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Me with old fashion filter .
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themaddeninghunger · 4 months
I inhale my food, i don't take a moment to appreciate it or even feel the taste of it on my tongue. I just shove it down my throat like hot coal. I either eat in a hurry or I don't eat at all, its really nothing in between.
And I cant remember the last time I actually got a taste of my own food, cant remember the last time I actually enjoyed eating something. Everything seems dull and bleak.
Is this what they call adulthood? Is this what it means by growing up?
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carcassgender · 8 months
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☆ ★ @putrefyingcorpse gender hoard
layout by @tsukkiipi ☆ ★
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aalghul · 2 months
once again thinking about jason as duke’s robin. he’s ~4 years younger than jason, and that’s puts him at 8-12 during Jason’s time as robin. that’s prime time to get attached to your local kid vigilante before your own life goes downhill.
and if we try to keep duke’s meeting with bruce in zero year + duke’s age (so he can remember the meeting and hold that conversation with bruce), he has to be around 8. if he starts following batman through the news at that time because of the mess that just happened, the robin he sees is probably jason. I’ve literally connected the dots
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nbnaruto · 2 years
For the older grayson brother danny au, realistically Danny would meet all of Dick's younger siblings gradually but the idea all of them meeting him all at once is so funny to me. Even better if none of them knew Dick had an older brother (and 2 older sisters), Dick just mentions he can't hang out with one of them in the gc because he's hanging out with his older brother and all the batkids are like "wtf are you talking about?" Dick swears he's mentioned Danny (and jazz and ellie) at least once but all of them swear they've never heard those names before. Cue the meeting, they've decided to meet at Mcdonald's or sumn and right before they get to the mcdonalds Dick stresses that they should be on their best behaviour cuz Danny and Co aren't from Gotham and they are Normal Civilians TM, they turn the corner and see McDonalds is getting robbed, they rush in to find Danny beating the shit out of the thief with a napkin holder like outta that scene in shameless, Jazz is getting a first aid kit ready and Ellie is cheering in the background
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gen-z-culture-is · 8 months
gen z culture is calling people 1 year younger than you little babies (affectionate)
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dyketubbo · 5 months
i remember seeing someone call tubbo a fully grown adult at 19 (obvs before he turned 20) and i gotta say. i think maybe some people have a really skewed idea of what constitutes as "fully grown". and also what constitutes as properly mature. thinking that at 18/19 (or hell even at 20/21) people are now fully grown and mature is insane to me like yall thats how you get people thinking their life is over at like 23 and that 30 year olds are senior citizens 😭😭 be fr
#this is a problem no matter where you look but i think a lot of ppl in the mcyt fandom esp seem to think once youre-#-considered an adult at all that it automatically means youre fully grown and mature and thats just nooottt really true for most ppl#which i think can lead people down to sort of dangerous paths especially because 'adult' is often defined by age of consent#and theres also some slight cultural differences like even just between the us and the uk where due to 18yr olds being able to drink in-#-the uk (and other places) i think it genuinely causes some dissonance#where i see often in the us that when youre 18/19 youre still treated (id say rightfully) as being rather young and not Truly a grown adult#hence. yk. the term Young Adult#but i think in places where the drinking age is younger it starts causing people to see younger people as more mature#which is also why a lot of predators like to push for the age of consent to be at a younger age like 15 or 16#and why many lolicons try to point at japans age of consent (which for the record is complicated and not as simple as just 'age of consent-#-is 13') as a defense for how they act#because these sorts of milestones (having sex and drinking) are seen as marks of a true adult. which gets into a whole lot of other#complicated things#and often dangerous things and ways of thinking#ANYWAYS . basically 18/19 isnt fully grown 20 is also hardly fully grown itself#and theres ways to combat people infantilizing tubbo and other creators his age without acting like hes actually#fully grown and mature lol. i promise you humans are not fully grown at 20 years old are you kidding me 😭😭😭😭#if youre in your 20s you still have a lot of time and space to grow i promise. do not fall for the idea that your life is done by like 23#idk. im only 18 myself but it just feels insane to me that if i were a creator people would be calling me a fully grown adult#not that im not an adult but i dont think im mature enough to be seen as fully grown and i guess itssss. sad?#to see other people my age think that turning 18 means youre fully grown. just really not true#theres a lot of 30 year olds who still see early 20yr olds as being practically babies we have Not made it to full maturity yet i prommy#mask mews
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green446004 · 2 years
You could draw Blitzen and Hearthstone meeting for the first time!
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Thanks for the request.
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braidedhades · 1 month
just found out that non-aromantics actually have feelings towards the people they decide to have a crush on. Apparently it’s not like, “hmmm should I consider this person for dating? what are the pros and cons here?” Or like, “I want to be really close friends with that person” But it’s like an actual emotional response or something? An emotion that is different from the “I wanna be really close friends” emotion??
also I just figured out that I’m aromantic
#I’m also ace but I already knew that#Shout out to Jaiden Animations#Never would have figured this stuff out this quickly otherwise#asexual#aromantic#aroace#My first “crush” was Carmen San Diego#I was 18yrs old and that “crush” lasted 2 days#Turns out she wasn’t as pretty when she wasn’t wearing her signature outfit#I didn’t actually have a crush on her I just really liked her outfit#I think I just decided that ���ya know I should’ve had a crush on someone by now kinda weird that it hasn’t happened yet”#And then I just picked the first pretty girl I saw#She’s animated so I guess that made it less weird than having a crush on a random stranger#But like there were no actual romantic emotions there#Didn’t know that there were supposed to be any but oh well#The whole “I wanna be really close friends with that person” thing really threw me off for a while#Cuz I thought that was what romantic attraction was#But apparently it’s not???#Too confusing we should just get rid of romance#Honestly my idea of the “ideal romantic/queerplatonic relationship” should have tipped me off sooner that I was aro#It was “a close friend who lives in the same house as me but we have separate bedrooms and sometimes we cuddle on the couch but not…#… always and we don’t hold hands or kiss or anything but we just act like really good but close friends because that’s what I think a…#… romantic relationship is two people who are really close friends”#might delete later I dunno just kinda rambling and I’m really tired
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bellamysgriffin · 9 months
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Oh, when do we get wise? Oh, when do we get wiser?
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xomoosexo · 9 months
also what's so funny is that av*rage harry would literally get in tubbos alt chat and try to convince him to come out to the clubs with him constantly and there's literally pictures of harry (18), tubbo, and pinley (24) at a gay bar together lol.
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murderedbyhomework · 3 months
Born from a conversation with a discord friend but, feihua x cherik from xmen. Like the similarities are crazy.
Di Feisheng as Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto. Their past is surprisingly similar, with Erik in the camps and training aka torture at the hands of Sebastian Shaw, and Di Manor and Di Feisheng learning how to fight. That aside they're both gay fashion icons, very blunt and goal oriented.
Li Lianhua/Li Xiangyi would absolutely be Charles Xavier. Both of them kind and compassionate, with a surprisingly cunning/sly fox side. Li Xiangyi and Shan Gudao as street kids sneaking into people's homes with lxy as a radar for how bad the consequences would be if they get caught, and they end up getting adopted by scientist couple Qi Mushan and Qin Po, who are their canon loving but dysfunctional selves. Li Xiangyi who starts to wonder if there's people out there like him and his shixiong, and going out to recruit Sigu Sect (Xmen???? Literally) and meeting Di Feisheng trying to kill the Di Manor master.
Other things feihua and cherik have in common:
Beach/sea adjacent divorce with a side of betrayal (mistaken in feihua's case but still)
Idealogical clashes (lxy/dfs mostly) but respecting each other
If your thing lasts longer than 10 years you're gay
Cuban Beach divorce is the cherik equivalent of the Donghai Battle, dfs gets his wish and kills the Di Manor master and also sgd who lxy doesn't know has contacted to government and is working with it (this is the only reason they'd have the fight lxy doesn't have the same objection against murder as Charles), Li Xiangyi who holds the Di Manor Master is place for dfs to kill like Charles held Shaw for Erik, lxy feeling his death and suffering severe damage for it. Lxy who tries his best to ignore the damage but the Sigu Sect members end up being killed one way or another and he doesn't see the point in continuing especially with his powers hurting him and draining his life whenever he uses them. Three years after the fight lxy fakes his death, starts living out his last years as Li Lianhua, and invents Bicha (aka the serum Charles was using) based on ideas he's heard dfs' allies talk about. Bicha is also slowly killing lxy, but it inhibits his powers from activating passively, and any active usage of his powers needs to be intentional and takes a lot out of his life force, so he decides it's better than his powers paining him every moment (powers that don't need effort to be used passively because Charles' telepathy is always activated).
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queenofsquids · 1 year
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Limhwa Eva in yet another piece by @dollsahoy
This patchwork corset skirt barely squeaked on to the Dollstown body; I had to pull her thighs out of socket and work it up them individually haha. At least that's fairly easy to do with an elastic strung doll.
Hard to describe the solid feel of a boned garment on a doll. It feels substantial and well made. Speaking of which, all the seams are serged on the inside 0___o
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Thank you Andrea!!
Stunning faceup by @zaksdolls ♥️♥️♥️
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warning for major fate/samurai remnant late game spoilers under the cut, specifically for rider
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i desperately need them to explain how on earth raikou, the half diving child of indra, runs the risk of acting like this at all times while meanwhile her half brother arjuna is like, just some guy
like the irl reason is probably to do with the different framing indra has in india vs gozu tennoh in japan but its incredible to see this while one of indra's other kids, who's equally divine, is in the same game and has no noticeable bouts of insanity over it
(and before anyone brings up arjuna alter he IS specifically an abnormality from the whole lostbelt situation and wouldnt happen in a normal situation)
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mitsies · 1 year
-;, white chocolate mocha ; kenji (oc i GUESS)
written for @sixosix and all the losers who fell in love with this random ass guy from SNAKEBITES and... KENJI DRAWN BY @kruinka (*crowd going wild!!*)
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the hot coffee in your hand spread a surge of warmth through your palms, trickling down into your veins as you speed-walked to your destination. the heat from the drink counteracted the incessant spattering of rain which sent sparks of cold ricocheting down your spine.
you were done with your work for the day, having just finished your shift at a local cafe and completed your classes a little before that, rendering you with nothing left to do. all your schoolwork was completed, and you didn't really feel like going home yet (seeing as it was only around 6pm) so there was really only one logical course of action left: to go bother your boyfriend who worked down the street.
kenji, your boyfriend since you were both quite literally 13 years old, had recently been employed as a tattoo and piercing parlour's receptionist, a position he'd chatted your ear off about when he'd first scored it out of sheer excitement. it wasn't only a good paying, interesting job- it was close to your place of work, only a 5-minute walk away.
rather quickly, it became a habit for you to drop by whenever you could for the purpose of keeping him company. kenji never failed to brighten up (a feat you never thought would be possible, but you were proved wrong often) whenever you walked through the parlour's doors with two to-go cups of coffee in hand. you had his order memorised- white chocolate mocha, hot in the winter and cold in the summer.
when you pushed open the doors to the building, you were greeted by the smell of cinnamon and upbeat pop music you recognised as a track from your shared playlist humming quietly from the speaker system. kenji sat behind the desk, head slumped over and arms around his face. you bit back a smile, moving closer and seeing the gentle rise and fall of his chest. shaggy dark hair and the sleeves of his dark brown crewneck obscured most of his face, save for the apple of his cheek. a dusting of hazel freckles shifts with his skin as he mumbles something in his sleep.
"kenji. wake up."
he grumbles something more and shoves his face deeper into his arms. more dark hair covers what you could see and you roll your eyes. he's always slept like the dead, no matter where he was.
you place the drinks down on the counter and reach over to shake his shoulder gently. "you alive?"
your touch rouses him, and he raises his head. droopy, tired eyes blink up at you, not registering what they're seeing. "do.. you have an appointment?"
you exhale a sigh, hands landing on your hips. "you need to start wearing your glasses."
and then you see it: he brightens like the sun rising in the sky, a light being turned on, a sparkle glinting behind his expression. cheeks turning rosy and creasing as he beams at you, he greets you with a delighted rendition of your name. you've known him for 5 years and loved him for a dozen lifetimes but the way he says your name is always something so sweet, intimate, and never fails to make your heart rate pick up.
"i can't believe you're already asleep; it's only, like, 6."
he groans, and flops his head back into his arms. one eye peeks up at you. "but it's so boring, no one's scheduled until later."
"that's great," you say dryly, "good opportunity for you to catch up on all your late work."
your boyfriend huffs and you laugh. he comes around the other side of the desk to stand next to you, a bright grin cracking through his feigned annoyance. "you're overestimating me," he wheedles, "there's too many."
"and whose fault is that?"
"not mine!"
"you're literally studying education. you have nothing to be complaining about with your what, two assignments a week?"
he scowls at you. you fail to hide your smile. kenji's head lands on your shoulder with a sigh, and with your free hand you reach over and grab the cup of coffee you brought him. "you'll need this if you're already passing out."
he blinks at the drink, not taking it. and then his face erupts into a furious red blush, once which he tries to hide by shoving his hands over his cheeks and groaning. it didn't do much to veil the redness of his ears, striped off by the myriad of silver piercings decorating them.
"what? are you okay?" your inquiries fall upon deaf ears as kenji leans even more of his weight onto you, almost toppling you (and the drink) over. "oh my god, what? are you actually dying? do i need to call someone?"
he rises back up a little and looks at you, with that same expression that's solely reserved for things he loves: it's how he looks at cats, his drums, and the ocean; his little sisters, flowers, and thai food; it's how he looks at you, always.
"you remembered my favourite drink," he says in a watery, teary voice, as if it's a big deal, "i'm in love with you."
you bite the inside of your cheek to fight your grin. "you have the most basic taste. it'd be hard to forget."
kenji looks up at you, through his lashes and his bangs. his eyes glow more gold than their usual green in the warm lighting of the parlour. "i'm g'nna marry you one day."
you blink at him as he snatches the white chocolate mocha (cold, because it's winter) from your hands and takes a sip. you blink again. and again.
and you think that sure, you're okay with that being your future. yeah, you're definitely okay with this.
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mothervvoid · 6 months
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Making a snowman was too troublesome for them 😏 There are more interesting things around xDDD Hi, Ard!
hiiiiiiii mairey!!! thank you for this <3
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