#001 // ZATANNA
woodcries · 7 months
@rivalsunraveled sent: i like rules. they bring order to the chaos. -- bruce @ zatanna
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she couldn't help the smile that pressed to her lips, focusing instead on undoing the gloves and cuffs of her stage costume before they were folding themselves with the snap of a finger.
' that's why you could never really get along with my father. ' she remembered the more frustrating days of training she'd witnessed more than the good ones. while escape artistry and stage presence were things that weren't strictly magical, they certainly required a little more flexibility than he could muster up.
' ...i just think it's funny you're bringing this up to me of all people. i mean, my work is nothing but chaos. '
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screenviolense · 2 years
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            ‘ how nice of you to visit me after my show. you didn’t bring flowers, but i can overlook that. ‘ with a wink, the magician set her top hat on her dressing room table, shaking her hair out. ‘ now... are you here to talk or is there something spooky that needs my expertise? ‘
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sinchais · 2 years
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✽  . ˚   &.  「   DAVIKA  HOORNE.  THIRTY-TWO.  DEMI  WOMAN.  SHE/THEY.  」  THEODORA  “THEO”  SINCHAI  occupies  LEVEL  EIGHT: #800.  you'll  know  THE  GEMINI  is  home  if  you  hear  lifted  by  CL  blasting  through  their  speakers.  the  principal  ballerina  has  been  living  in  wisteria  for  SIX  MONTHS.  since  then  they've  built  a  reputation  for  being  nurturing  and  evasive  ,  typical  for  THE  SOMEWHAT  OBSESSED  ARTIST.
penned  by  HECATE  (  she/her  ,  pst  ,  21+  )
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NOTE  :  theo’s  pronouns  are  she  and  they  so  please  keep  that  in  mind  !  please  don’t  use  only  she  and  only  they  exclusively  .  my  writing  will  be  using  both  pronouns  !
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FULL NAME: theodora sinchai
DOB: 06/10/1990
AGE: 32
ZODIAC: gemini
GENDER: demi woman
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers, they/them/theirs
LANGUAGES: thai , dutch , english , french , spanish
AESTHETICS:  highlighted  passages  ,  the  smell  before  the  rain  ,  worn  out  pointe  shoes  ,  scattered  polaroid  pictures  ,  the  constant  need  to  excel  at  your  craft  ,  a  faint  whiff  of  miss  dior  ,  sitting  in  a  cafe  with  a  good  book  ,  people  watching
CHARACTER  PARALLELS:  lydia  martin  (  teen  wolf  )  ,  zatanna  zatara  (  dc  comics  )  ,  daphne  blake  (  scooby  doo  )  ,  freya  mikaelson  (  the  originals  )
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001.  theodora  sinchai  is  born  in  bellevue,  washington  to  chayaphon  “atlas”  sinchai  and  rosalind  laurent  as  the  eldest  of  two  children.   atlas  craved  stability.  with  an  established  career  in  finance,  he  was  more  than  content  to  eventually  settle  down.  rosalind  was  flighty.  always  looking  for  an  adventure.  and  that’s  how  she  meets  atlas.
somehow  the  two  ended  up  married  with  kids.  maybe  money  had  something  to  do  with  it.  or  it  was  love.  either  way,  the  sinchai  family  are  by  no  means  poor.  and  neither  are  the  laurents.  atlas  is  able  to  afford  the  stability  he  so  desperately  wanted  for  his  family.  rosalind  on  the  other  hand,  quickly  grew  tired  of  suburban  life  in  bellevue  soon  after  her  children  were  born.  she  never  wanted  to  be  around  her  children.  often  looking  for  excuses  to  jet  off  on  a  trip.  growing  up  around  that  wasn’t  easy.  theo  is  more  often  than  not  under  the  care  of  their  father  or  paternal  grandparents.
002.  at  age  7,  theo’s  parents  are  told  that  she’s  a  ballet  prodigy.  they’ve  got  promise  and  it  can  only  get  better  if  they  continue  their  training.  and  that’s  what  she  decides  to  do.  what  does  she  know?  she’s  only  7  at  the  time  and  thoroughly  enjoying  ballet  class.  
things  do  change  a  little  when  her  mother  starts  paying  more  attention  to  her.  theo  isn’t  used  to  it.  but  it’s  also  comforting  for  her  mother  to  want  to  spend  time  with  them.  at  age  10,  theo  auditions  for  the  joffrey  ballet  school’s  new  york  city  ballet  summer  intensive  program.  she’s  accepted.  no  surprise  there.
003.  when  her  mother  hears  of  this,  theo  is  suddenly  spending  A  LOT  more  time  with  her.  and  very  focused  on  advancing  her  daughter’s  dance  career.  it’s  the  most  time  theo’s  spent  with  their  mother  in  years.
at  15,  her  parents,  namely  her  father,  tells  her  and  her  sibling  of  their  divorce.  so  theo  slowly  starts  to  fixate  on  her  dancing.  perfecting  every  move.  becoming  a  soloist.  landing  the  lead  in  productions.  they  don’t  know  it  yet,  but  their  mother  uses  their  talent  as  an  accessory.  a  way  to  say  she  “successfully  raised”  a  prodigy.
at  18,  she  leaves  for  college.  she  works  her  ass  of  and  gets  accepted  to  juilliard  for  dance.  and  they’re  ecstatic.  again,  can’t  really  narrow  down  why.  is  it  the  validation  of  being  accepted  into  a  competitive  school  for  dance,  no  less?  or  maybe  it’s  because  theo  can  finally  get  away  from  their  mother?  also  possible.
004.  at  22,  theo  auditions  for  different  ballet  companies.  the  royal  ballet.  new  york  city  ballet.  los  angeles  ballet.  and  eventually  makes  the  decision  to  sign  a  contract  with  los  angeles.  ultimately  making  the  decision  to  relocate.  to  no  one’s  surprise,  she  thrives.  theo  slowly  moves  up  the  ranks.  principal  dancer  is  in  her  sights.  and  at  27,  it  pays  off .  and  most  recently,  theo  decides  to  sign  a  lease  with  wistera  ,  making  the  commute  to  work  that  much  closer.
 BACKGROUND  TLDR  ;  mom  friend  mixed  with  the  slightly  obsessed  artist  trope  .  very  focused  on  their  craft  and  is  determined  to  be  the  absolute  best  they  can  be.  born  and  raised  in  washington  but  has  relocated  a  couple  times  (  new  york  and  then  los  angeles  )  .  has  held  the  position  of  being  principal  ballerina  for  the  los  angeles  ballet  for  five  years  now  .  recently  engaged  which  is  part  of  the  reason  why  they  moved  to  wisteria
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theo  can  come  off  as  a  little  detached  and  analytical.  she’s  open-minded  and  cares  about  the  truth  and  feel  the  need  to  understand  what’s  going  on.  but  most  of  the  time,  people  view  her  as  patient,  nurturing  and  objective.  your  typical  mom  friend  who  always  has  her  shit  together.  and  almost  always  willing  to  lend  a  helping  hand.
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this  section  is  a  wip  and  will  be  updated  when  i  think  of  more  things  !  <3
 only  responds  to  theo.  please  DO  NOT  call  them  theodora.  they hardly  ever  introduce  themselves  as  theodora
has  a  white  persian  cat  named  poppy
 learned  how  to  play  chess  at  a  young  age.  it  was  a  fun  way  to  bond  with  her  grandparents  and  now  sees  it  as  a  useful  way  to  strategize  
 along  with  the  joffrey  ballet  school’s  summer  intensive,  theo  has  also  trained  at  juilliard’s  summer  intensive  program
if  you  ever  hear  banging  coming  from  her  floor,  sorry.  she’s  just  breaking  in  new  pointe  shoes
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butiamsmiling · 2 years
Lori was feeling more than a little sluggish that morning. Her body was cradled tight in her duvet, burrito style, and somewhere in the distance a dog was yaping. No matter how often she tossed and turned she couldn’t seem to get comfortable enough to fall back asleep. The sunshine leaked through the gap in her drapes and fell squarely on her nose as it climbed high in the sky. She shifted till her back was to the window and its intrusive light, tugging the portion of the duvet that had naughtily fallen open back over her eyes. She fully intended to settle back into a few more minutes, nay, hours of sleep. But life’s a bitch and so was her alarm clock. Two minutes later, it blared to life and yanked her back awake. Cursing into the folds of her comforter, Lori shifted, sticking an arm out of and snatching the damn thing up, preparing to fling it across the room when the sound of her door opening stopped her violent intentions. She listened with her brow wrinkled as gentle footsteps padded across the floor and to the window, where she heard the definite sound of curtains being drawn. Her eyes was quickly inundated with light, and she cringed away automatically.
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“What…the…FUCK!” her voice became louder with each syllable, eventually becoming a roar. Lori was clearly not a morning person. She pushed the blankets away and leapt up, her face pinched in irritation and her stringy ink-black locks coiled in an elaborate tangle down her sides. She examined the room for the perpetrator and there she stood there, the light streaming in through the window giving her figure an angelic glow. “Zatanna FUCKING Zatara, have you lost your fucking mind,” her glare dimmed by the dispersed tendrils of hair obstructing her vision. It was one of her distinguishing traits, the foul mouth and the sharp glare, and Zatanna was getting the heat full notch. “Do you know what time it is?!” She brought the clock, still clutched in her fist, closer to her face, her eyes narrowing at the flashing green digits. “Fuck me, 9! 9 in the morning!” the tone of her voice had reached epic portions by this point, she turned the clock to face Z so she too could grasp the absurdity of the situation. 
They went through this procedure almost every morning; occasionally Lori was more subdued and simply grumbled under her breath as Z ushered her out of bed. This was how most days went. Of course, Lori was perfectly aware of the reason Z decided to cruelly wrench her from her slumbering comfort. She'd let her slack off the last few days of training, but she'd agreed to get an early start to compensate. However, between the time she verbally committed to the task and now, waking up in the wee hours of the morning, her determination had entirely dissolved and utter lethargy had sunk into her aching bones.
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“I love ya Z, but if you don’t shut the curtains and exit the room in the next five seconds I’m going to knock you right onto your perfect little ass”
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ccfxanadu · 3 years
The night was swirling with chaos. Almost as if the world had caught on fire right in front of all their eyes. Her heels clicked quickly against the pavement as she made her way towards what would be City Hall, but something was different. It was all different around her. People fighting, screaming, crying. It took her back to the day of Camelot burning to the ground. The way she heard her people in such agony. 
That was when Nimue heard footsteps creeping fast towards her. Under her breath, she began to chant as she saw what appeared to be particles from a toxin floating around. Her words sped up as she shut her eyes. All she wanted was a chance to make it to the rest of them to help. 
Her eyes shot open with a glow as she took off. The incantation she called to was to show her where the toxin was. Almost as a cautionary tale to avoid.  That was when she heard someone, a familiar voice. “Zatanna?!” She shouted out as she made her way towards the voice. “What is all of this?!” She called out still looking for her fellow magic user.
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faultliines · 3 years
@nottivagos .   𝐙𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀    𝐙𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐀    &    𝐋𝐎𝐊𝐈    𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐅𝐄𝐘𝐒𝐎𝐍
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“  and  who  are  you  supposed  to  be  little  girl  ?  ”  loki  asks  the  other  in  a  condescending  tone  which  he  had  so  meticulously  topped  off  with  a  sardonic  grin  .  “  im  afraid  street  magicians  aren’t  considered  as  super  heroes  or  villains  for  that  matter  .  i  believe  the  circus  is  that  -  a  -  way  ,  darling  .  ”
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kittysaysxmeow · 3 years
“I’ll deny it if anyone ask, but that finale was pretty impressive, I guess”
Admittedly, it took a minute for Selina to make her presence known. Her movements were shadowed by hesitation, and she was unaccustomed to such insecurity. So suited to wearing her swagger like a second skin, it had deserted her in this moment, and perhaps if it hadn't, she would not have appeared as strange standing in the doorway of Zatanna's dressing room with her hands buried in her jacket pocket. Selina wasn't certain she'd had a proper conversation with the magician in an a while, which was mostly her fault. As uncomfortable as she was with communicating her sentiments, addressing a woman who had literally saved her life was incredibly awkward for her. Aversion, of course, being a strange reaction as opposed to gratitude. Selina didn't particularly like feeling indebted to someone. Selina hardly remembered the specifics and she wasn't sure if that was Zatanna's doing or her mind shielding her, regardless she didn't ask. 
The scar was but a faded mark now...
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"I hope you weren't expecting flowers or anything, looks like you have enough as it is" she gestured to the gifted bouquets around the room. "I did pay for my ticket, with my own money so. You're welcome"
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ghostthwip · 4 years
@mistressofmagic​ flashback 
Gwen sat on the edge of the rooftop, her mask off as she stared out at the New York City skyline. Her heart felt heavy as she remembered what the day was. She hadn’t even gone to the cemetery yet, she didn’t know if she would. She was a coward like that. This day lived in her head on a constant loop, in her dreams like a reoccurring nightmare that won’t leave. The only thing was that she didn’t get to wake up and shake it off because it was a memory, one that left her shaking and in tears as she remembered the way Peter curled up in her arms, whispering that he had only wanted to be special, like her. All she had done was hurt him. Broke him. 
She could even find the fucking courage to go to his grave. 
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Letting out a shaky breath, Gwen squeezed her eyes shut and felt a tear roll down her cheek. Her breath stuttered and she wiped at her cheeks to get the tears to try to stop, only managing to not fall off the building because of her reflexes when a loud noise tore her out of her misery. She whipped around and tugged down her mask, ready to attack as she saw a portal form on the rooftop. “Of course. Never can be an easy night, can it?” Gwen muttered to herself, prepping herself to be ready as a woman stepped through. 
“Well, I gotta admit, I was expecting like...a robot army. Or aliens from a different dimension.” Gwen said as she faltered, slightly confused, and lowering her arms. The woman didn’t feel like she would attack...she was clearly powerful, but Gwen had a feeling this woman wouldn’t harm her. “You’re not going to attack me, right? Not gonna lie, been a shitty night so I really wouldn’t be a fan.”
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missmxrtian · 4 years
“Keep it. It suits you.” @mistressofmagic​
“Are you sure? I feel like pink never looks good on me with my skin tone. Like I’m one second away from shapeshifting into a platter of watermelon.” M’gann held the pink sweater up to herself, “Hm. Okay. I like fuzzy things. Thanks, Zee.” She smiles at the woman who she had all but considering her sister. (Maybe one day she’d admit out loud that the form she had taken was because of her—to look like she could be her sister.) 
She had J’onn, she’d always have J’onn, but she had found her family on Earth. There wasn’t a day that went by that M’gann didn’t miss her parents. She’d think about what the government had done to them and fear with what was happening with Agent Liberty meant it’d happen to her too. She missed her mother’s hugs and her father’s smile. She knew Zatanna felt similarly with her own father and that time each year that came around, boiled down to one hour that she deserved so much more. M’gann hoped she could be as much of a family to Zatanna as she was to her. 
“I didn’t come just to raid your closet, I just wanted to check on you.” M’gann told her as she sat on the edge of Zatanna’s bed. “That you can talk to me,” a pause before M’gann said in the other woman’s mind, ‘even if it’s telepathically. That way no one can hear. You know I prefer this way anyway. It’s what I’m used to.’ 
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screenviolense · 2 years
@pixietm sent: i’m not gonna hurt you!  see? look, I’m putting down the sword. ( Rose @ Zatanna )
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the magician's glowing hand stilled though her eyes remained narrowed and suspicious as before as the sword in question was set down. there were far too many who would seek to ambush her, but very few who would ever think to bring a sword to a magic fight. that much should have clued her in.
' ... good. it's a lovely sword; i would have hated to turn it into balloons or flowers. ' zatanna huffed, the glow fading from her hand. ' what do you want? you set off my protection wards. '
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leethompkiins · 4 years
closed starter // @magicalessence​
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“Zee! Hi!” Lee greeted, happy to see her close friend. It had been a few weeks, due to Lee being busy with the Narrows, and trying to guard her territory from Joker and his side piece. “What brings you to the clinic?” she asked, eyeing the other woman, trying to see if she had any injuries. “Are you here for business or pleasure?” she teased, gesturing to the chair. “Take a seat, it’s been a while.”
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gwencm · 4 years
[guard] for your muse to step between my muse and danger // @magicalessence​​
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Gwen was out walking when she spotted the clowns coming towards Zee, who had her back to them. “Zee, watch out!” she yelled, swinging over to the building she was outside of, landing behind the clowns. Black tendrils twisted around her arm, a scythe appearing at the end of it. "Hey, Chuckles and Bobo,” she said, waiting for them turn around. When they did, she swung her arm, the scythe slicing both of their stomachs. They’d live, luckily. Venom had a habit of being a little bloodthirsty lately, so she was thankful that he’d left her in control of this. “That was a close call,” she said to her friend, with a smile.
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cheatlimits · 4 years
more tags but more specific
✟ ┅┅➤ ❛ I don’t regret the things i do ║ dyn - Cam / illusinae. ❞ ✟ ┅┅➤ ❛ just like i taught ya. ║ vis - Zatanna. ❞ ✟ ┅┅➤ ❛ Queen of angels ║ 001 - main. ❞ ��� ┅┅➤ ❛ Two magicians walk into a bar. ║ dyn - Strange / mysticallyinclined. ❞ ✟ ┅┅➤ ❛ gettin’ a few pints mate ║queue. ❞
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brazcnly · 5 years
“i love this song!”
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Roy stops what he was doing at the moment, glass of water in hand just to be abandoned on one of the tables. “This song is amazing!” He says loudly over the music to his friend, and has an idea suddenly. “I kind of want to dance, it’s what you should do when the music is speaking to you.” He has a lot of different moves up his sleeve for moments like this. His body moving to the beat already moving to the more open area next to where they had been standing.
[ @zztophat​ ]
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👗  // @magicalessence​
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Lee smiled as she watched Zatanna change into a dress. She must’ve been going on a date with Dick, or she just wanted to dress up. “You look beautiful,” she told her friend. Walking over to her, she pressed a kiss to her cheek before helping her with the zipper. “It’s been a while, Zee. How’ve you been? Besides getting engaged. I never thought I’d see the day,” she teased. Zatanna had been so carefree whenever they spent time together -- it seemed like she’d never settle down. But maybe that was an act. “I’m happy for you, really. You deserve this.”
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ofwarriors · 5 years
@zztophat​ //  “  i am someone who did not die when they should of.  ”
Michael’s brows furrow as he set the inventory down and looked up at Zatanna. She was gazing at a raggedy old tophat that he sensed had belonged to someone she once cared for greatly. The archangel walked over to her and gently took her hand. He could feel the pain and guilt that radiated through her. She carried the weight of the world on her shoulders and he knew just how exhausting that was.The woman put on a good show, but when the curtains were drawn she was hurting. He wanted to take it away, but it was a hurt that only she could heal. “Zatanna, you have to forgive yourself,” he replied as he looked up at the tophat. “The choice your father made was his own. You couldn’t have prevented it and he wouldn’t have wanted you to.” 
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