boobsperv01 · 1 year
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booksncalm · 1 month
Say Goodbye to Blocked Drains in Hythe CT21: Expert Advice from Chris at Your Fingertips
Say goodbye to blocked drains in Hythe CT21 with expert advice from Chris! Blocked drains can be a major inconvenience, causing foul odors, slow drainage, and even potential damage to your property. Understanding the common causes of blocked drains in Hythe CT21 is key to preventing future issues. From grease and food particles to hair and toiletries, there are numerous culprits that can lead to…
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catsmeow39 · 1 month
Say Goodbye to Blocked Drains in Hythe CT21: Expert Advice from Chris at Your Fingertips
Say goodbye to blocked drains in Hythe CT21 with expert advice from Chris! Blocked drains can be a major inconvenience, causing foul odors, slow drainage, and even potential damage to your property. Understanding the common causes of blocked drains in Hythe CT21 is key to preventing future issues. From grease and food particles to hair and toiletries, there are numerous culprits that can lead to…
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sublimebreadenemy · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lululemon Royal Blue Tankini Top .
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gattogrigiobjd · 2 years
It's getting hot out here
It's getting hot out here by Nadine Via Flickr: Soom Neo-angel Region Humpty-Dumpty
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x-rancidunicorn-x · 8 months
i thought of you today. 10/6/2023•
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kazoosandfannypacks · 9 months
*a keypad on a door the bad batch wants to enter*
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Tech: It's quite obvious what the correct passcode is
Crosshair: even with those four numbers there are countless possible combinations good luck with figuring out which one is the right one you punk
Tech: *straightens calculator* It’s pretty likely that it’s a four digit number, and as there are four digits chosen there, that means that there cannot be any repetition. This mean that there are:n!/(n-4)! possible orders. As ‘n’ is 4 (number of digits available). 4!/0! which becomes 4x3x2x1/1 which simplifies to 24. That means that there are 24 possible combinations of codes. This would only take you about two or three minutes to input all possible codes.
Hunter: Unless an alarm goes off if you don’t get it right in 3 tries
Wrecker: just kick the door in!
Tech: Well, ‘technically’ the code is most likley 1970. statistically, a majority of people, when told to choose a 4 digit code will choose their birth year. and this key pad is obviously a few years old, to put it nicely, that's most likley it. 
Echo: No, no, no. Don’t base your deductions of psychology. Let’s talk chemistry. When you first press a button, there’s more of the natural oils on your skin, and therefore it wears down the numbers on the keys faster. Obviously 0 is the first one, then. Try 0791 first.
Tech: Close, but not quite, I think. People will almost always choose a number they can remember. What’s memorable about 0791? Try 0719 - a birthday, 19th of July. That is more likely.
Omega: Those deductions are great and all, but unnecessary. The light is green. The door is already open.
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ditto-dex · 1 year
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#0791: Solgaleo
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navelbois · 1 year
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0791 230211
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pabuisle · 2 years
trick or treat!
this urban town is full of halloween spirit— festivities to be found around every corner and houses stocked with the best candies to give to trick or treaters!
only two areas of the beach are decorated (front right, peninsula), the rest are inaccessible!
some villager houses are decorated
make sure to go into my villager’s house!
there is lag !! i put a bunch of details and clutter into my designs!
da available now: 0791-0824-8968 (closed)
happy halloween!
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animaticaskblog · 1 month
BOARD OF WHITE @ryuatewater heard you wanted one...heh... i am SO NICE..
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amandragora · 1 year
in the past i joke w/Jordan about putting coordinates down and being like ‘fun vacation spot!’ and them being massive monsters or shit but okay, this is delightful
in the depths;
-2271, -0358, -0791
If you have the Napanos Lightroot, it’s west of it!
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wissbegierigkeit · 2 years
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IG: simon.0791
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askvekpa · 1 year
I think Vekpa interacting with ditto-solgaleo would be interesting.
But also, Sogaleo!!
( link to post )
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souurcitrus · 7 months
The Creeds are trying to open a door:
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Hunter: So... it's obvious which sequence is correct.
Kyle: No, it's not.
Julian: There's four numbers, there are so many possible combinations!
Hunter, AKA the living 'actually' emoji: It's a four digit number, that means it can't have any repetition. What means that there are:n:/(n-4): possible orders. As 'n' is 4 (number of digits available). 4/61 which becomes 4x3x2x1/1 which simplifies to 24. That means that there are 24 possible combinations of codes.
Clarice, the brain cell: That might be right, but--
Kyle: Let's kick the door down! It's easier than having to figure that shit out!
Julian: Yeah! What if the alarm goes off before we get the right sequence?
Hunter: I think the code may be 1976. Most people use their birth year when they have to choose a four digit code.
Clarice: Guys--
Julian: Wait, wait wait! Let's not base your deductions of psychology. Let's talk chemistry.
Kyle: What?
Julian: Look! When you first press a button, there's more of the natural oils on your skin, and therefore it wears down the numbers on the keys faster. Obviously 0 is the first one, then. Try 0791 first.
Clarice: Guys...
Hunter: Close, but no. People will almost always choose a number they can remember, What's memorable about 0791? Try 0719 birthday, 19th of July. That is more likely.
Kyle, sarcastically: Oh, God. Looks at this Sherlock Holmes shit.
Clarice: You guys look like are having fun. But you forgot I can teleport us and the light is green.
Julian, Kyle and Hunter: ...
Clarice: The door is already open :|
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barkahazhari · 1 year
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Banyak yang tanya ke saya. Bukumu cerita tentang apa? Saya sambil bercanda biasanya akan menjawab, saya sudah tulis isi ceritanya di buku itu. Kalau saya kasih tahu, nanti kamu malah gak nafsu lagi buat mencari tahu isi ceritanya. Saya coba jelaskan baik-baik, tapi ada saja jenis orang yang terus mendesak minta dikasih tahu isi ceritanya. Biasanya, saya kasih blurp di belakang cover.
Seketika hening. "Oh... tentang... tentang apa si?"
Saya tertawa. Dia pun sama. Kami tertawa.
"Serius. Tentang apa, si?"
Akhirnya, karena terpaksa saya pun mengalah dan menceritakan seluruh isi novel itu kepadanya, tentang sepasang kekasih yang saling cinta dan patah hati begitu saja. Berangkat dari situ, kisah ini adalah kisah perjalanan sepasang kekasih yang patah cinta dan melakukan perjalanannya masing-masing di jalur yang berbeda. Kinasih, memutuskan pasrah dan menuruti kemauan keluarga yang menikahkan dirinya dengan Alif. Sementara Salim, ia mengobati hatinya dengan perjalanan. Setelah sekian bab berlalu, konflik berikutnya datang dari Alif yang diam-diam merasa diselingkuhi di alam lain. Ya, Alif sebagai suami merasakan betul bahwa istrinya masih tersangkut dengan kisah masa lalunya. Kadung cinta, kadung punya anak dan keluarga, Alif menahan semua kehampaan itu demi... demi apa? Ia pun berontak dan tak mau lagi menipu diri sendiri. Hingga suatu malam, Alif bertanya kepada Kinasih, istrinya: "Apakah kau pernah mencintaimu?"
Saya membakar rokok dulu, lalu mengesap kopi. Ia masih menunggu. Kemudian dia, orang yang ngotot minta diceritakan itu memotong keheningan dengan melempar tanya, "emang gitu kan kalau cerita cinta, suka banget nanya apa kau mencintaiku apa kau mencintaiku?"
Betul memang sangkamu. Tapi apakah ada yang aneh dengan pertanyaan Alif barusan? Setelah 25 tahun menikah, rasanya kata 'pernah' menjadi klimaks batin yang menahun. "Apakah kau pernah mencintaiku?"
"Terus, terus, gimana itu kelanjutannya si Alif? Si Kinasih apa kabarnya? Terus kalau si Salim gimana tuh ceritanya? Terus, terusin deh ceritanya..."
Pesan sekarang:
Author: Barkah Azhari
Publishing: Penerbit Diomedia. (@penerbitdiomedia)
Book cover: Design Gedang (@designgedang)
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