#2 dragonborns
3xm-draconic · 6 months
Bloodline of the Last Dragon.
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Season 1/Episode 4: Working Night & Day.
Retrieving the dragon stone for Farengar would have to wait, Mattilda needed to find work and get enough money to pay for her father’s stay at the temple. The first line of work she did was for Farengar himself by delivering frost salts to the alchemist Arcadia, making a cool 300 septims after that job.
While she was in the market she was asked by a woman who runs the vegetable stall, Carlotta Valentia, to get a bard to stop hitting on her.
Mattilda had to punch the poor bard’s teeth in but that got the job across, that was another 200 gold earned, then while heading to the temple to visit her father she overheard a man in need of a hired muscle to get his family sword back.
The man, Armin, offered her 700 gold to get it back from some bandits in a cave not too far from Whiterun called White River Watch, with an offer like that Mattilda figured she could do it.
With the amount of gold she would be making from today by taking his quest she could finally stop sleeping on benches and under bridges.
Mattilda headed out of Whiterun and down to where the bandits lair was, it was a cave in the mountainside just overlooking the rapids, Mattilda knew she could not just fight her way through them all so she planned ahead and sacrificed a little gold to prep for this adventure.
She bought a small potion of invisibility and a spell book of muffleing, she cast it over her feet and drank the slightly sweet brew down, once invisible as the wind and silent as the a grave she crept through their camp.
The dark cave helped conceal her presence further from their sight, sticking to the shadows like glue. She managed to get into the main chamber but found there to be a problem…
There were too many bandits for her to sneak past, this is where an idea struck her.
Mattilda knew it would be loud and destructive but that’s what she was hoping for, she quickly summoned a fire atronach and then quickly snuck away as the bandits panicked and attacked it.
She finally made it onto the balcony where the bandit chief sat overlooking the tundra, from his body language Mattilda saw he was very drunk and had his eyes closed.
“EHY!” he gruffly snorted “hand me (hic) another ale would ya?” he mumbled, Mattilda reached over and handed him another bottle of ale and while he drank it she sneakily lifted the ring of keys he had off his belt.
She then snuck over to the chest behind him and found the sword Armin was looking for, it was a beautiful carved elven sword enchanted with flames. She also snached a few soulgems that sat at the bottom of the chest.
She took it and started to sneak back through the cave, just as she was on her way out she noticed her invisibility potion wareing off “damn it” she panicked and like a bat out of Oblivion she ran…
"You found it? I've been looking for that blade for months” Armin smiled as Matii handed him his sword “you took on all those bandits yourself? Thank you” he turned to her “here, my father had a favorite sword and shield technique, let me teach it to you, in honor of his memory."
Although Mattilda wielded a dagger and no shield she was still grateful for his lessons and for his reward of gold.
Mattilda then entered the Temple of Kynareth while visiting hours were still open. Her father lay on a bed in the temple, most of his body wrapped in bandages, he looked like one of those mummies you’d hear about from hammerfell.
“Matti!” he smiled “thank mara you are alright”, “how are you doing dad?”, he sat up and groaned “another 3 weeks they said, after that I’ll be healed enough to be out of here and good as new”, “I’ll see what I can do in the mean time to make more gold”, “no” he grumbled “no, Matti head to Falkreath and say with your uncle’s friends”. Mattilda sighed “but dad what about-”, “I got back in touch with him, he said he’ll be paying for me and he wants you to stay safe with a few of his friends, they have a safehouse there”.
Mattilda nodded “ok dad…” she debated on whether or not to tell him about the quest the Jarl sent her on but decided it would be better not to tell him.
She headed to The Bannered Mare to grab a hot meal and a room to sleep in before the trip to Falkreath when she noticed a commotion in the market.
“UNHAND CICERO! HE DID NOTHING WRONG!” cried a little jester in a red and black motley, “you are to be taken to jail until your bail can be paid off, Fool” the guard growled as he dragged the man towards Dragonsreach, “hey what’s going on?” Mattilda stopped the guard “why is this man to be taken to prison?”, the guard grumbled “he wouldn’t let us look inside the crate he was carrying but we’ll be finding that out soon enough”.
The jester, Cicero, whent absolutely unhinged “THAT’S MY MOTHER! YOU CAN’T DESECRATE HER LIKE THAT! STOP, STOP!” he wailed.
Mattilda looked at the poor little imperial man, he was absolutely sobbing and fighting like a wild skeever trapped in a box, “how much to pay his bail?” she looked at the guard, he stared at her “seriously? You want to help this fucking weirdo?” he mumbled, “how much?” was all she replied.
The guard sighed “250 gold”, “and how much for you and your boys to…leave his mother be?” she asked him sweetly, the guard eyed her “...call it another 200 and I’ll let this one slide pretty elfling” he hummed.
Cicero was let go and the guards walked away, he stared at Mattilda “you…helped poor Cicero?” he pondered curiously “why? he doesn't even know you?” he chirped, “it was the right thing to do, you were a person in need and a person in need is a friend indeed” she smiled.
“Names Mattilda Viddarson, you hungry Cicero? Would you like to grab dinner with me?” she offered, the jester’s frown turned into a happy grin “oooh yes thank you!” he squeaked.
Mattilda sat with Cicero beside the warm hearth, Saadia the barmaid got them both menus to look at, they both ordered something small and while Cicero ordered water Mattilda ordered a honningbrew mead. 
“So what brings you to Skyrim?” Mattilda turned to Cicero who was munching on grilled leeks and a baked salmon steak, “oh Cicero is bringing his mother to Falkreath, a new cript there so she can be safe” he replied through bites of leek.
“Oh coincidentally enough I’am heading to Falkreath to stay with some of my uncle’s friends” she nodded as she sipped her mead, Cicero sipped his tankered of water “OOOH!” he suddenly chipped happily “why don’t you come with Cicero? You can be like his bodyguard!” 
Mattilda pondered “I don’t know…I’ve never really been in combat”, Cicero shrugged “that’s ok Cicero will fight beside you if we run into trouble, just consider the free ride to Falkreath a thankyou for helping Cicero” he smiled.
When booking a room Mattilda and Cicero found themselves in a bit of a pickle, there was only one room available…with only one bed.
“Cicero will sleep on the floor since you booked the room and bought dinner” he said as he got out his bedroll from his dark leather backpack, “oh, no Cicero I can’t let you sleep on the floor you deserve to sleep on the bed too, you’ve had a long journey in Skyrim” Mattilda said as she adjusted her bedroll to act like a wall between them on the bed “go ahead and sleep next to me, I wouldn’t mind”.
They curled up in bed rather awkwardly together, sleeping back-to-back, Cicero fell asleep almost immediately but Mattilda had trouble falling asleep…
This is the first time she is sharing a bed with someone…
This is the first time she has slept with a man beside her…
Mattilda’s heart started to race…thoughts started to creep in…lewd thoughts.
She pushed them from her mind, she can’t be thinking that right now, she can’t be thinking of THAT right now…she had other things to worry about.
She would have to adjust to life in Falkreath, without her dad for the next 3 weeks and then…what would they do after that? Their finances are gone, their home is gone and everything is…gone…
She still wanted to join the college…maybe she didn’t have to buy everything she needed for her studies…whilst adventuring you can find all kinds of magical things…like the soul gems she got from the chest with Armin’s Sword. 
She felt Cicero roll over in his sleep mumbling something about getting his mother some flowers, she couldn’t help but smile at that. Then Cicero breached the makeshift wall of bedrolls and snuggled her…he was a sleep-snuggler.
“Oh for fucks-” Mattilda had to restrain herself from laughing, it was kinda funny, kinda cute and kinda terrifying. She looked at him as he nuzzled himself into the crook of her neck and wrapped himself around her, his soft little snoring and murmuring the only sounds in the room besides the rain from outside.
She laid back and tried to get some sleep.
(The next morning…)
“Cicero is so sorry, he didn’t mean to do that last night, oh bother and befuddle” the little imperial man profusely and awkwardly apologize, Mattilda just laughed “it’s ok, I didn’t mind, honestly it was rather cute…” she paused and gawked at herself for what she had just said.
Now both of them were blushing in awkward silence as they left their room, a rather big mistake as now a bar patron, a woman named Uthgerd, looked at her with sly eyes and gave her a cheeky nod.
Cicero took notice and his face turned a mix of colors, he paled in awkwardness then redened in both embarrassment and anger “WE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!” he shouted, Mattilda pulled her hood further over her embarrassed face as bar patrons started to snicker…
“Uh hu, shure” Uthgerd chuckled and sipped her ale, laughing a little as the two hurriedly made their way out of the bar.
“Oh. My. Gods” Mattilda mumbled, snickering under her breath “oh my gods…” she repeated, “...sorry…” Cicero looked down at his pointy shoes “Cicero ment not to embarrass you fair Mattilda”, Mattilda burst out into a chores of laughter. Honks, snorts and wheezes made up her loud bellowing cackle “oh my gods, that was so fucking funny” she wheezed “you just screaming WE DID’NT DO ANYTHING! From out of nowhere…” she gave a snort of embarrassed but mirthful laughter “oh by gods I’ve never seen something so funny”.
“You are not mad at Cicero?”, “hmm? Oh no” she chuckled “it’s embarrassing but it’s also really damn funny” she laughed “I’am not mad” she assured him.
They arrived at the stables and retrieved the cart containing the coffin of Cicero’s mother, it was larger than a normal coffin and kinda freaked Mattilda out with how large and heavy it was “just how is he gonna get that thing into a crypt?” she pondered.
They passed though Riverwood, stopping only to refill their waterskins and for Cicero to pick up some alchemy ingredients. 
“Hmm what did you get?” She asked him as they rode along the cobbled mountain road, “oh just some troll fat, pine resin, beeswax, juniper oil and some aloe vera leaves” he shrugged, Mattilda blinked “I don’t know any potions you could make with those”, Cicero hummed and hawed “well…um…”. 
“Although by the ingredients you listed your making some kind of skin ointment, my mother worked as a priestess of Arkay and from the sound of it, it’s nearly identical to a recipe for burial oils” Mattilda turned to him “funny thing, my mother use to make and sell the ointment as a beauty product, she’d mix in different fragrances and scents and colors”, Cicero grinned awkwardly “oh yes that’s what Cicero dose too, he makes ointments and perfumes to make extra gold when not performing” he chuckled.
“Oh, would you like some of my mother’s recipes? She’d probably want somebody who’d enjoy making beauty products having them, I never really could get into making them myself after she…” she trailed off, Cicero looked away but then comfortingly put a hand to her shoulder “sure, Cicero would love them”.
They got about halfway to Falkreath when it became too dark and foggy to see and thus too dangerous to travel through the mountains, they found a nice safe spot a little ways away from the road and made camp.
Cicero pitched up the tents while Mattilda made dinner, after camp was made they both settled down for a nice meal under the stars.
Mattilda got out a large cook pot full of fresh water and broke a few chunks of her instant dried broth mix into it, her mother called it something funny bouillon was it? It was part chicken and part beef. 
She then diced up garlic and onions with her dagger and added them to a separate skillet to be sauted with a smidgen of butter she had saved in a jar, after caramelizing the garlic onions she added them to the bubbling broth. 
To the remnants of butter she added a small amount of flour and a few mugfulls of broth to create a slurry of sorts to thicken the soup, a roux is what her mother called it.
Next she roughly chopped up a few carrots, she then added a nirnroot finely minced, a few strips of dried horker jerky, added a splash of Blackbrier mead for its darker taste and added her special ingredient, a few shreds of cheese. To top off the soup she added a few dashes of salt and pepper.
“Food’s done!” she happily turned to Cicero who was feeding his horse a few apples, “OOH smells good, what did you make?” he pondered as he skipped towards her, “potage le magnifique” she replied as she handed him a bowl.
He took a bite and his eyes bulged “WOW!” he gasped “this is amazing!” he turned to her with a curious gleam in his big hazel-amber eyes “where did you learn to cook like that?”, “my mother” she said bittersweetly “she had a way with cooking that I dare say rivals The Gourmet themselves”.
They turned in for the night and tucked into their tents, Mattilda taking first watch…
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silusvesuius · 14 days
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properly drew my 2 skyrimlians; Agnes, the tryhard failure, and the recently born Gorshi, the 'neat' one.. sometimes a good guy, sometimes a bad guy. sort of polar opposites maybe.
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and their respective horses !!! 😝🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎
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gayestcowboy · 2 months
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jhunals · 3 months
team dragonborn dashboard simulator
(in which the gang discuss the thalmor, rumarin tries something new, an alpha male ventures over to tumblr, and the ldb has a rough time)
[part 2]
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🗡️ dragonguard_kaidan Follow
I want everyone to know that @ thlmr.tal has a history of racist behavior, and you can see it clearly in his old posts. It's not a surprise that he still wears the robes of an organization known for gen*cide.
🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
You scrolled past all the pictures of my cats on my blog to get to my old posts (from years ago, mind you), and you still left salty?
🌱 greenauri Follow
that in no way excuses what kaidan accused you of?
🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
Ah. Well, I have a knack for brushing off my problematic elements.
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🌼 prince.cary Follow
just as a reminder, i am no longer affiliated with the thalmor. in fact, i actively speak out against them quite often.
🌼 prince.cary
update: my father found my blog and thereby my location due to the attention this post got. will be going offline for a while
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👹 rumarin Follow
about to try this new type of skooma since i don't see anyone else doing it
👹 rumarin
this skooma aint shit
👹 rumarin
who am i . what am ido ing here?
👹 rumarin
ithink i i h9 myslef
👹 rumarin
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👹 rumarin
th dragobnorn wasrigh .t i tinki shld see a teraphist
👹 rumarin
update: it went well 👍
🐉 ldb Follow
ru what the fuck
🥴 elffcker96 Follow
we love you king but you should get help
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😈 bluecatinigo Follow
Volume II, Part V
Inigo was meandering past a farm, when suddenly he was caught in a surprise rainstorm. He ran for cover on the farm's porch, and the door promptly opened behind him. Within stood a tall farmer of unspecified gender and race.
"Come in, friend! The rain can be dreadful, but I have made some soup to get the chill out," said the farmer.
Inigo was grateful for the hospitality, and he followed the farmer inside.
-------------------------------Keep Reading-------------------------------
📜 scholarlucien Follow
Enlightening update! I did not see the plot twist coming. Glad Inigo survived that dragon attack :)
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🌱 greenauri Follow
i'm tired of EVERYTHING. i want to leave this party right now.
🌱 greenauri
yes, inigo and lucien were eating sweetrolls in front of me again
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🐺 rangerbishop Follow
A woman in a tavern is a red flag. I saw three yesterday laughing together at the Sleeping Giant Inn and I immediately knew something was up. Avoid these wenches at all costs. All they want is your coin.
🪲 thecuntress Follow
yesss pop off king
👑 sapphicmonarch Follow
saw this guy getting his ass kicked by a MUDCRAB on my way to markarth. in case ur wondering i did not help him
🌩️ drowstorm Follow
this dude asked me out. he made me pay for both our drinks btw
🗡️ dragonguard_kaidan Follow
go to hell you you piece of hsit
🐊 lucifer.the.argonian Follow
you know this site is predominantly non-men right? idk what kind of audience you were expecting but you will not find it here
👊 mickeysdicksmasherthelorefriendlykhajiit Follow
this mf needs to SHUT UP
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🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
reblog if you would fuck the LDB
🐉 ldb Follow
taliesin why would you post this
🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
I need to scout out my competition.
72,890 notes
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urls (some are a little on the nose lol):
ldb = the last dragonborn
dragonguard_kaidan = kaidan
thlmr.tal = taliesin
greenauri = auri
prince.cary = caryalind thallery
rumarin = rumarin duh
bluecatinigo = inigo
scholarlucien = lucien
rangerbishop = bishop from skyrim romance mod
lucifer.the.argonian = lucifer (the argonian)
mickeysdicksmasherthelorefriendlykhajiit = based on foulserpent (on tumblr)'s dragonborn and their video series on bishop
all other urls = random npcs
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dibby-io · 3 months
Skyrim Follower Memes I made (and will make more of >:) )
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jenivere2 · 11 months
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i wanna be a dragon
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sanchomps · 10 months
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sketch busts for Keyholle, SSUPREMEMACHINE, gensym_scribe and Geef_exe on twitter!
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blighted-elf · 1 year
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Baldur's Gate 3 - Chromatic Scale
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doshiiirak · 1 year
gods the more I play, the funnier it gets
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champion-of-dragons · 5 months
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Throwing these at the wall and running away
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day 2: secret // golden
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“You must learn that praying so often deafens the Gods to your real pleas.”
“Maybe. But sometimes I only need to feel the warmth of Auriel’s Light, and not his intervention. It’s golden and divine, it imbues my soul with the strength I need and connects me to my home. That’s all I need.”
acrylic, gouache, coloured pencil, ink, watercolour, eyeshadow, printed cardstock on mixed media paper
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3xm-draconic · 6 months
Bloodline of the Last Dragon.
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Season 1/Episode 5: On the Road Again.
As Mattilda sat and watched the forest for dangers she thought more about her new life in Falkreath, she knew her uncle's friends from her childhood but hadn’t seen them in years…she wondered if they still remembered her?
A twig snapping drew her attention to a man walking out of the woods, a dunmer man in strange red armor “hello succulent little morsel” he cooed, she tried to cry out for Cicero but the man moved so fast to cover her mouth it was unnatural, then she saw his gleaming orange eyes, vampire's eyes.
“Mmm what a delicious meal you’ll make” he looked her up and down “and a cute little thrall too”, he moved to bite her…
Mattilda shoved him and with quick reflexes of her own she used both hands balled into fists to punch into his chest, sending him skidding backwards. She then took a strong defensive stance as she called out to Cicero.
The vampire gawked at her, eyeing her strange movements, his thralls who were waiting in the treeline moved forward one was a burly orc the other a slim argonian “Get Them!” he commanded.
Before the orc even knew what had hit him Mattilda’s foot had slammed into his jaw with a devastating kick that rounded back to the argonian and swiped her off her feet, the orc however was tougher than that and quickly recovered as he lunged for Mattilda.
She twisted and flipped, divided and dogged like a winding striking serpent, her fists and feet occasionally making heavy bone-crunching blows against the orc.
Cicero hearing the commotion got up and like a strike of lightning whent straight after the vampire master, his ebony dagger slashing this way and that like a deadly whirlwind.
With her magicka regarded Mattilda shot twin jets of flame at the orc and the argonian, cutting them down in a torrent of blazing arcane power. Cicero dashed and got behind the vampire, he crouched low then suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder and thrusted his blade upwards into his chest…the vampire gurgled on his own blood before falling to the earth, dead as a doornail.
“CICERO!” she called out “are you ok? You weren't bit or scratched were you?” she ran over to him as he flopped onto the ground wheezing. “Oooh that was quite a wake up call” he chuckled, he looked at himself and found no bites or slashes “Cicero is fine, no vampirism for me!” he squeaked.
As she helped him up Cicero studied her “what was that Cicero saw you do?” he pondered, Mattilda chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck “oh it’s nothing just some self defense stuff my father taught me”, Cicero eyed her “that was pretty amazing” he chuckled.
With the attack on camp over with Cicero offered to take watch next so that Mattilda could get some rest “I’ll make a great breakfast to make up for the night we’ve had” she chuckled as she wished him goodnight.
Cicero took out his dagger and found a thick stick on the ground, he started to whittle at it as he thought about what to do…
“Mattilda is a capable fighter afterall, hmmm…” he pondered “Cicero doesn't want to kill her, she is so kind to him and so helpful…but smart…very smart. She knows Cicero is making oils for mother…it most certainly will be only a matter of time till she discovers who I really am…” he whittled at the stick more aggressively “perhaps I can slit her throat while she sleeps the next time we make camp?...but I still need her help getting my mother home…”
Cicero paused “but…maybe I don’t have to kill her…she said she was going into Falkreath’s main city…perhaps I can lose her there?”
The dawn slowly came and as promised Mattilda cooked Cicero a breakfast of eggs she had gathered from a nearby pine thrush's nest, grilled mushrooms, strips of salted boar, toasted bread slices and some jazbay jam to share from a jar in her pack.
They hopped back on the wagon and continued their travels…
“Hey Cicero” Mattilda turned to him with a bright smile “when I get settled in Falkreath would you like to go out with me?” Mattilda said with a slight crack in her voice.
She had never asked anyone out before, dating in Skyrim was hard so most people usually wore Amulets of Mara around themselves to indicated that the wanted a partner, Mattilda had no amulet…and she wasn’t exactly reddy to say “I wanna be married”
Cicero pondered for a moment, he would have to get the Night Mother settled in first and greet his new family…but…if he had time to spare he would not mind spending time with Mattilda again, her laugh was so unique.
Falkreath lumbered into view, a city buried amongst the forest, full of cozy homes and lumber mills, the great graveyard awaited ahead.
“Would you like me to help you move her?” Mattilda asked him as she marveled at the city, “OH!” Cicero started to panic “No, No! It’s fine I got her, my family here in Falkreath will help me” he did not want Mattilda to be hurt by the brotherhood…he liked having a friend like her.
“So where is your house?”, Cicero had to make something up “we…live in a small home outside the city, it’s a nice little home but it’s a little hidden, you can’t find it easily” he chuckled nervously.
They stopped by a home on the edge of the graveyard, outside of it a burly snow leopard-looking Khajiit was in a rocking chair puffing on a pipe, “Mau’Mau!” Mattilda chirped happily as she leapt from the cart and ran up to the Khajiit. Mau’Mau opened her one good sickly yellow eye and grinned “ah, little sugarbean is all grown up I see, not so little anymore hu?” she raspely purred.
A slim black panther-looking Khajiit woman appeared in the doorway, “SUGARBEAN!” she cried as she embraced Mattilda, “hey Kit’Tay” Mattilda hummed happily.
Mattilda was so excited to see her old family friends that she didn’t even notice Cicero and his cart had slipped away from the crowded city…
(Falkreath Sanctuary)
“WE WERE DETAINED, DELAYED!” Cicero wined hoping Astrid would understand…but the bitch had such a big stick shoved so far up her ass Cicero was suprised it didn’t sick out her yapping gob.
“You were supposed to be here 2 days ago” she mumbled, “but-”, “whatever, you and the Night Mother are welcomed to stay here BUT I am in charge” she hissed, “oh yes mistress your the boss!” Cicero nodded “for now” he hushly growled under his breath.
Adjusting to life in the sanctuary was going to be rough…nobody seemed to like him.
Sure Festus Crex respected him…but he didn’t like him, and the rest of them seemed to be the same say for Astrid and her sheepdog husband, they outright mocked him…
Cicero hated this…he wanted a family he wanted the brotherhood…but they are not it…
With him only needing to tend to the Night Mother every so often ment he had a lot of free time on his hands…and Mattilda did ask him to join her for dinner…
“So how are you doing?” Mattilda asked him as they walked to The Dead Man's Drink tavern, “oh well Cicero’s family here in Skyrim haven't seen him in a long time so they need to get used to me…and I to them…” he grumbled, “oh…” Mattilda gazed at him sadly “I’am…not doing too hot either actually” she admitted.
“Oh? What troubles you fair Mattilda?” he pondered as they sat down on a corner table away from everyone else, “well…” she glanced around “can you keep a secret?”, Cicero nodded vigorously.
Mattilda sighed “I’am thinking of going out and gathering supplies so that I can join the college of Winterhold…and by gathering I really mean…” she leaned in “pilfering them from some of the local illegal magic practitioners that live in Falkreath”.
“So you’ll be stealing them?” Cicero pondered, “well…kinda?” she shrugged “I’ll be taking stuff from evil mages, there are a lot of necromancers and warlocks out here so taking magical items from them”.
Cicero cocked his head “what made you wanna be a mage in the first place, Nords seem to hate the stuff”, she frowned “well…”
Mattilda looked at Cicero, if she was trusting him with her plans on becoming an adventure behind the backs of her caretakers…she could trust him with the truth.
“I want to become a powerful enough mage to scour the realms of oblivion and beyond…I lost an important piece of my life” she sighed, “ooh what are you looking for?” Cicero curiously gazed into her silvery-blue eyes, she sucked in a deep breath…
“My Mother”.
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shapelytimber · 1 year
I've come back to Skyrim recently, and finaly got around to play Vigilant ! And I must admit it's a cool mod, not without flaws (people on ytb definetly oversold it to me), but after playing act 1 and 2, I can say it's pretty solid :)
Only problem...
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My dragonborn is a conjurer/necromancer, and...
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He's gay af. This mod is very edgy and tragic, but damn am I not playing the right character for it- (but hey at least I'm having fun)
[PART 1] - [PART 2] - [PART 3]
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wild-magic-oops · 5 months
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some things are better without context
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teem-boo · 2 days
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.•。゚ HOME 彡 CONTROL  ゚。•.
Day #4 and #5 of @theemperorweek !!! This took longer than I anticipated 💀 but I finally finished!
Used the prompts to draw a piece for my post-canon AU, which I will be calling Knights of the Gate!
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jhunals · 3 months
team dragonborn dashboard simulator 2
(in which taliesin enjoys a new username, lucien has a panic attack, and nebarra is a bit of an opp)
prev. here
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🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
For the last time, people, I do not endorse the Thalmor, despite what my username says. Gods.
🐉 ldb Follow
tally you know you can change your username right
🐱 thlmr.tal Follow
What? How?!
🐱 tally.loves.kitties
Thank you.
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⚔️ skyrimbelongstothen0rds Follow
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🐊 lucifer.the.argonian Follow
i know you guys find this funny and all but op is a stormcloak supporter
⚔️ skyrimbelongstothen0rds Follow
Um. Did you read my DNI???
🐊 lucifer.the.argonian Follow
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this is the kind of person whose stuff you're reblogging.
🥘 lawman_xel Follow
Lucifer, that's Nebarra's sideblog. He's trolling.
🐊 lucifer.the.argonian Follow
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⚔️ skyrimbelongstothen0rds Follow
And I said no snowflakes either. I swear, we didn't have this problem when only Nords lived in Skyrim.
🌱 greenauri Follow
skyrim was never "only nords" tho
⚔️ skyrimbelongstothen0rds Follow
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76,454 notes
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🐱 tally.loves.kitties Follow
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🖕nebarras_wines Follow
you post the worst memes i've ever seen in my fucking life
🐱 tally.loves.kitties Follow
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15,603 notes
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🌺 khash.khash Follow
i thought adventuring with a group of adults would teach me something about life or responsibility. all it has taught me is to wear armor at all times
🌼 wanderingmusings Follow
so glad you finally joined tumblr!
🐊 lucifer.the.argonian Follow
do you need help setting anything up?
🗡️ dragonguard_kaidan Follow
I don't think this website is safe for a child.
🌺 khash.khash Follow
i am a teenage girl?? i have had this hellsite for years
4,567 notes
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📜 scholarlucien Follow
someone stole my study notes guys im shaking and heaving
🌱 greenauri Follow
he's not using proper punctuation. this is serious
😈 bluecatinigo Follow
i'm so sorry, lucien. make an awareness post and then wait a bit. i'm sure they'll turn up.
📜 scholarlucien Follow
i can NOT let anyone see these inigo. theyre extremely personal
📜 scholarlucien
ugh im gonna be sick
😈 bluecatinigo Follow
take a deep breath, my friend. use the technique i taught you. everything will be okay
📜 scholarlucien Follow
agh okay. im pretending to put out dragonflame
🌼 wanderingmusings Follow
ah i think i found them!
📜 scholarlucien Follow
oh thank you thank you thank you so much
🌼 wanderingmusings Follow
it's these, right?
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😈 bluecatinigo Follow
oh my.
📜 scholarlucien Follow
🌱 greenauri Follow
i wish you'd told us about this, lucien. i have some input to share!
📜 scholarlucien Follow
🐉 ldb Follow
lucien what
🗡️ dragonguard_kaidan Follow
By the Gods
👹 rumarin Follow
where did you rank me?
48,942 notes
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urls (again):
ldb = the last dragonborn
thlmr.tal / tally.loves.kitties = taliesin
skyrimbelongstothen0rds / nebarras_wines = nebarra
lucifer.the.argonian = lucifer
lawman_xel = xelzaz
khash.khash = khash (yes its a dumb pun on cash cash)
wanderingmusings = caryalind thallery (incognito)
bluecatinigo = inigo
scholarlucien = lucien
greenauri = auri
rumarin = rumarin
117 notes · View notes