chirpthingz · 24 days
my "essay" on why I don't think kian's plan would amount to anything:
with sources!
spoilers for desconjuracao ep. 20 & calamidade below
my problem with kian's plan isn't that i think it wouldn't work, i just don't think he's capable of achieving it. now, just as a refresher:
kian's plan is referred to as the calamity. his goal is to sever the connection between reality and the other side, destroying it. to achieve this, he must kill anyone with knowledge of the paranormal and destroy the relics. (source)
this is a perfectly reasonable plan that, based on how the other side functions, could work. (source). if i remember correctly, cellbit even confirmed it would work (i can't remember where i heard this, so i may be wrong). and on that note, kian is insanely powerful. he is:
immortal, can move shit with his mind (to an extent), can teleport pretty much anywhere he wants, has a decent amount of followers, can weaken rituals in an area, and has two rituals that essentially insta-kill someone (as far as we are aware), is scarily clever, knows everything about the other side, is 4000+ years old (technically), cannot be caught by surprise, and possesses superhuman strength + agility. (source)
at a first glance, he seems more than capable. he has the highest marcado (player) kill count (5) in the series, and is referred to as the damn god of knowledge by his followers. (source).
but he is not a god, he is not a relic, and there are factors i feel he has not considered.
The amount of people he would have to kill is too high.
kian intends to kill everyone with knowledge of the paranormal. of known living characters, this includes 18 player characters, 4 relics, 25 ordem agentes (not including pcs), 5 members of the leone family (excluding carina), 8 hell hunters, 17 members of the obscurite (excluding yuki & dominic), 1 escripta (not including gal), 6 known ordem prisoners, 1 colosseum employee, cassiano/hugo/eduarda/tim, the 15 surviving members of tipora (excluding amelie & oliver), 2 panacea employees, emilia, donisvaldo (don), mandy/vicente, and a number of npcs whose whereabouts are unknown. this adds up to at least 109 relevant characters. (source). of course, this is not counting the amount of people we don't know about. think about all the other organizations & governments out there. think about how many odd groups like os cinco are out there. think about the mask sect, the host production, the luzidios. furthermore, it is not unreasonable to assume the population of the world that ordem is set in is similar to ours. currently, we are sitting at nearly 8 billion. any amount of those 8 billion could have some knowledge about the paranormal. without a doubt, those people amount to at least a couple hundred thousands. even if we were to even out the playing field and pretend that kian's escriptas were still alive, the ratio of escriptas to people he needs to kill is maddening.
2. Kian is not all-knowing.
"kian sabe, kian sabe-" no he doesn't. he knows about the other side, but that only gets him so far. he could not locate the order base (source) (it is important to note that the order had the help of a relic in hiding themselves) nor stop them when they arrived in italy, he had to rely on clarissa. (source). furthermore, he had no idea about god's diary- the one thing that could stop him. (source). the world is enormous. to be as brief as possible: there is too much ground for him to cover. he can also not account for recorded information. there is no feasible way he can look through every archive, every website, every library, etc. information about the paranormal will survive and he might never know about it. on that note, he cannot possible know where all of his targets are at once, and he cannot get to all of them fast enough before some of them realize they need to hide. this brings me to my next point.
3. It would take him too long to accomplish his goal.
kian is currently immortal. (source). he has all the time in the world. no rush, right? wrong. thinking back to the insanely large amount of people he needs to kill, which assumedly totals up to at least hundreds of thousands of people. it would take him ages to kill them all. even if he did have escriptas helping him, it would take multiple decades at a minimum. the longer he takes, the more time someone else has to stumble upon the paranormal. the number of people he needs to kill is not a fixed rate, it is constantly increasing. if we take into account the rapid spread of news and information because of digital spaces, it's not unreasonable to think that it's increasingly rapidly. this also gives other people more time to figure out how to stop him, which is obviously dangerous to his cause. he cannot reasonable kill people at a fast enough rate to make rapid progress, at least not if he wants to prevent my next point from becoming true
4. Enacting his plan would weaken the membrane.
the membrane that separates reality from the other side can be weakened by fear. entities from the other side use this fear as a bride to physically manifest in reality. (source). kian does not have the time (as explained above), nor the money, nor the resources to ensure every death is untraceable. the amount of people he needs to kill will draw attention, especially when it isn't unreasonable to think that government officials are aware of the paranormal to an extent (for example, verissimo himself comments that the order is partially supported by political allies). it's also important to note the sheer amount of people that will die. to an outside perspective, large amounts of people globally will die or go missing with little public explanations or connections. this will undoubtedly cause mass panic. panicked people become paranoid, and then scared, and then the membrane begins to weaken. this means more opportunities for the other side to manifest into reality, therefore making more people aware of the paranormal. it is completely unavoidable, and (from his perspective) frustratingly counter-active to his plan.
naturally, we do not know the true extent of kian's strength. up to this point, he really has not made any attempts of truly trying to enact his plan; instead he focuses on stopping the people in his way (which, if he continues to focus on such matters, he will never get around to actually bringing about the calamity).
there is also the argument that he may have access to relics. this is addressed by the magistrate in calamity episode 8:
the magistrate informs equipe abutres that if the mask of despair (relic of knowledge) were to be destroyed, kian would possibly control destiny itself. (source).
it can only be assumed that similar consequences would occur should the other relics be destroyed. however, for him to actually destroy the relics, he would have to acquire them first. this is where I believe he meets a significant wall.
the relics do not appear to get along. or at the very least, their differences drive them apart. (source). this does not mean they cannot make agreements. the devil and the host appeared to have no problems with each other in the ordo calamitas base, and the host and magistrate let equipe abutres decide who to side with even though they knew it would end in one of their "deaths" (even if they argued about it the entire time).
most importantly, they all desired to stop kian. this is because, very obviously, they do not want to be barred from reality. and even more importantly, they are very, very powerful.
but the relics of knowledge and energy do not have wielders, leaving it up to the god of death and the devil (unless someone decides to become the new magistrate or host), which brings me to my final topic.
the devil and the god of death are not going to help kian. the strongest counter-argument to this entire essay is that with the help of the devil, kian could easily realize the calamity. with the devil appearing to offer a pact to an imprisoned kian, this reality doesn't seem to far away. yet, there is no logical sense behind this idea. the devil can only lose if kian accomplishes his goal, and kian will not stop until he has destroyed all the relics. they may temporarily work together, but it is a fragile alliance. at some point, the devil must try to stop him. the god of death has only appeared twice, both under circumstances in which his domains were threatened. even if he chooses to ignore the calamity, eventually kian is going to encroach on his territory. the god of death will be forced to intervene.
i, chirp, assume the two would not get along super well, but the magistrate and host have shown us that relics can come together for a cause they both believe in. it is impossible to know if they will both be able to come together in such a way, but the chance is not zero!
in summary: under all that power and immortality, kian is flesh and bone like the rest of us. 4000 years has not softened his pride, and it will probably take 4000 more for his plan to amount to anything.
you made it to end!! sorry i am such a yapper lmao, but i've been thinking about this for like two days straight. this essay isn't meant to start any heated arguments, it's all very lighthearted, but i do want to hear your opinions. if i got some information wrong, please forgive me; youtube auto-translated subtitles can only get me so far, and i've only seen calamidade once.
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nanabansama · 9 months
Spoilers for Chapter 109
The latest chapter was a ton of fun, but it ended on a disturbing twist:
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Tsukasa, after cleverly freeing himself of his shackles, has incapacitated Kako.
This was shocking, but also very revealing! We were able to learn that Kako's insides are entirely clockwork, and deduce that the same probably goes for Mirai. I suppose this explains how she can be so small...
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While it's unclear whether Kako is actually dead or not, I'm not sure if there's any real cause for concern. Tsukasa caused some serious damage, sure, but it isn't as though he pulverised him entirely. It's completely possible that all he needs is someone to put him back together and/or replace some of his damaged parts.
That said, it's convenient he went for Kako! Not only is he the most dangerous Clock Keeper, being able to revert time itself, but with Kako incapacitated there is little reason for Hanako or Nene to rely on the Clock Keepers powers anymore. If you remember, the only reason Hanako decided not to destroy the Clock Keepers' yorishiro was because Kako's powers could be useful in his quest to save Nene's life.
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While I'm still uncertain whether Kako is outright dead or not, it does make some sense for the story to get rid of him or his powers. No one got to him in time to undo a catastrophy like the Severance, of course, but he's been like this safety net haunting the story this entire time, ensuring that if anything truly bad were to happen, the characters could just ask Kako to rewind time and fix it. Not guaranteed, of course, but still technically an option.
If Kako were to be gone, it would really up the stakes, is all I'm saying.
Buuuut Nene has other reasons for not wanting to destroy the yorishiro, that being she's aware that the destruction of the last yorishiro directly correlates to her death. She sort of hinted to Hanako that they should stop trying to destroy them, but he still doesn't outright know her reason why, just the vague comment about how Sakura told her they don't have to destroy them.
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...which is funny, since Tsukasa just said this:
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This was actually one of the most shocking parts of the chapter to me, by the way. Tsukasa could be omitting some key details, but he says he's destroying the yorishiro "for Sakura." Curious, right!? Like, this much is obvious if you've read Chapter 92, but you think he'd have a bigger reason for doing it, y'know...? Again, maybe he just didn't find it necessary to bring his potential other reasons up, but...
Anyway! All this to say that I really wish Nene would just outright tell Hanako that destroying the yorishiro correlates to her death already because I'm still extremely worried he's going to do something stupid and accidentally kill her. Like, what if he finds it weird that Nene said Sakura told her she doesn't need to destroy them, but then Tsukasa says he's destroying them for Sakura? And let's not forget he kind of already agreed to do it with Tsukasa...
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I don't know, lots to think about. Probably nothing, though! It isn't like Hanako can destroy the Clock Keepers yorishiro without Nene's help, right? And if she was really backed into a corner, hopefully she could just confess to him the rest of what Sakura told her.
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! As always I am very excited for the next release. And don't forget we have a new After School Hanako-kun chapter next week, too! It's a good time to be a Hanako fan. \(^o^)/
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Considering Chuuya and the potential technicalities of the vampirism and I can’t decide what is more painful.
The idea of Chuuya being completely unaware of what he’s doing and only realizing what he’s done afterwards or the idea of Chuuya being 100% aware of what’s happening and being forced to watch helplessly while being controlled by someone else’s ability.
Chapter 109 spoilers in the tags
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tainted-virus · 1 year
Vi’s Thoughts on Today’s BSD Chapter (109) - A SKK Analysis
⚠️MAJOR MANGA SPOILERS (obviously)⚠️
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I’m sobbing actually, aNyWaYs—
This post is basically just gonna be me talking abt Soukoku in this chapter bc wtf was THAT. Everything has gone to shit.
Let me preface by inserting my thoughts of 105.5 (months ago) bc I talk a LOT abt SKK in that as well.
“There is literally NO WAY Dazai & Sigma are gonna drown. Fyodor obv wont do shit but, even as a vampire, [I believe] Chuuya is still conscious & aware of what he’s doing. He knows Dazai could drown. But, i think bc of how bonded they are, he won’t let that happen. Dazai prob has a slight idea of how to get out, but even if he doesn’t, Chuuya will be there.
THEY CAN READ EACH OTHERS HEARTBEATS. They are literally spiritually connected. They hate each other but have shown time & time again that they DO care about the other. Dazai is the only partner Chuuya has ever had that hasn’t died & (assumingly) hasn’t betrayed him (I’m allowing myself to believe Dazai knew there was a way for Chuuya to escape b4 he’d drown) & is the only one to keep Chuuya ALIVE after he uses Corruption. And Chuuya is the only partner of Dazai’s that hasn’t (technically) died and IN THE LIGHT NOVELS, Dazai himself said Chuuya was the one that made him feel alive and like there was something to live FOR.
Asagiri (BSD Creator) said they were MADE FOR EACH OTHER. They were created in the series to BALANCE each other out. If one lives, the other HAS to be alive.”
Of course, now that we know Chuuya is still a vampire, whether or not his thoughts are jumbled is questionable. In the chapter where he and Fyodor could have drowned, it seemed like there were tears in his eyes after hearing Dazai say his goodbyes, but there’s always a chance it was for another reason or just from the water he was in.
I think Dazai tried to get through to Chuuya like he had when he left him and Fyodor to drown. But then Chuuya shot him in the head. Is it questionable that Dazai was still alive and talking after this? Absolutely. Could he be playing dead? Maybe.
But also, it would be poetic if the ONLY thing that could kill Dazai was the person that was literally made to be paired with him.
Now that it’s confirmed that Chuuya is still a vampire, I have no idea what to believe. It’s possible that they pull a whole “Soukoku prevails” thing or Dazai could ACTUALLY be dead and either 1) Chuuya dies too or 2) Chuuya SOMEHOW lives but has no reason to because the one guy that could nullify corruption and the one guy he trusted with his LIFE was killed by him. Since Asagiri made Chuuya FOR Dazai, I don’t think Chuuya would live very long if Dazai did die.
Idk, Asagiri worries me.
- Virus
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chorizmatik · 1 year
So we learned that Dazai can nullify vampirism, and if I remember correctly he doesn´t need to touch the ability owner directly, but can touch it while it is in progress? Just like in the first season, Dazai´s Entance Exam, he can just be around or touch an object that this ability is affecting. So, technically, he might have cancelled Chuuya´s ability since he put a gun to his forehead, meaning Dazai "touched" an ability.
But his No Longer Human must weaken the one whose ability got cancelled, meaning it must somehow affect Bram? Yet he looks as alive as ever, unless he is that strong, because he has a lot of vampires in his army.
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(109 spoilers!! tw for all stuff related to that, check the tags for more specific tws if unsure - stay safe :] )
Still not over 109
Chip died.
Like, say it how you want, he died. He was dead. There was a moment when he was no longer alive.
Chip is 19 years old.
He's a kid. 19 is still a kid. Yet he was dead, through no fault of his own.
He went to the Black Sea to find his father, or rather the closest thing he'd ever had.
But now he's dead.
Because technically, he still is. Undead is still dead.
What was it Ollie said, when he was corrupted? "My mom can't see me like this."
History is doomed to repeat itself.
Would Arlen even recognise him? Or would he just see what Chip sees? What Gillion sees? What Jay sees? What everyone must see, because what else would they see?
A monster.
Because that's what he is, isn't he? How else could this be described?
How is he meant to live, now that he's dead?
Maybe that's why he flips open the compass. What else could it possibly do? He's already stopped breathing.
Maybe that's why he slips into the sack. What could he lose? He's already lost his heart.
Maybe that's why he meets Niklaus' eyes What could he want? What could he take?
He's got nothing to give He's got nothing He's got nothing He's got nothing He's got nothing
He's already dead.
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azamonvoid · 1 year
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rainiiisspamming · 1 year
Seriously read it first don't spoil yourself it's amazing it will ruin you and your life.
Okay now that that's out of the way, I will literally NEVER shut up about BSD 109 ever, and specifically about Dazai. This is not a serious analysis, just me being in pain because what the fuck.
Now before anything gets said, a few points :
He will survive. He's the plot, quite literally, and I have seen a lot of people point out the fact that his character arc isn't finished yet, and I totally agree- Asagiri is extremely careful with his plot devices and writing, so I'm pretty sure he wouldn't just cut Dazai's arc right in the middle like that. Tons of people have made several analysis on this, and again, I 100% agree with that.
A lot of people have been theorizing that the bullet in his head is not real, and that Chuuya stopped it with gravity. I agree with that- it makes sense, and would be the best way for Asagiri to 'save' Dazai from his situation.
Biology majors have made several panel analysis explaining that the spots Dazai got shot in are, in fact, non-lethal. Even when it comes to the head injury, the bullet wouldn't go as far as completely killing him, but instead harming parts that would have to do with memories and planning (not gonna get technical because it's definitely not an area I'm comfortable in, I'm a literature major ffs, but the arguments have been made).
Okay, now that these are out of the way, can we just talk about these panels for a minute, because there is so much to unpack. The shot in one the previous chapters in which Dazai kinda just, pathetically drags himself and his broken legs to a camera was bad enough, because we know Dazai hates pain. He endures it, but his whole thing is that he's looking work a way to die painlessly. And in this chapter, well. Not only has Dazai been waiting a while in there, while Fyodor and Sigma were speaking, but his whole interaction with Chuuya is SO much. From the way his eyes lighten like never before when he tries to convince Chuuya to come back, to Chuuya just not being there- I think that overall, Dazai didn't believe a second that Chuuya would come back. I mean, he looked mighty confident there, so either the situation is completely out of his control, which I doubt, because come on, it's Dazai (but I would love if it was the case because Dazai loosing composure has to be the most interesting thing ever), either he did have a plan that involved making his 'death' convincing to Fyodor.
Now, back to that pain thing. I think the worst part was the face he makes while yelling at Chuuya after Chuuya takes the first shot- he is in SO much pain (also I looked it up and the bullet did hit super close to a nerve so he might have a severed nerve I'm unwell). And then the head bullet hits, and the two other- he must have been in so much pain. The way his eyes are light but in a different way as he (falsely or not) realizes that this is It. The way one of his last words is 'finally'. He doesn't even get to finish his sentence, because he passes out before that. It was all so much.
Anyways this post is a mess but who cares I needed to put those thoughts somewhere because I didn't feel a think after 101 except for a oh, that happened, kinda feeling, but 109 had me sobbing. Genuinely crying, out loud, hugging my pillow. I really hope Dazai's gonna make it. Just imagine Atsushi, Aku, Kunikida and Chuuya's reactions if he doesn't. God fucking dammit.
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fivedayslater · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
@carriecmoney tagged everyone who wanted to do this, and that includes me :) I will also be passing it along and tagging everyone who wants to do it
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
109! The Hetalia fics are posted under a different psued, so they don’t all always show up
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
These days mostly One Piece
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) Learning to Listen (ZoSan as pain sharing soulmates)
2) Keeping Secrets (Zosan is the worst best kept secret of the Straw Hat pirates)
3) Is technically Call It What You Want, but since I’m basically riding the coattails of 7 much better writers for that, we’ll skip it and say The Proper Reaction (ZoSan au where Sanji brings Zoro home for Christmas to meet Zeff)
4) Hold Me Closer (Zosan, anesthesia makes Zoro forget he’s married to the love of his life, fluff ensues)
5) The Love I Need to See Me Through (ZoSan au where King Zoro kidnaps Prince Sanji)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Not really, mostly because I’m very shy and responded with “thanks I’m glad you enjoyed it” all the time makes me anxious. I’ll reply if someone asks a question.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hard to say, since I mostly like happy endings, but probably the ao3 version of the murder mystery because Spoilers.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hard to say since again since I like happy endings, most of them end pretty happy. Probably The Christmas Swap, since i was going for “hallmark movie but incredibly gay” and got to make the brothers more accepting thanks to that premise.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Occasionally, but not really. There’s been one persistent anon lately, but I’m wise to their game
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don’t! I might in the future if the plot calls for it, but we’ll see
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yes, sometimes! There’s a Kingdom Hearts/Legend of Zelda Epic I’ve been planning since I was like 14 that I want to write one day, but if all the ones I’ve published probably the Hetalia/Ace Attorney crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully no, or not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! There’s a Russian translation for Bounty Troubles, and a Chinese translation for the first part of Learning to Listen. I think there are more but I can’t find the links
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! As mentioned I worked on Call It What You Want with some friends, and I worked on This Is How You Lose the Time War with my friend Haru! It was fun writing with them
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Probably ZoSan at this point, there just so versatile and fun to shove in Situations
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
There’s this au where Sanji never left Germa and became there spy and is now on Alabasta causing problems on purpose fic I’ve been chipping away at for years, but who knows maybe someday it’ll be finished
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’m great at dialog, coming up with ideas, and fixing plot holes
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Too many commas, can’t describe shit, reuse the same ideas and phrases, and I can’t stop editing as I go
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I’ve done it! I only speak English so I got some outside help, but I think it’s very effective if the POV can’t understand the language
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically powerpuff girls, but that was just for my friends. That I posted online Legend of Zelda, but all those fics are gone now
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Fade Away! I didn’t think I was a good enough writer for the idea when I started, but I wrote it anyway, and as I did I became better
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babblydrabbly · 2 years
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I posted 1,264 times in 2022
That's 765 more posts than 2021!
294 posts created (23%)
970 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,131 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#ask - 207 posts
#babblyanswers - 161 posts
#recs - 123 posts
#writing - 123 posts
#fic rec - 109 posts
#mywords* - 96 posts
#joel kinnaman - 90 posts
#areaderandawriter - 87 posts
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#rick flag - 76 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#i feel like every time you post i’m just like ‘whelp this is my new fave katy fic. now this is my fave. now this one.’
My Top Posts in 2022:
Male reader w/ vigilante "I don't care what others say, I want to be with you and that's all that matters to me."
adrian chase x m!reader; mature - kissing, suggestive touching
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You open your eyes when you feel Adrian stop drawing patterns across your bare shoulder with his thumb gently. You glance at your shared reflection in the mirror hanging from your closet door. Adrian lays behind you, still spooning you like he did when you'd fallen asleep.
His brow is furrowed, an uncharacteristic frown pulling all his other features down as he stares at something out the window. When you turn onto your back, the look vanishes, replaced with that bright smile again.
"Is something wrong?" You ask him. Adrian sits up on one elbow. He puffs out his bottom lip, feigning confusion with the shake of his head.
"What do you mean?"
You lift a hand to trace his bottom lip idly. "You were upset just now."
"How'd you..." He lets go of any pretense and drops his gaze away from you. "I was thinking about your friends."
"My friends? What about them?"
Adrian falls onto his own back with a soft whump, drawing the covers to his chest.
"They don't like me much, do they?" He says, and the tight-lipped smile he shoots over at you breaks your heart a little. "A few of them were at Fennels the other day and I-"
Adrian sighs, shooting up suddenly. He turns to sit toward you with his legs crossed as he levels you with a guilty look- like he's about to confess something dire.
"I didn't mean to eavesdrop. But I overheard that you mentioned me to them and their opinions were... less than spectacular. They were really vocal, actually."
You frown, sitting up. "They were making fun of you?"
It was true- you had finally told your work friends about your relationship with Adrian. You expected some judgement; some of them had gone to high school with him. They had 'warned' you about how odd and unpopular he was, to which you'd promptly shut them down for it. Apparently it didn't take.
"Well, they're gonna get use to it, or else. I don't care what others say, I want to be with you and that's all that matters to me." You tell him firmly. Taking his face in both your hands you make him look at you.
Adrian blinks, surprised by your sudden conviction.
"Well, that was emphatic." He chuckles, grinning.
You lean in swiftly and Adrian's eyebrows shoot up as he catches your sudden kiss, his eyes squeezing shut.
You yank the covers off and shift around until you're straddling his naked lap, all the while never breaking the kiss. Adrian nearly falls off the edge of the bed behind him, catching you around the waist with a stifled groan.
You slip your hand between the two of you, your grasp wrapping around Adrian's stiffening length. "I'll show you emphatic, Chase."
Drabble prompts ♡
305 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
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See the full post
344 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
The Crazy is Mutual || Vigilante x Reader || Oneshot
Pairing: Adrian Chase x gn!reader
Warnings: Language. Canon-typical violence. Blood. Kissing. Some frottage.
Wordcount: 1k+
[ A/N: Spoilers for Peacemaker S1E5! My first Vigilante fic, technically. This one's mostly just silliness with a little spice. ]
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See the full post
459 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
there for you || mcu!peter parker x reader || oneshot
A/N: A simple face sitting prompt with Peter that got a little out of hand! Alas, I regret nothing. @biracialdisaster @spooky-ghosts
Smut - hurt/comfort - 3k words - Warnings: Friends/Roomies with benefits. Bruises/injuries. Post-NWH. NWH Spoilers. Peter and f!reader are in their mid-20’s. Kissing. Drug usage (marijuana). High sex. Oral (f/m). Sixty-nining, heyoo.
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496 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Can we have drabble with "Whatever you do, do not turn around!" Prompt with Vigilante. The world needs it. #vigilantexreader
vigilante x gn!reader; general
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You cough through the dust and debris, your hands extended to keep from bumping into anything.
The warehouse above you rumbles as more of the structure threatens to fall. You do your best to stand where nothing might topple over onto you.
Behind you, you hear movement in the rubble.
"Vee?!" You shout, "are you okay?"
"Y/n!" Vigilante exclaims, and relief floods you. He sounds okay. But then: "Just- stay right there! Whatever you do, do not turn around!"
"What?" Your body acts without thinking, but you stop yourself before you do exactly the opposite of what he asks. "Why? What's wrong?"
"Nothing!" He's using that tone you know by now means he's trying to make light of something.
Finally, you hear him approach you, and then he's by your side, looking just fine. Your eyes scan his suit as best you can in all this dust; he really did look okay.
"What happened?"
"My, um." Vigilante sags a bit. He didn't like lying to you, as important as his oath was. As close as the two of you were, he never slipped up when it concerned his real identity. ...But maybe it wouldn't hurt to tell you, since you hadn't seen anyway.
"My mask got knocked off my head a little. No biggie!"
You blink, finally noticing the space between his neck and collar bone is exposed, the base of his mask still slightly askew.
Your stomach does a little dance. It's the first peek of skin you've ever seen on him- the first peek of any part of him really. You can see flushed skin and a light dusting of freckles.
You reach out without thinking. Vigilante stills.
You slip the last bit of his suit back into place, covering up his neck properly.
"There." You say as you smooth your fingers over the fabric. You offer him a bright smile- you're just happy he's okay.
And Adrian's breath hitches under the mask at your touch. Even obscured by his red visor, your grin can make him lose his train of thought. He doesn't even notice the way the cool air of the warehouse suddenly disappears from his skin.
Drabble prompts ♡
633 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
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tardis-ghost-blog · 2 years
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I posted 2,024 times in 2022
That's 1,186 more posts than 2021!
28 posts created (1%)
1,996 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 270 of my posts in 2022
#doctor who - 18 posts
#dw spoilers - 16 posts
#the master - 16 posts
#simm!master - 14 posts
#tenth doctor - 11 posts
#thoschei - 10 posts
#tgsoulsshadow - 8 posts
#self insert - 8 posts
#doctor who fanfiction - 8 posts
#original character - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#the worst part about this scene is to think about that he touched the keyboard with those fingers afterwards!
My Top Posts in 2022:
It's storming like mad in our area. And all the public transport got cancelled. First it was only the trains and I got on a bus. But even that kicked us out half the way through... So I had to walk the other half... Which was over an hour. And trees were falling down left and right of me... one was extremely close. It would have hit me hadn't I stopped for a moment to check google maps...
6 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
Stay alive for me - The Master x Reader
Rating: T Warnings: Mentions of self harm Summary: “You can’t cope with all the pain anymore. But right as your thoughts go too far, the Master appears.”
You thought things had gone well, recently, but in truth you only were too tired to notice all the small things that kept piling up until they almost suffocated you. Ever since the Doctor had brought you home - at your own request - you had managed to find a job, get an apartment and even make some friends. And things were great.
For as long as you didn't dare to look too closely.
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9 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
Donna canonically saw the Doctor naked.
10 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
This time I'm staying (The Doctor & The Master)
I read this post and my brain went: Someone has to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm still mad about how badly the Master was treated throughout the whole series. First he was left with the Nazis, then he was left to die on Gallifrey and then he is left again to die all alone!!!!!!!! Nope... just nope. I can't. Someone, please hold me while I'm crying for this murderous bastard. So, here is my personal fix for this mess. Rating: G Summary: An old body brings old memories. And with a shock the Doctor realises there is someone he has left behind. Also on AO3
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16 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Change is the constant (Dhawan!Master x Reader)
Rating: T (mostly fluff and bickering ;D) Summary: You always seem to get lost in the Master's TARDIS. Or is there something else going on? A/N: Someone in a Discord server mentioned how funny it would be if the Master had a habbit of constantly redecorating his console room and how a potential companion would be super confused about it... So I had to write just that. XD Enjoy ;) I didn't use any pronouns. So anyone can read it. Also, this - technically - could still be Simm!Master, if you prefer him ;D
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64 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
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eropandasennin · 2 years
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I posted 4,261 times in 2022
75 posts created (2%)
4,186 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 116 of my posts in 2022
#panda's thoughts - 42 posts
#youtube - 31 posts
#bayonetta 3 - 5 posts
#panda's posts - 4 posts
#bleach tybw spoilers - 4 posts
#bleach spoilers - 4 posts
#naruto spoilers - 3 posts
#bayonetta 3 voice change - 3 posts
#bayonetta voice change - 3 posts
#mature - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#that's technically baragon from godzilla: final wars (millenium era) and not og baragon (showa era) but still
My Top Posts in 2022:
Almost Every Gaming Youtuber in the late 2000's: "Hey did you know Sephiroth and his theme song, One Winged Angel, are overrated? Kefka from Final Fantasy VI is a MUCH better villain and his theme, Dancing Mad, is WAY better and has more depth?"
Me, after rewatching the Cloud VS Sephiroth fight in Advent Children for the tenth time: "What's that? I can't hear you over this awesome guitar riff dude. Guy just sliced a building in half!"
31 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
I really miss having good talks about nerd stuff without it devolving into mudslinging. Doesn't matter if their take on a subject is widly different from mine (not politically though, I know where I stand on that), I would still like to have a fun discussion about it.
Like, a discussion talking about fanservice in anime, how both men and women are portrayed in that regard, is it damaging the image of anime and so forth. That would be cool but no, it always comes back to the dreaded "culture war" eventually. Pathetic.
47 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
More of "I have a type yes":
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54 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
So Konami just had it's first Silent Hill related...anything that wasn't a pachinko machine in...hold up
*checks notes*
10 years! Holy shit it's been that long...and no, P.T. doesn't count...kinda. Anyway, to make up for it (and probably for Contra: Rogue Corps) they decided to go ALL OUT with this franchise with 3 games, a movie (oh goody), a interactive series (could be fun?) and lots of merch.
First up is a remake of the classic Silent Hill 2. While I rather had seen a remake of the first game (that technically got a re-imaging on the Wii but still) as I think SH2 still holds up really well it is cool to see the game with next-gen graphics.
If they keep the rest of the game intact and add more stuff and locations (and fix the combat) this might be, not a replacement but a good version of the game to enjoy. Especially because the only proper way to play the original SH2 is either the PS2 version, the PC port or the Xbox version with extra content added. Don't go for the HD Collection on this one guys.
Next up are 2 brand new SH games: Silent Hill Townfall and Silent Hill F. Nothing is really know about these yet (except that F takes place in 1960's Japan) so we only got 2 teaser trailers but they look pretty dope either way.
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63 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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124 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
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sleepyducktime · 2 years
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I posted 5,680 times in 2022
23 posts created (0%)
5,657 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,230 of my posts in 2022
#cr - 507 posts
#cr spoilers - 291 posts
#tlovm spoilers - 110 posts
#for the cr aspec discord 💚 - 31 posts
#tlovm - 12 posts
#exu spoilers - 11 posts
#yes - 9 posts
#like - 9 posts
#critical role - 9 posts
#aye - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#likely wont be posting for a while bc im not doing that for every tag and while i dont tag everything there's enough that it'll be an issue
My Top Posts in 2022:
Anyone else ever think about how vex technically has two doubles still out there that had their lives destroyed just because they looked like her? And that she doesn't know about either of them? Bc we should talk about that more
83 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
So we've been talking for weeks about how this is a doomed story with no happy ending, no way of winning. But watching this last episode I feel like thats not actually right? These characters will die. These few stories we know won't have a 'happy' ending. But even if every single person from this city die before this calamity is over, they didn't lose. This is the the very start but everyone fighting here is the reason even a third of Exandria does survive in the end. A third survives, we know exactly how far Exandria manages to regrow and they do win in the end.
109 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
316 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
Look I'm as excited about Gilmore as the next person, I am but I feel we're all missing the best character image from this new trailer.
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2,386 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Only seven minutes into episode seven and I have a new favourite scene. The chills I got when scanlan asks about the sixth barrel and percys shadow has his gun to his own head.
4,027 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
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ilovebuthatemen · 2 years
alright about 109 pages into After and these are my main points: (spoilers i suppose)
- Hardin may be hiding his emotions but he has absolutely no right to treat Tess like she’s unattractive. idk how men think that’s so cute to pull apart a girl’s confidence.
- i will say this once, i need to see more of Tess standing up for herself. like cmon girlie pop i understand he’s technically Harry styles but i will say this again for all the ladies, just cause he’s cute doesn’t mean he can treat you like shit.
that is all, thank you for your time. i can do updates if it’s wanted!
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anapotatowriter · 2 years
Meet - cute
Five Hargreeves x reader
A/N: While I am working on some of my requests for Edmund Pevensie, here is a Five Hargreeves fanfiction! Feel free to request for him, or any other TUA character. Also, this is definitely because I can’t wait to see Five in Season 3 :)
Summary: Y/N is a shy book worm. But where her best friends, the Hargreeves, and her best friend (and crush) are threatened, she doesn’t seem so sweet.
Contains: Swearing, some spoilers for books, horrible knowledge of the years where these kids were still teenagers, Ben doesn’t die and Five doesn’t time travel to the apocalypse, lots of events take place in the past (written in italics), horrible story that I have a hate-love relationship with :)
Requested: All of my own bestie!
Tagging @art-junkie-13, cause she was the first person I talked to about the story :)
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"Y/N! Can you please buy some pasta sauce! We need it for dinner tonight," yelled my mother from her room. "Yes, mum," I yelled back, going to her room and taking the money she held out to me. I picked up a light sweater to protect myself against the spring breeze. I also picked up the play I had recently started reading. I strolled down the street, giggling softly at the swirling leaves and flowers in the wind, before turning down to my book, my tied-up hair keeping the small strands out of my face. Just as Romeo met Juliet at the masked ball, a boy crashed into me, sending me, sprawling backward. The book went flying from my hand, though the money remained tightly within my grasp. My now free hand went back to catch my fall, forcing my wrist to bend back. I yelped softly in pain, cradling my left hand as tears welled in my eyes. "Shit," I hear a voice mumble before someone knelt next to me. "Are you okay?" he asked, his black hair falling into his piercing green eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I squeaked out, not wanting to bother him. "I am so sorry, you can go on, it was my fault anyway," I mumbled, trying to stand up despite the pain in my wrist. "Nonsense, I crashed into you, the least I could do is help you out," he said, helping me stand up before fetching my book. "Romeo and Juliet, huh? I never understood the big deal about them," he said, smirking at me after he glanced at the book cover. "Really? I have read all of Shakespeare, and this one was my favorite. First, because crashing into each other is the best meet-cute ever. Second, I guess it helps me understand that love is dangerous. It's not sane or straight. Love can be twisted, malicious, insane, unreasonable, and painful. But that's what makes it worth it," I said, going off on a rant before trailing off when I noticed the perplexed expression on his face. "I'm sorry, you probably don't care," I muttered, pushing a strand of hair that had escaped my hair tie behind my ear. "Oh no, I just found your perspective interesting. I never did look at it that way. Just looked at it like teenagers who just killed like, 6 people. And that way, technically we had a meet-cute, huh?" he smirked, making me glance at my shoes in embarrassment. "Anyway, I'll help you home," he said, making me protest. "Don't you have to go home?" I questioned, making him rub the back of his neck. Just as he opened his mouth to explain, I interrupted him. “Oh wait, I’m sorry, this is me,” I mumbled. “My house number is 109… come visit if you get the time, you’re nice,” I continued, and he smiled a little. “Pinky promise,” I said, sticking my pinky finger out to him. He stared at my finger before hesitatingly wrapping his pinky around mine. “Bye,” he said, sticking his hands in his pockets and walking back down where we came. “I’m Y/N, by the way,” I called after him, as I looked at his retreating figure. “Nice to meet you, Y/ N,” he called out, not bothering to turn around, just raising his hand as he walked away.
I sat on my bed, reading Pride and Prejudice, the flashlight the only form of illumination in the otherwise dark bedroom. My hair was tied up and piled on top of my head in a bun, to keep the hair out of my face as I leaned over my book. Suddenly, I heard a loud whoosh and a blue spark illuminated the corner of my room. I jumped and held my flashlight in between both my hands, staring at the corner of my room. “Ow,” a voice groaned, and I threw my flashlight while yelling, “STRANGER DANGER, STRANGER DANGER!” “Ow, what the fuck Y/N,” said the voice, making me squint in the darkness, the flashlight now off from the collision with the stranger. “Oh, it’s you! The kid I met on the street? How did you end up here?” I asked, staring at him warily. “I’m Five Hargreeves,” he said, smacking my flashlight against his palm to try to get it to start up again. I groaned and switched the bedroom lights, squinting immediately at the sudden influx of light. “How does that explain anything?” I asked, rubbing my eyes. “I’m one of the kids born with superpowers? On the news?” he said questioningly, surprised. “Wait, you’re one of those Umbrella Academy kids? You’re the teleportation kid?” I asked, making him nod. “Sorry, I don’t know much about you guys. I don’t watch the news a lot, it’s so sad. I prefer fiction,” I shrugged, and Five nodded in understanding. “Do you want something to drink? Water? Tea? I make a really good black coffee,” I offered. “Black coffee would be good,” he nodded, no expression on his face throughout the conversation. “Okay, “ I smiled and left my room to start the coffee pot, him trailing after me.
“Hey Y/N,” said Five’s voice, making me look up from my battered copy of “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”. “Oh, hey Five,” I said, wiping the tears on my cheeks and sniffling. “Wait, are you crying?” he asked, showing one of his rare emotions, concern. “Yeah, the ending of the book is really sad,” I said sadly, caressing the pages of the book as tears continued to fall. “Tell me about school,” he said, sitting on the bed, successfully distracting me from the book. Butterflies flapped in my stomach at our proximity, a lovesick smile probably gracing my features. Five always liked to talk about school, since he could understand what he was missing because of the Umbrella Academy. “Well, we did acemtodes in Maths today,” I said, immediately jumping into his favorite subjects. “I swear, 10th grade is horrible,” I groaned by the end, falling back on my pillows, the book slipping away from both my lap and thoughts. “I’m turning 15 tomorrow,” he mentioned as he lay down next to me while staring at the ceiling. “Wait, what?” I asked, immediately sitting up. “Yeah,” he said, glancing at my shocked face. “And you didn’t tell me! I don’t know what to get you,” I gasped dramatically, throwing a pillow at him. “Well, you can come over to the Academy. Dad typically leaves the house to us on our birthday, so we can do whatever we want,” he said, making me smile at the invitation. “I would love to! Now I gotta go plan 7 birthday gifts,” I explained happily, squeezing his hand for a second before running out of my room, leaving the boy to stare at the ceiling of my room.
“Hi, my name is Y/N!” I said, smiling at the six people around me, Five standing next to me. “I already know all of you, so need to introduce yourselves,” I said, instead of bringing out my large bag. “So Five only told me about y’alls birthday yesterday, so the presents aren’t that great, but whatever!” I said, holding up the gift-wrapped presents. “Luther right?” I asked, and the blonde nodded, and I handed him his gift wrapped in moon-themed wrapping paper. “And Diego, I am guessing?” I asked, turning to the brunette, and the boy replied, “Yes, that’s me.” I handed him his present, and he took it, his eyes glassing over. “And Viktor, this is for you,” I said, handing him the heavy box. He smiled softly as I handed him the box, making me smile back. “Ben?” I questioned another boy, and the boy nodded in agreement. He accepted the wrapped present I gave him with a starstruck expression. “Allison,” I said, handing the package to the grinning girl before turning to Klaus. “And Klaus. Believe me, I had no clue what to get you, but I hope you like this!” I said, handing him the box. “I spent about the same amount on all the gifts, so yeah!” I said, turning to all of them to see they were all standing where I had left them. “I’m sorry if I messed up, I can return the gifts,” I said softly, cocking my head to the side a bit when I noticed the still wrapped packages. “Thank you,” said Ben, his voice cracking, making my eyebrows furrow in confusion. “I mean, it’s not much,” I said apologetically, shrugging a bit. “Thank you so much,” said Viktor sincerely, placing his hand on my shoulder. “This is our first time getting gifts,” said Klaus, making me gasp. “First?” I asked, making all the kids nod in unison. “Ok, then it’s settled. I am officially on gift-giving duty. Five, you better deliver their presents. Christmas, birthdays, new years, accomplishments, all of it,” I said decidedly. “Well go on, open them,” I motioned to the siblings, who all started opening their presents, smiling giddily. “And Five,” I hummed, making him turn to me from his siblings. “It’s a fountain pen, I got ‘Technically we had a meet-cute, huh?” engraved in a rush order, so this is probably more expensive than the other’s gifts,” I said, handing him the final package. “Thank you… so much,” he said, and I smiled. He intertwined his pinky with mine, a reminisce of our first meeting.
"Come on, hurry up while it's still daytime, idiots," yelled Five from ahead of us, enunciating idiots. "Well... it's not fair... if we have to walk... while you just teleport," said Diego angrily while climbing up the enormous hill, the rest of us huffing and puffing behind him. Five didn't reply and just stopped moving, waiting for the rest of us to catch up. No one missed his annoyed expression by the time we all reached up. "If you tell us to hurry up one more time, I will turn you into a hat," said Luther just as Five went to speak, making Five roll his eyes and close his mouth again. "Finally, we can play," said Allison, sighing as she admired the grassy and flat field where we were going to play cricket. "You good, Y/N?" asked Five, moving closer to me. "Yeah, just tired," I said, dabbing at the sweat on my forehead. "You are a right meanie for not just teleporting with the rest of us," I said, crossing my arms. "Sorry, I just didn't wanna scatter all of you into some other universe where we end up being TV show characters," he said, shrugging while winking at the computer screen. "Let's play!" said Diego, cracking his knuckles. 
"I'm referee," said Luther, moving to the side. “And I am going to the market downtown. There’s a new book I found that I want to read,” shrugged Ben. “Oh, come on, Ben! It’s all of your birthdays! 16th! You can’t just leave family time!” I complained, making the boy sigh resignedly. “Fine, I’ll come back in 30 minutes, tops,” he promised, making me smile and nod. He walked away to the nearby market, his black jacket standing out in the otherwise bright field. "Y/N and Allison, you both are the captains," said Luther. "Oh, okay," I breathed, moving forward and looking at the rest of the academy. "Y/N, you can go ahead a pick first," said Allison, smiling at me kindly. "Five," I said immediately, and he grinned proudly before walking toward me. "Diego," said Allison, who walked towards her with a self-satisfied smirk and looked pointedly at Five, a competitive glint in his eyes. "Viktor," I whispered next, and he walked towards us as Klaus walked towards Allison and Diego. "Five minutes to plan, and then we'll have the coin toss," announced Luther, and both teams huddled up. "Diego is going to be the most aggressive. Allison is too nice to go full attack especially cause you and Viktor are too shy and nice, and Klaus is probably too high to care about the game,” said Five immediately, starting his “battle strategy”. “Or, or, or… how about we just play for fun?” I interrupted as his comments about his other sibling started getting most vengeful. “What’s the point in that Y/N?” protested Five. “Fine,” I sighed apprehensively, making him smile triumphantly and resume the plan.
“Let’s start,” bellowed Luther, making me walk towards Luther, Allison walking from the other side. The wicket was already set up, the bats held up by Luther.  Luther tossed the coin and said, “Allison, your team bats.” Before going to her team, she cheered a little, while I walked toward Five and Viktor. “Ugh, we’re bowling,” I groaned, Viktor giving me a side hug comfortingly. “We’ll do amazing, don’t worry,” said Five confidently, making me shrug. “Pinky promise,” he said, holding out his pinky. I giggled softly, intertwining my pinky with his. “Okay Five, go bowl,” I laughed, shoving the boy slightly. He chuckled as he walked backward, giving a salute before turning around. “You know, he is only like that with you,” said Viktor, making me turn away from Five’s retreating figure. “What?” I asked, confused. “He smiles more with you, he’s less touch averse. It’s nice,” he said, smiling at me. “Come on, hurry up Y/N!” yelled Diego, anxious to begin the game. “Coming, coming,” I called, running up to the meadow, prepared for the fielding. 
“Oh come on, stop running so fast,” I said exasperatedly as Diego and Allison got another run. Klaus was already out and lounging on the grass, out of range of the cricket ball. “Ben!” yelled Klaus when he noticed the boy coming back, holding a book in his hands. Ben reached us and sat down next to Klaus, opening his book. As the game continued, Five and Diego continued to get more competitive, which forced Luther to intervene, only fueling their frustration. I laughed at the story Klaus was recounting to us when the grin on my face faded. I squinted at the group of people I could see coming from the distance. 
“Ah, the great Umbrella Academy,” snickered the one in the middle once the group was within earshot. Suddenly, all the siblings seem to have grouped, competitive natures long forgotten. Five came over to me a grabbed my pinky, pulling me in with the rest of the Hargreeves and taking me near Viktor. “Five, what’s going on?” I asked as he walked away, but he didn’t reply. He placed himself on the other side of Diego, Luther on his right. In a row behind, Allison and Klaus stood on the outer edges of the group, with Ben in the middle. At the absolute last stood Viktor and me, a perplexed expression dawned on my face as the group came closer to us. “Viktor, what’s happening?” I asked, confused at the formation we stood in. “We typically stand like this when someone recognizes us in public, makes it easier to deal with fans and press,” murmured Viktor softly to not attract attention. The arrangement suddenly made sense, and I nodded in understanding. 
“Ha, I knew I recognized the nerd,” laughed the ‘leader’, making me frown as he looked at Ben, who was holding his book in his hands still. “Who are you calling a nerd,” snapped Diego, taking a step forward. “Lord, you all are no different from us. What’s so special about you bastards anyway?” asked the boy scanning over the group, glossing over me and Viktor in the back. “You seem to forget your place. We have fucking powers that help save the world, and we won’t hesitate to use it on you!” continued Diego, taking out a knife and twirling it in his hands. “Sorry to say this, but you can’t use your powers on us, idiot. We are civilians, and therefore if you harm us, we can go to the police and get your precious academy shut down,” cackled the leader manically, his four goons laughing with him. “You’ll be sorry when I shove my fist in your face,” barked Diego, walking forwards. “Diego, he’s right,” said Five calmly, although his jaw was set tightly and his eyes sparkled with silent anger. “Exactly, ‘Diego’. Listen to the half-wit,” chuckled the goon, walking over to Five, who stood his ground and raised his jaw a little higher. “What about you, scrawny bitch? Wanna fight?” mocked the guy, holding his fists up ironically. The anger that was building up snapped and I scoffed. “You’re a bully,” I said from the back, making the boy's head turn towards me. “Who the fuck said that?” he barked rhetorically, his goons cracking the knuckles. “It was me,” I said, walking forwards. “Excuse me Allison, Ben,” I said, walking between the two. “I’ll be fine, Ben,” I said to the concerned boy, smiling softly. His eyes still held fear as I continued forwards. “Five, Diego,” I said, sliding between the two when I felt someone stop me. Five held my hand, silently pleading with me to not go. “I’ll be fine,” I smiled at him, gently releasing his hold over my hand, instantly missing their presence. “Now, as I was saying, you’re a bully. My dad taught me that there was only one way to communicate with a bully,” I said confidently as I sauntered forward, pulling the hair tie out of my hair and snapping it around my wrist. My hair billowed open from the wind, H/C strands surrounding my face. 
“Oh really? And what was his advice?” asked the goon, smiling mockingly at me. I smiled sweetly, chuckled, and brought my fist back, punching him in the face. Gasps erupted from behind me as the goon touched the side of his face where I had hit him. “You fucking slut,” he growled, putting his hand up at his friends, who tried to come to his aid. I clicked my tongue and said, “Oo,” I wouldn’t call me that,” I said, glaring up at him. He brought his hand up to slap me, and I heard Five take one step forwards to try and help me. “Fuck no,” I growled, grabbing the bully’s hand mid-air and twisting it behind his back, making him groan in pain as he faced the rest of the academy, me standing right behind him facing them too. “I’m a nasty bitch darling, believe me,” I said in his ear, loud enough for the people around us to hear as well. “Now why don’t you go on and apologize,” I said, hissing the last word. “Fuck no,” he protested, making me roll my eyes. “You seem familiar, do you study in Y/S (Your School)?” I asked, and the boy nodded minutely, gritting his teeth in pain. “Ah, great! So you must know who I am! Go on, darling, take a wild guess,” I said to him, twisting his arm further to make him hiss in pain. His friends just stood, not knowing what to do. “Shit, are you… are you Y/N? Y/N L/N?” he asked, fear creeping into his voice. “Yes, correct! Jackpot, darling, ding ding ding,” I said, twisting his arm more and more with the last three words as I grit my teeth. “Now, since my reputation seems to precede me, it’s safe to assume that you know I can ruin your life brick by brick, you fucking mangy cur,” I growled. “So, if you know what’s good for you, you fucking apologize,” I finished, kicking him in the shin and making him yelp. “Okay, alright, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” he yelled, making me smile sweetly again. “See that wasn’t so hard,” I said, pushing the boy so that he was near his crew again. “If I see you bothering anyone ever again, inside or outside school, I will torture you until you wish you were dead,” I said, pushing the boy backward. “Now, bitch, why don’t you fucking leave,” I said as the boy slowly backtracked. “SCRAM!” I yelled, making him run away. “You’re fucking crazy,” said one of the others to me, his eyes wide in fear. “Yes I am, sugar. Suck my dick,” I said while flipping him off with both hands, making his eyes widen more as he ran after his leader and the rest of his friends. “FUCKING SHITS! MOTHERFUCKERS! REMEMBER MY WARNING OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!” I yelled, making them scamper away out of sight.
As soon as their figures disappeared, I turned back to the group with a real smile, clapping my hands together. “Shall we continue the game?” I asked, while the rest of the Academy just stood frozen. “... are you okay?” I asked while bringing my hands up to tie my hair again. Everyone surged forward and question me before their conversation sparked up, but Five still stood frozen. “Five?” I questioned softly, walking towards him as the rest of the siblings talked to each other. “Don’t ever do that again,” said Five as he pulled me in a hug, making me freeze in shock. “I was so fucking scared,” he said as he pulled me away and held me by the sides of my arms. “Oh please, I have beat up people much scarier than him,” I said, smiling at him. “You’re an enigma, Y/N,” he said before doing something I never thought he would do. He kissed me, and I kissed him back, my heart bursting in happiness. We split apart, a haze filling my mind when I heard wolf whistles. “Oh shut up,” I muttered, embarrassed, as the other Hargreeves goggled at us, while Five intertwined our pinkie easily. “You’re hot when you swear. And with your hair open,” he whispered in my ear, making me giggle, enjoying the contact between us. “Thank god for our meet-cute,” I thought to myself, smiling at the group around me and the brunettee I stood next to.
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incoherentbabblings · 3 years
What are some TimSteph comics you would recommend to check out their relationship and have some nice moments between them?
Oh! Of course. A rec list. I can totally do one of those. Poorly.
So, this is heavily biased towards the good times, arcs and runs I like and such, and is focused around issues where they are together in one fashion or another. This isn't an overview of their whole relationship and is biased and sometimes missing contextual arc issues either side. The thing is... I can't... face... re-reading 30 years worth of comics right now...
So, fast track TimSteph - here's the issues that make Abbie go brrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Early Days
Detective Comics Vol 1 #648: The Great Bricking
Robin Vol 4 #5: First Kiss (of dubious consent good job Tim you're as bad as each other)
Robin Vol 4 #16: Banter and more kisses - "Do I have to remind you that a warehouse full of killers is looking for us right now?" "Isn't it romantic?" "Not exactly." - but also Steph holding Tim's cheek, the first of many cradlings these two get up to, and the delightfully messy line "I see that your girlfriend must be a real jerk if she's running on you," pick me pick me pick me /j
Robin Vol 4 #44: By far their most romantically framed kiss pre actually getting together. Tim keeps trying to draw a distinction between Spoiler and Steph and Tim and Robin and Steph just doesn't get it. They're the same person? This will... crop up a lot. It's a thing. That I'm too invested in.
Robin Vol 4 #54: "Bad case of the Stephs" and the kissing on the cheek and "Big brave superhero." UwU
Robin Vol 4 #56: Tim's disease is declared terminal, and they get together. "This is what I've wanted. Even if I didn't know for sure until right now."
Pre-War Games
Robin Vo 4 #57: Date night and uh-oh someone's preggers. #57-#65 is the pregnancy arc in full, and contains a lot of very sincere and quiet conversations between the two on rooftops and kitchen tables. Includes Steph's first use of the 'L' word.
Robin Vol 4 #74 and #75: The start of the Brentwood Arc. Steph is beginning to become anxious about Tim's secrets.
Robin Vol 4 #92: Bruce, having been a tattle-tale let Stephanie know Tim Drake's secret identity. More importantly, it's the first time Tim uses the 'L' word.
Robin Vol 4 #100: The start of Lewis' run. I'd say read the entire 20 issue run but it is really lacking in the plot department, so for TimSteph specific moments, look to #100, #101, #103, #104 (the first time he says 'I love you' to just Steph), #107, #109, #111 (the piano issue), #116, #119, #120. The last issue of Lewis' run reiterates the 'Steph can't tell the difference between Tim and Robin' theme.
Robin Vol 4 #124: Banter alone puts this on the list. 'My dearest dove'
War Games
But if you really really want to. Batman Vol 1 633 and 634. Steph asks after Tim on her deathbed, being reassured by Bruce that he adores her, and Tim being told that she is dead.
Return to Flashpoint
Robin Vol 4 #174: 'I'm not dead smooches babyyyyyyy'
Robin/Spoiler Special: Stephanie compares Tim to Dexter (the serial killer????) and says 'we have our kind of fun' and I spend inordinate numbers of hours thinking about it.
Gotham Gazette: Batman Dead and Gotham Gazette: Batman Alive?: Time for that juicy angst whilst still touching each other far too intimatelyyyyyy. Yes I skipped all of FabNic's Robin run whataboutit?
Red Robin Vol 1 #2: ANGST
Batgirl Vol 3 #8 and Red Robin Vol 1 #10-12: Angst, but with hope that things will improve. The almost kiss. The apology. The waiting by the bedside only to yell at him about the engagement. Oh yes. That's the stuff right there.
Red Robin Vol 1 #15: Legitimately only for Tim letting his hormones get the better of him for a moment.
Convergence: Batgirl #1 and #2: The technical end of the Pre-Flashpoint versions of these characters, though this has been undone with recent Crisis events. They get back together in time for the world to maybe end, chosing each other as who they want to go out with. Wooft.
New 52 and Rebirth
It's my jam
Batman Eternal #52: A new first meeting. Siginificantly less violent than the first time around.
Detective Comics #935: Oh wait they're together again? Oh wait they live together? Oh wait they're having sex? Oh my. Okay on a more serious note you know my brand you know I'm blooming obsessed with their relationship during this run, but specific issues to point out just for moments of them will be #939, #940, #963, #969, #970, #979, #981. Oh what's that? Steph doesn't care about what Tim calls himself? Where have I heard that before?
Detective Comics Vol 1 #1000: Can we make out just a little?
Young Justice #5: Pink kisses and dear Bendis I am sorry if ever doubted you. Wish you'd have more of a plot but hey. Other issues worth reading are #8-10, #14 and 15, and finally #18.
Detective Comics Vol 1 #1027: Real true love is when you investigate gruesome murders with your partner for date night. Thanks Bendis.
Eh voilà! C'est fini.
For now...
Argh, I'l include Robin Eternal #1 and #2 as well. They're very soft on each other in that book, despite being broken up. Steph's a giant weak point for Tim, which his drugged up brain hallucinatory Batman takes advantage of.
Yeah, that's definitely it. These issues don't cover everything, but they are the ones that have impacted my viewing and understanding of their relationship the most.
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