#100% a woman kisser
waltricia · 4 months
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We have not spent nearly enough time talking about how Nicola Coughlan is the most beautiful kisser in the world.
And this kiss should have immediately ended the “it’s rushed” debate. Because if a woman kissed me like that, 100% I’m marrying her. Are you fucking kidding me? Colin’s subsequent unhinged behavior is completely justified.
I will not be taking any questions on this.
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ventique18 · 1 year
I still stand by my opinion that TWST has one of the best art there is. The sheer skill and MASTERY in design, composition, and rendering is near unbeatable tbh. A lot of other games overcompensate with shiny color rendering to appeal to the layman but actually suck at anatomy and other areas, but Yana-sensei's mastery in everything really speaks for itself. The art style itself is not something that resounds with everyone at first glance, but when you get to flip through the other pieces, you'll realize with how consistent they are that the artist's skill isn't something to joke about.
Granted, there are some weird renderings (the groovy versions lol) which I'm 100% sure were done by other staff members, but the base forms being this consistently amazing is... amazing. Twst has the type of class that doesn't need to resort to fanservice of boobs and thighs to sell. Twst doesn't milk one character for money and gives opportunity for all characters to shine. Twst isn't afraid to break out of the overdone tux and uniqlo fashion and instead makes great effort to incorporate different cultures to create unique and memorable characters designs.
Twst is like creative masturbación for nerds like me 😫
I could go on and on ugggggh. The art is the BEST fantastic unmatched, but the stories themselves deserve praise too! I'm an overworked woman who can barely log in to play 30 minutes everyday, much less read through those bloated NPC dialogues like Genshin serves lol. But twst! Twst gives me chapters that I can read in 30 seconds and laugh at for an entire five minutes. It's such a great kisser (Keep It Short and Simple). And when it decides to hit you with the feels, it hits HARD. Literally cried so many times during the main story.
Idk. This game's literally just a side game because it's so slow to update, but it remains my absolute favorite. The quality and entertainment it brings is unmatched. I love this gem and I'm so glad I gave it a shot! I hope many more people will get to enjoy this game because they're seriously missing out.
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blowmyloadd · 2 months
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contains: sexualities, ships (don't come at me just my opinion), random stuff, rivalries (don't come at me just what i think)
notes: this is my first post and i literally don't know how to use any of the tools so help a girl out🙏🙏. also me and my cousins have been OBSESSED with mlp lately and i wrote these at 2am so there might be some typos. these may be inaccurate cuz im just going off of when i watched the show at 8 yrs old (i know i should watch the show, just keep forgetting LMAO). so ya enjoy these lmk if you want more!!!!:)
- [👾] is bisexual, she prefers girls because they're less "slobby" but if she met a well groomed guy then she would consider it
- [👾] is def on booktok but doesn't recommend or read "spicy" books
- [👾]she smells like a fresh book
- [👾] has like a million hair products but only uses like 2
- [👾] def wears clean girl makeup
- [👾] she hates apple jacks and dashes way of life but she puts that hatred aside for her friends
- [👾] she likes to say she's an independent woman but if she has to do yard work (other than gardening) she would literally disintegrate
- [👾] she hates getting dirty and takes 2 showers a day
- [👾] she always smells applejack and rainbow dash (HEAVY ON DASH) and thinks they smell like bounce that ass (pls get the refrence) but never tells them anything
-[👾] her and rarity are the duo that talks shit about everyone else
- [👾] she has reading glasses
- [👾] is a swiftie and her favorite era is reputation (she thinks she's such a bad boy for liking it)
- [💎] straighter than a ruler
- [💎] if she ever meets a gay girl she always says "well don't get a crush on me!!😂😂"
- [💎] is literally so stuck up omg
- [💎] she also is very clean and takes 2 showers a day
- [💎] doesn't listen to music but if she does it's ether taylor swift or classical music
- [💎] she hates how dirty dash and apple jack are and talks about it to twilight
- [💎] she secretly hates rainbow dash cuz she gets more attention that her
- [💎] attention whore
- [💎] IS racist but literally doesn't know/passive aggressive about it. like she would order fried chicken for her black friend without warning
- [💎] has a million different smell good products and uses them ALL
- [💎] smells like roses
- [💎] def wears heavy eyeshadow and red lipstick
- [🌈] is a lesbian but denies it
- [🌈] gets ALL the hoes
- [🌈] listens to rap and dad rock
- [🌈] she gets flustered when girls hit on her but she acts like she's not interested
- [🌈] def the most woke person (other than pinkie pie)
- [🌈] her and apple jack are like 🤞
- [🌈] is not ashamed to speak up for herself when they get her order wrong at a restaurant
- [🌈] is SOOOO competitive
- [🌈] helps apple jack at the farm a lot
- [🌈] thinks fluttershy is a pussy and hates that she speaks so low (THIS SOUNDS SO MEAN WHAT WAS 2AM ME ON??😭😭)
- [🌈] doesn't get the concept of being afraid, having anxiety, or being jealous
- [🌈] if anyone starts talking bad about themselves in front of her she starts agreeing with them and reveals all of the things she hates about that person
- [🌈] is so brutally honest it hurts
- [🌈] sleeps with a stuffed animal and hides it if anyone comes over
- [🌾] sometimes kisses her parents on the mouth and all the rest of the ponies are like 😨
- [🌾] LESBIAN 100%
- [🌾] emabraces the fact that she's a girl kisser and sees no wrong in it
- [🌾] is literally so aggressive all the younger ponies are TERRIFIED of her
- [🌾] her sister (or sisters idk how many siblings she has) keeps trying to convince the other kids that apple jack is actually a sweetie pie
- [🌾] apple jack tries to win over the children by buying and making them things but always ends up making them scared again
- [🌾] has a crush on rainbowdash but doesn't tell her because she doesn't know if she's 🏳️‍🌈 or not
- [🌾] if she knew dash was a girl kisser she would def tell dash she liked her
- [🌾] her and her brother are so close like it's crazy
- [🌾] when she was little she accidentally choked on an entire apple and was rushed to the hospital. she had a fear of apples for like 5 years after that
- [🌾] knows that twilight and rarity talk shit about the other ponies and hints to them that she knows
- [🌾] is literally a heart throb for all the girl kisser ponies in pony land
- [🌾] all apple jack has to do is address to another girl as "ma'am" and the girl is already pregnant (past me what was you on!!😟)
pinkie pie:
- [🎈] is so into raves
- [🎈] has tried coke, heroin, shrooms, and literally everything else
- [🎈] has been caught drinking by the other ponies and had no shame in it
- [🎈] has been in rehab
- [🎈] would 100% be one of the most aggressive ponies (apple jack and rainbow dash being the most aggressive)
- [🎈] plans EVERY SINGLE party, funeral, if it involves planning pinkie pie is ON IT!!
- [🎈]def pansexual, has no preference
- [🎈] doesn't do anything to her hair, thinks it's a waste of time.
- [🎈] for that reason her hair is always frizzy and or tangled, rarity is REPULSED by it
- [🎈] pinkie pie thinks her and rarity are best friends and rarity plays along and tries so hard not to laugh at her
- [🎈] if pinkie pie ever found out rarity and twilight were talking smack she would smack them into oblivion
- [🎈] if anyone was messing with ANYPONY in her vicinity she would roast the living hell out of them, like they would need medical help after.
- [🎈] listens to scene, hyper pop, 2000s, normally but when she's sad she listens to mitski. only mitski.
- [🎈] smells like candy, like sometimes it's intoxicating how sweet she smells
- [🎈] has a crazy side to her, not like in a millennial way but in a "i'll rock your ass and make you bite the curb if you talk shit about me"
- [🎈] goes to raves and concerts with rainbowdash on the daily
- [🎈] has once tried to hug twilight by jumping on top of her and twilight punched her. she had her teeth knocked out of her skull. not literally but twilight punched her pretty hard
fluttershy: (why isn't there any yellow omg)
- [🦢] is literally such a sweetheart but it makes dash mad at how slow and low she talks
- [🦢] has tried to tame a tiger but it didn't like her for some reason and almost got killed (apple jack saved her)
- [🦢] she thinks every pony and every animal likes her but everyone's just nice to her because she doesn't know any better (WHAT THE HELL LMFAO)
- [🦢] 100% has autism
- [🦢] listens to laufey, mitski, lana, clairo, and girl in red while painting or some corny ass shit like that
- [🦢] sings to the birds every morning and dash holds back the urge to hit her
- [🦢] apple jack quite enjoys fluttershys early singing because it gets her up in the morning
- [🦢] goes to sleep with all her stuffed animals on her bed and wakes up with all of them and the blanket on the floor, she doesn't know how.
- [🦢] walks (or struts or whatever the horse version is) outside and all the birds and animals immediately latch onto her
- [🦢] rainbow dash DESPISES her but has literally no reason to (me too girl) (ifykyk)
- [🦢] her room is so coquette its crazy
- [🦢] smells like vanilla and coconut
- [🦢] is a lesbian and like FULLY fem
- [🦢] once she tried to help apple jack on the farm and ended up getting one of her wings caught under a pile of hay (somehow)
- [🦢] when someone falls in front of dash applejack, and fluttershy, rainbow dash and apple jack start laughing but fluttershy cusses them out and helps the person up. (dash and applejack are left speechless by this)
- [🦢] so has a crush on rainbowdash
- [🦢] loves everything pink
- [🦢] her wallpaper on her phone is her favorite animal (she hides it from the other animals worried they might think she picks favorites) (she absolutely does)
- [🦢] when someone litters she picks up the trash and hands it back to the person
i reread these before editing them and omg what was i on😭 i had to delete like 5 of these cuz they were absolutely ABSURD
but omg lmk if you want more and give me your thoughts on these i would love to hear them
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 3 months
The one thing they made abundantly clear in the book is that Ronnie Ecker, Eddie's almost life-long platonic soulmate, doesn't like men whether you headcanon her as a lesbian, aromantic, asexual, or all three. . .she's definitely 100% queer. They definitely made Eddie queer in the book, too. They just happened to make him a woman kisser as well, which still makes him just as queer. I think if people stop putting blinders on and reread the book with an open mind on the other sexualities then you'd see that Eddie is queer. The boy just doesn't know it yet. This book is all about breaking the heteronormative bonds, and maybe Eddie never realized it, but there are so many clues about it like Eddie finally starting to accept who he is and not what others think about him. . .Wayne's speech was also pretty clear on what the message was, even though he probably wasn't talking about Eddie's sexuality. . . He could have been. Hell, the fucking interaction with Will was a big neon sign too. It's just funny how people complain about the lack of Eddie being queer coded in the book and then miss all the obvious signs. Like, they are there! He was queer coded. This was supposed to be a Ronnie Ecker appreciation post. How did it turn into this? He was so heavily queer coded as well as in the show, how do people miss it? . . . Honestly, I'm kind of hoping Ronnie will show up in season 5.
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ofc-vi-writes-too · 2 months
In honor of me being black and loving being black and thinking everyone should love black people, here are a list of characters I believe love black women with everny bone in their bodies:
• Starting off strong: Steve Rogers. I can’t explain it but trust me please. If you get it you get it if you dont you dont.
• Jason todd. Like c’mon. Look at him. Tell me he doesn’t want to wake up next to a brownskin queen every morning. Look me in my eyes.
• MCU Bucky Barnes. I love to say it, Wakanda changed him. Stepping foot in that country was like seeing the light for the first time. He was basically reborn. I said it before and I’ll say it again. Look at how he looked at Sarah. SAME LITERALLY EXPLICITLY TOLD HIM NIT TO FLIRT WITH HER BEFORE THEY EVEN GOT THERE.
• Gojo, Itadori, nanami, and Toji from JJK. i dont think i need to eloborate here.
• Haley from Stardew Valley. She is not only a fellow girl kisser, but she would genuinely have a real tweak if the farmer was a black woman. Haley needs a 6 ft nonchalant butch dreadhead in her life it would literally solve all her provlems. She has written in her diary about this, and Alex hasnt heard the end of it.
• Fear from Inside out. Just believe me, please.
• This might be controversial but Squidward.
• Bruce Wayne. Literally thinks about eating drywall every time Selina Kyle is even mentioned. “Alfred why hasn’t God hand delivered me what i CRAVE and what i NEED *loud dramatic sigh*” hes also accidentally a perpatrator of hard wig soft life lmao. He donates ridiculous sums of money to black charities like 100 black men, and the black youth helpline. He’s an advocate for his girl’s community and we love to see it.
• Barry Allen. also thinks about eating drywall whenever he sees Iris. She’s just so sigh. And he loves her so much and he’s so glad that he married that beautiful amazing strong and powerful woman.
• Ellanore Shellstrop. After she died she had real clarity about the truths of the universe. If soulmates didnt really exist then wtf were her and Chidi im so deadass.
• Woody from Toy Story. Please do not at me. I will not be taking questions comments or concerns on that one. And for anyone saying “but what about bo peep ?!” Shes albino. Look at those 3B curls and tell me to my face that I’m lying. I dare you.
• lightning Mcqueen. Hear me out here! In universe there have to be like… black cars. He’s def the type to go for a UK baddie ykwim.
a/n: guys please im just being silly they are fictional characters please dont argue about how much these FAKE characters like black people 😞. also if you try and argue i feel like that makes you a liiiiiiiittle bit racist but like thats a convo for another time. Anyway, sorry to all my sistas out there who’s fav character I forgot. Ur probably right and they probably do belong on this list, I just might have forgotten they exist! Dont be scared to comment them tho. I need to know what yall think too.
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aidansplaguewind · 5 months
Do you think Aidan is a good kisser? He seems like he is.
Well, I don't know for 100% certainty, but since it is me that you have chosen to ask (and others have before), I think that means that I need to make out with him in order to be certain. I mean, that's the only solution that makes sense. It would be in the name of science, of course.
And if by chance he's not the greatest kisser, I could give him some pointers and lessons, and how could Camille possibly object to me making him a better kisser?!
All jokes aside, I like to believe that he is. One thing I appreciate about the way he kisses on screen is that he doesn't try and eat the women's faces off. With the exception of the Lysa kiss. If you watch all of his on-screen kisses, the Lysa kiss isn't like any of his others. But I'm pretty sure that one was heavily directed for him to kiss her exactly as he did because Petyr is trying to shut her up. And Lysa is super over the top, as witnessed by her insanely loud screeching when he's fucking her, so the kiss would have to be equally as exaggerated to appease her.
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But yeah the Lysa kiss is the one kiss where I was thinking I wouldn't really want him to kiss me like that. I can't stand it when guys open their mouths as wide as humanly possible and then proceed to invade your mouth with their ENTIRE tongue. It's not sexy. It's not arousing. It's just NO. If you've never been kissed that way it might LOOK sexy, but trust me, it's not. It's too much.
Usually he doesn't kiss like that though. Kissing is better when it's more teasing and nibbling, a little sucking but not too much and not too hard. Mouth open but not open as much as possible. Just trust me on this.
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These types of kisses are much sexier in reality. The one on the right 🥵🥵 Lawd help me. When he kisses like that, the answer is yes, he looks like a good kisser.
But, it's also down to preference. I mean, just about every woman I've ever talked to about kissing is on the same page as I am with the whole face-swallowing kisses, but there's possibly people out there who enjoy them. Can't imagine how, but it's possible.
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october-faye · 5 months
The penultimate episode of Partner Track. The show has barely taken off, and now it has to stick its landing.
Ingrid drops by Nick's place to return the engagement ring. She looks like she's dreading the conversation. Not to rub it in (but also to totally rub it in), I'd like to ask her if this confrontation is easier than simply breaking up with him weeks ago?
She explains to Nick that she and Jeff have a history.
👏 You 👏 slept 👏 with 👏 him 👏 once 👏 six years ago, never learned his name, and never saw him again. That's not history. That's barely a footnote. Look, I just summed up the entirety of it in one sentence.
Nick calls Jeff dark and tortured (LOL) and tells Ingrid to ask herself why she always chases the storm (LOL).
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Jeff is not 'the storm'; he's that drizzly piss weather we get in London. Or maybe he means Ingrid's love life in general? Still not seeing it.
Nick tells her he'll have her stuff shipped over to her.
In case this is your last scene, Nick... uh... sorry. You did not deserve this shit. But also, you and Ingrid dated for a matter of months, and you can do better than a woman who's only sort of into you.
Opening credits.
Ingrid is at her apartment, microwaving a meal and looking sad. She must be missing Nick's cooking. But she forgets about all that when the doorman rings and asks if Jeff can come up. She says 'yes' and hurriedly tidies.
Jeff has bought dumplings (I suppose they were out of egg salad sandwiches?) but he sees Ingrid is already eating some. So I suppose he learned her preferred foods off-screen?
He tells Ingrid that he's cooled things off with Victoria, and she tells him that it's 100% over with Nick. They kiss.
The two actors are excellent screen kissers, by the way. It's an easy thing to forget about until you see actors who can only smash their mouths together in a way that just looks like assault.
Jeff and Ingrid agree to keep their relationship a secret in the office. Jeff reminds her that she jumped him in that same office. They giggle some more.
Cut to a montage where they walk past each other at work, eye-fucking so intensely that I'm surprised Ingrid doesn't get pregnant on the spot. Now I'm imagining the beautiful but insufferable and stupid baby they could make.
Seriously, everyone in the office has eyes. They'll see you two touching hands in the corridor as you pass each other. Do you think you're the first ones in the firm to have an affair? I shudder to imagine what a black light would reveal in your offices.
In the overly long montage, they hang around Ingrid's apartment while she dances sexily for him and strips before they have sex. They also make out in an elevator. These two only wish they were Meredith and Derek from Grey's Anatomy.
I'm making fun of them, but I do buy that they're having a lot of fun. It's a shame there weren't enough episodes in this season to let their early love affair play out more slowly so we could see what they're like as a couple when it's not all steamy looks and slow motion fucking.
The montage (finally) ends, and they're in bed. The dialogue tells us it's been a week and that Ingrid is going to a deal closing ceremony. Ingrid tells him there are three slots for Partner at the firm, and she thinks it'll be her, him and Dan who get it.
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Jeff agrees and hands her a gift - it's a pretty diamond necklace with a rose pendant, (which is a callback to Rosecliff, where they met). Ingrid is touched, but she's still sad that she hasn't patched things up with Rachel and Tyler. Jeff tells her to give them time and keep moving forward.
They talk about ambition and Jeff tells Ingrid she lives for the gold star. She asks Jeff about his parents' expectations. Jeff tells her that he was the parent. He cooked and took care of his little sisters. His mother was mentally unwell (it's implied she was an addict due to their circumstances and the abuse from his father) and she set fire to a picture of the two of them because she said it had demons in it.
I like getting some backstory for Jeff, but again it's all tell and no show. They could've given him any other backstory, and it wouldn't matter because it isn't reflected enough in his behaviour. In fact, I half-suspect he might be lying about everything. I just don't know.
It's not the actor's fault. The writers waited too long to give us anything to care about with Jeff. But even this just feels like a set-up for the inevitable implosion of their relationship by the finale.
I do like these two as a couple, sort of. Which surprises me, because I wanted to murder Jeff in episodes 1 through 4, and intermittently thereafter.
If this had been better written, we could've had a solid enemies to lovers story. I've found it easier to find gifs on Tumblr for Paralegal Justin and Rachel's love story than for either of Ingrid's love interests. The side pairing was getting more fandom attention than the love triangle the show based a chunk of its marketing on. Whoops.
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lillysbigwilly · 2 years
wife!ellie headcanons
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swooning for this woman istg (joel’s still alive and you and ellie love in your farmhouse)
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idc what you say this woman would be a full blown SIMP for her wife. opening doors for you, tying your lace if it’s undone, helping you put your hair up
literally anything you could do, ellie will do.
100% a knuckle kisser. it’s her way to show affection out in public without full blown PDA
despite living in your farmhouse, you both make regular trips back to jackson to 1. visit joel who always had new story’s to tell and 2. to help dina and jesse out with jj
always, and i mean always, babysitting jj. since you can’t physically have your own baby (two girls yknow) your both often taking care of the baby’s of jackson
dancing in the kitchen when one of you are cook (picture the moves in THAT scene. you know what i’m talking about)
say what you want but ellie would definitely get a tattoo for her wife.
if you can draw, it would be something you heaven drawn her but if not then it would be of something that reminds you of her
pictures cover EVERY wall in your house. ellie found a polaroid camera when she was on patrol and made it her mission to capture as many memories as possible
ellie is very adamant on set date nights as if, for some reason, something comes up and you can’t do it that night you best believe it’s happening the next day
nights in with ellie are the best, laying in each others arms basking in the silence
either that or she’s strumming at the guitar that’s home is beside your bed
if your a sociable person, your often throwing small get-togethers at your place. ellie doesn’t exactly like them, prefers sticking to her small group, but she loves seeing you all dolled up
if you are throwing one, she is stuck to your side the entire night (and you have a party of your own in the morning whilst cleaning. music and drinks included)
however if your not a sociable person. you throw small hang-out. you, ellie, jesse, dina and jj, joel and tommy. drinks passed between you with a movie playing in the background.
these types of nights end with everyone crashing overnight
if you both want a kid, you get one from jackson. there was always kids abandoned on the gates of the town.
it took over an hour of convincing on ellie’s part for you to not bring them all into your home.
wife!ellie would dote over you so badly
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batchpumpkin · 2 years
DnD Questionnaire
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Name: Asher Chamifelon
Alias(es): The Bonebriar
Gender: Female
Age: 24 (begin Order of Hope) - 26 (begin DragonHearted)
Place of birth: Ekdorm, Loran in the capital
Spoken languages: Common, Infernal, Sylvan, Druidic, Draconic
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Former Healer - Currently researcher at the Necromancy sanctum
Eye color: Pink, black sclera, sometimes full.
Hair color: Pink, currently showing light hues of white at the roots
Height: 5′8
Scars: Small cuts on the hands, a formerly stitched cut across her midrif.
Burns: None
Overweight: No
Underweight: No, even with the slight loss of muscle.
Color: blue, whites
Hair color: No preference
Eye color: No preference
Music genre: Country
Entertainment: Dancing, reading
Pastime:  Sewing, studying anatomy
Food: Light soft cakes
Drink: Tea
Books: Mostly knowledge, plant-life, anatomy, etc.
Passed university: Recently got admitted as a researcher
Had sex: Yes
Had sex in public: No
Kissed a man: Yes
Kissed a woman: No
Gotten tattoos: Do markings count?
Gotten piercings: No
Had a broken heart: No
Been in love: Crushing, currently, never in love
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Absolutely
A virgin: No
A cuddler: In a mother-figure way, actual affectionate cuddles only come when she’s fully trusting.
A kisser: Small cheek-kisses.
A smoker: No
Scared easily: No
Jealous easily: No
Trustworthy: Yes
Dominant: She’s a bit assertive, a bit dominant.
Submissive: It depends, with a certain one 100%, mostly due to fear.
Single: Yes
Have they harmed themselves: Not directly.
Wanted to kill someone: No
Actually killed someone: Yes, sometimes lost.
Ridden a horse: Yes
Have/had a job: Yes
Have any fears: Not that she openly shares, but yes - one strongly in particular which has shone through once when handling the puppet master.
Sibling(s): Moss (alive), younger sister.
Parents: Marigold (mother, deceased) and Atreus (father, alive)
Children: None
Pets: An owlbear cub she left back at home to keep it from harm.
You’re up! @yowzergamez​​ @valaynada​​ @linkdryn​​
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voidnerd · 10 months
TTRPG Questionnaire
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Name: Zeereth
Alias(es): Z
Gender: Male
Age: 124
Place of birth: Shadowfell
Spoken languages: Common, Infernal, Elvish, Undercommon
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Owner of Chemyca Esoterica, an alchemy shop/apothecary
Class: Blood Hunter (Order of the Mutant)
Ancestry: Shadar-kai
Eye color: Completely matte black
Hair color: White-gray
Height: 5′8"
Scars: None
Burns: None
Build: Scrawny, bordering on unhealthy-looking
Color: Purple
Hair color: Doesn't care.
Eye color: Doesn't care.
Music genre: Songs that are mostly or fully instrumental.
Entertainment: Z is basically a hermit, so his idea of "entertainment" is a quiet night at home alone. But if pressed maybe something like going out to listen to music or taking a walk.
Pastime: Alchemy, experimentation, cleaning
Food: Anything with super strong flavors, sweet or spicy. Beyond that he's not picky.
Drink: Tea
Books: Books about old medical practices
Passed university: No, he never had the opportunity to have any sort of "formal" schooling.
Had sex: Yes
Had sex in public: Yes
Kissed a man: Yes
Kissed a woman: Yes
Gotten tattoos: Z is like 80% tattoo at this point. His tattoos are really the only part of his parents/culture he has left, so they're important to him. Unfortunately he hasn't been able to complete his yet because he went into hiding.
Gotten piercings: Yes. Nine in each ear, one in navel, both nipples, two in tongue, and corset piercings on his lower back
Had a broken heart: No
Been in love: No
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Oh without question. He's a bit of a workaholic and tends to lose track of time when he gets fixated on a project. Mix that with his mutagen addiction, it's safe to assume that he's 100% stayed awake for days on end plenty of times throughout his life.
A cuddler: No
A kisser: No
A smoker: Yes. He's one of those pretentious guys who rolls his own and has a fancy cigarette case.
Scared easily: No
Jealous easily: No
Trustworthy: Yes. Despite his background and questionable life choices, Z doesn't lie and is very loyal.
Dominant: No.
Submissive: Yes. He's especially weak to pretty dangerous people and is very bad at saying "no" to them.
Single: It's complicated.
Have they harmed themselves: Yes. Z is a masochist and has regularly experimented on himself for decades, including self-poisoning. His hemocraft also requires him to draw his own blood, so it comes with the territory.
Wanted to kill someone: Yes
Actually killed someone: Yes
Ridden a horse: No
Have/had a job: Yes, he owns his own business. His previous job is... Confidential.
Have any fears: Spiders, the Shadow Curse
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Z's parents moved from the Shadowfell to the Underdark with him when he was still a child. They both died when he was a young adult.
Just do it if you'd like!
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celiastjamesoscar · 11 months
Nauurrr good morning. It's currently 5:45 am and I woke up because my dog, once again, puked all over my bed. I had to clean everything and change the sheets while being half dead 💀
Yes 😭 It's a vicious cycle with no happy ending. Either we have money BUT no coop stuff, or we have cool stuff but no money. The world is unfair, we should get paid for even tolerating society. YES THE RED BOTTLE WITH TBE FACE!!! It's really so fucking good! I sprayed it on my arm at around 9 am and I stilled smelled it much Lager in the evening. It's long lasting and addictive! I could kiss my colleague for showing it to me, it's one of the best perfume I ever smelled! (And I smelled a lot, I love perfumes)
I don't care if I have to write a script myself but Kate NEEDS to kiss one more woman in my lifetime! She was born to be a woman lover (no offense Mike, you're cool).
I was so into WandaNat as a couple but honestly after seeing Maria and her hot smart ass around Nat I am switching teams! It's a crime, a full on offense that neither of them have kissed a woman, especially each other. And lol, looks like we have a very specific type: broody, grumpy, bitchy women who are still very lovable and secret softies! That's the best kind of woman if I do say so myself 😌
Good morning love!!! Your dog actually has it out for you, I swear! Are they sick at all, or do they just enjoy making you clean up their vomit? 😭
We should get paid for tolerating society!! I GOOGLED THAT BOTTLE AND ITS FOR SALE AT A FEW DIFFERENT STORES AROUND ME, BUT ITS LIKE 100 DOLLARS HERE??? it’s good that it lasted that long because of my perfumes fade after an hour or so :( but if it does remind you of Sam… 😼
I could never be a writer or director, because all of my female characters would be women kissers. Kate has an automatic in for every single Mike show just for being married to him, and it’s honestly a win for us fellow woman kissers!!!
Maria and Natasha are my favorite ship out of marvel!!! Like, you’re going to tell me that they haven’t even drunkenly kissed once?!?? I’m going to call you a liar if you tell me that. And broody, grumpy, bitchy women are the best!!! Just look at our Sam!
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name: long forgotten at this point
title(s): the guide, floating woman
gender: female
age: 500+
birthday: unknown
place of birth: unknown
spoken & understood language(s): english, wraith language, (probably others but she's new to me and wiki has nothing)
sexual preference: bisexual
occupation(s): assisting vampiric council, assisting nadja's night club
eye color: blue.
hair color: blonde.
height: 5'6
major scars: none
color: black and purple
song: mad world
food: she can't eat food, and she doesn't remember from before
drink:  blood
passed university: no
had sex: yes
had sex in public: yes
gotten pregnant/someone else pregnant: no
kissed a boy: yes
kissed a girl: yes
gotten tattoos: no
gotten piercings: yes
stayed up for more than 24 hours: yes
a virgin: no
a cuddler: sometimes
a kisser: yes
scared easily: she does the scaring
jealous easily: 100%
trustworthy: yes if they'd give her a chance
dominant: definitely can be
submissive: when she wants to be
in love: no
single: always
have they harmed themselves: not intentionally
thought of suicide: no
attempted suicide: no
have/had a job: yes
have any fears: not fitting in/being alone
sibling(s): none
parent(s): unknown
children: no
significant other: no one
pet(s): she would consider the ravens her pets
[𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘]: @gui1lermodelacruz [𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆]: @unheald @arkhameir @dctrreids @medicbled @thewildones
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rosenallies · 1 year
So you’re a lesbian! That’s so amazing 😭 Idk why I thought you said you were like bi or something. both are cool I just didn’t know. This may be really personal but how did you know you completely didn’t like guys and it was comphet? I know Ive like almost every woman I’ve ever met but I literally despise any man that’s not a fictional character. But for some reason I can’t let go and say that I’m only attracted to women. I’m not sure if it’s internalized homophobia or letting go of the possibility of having the future me and my mom envisioned when I was younger where I had a husband and two kids but I struggle so much with this
I’ve always known I liked women, that was kinda never a question, I would lay in bed at night as early as like 3rd grade and tell myself I would never come out and I would marry a man and blah blah blah 😭but I did come out accidentally so the fact I liked women was out in the open but I still felt like I needed to like men and the way I kinda figured it out was not healthy in any way so don’t do this probably but I slept with a bunch of ppl in college and realized I hated every situation I was in with a man and would always convince myself it was bc that specific man was bad in bed or a bad kisser or whatever but then I would have those same experiences with women where they were maybe not the best at kissing or going down on someone but my body still always had a physical reaction, ie getting h word that never happened with any of the men I was with. And I’d make them do it from behind so I didn’t have to look at them and I would also ask them to not talk at all 💀💀 it kinda just came to a point where I was like oh yeah continuing to do this isn’t healthy and it’s probably just as unhealthy that I cannot admit to myself I don’t like men. The only men at this point I find attractive are men that are 100% unattainable to me whether that be bc they’re a fictional character or they’re gay or whatever it may be but I recommend googling and reading the lesbian master document bc a lot of lesbians have experienced comphet and the men they’re attracted to being specifically unattainable to them. If you’re attracted to men who are more attainable to you, it might be a different story but not always, everyone’s journeys are valid and different just maybe don’t be unsafe like I was at times <3
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idontreallyknow26 · 1 year
Playing tlou2 for the first time and Abby isn't a lesbian? Hm? I feel scammed. That woman is a LESBIAN. LE$BEAN. DYKE (im a lesbian and this is for comedic purposes dont cancel me). PUSSY KISSER. Like tf do you MEAN she likes this brunette Paul Breach???? I'm suing. Who in the HELL thought this was a good idea. She looked 14 in that flashback and Owen looks like he's on the wrong side of 35. He's 100% tried to suck his own meat rocket before.
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windy-trickster · 2 years
Narcis 100% wears fancy and frilly dresses, total woman who wears two piece bikinis, high heels and all sorts of typically "girly" clothing B U T. She'll also wear shit like this:
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When it comes to sword fighting practice or anything. She is a man kisser AND woman kisser and this just proves it lmao. Narcis simps you're welcome for the food for thoughts <3
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theloverscardtarot · 1 month
They don't want to look into other readings being similar because they don't want to think we might be telling the truth. They have a bug up their ass about us.
I want to add up to this; the readings about Evan’s soulmate / Future Partner whatever. and i mean all of em including the readings that been done on OG blog, another reader from Tiktok, plus the reading you shared a link of below from YouTube and others on YT as well, they described the same person lmaaaaao. It’s hilarious 😂 oh i know, but you cannot deny this because it’s proven that it’s not made up by a fan reader. Particular readers whom aren’t even his fans described this energy of this woman. So tweam ass kissers, whether you choose to believe it or not you can suck it, because trust me they are reading this blog and living rent free here just to get their ego fed up while jokingly sitting there and anonymously ranking out others just because, well simply the description doesn’t fit with you. Ironically that’s all what most of them do, sit in their rooms rotten and fantasize to be Evan’s gf, pretending or trying harshly to write good things about Natalie. “Oh i wish them happiness 😩🫶🏻” , “ Natalie grab his ass get preacher and tie the knot ”. Bruh! We know that you deep down wish it was you not her. Read it again ass kisser. Most of y’all are post Dahmer weirdos who believe they deserve to be his saver just because Evan mistakingly made y’all believe that he’s into normies. First learn to stop harassing others, learn to accept yourself the way you are not you being a brunette or a petit blonde is giving you the chance to be with him, sorry but not even 1.0 %. If you feed your ego on ranking out others. I’m 100% sure none of those anons and tweam dare to say that face to face in real life, that’s how weak people act up on social media just some sort of blah blah blah, behid the phone screen. I have stopped reading tea blogs in ages. Because it’s so irritating logging in to read some tea, smuts about your celeb crush. Ending up instead reading hate, cyber bullying against what others do, post whatever ; Y’ALL it’s not highschool thing !!!!!!!! This fandom is ruined ever since hate blogs came out. Admin you are doing God’s job 🤘🏻 keep it going, not about tarot. But for just being you level headed as a true fan should be. The Rest if you are reading my ask you can ALL SUCK IT!
Just want to add this note : I am shockingly going to say this ; what garbage Evan’s fandom is carrying ? Knocking on Frances’s job, style comparing it to Natalie ? SERIOUSLY ?????? What the hell is that ? Claiming that Fran isn’t on the same level as Nat to wear Prada ? Lmao comparing two women because of a MAN?????? Y’all are insane 💀 (“ I don’t tolerate hate on my blog”, once upon a time a tea blog owner said lmaaaaao) if yk yk.
THANK YOU anon! I'm glad that some people see through all of it. We are not trying to spread any hate here. And we can't help what the cards say. But, I do think it's so cool how everyone gets the same cards. And whoever is saying we are interpreting the cards wrong, obviously do not look at or don't care that non Evan fan readers are getting the same thing! Readers that are FAR more advanced than us are like "why are they together?" So either that person isn't very intuitive or they don't even read tarot! Cause come on.
Anyway thank you for reading our blogs. Feel free to call me out if this blog ever starts looking like certain others 😉 #iykyk
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