#15th April
its4-town4eva · 1 year
111 years ago today, rms Titanic sank on it's maden voyage after striking a iceberg taking the lives of most of her passengers.
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May the people rest in peace.
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xmascritter · 6 months
Honey, what's tommorow again?
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bts-apocalypse-au · 1 year
Tae's P.O.V. 🐯 15th April Pt. 2
I'm about to test the trap when I hear footsteps and heavy breathing. A large group, 17 of them two adult males and 15 young children. I surprise myself by being able to know that. They come closer, I hide behind the wall and scan the group. Wait, I know him! One of the older males is blond and I've met him before, only three days ago. Park Jimin. What is a surgical resident doing with 15 small children? Then I see the badge on the other man. I must have accidentally scanned it because the badge appears in my holo-screen: he's a kindergarten teacher. Kim Seokjin.
The teacher steps in front of his students looking around. I hear the pounding of running paws in the distance, wolves or something like that. in the distance, getting closer. Park Jimin steps back and hits the fire alarm.
"Careful! Over here!" I whisper, not wanting to lead the creatures to us but hoping it's loud enough for them to hear. I can't leave them out there. I have to do something. I grab a rope ladder and throw it over the high concrete wall. Hopefully I can use my new strength to hold it in place while they climb over. Park Jimin taps the teacher on the shoulder and they exchange a look.
"Send the children first." Jimin whispers but the teacher is already doing that.
"Don't worry. You can trust me, Park Jimin." I say, hoping he'll recognize my voice and speed up. I see a flash of recognition and confusion in his eyes. I can see the creatures now and I was right before, they are wolves but they don't look like wolves at all. They're the size of horses and seem to have extra teeth. They lunge for the teacher and Jimin steps in front of him.
Just one more second, 3 . . . 2 . . . 1! I pull my end of the rope. the net drops. Please, please, please work! The net stretches across the gate in front of the group, the wolves paw at it, I know it won't hold.
"It won't hold for long! Come on!" I yell. Jimin snaps out of it. He and the teacher lift the last boy and girl over and then climb over themselves. I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.
Jimin stares at me "Tae?" I know what he's thinking. How different I looked when we last met. Thankfully a hoodie with a tiger on it covers the metal on my arms.
The gate is sturdy but there's no need to chance it. "No time, let's get inside, I'll explain everything later." I shout already running, they take the hint and follow me. I hear the wolves. The group looks around in awe of the Zoo. I watch the children try to pet Lucy the giraffe and her daughter Gracie.
"Wow" Jimin says, and I agree, this place is really wonderful. I think about how I used to always dream about living in a zoo with the animals. In just three the place has become like the inside of Newt Scamader's suitcase. Plants have integrated with the woods and fences blending the animal environments together into a big sanctuary. There are walls separating the animals but they don't look so industrial anymore.
We make our way through the past the aquatic habitats and get to the clinic. "This is the clinic, you can put the boy here. I have supplies."
"Thank you so much sir." The teachers says
"Of course, and I'm younger than you so please just call me Taehyung. I have food stored and there are couches in the staff room where you can sleep. I also have extra clothes there." I give them a map and now I don't know what to do, it feels strange to be around humans now.
"The animals are in their cages right, you have carnivores right?" Jimin says
His tone sounds wary. "Of course though it's really more for their safety than anything else. They wouldn't hurt anybody." He looks slightly taken aback, I start again. "Your students will be safe here Mr. Kim. Let me show you around."
I use his name when speaking to him, I hope he doesn't wonder how I learnt it. I think we're all too busy to care.
We walk past the bamboo enclosure and Jimin stares at Jisung, the Red panda who broke his paw trying to squeeze out of his enclosure.
I explain, trying to suppress my anger at the treatment of the animals, "The so called caretakers of the zoo left them here during the evacuation, they had no water and were locked in undersized cages. Most of them got injured from panic flailing or trying to claw or bite their way out."
"Oh." he says, then, "That's horrible."
"It is. We're here." I say unlocking the Staff Offices Building.
They look at the supplies and set their own belongings down. The teacher takes out futons and small bags of clothes from each student's bag.
"Here, make yourselves at home. Jimin, you're a doctor, you can set up your things in the clinic." I say
"Alright. Thank you so much. But can you please explain everything now. How did you get here?" He says.
I waves him toward a table, he sits. I stay standing. It doesn't matter to me anyway, not anymore. I'll try to give him the short version.
"So what did you end up doing?"
I pause, "I ended up choosing my bank account over myself but it hardly matters now does it?"
"I guess not."
"Can they sleep in here, they're very tired?" Mr. Kim asks, motioning to his students.
"Of course."
"Anyway," I turn back to Jimin, "I was hiding in my flat at first, everybody else in the building had left pretty much and there were robbers so I decided to take my stuff and leave for another place. What about you? How did you end up with your students?"
Mr. Kim looks solemn and shakes his head subtly. Oh. Their parents left them. How could you do that to an innocent kid?
"I started an impromptu clinic and they came for help, then the wolves followed us so we ran here."
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new-revenant · 4 months
Danny as Phantom walks into a justice league meeting with clear and sloppy stitching on his suit, he has bruises all over his face and what's visible of his neck. He has multiple bandages on his face. Everyone just stares at him until Flash asks what happened and Danny just shrugs and explained he had an encounter with the G.I.W on Friday and spent the weekend as one of their test subjects. The league is not happy about this
This ask implies that he’s already part of the JL in this, and I like that. I also like to think that it implies that he and Flash are friends. I’d think they’d be friends.
The League would likely be aware of his 2-3 day absence. They couldn’t contact him and the couldn’t locate him during that time. This is typical when he goes to the Ghost Zone, but when they go to his last known location, they couldn’t locate any nearby portals. They hope that Wulf or some other ghost took him away for idk, Ghost King stuff, but they do try to keep tabs on ectoplasmic activity around the world, just in case he got kidnapped. Which is what unfortunately happened.
Danny stumbles inside in the middle of a meeting. The chatter stops, and Flash catches Danny before he falls to the ground. He asks what happened, and Danny, in between stilted, uneven breaths, says that the GIW took him. They took him and experimented on him to figure out…something. He doesn’t know, but he knows that they must be stopped. The JL members at the meeting start to hatch a plan and Flash directs Danny to free chair, carefully, and gets him some food, water, and some medical supplies before he can even think of saying “I’m fine.” Danny wants to go with them, to help stop the GIW, but everyone can see he’s in no condition to fight anybody. Eventually, they come to the comprise of him being the “man in the chair,” guiding them through an earpiece and hacked security cams(he wasn’t to one to hack them haha).
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19871997 · 5 months
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great reaction right here from connor mcdavid, having a little laugh, always so serious, right? but not right now, he's soaking this in, having a little chuckle on the bench
connor (+ leon) after connor's 100th assist of the season
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
Me and my friends were at carnival and we went to see a fortune teller and when it was my turn to get my future told, there was a solid minute of silence before she said, “Oh.” She then shot me point blank.
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cannibal-nightmares · 5 months
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"Running right back like a maniac I never knew that I could feel this way! Holding onto hope is a different kind of pain But the truth is, if it doesn't hurt at all, It doesn't mean a thing!"
[ x ]
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homestuck-archive · 6 months
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Happy collective Neil bangin out the tunes and out of touch Thursday guys
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omnicviolence · 5 months
do ur daily clicks !!
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wokeup5sostrash · 5 months
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bts-apocalypse-au · 1 year
Jimin's P.O.V 🐥 15th April
I stretch out waking my limbs up, my back is sore and my head aches. I suddenly recall fainting and then everything else. As far as I can tell I've been drifting in and out of consciousness for the last three days in shock. I've never been good with surprises or had a strong stomach for violence or terrible things. I also think I must've gotten a small cold from being out without my coat because my head feels like some of it is filled with fluff.
Disappointed in myself I wash up and make breakfast. As I cook my eggs on a battery powered hot plate, I wonder if everyone really has left? A quick glance out the window tells me that they have, I see no cars and nobody walking on the sidewalk. I should stay inside but curiosity has me out the door.
The wreckage around is breathtaking. It's not even that the buildings are destroyed but plants grow everywhere out of every nook and cranny and there's no one. A horrible thought crosses my mind: Am I the only one? No, that would be impossible. There has to be others, I'm unharmed. I should help them.
It is my duty as a future surgeon. I open the garage of my townhouse and set up a table with medical supplies along and risk venturing out to hang signs along the block even though it's probably stupid to reveal my presence like this. But I can't just stand by and do nothing, I have to do something. Besides, maybe the military police or somebody will find the signs and send help to this place.
I have a pretty good kit for treating wounds from cuts to basic stitching.
I wait an hour and nobody comes but I'm determined so I stay, biding time by packing up personal supplies in case rescue comes and I have to leave quickly. As I zip the last bag, I hear screaming in the distance.
I can't quite make it out but it sounds like a large group, I hear a man's voice.
"COME ON! WE'RE ALMOST THERE!" he shouts, his voice cracks. He sounds breathless and tired.
Soon the group reaches me. I can feel my eyes go wide. The man, much younger than I had anticipated, has a teachers badge over a torn sweater vest and he has maybe 20 children with him. I can't tell because they keep moving around.
"C-Close the garage!" He wheezes, falling to his knees.
I do and as I lock the door I hear a vague snarl in the distance.
"He needs help, please help him." He says gesturing behind him, I see a small figure peeking out from behind his leg.
"H-Hello. I'm Park Jimin. Who are you?" I say regaining my manners and greeting the man.
He gets up, having regained his breath. "Mr. Kim, well Kim Seokjin. You're a surgeon?"
"Doing my residency. What can I help you with."
"Huening Kai" He pulls the small looking boy from the group, "He was bitten by some sort of wolf. It was chasing us all the way here but we finally lost it. A whole pack actually"
"Okay." I lean towards the boy carefully, trying not to scare him. "Will you let me look at it?"
Mr. Kim sets him on the table and unwraps his arms.
The bite isn't very big or deep, there was just a lot of blood so I treat it easily.
When I'm bandaging him up I hear scratching at the door. Another person who needs help? Mr. Kim turns around then back to me and shakes his head. I don't understand until he makes claws with his hands.
"We can go out the back" I whisper, he nods.
"Kids, come on, next stop." he says which makes me wonder how long they've been running and how much longer they can go. I grab the bags of supplies I made along with my own bag of my clothes and things I packed just in case.
Then we run.
I don't know how long we run when we reach the big green gates. The Zoo, some distant part of my brain remembers but it looks like a different world now, several thick chains and padlocks locking the gates together. It would be safe inside but we'll never get in in time. I turn to Mr. Kim. He gives me a look that says he's thinking the same thing. He steps in front of his class. I feel cowardly when I take an inadvertent step back. Suddenly an alarm rings, ah! I must have pressed something, what did I press? Now they know we're here. Exhaling, I step forward to join Mr. Kim.
"Careful! Over here!" a male voice whispers. He drops a ladder over the wall. I tap Mr. Kim. What should we do? We'll never get all of us over in time.
"Send the children first." I whisper, only to see that he has already started sending Huening Kai over.
"Don't worry. You can trust me, Park Jimin." He says, what the fuck. How does he know my name? Wait, his voice it's familiar. No time to think, I lift the next child over. We're running out of time, the wolves are almost here. They lunge at us, at Mr. Kim. He has students to take care of, I step in front of him.
Then the wolves stop, a net catches them. I am frozen in shock.
"It won't hold for long! Come on!" He yells now, I don't need to be told twice. We lift Lisa and Soobin over Mr. Kim then myself climb the ladder.
I find myself face to face with Kim Taehyung. "Tae?"
"No time, let's get inside I'll explain everything later." he says already running
He's made the Zoo into a fortress/nature sanctuary. It's beautiful. Supplies are in neat organised places plants hand on the walls and grow all around and animals roam happily. It's like paradise in the middle of a war zone.
"Wow" I breathe out.
The children ooh and ahh and try to touch a giraffe that passes us with its baby. The giraffe bites leaves from a tree that has sprouted right from the pavement.
He leads us to a white building. "This is the clinic, you can put the boy here. I have supplies."
"Thank you so much sir." Mr. Kim says
"Of course, and  I'm younger than you so please just call me Taehyung. I have food stored and there are couches in the staff room where you can sleep. I also have extra clothes there." Taehyung says and hands us a map of the zoo. He lingers for a moment looking like he doesn't know what to do. Like it's been a while since he's been around other humans, even though that can't be right because I just saw him two days ago in the park.
"The animals are in their cages right, you have carnivores right?"
"Of course though it's really more for their safety than anything else. They wouldn't hurt anybody." he replies a little defensively then he softens, "Your students will be safe here Mr. Kim. Let me show you around."
Most of the buildings are animal enclosures and as we walk past I see that most of them have fresh bandages, he must have stitched them up. He sees me staring at a red panda with a splint on its paw.
"The so called caretakers of the zoo left them here during the evacuation, they had no water and were locked in undersized cages. Most of them got injured from panic flailing or trying to claw or bite their way out."
"Oh." is all I can say. "That's horrible."
"It is. We're here." He pulls a key from his pockets and unlocks a big grey building with a sign that says "Staff Offices"
Inside is a typical office break room only it's stocked with fresh fruits. There is a huge stack of t-shirts on the couch.
"Here, make yourselves at home. Jimin, you're a doctor, you can set up your things in the clinic."
"Alright. Thank you so much. But can you please explain everything now. How did you get here?"
He motions to one of the tables but stays standing, I sit down.
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new-revenant · 4 months
Danny gets rescued from a G.I.W lab by either Nightwing, Red Hood, or Red Robin, but he's been turned into a little kid. Now the selected batboy has to juggle work, vigilante life, and raising a child who likes to phase through walls and turn invisible for fun
ha ha, get de-aged Danny. Fits well to post now with that one prompt where Danny has to care for a de-aged guy.
He’s already been de-aged by the time [insert Batfam member here] got to him. They were investigating this new business with a suspicious front of being a regular science lab, and found a bunch of non/semi-sentient ghosts within. They would probably think that Danny is a human-ghost experiment at first ngl. And they would probably come with-or at least contact-someone with more experience on the supernatural, or at least more experience with ghosts. But being part of the Batfam, they would try to comfort and take care of Danny. They’re heroes after all.
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dalspace · 6 months
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bringing some pack ideas ive used on my twitter just so i can post this explanation even tho no one cares lol
anyways, since everything that happened to loona, i stopped posting bc i was really unmotivated i just wanted that everything ended so and they could be happy..
now they are finally being happy even tho its not the twelve together, its still loona :) so i will try to post the pics i have soon (they are a lot) and have a good day yall thanks for the likes and everything !
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ansonmountdaily · 1 year
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Anson Mount in "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Exploring Season 2" interview
Not being allowed to reveal much about Season 2, Anson was asked safer questions: he talked about loving Star Trek since he was a child, what makes Star Trek different from other sci-fi shows, the various genres episodes in s1 and s2 are exploring (the cast mentioning "taking big swings" in s2 and pointing to episode 9 in particular), and what it was like sitting in the Captain's chair for the first time.
Source: Official Paramount+ clip, June 9 2023
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was in a theater and realized I was dreaming. I was like, woah this is awesome, I’m going to fly up to the ceiling. I looked down and a ginger woman with menacing vibes made direct eye contact with me. I woke up right then. 
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