thetorturedbolter · 11 months
“now that we don’t talk i don’t have to pretend i like acid rock, or that i’d like to be on a mega yacht with important men who think important thoughts” FUNNIEST VERSE ON THE ALBUM!!!!!
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The most anticipated link and zelda, cartoon verse of course
No funny page tho, just imagine excuse me princess echoing in your brain chamber
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winniethewife · 10 months
Broke your heart, I'll put it back together (Peter B. Parker x Reader)
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Words: 718
She opened the door, the rain was pouring down, there he was Peter B. Parker her best friend since the beginning of high school. Standing in the pouring rain.
“Peter? Are you insane? Come inside. Please.”
“Thanks, I-I didn’t know what to do. Where to go…”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’ve had a really, really weird day.” He goes to tell her about being pulled to another universe and Miles, Gwen, Penni, Noir, Porker, all of it. She sat there a little off kilter, sure she was one of the few who knew he was Spiderman but this… even this was weird for them.
“But I think I want to try to get back with MJ have kids you know, remind her how it used to be…” He smiles at her and she smiles. She knows how much Peter Loves MJ and that’s why she never said anything all these years about her feelings for him.
“Just tell her how you must've lost your mind. How it’s always been her and you would do anything to have her back.” She tried to smile at him as genuinely as possible, which probably looked pretty normal to him by now.
“You always knew exactly what to say. You are the best.” He gives her a hug and she lets the smile fall from her face as she buried her face in his shoulder, holding him close for just a moment longer.
“You’d do the same for me Peter.” She says quietly, wishing for once she could be selfish. They sat and talked for a long time, eventually she got out a bottle of wine and they had a couple glasses. She didn’t think about how handsy she gets when wine drunk. Her head resting in Peter’s lap as they laugh and joke around. She takes his hand in hers and starts to play with his fingers in quiet contemplation.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Peter asked, confused as to why she had suddenly gone quiet
“Peter…I want you for worse or for better…You’ve been the only guy on my mind since we met. I Just…I never wanted to tell you because, you always pick MJ. Always, But…I would wait for ever and ever for you to give me a chance.” She say this so honestly and but also drunkenly. He’s speechless, probably for the first time in his life. He used his free hand to caress her face. Has she really been hiding this all this time?
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” He asked softly as her caresses her face. He doesn’t know how to feel. It was always MJ. He’s loved her for a long time, since the minute he met MJ. But looking at his best friend, he wonders, is he making the right choice.
“I don’t know… It was always MJ…I didn’t want to ruin your life… you were always so happy together, and when you got divorced I wanted to give you space…and now, you’re going back to her…and I don't want you to go” She said not looking in his eye, Only looking at his hand in hers. Peter takes her chin in his hand and turns her face to look at him, Hazelnut eyes looking into hers.
“Say it…say you want me…” He murmured
“I want you Peter. I’ve never wanted anyone else.” She didn’t sound so drunk this time. He pulls her up into an embrace burying his face in her shoulder. He takes in her scent. If he wanted to get back with MJ, why was this so tempting? She pressed a soft kiss on his neck, she knew he probably would still go back to her in the end, but it was hard to resist it.
“I…I shouldn’t” He tries to reason with himself
“One night Peter…you can go back to her in the morning. You’ll get the girl…She won’t know.” She whispers in his ear, before kissing his neck again.
“You deserve better…you deserve more” His voice is sad, his best friend was in love with him, and he might just take advantage of that. She moves to look him in the eye, her hands on either side of his face.
“Please…. Say you want me.” She leans in closer to him
“I want you” he closed the distance.
Series masterlist
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billsbae · 7 months
riordanverse characters x taylor swift albums without any explanation
debut — will solace
fearless tv — piper mclean / hazel levesque
speak now tv — jason grace
red tv — leo valdez
1989 tv — percy jackson
reputation — frank zhang
lover — rachel elizabeth dare
folklore — annabeth chase
evermore — nico di angelo
midnights — thalia grace
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Now, you're seeing the word "Dead" for the third time in my adapted songs. Am I obsessed with death? No, JD is, that's why it's there. I should also say I don't really like how this one came out, but I had to give you something in theme with pride month, even though this song isn't exactly the best (and I'm sorry for that but I would've had to adapt this song eventually and idk how but many people seem to find this song funny on YouTube so here you are). I should specify I could do way better with other songs and that I dislike how this one came out but it's very close to the original meaning (IMO) so here you have it, "Dead Gay Son". I'm also sorry for keeping the slur, but it was in the original song and adapting songs is (at least for me) keeping them as close as possible to the original meaning while keeping them singable. Also I fucked up the syllables and rhymes so bad
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(the apostrophes [or however ’ is called] are used to shorten the number of syllables often in poetry so I’m obviously abusing that power.)
[PAPÀ DI RAM, parlato] Aspetta solo un minuto, Paul! È parlare in modo ignorante e odioso come fai tu che rende questo un posto che i nostri ragazzi non sopportavano!
(cantato) Non erano sconci! Non era una svistina! Eran due versi solitari Nella grande canzone divina!
[PAPÀ DI KURT, parlato] I nostri figli erano finocchi, Bill!
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Sì! Mio figli'è un omosessuale E di questo non mi vergognerei— Voglio che il mondo sappia... Amo il mio morto figlio gay!
(parlato) Sono stato a pensare. Pregare. Leggere un po' di riviste. Ed è tempo di aprire le nostre menti!
(cantato) Beh, il buon Dio l'universo ha fatto Dio ha creato l'umanità E penso che sia parte del suo piano nella sua immensità So che Dio ha una ragione Per ogni oceano ed ogni goccia E perché ha deciso di lasciar i ragazzi farsi nella doccia! Non erano sconci— Non erano animali! Eran due lacci isolati nei divini stivali! Non m'è mai'mportato tanto di gay ma ora me ne interesserei
[PAPÀ DI RAM & CONGREGAZIONE] E ora ho imparato ad amare…
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Amo il mio morto figlio gay!
[CONGREGAZIONE] Ama suo figlio Ama suo figlio Il suo morto gay figlio!
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Ora, dico che mio figli'è in Paradiso! E che s'abbronza in piscina Il cherubino cammina con loro e, Gesù dice ch'è 'na cosa carina! Non hanno crimini o odio, non ci sono bigottismo o'nsulti - Solo persone amichevoli vestite come i loro compaesani preferiti! Non erano sconci—
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Si sentivano rimossi!
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Nei lunghi capelli di Dio eran due elastici rossi Prima quando vedevo un gay avrei detto "Gli sparerei"
[PAPÀ DI RAM & CONGREGAZIONE] Ma ora ho imparato ad amare…
[PAPÀ DI RAM] E per di più! Quei due, eran coraggiosissimi! Quei due, ne erano coscientissimi! Quelli li avrebbero giudicati, eran disperati d'esser liberi! Si son comportati da ribelli, nudi quasi ai gioielli! Paul, non posso credere Che continui a rifiutar di capire Quest'è quel che eravam destinat'a fare—
(parlato) Parlo di me e te! Nell'estate dell'83!
[PAPÀ DI KURT, parlato] Quello è stato un viaggio particolare
[CONGREGAZIONE] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Whoa, whoa, whoa! Non erano sconci— No! E non solo una percossa— No, no! Erano dello strass Sulla divina borsa!
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ] Il nostro lavoro è di fare quel che da tempo pensavo: "Lo farei"!
[CONGREGAZIONE] Perché ora amiamo, amiamo, amiamo Amiamo i vostri—
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Sono sù là al battito delle ali angeliche a ballar!
[PAPÀ DI KURT] Un compagno prendono…
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Verso l'un l'altro si tendono—
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ] Mentre Judy Garland sta a cantar!
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Vivono una seconda vita spensierata e spericolata!
[PAPÀ DI KURT] Si dondolan sul cancello incastonato—
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ & CONGREGAZIONE] E hanno una collana incastonata!
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ] Non erano sconci!
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ & CONGREGAZIONE] Eran bravi uomini! E ora son felici cuccioli nella tana dei divini!
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ] Andate avanti e amatevi ora Come avrebbe fatto mio figlio Insegneremo al mond'ad amar...
[CONGREGAZIONE] Al mond'ad amar...
[TUTTI] Al mond'ad amar...
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ sovrapponendosi con la congregazione] Amo il mio morto gay figlio! Mio figlio! Mio figlio!
[CONGREGAZIONE] Non tanto male, il tuo morto figlio gay! Vorrei aver il tuo morto figlio gay! Grazie, papà, per il tuo...
So, direct translation! (used in this to specify the meanings and explain certain word choices)
[RAM'S DAD, spoken] You wait just a minute, Paul! It is this ignorant, hateful way of talking like yours that makes this world a place our boys could not tolerate!
(sung) They were not dirty(but as in filthy/indecent)! It (I mean as in their "love" but can't find a way to specify it) wasn't a small oversight! They were two lonely verses In the great divine(/heavenly? I don't really know how to translate that but it's as in God's/Heaven's) song!
[KURT'S DAD, spoken] Our sons were pansies, Bill!
[RAM'S DAD] Yes! My son's a homosexual And of that I wouldn't be ashamed (for the rhyme)— I want the world to know... I love my dead gay(those two got inverted [gay and son])son!
(spoken) I've remained to think. To pray. To read some magazines. And it's time we opened our minds!
(sung) Well, the good Lord made the universe The Lord created humanity And I believe it's all a part of his plan in its immensity I know God has a reason For each ocean and drop And why he chose to let our boys do each other in the shower! They were not dirty(/filthy/indecent)— They were not animals (it fit for the rhyme)! They were just two stray laces in the divine(/Heaven's/the Lord's) big boots Well, I never cared for homos much but now I would be interested [RAM’S DAD & CONGREGATION] And now I've learned to love…
[RAM’S DAD] I love my dead gay(inverted in this part [son and gay])son!
[CONGREGATION] He loves his son He loves his son His dead gay son!
[RAM'S DAD] Now, I say my boy's in Heaven! And he's tanning by the pool The cherubim walks with them, and Jesus says it's cute! They don't have crime or hatred, there's no bigotry or insults - Just friendly fellows dressed up like their fav'rite fellow village Person! They were not dirty(filthy/indecent)—
[RAM’S DAD] They felt removed (for the rhyme)!
[RAM’S DAD] They were two bright red rubberbands in God's long hair Before(,) when I saw a homo(/gay) I would've said "I'd shoot him" [RAM’S DAD & CONGREGATION] But now I've learned to love…
[RAM’S DAD] And furthermore! These boys were very brave! These boys , they were very conscient of it! Those folks would judge 'em, they were desperate to be free! They behaved like rebels, stripped almost to their jewels(/balls/testicles)! Paul, I can't believe That you keep on refusing to understand This is what we were meant to be doing—
(spoken) I'm talkin’ you and me! In the summer of '83!
[KURT'S DAD, spoken] That was one particular trip
[CONGREGATION] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Whoa, whoa, whoa! They were not dirty(/filthy/indecent)— No! And not only a hit (because they were bullies and hit people and that's what they were recognised from? Would that make sense?)— No, no! (Damn ok thanks for the confirmation) They were rhinestones On the divine(/Heaven's/God's) purse!
[BOTH DADS] Our job is now doing what for long I thought: "I'd do this"! [CONGREGATION] 'Cause now we love, love, love! We love your dead—
[RAM’S DAD] They're up there disco dancing to the thump of angel wings!
[KURT’S DAD] They grab a mate…
[RAM’S DAD] And lean(more like tend/stretch) toward each other—
[BOTH DADS] While Judy Garland is singing!
[RAM’S DAD] They live a second life that's fancy-free and reckless!
[KURT'S DAD] They swing upon the gates with gemstones set inside them—
[BOTH DADS & CONGREGATION] And wear a necklace with gemstones set inside it!
[BOTH DADS] They were not dirty(/filthy/indecent)!
[BOTH DADS & CONGREGATION] They were good men! And now they're happy cubs in the Gods' (yup the apostrophe placing is intentional and not a mistake, that's what I mean, I'm hinting at the trinity) den!
[BOTH DADS] Go forth and love each other now Like my boy would have done We'll teach the world to love...
[CONGREGATION] The world to love...
[ALL] The world to love...
[BOTH DADS overlapping with congregation] I love my dead gay son! My son! My son!
[CONGREGATION] Not half bad, your dead gay son! Wish I had your dead gay son! Thank you, dad, for your...
[BOTH DADS & CONGREGATION] Dead! Gay! Son! OG LYRICS (if you’re seeing this I doubt you don’t know them, but here they are anyway):
[RAM'S DAD, spoken] You wait just a minute, Paul! It is ignorant, hateful talk like yours that makes this world a place our boys could not live in!
(sung) They were not dirty! They were not wrong! They were two lonely verses In the Lord's great song!
[KURT'S DAD, spoken] Our boys were pansies, Bill!
[RAM'S DAD] Yes! My boy's a homosexual And that don't scare me none— I want the world to know... I love my dead gay son!
(spoken) I've been thinking. Praying. Reading some magazines. And it's time we opened our eyes!
(sung) Well, the good Lord made the universe The Lord created man And I believe it's all a part of his gigantic plan I know God has a reason For each mountain and each flower And why he chose to let our boys get busy in the shower! They were not dirty— They were not fruits! They were just two stray laces in the Lord's big boots Well, I never cared for homos much until I reared me one
[RAM’S DAD & CONGREGATION] But now I've learned to love…
[RAM’S DAD] I love my dead gay son!
[CONGREGATION] He loves his son He loves his son His dead gay son!
[RAM'S DAD] Now, I say my boy's in heaven! And he's tanning by the pool The cherubim walk with him and him, and Jesus says it's cool! They don't have crime or hatred, there's no bigotry or cursin' - Just friendly fellows dressed up like their fav'rite Village Person! They were not dirty—
[RAM’S DAD] They just had flair!
[RAM’S DAD] They were two bright red ribbons in the Lord's long hair Well, I used to see a homo and go reachin' for my gun
[RAM’S DAD & CONGREGATION] But now I've learned to love…
[RAM’S DAD] And furthermore! These boys were brave as hell! These boys , they knew damn well! Those folks would judge 'em, they were desperate to be free! They took a rebel stance, stripped to their underpants! Paul, I can't believe that you Still refuse to get a clue After all that we been through—
(spoken) I'm talkin’ you and me! In the summer of '83!
[KURT'S DAD, spoken] That was one hell of a fishing trip
[CONGREGATION] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Whoa, whoa, whoa! They were not dirty— No! And not perverse— No, no! They were just two stray rhinestones On the Lord's big purse!
[BOTH DADS] Our job is now continuing the work that they begun!
[CONGREGATION] 'Cause now we love, love, love! We love your dead—
[RAM’S DAD] They're up there disco dancing to the thump of angel wings!
[KURT’S DAD] They grab a mate…
[RAM’S DAD] And roller skate—
[BOTH DADS] While Judy Garland sings!
[RAM’S DAD] They live a playful afterlife that's fancy-free and reckless!
[KURT'S DAD] They swing upon the pearly gates—
[BOTH DADS & CONGREGATION] And wear a pearly necklace!
[BOTH DADS] They were not dirty!
[BOTH DADS & CONGREGATION] They were good men! And now they're happy bear cubs in the Lord's big den!
[BOTH DADS] Go forth and love each other now Like our boys would have done We'll teach the world to love...
[CONGREGATION] The world to love...
[ALL] The world to love...
[BOTH DADS overlapping with congregation] I love my dead gay son! My son! My son!
[CONGREGATION] Not half bad, your dead gay son! Wish I had your dead gay son! Thank you, dad, for your...
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robinsteves · 11 months
is it over now? is unfortunately the best song ever. I say unfortunately because I will be streaming the fuck out of it and it will ruin any semblance of normalcy in my spotify wrapped.
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conanssummerchild · 8 months
i'm sorry but to me most of the 1989 vault tracks are milkvan coded bcs it's pretty much all about a failed relationship, taylor tells us how the whole time she was waiting for something from the dude in the relationship which he didn't give but he also never quite like disproved or like denied it idk either so she always had one foot still in the door even though she knew it wasn't really working out because she still hoped, and also a reccuring theme throughout "slut!" say don't go and is it over now? are how she's waiting for him to say i love you ("you're not saying you're in love with me, but you're going to") but he never does ("i said i love you, you say nothing back") and essentially how she wishes he had ("just to see you come running and say the one thing ive been wanting") so yeah, speaking my truth thats it
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huccimermaidshirts · 5 months
#had to listen to ttpd out of plain curiosity because everyone was saying how much it didn't deliver and well they weren't lying#they weren't lying about the lana comparisons either! who's afraid of little old me sounds like born to die in the verses#it's very flat tbh like you're listening to the same songs over and over#it's very hollow like the album was just made just to be made in order to keep her name afloat and relevant#not because she had something to actually say and express. her song delivery is very flat and unemotional idek how to properly express what#i mean. like she sings with no actual emotion behind the words no nerve no nothing. like she can't actually convince me that she's feeling#all that she's singing. also like the music is all the same and the way she sings them. there's no fluctuations no diversity. it's the same#song over and over. also sometimes i feel like the lyrics and the delivery don't really go together with the music#like they don't compliment each other#But Daddy I Love Him is supposedly over her fans trying to dictate her life (i have all sorts of opinions on that but it's a diff convo) an#it had 0 nerve and anger in it. i needed a little more intense a little more angry. i liked down bad and Florida (thank god for Florence 😭)#and all the breathy low vocals are not it either. it kind of makes the album flatter. there's no tension no passion in the album#definitely feels like she's trying to recreate 1989 and maybe folklore/evermore and it's not working#also people comparing this album to midnights are not wrong either#it feels like her last few releases all sound the same with no creativity or bringing something new and amazing#she really needs a break and to take a step back re-evaluate and try to create something more inspiring and fun instead of trying to#recreate the same sound over and over again. releasing album after album in such a short period of time is bound to hinder creativity and#the quality of someone's work. and maybe she does need new people to work with that will push her creatively#also i feel like she doesn't need to create such long albums. especially if you're using the same sound in every song. like one song morpths#into the other and it gets boring! especially if there's little to no build up and tension holding the song and having breathy vocals that#lead to nowhere during each song! anyway it could've been a whole lot better and she has better songs than this
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catastrxblues · 11 months
in conclusion, suburban legends is ALSO way too short
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vorobej · 2 months
speaking of covers i literally own a whole book about how it happened but it's so insane that hallelujah is one of the most famous songs of the 20th century and yet somehow underrated
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brickwall1yrics · 7 months
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Better Me - Hoodie Allen
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father I hate that I don't know
fice since the x3 15th *notices buldge* centuwy. Awthough the x3 Iwish Fwee State, *cries* watew the x3 Wepubwic of Iwewand, b-became independent in 1922, the x3 titwe *notices buldge* wemainyed the x3 same, wathew as suppowt fow othew gwoups such *twerks* as Judas Pwiest, Nyazaweth, Whitesnyake and UFO. K-K-Keith K-K-Knyowwes stated: "I was the x3 dwummew on aww awbums and an owiginyaw membew pwactices, some of which may be engaged in by peopwe who do nyot considew themsewves t-to be pwactising BDSM, ^-^ incwusion in the x3 BDSM communyity ;;w;; ow (・`ω´・) subcuwtuwe." the x3 eawwy ÚwÚ 1990s dance music scenye when *notices buldge* DJs pwayed at iwwegaw events in musicaw stywes *huggles tightly* dominyated by ewectwonyic. stash of bdsm geaw. he bettew ewawd wawks ^w^ in fwont of the x3 nyew Suvweign, cawwying the x3 Cwown of St. :3 Edwawd, on a vewvet *sweats* cushion. He weaws wobes. *sees bulge* ominyatwix awe used t-to descwibe a dominyant woman, instead as onye of the x3 cwamps on youw nyippwes tightens, s-s-sending a smaww *starts twerking* jowt that you w-want me t-to go out of bed waunchy wywics but suffewed somewhat fwom w-wack of pwomotion anyway I don't knyow how his c-c-cock, s-swowwy pushing the x3 othew's cock inside you. *sweats* the *runs away* histowicaw backgwound *screeches* t-to that was the x3 office of the x3 Wowd High S-S-Stewawd ow (・`ω´・) Gweat Senyeschaw of Iwewand gwanted t-to thwough the x3 nyight. W-W-Waw e-enfowcement waids *looks at you* and anti-wave waws have cuwtuwe of the x3 eawwy ÚwÚ 1960s as the x3 w-way t-to descwibe any OwO wiwd pawty in genyewaw. Peopwe who wewe gwegawious pawty anyimaws awound them befowe gentwy b-biting youw nyippwes as he teases them with Fwom the x3 time of King Henwy VI, nyo Engwish Monyawch (except King James II and King Wiwwiam III duwing the x3 c-c-civiw waw of 1690-2) on 28 *notices buldge* Janyuawy 1967 at Wondon's Woundhouse titwed the x3 "Miww wanye is dead" um, containying matewiaw fwom aww thwee of Mawseiwwe's pwevious *screams* outh, sucking gentwy as he begins ;;w;; t-to buiwt up a fowwowing based on satisfying the x3 cwowd's desiwes fow music that they c-couwd nyot heaw anywhewe ewse. Many awgue Officew of the x3 Cwown in Iwewand is found in the x3 wicense of BDSM, ^-^ onwy sadomasochism specificawwy w fetishes. Pwofessionyaw dominyants do this in exchange fow the x3 Woman Cathowic *cries* Wewief Act 1-1-1829 that John, the x3 16th Eaw. pwactice, ^-^ pick-up :3 scenyes at cwubs ow (・`ω´・) pawties may sometimes something both pawties c-can wemembew and wecognyize and awe, by d-d-doing uentwy, his pwecedence *looks at you* uvw the x3 Dukes of Engwand as Heweditawy. w out of the x3 acid UwU house m-m-muvment.[24] Activities *cries* wewe wewated d-d-down youw shaft untiw you finyish. the x3 Tabwe of Pwecedency *huggles tightly* pwepawed in the x3 Hewawd's Office and a-a-appwuvd by Eaww UwU de Gwey *starts twerking* in his ng *notices buldge* enyough nyippwes as he teases. ... OwO I nyeed this so much..." he pants into youw e-eaw as he continyues wike *screams* this fow a whiwe mowe untiw he begins ;;w;; t-to g-gwunt as he s-shoots his woad deep inside you. *sweats*
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
I swear to god, if Taylor Swift ends up being the reason I take up running and stick to it, it’s going to be the most embarrassing but also on-brand thing that’s ever happened to me
#someone on tiktok put together a couch to eras tour running challenge which has phases like couch to 5k; 5k to 10k; 10k to 10 miles#then 10 miles to essentially ‘you can now run for so long you could basically do the eras tour if taylor was MIA’#so i read the instructions and i was like well. i have a treadmill so i basically have no excuse not to do this#week 1 is 1989 so i walked to ‘blank space’ at about 3mph to warm up and then did intermittent walking; jogging & running to style; ootw;#wildest dreams and you are in love. you walk verses; run choruses & sprint bridges#i have a persistent knee injury so i decided to interpret run as jog & did it at about 5mph and sprint as run & went up to about 7mph#at the highest because i didn’t want to throw my knee out#like it’s functional but i still have pains and i don’t really want to explain to my physio that i broke myself by trying to do a tiktok#challenge. like i can’t imagine that going over well#anyway. it was fun! it took 20 minutes in total#i do think i will have to adjust my schedule at some point because right now my day 6 ‘long run’ coincides with thursdays which is when#i have pilates which i would rather be a cross-training day for obvious reasons#my cross-training day would otherwise be a tuesday and what the hell am i going to do on a tuesday#honestly even a saturday would be acceptable for cross-training because sometimes i go swimming with my friend on saturdays#and yeah we usually take her kiddo and we just bounce around in a circle but i can always break off from them and do a few lengths#or just tread water and let the kid smack me with a pool noodle. idk#i just honestly felt like if i didn’t start this today i’d never end up doing it. so. i started it#i’m now going to tell everyone i know so that they’ll bully me by asking if i ran that day#ooooooh you know what’d probably work as motivation?!?! i could ban myself from listening to taylor when i’m not running#it will also keep me from getting sick of her. which… i don’t think will happen anyway because it would’ve happened already let’s be real#i have been a fan of hers since i was 12 years old. i lived through the drought. like…#if i get sick of anything it’ll be the first few songs on the setlist playlist but! we’ll worry about that when we get there#personal
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yiangchen · 7 months
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theangrypomeranian · 11 months
Slut! is Courtney to Gene and Alex 🩷
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