#2018 fic rec
turtleinsoup · 2 months
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I love em too much T^T
The Rise Twins! Inspired by @remedyturtles' "stare directly at the sun" on ao3
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fire-lightz · 6 months
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hey guys shamelessly plugging my new fanfic (disaster twins but mostly donatello centric)!! it's pretty cool, main premise being donnie stuck in a timeloop and trying to break the spell and save leo, who seems to keep dying in nearly every loop. the art is shit because i am sick as hell and drawing sounds like a real pain rn... i haven't written in a while sooo, enjoy :3
inspired by works by: @dandylovesturtles , @remedyturtles !! sorry for the tags, but your characterizations and writings have really influenced me hehe
no amount of waiting will make you brave <- AO3 link!
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omgiamwish · 1 year
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Art for Ch 2 of Trepverter by @anatawahitorijanai
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turtleorchard · 1 year
!!!~Fic Recs~!!! (Pt. II)
Here is a follow-up to my last post of Fic Recs (in which I listed my favorite completed multi-chapter ROTTMNT fics).
In this post I'll be recommending ongoing multi-chapter fics. In no particular order, here they are:
There Must Be Something in the Water by Filsamek
-This fic has been such a delight to read. The premise is interesting and even chilling, and the ways in which the turtles have to puzzle out how to solve the problem at hand has been exciting to follow along with. Very interested to see how the conflict will be resolved and what further Mystic concepts the author will introduce!
Blood, Water, and Thicker Things by JumpingInMuddyPuddles
-While this fic has but 4 chapters thus far, I am absolutely psyched for future updates! This is, in a way, a "sick fic" but combined with Leo pushing his needs aside and facing imminent danger while suffering AND featuring a Leo-Donnie team-up mystery with action and high-stakes...! In the words of Donnie in Lair Games: Nom nom. Nomnomnom.
The Old College Try by theashemarie @theashemarie
-There is just something about this fic that grips me in such a way that it almost hurts to discuss. Leo's characterization feels very accurate and very real, and somehow the ways in which he struggles with his identity in general as well as his identity surrounding intelligence/academia really hit me in the heart. I don't know if it's because I already relate to Leo so much, or if its because of my own (academic) experience of feeling like no one will take me seriously and having that odd and alienating (ADHD-related no doubt) infantalization grate on me, but... the ways in which Leo has to confront his relationship with his place on the team, the character he plays, his true interests and passions, and his relationship with his brother who has claimed the title of "the intelligent one" is hard-hitting. Add to that the struggles of humanity/fitting in with society, of the seemingly inherent selfishness of valuing your own pursuits despite risks or pitfalls therein... the tension is amazing. Oh, did I mention-- this is about Leo and Donnie going to university lmao. But its actually also about so much more, as you can see... Overall: this author is a master of character depiction and I cannot wait to see how the rest of the story unfolds...! Donnie in this fic is also so wonderfully rendered. Best of all are Leo and Donnie's interactions in such a foreign setting, and them having to (re-)learn to navigate one another's feelings this new environment brings out. Ah! Good, good stuff. And if that does not convince you, there's also action, a prominent villain, impossible choices....!
All the Ashes in My Wake by paperxcrowns @crows-murder
-Ooh, I can just tell this one is setting up to be some serious Leo angsting. The premise works so well, and I'm eagerly awaiting for that moment when Leo can no longer keep hiding things from his brothers and the dam breaks. The suspense of wondering how that's going to happen is so, so good. Also, insane dramatic irony that is causing sooo much angst. Leo's brothers hurting him/unknowingly forcing him to do things because of a curse... Dramatic! Irony! Delicious.
Last Grain of Sand in the Hourglass by TjLockticon @last-hourglass
-This fic is a sort of alternate take on the ending of the movie, wherein Leo stays trapped in the prison dimension, but not because Mikey's portal failed– rather, because it brought Future Leo back to the past instead. The ensuing chaos and angst is really well-done, and my favorite parts were actually how each brother came to terms with the situation and how to react around this version of their brother, all while their 'true' brother is still trapped and suffering. The chapters with Present Leo in the prison dimension are a really unique take on his experience there. Another thing I found very intriguing is how Leo's Mystic powers and his swords are included in the plot. I'm looking forward to seeing what further angst lays ahead and how the author chooses to resolve the complexities of feeling introduced with the bros getting attached to Future Leo and also Casey's suffering at the idea that this situation cannot endure, and he will lose his sensei all over again. Wild!!
Alpha Stage by snailsnaps @snailsnaps
-Oh I have so much to say about this fic. The premise is so heart-wrenching and interesting, and scratches that itch (in a way) of having had the planned turtle tots episode canceled. And yet, Donnie is still totally himself, mentally, despite being tot-sized. What is a total delight is the art in this fic. Each illustration is so charming and impeccable and adds to much to the story. I keep coming back to it, and I'm excited to see where the author takes the narrative!
The Same Little Faces by awkwardusagi
-This fic also scratches the itch of the canceled turtle tot episode, but the focus on this one is particularly on Leo being turned back into a tot! I love this take because the author explores the dynamic between Mikey getting to be a big bro for the first time, Donnie and Raph witnessing this, and Splinter giving all of them tips and tricks he knows about how to wrangle hyperactive turtle mutant babies. It also has the interesting and really innovative idea that tot Leo retains the memories and experiences of teenage Leo in his subconscious, and this plays a significant role in the plot. I won't say much more, but the cast of characters and how they slot into the big kerfuffle at hand is also so fun! Particularly my favorite Hippo and Worm duo... and Señor Hueso! The relationships explored are so captivating and heart-wrenching in their tenderness. Leo's insecurities manifested in the form of a turtle tot who cannot hide away their pain from their family... ahhh! It's overall super fun and super sweet and I felt so gripped by the narrative. I'm really interested to see how the author will resolve the conflict!
I May Be Invisible, but I Still Look Good by Dandy @dandylovesturtles
-Ohhhh my gosh, where to even begin with this fic... It follows Leo's (mis)adventures dealing with a Mystic curse that renders him invisible, intangible, and inaudible. I feel like I can't say much about the plot because I don't want to spoil the experience of reading it– each installment of puzzle-solving regarding Leo's curse is so unique and intense and gratifying to experience, so I won't go into too much detail. Leo's characterization is so wonderful and feels so real. His thoughts and reactions and struggles and how he chooses to endure them and cope with them is just... so Leo. Which means that there is a lot of silent suffering, of course! We love to see it. (I'll also briefly note that this extends to all the brothers! I just mention Leo particularly because we are in his head.) The author's ability to depict Leo's panic attacks and dissociation is my favorite I've encountered. It's also, of course, entirely heartbreaking to read. The enemies and the Mystic curse are incredibly engaging as well; they feel very much like classic fantasy adventure obstacles/antagonists that I used to read as a child, which is such a fun thing in the setting of Rise, and fits in very well. It's so believable within the universe. I'm super excited to see how the breaking of the curse will play out! I've probably re-read the fic in its entirety 2-3 times now, and each time it was equally as engrossing. Not only that– the author is such a master that I've noticed foreshadowing interlaced throughout, and that has been such a delight! This fic inspires me, and invigorates me, and leaves me wanting to read basically anything else from the author. I cannot recommend it enough!
Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis by a_platypus
-This fic includes Future Leo being transplanted into the past, but his meeting with the turtles and April and Casey as well as the circumstances surrounding his presence are not so innocent. The tension and dramatic irony created by this set-up are gripping and exciting. And kinda makes me wanna smack a Leo (or two). The dialogue and relationships are so well-written, and the pacing is really nice. Everything feels very in-character and believable and intense. Also, just an aside, but the interactions between Present Leo and Future Leo feel so believable, and the way they change how they relate to one another over time feels very organic and natural. It's handled and presented very well, and is one of the central reasons I'm excited to see how the plot progresses moving forward.
The Aftermath by Starrcrossrose
-This fic is set post-movie, and focuses on the healing process Leo (and the others) have to undergo, and all the complicated emotions involved. There's particular emphasis on the relationship between Leo and Donnie. The author does an amazing job showing the reader what is going through both their heads and how they're struggling under the burden of Leo's decision to sacrifice himself, as well as the circumstances surrounding this (namely, Leo's mental health). It's heart-wrenching to see them both struggle under this burden and knowledge, and even more so to witness how it drives a wedge between them. Another aspect of this fic that I love is the angst surrounding the idea that Leo is doing all he can to cope and to heal, but his family is so worried and so anxious for him that they push him to recover more quickly, and this actually ends up complicating things and even making things harder for Leo. The frustration is real! The depiction of a well-meaning family making a suffering family member feel even more isolated, ironically, feels very realistic and therefore all the more maddening and heartbreaking. The recent chapters made me have to go and like. Lie down. It's that intense. And that good.
As before, I did my best to figure out which authors have accounts on here and tag them, but if I've missed you/you know the author's @, please let me know and I'll update the post!
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happyleakira · 3 months
Hey Voltron fandom! In case you forgot… here’s a complete list of all my vld fics! Enjoy!
last sunrise in the wasteland | klance, 9.5k, established relationship post s6 homecoming
here are the facts: the sky is the color of cotton candy. varadero is hot. keith is in love with lance.
and all I can taste is this moment | adashi & romellura, 48k, Cold War garrison space au
"Takashi, what am I to you?"
or, the one where shiro is the garrison's golden boy in the midst of the cold war, adam is his wicked smart best friend that he can't stop staring at for some reason, allura's meeting place of choice is broom closets, and romelle just wants everyone to get their shit together.
don’t waste another mile or minute (not kissing me) | klance, 17k, high school Friday night lights au
The high school star quarterback and the associated student body president fall in love.
Or at least, that's what the Hallmark movie summary would be.
Here's the truth: Keith and Lance are in love, Allura and Romelle are in love but don't know it yet, there's a few night drives in pickup trucks, and prom shakes everything up.
rocket man | klance, 6.7k, ray bradbury crossover, angst
"I can’t help myself. I work on my bike and treat him as if he were alive, and then it hurts. No, it’s better to think he hasn’t been here for ten years and I’ll never see him again. It doesn’t hurt as much."
“Didn’t he say next time he’d settle down?” Lance asks.
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morallyinept · 8 months
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A list of all my favourite EZRA Fic Recs, with the writers tagged. Includes fics I am currently reading/want to read.
Please show some love to the writers by re-blogging and commenting on their work. 🖤
⚠️ Please ensure you check the triggers/warnings etc... on the stories themselves as some of them may not be suitable to your own particular tastes.
Ezra Fic Recs - Part 1
Ezra Fic Recs - Part 2
Ezra Fic Recs - Part 3
Ezra Fic Recs - Part 4
Ezra Fic Recs - Part 5
Ezra Fic Recs - Part 6
Ezra Fic Recs - Part 7
Ezra Fic Recs - Part 8
Ezra Fic Recs - Part 9
Will be added to as I find more...
Jett's Pedro Character Favourite Fic Recs
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kaeyapilled · 10 months
What are some fics that you think are must reads for kaeya fans?
TEEHEE okay i think i have rec'd most of these before when i was asked for fic recs some time ago but its ok. here are the most kaeya fics ever in my opinion !
clouds in a lake by VelleRue
“Pot of butter,” Kaeya mumbles beneath his breath, eyes roving over the words. Alone, the words wouldn’t be very special. The shapes and sounds don’t scare him as much anymore, not like they did when he was new and wore shoes with torn soles and only knew how to say, My father told me he was going to buy grape juice.
Together though, they sound like the orange-yellow light of the oil lamp flickering in the corner. They sound like sticky fingers and bread rolls. Like a dinner table of three.
Cake and a pot of butter.
this one is so bittersweet and melancholic and i love all the headcanons in it and the way it's written oughhh it's a great read!! short but really good
stubborn roots by alexithymias
Kaeya’s plan to end his life is interrupted when Rosaria asks him to take care of a plant for a few days.
this one is heavier so definitely pay attention to the tags but, oh my god. this rewired my brain SO violently. i adore the concept and the characterization is really on point. it is so painful in all the good ways i like stories to be painful. i really recommend it!!
I'm gonna miss your love when it's gone by imaginarypasta
A selection of scenes from Kaeya's childhood related to his relationships with his fathers, and all they have led him to be.
im pretty sure ive rec'd this before but this is like, one of my favorite portrayals of kaeya and his bio father ever. its just so good. so delightfully sad. a breath of fresh air from the common headcanon that his father was an evil asshole. the kaeya & crepus bits are also really good and i like the author's hcs about khaenri'ah/the abyss SO much
not bad for a walk on death's doorstep by b_attery
Fear is a knife’s edge. Fear is a killer. Fear is how you know you’re still alive. Kaeya Alberich, not yet Ragnvindr, knew how to fear before he knew how to talk. As the heir to the regency of a dead kingdom, a spy-in-training to be sent to the surface world, as the last hope of Khaenri’ah – there were many things to fear. And later, as the Cavalry Captain of Mondstadt and a traitor no matter what he chose, Kaeya Alberich ex-Ragnvindr knew that as long as he lived, he would be afraid.
i have definitely rec'd this one before. but i just really love it!!! my comment on the bookmark says "literally the best kaeya character study i have ever read" and yeah that still holds up. shaped a lot of my kaeya hcs. i love this author
Hundred-Watt Light by pepperjuice
The first time the thought occurs to Kaeya he is eleven years old. Well, that’s not exactly true. It had been twisting in the back of his head for a long time, already. Formless and unspoken, an ever-present awareness, a whisper. But the first time it rings in his head, put in words, bright and shiny and just behind his eyes—
He is eleven. *** A story about ten years of contingency plans and holding your own hand. (Because how else are you supposed to live with a weight too big to hold all alone?)
OH I MUST HAVE REC'D THIS LIKE THREE TIMES BUT THIS IS REALLY A MUST READ. first of all heed the tags because it touches quite heavy topics! but this entire concept is SO interesting to be explored in kaeya's character and this author does it SO well..... this is one of my favorite fics, like, ever, lmao. absolute kaeya must read To Me
Lamellae by scripturient
A slowish movement in a discordant key, wherein Kaeya has bitten off rather more than he can chew and needs significant help; meanwhile, malady exposes buried memory and dread. A limited plot from a limited point of view which dabbles in themes of pain, trust, angst, conflict, and betrayal. Not quite a character study.
the writing style in this one is SO cool, i love it! non-linear narratives are my thing, i never get tired of it. and the whump in this is so good.. i like whump fanfiction, lol. the combination of characters in this is really fun as well, though everything is told from kaeya's very disoriented point of view. anyway, amazing exploration of his character!! the next work in this series, The thaw that comes in springtime (plus the next next work!), is also really good and i loved it, particularly the ragbros bit lol. another must read!
undertow / oversight by MercuryPoisoning
In which Kaeya gets by with a little help from his friends.
another one i feel ive rec'd before, but i love it. really good characterization!! especially his relationship with diluc!!! really good read. i love this author's stuff a lot lol. (bonus by the same author, and another one i consider a must-read even though it's still in progress and also way heavier than most of the previous recs: sleeping marble lion! i really like the writing style and the concept!!! pay attention to the tags but trust me it's a delightfully gut wrenching one<3)
whew. i think i have a few more i could have added here. i just went through my bookmarks lol i have read a decent amount of kaeya fanfiction. hope these are to your liking!!! fic rec'ing is one of my favorite activities
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royaibrainrot · 10 months
What is!!! Your favorite Royai fanfic????
Hello! Excellent question! I have a couple all time favorites, which you may have already read since they’re some iconic pieces of Royai history imo ;)
delicate by @lantur (ao3): A wonderful, long, in depth riza character study, with some lovely royai on the side. My unofficial canon, because of how perfect the characterization and writing is.
We That Are Young by Stoplight Delight (fanfiction.net): a super old fanfic I read when I first joined the fandom that I still love :) it’s a sort of canon divergent sort of canon compliant account of Roy and Riza’s lives, spanning from when they were children to the start of the anime.
Buried Alive by @rizahawkaye (ao3): another one I read when first joining the fandom. Riza fakes her own death to infiltrate a terrorist organization. The storytelling is incredible and there’s lots of great twists and turns (as well as some delicious royai drama ofc)
And lastly Cessation- also by @rizahawkaye (fanfiction.net): a haunting little oneshot that has always stuck with me, about riza and roy reuniting one last time before roy is executed for his crimes in ishval.
Thank you for the ask! (Love your art btw!) :)
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crossover recs
 You can also find this list here (where the links actually work, unlike this mess).
The Donatello Complex by guide_to_the_galaxy - Donnie's attempts to bring his family back together leads him on a universe-spanning journey of that brings the 2012, IDW, 2003, and 2018 realities together (tw grief, trauma, violence, PTSD, identity issues)
crossover! ;) by cxlesstial - A multi-part series where the 2012 turtles wind up in the 2018 world and experience a barrage of love and therapy (tw grief, trauma, guilt, family dysfunction, violence, mental health issues, whitewashing mention)
Turtles by unorthodoxx - The 2003 turtles reckon with the differences and similarities--both painful in their own right--between themselves and the 2018 crew (tw grief, trauma, implied speciesm, fighting, isolation)
Other by VenusTheMarvelTurtle - Leo has an experience that bends possibility and reality in the worst way (tw underage rape/noncon, explicit, turtlecest, selfcest, sexual coercion, violence, trauma, past csa, implied torture, imprisonment, unreality)
The Collector by leospigtails (Almost every incarnation, warnings for tcest, selfcest, violence, manipulation, and major character death)
Filters by Anonymous - The 2012 and 2018 versions of Leonardo discover they have an odd habit of swapping bodies (tw trauma, violence, medical issues, health issues, identity issues)
reflective by Werepirechick - 2018 Leo and April get a glimpse of what could have been in the 2012 universe (tw trauma, injury)
Connecting the Lines by itsnotmyfault - Donnie creates an interdimensional chatroom with higher stakes than he knows (tw PTSD, depression, implied violence, abduction)
Close Encounters of the Same Kind by Captain_Jade - Mikey's mind sometimes wanders down unusual paths (tw medical issues, health issues, experimentation, surreality)
Reduxi by taizi - The 2012 turtles wind up in the 2003 universe on a search for their Sensei (tw violence, family separation)
Dream by Lyra_Dhani - The psychological walls between the 2012 and 2018 universe begin to blur (tw trauma, grief/mourning, unreality, identity issues, apocalypse)
Blue by @pachkko - 2012 Leo offers 2018 Leo some timely advice about leadership
This Legion of Leos au by @undercoverwizardninjaturtle - 2003 Leo tries to deal with training his counterparts from the 2012, IDW, and 2018 universes (tw grief mention, pranks)
This art by @lyse-474 - 2012 and 2018 Leo each seek their own kind of reunions in opposite dimensions (tw grief/mourning)
This comic by @ikemengoessbrrrrr - 2012 and 2018 Leo learn about what they have in common (tbh they've got a lot of amazing crossover art between 2012 and 2018)
Baron Draxum and 2k12 Turtle Tots :) by @1axton1 - AU slash canon-blending where Draxum finds himself the Hot Dad in charge of four rambunctious little tots
(He’s no Chompy, but he’s soft.) by @t-ggs96 - 2003 and 2012 Raph find it much easier to bond with Mayhem than 2018 Raph ever could
This art by @reosexuals - 2007 Leo and 2007 Raph have fun with 2012 Leo (tw explicit, tcest, selfcest)
RRR/L by Navia - Leo has an unusual encounter with 2003, BTTS, and 2007 versions of Raph (tw explicit, tcest)
mend the skin, mind the gap by Anonymous - The 2012 and 2018 kids try to figure out some very sticky questions (tw ableism, past torture, unhealthy relationships, denial, family dysfunction)
Also, my own shit:
"Counterparts" from ABC TMNT by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - The 2012 turtles meet their IDW counterparts and Raph runs into a crisis (tw violence, family dysfunction, trauma, identity issues)
"Little" from ABC TMNT by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - The 2014 turtles don't know what to make of their smaller 2012 counterparts (tw family dysfunction, past abuse, violence, trauma)
Conversations Between The Folds Of Time And Space/In A Warehouse by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - A completely random crackfic including every TMNT version I could think of (tw past trauma, family dysfunction, alcohol)
cracked windows, falling by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo's return from the Kraang dimension gives him unexpected insights-and painful-insight into his role in the multiverse (tw trauma, nightmares, unreality, self-sacrificial/suicidal behavior)
washing off your happy face by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - A series that builds on mend the skin, mind the gap to explore the one universe’s turtles attempts to get their counterparts on track (tw ableism, past mind control, panic attacks, trauma, unhealthy relationships, denial, family dysfunction, past torture, further tags to be added)
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radishhqueen · 5 months
I need more people to read this fic. I need it so bad. I want the alchemic circle section carved into my bones.
do you like questionable narrators? evil scientists? guys who Get What's Coming?? this is the Draxum fic of all time. please please please slide into my dms about it (also igniscanis if ur out there 🥺 what if. what if we were friends)
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temunitu · 1 year
Do you have any good Mike or Raph fic or anything? Could be any version but I think it would be nice to read about the other half of the turtle boys. That and I just want to read more Mikey fanfic…
here’s my list with a quick rating and summary to help you find exactly what you want! some of these are just on my reading list but i’ve heard good things about them, or they sound interesting.
this list is mostly mikey because that's my boy right there. i haven't seen many raph and mikey fics unfortunately. someday i'll complete mine.
as usual, if any of y'all have read any good fics and want to recommend some, feel free! we love and appreciate raph and mikey on this blog.
fics i have read:
(Rise Mikey) Going Under - 12/10 i was on the edge of my seat. the boys are facing a new villain and mikey gets trapped underwater. made me cry
(Rise Mikey) Sometime I Get Lost Under The Painted Sky - 12/10 post rise movie mikey tries out vent art for the trauma he got from the kraang. love the way the author describes the paintings of kraang and mikey's feelings surrounding it. sent chills up my spine.
(2003 Mikey) A Simple Act of Kindness - 10/10 very cathartic, also made me tear up. an accurate depiction of what the next battle nexus would look like and how mikey would react to losing.
(2003 Mikey) Better Genes - 9/10 i’ve been obsessed with this prompt ever since i found out about it. it’s a simple rewrite of if mikey was infected instead of don during the 2003 good genes arc. has a lot of references to 2003 and a few to 2012. the chapter “journey to the center of mikey’s mind” is beautifully described and really captures the mystic feelings 2003 has.
(2003, all) Dissection - 14/10 much needed talking through what happened after the space arc. very in character. made me chuckle AND tear up.
fics i'm reading:
(Rise F!Mikey) Mystic Hands - so far, the writing is so eloquent and rich. it's about mikey travelling back in time instead of casey jr. iconic peepaw, he travels back in time and immediately takes a nap. couldn't agree more.
(Rise F!Mikey) Too Lucky To Count - another future mikey goes back in time fic! (can you tell i have a niche interest?) so far, the writing is so gripping, talking about how each character died in the apocalypse. f!mike seems to have a dry, dark sense of humor from what i can tell which should prove hilarious.
fics on my to-read:
(Rise Mikey) Stranger Danger - rise mikey and 2012 mikey swap places! sounds like a really interesting concept.
(Rise Mikey) Portal Chaos - an au mikey (inspired by the last ronin) gets transported back in time. the author has a LOT of fun art for this one.
(2003 Mikey) Pretend That I Never Left - alternate fic where mikey is thrust into the world of horizon: zero dawn instead of reality check. i've seen the artwork and i'm excited to read this.
(2003 Raph) From Ruins - takes place in the SAINW timeline. looks exceedingly interesting, and the authors have illustrations to go with the story (can you tell i love art?)
(Rise Sunset Duo) Hold Him Tight (And Never Let Go Again) - "Mikey never realized just how much it hurt that he and Raph drifted away, until he ends up with an unconscious Raphael, trapped in a collapsing building, and unable to reach his brothers." i'm gonna cry so hard when i read this one, aren't i?
(Rise Raph) Elegy of An Older Brother - explores raph's feelings post-movie and how he's coping with no longer being leader.
(Rise Raph) Glass Heart - post movie, the others treat raph with more care after he got infected. i think it's a bunch of oneshots of raph bonding with various family members? sounds cute.
(Rise Raph) Unfavorable Ramifications - post-movie, raph dealing with the loss of his eye and getting comforted by donnie and mikey. skimmed through it and it seems in-character, like a fun read.
i'll add more whenever i come across them
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turtleinsoup · 8 months
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based on this: https://www.tumblr.com/carnival-phantasm/731016312565956608/this-should-have-been-in-kingdom-hearts?source=share
(inspired by @nonbayanary :D <3)
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hilsonrecsmd · 3 months
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Higher Ground 
by VictoriaAGrey
teen | comp. | 3k ; pre-slash + infarction-focused
summary: what wilson would've done about house's infarction.
"What would you have done?" The infarction was something they didn't talk about. Ever. Through mutual, unspoken agreement, they never talked about the intimate details of those hellish days and the year following it. It had made the silence between them jagged and hard for awhile, but those edges dulled over time. At least for Wilson they did. "Please don't make me answer that."
reccer's note: everyone needs to read this fic right fucking now. absolutely amazing and i love the choice wilson took. the line "i love you enough to enough to let you hate me" hit me so goddamn hard.
Please Read This. i dont even know what else to say
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omgiamwish · 1 year
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Man, if I saw that, I'd run too.
Art for Pressure Per Square Inch by @boxfullaturtles
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stilesdemonbaby · 7 months
What it Means by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
“Do you think I don’t know what a bite on the wrist means??” Peter had not, in fact, thought that Stiles would know what it means, but he wasn’t about to let him know that.
Tags: Mating Bites, Garage Scene Rewrite, Alpha Peter Hale, Crazy Peter Hale
Completed: 2018-07-23
Words: 4,477
Chapters: 2/2
Rating: M
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
HELLO HELLO MY DEAR i just went searching and there are some fic recs in this ask and this ask as well!! also since u r a die hard bkg stan like me i went searching in my likes!! some of these fics are fcking old - like from 2018/2020 - but they r the ones that i would recommend!! ALSO NOTE THE ONES THAT CONTAIN NSFW AND BE MINDFUL PLS!!!
pit stop by hollowedpurple
charade by ihatebnha (caitie hi) nd him being sweaty
i will always return by crikeygatormate (outlaw bkg!! multiple parts + has nsfw be careful!)
breath of a dragon by moonbelt (dragon king bkg!! also has nsfw!!) this fic changed my life
pumpkin spice & everything nice by petrichorium (hi lori ily)
your biggest fan by simplybakugou (hi mira) (thats a smau!!) and also shut up and kiss me, turn back time, off the deep end (mermaid reader!)
movement by unbreakableleeji (PIRATE BKG & MERMAID READER!!)
angel with a shotgun by gemstoneconstellations (multiple parts) ALSO RLY GOOD!! and this is a kiri fic but hero by another name is part of the same universe and is so. so good!!! (badass firefighter reader!!)
number neighbor by myherowritings (smau!, sof isnt active anymore but her bkg >>>) and alsoooo the language of flowers
ua's freaky friday by kaistarus and will you social distance with me? (THAT HIT ME SO HARD BC IT WAS PEAK COVID TIMES)
happier by iguessilovebakugou (multiple parts) THIS IS SOOO GOOD
and these are fics in my likes that i've saved but havent read yet that looked good!:
whispers of the heart by k-atsukidayo, and also wonder love, stained in gold, the biography of a heart
stare by nekokoafanfictions
you suck at cooking by cellotonin (cookie return to tumblr WHEN?!) and alsooo finding love (and finding you there)
strength comes in many forms by reddriot (fantasy au!!) HI MISS ZEE WHERES PT 2 ALREADY!!!
sunflowers don't grow in the city by eremikan (mind the warnings!!!)
god bkg and goddess reader by hanji-is-life
the dragon raid by dienamights (fantasy au!, multichap)
the forbidden flame by vampyrsm (fantasy au!! has smut!)
tall buildings blinking to airplanes in the snow by princematcha
reader wearing bkg's costume by professionally-unprofessional and selfless
sick by spicyness
kiss & tell by simpliheavenli (multichap!)
to save a dragon by strawberry-nugget (fantasu au!! mind the warnings)
it rains, so then you drown me by diesukitsuki
lunar captivity by ghoulraki (mermaid au)
reader w a mind reading quirk by katsushimaa
strawberry jam by smashboxgirl26 (cowboy bkg!!)
wrong number, asshole by not-me-simping-for-blasty (smau i think?? multiple parts)
prince bkg and maid reader by aikugo
excalibur blue by bluebellhairpin (pacific rim au!)
we should just kiss! by sems-diarie
the regent by azerlinsblog
i'd also go look thru my shay's treasure hoard tag since thats where i rb a lot of fics i like!!
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