#20 ans
fidjiefidjie · 1 year
Bonne matinée 💟👍🆕️
Marie-Flore 🎶 20 ans
(Je sais pas toujours si ça va)
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les-portes-du-sud · 1 year
Charles Aznavour - Hier Encore (Official Music Video)
Accompagné de belles illustrations animées.
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viorne-cendres · 1 day
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pilhardiv · 1 month
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conatic · 7 months
Attentats jihadistes du 11 Mars : il y a 20 ans, la mort frappait l'Espagne - La DH/Les Sports+
Source: dhnet.be
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ubicom · 8 months
Facebook continue d'attirer de nouveaux utilisateurs 20 ans après son lancement
 Malgré les controverses persistantes et les prédictions quant à son avenir, Facebook continue d’attirer des milliards d’utilisateurs mensuels selon le rapport d’activité du quatrième trimestre de Meta, la société mère. Méta a célébré son vingtième anniversaire ce dimanche 4 février 2024. Avec 3,07 milliards d’utilisateurs actifs par mois, Facebook a connu une croissance de plus de 3 % en un an.…
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malibuzz · 9 months
Chili: quatre militaires du régime Pinochet condamnés à 20 ans de prison
La Cour suprême du Chili a condamné vendredi quatre militaires aujourd’hui retraités à 20 ans d’emprisonnement pour l’homicide de deux jeunes chiliens dans l’affaire des “Quemados”, un épisode de la dictature d’Augusto Pinochet. Cet épisode sombre de la dictature Pinochet s’est produit le 2 juillet 1986, sur fond de grève nationale contre le régime militaire d’Augusto Pinochet. A cette date, une…
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altérité.es, 20 ans de création au Centre Intermondes
altérité.es, 20 ans de création au Centre Intermondes
Le Centre Intermondes, La Rochelle fête ses 20 ans ! Fondé en 2003 par Jean Duvignaud, le Centre Intermondes est un espace international de résidence artistique dédié à la création contemporaine sous toutes ses formes (plastiques, numériques, musicales, littéraires…). Maison Henri II – Centre Intermondes Depuis sa création, près de 500 artistes venus du monde entier ont été accueillis. Le Centre…
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highlands11 · 1 year
RE-BLOG : « Jouir de plus de temps et le répartir autrement »
Travail et jeunes générations. Une études Ipsos qui en dit long sur l'avenir que je côtoie tous les jours avec mes étudiants.
Temps de lecture : 4 minutesmots-clés : travail, crise, génération, 20 ans, 40 ans, Ipsos, Trends, Alain Minc, tribus Chers lecteurs, Aujourd’hui, je vais vous proposer un article et une analyse singulière. Singulière, car personnelle… très personnelle et qui me touche avec ce que la jeune génération de travailleurs vit aujourd’hui. Je fais partie de ces gens qui sont hyperactifs, je m’emmerde…
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photo-baldo · 2 years
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Diapositive Ektachrome au flash electronique de 1978 très After-Punk-Jeunes-Gens--modernes.
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kitsunetsuki · 7 months
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Willy Rizzo - Outfit by Cuir 20 Ans (Vogue Paris 1967)
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pissheartmybeloved · 5 months
kinda had to pee at work yesterday and I was like ugh. I can make it thru this show then I'll go. it'll be FINE. then some stuff came up and I had to wait ANOTHER hour and a half, at which point I really needed to piss, then something else came up and an artist bought me a beer and I had to sit for ANOTHER hour!!!! so over three hours after I originally needed to go, having drunk a beer and a bottle of water in that time, I could literally barely focus on anything. my internal monologue was just "get out, please be done, please leave so I can pee" and I'm sure I was like. shifting around trying to hold it and still be professional. then eventually I could FINALLY run to the bathroom and I could literally feel it in my teeth, I didn't even get relief for the first few seconds because I was so so full. just. hhhhhh. the most desperate I've been in public in AGES I literally thought I was gonna have to run out to pee in case I had an accident, and I might've leaked a bit when I finally got to go.
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needlepointbear · 7 months
Fig becoming a Paladin for Kristen did sound impulsive to me, but then I remembered I started my 4 year stint as a stage manager because my friend said she needed help.
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wayward-wren · 2 months
Thought too long about Hermoine daughter of Meneleus and Helen and got sad
#wren rambles#greek mythology#the iliad#the odyssey#i am actually not 100% sure what stories shes in#but i got interested at her mention in the odyssey and then read her wiki page#girl lost BOTH her parents for 17 years when she was 9#grew up probably raised mostly by Clyemnestra which. no one wants.#her parents finally came back from troy and their re-honeymoon in africa#and three years later shes send off to marry Neoptolemus#an agrragement her father made during the trojan war#(now marriage customs were different ans this arragement would have been normal.#and she doesnt seem to hate the idea [though her opinion isnt mentioned] so it could just be a normal marriage agreement#however it IS Neoptolemus. who is often portrayed as brutal and violent.#tho idk what hes like outside of war. anyway. happiness of the marruage aside#its probably a shock to be Nine Years Old and then when youre solidly in your 20s your dad comes back abd is like MARRIAGE TIME)#and THEN Orestes and Neoptolemus fight over her and she marries Orestes (her cousin. but again. ancient greece)#just. most of that generation of kids lost only their father#some perminantly#telemachus for 20 years#most for at least ten years#but Heromine lost BOTH her parents#lost the relationship with her MOTHER which the vibe i get was SUPER valuble#(if Demeter's attitude is anything to go by and the cultural vibe of mother-daughter relationship)#helen even did cite that she was a foolish creature for leaving her husband and beloved daughter#ALSO Hermione not having any full siblings means something to me#idk just. Helen's only daughter. left behind.#Helen's only CHILD left behind
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men-men-everywhere · 4 months
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Pierre Niney
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 4 months
*rereads the reunion scene in Twenty Years After ten thousand times to finally calm my heartbeat but failing*
"Oh, no, dear count!" cried Aramis.
"Oh, my dear D'Herblay!"
"Oh, Aramis!" continued Athos [...] "I shall go unarmed." "No, for I will not allow you to do so."
"Did you see?" whispered Aramis to Athos, touching his shoulder with one hand.
"I hate hypocrites, and among that number I place musketeers who are abbés and abbés who are musketeers."
"Aramis, break your sword. It must be done." Then in a lower and more gentle voice, he added. "I wish it."
"I swear," he said [...] in a voice still trembling with emotion. [...] "now, Athos, come."
"Ah, traitor!" muttered d'Artagnan, leaning towards Aramis and muttering in his ear.
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