#2/3 of the star sanses
lilac--sun · 1 year
So here are some DB head cannons bc these two are my comfort ship <3 (long post + it being all over the place) --------------------------------------------
-Dreams and Blue are both very touchy people, Dream because he doesn't like to be alone and like the comfort of knowing the person he loves is nearby and Blue because he like the weight of another person on him, he used to use a weighted blanket but now that blanket is Dream
-LOTS of kisses, between both of them they give around, 50 kisses a day if not more
-Blue likes to lift up Dream and carry him places, it flusters Dream to no end.
-Dream was always super nervous about Blue using him for his positive aura, like most people in his life. But when he decided to hide it for a while while on a mission, Blue treated him the exact same and even asked if he was okay instead of asking where the aura went. That's when Dream realized that Blue wasn't using him. [Dream cried when they got home because he was so happy that he found someone who likes him for himself]
-Blue hated to think that Dream was only dating him because of his overly positive emotions but when he was having an extremely tough time in US and Dream was still there for him he also realized that it was true love not just positive emotions
-Blue had gone back to his Au for a couple of days and Dream had been crushing hard on him for a while, and while him and ink were sitting on the couch he told Ink that he had feeling for Blue and Ink said that he knew because "you literally start glowing when he's around. Like seriously it hurts my eyes"
-Blue is very open about his feelings and barely has a filter so one day over dinner while Ink and and Dream we're taking he kinda just blurted out "I think I wanna date you, Dream, I've had a crush on you for while" and went back to eating. Ink laughed so hard he was choking on his food and Dream flushed gold
-Blue hadn't seen the Stars or sky before he joined Ink and Dream and so when Dream showed him the stars Blue was completely awe struck and kissed Dream before he realized what he was doing.......Dream kissed back and let's just say things got more than a little heated iykyk
-When Blue trains he usually does weight lifting so he's like super physically strong so when Blue just causally picks up the couch when looking for something [With Dream and Ink on it] Hes like "YEAH THATS MY STRONG BOYFRIEND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!" It always makes Blue smile and blush
-Dream hadn't really heard a lot of music other than what the villagers would sing so when Blue showed him classic rock Dream was BEYOND in love with it
-Since Dream is literally, an ancient tree spirit, Blue had to show him how to work technology and Dream still BARELY uses his phone and most times he forgets he even has one
-Blue loves to play RPGs with classic papyrus and Star and Dream will join them sometimes, he is COMPLETELY lost like 99% of the time but he loves to be around Blue
-Nightmare was noooot the happiest, he was conflicted because 'thats my brother if you hurt him I'll kill you' and 'thats my Blue is you hurt him I'll kill you' so he decided not to worry about it
-Dream hates coffee and refuses to drink it
-Blue hated tea and refuses to drink it
-Blue is quilty of bringing stray cats/dogs home, they have two cats and a dog because of him
-Dream collects rocks and every month Blue gets him a cool looking one he found outside, Dream thinks it's the most amazing thing ever
-Blue is very hyperactive while Dream isn't
-Dream doesn't like sparring with Blue because he's afraid he's going to hurt him
-Blue loves wearing Dreams clothes, Dream has lost MANY hoodies and shirts because of Blue
-Dream can burn water if he tried hard enough, so Blue does 100% of the cooking. Dream realized that he likes spicy things and ESPECIALLY cinnamon things
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pastelaspirations · 5 months
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Ta-dahhhh, a drawing that took me too long. It would have taken me less time had I quit second-guessing everything and taking 3 hour breaks after fixing one line. BUT YEE, I ACTUALLY LIKE IT VERY MUCH. For once. (Also, shoutout to my fren, @paintedkinzy-88 for teaching me how mirrors work. It is a long story. Although, probably only "long" because of my habit of telling things 5k words longer than they needed to be-)
Now, long headcanon rambling alert. This drawing is like... the ungodly compilation of so many of my headcanons. I absolutely didn't need to stuff it full of things I believe to be true so wholeheartedly, but I d i d.
First headcanon: Ink can feel. He has the capacity to experience emotions, he just needs a little help to do it. So, he has to take his vials to experience something that many people don't even need to think about. However, this leads to ✧˖°.angst.✧˖°. Ink has a whole lot of self-doubt and he second-guesses his "emotions" all the time because, technically, his emotions are artificially induced. Therefore, by extension, does that make the emotions themselves artificial? This leads well into my second headcanon.
Second headcanon: Ink's vials are basically an allegory for antidepressants. Suppose someone has been depressed for a very, very long time and then they get on antidepressants. They might become really disoriented. Because, really, which version of themself is the truest form of them? The happy, upbeat version of them is strange and foreign after being depressed for so long. Is the happy version truly them, or was it the other, depressed version of themself that they spent so many years living as? So, as ya can see, the 3rd day prompt for Inktobertale fit beautifully with my headcanons. <3
Third headcanon: Ink experiences a strong wave of whatever range of emotions pertaining to a particular vial after he takes it. For example, yellow, he'd experience a strong wave of joy, happiness, euphoria, etc., and for red, anger, fury, outrage, etc. The little sticky note in the corner of the mirror is a reminder that it's easier to take all the vials together than to spread them out. If he takes them all together, he can experience each strong wave in immediate succession. It's exhausting and he nearly has everything taken out of him at the end, but the ordeal is less... awful than if he spread it out for half an hour taking them one by one. That's why the cup is there hehe-
The little pictures on the mirror represent happier times! :D Since taking his vials, or his "medicine," is such an uncomfortable experience, having pictures on his mirror to remind him of happier times and that he has people that care about him really helps. He can pluck up the courage to actually take the vials after glancing over at beloved faces. ;_;
The holiday picture actually has a funny backstory behind it; the three of them were celebrating Gyftmas together at Blue's house, but it was during a time Dream was still fairly new to uh, "modern day traditions." I headcanon Dream acts really old and after being stuck in stone for so long, is like... tragically so far behind the times. He uses old timey lingo, has a very bad habit of comparing his centuries old age to your common AU resident, and comes off as, "How do you do, fellow kids-" more often than he would like. As such, he didn't understand why you would "dress up" for the holidays. He freaking showed up in his normal attire and was baffled why Blue and Ink were dressed differently. They made a lot of fun of him. Ink got a new sketchbook that he's holding in the picture. <3
The other picture... of course has a backstory. I'm s o r r y, okay. It is a problem, I can't quit sneaking Errorink into whatever I do. That little picture is of a time they were hanging out together cuddling in the antivoid. Error wrote the little note on the picture to remind Ink that his emotions are just as real and valid as the rest of them, and that if anyone were to tell him otherwise, he'd fight 'em. He told him to slap it on his mirror as a reminder when he goes to take his "medicine." ;_; <3 Will I find a way to sneak this into a fic/make a new fic with this scene? Probably, but I'm choosing not to worry about it rn-
FINALLY. LAST HEADCANON, I'M SORRY- Some of you may have noticed the sneaky little Asriel hiding in the picture. >:) Even that has lore behind it! :D It comes from an AU I call Storetale that I made up in two minutes solely to excuse the blatant goat bro easter egg.
Storetale is set in a timeline where the monsters and humans live on the surface together in harmony. But oh noooo, one day, Asgore and Toriel died in a bad car crash, and they left poor Chara and Asriel alone. ;_; Not to worry though! Mettaton adopted the two and they both became child celebrities. But not on tv, mind you. Nooo, they became the mascots of Mettaton's extremely successful supermarket chain, MettaStore. The AU follows the two as they deal with their very odd claim to fame, as well as the fact of being children and the face of a multi-million gold supermarket franchise.
I like to headcanon that Ink likes to watch this AU because of how wacko and heartfelt it can be at times. He got the soap in the picture from that AU, branded Golden Flower Soap. I also like to think Ink introduced Error to that AU and he unironically got invested into it too because of the contrived problems it comes up with similar to Undernovela.
AND THERE. THAT IS ALL. This was just the ultimate compilation of all my headcanons into a singular drawing that no one would ever know unless I made this ungodly long post to explain each and every one in detail even though no one asked. ;_; I'm sorry for such the long post. If any of you brave souls read this far, thank you and I hope I managed to spread my headcanons further-
✧˖°.Bonus:✧˖°. Here is a version with alternate eyes 'cus I couldn't choose which one I liked more and then one without a blurred background. Now, you can see the Errorink background details more clearly if you would like :D
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toffeebrew · 7 days
Been thinking and I think dream and swap are both chaotic good just different spectrums of it.
I see dream as more good than chaotic and I see blue as more chaotic than good. If that makes sense?
Like for example, if there was a prisoner they thought was innocent I would imagine dream would try to go through the system to get them out of jail. If that didn't work then he would jump to "okay we'll break them out." For blue, however, I think he would jump straight to "okay we'll break them out of prison. "
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absolute-weirdo-inc · 8 months
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Inktober 1: Warm up
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Inktober 2: Pumpkin Carving
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Inktober 3: Medication
(just me catching up)
+ new art styles
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zucchiyeni · 9 months
Star sanses poly week (3/10)
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Day 2: Date
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sunnymainecoonx · 10 months
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(Ahem, 2 minutes future Sunny speaking) context is, simply put, Dream momentarily forgot about everything that went wrong. But, he doesn't have to dwell into that anymore, not when the (literally pointless)war is over.
Headcanon time lessgo!! Dream never got into any hobbies because of his job as a guardian but there is one thing he knows how to do and that's making flower crowns :3 and since it's connected to childhood memories he tends to forget how cruel the world is. Luckily though, war is over ;3 so he can finally rest!!.... At least in this timeline.(Sunny, shush, stop, YOU NEED TO STOP YOU F—) and since we're talking about flowers..(we are?) I'm also gonna mention I see Dream as a big flower nerd :3(stop doing that face) and it's even more fun out in the multiverse 'cause god are there so many flowers!! He also likes to see what kind of absurd flowers he can make fit together :3(Sunny, what did I just say)
Also, let me introduce y'all to my "crying you a river" style! Created by my literal tears :3(....) I suffer from life crisis whenever art styles and this one is just a silly and simple funker. I'm gonna lend this art style to... Dreamtale Sunny! Yeah, he exists apparently... I usually make or have OCs that I use to represent different styles- which is one way to hide who I am ig...
Anyways— @cakesmelons I'm picking the star Sanses because this was already being made(here u go bessie) TwT I just— I need to break my hands wait I meant
....anyways. I have to give credits to Roxy(creator of Slash) because my thoughts while I came up with this was inspired by that one comic where Dream literally forgot his brother was dead :3(Sunny I hope you die)(...please don't—)
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cas-spirit · 17 days
If Error isn’t in Nightmare’s Gang, I think he should be in the Star Sanses.
Reason 1:
How dare Ink spend all his time with other people? Without him!?
Reason 2:
He needs to stick around Blue and make sure he doesn’t become an error (if you think the swap in the star sanses is the swap from the ask error comic)
Reason 3:
He loves the stars, and the group is named after them. He fits the ascetic.
Reason 4:
It’s funny. Imagine your world is being destroyed by Nightmare, then the ‘destroyer of worlds’ saves you
Reason 5:
He doesn’t put up with the bullshit that I normally seen thrown at the Stars. The Stars are varying degrees of people pleasers, he is not.
Reason 6:
Dream would have scary dog privilege, buff friend privilege, and gremlin friend privilege.
Reason 7:
Just think about them all for a second.
Reason 8:
If Error is friends with Ink and Blue, why not Dream as well?
Reason 9:
It would balance the catboy/dogboy vibes in the group.
Reason 10:
If Nightmare tried to push him into his group too hard, Error joins his enemy to spite him.
Error from LoverofPiggies
Ink from Comyet
Dream from Juko
Swap/Blue from the community
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derangedanomaly · 5 months
could you do bad sanses and star sanses who’s s/o is a skeleton monster as well:3
btw hope your having a good day:D
Hii! I am having a swell day! :D hope you're also having a good day! As for the request, I decided to do a little spin on it.
The reader is dead, and you're magically brought to life. (A little like in Corpse Bride).
Decided to cut this up into two parts! The next part will be: Error, Dream, Ink, Swap
Part 2
Their s/o is a skeleton (PART 1)
(Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror)
He doesn't really care in the beginning, cause..like, he met more than thousand of skeletons before. Why would you be any special??
Would act like you're never even there. 😭
After one day of having enough, he tries to get some negative feelings out of you. But...you know...this proves to be difficult, cause you're always very cheerful!
It bothers him immensely, won't stop trying to get you in a bad mood.
But he just can't succeed. (Bummer)
This changes when he finds out that you're a skeleton... because you're dead.
His reaction is to be expected. He immediately reacts by smirking widely. (More like, creepily 😭)
Now he has a way to get negative feelings out of you. (Good luck with that by the way)
Your relationship is very...angsty. At the start. He's just using you to get some negativity, and you hate him for that. How lovely! :)
You actually can't take it anymore, so you snap at him for the first time that y'all know each other. This particular moment, is actually what makes him simp respect you.
Look, he just has a type for people that deny him or stand up to him. (Since no one really did it before, out of fear)
He became a little vulnerable when it came to you from that point onward.
He actually tries to help you out to understand some of the skeleton magic. (He's really just showing off though. Wants you to be impressed by him 💀)
You two act like an 'old married couple.' As Killer states.
Since you weren't born as a skeleton, but became one after you died, you were much more fragile...you would find yourself being wrapped around Nightmare's tentacles, so he can heal your injuries. (Mostly broken bones.)
Unfortunately, Nightmare very much forgets this fact very often...so he'll be frustrated with your fragile self almost every time.
Nightmare went up to you in anger, his tentacles furiously moving on his back. "I told you to cut off Ink! Not laze around." You furrow your gaze at him, starting to feel irritated. He knew you were physically unable to do so in your current health condition, yet he still shouts at you?! "Oh no no no Nightmare. You're blaming me?!" He rolled his eyes, staring you down. "Yes, of course. Who else would fuck this mission up as badly as you?!" You let out a low huff, cooking up a plan. Oh this is gonna be golden. "Nightmare...h-how could you say that...?" Nightmare's gaze suddenly changed as you let out crying sounds. He didn't know what to say now...it was.............awkward.. for him, I mean. "Uhm...damn, I really didn't expected that reaction from someone like you..umm....are..you.? Ok..?" You almost let out a small laugh at his quiet question. How very uncharacteristic of him. You shake your head, slowly looking up at him. "No...no. I'M NOT FUCKING OK!" He flinched when you suddenly shouted, pointing at him. "FUCK YOU, AND YOUR EMO ASS!" You stomped your way away from him, leaving him stunned, to go treat your injuries.
He should feel angry at you for shouting at him like that. He should already be making a punishment for you, but...he did neither of those things. The only thing he did, is stood there. A turquoise blush started to slowly appear on his face as he watched you tend to your injuries, with Dust on your side helping you out. He couldn't help the next thought that came to him as he watched you, little hearts appearing in his eye sockets instead of his white pupils. So this is love?
Oh. You're also a skeleton? Cool.
He doesn't really know how to feel about that at first. He also thinks that you're just another Sans. 🤷‍♀️
After he finds out that you're not, his interest is 10 times more peaked then ever.
If you're not sensitive about the topic, he will ask thousands of questions about how being dead works.
Since he's a gamer at heart, he will make some silly jokes about you being like the skeletons in Minecraft. 💀 (Partially forgetting he's also a skeleton.)
He can't stand you doing anything that requires strength. Not because he's frustrated with you, but because the little playboy is very worried for you. 🥺
Literally WON'T let you even open a very tight jar.
He's like your little servant. (If you want, he'll even let you call him that. He's just freaky like that you know.)
He's partially helping you with everything just so he can show off his strength to you. He wants to make you swoon over him.
Whenever you're sad, he'll make it his mission to make you laugh. (Which works. He's good at making people laugh. Most of the time..)
You both just tease the other. Seeing who'll back out first. (None of you do. Lol.)
He's always demanding for you two to be paired together on missions. He reasoning is always like, 'I want you close to me' or 'I don't want to be paired up with anyone else besides you.' but that's only half of the truth.
He's doing this because he wants to keep a close eye on you. Wants to make sure you're safe.
Look, he once saw what injuries you had when you broke your bones for the first time, he doesn't wanna experience that again.
"Alright... Changing to blue!" Killer groaned as he took another card from the deck. You were seated on the couch, playing Uno. And you were winning! There's no way Killer can win, you have only one card in your hand, and he has-! Wait...oh SHOOT! You didn't say Uno! "Hah! You didn't say the word..~ take one." Killer pointed to the deck of cards as you sighed. "Whatever. I've got this anyway!" You beamed. Killer only looked at you with curious gaze.
"Oh yeah?"
"I never lose, cupcake." You hummed at the nickname, not refusing the pinkish blush appearing on your cheeks. "Me neither!" Killer's smirk made you suddenly nervous..what is he planning? You hope he doesn't have some trick up his sleeves.... really, he's kinda stupid..but not when he's playing games! It could be any type of game, and he'll win with passing colors. You didn't even know what to do to win against him at least once.
"W-What? What's with your smirk?" Killer shrugged. "It's nothing...why? Scared~?" You snorted, and let out nervous laughs. "Hah! You're kidding? Pfft..no..just.... why are you smirking...?" He couldn't help but laugh at your sheepishness. "Nothing.. really....I just like looking at you. I like playing games with you. You make playing them fun." You couldn't help the blush forming on your face. "....thank you, Killer...I also like playing games with you. Your overconfidence is very attractive." Killer suddenly stopped what he was doing, which was drinking, and spit out the said drink. He wasn't expecting that. And now... he's the one flustered.
Unfortunately, he didn't noticed your successful win in his dreamy daze...
He doesn't pay you much mind. He knows too much skeletons to handle another one...
He views you just as a stupid joker that will only make his life more miserable....until he finds out you weren't born as a skeleton, but became a skeleton after you died.
His opinions about you didn't changed much. He just became less harsh with you.
He does feel very interested in the details of how does one even become a skeleton..but feels shy to outright ask you. Especially if you're sensitive about that topic! He would never ever wish to make you uncomfortable!
He starts to try to talk to you after he finds out that Horror trusts you. If Horror trusts you, then you can't be a stick in the mud or anything like that? Right?
You guys actually have a very pleasant conversation. You find his journalling cute, which he curses you for. 'He's not cute damn it!' yes he is. He very much is.
He panicked the first time he saw your broken bones after a mission. He'll ask you tons of questions about what happened, while patching you up like an angry/worried mom.
After that, he doesn't let you do everything alone. He has to supervise if something bad happens! (Just an excuse to hang out with you more)
He often likes to test out some 'gadgets' he makes specifically for you, to stable your fragility. Some kinda help, but some don't help at all.
He has a journal titled 'Y/n'. At first, like usual, he writes about your powers... species etc.. but after awhile of getting to know you, it slowly shifts to writing about trivial things, that he doesn't normally writes in his journals..
Things like: your favorite color, drink,...your ideal date. (don't ask him why that's an important information.)
You sit on a chair, watching as Killer and Horror play a game. It was getting pretty heated, until you felt a hand tap you. You turn around, only to be met with Dust's chest. You pause, cursing under your breath, until finally shifting your gaze upwards on his face.
Dust shyly smiles down at you. "Hey..." You nod at him. "Hi." There's an awkward silence for awhile, until he finally speaks. "Uhm. So, Horror told me how nice you are... so I decided to give you a chance to prove yourself... Prove to me that you're not like the other skeletons." You slightly gulped, staring at him with confusion. "Ok.. so..what? You wanna play 20 questions?" He nodded, sitting down next to you. And so...your little game began.
The questions were quite normal. Ranging from 'What's your favorite color?' to 'Favorite animal?'. Dust suddenly asked you a question that made you pause for a bit..
"Do you have a significant other?" You blinked up at him.. thinking it over. "No...I don't. No one really made me interested, you know? Besides... I'm a little romantic in these sort of things! Heh..." Dust looked at you, curious. "Oh? We're your fantasies unfulfilled?" You slowly nodded at his question in embarrassment...
"I just want to be given flowers romantically, finding little romantic notes on my table from my secret admirer.... I know that it's a little fairytale-like. But I just like the thought of that..." Dust hummed, looking off to the side.
You get up from your bed as you hear knocking on your door. Nightmare couldn't possibly be requesting you for a mission at this hour?! You open the door, only to be met with Dust's eyes. You smile at him, relief washing over you to find out it's not Nightmare... "Dust? What're you doing here so late at night?" He smiled softly at you, blushing. He suddenly showed you a beautiful banquet of your favorite flowers! He held them out to you. You took them from his hands, feeling touched at this gesture. "Huh..? Dust.. what's all this for?" He smiled. "Do you remember when you told me about your romantic fantasies that were unfulfilled?" Ah yes. It was a little way back..you smiled at the thought. "You...did this for me?" Dust, yet again smiled and patted your head. "Anything for you... Sleep well, princess." You were left there with the biggest blush on your face. No fair Dust! You looked at the flowers again, smiling warmly, until getting inside your room.
You placed the flowers in a vase, and put it on your table. As you did this, a letter suddenly appeared on your table. You jump a little, not expecting that. You took the letter in your hands, reading it. It was a love poem, written for you! At the very bottom of the letter is signed: 'Your secret admirer'. You hug the letter in giddiness. He didn't forget...
Of course he didn't. How could he...when he has it written down in his journal. ;)
He's... interested, to say the least. Horror always felt like something is different about you, call it a sixth sense or something, but he just somehow knew you weren't a 100% pure skeleton. (You smelled different 💀)
That's why he kept following you around... You found it quite cute, but from other people's perspective...it was.. terrifying.
He was like your own guard dog.
You tried making conversations with him, but he would never respond.
He did watch you closely while you talked.. but it was really like if you were talking to yourself.
It kinda seemed like he never listened to you, but truth be told, he did listen. Just never responded.
He was never much for talking anyways. He's a good listener though! 👍
He panicked when he heard your bones break the first time. And when I mean panic.... I mean he went absolutely bonkers.
After that, whenever you were on missions he sat you on his shoulders. (I HC that out of all the sanses, Horror's the tallest)
This slowly became a normal occurrence to you. You would be standing somewhere, he would come and sit you on his shoulders.
I mean...you didn't complain. 🤷‍♀️
You were talking with Horror about your day, as he watched you with that smile of his. Wait... he's probably not listening. He's not listening...you probably bore him. Now you feel bad.. you're wasting his time..You slowly stopped talking after awhile, glancing down. Horror looked at you in confusion.
"Something..the matter..?" He carefully put his hand on your shoulder. You sighed, looking up at him once again. "No.. it's just.....It doesn't really seem like you ever listen to me...I feel like I'm only wasting your time with this, sorry.. I'll just go now-" as you were about to run away, he stopped you, holding your hand. "Wait..!" You looked at him curiously. He looked really sad..
"...I...." No words were coming out of him, as he felt shy under your gaze. He inhaled a deep breath, and then exhaled. "..please..don't...leave..." He coughs a little to make himself stop talking so slowly. "This is...all I'm....waiting for...at the end...of the day.....Y/n..." You feel touched by his words. "I'm always...listening....to you...I love your voice.." it took everything in you to not burst out into tears.
You went up to him and hugged him. "Aww! Horror....I thought you're never listening to me! Thank you.." Horror blushed red, but smiled, enjoying your hugs. He returned your hugs with a smile similar to a puppy..
He's surely going to try engaging in your conversations now! He doesn't ever want to see that broken expression on your face again..not when he's around.
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yakutarts · 4 days
Final part of Bad Sanses Gang x The Lion King
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Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4
> This drawing is partially traced
Finally got this done! Making these was really fun and it got a lot of attention which makes me really happy since on my other social media, I get almost nothing at all.
On instagram I get 10 likes per post, all my twitter followers are ghosts that only appear when I make free art raffles, anything I post on Bluesky flops hard and FurAffinity is kinda hard to use. But here I finally got a chance to shine! Thank you all very much for giving me this chance!
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So, as I said in my previous post, I will focus on other things that may be not undertale multiverse related, but I do plan on making little ref sheets for the Star Sanses as TLK characters, I also plan on doing the same thing with Cross, and speaking of him, I plan on turning him into a furry so expect a dog Cross coming from me. Other things I plan do draw will be furry art and gore art practice, turns out I really like drawing blood and I got really good at it!
Thank you for reading!
Dream and Nightmare belong to Jokublog
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gaylordscooter · 1 month
Masterpost (wow finally) for my fics
(some of the following fics were written out of order but i'm ordering them properly here)
Also including fanart other people have done for my fics, as well as my designs for these guys
The Bad Sanses Fics:
Say Goodbye to Your Name
i just wanted some fucking clothes why is there a parasite manning the cash register
Our Landlord that we Pay in Fear (collect my pages)
Nightmare('s) Blunt Rotation [unnamed drabble related to it]
I'll Catch You When You Hit Rock Bottom
Don't Bring a Papyrus to the Castle are you Insane
Direct Hit Through the Soul
One Year of This So-Called Hell [Star Sanses Interlude: Tipping the Balance]
Where Fate Leads Us
Getting Lost in Yourself
Blue's (totally not diary) log:
Error (Page 1)
ENTRY HELP [technically fresh's entry]
Cross and XChara
entry number ???
Misc Fics:
Unnamed Ficlet where Error finds out about Ink's soullessness
Fridge (fanart drawn by other people for my fics. my own art can be found in the #utmv tag):
Additional thang (refs for my designs that I write in mind of):
Blue: 1 2 3 (don't mind the mettaton i haven't gotten to writing him yet whoopsie)
Ink: 1
Cross: 1
Fresh: 1
Nightmare and Dream: 1 2 3
Murder Time Trio: 1 2 3 Post-Where Fate Leads Us outfits
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osleeplessflowero · 17 days
Oneshot Masterpost
A collection of my oneshots! Series gradually being updated. These links are specific to Tumblr, BUT I have also posted quite a few of these on my Ao3! I also have fics on there, which I will also be making a masterpost for + uploading the chapters to tumblr.
🏡Neighborhood Series🏡
A series of randomized oneshots that take place in the same universe, a timeline where the skeleton duos all live in their own houses in a singular neighborhood.
In order(with links attached):
🌠Stargazing (Classic Sans! First oneshot I wrote.)🔭
✨Back To You (Also Classic Sans, takes place a little bit after the former.)💤
🏍Stress Relief (Fell/Red! I need to write him again..)💢
📻Close (Blue/Reader) [I don't really like this one that much anymore but I'll keep it up for any that do]🎵
🏖Beach Day (Swap Bros!)🌊
🛍First Meeting (Fell Papyrus/Edge!)🐾
☕️Relax. (Fell Papyrus/Edge!)❄️
🪓Scare Actor!Horror🎃
A series mainly themed for Halloween where Reader has a chance encounter with Horror while going to a Haunted House with their partner. Takes place in a Post-Pacifist Horrortale timeline, so Horror goes by Sans.
Part 1: Scares and a Sudden Friendship🎃🪓
Part 2: Coffee Hangout☕
Part 3: New Experiences // Meeting Papyrus!🥄
📖Fairytale Series🪄
A series of miscellaneous fairytale-based scenarios featuring your favorite skeletons. Some may have connections to others!
👑King!Nightmare/Ruler!Reader(Start of a Bad Sanses series)💢
🌹King!Dream/Ruler!Reader (An alternate timeline to the former concept)🪄
An AU where Stretch and Blue live on a ranch and work as cowboys. The other skeletons ARE present in other areas, but this mainly just focuses on Stretch and his growing relationship with Reader. Could be considered Farmtale inspired.
🥃Part 1: howdy.🍯
🐴Part 2: Going for a ride🏇
💚Nightmare/Multiverse Traveler!Reader✨
An endless game of Cat and Mouse, where Nightmare chases Reader across the Multiverse in order to finally be with them. Mutual pining, we love to see it!!
🎭Part 1: Chasing🌌
🌺Part 2: Blooms. (Angst)🥀
🖤Bad Sanses Shenanigans🔪
A collection of scenarios with everybody's favorite villains.
🎃Pumpkin Carving! (was originally a part of a now cancelled Halloween writing challenge series.)🔪
☃️Snow Day! (Christmas Special)🌨
🛝i'm here. (Dust Comfort)💜
🔪"Knife" To Meet'cha (Killer/Reader #1)🍻
🌹Falling For Ya (Killer/Reader #2(?) ) 🌃
A scenario where Reader is an amalgamate of several different Reader souls, and is hopelessly in love with Science/Classic? Sans.
🧪Part 1: me and the amalgamate i pulled by being a punny guy 🔒
Standalone Oneshots
Oneshots that haven't been made into series yet/are intended to be by themselves.
☔️Chance Encounter (Dream/Reader)🚍
🎶Dream/Fem Reader (Requested)🌳
💌Messages + Confessions (Error/Reader)📄
🫧Into The Sea (Merman!Blue/Reader)🌊
☕Home (Cross/Reader)🏠 (Requested)
Star Sanses HQ Shenanigans(Star Sanses & Reader [Platonic]) (Requested)
Flirting With Death (Reaper/Immune!Reader) (Requested)
🎡Carnival Date (Classic!Papyrus/Reader) (Requested)🧣
😱Frightening New Friend (Horror!Papyrus & Reader)🎃 [Halloween Special]
🌊A Light In The Depths (Mer!Nightmare/Reader)🤿
My oneshot requests ARE OPEN if you would like to submit one, you can check out my rules post here! (You can send requests via Ask(Preferred) or here in the comments if you'd like.) Happy reading!
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fantasblog · 3 months
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I finished making about pastel colors's backstory chapter 2...
"This comic chapter 3 is coming soon"
Characters and belongs:
-pastel colors (an poly star sanses/drinkberry fanchild/combo) by me
-ink sans by comyet/myebi
-Dream sans by jokublog
-Swap sans/underswap!sans by underswapped3
-via swirl (an cavi x aaron shipchild)
5 Comics/art by me
Previous / next
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absurdumsid · 3 months
Okay so not only is there a swapdream there is also a dreamswap
unlike swapdream where it’s only dream and nightmare who have swapped places in dreamswap the star sanses swapped places with 3 of the bad sanses
dream with nightmare ink with cross and blue with error
in dreamswap ds dream only ate 198 apple (there are only 200 apple in dreamswap well in canon dreamtale there were a 1000) the last 2 are held by ds nightmare and his pet chicken Kevin also dream and nightmare aren’t blood siblings in dreamswap
Dreamswap dream wants to eradicate all negative which is something swapdream dream also want to do
swapdream dream aka swad like canon nightmare ate 999 apple however went crazy do to the pure positive the last apple is held by swapdream nightmare aka swan unlinke canon dreamtale swan didn’t get turn to stone he went into hiding since swad is obsessed with catching swan
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Swapdream! Dream [!?] belongs to Song_A
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swiftmitsu · 2 months
more questions since the boredom is at it again 🥴 [i like asking tho lol] 1- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MROE MUSIC RECCOMNDATIONS EEE IT WAS SO GOOD 💥 2- What DnD class would you be [and what would the moral allignment be] if you could choose any 3-WAIT HOW'D YOU DO THE TEXT CHANGE COLOR THING I CAN ONLY DO ThiS [it doesnt melt into another color like the yellow thingy did 😭] 4- what are your top three ships [platonic or otherwise] [[personally poly star sanses 🗣🗣🗣]] 5- HAVE YOU TRIED THE WOOLIES COOKIES PLEASE OMFG THEY'RE SO GOOD THEY MAKE ME ASCEND 🎇 [not the ones with the macedamia, like the one with them BIG CHOC CHIPS EEE THEIR SO YUMMM]
1- AAAA IM GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT okay SOOO. pulls up killer playlist
If I Killed Someone For You by Alec Benjamin (MORE ROMANTIC KILLER EEHHEHE)
ORRR if you want sad/angsty Killer
Happy Face by Jagwar Twin
(has to force himself to be happy to cope with his life man. 🫠)
2- OKAY SO. IVE NEVER ACTUALLY GOTTEN INTO DND. (i really want to play a game one day though💔)
BUT I HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THE CLASSES. I'd definitely would go with Ranger, being Chaotic Good hehehe
3- ISNT IT PRETTY??? (i did it because tumblr removed yellow texts option on desktop >:(( )
unfortunately I think you can only do it on desktop too, since you're unable to change the editor of the posts and stuff on mobile..... >:( (i used this post to help me :3)
okay so honestly, im not much of a shipper lol
KROSS. though, i like seeing them as a queerplatonic pair more :)
KIST ALSO. EHEHEEE theyre both suffering similarly but also differently eueueu let them comfort each other 💔💔💔
but OF COURSE I NEED TO MENTION HORRORDUST. theyre made for each other man i cant even.
(alsO HELL YEAH POLY STAR SANSES EHEH. works good alongside the bad sanses poly *maniacal laughter*)
exposing myself, but i work at a Coles bakery and we get to just. eat the cookies if there's any left over (there always is)
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zucchiyeni · 8 months
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Some facts about him✨(and the group under the cut):
1. Main vocalist in the group and also the oldest/senior and the leader of the STAR SANSES.
2. Since hes the oldest, Dream is the most mature and experienced, with a more calming nature but on stage hes FIREEEE🔥🔥🔥 (hes also the one to look after his 2 juniors Blue and Ink)
3. His outfit's color code is Yellow and Black, and he resembles the sun and the stars.
4. Star sanses group has a happy, upbeat themed song but didnt lose its rockness and freedom.
5. Dream has an angelic voice, but when he got serious, he can sing dark songs sometimes.
6. The more positive the fans, the brighter his pupils get✨
7. At the end of every performance, he'll hand-shooting into the sky a small positive particle and it explodes beautifully like fireworks🎇 (it only works when he gets enough positivity)
This took HOURS of my life, idk if its worth it man☠️ but hes so beautiful-
Outfit design belongs to @tuxibirdie ✨
(this was made since July so the artstyle is so bad :")
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abhainnwhump · 8 months
I'll Make You Mine Masterlist
Read on Wattpad and AO3
NIGHTMARE is a sadistic bastard, that's just a fact. His goal is to corrupt Dream's soul and prevent the Doodlesphere from feeling positive emotions ever again. He has a new plan to do it. His brother is smart enough to know his games, but one of his friends isn't.
INK doesn't know what to think of the letter on his nightstand. It only added onto the strange missing things and nightmares he's been having. Was Nightmare asking him on a date? Pfft, that was ridiculous, there was no way- wait. When did he get so pretty? When did Nightmare get so perfect?
DREAM has the hope of the entire multiverse in his hands. With their best friend and Protector of the Doodlesphere missing, they have to do both Ink's job and their own, along with making sure no one else goes missing. He's stressed and exhausted, but he can't rest now. Come on Dream, stay . . . awake . . .
Content warnings:
- Abusive Inkmare
- Gore
- Graphic body horror
- Medical experimentation without anesthesia; we die like half the characters in this story.
- Physical and psychological torture
- Traumatic events
- HEAVY brainwashing/conditioning
- Stockholm Syndrome/Lima Syndrome
- Dehumanization/objectification
- Major character deaths
- Specific warnings I will put on the chapters that need them.
1. Sadistic Experiment: Nightmare
2. High on Sweetness: Ink
3. The Puppeteer's Warning: Nightmare
4. Nightmares Don't Mean Anything: Ink
5. Last Minute Preparations: Nightmare
6. Let's Get This Over With: Ink
7. Should've Could've Would've: Dream
8. Lure into the Darkness: Nightmare
9. True Colors . . . Or Lack Of: Ink
10. Every Action has Consequence: Dream
11. Perfect Backup: Nightmare
12. Make Me Your Masterpiece: Ink
13. Killer's Twisted Surprise: Dream
14. Behavior Modification: Nightmare
15. Toys Don't Talk: Ink
16. Candy Corruption: Dream
17. The Battle for Birdtale: Nightmare
18. Guardian of Nothing: Ribbon
19. Rainbows Over Shadows: Dream
20. Stitch by Stitch: Nightmare
21. Welcome to the Show: Ribbon
22. Mind Sickness: Dream
23. No More Denial: Nightmare
24. A Night to Remember: Ribbon
25. The Final Star Sans Standing: Dream
26. Backstabbing Crash: Nightmare
27. I Can Fix Him: Ribbon
28. New Ally New Plan: Dream
29. For Our Future: Nightmare
30. Captive to Queen: Ribbon
31. Into the Castle of Night: Dream
32. Restore the Balance: Nightmare
33. Better Late than Never: Ribbon
Ribbon's (Doll!Ink) Reference Sheet
Human Ribbon Reference Sketch
Azurem's Ribbon Art
Shadorio's Ribbon Art
Azurem's Ribbon + Blossom Art
Azurem's Chapter 20 Ribbon Art
Depravitycorner's Ribbon + Blossom Art
Shadorio's "Nightmare Throwing Error off a Balcony in Chapter 24" Art
Azurem's Human Ribbon Art
Artisticauras' Ribbon Art
Related Asks:
Prompt: Killer wants to hang out with Cross (canon, takes place between chapters 31 and 33)
Prompt: Nightmare is a racist
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: Electric Boogaloo
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: The Empire Strikes Back
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: Ribbon officially becomes goth
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: Separate the Star Sanses
Prompt: Nightmare tortures Ink and becomes ableist
Splatoon Classes
Ribbon's Favorite Song
Headcanon: Ribbon's Seasonal Outfits
Ribbon + Blossom take over Wattpad
Nightmare's Villain Song
No Hope for Ink
Ribbon's Birthday
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