#1) cuz its absolutely ridiculous
wandering-tides · 6 months
TNE Fandom where are you?
Sujin shippers where are you?
I have Fics to Rec
I don't really go out of my way to rec fics (and I dunno why I have never done this before on tumblr), but BY GOD, have these two fics taken a special place in my heart.
I ADORE everything about them.
They are both Suho x Hajin ships
But the ship aside, I am so incredibly grateful for the authors to have brought them to life and allowed us to read these absolute GEMS of a fic in this little, little fandom of The Novel's Extra.
Really, y'guys have no idea how giddy and excited I get at every update.
Now, the fic in question?
1. Flowers of Agápē by DescendedGaia (Not sure if the author has a tumblr or any other social media... but lemme know if you want me to tag you :) )
Kim Hajin is a failure. There's no two ways to look at that objective truth. It's a truth that resonates through how others look at and ridicule him. It's a truth that echoes infinitely inside his head, compounding and doubling down on his inadequacies. It's a truth, despite the unconditional love of two parents that soothe but cannot dispel those haunting doubts. Kim Suho is simply perfection. The desperate vessel and ideal of Hajin's "ifs" and wishes. Because Kim Suho, the protagonist of Hajin's novel, is everything Hajin wants to be for his parents and more. But, that same story falls apart at the seams the same way Hajin has lost faith in himself. Yet, as the common narrative dictates, everything begins anew with an innocuous email requesting to remake Hajin's novel, his desperation and desire incarnate.
*** Alternatively, the extremes of Korean culture break Kim Hajin into someone who feels much more acutely, and everything shifts to the left.
This is such a MASTERPIECE. Hajin's characterisation in here is just *chefs kiss*. For me, thats one of the biggest plus points in this fic. Hajin is so much more emotionally sensitive in here and feels far more acutely than in the orignal, as should have been.
This fic has been adressing almost all the points that made me frown at or dislike in the orignal novel and manhwa (and from what I can notice, almost every one too).
This fic is kinda a rewrite of the orignal novel, (tho the author follows the manhwa flow of the story) with added Suho interactions, and such good characterization of Hajin, I fell in love at first read LMAO.
So far, there aren't any major spoilers (unless you read the author end note, where they give their own tid-bits of the chap, which sometimes contain spoilers too, or go to the comment section which may sometimes give you spoilers to the novel lol) If you are caught up with the manhwa, or atleast the season 1 of manhwa, then so far there won't be any spoilers for you!
And I think i'll stop talking about it here cuz if I keep going, I think i'll end up giving in-fic spoilers Lmao
(Oh, btw, this updates every other thursday! So far, it's been consistent in its updates ^^)
So onto the next fic!
2. Mountain To No one by @thek1ngtalks (as k1ng0fn0b0dy on ao3)
There's a number on his smartwatch that leads to nowhere. Suho's gotten in the habit of texting it throughout his day. Today, it texted back.
_ Or, in a world missing Kim Hajin, everyone is worse off. Fixing this starts with (a lot of) text messages between a protagonist and his missing piece.
And Man.... where do I begin? I have SO MUCH to say about this fic but I think i'll end up spoiling the whole fic if I start lmao. It's just so good dammit. Just gonna say that this fic takes after the end of the novel, after the conclusion. Only couple few remembers Hajin in the orignl right? Well, in this fic, nobody does. But Suho is probably (???) Going to be the first to remember... I dunno tbh, the fic is only 2 chaps in (and yes, I really adore it already)
I love what the author did with Suhos character and how he is dealing with the aftermath of... everything. Same goes for Hajin, and I love where they seems to be taking this fic. How they characterizes these two main characters and everything.
Listen, I have a LOT to say but i'll just end up giving spoilers so really go read it for yourself. This is another MASTERPIECE of a fic and I am so grateful for its presence in this little TNE fandom TT
Really, thankyou for such amazing fics authors!!
And that's all from me!! Lol I was so excited while writing this XD (could you tell? Lol)
(I edited this post twice because of all the typos I ended up making in excitement LMAO)
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cowardlykrow · 5 months
Gah, all this shout out stuff I'm seeing for my artist mutuals is so cute and deserved so lemme also do it cuz i love them 😔✨💛💛💛 [I actually have SOO many people i love and adore its ridiculous, but i'll keep this "short" by shouting out the very small circle I followed when i first started to make fanart 👉👈]
And by "Short" i mean im gonna add a cut cuz i never shut up :3c @booigi-boi ~the~ #1 Ted spankofski artist [no room for argument, this is just factual.] The way they draw face's and poses, and hair, and clothes, and joey in general is just absolutely incredible!!!! [The moment I saw her art I was just awestruck, and so ridiculously inspired to start drawing again that it's ended up with me right here now... so if you hate me blame her /J] She just has such beautiful line-work and an ability to create such expressive fun pieces, along with having such a talent of using minimal shading and yet making every art piece look totally decked out. Just!!! its literally all so beautiful. incredible. amazing. [Imagine this goes on for way too long and its incredibly obnoxious.] 🐐💛✨ [She's also just a very neat person in general]
@ricky-mortis [inhumane noises of affection✨💛✨] How do I even start? Their art style isn't only everything to me, but it also just has so much character and personality in it. I love the bold line work they often use, along with their coloring and just gah! everything made by this person makes me so happy every time it pops on my dash, i feel like it has to be impossible not to fall in love with their work! [Also have you seeen how they draw curt mega and all of his characters? god they are so brilliant and fantastic]
@szollibisz/szollibisz2 They have the kind of art that you look at and just can't help but let out a really dreamy sigh tbh✨💛. To me, a majority of their artwork comes off so warm and... nostalgic?[Granted it is probably because of the beautiful use of warm colors and also the time period that comes with Curtwen mostly... but still.] And just, i dunno man. i just really fricken adore this persons art. I remember one of my first thoughts being how much it made me think of those really beautiful short-film animations, usually silent except for some gorgeous instrumental soundtrack in the background... and, just, wow... anyway ~
[Does any of this make sense??? probably not...]
@its-short-for-jackalope this person is SO passionate! Their support towards the things they love, such as tinlightment and Pulp musicals, is everything. I also absolutely love the way their art manages to have this beautiful yet adorable style all while managing to capture the resemblance to the actors they are referencing perfectly! From their simplest drawings to their bigger pieces, i think they are all absolutely wonderful~ These people are just so crazy talented and i appreciate them very much 😔
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beelzeballing · 10 months
my opinions on the metroid games' soundtracks because im soooo bored rn:
metroid: surprisingly has some fucking RIDICULOUS bangers considering its an nes game (kraid's hideout helloooo) but also has mother brain battle. which. yeah.
return of samus: i mean whats THERE is as good as ever, sr388's surface theme goes hard but. uh. i hope you like random atmospheric gameboy bloops. it works for what the game is but yeah youre not gonna be putting any of these on your spotify playlists
super: are you KIDDING me? its super metroid. obviously there is nothing but fucking bangers on that ost. super metroid has never missed in any way shape or form lol. honorable mention to, of course, brinstar depths and also my extremely beloved maridia (swampy caverns).
fusion: are you KIDDING me part 2, electric boogaloo. slightly hampered by the fact that the GBA's sound system was so fucking ass but by god did it work around that. this game's ost is so tense it can veer into horrifying. shoutout to tension before a core-x and environmental investigation for being utterly terrifying
zero mission: ok the gba sound system did not do this one any fucking favors. fusion could get away with it but zero mission... like theres definitely great tracks here but its all SO fuzzy.
prime: kenji yamamoto is the fucking BOSS good LORD this soundtrack goes hard. might be my favorite ost in the whole series. i am disgustingly biased but also like. listen to the fucking title theme and then tell me you dont get it. you cant! you literally cant! i think my fav track would have to be... uh. the staff credits. yes, really.
echoes: kenji yamamoto returned with a vengeance. i honestly dont even know what to say tbh, this is up there with prime 1 for me. chykka? the emperor ing? dark samus? hell yes.
corruption: TRIPLE WHAMMY, KENJI YAMAMOTO YOU CRAZY BASTARD!!!! i like this one the least out of the three prime games BUT i do have to shout out phaaze and phazon pool here cuz i absolutely love the phazon sound effect. and it has some VERY fusion coded tracks (positive)
hunters: were back at 'extremely low quality sound hardware', yall want anything? and its for such a good soundtrack too. it can get away from the usual "metroid sound" on some tracks but like. theres banger after banger here, surprisingly enough. sylux' theme... the menu select.... GOREA FINAL BOSS THEME??
other m: yeah.
samus returns: wow we are so fucking back!!!! banger remix after banger remix! im listening to the playlist rn tho and im kinda confused cuz i havent played this game in ages. why are there lower brinstar and crateria tracks. this is metroid 2. we arent on zebes. what the fuck. anyway catch me bumping the gamma metroid theme
dread: i hate to say this but the ost is. a little underwhelming. burenia goes hard but the rest is just... very middling. mercury steam brought the heat with dread but particularly outstanding composers they have not.
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yaknowlikenyah · 2 months
how would you go about telling your partner youre into something that youve seen them kinkshaming
cuz like its not a relationship i want to leave nor do i want to keep secrets from them but i also dont want them to a. take it as a joke or b. do that thing where people just stop listening to you and start reacting based off of their bias
thanks big bro 👍
So this is one of those things where the longer you leave it to rot, the more it's going to fester until it becomes a major problem. The last thing you want is to become resentful. Ya know? And the reason that shit happens is because it hurts.
Going into a communication like this there's a couple things you're going to have to keep in mind.
1. Set expectations for reactions.
Set the tone. You don't want them to make fun of you or call you gross or anything, obviously, but you have to communicate what is/isn't expected. Set the discussion up for compassion and make it clear that being teased or ridiculed would make you uncomfortable.
2. State how the thing influences you.
This is the devil. Absolutely the fucking devil, but you have to express what the action in question is doing to you. Yes it hurts you, but "hurt" is abstract and makes it hard for the other person to understand exactly how their actions are influencing you. Does it lower your self esteem? Is what they're doing influencing your thought patterns or making obsessive thoughts worse? Giving you body image issues? If you specify the cause and effect rather than just stating the feeling, communication will be clearer.
3. State a reasonable outcome for resolution
You know the thing and how it hurts you, and now you have to give a suggestion for how you want to fix it. It keeps your S/O (or whoever else) jumping to conclusions on what you want and helps to assuage any rejection sensitive dysphoria or guilt they may have.
So your ending communication will look something like:
"Hey babe, can we talk about something seriously for a second? I want you to hear me out about something that's been making me feel uncomfortable and I'd like if you wouldn't make fun of me for it, but I have that [insert here] kink you've been making fun of. You don't have to like it yourself or do it with me, but I'd appreciate it if you could stop making fun of it around me because it's making me feel gross about kinks I can't control."
The not fun bit of this is that if they react badly, if they make fun of you and double down, you have to think about if you want to be with someone who would make fun of other people like that in the first place and who would double down instead of reacting with compassion. It doesn't have to be a deal breaker, but don't tolerate making yourself more and more palatable just to keep what you think is a good relationship. That's the high speed train to waking up one day and realizing you're miserable trying to be someone else.
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sm-baby · 1 year
Hey, thigh and bicep thirsting anon here! Wanted to clarify that I meant it in a good way and i LOVE your artsyle and your ability to draw different body types while also keeping it in a block style. I adore how every character looks...idk? Fleshy? I feel like I could squeeze their arm or torso or leg and it would feel real- Anyway keep up the great work!
The people love your fat juicy minecraft ass drawing abilities!!👍 /silly
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1. Hehe eee I am super flattered!! ^///^ yeah Im rather happy with the body type diversity (even if I don't do skinny that often owo;) and I personally don't plan on changing it! Id say thats cuz a bit of it is just me projecting my own body type! It makes me happy, waugh ,'))
Also!! Aaa!! I think its super cool that they are fleshy!! That you could squeeze them and it would feel real! Its always nice to make your character feel 3D even in a 2D art form, but this is just a whole new level!!
2. Its a bone structure thing!? Thats absolutely ridiculous then >:0!! How could that be so sought after when its literally random chance! Waugh ... Beauty standards man!
Props to those who have it tho uwu I hope they are living their best lives.... Tho it looks a little painful/hard to walk with
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yandere-monoma · 1 year
should i be insane and start the kill your masters commentary now
i am gonna be insane and start the kill your masters commentary now
hi this will contain spoilers for the killswitch au which imo is fine because i have no intentions of writing it in its entirety so HSJKFGFG
god. rose strider.
rosie rosie rosie rose strider UUUUUUGH.
fun fact i actually attempted to go off about all this weeks ago but tumblr deleted the fucking draft but now im drunk (or i was drunk when i started this at 1am and now its fuckin noon LMFAO) and trying again so LET'S GO!!!!
so. actually. my iteration of rose strider was first sparked after reading BGB by MermaidMayonaiise oh god bless tf out of them
like, guardianswaps is an ancient concept in the fandom so it's not like i've never considered her or any other strider kid before but GOD. this one line from BGB absolutely blasted through my soul:
You never knew her, but a Rose Strider would have been a killing machine. Considering the multiverse, she exists. Just not in any timeline that matters.
as i lovingly say in the comments of that fic, i literally copypasted that line to every hs friend i know. it drove me crazy
it'd still be a couple of weeks (months?) after reading that fic that i actually conceptualized her, though. rose strider was born via the homestuck renaissance chat which i will reference 6738459634563456 times in this commentary because killswitch would not exist without it. the renaissance chat went off with a million and one headcanons about a million and one different guardianswaps and my impulsive ass couldn't help but actualize them in some sort of written form, complete with ridiculous long ass plot and even a couple of sburb sessions that i'll never write cuz it'll take me years. like. the ideas were just so good.
ironically, our first official swap we discussed was actually john strider, who i hopefully will get to at least allude to in the next iteration of killswitch, along with dave lalonde (WHO I FUCKING LOVE AAAAA), jade egbert and rose harley... then we actually discussed jade before i finally revealed how insane i was about rose strider rose rose rose rose ROOOOOSE
from that first initial outline to the first chapter of kym, it took about two months of plotting and dragging through drafts which is CRAZY cuz it rly does feel like time has fucking flooown by. a lot of that time was also dedicated to the first installment of killswitch, which got interrupted because the third chapter of kyd got tragically deleted and i've never recovered and i only recently healed past the hurt enough to start to rewrite it. god. trauma.
before i get to the first chapter, i wanted to talk about rose's initial concept as a strider and what it meant. as i've said 738596356 times already, nature vs nurture was how i approached every placement within the au. it was very important to me to blend every character with who they initially are in canon and who their guardian's influence turned them into. this made for an incredibly fun process that lent itself to a pretty easy formula characterization-wise.
for example, rose strider's excessively extreme experiences with self-harm are born of rose lalonde's early act 1 habit of engaging in empty suicide threats towards her mother. i took that tendency to act out and cranked that fucker up to 11 because there is nothing passive aggressive about how bro raised dave.
every killswitch character features this pairing blend approach to their writing. jake lalonde, for example, inherits roxy's hyperactive silly energy, though he lacks the grace, ease and confidence to carry it out without stumbling. however, rose is especially special because i wasn't just trying to blend rose and dave. because of rose's identity blurring motif, i had to build her up using elements of rose AND dave AND dirk AND, most importantly, bro. that made her, honestly, really fucking hard to write because i still wanted her to be recognizable enough, while still sounding like a carbon copy of bro, simultaneously perfect and flawed all at the same time. and, ngl, it's super interesting to me, the way she deviates from the formula and refuses to follow the easy pattern i followed for literally every other character in the au. it's just so fitting for her to fuck with the meta like that JSKFG
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fucking with the commands was actually a last minute choice done right at the very final edit. so much of the narrative fuckery that happens in kym is very on the spot, lots of last minute decisions that start with the impulse of 'oh shit yknow what'd be cool' and end with a big ole internal ramble of what it could all ~represent~
in this case, i thought this was nifty, i've been using this same one fuckin glitch generator for YEARS at this point: but also, i think it was a fun way to allude to her classpect, even though it's never really discussed outright
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yeah see this was actually supposed to be a description of her room but in the very last draft as i was cleaning it up i saw this section that i still had to write and went nope. JHSKFGSDFG which is hilarious to me because doing so literally transformed how i approached the rest of the piece. originally this chapter really was supposed to just be a pretty direct copypaste of act 1, but god. GOD i'm glad it isn't. i've had so much fun with this style and it's so amusing to me that i have laziness to thank for that JKGFG ah yes the creative process
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facts about john harley and his first conversation with rose!!
i suck at chumhandles and enlisted help from the renaissance chat for a lot of them. other handle options suggested to me at the time include: garrulousGallivant, groovyGallywag, galleyGaffer, giddyGelogenic (this was in second place to me i rly loved it sob)
(rose's handle was incredibly easy in comparison, largely because i hardly put any effort into it. i just wanted something suitably edgy and what could be edgier than naming yourself after genocide HJGKF)
his initial character premise:
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the hardest part about starting the fic where i did is that there was just so much imagined backstory for rose and so little time to actually get to detail with it. the purpose of the first few pesterlogs with john and jade was to establish something that honestly i don't think got as much spotlight in the fic as i would have wanted: the fact that rose strider is a compulsive liar who actually tries her hardest to seem normal to her friends, both out of habitual manipulation and out of a subconscious urge to escape her life. it's an attempt to sprinkle her with the void traits that she clings to at the beginning of her arc (guess what her classpect is >:3) before embracing what she really is, but damn. if i could have, i would've written 100k of cute casual conversation with rose seeming like the sweetest most thoughtful friend in the world, only to reveal what she's really like
anyway! we get to see her make up a life for herself first through john, as she lies about going to school when ngl i don't think she's been since like. idk. the 3rd grade. GJKFLGS
this is always an interesting pesterlog to reread remembering how much i fucked with rose's dialogue jesus christ. i did NOT want her to sound like herself in the rougher drafts. she was honestly just a straight up blend of bro and dave, very casual, very ramble-y, however at the last second, i incorporated a touch of her usual more formal vibe/dialogue. again, because i was blending four different characters rather than two, it was difficult to find a balance i really liked. i definitely got there eventually but. hoo.
ro-stri originally used to copy the punctuation of anyone she spoke to. there are still aspects of this in the current draft, rose plays along and sprinkles more exclamation points in than usual to match john's hyperactiveness despite the fact that she feels like roadkill atm. however, in the end, i thought it was a little too subtle and wanted her to have a more uniform sound to her, rather than disappearing into anyone she encountered.
john harley thinks the funniest possible thing to joke about in the world is the fact that he's pretty much a feral kid who has never touched humanity and thus doesnt know the most basic things. he does this 9356354963 times a day. he loves playing dumb. in truth he's experienced a Lot through movies but sometimes he simply cant resist the urge to pretend he doesnt know what a fork is. jsdkfgsfg he was such a delight to write, jesus christ.
despite rose's attempt to fade into the background a little, all of her friends depend on her massively to fill a hole in their lives, which she ends up using to further manipulate and control the topics of their conversations. for john, he's just so incredibly hungry for what life in the real world is like. so rose fabricates a normal school life for him. and she's not even doing that for him. it's completely coincidental that they both just desire the same thing of each other and ngl i really adore and am fascinated by their dynamic. johnrose fuckin sneaks up on me i SWEAR.
rose calling herself a bishounen is the first hint of her weird gender fuckery. it is a hilarious hint that i'm so very proud of cuz it's so dumb HAHAHJKFS
john's flirtiness towards rose is inherited by (epilogue) jade's sexual promiscuity and slight pushiness towards the people she's attracted to. it also just seemed like so much fun lmfao it rly snuck up on me as i was writing and i couldn't help but go all in once i realized what was happening. like, john really does just find one bad joke (usually at someone's expense) that he really likes and does it over and over and over and OVER cuz so much of the joy for him is knowing that he's the only one fucking laughing and that everyone in the vicinity wants to throttle him. but they can't :P
someone tell me why :B emojis are so cute. the very first time i went >:B as john harley i went oh no because i fell so hard at that point HAHA
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jade lalonde!!
can you believe this is the first time i've ever written jade in my life jesus fucking christ
other chumhandle option: tipsyTurvey
rose's canon handle is a pun that fucking murders me every time i acknowledge it and i desperately wanted a cute pun for hers. i am bad at puns. i am so very bad at puns. telekineticTactoe is the first pun i've made in all my decades of living. i am so proud of her fucking handle jesus christ GHJFKGS
something that's fun but also agonizing about pesterlogs like these is, again, i don't really get the chance to explain things. so much show, so little tell, which works out great for the narrative but makes the part of my brain that built up so much of the world pout so much. so i never actually go into detail about the fact that the 'update' jade is working on is to a webcomic that she has picked up and abandoned 87593456 times. this is seen more in her later conversations but one of jade's whole shticks is that she has tens of thousands of hobbies and she can't commit to a single goddamn one. she is absolutely CRUSHED by how much she wants to have a perfectly successful career like her mom. everything she tries just isnt perfect enough and it frustrates her endlessly. she is so so very cute i love herrr
it is SO fun discussing the lalonde issue through someone who is earnest and honest about their feelings and who airs them out the second they feel them. it's so fun to interpret some of the issues rose perhaps had with her mother, while also just poking at issues i think would have just. always bothered jade because of the type of person she is. she is going to be an incredibly fun perspective to write through the rest of the au and i rly hope i can figure out a way to focus a fic on one of her iterations one day
jade having a having a habit of traumadumping and rambling was supposed to be a play on just how excessively wordy rose can be. idk how much that shows (people associate rambling way more with dave imo) but either way it was super fun to write
rose's manipulative streaks are more obvious here. jade is incredibly vulnerable and rose jumps at the opportunity to attempt to further isolate and pit her against her mother. she's doing that completely out of habit, too. she has no malicious plan behind it all, it passes the time and it keeps jade close and that's really all she wants. she can see the way jade suffers under the weight of her work and she makes up her own stressful worklife, just so that jade can relate to her more than she can relate to the others.
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the first words uttered about dave eggy in the gc:
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and what his character ultimately turned into:
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there is so much to say about dave i love him i love him i love him let's gOoooOooOOo
first off, i wanna explain why he's an egbert rather than a lalonde, since swapping the strilondes is way more common:
dave lalonde would have taken up too much screentime which would not have worked for the fic/verse. he is. god. an INCREDIBLE and fascinating specimen that i need to specifically write 100k about and pairing him with someone like ro-stri would just be a disservice to either of their stories. they simply can not exist together in a way that i would find narratively satisfying because they both just take up too much SPACE. GOD!!!
dave egbert is just cuter LMAO.
i am a dirty dirty multishipper and making him an egbert means i get a version of johndave and a version of daverose all at the same time
(and this doesnt even also allude to the fact that john strider and dave lalonde are also a hugely amusing dynamic like i rly needed the homophobic af angy boy paired with the darling excitable lil femboy ok
but really, my approach to dave is this: as much fun as tragic backstories are, sometimes a really fascinating narrative can be watching someone getting actively traumatized in the present for the very first time. being a bystander to someone you love's suffering, the survivor's guilt of not being the abused one, the overwhelming stress of being someone's sole confidant, the way it feels to be crushed by codependency and forced to witness unrelenting suffering when you are so woefully unprepared to provide proper support. dave just being a normal boy in an incredibly toxic relationship with his first love is just. GOD. so fun to me. so so fun it's honestly one of my fave decisions coming into the fic
there's also something to said about the fact that dave finally gets to experience normalcy and familial love at the expense of his sister taking his role in the narrative. there is a point in the au where the killswitch characters (who i also refer to as the 'zeta' kids) are made aware of their canon counterparts and thinking about what dave eggy will think about dave strider is SO exciting to me
anyway, again: this was a hard pesterlog to incorporate. i needed a quick summary of their dynamic and a quick summary of both of their characterizations: dave egbert being dryer, quieter, more withdrawn and blunt with his words, rose strider being abrasive and quick to anger and almost sadistically playful in the way she immediately seeks to tease and degrade her boyfriend. i also needed to show this without making rose the most unlikeable character this side of homestuck HGJKFGGS. fun fact, so much of how they talk to each other and exist in general is based on the fact that i think both of them just, like. fuckin LIVE on 4chan. rose is a 4chan troll while dave is just, like, a lurker. and i do wish i could have showed that more and showed even more of both the cruller kinds of dialogue rose can dish out and the more weird/fond/playful parts of their dynamic, because to me rose is the type to just constantly drop slurs and insult people and speak in a way that's designed to shock and horrify people and dave was her punching bag as much as he's her stuffed animal, and he's just so in love with all the ways she overwhelms him. he has so much fun trying to just desperately keep up with her and it all just creates this intense atmosphere that he's absolutely addicted to.
like, it's tragic that her talking like this never shows up in the fic itself but alas. alas, alack...
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HOW CAN I FORGET HOW FUNNY DAVE'S HANDLE IS TO ME dave making his whole personality around himself being a npc is so funny to me ok godhjskfg
There is no excusing what must have occurred the previous evening, but there’s no point trying to contend with what happened. 
considering 'what happened yesterday' is a big huge plot point in chapter 2 i'll leave it to the chapter 2 discussion but just know that this is one of my fave part's of rose's characterization that i ALSO mourn its lack of focus in the fic. i think it's present enough but UGH i wish i got to write it so much MOOOORE, DAMN!
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there were so many versions of this line and this introduction in general HJGKFGS happy with what i settled with
this section was hard because, again, had to quickly establish all the things i wish i could have spent time just slowly building up. i do enjoy how the final product looks, though. one of my favorite styles to utilize is a very compact, slightly minimalistic type of prose that leans
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lil cal as a corrupting force is one of my fave hs things in the world it drives me insane to think about, so it was incredibly fun deciding that this was one of the biggest and most important differences between dave and rose is that dave fucking hates lil cal but ro-stri is not scared of puppets :D she loves them :D
When you sleep, if you sleep, your gaze never breaks from his, and you spend your nightmares drowning,
rose having an eternal staring contest with dream cal amuses the hell out of me especially thinking about dave going to derse just to watch in horror. it's also another aspect of that internal soul flaying she keeps forcing herself through, trying to create a perfect ouroboros between herself and what bro has been turned into. trying to fuckin speedrun through her own corruption
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gurgles blood.
this next section about all the ways rose attempts to cope with her trauma was so nervewracking to publish. a lot of parts of this fic was but jesus christ. was really worried i'd get flack for a few of the ideas that got tossed out there, but i couldn't remove them even despite that anxiety. there is such a specific vibe to the 00's that i really wanted to incorporate into the fic... just, how it felt to be an absolutely insane teenager, always overwhelmed, constantly abused, and gifted with unadulterated unsupervised internet access to do terrible AWFUL things to. i wanted to depict it because it's what i relate to, what i've experienced, what i've seen and heard from others.
it's also just generally rly important to me to sprinkle darkweb references into as many of my strider fics as fucking possible cuz i know those boys LIVE on it LMFAOHJGKFG
In reality, you have no hobbies your brother hasn’t given you.
short but important: the fact that rose just does not get the opportunity to start creating her own personality like dave does was very important for me to highlight, though it's also not necessarily true. since the narration is filtered through rose's perspective, and rose is the one that is so adamant (especially at this part of the story) that she is a perfect clone of her brother, she skips past the experiences she has where she's strayed from bro's influence.
the end of this chapter was a very fun escalation that i'm very satisfied with. ahh, my killing machine 🥰❣️ how i adore you... now that i think about it, i forgot that originally i really did just want to make a quick oneshot summarizing all of my thoughts on her. as i was writing, the ideas got bigger and bigger, the hcs spiraled more and then my friends in the chat [shakes fist] dropped a huge BOMB of a plotline right into my lap that forced me to extend it way past its original plan but ughsjfgdfg i'm so glad that they did because this is a story that i'm so incredibly proud of godddjksfg
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genederfluid · 3 months
Hi! What’s a song that makes you think of your favorite character or ship from Bob’s Burgers?
okay my Favorite bb character, if I absolutely had to pick, would be Gene - which is SO hard cuz it’s like…I can’t just pick One song. Gene is a VIBE of music all on his own. it’s his THING. I can’t assign him just ONE 😭😭 I do associate artists tho !! kimya dawson, simon panrucker, they might be giants :33
I DO, however, associate many songs with boblin. most of them are serious/make me emotional so I wanna give two silly answers:
The Girl is Mine by Michael Jackson. ITS BOB AND HUGO SKFNSKFJD and also I get emotional over Bob being so ridiculously proud of Linda - of being Linda’s man specifically….hnngnghgh 🥺🥺
and Goat and a Pig. from gravity falls. 1) look me in the eyes and tell me Linda wouldn’t get the biggest fucking kick out of that gag 2) boblin is…kind of equivalent to a goat and a pig 😭😭 GAHAHA like a relationship that is maybe incompatible on paper, but .!!! “love so strong love so big” IM GONNA YELL
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potter-inthe-tardis · 4 months
Hi okay it's me again. I started watching the bear and it's really good (although it's makin me stressed how stressed they are) The other two i will come to next, intriguing. I could have specified I'm only into fiction shows and not really stuff like Taskmaster but it sounds like you enjoy it which is cool. I remain open to any other suggestions!
Hello! I'm glad you're watching The Bear, yeah I think the show was made to stress people out lol! I would say even if you think it wouldn't be your thing, even just give a short clip from Taskmaster a chance its worth it, but thats the lasts ill push that. Other fiction shows is still a super broad category but let me think.
It's really popular right now, so you've possibly already seen it, or at least heard about it, but I'm lowkey obsessed with it at the moment so I have to mention it and that's Bridgerton. If you're unfamiliar its a romance/drama show in a stylized regency era. I really love it, but I would say skip season 1 and go right to season 2, its the better season. Like I will warn some people act like its regency porn, which its not, but there are some sex scenes that are a little more graphic then a lot of shows show, so just so you know if thats not your thing, but they're easy to fast forward through.
Lowkey inspired by the last suggestion, is Derry Girls, their is an actress in both this and Bridgerton that I'm a big fan of, so I've been rewatching this of recent. Its a comedy about a group of high school girls in Derry, Ireland in the 90s, and their teen mischief while in the background is the troubles going on in the country. And its a really funny show, great characters, and if your like me you will be trying to copy their accents cuz they're amazing.
School Spirits, it's a teen drama/mystery about a girl who becomes a ghost, and she's trying to discover how this happened to her, with the help of other ghosts shes meets and a living friend of hers who can somehow see her. I got really hooked on this show when I first saw it, and I need it's second season asap. I will say there is potentially triggering content so I'd recommend looking into that first if thats a concern.
Extraordinary, omg I don't know why I didn't think of this one sooner or for the first list, but it's another show I was hooked on when I first saw it. It's a comedy, where everyone has a super power except for our protagonist, and we see how she deals with that/her trying to discover her power somehow. It's a lot of fun to watch, some characters have absolutely ridiculous powers, where you think they'd probably be better off without a power.
I hope you maybe like some of these please do come back and tell me any thoughts you have on them if you check any out!
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canniba1cl0wn · 2 years
Do you have any Ravenous (1999) headcanons? 👀
YES I HAVE A FEW!!! Honestly I’m more the type of person who clings to all the actual facts of the characters but let’s see…
1. I think Boyd is more drawn to the consumption of human blood than actual human flesh. He was created by blood and only really seems to slip in his resolve to not become a cannibal when he is confronted with fresh blood. Not to say he’s a vampire but I could definitely see him being more partial to raw flesh like his fantasy with murdering Cleaves. (I did get this idea from a fanfic tho so you can’t give me credit for it but ITS SO SMART!!!)
2. Toffler is smart and calculated. He may have a speech impediment and have a good moral code but that makes him the target of a lot of ableism. When people make demeaning comments about him you can tell in his face he knows he’s being ridiculed but doesn’t fight back probably because in the past it never helped. He’s come to terms with people underestimating and looking down on him so he puts his dedication and resolve into his faith.
3. This comes from an Au I’m making rather than actual fact but I like to headcanon Reich as having albinism. I can see him putting on special sunscreen to protect his sensitive skin and having to wear strong reading glasses he might be a little insecure about due to his sensitive/diminished eyesight. (Also having to wear sunglasses whenever outside especially in the sun) but despite the challenges he faces he is STRONG!! Pushes himself to the limits in a way to maybe prove himself that he can do anything and everything he puts his mind to!
4. Cleaves and George are obviously a couple 🤨…. I do like Reich and Toffler too I think it’s cute.
5. MARTHA IS A GIRLBOSS LESBIAN!!! Every time I see the scene where cleaves and her go off for supplies and she makes her sly little joke of “no women” I can’t help but think she’s giggling to herself knowing she’s gonna woo some lady anyways. Also Martha deserves the best so why shouldn’t she get a girlfriend that treats her right after all this nonsense.
6. I think if Boyd actually gave in to Ives and the mystical cannibal ways he would absolutely NOT be shoved around be Ives anymore. Ives Will stay a devious little shit but Boyd is an immovable object to an unstoppable force. I think Boyd would keep Ives in line and be his under emotive autistic boyfriend to his ADHD high energy lover. (Coughs coughs ives is a power bottom/ Boyd is a gentle ish… top… idk I think Boyd gets a little revenge in the form of consensual intimacy cuz of his boyfriends crazy shenanigans in the beginning of their ‘relationship’)
OKAY… sorry that was long thats all I can think of for now. God I love these scrunklies<3
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cozymochi · 6 months
🌻🌻🌻 give us your Words
🌻- A FEW DAYS AGO me and my roommate rewatched all of avatar the last airbender. I mean, we tried to years ago but we stopped because… Ok this might sound ridiculous but we stopped 5 episodes in cuz it was too good, and we needed hardcore stupid for a while. BUT WE WENT BACK IN and wrapped it up in a few days and it’s still ballin’ as ever. I don’t have much to say beyond that.
🌻- YESTERDAY, I got a Shadow the Hedgehog plushie at a comic store because. Anyway, threw on Sonic X (subbed for a change wooo) a few hours later smack in the middle of season 3 to get some Shadow vibes in cuz he is the original scrunkly. …OKAY im actually done talking about him, If I get started on my sonic bs I never stop BUT
It’s absolutely bonkers to me how Sonic X just like…has virtually no music score????? It’s been a minute since I’ve seen Season 1-2 subbed, but Season 3 has barely any compositions at all. And everything is so….slow? You know how anime used to just…stick to one shot or draw something out for a reaaally long time? That’s pretty much every episode. I chalk that up to the mid animation (it’s crazy that this will be the same studio that would eventually handle 2019 Fruits Basket). As much as I do dislike how loud and tonally deaf the 4Kids score is, I did miss the character leitmotifs a bit. I can only imagine what a combo would’ve been like with proper atmosphere. Every now and then I’d HOPE the music would pop off but there’d be whole ass action sequences and score is just a constant low, droning wubwubwubwubwub noise. Once in a blue moon an Adventure 1 event song might play BUT OTHER THAN THAT ITS DEAD SILENCE or wubwubwubwubwub. ITs Just so baffling to me considering how peak the music in the games are, you’d think that’d be utilized in it’s anime. Tho Live and Learn playing at the end of the Project Shadow arc??? Bruh. Cinema.
…Anyway all that said, the Metarex arc is still pretty peak. And I really think Sonic X would’ve benefitted hard from today’s animation standard, cuz it srsly NEEDS that sense of speed to convey the insane stuff more 😩. Though Sonic X as it was would never be made today in the “let’s be safe and squeaky bclean for the brand” landscape. Not enough hurr hurr chili dog 👹 SEE LOOK IM GOING OFF FOREVER THIS IS WHY I CANT GET ON MY BS—-
🌻- If the “talking about watching every disney film” thing ever comes out, I’m dodging copyright by re-drawing the shots we talk about or make new jokes. “But you could just use screenshots” ermmmmmmmm maybe. But what’s MORE extra than trying to go by memory AND try and show off on a thing 80% of people would only strictly listen to? ;) ….Besides, it’d be different I think. Sorta. I’d hope. It’s still in the early stages.
What if I’m not funny whaT if
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vacantgodling · 1 year
1, 12, and 18 (idk what fandoms you're in. i'm sorry 😞)
haha no worries!!! i don’t tend to do fandom as much anymore i am a big lurker 🌚 let’s do haikyuu again why not
1. the character everyone gets wrong
surprisingly i think most people peg the haikyuu characters very well. i’ve seen Less Egregious character takes in this fandom than i have in any other so kudos to everyone great work understanding the fucking source material lmao
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
tbh idk what the popularity rating for all the characters is at This Point in time but MY FAVORITE haikyuu character is tanaka ryuunosuke. i’m not normal about him. i love him. he’s so funny and ridiculous but dependable and approachable and kind and charismatic (even if he don’t always think it) idk i’m obsessed with him and his bald head. tanaka is everything ok!! you want a hype man he’s your guy!!! you want a dependable senpai he’s always got your back!!! he’s hard working and doesn’t give up and fights for his dreams!!! like he’d been gunning for kiyoko since hs and he got her!!! we love a man with follow through!!!! fucking stop sleeping on tanaka just cuz he doesn’t have hair ok 😭😭 the man is gold
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
TANANOYA. hate to bring shipping discourse into it BUT the number of fics that i have suffered through with some goddamn one sided tananoya or just tananoya in the bg or barely thought of like i’m hunting y’all for fucking SPORT. best friends to lovers pipeline. they’re so comfortable with each other that they have so many inside jokes and similar mannerisms. the i was so comfortable with you i didn’t realize it was love vibes!!!! TANAKA CONSTANTLY LIFTS NOYA INTO THE AIR FOR FUCKS SAKE. they’re already physically affectionate!! they’re stupid!!! dumb of ass!!! but they work hard they play hard they care about their friends and each other like DJDJDJDJ JUST BECAUSE NOYA HAD THE HANG UP ABOUT ASAHI DOESNT MEAN THAT ITS MEANT TO BEEEEEEE UGHHHHH. like so many people view it as explicit romantic vibes and i get why but i read it as more: noya was upset with asahi for giving up when they were all fighting for the same dream. like they were all crushed by that loss but they still came back together to try and do better yet you wanna sit out cuz what???? you can’t see the other side of the net????? i’m killing you. that’s the vibe i got from that whole fiasco. the stop trying to do it by yourself when we’re all here for you fuck you!!! energy. not the i’m in love with you and i won’t play without you. it was less to do with *asahi* and more to do with proving the point that they’re a TEAM and asahi is stubborn so noya went drastic. SO LIKE. that’s my two cents tananoya for life miss me with that asa//////noya shit
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calebwittebane · 2 years
as someone from the inside, i can tell you that there is absolutely nothing worse than star wars fans. i love star wars and if i didnt have a miles long blocklist of star wars fans on both twitter and tumblr, i dont think i would enjoy it anymore
naur literally.... at this point its kind of a meme that Any new star wars content being released is gonna make the fans furious lol. original trilogy worshippers are insufferable to start with, i dont know what movies they saw that we didnt (because the original trilogy i know does NOT warrant that sort of insanity) but they need to fucking chill. and i was dipping my toes carefully in the fandom when TFA and rogue 1 came out and by the time TLJ was out i had to Leave like i couldnt fucking stand people and their kneejerk responses and constant whining and fights and insensitive & racist crap. shame because i think TLJ was an excellent movies despite some of its flaws and i thought we would all be having fun discussing it but no of course not. not to mention the ridiculously cruel treatment john boyega and kelly marie tran got from the ""fans"" i mean that was evil as fuck. when RoTS came out and i saw it, you know what, i was GLAD it sucked. i had fun cuz it was pure camp and like choosing the least satisfying resolution to every thread and i Knew it was making fans mad as hell and like GOOD. seethe. star wars fandom didnt even deserve RoTS honestly. episode 9 shouldve just been 2 hours of a still frame of shirtless kylo ren with wet fart noises playing. and a bouncer standing at the exit not letting anyone walk out until the movey was over. thats what star wars fans deserved
personally my wife and i love the prequels in an Enlightened way like theyre so endearing and Deeply Flawed and stupid and good in surprising ways. palpatine is in top 5 funniest evil wizard characters for sure, in all 3 trilogies. its fun
sorry i havent slept and my brain is fried
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miutonium · 8 months
Nine Mutuals I'd Like to Know Better
I got tagged by @somethingscarlet13 on my main but I rather post it on my side hehe
First Ship
I erased the 3 ships question cuz tbh I actually dont do ships! I'm just not into shipping in general other than selfships even when I was much much younger sorry I'm just a boring person hhh
Last Song
Sheila Majid - Sinaran
Anyone who likes city pop/future funk please please please listen to this 🥺🥺🥺 It's a song from my country but she was famous in Japan in the 80s at one point :3
Currently Reading
For school its just some art textbook that I dont understand but for leisure I actually have none. I have terrible focus and I havent read anything fun for a long time ;w;
Last Film
Death Becomes Her. Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn absolutely killing it and looks so stunning ughhhh I'm replaying this just so I could see both of them again hsksjslama
Currently Craving
Im thinking of pasta, specifically baked feta pasta. Out of all the ridiculous recipe I see, this is the dumbest yet the most delicious one I've made because it's so dumb simple and I just couldn't??believe?? how??good??it?is???? Like wdym I just dump garlic, cherry tomato, feta and seasonings in 1 pan and bake it and it will be good????
I'm obssesed with pasta and I want to inject the sauce directly into my veins.
I dont want to tag anyone cuz I dont wanna annoy you guys ;w; but really just reblog or tag me if you did I would love to read it 💗💗💗
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rawwkfingers · 9 months
The Armageddon Factor
Not gonna lie, I was extremely confused when I saw Lalla Ward on screen! But her appearance helped confirm my headcanon that Time Lord regenerations come from someone else already existing in the universe considering she's the sixth Time Lord that I know of to have a body double? 1, 2, 6, 12, and both Romanas
That aside though, I liked this serial! It wasnt the strongest of the season but it wasnt the worst either. It was very one-note; the only character with more than one defining character trait was the lieutenant guy struggling to decide between following the obviously-idiotic Marshal or working with the Doctor
But the number of characters and the knowledge that this was the climax helped to make those one-note characters palatable. Sure, Astra was obviously the Key and the Marshal's incompetence beggars the question of how he got to power in the first place, but that simplicity helped heighten the tension around the ultimate goal of the Doctor and friends
Who were far from simplistic in this serial. The Doctor SHINES in this story, Baker's natural charisma overflowing from every scene (particular shoutout to his clear disdain for Drax.) K9 being mind controlled was a cool twist if shortlived and his friendship with Mentalis was really cute (and excellent foreshadowing for Drax cuz who else other than a Time Lord could build such a computer.) While not one of her stronger stories I enjoyed how often Romana was left to deal with things on her own rather than just being a yes girl for the Doctor
The Shadow was really well done, a genuine menace to the characters, but I was a little let down by the Black Guardian. I wish his ruse as the White hadnt been laid out to us before it happened, and his goals of "mass chaos and death" were really stereotypical and not all that interesting
The whole Key to Time arc was excellent tbh, definitely one of the strongest seasons I think
1. The Ribos Operation. Honestly, the serial as a whole I would actually rank at like, 3. The premise was fun, but nothing unique. What has me putting at the number one spot tho is the Binro was right scene. One of my favorites in all of Who, a truly heartwarming gesture of humanity
2. The Pirate Planet. What a ridiculously campy premise, pulled together with a ridiculously campy villain and then a surprise legitimate evil menace at the end and my favorite Key reveal of the season
3. The Stones of Blood. Another super strong and unique premise, combined with absolutely top notch performances from the supporting cast. Its only below TPP because of the silliness of the Justice Machines tbh
4. The Power of Kroll. While I am overjoyed to get a good political episode again, this serial went up against two extreme heavyhitters in terms of unique storytelling, and one of my all time favorite scenes in the entirety of Who
5. The Armageddon Factor. While I enjoyed elements of it, I do have to say the general premise and characters were the weaker of the season
6. The Androids of Tara. The only BAD serial in the season. Ridiculously uninteresting stakes, the weakest premise, boring characters. All in all not great
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flovverworks · 2 years
was thinking of the times when akira express wanting to be rmbrd again weh
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iluvrobinbuckley · 2 years
Random R.B. Headcannons
Yet again, throwing out hc’s that no one asked for cuz I’m absolute trash for one (1) Robin Buckley 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Robin is a book nerd and will always recommend something no matter what genre you throw out there
Has a deep love for gothic lit and Mary Shelley and anyone who Shelley was associated with
Has tried to find as many queer wlw stories as possible for the 80s (Annie on my Mind by Nancy Garden, The Color Purple by Alice Walker, The Hunger by Whitley Strieber, and Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu to name a few)
Robin is a HUGE Stephen King fan - loves The Stand the most and read all 1152 pages in 3 days because it was “just too good to put down”
Identifies a lot with the character of Carrie in King’s novel due to feeling like an outcast
Absolutely ADORES the 1976 movie with Sissy Spacek - will always recommend it when on shift at Family Video
On the topic of family video, Robin will 100% play the same movie over and over again for a week and just quote the entire thing while Steve just looks like “you’re ridiculous” to which Rob just keeps quoting even louder to prove a point
Nights where she’s working, you come in and sit on the counter until she and Steve are done cleaning and closing - you help out a little too especially with organization
After her shifts over, you drive her home and you rock out to whatever new playlist she made
You spend the night at least twice a week and have your own section of stuff in her room
Her room would be slightly scattered but everything would be in an organized mess ya know?
Like her desk would be messy, but everything has its *specific* space
Has a comfort hoodie she always wears and will let you borrow on days where you don’t feel well emotionally or physically.
Absolutely fuckin loves the Twilight Zone and could watch it for hours
Oh god the amount of times she can just quote the intro out of nowhere would be just so cute and endearing that you’d join in and just laugh and kiss her cheek after
Friday nights were nights for you and Robin (and sometimes Steve) to watch movies and just relax from the week. snacks, candy, pizza, popcorn - I mean they get a discount on it at work after all
Robin LOVES the fair. She will honestly act like such a kid when she sees that it’s in town. Low key she is good at EVERY game they have there and knows all of the ways to win. Balloon darts are her favorite and she will always win you as many stuffed animals as possible and you win her one that she cherishes and just holds the entire night
Has a deep deep love for funnel cakes for no reason
Will only go on rides if you go with her - packaged deal
Will deny it, but she gets really bad motion sickness and will have to play it off - maybe one too many slices of pizza before the Zipper ride 😬
Absolutely LOVES taking Polaroids because “the lighting is pretty” and that it “brings out the color in your eyes”
Secretly scared of the Ferris wheel because of someone rocking the seat when she was younger, but will gladly go on it with you if you hold her hand the entire time
Now I really want to write a fair fic because that just sounds adorable tbh
a/n: all of these are just my opinion and you don’t have to agree with any of them! I’d love to know some of your hc’s for Robin - throw em my way :)
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