nei-ning · 2 years
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rbf451 · 2 years
marietakovtoun ig story 16.2.2023
At MARS-festival, Rytmikorjaamo, Seinäjoki 16.2.2023
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prosy-days · 2 years
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February 16, 2023 - Day 242
A treat of chocolate for my office.
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mysecretvienna · 2 years
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kryptogame · 2 years
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godsnameisjoy · 2 years
Date: 16 February 2023
Duration: 60 minutes at 10:30 PM
It wasn’t difficult to log an hour of meditation last night. My attention wasn’t rebelling meditation at any point through those 60 minutes. My attention used to be stubbornly reluctant to return to a decent depth. This was before freed life energies breached the head through my decades long practice.
I have had a thought that came with a eureka feeling. I have been describing my experience of Kundalini energy as ‘life energies freed from body-mind knots via optimal calmness’. Further, I have been writing that the freed life energy’s default residence is in the spine.
What if it is not an act of ‘freeing’ energy? What if I was to speak of it in the same terms as Paramahansa Yogananda? What if I speak of it as withdrawal of energy? It has been making much sense to me since yesterday to think of my experience of partial Kundalini awakening as a withdrawing of energy from the outermost boundary of my being, namely, the senses.
It has been subtle and slow. It has taken me 2 decades of meditation to experience the first energy dissipation along the spine in the form of a vibration. It is entirely likely that through 2 decades of no vibrations, a subtle and slow withdrawing of life energies was occurring. So subtle and so gradual was the change through each meditation that I didn’t notice it. So subtle that the first involuntary bodily vibration came as a surprise.
In the 2 decades of practice prior to a partial Kundalini awakening, my attention has been my meditational priority. We do not know the extent of our individual attentions being stubbornly habituated to restlessness until we meditate. For most of us, our restlessness is so sticky that we experience songs as being ‘stuck’ in our head. A melody can haunt us.
Yet, having experienced Peace night after night during my meditations, I can’t be sure if Peace is sticking to me. Peace continues to feel refreshing, cool, fluid, and something I experience regularly only while in meditation. Peaceful meditations continue to feel like a blessing or a boon that I wouldn’t want reversed.
I may be made in God’s image. However, God will seem unearthly if He was to make an appearance. Christ had a kinship with God. I don’t feel like I do. I am aware of the energies withdrawn from my senses and moving in my spine. When I meditate, I know that surplus spinal energies move upwards to the head. I know that withdrawn energies in the head want to flow further on.
I know that life running energies moving in the head feel like Peace to the mind. Life running energy is the energy that keeps me clinically alive. I have little control on the benevolent energy. I am blessed enough to sense it directly without the senses being involved. Life energy is the elixir of life that I have no control on. Guess what the Hindu saints want you do when you find the elixir of life? Drink it till you are drunk.
It is highly recommended by Hindu saints that I work under the influence of Peace. So be it.
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botanisiertrommel · 2 years
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wienschrift · 2 years
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thedailypointer · 2 years
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phototagebuch · 2 years
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16.2.2023: Tauwetter
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nataliesnews · 2 years
Subject: If you want to know how Israel is appearing to the world. 16.2.2023
Subject: If you want to know how Israel is appearing to the world...... To:
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Featured snippet from the web
Israel's military has jailed a soldier for 10 days after he assaulted a Palestinian activist trying to escort a US journalist around Hebron in the occupied West Bank. In a video posted by Lawrence Wright of the New Yorker, the soldier is seen grabbing Issa Amro by his neck and arm and throwing him to the ground
After the demonstration on Tuesday....which one of the politicians described as a "small demonstration which was probably held with money donated by outside sources".....I am wondering if this is not our swan song. Laws are being passed at such a speed that I would not be surprised that when I come back from Dubai at the end of the month I will find that a state of emergency has been declared and that it is forbidden to hold protests. I again say that I have never seen anything like I saw on Monday. One of my friends wrote that she was also there and she is able bodied and tall and she also immense trouble getting out of the crowd and, in fact, was lucky that she sat down on a bench which was right next to the ambulance and fainted. She also had not drunk enough water....which is a reminder for me. But she is OK. 
I was so glad to see that Benny Begin was there with his son. I always had a soft spot for him even when I loathed his father......and today I would pray that we had a statesman such as the latter. His wife studied at the School of Social Work and when he came to return her books he always stood in line like any other student....which is something Yair Netanyahu would never do. Actually he would probably send one of his two bodyguards.--
A book which may interest you
21 VOICES from Israel and South Africa: Why the Palestinian Struggle Matters is expected to be available by the end of next month – in hard copy and as an e-book.
 Nora Carmi from Palestine wrote the Foreword and the awarded author, poet and artist Breyten Breytenbach, known for his resistance against South African apartheid, wrote a wonderful letter of recommendation, including the following words:
 In a long life of having read poems and novels and reports of so many kinds, many of them of deep insight and value, I cannot remember ever having been moved as profoundly and as searingly and yes, also as painfully, as I am by your document …  May this work be read as widely as possible. Not only by those concerned and the protagonists. But by everybody. For we are all of us involved. Let us not be allowed to pretend we did not know of this crime against humanity, of this agony of the Palestinian people. This too: your book, with the reports and the interviews with ‘ordinary’ women and men is a testimony to the immense bravery of the individual and communal spirit.
   You wanted to know why I have no respect for Herzog. Read the PDF which I sent.
Thank goodness this week at last we no longer have to wear masks in Nofim, nor will our visitors have to be tested. I thought that I would soon have two trees growing out of my nose. 
Our Minister of Defense .....who never served in the army...Ben Gvir and if you want to know where he is coming from the man standing next to him is wearing a t-shirt on which is written......Free Yigal Amir. 
 And then of course we have Smotrich backing him up ......and the defense of Israel is in good hands
 "Religious Zionism leader Bezalel Smotrich says he’s ready to be defense minister in the next government despite only completing a shortened military service and having no combat experience"     He only enlisted at the age of 28 and sat in a very safe place. 
  Weird how the media and the politicians can close their eyes to fact. Much talk now about two teenage Palestinians who have been involved in terrorist activities. Every effort is being made to put the blame on Hamas. on the Palestinian textbooks, etc. Nothing is being said of the fact that every day Palestinians are being shot and killed including children ....even those innocent of anything.....see above, that there are nightly excursions of the army into the villages, that their lands are being taken from them, that the army and police give them no protection from the settlers....this is an excerpt from a report which I have just translated
 We visited Fadel, whose family includes two women and their children. They live in a cave, are there both day and night. The cave is heated with wood, and it is difficult to breathe. On these rainy days, the children do not go to school at A-Twani, which is a four-kilometer walk away.
Fadel tells about the daily arrival of settlers, by motorcycle, or ATV, or van, or on foot. Most of the time, they make rounds near the mosque. When Padel and other shepherds from the village are in the pasture, the settlers arrive and harass . The army gives the settlers  full backing, and expels the Palestinians to the village, arguing that it is a firing area.
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rbf451 · 2 years
noooralotta ig story 16.2.2023
At MARS-festival, Rytmikorjaamo, Seinäjoki 16.2.2023
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takovanormalnielie · 7 months
Díky @ceske-drahy za tolik různých zpoždění. Mohla jsem si z nich vybrat po tom, co se můj vlak zpozdil o 80 min a stihla jsem tak nakombinovat dva další zpožděný vlaky a budu v Praze ještě o pár minut dřív, než bylo původně v plánu. Navíc to bylo děsný vzrůšo. Ten nával dopaminu při usednutí do vlaku na poslední chvíli je ohromně návykovej. Mám radost, že nakonec všechno stíhám. Jedu na oslavu narozenin mý kamošky Z. a potkám se tam i s jednou známou/kámoškou/touholkoucoodstartovalamůjquestioningsvýmoutempředmnohalety. Chce se se mnou domluvit na náhravkách mojí tvorby. Nevím, jestli tuší, jak velkou roli v mým životě sehrála. No a aby toho nebylo málo, tak zítra mě ještě čeká sraz pastelek. Jsem vysoko na životě/sjetá životem. Sakra, v týhle čumblr věci cucám tak tvrdě. lol, ne fakt už končim.
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mysecretvienna · 2 years
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katoisha11 · 2 years
وستظلّ معتقدًا أنّك بخير حتى تجد نفسك مستيقظًا في الرابعة فجرًا تُفكر في شيء واللاشيء في الوقت نفسه .
1.06 am
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kurjastonhoitaja · 2 years
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Kuten Kysy kirjastonhoitajalta -palvelukin, myös Kirjastokaista on osa Kirjastot.fi -sivustoa.
"Löydät Kirjastokaistalta videoita ja audioita kirjallisuudesta ja kirjailijoista sekä kirjastoista ja niiden palveluista. Kirjastokaista osallistuu ohjelmillaan lukemisen edistämiseen sekä kirjastojen palveluiden ja ajankohtaisten teemojen esittelyyn, viestintään ja markkinointiin. Lisäksi Kirjastokaista toimii koulutuskanavana mm. kirjastoammattilaisille, alan opiskelijoille, opettajille ja mediakasvatustoimijoille." Lähde: Kirjastokaistan Info-osio
Kirjastokaistan livekoulutuksiin voi kuka tahansa osallistua katsojana. Koulutustilaisuuden päätyttyä pitkä tallenne koulutuksesta piilotetaan, ja sen korvaavat saavutettavaan muotoon muokatut videot noin kahden viikon sisällä koulutuksen päättymisestä. Esimerkkinä 16.2.2023 järjestetty erittäin mielenkiintoinen koulutus "Kirjastot demokratian vihollisia kampittamassa": https://www.kirjastokaista.fi/tag/kirjastot-demokratian-vihollisia-kampittamassa-koulutus/ Linkin takaa löytyvät koulutukseen kuuluneet luennot.
Kirjastokaistalta löytyy myös videomuotoisia kirjavinkkauksia, joiden alustoina ovat joko Youtube tai Vimeo. Tässä muutama nopeasti valkattu vinkkivideo:
Henriika Tulivirran vinkki J. S. Meresmaan kirjasta Kenties tapan sinut vielä
Annukka Saramäen vinkki Tomi Adeyemin kirjasta Veren ja luun lapset
Henriika Tulivirran vinkki Dess Terentjevan kirjasta Ihana
Näiden lisäksi Kirjastokaistan sivuilta löytyy kirjailijoiden ja muusikoiden haastatteluja, erilaisia kirjastodokumentteja, kirjastopalveluiden esittelyjä, kirjastoaiheisia podcasteja sekä lapsille suunnattuja videoita.
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