#1st one was my 1st real shot at drawing him
randomkduck · 14 days
Catdow revival au chapter 1: A short chapter where Shadow wakes up and meets Red.
Note: This hops in and out of 3rd and 1st person pov for Shadow, generally whichever was easier to write the part in. Not sure if it’s disorienting, sorry if it is!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Everything felt fuzzy, and numb. Like I was floating in the air but laying down on the floor but dunked into a pool of water but laying with my body pressed in between two people but.... it was a feeling I just couldn't put a real name to but could put too many names to and thinking too hard on it made my head hurt, so I stopped.
I don't really remember what it was like before I was given sentience, but I don't think it felt quite like this.
It didn't help that I picked up bits of sound, and emotion, and sights that just... weren't heard, felt, or seen by me. Like I was glimpsing into someone else's life.
I felt tired and wide awake at the same time. It was exhausting.
It felt like I had done just good enough to not be, I don't know, sent to wherever hylians think bad people go. But did too much bad stuff to go anywhere nice. So now I was just stuck... wherever I was. Probably in Link's shadow.
Being in Link's shadow sucked. It was really boring and ugh.
Until it wasn't.
Shadow woke up curled in on his side. Body feeling all too heavy and light at the same time, mind feeling fuzzy. He lifted his head, the fuzziness turning into dizziness, and forcing him to lay back down.
He layed there like that for a little while, lifting his head every once and awhile to make sure he was still safe where he was. 
He slowly pieced together part of what was going on. For one, he was alive when he was fairly curtain he shouldn’t be, for two he was in an alley somewhere in… possibly castle town? He hadn’t seen the place much from the skies as he razed it, but he had a vague idea of what it looked like from watching Link through the dark mirror before tricking him into drawing the four sword. And for three; he was currently in the body of a cat.
It wasn’t too weird for him, though it was surprising. He could shapeshift at will, and he was pretty sure that applied to animals as well, though he hadn’t really tried it. This kinda just confirmed he could.
Besides, it would be easier to move around without being spotted or identified by people this way. He could figure out why he was even back in the first place. 
Stretching his limbs and forcing himself up, Shadow took a few tentative steps out of his hiding spot into the rest of the alley.
Only to immediately be met with a very familiar gasp from someone nearby.
He jumped and looked over.
Well shit.
What? Already?? And Why did it have to be him???
Red looked at me from the bright lights of the city street, eyes shining like he had just spotted the best thing ever.
Oh wait, I'm a cat. Hylians love cats.
Oh no.
I start backing up, hoping I can pretend he didn’t see me, and he’ll get the hint and leave me alone.
No such luck.
Red entered the alley, probably not wanting to scare me off, and crouched down just within eyesight. Extending his hand slowly, there was a sent wafting from it.
“Hey there little guy! I don’t wanna hurt you. Do you want a treat?” He said in a soft tone, smiling like he was speaking to a child. Shadow hated it, but his ears did perk up at the word ‘treat’. 
I could feel my rumble weirdly, kinda like a hylian’s would when hungry, but quieter.
Well that was new.
I mean, what harm was there in a small snack? Besides, it was Red The day he hurt an animal on purpose was the day that pigs flew.
Not including Ganon.
Alright fine, I’ll give the treat thing a shot.
He moved forward slowly, fairly curtain cats don’t just openly trust a person giving them treats. Even if he did know Red pretty well, Red didn’t know that, so why would he act like they’ve been friends forever?
He sniffed at whatever was in Red’s hand. It smelled nice, like a sweet from a bakery. Glancing at his other hand, Red had a basket that he had set down (but still had his hand on) to give Shadow his full attention, and sitting on top was a cinnamon roll with a piece torn off from it.
Huh. How nice of him. It looked like Shadow got the first bite!
He nibbled on the baked good, but noticed Red move his hand away from the basket out of the corner of his eye.
“Don’t you dare.” He growled, though it came out as a low ‘rrrrrrrrrrhh’. 
Red’s and froze, and his hand went back to resting on the basket.
He seemed to be barely containing his excitement that Shadow (or in Red’s point of view, the adorable pretty floofy baby) was giving him the time of day despite clearly not trusting him.
Once the treat was done, Shadow sat down. Not really sure where to go from here.
Now what?
Red turned his rand over so that his knuckles were facing Shadow, and let his hand sit there in the air. He wasn’t really sure what the boy was doing, tilting his head in confusion.
Red made a noise somewhere between a squeak and a choking sound. Shadow looked up at him in confusion and mild concern, what kind of sound was that?
The crimson clad hero’s eyes were wide and bright, his basket hand (right hand) now over his mouth like he was trying to contain that odd sound that had come out of him. He looked like this whole event had made his week.
Eh, what the heck. Shadow did what he saw some cats do and rubbed his face on Red’s still outstretched hand, absolutely revelling in the funny sound of pure joy that escaped the other’s mouth.
“Uh Red, what are you doing?” A voice broke the moment, a voice that he really didn’t want to hear right now, an annoying voice. Blue stood at the entrance of the Alley.
Welp! Treat time with Red is over! Shadow thought as he jumped up and bolted away.
He didn’t at all whatsoever feel even the smidgest feel bad at the sound of disappointment Red made. Though he didn’t really have to as Red turned and chastised Blue for ‘scaring the pretty fluffy cat away when we were in the middle of becoming friends’.
Blue did look like he felt bad, but mostly just looked confused and mildly offended.
It was a funny look on him.
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wordsaresimple-imnot · 5 months
Drunken Confessions - Bill Guarnere x F!Reader (1st POV)
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Summary: The boys and reader are out for a night of fun and drinking that leaves the reader with little to no memories of what happened after she had a drinking contest with Babe. As things slowly start to drift back to her, she remembers one thing clearly; she spilled her true feelings about Bill to someone. But who did she tell?
Warnings: none really, cursing per usual. No use of y/n or physical description. She/her pronouns.
A/N: I have the biggest respect for the real life heroes of WWII (and all other wars, past & current), this work & all other works is based on the actor(s) and character(s) portrayed in the Band of Brothers series.
A/N pt2: This turned out longer than I thought it would starting out, but I let the fanfic gods guide my fingers and here we are, haha. If anyone likes this enough, I have an idea of a next day smut part 2 I can write. Comments, likes, and reblogs make my day. Thanks for reading!
I wasn't sure what made me wake up. Maybe the skull splitting headache, or maybe the sun shining through the blinds hitting my face, or maybe the way I'd sell everything I owned for water or maybe my bladder being so full that a single sneeze would cause a mess. Whatever the reason, the barest of movements to open my eyelids made me want to die instantly. The only motivation I could grasp onto to get up was to empty my bladder. Dying from a hangover is one thing, dying in my own piss is not something I could ever live with. The logic of my thought made no sense, but what the hell did I care as I practically crawled to the bathroom.
Once I was relieved and able to draw the last bit of strength I had to splash water on my face and half-ass brush my teeth, I made it back to my bed with a little more dignity. Okay, it was still on my knees but at least I wasn't crawling. A win is a win. A full glass of water on my bedside table catches my eye and I down it quicker than I've ever done before, well except for maybe the drinks last night. How did this get here? No way I was coherent enough to pour a glass of water for myself to wake up to.
As I got more situated in the bed, very much facing away from the windows because I couldn't bring myself to gather any more will power to close them more properly I couldn't stop thinking about the glass of water. And then it hit me that I was not in my dress from the night before or even just my underwear but pajamas. Being aware of how little my brain and motor skills actually worked together when I'm more than tipsy, these things stood out. What the hell happened last night? I tried to focus on my last memories of the previous night hoping that would shed some light on my current situation.
~~ last night ~~
"Oh come on! Are y'all scared to lose to little ole me?" I smiled sweetly to the table, making my southern accent a little heavier to hopefully sway one of them to take on my challenge.
"None of us would lose against you, doll. We just don't want to deal with you tomorrow morning." Toye said, motioning around the table before pointing his finger directly at me. I rolled my eyes and leaned a little closer over the table.
"Nah, I'm sweet as pie darlin'. I think y'all don't want the news spreading that someone in Easy Company lost to a little farmer girl." I smirked at Toye and the rest of the men, daring them to deny it.
"Fuck it, I'll do it." Babe shot up from the end of the table and made his way over towards my section. I beamed at his cocky smiled and made shooing motions to Luz and Perco to make space so he could sit across from me. With a nod to Liebgott, I watched him go off to grab us our first rounds of beer.
As Liebgott made his way back holding two beers, I see Bull, Martin, and Bill following him from the bar.
"The fuck are you doing?" Bill's eyes bounced back and forth between me and Babe. Unsure of who was directing the question to, I shrugged and decided to answer.
"Babe thinks he can handle a drinkin' contest with me." I shoot Babe a wink as he narrows his eyes a little at me. I look back up to Bill when I hear him curse and turn more fully to Babe.
"Haven't I taught you anything? Don't start shit you can't win." He's poking Babe in the chest with every other word, making the other bat his hand away.
"Who says I ain't gonna win? Look at her, she's like a flower. This will be over by the third beer." Babe sits up straighter, setting determined eyes on me. He starts to look more annoyed than ever when Luz, Bull, and Tab start laughing.
"Anyone else, I'd say you had a chance. But she," Tab throws his arm over my shoulders, jostling me into his side, "has come the closest out of all of us to beating Bull. She lost, but damn it was amazing to watch." I give Tab a playful shove, righting myself back to a sitting position.
Babe's face has paled a little but somehow manages to look even more determined to see this through. "I'm still in."
"Perfect!" I smile at him, raising my glass to cheers him. "If I win, you have to be my shadow all day tomorrow to take care of me. If I win, you can get my cigarettes for the next two supply packages."
"Deal." Babe cheers me back, and we take our first sips of beer simultaneously. Bill looks beyond annoyed, muttering 'It's your funeral' and starts back to the bar. Bull sends me a wink, Martin a smile, and then follow behind Bill.
"Buckle up, Philly boy. You're in for a ride." I shoot a final wink at him, and then start inhaling my beer. Babe's shocked face and scramble to follow my lead is the last full coherent memory of that night.
I groan in frustration as the rest of the night seems to dissolve from my mind and I can't comfortably say I know what is fiction and what really happened. I have a vague feeling dancing with Tab, Luz and Toye probably happened. Drinking usually turned to dancing in my case. I prayed that singing at the bar with Malarkey and Muck was fiction. It feels like a huge gap is missing after that (please be fictional) memory and then slivers of different memories start floating out. Suddenly I'm in a cold sweat as bits start floating in.
"He's alright but doesn't hold a candle to Bill. When he actually smiles, it's like seeing the sun shine."
"You can't tell him any of this. Swear it."
"No, I know his eyes and yours are too dark. His are warm and beautiful with small flecks of gold in them. I could drown in those eyes forever."
Fuck me, fuck my parents for having me, fuck my grandparents and ancestors for having them, fuck fuck fuck. I take it back, I'd happily sing drunk songs with Malarkey and Muck for the rest of my life if I can take those words back. And just when I thought my life couldn't get worse, I shot up in bed and another fact hits me...I don't know who I said all of those things to. FUCK!
Hours later, I'm still in bed trying to make myself remember anything about my mystery companion or at the very least come up a way to turn back time. Just as my stomach growls for the fourth time, there's a knock on my door and then it's swinging open. I jump up again for the second time that day.
"Hey sleeping beauty, how's the hangover?" Luz asks, all bright eyes and smiles as Babe follows behind him looking exactly how I feel. I shift up the bed to make room for Luz to sprawl out at the foot of the bed while Babe just curls into a ball next to me, back to the window and sunlight.
"I feel like death." I manage to croak out. It's the first time I've used my voice since passing out last night and you'd swear I smoked like a chimney from the sound.
"You look it too." Luz narrowly dodges the pillow I throw at his face. The movements cause Babe to give a pathetic whine and he curls up even more. "I don't know who pissed in your coffee, but this is not how a winner should be acting." I roll my eyes, smiling briefly as I get confirmation that I did win last night. My stomach growling again wipes it from my face.
"I'm starving. And if I won, that means you're my personal shadow all day today to help me feel better." I give Babe a small nudge, just enough to make him crack an eye open to look at me. "Y'all head down to the mess hall and get me two of everything while I get ready and meet you there."
After a few seconds of Babe making no moves to get up, Luz jumps up and all but starts dragging him towards the door. "Come on, Babe, you heard your mistress." Because his hands are full with Babe, he can't dodge the pillow I throw and gives out a low 'ow' as it connects with his face.
Just as they were about to close the door, I blurted out the question I've been trying to figure out. "Hey, who helped me home last night?"
"Not sure doll, I was playing darts with Martin, Bull and Babe." Luz almost had the door closed when he poked his back back in. "Why do you ask?"
I shrug, praying it comes out nonchalant while I'm dying inside. "Just needed to ask them a question. I think I lost something on the way home and just wondered if they knew about it." Something being my dignity. "Don't worry about it, I'll figure it out. Thanks." With a nod, Luz closed the door and left me to agonize alone.
The rest of the day was the most frustrating day of my life. Not because of the hangover, that started feeling better after I got some food and water, with a splash of hair of the dog, in me. Babe started to perk up too but was still definitely battling it so I took mercy on him and let him go back to sleep until his turn for patrol that night. I had the day off from helping Nixon censor mail and finalize reports so that didn't add to my frustrations. No, all of my frustration was because I spent the whole day tracking down the guys and asking who helped me home. They all gave the same answer: wasn't me.
Through my investigating, I was able to piece a loose timeline of the night. Once our game was over, I started dancing with Tab, the next song went to Luz, and I somehow managed to drag Toye out for the one after that. Once they all declined another song, I went to the bar to get another drink and ended up singing two bar songs with Malarkey and Muck, who afterwards started up a card game with Toye, Tab and Penkala that went on the rest of the time. I apparently stayed at the bar, chatting with Bull, Martin and Bill till Luz and Babe came over and got them to play darts the rest of the night. Liebgott kept me company at the bar, making sure I started on water but eventually left to start flirting with the barmaid that kept making eyes at him. My last hope was Perco but someone told me he left before I did to get some sleep before his morning patrol.
Just as the sun started to drift down, I was at my wits end. As a last ditch effort, I decided to write up a timeline diagram to triple check that everyone was accounted for. Surely one of the guys was lying to me and waiting to use my confessions as leverage for something. I move everything on my desk to one side and start making my diagram. By my third review of it, I can't shake the feeling that I'm missing something. So I write all of the men's names down and start checking them off as I mentally go over the stories again.
Luz...check. Bull...check. Perco...check. Babe...check. Liebgott...check. Tab...check. Toye...check. Muck...check. Malarkey...check. Martin...check. Penkala...check. There's no one left. I was just a lunatic talking to myself and somehow managed to get myself home and in bed like a sober person? Just as I was about to commit to believing that I realized I left one name off the list that didn't show up in anyone's story long enough to be crossed off. Bill...fuck.
I crumbled the paper and practically sprinted to my room, dodging soldiers and helpers like a madwoman. There was more foot traffic as the morning and evening patrol were switching foxholes and dinner was currently going. I managed to catch Babe on his way towards the mess hall and made him swear to tell everyone I was still feeling sick and would be in my room the rest of the night. Thankfully he was still feeling sick, so he took me at my word and didn't pay attention to my erratic behavior.
Back in my room I couldn't decide what I was more humiliated about; spilling my secret feelings about Bill TO Bill or being so drunk I don't know it was Bill I was even talking to. With a belly flop I landed on my bed, pressed my face into my pillow and let out a full body scream. Just as it ended there was a knock on my door.
"Go away, I'm dying." I moved my face to the side so whoever was there could somewhat hear me. It wasn't from drinking but hey, semantics at this point. The knock came again, this time more forceful. "Seriously, whoever is there just let me be." With a huff I push myself off the bed and swing open the door to reveal the cause of all my misery. Bill fucking Guarnere. Fuck me.
He's leaning against the door frame without a care in the world it seems and his signature smirk on his face. He'd never looked better. "You know my ma and sisters would come all the way over here and beat my ass if they ever found out I let a woman be miserable all alone. Especially without food." He raised a small bag to emphasize his point. Without waiting for me to answer, he brushed past me into my room and sat squarely on the bed, leaning against the wall, watching me.
Who knows how long it took my brain to send the right signals to make my body move, but eventually I broke our staring contest, closed the door and made my way to the bed. Because I was basically Nix's aid, I was able to get my own room but it was the barest of bare minimums. Side table, joining bathroom, and a bed against the wall. So the only place left to sit was on the bed with Bill, but I tried to put as much distance as I could so I sat crossed legged against the wall acting as the headboard and looked at the bag he still held.
"What's in there?" I decided the best tactic right now was to pretend nothing happened at all. So far Bill seemed to be of the same mind.
"Bread and some cheese. Didn't know how much your stomach could handle." He tossed the bag to me, nodding his acknowledgement to my quick thanks and I tore it open and started nibbling on the contents. After a few beats, he decided the best time to say something was when my mouth was completely full. "So...heard you lost something last night."
Next thing I know I really do feel like I'm dying as I choke on my bite of food, simultaneously batting away his hands that are trying to reach behind to pat my back. After I get small control over my breathing, I wipe the few tears that formed and down the rest of the water I had at my bedside. Two shaky breaths later all I can manage is squeaking out, "What?"
Bill looks at me with a sliver of concern that I'll start hacking up a lung again, but slowly his normal smirk starts to form and he leans back against the wall. "Luz said you were trying to figure out who helped you home last night because you lost something. Toye and Bull said you were pretty aggressive in your questions about everyone's activities last night. If you haven't figured it out already, I was the one that helped you get home from the bar but I don't recall you losing anything." His posture was relaxed, even lazy, but his eyes were hard and jaw was set. Challenging me to make the next move.
I cleared my throat two times, before I forced myself to speak. "Yeah, I actually figured it out a little bit ago." Bill inclined his head towards me, indicating that he wanted me to elaborate on the 'losing something' part. "I, uh, well I was just trying to figure out who helped me and didn't want Luz asking a million and one questions so that seemed the best answer."
"Why didn't you come find me once you figure it all out?" One thing about Bill Guarnere, he never pulled punches and was a hound dog when he set his mind to something.
"No reason...I, uh, well I just..." I turned all my focus on the crumpled paper bag in front of me so I didn't catch his eyes and completely spill my guts. Sober this time.
"Ah come on sweetheart, cat got your tongue now?" He moved to lean down on his arm, shifting closer to me. "Let me help you remember." With that damn, sexy smirk Bill started recounting the night before to fill in the blanks.
~~ last night, Bill POV ~~
I haven't taken my eyes off her all night. If anyone asked I'd say it was out of concern for how much she drank and watching out for a fellow soldier. That was partly true, but the majority was being jealous. Jealous for how easy she laughed and touched and moved with our friends. Don't get it twisted, we are friends too, closer than most of them but it's not as carefree as these moments I'm witnessing.
It can't be carefree because if I let my guard down for one second I'd spill my guts about how she makes me feel. How everything fades out around the edges when she gives that million dollar smile and her eyes crinkle a little at the sides. How I would do anything stupid again and again to make that little snort come out when she's laughing too hard and can't help it. How I want to protect her from this war so damn bad so I never have to see pain in her eyes. How I'd fight the entire Kraut army for the chance to kiss her just once and hold her in my arms.
But I can't say any of that because I'd rather suffer in silence than risk losing her from my life, even as just a friend. So I stay silent and keep watch as everyone around me enjoys their night without a care in the world, not knowing that my entire world is sitting at the bar alone.
She's just started on a second glass of water when some guy from Fox Company slides up next to her and starts talking. Whatever he said has her turning in her seat to point in the direction of Liebgott that left her for some barmaid. While she's focused on where Liebgott is, I'm focused on watching the guy shamelessly check her out. I down the rest of my beer, shove the glass into Luz's hand and march straight over to the bar before any of the guys can ask what I'm doing.
I make it over just as their hands connect and I can hear them exchanging names.
"I can't believe someone as beautiful as you is here all alone." I'm going to brake this guys jaw.
"She's not alone, private." I push myself to my full height and use my Sergeant's voice. This makes him stand up straighter and drop her hand.
"Bill!" She says my name with so much awe and happiness, as if she hadn't be around me in some fashion throughout the night. Being to drunk to care about policy or decorum she wraps her arms around me and gives me the prettiest smile.
"Hey sweetheart," I give her a soft smile back and wrap one arm around her shoulders, keeping her where she is. I look back at the private with a hard glare and raise an eyebrow. "Need something?"
"No sir, I just came to grab a drink. I'll, uh, I'll just get one over there." He practically runs to the other end of the bar, avoiding anymore eye contact.
A soft giggle, makes me look back down and smile again. "What's so funny, doll?"
"You didn't need to scare him, we were just talking." A piece of her hair falls against her cheek when she laughs again. I move it behind her ear, letting my finger graze her cheek before I answer.
"He wanted to do more than talk, believe me."
"What would I do without Bill Guarnere as my knight in shining armor." The smile she sends up to me is nearly enough to send me to my knees right then and there.
I wrap my other arm around her and drop a quick kiss to the top of her head. "You'll never have to find out, sweetheart. I'm always gonna be there." We stay like that for a minute, which isn't nearly long enough before I say, "Come on, lets get you to bed or you're gonna be dyin' tomorrow."
She manages to be get off the barstool and walk out of the bar so efficiently I wonder if she really is as drunk as I thought, but that hope is dashed once she stumbles over air and starts laughing. I can't help but laugh with her as I grab her hands to steady her.
"We should go dancing." She suddenly says and tries to get me to spin her.
"I don't think that's a good idea. Besides you probably want Tab for that, seems to be your favorite dancing partner. Always smiling at you and everything" I meant it to come out as a joke, but it sounded more bitter that anything. Thankfully she was in her own thoughts and didn't pick up the edge to my voice.
"He's alright but he doesn't hold a candle to Bill. When he actually smiles, it's like seeing the sun shine." She says it like it's a known fact and the most natural thing in the world for her say. It stops me dead in my tracks, which stops her because we are still holding hands.
"What did you say?" I tug her a little so she's turned around and looking at me. She gives a small shrug.
"Tab is cute and sweet but he's not Bill. I'd kill to dance with him and make him smile. It's so rare and makes my whole day when I can cause it."
"Sweetheart, you do know I'm Bill." I wait for the lightbulb to go off as she takes a step closer and looks at my face.
"No you're not, you're eyes are too dark."
"They're the same as they've been my whole life."
"No, I know his eyes and yours are too dark. His are warm and beautiful with small flecks of gold in them. I could drown in those eyes forever." She lets go of my hands and starts walking off to her billet. I know I have the goofiest smile on my face as I watch her, before it's wiped away by the realization that she can't remember who I am. Of course I finally get the girl of my dreams to confess her feelings for me and she doesn't even know it's me she's talking to.
Just as I'm catching up to her, trying to figure out what to say, she turns to me with a panic stricken face. "You can't tell him any of this. Swear it." She grasps my hands again, squeezing for dear life.
"Your secrets safe with me, sweetheart." I do my best to give her a comforting smile to ease her panic, which seems to work. We don't talk anymore the rest of the way to her billet but we do hold hands the whole way.
Once we are in her room, I can tell she's losing consciousness quickly. I find some pajamas for her to change into, helping just enough to make it easier for her change without seeing or touching anything inappropriate. As she finishes changing and crawls into bed, I fill up a glass of water and set it on the bedside table. I take one final look around to make sure she's comfortable and settled in properly before dropping a kiss on top of her head and heading to the barracks for some shut eye before my patrol.
~~ End of Bill's POV ~~
I feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment after Bill tells me the conversation we had. My eyes are firmly planted on the bag in my lap, that I've all but turned into confetti. I feel him shift on the bed again, so he's seated right next in front of me, but I can't bring myself to meet him gaze. His eyes never left my face the whole time he recounted everything and I'm too scared to look and see what emotion I'll find there. Amusement? Pity?
The decision is taken away from me when one of his hands cups the side of my neck and tips my head up to finally meet his gaze. There's a lot of emotion in his eyes, but I can't pinpoint what it is, which scares me even more.
"I'm sor-" I start to say but get cut off.
"Did you mean it?" His voice is soft but firm. He's not going to drop this and seems to be holding his breathe waiting for my answer.
"Yes." The word is barely more than a whisper but I know he heard it from the smile that takes over his face. Next thing I know he's leaning the rest of the way into my space, tilting my head to the side and softly pressing his lips to mine.
My hands reach up to fist his jacket, pulling him closer and the smallest whimper comes up when he nips at my bottom lip. My reaction seems to be all the go ahead Bill needs as he focuses on pulling me so we are flush against each other while taking possession over my mouth. At some point we rearrange ourselves to be laying on the bed, him draped over me like a second skin.
Our kisses between slow and languid to passionate and slightly frenzied. We don't know how long we stay like that, minutes or hours, but when we part our lips are swollen and we are breathing hard. Bill rests his forehead against mine and nudges my nose with his.
"Can I stay the night? No funny business, I just...now that I have you in my arms, I don't want to let you go just yet." He places soft kisses on both my cheeks and then my lips, looking at me with his heart in his eyes.
"I never want to be anywhere except your arms, Bill." I nudge his nose back and return the kiss he just gave. The smile he gives me has my heart melting and my lungs forgetting to breathe.
A few small kisses later, we've arranged ourselves into more comfortable positions; him on his back, me all but laying on top of him, our arms wrapped tightly around each other. Slowly we drift off to sleep with smiles on our faces thinking the same thing:
We have our whole world in our arms.
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64-jungle-planks · 6 months
Night at the Museum: Redesigning Characters 1/4(?)
Character profile: Frank "Noses" Capone
This character is based off of and takes inspiration from the historical Frank Capone.
Real Name: Salvatore "Frank" Capone
Nickname and Meaning: Noses - He got this nickname from being inquisitive and being unafraid to stick his nose into other people's business, even if it gets him into trouble.
Age: 28 (July 16, 1895)
Time Period: Frank is from America's Prohibition in the 1920s, to be exact, hes from April 1st, 1924 Chicago, just before he and a group of Mafioso's went to the polling station near the Western Electric Hawthorn plant.
Family: James "Jimmy" Vincenzo Capone, Raffaele "Ralph" James Capone, and Alphonse "Al" Gabriel Capone + Three younger brothers and one sister that wasn't brought back.
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(Headcanons under the cut)
Based on/taken from History:
involved in the Five Points Gang with mobster John Torrio as a kid
Rumored to be queer because he never had an open interest in women/having sex with women like his brothers
Had a kid??? But then took it away from his fiancé??
Nickname was Noses?
Smartest of the eldest Capones
Killed when 70 plain clothes police officers arrived at W 22nd St & S Cicero Ave, Cicero, IL 60804 on April 1st, 1924. He didn’t have time to pull his gun out and was shot so many times, two other bystanders were killed/injured
described as mild-mannered, intelligent and immaculately-dressed
Thought to have ordered 500 deaths since joining the Chicago outfit (1919-1921 to 1924)
“you never get no talk back from a corpse”
+ Intelligent + Social + Hard-working - Quick to anger - Unstable moods
My own silly headcanons:
Can be level-headed, but usually his anger gets the best of him.
His presence calms Al down a lot. His brother really loves him and missed Frank. Frank reminds Al of simpler times when they’d run errands for their old boss Torrio… now Al’s boss.
Represented by clover/clubs. The club symbol represents the summer season and the earth element. The club suit in cards indicates youth, a phase when a person focuses on education, and recklessness.
Frank has matching pins with Al, Jimmy, and Ralph, each brother taking a playing card suit. The brothers made them together with old scrap metal they found in the Navy yard.
Sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong. He likes putting himself in the middle of gossip circles. When he’s not purposefully antagonizing Napoleon to get a reaction, they get along really well because of this.
Wiggles his nose when he thinks hard
Tallest of the Capone brothers (6’1)
Broken out of the museum in search of the closest liquor store out of pure boredom. They tried to pay with greyscale $50s and promptly got kicked out.
A little bit of a sadist.
Gets very violent when he’s upset and enjoys it. Frank doesn’t usually feel bad about his previous actions
Frank: My furby died in my arms when I was a child Ivan: I’m sorry to hear that..? Frank, grinning and joking slightly: Don’t be. I’ve never felt more like a god.
He’d be on Booktok
Like his brothers, Frank will flirt with anyone. Unlike his brothers, Frank is mostly doing it to tease and have fun.
Sucker for hallmark movies
Jerma vibes
His ears turn red when he lies (credit to @frombottlealleytotheharbor for this one)
Frank’s Tommy is a replica whereas his Smith & Wesson Model 10 is from a photo/cutout. His Tommy doesn’t work at all, but his handgun can- he just doesn’t have any bullets.
The Model 10 is named Peggy and the Tommy is Doll
….. don’t call him Frankie unless your family.
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Jimmy Consentini belongs to @all-yn-oween. I had to draw him and Frank together because (I think) they both have two-piece suits.
Plain clothes Napoleon is inspired by this and something I have scheduled.
Al, Ralph, Napoleon
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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This is Round Two of the Artist Claims for the 2023 round of WIPBB. You may claim up to three fics this round. If you want only one fic, please fill out the form once with your top choices. If you want two fics, fill out the form twice with your first choice in the first form submission with one unique ID and the second choice in another submission with a different unique ID.
The synopses are located at https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/172201.html
The form is located at https://forms.gle/ES2D3d2mTG1nU4Pk6.
Round two of the art claims will go on until July 1st.
Critical Role (Mighty Nein)
Title: But I'll Go Down with My Friends
Pairing/Characters: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Caleb Widogast, Fjord Stone/Caleb Widogast, Yasha Nydoorin/Caleb Widogast, pre-Jester Lavorre/Fjord Stone, pre-Beauregard Lionett/Yasha Nydoorin, Yasha Nydoorin/Mollymauk Tealeaf, Yasha Nydoorin & Mollymauk Tealeaf, Nott the Brave & Caleb Widogast, The Mighty Nein & Caleb Widogast, The Mighty Nein
Rating Explicit | E
Warnings/Tags: Sex Pollen; Fuck or Die; Porn IS the plot; Platonic Sex; Explicit Sex; Implied/Referenced Rape; Implied/Referenced Self-Harm; Imperfect Consent; Bondage; Consensual Non-Consent; Negotiation; Voyeurism; Exhibitionism; Dissociation; Characters Trying Very Hard to Be Safe Sane and Consensual in a Patently Unsafe, Insane, Dubiously Consensual Situation; Author Did Not Check How Many Spell Slots Anyone Used; Gangbang Doula Nott the Brave; Mollymauk Tealeaf's Religious Beliefs; Useless Lesbian Beauregard Lionett; Jester's Sketchbook After Dark; Yasha Is Just Happy To Be Here; Fjord Has Seen Worse Things Happen at Sea; The Real Money Shot Was the Friends We Made Along the Way; The Traveler Divinely Intervening Before Jester Gets That Spell Because She's His Favorite; Nott the Brave's Body Dysphoria
Summary: During Episode 16 (while the Mighty Nein have that week of downtime in Zadash before the Harvest Festival) Caleb gets hit with a faceful of sex pollen. Naturally, the rest of the Mighty Nein are going to help him out (although Nott, Jester, and Beau are mostly there for moral support). With cameos by Pumat Sol, Madame Luenna, and the Traveler!
(Implied/Referenced Rape = Caleb's broken memories of his time in the asylum; Implied/Referenced Self Harm = Others see Caleb's scars and draw the obvious (incorrect) conclusion about where they came from)
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myplushheart · 4 months
going over the inner meanings of some of my ship tags for fun
⚙️caws and beeps⚙️ -> the phonetic sounds of laughter from both po3 and bandit
👻the contract of a lifetime👻 -> the ultimate life lasting contract.. a marriage contract!
♦️playing hard to catch♦️ -> a play on the phrase “playing hard to get”, altered to fit into the tom and jerry chase and rivalry these two go through in their early days with nyxie being a snarky on the loose thief and scarab constantly being on her tail (literally!)
💐the tourist florists💐 -> in selfship canon, alive pheonix and tammie (my name for the florist) were traveling flower sellers! they settled down in the kingdom that prince and mj lived in, and that’s how they all met!
❄️soundbyte❄️ -> based off of how the ninjago fandom actually makes up their ship names. was originally going to be tagged with “soundbyteshipping” but i felt like that was too long. soundbyte is a play on the fact they’re both robots, and how my s/i has the power of sound or, mainly, loud music!
🍌starting anew with you🍌 -> in selfship canon, yomiel actually breaks it off with fiancé sissel, because he tells her he wants her to move on and not have to wait for him for ten years in prison. he’s changed too much, and there’s things from his “past” he can’t bare keeping from her against her knowledge. this was all true, but it was also because in that erased painful timeline, he met someone new, and wanted to reunite with them.. wonder who that could be! (it’s me :3)
💼hey chicken tender!💼 -> created with the idea that parsley purposefully calls me chicken tender from the one goof up with “flower vender” becoming mixed up with “chicken tender”. it’s now just because an inside joke, and she’s still called that by him because she’s so obsessed with eating chicken tenders.
🎤the sound of your heart beeps🎤 -> a pun on “heart beat”, being changed into “heart beeps” because of the monitor always on his screen.
🎲dots and spots🎲 -> king dice has dice dots all over his head, and pupup has freckles!
🎰some bad rng🎰 -> a joke on the mix of a character with horrible luck and a character who’s power is “glitch”, aka working like game glitches.
⚔️sister from another mister⚔️ -> chip is basically an adopted sister into the borg family, so she’s pixals sister from another mister! the mister in question being her original creator, aka real dad, the mechanic.
💰i stole your heart first!💰 -> wouldn’t you believe it, gaster actually fell for minu first.. so a fun little bit on thievery with our infamous cringefail criminal!
🦅the best part of july🦅 -> when i made this, i think i was holding some strong spite for the history of july 1st? but apollo’s birthday is on july 1st, so he makes it all worth it!
🏜️luck of the draw🎰 -> they both use guns! that was my only thought process. luck of the draw is basically zora being always lucky with her shots, conveyed with “draw” being used in a different context, and gansley also having his own sort of.. “”luck”” with his draws.
🎵crimes and covers🎵 -> randomly came up with this one day and thought it was too good to not use. singing while they do crimes together! and covering up evidence maybe.
👻till death did we part✨ -> mj, pheonix, and snatcher weren’t able to all be together until they died and had the freedom of eternal afterlife. a play on “till death do we part”.
🖋️writing our own path🖋️ -> designer and narry decide to create their own path of life instead of being confined to the programs of the game! narry is only convinced with how out of the box designer can always be, so now they live normal like stanley. the best they can live normally when they’re still practically gods, that is..
❤️your doom draws near❤️ -> a pun! draw is inputted for tablets artistic ability, and the rest is all 4s. sorry this explanation isn’t great, it’s basically a big ol’ pun..
🕶️coffee brown fur🕶️ -> mick works in a coffee shop that agent one comes to all the time! alongside agent one also being a werewolf in this selfship canon. his fur is brown, like coffee!
🐍would you go with me?🐍 -> a reference to the country song under the same name by Josh Turner. it screams striker to me, so i decided to use it for his tag!
🏜️runtime error🏜️ -> actually made up by one of my friends! shout out to you, mel. thanks for saving my ass on this one
(feel free to ask about any other ones, if you wanna! i like talking about my ships :3)
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corkcitylibraries · 2 years
Echoes of our Past | March 10th 1923
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Librarian Richard Forrest takes a look at news highlights published in The Echo 100 years ago this week.
Road Smash at Carrigrohane
At about 11 o’clock last night the Fire Brigade ambulance was called out to Carrigrohane where several persons were lying injured in a car smash. It appears a pony and trap collided with two Scotch carts and a military car coming along then ran into one of the carts. Several persons were thrown on the road. The injured were brought to the Mercy Hospital and a man named Donoghue, belonging to Blackpool, was found to have sustained severe injuries to the head, as well as a fractured dislocation of the hip joint. He lies in a dangerous condition. Three soldiers were also detained.  
Mrs. Powell, Mount Nebo House
I had put the younger ones (7,5 and 3) to bed and was drawing my chair up to the fire at about 8 o’clock when I heard a rap at the door and the command “put your hands up!” I looked around and saw four young men with my own two lads. I thought they were playing a joke and said, “indeed I will not!” I suddenly realised these were real guns and, though terribly frightened, in a calmness born of despair I said, “I must stir and go to my babies” and rushed to the door. The muzzle of one of the revolvers actually struck my chest but to my surprise I got up the stairs safely. Little Brenda was hysterical at the bedroom door and a man was sprinkling petrol from a can over the other two in bed. I got the children downstairs and there were men all over spilling petrol. I asked the one who appeared to be the leader what was meant by this conduct. He replied, “are you Mrs. Bowles?” I said, “no, I am Mrs. Powell and these are my babies”. Said he, “your house is to be burnt as a reprisal for the arrest of the Cumann na mBan members”. I told him I was not responsible for the arrest of anyone and was a member pf Cumann na mBan before any of them. He then used some threatening language and said get the children out. I said I had to have some warm clothes. the children were trembling, and I realised my most treasured possessions, including the letters from my late husband and brother would be destroyed. I rushed to the writing table and two shots rang out. Gathering my little flock, I rushed out the front door. More shots rang out and I lay dazed, wondering, after some time elapsed, why the house was not ablaze. Then I heard a friendly voice say, “anybody hurt?”  and was surrounded by men of the dear green uniform. They told me “Scottie” was wounded and there was an agonising search. Our relief was great when we found he was not too bad. He undoubtedly saved my house. Houses and women and children cannot hit back, we expect another attack, but God is good, and so are the Fianna Fáil, the soldiers of Ireland. (Mary Powell was a sister of Michael Collins. Mount Nebo is off Blarney Street).
Irregular Warning on Bandon Dances
The following has been served on some lady members of a dance committee in Bandon by O.C. I.R.A. 1st Battalion, No. 3 Brigade: “I have been informed that you have taken part in organising dances in the town of Bandon recently. Take warning that if you attempt these dances again while the young soldiers of he Republic are  being done to death by a band of ruffians calling themselves a Government, you will be severely dealt with. Remain within the town of Bandon until further notice. Failing to comply with this order will necessitate me to take action of a drastic nature”.
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1921 All-Ireland Hurling Final
Despite restricted railway services the attendance at Croke Park last Sunday for Limerick vs. Dublin was on the big side. There were 19,000 at the match yielding gate receipts of £1,080. Croke Park now possesses a number of excellent stands and presented a lively and intensely animated appearance. The best of good feeling was in evidence and though there was not much to enthuse over on the standard of play, it is but justice to the Central Council to state that the arrangements for the big fixture were perfection. It was a hard-fought game in which accidents and frees were rather on the too numerous side. Munster’s representatives suffered pre-match disadvantages attributable to circumstances of a very obvious character, but it gradually emerged that Dublin were altogether outclassed on the wings and less and less likely to hold their title. The training the Garryowen men had put in worked to the good, supplemented by an indomitable determination to capture the magnificent new trophy. The donor of which, Mr. Liam McCarthy, London, was unavoidably absent on the day. Dublin have altogether gone off the form lately shown against Cork but, to their credit, never relaxed it trying to limit the deficit (8-5 to 3-2).
The Thrush’s Pathetic Note
Now we come to strike a pathetic note. A dingy street where, all day, ragged children play. This narrow dwelling place of the struggling poor. Cardboard and cloth are more plentiful than glass in an upper window. Each morning a hand protrudes to thrust out a cage that is to hang on the wall till darkness gathers. Within is a thrush. That fine, speckled, white-breasted, large-eyed bird, sings on the perch throughout the day. The creature of the thicket and the brake gazes downwards upon the ragged children and upwards to the strip of sky across which sometimes it sees its fellow creature’s career in full flight to the hills, the woods, the meadows. Whether the thrush sings loud or low, it hops in weary monotony back and forward. Little does it dream that it occupies a tiny space in that newspaper which a shouting newsboy distributes as he runs along the path below.  There on the back page are the words, “A singing thrush for sale”. Tomorrow someone will come, the cage will be drawn in, money will jingle and away – where? To the native wilds? Alas, no. Only to some other, perhaps more obscure neighbourhood. Some darker, dingier prison house. Yet those bird dealers are not gaolers. Indeed, they are kind and considerate to a degree. But you who have heard in March the song of the brown thrush at the end of your garden, or above your heads in the woodside road – you at least will read the advertisement with deeper and sadder thoughts than the ways of barter know.
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stellarish · 2 years
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Oh also while I’m artposting, here’s some Greg sketches from the other day
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cupids-cringe · 2 years
i gave him a satchel with little wing decals that he stores all his cool trinkets and the occasional bird that sneaks in to hide all cozy and his crowbar- before he eventually gets told he can't take a WEAPON everywhere with him in the real world- thankfully theres no xen aliens here so not much reason for one anyway
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to start i have alternate designs for Player, Kittle Freeman and Loverboy which are edits of their drawings in the previous post and then i have Neo and Spork
i'm currently working on something else but i would LOVE to do characters like Darnold, Benry, Sleepless,,etc because accidental multiverse hoppers have a lot of family and of course the episode 2 Gordons
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(notes and Neo & Sporks below)
- literally just the HEV suit, used this as a base for Kittles design
- made his hair a bit messier and more spiked in comparison to Players original hair
- a bit of blood and stuff splattered on him from how Kittle is definitely one of those players who would go killing random things hes spawned in after hes done and/or ‘got home from work and is going to take his frustrations out killing random ai and blowing stuff up’ without consequences (until yknow  the ais sentient   and theres consequences)
and also due to godmode would just go through the maps not taking any damage when he was shot at or activated a planned sequence but still getting splattered with blood
- the circuits on his eyes are also further down his body and suit and would spread faster and cover more when he gets angry or overwhelmed (for a while now i’ve liked to think the circuits can react to his emotions so something really strong like anger would make the circuits freak out and branch out more) 
- based on his suit in In Your Dreams!! he matches with his family now!!
- the spiralling pattern on his cane is squid tentacle inspired and the paint glows in the dark cos i thought that was neat
- grey hairs,, unlike Doc its, unfortunately, stressed induced rather than a side effect of green goop
- so. many. PINS. this is still just a HANDFUL of his collection!
- his hairs filled with a lot more heart shaped curls and he often ties it in a lower ponytail or wears down, sometimes he puts hairclips and little decorations in it to match his pins!
- i think the several hundred hearts do a good job explaining themselves-
-and of course like B he has his name written on his earrings
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- sort of mashed together 2 different refs i had of them and took the bone pattern from the trousers of the 2nd and instead turned it into a patch he stitched on, along with a clown patterned patch (this is specifically the clowngender xenogender flag)
- decided to make their hair a bit less spikey and more flowy ?
- pronoun badge!
- the shoes are based on his 1st design, the trousers are a little more blue just to try and break up all the dark greys and make the nails and shirt seem less out of place, kept the classic playstation hoodie
- his nails actually match with Swaps!
- i gave them earrings now- The one shown on the right (left??) ear is a pin and i did draw the other but it didn't look right as Sporks hair actually covers their ears so i drew over it
(and it was a lightbulb like on their hlvrv sprites)
- added a few more buttons to the cuffs of their shirt also
- i gave them a pocket with a notebook that they use for random notices, ideas and as a schedule diary
- (usually) safety pins worn are a way for the wearer to let people know they're a safe person for people who are often discriminated against or afraid, its a way to show you are safe, a symbol of solidarity and thats why i gave Spork one
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dilfdoctordoom · 3 years
On Tom Taylor, the Current Nightwing Run & Ableism
I did mention I was gonna do a post about it, so here we are. There are some things I want to make clear before we begin: the issue exploded on Twitter on the very first day of disabled Pride month; disabled people have been discussing the ableism in Taylor’s Nightwing run since it began; nobody has blamed Taylor for what happened to Barbara in 2011. We are, however, blaming him for the way she is written in his series during 2021. 
I am also going to be discussing the ableism in the fandom in this post. The reactions I have seen, from here to Twitter to TikTok, are showing not only a great misunderstanding of the situation, but a purposeful misunderstanding. The very real reasons disabled people are angry right now have been twisted to make us seem ridiculous and overly sensitive and I cannot help but feel that is very intentional.
Another quick addition: disabled people are not a monolith. Barbara Gordon spent over 20 years as a paralyzed wheelchair user. Stating (and I would like to note, never truly showing) that she is a part time cane user now is still erasing her disability. These things are not interchangeable.
So, with that out of the way, let’s begin.
Tom Taylor’s run is ableist. That is a fact of this situation. He made the active choice to include a version of Barbara Gordon that is ableist caricature. Story wise, the role that Barbara plays could have easily been filled by anyone else. There is no real season, within the narrative and outside of it, for Taylor to include this version of Barbara Gordon, who has received a decade of criticism from disabled people. It’s very well known that this iteration is problematic, to put it kindly, and Taylor is aware of that. 
He made the active decision to include her, anyway, showing, at the very least, that he is passively, if not actively, ableist. Passive ableism is still ableism and disabled people are allowed to take issue with that.
That alone is reason enough for disabled people to be angry. But that’s not why things exploded on Twitter.
On July 1st, the very first day of disabled pride month, the new design for Barbara was dropped. After months of teasing Barbara’s return to a wheelchair using Oracle (see: Last Days of The DC Universe, Batgirl (2016), etc), they debuted... a new Batgirl costume that the artist has openly said draws inspiration from the Burnside suit.
There’s a lot of issues to unpack here, so let’s start small: the issue with consciously calling back to Burnside. The Burnside era of Batgirl stories was... beyond awful. The villain of the series’ first arc, was an AI based on Barbara’s brain patterns when she was disabled. It was evil because of all the rage and pain Barbara felt. The actual Barbara, on the other hand, was good -- because she was able bodied. Because her PTSD had been tossed aside. It was a horrifically ableist era that drove the idea that Barbara’s life was terrible when she was disabled; that it was some horrible, twisted secret.
Comics have kept that narrative going. Barbara is seen hiding books on chronic pain; she reacts aggressively to the mere idea that she could be in a wheelchair again, acting like it would be weakness. Whereas Barbara had once been Oracle not because of, but in spite of, her disability, who was fantastic representation for the disabled community, she now acts like it is the most shameful thing in her life.
To call back to Burnside is to call back to that ableism and make no critique of it. If anything, it’s to embrace the ideas of that era.
There is also the design itself to consider. Many people have pointed out the inclusion of a back brace, as if that saves it from ableism -- it does not. Any person who has ever worn a back brace can take one look at this design and know that they did not consult a disabled person. Hell, by how impractical that thing is, I doubt they even Googled a picture of a back brace.
It’s a superficial acknowledgement that Barbara is supposed to be disabled. Something that was apparently thrown in to appease the numerous complaints of Barbara being able bodied; something that no one working on it put any effort into.
When it comes to aids, this is not a new thing for Barbara in Infinite Frontier. She’s said to be using a cane occasionally, that we got a better look at in Batman: Urban Legends, and as any cane user can tell you... that is not a cane that could feasibly be used. It’s another pathetic attempt to acknowledge that Barbara is supposed to be disabled, without actually doing anything of importance.
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[IMAGE ID:  A segmented cane with a tri-pointed handle with a wrist strap. There is a stripe across the sections to connection them, labelled “solar battery charger buttons”. The text reads: “telescoping antenna doubles as cane or weapon if needed”. END ID]
Dropping this design (which we have now established to be problematic) on the very first day of disabled pride month is a sickening move. The very first day, and DC has doubled down on their disability erasure, thrown in superficial things like a back brace to act like it’s fine.
Tom Taylor is definitely involved in this, whether you like it not. No, he is not in anyway responsible for the events of the New 52 and what they did to Barbara Gordon, but that does not absolve him of blame for what is currently being done to her in his run.
When the design dropped, it started trending due to disabled fans reactions. To be clear: we were directly calling out the ableism in this design. This was Tom Taylor’s response:
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[IMAGE ID: A tweet from TomTaylorMade that says: “Hey, @Bruna_Redono_F I think our new Batgirl suit is getting some attention.” He then adds a winky face emoji and tags @jesswchen and @drinkpinkkink. Attached are a screenshot showing that Batgirl is trending in the United States and a picture of the design itself. END ID]
This is him, bragging about how the disabled community reacted. Perhaps before this tweet, you could’ve made an argument that he was not ableist, but after he flaunted the fact that disabled people were rightly furious over this, like it was something to be proud of? No. If you are defending him, you are a part of the problem.
Taylor has included ableist writing in his Nightwing run, beyond the inherent ableism that comes with the current iteration of Barbara Gordon (whose inclusion, yet again, is his decision).
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[IMAGE ID: A panel from Nightwing #79. Barbara and Dick are standing in his apartment. Barbara is saying: “I have some pretty new technology holding my spine together. I’m happy to do most things -- eat pizza in the park, take down low-level thugs -- but leaping from rooftops seems... unwise.” END ID]
What Barbara says in the panel above has bothered a lot of disabled people. The implication that she couldn’t “eat pizza in the park’ and “take down low-level thugs” without a spinal implant that conveniently erases her disability is... fucked up, to put it mildly. Those are both things that Barbara has done in a wheelchair. The first one is something wheelchair users can do and the implication that it’s not is beyond offensive.
But, let’s leave Barbara behind for a moment. I have previously mentioned that disabled people have been discussing the ableism present in this run long before July -- and that ableism is not only centred on Barbara. Dick is also a player in all this.
Dick Grayson was shot in the head. I don’t believe I need to retread the story, but just in case: Dick was shot in the head by KGBeast, developed amnesia from the event, and went by Ric Grayson for a long enough period in comics. If you have been active within the DC fandom for the past year or so, you know all about this controversial storyline and its fallout.
The Ric Grayson arc concluded itself the issue before Taylor became the writer for the series and ever since his tenure has begun, Taylor has completely ignored the reality of Dick being a disabled man. We understand this is comics, that things do not function the way they do in our world, but still -- it is clear that this gunshot wound to the head has affected Dick massively. We had an entire arc dedicated to how he struggled to find himself in the aftermath.
Taylor is choosing to write Dick as an able-bodied man, despite his canonical injuries and how they would impact his life.
This man is choosing to give empty gestures towards Barbara being a disabled woman (as discussed above, the completely dysfunctional back brace, etc) whilst writing her as able-bodied as possible. He writes both Dick and Barbara as able bodied as humanly possible. That is ableist. He is ableist. This is the same man that said he made a dog disabled ‘in honour of Barbara’. I do not think I need to elaborate on why that is bad.
The least he could’ve done, was get a sensitivity reader. We know that Taylor is not beyond getting people from marginalized communities to consult on his work (see: Suicide Squad), so why, when writing two characters that should be disabled, one that the disabled community have been criticising for a decade, does he not reach out to a single disabled person? A mere Google search could’ve improved the situation massively. In both the new design and the current writing, it is beyond clear that this is not just an able-bodied person writing it -- it’s an ableist person.
He could have listened to the numerous disabled fans that spoke out. Instead, he chose not only to refuse to do that, but to describe justifiable anger as ‘raging’. He treated us like we were crazy for daring to speak out about blatant ableism being parading around of us in our pride month.
Tom Taylor has failed to do the bare minimum and in doing so, he is, at very, very least, guilty of complicity. Again: passive ableism is still ableism.
The argument at hand is not just about Barbara Gordon and the continuing ableism that shines out from her current writing. The argument is about the treatment of disabled characters in his run. It has also become about the way he treats physically disabled people.
We also can’t have this conversation without acknowledging the fandom’s role in it all. I waited a day to write this up, to allow all the reactions to flood in... and I am sickened.
We have everything across the board. Able-bodied people that have actually listened to disabled people, who have supported us (which is deeply appreciated). Able-bodied people who may have had good intentions, but a skewed sense of the situation and perpetuating some of the more insidious lies being spread around (IE. that this is only about the new costume).
There are, obviously, the ableist reactions, though, that we will be discussing here. People deeming the current issues as ‘crazy’, calling disabled people ‘overly sensitive’ and ‘delusional’. Many people have completely glossed over the examples given for why Taylor, specifically, is ableist, and instead have resorted to telling disabled people that we are wrong and should be mad at DC instead.
It’s important to note that Tom Taylor is an adult man. He doesn’t need a fandom to attack disabled people for daring to call him out. He is not the victim in this situation; he has, for quite a few disabled people, been the aggressor.
I have seen claims that Infinite Frontier is a ‘slow burn’, implying that disabled people need to patient... as if we have not waited a decade for less ableist writing. There is a complete refusal from able-bodied fans to actually listen to what disabled people are saying. They would much rather rush to the defence of the (honestly rather mediocre) current Nightwing run. 
Disabled fans know that comic book spaces are ableist. We know that both DC and Marvel and many of their writers are ableist. We are still allowed to be pissed as hell about it and acting like the current reaction being had right now is disabled people being ‘overdramatic’ is yet another example of how the able-bodied side of the fandom both refuses to listen to and undermine disabled people when we call out ableism.
We know it when we see it. We always do and we always will and we will always be able to recognize it far faster than an able-bodied person. If this many disabled fans are coming out and talking about an issue, calling it ableism, then it’s time for you shut up and listen.
Stop being a part of the problem and start supporting disabled fans for once.
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Going to a Private Onsen with Gojo
NSFW Gojo Satoru x F!Reader, established relationship
Type: One shot. This is around almost 4k words.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW content, Voyeurism, exhibitionism, daddy kink, squirting, overstimulation, praising, dom!Gojo, breeding kink, slightly manipulative/ Yandere Gojo, degradation
Notes: finally got to finish this fic, my motivation just dropped halfway lmao. The inn house has rooms with private hot springs. Not shared like the communal ones in public bath houses. This is half fluff half smut.
The private hot springs per room are separated by bamboo trees and wooden walls. (With holes. So you know what's gonna go down👀💦💦💦)
You and Satoru finally get the chance to have a 2 day 1 night short break from work. He takes you to an inn, checking in a tatami room with a private hot spring (onsen) included. The place smelled fresh, and you could smell the flowers outside.
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"We can see the hot springs from here love. What do you think? It's gorgeous isn't it?" Satoru wiggled his eyebrows at you. You both set your luggage down, making yourselves at home. The sun is still high up, it is only 2:00pm and the hot spring is steaming, the sunlight making the water shine and glitter.
"It's not bad at all; the room is quite big as well." You smiled. Despite knowing that you're only stroking his ego, you let it go for once. Just this once because it is a special break after all. He internally pats himself on the back, beaming at you. “Glad you like it. Let’s take a walk around the area and then come back for dinner.”
“Fine with me”. Both of you changed into traditional clothing first. Gojo into a Yukata and you into your kimono. He helped you tie your obi and do your hair up. "Look how pretty my kitten is." He practically purred out as he cinched your waist beneath his large hands. His hands felt like fire on your waist.
You flushed, softly calling out his name. "N-not now." You stared at his profile. All lean and muscular. Knowing his physique hidden under the blue fabric did nothing to help. 
"Not now." He agreed. But the glint in his eyes said otherwise. Still he held himself back.
So you both set out, exploring the town. The stalls were bustling with people. You both bought souvenirs for the students as well as omamori (charms) for various purposes. 
You visited the temple and just tried to relieve the pent up stress from the last few weeks. “The air is so cool and it smells really nice here.” The flowers were all in bloom, as it was spring as of now. Satoru, however, kept his eyes on you for most of the time instead of the scenery around him. 
“Yeah, it’s real pretty isn’t it? Wanna take some photos?”
“Good idea! I need a new lock screen pic of us Toru!” you smiled. Your smile unfortunately dimmed upon noticing other women staring at Satoru and batting their eyelashes at him (ignoring the fact that you were right beside him). 
You’ve always known that he was a gorgeous person, just thanking your lucky stars that he actually came around to reciprocate your feelings. “Hey”, Satoru cupped your face and turned it to face him. He was pouting. “Focus on me love. This trip is just for us.” 
You gave him a weak smile. “Yeah, sorry about that. AH! I wanna have a picture by that Sakura tree~”. You tried to be more enthusiastic and engaging, blocking out any jealous and negative thoughts. 
Seriously, it's not like you didn't trust him. Just that your insecurity gets to you sometimes. You quickly bat the thoughts away. Your thoughts came to a halt when you felt something soft on the corner of your lips. 
"Love you." Satoru murmured against your cheek. You turned to see his eyes under his drooping sunglasses just an inch away from yours. You couldn't help but sigh in admiration. Of course he knows how you feel. "I love you more Toruu~ Now let's go." You gave him a genuine and bright smile. Walking over to a shaded area near the lake, surrounded by tall grass.
He leaned down to press his cheek against the top of your head and placed one arm around you. His other hand was holding up his phone for a selfie. After you took some pretty and funny photos, he surprised you by bringing out a polaroid.
"Eh?! Since when did you bring that with you?" You asked him. Satoru gave a sneaky smirk, "Well. Since you talked non stop about loving the vintage aesthetic recently, I thought it would be good to make a small scrapbook or photo album of this trip." 
".... who are you and what have you done with my husband..."
"Hey! That's rude. I'm always nice and sweet." He pouted and widened his eyes, using a finger to push down his shades. "I knowww~ Just kidding Toru, I love your ideas. I'll help you with it then." 
"Of course you will pumpkin." He squeezed you against his side, not caring about anyone who might be looking at both of you being overly affectionate in public. 
He took pictures using the polaroid camera every now and then. Taking your hand and leading you around, Satoru did not give your thoughts a chance to move away from him. He didn't hesitate to tickle you when your guard was down and poked at your cheeks with the most annoying grin. 
After that it was just you and him. Enjoying your precious time together, undisturbed by anyone else. By the time the sun was setting, you dragged him over to an Izakaya. "Should we have dinner here?" You asked him. 
"Ooooh! Looks like they have good meat and eel. That's fine with me." He replied. You both enjoyed dinner and had a bit of sake. Satoru always looked cute with flushed red cheeks and that big stupid smile of his. "Well you look cuter than me for once Hun." He quipped back.
You smiled as you wiped that teriyaki sauce off the corner of his mouth for him. It was a really peaceful day. 
Walking back to the inn, you noticed a shadow moving quickly just by the corner of your eye. This is why you don't think about work during your free time. Feeling chills run up your spine, you turned to see a curse, staring straight back at you. "Ah shit I left my sword back in the inn." 
Not even having finished your sentence, you watched as Satoru flicked his wrist and took down the 2nd grade curse in an instant. "I told you not to worry darling. I'm not going to let anything hurt you." He tutted and booped your nose playfully, eyes shining. 
"Heehh~" you pretended not to be impressed but by the look on his face, you knew you didn't do a good job of hiding it. He just chuckled and wrapped his arms around you. "Toru I can't walk like this." 
It was like trying to lug a 190cm tall clingy infant. "I'll protect you with my infinity from all sides love." He looked really happy, just prancing around with you in his arms as you both made your way back to the inn. 
You both settled back in and got ready to take a bath. It was a really good day and everything went smoother than you thought it would, knowing your chaotic and unorthodox doof of a husband. 
"Dinner was so good. This was a great idea Toru, thank you." You smiled up at him. He smiled back, so soft and gentle with you. The way he never is and never will be with anyone else.
"Now then, I'll be taking my payment from you." You looked up at him, confusion evident on your face. Your husband of 5 years still confuses you until this day. "I'm sorry?" you felt affronted as you asked the question. You had no problem paying your share of the bills, heck you earn a lot as a 1st grade Jujutsu sorcerer yourself. 
But Satoru spent about over a month pestering you about wanting to treat you to a short staycation with him. "Yes", he replied slowly making his way towards you, towering over your shorter frame. You stood your ground and craned to look up at him. 
"Thank you for the meal sweetheart. You will be my dessert." He removed his glasses and threw them aside to showcase his bright blue eyes. You shivered from the intensity, and his lips turned up in a smirk. His words were somewhat funny, but his tone was dead serious.
He wasted no time, leaning down to suck down on the juncture of your neck and shoulder, after he pulled one side of your kimono off your shoulder. "Sa-Satoru!!, hah- ", his grip on you was way too tight.
"Baby, I am so sorry I can't wait any longer. Won't you be good for me?" Satoru asked as he took a step back and cupped your cheeks in his hands.
It's true that this man has no self-control, always palming your ass down the hallways at Tokyo Jujutsu High. But you rarely see him as desperate as he is now, that it was actually endearing to you. So you relented, earning a grin from the man.
He helped you out of your kimono, littering small kisses on your forehead and cheeks, before he started biting on one ear. 
Unclasping your bra, he reached down to grope your breasts. You stared at him as he suckled on one nipple while toying with the other. His eyes opened to meet yours, and you could feel the growing wetness between your legs.
You also reached up to pull his Yukata off, undoing the tie on his waist. "I love it when you hair is done up darling. I can bite as much of your neck as I want." He growled out against your shoulder, biting and sucking wherever he can.
Your mouth watered upon seeing the outline of his hard-on straining against his boxers. On the other hand, Satoru stared unashamedly as you pulled down your panties, keeping your legs together to keep your slick from dripping down your legs.
Impatiently, you reached up and ran your fingers through his locks. "Satoru~" you whined. He only smirked in response. In one quick movement, he gathered you into his arms and brought you over to the small washing area with the soap and shower-head. 
He was still in his boxers however. You just stared at it, drawing closer to press your hand and rub the outline. He let out a long moan, which led to you to quickly look up and snap out a hush. "The neighbours might hear us Toru." You whined. 
"Tch, Let them hear. They can't touch or experience us anyways. And I want to show off my lovely little wife." He leered down at you, finally removing his wet boxers and throwing it onto the ground.
His hard cock sprang up and slapped against his abs. As if moving by some force, you immediately dropped to your knees. Rubbing soap onto his waist, thighs, and finally pumping his cock with your soapy hands. You looked up to him as you "cleaned" him off with innocent eyes. 
Satoru wasn't impressed. "Don't tease me baby or you'll regret it." He pulled you up and brought you into a deep kiss. You both gathered more soap and started washing each other off.
With his hands moving slowly down the sides, Satoru didn't hold himself back from touching every nook and cranny of your body. From your neck, to your shoulders, down your breasts, going to your thighs and legs. His hands were rubbing at your skin, inching nearer and nearer to your cunt. Until he suddenly pulled away, making you cry out at the loss of contact. 
"Be good for me and let me clean you first kitten." He whispered.
No other words were shared as you both rinsed and washed each other off before moving to the onsen.
"You know, I've always wanted to fuck you in a hot spring." Satoru smirked as you both dipped into the water. You sat on his lap and clasped your hands behind his neck, straddling him. His hands gripping either side of you waist tightly. 
"No I don't know." You turned away from him as you rested your head against his chest. He hummed. Both of you resting for a bit. You were both in the same state, antsy for action, but trying to enjoy the hot springs at the same time. 
For a while you both just stayed soaking in the hot water. Until you started grinding down against him. He just stared down at your figure. Breasts spilling against his chest, the slope of your s line with your ass under the water. But you refused to meet his eyes.
Satoru didn't really like that very much. He pinched your thigh hard. "Ow!,' you yelped. "Toru what was-" you finally turned to look up at him, but faltered and stopped moving. His eyes were bright and his expression dark. "I thought my baby was going to be good for me tonight. You don't wanna beg me later just to come right? Or does daddy have to make you do just that?"
As soon as he said the word daddy you felt your insides clench around nothing, thighs quivering. He looked down towards your body, grinning at your response. He pulled you out of the water, sitting down on the ground beside it. 
"Suck me off baby and I'll consider making you cum."
You crawled over on all fours towards him. You kissed him first, then trailed downwards, licking off the water and sweat on Satoru's abs and the outlines of his hard muscles. He groans while staring at you, pupils blown so wide his bright blue eyes actually look dark for once. 
You can see the carnal lust raging behind him as you squeeze your breasts together while kneeling and licking his abs. You leave small butterfly kisses as you slowly make your way down to his aching member.
But, he groans as you skip past it and suck love marks into his lower thighs. "Pumpkin, please -UNGH, p-please don't tease so much." Satoru groaned. You smirked up at him, meeting his eyes while sticking your tongue out and licking one of his balls. Sucking it into your mouth and covering it with your spit.
He reached down to lift your chin up, thumbing your lips as he watched the saliva trickle down down side of your mouth to his fingers. The current sight of you is so lewd and dirty that Satoru almost came on the spot right there. 
You decide to humor him and move to licking the head of his dick, while grabbing a hold of the base and slowly pumping it up and down. Satoru threw his head back. He looked up, seeing the night sky and the stars twinkling while feeling hot pleasure run through his body. He felt like he was floating.
You tried deepthroating all of him in one go, but he was just too big. "Baby, your mouth is too small for daddy's cock isn't it?". You whimpered in response. Trying to swallow as much of him as you can while using your hand for the remainder of his length.
Quiet mewls escaped the sides of your mouth as you opened your aching jaws wider. Tears started running down your face. You didn't stop as you relaxed your jaw and took more of him, swallowing what you can while pumping. He bucked up without warning, causing your gag reflex to react. Then he pulled you off.
"That's enough for now. I wanna make sure I stuff every bit of cum I have inside of your pussy baby." He pulled you up over him, this time with his back to the floor as he spoke. 
"Lemme eat you out, I've been waiting for this all day." He was salivating at the sight of your pussy, positioned in front of his face. You lowered yourself onto him slowly. Impatiently, he tugged you waist down, smashing your lower lips against his mouth. You let out a loud yelp followed by heavy breaths and mewls as he ate you out.
Thrusting his tongue in and out of your walls. He loved the taste of you, always thirsty for more. You tried to grind your pussy against his face. But he held your legs in place with one arm, wrapping around your behind. The other hand was playing with your clit. 
In no time at all you were sobbing and cumming all over his face. Satoru didn't spare you one second of rest. He pulled away and lined himself up, pushing into you during your orgasm. 
He immediately started fucking into you earnestly, grabbing a hold of your waist and lifting it to pull you on and off his cock. "Toru, it's too much for me, I can't-" You could barely get the words out of your mouth as you slurred them out with your eyes shut. 
"Yes you can. I know you can. Because you're made for me and only you can do a good job for me like this love." Satoru grunted as he pumped into you like there was no tomorrow. 
He loved it when your walls clenched and squeezed against him tightly. Especially when your whole body shook during an orgasm. Whenever you open your eyes all you can see are the stars blurring due to your movements. You both came like that, with your backs arching. His cock stayed hard, twitching as it spurted and filled you up. 
He suddenly felt the sensation of eyes on him. As the user of six eyes, his senses were wide alert at ALL times. He looked to the side of the wooden wall, and saw dark eyes staring back at him.
He didn't stop thrusting. You whined and mewled as you ground your hips against his. "Fuck, such a slut for me. Love it when you cry and make those noises babe. Just look at me. I won't look at any other person, man or woman. I'm yours as long as you're mine." He growled out.
He pulled out to reposition you. Dragging your body on top of his. Your back against his chest. "Daddy, I want you. I want more!" You whined out. You positioned his cock at your entrance.
"Daddy will give his baby what she wants. You've been so good to me after all love." He smirked inwardly pushed back upwards into you, thrusting at a fast pace. (Satoru chose the position because he knew you were both being watched. He loves to make other men so jealous of him having you).
You could only squeal and try to hold yourself up against him, putting your palms against the floor. But it was no use. He grabbed your thighs and kept fucking up harder and harder, making it hard for you to hold onto anything.
"Yes just like that baby. You're so good to me. You don't need to think. I'll make it so that you don't have to do anything else. You only need to feel my cock yeah? My doll is the best when she is crying on my cock." He moaned out. 
The man on the other side of the wall was joined by a few other men. Satoru used his ability to see through the wall following the movement of their cursed energy and saw that they were touching themselves to you.
"Daddy, please more. Daddyyy~" you were slipping further into subspace. Soon you couldn't speak clearly anymore. Just babbling nonsense while bouncing on Satoru's lap and staring hazily up at the sky.
"I think we have company." He laughed out. You snapped out of your haze to see peeking eyes behind the bamboo sticks. Satoru just thrusted harder. "Let's give them a show of their lifetime hmm? I spy old men wanting some action. But they won't be able to touch you baby."
He reached up with one hand to grope your breast and the other stayed below to play with your clit. Sex to him was almost like an art form. He knew exactly how to play with your body to bring you to your strongest orgasms. 
You tried to cover your body up but he pulled your arms away. "Don't run away baby, daddy's here to protect you. It will be okay."
At the end of the day you trusted him and his six eyes, so you let go. Pussy clenching harder at the thought of being watched by unknown strangers.
"That's it, my angel. So good for me. You're leaking far more than normal slut. You like it when people watch you get fucked?"
He reached up with his cum stained hand to spit into it. Then shoved his fingers in your mouth. You obediently suckled on and cleaned his fingers for him. He continued to grope you as he pounded away.
Satoru wasn't too worried about the spectators next door. He can see them clearly. Several middle aged men (probably sharing a larger room) messily jerking off to both of you. He saw the way their eyes travelled across your breasts and cunt, which was oozing with his cum.
He hit a hard deep spot inside of you which caused you to squirt hard, a large amount of liquid spraying out. Satoru quickly put his hands over your clit and furiously rubbed at it, wanting to prolong your squirting. You were crying out loud at this point. It was just music to his ears.
One man groaned out, causing you to tense and tighten and Satoru to moan out.
"You love putting a show on huh baby? We should do this more often if it gets you tighter and wetter around me." He snarked out while you drooled and asked for more.
He didn't stop thrusting until he came a few more times inside of you, changing positions.
The men watched as you rode him, your breasts bouncing up and down, while you placed your palms flat on Satoru's chest. They stared at the cum flowing out of your pussy, being fucked back into you by Satoru. The way you both groaned as you clamped down tight and milked his cock.
Soon you found yourself laying on your side with one leg up with Satoru spooning you from behind. What was frightening was his stamina and power. 
His thrusts never lost strength and soon you just felt like his cock was drilling a space inside of you, just for it. You felt so boneless in his hands when you both finished, laying down on your sides.
"Babe…. You okay? We need to clean up." Satoru whispered against your shoulder.
You could only mumble incoherent noises. Squeezing around his softening length, still plugged inside of you to keep his cum inside. 
Satoru gave out a soft sigh. Then gathered you into his arms and took you away from prying eyes. He just turned and smirked at them as he walked away with you, butt naked.
The watchers were disappointed that the show was over. Satoru then cleaned you both with the shower head in the washing area and wiped you down with soft towels.
You stayed silent the whole time. Your head felt like it was in the clouds. Just letting Satoru do his way with you like a doll. "You were really good for me tonight angel. Nobody else can touch you but me." He chuckled darkly.
You just listened to his simple commands such as putting your arms up when he dressed you in your nightgown. 'I always love fucking her dumb.' He smiled to himself as he settled you into his arms in bed. 
"Next time I'll be fucking you in the water." He whispered. He brought you closer to him, tucking your head against his neck. Kissing your forehead and patting you to put you to sleep. 
The next morning you were absolutely horrified to see people staring at you, when you both left your room to check out. 'I bet they heard us last night. And who were the ones peaking at us?!?!' you frightfully thought to yourself.
Satoru didn't really care. Smiling brightly at the attendants and thanking them for your amazing stay at the inn. 
"Toru I really enjoyed my stay, but it's hard to be happy now knowing that we did it at the expense of our neighbours stay." You whispered, hitting him. "Darling I'm pretty sure they enjoyed the show." He winked at you, shameless as ever.
Suffice to say, you decided not return to said hot springs for a while out of shame.
End notes: 🙈 this fic started because I just thought of Satoru's abs wet with steam and sweat but it evolved during the last edit. Hope you guys enjoyed! Reblogs and comments are very much appreciated 💜
All rights reserved to Limitlessgojo.
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Crash-course for all the evidence of Will creating the mindflayer/upsidedown
* Honestly I’ve talked about this stuff in my did theories- where I explained how the upsidedown/mf/ the lab subjects/ and russians all connect back to Will creating them. But since so may people assume that Will got his powers from the upsidedown/mf rather than Will creating it all subconsciously (with his powers). Thought i’d do a short analysis of just that connection (without boggling it down with those other plot lines that are interconnected) . *So I’m not mentioning the lights -because it interconnects with the numbers/lab.I’m just going to list every example in short succession from every season for brevity’s sake (so it won’t be structured as eloquently as prior analyses). 
refresher of how Will influences the mf/upsidedown ...
Will ( in s1e1) says to Dustin if he could have any comic it would be the xmen. Dustin later  says "do you think - el was born with her powers like the xmen? " Will plays a d&d game saying the demogorgan got him -so it does irl. Will writes stories where bad guys weakness are fire so the mf/ demogorgans are lit on fire in s1-3 (and it's their weakness). Will watches poltergeist so Will is forced to be the child character in that film- who was trapped in a alternative dimension and could only speak to their mother through tech. The demogrgan is said to resemble a shark by nancy-mathcing Will’s Jaws movie poster in his room. in s1 Mr clarke describes the vale of shadows (later the upsidedown) as being created by “necrotic” (’dead’-zombie boy) and “shadow” (shadow monster/mf) “magic”. In d&d the Vale of Shadows, is  as a lush valley hidden in the mountains that holds a sacred pool with the power to make dreams reality. In d&d the demogorgan is literally called the "deep father" in d&d Nancy also says the demogorgan is like a “lion” the meaning of the name Lonnie- is literally “lion”. We see it attack Will when using lonnie's gun (in lonnie's shed). And it knocks the bat out of Jonathan's hand too. (Baseball/hunting were taught by their dad lonnie). The demogorgan also hurts a deer- mirroring Jonathan's story about how Lonnie forced him to kill a rabbit and how this upset him as he was a fan of the rabbit character from the film bambi.. El when she first sees the demogorgan also sees it eating it’s own eggs-aka symbolically the father hurting his own children.  Will's password for cb is rhadagast a wizard who protects Wildlife (the opposite of Hunter-lonnie/the demogorgan). 
Duffers cited as inspo the silent hill videogames): And in s1 Hopper named dropped the character Alessa’s last name. “The bad guys faked Alessa’s death. Kaufmann prepared a substitute body of alessa;  and performed the fake autopsy (like Will) . Alessa had precognition (future/intuition-like will the wise is said to have in s3) and pyrokinesis (firepowers mentioned  Will the wise has in s1).  Alessa’s latent psychic abilities are triggered and she shrouds Silent Hill in fog and an altered reality to prevent her ab*sive parent’s schemes from advancing. Many of the drastic changes that befall the town in the game, such as the horrific creatures that come to inhabit it, are conjured from her imagination and delusions. “ 
Will also says in s1ep1 he wants xmen 134-about the dark phoenix saga. ‘dark phoenix’  - has pyrokinesis ( fire powers-like Will the wise). And the dark phoenix also  “was able to warp reality on a universal scale”. One of the phoenix’s host was even the god Thor (god of lightning-an element Will is associated with a lot in s2)
(in s1 Will also spit up a slug- in d&d putting a slug in a humanoid can create/turn that humanoid into a mf. foreshadowing Will being posessed/becoming the mf in s2. ).
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 Will plays digdug (a videogame about underground tunnels) so the mf creates tunnels. Will's dog dies so demogogans become demo-dogs. He also watches Ghostbusters- where a character is possessed by the ‘gate keeper’ and can control demon dogs. So this happens to Will too -similar to s1 with poltergeist .In s1 , Hopper even mentions the book Cujo about a violent dog, who is replaced by a new dog named ‘Willie’ (to allude to this).In s1 we see  Mike holding a drawing of Will’s- where Will's wizard has lightning powers (coming from his hand). everytime Will uses tech in s1, the phones explode and lighting appears out of them- hopper makes a BBQ joke about the burned phones.later in s2 the mf has these same lightning abilities and the lab technician makes the same BBQ joke.Joyce even describes the tunnels of the mf/ that Will’s draws as “like lightning.”  We also see the russians eviserated by lightning next season too.
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A lab tech calls Will a wizard-and they monitor his brain waves, record him on video, just like they did to El .(when the mf first appears at Will’s house- the lab techs even notice ). The drawing of the mf is next to a baseball (Lonnie ref) and Will says it was a drawing for a story he wrote. In s2 Nancy describes the mindflayer (but she’s actually describing Will).“So this thing is like a brain that’s controlling everything.”Because it’s not the mindflayers’ brain - it’s Will’s brain controlling everything. ( a “hive mind” aka the mf/WILL share a brain ). Owens in s2e1 (BEFORE the mf possession) says Will's ‘anniversary affect’ would make him remember “tra*matic memories” and “OPEN the neurological flood GATES” (aka Will’s neurological GATES are the gates between the real world and upsidedown - which are connected to the mf).  
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 Owens in s2e1 (after mentioning the “gates”) even says Will's ‘anniversary affect’ /  “tr*umatic memories” would  cause temporary “personality changes”for Will (the later mf possession) . I mean... Owens wasn’t entirely wrong was he? Will even feels the back of his neck in s2 and says it has to do with “memories” ...and in s3 feeling the back of his neck meant Will was sensing  the mf. Similarly, before his possession-mr clarke  mentions phineus gage who after an accident had a “complete change to his personality” (and the shot pans to Will).
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Nancy even calls the mind flayer the “mind-flamer”- hinting at it’s connection to Will the wise who has fire powers). And Dustin says the mf “takes over minds with it’s highly developed psyionic abilities “ And to “summon an undead army... cause the mindflayer loves brains ” ( and in s3 the mf creates a undead army by taking over people’s brains). Hopper  even says “So how do we kill this thing shoot it with fireballs ?” (which destroys the flesh-monster in s3) ”
Will (the “zombie boy”) writes a story about juju zombies after watching a film about zombies at starcourt in s3 - then the mf creates a undead army -which was also foreshadowed in s2 (and similar to Will’s  s3 d&d story).  We also see Will wrote this d&d story in front of "the thing" poster. So the mf creates a flesh monster resembling the creature in that film too.  We also see someone get bit (el) like in Will's story and when his friends retcon his ending to be about “sacrificing themselves via explosion (Hopper).” Will just says “fine you win” (so it ends that way).Also, the shadow monster is now called the Mindflayer - and mimics the mf from d&d (both can control rats with their powers in the show/game).  
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Will in s2-3 grabs the back of his neck and he attributed it to “memories”, “dreams”, and sensing the mf. Will created castle byers after his dad left and he grabs the bat in cb which was next to the Will the wise drawing (similar to how the baseball was next to the mf drawing in s2) and destroys cb with said bat . Then Will touches his neck and admits the mf has returned.  EVERY moment Will senses the mf can be loosely connected to Lonnie. Lonnie used to call him h*mophobic sl*rs so anytime he subconsciously thinks of his feelings towards Mike the mf appears-1st time it’s on one of their ‘movie dates’, 2nd time when Mike and El walk off together down the hill to make-out, 3rd time right after he smashed castle byers after Mike says “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls”, 4th time (after the fight with Mike) when Billy is yelling to open the door (a trigger) and confides in Mike, 5th time when Mike asks him to go away so he can talk to El in the hospital waiting area, and 6th time when Mike says he loves El. The 7th time is when Jonathan is fixing up a car -something Lonnie used to do.Lonnie fixes up cars as a hobby-showing his remodeled car to Jonathan in s1 . Will then senses the mf and grabs his neck-which he said are connected to old “memories”.  max and Mike are silent until Jonathan says  says “got it (the distributor)”. Then Mike screams for his older sibling. We also see in s1 Jonathan checked to see if Lonnie threw Will in his trunk- something the mf does to some of his victims in s3.
Dustin and susie sing “never ending story”- which is literally about a seemingly normal boy  named Sebastian with a bowl cut (from a single parent home) subconsciously making a fantasy world being invaded by a dark force (representing the loss of hope/dreams) that only his imagination powers can fix . “make believe i’m everywhere ... what you dream will be...Rhymes that keep their secrets Will unfold behind the clouds.And there upon a rainbow Is the answer to a never ending story” . Cough-Will’s rainbow ship he CREATED.Both times the  lyric plays  “Rhymes that keep their secrets WILL “ ( it pans to Will). 
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The film also follows a false chosen one who everyone says is supposed to save fantasia- named Atreyu (el). Specifically, for that plotwist that Sebastian (Will) has to be the one to do so , not Atreyu (who sebastian subconsciously created). In the novel/film-Atreyu ( the child who was deemed the ‘chosen one) is knocked from Falkor’s back, and into the sea of possibilities. There he wakes on the shore of abandoned ruins. 
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“There Gmork (The Mindflayer) reveals himself, having been lying in wait.And then latches his jaws onto Atreyu’s leg.”
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-Before the duet, Susie tells dusin she’s reading “ a wizard of earthsea” and says ged is about to save his world. The book is about a boy-wizard  named Ged (Will) who casts a powerful spell, but the spell goes awry and instead he releases a shadow creature! The new Archmage, Gensher, describes the shadow as an ancient evil that wishes to possess Ged. But the ‘shadow’ turns out  to be a representation of the darkest aspects of his personality. And the only way for the world to be saved is for the 2 to merge and for Ged to accept himself . 
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-Will says he’s a wizard ( writing on a music tape in s3 “will the wise-wizard mix’ and having his password for castle byers be ‘rhadaghast’- a lotr wizard). The way they describe d&d Wizards matches Will/mindflayer perfectly “Wizards are adepts and magicians who combine according to the type of their spells. Relying on the subtle weaves of magic that permeate the universe, wizards are able to create spells of explosive fire, sparking lightning, subtle deception, and gross mind control. Their magic summons monsters from other planes of existence, predicts the future, and turns defeated enemies into zombies. Their most powerful spells can transform one substance into another, summon meteors from the sky, and open portals to other worlds” (all these powers Will the wise/mf are implied to have)
- Stranger things d&d comic (published post s3) : Will creating a illusion army of monsters -as Will the wizard.
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- stranger writers twitter reffed several movies which discuss artist/writer WILLiam Blake who helped make the art exhibit “worlds turned upsidedown” 
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possible reason for the flayed eating  chemicals& fertilizer (in s3)
full link/credits here.  Lonnie’s gf has a biker shirt from Harley davidson- with the eagle logo and their saying “live to ride’. Which would imply lonnie is also in such biker circles. Harley davidson in the 80s had dr*g gangs too (primarily m*th).
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 One reason m*th is so prevalent in rural areas is that it can be formulated, or “cooked,” by small producers and one of the ingredients is readily found on most farms – anhydrous AMMONIA fertilizer. Both farmers and chemical suppliers have experienced thefts of anhydrous particularly in the Midwest.“
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WHICH REMINDS ME OF the FLAYED EATING FERTILIZER AND CHEMICALS IN S3 . Nancy even says farmers/chem suppliers  are having fertilizer stolen! And she later thinks flayed tom was on drugs- “A mysterious  case of the missing fertilizer- a Nancy Drew Mystery”. This is also in the same season one character (who looks a bit like Lonnie) is a biker is corrupting the town.
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Will creating /basing the supernatural from suppressed memories -means it’s from a very young child’s perspective . young Will would equate people eating chemicals, ammonia fertilizer, and ammonia... to using those SAME chemicals to create m*th and then physically consuming them . Why we see mrs driscoll eating fertilizer & Billy drinking ammonia.
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The reason the flayed started behaving differently is probably because in s2 Will was forcibly injected with a needle & woken up with ammonia by Hopper-jogging some of those old memories. 
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EVEN Nancy’s proof Tom is on dr*gs is a symptom of m*th use or withdrawl from it-excessive sweating (like all the flayed in s2-3). M*th causes hyperthermia (body is at a higher temp than usual)-so they like it cold!!!!! Even clammy hands that she mentioned is a symptom of m*th use. in children it can even cause seizures- like Will :(
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And when m*th is made via fertilizer it first is made into a highly corrosive liquid which is sometimes green-like the Russian lab.“six pounds of toxic waste is created for every pound of m*th manufactured. The waste is often dumped on farms, in rivers and and is harmful to the environment.” Like all the chemical leaks relating to Hawkins lab/mf that affected the crops in s2/this pic of water in s3.
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m*th was even called ‘bathroom crank’-which is sketchy given the bathtub is what mf fears and how the sensory deprivation tank is also called a ‘tub’ by el . Becky even said Brenner would get terry high and throw her in the tank/tub.
It also does take some chemisty knowledge to COVERT various substances (including fertilizer and other chemicals) to make m*th- which reminds me of the kids saying they can convert one substance into another (when explaining why the possessed are eating chemicals)- they say they’re making a new chemical “in themselves”
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other hints
Will’s b day is march 22 . Which is when “fire burns most brightly” and his ‘birthday number is number 7′ (”it was a 7 the demogorgan it got me′) . The number 7  is specifically associated with  “wisdom and psychic abilities”.  His b day even adds up to 7 (3+2+2).His horoscope is also influenced by the shadow god-ketu (who is also associated with wisdom and psychic abilities too). 
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* There’s way more details/depth/ other st inspirations in my DID analyses -specifically pt 2. (where i discuss how the mf/upsidedown connects to the numbers/russians- and also specifially Will).But this is just a crash course about the flayed/upsideown/it’s creatures connect to Will.
People will dismiss all of this as just the Duffers liking to reference random things they like/ and foreshadow via d&d without any in universe reason.  but I really think that’s a disappointing explanation/outcome. Especially the predictable cliche theory that the mf is just experiment #1. Not only is it boring, cliche, and predictable af- but it doesn’t line up as well with the mental health themes mentioned in ever season.Will created everything via tr*uma cause of his dad- and overcomes this: is not only a “twist” that will make rewatching more enjoyable given all the hints- it’s more narratively sound given how much the series touches on themes such as overcoming tra*ma, mental health, and problematic fathers. The #1/ex experiment=mf theory doesn’t explain why they made the supernatural connect to Will in this way . And with such a boring cliche ending it would quickly be forgotten like other big sci-fi/fantasy shows that quickly lost relevancy after being popular: like heros, g.o.t, etc.One makes the show cliche another makes it remembered for decades (ex: jacob’s ladder).
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
on the subject of crackships.
in a prue lives, phoebeleo piperkyle pruecole paigeandy au (in which paige meets them in s1) how do u see it playing out and ALSO. do u see them all having kids still. this is so random i am so sorry (also i don't mean they have to be set from the get go and never get w anyone else but these would hypothetically be endgame)
i mean with phoebeleo like hard yes like in s2 when they're watching the baby at the end everyone's like phoebe ik you're gonna be a great mom you're gonna have like a million and one kids like mark my words and phoebe's real smitten about it like wow u really think you : ) i'd like to. guess i should probably find a guy first tho huh. but if that guy's already there bc it's leo and he's been here since season one i think they are easily first to have kids and first to get a full power of three the other three is definitely like another can of worms bc like.
okay so for paigeandy obvi we're starting andy's an old childhood friend of the halliwell's for the sake of cleanliness did not date any of them (if we're going messy tho dated prue hooked up once or twice with phoebe (not while dating prue, but neither of them ever mentioned it around prue bc well. yikes.) And piper had a major crush on andy for like. a decade. from ages 13 to 23) and he's a cop and does. stuff idk helps people and this lands him frequently in bed with social services which is. consistently. a pain in the ass. and he doesn't try to hold it against them bc they're clearly understaffed underpaid there's a lot to do but um jesus. and everyone in the precinct Hates having to go over there to do stuff bc you're just standing in the lobby drinking bad coffee for fifty minutes before you can even get a word in with the work and unlucky andy he drew the short straw ends up at social services and who should he meet there if not this gorgeous but really scatterbrained berkeley grad with a mouth like a sailor and a heart of gold and now um there's no need to draw straws at the station because andy straight up volunteers to go to social services just to see paige which she notices of course because like. were you jinxed or something? cursed? i've never known someone to draw the short straw so many times. and andy's like no i just um. like being hands on with my work i don't like leaving up to some dumb rookie with bad luck and paige is like oh don't worry i promise it is still being left to some dumb rookie with bad luck i mean i am right here blah blah blah banter conversation hint at a tragic backstory give it half a season and then it's official bf/gf shit and as far as charmed goes it's a prophecy about four sisters and the halliwells are like phew. dodged a bullet there lmao. until they do something only charmed ones could do and they're like Wait. Fuck. Is There A Fourth Sister Out There? so they find paige within the first hmm ten episodes or so.
so since we have both s1 phoebeleo and paigeandy i'd say they'd be on the fastest track but i feel like paige does have a lot more issues when it comes to getting married and having kids than phoebe does regardless i think by s4 they're married on track to have kids with pruecole we're doing the s3 introduction and the enemies to lovers arc we seal that with either a wedding at the very end of s4 or at the very beginning of s5 however kids is like. like they both want kids but prue has daddy issues and cole has mommy issues not to mention the charmed one/demon hybrid so they need to do some soul searching on that one. prue's probably pregnant by the end of s5 and has her baby halfway thru s6. paige may or may not have had kids at this point if they did they were kind of a whoopsies baby but she and andy r embracing it with open arms.
piperkyle imo is peak in a divorce/widower era it's been pitched like piperkyle au where he's not fucking insane piperkyle au where she's not brokenhearted piperkyle au where they're both normal happy people who then meet but like. nah. the appeal of them to me really is being the broken fucked up human being and feeling like you're kinda just gonna stay broken and fucked up bc you had your shot and you blew it so now you're here get used to it and then to have someone to meet someone who sees you so genuinely as you are that at first it's disgusting leave me alone i hate you but out of that just honest sight grows familiarity and comfort and before you even realized it happened love and jfc i'm in love with them???? but you realize that you're always happier when they're around you want to stay by their side and you don't even have to wonder if they feel the same because you just know they do because you Know each other and you don't have to wait for them to turn and run once they see who you really are because they know who you are they've known from the start saw the ugly the broken and vile and looked past that and saw the beauty and genuine love underneath like 🗣‼🗣‼🗣‼🗣‼. piperkyle consistently makes me insane. So. in order to hit this. we're bringing in dan. that's right, from season two to six (maybe just five but i'd like to have the pruecole arc wrapped up in a nice bow by the time we open up the next enemies to lovers) piper and dan give a relationship the old college try going from the honeymoon phase to the cringe failmarriage stage until it's eventually just time to call it quits like you literally can't move forward. so because of the delayed start piperkyle would def be the last to have kids but because this is a long slowburn full of character development and just like. vulnerable bonding moments i think that once they go official as a couple wedding and kids are not far off on the horizon i think if we close out a season (a hypothetical 9 or 10) with them getting together for the first time then we gotta burn some miles on the freak out denial stage because i always think that's funny that'll last half a season? maybe a third. and then by the end of the season we're looking at a wedding. by the end of the following season they def have a kid
most fashionable couple: pruecole
most likely to name their kids after dead relatives: piperkyle
most likely to break p tradition: paigeandy
most chill about dating a charmed one: phoebeleo (andy kyle & cole would all be way too willing to throw themselves into danger, leo trusts phoebe's foresight and knows when he needs to sit on the sidelines. it is a lesson all the other men still struggle with)
bonus round!
best bromance: 1st place: leoandy 2nd place: leocole 3rd place: colekyle
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rubysunnday · 4 years
Dear Mother,
A/N: Inspired by the post about what Mrs Shelby’s name is. It’s also inspired by my first ever fic on here, The Letters, since it’s almost been a year since I posted it. 
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Her name had become a taboo. No one dared to mention the same of Mrs Shelby - the woman who’d thrown herself into the Cut because she went out of her mind. It was always “Mrs Shelby” or “the Shelby’s mother”. 
Her name had died with her. She didn’t even have her name on the grave. Just mother. 
Y/N Shelby didn’t even know her mother’s name. It was nowhere to be seen within the walls of the house and there was no record of it in any photo album or bundle of letters. 
She was a ghost - a nameless whisper on the wind. 
Y/N never asked about her mother’s name. Her brothers had told her she’d died from an illness - slowly wasted away before their eyes until she was no more. It was the truth, in a way. Her mind had give up and her body had followed not long after. 
She’d thrown herself into the Cut and had sunk to the bottom - like Ophelia when her lover had murdered her father. Left behind was an already broken and bruised family who’s eldest members were about to go to war. 
Y/N didn’t remember her mother. She didn’t remember the screaming, the crying, Tommy trying to shield her, Finn and Ada from their mother as she went out of her mind. 
Committing suicide was no way to go. A mother committing suicide was another thing entirely. How could she be so selfish and abandon her children? 
That was were the fear and suspicion of the Shelby’s had begun. All because of their mother. And they used it to their advantage, quickly becoming the most feared and respected family in Birmingham.
But no child should have had to grow up hearing whispered secrets about their mother and how it wouldn’t be long before the children followed her into the cold, icy depths of the Cut.
Y/N Shelby had no mother. Polly tried her best but she was never a maternal person - the loss of her children had damaged her beyond repair - and Y/N missed the nurturing nature mother’s apparently had. 
She didn’t remember her mother. There were pictures of her in Tommy’s house - of her with John, Arthur, Tommy and Ada. She looked beautiful - like a Hollywood movie superstar. She was picture perfect, smiling at the camera with a loving hand on John’s shoulder and her arm around Arthur’s waist. 
It was a snapshot of a forgotten time - before the demons invaded her mind and ripped her soul from her mind. And it wasn’t a true snapshot, not really. She’d suffered with the demons for years before that image, but it only got worse.
But Y/N took that image of her mother - looking perfect and like a porcelain doll. And she wrote her a letter. She introduced herself, told her what she looked liked and what her favourite things were and put it in her desk draw.
For the next twelve months, Y/N wrote a letter to her mother every day. She poured her heart and soul out to this invisible woman who’s name no longer existed and who’s image was frozen in a dusty photo on her brother’s desk.
8th April, 1923
Dear Mother,
I turned nineteen today, Nothing spectacular happened - I had a nice meal out with Ada and went riding with John and Arthur. Tommy vanished off to London - again - and I didn’t see him all day. Not quite sure what I’ve done to piss him off but, alas. 
Polly gave me your necklace today The string of pearls you bought with the first bit of money Arthur made. I’m wearing them, and your engagement ring, as I write this. I look like a proper lady with my new dress on...
It’s been sixteen years since I last saw you. I’m doing alright without you but it’s hard. I see Ada with Karl and Polly with Michael and my heart aches for that. But i know I can never have it and will never have it. 
I hope you’re alright, wherever you are, mother.
All my love,
Your ever loving daughter, Y/N x
As the days and the weeks went by, the bundle of letters got bigger and more tattered. She told no one about her little ritual - she knew they wouldn’t approve. Her family never dared mention their mother for fear of bringing about a curse.
Y/N was never that superstitious. No curses existed - it was just poor luck and death threats. 
1st August, 1923
Dear Mother,
I feel like I’ve almost caught you up on the past sixteen years. The Great War, Tommy’s wedding, both of John’s weddings and his gaggle of small humans he calls children. There’s almost nothing else to say to you.
Not that you’re actually here, that is. I doubt you were ever really here.
I wrote my brothers letter when they were in France. That was different, though, because they wrote back and sent me little things. I still have the violet John sent me from the Somme. 
I have all your things. No one else wanted them - they say they’re cursed or some shit like that. I was never that superstitious, it’s just life attempting to play God. No one has a say on who gets to be a survivor and who gets to be a martyr. 
I like to think of you as Ophelia. She sang to herself as she drowned, oblivious to her death. I hope you were like that, finally at peace with yourself as you floated down the Cut with the fallen flowers and leaves around you like a halo. 
There’s me trying to romanticise your death. No one even mentions you by name so forgive me for trying to make you seem more alive than apparently you are.
Well, you’re not alive are you. You’re dead. 
You have a grave. It’s up on the hill by the old tree that was used for hangings back in the day. Near Tom’s house. It’s an alright spot, I suppose. Nothing special. No one ever visits you, however. Your name isn’t even on the pebble someone put there as a marker.
We couldn’t afford a headstone. We can now but Tommy would murder me if he knew I did that. He hates talking about you.
No one ever tells me about you. All I have are a few photos that are practically falling apart and your clothes and jewellery. 
Anyway, I need to go. Family meeting and all that shit.
Your ever loving daughter,
Y/N x
By the time Christmas came, Y/N’s desk drawer was full of letters to her non-existent mother. Each letter was bundled together by month with colour coordinated ribbons for each month. February was purple, September orange and so on. 
She’d told her mother everything she’d ever wanted to. Her first kiss, her first love, her first break up, the time she got shot, the numerous times she almost died. 
She had no need to tell her anything anymore. Her mother felt so much more real to her now than she ever had before. 
She made her decision on Christmas Day evening. Everyone else was inside Arrow House watching the children open their last few presents and drink the remaining of the wine and whiskey. 
Y/N slipped outside, grabbed her horse, and rode up to the hill were the old hanging tree had once been. Her mother’s grave sat to the left of the tree - a tiny mound of earth with a pebble as its only marker. Y/N dismounted from her horse and approached the grave, clenching the letters tightly.
Twelve bundles. Almost 365 letters. 
Y/N found some twigs and branches and made a small fire at the foot of the grave. A moment later it roared into life and crackled away, casting an orange glow over her face.
She spread Tommy’s coat out on the ground and sat down, cross-legged, in front of the fire, clutching the letters. For once, she wasn’t wearing a dress belonging to her mother. Instead it was a mismatch of her brother’s old trousers, shirts and waistcoats. 
She started with the first of January. 
Y/N untied the ribbon and pulled out the first letter, the date neatly scrawled on the top left of the envelope. She read it through once, flipped it over to look at the address and then put it on the fire.
The paper curled as it burnt away, the writing fading into nothing but ash and sparks. 
The second of January followed suit before the first of January had even finished burning. 
Each letter curled and burned in the fire, the words and the sentiments becoming nothing more than ash. 
Fifteenth of February quickly followed the fourteenth. 
Twenty-eighth of April was followed by the twenty-ninth. 
Each and every letter was add to the fire until she was only left with one. 
25th December, 1923
Dear Mother,
I’ve told you everything. 
There’s nothing left to say, now. I’ve spilled my darkest secrets and untold stories to you. 
I’ve moved on, now. I still wish I had you around but I’m coping with it. I wish you were more than just words and pictures and jewellery. But nothing is fair. 
I’ve burnt all the letters and I hope the words reach you. I hope their spirit and their meaning reach you and reassure you that your daughter is doing fine. 
You used to be mine but now you belong to the world.
I only wish I’d learnt your name.
All my love
Your ever grateful and loving daughter,
Y/N Miriam Shelby
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beifongsss · 4 years
sunset [sokka]
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Pairing: Sokka x reader, also sort of the Gaang x reader.
Requested?: Yes! I actually combined two requests and I hope that y’all don’t mind. Anon: “ can you do a sokka x reader where it’s the 1st anniversary of the readers parents death and sokka comforts them?” and @shadylightpandaspy: “hi, can you do a really fluffy, i’m talking tooth rotting fluff where sokka goes to comfort the reader at sunset and they kith  thank you :)”
hi. i would like to say that yes this talks about parents and if you are someone who does not have a good relationship with their parents or doesn’t have parents, i am now your mom. okay? and i love you so very much <3.
After a long day of travel, the Gaang had finally decided to stop and set up camp. An unfortunate run in with Azula and her friends earlier had left half of you exhausted and the other half chi-blocked, thanks to Ty Lee. Luckily, Sokka had managed to save the day by distracting Ty Lee long enough for Aang to get you and Katara onto Appa before flying away.
You had remained quiet for the majority of the time you had traveled, even long after the chi-blocking had worn off. You would only hum in response to some of Katara’s questions, effectively worrying the waterbender as she tried to elicit a response from you.
Once you had found a clearing that Aang deemed suitable, you had silently helped Toph set up, knowing that she was the least likely to nag you. When Katara had approached you to ask if you wanted to help her cook lunch, you had shaken your head before walking over to Appa and curling up on his leg. She had exchanged a worried glance with Aang, who then proceeded to approach you and perch on Appa’s leg next to you.
“Her (Y/N/N),” Aang spoke softly, a small smile on his face. “I was wondering if you’d like to go on a walk? Just us? I saw a cliff that overlooks that valley before we landed and I thought you’d enjoy seeing that.”
You didn’t reply, pretending to be asleep even though your heart was aching. Aang was such sweetheart and he cared so much about his friends- no his family- and ignoring him made you feel bad.
But you just wanted to be left alone.
After receiving no answer from you, Aang wrapped you up in a hug. He hugged you close before leaning in to whisper into your ear. “I know you’re awake (Y/N/N) and I don’t know what’s wrong but I hope you know that we’re all here for you. We’re family and we love you so whenever you’re ready to talk, we’ll be here okay?”
Aang left you alone after that, walking back over to where Katara was standing. You felt tears slide down your face as you took in his words. Family. You were a family, but not a real one.
No, your real family had died a year ago to the day. That’s why you had spent the day being silent and sullen, because the thought of your parents hadn’t left your mind. You couldn’t help but think about how different your life would be now if your parents had never perished.
Perhaps you would have never joined the Gaang. The thought alone made your heart hurt, the possibility of never having met Sokka or any of the others being too sad to even fathom even if you knew it was true. If your parents had never died, then you would’ve been perfectly content living in the small Earth Kingdom town you had been born in. You never would’ve been tempted to leave the town and join the Avatar because if your parents were still alive then you wouldn’t have any bad memories you wanted to leave behind.
But if you had never joined the Gaang, then you never wouldn’t have experienced love on the scale that you had with them. From the hard punches and soft smiles from Toph, to the slight overprotectiveness from Katara, not to mention the lingering touches and “you aren’t eating enough, here have some of my food” from Sokka, you knew that you were lucky to have them in your life.
And how could you forget Aang’s caring nature. He took it upon himself to make sure all of you were okay when he had bigger things to worry about, and he was only 12.
But despite all the love and comfort that the Gaang provided you, you found yourself missing the people who had raised you and given you so much love and support when you were young and bright-eyed.
No one tried to approach you for the rest of the afternoon. Appa was your only company and even he could notice that something was wrong, occasionally nudging you with his nose as he tried to get you to cuddle. You petted the sky bison halfheartedly, smiling softly as he let out a low grunt and pushed his face closer to you.
You could hear the faint conversation that was coming from the middle of the campgrounds, Toph’s loud laugh floating through the air. You shifted around on Appa until you heard faint footsteps approaching. A warm hand landed on your shoulder, gently shaking you before you heard a familiar voice.
“(Y/N)?” Sokka asked. “Hey, lunch is ready. You should eat.”
You didn’t acknowledge his words, keeping your eyes closed as you tried to steady your breathing. You heard him sigh softly before leaning over and pressing a kiss to your forehead. Sokka paused as he heard your breath hitch at the kiss, staring at you before turning around.
“I’ll tell the others to leave you alone,” he muttered, finally walking off. You let out a sigh as he finally left, mentally chastising yourself for reacting to the kiss. You opened your eyes and stared up at the sky, watching the clouds float by as you tried to tune out your friends’ laughs. You tried to drift off to sleep but grew restless after a few minutes. Remembering Aang’s earlier words, you slid off of Appa’s leg and grabbed your bag before setting off on a walk.
You made sure to avoid drawing attention to yourself, instead choosing to walk off into the path that was hidden by Appa’s body. You walked for a few minutes, taking deep breaths as you glanced around in wonder. The forest was beautiful, some trees bright with blooms while others towered over you.
After a few more minutes, you found the spot Aang had been talking about. Trees still filled all the space in front of you before they came to an abrupt stop as the floor fell away. Standing at the edge of the cliff, you would see the entirety of the valley. There was a large river snaking through the base of the valley, fields of flowers spreading along one side of the river and a multitude of trees on the other. It was silent and peaceful, the occasional call of a bird being the only audible thing.
You approached the edge of the cliff before kneeling down, clearing the leaves in front of a sturdy tree. You slung your bag off of your shoulder, reaching in and pulling out the picture that you kept with you at all times. Grabbing a rock, you propped the picture up against the base of the tree and placed it on the edge to make sure that it didn’t get blown away. You walked around, picking different flowers as tears slowly streamed down your face.
Gathering the flowers in a small bunch, you grabbed a long piece of grass and tied them all together before placing it down in front of the portrait.
“I miss you,” you whispered before bursting out into tears.
~ Back at the campground, the laughter was dying down as the Gaang finished eating.
“Hey,” Katara said, looking around. “Where’s (Y/N)?”
Aang scrambled up from where he had been sitting, rushing over to Appa before replying. “She’s gone!”
Katara’s brows furrowed in response, a worried look appearing on her face. “What do you mean she’s gone?”
“Well, one moment she was here, and now she’s not,” Toph replied sarcastically, leaning back on her elbows. Katara scowled.
“You mean, you guys don’t remember?” Sokka asked curiously. He was met with blank looks from the rest of the group. “Guys, today is the anniversary of her parents’ death. That’s why I told you to leave her alone.”
Everyone’s expression morphed into one of concern as they remembered your earlier behavior.
“Oh,” Katara whispered. “I-I didn’t know that her parents were dead.”
Aang and Toph muttered in agreement and Sokka flushed as he realized he had revealed information about you. He had no idea that you were the only one he had told.
“Oh, um, can you not tell her I told you?” Sokka asked meekly, an embarrassed smile on his face. The others nodded in agreement.
“I think I know where she is,” Aang finally said, drawing Sokka’s attention. “I mentioned the cliff we passed earlier. I told her she would enjoy the view. She may have gone there?”
”Someone should go get her,” Toph said. Everyone else agreed.
“So who’s gonna go?” Sokka asked after a moment of silence.
“You!” Toph exclaimed pushing him towards the path. “You’re the only one who knew about today, you’re the one who’s gonna comfort her. You’re obviously the one she feels the most comfortable with.”
Sokka stared at them dumbly, nervousness clear on his face as his friends waved him off. He began to walk away slowly, looking back and hoping that someone else would tag along with him. His nerves only got worse when his Aang shot him a thumbs up before turning and walking to Appa.
Taking a deep breath, he continued on his path. He was growing increasingly worried about how to comfort you as he went deeper into the woods. What if he just made things worse? What if you pushed him away and fled? How was he supposed to help when he wasn’t sure if you wanted help in the first place?
His thoughts quieted down when he heard soft sobs. Immediately he sped up his steps, rushing to the sounds as he felt his heart clench.
He found you quickly enough, kneeling by a tree overlooking the valley. You hadn’t noticed him yet, causing you to flinch when you felt someone kneel next to you. The two of you stayed there in silence as Sokka allowed you to let it all out.
After a few more minutes you stood up and made your way over to the edge of the cliff. You saw Sokka’s eyes widen with slight panic and you ignored him as you took a seat, allowing your legs to dangle over the edge. You turned to face him after a few minutes of silence and patted the empty spot next to you. Sokka made his way over to you, sitting down a bit closer to you than he intended to. Before he could shift and put a little more distance between the two of you, you rested your head on his shoulder. He stiffened up slightly as your sudden movement before relaxing, angling his body to allow you to nestle closer to him.
His breath caught in his throat as you pushed yourself closer to him and wrapped your arms around his waist. His arms came to wrap around you as well, pulling you impossibly close as he felt the occasional sob shudder through your body. The two of you stayed like that for a long time, the sun beginning to set as the two of you sat there embracing.
It wasn’t until the sun had dipped dangerously close to the horizon that you finally lifted your head from Sokka’s neck. You kept hugging him close as you looked out at the landscape below you. It looked different now, illuminated by the golden glow of the sun.
“They would’ve l-loved this,” you whispered. Sokka pretended not to notice the crack in your voice. He stayed silent for a moment, not knowing how to reply. You didn’t mind his lack of response; his presence was more than enough. “Sunset was my mom’s favorite time of day and my dad made sure to watch it with her whenever we traveled.”
You turned your gaze to look up at Sokka and he felt his heart break at the sight of you. Your cheeks were rosy and damp with tears; the same tears that were making your eyes shine so brightly even though all Sokka could see in them was pain and sadness. He gently reached up and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Even crying you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life.
“I’m sorry,” you sniffled. “I cried all over you.”
Sokka looked down at you tenderly before resting his chin on top of your head. “Don’t apologize. I remember what today is. You shouldn’t have to be alone today.”
You whimpered softly at his words. “I miss them so much, Sokka. I miss them so much that it hurts. Will it ever stop hurting?”
Tears welled up in the Water Tribe boy’s eyes at your words, both from your pain and from the pain he remembered when he first lost his own mother. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head before speaking. “No, it doesn’t stop. But it gets easier with time, I promise it does.”
You didn’t reply, leaning your head against his collarbone as you listened to him speak.
“When my mother died, I didn’t know what to do. My father wasn’t dead but with him being gone, it felt as though we had lost both our parents. I definitely took it harder than Katara; somehow she was able to bounce back a lot quicker than I was,” Sokka took a deep breath, it felt good to finally speak about his emotions. “Katara is a lot stronger than I am, and I am very lucky to have her. Even when she gets annoying. And you, you’re stronger than the two of us combined (Y/N/N). I know you’ll be able to grow and get through this, and we’ll be here for you.”
You managed to smile up at him, his words running though your head as you thought about the impact the Gaang had had on you ever since you joined.
“You know, other than today I’ve been doing pretty good,” you finally spoke, averting your eyes from Sokka. “Joining team Avatar was probably the best decision I ever made. You guys have helped me so much more than you think you have.”
Sokka didn’t say anything, his eyes never leaving you as you kept speaking.
“I know that if my parents were still around, I never would’ve met you. But I also know that they’re probably really proud of me for stepping up and joining you guys because you’re making a change and doing the right thing,” you paused for a few seconds before looking up at Sokka. “It’s funny really, I lost my family but I ended up gaining a new one just a few days later.”
“We all care about you,” Sokka murmured, his voice low. “You know that right? They’re all back at the campsite worried out of their minds because they want to know what’s up with you.”
You chuckled at his words. “Thank you Sokka.”
“Me? I didn’t do anything.”
“Didn’t do anything?” you asked, looking up at him. “You came all the way out here to check on me Sokka. That’s something.”
“It’s because I love you,” Sokka replied instantly, not even thinking about the words that left his mouth. The statement felt so natural and he couldn’t help the faint blush that spread across his cheeks.
You stared at him for a few seconds before leaning up and pressing your lips to his. He responded in kind, gently kissing back before you pulled away and smiled up at him. “I love you too Sokka.”
Sokka hugged you tightly as you both looked out at the valley. “I can’t promise that things will get easier anytime soon, but what I can promise you is that I’ll be there every step of the way to take care of you and love you unconditionally.”
“My parents would’ve loved you,” you whispered as the sun finally set. You slowly untangled yourself from Sokka and walked over to the portrait of your parents, gently picking it up and tucking back into your bag. Sokka slowly rose as well, standing a few feet behind you.
“Do you really mean that?” he asked. You nodded. Smiling softly, he walked forwards and interlaced your fingers. “Are you ready to go back?”
You took one last look at the view before you and nodded, never letting go of Sokka’s hand as you walked back to the campground. When you got back, you were greeted by a happy Appa, and you smiled as he flopped onto his back. You rubbed his belly with your free hand before reaching into your bag and pulling out a moon peach and tossing it to him.
“You’re back!” Katara exclaimed, finally noticing the two of you. She ran up to you and hugged you. “You’re just in time for dinner!”
A soft smile overtook your face as Sokka led you to the campfire. You sat next to him, close enough for your shoulders to rub occasionally. You took the bowl of food from Katara with a grateful smile and you began eating, looking around at all of your friends.
You watched with a soft smile as Aang told you all a story from his days before the iceberg. Katara looked at him with interest, paying attention to everything he was saying. Toph, on the other hand, kept interrupting and making sarcastic comments, a bored expression on her face as she tried to keep her own smile off of her face.
“Hey, you okay?” Sokka whispered, bumping his shoulder against yours. You turned to face him and leaned up, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
“I will be,” you whispered back, ignoring the way Katara was now struggling to keep a smile off her face at your actions.
Yeah, you were still hurting and you would be for a long time. But with the help of your friends family, you knew that the healing process would be just a little bit easier.
@musicalkeys, @mywigglybaby​, @bubblebars​, @iguessthefloorislava​, @dekahg​, @boxofteenageideas​
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oaklies-side · 3 years
We’re rambling about this bad boy, cuz I’m an animation nerd and I’m very proud of how this thing came out.  Okay so first off, scenes and their meanings!  -1st bit kinda just shows Ranboo as an outsider and introduces Tubbo as a very bubbly and talkative person. Ranboo is shown further in the background cuz he’s isolated at this point and feels more like a background character. This contrasts greatly with the head and shoulders right in your face shot we get of Tubbo right after.  -2nd scene is when Tubbo sits next to Ranboo for the first time, once again Ranboo’s more in the background than Tubbo. This is a theme for the first half of the animatic. Tubbo is in front, Ranboo is further back. -3rd scene doesn’t really reference any particular cs scene, but I feel like there was some point where Tubbo grabbed Ranboo’s hand, not sure when, but I vividly remember it.  -4th scene is songs in the car! There are music notes, then a heart, cuz they connect over music. (Also, the lyric is literally heart in my song) -5th scene! Now, we transition from Ranboo’s pov over to Tubbos! We see his past with Schlatt and how he moved in with the sleepy boys, put on a brave face (Day by day putting on a brave face, hey!) (Sorry I just immediately thought of that when using the words brave face to refer to Tubbo) but was always kinda an outsider.  -Next bit is a bit hard to tell, but it’s when Tubbo calls Ranboo to bring him home from Schlatt’s house. To me, this was his first point of really being emotionally venerable with Ranboo, thus, lowered my sword. (Also, notice how Ranboo’s not in the background now, because he’s taking the comforting role here. Tubbo’s the one who’s upset and in the background.) -Held me and swore is when Ranboo held his hands and grounded him, that bit’s more obvious -stay, stay, stay! The first stay is shitty origami, second is skipping stones, third is the most recant chapter when they were playing wii.  -The next bit is more internal. They both are at a point where they don’t want to leave each other. They’re around each other constantly and both feel far too clingy. Tubbo doesn’t want to run away because he can’t leave Ranboo. Ranboo just wants to be with Tubbo always. He feels like he’d be devastated if the friendship ended. This is why there’s the split background. They’re in their own heads.  -The ending fades back to blue, symbolizing that we’re in the real world again. This one once again doesn’t reference a specific cs scene, just a more generalized thing of whenever they see each other, it brightens the other’s day.  Now, more about the actual animation process! My favorite part of this was doing transitions. Believe it or not, I rarely draw in-between frames, I just do bounce effects or motion blur normally. Sometimes I make minor alterations to the before and after frames but rarely do I draw an entire new one. The only exceptions to that in this are Tubbo’s wave at the start (Kinda), Tubbo sitting down, the close up hand hold, and Ranboo leaving the car. For the rest I either stretch out one frame, squish in the next, or I motion blur. I always add a bounce back frame, I just think it looks better. It’s all hard to explain, I could write an entire essay about my animation process tbh. (I guess that’s kinda what this is lmao) Color was a lot of fun for this too, because other than the bit with Schlatt and the Sleepy boys, I only used light green, light purple, light blue, dark purple, dark green, and dark blue. Purple was for Ranboo, green for Tubbo, blue for both, and dark blue for objects. (The car, table, ex.) I just like simple color schemes a lot.  Overall this animatic was so fun to make, I’ve never made a fic animatic before so it was a really cool thing to try out, cuz I’m not working from Minecraft and visuals, I’m working from writing. I get to decide the visuals. It’s scary and daunting, but I think helps me to grow as an artist as well, so that’s cool.  That’s all for now, rant over! Go watch my animatic if you haven’t already, it would mean a lot to me.
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the-river-person · 3 years
I’m going to have to make a list of these eventually. But know that the world in “The Alleyway” is now considered "open for use"  or “Community Shared” without the need to request permission from the creator (me) though I’d like to be tagged and credited still. Name of Au: WarrenTale Creator: the-river-person Date of Appearance: Aug 1st, 2021 Universe: WarrenTale is a Universe where Monsters and Humans live freely together within the four major cities of the Claustra Alliance. The Alliance is ruled over by an Emperor who mostly allows the city officials or rulers to each do as they see fit. Citizens are not allowed to leave the confines of the cities, which are large enough to be mostly comfortable for a lot of people, except by special rail cars which carry people to the other cities. The reason for this confinement is the Corruption. A supposed poison or infection that covers the land and deadens it, rendering it blackened or grey, and everything on it that is infected. The official reports state that the Corruption originated during the Human and Monster War and that in order to survive, Humans and Monsters formed an emergency peace treaty and created the cities with magic and technology, thus diverging WarrenTale from the main course of events of Undertale. Each city is supposed to corespond to one of the original Game’s main areas. Vandfald, the only named city thus far, is based on the Waterfall Area and features a city of colossal towers that carry layers of open-air streets and numerous districts. This cluster of towers stands in a deep gorge whose depths cannot be seen from above. Water is pumped in from below and put to use all over the city to generate power, the canals then dump it back down into the gorge via massive waterfalls. The city’s drinking and bathing water is pumped in specially to prevent any Corruption. There is still technology in this world, but its either primitive stuff or very very advanced. Little of the stuff we’d recognize remains unless its scavenged from outside the Cities and repaired to be sold by illegal merchants. The Warren is a set of twisted labyrinthine streets that are home to vagrants and vagabonds, shady dealers, persecuted minorities, criminals of various kinds, and pretty much most outcasts from the Cities. They are built to resemble the streets and styles of all four of the Cities, but are actually quite far away from all of them. Technology and Magic as old as the War was scavenged, rebuilt, and used to make numerous Gateways and Posterns that lead into the Four Cities in various locations. In the event of an incursion, these gateways can be shut down to cut off access. Denizens of the Warren see themselves as apart from the Cities and the Emperor’s rule, though not everyone sees themselves as a rebellion. Characters: Frisk: A Gender Neutral child of about twelve years of age who lives with the Dreemurr Family after having been adopted through the system at a young age (a deeply traumatic experience). Though the Dreemurrs are not cruel people and would never try to hurt anyone, they are not the most ideal parents and can sometimes be both neglectful and controlling. Madame Toriel: A charming woman, but somewhat overzealous about what she terms “climbing the social ladder”. This entails hosting large dinners and galas with all sorts of important people, especially Minister Sans. The Minister is of particular importance to her because he is Minister of Finance and Commerce for the City of Vandfald, and the Dreemurr family owns a budding trading company. She may be sweet on Sans, but its difficult to tell whether that’s real or merely a product of her ambitions. Though she sees herself as benevolent and kindly, she likes to have things her way and can aggressively micromanage everyone around her until she’s satisfied. Azzy: The child of Madame Toriel and Master Asgore. Suffers from neglect and is often ill and anxious. Whenever he’s well enough he likes to spend time out in the extensive gardens around the family house and sometimes to visit the city gardens. His favorite flower is a kind of golden blossom whose name he hasn’t found out yet, though he’s memorized the names of every other flower in the city. Master Asgore: A monster consumed by his desire for wealth, left a shell of himself. He is always working, always trying to make better trades, make new profitable deals. Driven by the need to provide a “better” life for his family, he is neglectful and absent. Though others might think him friendly and charming, he is solely focused on rising up in the world. Always rising, but never really stopping, never finding that enough is enough, and slowly losing the very things he’s certain that he’s caring for. Doggo: Surprisingly he’s an old University Professor, fired for teaching his students about dissenting views against the Alliance, the Cities, and the Emperor, about pre war history and philosophy, and about a number of things the city officials decided were “deliberately harmful to the prospects of students by taking up their time with unnecessary and outdated or irrelevant studies.” (In other words, they didn’t want to say he was a threat to the state so he got the boot). He still keeps in contact with several of his students, one of whom is Minister Sans of Vandfald City. Doggo now lives in the Warrens, and has printed several books with his knowledge (all banned by the Emperor after copies were found and confiscated by city law enforcement) under various pseudonyms. Minister Sans: For all appearances he is a respectable and upstanding Citizen. He oversees trade and business for Vandfald as well as setting the government’s budgets. However he is also well aware of the Warrens and is actively engaged in a growing resistance to the control of the Emperor. He is not publicly known to have a brother, but he cares very deeply for Papyrus and ensures that he always has more than enough to live on despite the fact they rarely see one another anymore. Papyrus: The Doorkeeper. Papyrus is rarely seen in person, spending almost all of his time in his home, hidden deep in the lower levels of Vandfald City’s towers. He has control of the mechanisms that maintain the entrances to the Warrens. Individual gates and doors can be shut by someone nearby in the Warrens. But this lonely skeleton holds the key to shut or open any or all of them whenever he wishes. How he ended up in charge of this is unknown, but he’s made it his life’s work to keep the Warrens free and the refugees living there safe. He spends so much time alone, watching the gateways, that it consumes him, driving him half mad. Sitting in the dark and staring at screens from ancient computers as old as the War of Humans and Monsters. Sans visits rarely, and ensures he has money and food and anything else he wants. Aron and Catty: Two married monsters who live in the Warrens. Traders and merchants, they sell illegally scavenged and repaired technology from the badlands beyond the city. Aron is a very handsome aquatic monster with muscular features and comes off as a used car salesman. He is deeply devoted to his Cat Monster wife and would do anything for her. She is only slightly resentful towards their situation, having come from a moderately wealthy family, but loves him just as fiercely. Despite this, they quarrel constantly, and she whacks him with whatever is on hand (really he doesn’t mind this and they both know it. It’s more for the show of getting their frustrations out.) Chilldrake: Child of the Drake family, a family who runs a restaurant in Vandfald City. His friends include Azzy, Frisk, a mouse (whose father works in the restaurant), and a monster named Suzy. Can I use this AU in my story/comic/video/art?: Yes. I only ask that I be tagged and credited! So I can come see what cool stuff you did! Can I write a story/comic or make a video for this AU that tells its story?: Sure. I don’t have a story for it. I might come back and do a one shot or two. But all stories for it are equally canon. Is Mistral Sans an official part of this AU?: He is not. Mistral visited, and ended up giving advice to Frisk and Azzy. But he won’t interfere with events here, and has told them not to mention him to anyone. He might offer them one or two pieces of advice if they really need it, but its likely he’ll be long gone before the story draws to its close. He’s just here to see what this Universe is like. Will you answer questions about this AU’s characters, places, and history?: Sure. I’d love to. Just send an ask and if I have an answer, I’ll let you know. Or if I never thought about that, I can probably figure it out in order to answer.
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