#.txt 🤍
the-habitat-sysblog · 5 months
shout-out to people who fit the demonised DID stereotypes seen in movies & other media:
if you have violent &/or aggressive alters, i love you.
if you have complete blackout amnesia between alters, i love you.
if you have little to no communication between alters, i love you.
if your switches are overt & "distressing to witness", i love you.
if you've ever been called "scary", a "freak", or even "evil" for how your DID presents, i love you so much.
your experiences are real. you do not have to sugar-coat your disorder to make it more palatable for others. your brain helped you survive as best it could, so i hope you will find peace & healing when the worst is over. 🤍
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facethesuns · 1 year
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for @tmpttion 🧸🤍 (cr. 곰...)
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slams these down (gently)
college!bf soobin
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this is what your camera roll looks like with him methinks 😙
what do you think he's like as a boyfriend? 🎤
college bf!soobin has me actually in shambles rn
i NEED him. it's not fair 🥲 (that last photo is in the photo shuffle on my lock screen 😌)
soobin is genuinely so boyfriend coded it's not even funny. he would be such a good partner.
90% of the time, dates would be super lowkey. the two of you snuggled on the couch playing games or watching shows. he'd want you to play with his hair. actually, he’d grab your wrists himself and put your hands in his hair.
i also like to think that you'd have little date nights at his apartment that he shares with the other four boys. everyone knows you're coming over. and gyu, tae and kai take that as a cue to be gone or in their rooms for the night so they don't bother you on the couch.
yeonjun however misinterprets soobin telling him that you're coming over. so he sits on the couch with you guys.
neither of you have the heart to tell him that he was not in fact invited to this. so he stays. all night. he even picked out the movie on his own. (let's be honest though it was probably on purpose.
college bf!soobin also LOVES coffee study dates. loves them. he'll go with you to your favorite cafe and sit with you for hours while you work on assignments. he's good at keeping you focused. he won't entertain conversation until your taking a break, and he keeps your phone in his bag so it doesn't distract you.
maybe you have a couple classes together to, so you'll both help each other out wherever your struggling.
being able to study together often without distraction means that you're able to see him a lot even when you get swamped with school work, so he helps relieve that stress.
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bunittos · 10 months
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𝄞 ✿ 🫙֗ ִ belfos de miel pura.
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hartspirit · 1 month
blink blink
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xdeadang3lx · 2 years
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Ughhhhhh 😩 cyber fashion is so cool, but so expensiveeeee
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lilsleepyone · 1 year
— A lot of pain and hope.
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prxckedradiolove · 4 months
Its crazy how Ricky would have just loved cats and starlight express
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tyungelic · 7 months
★ txt as lesbian magnets :: mtl
taehyun — i’ve never met a single straight solomon in my life they’re all woman lovers (source: i’m a lesbian solomon and so is my girlfriend 🩵)
beomgyu — just like taehyun i’ve never met a cishet bamtori they’re all either lesbians or wlw
kai — kai is mainly for the bisexuals and nonbinary individuals and lesbians aren’t exempt from that but i only know a small handful of lesbian ningdungies
soobin — soobin is well liked by wlw i think but idk about him specifically being a lesbian magnet
yeonjun — the inverse of taehyun, i’ve never met a moawajjunie who wasn’t straight sjshhs sorry to all my gay moawajjunies
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binniesoob · 2 months
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this devastated destroyed demolished me.
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the-habitat-sysblog · 5 months
dear alters:
it's okay not to know everything about yourself. it's okay to know little to nothing about yourself. if the answer to "what is your name?", "how old are you?", "what kind of things do you like?" is just i don't know, that's alright.
you are conscious, you are real, you are important. you do not have to figure everything out right now. or soon. take your time. 🤍
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roseyrays · 8 months
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♡ ♡
— the type to cuddle you after a long or busy day and just want some cuddles with the lohl (love of his life) 🤍
— the type to take photos of you when on a date or just hanging out in the house (or anywhere)
— the type to take funny pics and vids of you when sleeping (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) but you do the same and it’s just a whole funny and wholesome thing you guys do sometimes
— the type to posts you on his instagram account, with your approval ofc🤞(yawnzzn supremacy)
— the type to look at you with loving eyes even when you already caught him looking at you
— the type to help pick out your outfit and do your hair when you don’t know what to wear especially when going out
— the type to dance with you, especially if you’re a dancer or if you’re learning and interested, he’ll teach you (⊃。•w•。)⊃
— the type to share his clothes with you, especially if you like one of his outfits or more (who wouldn’t like his fits tho)
— the type to send you photos of him first before posting it, he does this cause you’re just so special to him and should take the first look at his pics (especially if he got a new outfit)
— the type to sometimes be the little spoon when you guys are cuddling or napping together 🩷🩷
— the type to record tiktoks with you or let you record his tiktoks 🥹🥹 (or let him record your tiktoks too 🤍)
— the type to intertwine hands or pinky fingers with you ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
— the type to ruffle your hair when you’re happy about smth or when you’re just looking very cute (≧◡≦) ♡
— the type to play with your hair when you’re just sitting around the couch or cuddling
— the type to flirt with you when he gets the chance just to see your flustered and cute face ( ̄ω ̄;)
— the type to kiss all over your face, your lips, forehead, cheeks, etcc
— the type to buy you gifts that you like or been eyeing for a while (he just loves spoiling you)
— the type to play romantic songs and sing the lyrics to you or even dance with you 🪽
— the type to boop your nose when he’s being his playful self and laugh at your surprise expression ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
♡ ♡
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wolsim · 2 months
hello. just want to update everyone who follows me and to the people who are requesting gifsets from me that i will be taking a break here for a while. there’s a lot of things going on with my life lately (in terms of work and my health in particular) so i am not sure when i’ll be back. but hopefully soon 🥹🤍
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hartspirit · 1 month
canon moment no way
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somos-deseos · 6 months
Es bueno leerte, y más bonito saber que alguien como tú existe.
Muchas gracias de verdad
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maihonhassan · 5 months
She's so obsessed with moon, self obsessed kahin ki 👀🤌
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