#2. the last 2 exercises mentioned before were missing so I'd have to do them by myself fully anyway
my dilemma of the day: should I tell my friends that what they did pissed me off or should I just let it slide
#context is#we have to do some labs for informatics courses which are like a bunch of coding exercises#and usually i just do everything and submit it for the group#and they do a few exercises which i look at quickly to see if they have a simpler method but usually i just keep my things#now last week we had another lab#and it had a lot of exercises#including some that we had to submit individually at the beginning of the session#the day before i managed to get the subject from other classes and did the exercises and sent them to them bc I'm nice#on the day of we all submitted our individual exercises and they were like thanks so much for saving us#then it was time for the usual collective exercises#and I've already gone through a few so they ask me which ones they should try#so i tell them to start on the last couple ones and then make their way up#most of the programs interacted with each other#but the last 2 ones were completely independent so it would've been perfect for them to do that#anyway they looked at the second to last and went no it's too annoying so they didn't even try 🙃#which means that I!! would have to do all the thinking and programming#instead they just looked at what last year's students had put on the dropbox and changed some names#and then just sent them to me#so 1. they did not do what i had asked#2. the last 2 exercises mentioned before were missing so I'd have to do them by myself fully anyway#3. they didn't even test the programs. which i know because some didn't work or didn't match whag was asked#which i could tell from just one glance#so I'm pissed off because i couldn't even refer to what they sent me to have at least a starting point#and i had to do every single exercise by myself 🙃#even tho i was so tired and feeling awful all week#so I'm considering telling them i want to do the labs alone from now on#or not say anything and just set clearer boundaries next time
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queseraone · 8 months
Because I'm a rascal, but also because I really enjoyed the last round of questions: your favorite Chenford *scene* from each season. Only one scene (plus one honorable mention) allowed per season!
Rascal seems like a bit of an understatement!!! The way my brain broke reading this...
This was an interesting exercise. Some were super easy to answer, and some I stewed over for a long time... and I surprised myself with some of my picks actually!
Season 1 This was tricky, but I have to give it to the between-the-wall heart-to-heart in 1x20. The vulnerability is just next level, and this scene is iconic for a reason. I'd argue that this is the first time we can say with absolute certainty that their relationship is more than just TO and rookie.
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Season 1 Honorable Mention: The scene in the shop outside Isabel's apartment in 1x03. It's the first time we see Lucy breaking down Tim's walls. She really shows her empathy here, and he responds with a vulnerability he hasn't allowed with anyone else. They've only been riding together for a few weeks (?) and somehow Lucy knows what he needs, gives him that safe space and a compassion he clearly hasn't seen in a long. time. It's a beautiful showcase of their dynamic together, but also reveals so much about them as individuals.
Season 2 Oh god, oh god, oh god. This is hands-down the hardest season to choose in, because it's my favourite one, and it's home to some of the most iconic scenes. In the end, I had to go with their exchange in the gym at the end of 2x12. In general this episode is one of my favourites, but this scene is so powerful. We see Lucy working through things, taking out her frustration, trying to channel her strength, to get back to herself. And somehow in that moment, Tim manages to make her smile. He opens up to her in a way we've never seen him do before, and most of all, he reminds her how strong she is. UGH, this scene makes me scream in the best possible way.
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Season 2 Honorable Mention: Now that I've picked a favourite, second place is easy—their conversation in 2x17. I've always loved it so much, because between the teasing and the banter, we see this beautiful vulnerability as they talk about the Caleb of it all. It's truly a perfect showcase of their dynamic and everything I love about them. Shit, maybe this is my favourite season 2 scene? AHHHHH IDK
Season 3 I have to go with this scene from the end of 3x09. Hello, excuse me Timothy do you see how you're looking at her????? Also the fact that he dismissed Lucy's comments about missing riding with her earlier in their shift, meanwhile he had already specifically written just that??? AGJLAERGJALGJRLA It's becoming quite clear that my favourite scenes are the ones that I feel most embody their dynamic, and this is no exception—the perfect mix of playful and soft.
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Season 3 Honorable Mention: At the wedding venue in 3x14, duh. THE TUX. THE GREEN DRESS. "Save me a dance." HELP HELP HELP *faints*
Season 4 This was was actually pretty easy for me, it's 4x01, the scene at Tim's house. The fact that Tim not only invited her into his space, he practically insisted. Seeing Lucy wearing his clothes, seeing them together, not just outside of work, but in a very intimate space (at a very vulnerable time)???? That hug?? (That look??!?!) THAT HUG?!?!?!! The way Lucy just melts into him is the visualization of what we'd known for so long—that he's her safe space. (And she's his.) UGH, my heart. The entire exchange just felt so damn hopeful, like one of the first real hints that there was something more bubbling under the surface.
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Season 4 Honorable Mention: While that kiss in 4x22 was so exciting, I have to give it to the scene outside the hospice. The vulnerability we see between them here, seeing Lucy be Tim's safe space—it's such an incredible parallel to 4x01.
Season 5 HANDS HANDS HANDS. This one was also an easy pick, because I think this is my favourite moment EVERRRRRRRRRRR. The way any trace of Jake/Dim vanishes in that moment, and all we're left with is Tim and his visceral need to check in with Lucy, to be that grounding force for her, to remind her that she's here, she's safe, and she's strong. It's just everything.
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Season 5 Honorable Mention: While my #1 scene in this season is easy, it's incredibly hard to pick just one honorable mention. I waffled between the super hot kiss on the plane in 5x01, and the vulnerability in their exchanges in 5x21, and so many other great options... But I think I'd have to say that cold open in 5x10 when we see them getting ready for their date—that whole thing just perfectly embodies everything I love about them. The teasing, the banter, the comfort level between them, the best friend energy, how damn happy they are. It's just so fun and so them and makes me giddy every time I watch it.
I can't wait to see which scene will top my list for season 6... as of now it's obviously this one (I just want to watch this again, so here you go!)
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weird-is-life · 2 years
When night falls, I am your escape #12
Summary: After avoiding her home town for a long time because of the boy who broke her heart. Y/N goes home to spend the longest time there in 15 years. The problem is that he is home, too. Daniel wants to reconnect with her but she wants nothing more than to just avoid him.
Warnings: language, mentions of dinner, angst, fluff, kiss
Chapters: 12/12
Words: 3k Masterlist
A/N: This is the last chapter of the series. I suck at endings, so i'm sorry in advance lol. In all seriousness, thank you so much for reading this. It means a lot to me. Thank you Thank you Thank you
Lastly, here's the song, that always made me feel inspired, while writing this series, also peak the lyrics😉. Enjoy!
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I spent the remaining 2 days, locked in the house. Refusing to answer any questions about my mood from my parents. I ignored every phone call and message from Daniel and some other people by turning my phone off. I just sat in my room with packed bags and I replayed what exactly had happened.
It was like my mind and body, completely shut down after the kiss. Like some kind of protective mode was triggered in me. And to be honest, it was kind of obvious why. I mean, I didn't want to get hurt as I had before.
I wanted to protect my heart from the heartbreak, refusing to acknowledge the feelings I developed for Daniel.
After 2 days of impatiently waiting for my flight out of there, I said my teary-eyed goodbyes to my parents and got on the plane.
When I finally got home after the long flight, I let out a huge breath of relief and slammed my body on the huge bed, immediately falling asleep.
But I did the mistake of turning my phone on, well I didn't have any other choices I needed for work. I found so many missed calls and texts, not just from Daniel, but from Mike and Michelle.
I did what I knew the best, I ignored them, and instead, I threw myself into the work, completely shutting out everything else.
Daniel was losing his mind from the worry. You weren't picking up the phone or answering his texts.
He was scared, he'd hurt you. He didn't want things to get the way they were. He didn't want you to ignore his existence.
He wanted to know if you were okay. But he didn't want to push you. So he stopped texting you, hoping you'd reply to his text.
And when you didn't, he got only worried more. He did the only thing he could think of and drove to your house, hoping to see you.
He didn't find you behind the door, instead, he was met by your mom.
"Oh hi Dan, wasn't expecting to see you here," she said.
"Hi, is y/n here? I'd like to talk to her" he nervously chew on the inside of his cheek.
"I'm sorry, but she just left a few hours ago. Her flight already took off" she said with sympathy in her voice.
"She did?" Daniel asked disappointed and your mom nodded.
"Did she say anything a-about me? Like did she leave any note?" he asked, he hoped you wouldn't just leave without saying or writing, anything.
"No, I'm sorry. Was she meant to?" she asked and Daniel's face dropped.
"No no, it's alright. I was just wondering... - it doesn't matter. Thank you for letting me know. I have to go now, it was nice to see you."
"Bye Daniel" she waved him goodbye, looking worriedly at him.
Daniel wasn't really surprised, you left. He kind of expected it, but it still stung. He hoped, he could talk to you about everything. He hoped, he could make everything clear between the two of you.
He didn't know, what to do. He behaved weirdly, like everybody could see something was wrong. They didn't want to push him to tell them what was wrong with him. But eventually, Mike had enough of his sulking and asked him, while they were working out.
"Okay, I've had enough of this. Spill it, what happened?" Mike couldn't stand to look at his mopey figure any longer. Daniel was messing up the exercises and it drove Michael crazy.
"What do you want me to say?" Daniel looked at him.
"I don't know, how about what's been bugging you for days now?"
"It's nothing, forget about it. Let's just go back to the training" Daniel wasn't really in the mood to talk.
"No, we will not train, until you tell me what's up" Mike insisted.
"Just let it go" Daniel was stubborn as always.
"C'mon Dan, it's me, just tell me."
"I kissed her," Daniel told him.
"Kissed her? What are you talking about?"
"Y/N, i kissed Y/N. For crying out loud" Daniel raised his voice in frustration. He was angry at himself about this whole situation.
"You kissed Y/N?" Michael stared at him, mouth wide open.
"Yes! Fuck, I'm such a fucking idiot" Daniel crouched down, putting his head in his hands.
"She didn't kiss you back?" Mike asked, he didn't know why his friend was so upset about it. I mean, he was like 99 percent sure you liked Daniel back.
"She did, but then...-but then she pushed me away, saying it was a mistake and shut the door in my face without any explanation" Daniel explained angrily, " I fucked up, didn't I?"
"Such a fucking idiot" he murmured to himself.
"Have you tried calling her? I'm sure, it will have an expl-"
"I tried, but she completely ignored me and she's already in London" Daniel desperately explained. He already gave up trying to text you.
"She left already? But I don't understand" Daniel picked his head up from his hands to look at Mike's confused stare.
"What do you not understand? I kissed her and she left" Daniel was beginning to get irritated by him.
"No, I get that. But I don't understand why would she kiss you back and then leave" he clarified.
"I don't know, maybe she still hates me" Daniel tugged at his hair lightly.
"She doesn't hate, I'm pretty sure, she likes you back" Mike argued.
"Well, then I don't know why. I thought we were cool again" Daniel huffed in defeat.
"Maybe you're just that bad of a kisser" Mike tried to lighten the mood with a joke.
"Not funny" Daniel glared at him.
"But wait? Why did you kiss her in the first place? What happened to stay friends? " Mike squinted his eyes at him.
" I don't know why I did it" Daniel lied.
"You don't know? Oh but I think you do" he pointed an accusatory finger at Daniel.
"I don't. "
"You still love her, admit it," Mike said and Daniel stayed quiet. There was no point in trying to lie, he knew Michael knew the truth.
"I knew it" he half-yelled," but wait, what are we going to do?"
"We? We aren't going to do anything, I just want to know if she is okay" Daniel said.
"Yes we, I'm going to help you" Mike stated.
"How exactly are you going to do that?"
"I'll try to call her. "
"What?.... You know what sure, call her" Daniel immediately lit up.
"I will call her after you're done training. Now move your ass" Mike said.
"You're such an asshole" Daniel complained.
Mike kept his promise and tried to call you. Of course, you didn't pick up. He even texted you and no response.
Mike told Michelle about it and basically, Daniel's whole family found out about it. They didn't comment on it or do anything about it, they didn't want to make him feel worse than he already had.
But if it wasn't for his mom, he wouldn't have done anything about it, too.
"Daniel, get your shit together and go talk to her," she said to him.
"She doesn't want to see me and besides I wouldn't know where to find her" Daniel replied.
"Don't make the same mistake again. Here take this" she handed him a small piece of paper.
"What's this?"
"You can find y/n there" she smiled at him
"How did you get this?"
"Doesn't matter, you should just go, follow your heart for once" she encouraged him.
"But I don't think she wants to see me" he protested.
"Daniel, I swear to god, that if you don't go after that girl, I'm gonna kick your ass" she threatened him and Daniel thought, she looked too serious about it like she might kick his ass.
"Y/N is just scared of getting hurt again by you. You have to go and show her, that you won't do that" she added, her expression softened.
"You're right.... as always" Daniel admitted, "thanks mom."
Daniel took the advice to his heart and was ready to tell you everything. He stayed in Perth for a few more days, until he had to leave back to England for work. He hoped not just for work, but that he'd find you and make everything right.
It was Friday night and I was cooking dinner when the bell rang through my apartment.
I stopped stirring the soup with confusion laced in my face, thinking about who could it be. I was sure, that I didn't invite anyone over. All my friends were out of town, so I had no idea who it was.
I thought maybe a neighbor, needed something.
I went to open the door to see who it was. But something told me to look through the peephole in the door first.
I took a look and immediately backed away from the door.
Daniel stood there and I didn't understand what he was doing there. He was supposed to be still in Perth as far as I knew. He wasn't supposed to be standing in front of my door, looking so anxious.
But I didn't open the door, I stayed quiet hoping he would just go away. The only sound I could hear for a while was my breathing and the silent sounds coming from the pots in the kitchen. That was until the bell resonated in the room again, making me jump and yelp from the unexpected ringing.
I still hoped, that Daniel didn't hear my hushed yell and he would just leave.
"Y/N, I know you're here. Please I j-just want to talk. Please" I could hear his pleading voice coming from the other side of the door. I didn't answer.
"Please Y/N, just hear me out" Daniel wasn't giving up just yet. But after the maybe fourth time I heard him call out my name and I still didn't say anything, he gave up.
"I'm gonna go, I'm sorry" he left soon after he said those words.
I stood in the middle of the hall for a few more minutes, wondering if I was being stupid about everything.
I mean, Daniel showed he had changed. He showed that he wasn't the same stupid teenager anymore, that he wasn't going to hurt me like that again and i was still scared to let him in.
I liked him and that scared me even more. But it was so like me to overthink things like that and then push people away. Just like this.
I stayed frozen in the hallway until I smelled something burning.
It was fair to say, that all that was left of my food, was just charcoal. So not only my mood was ruined, but also my dinner. Great, right?
Besides burning food on Friday nights, I spent my time mostly just at work. The drive from my flat to the office was way too familiar now, i could drive there with my eyes closed.
I pushed out every other thought from my mind except for work.
Today was not different. I woke up, did my morning routine, got in my car, and drove to the work.
I managed to get a lunch in between going through a huge pile of paperwork and many cases. And as always i was the last one to leave the office. Everybody was long gone, when i packed my bag and started walking to the garage.
The only difference from the usual sight of my car was, that i saw a person standing, more like leaning, next to the car. It made me halt my steps, i recognized the figure straight away. Dread filled my body along with some questions.
'What is he doing here?'
'How does he know i work here?'
I thought about turning around and walking to the nearest bus station or calling a taxi instead of getting to my car. But it was to late as i heard him say.
"Hello miss, is this your car? 'Cause I wanted to compliment the owner of it for having such a beauty" he smirked at me. It was clear, he was trying to ease the tension between us. It worked, but just a little.
"What are you doing here?"
"You know why I'm here. I want to talk " he looked at me as i took a few steps to be closer to him.
"Talk about what?" i played dumb. Obviously, i knew, what he had on his mind, but i didn't want to think of it.
"C'mon Y/N, you know what" he pleaded.
"But there's nothing to talk about" i stubbornly replied.
"Yes,there's plenty to talk about. For instance the kiss or why you have been avoiding me" he objected.
"Yeah, we kissed and it was a mistake. Let's just forget about it and move on" i desperately wanted to leave and not to face the feelings i knew, i had for him.
"And what if i don't want to move on?" he asked.
"I-..." i didn't know how to reply to that. Part of me didn't want to move on too, but the other part, the scared part, was screaming at me to leave.
"I don't want to move on and lose you again. You mean too much to me, you have always meant so much to me. I was an idiot to let you go then, i'm not doing the same mistake again. There's just no way" he said and when i still didn't say anything he continued.
" You know how i said i loved you? " he asked and I uncertainly nodded.
"Well, i don't think i ever stopped. It's funny actually, i spent years trying to forget you, and all it took for the feelings to come back, was just one look at you. Just one look and boom, they were back like they'd never left" he laughed dryly and then expected you to say something, anything really, back.
"Daniel, what do you want me to say?" i asked distressed.
"Honestly? That you feel the same" he softly said.
"I do..." i irrationally whispered.
"I do feel the same. It's...-It's just that..." I trailed off.
"It's just what? " he patiently waited for me to tell him what was in my mind.
"I'm scared. Frightened actually" i confessed with glossy eyes.
"Scared?" he asked as soon as the question left his mouth. The realization settled in his mind.
"Scared of getting hurt," I said with a low-pitched voice. I was trying so hard to not let the tears fall down my cheeks and Daniel noticed it.
"God, I'm such an asshole for ever hurting you" i couldn't hold the tears in any longer and they started to run down my cheeks, "I promise you, that I'm not going to do that again. Never again" he promised and hesitantly lifted his hands to brush the tears away. I instantly leaned into his touch, when his palms touch my skin.
"Please, don't cry. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I will leave now, I didn't want to make you feel hurt" he didn't want to see you cry, because of him. It made the heart in his chest break at the sight of your upset face.
"Do you mean it?" I sniffled and opened my eyes to look at him. At this point, I was ready to give him the second chance. His hands were still on my cheeks.
"Every single word" he whispered, "I swear, I won't hurt you again. I'm pretty sure, my mom would kill me, I did" he joked.
" You're such a dumbass, how can you make jokes right now," I asked with a small smile breaking through my frown.
"I'm sorry" he chuckled.
"So what do you say, will you forgive me and give me a second chance? I won't let you down, i swear" he inquired.
"No," I said with stony features and his smile immediately dropped. Disappointment filled his face.
"W-what?" he stuttered, taking a step back from me. He prayed, that he just misheard, that instead of no you said yes. I tried to keep the smile in me. I didn't mean the no, I said it just to tease him.
Of course, I forgave him. I was ready to forgive him, the moment I saw how desperate he looked.
When I had enough of his hurt and confused expression. I grabbed him by the shirt, pulled him close to me, and kissed him on the lips.
He didn't need long to kiss me back, melting into the kiss. I buried my hands in his hair and he pulled me even closer to him by my waist.
By the time we pulled away, our lips were slightly swollen and Daniel's hair was a mess.
Our foreheads were against each other and we had wide smiles on our faces.
"So is that a yes? Will you give me a chance?" he asked sheepishly.
"Definitely" I beamed at him and he cheered, lifting his fist up in the air and I just chuckled at his antics.
"Are you hungry?" he looked at me with warmth and affection.
"Starving" i responded.
"Great, so do you want to go eat? I know this one awesome restaurant" he said, already pulling me after him.
"Is this supposed to be a date?" i grinned at him.
"Of course, what else would it be? " he grinned back at me.
"Okay," I smiled.
"C'mon" he gently pulled me by my hand.
"Where are you going? My car is here" I pointed at it.
"We are taking my car, it's faster" he smirked at me.
"But what about my car?"
"Leave it here, I'm sure it will be fine," he said and resumed walking.
"Dan..." I wanted to protest, but gave in and walked with him. We left my car behind, hand in hand with the biggest smiles ever.
And as I let Daniel drag me to his car, I knew, I was in trouble. But if it meant Daniel was the trouble, I was very happy to be part of it. Always.
Taglist: @mgajdaaa @theworldofemmy @wonderlandofsu @eniram-du @citylights31 @readerselegance @queenanababy @starxq @tall-tanned-tattoo @dr3lover @scotlynaurora
For the last time, thank you for reading. Feedback is always appreciated. Let me know what you think about the ending.
Also huuuge thank to Hannah for helping me. You're the best!!!
Have a great day and stay safe everybody. Peace out ☀️
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Abandoned By The Altar
Part 1; When you were young.
A timeline oriented story focused on your once perfect childhood relationship as Diluc's bride to be, soon becoming estranged after the death of his father and his neglect. You only wish now that he looks at you the same way he did when you heard you were supposed to be together forever when you were young.
Pairings -> Diluc x Reader (Currently both young)
Word Count -> 3611
Themes -> Initial Fluff, don't be fooled by the title and summary, not yet at least lol-
Series -> #Bonafide Specials (100 followers event) Part 2
Warnings -> None, tooth-rotting adorkable fluff, this is part 1
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The redness of his hair poked out like the moon in a blanketed, dark sky at the dead hours of the sky. His glaring flame of a hair starking in contrast against the sea of cecilias.
There were three knocks to the Winery that day and his father, renowned businessman, had greeted a new set of faces to their humble abode.
Diluc was but a mere child who had lived for eight years and he had exercised his mind to remember the people that had come and go. They were always regal in aura, high in stature, brimming with promises of riches. This occasion had the same weight, but with a lesser intensity with the politeness the merchant family carried.
As usual, business matter were talked about by the adults and Diluc, the young had no means to pry.
So when he finally stared at you, he was pleasantly surprised. Visitors were usually taller, more mature, and came there to talk about adult stuff... never had he met a child the same as he come with those that come talk about finances.
You slightly flinched back when your stares connected, from what he did not know why, but you carry the same shock and intrigue he felt. "H-Hello there!" Crepus ghosted a look at the two children with a wistful and amused look, softening at the sight. His sole child had always been demure and the distance from Mondstadt had kept him away from opportunities of friendship, so when your parents revealed you as their tag-along to their business proposal, he thought it was too good a coincidence to pass. He, however, didn't expect Diluc to be the first to talk.
"Hi, hi!" You bounded up to him as if barreling, your initial nerves dominated by childlike wonder as your eyes darted over him, so fast even that he doesn't know where they had already gone. "Your- your hair, eyes! So pretty!" You placed your hands on his shoulders enthusiastically, missing a distant horrified gasp and a slight shush. "Like, like... fire tornadoes!"
"Fire tornadoes...?" Diluc asked warily and you vigorously explained how the wildness of his hair carried the chaos of tornadoes that had caught a raging flame in its razor winds.
You had always been an eccentric child, your mother reasoned with the older Ragnvindr but earned a hearty chuckle. No harm done, he assured as he can't seem to take his eyes off the two of you, even tho his business was right in front of him.
After proper introductions between the two children, and a promise of a longer talk, your supposed quick visit somehow made its way to dinner.
The many servants of the Winery had caught wind of the sudden changes in the itinerary and they were quick to adapt on the preparations of dinner. In the backdoors of kitchens and maid halls there were surprising chatter that accompanied them as they work. "Young Master Diluc and the merchant's little girl seems to be getting along quite well," the nanny and the other maids started the gossip with fervor at the intriguing news. "It's greatly the reason why Master Crepus had entertained them this long, the gardener caught wind of how amused he is just watching the two interact." When the banquet table was completed before the diners had arrived, a lot of the servants hid behind the cracks of the doors to watch the spectacle for themselves, to guarantee if the rumor that spread like wildfire was true and not some hallucination.
There was a quiet series of gasps and 'aw's when the main door opened to reveal the owners of the house and its current honored guests. The towering adults parted to display you clutching to Diluc's sleeve as he guided you to extra long table, a display that you seem to not be used to based on their observations as you felt lost on which large seat to take.
And the young master thought of this as the perfect opportunity to show off the things he had learned in his sessions of proper etiquette. Locating the nearest seat, Diluc pulled the chair out and gestured you to take a seat before gently pushing it back under the table. Satisfied with the distance, he made his way opposite of you as a sign of respect for his guest.
Crepus, your mother and father watched in amusement... as you two took your seats at the other end of the table farthest from them. But they paid no mind to call you two over when they saw how engrossed you are over your own conversation.
The chatter that night was boisterous and lively on all parties, for besides business and wine, all had talked with the atmosphere of good friends.
And dinner turned into a promise of a sleepover, how generous of the Ragnvindr family. The master of the house simply reasoned that Mondstadt was still a distance from the Winery, and it was too dangerous to travel at this time of night. But the servants knew more than they had let on, for they too felt the somberness in the eyes of Diluc when your parents announced your need to departure.
At this point, this whole visit was now held up by the fact that it was their young master's opportune time for a play date.
The whole day you two had been inseparable. Either being connected physically or just naturally stuck to each other's side through and through. Despite his innate nature to be a recluse or lack of communication among his age group, Diluc find himself not at all minding the way you stuck close to him like this.
When everyone else had departed, you and Diluc were still wide awake in the parlor in front of the blazing fireplace, your hands buried in his wild hair as you talked about your travels before coming to Mond. The young man hums as replies with his eyes closed, concentrated on the way you weave your hands through his fiery locks as you made tiny braids here and there.
Once Crepus had finished tonight's negotiation and seek out his own child (of which was missing from his room) he happened upon the two of you coddled up between a fort of pillows and blankets. The fireplace long been extinguished as the children slumbered.
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You were noble not by blood, but by high commerce. Your parents had been travelling all over the continent to procure business opportunities and partnerships, and their duo of both financial prowess and economic behavior mastery had earned them a place in high society and funding. Noble merchants who had found themselves in the city of freedom with their sole child in tow.
The true goal was to establish at least one commerce ports and business services in EVERY nation in Teyvat, and that requires a lot of scouting and connections to do so.
Because of the constant move, you had seen A LOT and met quite a thousand of people in every walks of life. At your young age you barely remember them all truly but the loneliness within you was not something that can easily be quenched, as travelling meant leaving everyone behind for an indefinite time.
Diluc was a one of a kind boy, most probably because you had yet to step foot in the land of the Pyro Archon, but his red hair intrigued you to wit's end. It was reminiscent of a campfire that protects you from the cold of the night, the last hues of sunset in the horizon over the cliffs of your expedition, the sweet taste of fresh strawberries hand picked from the Inazuman plantations.
So at the news of settling down for a few years in Mondstadt reached your ears, unadulterated tears of pure happiness flowed out of your eyes so shockingly that you didn't even notice them immediately.
Not until you felt small hands cup your cheeks, its thumbs fervently swiping at the wetness. Your wide eyes met Diluc's worried ones and he asked if you're alright with a gentleness you've never heard from him. You grinned, "We can play again tomorrow, Diluc!"
And the three adults in the distance sighed in great relief as your mood lifted.
You cupped back Diluc's cheeks to reciprocate and gasped in overdramatic wonder at how soft and squishy they were, squealing, and then tackling him back into the soft beds of Cecilias.
"They've really become quite close ever since we touched Mondstadt," Crepus smiled behind his cup of tea and reveling himself with the warmth it brought to his throat.
"Honestly, our daughter needs to learn manners after him. She's always been so rowdy, I was scared the young master would have run away from her brashness," your mother quipped in before picking up her own cup to savor.
Crepus shared a glance with your father as they both found their gaze back to the both of you. "Practically inseparable," they hum, "I'd say we might as well seal them together to make sure our bloodlines prosper."
Your mother choked. "Are you implying- Diluc and (Y/N)?!" At the mention of your names, you and your companion turned your heads to the adults. "An arranged marriage? At such an early age too!"
"What's an arranged marriage?" The children spat out at the same time, informing the older people of the audience they had brought upon themselves. Crepus smiles warmly at the sight of your tiny arms wrapped around Diluc's shoulder as the redhead holds a Cecilia in place by your ear.
"It's a serious promise," the Ragnvindr started, "it makes sure that both of the people stays together forever their whole lives. After a grand ceremony." Diluc knew when his father talked about serious business and that's when he usually pays attention to his words, even if majority of the time it's something he barely understands.
But the thought of being able to be with each other together forever, the young boy slowly turned his head to face you, which urged you to look at him too. There was the same color of his hair splattered at his cheeks, but his gaze on you was wide and wondrous, as if asking a silent question, "I would love to be with Diluc forever! How about you, Diluc? Do you, do you?"
"I-I do! Yes!" The young redhead tried to match your enthusiasm as the older men chuckled, your mother silently dying at the predicament.
"Then that settles it!" Crepus mused, "Even tho I didn't expect my son to be the one getting proposed on."
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April 29th, the day before Diluc's 9th birthday, the first birthday of his that you would be in attendance.
The servants of the house had been busy preparing for the grand event for days now, and tasks were more than piled up on the day before the true date. Hence why you'd find yourself playing with Diluc outside of the mansion without adult supervision. Your parents had helped in organizing the party with Diluc's father, as it also doubles as an opportunistic moment of meeting nobles and honorable businessmen all over Teyvat.
"Are you excited for tomorrow, Dilu? Just imagine the towering cake, so many food, and toys!" You two were passing by the grapevines of the winery, fascinated by the shining grapes under the direct gaze of the sun.
"Mmm, there would be a lot of people tho, lots of talking and talking," you plucked a healthy looking grape from the vine before you finally looked at your companion, finding a cute little pout between his smooth and chubby cheeks. "You know I'm not good around many people."
You cooed at the confession, indulging momentarily by patting his cheek (Diluc raised an eyebrow at your weird obsession over them) before patting his shoulder, "Well, well, as your fi- financee?" Fiancée, he corrected. "Yeah that! I'll be right by your side, if you need help, I'll be right there!"
When you saw him relax under your enthusiastic grin, you patted yourself on the back before expertly throwing the lone grape into your mouth. And crunched.
"Well, I guess you're much better with people- are you okay?"
The sourness. The undeniably waxy peel. Your teeth colliding with the core seed. Diluc watched your face contort from surprise to disgust to pure horror as you frantically whip your head from side to side in search of something, yet finding nothing you slightly bow your head.
"(Y/N), hey, what's wrong-" he reached his hand out and under to cup your jaw and raise your face to meet his, but in a manner of time seemingly slowing down, these events happened: you opened your mouth to discard the disgusting grape to the ground when in some funny coincidence, Diluc's open hand reached out under your chin, the wet and slimey prune of a grape plopping on his palm spot-on with a sound of disgust escaping you.
When you'd open your eyes, you gasped at the sight before you. Whipping your head up, you've seen the most horrified look Diluc had ever worn as he stared straight at his hand, barely moving and breathing.
When one of the maids finally caught sight of the two children, she'd found you crying in distress as you wailed 'I broke Diluc, I broke him!' while the boy himself stood and looked just the same as you'd seen him last, still staring at the disgusting grape in his hand.
The festivities started the next day with you not by his side.
Guests were already swarming in given that the night has started its period. Crepus made sure that all of the preparations are in accordance with the party, yet he knew just how distressed and frantic his son has been acting, no matter how hard he tries to hide it.
He kneels in front of Diluc, finally getting his frenzied stares to settle on him. He offers a reassuring smile. "Are you looking for her?" Diluc was bashful in being caught but nodded regardless, earning a chuckle and a hand ruffling his hair. "Don't worry, she will come."
"But what if she doesn't?" His stubborn nerves replied still with uncertainty.
"You two promised to be together, no grape can easily break that," at the mention of the incident, his son gagged and whined at the reminder, causing another robust chuckle form in his throat. When Crepus has heard of the 'incident' that transpired yesterday, he had to stop himself from wheezing to comfort his own son.
At the better reminder Diluc found himself smiling again brought upon his faith on you and Crepus sighed in relief. That was when they heard a familiar voice shout from the distance.
Your little form broke through the crowd that had obscured your form, dressed up in a simple red chiffon dress and a massive white bow that holds as a belt. Crepus stepped to the side so you could approach the birthday boy yourself, presenting the red box in your hand with a trembling grip, you stood with nerve-wracking composure they've never seen you don before. "H-Happy birthday, Diluc! I uhm I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday, I really am! So I- so I bought you some gloves, so you'll never have to worry about your hands next time."
Crepus quirked an amused eyebrow at the 'next time' as he watches his son take upon the gift and opening it immediately, inside was a simple pair of white gloves with gold lines across its back and a pop button to keep it in place. When he fitted it, it was just the right size and fit his normal attire perfectly.
You watched him warily when you finally met eyes, opening your mouth to ask if he had liked it— when you were suddenly met by a hug, his fluffed up hair almost covering half of your hair. "Thank you, I like it. But you're late..." you laughed in relief as you squeezed him so tight, saying you were sorry with a giggle.
Diluc's father then watched on with a smile as the two of you held hands, disappearing in the sea of guests to mingle and admire the decorations they had put on for his birthday. At least, this time, he didn't have to worry that his son felt alone.
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Your reckless imprudence and its adverse karma took a lot longer to manifest than anyone had expected. But it came with a paradoxical event both good and evil when you and Diluc were aged 10.
It was a rare occasion that it was Diluc who was visiting you (instead of the other way around) in Mondstadt's walled city. His father had the tavern to tend to that day and had entrusted Diluc's presence to you, the one who had been roaming the city for about two years now.
In your excitement and his cluelessness, you dragged your friend around the city for an impromptu tour guide. The cathedral, the statue, the HQ of Ordo Favonius; you exhausted him all the way as you somehow managed to find your way past the bridge and into the lush greenery of the outside of the walled city. He needed a breather, and you found the fresh air and quiet to be just the perfect spot.
The sound of rushing water in the distance helped as white noise for your relaxation, as you both stared up in the clear sky together, occasionally pointing at objectified clouds. At some point, Diluc had closed his eyes when the faint breeze urged him to rest more and he gave in just as easily.
The sound of your light musings grounded him just the same, together with the flowing stream and the distant pitter patter against the grass... pitter patter?
"DILUC, WATCH OUT-!" A force came bouldering against his side as he cried out in pain and shock, barreling against the grassland as he unceremoniously tumbles with the perpetrator. He snapped his eyes wide open and sat up quickly to look at what had come to your area—
And you laid there next to him, remnants of frost littering your clothes and climbing up your skin. As Diluc gathered you up in his arms, he felt the sting of the cold as he pulled your trembling form against his chest. At his peripheral he distinguished a few cryo slimes a few feet away, where he sees the dent on the grass he once laid on just moments prior.
"(Y/N)- (Y/N)! No, nonono stay with me, you're okay, please tell me you are," his body wracked in suppressed sobs as you desperately clung to his warmth. Your eyes were squeezed shut in pain as your teeth clatter and whimper from frostbite. He squeezed and pulled you closer up to his chest, desperately hoping the ice would melt before it engulfed you whole.
His gloved hands gripped at your back when he locked eyes with the slimes, watching them slowly advance to the both of you and he watched helplessly without any weapon at his arsenal to protect you two.
For the first time in his life, Diluc felt utterly useless and helpless at the face of looming death. And he prayed with eyes shut, to any Gods that spared him an ear, to give them divine intervention to help you two. To pray that there was something he can do, to pray that if only he was stronger—
And his world turned red around him.
Frost melted.
Grass charred.
Slimes dissipated.
In front of him a Vision was born.
A year and a half after that ordeal, you find yourself in the dimly lit hallways of Dawn Winery.
Diluc had expressed his intention to join the Knights of Favonius a day after he received his Vision, with a resolve you've never seen him wear before. He looked at you with longing yet courage of another promise, when you came to the same day. Ever since then, your visits became scarce and your play time had lessened, as you were left to watch him train in every hour of his day with either his father or one of the adept guards of the Winery.
You've never thought you'd wish to be able to wield a sword greatly to par that of a knight, if only to be trusted enough to wield the weapon against him in the guise of training. Ever since that incident everyone had treated you with utmost care and gentleness, even your dearest friend who had always gone along with your reckless spurs of action.
Today you were hoping to catch him on a day off from his sessions but it seems awfully quiet this time around and you were left to ponder with your thoughts as no one came to aid you with answers. You would press your ear against the numerous doors, linger to hear anyone, and then moved on to another if you come out empty-handed.
You were on your way to the last door of the hallway when you heard someone clear their throat behind you. You whipped your head in the thought that you had found your person of interest—
"What are you doing here?" But instead of the fiery red you were seeking for, you met a cold blue gaze that carried hidden hostility and confusion. You blinked at him as he did at you, an agonizing second passing with silence, and he opens his mouth once more to ask.
"I like your eyepatch!"
Somehow, you seem to have a knack on making people stutter on your first meetings.
Kaeya was no exception.
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I didn't expect this to end with a cliffhanger holy shit, I loved writing this so much but I got caught up with so many other works and— it just became too long to continue...
Part 2 tomorrow midnight once again!
@creation-magician @boxofteenageideas @your-local-venti-simp @indigodreamtime47
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hugee0715 · 6 years
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2 weeks into the year I cut my hair, probably like 80% of it. Which I quickly regretted. It just seems like every year starts with me doing something to myself, except this one. This January there'll be no surprise, promise.
I also had to decide what schools and courses I wanted to apply to until the 15th. So being the person that I am, at 23:20 on the 14th I submitted all the forms. Earth science, civil engineering or software engineering? I had another 6 month to find out which path my life would take.
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This photo was taken at around 6 in the morning when I was on my way to a nearby city to take a language certification exam. I was so nervous because I was going into the C1 level right away, basically blindly with no exam experience whatsoever. I remember arriving and meeting 3 other girls who were there for the exam too. We started chatting and they all said that they took the B1 level previously because their teacher advised them. One has already failed, this was her second time. One was there with a whole book of exercises. They all looked so prepared and for a moment I panicked. If I were to fail that day, I'd have had 40 less points for my university application. And a lost bet with my girlfriend. But I didn't fail neither of those.
I also got my girl into MBTI that month, which quickly became the new astrology of our relationship. ENFP-INTP pairing. Cute, huh?
This was the month where I kind of chilled down for a moment. It was totally unjustifiable but I still did, thinking I've got plenty of time still till exams would start. I was going to school, doing some small preparations but nothing major.
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Now this was the month where I regretted all the laziness back in March. My days were counted and I know that makes it sound like I was about to be executed but that's exactly how I felt.
On top of that, in the middle of the month my mum got hospitalized suddenly. It was supposed to be just a check but they didn't let her leave after it. My days were spent with visiting her instead of going to school. She scared us shitless but slowly she started getting better with each day and by the second week she was already coming home.
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Oh May. I had graduation right at the beginning of the month and 2 days later my week of exams started. A peaceful image of my table right before maths exam. 20 minutes later it wasn't as peaceful anymore.
School ended for good and we had a monthish time before the second part of it all, which are the oral exams.
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So many papers, hundreds of pages littered everywhere. Stress, overthinking, contemplating why I even applied for software engineering when I was so sure I'd fail the comsci exam, procrastinating, some self pity and over all panic.
One of the exceptions was this day, my mum's work did a little event. They work with old people, helping handicapped elders. A school building full of people who long left the classrooms, doing all kinds of crafts, little games and even some shooting outside. We sat around painting on glass, doing things we probably haven't done together in like a decade.
29 out of 50 so be careful, sharp shooter right here.
The 25th came around and at 20:00 sharp the point limits went live. The website instantly crashed by the tens of thousands of people and my blood was loudly rushing inside my head. Once it finally let me in I was scanning through the names of the different universities, then different faculties and lastly the different courses. Earth science. 290. Less than the previous years. A lot less actually. I got into the place I wanted to so badly. I got in by a ridiculous amount of points.
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An accidental snapshot of my feet while I am having a mediocre melt down in the middle of a bridge over the Danube. The morning started horrendously, I left my student ID at home but I only realized it on the train. Which meant I couldn't buy discounted tickets but I didn't have enough money for the full price ones. So I called mum who called a friend who has a car that they have to come to the city with my ID within 20 minutes because if I miss the train I'll be late and won't be able to enroll to uni. That got solved last minute when they arrived 4 minutes before the train left, which then arrived to Budapest an hour late, the tram was out of service so I took one of the replacement busses but they only went till the Pest end of Petőfi bridge. Which meant I had to walk over when I was already running late so we could very well say that I was done at this point with life and everything.
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With this picture we can confirm that I wasn't late for enrollment. This is the place most of my days are spent at. The days leading up to me having to move were filled with a weird type of anxiety. It wasn't the kind I was familiar with, it wasn't as scary. As consuming, as toxic. It was kind of exciting, like the feeling you get before getting on a roller coaster. My girl made it feel like that, the security of having her. If there's one good thing about LDR then it's the fact that I can literally have her anywhere with me and it feels like not much has changed. The calmness that this gave me was beyond understandable. I still had her, so there was no need to panic.
Of course it was still a little challenging, the whole change in our schedules and although it sometimes got a little frustrating, she was understanding and I need to thank her for being my safe spot, for making me so brave when I used to be so scared. Without her I would have never been able to do this and she knows that.
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This is my view everyday when I go to work and back home. A city of so much magic and beauty and also a city that I can't wait to share with my love.
We had our first anniversary. A whole year of being together. I got off of work just in time before it turned midnight in the Philippines. I had a bag of cookies I made the previous day to show, cute, heart shaped ones. Maybe it wasn't the most ideal way or how I imagined it but the meaning behind it is still the same. A year of loving eachother, slowly changing, slowly realizing who we truly are as a team.
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I made that! My job's description would most likely be miscellaneous. I stand at the counter, make coffee, help customers, sometimes clean or go to the post office, I'm responsible for the paper bags and cups, but on the weekends, I bake. I spend all my Sundays there quietly doing my job. Cookies, pies and as it was getting closer to Christmas gingerbread as well. I had the most tiring days, one time I spent 12 hours there building 6 of these trees and around another 400 of normal figures. My hands got inflamed by the end of the night because of all the icing I had to squeeze out. But nonetheless this is a good first job. I get to learn around really nice and helpful people. Not even mentioning all the free food I get.
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A happy girl living a more challenging life than ever but still enjoying it like it's nothing.
Decembers are nice. I think back to all the things that happened this year and how different they were compared to last year. I was whining for 66.66666% of the 2017 post. And for the 2018 one all I can think about are the good good things that happened. None of the bad matters. I had one of the worst and one of the best years of my life after one another. No doubt about that.
So yeah,
2018 was a year that will truly be missed. I loved it. But no need to mourn anything because 2019 will give me even more things to write about at the beggining of 2020. Not to even mention 2021. This is far from the end.
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seven--secrets · 2 years
Witness to Death | Riley | Trial 4.1 | ATTN: Everyone
As Riley enters the trial room, sticking close to her investigation group at first, she has to take a moment to breath deeply and prepare herself. The state that Kaz was in continued to be extremely worrying to her, and the reason they were all gathered here in general was just as stressful too. It had happened again. Another person dead, this time her very own tentmate.
After a moment though, nerves at least mostly under control externally, Riley quietly whispers something to Sibyl, who nods with visible relief before going to grab her voting materials from her desk, joining Riley at her own soon after. She also shoots Kanna a reassuring smile and tilts her head towards where Yuuto and Kanna are both sitting on their own on the other side of the trial room, silently suggesting that she can join them if she wants to. Pspspsps-
And then, finally settling in herself… Riley quietly takes Sibyl’s hand from under the table, giving it a little squeeze. Time to start, huh…? Instead of waiting for someone else to speak up, Riley clears her throat, ready to be the first one to do so.
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  “Okay, well, first of all, I think it would be a good idea to get all of our testimonies for our whereabouts out of the way as soon as everyone can, starting with late last night to this morning when we began our investigation, since I think that’s the most important period. And you may have already all heard from Shigure or Chioko and I already, but going over what we heard and did when we… discovered things is important too, so I can go first with my own as well.”
Riley takes a moment to let those directions sink in, taking a deep breath while she’s at it, before continuing on with her own recount of her night.
“I went to bed at just about 2 in the morning in my tent, and Yuka-chan wasn’t there at the time, then when I woke up later around 8am, they were still missing. I didn’t… think to question it at the time, beyond worrying about their sleep schedule. Right away though, I left our tent to go to the communal bathroom to get myself ready for the day, before heading back to the Sports Hall by 8:15 or so. Chioko-chan was also leaving her tent at that time, and we confirmed the plans we’d made last night to meet up at the track and garden to do some exercise. I think that Chioko went towards the bathroom to get herself ready too, and I went out to wait in the garden.”
“Chioko met up with me again at 8:30am, and we started our workout from there. I don’t recall seeing anyone else come by at all, and we decided to take a break to go to the Daruma-san room around 9:45 to compete in that. We headed through the sports hall to get there, but… by the time we got upstairs, and saw Shigure-chan leaving the Office just before 10am, there was a loud crash coming from the Music Room, and I was… I assumed right away that something horrible was happening, I was already so on edge, so I ran to check it out right away.”
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“We tried to open the door to the Music Room normally first, but something was blocking it from opening from the inside, which I now know was the knocked over podium. Chioko tried to ram it at first, and it opened up a crack, but I didn’t want to risk hurting someone on the other side so I used my multitool to unscrew the hinges on the door instead to put it aside, which is probably why the wire stayed in place.
When we rushed in… We found Yuka-chan struggling under the cabinet, and Chioko and I managed to lift it off of them but it was too late. They died soon after, before we could call anyone.” 
=,) Oof. Riley shoots a look of concern and empathy to Shigure and Chioko in particular at that, she knows just how rough it had been for them too. Then she looks back to everyone.
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"The other topic that I'd like to mention... Our investigation group all talked about it a bit among ourselves, but I want to ask the rest of you as well; Have you all been feeling more on edge than usual too, before this investigation? I thought it was just me at first after recent events, but it seems like all of my group were feeling especially paranoid or emotional lately."
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mybodyliberation · 5 years
Scottish Wedding Show - These Are My Thoughts
Truthfully it's truly majestic to have wedding and event decor all in one place. If you love the stuff then wedding fayres are one of the lost exciting places to get your fix.
If you're like me then you adore fawning over charger plates, weighing the benefits if artificial verses real flowers and drooling over prop tables filled with catering spread ideas.
Theres something magical about the experience of that but reality started to bleed into the dream as I walked around the Scottish Wedding Shows stalls last weekend and came face to face with vendors pushing invasive cosmetics, weightloss programs and bridal stalls using models in the smallest sample sizes that didn't reflect the brides make myself wondering around the space.
Firstly I want to say that I think its brilliant that Scotland as a wedding fayre of this size because its important that there are accessible events that serve Scottish brides. It would be ridiculous to expect them to travel for hours down south just in order to experience and encounter the variety they deserve to have.
However this is the problem I had. It felt like a lot of the setup of the day wasnt about providing insulation for couples, but giving them standards to aspire to that are about impossible standards and aesthetic. The first thing I clocked and what I usually clock was the lack of racial diversity. In models and clientele.
My OH and I were certainly the only interracial couple I saw present on the day and I certainly didn't bump into any other women of colour nor see any vendors that accommodated the needs of brides of colour and their electric heritages.
This was disappointing as there is a hugely incredible Asian wedding industry within Scotland and I at least expected to see vendors that reflected this in either event planning, venue or makeup artistry.
Now for all I know the producers of the SWS have sought them out, but how much was done to make sure there was representation for people of colour? This isn't an accusation as much as a genuine question. What was done and was this even important do the organisers?
If it takes a person or colour to keep pointing out that we need more representation we are honestly never going to see change because you see it's all of our responsibilities to ensure that we create spaces that reflect the diverse world we live in.
If we are not striving to be as inclusive as possible and ensuring that as many of us feel welcome to these sorts of events then who is it for?
So honestly I would love for that to be addressed and I would love to go to the next show witnessing a genuine change.
One of the other things that irked me, as I mentioned, was the weightloss and invasive cosmetic treatment stalls.
Now I want to take a moment to acknowledge that each person's choices are there own. If you want to change yourself because of whatever reasons that is truly your prerogative and honestly we support your happiness.
As long as we also acknowledge that true happiness can be found in transforming are outside appearance but in the internal work of healing and accepting our authentic selves.
I also don't think theres anything wrong with wanting to look good nay, your best, on your wedding day, but that doesn't just start from the external things you try.
That being said, it would be naive to not recognise that in a world where the media bombards us with images of "what's beautiful" that that's not going to affect how we see ourselves.
Imagine a person getting ready for their wedding who already struggles with their self esteem and self worth, walking into a space that is meant to help accommodate creating their dream day, and being met with the harsh message of YES, consider losing weight because fatness is bad and YES consider cosmetic treatment or surgery because something about you isnt good enough and can be changed.
Why should the message be affirming that there is something wrong with you? When the message should be affirming that you are already wonderful, your partner knows that and that's why they want to marry you and that's why you're planning a wedding.
I think its dangerous when we are curating these events and promising the facilitation of a genuinely positive experience and yet still buying into these toxic and systematically broken standards and ideals that have been oppressing us for so long.
We all want to feel special and look awesome on our wedding day, but life before and after the day shouldn't be consumed by trying to fit a certain size or having to sacrifice who you are to become some wedding "version" of yourself. I'd love to see wedding fayres like SWS encouraging the pursuit of authenticity.
Okay lastly...body diversity. Where is it at!? If I was a business, especially bridal or groom swear, and I know that vast range of bodies come to me hoping to be dressed, I would actively work to provide visual representations of what items will look like on similar bodies. I saw a total of 2 stalls, maybe I missed some, that offered bridal and actually had plus size gowns on display. This means that either most boutiques don't have them or they won't display them because they want you to know that these dresses are aspirational. You want to look like "this" on the wedding day because that's what a bride looks like. How is that possible because brides comes in so many diverse forms that its offensive to send a message that says you be able bodied, under a size 10 and white. Dont get me wrong, if you fall into this category, you're wonderful and you shouldn't feel shamed, but we must remember that this is not the only form beauty comes in. We cannot continue to sell fantasies that's sole purpose is to ensure the continued tearing down of self esteem and the upholding of toxic patriarchal systems. We had a peaceful time knowing we have planned what we needed to but were open to seeing extras. Side note if you're nearly engaged this particular exercise of shopping via fayres could potentially be very overwhelming. I feel blessed to have entered into wedding planning confident in myself and in my relationships and our financial position because I didn't feel any shame because I can't fit a size 8 wedding dress and I can't afford a £5k venue.
I want to end things on a bright note and said I did still thoroughly enjoy the experience. There are a lot of things there that provide genuinely great inspiration and if you take that away and do some research you could either book a vendor you met there or figure out how to do it cost effectively yourself.
So if you're visiting fayres and you're looking for the magic, I just want to tell you something - you are the magic.
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