#10000% short circuited myself
hollandorks · 10 months
I need more writer friends because I'm trying to make this goddamn magic system for an idea I had without actively copying Cassandra Clare and nothing is happening in my brain
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starglow-xx · 3 years
having your period
tanizaki junichiro x f!reader
fandom: bungou stray dogs 
content: fluff
warning?: im not sure if this is a trigger, but mentions of wanting to “rip out your uterus” - if this is too sensitive, comment or message me and i’ll remove it from the head canons, and uh suggestive content?? sorta?? no sure but marking it as a warning anyways
type of work: head canons
synopsis: being a female is especially hard at a certain time of the month, but he will always take care of you
author’s note: he’s so underrated and there’s a lack of content for him so if i have to single handedly write everything for him i will
and im on my period and my stomach hurts so here you can have this
also, in these hcs, naomi lives on her own in the dorms :)
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okay so he has a sister so you think he’d know what he’s doing right?
well sort of
like he does know what to do, it’s just that he’ll probably panic bit first
come on
the girl he loves is in pain and he doesn’t know why
he’d see you all bundled in blankets in pain and panic and then he’d just be like oh
it’d click and then he’d relax a little
but then in his head, he’d be like “oh no now you’re crying where are tHE TISSUES—”
with all the shit he’s gone through working for the agency i feel like fukuzawa would let him take a day off or two cause he’s just that kind of guy yk
and seeing as junichiro is one of yosano’s more uh frequent patients, he probably would
tanizaki does the same sweet things every single time, but depending on how you’re feeling, the order changes
with his day off he’d just be your personal servant basically
he’d cook for you, he’d clean up your shared apartment, he’ll do the laundry, etc. just so that you wouldn’t have to get up
if your emotions are all over the place he’d listen no matter how mad, sad, or ridiculous you’re being at the moment
you’re sad and crying over smth? he’ll find the tissues and leave soft kisses all over your face bc “please don’t be sad, im here for you”
god he’s so cute
if you’re mad and need someone to listen to your rants? he’s right there with an pillow nearby just in case you need to hit something
you just had a crazy idea and want to do it? he’ll be like “okay sure, but not right now, you’re pain” while internally hoping you don’t remember the next day
if your pain level at the moment is “please just rip out my uterus” (i quote my best friend),  then he’d just stay and cuddle in bed with you holding you close to him
every time you’d whimper, he’d hold you tighter whispering comforting words while rubbing soft circles underneath your shirt on your lower abdomen
he just makes the pain so much more bearable
who needs a heating pad when you have your angel of a boyfriend with you?
but if you’d still like the heating pad, he’d still get it for you :)
eventually, you’d drift off to sleep mumbling or whispering to him that you love him
it never fails to make a goofy grin and light blush appear on his face
once he’s sure you’re asleep, he’ll ever so gently get out of bed then arranges all the pillows and blankets the best and comfiest way possible all while making sure you don’t wake up
he’d kiss your forehead then goes out to buy you your favorite flowers and chocolate as well as your favorite takeout for whatever time of day it is, whether it be time for breakfast, lunch, snack, or dinner
also gets more pain meds if you need them; he’ll either buy them or go get some from naomi
after eating time, it’s bath time !!
he’ll run a warm bath for you and adds bubbles and bath salts; the nice scented kind
he’ll even dig through the closet and find that one scented candle you really  like
he’d carry you to the bathroom and help you undress and wash your hair
if you ask, he’ll get into the bath with you and you’ll each take turns washing each other’s hair
when you’re done, he’ll give you one of his shirts and sweaters to wear, dry your hair and even style it (he has experience with his sister)
he honestly just likes running his finger through your hair no matter how short or long
he’ll make pigtails, ponytails, braids, but he especially loves it when you’re wearing his hair clips
that’s both his and your go to
if it isn’t the end of the day by then, it definitely is now
so that means more cuddles !! <3
he’ll big spoon you, or you’ll be facing each other, but it doesn’t really matter because you guys switch between them
during cuddle time, the two of you would just quietly talk, or whisper loving words to one another
the occasional tickle fight would happen too
it just makes him so happy hearing you squeal and burst out in a fit of laughter
literal music to his ears
i feel like he’d be one of those guys who would say that thing that’s along the lines of “i could stop your period for nine months if you’d like” as a joke to see you get worked up bc he thinks it cute when you get flustered
i mean he is a teenage boy (he’s 18!)
what do you expect 🤷‍♀️
he’d say it when things start to get settled and quiet, so you won’t expect it
“hey (y/n)?”
“i could stop your period for nine months if you’d like” 
he thinks it’s adorable when you start to stammer and cover your face with your hands
but ohoho if the tables turn, well his face is just as red as yours if not more
it can go either two ways
one, you say yes without all the flusteredness, but he doesn’t know if you’re being serious or not making him panic a bit (read: a lot)
“hey (y/n)?”
“i could stop your period for nine months if you’d like” 
“...okay, just don’t be too rough alright?”
“wait huh?!”
“isn’t that what you wanted?”
“i-i didn’t really mean—”
“so, you don’t wanna have a baby with me?” :(
“NO! I-I MEAN! I-I mean I do, but—”
yeah a lot of panicking but he’s still cute 😖💗
it would go with you still getting flustered, but you would also still say yes, making him also flustered
“hey (y/n)?”
“i could stop your period for nine months if you’d like”
“?! I-I y-you huh?!”
“you’re adorable”
“junichiro stop it” >:(
“sorry, i can’t help myself” >:)
“what was that (y/n)? i didn’t catch that”
“err uhh, i mean, if that’s what you want, im okay with it... i’d be lying if i haven’t thought about it, but i think it’d be better to get married first don’t you think?”
im sorry your boyfriend has short circuited
make him work again by kissing him on his nose and holding his face in your hands
actually, that might break him more, but you never know
this scenario makes him the most flustered bc a: you were acting so cute it makes his heart happy and b: ohmygod you want start a family with him and get married and—
yeah that’s how that would go
depending on how you act, you can pick how it would go if you do end up choosing to throw his words back in his face or not
overall, he’d just be the sweetest boyfriend
10000+/10 would recommend
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as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize! the reblog button is there for a reason
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teamcalamity · 5 years
Okay, newbie. Let's move!
A new competitive season has started, Opus VIII is about to launch and Team Calamity has a blog... BOOYA!!
If you want to see more variety than a dialogue with Squall, topics that hit harder than Sephiroth into the back of a flower girl and tips more useful than Vaan's point in the story, then this is the blog for you.
In this first article we thought it might be best to introduce you to some of the team who will be regular staples on here. Hopefully this brief insight will help put some of their upcoming content into perspective.
First up is our resident judge - Mitch.
How did you first get into FFTCG?
It was a dark time in my life; I had just finished one of my favourite TV series for the 15th time and worst of all I had a piece of apple skin stuck between my teeth. There was no light at the end of the tunnel.
I received a call from the UK Champion (but not world) Peter Sherratt, he spoke to me like a true champion with grace and honour “you alright dickhead?” he told me that he had just gone to a new comic book shop, the infamous Calamity Comics. Peter knew I always had a creepy girlfriend affection for Final Fantasy and our recent card game was now just an OTK shit show. So we thought let’s give it a go.
Pulled Bahamut legend, fire seems strong; I bet this card will be good for a long time, 10000 damage AND removed. Peter got Foil Light Cloud. This card is also future proof, if there’s one thing I know about card games, is that removal is key and this has it in spades…
From that day I was hooked, scratching at my arms for the next fix of spoilers, tapping the vein, breathing FFTCG and dealing with my new addiction.
What style of play do you favour?
I like to win, but more importantly I like to be a smug prick and to do this, I love my combat tricks. Nothing lifts the table up on my side more than doing something your opponent cannot see coming. I also love removal and drawing cards so if someone could explain to me how to play earth that would be great. Thank you.
Biggest hype of Opus 8?
While all the cards aren’t out yet, I am especially excited for Lunafreya, the stuff that she can enable; it means your opponent will not want to kill off some of your best forwards. That said this will all change depending on the new Garnet, if there is one.
Peter - the 2018 UK Champion (not world)
How did you first get into FFTCG?
I played yu gi oh at the time and I saw FF being sold at Calamity Comics in Hatfield.
Eric the store owner said they were doing a tournament on Friday night's (an attempt to remove the magic the gathering crowd) .
I had played FF7 and I've never liked mtg so sounded like a win win for me. All that was left was to convince mitchell to go with me to hold my hand through it all.
Didn't take long to convince him and off we went to go purchase some cardboard crack. First pack I opened....foil Cloud L!! Wooo
First deck I played was fire ice. We didn't have a clue what we were doing but got it after a couple of goes.
Mitch went home that night to learn the rulings. It became an obsession of his for a while. He would wake up in the middle of the night about illegal plays the night before.
What was even better was we convinced our mates Joseph and Azlan to join also. Fucking great game. Needs more cleavage though.
What style of play do you favour?
I really like all 3 of the main tropes. They all have a special place in my heart because of the decks ive played with.
Mono wind has generally been a control deck. Midrange ice is tempo. Discard ice is quite aggressive.
I'm gunna vote for tempo. After a short amount of set up I do love using dull freeze or discard mechanics for those cheap easy wins. It's like eating 20 mcnuggets. You know it's bad but it feels so good.
Biggest hype for Opus 8?
Sherlotta, Fina, Alexander, Lasswell & Time Mage.
The one I will talk about is Time Mage though because I honestly think it's perfect for what ice needs right now.
Wind earth is an awful matchup where we can't choose Zidane, get fucked by big daddy etc etc. So we're investing 5cp for a huge tempo swing. Huge. I'm a big big fan. It's a multicard too so extra copies may be played.
Mono ice will return with a vengeance!!!
Rich - Team Calamity's synergy specialist.
How did you first get into FFTCG?
I have zero history of playing card games, so my interest in FFTCG was purely as someone who had played nearly every game released under the title, who just fancied trying it out. I bought the starter decks on release date to gauge if it was something that I was going to stick with, and pretty soon I was part of the Opus I stock disaster, hunting the shelves of every Toys'r'Us in driving distance trying to find packs (I'm not proud to admit that). Two and a half years, and many £'s later, here I am writing my first blog post after years of being a lurker on the fan page.
What style of play do you favour?
I have always run decks that I find genuinely fun to build, play and tweak. Sometimes that means I run stuff closer to the meta, and sometimes I run more obscure decks. The vast majority of decks that I run revolve around combo cards such as Yuri/Chelinka/Alhanalem or Seifer/Raijin/Fujin. Nothing turns me on more than the text "If you control card name "X"".
Biggest hype for Opus 8?
Just give me 3 Lasswell in foil. I love that the card has been made with a specific purpose in mind (Fire/Ice deck), and all 3 abilities feed into what those elements want to achieve. I'm not quite sure how best to make Lasswell work, but I'm sure someone much smarter than I am will find a way to make him a beast!
Tom - Blog editor, specialist subject the 'Tombo Combo'
How did you first get into FFTCG?
I got into the game by chance around Opus 4. I'd never played a TCG before but out browsing for a cheap PS4 game in the January sales I spotted Cloud and Squall booster packs in the bargain bin at a local game shop. A Final Fantasy card game, what even is that?! Went home, googled it, rushed back the next day, bought the lot and ordered all the starter sets. I still remember opening my first packs and getting so excited by how many shinys I was getting, like one in each pack, I must be so lucky! Next step a venture to Calamity as the only local place to play. I didn't win a game for about 2 months but was having the best time!
What style of play do you favour?
I like to do things differently so for me I'm all about the meme life and unashamedly so. I like to shy away from the meta (to my own detriment) as I get much more enjoyment from doing things myself and if someone tells me something is shit, it just makes me want to play it more. That said I still believe you can meme and be successful and hope to go someway to proving that this competitive season (here's to 0-X at every major tournament this year)
Biggest hype for Opus 8?
Not seen the full list yet but I'm buzzing for the new FF7 starter deck. I'll probably look to take the Earth parts into an Earth/Fire setup maybe utilising the new 15 characters if space. For me a big part of enjoying the game is using characters I actually know of and love so this should fit nicely. I've also got some ideas for a Fire/Water rush style deck and a new Opus launch wouldn't be complete without me trying to make FF8 work (where are you Cid Kramer!).
I hope this is the set where things really open up and we don't see the same few decklists dominating the circuit.
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Team Calamity's OP runs every Friday from 7pm at Calamity Comics in Hatfield (North of London). You can also follow us on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook (teamcalamityfftcg) or contact us on email ([email protected]). Alternatively just write anything on the FFTCG Fans Facebook page, Team Calamity's James Stevenson will no doubt comment on it.
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Pilates + how I want to continue training this year
So I just did a 36 minute pilates workout using a yoga block. It was great and I loved using the block because I want to get into the habit of using props in my workouts. I'm even considering purchasing a yoga ring.
I followed a Youtube video with an instructor I worked out with. The workouts were great, but I figured I generally prefer circuit-style workouts - where I will do 3 sets of 5-8 workouts with a minute rest in between sets. While it may be shorter and the workouts might be a bit easier, it really gets my heart pumping and I start to sweat. Even if I'm not doing anything cardio-heavy like jumping and kicking. I feel these short, yet sweat-inducing workouts are responsible for quick and successful fat loss. They fit incredibly well into my schedule so I can see myself doing circuit-style bodyweight workouts for a long time. Even if my diet slides off track, I can still keep fit doing these workouts. For my cardio, I like to do steady-state walking (7500 steps or more, ideally 10000 steps or more). This is another workout I can easily fit into my schedule and it is incredibly effective in burning fat since it's a cardio workout.
I've been following Rachael Attard's fitness videos and programs, and they have been extremely effective. Especially for someone like me who wants a lean and toned frame as opposed to a muscular one (I'm tall with broad shoulders and hips so I don't want to look any bigger). Her workouts are great. Though sometimes I feel like I am doing the same workouts over and over again. So I want to diversify my workouts but still do them circuit-style. My goals are to incorporate more upper body workouts and workouts involving props. And more pilates, balance, and flexibility workouts in general. I need to get some workout ideas from somewhere.
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