croszukis · 5 months
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msl — 11.21.18
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zaynmalikupdates · 6 years
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Just after 48 hours of its release Zayn’s cover of Allah Duhai Hai has reached over 4 million views on YouTube. In addition, it gained its most recent million views in just 12 hours! - 11/21
[ W A T C H ]
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gargoyles42 · 6 years
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swt-serendipity · 6 years
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2018-19 Goals Game 22/82 (vs Washington Capitals)
Goal 1: Saad Goal 2: Gustafsson
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avi-arts · 6 years
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Day 685:
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Just gotta tone up to get rid of this lil bit of pudge
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fit-as-fxck · 6 years
Wednesday’s workout
a1 bench press 4x6
a2 glute ham raise 4x4-6
b1 weighted decline sit up 3x8
b2 skullcrusher 3x12
c1 Bulgarian split squat 3x8/8
c2 barbell push press 3x8
d: ending with shoulder accessory work. hitting the front, mid and rear delt specifically & tricep & DB bench press. if i can i’d also like to end with some push-squat movements like the leg press, goblet squat or front squat. but not so taxing i cant do my posterior chain work tomorrow. 
Yesterday’s workout D E M O L I S H E D my back. I took some creative liberty and improvised some to accommodate the other bodies in the gym and available equipment. I knew I really wanted to hit the back to begin with, so I worked every which way to hit every single muscle I could think of. It took me over an hour. I normally try to keep my workouts 45-50 minutes. I was the only woman on the lifting floor. I knew there aren't too many women who lift at my gym. Maybe only a handful. There is one older woman in particular I see from time to time and she’s really fit. She must be in her 40s-50s or older... but I have a hard time estimating her age because she’s so fit. Yesterday I was in a sea of sausage. There were like four or five younger guys probably 18-21s. And one huge guy that came in and powerlifted some massive weight and left. It felt good to feel like I was working harder than most of those dudes there. I keep track of my time, heart rate and resting periods on my watch and I definitely saw those guys enter and exit and I was still working. I thought I'd be dead by the time I was done but I finished with just 10 minutes of sprints. I was wondering if something was wrong because the man next to me lightly jogging looked over 3 times at me. Maybe it was because I was breathing really hard and running  a full on sprint so hard the treadmill was probably shaking. I added on a pallof press too and it felt really awesome on my core. 
I did some research on the posterior chain. It’s not actually an anatomical system. What it is, is a term coined to describe 2 muscle systems that run along the backside of the body from your head to your ankles. Two different systems that are used for the same function, but trained in completely different ways. 
The first one being the Superficial Back Line which includes the muscles from the traps, mid back line and hamstrings and calves- all the muscles used to keep you upright. (main lift being the deadlift) (consists mostly of the erector spinae and the hamstrings)  (aka what allows you to lift your head & support the spine) (postural muscles, very aerobic, slow, steady, static movements). If you only focus on movements for the Superficial Back Line, you’ll completely miss the second part of it.
The second one being the Posterior Oblique Sling which is a band of muscles that includes the entire lats, the sheet of muscles along the back that help draw the arm back, the glutes, and the outter thigh. These are worked using rotational exercises and used to keep you more mobile. It’s more of an active function, rather than static- helping us walk and run and combining work from the glutes and lats at the same time (think: running motion- lat pulling an arm back while glute is moving the leg forward) ***ITS BALANCE BITCH**
This reminds me so much of why I would combine an exercise like a seated row (mid back line) with a wide lat pull down (posterior oblique sling- it literally shapes around your back and sides like a sling, forming the lats, muscles that stretch around the to form the glutes and outter hamstring/thigh- it reminds me of forming the coveted X pattern people look for)
I think I'll change up some things about my December training program. I’d like to add in a Sumo Deadlift simply because I can use it to hit those muscle planes I was talking about, a little better. I might add in a bent over dumbbell row, as well. I feel my current programming right now may be leaving some vital parts out of the equation. For example, I'm not doing a lot to hit the Posterior Oblique Sling above the waist. The only things I have in my programming are inverted rows and pull ups. AND I'm doing a ton to hit it below the waist. Lots of work with hip thrusts, pause squats etc. I want to make especially sure I'm not neglecting and creating imbalances as I go. I’d also like to hit rear delts a little more effectively. For the Superficial Back Line, I'm hitting hamstrings well but not doing much for the mid back supported muscles. I do back extensions a couple times a week for it, but I'd like to add something else on for it. My superficial back line doesn't need as much adjustment as the posterior oblique sling. Yesterday I corrected a lotttt of this. 
I still plan on getting my workouts in like normal even on holidays like thanksgiving. Thanksgiving day workout is “Posterior Chain” focused, as they say. But really just focused on the glutes, latissimus dorsi, and hammies (bc the sumo squat pulls strength from more of the hams, glutes, inner thigh etc), and spinal erectors of the low back and coreeeeee 
a1. reverse front lunge 4x6/6 (all heavy sets @ RPE 8)
a2. explosive pull thru 6x2
b1. chest supported rows 5x8
c1. barbell hip thrust 4x5
c2. adding a sumo deadlift here 4x5
core: plank & hold complex
core: hanging knee/leg raises to failure
It’s really crazy how much information is out there and how much is incomplete or misinterpreted. But, I love adjusting my own work programming as I go. 
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rabbitmilk · 2 years
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comprehensive addictedtostorytelling csi meta and fic archive (current as of 07.20.21): part ii
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here is an archive of all of the csi meta posts, replies, and fics i’ve written since i first began posting commentary on and creative work for the show in 2014.
the archive is divided by subject, and each item is listed with the date on which it was originally published.
unfortunately, tumblr only allows 100 links per post, so i’m going to have to divide the archive up to make it functional.
the other parts of the archive can be found here.
there are currently 403 meta and fic items in the archive in total.
please note that some of these items were composed while the show was still airing and have since been contradicted or made irrelevant by show canon. please also note that all of the views expressed here are my own and should not be taken as authoritative.
some of the views i express in my writings have evolved over time, so generally speaking if there are multiple posts on the same subject, whichever one is most current will be most reflective of my present stances.
items marked with the ☆ symbol are ones i frequently cite, would consider my “cornerstone posts,” and/or are personal favorites of mine.
the symbol is mostly to help me find them quickly when i need them, ngl.
i will periodically update this post in the future as i write more metas and fics.
please feel welcome to send requests any time!
note: even if i have written on a particular character, pairing, episode, season, arc, or theme before, i am always happy to revisit the same topic, go into more depth, touch on another angle, or further explain as needed.
01x03 “crate n’ burial”
“why does sara react in the way that she does to grissom touching her cheek in this episode? if she’s in love with him, shouldn’t her reaction be stronger?” (01.15.16)
01x16 “too tough to die”
gifset meta: “grissom watches sara in the doorway to the hospital room” (09.21.19)
“why does grissom call eddie willows ‘ed’ in this episode? do you think they were ever friends with each other?” (11.11.15)
01x23 “strip strangler”
“why doesn’t grissom protect sara before she goes in the supermarket?” (10.25.15)
02x04 “bully for you”
“is there gsr significance to the fact that sara takes grissom’s advice to shower with lemon juice?” (09.10.15)
02x05 “scuba doobie-doo”
“what’s going through grissom’s mind when sara touches his cheek?” (09.23.20)
“how does the chalk scene in this episode compare to the ‘gray hair’ scene from episode 06x13 ‘kiss-kiss, bye-bye’?” (11.09.15) [also pertains to episode 06x13 “kiss-kiss, bye-bye”]
02x06 “alter boys”
short answer: “can you talk about the scene where grissom touches sara’s arm as he leaves the room?” (10.09.15)
02x08 “slaves of las vegas”
“what does it mean when heather asks grissom if he wants to be her boss and he says they ‘both might learn something’?” (09.12.15)
02x15 “burden of proof”
“how does catherine find out about the tension between grissom and sara? does sara tell her about it directly?” (05.04.21)
“why isn’t grissom wary of sending sara’s plant to the lab? does he not think that people will notice?” (05.03.21)
“what does catherine mean when she asks grissom if he’s in denial?” (11.21.18)
“what is the meaning of the scene where catherine is at grissom’s apartment? what does her advice to him mean? is she telling him that he should pursue sara?” (01.27.16)
“can you deconstruct the scene between grissom and catherine at the end of the episode? what does their conversation mean?” (06.27.15)
“when catherine asks grissom if he’s in denial, is she referring to his feelings for sara?” (05.18.15)
03x01 “revenge is best served cold”
gifset meta: “grissom listens to pagliacci” (12.09.20)
03x02 “the accused is entitled”
“why is sara the only team member who seems to react knowingly when grissom mentions phillip gerard? why does she already seem to know who he is?” (10.24.15)
“why does sara roll her eyes when grissom compliments her appearance and tells her she deserves to have a life with hank peddigrew?” (10.10.15)
03x09 “blood lust”
“who is grissom on a date with before getting called in to work? could it possibly be heather?” (02.25.17)
03x15 “lady heather’s box”
“what is your interpretation of the infamous ‘you can always say stop’ scene between grissom and heather?” (01.27.21)
03x17 “crash & burn”
“does grissom remove himself from the mva case because he wants to avoid being around sara and hank peddigrew? is he jealous of their relationship at this point?” (12.17.20)
03x19 “a night at the movies”
“what do you make of grissom seemingly ogling showgirls in this episode?” (10.26.15) [also pertains to episode 01x15 “table stakes”]
03x22 “play with fire”
“does grissom reject sara because he believes she’s asking him out on a reckless whim after her near-death experience?” (10.31.20)
“why does grissom decline sara’s dinner invitation? and why is he so harsh in doing so? also, why do they never talk about this exchange again after the fact?” (05.23.19)
“why do grissom and sara act the way they do in this episode? why does sara stare at her id badge in the locker room?” (10.28.15)
03x23 “inside the box”
gifset meta: “sara reacts to grissom having her work with him at the bank” (12.08.19)
04x01 “assume nothing”
“what do you make of grissom gawking at the stripper in this episode?” (10.26.15)
04x07 “invisible evidence”
“why does sara ask grissom to pin her down, and why does he choose to do so? aren’t they both trying to ‘move on’ from each other?” (04.11.21)
“why does grissom snap at sara in this episode?” (04.11.21)
“why does no one at the lab seem to notice grissom and sara’s activities during the famous ‘pin me down’ scene?” (01.31.21)
“can you discuss grissom’s attitude toward sara in this episode?” (10.02.15)
“can you talk about the differences between the ‘tie me up’ scene from episode 01x03 ‘crate n’ burial’ and the ‘pin me down’ scene from episode 04x07 ‘invisible evidence’?” (09.16.15) [also pertains to episode 01x03 “crate n’ burial”]
04x08 “after the show”
“why does grissom take catherine’s side over sara’s in their dispute?” (06.11.21)
“what is the source of sara’s upset in this episode? is she just offended on a professional level or are things more personal where grissom is concerned?” (06.08.21)
04x12 “butterflied”
“whom does brass think grissom is talking about in his monologue: heather or sara?” (04.26.21)
“does sara ever tell grissom she overhears his confession to dr. lurie?” (03.26.21)
“what is your opinion on the originally scripted version of grissom’s monlogue?” (06.11.18) ☆
“can you deconstruct the scene where catherine and sara talk in the locker room? why does catherine seem confused and sara sad?” (11.19.15)
“does grissom discover his love for sara in this episode?” (11.19.15)
“what are your thoughts on the original version of grissom’s monologue?” (10.27.15)
04x13 “suckers”
“how can we account for grissom and sara’s behavior in this episode? don’t they seem too comfortable with each other, given the events of episode 04x12 ‘butterflied’”? (04.15.21)
04x16 “getting off”
“what is the meaning of the ‘i haven’t seen you in a while, have i?’ scene in this episode? what does grissom mean there?” (05.01.19)
short answer: “can you deconstruct the scene where grissom first asks sara to help process the female suspect?” (11.21.15)
04x19 “bad words”
gifset meta: “sara spells out ‘vixens’ with the tiles” (08.19.20)
“what is the joke when sara spells out ‘vixens’ with the letter tiles?” (02.07.18)
04x22 “no more bets”
“what is the real reason why grissom recommends nick over sara?” (04.26.16)
short answer: “why does grissom never promote sara?” (11.29.15)
05x02 “down the drain”
“what is the meaning of the ‘i’m not worried; i’m concerned’ scene?” (12.03.15)
05x03 “harvest”
“what is grissom thinking about when he’s in the church, sitting on the pew, looking up at the cross?” (04.09.16)
05x05 “swap meet”
gifset meta: “on grissom and ‘wife swapping’” (05.13.20)
“why do you think they cut the last line from the original gsr ‘you think they’re happy?’ scene?” (10.29.15)
“on episode 05x05 ‘swap meet’ and gilbert grissom’s ‘wife’” (09.15.15)
05x10 “no humans involved”
short answer: “is sara jealous when she sees sofia in grissom’s office at the end of the episode?” (09.30.15)
05x12 “snakes”
“sara basically tells grissom she’s in love with him in this episode (‘you’ve always been a little more than a boss to me’). how come he doesn’t respond?” (10.03.15)
05x13 “nesting dolls”
“why does catherine shut greg down when he wants to help sara in this episode? what is catherine and sara’s relationship dynamic in general?” (06.07.21)
“can you deconstruct the scene at the end of the episode where grissom confronts ecklie and catherine and tells them he’s not going to fire sara? also, what do you think is said between grissom and catherine once ecklie leaves the room?” (01.27.16)
“what does sara mean when she tells grissom she chooses men who are ‘emotionally unavailable’? is she referring to him?” (09.12.15)
05x14 “unbearable”
“how does sara react to seeing grissom with sofia in this episode? how would she react to finding out about grissom and sofia’s dinner date?” (10.26.19)
“why does grissom ask sofia to dinner in this episode when he refuses to go out to dinner with sara in episode 03x22 ‘play with fire’? does he have a ‘thing’ for sofia?” (10.04.15)
05x15 “king baby”
“why does grissom make the ‘i even missed your tush’ comment to catherine? is he attracted to her?” (12.22.20)
“was the ‘missed your tush’ line billy improv? also, why can grissom be so forward with catherine but not with sara?” (10.13.15)  
05x16 “big middle”
“is grissom talking about sara when he answers greg’s question about ‘what gets his juices flowing’?” (04.15.21)
05x21 “committed”
gifset meta: “as a child, sara draws a harpooned whale” (08.16.19)
“is grissom jealous when greg shakes the pillow at sara in his office? also, does he ever get jealous of super dave’s crush on sara?” (03.22.16)
06x03 “bite me”
short answer: “what is the nature of grissom and sara’s conversation in the victim’s bedroom? are they mad at each other?” (10.24.15) [also pertains to episodes 06x12 “daddy’s little girl” and 06x20 “poppin’ tags”]
06x05 “gum drops”
“is the original script for this episode available anywhere? what was the original plot of the episode like before the changes?” (01.20.20)
gifset meta: “the original script for episode 06x05 ‘gum drops’” (10.03.17)
short answer: “what is the nature of the original (unaired) gsr material from this episode?” (10.27.15)
06x07 and 06x08 “a bullet runs through it” pts. i and ii
short answer: “what do you make of the deleted gsr scene from episode 06x08 ‘a bullet runs through it’ pt. ii?” (10.31.15)
06x12 “daddy’s little girl”
“what does sara mean when she says some people just aren’t meant to be together while looking right at grissom?” (10.31.15)
06x20 “poppin’ tags”
“what does grissom’s ‘mouth to mouth’ quip mean? is he flirting with sara?” (03.09.16)  
06x19 “spellbound”
short answer: “do you think grissom told people about his ear surgery or does greg know about it by other means?” (10.31.15)
06x21 “rashomama”
“an ode to episode 06x21 ‘rashomama’” (08.29.14)
06x22 “time of your death”
“what is the meaning of grissom’s expression while he’s looking at sara in the final scene?” (03.31.21) [also pertains to episode 07x15 “law of gravity”]
gifset meta: “grissom mulls giving sara a ring” (08.22.19)
“what is the in-universe date for this episode? are grissom and sara already together by this point?” (08.24.18)
“what’s going on with grissom and sara’s facial expressions in the ‘beautiful woman in distress’ scene? what is the meaning of this exchange?” (02.11.16)
short answer: “what do you make of the scene where nick comes in with the bracelet and grissom is staring at sara?” (10.24.15)
06x24 “way to go”
“are grissom and sara just newly together when this episode takes place? if not, when do they become a couple?” (05.16.19)
“why does grissom claim that he and brass ‘don’t hang out’ when greg asks about their friendship, even though they often drink bourbon in brass’s office and talk through rough cases together?” (10.20.15)
07x02 “built to kill” pt. ii
“when sara says she agrees with grissom and ecklie responds ‘of course you do’ do you think that means that ecklie knows about gsr?” (09.16.15)
07x03 “toe tags”
“what is the meaning of doc’s question when he asks catherine when she last took a nap in grissom’s tub? does his asking imply that grissom and catherine are ‘involved’?” (07.30.18)
short answer: “what is the meaning of doc’s ‘when was the last time you took a nap in grissom’s tub?’ question to catherine? is he making a joke or being serious?” (11.18.15)
07x08 “happenstance”
“what is that look on grissom’s face when sara solves his crossword puzzle and tells him she won’t wait up? is he confused?” (10.29.15)
07x11 “leaving las vegas”
“does sara know beforehand that grissom is going on sabbatical? what are her feelings when he leaves?” (03.15.21)
“does grissom talk his decision to go on sabbatical through with sara before he makes it? does he even know why he wants to go in the first place?” (03.16.16)
“can you talk about the locker room scene before grissom leaves? why does he decide to go?” (09.15.15)
“is the reason why grissom’s departure is so awkward because he didn’t talk to sara about his decision to leave in advance?” (01.22.15)
07x13 “redrum”
“what happens with the cocoon in this episode?” (11.30.15) [also pertains to episode 07x14 “meet market”]
07x14 “meet market”
“does the case with jesse bring up sara’s old trauma about her family and/or influence her decision to leave vegas to patch things up with her mother come s8?” (05.27.21)
07x17 “fallen idols”
short answer: “what is the point of the shaving scene?” (11.29.15)
“does grissom grumbling about getting called into work on a saturday have gsr significance? also, who is hank the dog named after?” (11.23.15) [also pertains to episode 03x02 “the accused is entitled”]
07x18 “empty eyes”
“is the custodial worker visible in the hallway at the end of the episode natalie davis?” (12.04.19)
gifset meta: “on gsr and the invisible cleaning woman” (05.01.17)
07x20 “lab rats”
short answer: “why does sara say ‘how would i know?’ when wendy asks her if the miniature cases are keeping grissom up at night? aren’t grissom and sara living together at this point? shouldn’t she therefore know?” (11.21.15)
07x21 “ending happy”
“can you deconstruct the ‘you make me happy’ scene?” (10.20.15)  
07x22 “leapin’ lizards”
short answer: “can you deconstruct the bedroom scene?” (11.29.15)
“what do you think happens after sara reads grissom’s letter? does she confront him about it?” (10.21.15)
07x23 “the good, the bad, and the dominatrix”
short answer: “how do grissom and sara feel in this episode? how do they get back on good terms afterward?” (04.16.21)
“how do grissom and sara resolve the tension between them after the events of the episode?” (09.14.20)
“what’s going on with grissom and heather in this episode? what is their dynamic in general?” (11.16.19)
“what is brass about to tell catherine when he says he knows something ‘a lot juicier’ than gossip about grissom and heather? does he know about gsr?” (03.05.18)
“what does brass know that’s ‘a lot juicier’ than gossip about grissom and heather?” (06.16.16)
08x01 “dead doll”
“what is the significance of nick finding sara rather than grissom?” (11.25.15)
“sara sidle: the damsel in distress who saves herself” (07.10.14)
08x02 “a la cart”
“in this episode, greg indicates that he already knows about gsr prior to the events of episode 07x24 ‘living doll.’ is he telling the truth? who else on the team might have known about gsr prior to the big reveal?” (06.27.16)
“can you deconstruct the car and go-kart track scenes at the end of the episode? also, what is the significance of the use of the song ‘running up that hill’ (cover) by placebo?” (12.05.15)  
08x04 “the case of the cross-dressing carp”
“do you think grissom and sara discuss wanting to get married prior to the proposal or is it just a ‘spur of the moment’ type thing?” (10.30.15)
08x06 “who & what”
“how come jack malone is able to figure out that grissom and sara are a couple immediately when for years their teammates (who know them better) remain oblivious?” (05.24.21)
08x07 “goodbye & good luck”
“why is grissom so oblivious to sara’s upset before she leaves the lab and flees vegas?” (01.08.21)
“what is the last straw that causes sara to leave las vegas in this episode?” (11.20.20)
08x08 “you kill me”
“is it possible that, despite what grissom reports in-episode, sara isn’t actually in san francisco at this point?” (06.19.18)
08x12 “grissom’s divine comedy”
“why does catherine seem so surprised when she finds the photo of grissom and sara at their condo [in the deleted scene]? doesn’t she already know they are together?” (10.20.15)
09x01 “for warrick”
“how does sara know that warrick died in episode 09x01 ‘for warrick’? who calls her to give her the news? is it grissom?” (05.31.16)
“how does sara know about warrick’s death? where does she catch the ‘first flight out’ from?” (12.03.15)
09x02 “the happy place”
“what are grissom’s thoughts when he’s interrogating scott bonfilio? can he relate to what scott’s saying on a personal level?” (03.29.16)
“when grissom talks about relationships in stasis withering, is he talking about his and sara’s relationship? if so, does he really mean what he says?” (03.12.16)
“what happens between grissom and sara in this episode?” (12.01.15)
09x05 “leave out all the rest”
“are grissom and sara actually broken up in this episode? and have any csi directors or producers ever clarified if grissom and heather sleep together here?” (09.26.20)
“is heather’s ‘schism between the lovers’ monologue an analogy for grissom and sara?” (05.02.18)
“what is grissom’s ‘agenda’ for going to see heather in this episode? what is her ‘agenda’ in dealing with him? is she flirting with him?” (12.10.15) ☆
“does grissom start crying during the morgue scene?” (11.19.15)
short answer: “is this episode gsr-heavy?” (10.25.15)
“do you think grissom and sara actually break up in this episode?” (09.10.15)
09x07 “woulda, coulda, shoulda”
“does encountering natalie davis again contribute to grissom’s decision to leave vegas later in the season? also, why does grissom refer to sara as his ‘colleague’ (rather than as his ‘girlfriend’ or ‘fiancée’) in this episode?” (04.25.16)
10x04 “coup de grace”
“why does sara refer to grissom as ‘dr. grissom’ when talking to ecklie?” (11.04.20)
10x12 “long ball”
“when greg asks sara if she’s married, why does she say ‘well, now that you mention it—’ and then trail off? aren’t she and grissom married at this point?” (11.12.15)
13x10 “risky business class”
“why did the writers choose to parallel the famous ‘pin me down’ scene from episode 04x07 ‘invisible evidence’ with the scene in this episode where sara and doug are in the mock-plane cabin?” (03.15.18)
14x05 “frame by frame”
“why did the producers choose to make the last image of the episode grissom and sara’s signatures together? were they trying to imply that gsr won’t be forgotten?” (09.14.15)
“what does the signature of custody with both grissom and sara’s names on it mean?” (09.10.15)
14x10 “girls gone wild”
short answer: “can you deconstruct the scene where brass debriefs sara after the shooting and talk about their relationship in general?” (12.10.15)
14x12 “keep calm and carry on”
“why does sara react in the way she does in this episode?” (12.08.15)
15x12 “dead woods”
“some thoughts on sara’s storyline in episode 15x12 ‘dead woods’” (12.30.14)
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caffe-notes · 6 years
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11.21.18 // why do I leave everything til the last minute
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zaynmalikupdates · 6 years
Hey, Salman Khan, Zayn Malik's 'Allah Duhai Hai' cover is so good that we wish it was in 'Race 3'
By Zee Media Bureau | Updated: Nov 21, 2018, 10:37 AM IST
New Delhi: International singer Zayn Malik enjoys a solid fan following who eagerly wait for his songs to hit the stands. The pop music sensation recently dropped a cover sung by him and guess what? It was Salman Khan's 'Race 3' title track 'Allah Duhai Hai'.
And the song has got such a trippy feeling to it that you wish had the makers used Zayn's version in the movie instead of the original.
Zayn added some Electronic Dance Music (EDM) elements to the track and the effect is awesome. The netizens have loved it and especially fans from India have given it a big thumbs up.
Zayn is a Salman Khan fan as much as he is a Shah Rukh Khan fan. Earlier this year, he had tweeted about 'Dil Diyan Gallan' track from Salman's 'Tiger Zinda Hai'.
The international music sensation loves all things India—be it food, SRK or movies.
In fact, he even met SRK a few years back at the Asian Awards and the superstar had shared a cool selfie with Zayn on Twitter.
In 2015, King Khan met Malik at the fifth annual Asian Awards held in London to collect their respective trophies. SRK flew to London to be a part of the awards ceremony and personally accepted his award for Outstanding Contribution to Cinema.
This was Zayn's first public appearance post his separation from 1D boy band.
(via Zee News)
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