louisupdates · 2 months
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The venue getting ready for FITFWT24: Panama City! [1.5.2024] via xemh10
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prosy-days · 26 days
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May 1, 2024 - Day 316
I am almost finished with these books and I'm glad late fines have been nixed because they are very overdue.
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godsnameisjoy · 2 months
Date: 1 May 2024
Duration: 61 minutes at 11:04 PM
I have been hasty in assuming that I am established in meditating with a deeply interiorised sense of hearing. Last night and the night before, I have meditated at the relatively shallow depth of being able to receive and register ambient sounds. I have made hasty assumptions like it many times before, in my decades long practice.
I am hoping to regularly experience cutting off my sense of hearing from its immediate surroundings. It has been such a relief for the handful of times that such a cutting off has occurred. I understand that all meditational success is granted and not acquired at will. Of course, one works at it diligently but one can never tell exactly when a milestone will be arrived at.
To describe the shutting of the sense of hearing as a ‘relief’ is an understatement. To shut the constant flow of receiving stimuli even from one sense organ is to give the nervous system a break from its relentless translating of signals. It isn’t merely a relief. It amounts to speedier gathering of calmly freed life energy.
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phototagebuch · 2 months
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annieqattheperipheral · 6 months
auston def has Not read any emails the nhl asg 2024 dept been sending him
honestly this man has no idea he's been committed to the $1mil skills competition and it's already in the pr comms
"did the nhl consult you at all? I know they talked to Connor.."
"uhh.. a little bit.. umm.. i mean, just a lot going on sometimes.."
😂😂IM CRYING baby baby you sound Exactly like you did not do the reading, did not join the zoom calls, but still gonna show up to the final and wing it with the bestie biebs (yess nooo???!! this man truly does not know) and i commend him👏👏👏
1.5.2024 // post practice in anaheim // cali road trip
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causenessus · 2 months
new grounds
part 0.6. TOXIC TRAIT . . . 1.5.2024
PLAYING IN THE CAFE . . . atomic vomit by steve lacy
it’s 10 o’clock. not in the afternoon, at night. she’s huddled in a corner next to keiji, the both of them leaning on each other and periodically dozing off and then shaking the other awake. 
kageyama is a few feet away from her on her right, playing with his hands as they wait for their manager who is late as per usual.
yachi is a little more energetic, sitting a chair’s distance away on keiji’s side, swinging her feet as she scrolls on her phone. she giggles at something which draws all of their attention.
“akaashi,” she says, turning towards him. “do you want to tell me about this condom thing?”
“oh god,” keiji removed his arm from around y/n’s shoulder to cover his face with his hands. 
y/n laughs as she sits upright in her chair, it had only happened a few days before, but it felt like forever ago.
“what more is there to say? keiji’s tweet summed it up pretty good,” she answers and keiji groans at the thought.
kageyama tries his best not to look as he listens. his phone is buzzing with texts from a group chat. his friends are trying to encourage him to talk to her after he told them she was here. but he can’t. instead, he’s on google researching condoms and microphones, something he never thought he’d be doing. ever.
then a bell chimes as the door opens and their manager walks in, a small corduroy bag around her shoulders over a white puffer jacket. 
“happy holidays, sorry i’m late,” she slings off her bag as she talks.
everything is pointless here. they’re all pretending to listen to her as if they respect her and she’s pretending like she actually does her job. but maybe that’s all his opinion.
“this last year was pretty good. we lost some people but you’re all new additions and you’ve been handling this great. i help out when i need to, i accommodate when you guys need some days off…” it was slowly transitioning into statements about her, which she realized and quickly cleared her throat, pulling out a folder. “the only things i can say is you all need to do better about getting to work on time and calling out. if you’re all gonna call out one day at least tell me a day ahead or something. it’s not like i can stop you guys from doing it, just don’t make it a habit,” she sighs, running a hand through her hair. “i think that was all, if you guys can hang out here for 20 minutes more, we’ll all get paid extra. everything’s free today for you guys, so if you want anything just let me know and i’ll make it for you.”
y/n settles back down into her chair with a steaming chai latte, curling back up against keiji, whose sipping on a brewed green tea. yachi is happy with a hot chocolate, and kageyama has a mug of warm milk in his hand.
none of them want caffeine right now, it’s too late. they all just want to go home but they aren’t going to miss out on being paid just for sitting around.
but something bothers her about the fact that kageyama’s been on his phone this whole time. he keeps texting someone, she assumes, and for some reason that sits wrong with her. she wants to know what’s going through his head and who he’s talking to. a part of her wishes he would look at her, or ask how she’s doing.
maybe that’s asking for too much, it sounds comedic just thinking about it. he’s never talked to her more than he needed to. he’s never been one to say “how are you?” but maybe after her havoc on twitter, she thought he’d be more interested.
he's unlike anyone she's ever met, and maybe that's what makes her care so much. she's never cared so much about what anyone thought, or in garnering a simple look from them.
but he won't look at her and she can't predict how he's going to act, and she doesn't know how to handle that except by telling herself that she hates him.
“look at him,” y/n can’t help but whisper to the companion she’s leaning against, still facing towards the boy who’s mindlessly scrolling on his phone as he sips on his drink. “look at the state we’re in and he doesn’t even care. he hasn’t looked at us once.”
keiji raises his brows in surprise at her comment. what did it matter what he cared? but then he pieces it together.
“well, he’s seen me like this once at the beginning of the fall during our first show. but yachi’s right,” he gives her a sly smile as she tilts her head back, looking at him confused, “you really do care what he thinks.”
her face turns red at the thought and she immediately sits up, staring down into the swirling foam of her latte. “i do not,” she mumbles.
"i don't care," she whispers again. but she can't even bring herself to say it confidently.
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extras <3
kageyama literally knew y/n would be at the celebration because it was a mandatory and he had overheard her talking about in their psych class once to a classmate but he wasn't actually prepared
he immediately opened up his gc when she walked in and said "she's here" and the gc subsequently blew up
my boy was literally texting about yn the entire night but she thought he was just on his phone </3
the gc was trying so hard to get her to talk to him and he had the nerve to say things like "she looks busy" "she looks tired" "she's laying against akaashi right now"
which is when hinata with all the love in the world but not the brightness of someone intelligent said he should spill a drink on them so that she wouldn't be laying on him anymore (literally not said with any malice he's heard from bokuto how cool he is)
yams screamed no in the groupchat and outloud...because tsukki, hianta and him were all in the same room texting the groupchat in silence
other than that hinata was going off with the advice and giving kageyama all the reasons why he could talk to y/n
y/n keeps looking at akaashi because she wants to open her mouth and express how she really feels about kageyama (which would come up as a jumble of undiscernible words) but doesn't know what he'll say so then she looks away
yachi can't work on sunday because she's going to an art auction!! <3 how coincidental
(also my brain for some reason really wanted to write the written part in the present tense for absolutely no reason which i was trying to fight and then got confused so hopefully it still flows ok </4)
taglist: @ncitygreen @lvrlamp @cherrypieyourface @mimi3lover @lees-chaotic-brain @frootloopscos @0moonii @cr4yolaas @eggyrocks @pinkiscool @httpakkeiji @localgaytrainwreck @lunaviee @kitty-m30w @lixie-phoria @aliruuiz @tartfrappe @corvid007 @iluv-ace @yvjitadori @k8nicole (form to be added to taglist! <3)
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aurora--sky · 2 months
16 potraw od @littlbowbub | Polskie Tłumaczenie
➝ data tłumaczenia: 1.5.2024
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Cztery potrawy z kategorii Przystawki:
Kanapki z ogórkiem
Tartinki z krewetkami
Krakersy żytnie z pomidorami
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Cztery potrawy z kategorii Śniadanie:
Tost panettone
Ciastka i miód
Bułeczka ze znakiem krzyża
Ciastka i sos do kiełbasy
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Cztery potrawy z kategorii Obiad:
Warzywna zupa-krem w chlebie
Zupa ziemniaczana
Yorkshire Pudding z pieczonymi warzywami
Pieczeń wołowa
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Cztery potrawy z kategorii Desery:
Cytrynowe ciasto bezowe
Miniaturowe serniki
Cytrynowe tartaletki
Eleganckie ciastka w kształcie serca (wymaga dodatku Witaj w Pracy)
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tłumaczenie należy włożyć do folderu z modem
bez moda tłumaczenie nie zadziała
wszystkie potrawy wymagają najnowszej wersji moda Granny's Cookbook
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➝ zgłoś błędy przez formularz lub ask ➝ gdy tłumaczenie nie działa ➝ lista moich tłumaczeń ➝ co aktualnie tłumaczę/aktualizuję ➝ tou ➝ kup mi kawę
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🥪 Kanapki z ogórkiem - SFS 🦐 Tartinki z krewetkami - SFS 🍅 Krakersy żytnie z pomidorami - SFS 🍵 Podwieczorek - SFS 🍞 Tost panettone - SFS 🍯 Ciastka i miód - SFS ➕ Bułeczka ze znakiem krzyża - SFS 🌭 Ciastka i sos do kiełbasy - SFS 🍲 Warzywna zupa-krem w chlebie - SFS 🥔 Zupa ziemniaczana - SFS 🍮 Yorkshire Pudding z pieczonymi warzywami - SFS 🍖 Pieczeń wołowa - SFS 🍖 Wielki obiad z pieczenią wołową - SFS 🍰 Cytrynowe ciasto bezowe - SFS 🧁 Miniaturowe serniki - SFS 🍋 Cytrynowe tartaletki - SFS ❤️ Eleganckie ciastka w kształcie serca - SFS
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oneiikin · 6 months
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Not my best animation but, still like it overall
(sketch version + flashing tw):
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jukti-torko-golpo · 2 months
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Some freakish day. Some freakish freakish day.
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p-h03n1-x · 6 months
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Yibo Official Douyin update 1.5.2024 let me see all the lovely things in your eyes
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louisupdates · 2 months
festningenfestival LOUIS TOMLINSON⭐️
Fortell en One Direction-fan at superstjernen kommer til Festningen i august🔥
Louis will be playing the Festningen Festival in Trondheim, Norway on 30 August.
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takovanormalnielie · 2 months
Oslavili jsme třetí narozeniny naší nejmenší. N. upekla fantastickou pavlovu, po který se okamžitě zaprášilo. Po jídle jsme se akorát váleli na zahradě, dokud nás nevyhnal vítr. Odpoledne jsem něco zkusila složit v dis-moll a po čtyřech stopách jsem zjistila, že už v tom zas sedím tři hodiny. Mám sice nějakej základ, ale zvuky jsou hrozný. Budu to muset čelý překopat. Nebo to skončí v zapomnění jako další rozdělanej track.
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tagesnotizen · 2 months
1.5.2024 | Käferberg | 13.00h
Am Himmel Helikopter, im Herz des Komposts ein Tigerschnegel.
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nolonteinitytonrunoja · 2 months
Kevät, osa 3
kevät on saapunut muillekkin
mutta se ei vertaa omaan kevääseeni mitenkään.
oma kevääni on kaunis,
ajattelevainen, ihana, taidokas, älykäs, komea, ihailtava.
listaa voisin jatkaa vaikka maailmanloppuun asti.
toivon kaikkien kokevan kevään niinkuin minä nyt.
rakastan ihailla kevättäni ja sen eri osia. arvostan kevättäni.
kiitos kevääni.
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icleanedthisplate · 5 months
Dine-Out Meals of January 2024, Ranked
I ranked the following based on taste alone. I made no consideration for ambiance or the general dining experience or whatever. I included meals I got to go. I included food trucks, catered meals, and fast food.
A solid showing by restaurants in Huntsville, Alabama and Wichita, Kansas this month.
Should you be interested in the pictures or reading the few words I had to say about each meal, click on the home page and scroll down or see the archives.
Cream of Asparagus Soup, Artisanal Cheese Platter (shared), Pan-Seared Gulf Yellowfin Tuna. The Bottle Restaurant. Huntsville, Alabama. 1.10.2024.
Combo Marino, Plantains, Flan. Gabby’s Peruvian Restaurant. Wichita, Kansas. 1.25.2024.
Italian Beef Bene, Cinnamon Roll (shared). Raduno. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.14.2023.
Beetroot Salad, Salmon, Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp. The Revivalist. Huntsville, Alabama. 1.11.2024.
Pork Ribs w/Collard Greens, Mac & Cheese, Banana Pudding. Wright’s BBQ. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.4.2024.
Jinya Bun, Jinya Tonkotsu Black. Jinya Ramen Bar. Wichita, Kansas. 1.24.2024.
Tuna Tacos, Pan Seared Black Seabass, Curry Duck Breast, Poblano Mac & Cheese Casserole, Honey Soy Brussels, Sticky Toffee Cake (shared all). Table 28. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.13.2024.
Bleu Burger w/Duck Fat Fries. Dempsey’s Burger Pub (Clifton Square). Wichita, Kansas. 1.23.2024.
Feta James, Mr. Nice Guy, Apple of My Eye (shared dessert). Leverett Lounge. Fayetteville, Arkansas. 1.17.2024.
Harissa Avocado Bowl. CAVA. Fayetteville, Arkansas. 1.17.2024.
Assorted Sushi Rolls (Rainbow, California, etc.). Fujiyama Express. North Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.19.2024.
Local Mix w/Grilled Chicken. Urban Cookhouse. Huntsville, Alabama. 1.12.2024.
Baleada Con Todo w/Carnitas. El Sur Street Food Co. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.8.2024.
BLT-AE Sandwich w/Grilled Veggies, Jolly Green Juice. HomeGrown. Wichita, Kansas. 1.26.2024.
Chicken Scratch Salad w/Rotisserie. Waldo’s Chicken & Beer. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.6.2024.
Grilled Salmon (Snappy) w/Grilled Veggies, Rice & Beans. Flying Fish. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.19.2024.
Shrimp w/rice, Steamed Veggies. La Chingada. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.5.2024.
Egg White Grill, Yogurt w/Fruit. Chick-fil-A. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.10.2024.
Petit Jean Ranch Salad (to go). Zaza Fine Salad & Wood Oven Pizza Co. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.22.2024.
Bacon Cheeseburger w/Onions & Mushrooms, Fries. Vanilla Milkshake. CJ’s Butcher Burger Boy. Russellville, Arkansas. 1.18.2024.
Green Chile Stew, Crispy Ahi Tuna Taco. Local Lime. Rogers, Arkansas. 1.23.2024.
Tortilla Soup. Chuy’s Chuy’s. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.20.2024.
Whipped Feta & Prosciutto App (shared), Salad Lyonnaise. Wild Fork. Tulsa, Oklahoma. 1.26.2024.
Chicken Livers w/Okra, Mashed Potatoes, English Peas. Cindy’s Place. Corinth, Mississippi. 1.10.2024.
Grilled State Bird Sandwich w/Fries. Hill Station. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.31.2024.
Chicken Salad Sandwich w/Chips. McAlister’s Deli. Wichita, Kansas. 1.24.2024.
Ark-Mex Enchiladas w/Tomato-Cucumber-Mint Salad, Pinto Beans. Heights Taco & Tamale. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.30.2023.
Yogurt & Granola w/Fruit Compote. Mylo Coffee Co. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.31.2024.
Fattoush Salad w/Salmon. Meddys. Wichita, Kansas. 1.25.2024.
Green Goddess Salad. Newk’s. Fayetteville, Arkansas. 1.18.2024
Ham & Cheese Croissant. Starbucks. Conway, Arkansas. 1.17.2024.
Ham & Cheese Croissant. Starbucks. Wichita, Kansas. 1.25.2024.
Ham & Cheese Croissant. Starbucks. Fayetteville, Arkansas. 1.18.2024. (No photo)
Meat & Cheese Plate (shared), Pork Ribs w/Beans, Slaw. Charlie Vergo’s Rendezvous. Memphis, Tennessee. 1.12.2024.
Bangkok Noodles w/Shrimp. Bangkok Thai Cuisine. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.3.2024.
Ham & Cheese Croissant. Starbucks. Wichita, Kansas. 1.24.2024.
Ham & Cheese Croissant. Starbucks. Conway, Arkansas. 1.23.2024.
Red Pepper Sous Vide Egg Bites. Starbucks. Huntsville, Alabama. 1.11.2024.
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volotheism · 6 months
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𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐒𝐌: An independent, canon-divergent, headcanon heavy roleplay blog for 𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐎, 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐀 from Pokémon Legends Arceus. Written by 𝐑𝐄𝐗. 29. He/Him. EST. 1.5.2024.
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Ⅰ. 𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐍: Hubris, Icarus falling in love with the sun despite being destined for the twilight, challenging destiny, mourning, loneliness, dreaming despite losing hope, the phoenix reborn from the ashes, surrendering to madness, finding one's place in the universe.
Ⅱ. 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌: Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Dark Souls, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time & Twilight Princess, Hades (Supergiant Games), Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra.
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Ⅳ. 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑:  Triggering content ahead, including depictions of violence, discussion of religion & spirituality, and psychological themes. Reader discretion is advised. This is essentially a retelling of Volo's story with a lot of artistic and storytelling liberties. I will interact with all renditions of Giratina muses, but my headcanons on Volo's relationship with Giratina are primarily shared with @distortworld's interpretation. I'm happy to recognize alternate timelines, or default to your headcanons if we discuss beforehand.
Banner art by @/ichimakesart, Pinned art by @/fracturedhues, PFP edited by @/crueliste, Icons edited by @/drgnbld
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