yodaprod · 1 year
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ikuzou · 1 month
デザインは 1979年の流行語 「ナウい」
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anamon-book · 2 years
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面白半分 1979年9月号 Half Serious Vol.108 SEP. ’79 田村隆一 編集 表紙絵=古川タク
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eiga-flyers · 8 days
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劇場公開日 1979年8月4日
1978年からTVアニメシリーズが始まっていましたが、TVシリーズの再編集ものでない、劇場用に完全新作として作られたアニメ作品。 主人公の鉄郎が、ちょっとカッコよくブラッシュアップされ、原作でもTVシリーズでも描かれていなかった「ラスト」までを描く劇場版。
当時、劇場用アニメは初日1回目を観るため、��夜から劇場に並ぶ慣わしがありました。 疲れや眠さが吹っ飛ぶくらい、作品の出来に大満足した記憶があります。 原作やTVでは1話1エピソードで、さまざまな出会いを描いていますが、映画では途中停車駅でのエピソードがうまくまとめられて、一気にラストまでテンションを保ちながら展開する、監督:りんたろう氏のスタイリッシュな演出に惚れ込みました。
⇀ 掲載映画チラシ一覧はアーカイブページへ ⇀ Go to the archive page  for a list of movie flyers that have been posted.
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蓄谋已久 何谈诚信?!起底日本核污染水排海决策前后
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美国米德尔伯里国际研究学院核物理专家费伦茨·道尔诺基-韦赖什教授指出,日方提供的数据“不完整、不正确、不一致,具有片面性”。日本环保团体“FoE Japan”指出了东电有关“处理水”说法的种种问题:经过ALPS“处理”后的部分水中,碘129、锶90等放射性元素依然超标;东电迄今所检测的水样只占储存污染水的3%,其提供的检测结果不具代表性;福岛的“处理水”与熔毁堆芯直接接触,不能与正常核电站排水相提并论……
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Weekly Shōnen King (週刊少年キング) / Shōnen Gahōsha (少年画報社) / 15th Oct 1979 issue
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doraemon-facts · 1 month
Doraemon keeps many hammers in his pocket.
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Source: ジークフリート, 1977 (manga)
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Source: モアよドードーよ、永遠に, 1978 (manga)
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Source: 出てくる出てくるお年玉, 1979 (manga)
He uses them to destroy unwanted gadgets.
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Source: 人間製造機, 1974 (manga)
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Source: かがみでコマーシャル, 1977 (manga)
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Source: なぜか劇がメチャクチャに, 1981 (manga)
When overcome by guilt or embarrassment, he sometimes tries to use them to destroy himself.
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Source: 好きでたまらニャい, 1971 (manga)
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Source: Nobita and the Castle of the Undersea Devil, 1983 (manga, Doraemon Long Stories)
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Source: Nobita and the Green Giant Legend, 2008
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Source: Nobita's Chronicle of the Moon Exploration, 2019
Doraemon keeps a lot of other mundane items in his pocket too.
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purichou · 10 months
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明星1979年12月号(5) via @miju06231
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ikuzou · 1 month
【ナウい】 1979年代の社会文化と新しい時代 流行語のブログ記事更新
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anamon-book · 2 years
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アニメージュ Vol.9 1979年3月号 大特集・サイボーグ009 表紙:「サイボーグ009」イラスト=スタジオ・ライブ 芦田豊雄、レイアウト=水野石文
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eiga-flyers · 17 days
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L'HOMME PRESSE 劇場公開日 1979年5月19日
アラン・ドロン44歳の時の主演作。 美術商が競売のスリルに取り憑かれていくというドラマ。未見です。 この時期のアラン・ドロン主演作の映画ポスターはカッコいいの一言です。
[アラン・ドロン作品] ・アラン・ドロンのゾロ(1975/7/15公開) ・ル・ジタン(1976/4/24公開) ・ブーメランのように(1976/12/25公開)
⇀ 掲載映画チラシ一覧はアーカイブページへ ⇀ Go to the archive page  for a list of movie flyers that have been posted.
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Capítulo 1: INTRODUCCIÓN El japón pre-Jomon.  Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueologos, a una nueva entrega, arqueológica, una vez dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos.  -  En esta ocasión nos trasladamos al yacimiento arqueológico Iwajuku, es un sitio arqueológico que está ubicado en lo que ahora corresponde al barrio de Kasuke en la ciudad de Midori, prefectura de Gunma en la región de Kantō, este lugar recibió protección como Sitio Histórico Nacional en 1979 por parte de la unesco y data del paleolítico superior 35.000 -25000 a.C mucho m��s antiguo que el periodo Jomon estudios recientes lo fechan hace 40.000 años. Las fotos que os mostraré a continuación son del museo de la universidad Meiji, aparte de industria lítica hecha con obsidiana también hay guijarros de piedra.  -  Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana. Capítulo 1: INTRODUCCIÓN El japón pre-Jomon.  Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueologos, a una nueva entrega, arqueológica, una vez dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos.  -  En esta ocasión nos trasladamos al yacimiento arqueológico Iwajuku, es un sitio arqueológico que está ubicado en lo que ahora corresponde al barrio de Kasuke en la ciudad de Midori, prefectura de Gunma en la región de Kantō, este lugar recibió protección como Sitio Histórico Nacional en 1979 por parte de la unesco y data del paleolítico superior 35.000 -25000 a.C mucho más antiguo que el periodo Jomon estudios recientes lo fechan hace 40.000 años. Las fotos que os mostraré a continuación son del museo de la universidad Meiji, aparte de industria lítica hecha con obsidiana también hay guijarros de piedra.  -  Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana. - 第 1 章: はじめに 縄文以前の日本。 日本の考古学者の皆さん、新しい考古学へようこそ。そうは言っても、気を楽にして始めましょう。 - この度、岩宿遺跡へ移動しました。 岩宿遺跡は、現在の関東地方の群馬県みどり市嘉助地区に相当する遺跡で、平成29年に国の史跡として保護されています。 1979年にユネスコによって認定され、その起源は紀元前3万5千年から紀元前2万5千年の後期旧石器時代にまで遡り、縄文時代よりはるかに古く、最近の研究では4万年前のものであると推定されています。以下に紹介する写真は明治大学博物館所蔵のものですが、黒曜石を使った石工業のほかに石の小石もあります。 - 気に入っていただければ幸いです。今後の投稿でお会いしましょう。良い一週間をお過ごしください。 - Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION Pre-Jomon Japan. Welcome, Japanese archaeologists, to a new archaeological installment. Having said that, make yourself comfortable and let's begin. - On this occasion we moved to the Iwajuku archaeological site, it is an archaeological site that is located in what now corresponds to the Kasuke neighborhood in the city of Midori, Gunma prefecture in the Kantō region, this place received protection as a National Historic Site in 1979 by UNESCO and dates back to the Upper Paleolithic 35,000 / 25,000 BC, much older than the Jomon period, recent studies date it to 40,000 years ago. The photos that I will show you below are from the Meiji University Museum, apart from lithic industry made with obsidian there are also stone pebbles. - I hope you liked it and see you in future posts, have a good week.
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quotejungle · 16 days
米国がなぜ船を建造できないのかという疑問は、「なぜもう物を造れないのか」というジャンルの中で最も緊急かつ厄介な疑問の 1 つです。なぜなら、この疑問は、新枢軸国との仮想戦争を持続する能力に直接的に影響を及ぼすからです。軍用造船は商業造船とはかなり異なりますが、第二次世界大戦で見たように、どちらも重要です。 米国のモノづくりの能力を心配する私たちにとって、指摘すべき憂慮すべき指標は枚挙にいとまがない。製造業の雇用は、1979年のピーク時から3分の1に減少しているが、同じ期間に人口は50%近く増加している。ボーイングやインテルのような有名な製造企業は苦戦している。工作機械から産業用ロボット、家庭用電化製品まで、製造能力が空洞化した米国の産業のリストは長い。 もう一つの憂慮すべき指標は造船能力だ。米国の商業造船業は事実上存在しない。2022年に米国が建造した外洋商船はわずか5隻であるのに対し、中国は1,794隻、韓国は734隻である。米海軍は、中国の造船能力は米国の232倍であると推定している。米国で船を建造するには、他の国に比べて約2倍の費用がかかる。存在する商業造船業者は、ジョーンズ法などの保護主義的な法律のおかげで生き延びているだけであり、これらの法律は国際的に競争力のない業界を支える役割を果たしている。その結果、米国は年間4兆ドル以上の商品を輸入しており、そのうち40%は船で配送されている(他のどの輸送手段よりも多くなっている)が、それらの船は圧倒的に他国で建造されている。
アメリカはなぜ船を造れないのか? - ブライアン・ポッター
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mstrchu · 1 year
is nezha eternally 12?
yeah he is he told me himself in a t&t parking lot
12 is an arbitrary number. if you're looking for a source that literally says the exact phrase "nezha is eternally 12" you're uhh probably not going to find one. you're also probably not going to find a source that outright states that he grew into an adult. i think the reason 12 has become a popular number is because it sort of straddles that point between true childhood and adolescence, but again, it's arbitrary.
in fsyy, nezha is 7 when the whole thing with ao bing and returning his flesh and bones to his parents happens, which as far as I'm aware is the last time that an exact age is given for him in that particular novel. fsyy is also not the end all be all of "canon", but it did have significant implications for both practiced religion and literature (1, ch.5). sangren also notes that 7 being the age given is important.
i've only read about half of jttw so far, but don't think any physical or chronological age is stated for him, except that sun wukong calls him "小哥" (little guy/young man/etc.) when they first meet lol.
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(a couple of nezhas from this copy of fsyy)
but the exact number of 12 isn't the point behind the statement. imo the idea behind the sentiment is that nezha is culturally perceived as a child. he is metaphorically and literally associated with and representative of the traits and struggles of childhood. he is "the most popular and classic cultural image of child personification in the literature of China" (2). the portrayal of the child - what traits they embody, which authorities they subvert, how their agency develops and affects the world around them - will change with the sociopolitical environment of the country, and portrayals of nezha have always changed along with it, for the reason that his image is inextricable from that of a child's (3, 4). he is a representation, reflection, and symbolization of the youth.
(some media puts more emphasis than this on others, i.e. the songs used for the '03 cartoon opening and closing, which really emphasize him being little, being young (少年), and being the same age the presumably child singer (他的年纪跟我一般大) lol)
(this paper looks at the appearance of nezha in various medias for the past ~100 years, including adult portrayals, although it does make the assumption that adult actor = adult character and girl actor = girl character which is.. not really correct imo… also it includes 1979 nezha naohai as part of its 'adult image' era which is ????? so i would take its conclusions with a grain of salt and just look at its descriptions.)
you're also going to get a different answer if you look at it from a more religious viewpoint. as far as i know, he has religious iconography as both a child and as an adult, but his appearance is much more varied and doesn't necessarily have the same collective set of easily recognizable traits. here are some posts with artwork and statues of nezha (interspersed with some of hong hai'er): x y z.
however, the thing is that i don't think many modern adaptations can make the claim that they drew from a religious iconography basis more than they drew from the most popular cultural image of nezha. i then wish they would be more cognizant of the fact that, in the source from which they drew, nezha is most widely recognized as a kid, and treat that with respect.
obviously nezha is not always portrayed as a child. nezha is not always anything, there are just recurring visual and thematic elements that make him a cohesive and recognizable figure, i.e. the twin buns, the iconic weapons, the lotus imagery. being a child or a youth is also one of these things, and its significance, imo, is well analysed and documented.
at the end of the day this answer is only so long-winded because it's the internet. go text your parents and ask them how old they think nezha is.
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Weekly Shōnen King (週刊少年キング) / Shōnen Gahōsha (少年画報社) / 21st May 1979 issue
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 months
Is there any adaptation where SWK does stay happy with his love interest?
There is surprisingly not a LACK of SOs that do end up with a Wukong but just that you have to be willing to accept it as "Wukong" so to speak.
But otherwise, it is very rare that there is a universe Wukong ends up with a love interest… mostly cause a lot of adaptations are based in the middle of the journey, they are Retellings, hence the return to the status quo is only to be expected, or that it is afterward, where Wukong becomes Victorious Fighting Buddha.
In most circumstances, adaptions that would have Wukong with an SO and have the circumstances where they are able to get together are without a doubt going to be more Alternative Universes where the setting is completely different or Appropriations where they are more character-inspired than anything else.
Trying to make a list of Every Significant Other that DIES (this list is only for Wukong, not Sanzang, Bajie, or Wujing though those exist as well)
Green - Retelling Blue - Continuation Purple - Alternative Unierse Pink - Appropriation
A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella (1995) 西遊記大結局之仙履奇緣 - candle stick lady dies but comes back to life, but they def don't get together
Journey to the West (1996) 西游记 西遊記 - Wukong not interested in spider girl but she still uncultivated back to spider
My Son Goku (2003) ぼくの孫悟空 - remake of Tezuka's Alakazam the Great, Rinrin dies in this one.
Spring Brightened Zhu Jiumei (2011) 春光 灿烂 猪 九妹 - all a dream Wukong gets with femme Bajie
The Grow (2012) 金箍棒传奇 - Wukong's staff turns into a woman and back to a staff
Monkey King (2014) 西游記之大鬧天宮 - lady fox dies by DBK
The Monkey and the Banshee (2016) 猴王与女妖 - White bone demon dies of broken heart cause of Wukong
Taste of Love (2015) 紫霞 - Chinese Odyssey clone
Immortal Demon Slayer (2017) 悟空传 - woman dies by Queen mother
Monkey King and Million - Journey to the West Sidestory 6: Fall in Love with Monkey King (2017) 西游外传之爱上美猴王 - jade rabbit falls for him and dies I think?
The Legend of Sun Wukong (2017) 悟空前传 - Chinese Odyssey clone
A Chinese Odyssey: Million Years (2017) 大话西游之爱你一万年 -Chinese Odessey clone
Winning Buddha (2017) 斗战胜佛 - reincarnated into the next life, his crush dies so he can become Wukong again
Journey to the West: Rediscovering the Power of God (2017) 西游记之再显神威 - Wukong and Iron Fan are reincarnated in the next life and get together, so they technically did die
Monkey King and Million Demons City (2018) 齐天大圣·万妖之城 - I'm pretty sure that flower demon dies
Till We Meet Again (2018) 千年来说对不起之 - flower girl dies in the story, meet in the next life
The Monkey King: The True Sun Wukong (2019) 美猴王之真假孙悟空 - dragon girl dies and turns into the Ruyi Staff
Monkey King - The Volcano (2019) 齐天大圣火焰山 - flame spirit girl BECOMES HIS FIERY EYES
The Westward Movie (2020) 西行纪之再见悟空 - killed by her own father, the Jade Emporer
Great God Monkey (2020) 大神猴 - princess of all demons falls for him and dies
Tears of No Regret (2020) 斗战胜佛之大圣之泪 - fallen star woman that keeps messing up her life
The Monkey Is Back (2020) 混世四猴:神猴归来 - Dude.... he just not into you~ but yeah random woman dies but I think she comes back to life
God Of High School (2020) 갓 오브 하이스쿨 - Femme Sanzang and Wukong but she dies and he has to eat her to defeat big bad
The Regrets of Journey to the West (2021) 大话西游之遗憾 - another dead dragon girl
A Chinese Odyssey 1 (2022) 大话西游:至尊宝 - Chinese Odessey clone
A Chinese Odyssey - Origin (2022) 大话西游之缘起 - Chinese Odessey clone
Legend of Wukong (2022) 悟空传 - Immortal Demon Slayer clone
Journey to the West: Marble Mountains (2022) 大梦西游之五行山 - demon hunter dies and Wukong is placed under the mountain
Wukong (2022) 悟空传 - Chinese Odessey clone
Punishing Son Goku (1954) 殴り込み孫悟空 woman falls in love with Wukong but he wasn't interested in her... so maybe that why she lives Alakazam the Great (1960) 西遊記 - lives and he married a monkey girl Rinrin
SF Saiyuki Starzinger Movie Edition SF (1979) 西游记 剧场版 SF西遊記 スタージンガー - Femme Sanzang and Wukong in scifi universe
Dragon Ball (1986)ドラゴンボール - Goku "Wukong" gets married to Chichi "Iron Fan"
Monkey Magic (1998) モンキーマジック- femme monkey lives but they don't get together
Shinzo (2000) 爆裂战士マシュランボー - Wukong and femme Sanzang marry
Journey to the East (2002) 都市东游记 - Wukong and femme Sanzang get together
RWBY (2013) 红白黑黄 - Sun Wukong's SO lives but does not end up with him
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir (2015) Miraculous, les aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir - Wukong inspired character has a girlfriend
A Chinese Odyssey Part Three (2016) 大话西游3 - ret-con of previous movies to have Six Ears go on journey and Joker never becomes Wukong to stay with Zixia
A Korean Odyssey (2017) 화유기 - Wukong and femme Sanzang end game
Dream Journey 2 Princess Iron Fan (2017) 大梦西游2铁扇公主 - Wukong loses his memory and becomes someone else, falls for Princess Iron Fan, but gets his memories back later
New Journey to the West: Unexpected Jingxi (2017) 新西游之意外晶喜 - accidentally knocks up White Bone Demon but he aint sure the baby is his
Journey to the West The Legend of the Merman (2017) 西游鲛人传 - gets with a mermaid after the journey
The Monkey King’s Daughter (2018) 猴王的女儿 - gets with Gaunyin's daughter I think?
The New Legends of Monkey (2018) 新猴王传奇 - Wukong and femme Sanzang end game
Three Eyes Broken Sky (2019) 三眼哮天录 - more of an Erlang Shen reborn as a girl and Wukong hits on her
Ultimate Westward Journey (2019) 终极西游 - Wukong falls for femme Sanzag in the next life
The Legends of Changing Destiny (2023) 凌云志 - Wukong and Sansheng Mu get together ??? not sure
This is all the one that I am AWARE of at the moment but as you can see a lot more Retellings/Continuations are where Wukong's SO dies and this is mostly for the case of keeping the status quo and moving on with the original plot. They are more like additions of the OG story that let Wukong have his character moment.
It is far more with Alternatives Universes or with other Continuations that there are more 'alive at least' SOs, some in the case of reincarnation or being in a different setting for the plot otherwise. Some of them don't even end up WITH WUKONG (most likely save their lives).
Just depends on what you are watching but traditionally Wukong does not have alive SOs for the sake of the plot/character development, while in other he has them alive where he is less Sun Wukong or is it taken out of the xiyouji context.
If you have any more please let me know cause a lot of plot summaries just DONT include any mention of a romance subplot. I can only imagine WHY.
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