#109 I Will Repay
simplymariac · 1 year
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From Season 1, Episode 109 I Will Repay - Dr. Natalie Lambert outside the 27th precinct. #ForeverKnight #CatherineDisher
Just having fun with these screenshots. Sony has all the rights to this screenshot set. 😉
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iiota · 3 months
On the phone w amtrak to see if they can reemail me my tickets bc i typed my email in wrong and didnt realize..i think im gonna be on hold for like an hour
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k3woru · 1 year
BSD 109 spoilers!
This detail of the scale in the new BSD official art with Dazai and Fyodor is more than life and death on a scale and let me explain why
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I was inspired to make this even though i don’t use tumblr much (i want to now after twitter died) after reading @soupthatistohot ‘s post on BSD as an absurdist text - I found it rly interesting!!
To summarise it for context, “Absurdism is the belief that the world around us is irrational and inherently absurd and that explicitly seeking meaning is pointless … All of the animanga’s main characters are on a journey of discovering their meaning in life, and their place in the world, and they do this by rebelling against its absurdity — especially Dazai.”
We can think of the scale as an allusion to Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, where the scale has been famously used to represent the 1 pound of flesh with no extracted blood- essentially no violence or death- that is to be given in exchange for being unable to repay a loan - ultimately, an exact pound of your flesh being extracted would result in death. The scale in the official art depicts that ‘flesh’ in the form of a heart (a vital organ) is of equal weight to an angel wing. Presenting the angel wing which cannot exist in the real world, Asagiri utilises the fantasy elements of BSD to fully drive the possibility for the ability users to thrive within the non-ability world, ‘discovering their meaning … and their place in the world’. This is important because earlier as stated, BSD rebels against absurdity. Dazai’s side with the angel wing suggests his nature to rebel from the original narratives - to subvert our expectations and come out of this through his own means, using his ability for good. To be on the side that saves people.
The sheer fact something like an angel wing-a miracle, basically, from Dazai’s side is possible to resolve conflict and be of equal standing to the pound of flesh that was demanded to repay the loan is crazy. The pound of flesh/flesh on a scale representation has been seen in multiple pieces of media- within animanga, It’s seen in Moriarty the Patriot as a direct reference in one scene too!
Bringing this back to the scale itself, the skull represents mortality - important because multiple character’s mortality are at stake as a result of the present saga’s conflict. Skulls can also represent the opposite however, protection, power, and a gratitude towards life. Further if you wanted to draw upon the ideals of Memento Mori it’s just an overarching symbol that lies perched at the very top of the official art that reminds us that despite these character’s absurdist rebellions, nobody can escape death overall … well, maybe Dazai can here 🤷‍♀️
There’s a lot more I want to say about the official art’s intertextual symbolism… I love how BSD official artworks always have some dichotomy between the setting and the characters that prove something or else.
Let’s hope for a happy ending!!
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A Prayer for Help
Of David.
1 Lord, battle with those who battle with me. Fight against those who fight against me. 2 Pick up the shield and armor. Rise up and help me. 3 Lift up your spears, both large and small, against those who chase me. Tell me, “I will save you.”
4 Make those who want to kill me be ashamed and disgraced. Make those who plan to harm me turn back and run away. 5 Make them like chaff blown by the wind. Let the angel of the Lord chase them away. 6 Let their road be dark and slippery as the angel of the Lord chases them. 7 For no reason they spread out their net to trap me. For no reason they dug a pit for me. 8 So let ruin strike them suddenly. Let them be caught in their own nets. Let them fall into the pit and die. 9 Then I will rejoice in the Lord. I will be happy when he saves me. 10 Even my bones will say, “Lord, who is like you? You save the weak from the strong. You save the weak and poor from robbers.”
11 Men without mercy stand up to testify. They ask me things I do not know. 12 They repay me with evil for the good I have done. They make me very sad. 13 Yet when they were sick, I put on rough cloth to show my sadness. I showed my sorrow by going without food. But my prayers were not answered. 14 I acted as if they were my friends or brothers. I bowed in sadness as if I were crying for my mother. 15 But when I was in trouble, they gathered and laughed. They gathered to attack before I knew it. They insulted me without stopping. 16 They made fun of me and were cruel to me. They ground their teeth at me in anger.
17 Lord, how long will you watch this happen? Save my life from their attacks. Save me from these people who are like lions. 18 I will praise you in the great meeting. I will praise you among crowds of people. 19 Do not let my enemies laugh at me. They hate me for no reason. Do not let them make fun of me. They have no reason to hate me. 20 Their words are not friendly. They think up lies about peace-loving people. 21 They speak against me. They say, “Aha! We saw what you did!”
22 Lord, you have been watching. Do not keep quiet. Lord, do not leave me alone. 23 Wake up! Come and defend me! My God and Lord, fight for me! 24 Lord my God, defend me with your justice. Don’t let them laugh at me. 25 Don’t let them think, “Aha! We got what we wanted!” Don’t let them say, “We destroyed him.” 26 Let them be ashamed and embarrassed. They were happy when I hurt. Cover them with shame and disgrace. They thought they were better than I was. 27 May my friends sing and shout for joy. May they always say, “Praise the greatness of the Lord. He loves to see his servants do well.” 28 I will tell of your goodness. I will praise you every day. — Psalm 35 | International Children’s Bible (ICB) The Holy Bible, International Children’s Bible® Copyright© 1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Thomas Nelson. Cross References: Genesis 30:6; Exodus 3:7; Exodus 15:11; Exodus 23:1; 1 Samuel 24:15; Job 16:10; Job 21:18; Job 30:25; Psalm 3:8; Psalm 7:6; Psalm 9:5; Psalm 13:1; Psalm 22:13; Psalm 22:22; Psalm 38:12; Psalm 44:26; Psalm 55:21; Psalm 56:1; psalm 71:8; Psalm 73:18; Psalm 109:29; Psalm 147:11; Matthew 8:12; Matthew 10:13; Luke 1:47; John 10:32; John 15:25; 1 Thessalonians 5:3
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rachellaurengray · 1 month
I am PROTECTED from Evil (Psalms 109)
My God, whom I praise, do not remain silent!
for people who are wicked and deceitful have opened their mouths against me; they have spoken against me with lying tongues.
With words of hatred they surround me; they attack me without cause.
In return for my friendship they accuse me, but I am a man of prayer.
They repay me evil for good, and hatred for my friendship.
Appoint someone evil to oppose my enemy; let an accuser stand at his right side.
When he is tried, let him be found guilty, and may his prayers condemn him.
May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.
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ladykatakuri · 2 years
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Ik heb in 2022 1.882 keer iets geplaatst
Dat zijn 839 berichten meer dan 2021!
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Langste tag: 109 tekens
#techsplaining is the new explaining and that is final.... i am sure tech will gladly explain it to you though
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Reader & Fives, Hardcase, Rex and Fox
TW: None, it is all friendship and shenanigans and a little bit of locking up.
Word Count: 1482
Summary: “Did you guys wake up today, wanting to get killed by Rex? Or did you just decide that today was the best day to show how stupid you can be?”
You stand in front of the security barrier that is erected between you and the two men who now have a guilty look in their eyes as they stare at your angered form.
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“Did you guys wake up today, wanting to get killed by Rex? Or did you just decide that today was the best day to show how stupid you can be?”
You stand in front of the security barrier that is erected between you and the two men who now have a guilty look in their eyes as they stare at your angered form.
Fives, with a hint of mischief in his eyes, grins his most charming grin while holding his hands up at you. “Aw, come on now mesh`la, you know us! We didn't commit any crimes here. The guards were just bored and wanted to have something to do. Or…. Fox just wanted an excuse to see you again.” With a wink he looks at his brother next to him who has not been standing still from the moment you entered the room.
Fidgeting with his hands in front of him, Hardcase looks up, brows furrowed. “It's not really a big deal, you know. We explained it to the guards when they arrested us.”
You sigh as you look at your friends currently held in a Coruscant cell. When you got the call from Fox, explaining they arrested the two for breaking in at the barracks, you could not believe your ears. When you opened your door to Rex who came straight over to you, you could not believe your eyes.
“Well, I think it is safe to say that if Rex does not turn the two of you into a nice wall decoration, you will both be on indefinite refresher duty. And that is still a mild punishment if you ask me. What were you thinking?!?”
Hardcase is the first to open his mouth, but immediately closes it when he sees the look on your face. Now is not the time to come with an excuse, they messed up and got caught. He knew they would pay the price and your anger was by far the least to worry about.
Fives, well, Fives was Fives and he should be commended for trying to lay on the charm as a means of getting out of a scolding. Not that it worked, he knew better, or at least he should by now. “Sweetheart, I will make it up to you. Get us out of here and I will take you out for dinner and a drink, maybe a nice holovid and we will make it a memorable night.”
“Oh, cut it out Fives, that won't work on me and you know it.” Despite the serious issue, you can not help but snort as you look at the two. Somehow they managed to get arrested for breaking into the barracks where they actually live themselves, even worse, they managed to piss off the captain who is known for his immense patience.
“Can you get us out of here though mesh`la?” Hardcase shuffles around on his feet as he asks you.
Grinning, you look at them. “It took me a lot of sweet talking but I managed to convince Fox to let you guys go.” Holding up your hand, you stop the guys from cheering too early. “You still will have to do some civic duties though, to repay the favor. You both will help out with the youngest kids at the orphanage on your days off.”
Knowing they got off easy, especially since both truly love the kids at the orphanage anyway, they cheer and thank you.
“You two hold on, I`ll go tell Fox to release you. In the meantime you better think up a way to get back into the good graces of Rex.”
As you walk back to Fox his office, you recall the moment that you opened the door for Rex and got the shock of a lifetime.
“I am going to kill them both! Please Y/N, can you help me? If anyone sees me now, I will not be able to lead the five-oh-first for a long time.”
After getting past the initial shock you quickly push your hand against your mouth as you take a good look at the captain standing in front of you in your apartment. Your first reaction was mouth agape and a deep gasp, the second to stifle your laugh.
Here he was, the solid and serious captain. The rock they all could lean on. Always looking sharp in his armor or civvies. Now, he looks deeply unhappy with his bright blue hair.
After a quick shopping for hair dye, blonde ofcourse, you came back to a seething Rex. Before you dyed his hair to his normal color, which took several tries before the blue was truly gone, he showed you the security cam feed and it`s backup. The normal feed showed an error and black screen. But, as Rex explained, the culprits did not know about the backup which was installed and only the higher ranked officers had access to.
Shocked and secretly grinning, you watched as Fives and Hardcase where shown to climb into the window of the barracks, which were locked as the entire battalion was supposed to be in another part of the city at that time, carrying a small bag. They were then shown entering Rex's room. Focussing in on the bag tells you all you had to know from then on. It was from a well known grocery store and it undoubtedly contained a bottle of bright, blue hair dye. Your suspicions were confirmed when the recording stopped and returned to Rex leaving his room with a bottle of shampoo and his towel, ready to have a shower.
You knew what was going to happen and what to expect, but the recording still had you gasp once more when confronted with the image.
Rex, towel wrapped around his waist, running into the main room of the barracks, yelling and obviously seething with anger. The most remarkable however, is his bright, blue hair.
Shaking your head at the memories, you sigh and realize you have reached the door that leads to Fox`s office. Knocking once, you are immediately ushered in by his stern voice.
“Y/n. Let me guess, you are here to take those two idiots with you?” Even Though you can not see his face through his helmet you know he is actually grinning, no matter how stern he tries to sound.
“Yup, I am Fox. As promised, they will have to do all the work at the orphanage and I will make sure they spend the whole time there, when not out on campaign.” You raise a hand as a sign of promise while you look at Fox.
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33 notities - Geplaatst 6 januari 2022
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36 notities - Geplaatst 23 juni 2022
A peaceful sleep for Jinx
A short Silco & Jinx story.
Wordcount: 755
TW: None , Jinx is having some bad sleep and Silco is thinking!
A/N: I wrote the lullaby in this story in february, pondering on how Silco would react to Jinx having a bad time sleeping and having nightmares. Hope you all enjoy this little story.
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Nobody who knew Silco would ever dare to say that he had a weakness named Jinx. Not to his face that is and saying it behind his back would have to be done with the greatest of care or the man in question would surely have a thing or two to say before he sliced their throat. Silco, the Eye of Zaun, Kingpin of Zaun, Crime Lord of Zaun, King of the Underworld, there are many names to describe him, but to Jinx there was only one title she used for him when they were alone, Dad. To Silco, that was the only title with any real meaning, any true value to it.
When night would fall over Zaun and its inhabitants were ready to sleep, Silco would sit in his office to enjoy a drink and a cigar, musing about future endeavors. At times he would think back to what seemed to be the easier times when all was more clear. He knew exactly who his friends were, who he would call brother and sister and the greatest challenge was the planning of the future of Zaun. True, those plans would eventually mean they would be taking actions, actions that would lead to struggle and all out war against topside, but they were still moments far in the future.
Things were more clear then, easier for him to handle. Until that fateful day. He lost his brother and gained his daughter all in one fell swoop.
Jinx, not her birth name but the name that changed an insult into the proud name of his daughter, a warrior and his successor.
As young as she was, she knew what she did after the explosion took place and her sister had left her behind. She knew she was alone at that moment and decided to throw herself into his arms and into her mercy or judgment. He could only make one decision. From that moment on, she was his, his daughter and he would do anything for her.
Especially in the beginning of her living with him, the nights were the most severe for the both of them. Jinx would start off with what seemed a peaceful sleep, but the farther the night the more restless her mind became. No matter how much he would try and calm her down, sitting beside her bed, stroking her hair, Jinx would only become more restless. Sounds of deep sadness, fear and pain would cross her lips as she moved all through the bed. Finally, she would do nothing but cry, scream and flail in bed. Even attempting to wake her from her nightmares would prove useless. Sometimes she would wake, but always in a frantic state that would take hours to subside. Until a memory of times long gone gave him the means to calm her down.
Jinx was having one of her worst nightmares in a long time and Silco felt powerless while facing his daughter in such distress. No matter how hard he tried, she would not wake nor calm down. At his wits end, he suddenly remembered a soft and gentle voice that calmed him down during his deepest fears at night. Slowly, words came to him in a melody that soothed his nerves and chased away his fears. Gently, he extended his hand towards his daughter, deeply tangled in a nightmare and hummed. Stroking her hair the words began to flow from his lips and formed the song that calmed him, changing a word here or there to fit their own unique situation and slowly had her still in her sleep.
“Sway in the waters
Of rebirth
Sleep now daughter
Sleep now child
Breathe in the dark
Fly in the night
Find your way back
Within the eye
This, now your father
This, now your life
Defending your innocence
With the flick of a knife.”
With a deep sigh. Jinx calmed down. A small smile formed on her lips as she settled in on her bed. A peaceful sleep took over where a nightmare had been and Silco sat there watching his daughter finally at ease.
Careful not to wake her, he stood up and turned to leave the room. One more time he turned around to watch his daughter sleep peacefully. No matter how many times, he would keep on singing the lullaby, if only to keep the nightmares away from his child. For her, he would gladly give up on his own life if it meant she could live a happy one.
Tagging: @imabeautifulbutterfly@monako-jinn-stories@chaoticvampirejedi@hellothere-generalangsty@reluctant-mandalore@cyroku@uponrightful@zinzinina@saradika@ladysongmaster@chickenparm@djarrex@dindjarindiaries@djarinsbeskar@dinbeskarbaby@twistedstitcher27@girlwithanewplan@here-comes-the-moose@jgvfhl@photogirl894@rowansparrow@nahoney22@neon-junkie@moonstrider9904-deactivated2022@clonecyare@cyarbika @a-gal-with-taste
40 notities - Geplaatst 22 maart 2022
Pairing: Dogma & Reader
Wordcount: 1882
Trigger Warning: None it is just making him happy!
Summary: You work at the Star Inn when a hooded man comes along and changes your life.
Note: I want to thank @imabeautifulbutterfly for not only doing the beta on this one but also coming up with the title for this story. Thank you little butterfly, you rock !
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“Can I help you?” You were cleaning the desk when you noticed the hooded man standing in front of you.
“I need a room for the night.” His face hidden, he softly asks you for a room, never looking directly at you.
“Well, you came to the right place. We rent out rooms here for one night or longer. Depending on what you need I am sure we can find you something sir.”
His hand which was lying flat on the desk now clenches into a fist. “I…. I don't have a lot of credits… How much is the cheapest room?”
You look at the ledger in front of you and then look up at the man. “Well, currently we have three rooms free. The cheapest is five hundred a night. One bed and a fresher are available. It is small, but clean and private.”
Tightening his fist and then releasing it he sighs. “Not enough.”
You strain to hear his mumbeling, but hear enough to make it out. “How much do you have sir? Maybe I can help you.” Something about him makes you want to try and help him out. Whether it is his deep yet subtle voice or the posture of defeat and resignation with his situation, you can not help but wanting to do something for him. You have seen your fair share of people in need, you were one of them in the past. Why not help another?
“Not enough for what I need, suppose I should go and find some work to make some credits.” As he turns to walk out of the establishment, you stop him.
“Wait! We are looking for someone to help with the cleaning. It won't make you much, but it does come with a perk. You will get a small room nearby to stay in when you are not working. If you want it…”
Surprised, he turns around. “ You offer me a job and a place to stay? Do I have to be around people for it?”
Well, you need a room and we need someone to help with the cleaning. It works both ways I suppose. And the cleaning is done in the evenings, I am responsible for the rooms and daytime cleaning, you won't be around the guests here. Is there a specific reason you don't want to be around people? If you are a wanted man…..”
For the first time you hear a soft chuckle and it endears him to you. It sounds almost cute. “I am definitely not wanted by anyone here. But, I don't like showing my face that much.”
“Hmm, okay I can understand that I guess. You have the job. I`ll enter your name to the list of the evening cleaners and show you your room. What is your name?”
“D. My name is D.”
With a small smile you enter the name D. “Short and easy to remember. Well D, welcome to the Star Inn. Follow me, I will show you to your room. It is behind the Inn so you won't have to go too far.”
After showing him his new room and explaining the time he is expected to show up for work and that you will be there to help him out his first time, you leave and D is left to settle in. Taking off his hood he looks in the mirror and brushes the tattoo that crosses part of his face in the shape of a V. Dogma feels safe for now. Now, he has to figure out what to do with his new found freedom on Terra.
“D! Come on now, it is your day off, don`t you want to enjoy it just a little?” You laugh and yell at the man still inside of your small apartment. The moment he heard about your little plan he shut himself in and you out. No matter that it was not even his own place, no, he knew that the moment he opened the door, you would storm in and drag his ass out into the sun and among the people currently celebrating that summer had finally arrived.
“I am just fine where I am, thank you!” Sitting down at the table, Dogma takes a sip of his new favorite caf, made by you from ground beans and a dash of cocoa mixed in. “No need to try and drag me with you, I am NOT going out! Give up Sunshine”.
From the moment you had reached out a helping hand to him and began to explain to him exactly what was expected from him, Dogma thought of you as his one ray of light in a dark and desperate galaxy. When he finally trusted you enough to tell you his actual name and tell you why he was here on Terra, you just shrugged it off as just some information about him and offered him a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear for when he had to talk about whatever it was he needed to get off of his chest. He began to tell you his life story, the good and the dark times. The good times he had with all of his brothers, the respect he held for his general and his kin, the time he killed, or rather executed the general that had betrayed him, his brothers and everything he believed in. You were there, listening, offering him a bit of warmth when he so desperately needed someone to just hold him and tell him he would be ok again, to tell him that he could let go of the rules sometimes, they were meant to bent or broken sometimes and to tell him if you thought he had been in the wrong.
With a sigh of contemptment he puts down the now empty cup and looks up at the door. “I know you already picked the lock Sunshine, just come in already.”
The door opens and shows you, hands in sides and tapping your foot on the wooden floor. “You`re an ass sometimes D, but I still love ya. I'll forgive you for locking me out of my own place if you come out with me right now.” With a pout you walk up to the man still sitting at your table and grab his hand.
Dogma, annoyed yet flattered and secretly happy he had made a friend such as you, allows you to drag him from his seat and settles your hand around his arm. “Fine, but only for a stroll. After that I will go back home again.”
Grinning you drag him out of your apartment, this one you won, you would make sure to enjoy it to its fullest.
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67 notities - Geplaatst 15 februari 2022
Mijn #1-bericht van 2022
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107 notities - Geplaatst 29 juni 2022
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spiritsoulandbody · 10 months
#DailyDevotion Do You Wear Blessings Or Curses As A Garment?
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#DailyDevotion Do You Wear Blessings Or Curses As A Garment? Psalm 109 16For he didn't remember to be kind but hunted down the poor, needy and brokenhearted to kill them. 17He loved to curse -- let a curse come on him! He didn't like to bless — may a blessing be far from him. 18He wore cursing like his clothes — may it enter into his body like water and into his bones like oil. 19May it be wrapped around him like a garment, like a belt he always wears! As the previous verses were fulfilled by Judas, were these passages also fulfilled by Judas? Is this a revelation of his heart? We do not see all this exposed in the Gospels. Though we do see Judas being chastised by Jesus when the woman broke the perfume jar to anoint Jesus. We know he did not care about the poor but instead stole money from the common purse. It seems also the Pharisees, Sadducees and the Scribes loved money as well from the Gospels. Perhaps that unholy trio of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes who opposed Jesus also loved to curse rather than bless. Instead of desiring to call people to repentance through the Law they preferred only to judge and condemn people and then abandon them. It did not seem they wanted the sinners to turn from their ways and live. We should take note of that in ourselves when we condemn people's actions. Are we doing that to call them to repentance or is it an extracurricular activity? David has some strong words here for those who love to curse (call down evil upon people). It calls for it to be like the garments and belts they always wear. Blessings will be far from those who do this. They themselves become the curses they call upon others. 20That is what the LORD should pay back to those who accuse me and talk evil against me. 21But You, O Lord GOD, deal with me according to Your reputation; Your kindness is so good, rescue me. 22I am poor and needy, and my heart is troubled within me. 23Like a shadow getting longer, I am gone; I'm shaken off like a grasshopper. 24My knees give way because of fasting, and my body is lean, without any fat. 25I'm a victim of their insults; they look at me and shake their heads. Here we see Jesus' response to the betrayal, the false accusations and the curses that is put upon them. The LORD will repay them. He calls for His Father in heaven to fulfill His name in Himself by being kind to Him. In the Garden, we see Jesus poor and needy and His heart greatly troubled because of the upcoming cross. He becomes the victim of their insults on the cross and they shake their head at Him. Their descendants continue their lies against Him. 26Help me, O LORD my God! You are so kind; save me! 27Then they will know this is Your hand, that You, O LORD, have done it. 28They may curse, but You bless. May those who attack me come to a shameful end, but may Your servant be glad. 29May those who accuse me put on disgrace as a garment and be wrapped in their shame as in a robe. 30I will thank the LORD very much and praise Him among many people, 31for He stands at the right side of the needy man to save him from those who condemn him to die. The Father heard Jesus' prayers here and raised Him from the dead. Having been raised from the dead, He has sat down at the right hand of the Father in glory. Those who rejected Him and cursed Him, if they did not repent, found themselves and their children receiving the brunt of Rome's armies. A curse remains on all who hear the good news of Jesus and reject Him, both Jew and Gentile. May we who follow Jesus also join Him in His shame and not be afraid to call Him our Friend. If we do, He will acknowledge us before the Father and we will join Him in His inheritance in eternal life and glory. Heavenly Father, may those who oppose Jesus today repent and turn in faith in Him. Grant us boldness of faith to confess Jesus as LORD and Savior of all so we may join Him in Your glory and Honor. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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jeffersonvann · 1 year
just praying
20231009 Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com just praying Psalm 109:4-5 Psalm 109:4 In response to my love they harbor animosity toward me, and I just pray!Psalm 109:5 They repay me evil instead of good, And hatred instead of my love. just praying David reveals the heartache of praying through a situation that takes a very very long time to change. We would all like our prayers to be…
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shahirsha-n · 1 year
I am waiting for judgment
The perfect judgement
Truth will save me from hell
Gratefulness will save me
Goodness and justice
Morality and ethics
Limitations and boundaries
Faith and devotion
Hope and prayers
Allah alone can save me from hell
Allah knows everything unknown
My knowledge is trusting Him alone
Only fools don’t see miracles
Only fools can deny the light of Allah
Wrong will be wronged
The wrong will not go unpunished
106.Free soul
Freedom is telling truth
Even the circumstances is against you
Learning from history
Understanding diversity
Believing in Allah and His messengers
Humanity get destroyed for their own mischief
Humanity is one , embrace it or get destroyed
Which favor of Allah
Which ability of Allah
Which beauty of Allah
Which power of Allah
Which mercy of Allah
Which knowledge of Allah
Which goodness of Allah
Do you deny?
When you see yourself in other
When you are a part of humanity
As a child you enter paradise
With the purest of pure heart
Money is important
It’s useless without circulation
Selfishness is a curse
Fear is slavery
Hate is arrogance
We hide
We boost
We are nowhere near to the truth
Do not give me slavery
Give me my rights..
For the rightful existence
Leave and lend  your hands free
Let your freedom be cherished
Life is beauty
Only to the beautiful
It comes from falsehood
Cruelty comes from idolatry
Cruelty is in the heart of the criminals
Love comes with mutual interest
Don’t go against your wishes..
Obey Allah alone
Don’t bow to anyone
Only dogs will obey a master
Be no ones dog
The one not trusted
The one living in falsehood
The one who abuse
We unite against hate
We unite against oppression
We unite in good
Divided we fall
Divide not
Allah have given me everything
Nothing is mine
Free my soul
Allah alone is my strength
Him alone I believe
You attract negative and negativity
Much more than your positive life
Action have consequences
Hell is final destination for wrongdoers
A consequence of dislike
Not a sport
Cry for it
Repay for it
Work for it
Ask for it
Do not repeat it
Repent before Allah, most forgiving
My ignorance is bigger than Your universe
I am all dependent upon almighty Allah
Their words are polluting
Their actions are transgressions
Their life a mischief and a burden to mankind
Be better you inherit the word of Allah
The best of best blessing
Fear comes with no guidance
Be patient, Allah will help us
False are fire
Only goodness live in peace
Most powerful are not animals
We are not powerful in strength
We are powerful in intelligence
Improve your brain
Allah increase me in knowledge
136.Helping hands
Be with Allah
Allah will help you
Do not expect anything
Do good deeds, they will return
Know better
Never fall for ignorance
You are not special
Without goodness you make no difference
Life begins after death
Better be prepared
Your perspective on life can change
Allah showing you the truth
You will get back everything
You will be in happiness
Love in the name of almighty
Love him and his messengers
Above all
Beautiful is girl
Treated well and loved well
Death will never come
Life in eternity
Take my everything
You will not have my faith
Everything belongs to Allah
Even my heart and roots
Your earth is beautiful
Wondering how better would be Your heaven
Wealth seduce me
But you are not everything
You know my work
It’s a message
Bright home
Gives eyes purity
Clearness in character
Beauty to inner soul
Beauty is inner soul
Whatever is out will be gone
Together we are strong
With you Allah, we are greatest
Rivers flow in Paradise are better
Better than everything this world can offer
You are best of men
Kind hearted
Remover of our chains
Most blessed among humanity
Everything from Allah is perfect
We repent
My enemy is Allah’s enemy
My friend is Allah’s friend
Without Allah, there’s to light
You are my light, my guidance
Without prayers , I am helpless
Without Allah, I am alone
You are answer
Without death, I am lifeless
The hell is filled
Right doesn’t get close to wrongful
Greed is no good
No one will win without help
This world is for visiting
Nothing here is permanent
You loss nothing in donation
You will gain more than you spend
Future belongs to the best
The best are good to one another
166.Two sides
Right and wrong
Choose wisely, you got everything to loss
Train yourself
Hope for the best
Pray forever
I take refuge in Allah
From all that’s bad in coming years
Allah alone can save me
Wrong is wrong
No matter who’s up for it..
Stupidity is increasing
Save me Allah
It comes with help of Allah
His name I remember
His name is my path
Knowledge can be increased
But not your faith
Follow the path of Allah
Not His creation
Come to me
I am waiting for you
Whole my life
You have my attention
You have my life
But you have my limit
The ideal state comes from scriptures
Everything else is myths
Division bring nothing good
Together we are profited
You are mine
Without bad act
No gain in lies
It spread faster but doesn’t live long
Memories are lessons
Learning old lessons to learn
Not to repeat
Pure are not known
Allah alone can judge
Nothing you do will harm others
You suffers alone for you actions
Truth and falsehood are not equal
Knowledge and ignorance are not equal
Good and bad are not equal
You are better in truth , Knowledge and goodness
Do not cheat
Allah is watching
You are my hope
My patience
My work
My life
My love
We learn from our parents
Learn from the most knowledgeable
Come to unity
Come to prayer
Come to prosperity
You give me everything
Allah help them
Allah give them everything
Allah alone save from oppression
He gives power to the oppressed
Nothing is like you
Not the creation of Your creations created You
Not the dead that left us were you
Not the tyrants that live in arrogance
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bstacy · 2 years
It’s a Constellation?
In Psalm 109, David cries out to God ‘whom I praise’ (v.1). He is in conflict with ‘wicked and deceitful people who have opened their mouths against’ him (v.2) with ‘lying tongues’ (v.2) and ‘words of hatred’ (v.3): ‘They repay me evil for good and hatred for my friendship’ (v.5). This is a great starting place for our topic today. What is right?  What is wrong? There are many who now say that…
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simplymariac · 1 year
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From Season 1, Episode 109 I Will Repay - Nick & Schanke try to help a shot, Richard Lambert. #ForeverKnight #GeraintWynDavies #JohnKapelos
Just having fun with these screenshots. Sony has all the rights to this screenshot set. 😉
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foreverknightalways · 2 years
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The doctor introduces himself, I'm Dr. Gray with the...Organ Donor Program, and this man's a donor. Natalie is about to answer the Dr. Gray when Nick says, He changed his mind. As Nick flashes his police badge. Nick and Natalie in haste wheel Richard out of the room. As the nurse watch with concerned.
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riceballcatfb · 3 years
My Favorite Fruits Basket Quotes Part 8—EVERYONE ELSE
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You'll even see one from Kagura in here, which if you know me, you know that's weird af.
"It's strange...but as you get older, things that you couldn't comprehend in childhood become clear. 'I should have done that at the time.' 'I should have said such and such.' In that way, you start to understand. It may be closer to penitence than regret. Perhaps I wish to repent and erase my ignorant childhood self." (Ayame, ch. 21)
"I need to try to work it out. Otherwise, it'll only get worse for me... even if it's still more than I can bear, I have to give it my best shot." (Kisa, ch. 28)
"You shouldn't think you can get away with anything just because you 'love' someone. Because if that is what you think, I suggest you do some soul-searching. Directing an ever-increasing amount of one-sided love at someone becomes burdensome to that person, and at some point, you'll hurt them. Remember that." (Megumi, ch. 29)
"When someone is important to you, there can be times when it's a little rough and even lonely. But...in the end, they make you happy." (Saki, ch. 29)
"My course of action depends on me." (Hiro, ch. 38)
"This world is bursting with people. There's no way that there's not a single person out there who will care about you." (Megumi, ch. 51)
"You avoid shedding your own blood, and yet lament that you want peace." (Kazuma, ch. 52)
"Even if you don't have hope right now, I promise it will come to you again. Again and again, hope will always bloom." (Kazuma, ch. 63)
"Having feelings for someone isn't based on logic. Even if you have things figured out in your head, once you realize you love someone, that love is all you can think about." (Kagura, ch. 69)
"There's no greater happiness in this world than living with the one you love." (Tohru's grandpa, ch. 92)
"Sorrow connects us like a spiral and keeps us from moving." (Kureno, ch. 98)
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"Don't ever think you're useless, got that?" (Arisa, ch. 99)
"More than anyone, you are always on my mind. That's the unshakable truth." (Shigure, ch. 101)
"In times when you can walk under your own power, go ahead. But when you can't, let me carry you. I like carrying you. You've never been heavy. You're not a burden at all." (Haru, ch. 106)
"Children always understand much more than adults give them credit for. At the very least, they can tell if the intent was kind or hateful." (Tohru's grandpa, ch. 109)
"As I lived my life...had I overlooked many very, very precious things?" (Ayame, ch. 110)
"Time marches on. It's already begun that hike. People...and feelings move on, too." (Shigure, ch. 111)
"In order to gain something or learn something, maybe you have to sacrifice or hurt something...no matter how depressing that may be." (Kakeru, ch. 113)
"To learn something, you have to hurt something. If that's the way it's gotta be for a while yet, then at least...I want to be kind. I want to make amends. I want to repay them for all the times they've smiled for me." (Kakeru, ch. 113)
"Maybe...I'm closer now than I was before. I did stomp on a few things, though. In order to reach this point...it took me forever to understand. And so I've finally made it this far. Well, I still have a long ways to go." (Kakeru, ch. 113)
"Saying 'goodbye' can be a very lonely thing." (Hiro's mom, ch. 118)
"It'll be okay right now. I can wait. But I'm not going to be a 'footnote' any longer." (Arisa, ch. 127)
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DONE! 😭💕
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Victory over Betrayal (John 13:18–30)
For the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.
1 Blessed is the one who cares for the poor; the LORD will deliver him in the day of trouble.
2 The LORD will protect and preserve him; He will bless him in the land and refuse to surrender him to the will of his foes.
3 The LORD will sustain him on his bed of illness and restore him from his bed of sickness.
4 I said, “O LORD, be gracious to me; heal me, for I have sinned against You.”
5 My enemies say with malice: “When will he die and be forgotten?”
6 My visitor speaks falsehood; he gathers slander in his heart; he goes out and spreads it abroad.
7 All who hate me whisper against me; they imagine the worst for me:
8 “A vile disease has been poured into him; he will never get up from where he lies!”
9 Even my close friend whom I trusted, the one who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.
10 But You, O LORD, be gracious to me and raise me up, that I may repay them.
11 By this I know that You delight in me, for my enemy does not triumph over me.
12 In my integrity You uphold me and set me in Your presence forever.
13 Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.
Amen and Amen. — Psalm 41 | Majority Standard Bible (MSB) The Majority Standard Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Exodus 15:26; Numbers 12:13; Deuteronomy 6:24; Deuteronomy 15:10; Ruth 2:19; 1 Samuel 25:32; Job 36:7; Psalm 3:3; Psalm 6:2; Psalm 18:19; Psalm 18:32; Psalm 20:6; Psalm 27:12; Psalm 31:13; Psalm 38:12; Psalm 41:2; Psalm 56:5; Psalm 71:10-11; Psalm 109:20; Psalm 144:11; Proverbs 26:24; Matthew 26:23; Luke 1:68; Luke 22:21; John 13:18
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fy-skz · 5 years
[TRANS] Stray Kids, First Solo Concert All Seats Sold Out..Today (5th) Additional Tickets Open
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Stray Kids are opening additional ticket reservations for their first solo concert.
On the coming 23rd and 24th, Stray Kids will open their concert ‘Stray Kids World Tour ‘District 9 : Unlock’ in SEOUL’ at the Olympic Park Olympic Hall.
Ahead of this, on the 17th of last month, Stray Kids opened general sale for tickets and sold out all seats for both dates immediately. JYP Entertainment, in order to repay the passionate support of fans, secured as many visible seating areas as possible, and decided to open them to viewers. The additional ticket sale will happen today (the 5th) at 20 o’clock KST through YES24.
Through their overseas showcase, which spanned 12 cities for a total of 13 performances, ‘UNVEIL TOUT ‘I am…’’ Stray Kids marked their place as the ‘new generation’s K-Pop representative.’
As their first solo concert after debut, Stray Kids are planning to show off their accumulated skills during the Seoul stop of ‘District 9 : Unlock’. Especially with Seoul as the start of their world tour, the development of Stray Kids’ global path is of interest. Source: OSEN Translation: Candace @ FY!SKZ ; take out with full credit
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ohsh1t2wksl8 · 4 years
What Rhymes With “AY”?
Warning: This survey has 114 questions 1. Do you enjoy listening to reggae music? 2. Have you ever rolled in hay before? 3. Has anyone ever broken a promise they made? 4. Last time you went to a café, what did you order? 5. Have you ever been to a matinee performance before? 6. Would you like a chance to ride in Santa’s sleigh? Why or why not? 7. Have you ever taken ballet lessons before? How about any other type of dance lessons? 8. Do you own any sexy lingerie? 9. Have you ever caught a bouquet of flowers at a wedding before? 10. Do you know how to do the Whip/Nae Nae? 11. Have you ever played croquet before? 12. Has a horse ever neighed at you before? 13. How much do you weigh? 14. Do you ever wear a beret? 15. When’s the last time you’ve been to a buffet? 16. Have you ever attended a cabaret? 17. Have you ever eaten at Swiss Chalet? 18. Do you know how to crochet? How about doing macrame? 19. Do you have a duvet on your bed? 20. What was the last thing that ricocheted off of a surface? 21. What do you put on your ice cream sundaes? 22. Have you ever woken up to the “Reveille” bugle wake-up call at summer camp? 23. What is your favorite entrée to order at your favorite restaurant? 24. Is crème brulee your favorite dessert? 25. Do you know anyone who wears a toupee? 26. Have you ever made a soufflé before? Was it good? 27. Do you prefer ice cream or sorbet? 28. Do you know anyone named Renee, Jay, Clay, or Ray? 29. Have you ever had café au lait? 30. Have you ever gone to a restaurant called “Chez ______”? 31. Hey, how’s it going? 32. When’s the last time you wore a lei? 33. Did you obey your parents when you were younger? 34. Who do you want to hunt down like prey? 35. Have you ever had whey before? 36. What message would you like to convey to someone right now? 37. Whose survey did you take last? 38. Have you ever been to a bay before? 39. Do you have a bae? 40. What’s your favorite day of the week? 41. Have you ever had to read “The Cay”? 42. Are you feeling okay? 43. Do you know anyone who is gay? 44. Do you like the acting of Tina Fey? 45. Have you ever listened to The Fray? 46. Do you have any frayed clothing? 47. Do you prefer bluebirds or bluejays? 48. Is May your favorite month? 49. May I ask you some more questions? 50. Have you ever voted “nay” to anything before? What? 51. Have you ever wanted to make someone pay for something that they did? 52. Do you ever just lay around all day? 53. Are you a happy little frickin’ ray of sunshine? 54. Is there something that you would like to say to someone? 55. When’s the last time that you were so excited that you exclaimed (or at least thought) “yay!” ? 56. Have you ever felt like you’ve lost your way? 57. Do you ever wish that people would just go away? 58. Have you heard an animal bray before? What animal was it? 59. What’s the last thing that you made out of clay? 60. Are you starting to go gray? 61. Are you feeling okay right now? 62. Do you pray? How often? 63. What’s the best play you’ve seen before? 64. What did you like to play with when you were younger? 65. Do you know how to sashay? 66. Would you like to slay dragons? 67. Have you gotten your pets spayed? 68. Have you ever begged someone to stay with you? 69. Has the room ever started to sway before? 70. When’s the last time you ate a meal on a tray? 71. Do you know how to do math arrays? 72. Have you ever experienced a delay of any sort? 73. Do you have any tooth decay? 74. When’s the last time you wrote an essay? What was it about? 75. When’s the last time you competed in a relay race? 76. Have you ever wondered how you could ever repay someone? 77. What did you do today? 78. Would you ever take in a stray animal? 79. What’s the last cleaning spray that you’ve used? 80. When’s the last time you splayed your fingers? 81. Has your airway ever been blocked before? 82. Has anyone ever led you astray? 83. When it’s hot out, do you sleep with blankets anyways? 84. Have you ever felt betrayed? 85. When’s the last time you listened to a DJ? 86. What’s the last unfortunate thing that happened, to your dismay? 87. When is payday? 88. Do good moments or bad moments replay through your mind more often? 89. Do you prepay for anything? 90. Have you ever walked on a runway before? 91. Do you know a runaway? 92. Have you ever ridden the subway before? How about driven on the skyway? 93. Have you ever used an ashtray before? 94.How do you feel about public displays of affection? 95. Where would you like to go for a getaway? 96. Do you do any gateway drugs? 97. Have you ever felt like someone wasn’t meeting you halfway? 98. What were you doing at midday? 99. Have you ever stopped midway through a survey before? 100. What’s your favorite holiday? 101. Do you like to drive on the highway/thruway? 102. Have you ever put something on layaway before? 103. Have you ever been cornered in an alleyway? 104. When is your birthday? 105. Do you know anyone who was a castaway? 106. How long is your workday? 107. What do you typically do on the weekdays? 108. Is there a walkway or a pathway to your front door? 109. What do you want to be someday? 110. What is something that you do everyday? 111. Do you park in your driveway? Do you even have a driveway? 112. Have you ever won a giveaway? 113. How important is foreplay? 114. Hooray! You’ve made it to the end! What are you going to do now? [a-zebra-is-a-striped-horse]
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