#10 minute projects
lealikestodraw · 3 months
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Tumblr really killed the quality </3
If Luka's dress looks weird, it's because my only reference was her card and the blurry thumbnail image of the dress on the wiki because I can't find any imagery or footage of what the whole outfit looks like so it was just my guesses lol. My brother said that they looked like Rarity and Fluttershy and I can't unsee it. Ignore the plain background. Just image they're at a altar or something. They're getting married trust 💯
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indigoidiot · 1 year
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solaireverie · 10 months
shoutout to the f1 social media admins who definitely have a group chat and were yelling frantically in it trying to put together a statement
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kawaiionnna · 5 months
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Some of these I made
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hools · 1 year
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heartorbit · 4 months
Your art is very cool and you are a huge inspiration to me :)
-- A random cat on the internet that likes the character Tsukasa Tenma a whole bunch
THAT'S SO SWEET THANK YOU!!!! a kittycat for you
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couchtaro · 1 year
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Theseus, scarecrow oath of the watchers paladin and shepherd of souls, belongs to @eaudecrow
Asphodel (Asphodelus): the land of spirits. In Greek mythology, a field of asphodels in the underworld was the dwelling place of neutral souls.
Dame Violet (Hesperis matronalis): watchfulness
Black bindweed (Dioscorea communis): support
Boxwood (Buxus): Constancy in friendship. Labyrinthine hedge mazes are traditionally made of boxwood shrubs.
Rattlesnake root ( Prenanthes purpurea): protection, shield, guarded steps. This plant was thought to grant protection from being caught up in a group of supposed to “friends” who are in actuality threatening and dangerous.
Heath (Epacris impressa): solitude
Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana): a spell is on me.
Straw: constancy. Broken straw: broken contract, trouble.
Corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas): good and evil, light and darkness, life and death, fun-loving, avoidance of problems, oblivion. The ancient Greeks believed that corn would not grow without poppies growing nearby. In Greek and Roman myths, poppies were used as offerings to the dead and in modern times are often a motif found on tombstones. Poppies are some of the first flowers to fill holes in disturbed ground, so old battlefields often fill with poppy.
Giant milkweed (Calotropis procera): purposelessness, a monstrosity
Check out the rest of the Pringles Party!
Yancy | Izen | Phaela | “Red”
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I’m so happy with this gradient it’s soooooo smooth. This shawl is a real challenge to knit both because of the structure of this yarn and the actual pattern itself is written in a way that’s really frustrating, but at least it’s beautiful enough to only be slightly extremely annoying.
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yoku-yukihime · 1 year
lesbian yaoi
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intotheelliwoods · 9 months
Little Sprout: what happened with big us?
Current Sprout: ................ *INCOHERENT SOBBING-*
yeahh- *sniffles*
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booxed · 2 years
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sonic style
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mothmothwoth · 9 months
for the girlies who know I am so sorry about the Kagepro Qsmp angst uhh have Pac but dressed up like Ayano tateyama bc Ayanos red scarf is iconic and Pac deserves to wear a skirt
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
how quickly the glamour fades
 “What do you think the Captain does in his down time?” Wally asked, squirting a large amount of cheese whiz onto a cracker and eating it. He was still getting used to being the Flash, being in the Justice League alongside his uncle’s friends. They’d helped him grow as a hero and a person over the years and now he was one of them.
“I don’t know, Cap is always working,” Hal said, taking a bit of his pizza. “The guy never quits I’m telling you. If he’s not here, he’s putting out fires in the jungle or fighting space-magic-tentacle monsters or working with an apron at the soup kitchen. I don’t think he knows the meaning of ‘down time’.”
“We all have to take a break sometimes, even gods,” Wonder Woman said with a raised eye brow. She didn’t technically chastise him but Hal’s shoulder crept up to his ears anyway. “Marvel is the personification of the Gods’ will on Earth. He may not require physical rest I’m sure he must take moments to collect himself but it is, surely, none of our business.”
“I didn’t mean any disrespect,” Wally said hastily. “I’m still new here, trying to figure everything and everyone out with these big shoes to fill.” He cleared his throat and glanced over at the door Captain Marvel had exited out of a few minutes earlier. “I don’t know Marvel well, he was just a reserve member when I first met him and now we’ve moved into big leagues pretty much at the same time. I guess I’m trying to get to know my fellow newbie, he seems like a really nice guy, someone you’d want to talk to outside of work.”
“Yeah good luck with that,” Hal snorted and preemptively winced from the force of Diana’s glare. “What? Look, I love the big cheese as much as the next guy but he’s hard to pin down! He’ll smile and chat up here at the Watchtower no prob but he won’t go out for a drink, he won’t attend any of Bruce’s fancy parties. Barry used to practically beg the guy to come over and have some of Iris’ cooking and he turned him down every time.” A brief moment of silence as Hal coped with the sudden, casual mention of his best friend. “He’s friendly but not sociable.”
“Perhaps he needs time alone, away from all this,” J’onn said, walking in to stand by Diana. Without being asked, she reached into the cabinet and pulled out his favorite cookies. It could have been telepathy or simply years of love and experience. “As you mentioned, he spends much of his time battling the evils of the world, both the grand and the mundane. He may need solitude to cope.”
“Isolation doesn’t heal anything,” Wally grumbled, playing idly with the cheese whiz can. “The Titans taught me that there’s strength in community. I won’t begrudge the man some alone time but,” he sighed and set the can down. “I don’t know, he smiles like Dick does sometimes, when he’s keeping all the hurt inside. I think he could probably use someone to talk to.”
“He’s a god or something, it’s not like we can relate to him,” Hal sighed. “I’m with ya, Kid. I’d be over the moon if Cap ever decided to hang out after the battle was done but he’s just not that kinda guy.”
“Your kindness is appreciated, Wally but Marvel is entitled to his privacy. Should he ever need that listening ear you suggested, he of course knows he can come to us.” Diana smiled. Wally smiled back but still didn’t feel completely settled. There was something about Captain Marvel that never felt right, like he was only seeing a funhouse mirror version. His smiles were too perfect, his lines so cheesy, almost practiced. In a way, he almost didn’t feel real and that the real person was hiding behind this perfect cardboard cut out they all knew.
“Yeah, okay,” he frowned before perking back up. “Did you guys catch the game last nigh-”
“Don’t get me started squirt my team looked like they were sleepwalking, not playing.”
Hundreds of thousands of miles away in Fawcett City, a boy was cold and he was hungry.
“Achoo!” Billy Batson sneezed. “Ugh either someone’s talking ‘bout me or I’m coming down something.” He sniffled, wiping his nose on his threadbare sweater sleeve. “I don’t even know which is worse.”
It had been warm on the Watchtower when Bill, well Marvel, had finally left. The halls had been crowded and there’d been plenty of food and company. It would’ve been nice to stay but that wasn’t the way things worked. Cap didn’t need food to stay full or heat to keep him warm. He enjoyed the conversation but it felt so empty with the large wall he had to keep around his other life. It was safer this way, for him and for them.
The weather was turning cold and the shelters would have stopped giving out food by this late hour. Another night spent shivering and another night without a meal.
“It’s fine, you’re fine,” Billy chattered to himself as he slowly made his way back to the abandoned apartment he’d been sleeping in. “They don’t need to know about this, won’t care about another homeless kid. You’re lucky you get to know them as Marvel, you’re lucky to have Marvel.” He squeezed his eyes shut to fight back tears. It was an honor, a blessing to have the power to help people but oh did it hurt sometimes.
He wished he had someone to talk to about this but all he had was Tawney and the empty throne of the Wizard. There was the League but he couldn’t risk it, Marvel’s good standing was the only way they let him be active without giving away any details. They wouldn’t listen to him anyway, if they knew who their powerhouse really was. The illusion was hard to keep up sometimes but it was all he had.
All the way home, he hummed a tune he’d heard Black Canary humming while doling out portions of pizza and thought of the way Wonder Women’s gentle strong arms had felt around his shoulders and the sound of Lantern’s loud laughter and imagined that he wasn’t alone.
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fandomloreblog · 1 year
You cannot tell me that Tauro from the new Tears Of The Kingdom Game isn’t autistic with a hyper-fixation on Zonai ruins. YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE, THAT MAN IS DEFINITELY NEURODIVERGENT AND I LOVE HIM FOR IT
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lollitree · 1 year
tagged by @cyber-phobia
Rules: Make a 24 hour poll with the names of your WIPs, let it run, then write one sentence work for 10 minutes for every vote the winner receives.
No high pressure tags @moonpaw
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skayafair · 5 months
HC: John is that kind of person who thoroughly reads all the contracts, up to the very last punctuation mark of a fine print if he has a chance. (And hates every moment of it but does nonetheless.)
Arthur just wings it because ✨boring✨ (and has a knack for getting out of any unforseen situation anyway)
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