#1) they wanted the drama and fall out with leo;
leotanaka · 6 months
there's just something about bek saying terese has never felt a sense of security with paul and never would and stefan saying it was a condition for him & bek when the show put paul/terese together that they never be allowed to be a happy couple/family.
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bouquetface · 2 months
PAC: Message from Your Guides
Not every reading you come across is for you. If it doesn’t resonate, leave it.
unfunny succession memes in my camera roll.
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: Leo or Scorpio in the big 3.
You might not realize it but there is drama surrounding you. People you barely know or don’t even know are taking about you. It could be people you went to school but you don’t even know them enough to remember their names. They know yours though.
Did you recently have a falling out with a friend or lover? It feels like your lover or friend was more popular/social than you. They’ve been talking about you and they’ve made you into a villain. People you barely know think badly of you.
Very specifically, you may have gone to the movies recently. A worker or someone in the theatre noticed you. They may have said something negative that you didn’t hear. Sent some evil eye your way 🧿
On the cards the woman is not looking in the direction of two people who are starring at her. You may have not noticed them. If you did, it didn’t feel like a notable event. You barely know them. It’s laughable how dumb these people are. They’ve taken the word of one person as fact. Follower mentality.
Certain people are searching for any reason to hate on you. Checking your socials for sure. However, you probably haven’t posted in a while. You probably have 0 or very few posts up. This makes your ex person crazy. They have no connection to you anymore.
This reminds me of a pervious reading I’ve done. If you remember that one, seems like these people still aren’t done talking about you.
: Taurus, Cancer, Sag in the big 3.
You may have recently reconnected with someone. Specifically, taurus risings. It seems like one ending lead you back to an old friend or lover. This was very much needed. Your guides applaud you for this growth in maturity.
If you’re a Sag rising w a prominent Cancer placement, for you it’s a friend from the past. In 2023-to present, you could have lost a lot of friends. You cleared the energy, maybe even in a literal way (removing followers, blocking contacts, etc). Some of these people you’ve rightfully removed from your life.
However, there might be one specific person. You likely don’t want to hear this but if this reading is for you, this message will always find you. I don’t know if you’re ready to accept this message but there is one person you need to apologize to. You will know if this is for you if the following resonates. If it doesn’t, this reading isn’t for you.
This ex person could have helped you in big ways. Introduced you to other friends, paid for your meals, given you gifts, drive you around etc. They gave you loyalty. It’s unclear what exactly you did but it’s something objectively wrong. You may hide from what you did or try to justify. But if you were to be honest with yourself, it’s just plain wrong.
For someone specific, It seems like a third party situation. You could have “taken” their person. Or their crush after they told you they liked this person.
For others, you were talking a lot of shit with someone else. Maybe a mutual friend. You could have really bad karma. It may manifest as feeling haunted by this person.
Basically, your guides are saying:
Reach out to this person. Apologize for your wrongdoing. Have a conversation for closure. Your life will be better for it.
Your future relationships will be karma free. Your mental health will improve with closure. You’ll no longer be pestered with thoughts of this person.
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zodiactalks · 6 months
These 5 Zodiac Sign will Friendzone you
Let's face it, we've all, at one point or another, been in the friend zone.
Falling for a good friend is just something that happens. After all, we form feelings for people we interact with often, and we interact with our friends all the time.
Of course, while developing romantic feelings for a close friend is normal, that doesn't always mean your feelings will be returned.
Hence, the friend zone.
Every sign out there is capable of landing in the friend zone, and every sign is capable of friend zoning others.
However, some signs are more likely to do it than others.
Whether it is because their personality confuses others, because they're too interested in their career to pursue a relationship, or simply because they don't want to commit, the following 5 zodiac signs are very likely to put you in the friend zone.
#1. Leo
Because of their incredible charisma and magnetic personalities, Leos are one of the flirtiest signs out there, whether they intend it or not.
This magnetic charm can attract all kinds of people, many of which will foolishly believe Leos are into them simply because they're paying them attention.
Not only is this rarely the case, but it can lead to some pretty awkward situations, so next time you find yourself wondering if a Leo is into you, pay attention to how they behave around others.
Chances are they treat others the same exact way as they treat you, which means you're in the friend zone and unlikely to get out of it anytime soon.
As the vain creatures they are, a good idea to get noticed is to let them know how you feel outright.
Leos aren't known to mince words, and while they won't go out of their way to be cruel about it, they'll let you know for certain if they're interested in you or not.
#2. Libra
We all know that Libras value balance above all else, and one of the best ways to avoid drama and preserve their own peace of mind is being nice to people.
That's right, being nice to others is Libra's default, which many confuse for romantic attraction, particularly if they're not used to people being nice to them.
Because they're so nice, they'll even be nice about rebuffing your advances, which can give the more clueless, the impression that Libra is just playing hard to get.
They're not, they're just letting you down easy.
When a Libra tells you they're not interested, even if they're being very nice about it, it's best to believe them, as acting too pushy is a sure way of losing them forever.
#3. Sagittarius
Sagittarians have a mysterious aura that attracts all kinds of adventurous people, but while they may be open to a fling or two for the sake of it, commitment is a whole different beast.
Sagittarians are very peculiar about commitment –when they're not actively running away from it– so if they agree to have something with you, don't assume it's going to last forever.
If Sagittarius isn't actively working on taking your relationship to the next level, chances are they're not going to commit to you, even if you're already doing relationship stuff.
If there's a silver lining to being friend zoned by a Sagittarius is that, often, it has nothing to do with you.
While many Sagittarians are perfectly willing to settle down eventually, they want to travel, explore and find themselves before doing so, which means they'll put off serious relationships until they feel ready for them.
#4. Capricorn
Capricorns are committed to themselves first, and everything else second.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as their dedication to their careers and hobbies can turn them into masters of their craft and can put them in a perfect position to help their loved ones and live a generally more fulfilling life.
It does mean, however, that unless a Capricorn is dead serious about a relationship, there's almost no shot that they'll put you as a priority.
They're willing to keep a relationship casual, but if you push for more, they're going to put you in the friend zone almost immediately, and you'll be in there for a very, very long time.
If you're actually willing to befriend a Capricorn and not just pretend you're their friend, then good news, Capricorn is one of the most loyal friends out there, as well as one of the most fun.
#5. Aquarius
When an Aquarius puts you in the friend zone, there's a good chance they simply don't believe you're serious about your interest.
While this sign is more open to romantic commitment than the previous ones, they're highly skeptical about other people's commitment and will guard themselves until you demonstrate you're serious.
The stay in the friend zone is going to be a long one, so better get comfortable with just being their friends.
If that's not good enough for you, then you can wave goodbye to any possible chance at having a romantic relationship with an Aquarius.
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memoria-99 · 3 months
Done with Charles aka pink doggo's route, finally.
Okay so basically...
The first half is like Vlad-- The guy meets MC somewhere outside the mansion and he spends time with her as a friend hiding the identity as a vampire
And the second half is JUST LIKE Will
It turns out the guy is seriously unhinged inside with a mask on the outside
He falls for MC but doesn't think himself is the right one to be with her, and tries to push her away with harsh words "for her sake"
MC is surprisingly not dumb(I mean it, she actually knows how to use her brain in these two routes), doesn't lose hope and wants to save the guy anyway
Then in the climax where the CG appears, the guy is STABBED OF HIS OWN WILL in the DAMN CHURCH
Do these reddish haired ones share something in common?? I'm sure they do
The thing is Will is my fav followed by Vlad the close second
And the mix of those two? There's no single reason not to put him in one of my best boys
Guess I'm into either drama level max or innocent madness
Side note: In this route Faust was a very good sidekick. Felt like trying his route again but weelll...? And why on earth Vlad was depicted like the sad 2nd ML aahhh I felt like crying
So now my ranking would be like
1 Will 2 Vlad 3 Dazai/Charles tie 4 Arthur 5 Mozart 6 Issac 7 Leo 8 Napo 9 Jean 10 Theo 11 Vincent 12 Sebas 13 Comte 14 Faust
So among the "later routes" the half are in the top tier and the other half are stuck in the bottom... which looks quite weird
I like later routes much better in IkeVamp cuz I'm sick of the plot MC is kidnapped by a random stranger then the LI and this so-called villain guy fight with some forced "enemy" narratives
The only reason that I put some in the bottom is either the stories were too boring and unnatural(Sebas and Comte) or it was just plain annoying for me from the start(Faust)
So why did this turn out to be so long? Dunno if anybody did actually read this far but thank you anyways :)
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 months
Transiting Mercury enters Leo (pre-retrograde zone)
Tuesday, July 2 - Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Yep - those dreaded words, “Mercury retrograde,” loom over us again.
Mercury isn’t very comfortable in Leo. It is said to be in its “fall” here, ie, in a sign (Leo) opposite the sign it’s exalted in (Aquarius). Mercury likes pure icy cold facts - “just the facts ma’am” - whereas Leo is all about the drama and the ego.
Little kiddos with Leo Mercury often have to be reminded to tell the plain, unvarnished truth. If they develop the talent for “embellishment” and steer it into proper channels, that’s one thing. But as an example - my dad was a Leo, with a Leo Mercury, and he never let the facts get in the way of a good self-aggrandizing story. It got so bad and was so thorough that he was completely misrepresented in his own obituary - his parents were hurt and astonished, and everybody’s grief was compounded due to all the lies.
But, I think that’s more of a theme and issue for the upcoming retrograde. These next two weeks can be seen as a set-up time, and of course we want to take advantage of that! Looking at Mercury’s areas:
Learning - it goes better if we can have some fun with it and enjoy the process. Leo can be very interested in science, as well as the usual artsy Leo piece. We like to show off what we know.
Thinking and reasoning - stubborn! But can come up with some wonderful creative solutions to problems. We have to work on keeping our “egos” out of it.
Communication - can be very dramatic and creative. Can also be very loud. The instinct is to shout over people when they disagree. Work on (remembering) those listening skills.
These aspects are valid on the day they happen - especially the first ones, when Mercury is still streaking along.
Wednesday, July 3 - Mercury/Leo opposite Pluto Rx/Aquarius, 1°19’. The Leo-Aquarius polarity is “I’m a star!” versus “Everybody is a star!” This opposition probably points out a difficult truth (especially if it dings something in your birth chart) around that theme. Someone tells you something true, but harsh - or maybe you tell someone! Be careful not to let vanity, or need for approval, over-react.
Saturday, July 6 - Mercury/Leo conjunct Vesta/Leo, 7°32’. First of three, with the other two happening while Mercury is in its retrograde zone. These two combined usually ignite some new scholastic interest. Whatever amazing idea we get, though, we should hold that thought and not act on it, because it’ll be up for review during Mercury retrograde - and probably come out in a completely revised form, the third time, in Virgo.
Monday, July 8:
Mercury/Leo sextile Jupiter/Gemini, 9°50’
Mercury/Leo trine North Node/Aries, sextile South Node/Libra, 10°48’
This can give us some intellectual arrogance. I’m thinking of Peter Pan crowing “How clever I am!” On the less egotistic side, we have opportunities to expand our knowledge, in a way that makes us feel confident about ourselves and our ability to learn.
Monday, July 15 - Mercury/Leo square Pallas/Scorpio, 19°53’. First of three. Struggles to find our authentic voice - authenticity being a Very Big Deal for Leo and Scorpio. Perhaps we aren’t as eloquent as we want to be. Can also indicate learning difficulties. I’m also thinking that, given the nature of Leo and Scorpio, we aren’t listening - and that will get us into trouble soon enough.
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I'm Leo, or Leon. This is my first account on here for writing, so I thought I'd do an introduction since I see everyone else doing them!!
I'm new to writing for characters that aren't just my own, but I do have some (keyword: SOME) experience with fanfiction and such! My pronouns are he/they, and I'm a transmasc minor.
I think I'm mainly going to upload oneshots and headcanons for Total Drama (I've seen up to All Stars so far, but I'll update this anytime I finish another season!) but I'll also write for a few other things if requested :] (all fics will be gender neutral unless gender is specified.)
Things I WILL write:
Total Drama (seasons 1-5)
Ninja Turtles (2012 or 2018, but I'm better at 2018.)
FNaF? Maybe? Depends on what it's about, I guess.
Gravity Falls
Lego Ninjago
In Space With Markiplier, and all his series like that.
Jacksepticeye egos!!! I might need a little time to get back into it but I'll write some if requested!
Maybe some character x character? Depends on who and what, but I'm willing to give it a shot!
Character x reader (both platonic and romantic)
General character headcanons
Fluffy fluffy fluffy!!! I LOVE fluff. It's so much fun to write
Comfort! Both ways! (but I'm better at reader being comforted)
Probably more stuff I can't think of right now.
Stuff I WON'T write. No exceptions.
Any sort of smut. lemon, lime, whatever it's called. Absolutely not.
No suicide. Bothers me quite a bit. A self-harm comfort/recovery fic? Maybe, depending on how strong it is, but no suicide. Especially if it's like. romanticized. Get out and never come back if you do that with something like that. What the fuck is wrong with you. (I have in fact seen people do that.)
Just.. nothing gross, y'know? Nothing illegal. "Basic DNI criteria stuff", some call it.
No abuse??????? I've seen multiple people ask others for that on other websites and I just. Why would you want to read about yourself or someone else in that situation..? I don't get it.
No pedophilia, incest, or anything of the sort. That much should be obvious.
Um. I can't think of anything else at the moment, but I'll add more if I remember.
Characters I'll (try) writing for:
(feel free to request characters that aren't on this list, this is just here to show who I understand more and will be able to write for better.)
Total Drama:
Basically all the Total Drama cast, but I'll probably be best at:
Mike and any of his alters <3
mmaybee Courtney or Gwen? Still trying to understand their personalities more.
Gravity Falls:
Lego Ninjago:
Any fandoms I didn't specify in this list means that I'm willing to try and write for any of the characters. You can request characters that aren't on this list, but these are just the ones I'll be better at. <3
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vvatchword · 11 months
I just stumbled upon your blog it’s such a relief to finally see some adult tmnt fans. I am curious. You mentioned Leo is your favorite turtle do you have a least favorite? It’s in general because I am not sure how much of 03 you watched so I am going for In general
You found the right motherfucker. I am friends with LOTS of adult fans. If you want to meet others, I can introduce you.
2003 is actually the one series I know the least about! I know a LOT about TMNT... I've read through most of the comics, I've seen most of the TV series, and I've seen most of the movies. Unfortunately, 2003 appeared in this super awkward point in my life where I had decided I was An Adult Now Thank You Very Much! Also, I had little time for TV, never had cable before and didn't know where TMNT even aired, and just didn't tend to watch television in general.
When it comes to 2003, I've been able to get through most of Season 1... but it's just so clearly for kids, and the animation style is so ugly, that I routinely fall out of it like no one's business. I need to watch it with friends so they can keep me in it. It's really a shame, too; I just know in my heart of hearts that 2003 would have been truly special to me had I experienced it as a child. In a lot of ways, it was the cartoon I wanted as a bab. Unfortunately, I got 1987 :( Archie TMNT was the closest I could get to the maturity and drama I craved. There's a mass shootout in that thing. The Mutanimals all fucking die. I was delighted.
Well. I say that. I got my hands on the original Mirage Volume 1 at age 8 by complete mistake, and THAT is what I wanted most of all. DEATH. DESTRUCTION. BOOBIES. WAVES OF BLOOD. GUN VIOLENCE. DRAMA. POSSIBLE DEATH? Everyone is a washing machine now. GIANT DINOSAUR MONSTERS. FORBIDDEN FRUIT.
As to my least favorite turtle... at first I thought I would say, "Ah, I like 'em all, who gives a fuck." But that's a lie. Raph is my least favorite. I disliked his personality. I cringed at how edgelord he could be. I just wanted him to do the right thing. See, when I was a kid, I glommed onto the Turt that reflected what I wanted to be: responsible and proper and orderly and focused. Raphael was the antithesis of all that, and I was obsessed with Bringing Order, so he drove me crazy by proxy. Basically, I was Lawful Good. I am now Chaotic Good, but that ancient distrust remains!
Moreover... I had a personal problem with Raphael. See, Raphael is basically the centerpiece Turtle. If a comic book had to center on a single Turtle, it always chose Raphael. Volume 1 is FULL of one-offs where Raphael is the only turtle present. The films also tend to focus on Raphael--to the point that he took Leo's arc in the 1990 movie. Hell, he was straight-up the protagonist in 1990, 2007, and 2016. He was also constantly front and center in Archie TMNT--probably the closest the series had to a protagonist. There was a point I just started fucking RESENTING the character. I started thinking that everyone just had it out for my favorite Turtle instead of recognizing Leonardo's problems as a character and how difficult it was to give him arcs, especially in kids' media.
In other news, I thought I turned off anon and I'm just cackling. How did I fuck this up so spectacularly
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lovesongbracket · 2 years
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
As Long As You're Mine
Written By: Stephen Schwartz
Artist: Idina Menzel & Norbert Leo Butz for Wicked (OBC)
Released: 2003
This song takes place after Fiyero finally tells Elphaba and Glinda that he has feelings for Elphaba so, ending his relationship with Glinda, Elphaba and Fiyero run away together. Elphaba finds it hard to believe that a man like Fiyero could care about a girl like her since all of Oz finds her dangerous and different. Just like in the novel, Elphaba and Fiyero fall in love with each other. But in the novel, the two end up having an intense love affair. While the song greatly reduces the explicit, mature nature of their relationship that occurred in the novel, it hints sexuality.
[ELPHABA] Kiss me too fiercely Hold me too tight I need help believing You're with me tonight My wildest dreamings Could not foresee Lying beside you With you wanting me And just for this moment As long as you're mine I've lost all resistance And crossed some border line And if it turns out It's over too fast I'll make every last moment last As long as you're mine [FIYERO] Maybe I'm brainless Maybe I'm wise But you've got me seeing Through different eyes Somehow I've fallen Under your spell And somehow I'm feeling It's up that I fell [BOTH] Every moment As long as you're mine I'll wake up my body And make up for lost time [FIYERO] Say there's no future For us as a pair [BOTH] And though I may know I don't care Just for this moment As long as you're mine Come be how you want to And see how bright we shine Borrow the moonlight Until it is through And know I'll be here Holding you As long as you're mine [FIYERO] What is it? [ELPHABA] It's just… For the first time… I feel… Wicked!
we fell in love in october
Written By: girl in red
Artist: girl in red
Released: 2018
“we fell in love in october” is about girl in red and her relationship with another girl. The song is about how they fell in love during fall and Marie’s (girl in red’s) feelings toward her. In an interview with The Fader, Marie states that there was a lot of drama between the two and that she struggled accepting her. After a while when everything began to settle in, she accepted her and created this song as a tribute. This song is a prequel to girl in red’s “forget her”, which is about the two breaking up. “we fell in love in october” is girl in red’s most popular song on Spotify to date.
[Verse 1] Smoking cigarettes on the roof You look so pretty and I love this view [Pre-Chorus] We fell in love in October That's why, I love fall Looking at the stars Admiring from afar [Chorus] My girl, my girl, my girl You will be my girl My girl, my girl, my girl You will be my world My world, my world, my world You will be my girl [Verse 2] Smoking cigarettes on the roof You look so pretty and I love this view Don't bother looking down We're not going that way At least I know, I am here to stay [Pre-Chorus] We fell in love in October That's why, I love fall Looking at the stars Admiring from afar (My girl, my girl, my girl) [Chorus] My girl, my girl, my girl You will be my girl My girl, my girl, my girl You will be my girl My girl, my girl, my girl You will be my girl My girl, my girl, my girl You will be my world My world, my world, my world You will be my girl
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AAAAAAAAAAH One Way by S.J. Jordan was SO GOOD! Going for the sequel next but pleasssseee do you have any show or movie recs??
AAAAAAAAAA I am so glad you enjoyed it! Feel free to scream at me about it ANY time. I think I may have to go and reread it now.
In regards to other recommendations... oooooh boy. I have so many. This took me a while because I was considering if this would be respectful to the strikes, but we haven't been told to stay away from any streaming services etc. yet, so after removing a scab from the recommendation list I decided to post it. Apologies in advance for the tangents I go on for every single recommendation. Some of these have been quite popular so you might know of them but it still felt worth mentioning.
Under the cut is a non-exhaustive list of media in no particular order that makes me want to eat glass. Take a shot every time I say heartbreaking.
Lord of the Rings 1/2/3 - I feel no need to explain myself. If you haven't seen this please for the love of god get your hands on the extended versions and watch them. Then read the books and watch the movies again. Rinse and repeat.
How to Train Your Dragon and How to Train Your Dragon 2 - You read that right, NOT the third movie. In this house the third movie doesn't exist. This is an animated movie and sequel based on the book it shares a name with by Cressida Cowel. The movie follows protagonist Hiccup who lives in a town of Vikings who hunt and kill dragons. He finds out that he can't kill a dragon he has caught, and is surprised when the dragon won't kill him either. His curiosity gets the best of him and he returns to watch the dragon in it's hideout, and a beautiful friendship emerges from a very messy situation. It doesn't happen often that a movie is better than the book, especially if the source material has been changed so drastically, but HTTYD pulls it off. The first movie was also my introduction to fandom, and both movies have an incredibly special place in my heart. Fun fact: I actually am the OP of a pretty popular fandom headcannon and it makes me giggle every time I see it be mentioned in the HTTYD tag.
Inception - Obligatory action movie. Heist movie except sci-fi and also everyone is queer and sexy (no it's not canon but it is canon to me). Conman Leo DiCaprio breaks into rich boy Cilian Murphy's dreams to convince him to give up his father's business in exchange for getting his criminal file wiped clean so he can see his kids again. I love sad dads and I love mind games and I love high stakes and I love time fuckery and I love mentally ill women. Watch it if you also do.
Portrait of a Lady on Fire - Perfect. Showstopping. Incredible. Does not pass the reverse Bechdel test. It is so incredibly hearthbreaking and soft and tender. Period drama with lesbians. Painter Noémi Merlant is hired to pretend to be a companion to Adèle Haenel while secretly painting her portrait to be sent off to a man she is being married off to. There is betrayal and trust and community and lust and it's so gorgeous to look at. The attention to detail is incredible and I want to kiss Céline Sciamma for bringing this movie to my screen. I cry every time I watch it. Queer heartache done right.
The Lake House - I don't know if this movie is actually that good but to me it is perfect. Contractor Keanu Reeves moves into a gorgeous lake house (my dream home) and starts receiving letters addressed to the previous owner and doctor Sandra Bullock. When he gets a letter from her with her new address and sees it's to a building that's still in development, the two skeptics come to the conclusion they are living years apart and their post box is some sort of portal. They fall in love, things go wrong, things go right, and there is a dog!
Orphan Black - Listen. Listen. LISTEN. Tatiana Maslany. Wow. She plays a dozen (if not more) clones and I still have a hard time believing they weren't all different people. Trouble kid forced to be an adult because she is a mother sees herself jump in front of a train and uhhhh has issues with that. She then discovers there are so many others like her, that they were a part of a cloning project and that she is a bit of a special case. There is a lot of plot I cannot summarize but it's deliciously queer (one of the main character clones is a lesbian as well as two prominent gay side characters and other minor queer and trans characters). Found family, questions of what it means to love and of morality, some wonderfully written character arcs and a decently satisfying end. First few episodes can be a bit hard to get into, but Tatiana Maslany is incredible and the show is totally worth it.
Adventure Time - This is a big comfort show for me, not only because Marceline and Princess Bubblegum were one of my first queer ships ever, but also because I enjoy this show just as much as an adult. No real main story line, you could watch individual episodes and still follow it. There are some heavy themes, but they are always handled so wonderfully and with a true sense of childlike wonder, and it makes me have faith in humanity again. Finn the Human and Jake the Dog go on adventures together in a gigantic fantasy land and meet lots of interesting figures. Even the evil characters get attention, compassion, screen time, and dignity. It's heartbreaking and beautiful and so so so good.
The Mentalist - Sorry, there is a cop show in here. Simon Baker is an ex 'psychic' grieving father and husband working as a consultant with the CBI. His boss, Robin Tunney, is so in love with him she looks stupid. It's basically a man who is too smart for his own good running around, being charming or extremely annoying, and an exhausted tough-love type of woman running around fixing his messes. Oh and they catch killers. I am a Patric Jane kinnie, sue me. Jane and Lisbon are also very Griddlehark to me, kind of a what could have been if they had been friends from the beginning.
Russian Doll - Have I ever mentioned how much I love Natasha Lyonne? This is a kind of sexier Groundhog Day, where Natasha Lyonne keeps dying and waking up in the bathroom of her friend throwing her a birthday party. She loses her mind in the midst of gorgeous scenes, seriously beautiful cinematography, and in sexy ass outfits. If you like mind fuckery, cinematography, and sexy women this is the show for you. It sure is the show for me.
Arcane - Speaking of gorgeous visuals, Arcane is a beast of a show with such an incredible and unique look. Also so many hot and/or gay women. There are a few men too, they're okay, I do like me a pathetic little guy so it works. But WOMEN. So many powerful, intelligent, cunning, courageous women. I have to admit that I remember very little of the storyline, but I do know that they took 'Manic Pixie Dream Girl', said "yes and", and made a truly incredible and multi dimensional character with Jinx, with fully fleshed out motivations and morals (or lack thereof), understandable but still properly wrong actions, and such incredible story building around her progressing mental troubles. Must watch.
The Sandman - This one is not technically an obsession I have ever had, but it is a great watch and rewatch. I adore Vivienne Acheampong as Lucienne and I adore Gwendoline Christie as Lucifer and I adore Kirby Howell-Baptiste as Death. I also love pretty much anything that comes out of Neil Gaiman's brain so that helps. Great casting is what makes this show a winner for me. Morpheus/Dream gets locked up by some insane guy trying to capture death to bring back his son and he spends the rest of the show dealing with the consequences of being gone for decades. Tom Sturridge is a wet cat of a man and I do like that a lot as well. Very pretty cinematography seals the deal.
The Magnus Archives - Podcast wildcard. Horror and paranormal and delicious. I love voice actors so much and archivists are hot. Becoming something you didn't choose and dealing with the repercussions of no longer really being human is so !!!!!!! I love it when people just go through the horrors. Everyone's voices scratch something in my brain that nothing else can reach. Brilliant piece of media.
What Remains of Edith Finch - Game wildcard. Semi-sandbox semi-railroad narrative. Gorgeous visual representations of so many difficult things in life. Particularly, the bit where one of Edith's family members loses himself to his own imagination is so gorgeous and heartbreaking. I have written essays on the cinematography of this game. It is so beautiful. Whether you lay it or watch a playthrough, you have to witness this.
There you have it.
I am sure there is more and I am sure I will be hitting my head on a wall after remembering something I forgot to include. Anyway- enjoy!
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Figured I might as well dump my ideas out here, if anyone wants to steal these, so here goes:
TMNT ideas (inspired by music) that I don’t have time to work on, looking for a good home ✨
1. A Raph crossover animatic set to Wrecking Ball by Mother Mother
All the Raphs join up and go to a wreck room, or an old building they can thoroughly obliterate.
Rise Raph originally supervises, like “hah thank goodness I don’t have issues like this, I can just be the responsible one and make sure no one gets hurt”
And then he proceeds to have a flashback to when he was krang-ified and couldn’t fight against it and almost killed his brother. And he joins in
And all the other Raphs cheer because they get to watch him use his ninpō
They all go to therapy afterwards 👍
2. A Rise Leo animatic/songfic based on Lie a Little by Confetti
Not much to say here, guy’s repressing his trauma
I will say that I discovered this song through an Undertale animatic and now I feel everyone is sleeping on Rise Leo clearly being a Sans kinnie
3. 2k3 Mikey and Leo bonding moments with Mr. Blue Sky playing in the background
Mr. Blue Sky, in my brain, is such a “from Mikey to Leo” song — it’s the youngest sibling going “well that’s fuckin ridiculous stop being edgy” and the oldest sibling going “oh. Maybe that is a little ridiculous” and they get to be funny together
I think maybe the song follows Leo through all the times he’s gotten messed up, and then pans over to Mikey, trying to cheer his brother up
4. Rise Apritello animatic/AU based on Hot Wings (I Wanna Party) from the Rio movie
AU where Donnie doesn’t know the other turtles and neither does April. Possibly a Separated AU? Do whatever you want <3
Somehow, Donnie and April, two strangers, end up chained together. They now have to find a way to break the chain and go their separate ways.
It’s Donatello, so to prevent the plot from being resolved immediately by his genius, let’s say the chain is magically indestructible in some way. Maybe it’s Draxum’s villainy or whatever
They end up dragged off into the city’s underbelly by friends they make - other mutant turtles - and a big friendly guy named Raph who they originally go to for help breaking the chain brings them to a club where his brothers work. Mikey is the DJ, Leo is a singer (and a drag queen. You know I’m right)
They party and have a good time, and perhaps fall in love <3
The important bit about this to me is colors. Mikey has that one jacket with splotches on it from Clothes Don’t Make the Turtle, everything and everyone is neon and the perspectives are a little tilted at all times!
5. 2k3 Donnie & Mikey concert, they sing Bang Bang by Green Day
That song is just viscerally a tmnt song to me okay
Specifically Donnie and Mikey because I think they’d vent about their brothers through this song
Speaking of them, we start the song by Mikey and Donnie playing the instrumental opening on drums and a guitar, and we see snapshots of Leo and Raph in the city, about to get into a fight
We cut to Mikey for the start of the song, he is INTO IT, he’s singing the main lyrics!
Elsewhere, Raph and Leo get into a fight. It progressively gets harder and harder as it progresses while Donnie and Mikey continue playing, perhaps to an audience? Perhaps there’s people and this is on stage
There is a melody at about 2:15 in the song where I think Mikey summons his dragon spirit, just for the effect of it, just for the drama.
Raph and Leo see the light of it from all the way across the city, and start heading there, jumping over rooftops, racing each other with smiles
Donnie sings the “hoorah” while Mikey interrupts with “BANG BANG!” in the background
6. Silly goofy Rise Mikey set to Eighth Wonder by Lemon Demon
Genuinely just a Mikey tribute. I think this song very well describes him as a cryptid and a mutant but still as a very neat little guy
He celebrates being the way he is, and it rubs off on his brothers as well. He’s a sunshine :)
Honorary mentions:
Infinitesimal by Mother Mother — a Donatello crisis. About what and which Donatello? Yes.
Teenagers scare the shit out of me by MCR — just turtles kicking ass and someone (possibly one of the villains) realizing that they’ve been just kids this whole time.
The pitiful children from Be More Chill — 2k3 Oroku Saki trying to convince Leo to join him, in that one early episode. Bonus points if Leo does join him or someone else gets messed up during the song.
Family by Mother Mother — honestly just a massive crossover of the turtles defending each other, brother or not. They all have to stick together.
Trying Too Hard (specifically the Thomas Sanders cover) — 2k3 turtle angst. Everyone is stuck in their own head and sad. That is all.
You’re Not Welcome by Naethan Apollo — unhinged 2k3 Donnie or 2k3 Mikey. I think there should be more art of them being threatening, as a treat!
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I don't know why you all find it so difficult to like more than 1 actor, it is pretty simple people. I love Tom Cruise because his stunts are just insane just like Tom Holland. Leo can play any character and I love his charisma, I am not saying Timmy is that for me yet but I did love him in The king, Dune and he also does have a pretty voice (singing) if you saw him in A Rainy Day in NY. Brad Pitt, I just want to jump on him just like Austin, and I am not talking about right now Brad Pitt more like Legends of the Fall, Troy or Mr. & Mrs. Smith Brad Pitt. See people, it's that simple
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This right here!!! THANK YOU Anon lol. 😅
It's completely easy for me to like a variety of different actors....but maybe that's cuz that's how I've always been?? 🤷🏾‍♀️ I grew up being an avid movie-watcher, and so I've ALWAYS loved many different actors...like you said, all for various different reasons! 😊
I mean, don't get me wrong, I totally understand if some fans aren't that way (or don't even want to be that way), but imo you kinda miss out on a diverse variety of actors/actresses that you can watch and enjoy or even just appreciate as people. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I have no idea why the actor fandoms are so divided these days, but it wasn't always like that. I mean, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think Brad Pitt's fans were hating on Tom Cruise's fans like that or vice versa lol. But maybe they were and I just didn't know it lol 🤣
Brad Pitt, I just want to jump on him just like Austin, and I am not talking about right now Brad Pitt more like Legends of the Fall, Troy or Mr. & Mrs. Smith Brad Pitt. See people, it's that simple
Whewww girl!! Don't even get me STARTED on "Legends of the Fall" Brad Pitt lol... 🥵🥵
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You know I have a thing for men with long hair too lol... 😅🤣 MY GAWWWD lol... That man was beautiful....😩
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You and I must have the same taste, cuz everything you mentioned in your sentence I can relate to lol....🤣 And yes...all of those films of Brad's are the ones I would put as his top ones (looks-wise) as well lol. 😅 With "Troy", that whole entire CAST was fine....lawwd lol
I'm glad I'm not alone in this way of thinking hahaha.
Honestly? I think what it is, is that some fandoms hate on the faves of other fandoms, and THAT is what causes some to really have a nasty taste in their mouths when it comes to that particular actor. Just a guess.... 🤷🏾‍♀️ I don't think it's the actor they hate, but more so their fandom. And it turns some of them off. Idk how fans (in all fandoms) can't see that it's actually they themselves causing all of the drama though? lol... 👀
The actors are just chilling lol 🤣
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king-of-better · 2 years
FINAL supplements
These were originally prices of worldbuilding text on the DVDs for final, the GGG DVD included them with explanations.
1: A leaflet explaining GaoFighGar distributed at the 1st GGG Convention, at G-Island City in 2007, touting the 2nd Gen Ul-Tech Engines and Programs Rings. The convention was held between GaoFighGar successfully forming in January 2007 and the battle in Paris in July.
2: The main theme song of "Les Vierges d'acier" an unauthorised film about KoRyu and AnRyu made due to their fame in France. Unable to get the robots themselves, human actors were case, which contributed to the films poor performance.
3: Transcript of a dialogue between Mobile Unit Captain Evoluder GUY, Volfogg, Porc-Auro, and the American and Russian Intelligence Robots, immediately prior to the commencement of Operation Mermaid Tears in Copenhagen, on 2006/08/07. The missions was to Rescue Mode Warp personnel from a hostage situation. Porc-Auto was only able to run support, as he is currently mounted in a non-transforming vehicle. The American and Russian units are prone to squabbling.
4: A draft of Rose Approval's statement on GGG's exile, with some areas replaced due to being worded too strongly either positively or negatively, even if she supported their actions.
5: An email sent from Shuu to Gimlet on March 31, declaring himself the ideal candidate for the ZMC Project all subjects so far having died, and confessing his reasons for wanting this, asking to be be recommended for the role to Thanatos. Bionet acquired some Zonder Metal after the EI-01 incident, and used it to develop Metal Cyborg technology.
6: A Diary entry by Dr. Shishioh Leo on 2003/10/11. The Mecha Lion has been officially renamed Galeon after the data was found in it's Black Box, and he marvels at it's flying under it's own power and managing to penetrate EI-01'S barrier when it saved Gai. He has now determined looking at Galeon's structure that it was designed to be the central component of a larger being, and while they don't have those other components, he knows they have to recreate said components. Obviously, Galeon was originally the central component of Genesic GaoGaiGar, but they didn't have the Genesic Machines.
7: Message exchange between the weather girl who became EI-22, and Kazamatsuri Sumire, over July and August 2007. On 07/07/30, The weather girl returned from holiday in snowy Paris, and wonders about the GaoGaiGar, GaoFighGar fight. Sumire is worried the fish that Valnar eats will run out. On 07/08/09 they react to GGG's exile. On 07/08/12 the weather girl invited Sumire to the Pikkapika Parade after Bottom the World had to cancel the Chika parade due to flooding, but Sumire is to concerned about Valnar, what with whales washing up. On 07/08/22, Sumire tells her friend to keep strong in the face of the devastation, and trust in GGG.
8: A note from Rose Approval requesting that if humanity is destroyed by the devastation, that Taiga and Hyuma lead the survivors of GGG as the Jew humanity. She hopes the Key to Victory she gave Swan will be unnecessary, but understands the Goldion Crusher may be needed. This was part of a Last Will and Testament she prepared in case of humanity falling.
Project Z
A short picture drama included with the GGG boxset as promotion for what would eventually become GaoGaiGar Vs Betterman. They'll definitely be a little repeating myself when I start reading that.
Lamia narrates on the final battle approaching him and his fellow Somniums, 6 new allies are shown to us.
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Mamoru sends a message to Hana asking about things of G-Island, and asking after Yosef and the puppies. He's current at GGG Space Centre in America, working with Yaginuma and Takanohashi, who Rose Approval pardoned. Kaidou has been is Australia seeing Yuka. The Orbit Base has been installed with a new Division Ship, and a new NeuroMechanoid, and the GaoMachines are being recreates, Mamoru and Kaidou will serve as Head Divers. He hopes the plan to save GGG will succeed.
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In a test of the new Kakuseijin GaiGo, Mamoru, in the Womb Head, communicates with the Space Center, specifically Yamajii of Akamatsu Industries, the company contracted to created Kakuseijin GaiGo. In order to use Fusion Kakuseijin GaiGo has to be in Active Mode, controlled by Kaido from Cereb Head, but the programming needs work. They cannot proceed with Project Z until Fusion works, so they can escort Division VI; Infinite Connected Tank Ship Mizuha to Jupiter to harness THE POWER. Wile for Mamoru, Kaidou and even Akamatsu this is in aid of saving GGG, it also represents an advance of the Space Energy Development Plan.
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Understanding their position, Mamoru tries to give Kaidou control, but there's no connection, and Kakuseijin GaiGo crashes into the sea, Mamoru escapes in Purification Mode, but Kaidou doesn't emerge. Lamia communicates with Mamoru, telling him the time is now. Mamoru remembers him from communicating in the Trinary Star System, but doesn't understand Somniums, and is warned of the dangers to come, before Lamia leaves atop a glowing jellyfish.
Mamoru remembers Kaidou, and manages to telekinetically pill Kakuseijin GaiGo out of the water, but Kaidou is unconscious. Mamoru sees what he thinks is the sun, but realises is something else. The Somnium are ready, while Mamoru thinks about everyone he needs to save (Stallion and Piggy don't get name checked, and I'm not sure if he knows Papillon is dead) then realises with a start the brilliant light in the sky looks like a form of a flaming Genesic GaoGaiGar, possibly using THE POWER, is this the Conquering King Lamia warned him of.
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zodiactalks · 6 months
Best To Worst Zodiac Signs At Communication
Communication is a skill everyone has to have to fit into society. 
But communication is a lot more than just talking. It’s being aware of one's wants and emotions. How to convey those emotions in a way others understand. Listening to others and comprehending what they are saying. Listening with compassion and respect.
It may be surprising where each of the zodiac signs falls on this list. That is because no matter how good a sign is at talking, they can miss out on all the other points of communication.
Read on to find out the zodiac signs best to worst at communication.
#1. Aquarius
Aquarius was unlikely to be most people's number one choice at best communicator in the zodiac.
Unfortunately, Aquarius is often forgotten compared to other zodiac signs. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, is a fixed sign, and an air sign. It gives Aquarius the intelligence, compassion for others, and grounded, self-confidence to properly communicate.
Aquarius wants justice and equality. Without strong communication skills, that goal of world peace would be impossible.
Aquarius is often found in careers that have a focus on communication, networking, and connecting others through a common goal. 
Aquarius’ ability to communicate and connect with people is their superpower.
#2. Capricorn
Capricorn is direct, knows what they want, and will listen respectfully. Then they will explain why they are right.
Capricorn is aware of their power to command attention. They are great public speakers when the opportunity arises. 
Capricorn has a strong sense of purpose and a deep understanding of the topic they are speaking on. In fact, it is unlikely that Capricorn will talk about anything if they haven’t researched it.
They are determined to not set themselves up for sounding ignorant. Capricorn has a reputation for knowing what they are talking about. They won’t risk that by giving opinions on things they have no knowledge of.
#3. Aries
Aries is a little too blunt. 
Aries can come off as insensitive with their communications. It can seem as if they are disregarding what others say. Which, maybe they are, it’s part of their process.
Aries does have trouble with the other people part of communication. But they are experts at knowing their wants and emotions. 
The delivery can be rough. Aries is the zodiac sign most likely to defend themselves. They have an iron will and won’t bend to others if what they want is dishonest to Aries inner self.
Aries isn’t without compassion or respect for others. What others want from Aries needs to be in the same fashion of communication. Clear, direct, and confidant. 
Aries will have a hard time if the person they speak to speaks in metaphors or poetic explanations. 
#4. Leo
Leo knows what they want and will tell the people they are speaking to what that is.
Like Aries, Leo has the self-awareness part of communication down. As well as compassion and respect for others. But the delivery can be a bit harsh.
Leo doesn’t mean to be harsh or hurt anyone’s feelings, they just don’t find sugar coating to be their style.
Leo can be quite critical of others. Which can appear in their blunt way of speaking. It is an area they would do well to be careful of. Just because the good intention is there doesn’t mean that is how others will take it.
Ultimately, Leo wants to help others better themselves. Doing so takes a lot of communication skills. Luckily Leo has them.
#5. Taurus
Taurus is an amazing listener. 
Compassionate, respectful, and knows what they want. Taurus has mastered the art of tactful criticism. 
But what they haven’t mastered is how to properly communicate their own needs. 
Taurus tends to get caught up in the eye of their friends' drama storms. Consoling and telling them what they want to hear. Taurus is the friend everyone turns to when they need help.
But when Taurus needs help, they isolate instead of reaching out. 
It is in their nature to feel like they somehow deserve less support. They are the strong ones to others. How dare they show moments when they are not? 
Taurus’ communication tends to be a one-way street. Toward them, but never from them to others.
#6. Virgo
Virgo is very clear in their communication.
As with everything else, Virgo wants to make sure their words are to the point. Virgo knows what they want and how to say it. They can listen respectfully.
But if someone disagrees with what Virgo has to say, it can cause them to short-circuit. Virgo prepares in the smallest of details and argues every response they could think of to the conversation.
When someone disagrees with Virgo in a way they didn’t see coming, Virgo can freeze. Not having an answer can throw Virgo off badly enough they have to pause and regroup. 
It can make for an awkward exit.
#7. Cancer
Cancer can communicate well when the conversation is going their way.
Cancer can be good at letting others know what is wrong. If they are healthy and mature. A Cancer who hasn’t yet acquired those skills may not communicate as well.
They can start to lack listening ability and hear everything as criticism. This is exactly why relationship communication can be hard with a Cancer partner.
All is well and good when Cancer communicates their needs and wants to a partner. But if their partner responds in kind with irritating habits Cancer has, brace yourself. 
Cancer does not like to be criticized.
#8. Pisces
Pisces is decent at communication.
They can listen very well and are accommodating to others. But they don’t always know what they want, and Pisces tense to speak in metaphor. Which can lead to a lot of confusion for the other half of the conversation.
Pisces has a hard time using direct words to get their point across. Those kinds of words can express the full scope of the emotions they are feeling. 
Plus, this is how they think. In a whimsical, abstract way that finds directness rather boring. 
#9. Sagittarius
Sagittarius can communicate, they just have no idea what they truly want.
Sagittarius comes off as a confidant zodiac sign who knows what they want. They think they do, but the results are never satisfying. 
Finding the root of what they want is what will give Sagittarius meaningful connection and therefore better communication. This is in both relationships with others and with themselves.
#10. Libra
Libra has trouble communicating when it comes to what they want. 
Libra is always torn between making others happy or themselves. More often than not, they choose others. 
This can lead Libra to miscommunicate their own desires in all scenarios. Making them unhappy with the state of their relationships and success.
Libra wants to reach for more and be happy like everyone else. Their inability to communicate what they want over the most basic things holds them back. 
#11. Gemini
Here is the unexpected one. 
Gemini, ruler of communication, can surprisingly suck at it.
Gemini could talk people's ears off all day, but will rarely say anything of substance. Gemini doesn’t really listen to others, either. They want to do the talking.
Nothing is more obnoxious than being talked over. When in a conversation with Gemini, they tend to not only talk over others but complete their sentences and keep going as if no one spoke.
Gemini could do well to learn how to listen. 
#12. Scorpio
Scorpio is by far the worst zodiac sign at communication.
Because they just don’tcommunicate. 
Scorpio knows how they feel and what they want to say. But they are so fearful of others truly seeing them, that they never express themselves. Not beyond short, sharp comments anyway.
Scorpio is about internal transformation. They are so focused on what’s inside them that it can be hard to remember other people exist. Outside their mind. And are individuals, not the imaginary counterparts Scorpio made of them.
Scorpio needs to remember that the world isn’t just inside them. And they can’t control the real world how they like to imagine they can.
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the-type-a · 2 years
Get to know me!
Thanks for the tag @catastrophicmind and @duncans-unibrow !! 💜
I wasn’t expecting to answer all of these but tbh this makes it more fun lol
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
I have one tattoo on the right side of my waist. It’s of my zodiac sign in cursive writing and the symbol above it. I do want more though!
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Purple! 💜
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
Pancakes, bacon, and eggs. It was at like 1am but I was literally starving so Marcus cooked it all.
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
1:21pm (coming back to update that it’s 2:02pm now and idk why it took me so long to finish this 💀)
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
I could tell you my whole chart, but I’ll just stick to my big three. I’m a Pisces sun, Virgo moon, and Leo rising!
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
Honestly have no idea. I could say English because of Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn. I could say Irish because of Niall. Or I could say country because of Marcus. 😂
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
The Little Mermaid 🧜🏽‍♀️
📺 - Favourite show?
I have more than one: total drama, grey’s anatomy, friends, game of thrones, the umbrella academy, euphoria, that 70s show. There’s probably more that I’m blanking on right now too.
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Yes, and I will physically hurt you if you try to tickle me.
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
Of course! Fun fact: I was supposed to get married in November of 2020 but then covid happened. NOW we’re trying to save up on our own because our families keep trying to take over. Still want a Fall wedding though 🫶🏼
😳 - Do you like your name?
I love it! When I was younger I hated it, I have no idea why.
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
Cream, kinda boring lmao
🤓 - How did you get your name?
My mom loves reading the Bible, Saint books, and Angel books. She told me she always loved the archangel Gabriel, so there you have it! She also said she liked the nickname Gaby.
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
Graduated college in 2020. Never had a graduation ceremony or anything. Thanks COVID.
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
I’m Latina so you already know my ears have been pierced since I was 4 months old. Then when I was 17 I got my bellybutton pierced. Idk why but I did want to get my nips pierced lmao but not anymore. Sorry that might have been tmi.
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Dark brown. They almost look black but in the sunlight you can see the brown come out.
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
Just straight down. I never really do anything with my hair unless I’m going out to a special occasion. My hair is also naturally straight so I’ll just wash it, brush it, and go.
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Unfortunately I did succumb to peer pressure with this one. Although I did try (and throw it up) beer in high school, my freaking DAD gave me beer in my purple and yellow SIPPY-CUP when I was like five. Then you know, drinking in college. It was a “dry campus” even if you were 21+ and everyone hated that.
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Again, unfortunately. I’ve only blacked out twice though.
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Don’t come for me… but I genuinely don’t have one. There are things I don’t necessarily like, but not to the point that I’m genuinely afraid and can’t function around it.
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too cold. I absolutely HATE being hot. It’s easier to warm up if I’m cold too.
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
Sunny with a light breeze. Nothing too hot and not cold enough to need a jacket. (I freaking hate jackets btw)
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
Autumn!!! 🥰
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
Polar bears 🐻‍❄️
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
A dog and a cat! Ranger and Nala! 🐾
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Maybe like 2 days? Not entirely sure but it’s around that.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
The gym, reading, writing, music, art.
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
Bora Bora!
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
I always delete my Google search because I hate how cluttered it looks, sooooo idk what to tell you lol
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
Tumblr, my beloved 💜
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
100% a city girl! Born and raised in it, and when I tried to give the country a try I got extremely depressed.
Tagging: @aprincessnotaqueen @art-by-mira @courtneyenthusiast @doitcody @elskamo @hollowboobtheory @marshunter06 @ragamuffin-bites @sentimentalslut @straighttxhell @sugarlesswriting @unawarer @withjust-a-bite @xwhatababex
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alyjojo · 20 days
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September 🏋🏽‍♂️ 2024 Monthly - Libra
Preshuffle: You’re avoiding someone like the plague this month, could be an invite to some event going on with friends. You’re either holding grudges against this person (if it’s not you), could be someone charming & playboy/girlish, kinda full of shit. You’d rather not and save your money for other things, could be dealing with a fire sign 🔥
Meditation: You were very young, a child, and I heard that song 1, 2, buckle my shoe - except it was 7, 8, lay them straight and that’s what you were doing, laying sticks in a row and counting them. Someone (a friend?) came over to jump on your sticks and you yelled “not YET!” before finishing, and the other person jumped all over your beautiful stick path and crushed it, laughing, singing 🎶 9,10 🎶
Main energy: 6 Swords
Your message is coming out similar to Virgos, they could be who you’re dealing with, especially if there’s some end of summer trip or gathering that’s been or being canceled. There’s some drama from the past months that you’re still trying to process and move on from, a time of forced blocks and growth thanks to Spirit. It’s a necessary transition.
What’s going on in September:
The Hanged Man, The Magician, The Wheel of Fortune rev, The Chariot rev & 2 Pentacles rev
Almost all majors love, whatever is blocking you from progressing right now is doing so for a reason you can’t see yet, something is out of your control (or just bad luck/off season) and you’re left to adjust around it rather than have any control of it. It looks like you’re waiting on news, conversations, approval or something from others - like a stamp of approval is how I’m seeing it. A deed? Or a contract. But you’re missing the boat. Could be a message comes in but you miss it, an opportunity pops up and you aren’t seeing it. I’m seeing someone at a computer, watching their email for like five days vigilantly, and on the sixth day they go out for a nice day and miss the message coming in - of course - missing the boat. Could be tickets or something you’re trying to buy, they’re getting snatched up immediately. You’re very disappointed by whatever this is, it’s not what you wanted or how you wanted this to go.
I’m seeing a DUI for someone, doesn’t have to be you but someone around you, a partner/friend/sister/etc. Be careful with driving, I’m seeing all sorts of tickets and citations with Justice here, the law could get involved. Or legal issues, like you’re originally from Georgia and move to Washington (these are states) but you’ve got a legal mess back in Georgia and they could have a wholeass warrant for you - unawares, make sure you’re taking care of that kind of thing - I’m not sure what all you can do online these days where that’s concerned. You could have to travel back somewhere to handle old business like this, a car in your name, your storage locker in Georgia you’re waiting to bring the rest of your stuff from, maybe getting a letter that they’re shutting yours down so come get it. Lots of examples with this one, especially where distance is involved.
Ultimately you’re not doing anything but getting pissed off about it - probably because you can’t. Whatever issues you’re facing directly contradict this news coming in and so there’s literally nothing you can do right now, it all feels inconvenient and irritating. You may end up having to release something you didn’t want to release at all, but there’s nothing you can do in this situation *right now* when it’s actually occurring, so you’re missing out. Or it feels that way 😕 You’re moving on anyway.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Leo, Capricorn, Pisces & Libra
Oracle: ✨
38 Growth 🪴
This situation or time is one of rapid growth. The seeds that have been planted have germinated and taken root. Go with the flow of this growing time. You may find people and situations falling away from your life, as now they do not serve who and what you are becoming. It may be that your vibration no longer resonates with theirs. It’s okay, wish them well, be grateful for what they brought to you and you to them, and send them on their way. Room has now been made for new experiences, people, and situations to help you to your next level. If you are not feeling this shift right now, be prepared because it will soon come to pass.
Gate of Opportunities 🪟
Pass through the Gate of Opportunities wherein new paths unfurl with boundless potential.
Pathfinder 🧭
Trust your inner compass to illuminate your path through love and career, revealing the direction your soul wishes to explore.
We enter into September as:
Rose Without Thorns 🌹:
“It is time to face my true feelings.”
You are most fortunate. As we mature, we learn that to enjoy the beauty of a rose, we must occasionally risk getting pricked by a thorn. You are not facing “the same situation”, this is the dawn of feelings being awakened and a new truth being born. You’re being presented with a different way to live. Trust you will know what to do. Stay open. Time changes us all if we’re lucky, it’s time to surrender and make the change. The best incentive to change is often love.
What is to be learned in September:
Sun Sparkler 🎇:
“Integrity is what turns on the light.”
Sun Sparkler reminds us that it is through kindness to others and being of service that we are abundant. Are you living your life as fully as you can? Are you being honest and kind to others? Do you hold the door open for people on the elevator, or let it close? Do you let people merge over in traffic, or pretend not to see them? When we put a blinder on one area of life, it creates the same blind spot in every area. You can’t shut out pain without shutting out pleasure too. Sun Sparkler reminds you of the miracle of honesty, it leads to integrity. You may have done work for another but do not expect a reward, revel in alignment with Spirit, self-esteem is the gift. You’ve been elevated to a new level spiritually, continue to serve others and life will prosper beyond your wildest dreams.
Yellow may be a lucky color 💛
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poussacha · 8 months
found this on my old facebook page and i'm supposed to be working so naturally i'm doing this instead
1. Real name → spreadsheet or talls 2. Nickname(s) → talls, tally, headshrimp, doe, ss 3. Status → alive 4. Zodiac sign → leo 5. Male or female → lmao. naw. 6. Elementary School → too many 7. Middle School → too many 8. High School → graduate  10. Hair color → black 11. Long or short → long 12. Loud or Quiet → yes 13. Sweats or Jeans → currently wearing slacks 14. Phone or Camera → phone 15. Health freak → does helth count 17. Do you have a crush on someone? → not really, no 18. Eat or Drink → drink 19. Piercings → ears 21. Water or Fire → listen to me. i have this very interesting idea about a water bender that can heat water. NOT a fire bender. a water bender, but i haven't done any research on what happens to water molecules when they heat up and how a bender of ONLY water could do that, but like i figure if water benders can make ice they can probably ALSO heat water? food for thought 22. Love of your life or 4 Billion Dollars → i'm gonna take the money because with 4 billion dollars my ass can save LIVES. i don't care about falling in love with someone romantically, i just want to help people. FIRSTS:  23. First fear → abandonment 24. First best friend → mindy 25. First award → most improved in science or something 26. First crush → some guy named scott 27. First pet → sherikhan 28. First big vacation → not sure i've ever done one of those 30. First big birthday → fifth? ninth? who can remember their childhood. not this bitch. CURRENTLY:  49. Eating → fruity pebbles 50. Drinking → pinot noir 52. I'm about to → finish this thing i'm working on 53. Listening to → starstruck - christopher wilde 54. Plans for today → the days over bestie it's like midnight 55. Waiting for → me to get my head out of my ass and finish this stupid newsletter for my fucking job so i can go to bed. YOUR FUTURE:  58. Want kids?→ who has money for that  59. Want to get married? no lol 60. What careers do you have in mind? considering i'm 10 years deep in a marketing and communications career, i obviously want to leave all of that behind to own a bookstore in a sleepy sea side town in ireland WHICH IS BETTER WITH GUYS/WOMEN?  68. Lips or eyes → eyes 70. Shorter or taller? → idk man 72. Romantic or spontaneous → no thanks 73. Nice Legs or belly?→ i'm telling on myself, but belly. when bellies are just delicately round i'm like ohhhh noooo. 74. Sensitive or loud → sensitive 75. Hook-up or relationship → seeing my old answers knowing i'm aroace is a whole fuckin thing 77. Drama or Super Shy → i did used to go by the nickname drama HAVE YOU EVER:  80. Lost glasses/contacts → yea 81. Ran away from home → yea but it was like down the street for a few hours nothing major 82. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → i'm femme presenting. OBVIOUSLY i have. 83. Killed somebody → i'm too nice for th at 84. Been Heartbroken → oh a bunch 85. Been arrested → unfortunately 87. Cried when someone died → yeah DO YOU BELIEVE IN:  89. Yourself → not really 90. Miracles → i'mma need one to find a new job 91. Love at first sight → no 92. Heaven → yes, but also no? 93. Santa Claus → i believe in an arch elf named bernard tbh 94. Sex on the first date → this is such a weird question because i'm aroace but i've done this before. but i also thought the only way to receive love was through sex. so i doubt i would do this now. i just don't really care about sex. 95. Kiss on the first date → barf. ANSWER TRUTHFULLY:  97. Is there one person you want to be with right now more than others → i can't really think of anyone i wanna be with. maybe nelly? i miss her. but tbh i'm perfectly content being home with my cats 98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → yes and no 99. Do you believe in God → i don't know how to answer this
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