#15 word poem
rose-madder-gaze · 1 year
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mightymizora · 6 months
The realisation that I published my first piece of fanfiction… 27 years ago…
And I’ve not been writing it all the time since then sure but god. That’s longer than most of you have been alive right?
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From The Top Of The World by Elsa Gidlow + Geoffrey Soupe's Vuelta a España stage win, Alberto Dainese's Giro d'Italia stage win, and Victor Lafay's Tour de France stage win.
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pinkanonhopes · 2 years
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-17, by me.
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catspouse · 11 months
why is there tumblr drama about that play i want to have sex with
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…is this anything
[From the Depths
De profundis
We are the common people
The ones who have been
Left in the depths
You might not think That we're anything
But we are
We're here
We're here
And we're crying out
Raising our voices
We will not be silenced
Even though you may try to push us
Down into that voiceless oblivion,
You who think you are gods
ad te, Domine
You who think you are gods
In your delusional folly
Who believe that you can silence us
That your power, your wealth, your fame
Makes vou untouchable
That you are inherently better than us
But you are wrong
Domine, exaudi vocem meam
But vou are wrong
And even if you were right
We are here
The majority that has been silenced
For far too long
So listen to us
Keep listening
Fiant aures tuae intendentes
Keep listening
And understand what we are shouting
From the depths
Because our problems are real
And they're not going away
And we won't go away either
We'll keep asking
in vocem deprecationis meae
We'll keep asking
We'll ask why things haven't changed
Why things are still the way they are
Why no one is doing anything
We'll ask until there is change
For us in the depths
We are the common people]
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please y'all i need to see something
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May 15
a pause
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there is passion found in stillness
in the ability to freeze
a statue is poetic
a picture is a piece
of the grander world
saved inside a frame
kept and held and cared for
cherished and retained
while movement has its value
and art is quite alive
there is beauty there is power
in moments that have died
memory wouldn’t matter
if it didn't fly away
as we leap into tomorrow
let us carry yesterday
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albertxylin · 2 years
Pre-Dawn Pines
I have been counting the days since I saw you last. I have been feeling the absence of your presence, The muted loneliness of one-sided conversations, The empty deficit of a hand without another to hold.
I find that I miss you more, The nearer our reunion comes. Maybe it is darkest before dawn Because that is when we miss the sun the most.
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roaringroa · 8 months
i thought i couldn't get any gayer and then i started writing poetry again
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The other day she learned Learned a new word A new wintry word
What this word is Would be her compormise As far as winter goes
She wanted snow
Just enough to where it covered the grass But not enough to stop traffic
Hardly does she ever "compromise" Particularly on things she can control However, she can't control the weather, no
Nor the season But she wanted to snow
What came was that compromise.
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the-kneesbees · 9 months
I won the fucking. poetry out loud thing in my class.
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glockg1rl · 9 months
< sycophancy >
gray wolf fawns on chief
'til nepotism crowns new lead
abandons the renounced
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offensetogeneralorder · 10 months
me on my first night of being in a psych hosptial pacing & whispering the seven (?) min long spoken word poem to this day by shane koyczan i had happened 2 have memorized @ some point without realizing : my roommate who i thot was asleep but who in morning group the next day tearfully reported horrible hallucinations of an angry whispering voice all night :: in my room rn i have a speaker that i have been progressively lowering the volume on (im pulsating w shame @ all times & also i have devoloped a fear of hearing damage) until i reached this sweet spot of playing music just loud enough 2 hear but not loud enuf 2 register or remember , one step further / more internal than background noise : smoking a lot of weed 2 prove 2 myself that i can definitely still get high & everything is fine (& hey wldnt u kno it but 2 some extent im right everything Is fine) but subsequently . um . do u hear that .. theres like . this voice ...... no i dont thinkso ha ha .,
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the-poetrycafe · 1 year
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We outside! Where you at? July 15th it's going down!
Get your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/poetry-4-the-people-tickets-673058113937?aff=oddtdtcreator
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I can't hold my childhood stuffed animals.
My mother calls me a hoarder because I love collecting things. Trinkets, books, stuffed animals. But each one is a memory, initially or eventually. A souvenir of a grocery store, a friend, an apartment. A rock from a sleepless night spent wandering a river bed. A broken keychain found thrifting with a friend. Someone else's copy of my favorite book. I like to look at them, but it's different to hold them.
I just tried to hold my childhood favorite stuffed animal.
It's a white camel named Camelot. Just the right size for a child to hug with their full soul. Its eyes are squinted with heavy fabric eyelids, a gaze painful in sympathy I never got elsewhere.
I tried to hold it as I once did and my heart squeezed and I had to let go, like my fingers curling to let go of flame that time I set myself on fire.
I always need new items to attach memories to because the old ones are full, and I can't bear to look at them.
I can't hold my childhood stuffed animals.
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