up (if necessary), how to impress a woman.
𓋼 Lucifer would suddenly start playing the violin for everyone in the hotel 'for everyones' entertainment' as he called it. (It was meant for you though). Each time Lucifer did this, Alastor told you that something important happened that required your attention. You always stayed for the beginning though.
𓋼 One day, you were baking cookies and you and Alastor left the kitchen for a while whilst they were in the oven, however, you both somehow managed to forget about them… so when the smoke alarm suddenly rang, you ran into the kitchen, everyone wondering what happened.
"Language, Mother."
"Don't you 'language' me, young man!"
𓋼 You redecorated his room. He wasn't a fan of all the new colours, but he still appreciated the gesture. (There was a lot of glitter involved)
𓋼 After a while of you staying there, everyone definitely sees you as a mother figure (Alastor didn't appreciate this much either but he's willing to look past it for his friends)
𓋼 As small gifts, you made everyone items that resemble them and filled them with different colours of glitter and paper that remind you of them. Bonus: Behind the scenes! 1. Yuri's bad timing:
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2. Vox and Val:
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
XD Charlie in shirt sleeves and a Very Serious Frown, sitting behind Vaggie with hair brush in one hand and one of Vaggie's wings in the other, a truly alarming assortment of hair care protects and tools strewn around her as she tries figuring out how the whole 'angel wing maintenance' thing is suppose to work-
Vaggie, dying with laughter, trying and failing to catch her breath long enough to say You can put the brush down babe and also that REALLY tickles-
Charlie: "But then what am I supposed to USE?! You just got your wings back, I don't wanna mess them up! I wanna do this right!"
Vaggie: "Sweetie, it's f-PFFT- it's fine. You can just use your fingers."
Charlie: "..ohhhh...."
Charlie: "..... Um. So is preening ever. I mean when someone else does it, does it ever get kinda... y'know?"
Vaggie: "Bedroom-ish?"
Charlie: "I mean if it's sensitive enough to make you ticklish-"
Vaggie: "Yeah. Sometimes."
Charlie: "What uh, what kind of sometimes?"
Vaggie: "Like when it's you're girlfriend doing it, and she's blushing so hot you can feel the little thermal updrafts also tickling your feathers."
Charlie: "You can FEEL that!?"
Vaggie: "It's like you turned on the totally unnecessary hairdryer, babe."
Charlie: "FUCK!"
Vaggie: (laughs so hard she falls over and smacks charlie in the face with a wing on the way down)
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ilikesillythings · 7 months
" To my darling baby; " Vox x reader TWs ;; Yandere themes, Vox in himself is a tw (If you squint enough Al stole Vox's bitch) Requested by ;; @everywherebut
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"Two weeks.", Vox angrily muttered to Valentino, who, clearly wasn't listening as much as the TV-headed demon assumed he was.. or at all. But, in Vox's mind he had every right to be upset at the moment! Not only had you broken his electrical heart - he hadn't seen/heard from or of you in TWO WHOLE WEEKS! It felt like Vox's world had come crashing down!! And he only got even angrier when Val finally spoke up, in a bored, uninterested tone, "Uh.. Voxxy- isn't {Y/N} at that hotel? Y'know.. the one with the Radio demon? Thought I saw her outside it one time on one of your cameras."
This didn't sit right with Vox. His precious {Y/N}, at that shitty hotel? With radio fossil trash? This could not be happening. With quick movements, Vox ran out of the room, straight into the elevator, hands frantically pressing the 'down' button.
You, on the other hand, had been having a great time. Charlie was welcoming, when she had seen you at the doorstep, in your nightly attire, tears filling up your eyes, she had immediately taken pity upon you, ushering you inside. After two long years with Vox, you had grown to hate him. He was arrogant, loud, rude, and never spared you a glance anymore.
Running away was hard enough, as you knew very well he could spy on people through the TV screens he had displayed, the electronics from his brand, and cameras. But the Hazbin hotel was the one place you felt to be safest. Yeah, the Radio demon was there, one of the most dangerous overlords, though his reputation smudged into old tales after his absence, and yes, the princess of Hell, Charlie, ran it, but she seemed like nothing more than a harmless puppy. Alastor, on the other hand, was in fact scary as fuck,
But, he never made an attempt to frighten you, to harm you. Nor did he ever demand information on his 'rival', despite having heard about your past affiliations with the demon. He was a sort of gentleman, to most at least.
Maybe if you were someone else, you'd be eternally paranoid, for good reason, of course. You had broken up with a powerful overlord, who had many souls, and a lot of power at his fingertips. If he wanted to; he could find you. Yet, he hadn't. You were safe at this dingy hotel. Somehow you had managed to be safe.
Or, that's what you had thought up until now. To be completely honest, you had forgotten all about your ex. Until he showed up at the hotel's door.
You could hear him shouting from outside, unluckily for you, it was only you and Nifty at the hotel. "{Y/N}! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! BABY- PLEASE, I'M SORRY!" he screamed, voice sounding strained, which made sense when you realized he had been shouting for about two hours now. Not wanting to talk to him directly, you made your way upstairs, to the balcony, and leaned over the edge, annoyance evident on your face.
His electrical face lit up, digital eyes widening with awe. Perhaps for you, this was an irritating encounter, as you had been hoping to simply relax all day, still dressed in last nights clothing from when you had gone to bed. For Vox?
It was like he was Romeo, and you his Juliet. An angel sent from above to grace this poor, poor sinner. "Oh- baby! There you are!" he exclaimed, relief evident in his strained voice, "C'mon, get down from there, and we can-"
He paused as you raised your hand, "I'm not going home with you, Vox." you sternly stated to the annoyance below you, who in tern, stared at you in shock. Before guffawing, shaking his rectangular head, "You've always been so good at jokes!" he praised earnestly, clapping his hands, "But, now it's time to go home!"
For a moment, you scowled at him, before turning on your heels and walking back inside, ignoring the loud protests from Vox, begging you come out, begging you to come back to him.
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lily-radiance · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel idea
- Fallen-Angel reader(Fem) x Alastor
The reader is doubting Heaven's actions and decides to take a trip to Hell to see for herself.
- Disagrees with the idea of senseless carnage but understands life is not so simple and split in two.
- Charlie, of course, takes her in, although she does not know the reader is an angel. The reader at first doubts the redemption idea but begins to see the vision.
- Reader is not a fan of Lucifer for many reasons, but mainly because he "betrayed" Heaven, and his relationship with Lilith/Charlie is strained.
- Imagine Hell's greatest Dad, but instead of y'know the whole dad part, Lucifer and Alastor are trying to make you pick a side.
- Alastor, chaotic as usual, tries to get the reader to accept being fallen and doesn't want her to go back. She tells him about her 'predicament' before anyone else, and you better believe he wants to fight the angels for you. He tells Charlie and the others about everything because he knows you won't do it yourself. You obviously get mad. Like big mad.
- In your spiral, he sees your wings at their total capacity, and your shaken demeanor has them changing from white to black at a high rate.
- Vox and Valentino get the terrible idea to hold you for ransom against Alastor and Angel Dust, and they do not go unpunished. Vox makes several derogatory comments about your "holier than thou image," Alastor won't let him get away with it. When it comes to you, he has no problem with your lineage, and honestly, he finds it charming that an angel of all creatures would fall for him.
One of your wings gets injured, and unsurprisingly, it happens to be one of the only angelic wings left. (Say the top and bottom wings on each side are black while the middle two are white?) You used to dye your wings to hide your angelic nature, but with an injury present, it is the least of your concerns. Alastor refuses to let you fly while in recovery, and he has to deal with your pouting. When you do heal, he's still weary, always accompanying you in case you need a helping hand.
"Al, I can fly on my own! Look, my wing is healed!"
"C'mon, just one lap around the hotel!"
- Husk thinks you're pretty chill company and likes to vent when you have nothing to do. Sure, he can't say much about Alastor without fearing for his soul, but when he can, the conversations are never dull. If you make him laugh, you'll never let him forget it.
- Angel and Nifty constantly tease you about your infatuation with a particular radio demon. Don't expect any worthwhile advice, even if it means no harm. Charlie really wants to see you and Al together, but she might need to be reminded about boundaries.
- Angel Dust once tried to hit on you to see what would happen and nearly got thrown into next week.
- When he says "Good Girl" to Charlie, you can't help but blush and be a little jealous. He isn't afraid to use the phrase to fluster you on purpose, although you would prefer he not.
- If you wear makeup/do your nails, he will be fascinated. He doesn't say anything because once, he spooked you and made you jump, ruining it. The next hour was spent with him memorizing every detail of your designs in case of another mistake. If he scares you again, it's his job to redo everything. Except for mascara. Never mascara.
- Chess and poker games when the staff has downtime. He will use his shadows to help you cheat, but only if he's not playing with you. Husk knows but says nothing.
- If you're listening to music with earbuds, he will occasionally slow the signal so he can bother you. At first, you were annoyed, but realized it was his odd way of communication. Plus, he still hates technology. (You will purposely play "Video Killed The Radio Star" to get him back.)
"Would you kindly stop playing that infernal song, my dear?"
"Not until you stop interrupting my music."
- The Egg Bois love you, that's no surprise. They always ask about you when being watched by Alastor. The radio demon has come to accept the many questions by now, but the first time, he wanted to spit out his coffee. You think fondly of the memory, occasionally bringing it up to lighten the mood.
"Are you and Mom fighting?"
- When you get into disagreements, expect a few dozen bouquets of white roses in your room. He's terrible at expressing emotions other than murderous intent, and Charlie does what she can to help. You're both stubborn, but it gets too exhausting to keep up the act, and eventually, someone has to cave. (Charlie isn't afraid to wear her horns when confronting him, and if he tries to avoid apologizing, Lucifer will make a daily phone call to annoy him.)
"Hey asshole, talk to your girlfriend, it's upsetting my daughter. Also, you suck."
- Regarding the Extermination day, you try your best to fight the Angelic invasion but struggle. Alastor is stuck between keeping you and the Hotel safe. When Adam nearly beats him, you don't know he's alive, but his reappearance at the new and improved hotel is a welcome sight. He's a little rattled that he almost died, but seeing you safe is enough to keep him going. He might be a tad crazier, but you love him to pieces anyway as you run up and hug him. Typically, he despises physical contact, but coming from you, he doesn't mind, even going so far as to hug you back.
"I assure you that I'm alright, mon cher."
"Are you sure, Al, because that was a difficult fight. Wait—your voice!"
The radio demon takes a moment to realize that without his staff, his voice is clearer than before.
"Oh, you must mean the radio feedback is gone. Yes, I suppose you've never heard my regular voice. I had forgotten what it sounded like. How is it?
"It sounds lovely. I couldn't imagine a better fit."
"I should return the compliment; that is what a proper gentleman does. Your wings look lovely as ever, (Y/N)."
You look over your shoulder to see the feathers no longer entirely black, but back to their ivory shade. A few straggled feathers remain, but you don't mind, overjoyed.
In the middle of your undeniably cute interaction, the rest of the staff is watching. It isn't until Husk interrupts with "get a room" that you two get the hint.
Ruffle this tall disaster's hair. He might complain, but he loves it.
Are you feeling extra crazy? Boop him. Just boop the nose. He will do the same to you.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Could you write an concept for Emily from Hazbin Hotel? I don't see her being too intense as a yandere, but she could still be clingy and overprotective, right?
Yeah, she isn't that intense... but I can see her as clingy and overprotective. Just a warning, this is very similar to Redeemed! Pentious plot-wise.
@okchijt helped me out with this near the end :)
Yandere! Emily Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Jealousy, Overprotective behavior, Slight manipulation, Oblivious behavior, Denial, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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While I haven't written much for Charlie at the time of writing this... I feel Charlie and Emily are similar in yandere behavior.
Emily is excitable, sweet, and friendly.
Unlike other angels, Emily doesn't discriminate against anyone.
She's just so full of energy and genuinely just wants to make others happy.
Her whole role is to keep human souls happy in heaven.
Plus, as an angel she can't get away with a lot of yandere behavior.
Which leaves the bubbly angel as just... clingy.
Imagine Emily with an angel obsession who needs help around Heaven?
Emily is just so excited to make a new friend, bouncing around you with fluttering wings as she asks you what your name is and what you'd like to do first.
Honestly, Emily doesn't mean any harm.
She's similar to Redeemed Pentious, except she's less lucid.
She isn't aware of the fact her behavior may be wrong.
She gets too caught up in being close to you that she doesn't quite understand.
She's like an excited puppy with her obsession, often around them and dragging them on activities.
Sera may end up having to watch her as she's never seen the bubbly angel so attached to any other soul.
Although, something different than Charlie and Sir Pentious is the fact Emily cares less about what others think.
This is shown when she outright goes against Sera after learning about the Exterminations.
Emily probably wouldn't care what those around you think about her.
They just... don't understand your bond...!
It's not like she's doing anything bad, right?
She isn't forcing you into anything... right?
Emily is sweet with her obsession.
As an angel all her life, she's very innocent.
Something as dark as an obsession is very foreign to her.
All Emily wants to do is casual things like... get ice cream and sleepovers-
Y'know... more innocent activities than your typical yandere.
Since she has such an outlook with you, an obsession baffles her a bit.
She doesn't quite... understand?
The moment she's jealous about other angels around you... she isn't sure what the feeling is.
She's never felt something so negative.
Why would she? She's meant to make everyone so positive.
So... why does she feel so bad when you look so happy with other angels?
Isn't her goal to see you and the other angels happy?
Why... Why is she only happy when you're with her?
Why does she just want you to smile at her?
Emily is curious and naive.
She doesn't understand her obsession and has no idea why she feels this way.
She vaguely understands it's not normal... yet doesn't tell Sera a thing.
She's a bit nervous that Sera will tell her to stay away from you.
So... she's quiet and plays it off as normal.
Emily struggles with the feelings she has towards her obsession.
She hates feeling upset when you're with other angels.
You're supposed to mingle with other angels...!
She... She shouldn't want you for herself.
But she can't help herself.
Emily can't seem to understand the idea of too much affection.
She just thinks all affection and attention is good for her obsession.
Which often has her clinging to your side with a large smile one her face.
Emily may not be violent, but she scares herself when she does have such thoughts.
Her obsession makes her impure.
She thinks all sorts of thoughts she shouldn't.
Things like trapping you beside her... harming other angels around you... demonic temptation, really.
There's a good chance her obsession, if discovered, could cause her to become fallen.
Which is why she tries to hide such thoughts and distract herself.
She distracts herself by inviting you on little hangouts and focusing on her duties.
She should be happy if you're happy.
She just loves to see a smile on your face.
Emily adores you... always clinging and hugging you like a stuffed animal.
Her affection is another way she tries to ignore her obsessive thoughts.
Any sort of manipulation she does by accident or really subtle if on purpose.
Such feelings of hers make her walk on eggshells.
If Sera catches wind of this...?
Well, she fears what will happen.
Although, eventually, Emily may mess up.
Perhaps she steps out of line and somehow alerts Sera to her obsession?
Maybe she admits wanting to trap you in a room to keep you to herself... or maybe she admits that she's envious of other angels around you.
Her jealousy... her envy... such thoughts are a sin.
Sera is devastated and distraught at the fact Emily is behaving in such a way with you.
Perhaps she'll make you both fallen angels for such a... discretion.
At first Sera's in denial of the younger seraphim's obsession.
She doesn't believe Emily is capable of such a thing...
Which may lead to the older seraphim punishing you for Emily's feelings.
You corrupted her... she just knows it.
Sera would for separation to try and preserve Emily, but the angel is just too far gone.
Emily's obsession is the slow corruption of an angel... soon to fall from grace.
At your separation, Emily throws a tantrum.
Sera is stunned when she sees Emily vent such sinful thoughts.
The young seraphim has been putting up with her paranoia and jealousy for too long now by the time Sera knows.
She soon doesn't care what Sera thinks anymore.
Sera has lied to her before and Emily can't seem to let you go.
As a result, when separation doesn't work, Emily and you are deemed fallen.
By this point Emily would have completely snapped, no longer pure like she once was.
You're terrified but Emily prioritizes keeping you happy as always.
Being fallen is the best for both of you, right?
Now you two can be with one another without judgment.
Yet you only seem to look at the corrupted seraphim with hatred now....
Overall, Emily would be in denial of her obsession.
Yet slowly, over time, she breaks down and gives in.
The moment she does...
She's doomed you both.
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am-i-interrupting · 6 months
Hey there! Can I get some headcanons for Alastor and Rosie with a female Best friend/ s/o respectively (cause y'know, Al's an 'Ace in the hole' lol) who's a singer and does covers of modern music in old-timey styles like postmodern jukebox?
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Rosie and Alastor frequent different speakeasies and clubs often together.
Soon after Alastor’s return they restarted the tradition and that’s where they met you.
You were performing a cover of a song neither had ever heard before.
You were good. You were amazing. Fantastically.
Rosie was immediately smitten.
You walked down off the stage, placing a delicate hand in a demon’s outstretched one to help you down the stairs.
You practically floated around the floor and even convinced several people to dance with you.
“They’re rather good.” “Yes, indeed.”
When you approached their tables, dragged your hand along the back of both their seats and placed an outstretched hand between the two of them.
Alastor declined it, noticing Rosie’s specific brand of infatuation. In fact, the bastard baited you both and reached for your hand only to grab Rosie’s and place it there.
He can be a wing man if he wants to be.
The three of you met after that initial performance and were often found together.
Often Alastor would be on the end of Rosie’s thoughtless rambles about you as she flitted around. She called your voice angelic a lot.
Rosie would attend every single one of your performances. Alastor would attend them when he could or particularly wanted to. He wouldn’t rearrange his plans to see them unlike Rosie.
 When the Hotel was rebuilt and the welcoming party was being planned, Alastor immediately suggested you be a performer for the night.
Alastor may or may not have sent his shadows to place a note and a specific outfit he’d noticed Rosie really liked on your bed the day of.
One would imagine Rosie would have dressed for the occasion as well. I’m imagining this fanart because I’m in love with them both.
Alastor, of course, welcomed you with a specific brand of hostility.
He made sure you were comfortable, had everything you needed, any instrument you required would appear with a shadow playing it, and he did make sure to compliment you.
You didn’t see Rosie until you were onstage about to preform on stage.
She was sitting beside Alastor, so beautiful.
You felt almost scandalized seeing her in something that revealed her arms, much less her back and legs.
You immediately went flushed and walked off stage, put a hand in Husk’s shoulder where he was sitting at the bar nearby and took his drink from him (not registering that it was not one he was drinking but instead using to mix a drink for Angel so. . . good luck) and basically started chugging.
You patted his shoulder, gave him his bottle back (he just stared at it and looked at Angel who burst out laughing), then went back to the stage.
You started singing. Song after song, all on stage which was odd for you.
Then you caught Rosie’s eye at the end of a song and Alastor’s shadows started playing a different rhythm.
Feeling the effects of Husks’s drink take hold, you got off the stage.
You went to Rosie and held out your hand specifically to her. Still, Alastor pulled the same move of puppeting her hand, just for old time’s sake.
You moved so you were behind her and pulled her close to you, feeling her warmth and skin against yours and maybe you were in Hell but it was heaven.
You led her in a tango and then she led you and then you were— you both led each other.
At one point, body moving before you mind could process, you kissed her exposed shoulder.
She flushed a bright red.
Charlie went to Alastor and asked if you two were dating. Surprised to hear no.
Everyone watched on anyway because not often did people see Rosie dance and with you two so in sync it was mesmerizing.
You ended the dance with spinning which led to a dip.
Rosie actually, spurred on by the feeling of your hands on her back and the adrenaline of a dance, hooked her leg over yours and used her arm around your shoulders to pull you into a kiss.
Angel absolutely whistled.
You both pulled away flustered.
Maybe you ran off, maybe you didn’t.
Either way, Rosie turned to Alastor who gave her a thumbs up as she sat down. A smile on her lips as her hand traveled to it.
To Alastor, though, that wasn’t the most shocking part of the night.
For him, it was when he heard Charlie saying she was going see if she could commission you to do cover some of her favorite songs and compile them into a playlist.
And upon questioning her, he was informed you covered modern songs.
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rius-cave · 7 months
Who do you think never went to school in the hotel? I could imagine Angel dust since he was in the mafia and I dont think they would've cared much for education at that time. Soooo imagine Adam giving Angel dust math lessons as exchange for the bottoming lessons. (he would never try to teach him something but he would be forced by Charlie lol) So it's just like:
*halfway trough the lesson*
Adam: for fucks sake, what's 2 + 2 ??
Angel: I dont fucking know! 22??
Adam: 22? 22??? ARE YOU THAT DUMB??
Adam: y'know what?? you got two dicks inside your ass, you add two more. How many do you have inside?
Angel: easy, 4 dicks
Adam: ..seriously
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scekrex · 4 months
Hi! I hope you’re doing well!!!
I just read your Adam x Lucifer’s son fic and I loved it a lot more than I thought I would going in (that sounded really backhanded but I definitely don’t mean it that way 😭)
I was thinking of a part 2 that takes place literally just a few minutes after the 1st, Lucifer basically gave Adam a few… let’s say corrective love taps. And now the reader is patching up his now bruised face. Reader try’s to make Adam feel better by complimenting him and flirting with him. (I know damn well Adam is such a hoe for genuine affection like-)
Cut to Lucifer sitting across the room eyeing you both, now realizing that his son is in love with THE FIRST MAN and Adam is ALSO in love with his son. To put it simply, he is kinda freaking out. He now refuses to leave them alone together for the rest of the day, and also the unseeable future! He starts listing the reasons why the Reader should very much not being dating Adam. (Would be funny if he also mentioned the age gap as if he didn’t date a newly born woman as a who knows how old Angel LMAO) And Adam is like “Bitch, I’m am literally right the fuck here.”
Lucifer is just really activating his overprotective dad mode. That is… until Charlie really needs his help with something for the hotel. He eventually (albeit reluctantly) agrees to leave to help because he thinks “I’ll be quick, it’s just what? 5 minutes? And I’ll be in the room just a few doors down!”
He leaves and Adam, who for some motherfucking reason, can’t stop thinking about all the things Lucifer said to you about him and starts thinking ‘Maybe he’s right’ and starts just getting in his head about it
Reader finishes up patching his face and can tell he’s thinking about what Luci said. He reassures him that he loves no one else but Adam and that what his dad thinks is irrelevant. Reader gives Adam a kiss before asking. “Anyways, you ready to go?”
“The fuck you mean? Go where?
“I mean… how else are we going to finish what we started?”
And the was one of the first times the reader managed to make Adam flustered. Needless to say, Adam and the reader weren’t there when Lucifer returned. Much to Lucifer’s anger.
Nah man ur good, I wasn't the biggest fan at first too but y'know, it's kinda cute. Also u didn't specify anything about Reader and Adam having sex so I kept this SFW, my inbox is temporarily closed but if ya want a sequel that's basically just smut, lemme know once my inbox is open again!
Part 1
My lover's the sunlight to keep the Goddess on my side
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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“Was that really necessary, dad?” you grumbled as you pressed a ball of cotton against Adam’s lip - Adam’s bleeding lip. Lucifer hadn't been too fond of the view he had been greeted with when entering the room. The brunette’s bottom lip was split open, his nose was bleeding and his eye was slowly turning black again. Adam had just recovered from the stabbing injuries Niffty had caused and now he was covered in bleeding wounds once again. A thing that surely did surprise you and that you wanted to look deeper into once the situation was less tense, was the fact that Adam’s blood was still golden. His blood had remained pure and angelic and while you partly understood why, it did make you curious.
Adam hissed in pain as your fingers gently traced along his nose, checking if it was just bleeding or if it was broken - Adam was lucky because your father had actually managed to break the former angel’s nose.
Lucifer was sitting on an armchair across the room, watching the gentle touches his son offered Adam, he didn’t like that they got along and he hated that they seemed so in love, so all over each other. Lucifer knew Adam, well that wasn’t entirely true. Lucifer had known Adam once, back in Eden when everything had been so new and exciting for pretty much everybody. Back then Adam had been a kind and loving soul, but that soul was no longer comparable to the man that was sitting on his son’s bed, bleeding divine blood onto the covers while his son basically sat in Adam’s lap and took care of the injuries.
“Yes, it was necessary, someone needed to teach him a lesson,” Lucifer answered your question, sounding quite bitter. And partly you were able to understand your father, he had history with Adam - history that did not end well at all but the man whose lap you were sitting on seemed almost innocent. You were very aware that Adam was the last person to describe as innocent and sweet though.
“My poor angel,” you hummed as you leaned in a little closer, carefully stopping the bleeding of Adam’s nose before inspecting the broken bone a little closer - it was nothing you couldn’t fix, that was for sure. It would heal just fine, it just needed time. With gentle hands you cupped Adam’s face and kissed his stubbled chin, causing the brunette to shiver lightly. Adam was not used to gentle touches, yes, he had been spending quite some time with you ever since his people had left him behind, but that didn’t mean he got used to affectionate touches like those you offered him - that didn’t mean he disliked them, quite the opposite was the case, he lived for your gentle touches and soft words. You somehow always found something to praise the brunette for.
Adam hummed in agreement, nodding his head lightly to underline the sound. “Don’t you worry, I’ll fix you up in no time,” you added, satisfied that there was no more blood dripping from Adam’s nose.
Lucifer growled from where he was sitting, not pleased with how close you were to Adam’s face - well, actually he wasn’t pleased that you were close to Adam at all. You shot your father a glare over the brunette’s shoulder. “You’re responsible for his injuries so shut up,” you hissed at the blonde king.
The king of Hell simply rolled his eyes at your words, “Yeah, well you shouldn’t be dating Adam - date whoever you want, I don’t care if they’re female, non-binary or male, just don’t date him.” Lucifer pointed towards Adam who seemed not very happy about how lowly Lucifer spoke about him. Sure, they had their issues with each other, but why was it such a big deal to the blonde that the first man and the prince of Hell had a thing for each other?
“Y’know, first of all he’s a maniac, he literally used to kill our people,” Lucifer started to list reasons why you should stay away from the brunette, you could only raise an eyebrow at your father, “Oh our people? The people you ignored for only God knows how long? Those people you’re supposed to rule but instead of doing so you simply let them rot?” You felt how the first man’s hands came to rest on your hips, gently patting them signaling you that he liked your answer. Lucifer huffed.
“Okay what about the fact that he’s manipulative and controlling?” The blonde king tried again, nodding his head towards Adam. “Dad,” you said, looking at Lucifer, you seemed quite unimpressed by his words, “Mom’s book is trash, Adam was told to keep Lilith on a leash, he was supposed to look out for her and stop her from being absolutely self destructive and reckless.”
The blonde king tried it yet again, his problem was not that Adam was a man, his problem was that Adam was Adam, “Okay but what about the age gap? He’s like so much older than you are, sweety,” you cringed at the nickname your father gave you and playfully slapped Adam’s chest as you felt a chuckle vibrating through his body. “Says the guy who fucked the first woman a couple days after her fucking creation,” Adam huffed, turning his head around to face Lucifer.
The short king was about to argue yet again, but Charlie interrupted him by opening the door without knocking, something that was very unlike her since she valued privacy. Your sister’s eyes watched you and Adam for a moment, she shot you a quick, reassuring smile before heading towards your father, who was still sitting in that stupid armchair, observing you and Adam like the both of you were little children.
“I’m sorry for bursting in without knocking,” Charlie apoligzed, sounding quite stressed about whatever was going on elsewhere in the hotel, it wasn’t that you cared all that much. Not when you were seated in Adam’s lap and Charlie was a great distraction for Lucifer’s sharp eyes. “Don’t sweat it, dollface,” Adam simply responded, shrugging his shoulders as he spoke, “You’re not the fucking first, seems to be a fucking family issue you have there.” Your sister spun around in confusion, frowning at the first man who simply rested his chin on your head and grinned at her. “Uh… yeah… no, what I came here for is actually,” the blonde girl turned back towards the king of Hell, “Dad, I really need your help.”
Lucifer shook his head, nodding towards you and Adam, “I can't leave them alone sweety.” Charlie glanced over at how you were seated in Adam's lap, patching up the wounds your father had caused. The blonde girl sighed, then returned her attention to Lucifer who was still watching you and the brunette very closely. “It's urgent, Valentino-” at the name of the pimp Lucifer perked up, he knew Valentino meant no good and the fact that Charlie was mentioning him in context with the fact that she needed his help with something only made it worse in his eyes. “I think I can spare a few minutes to deal with Valentino,” Lucifer grumbled, not exactly happy leaving you with Adam, yet he knew his daughter wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.
He got up from the armchair, twirled his cane and tapped it on the floor once it was right side up again. “Let's make this quick.”
You watched as your father and your sister left the room to deal with said Valentino problem. As soon as the door fell shut you stopped hiding the grin and looked up at Adam, who seemed to be thinking about something - most likely all the harsh words your father had said. A small sigh left you as you cupped Adam's face once again, looking deeply into struggling golden eyes. “Don't take his words to heart he's… a little overprotective when it comes to his youngest son,” you hummed at Adam, the grin on your lips turned into a soft smile as you caressed Adam's cheek with your thumb. “Besides, we have to get going before he comes back.”
The brunette frowned at your words, his concern about all the things Lucifer had said was replaced by confusion, “Get going? Where the fuck do you wanna go?” You glanced to the door, then back at Adam. The first man followed your eyes and the confusion cleared up rather quickly. “Somewhere where we can continue what we started without dad interrupting us.”
When Lucifer returned to your room only five minutes later the room was empty. Nothing had changed except for the fact that Adam was no longer sitting on your bed with you in his lap. Lucifer cursed under his breath and just as he was about to go seek for you and the first man, he heard moans coming from one of the other rooms, those soft sounds of pleasure caused the devil to stop in his tracks immediately.
The moans echoing through the hotel came from Adam.
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amphibiahawks321 · 10 months
[First request about hazbin hotel by Anon]
[Knock Knock]
Angel dust : Huh? The hell you two need? I'm kinda in the middle of filming myself
Charlie : angel can you please tone down the whole dirty filming you've been doing In your room? Everyone can hear your excessive noises all the way down
Angel dust : hey it's not my fault I need to film it for a customer of mine also your saying it like I'm the only who's loud in this hotel
Charlie : Weeeeeeeeeell you kinda are considering your a..... Y'know
Angel dust : no I do not know mind explaining?...
[Charlie thought 💭]
How do I say this without being offensive
Charlie : y-you're a guy whose job is to sell your body to make benefits so you don't end up living on the streets?
[She shrug nervously]
[Angel dust then looks at you and said]
Angel dust : Ok Princess fucker what did your too scared swearing princess sweetheart over here just said?
M!Reader : Want me to be brutally honest what she said?
Angel dust : I'm not a stinkin cry baby
M!Reader : She said you're a guy whore whose whole life is about selling his body for 20 dollars an hour for a living so you don't end up on the streets
Angel dust : [Groans] Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine I'll tone down the the moaning part
[Charlie starts hugging Y/N tightly]
Charlie : Thaaaaaaaaaank youuuuuuuu!
M!Reader : No problem I know how bad you are at swearing
Charlie : it's harder than it looks I swear!
M!Reader : Nah don't worry that's one of the reasons why I love you so much
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ms-cartoon · 8 months
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Y'know, even at this point, I still don't see how these two would even be friends.
I mean yeah, maybe they can get along and relate a little bit to one another. Maybe they can care a little bit about each other behind closed doors. But anything along the lines of being attached, best friends, platonic friends, boyfriends (hopefully not)? I just don't see it. I wouldn't recommend it. Even during this entire bullshit musical number, I still don't sense any chemistry. And it's not just because of the song or what the point of it all was.
The dynamic between these two is thought out so poorly and Viv is only forcing it at this point. She might as well only be pushing this ship because her fans want it to happen.
Cuz there is no taking away the fact that Angel is a constant uncomfortable flirt with Husk. Pushing his boundaries, touching him, and talking dirty. Obviously, Husk is rightfully annoyed by it and has all the reason in the world to not like Angel, no matter what trauma he goes through. Not to mention he was talking a lot of mess to Angel this episode, and it really upset him. And now that they had a heart-to-heart talk (which I don't see how that had any impact on their dynamic cuz there's hardly anything similar between them) it's all water under the bridge?? I never even heard Angel apologize for how he behaved around Husk. Like what- just cuz that's the kind of person he is and it's a trauma response, that means it's okay and he shouldn't feel sorry??? I get so sick and tired of that crappy excuse!!
What is it with Viv and shipping her characters with harassers???
The arguments that they have feel so sudden and forced anyway. I feel like the only reason why it happened was so that their relationship could feel earned later, but it just doesn't work.
As a matter of fact, Husk shouldn't even have been the one to chase after Angel. If anything, I think CHARLIE should've gone after Angel and had a talk with him! Cuz not only would it have been a chance for this episode to be focused on her (THE MAIN CHARACTER IN VIV's FEMALE-CENTERED SHOW) This could've been a chance for Angel to probably have more trust and care for Charlie which he never had in the first place. Especially when Charlie sort of got him in trouble with Valentino. She wanted to apologize to Angel so badly? Freakin go after him and say ur sorry! Why are you wasting your time on these silly ass notes!! Maybe this could've been a chance for Charlie to learn how bad Angel has it and that not every sinner who's as troubled as him could easily make a change for the better. And if Husk absolutely has to be centered as well, have him be shown enough times as Charlie was.
This show could've had a chance to be female-focused as Viv said it would be, but she and Adam blew it by the time episode 2 was uploaded cuz she favors all her male characters and ships much more than the opposite sex.
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potatobugxo · 7 months
You know those piano-based rhythm games?
I think Alastor would have a distaste for those - nothing like a real piano and entirely digital cowhfowf
Any chance you could share some headcanons or the like of a friend of his showing him them for the first time?
i made this too silly omg
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🦌❤️piano rhythm games w/Alastor❤️🦌
"hey al check this out!" "hm?" alastor uses his shadows to maneuver over to where your hunched over on the hotel lobby couch, staring at your phone as you had been for the past hour now.
"look," you scoot towards where he's standing, and he peers over your shoulder, squinting at the device's screen between your fingers. "it's a piano game! you like piano, right?"
"my dear, you know i don't dally with this frivolous technology of yours," alastor remarked, standing back upright. "no but its fun," you insist, lifting it back up to his face. "watch." alastor rolls his eyes, smile twitching as he leans back down to study you as you play. your thumbs tapped away at the screen, the neon colors changing as you pressed different keys to match the notes of the song that was playing from the phone's speaker. "hm... interesting, i will say!" alastor admitted. "though nothing like traditional piano, perhaps you should return to your roots, dear-" "here you try," you shove the phone toward him, and his eyes widen. "pardon?" "it's fun, just give it a try," you nod your head in anticipation. alastor would expect such behavior from charlie, yet it was coming from you. "fine," alastor reluctantly agreed with a shrug. "but lets make a deal. i play this silly game, and you agree to play traditional piano with me at least once." "yeah, okay, fair," you shrug. "okay, now try it." you eagerly watch as alastor plucks the device from your hands and takes a seat beside you on the couch. he holds the screen a bit too close to his face, squinting as if he were a grandpa who forgot his glasses. "just tap the keys that flash on the screen," you explain simply, peering over his shoulder at the phone. he starts tapping away at it as the keys flash on screen, precise and unnervingly calculated. "this is such a simple song, with your mind i would expect you to be playing more complicated songs!" alastor exclaimed. "oh no i can, i just put it on an easier level for your first time playing, didn't want this frivolous piano game to be too challenging for your first try," you chuckled, and alastor snapped his neck to look at you, casting an offended glare. you blinked up at him in surprise. "yeah okay or i could, y'know, change it," you suggest, plucking the phone from his hands and tapping away to change the song. alastor flutters his eyelids at you impatiently as you do so. since when did he become so keen on playing a mobile piano game? "here," you pass the phone back to him. "now then," alastor rights himself, grin stretching up and past the corners of his eyes. "let the challenge begin."
"so uh... did alastor get into one of your drug stashes?" vaggie inquired, cocking brow at angel dust before peering back over at alastor. you and the other hotel staff were baffled at the fact he had been playing the rhythm game for over an hour now, hunched over on the couch staring at the phone like a toddler who had just been introduced to an ipad game. husk and angel are beyond horrified, and charlie had a consistent expression of worry on her face. "um, y/n? what did you do to our hotel host?" she asks. "i just introduced him to a piano game as a joke," you shrug, whisper-yelling. "i didn't realize he would suddenly become addicted to it!" angel slowly raises his phone to start recording the scene and vaggie lowers it with her palm just as fast.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Replace ass with thighs in husks's drinking game, and charlie would *also* be downing a whole bottle.
one bottle down, a hell of a lot more to go
Charlie: "-and don't get me STARTED on the whole entirely too hot REST of her!"
Angel Dust: "What, like her winnin' personality?"
Husk: "Her temper sure is fucking hot."
Charlie: "ARMS!!"
Charlie: "Her arms you guys. Hhholy shit her arms...."
Husk: "They look normal as fuck to me."
Charlie: "THEY'RE. SO. FUCKING. STRONG. Do you have aNY idea how strong her arms are!? You ever been CARRIED in them???/"
Angel Dust: "She threw me off a roof once, Chuckles."
Charlie: "Throwing isn't the only way those hands and forearms are good at getting people off!"
Husk: "Fuck this. I need you to be knock out drunk in the next five minutes."
Charlie: (swaying in chair) "She wears those looooog fingerless gloves, all fancy, and I loooove... slooowly pulling them off... giving forearm kisses... knuckle kisses... kiss the scar on the palm of her hand..."
Husk: "DRINK."
Angel Dust: "Hold up on the booze Kitten Man, I gotta professional interest in this now. Go on, Morning Starlet."
Charlie: "The way she -hic-" (goat bleat) "-she sometimes gets fed up and drags me down for other, other kisses half way through heheh -hic-" (goat bleat) "HEH."
Angel Dust: "Now THIS I wanna hear!"
Husk: "Well I sure as bleating don't."
Angel Dust: "What's her technique like, Charlie Chip? I gotta whole personality chart based on how someone locks lips an' I've been DYIN' ta get her on there so's I can roast her in a whole new way!"
Charlie: "She drags me down for kisses sometimes, y'know...? ..a lot of the times..."
Angel Dust: "Yeah sure I heard you, but what KINDA kisses-"
Charlie: "The, BEST, kisses! Breast kisses??? Those- those too."
Charlie: "Vagg- HIC-" (goat bleat) "-ieee...."
Charlie: (giggles) (slumps over)
Angel Dust: "Oh c'mon!"
Angel Dust: (shaking her) "Wake UP bitch! What about booby smooches!? Does she start with upper lip or lower? Open or closed? She don't lead with her tongue does she?? Charlie! OPEN YA EYES AN' SPEAK TA ME, YA WAS JUST ABOUT TO GET TO THE ACTUALY INTERESTIN' STUFF!!!"
Vaggie: "What stuff."
Angel Dust: (SCREAMS)
Husk: "Your sex stuff."
Angel Dust: (ducking behind husk) "I DIDN'T HEAR NOTHIN' I SWEAR!"
Husk: "I fucking did, all against my will, like usual in this fucking place. I was just trying to get her drunk off her ass."
Vaggie: "You're both lucky her ass looks great drunk."
Husk: "Don't you fucking start."
Charlie: (flops over and right against vaggie's chest)
Charlie: "... oh??? I knoooow these pecs~"
Vaggie: "Hi sweetie."
Charlie: "Vaaaaagggiiii- HIC-" (goat bleat) "-eee hiiiiii...!"
Vaggie: "Maaaa to you too, babe. I'm picking you up now okay?"
Charlie: "Hhm... I think, maaaybe, you need a better one liner than 'maaaa' if you wanna pi- HIC-" (goat bleat) "-k girls up, Vaggie..."
Vaggie: "Lucky me I'm already dating one."
Charlie: "You are??" (tearing up) "So I can't, I can't a-hic-sk you out..?"
Vaggie: (carrying her upstairs) "Charlie. We share a room."
Charlie: "OOOH and we were ROOMMATES??"
Vaggie: "We also share a bed."
Charlie: "ANd THERE WAS ONLY -HIC-" (goat bleat) "-ONE BED!!!!"
Vaggie: "Babe..."
Vaggie: (chuckling) "Always, Charlie. Seduce me later when you're sober though, for now let's just tuck you in."
Charlie: "Okaaaaaa-hic- ayyy!"
Charlie: "...you know what? You look a LOT like my girlfriend..."
Vaggie: "Really."
Charlie: "It's a compliment! She's very preddy~"
Vaggie: "Thank you."
Charlie: "I miss my girlfriend, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Well I'm sure she's around here somewhere."
Charlie: (crying) "I m-hic-" (distant goat bleat) "-miss her sooooo MUCH..!"
Husk: "...."
Husk: "You're one lucky fuck. She could've killed you."
Angel Dust: "She probably will anyway, once her supposedly sexy hands ain't full of dunk as fuck demon lady anymore. I'm living on borrowed time, Huskers."
Husk: "Now that I'll drink to."
Angel Dust: "Bitch~"
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pacifymebby · 8 months
Angels // Bonnie Gold
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Fluff that gets carried away and becomes NSFW by the end / you look after Bonnie after a fight. Vaguely based on the song Angels by the XX
"Y'know little dove I don't think this is what Tommy had in mind when he told you to draw me a bath..." Smirked Bonnie where he stood in the middle of the cool stone floor, watching you through the gathering steam. The deep green tiles on the wall glistened with condensation, your shoulders glistened too, little beads of water scintillating under the low light of the candles you'd lit and placed carefully all around the room.
"If it's not then he very naive..." you replied, your smirk just as soft, as mischievous as his.
If Bonnie had been asked to describe you in that moment, he would have said angelic. In just your faded coral slip, silky and drifting as if caught in a gentle current just above your knees, you looked as though you'd drifted down to him from heaven itself. And Bonnie had taken enough blows to the head that afternoon to believe in those kinds of miracles.
It had been a long fight and in order to try and rake in the most money from takings Tommy had asked Bonnie to prolong the fight until the 10th round. He'd taken more hits than he was used to and you'd been a little shocked to see him up close in the dressing room. When he'd been declared champion in the ring you had of course been able to see the blood smeared over his face, but to see the damage up close had left you shaking. You were certain that your brothers already knew about you and Bonnie's secret affections anyway but if they hadn't, then the way you'd rushed to hold his face so delicately in your hands, the way you'd insisted on cleaning him up yourself - and the way you'd done so with the gentleness of a saint - had to have given you away.
It had to have been obvious how in love with him you were. So you were right in what you'd said to Bonnie.
If Tommy hadn't known exactly what you would do the moment you were left alone with the young fighter, then he was stupid. Simple as that.
Still, whether you were right or wrong that didn't stop Bonnie being a little nervous at the thought of what Tommy would do to him if he ever caught the two of you together.
As you stepped up to him to begin undoing the buttons of his thin linen undershirt which was still stained with blood from the big fight, he found himself grow a little shy. For a second when you looked up at him with your big doe eyes, the picture of innocence as your fingers stepped nimbly, button to button down his chest, he didn't know where to look.
He tried to clear his throat, eyes wandering to study the ceiling but only for a second, unable to resist you for even a moment.
"Somehow I don't think your big brother wants you helping a 'savage' undress dove..." he said cracking a crooked little grin, the whites of his teeth showing as his dimple etched into his cheek. He was laughing at the remark which had been thrown around by more than one man in Charlie's Yard when the Golds had first arrived in small health, but you knew that somewhere beneath his stubborn, self assured surface, Bonnie harboured some doubts about himself when it came to you, the Shelby 'fuckin' princess.
Still, you weren't one to let your lad linger on thoughts like that and so as you slipped one hand beneath the linen of his shirt and smoothed it gently over his bruised chest searching for his heartbeat, you stood on tip toes and cupped his cheek with your other.
"My big brother told me to look after you Mr Gold," you said, your voice a troublemaking whisper as your eyes glowed and locked with his, " so thats just what I'll do and if he don't like it..." you said pausing momentarily when your eyes flickered over his tired cheek bones, your irises reflected in his, caught out for a moment by his rugged brusiy beauty.
"What?" He chuckled, his hand resting on yours as you remained holding his cheek, studying him with the faint flicker of awe in your pupils, "if he don't like it what?"
You closed your eyes and rushed to press your lips firm and lingering against his, catching him by surprise so that he almost stumbled back, his hand catching your shoulder to steady you both as you kissed his lips once and then twice, hesitating as you pulled away only to come straight back for another.
For a second he was so stunned all he could do was stand there gazing back at you, shocked by you moment of smothering affection. But his smile lingered and as he looked at you he found it increasingly difficult to let you finish your sentence.
"If he don't like it," you smirked stroking Bonnie's cheek with your thumb, "well one day this 'savage' is gonna be king of the whole wide fuckin world ain't he... So Tommy'll just have to get used to it." You said with such cheeky defiance, such determined confidence that Bonnie couldn't help but laugh at you and shake his head, grinning as he let his shirt fall from his shoulders and land in a heap at his feet.
"Alright," he said, his voice low and thick with amusement, "you've convinced me little dove but..."
"What?" You asked quietly as he reached out to you, fingers grazing your delicate shoulder, knocking the strap of your dress down so that it fell and revealed your soft skin. Your neck soft with an ethereal sheen left by the steam which had caressed and settled over you like a warm breath. The little heart shaped meeting of your collar bones above your chest, the freckles which scattered your body in all the places the sun had once reached out to touch you.
He was mesmerized by you at the best of times but now... Now when he was so tired, when his body ached from the fight, every muscle craving a little tenderness, now when he'd been waiting to get you alone all day... Now he was utterly convinced that you were a gift sent from god just for him.
"But..." he teased, leaning down to kiss you, letting his lips graze yours as he spoke with that unforgivable smirk, "when he finds out and you wind up in all sorts of trouble," he chuckled, "this savage ain't gonna stick around to save you sweetheart..." he said rolling his eyes when you giggled and shrugged him off, shrugging out of your slip and letting it fall as you dismissed his threat carelessly.
"You don't mean that..." you smiled up at him sweetly, biting back the most angelic of grins when he raised his brow and asked you just what made you so sure of that.
"You're always here to save me..." you said, eyes locking with his, a brief flicker of sincerity that left a small but proud smile on his lips. Your hands resting on his bare chest, your eyes flickering over the damage left by his opponent, a frown etching only to disappear just as quickly when you looked up at him and met him with mischief in your voice, "even when I really deserve it..."
He chuckled and shook his head, caught your shoulder just as you turned to step away so that he could pull you back to him. Bow his head to leave a lingering kiss to your forehead.
"C'mon," you murmured, tilting your head back, your eyes fluttering shut as you let him trail his fingertips down your neck, the steam misting between you like a veil to be brushed aside too.
You stepped into the water first, your fingers grazing Bonnie's palm as he held his hand out to steady you. Tender with you even now when it was supposed to be the other way round.
But you knew your Bonnie in and out and you knew that this was the only way he'd let you take care of him. If you let him pretend it was you who needed to be treated tenderly that evening.
The water was hot and for a moment after stepping in you felt that good sting spread from your ankles to your thighs. Bonnie watched as you lowered yourself beneath the water, watched your naked form dip beneath the surface, concealed from him by the dancing candlelight on the surface. He watched the water lap at your chest as you lowered yourself beneath the hot water to your neck, watched as your skin blushed a tempting shade of pink... And when you opened your legs slowly, your eyes flickering to meet his, your hand closing around his and tugging him closer to the tub well... he wasn't about to try and resist you.
You watched as he used one foot to push down the leg of his trousers, bit back a grin when he had to kick his foot a little to send his boxers on their way, but your smile changed when he returned his focus to you. When his eyes locked with yours, warm and dark and flickering with a tender kind of lust. One which was growing more familiar the longer you spent in the fighters company.
"Hurry up," you said with a childish kind of smile, "you'll get cold..."
"Not likely," he chuckled making some passing comment about you Shelby's and your luxuries. He was often teasing you for the spoils your family enjoyed, the wealth which seemed to leak unignorably from every corner of your lives. How you never showed to one of his fights in anything less than your finery. He was always making little jokes about how people would start rumours you were out of his league, but you were more stubborn than anyone when it came to that... That Bonnie would be champion of the whole world one day, that if anything it was the other way around.
"Bon please..." you stuck your bottom lip out, pouting up at him in the hopes he might stop stalling, stop giving you those hungry eyes and just slip into the water with you. "I'm trying to be a good girl here and you won't let me..." you carried on feigning a sulk, gasping exasperated and splashing water at him when he raised his brow.
"you? Good?" He smirked grinning and flicking his fingers through the water to splash you back, enjoying the little shriek and the way you flinched and squirmed away.
You whined as you brushed soapy water from your eyes holding your hand out to catch his again. Relieved when this time he gave in and joined you. His sigh of relief harmonised with yours as he lowered himself into the tub and came to rest between your legs. He couldn't keep the little smile off his lips when you sat up and wrapped your arms around him pressing your chest against his back, guiding him down into your embrace as you nuzzled into his neck and scattered tender little kisses like freckles over his skin. You kissed his shoulder and let your lips linger, smiling softly to yourself as you held him, so precious, in your arms.
He was much broader than you but with your arms and your thighs locked around his body you held him just as securely as he could ever hold you. And with your cheek resting against his shoulder he felt so at home. The ache of the fight seemed to melt away from him beneath your delicate touch and as you trailed your hands up over his biceps and leant back into the tub you brought him down with you until the two of you were lying down neck deep in the water, held by the heat and the steam.
You dragged your teeth gently over his neck as you kissed him again, tickling him affectionately as he tilted his head back against your shoulder. You watched as he smiled, his eyes closed, a satisfied little hum leaving his lips as he chuckled at your persistent playful advances.
"You seem happier now," he teased referring to the apparent panic which had gripped you when you'd first seen him in the changing rooms.
For a second you'd been terrified, a dagger through your heart at the sight of your love in such a sorry looking state.
"Don't think I like watching you fight as much as everyone else does..." you admitted with a shy smile, glad he wasn't looking at you to see the way you blushed. You felt silly admitting it but it was true. From afar it was easy to watch him, when you couldn't see the damage being done. When you could see the state he was leaving the other lad in. When he was grinning bright eyed despite the blood in his mouth, one fist held in the air. Champion again.
But when you had his wounded jaw held in your palm. When you could feel the heat and the swelling left after the show, when you could see how tired he really was after the fuss had all died down. Well, it scared you a little.
"That's because you worry too much." He chuckled turning his head so that he was nuzzled into your neck, pressing a kiss to the underside of your jaw as your fingers idled in his damp curls. "Does that mean I'm gonna have to fare without my good luck charm next time?" He asked looking up at you through his long black lashes.
"No," you said, your soft smile mirroring his, "I'll be at every single one of your fights, wouldn't want those girls from the front row getting any ideas..."
"Oh really? Were there girls in the front row?" He grinned trying to tease you with his clearly-for-show-feigned disinterest.
"Oh give over," you giggled trailing off as you spider walked your fingers down over his shoulder, letting your hand rest flat over his chest where you could feel the beating of his heart. "Actually," you said with a softer more self aware smirk, "I just couldn't let anyone else patch you up after... I wanna be able see for myself that you're okay you know? An I don't trust anyone else to know..."
Bonnie looked down at your hand on his chest, grateful that the dim light and the steam concealed the true cause of his blushing cheeks. He watched your hand resting on his heart and relaxed into your embrace. With your legs wrapped around him he felt so secure, so cared for. And everything you'd just said to him, he'd been secretly hoping to hear.
"So let me get this straight," he said, his teasing smirk hard to hide or hold back, "you y/n Shelby, think you know better than a trained doctor?"
"When it comes to you, yeah..." you bit your lip, feeling a little more shy when he held your hand and took it from his chest. Held it up to his lips instead, brushing his thumb over your knuckles as he pressed his lips to your palm and let it linger.
"You fuckin Shelby's," he muttered shaking his head disapprovingly, "you're all the fuckin same..."
"Oh well," you giggled letting your other hand trail down his chest beneath the water, letting your fingers graze his inner thigh temptingly, "if we're all the fuckin same maybe you'd like to swap me out for one of my brothers..." you said with a cheeky smile, your hand squeezing his thigh, trying to tease him.
"No dove," he grinned, his voice catching in his throat as he felt your fingers wandering below the water, felt your knuckles gentle caress lightly up his semi hard length. "I promise you I would not."
His voice was lower then, a little tight sounding as your fingers curled around his length and began to massage him gently.
He was quiet then, his breath and your breath, the gentle lapping of the water against the sides of the tub, the only sounds as he relaxed under your touch.
As you moved your hand slowly beneath the water you left a scattering of lethargic open mouthed kisses over his shoulder and up along his neck, trailing slowly up to his jaw. He couldn't hold back the soft groan of pleasure which left him as you settled into a gentle rhythm, your thighs squeezing a little tighter around his waist.
As you worked at relaxing Bonnie you felt your own body growing more sensitive too. Your nipples hard, rubbing his back, a heat between your open legs that only the current of the water moving between you could satisfy. And really all that tickling current served to do was drive your longing.
"You really are a good girl aren't you little dove," he hummed as he pushed himself up a little so that he could reach to catch the corner of your mouth in a kiss.
And when you felt his lips brush yours you couldn't help but give in to him and let him take what he wanted from you. With one hand reached up behind you he held the back of your head and guided your lips down to meet his, opening your mouth with the flick of his tongue. You let him in, let his tongue brush over yours as he hummed in pleasure, the vibrations sending a little spark straight to your tummy. Sparking your own desire to a torturous level as you carried on pleasuring him beneath the water.
"Don't get used to it..." you tried to tease pulling away from his kiss only able to escape his pull for a moment before he cut you off and pulled you back in. His lips locked with yours hungrily as he slipped his tongue back into your mouth. His fingers tangled in your hair, his strength meaning he could force your head down closer to him with ease.
He kissed you harder, biting your lip and tugging to draw you in even closer, your moan melting with his when you tightened your gentle grip around his shaft to apply just enough pressure as your slipped your palm over his head and rolled your thumb over his tip.
You felt him grow even harder against your palm and bit back a satisfied little smile enjoying the knowledge that you were turning him on. Enjoying the thought that any minute now he'd lose the will to resist you and have you pulled up into his lap in seconds.
That was your favourite thing to do. Tease him until the switch flipped in his head and he simply picked you up, manouvered you however he want you, took you however he needed to.
He was so much stronger than you and the reminder of that fact in those moments of passion left you dizzied by your desire for him.
And this time it was just the same.
The needy grunt which escaped him as you teased his balls with your palm. The way he stiffened for a second, paused to think about it before he settled on his next move.
The way once he'd decided he moved so quickly, not caring for the mess of water he sent spilling over the sides of the tub when he swapped your places in the bath and pulled you up onto his lap.
Suddenly you were completely exposed. Suddenly it was you blushing, balanced perfectly before him, water rushing down your body, rivulets trickling over your breasts. Steam rising from your skin. The flicker of light from the wavering candles. The shadows which danced over you as you lowered yourself onto his cock with a soft sigh. You were heavensent. As he leant back in the tub, his hands caressed the curves of your body, watching you shiver and blush with his every delicate tough, he was certain of it. You were an angel sent down to earth just for him. He was the luckiest man alive.
"Fuck.." you breathed, a self conscious shake in your voice as you smiled and felt his cock stroke the sensitive spot inside you. Teasing you as he moved slowly and then not at all.
For a minute he was still, and his hands resting firmly on your hips held you still too.
You could feel yourself clenching and relaxing around his shaft, could feel the needy pulse beating in your clit, the wanting ache in your thighs. But bonnie was strong enough to hold you still and the small amount of pressure he applied was enough to render you helpless.
He let his eyes trail the length of your body slowly and smiled, you were gorgeous and he wanted to memorise every detail of the way you looked in that moment. Wanted to lock your image away in the back of his mind so that next time he was in that ring he could remind himself just what he'd be going home to if he won.
"Jesus Christ y/n I think you might be a fuckin angel you know..." he smirked, his soft chuckle as he spoke leaving a blush which glowed on your cheeks and your breast bone. With one hand still holding your hips he let his other trail back up over your belly and between your breasts. His smirk lingering as he watched you shiver beneath his touch. He could get cocky sometimes, when he watched how weak you were for him. How dependent on him you were in these moments when you found yourself at the mercy of his touch.
"With a mouth like that you'd better hope I'm not... I'll tell on you and you'll never get to..." but just as the word 'heaven' teetered on the tip of your tongue Bonnie pushed your hip down, grinding your crotch against his so that instead of teasing him all you could do was shiver and whimper instead.
"What was that little dove?" He asked, sitting up a little straighter so that he could look you in the eyes as he fucked you.
You were lost for words then, your eyes sparkling with amusement, a shy kind of knowing when you met his gaze and held it giving in and letting him manipulate your body. Moving your hips to the rhythm he set with a little smile on your lips.
His nose knocked against yours as he caught your lips with his mumbling the softest "I love you" as he ground your hips down even harder than the last time, sending a wave of pleasure through your core and a flutter of butterflies through your tummy. You couldn't help the smile which glowed on your face as he kissed you again. He kissed the corner of your mouth and then your cheek, trailed a freckling of kisses alone your jaw and neck only to change his mind a moment later and return to kiss you on your open, moaning mouth.
Your back arched with pleasure as you began to pick up the pace, his hands smoothing up your waist, holding you firmly as you moved up and down his shaft, digging a little deeper each time as you tried to chase your high.
He ran his hands up your back and held your shoulders, pulling you in flush against his chest. Your nipples rubbing against his chest as the two of you moved in harmony, your sighs of pleasure harmonising too.
You could tell you were making a mess, could hear the water splashing over the side of the tub and hitting the floor in little waves, but you didn't care about that anymore.
All you cared about was getting as close to one another as possible. And all you knew was you couldn't get close enough.
You were growing desperate, clutching at one another, forehead to forehead, your eyes closed as you kissed fiercely and took all of the adrenaline from the fight out on one another.
"You know I don't understand," you whispered, your voice shaking as you snatched in little breaths only to let them go moments later with sighs of pleasure, "how the rest of the world sees you every day and isn't... Isn't as..." you were growing weaker by the second but when you held Bonnie's cheek in your hand and looked down at him through the steam rising from the water, you were determined to get your words out and speak from your heart, "isn't as in love with you as I am..."
And as the words left your lips you watched Bonnie smile, his eyes still closed. His lips finding yours quickly for another kiss before he hushed you. His lips brushed over your ear lobe as he whispered to you.
"Shh little dove," and slipped his thumb into your mouth to quiet you as he pushed himself up deeper inside you and enjoyed the way you shivered in his hands. "I love you too angel but hush now Dove.."
Your eyes fluttered shut once more as you wrapped your lips around his thumb and sucked slowly, trying to relax so that you might hold on for a moment or two more.
But Bonnie didn't want you to hold on anymore, didn't want to watch you restrain yourself in anyway and so despite your best efforts to hold onto your high for a moment more, all it took was another teasing drag and thrust for you to come undone and collapse weak and shaking in his arms.
And hearing your little cry of pleasure as you crumbled was all it took to send him over the edge too so that as your body shook with your orgasm, you felt him grow inside you and release. A warmth filling you as he held you firmly down in his lap, squeezing your body so securely against his as you nuzzled into his shoulder and felt his lips on your neck. He nuzzled into you two, his chin on your shoulder as he dragged his lips over your skin and mumbled to you once again how much he loved you. How precious you really were to him.
You kept your eyes closed for a moment, your head bowed, your cheek against his as you listened to the sounds of your breath and his breath overlapping. The licking of the water against the tub slowing as everything in the room began to still with you.
You could feel his cock twitching inside you as he filled you up, your clit throbbing too as you ground hips at growing ever longer intervals.
You couldn't keep the smile from your lips, that giddy full of love feeling washing over you. The feeling only growing stronger when Bonnie looked up at you, held your cheek in his hand and guided you back to his mouth for a softer, even more tender kiss than all the others before it.
When he pulled away and leant back against the tub, his curly hair falling damp and lazy across his eyes, his smirk was lazy too. Lazy but smug. It left you eyeing him suspiciously as you asked what he was looking at you like that for.
For a second he was quiet, his mischievous little smirk twitching as he shrugged his shoulders and tried to play at innocence.
"Bonnie what?" You whined giggling though you were growing a little frustrated, a little desperate. He was making you blush again and the longer he left you in silence with that stupid smirk on his lips, the more desperately you needed to know. "Please Bonnie what?!"
"You wouldn't tell god on me..." he said, that smug smirk remaining and certain because he knew he was right. And you couldn't deny it either.
"No." You whispered sheepishly, looking down shyly as you bit back a smile. Didn't look away quick enough to miss the way Bonnie was gazing up at you still. As if he really did believe he was looking at an angel.
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starryeyeddreamer21 · 5 months
So I have this idea for a Hazbin Hotel au and just hear me out okay.... CO PARENTING AU
Like the hotel residents are just chilling when the doorbell rings and Charlie goes to answer it hoping that it's a demon that wants to be redeemed but no it's a little baby wrapped in a fuzzy pink blanket
Charlie freaks out, y'know as you do when there's a baby on your doorstep, and she calls the others over
Angel is the first to respond he squeals and picks up the baby Nifty climbs onto his shoulder to get a closer look
"Can we keep it?"
Husk facepalms (mostly to hide his smile because Angel looks so cute with that baby)
Vaggie is horrified and continues refusing to let Angel keep this baby
Angel just goes on a whole rant about how her parents left her there and he wasn't going to abandon her (he's really going for guilt tripping them tbh) In the middle of the rant he thrusts the baby into Vaggie's arms and she just stares down at this baby and you can see her fall in love right then and there
Charlie is watching this with heart eyes because Vaggie looks so soft right now
Sir Pentious is just like "Sssso are we keeping it?" (He's not very good with kids)
Spoiler alert: they kept her
I've been thinking about this way too much so here's what I think they'd be like as parents
Most of them in the same boat where they're good with kids but being good with kids and raising them is a whole nother story
Vaggie: is a little too strict at times and is probably the one saying you can't have too much sugar. She didn't really have a childhood so she's trying her best to give the baby the best childhood she can while also keeping her safe and probably being way too overprotective
Charlie: is spending as much time with that child as possible. She never wants her to think she's being abandoned and wants her to know that they love her more than anything. She's basically just trying to be there the way her parents weren't.
Angel: His style of parenting is very different from Vaggie's. He's not strict at all he just really wants to be liked. He's still a good parent though. He's basically trying to give her the childhood he didn't get and is definitely overprotective. He's terrified of what Valentino would do if he found out about her which he knows is irrational because she's got the most powerful family in hell but he still has nightmares about it. He will definitely bring the baby into his bed a lot of nights instead of leaving her in her crib. He talks to her a lot in Italian and sings her lullabies.
Husk: He's an amazing father. He's logical but chill enough to be a good middle ground in the middle of all the crazy. He's basically the kind of parent we all need. He's very intune with others feelings and always knows what's wrong when she's crying.
Nifty: She takes on a lot of the important stuff like changing and bathing her. She's tiny and can't actually pick the baby up but she's a surprisingly good parent anyway. She's still Nifty though so she's definitely making toys out of roach corpses and entertaining her with those puppet shows.
Sir Pentious: Okay this man has no idea what he's doing at all. He's not very good with children just because he doesn't know how to interact with them but he shows love in his own way. He's the one that makes her crib and most of her toys. He's definitely the one that teaches her math and science when she's older and they would probably invent together too.
Alastor: He wanted absolutely nothing to do with this baby. He was against bringing her into the hotel all together but eventually he warmed up to her. It starts when everyone else is asleep and he hears the baby crying. After a minute of contemplation he decides to go see what's going on. He ends up rocking her and humming his jazz music until she falls back asleep. He starts doing this every night (someone has definitely walked in on him doing this but nobody mentions it to his face). He's the kind of parent that takes a vow like "I will protect you to my dying breath" y'know some crazy shit like that
Lucifer: He's there all the time helping out. He's the kind of grandparent that would brag about his grandkids, he's showing everyone pictures of this baby it's honestly embarrassing. He's really doing his best to make up for not spending enough time with Charlie. He's also the only one who knows anything about children like they wouldn't even know how to feed this kid without him.
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starlight-write · 6 months
....lee!Husk () ler!Vaggie and ler!Charlie?
The others come in at some point idk (adorable sight though)
"Need some help there?" Vaggie laughed at seeing the cat sprawled out on the floor.
Husk yelped at the sudden voice before looking up at the exorcist standing at the side side of the bar. The cat's ear flattened in embarrassment and looked away.
The girl shut the door behind her as she approached him. "How did you even manage to get yourself stuck like this?"
"I was doing a little 'Spring Cleaning." He sighed. "I was sweeping under the shelf and the head of the broom broke off. Honestly, we need more cleaning supplies this thing was ancient."
"And you really thought your beefy arms could reach that and not get stuck?"
"Hey, I did get it!" The cat said before flicking the tool out towards the other.
"Good for you, hun." The exorcist noticed her girlfriend walk into the main living space.
"Hey babe, check this out!"
"Oh come on!" Husk whined as Charlie approached the bar. The princess peeked over the counter and shot her girlfriend a confused look.
"Look who got his arm stuck under the counter." Vaggie laughed. "You think we should call the fire department or something?"
Charlie laughed softly at the other. "Aww, poor thing. Does the kitty cat need our help?"
This was beyond humiliating. The cat thought to himself and banged his head on the floor.
"Yes, please." He groaned in defeat.
Charlie hopped over the counter and crouched down to face the two.
"Oh so you do have manners," The princess smiled. "Where was that a few hours ago during our last conversation? What was that you called me again? A shit-faced wannabe?"
Vaggie gasped dramatically. "Husker, how could you?!" The two girls giggled at eachother.
"For the last time, Princess, Hell or not, you're still not old enough to drink." The cat argued.
Said princess rolled her eyes before shooting an evil smile at the other girl.
"Y'know...Angeldust told us something pretty interesting about you the other day~" Charlie began running her fingers along the cat's arm.
Vaggie perked up, realizing where the other was getting at. "Yeah. Let us in on a secret on how to deal with your scrooge ass."
"Would you two just get me out alre-ADY- Hehehehey!-" The bartender squeaked when fingers began wriggling under his trapped arm.
Husk shot an angry look at the smiling princess. "Don't you even think about IT!- AHAHAHA- QUIT!!!" He shouted, squirming when Vaggie began tickling his sides.
The poor cat twisted and turned as he fought to get away from the absolute children who were wrecking his shit right now. He tried flapping his wings viciously to shoo them away. Unfortunately, this only resulted in each of the two pinning one down before attacking them as well.
Husk wished he could've said he kept his composure, but that would've been a damn lie.
"GET OHOHOHOFF!!! GET OHOHOHAHAHAHA-AAAA THIS ISN'T HEHEHELPING!!!!" Husk screamed and thrashed uselessly against his attackers.
Angel walked into the living space at hearing the commotion, followed by Alastor who had poofed himself beside the bar.
"What the absolute Hell are you guys doing-oh?" Angel laughed as he realized what was going on. The two girls looked up at the others, laughing as they got off their victim.
Alastor looked over the counter as well, looking slightly disappointed. "Yes, I heard screams of torment and got quite excited. My mistake."
The cat gulped in air, beyond embarrassed at this point.
"He got himself stuck." Vaggie explained. Angel nearly fell to the floor laughing so hard.
Alastor gave a small chuckle before snapping his fingers and the cat was suddenly poofed out of the bar beside Angel who caught him before he fell.
"Next time, call the fire department." The Radio Demon said before vanishing.
"You ok?" Vaggie asked when Husker had seemed to catch his breath.
The cat just huffed. "You guys are the worst."
A/N: This was a fun pairing to write. Sorry if this seemed a bit rushed.
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