#2018 week 06
thealieninhiding · 4 months
The Katie McGrath Archives (WIP)
A repository of my ongoing digital archeology & archival work please contact me if you have anything to contribute and buy me a coffee if you value my content
message me if you want a link to her complete filmography 🤫
(last updated 2024-07-03)
2014-02-07 London Times - Dracula sets
(Un)likeminded 2x02 How to Survive The Apocalypse
2017 Katie McGrath interview [CW|KMcGsource]
2017 Supergirl Season 3 Sweet dreams (are made of this) Music Video
2017 CW SDCC Promo Supergirl and Arrow
2019-01-01 The CW Promo Open To All
2021-04-25 Supergirl Season 6 Katie McGrath Lena Luthor
2021-09-15 Supergirl Season 6 Katie McGrath Reflecting on Supergirl
Interview - 2009-07-17 Katie McGrath Mr Media interview
Interview - 2009-10-15 Geek Syndicate Merlin BTS special
BTS - 2008-10-08 Blue Peter Merlin BTS
Events - 2009 TV Choice Awards Digital Spy interview
Events - Getty Videos of 2009 TV Choice Awards, 2010 Merlin Series 3 launch, 2011 W.E. premiere, 2017 King Arthur Premiere
Archived interviews
2008-12-07 Tribune Magazine - What Katie Did
2011-10-14 What's on TV - Merlin's Katie McGrath- 'Bad girls have more fun!'
2012-12-03 Fanhattan Blog - Colin Morgan, Katie McGrath and Bradley James on Season 5 and The Series Finale
2018-08-01 The TV Junkies - Supergirl SDCC 2018 Interviews- Lena’s Impractical Lab Outfits, the Return of Reporter Kara and a More Grounded Season 4
HHush samples
Interview - 2009-2011 Sci-fi Talk rewind merlin the series specials episode 1
Interview - 2011? Merlin S4 Sci-fi talk byte katie mcgrath on morgana
Interview - 2013 BBC Radio 1xtra part 1 & part 2
(Un)likeminded 1x02 While You Were Dreaming
Trees a crowd- Irish folklore segment
Magazine scans
2008-09-20 Radio Times
2009-06-08 TV Week (Aus)
2010-09-05 Sunday Express
2010-09-30 Totally Merlin Magazine
2011-12 Total Film
2012-03-14 Sci-Fi Now
2012-10-06 Radio Times
2013-04-06 Irish independent
2013-09-02 Marie-Claire (UK)
2013-12 Instyle
2013-12 Total Film
Fans - 2012-04-16 Merlin4 [carlospyrrhus]
Fans - 2017-08-30 Supergirl cast together on set [Joyce Law]
Interview - 2009-09-?? Merlin S2 audio interview with Katie McGrath [BJsRealm] part 1
Interview - 2010-09-06 Merlin Series 3 - BBC Radio 1xtra Interview with Angel Coulby & Katie McGrath [BJsrealm]
Interview - 2011-10-14 Merlin S4 Colin Morgan, Eoin Macken Katie McGrath on The Late Late Show
Interview - 2012-07-15 Colin Morgan and Katie McGrath at SDCC 2012 - innerSPACE [merlinnetwork2]
Interview - 2012-07-18 Katie McGrath Talks Merlin At Comic Con 2012 [ThinkHeroTV]
Interview - 2012-10-25 BBC Radio 1 Breakfast - Colin & Katie part 1 & part 2 [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2012-12-03 Merlin S5 Katie McGrath interview international press day [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2012-12-03 Colin, Bradley, Katie phone interview [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2013-11-09 Katie McGrath on BBC One Saturday Kitchen [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2019-07-22 ENTREVISTA SUPERGIRL Elenco fala sobre a nova temporada [Warner Channel Brasil]
Interview - 2019-07-23 Melissa Benoist Teases Directing An Episode Of 'Supergirl' [ET Canada]
Interview - 2020-02-21 ‘Supergirl’ Celebrates 100th Episode [ET Canada]
Panels - 2011-07-28 Merlin Comic Con 2011 Panel [ThinkHeroTV]
186 notes · View notes
transspeciesculture · 11 months
We keep mentioning how transspecies as a term has existed long before the radqueer & transID communities formed, and started claiming it as part of those communities despite it's actual usage within nonhuman/fictional/unusual human species identifying spaces and objections from said spaces.
As a sort of quick thing to back this up, here are some examples before the year of 2020 (estimated beginnings of the radqueer/transID community)!
All of this excludes troll posting/mockery, and is focused on NH/FICT community's discussions. Some additional content warnings are provided for some of the e-mails, however.
This is not extensive, feel free to show us any other finds (excluding alt.horror.werewolves e-mails, we've already scoured trough everything. There is actually more mentions via that, but all from the same person).
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Mentions of term:
01 - "Gender-bender" e-mail, 1999. Included in this section due to the unclearness of if the original author of the e-mail identifies as otherkin or transspecies personally.
[Link] [Link 2] [Archive] [Archive 2]
02 - "On cosmic surgery and personal identity" e-mail, 2005
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03 - "Da Jakkal's work revisited" e-mail, 1999. Warning: has some outdated terminology/beliefs.
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04 - "Re: Introduction" e-mail, 2002
[Link] [Archive]
05 - "Re: Shifters: in need of Help." e-mail, 1999. Warning: thread has mentions of an un-nameable native American creature.
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06 - "Re: Musing of the Week" e-mail, 1999
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06 - "Re: define were" e-mail, 1997. Warning: thread has mentions of an un-nameable native American creature. (This is the second time we've have to issue this CW. Sucks.)
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07 - "Re: Fun with Faith" e-mail, 1997. Same warning as above, unfourtunately.
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08 - "Re: Questions on Were's/Shifting/etc" e-mail 1997. Same warning, a lot of early instances of the word being used seem to all be from this one being, sorry.
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09 - "Re: Slithering into AHWW" e-mail, 1997
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10 - "Re: Odd Dreams" e-mail, 1998
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11 - "Shifters: WereBreeds" e-mail, 1999. Warning: has some outdated terminology.
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12 - "On the appropriation of trans narratives by therianthropes" article, 2013. Contrary to the title, it is supportive. It does mention the native creature again due to excerpting an AHWW member's ramblings, so thread with caution.
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13 - "An Introduction to Animality" article, 2009
[Link] [Archive] [Archive 2]
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Usage of term for clear self identification (flags and symbols are included):
01 - "Re: A question to everyone out there" e-mail, 1997. Warning once again for mentions of an un-nameable native American creature, and questionable identity that may or may not be considered cultural appropriation (we have no place to say as we are not native). Still, it is an clear account of identification with the label and experiences that'd come to be associated with it.
[Link] [Archive] [Archive 2]
02 - "Chewing and biting (and intro)" e-mail, 1999. The poster at the time of posting already specifies that they do not identify with the label anymore, but used to.
[Link] [Archive] [Archive 2]
03 - "Transspecies Pride stamp" flag/pride graphic, 2017.
[Link] [Archive] [Archive 2]
04 - "Transspecies Flag" flag, 2018
[Link] [Archive] [Archive 2]
05 - "Why I call myself Transspecies" personal article, 2018
[Link] [Archive] [Archive 2]
06 - "Gender: Furry II (Now With More Scales)
07 - "Real Dragons: Transspeciesism" article, 2001
127 notes · View notes
The long bezzle
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Going to Defcon this weekend? I’m giving a keynote, “An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet’s Enshittification and Throw it Into Reverse,” on Saturday at 12:30pm, followed by a book signing at the No Starch Press booth at 2:30pm!
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When it comes to the modern world of enshittified, terrible businesses, no addition to your vocabulary is more essential than "bezzle," JK Galbraith's term for "the magic interval when a confidence trickster knows he has the money he has appropriated but the victim does not yet understand that he has lost it"
The bezzle is contained by two forces.
First, Stein's Law: "Anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop."
Second, Keynes's: "Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent."
On the one hand, extremely badly run businesses that strip all the value out of the firm, making things progressively worse for its suppliers, workers and customers will eventually fail (Stein's Law).
On the other hand, as the private equity sector has repeatedly demonstrated, there are all kinds of accounting tricks, subsidies and frauds that can animate a decaying, zombie firm long after its best-before date (Keynes's irrational markets):
One company that has done an admirable job of balancing on a knife edge between Stein and Keynes is Verizon, a monopoly telecoms firm that has proven that a business can remain large, its products relied upon by millions, its stock actively traded and its market cap buoyant, despite manifest, repeated incompetence and waste on an unimaginable scale.
This week, Verizon shut down Bluejeans, an also-ran videoconferencing service the company bought for $400 million in 2020 as a panic-buy to keep up with Zoom. As they lit that $400 mil on fire, Verizon praised its own vision, calling Bluejeans "an award-winning product that connects our customers around the world, but we have made this decision due to the changing market landscape":
Writing for Techdirt, Karl Bode runs down a partial list of all the unbelievably terrible business decisions Verizon has made without losing investor confidence or going under, in a kind of tribute to Keynes's maxim:
Remember Go90, the "dud" streaming service launched in 2015 and shuttered in 2018? You probably don't, and neither (apparently) do Verizon's shareholders, who lost $1.2 billion on this folly:
Then there was Verizon's bid to rescue Redbox with a new joint-venture streaming service, Redbox Instant, launched 2012, killed in 2014, $450,000,000 later:
Then there was Sugarstring, a tech "news" website where journalists were prohibited from saying nice things about Net Neutrality or surveillance – born 2014, died 2014:
An app store, started in 2010, killed in 2012:
Vcast, 2005-2012, yet another failed streaming service (pray that someday you find someone who loves you as much as Verizon's C-suite loves doomed streaming services):
And the granddaddy of them all, Oath, Verizon's 2017, $4.8 billion acquisition of Yahoo/AOL, whose name refers to the fact that the company's mismanagement provoked involuntary, protracted swearing from all who witnessed the $4.6 billion write-down the company took a year later:
Verizon isn't just bad at being a phone company that does non-phone-company things – it's incredibly bad at being a phone company, too. As Bode points out, Verizon's only real competency is in capturing its regulators at the FCC:
And sucking up massive public subsidies from rubes in the state houses of New York:
New Jersey:
and Pennsylvania:
Despite all this, and vast unfunded liabilities – like remediating the population-destroying lead in their cables – they remain solvent:
Verizon has remained irrational longer than any short seller could remain solvent.
Short-sellers – who bet against companies and get paid when their stock prices go down – get a bad rap: billionaire shorts were the villains of the Gamestop squeeze, accused of running negative PR campaigns against beloved businesses to drive them under and pay their bets off:
But shorts can do the lord's work. Writing for Bloomberg, Kathy Burton tells the story of Nate Anderson, whose Hindenburg Research has cost some of the world's wealthiest people over $99 billion by publishing investigative reports on their balance-sheet shell-games just this year:
Anderson started off trying to earn a living as a SEC whistleblower, identifying financial shenanigans and collecting the bounties on offer, but that didn't pan out. So he turned his forensic research skills to preparing mediagenic, viral reports on the scams underpinning the financial boasts of giant companies…after taking a short position in them.
This year, Anderson's targets have included Carl Icahn, whose company lost $17b in market cap after Anderson accused it of overvaluing its assets. He went after the world's fourth-richest man, Gautam Adani, accusing him of "accounting fraud and stock manipulation," wiping out 34% of his net worth. He took on Jack Dorsey, whose payment processor Square renamed itself Block and went all in on the cryptocurrency bezzle, lopping 16% off its share price.
Burton points out that Anderson's upside for these massive bloodletting was comparatively modest. A perfectly timed exit from the $17b Icahn report would have netted $56m. What's more, Anderson faces legal threats and worse – one short seller was attacked by a man wearing brass-knuckles, an attack attributed to her short activism.
Shorts are lauded as one of capitalism's self-correcting mechanisms, and Hindenberg certainly has taken some big, successful swings at some of the great bezzles of our time. But as Verizon shows, shorts alone can't discipline a market where profits and investor confidence are totally decoupled from competence or providing a decent product or service.
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I’m kickstarting the audiobook for “The Internet Con: How To Seize the Means of Computation,” a Big Tech disassembly manual to disenshittify the web and bring back the old, good internet. It’s a DRM-free book, which means Audible won’t carry it, so this crowdfunder is essential. Back now to get the audio, Verso hardcover and ebook:
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If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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hunieday · 10 months
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🍑 includes a work in progress list at the bottom
☆ Heya! I'm noda, 21 living somewhere in north africa. Japanese is my 4th language while English is my 3rd, and I'm mostly self taught, so I'm still learning and improving as I go. I started this blog as a dump for various media i create (hence the occasional art or animation post) but it's slowly transforming into a translation account LOL enjoy & don't hesitate to send asks if you have questions, requests or you just wanna tell me something!
[LAST UPDATE : September 17th 2024]
Game stories:
Green Bubble event story PLAY GAME!! event story Chameleon Chill event story TEA Take event story 8th Anniversary story (8/8) Link Ring Wind (40/40)
Rabbit Chats:
Momo- La'Stiara Yuki - La'Stiara Yuki - Idol's Daily Life (5/5) Yuki - Rabbitube Mini Isumi Haruka - Rabbitube Mini Inumaru Touma- Rabbitube Mini Momo - Rabbitube Mini Osaka Sougo - Rabbitube Mini Yuki - Idol star Prince stage Momo - Idol star Prince stage Nikaido Yamato - Drama Collection vol.2 (Spring) Momo - Drama Collection (Winter) Isumi Haruka - Drama Collection (Summer) Izumi Iori - Drama Collection (Spring) Momo - Sugao (5/5)
Oogami Banri - 2024 Birthday (3/3) Yamato, Sougo & Momo Shuffle Talk 2024 (3/3) Iori, Yuki & Touma Shuffle Talk 2024 (3/3) Yuki - 16 IDOL ALBUM (3/3) Momo - I-HAKE! (3/3) Re:vale 2D☆STAR Vol.5 interview Re:vale Dengeki Girl's Style February 2018 interview Re:vale B's-LOG 2018 interview
Re:member - Banri chapter 03 Re:member - Momo chapter 05 Re:member - Momo chapter 06
Group anniversary event "Song & Story"
Trigger - Escape from Now ZOOL - What you Want idolish7 - MEDiUM Re:vale - Binary Vampire
MISCELLANEOUS (twitter threads):
Toumasou G4Y home screen dialogue DAY1 Toumasou G4Y home screen dialogue DAY2 Golden Week 2023 login messages Part 6 chapter 1 & 2 livetweet thread Part 6 chapter 3 & 4 livetweet thread Part 6 chapter 5 livetweet thread Arina Tanemura 7th anniversary comment
Momo Summer Memories [1/5] Momo bnOurs! in snow festival [0/3] Yuki Sugao [4/5] Re:vale Fruits Lollipop Rabbitv Re:vale Second beat! Drama CD (80% done) New Years story LIVE OR HEAVEN (prologue & epilogue)
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seoul-bros · 3 months
Jikook Week 26 Complete ✔️(04/06 - 11/06/2024)
Their twenty sixth week in the military is now complete and time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2018.
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Festa 2018 opened on the 04/06 with the release of the Brit Rock Remix of Spring Day & the Fake Love (Rocking Vibe Mix) on Spotify.
On the same day BTS appeared on the SBS news and this interview was decidedly more friendly than the one with KBS in June 2017. The interviewer even breaks into a rhapsody about JK's talents which has JK AND Jimin (that's his baby you are talking about) thanking him for his appreciation.
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On the 06/06 BTS released the GDA 2018 Dance Practice, as part of Festa 2018, with a set of DNA and Not Today. The synchronization and precision of the moves and the energy of their performance are unparalleled.
Every time I discover a new dance practice from the archive I am blown away by the intricacy of their choreography and how they truly work together as a team with each one giving 110%.
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BTS were promoting Fake Love and the 07/06 marked another music show win. Overall Fake Love had 12 wins during its promo period.
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They also did a fan sign event. Look at these two cuties.
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Jikook posted about their 11th win at Music Core on 09/06/2018.
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And on 10th June 2018, the day of their last music show win for Fake Love, all hell broke loose when Jimin posted this Jikook selca. It was ostensibly a tweet thanking ARMY for their support and he posts this. I think we should be thanking you Jimin. Let's face it, it was a statement. 2018, ladies and gentlemen, wild wild jikook times.
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Post Date: 10/06/2024
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ststsgsg · 2 months
All of the Fic Recs I Have Received, PT. 1
tysm to: @kltar0 @itsthecityoftheflower @neighborhoodlum @sablegear0 @fadingbasketballgoopprune :D !
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bluebird, spread your wings (here’s a piece of the broken dream) by tangerineseason
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Relationships: Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Megumi & Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Megumi & Getou Suguru, Fushiguro Megumi & Getou Suguru & Gojo Satoru, Minor Haibara Yu/Nanami Kento - Relationship
Characters: Getou Suguru, Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Megumi, Other Jujutsu Kaisen Characters
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Sports, PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics, Speed Skater Getou Suguru, Figure Skater Gojo Satoru, Speed Skaters Nanami Kento and Haibara Yū, Past Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fushiguro Megumi Has Abandonment Issues, Gojo Satoru has Abandonment Issues, Touch-Starved Fushiguro Megumi, Touch-Starved Gojo Satoru, Child Fushiguro Megumi, Parental Gojo Satoru, Gojo Satoru is Fushiguro Megumi’s Legal Guardian, Gojo Clan Bashing (Jujutsu Kaisen), Protective Getou Suguru, POV Getou Suguru, Alternative summary: Megumi finds joy while Suguru and Satoru fall in love, Additional Warnings In Author's Note
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-11-06 Completed: 2024-01-19 Words: 74,291 Chapters: 8/8 Comments: 111 Kudos: 482 Bookmarks: 138 Hits: 12,087
Fill your eyes with wonder, Suguru.
His mother had always said to him, a sort of incantation that had clung to his heartstrings, returning to him in the moments of daze, accompanying the awed breaths that would tumble past his agape lips.
He had devoted himself to chasing that gentle murmur, spoken to him as he had waded into the world of dreams, but his eyes, no matter how desperate for such a sight, had yet to behold a wonder that would draw his heart to a standstill, a momentary interruption in the steady hum of its beats, falling silent in the presence of something it perceived holy.
At least, until now.
For Suguru was no poet, but as he watched the man on the ice with a caught breath, every graceful twist and turn of his body enchanting, resembling a blue star gone waltzing across the night sky, he thought he might have finally understood what they had meant.
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me and my husband, we're doing better by interludewings
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Relationship: Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Getou Suguru, Fushiguro Tsumiki, Fushiguro Megumi, Hasaba Nanako, Hasaba Mimiko, Gojo Satoru's Parents, Getou Suguru's Parents, Ieiri Shoko, Iori Utahime, Nanami Kento, Haibara Yu (Jujutsu Kaisen), Itadori Yuuji, Tengen (Jujutsu Kaisen), Uraume (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Curses (Jujutsu Kaisen), Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fake Marriage, Exes, Exes to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Fluff and Crack, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Light Angst, Family Fluff, Crack Treated Seriously, Title from a Mitski Song, Accidental Marriage, Parental Gojo Satoru, Parental Getou Suguru, Gojo Satoru-centric, Gojo Satoru Being an Idiot, Jealous Gojo Satoru, Jealous Getou Suguru, Kid Fic, Child Fushiguro Megumi, Child Itadori Yuuji, Minor Haibara Yu/Nanami Kento, Minor Ieiri Shoko/Iori Utahime, Minor Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji, The Parent Trap-Style Shenanigans, this is really unserious
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-02-04 Completed: 2024-02-04 Words: 46,260 Chapters: 3/3 Comments: 70 Kudos: 675 Bookmarks: 159 Hits: 9,043
If someone had told Satoru a week ago that his impulsive choice to adopt children would lead to him standing at his front door, ready to welcome his ex-boyfriend—who also turned out to be his lawfully wedded husband—who was going to move in with him for three months in an elaborate ruse to deceive an orphanage director and a social services officer into believing they were still a couple in love, Satoru would have simply laughed in disbelief.
In which Satoru Gojo decides to adopt two children, only to discover that he accidentally married his ex-boyfriend, Suguru Geto, during a drunken episode just months before their breakup. Now, they find themselves living together, forced to maintain the facade of a loving couple. This leads to a series of petty tricks, cringe-worthy pet names, and the unexpected challenge of raising children together.
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Fleeting looks of Clashing Purple and Opal Blue by Lexili333
Rating: Not Rated
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Relationships: Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru, Getou Suguru & Gojo Satoru
Characters: Getou Suguru, Gojo Satoru
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Eating Disorders, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hair Brushing, soft touches, First Kiss, Idiots in Love, Getou Suguru Needs a Hug, Gojo comforts Geto, they're so in love, Really they are, no beta we die like junpei, Hugs, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Protective Gojo Satoru, Communication, Yes they actually talk it out this time, Soft caresses, Sleepy Cuddles, Sleepy Kisses, Cursed Techniques (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-03-08 Words: 6,260 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 27 Kudos: 235 Bookmarks: 44 Hits: 2,077
''And reaching out for the soft white strands softly brushing Satoru’s forehead came as easily as breathing for Suguru.
At first it was just fingertips, hesitantly lifting up some of the fringe that fell over Gojo’s blue eyes.
Suguru smiled, for he had been right.
It was soft.
The barely there touch of his fingertips grew into a greedy desire to comb his whole hand into the cloud of white. And so Suguru did. His fingers grasped at Satoru’s hair, rubbing at his temple and snaking his hand to the back of Satoru’s head.''
Or, Satoru and Suguru actually communicate this time. (I just had to write this because the headcanon of Gojo taking care of Geto while he's at his lowest is literally always on my mind)
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i was confident alone (now my heart's craving another) by noctetsai
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Relationships: Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru, Getou Suguru & Gojo Satoru & Ieiri Shoko
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Getou Suguru, Ieiri Shoko, Nanami Kento, Haibara Yu (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Student Gojo Satoru, Student Getou Suguru, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Fluff and Angst, Gojo Satoru is a Little Shit, Protective Getou Suguru, Getou Suguru is Whipped, Slight Codependency, as a treat, Feelings Realization, this fic spawned from a shitpost, please treat it as such, it's supposed to be mostly silly, Slice of Life
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-06-20 Completed: 2024-07-16 Words: 32,774 Chapters: 5/5 Comments:141 Kudos: 528 Bookmarks: 139 Hits: 6,852
Yaga levels them all with a look. "You're being reassigned."
Shoko sighs. Oh boy.
Twin scrapes can be heard as Satoru and Suguru leap up, voices overlapping in protest.
or, Satoru and Suguru get separate assignments; this is widely considered a bad move
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Love is a Twisted Curse by le_paquet_fou
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: M/M
Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Relationship: Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Getou Suguru
Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Mild Blood, Canonical Character Death, Dead Getou Suguru, Grief/Mourning, because i wanted to make the final satosugu scene even sadder, we all suffer here, no beta we die like men
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-06-24 Words: 1,288 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 23 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 177
Suguru dies in Satoru's arms, leaving both of them cursed by their love.
A small look into the moment between Gojo watching Geto's final breath and rejoining his students after the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons
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moonlight by cj_ackerman
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga)
Relationship: Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru
Characters: Getou Suguru, Gojo Satoru
Additional Tags: Sensory Overload, Established Relationship, Comfort No Hurt, suguru is head over heels, hes so down bad, Pure Comfort
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of suguru geto/satoru gojo adventures, Part 1 of jjk one-shots
Stats: Published: 2023-08-27 Words: 2,516 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 6 Kudos: 393 Bookmarks: 47 Hits: 4,447
In Suguru’s arms, Satoru is warm, cozy, and sated. He lets down Infinity, drops his guard, closing his eyes. With a deep breath, he accepts the kiss pressed to his forehead. Only in Suguru’s arms will Satoru feel safe.
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tentacles coveted, but sadly not present by Aamalysstuff
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Relationship: Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru
Characters: Getou Suguru, Gojo Satoru, Ieiri Shoko
Additional Tags: Sex Work, Public Hand Jobs, Phone Sex, Sex Toys Under Clothing, Top Gojo Satoru, Bottom Getou Suguru, Face-Fucking, Marathon Sex, Dirty Talk, So Much Trashy Porn Dirty Talk Oh My God, Roleplay, Light Dom/sub, Getting Together, Also Getting Back Together, Can Someone Be Your Ex If You Technically Didn't Date Them At All The First Time Around?, Nipple Piercings, And Nudes, Poor Shoko The Things She Has to Deal With, Both the Author and Gojo would have wanted to include a tentacle monster in this, Please handwave canon for the purpose of enjoying raunchy fanfic
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of tentacles coveted
Collections: Satosugu
Stats: Published: 2022-02-14 Words: 23,770 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 123 Kudos: 3,279 Bookmarks: 741 Hits: 52,902
“So what do you do for money, then, Su-gu-ru? Do you offer mass murder bonuses? Catering services? Do you sell your nudes?”
“Hardly that.” Suguru scoffs. He rolls his eyes. “My nudes are not something people can afford to buy. ”
“Hmmm, I could afford them.” Satoru shoots back with a grin. “I'm rich enough to buy your nudes.”
Suguru levels him with a look, and there’s about half a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Do you wanna buy my nudes, Satoru?”
A story in which Satoru ends up funding Suguru's Cult activities by buying his overprices nudes and personalized nsfw otome CDs.
It's also character study in whether or not someone can be a genocidal mass-murder and a tsundere at the same time.
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Kaleidoscope by Pandamonio
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Relationship: Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Getou Suguru, Ieiri Shoko
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, but is it?, Past Lives, Dreams vs. Reality, Recovered Memories, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Historical References, Mythology - Freeform, They're studying the classics, and incidentally discover they are meant to be lovers in every timeline, Holy Roman Empire, They think about it a lot, Bottom Getou Suguru, Angst and Fluff and Smut
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-11-19 Completed: 2023-12-03 Words: 10,099 Chapters: 2/2 Comments: 54 Kudos: 340 Bookmarks: 76 Hits: 3,932
“I’m in the classics department,” he answers and has to bite his tongue not to say the word ‘actually’ because that would be pedantic and prove Satoru right.
“Ah, that’s better,” Satoru says, nodding his head, all traces of animosity forgotten. “Then you’re smart, like me.”
In his dreams, Suguru is a jujutsu sorcerer at the verge of a breakdown.
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once we have sufficiently tortured one another by irrevenance
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga)呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Relationship: Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru
Additional Tags: Top Getou Suguru, Bottom Gojo Satoru, Trans Gojo Satoru, Choking, Ambiguous/Open Ending
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-01-21 Words: 4,664 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 38 Kudos: 860 Bookmarks: 193 Hits: 7,844
Suguru’s throat goes dry. “You’re no longer a sorcerer,” he realizes, a hysterical laugh bubbling in his throat in response to the sick joke that has laid itself before him. “And you came to me?”
“Yes,” Satoru says pleasantly. “What will you do about it,” and here he lowers both his eyelashes and his tone, a mockery of seduction, “Getou-sama?”
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PT. 2 | PT. 3
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offender42085 · 1 year
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Post 1003
Before trial, the Judge said he would accept a plea bargain and impose a term of 1 1/3 to 4 years in prison--but after loosing at trial the Judge gave a longer sentence.....
Nauman A Hussain, New York inmate 23B2641, born 1990, incarceration intake 06/13/2023 at age 33, parole eligible 05/14/2028, scheduled conditional release 05/14/2033, Full Release 05/14/2038
Nauman Hussain, the limousine operator convicted earlier of 20 counts of manslaughter for his role in the deadly Oct. 6, 2018 crash, was sentenced to 5 to 15 years in state prison.
The Schoharie County Courthouse is just a few miles from the scene of the wreck. State Supreme Court Justice Peter Lynch handed down the sentence — the maximum allowed under state law.
“I’m familiar with all the facts of this case, and I’m going to render a verdict accordingly,” said Lynch, who last year rejected a plea deal that would have seen Hussain complete community service and receive probation in lieu of prison time for his role in the crash.
Hussain, the operator of Prestige Limousine & Chauffeur Service — the Wilton-based company, owned by his father, which rented the stretched 2001 Ford Excursion SUV, that would later crash after suffering catastrophic brake failure, to a group of 17 friends from the Amsterdam area to attend a birthday celebration in Cooperstown — did not speak during the proceedings.
He sat silently with his head down, handcuffed, wearing bright orange prison garb, as family members spoke for more than an hour.
All 17 passengers, the vehicle’s driver and two bystanders were killed after the vehicle’s brakes failed as it descended a steep hill on state Route 30, before crossing the intersection of Route 30A at speeds in excess of 100 mph, striking a vehicle in the parking lot of the Apple Barrel Country Store and coming to rest in a culvert.
Some raised questions about what role Hussain’s father, Shahed, played in the crash and whether his past ties to the FBI as an informant allowed the family to circumvent state and federal vehicle registration and inspection laws that could have prevented the wreck. Shahed Hussain was not in the country at the time of the crash and has never been charged in connection to the incident.
The FBI provided families of those killed in the crash a briefing about their handling of Shahed Hussain a few days before sengencing, but several have said questions remain about whether he used his connections with the agency to avoid persecution.
The sentencing comes two weeks after a jury convicted Hussain of second-degree manslaughter following a seven-day trial that was initially expected to last up to six weeks, but almost never happened at all.
Hussain, in 2021, accepted a plea deal to 20 counts of criminally negligent homicide that would have seen him escape jail time and instead serve probation and community service.
But Judge Lynch rejected to deal at a sentencing hearing, offering Hussain the option to serve 1 1/3 to 4 years in prison or go to trial.
Lynch, who called the deal “completely disingenuous and unacceptable to this court,” began overseeing the trial after Schoharie County Court Judge George Bartlett III, who approved the plea deal, retired.
The crash was caused by a ruptured rear brake line that rendered the vehicle’s back brakes inoperable and caused the front brakes to overheat and melt. The master brake cylinder was determined to be working at the time of the wreck.
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eaglesnick · 4 months
"I wouldn't be here today if it were not for the NHS. I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived." - Stephen Hawking
When a politician accepts funds from private enterprise and big corporations it is only natural to suspect they want something from that politician  in return for their money. Last year The National (05/06/23) told us:
“Keir Starmer, John Redwood and Wes Streeting have all earnt or been donated six-figure sums from firms or individuals linked with private healthcare."
Streeting, the Shadow Health Secretary received £22,500 in “donations” from private healthcare firms. Concerning these "donations" VOX political  (30/04/23) asked:
“Why would he end NHS privatisation and stop that money from coming to him?”
Why indeed! Are these payments the reason Wes Streeting is so keen to farm out more of the NHS to private healthcare providers?
“I don’t want working class people in pain: so I’d use private hospitals to bolster the NHS” (Guardian: 08/12/22)
and more recently:
“NHS should 'seek to use' private healthcare capacity, Wes Streeting says."
This raises the question “Why shouldn’t the NHS make more use of private healthcare providers?" I think there are several very good reasons why not.
First, private healthcare providers exist to make a profit for their shareholders or owners. Billions of pounds already leave the NHS for the coffers of private enterprise. For the period 2021/22 the Kings Fund (20/09/23) reported that the NHS spent £19.7billion on “Non-NHS- health care.”  This is money that could have been spent to provide better services WITHIN the NHS.
Second, the private sector does not train its own doctors. It relies upon  NHS money to train doctors and then lures them away from the NHS to make profits for themselves. In short, the British taxpayer is subsidising private healthcare profits.
Third, the NHS treats everyone, no matter how serious or complex his or her health needs may be. The private sector cherry-picks which medical services it provides, deliberately choosing the easiest, and therefore the least expensive, medical conditions to treat. This maximises profits, leaving the cash-strapped NHS with the most expensive cases. This leaves the NHS open to claims that it is inefficient when patient costs between NHS and private healthcare providers are compared.
Fourth, the more we use private healthcare providers to deliver medical treatment the greater the risk that we will end up with a two-tier system of health care. No less a person than Professor Stephen Hawking warned of this in March 2018, just before his death. He warned that the government was taking the NHS:
“towards a US-style insurance system, run by…private companies", and insisted: We must prevent the establishment of a two-tire system."  (The Week: 10/03/22)
The Mirror newspaper (03/06/24) points out today that 94% of private healthcare contracts are set to expire by July 2029. The next government will inherit 7452 outsourcing contracts, 6983 of which are set to reach the end of their term between July 2024 and July 2029.
If Keir Starmer and Wes Streeting are not in hock to their private healthcare “donors", then they have the perfect opportunity to save the NHS from creeping privatisation by not renewing these contracts and not signing any new deals with the private sector.
 Only time will tell if Starmer and Streeting are any different to the Tories when it comes to saving our NHS.
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luxapollo · 5 months
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Praise Lord Apollo, guardian of light, brother to the moon; grant me stoicism, and the strength to enter the coming week anew.
(Photo sourced from https://ozhanozturk.com/2018/02/06/apollon-yunan-mitolojisi-apollo-roma-mitolojisi/)
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stilesdemonbaby · 7 months
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Nothing Improper by Bunnywest
“How long since someone touched you, sweet boy?” Peter asks, his voice barely a breath in Stiles’ ear. “Days? Weeks? Months?” Stiles nods imperceptibly at that last one. “After…after everything, after Allison,” is all Stiles manages to get out.
Tags: Touch-Starved Stiles Stilinski, Touch-Starved Peter Hale, Comfort, Stiles Needs a Hug
Published: 2018-06-05
Words: 1,429
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: General
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autumnslance · 1 year
LynMars FFXIV Write 2023 Master Post
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This year's challenge completed! Congrats to everyone who wrote anything at all this month, even if just one prompt! Thanks again to @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast for 7 years of this!
Previous Years Master Posts: 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
Anything wolcred ship-related is marked by an asterisk* as usual. Commentary and stats for anyone interested below the Read More.
01. Envoy: ARR; Aeryn makes her Grand Company choice. 02. Bark: Dark has the wrong pie thief suspect. 03. Free Day! 04. Off the Hook: EW; Lucia & Maxima explore their new HQ. 05. Barbarous: HW; Aeryn's frustrated by the land of her birth. 06. Ring: EW; keepsakes & memories of Aeryn's mother. 07. Noisome: Dark & Iyna contend with ubiquitous seasonal flavors. 08. Shed: EW; Aeryn answers Zenos at the edge of everything. 09. Fair: EW; Azem's brother tries to ensure the future has his aid. 10. Free Day! 11. Once Bitten Twice Shy: ShB Bozja; unwarranted concerns. 12. Dowdy: Backstory; Aeryn's always had Opinions about fashion. 13. Check: Iyna discovers C'oretta's personal business. 14. Clear*: ShB; semi-poetic sweetness of coming together. 15. Portentous: Backstory. Zaine speaks to Tanzel about a decision. 16. Jerk: EW; Aeryn meets an old friend as the Final Days loom. 17. Free Day! 18. Fish Out of Water: Shb: G'raha gets used to his new life. 19. Weal: EW; Vrtra sees to his people and their home. 20. Hamper: In a possible future, Iyna answers academic questions. 21. Grave: Legacy; Zaine Striker returns to his childhood home. 22. Fulsome: C'oretta sorts through her parents' old promos. 23. Suit: ARR; what the Scions wore that most fateful night. 24: Free Day! 25. Call it a Day: Pre-ARR; Iron Summer contemplating his daughter. 26. Last: EW; a final conversation between ancients. 27. Sole*: Post-ShB; Thancred vs the perils of Aeryn's flip-tastic jobs. 28. Blunt: Post-ShB; working with Gaius, like it or not. 29. Contravention: EW; "In from the Cold" violates laws of nature. 30. Amity: EW; Varshahn & Aeryn discuss Thavnair & Garlemald.
Only 2 short shippy prompts all month! All 4 modern girls got a couple spotlights, various family cameos and backstories, a future prompt as is tradition, Zaine had a few posts, a few NPC-only scenes, a LOT of Endwalker, and even Ancient Icarus got a story, tying into 2021's "Destruct" prompt and how/why the siblings' souls have been connected through time and reincarnations.
A few of these are alternate takes on scenes I've touched on before, but it's interesting what a new prompt at a different time can get one to say, how we change as writers in what we focus on and how we say it.
This comes in roughly 300 words shorter than last year, at 18,493. The week of the 18-22 I had off work for my birthday, and that had the most 1k+ prompts, with a word count nearly double the other 3 full weeks. While the longer prompts are good, I'm really happy with how so many of the short ones turned out!
I was again trying to be realistic about my time, energy, not pushing free write days...and also working on an original writing project on the side, so I actually did do more writing over the month, just not FFXIV related!
(Also why some of my responses were in just under the wire...)
But this was a good break and exercise from that other writing, and let me try a few new things.
And comparing to earlier years--especially 2017 and 2018 when I was getting back onto the writing horse and feeling out my OCs--I feel like my growth as a writer, especially to be more succinct yet still evocative when needed, is evident. I've gotten a lot of practice in over time, and this challenge is one of the things that helped me get to where I can write an original story on top of my fanfic!
Breakdowns for funsies: Longest: 21 Grave; 1,652 words Shortest: 14 Clear; 106 words
Between 100-500 words: 1 Envoy; 2 Bark; 4 Off the Hook; 5 Barbarous; 7 Noisome; 8 Shed; 14 Clear; 15 Portentous; 26 Last; 27 Sole. Between 500-1000 words: 6 Ring; 11 Once Bitten, Twice Shy; 13 Check; 16 Jerk; 18 Fish Out of Water; 22 Fulsome; 23 Suit; 25 Call it a Day; 28 Blunt; 29 Contravention; 30 Amity. 1000+ words: 9 Fair; 12 Dowdy; 19 Weal; 20 Hamper; 21 Grave.
I didn't look at the totals until the end; I only checked some of the shorter ones during the challenge to see if they hit my personal "500+ words" cut off for adding a Read More to the posts.
"Grave" honestly could have been a lot shorter; I started the plot too early, and much as I like Zaine making one last visit to his childhood Nana, for the purposes of the challenge, I could have just focused on going to the lichyard to save myself time and energy, and wrote about the visit on my own another time. On the other hand, it's done now!
Not sure which is a favorite; there's a lot I like.
As usual, these will be revised at...some point (some more than others, probably) and added to Ao3, in my various series and threads.
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I've talked a lot about how I can't wait until the John Robins level of competitiveness and intensity gets featured on Taskmaster, but I'm not sure I've made it clear enough yet that I am also excited just to see the skillset. Quick and lateral thinking is probably one of the most significant fundamental skills that comes up across Taskmaster tasks, and he's really good at it, and when I say I think he'll win I don't mean just because he's my favourite, I mean he's my favourite because I love his comedy and will enjoy watching his playing style, and as a separate issue from that, I think he's going to win due to being better than everyone else at the tasks.
Just heard a Made-Up Game that I believe illustrates this. Relevant to know that it's a running discussion that Elis James is really really into football and John Robins prefers other sports, follow football only casually. Which has come up before in these games, the time when John Robins started a feature of reading out excerpts from his old diary (which are amazingly horrifying, that's a whole other post), got so upset about doing so that he immediately contracted a migraine, probably. In that he started complaining of a bad headache, made them stop to turn off all the lights in the studio, asked if it's normal to "feel like I'm not here", asked if anyone else saw that flashing light, to which the poor interm producer said "No" while sounding fairly afraid that the radio station was going to fall apart on his watch because this happened while the normal producer was on holiday, and Elis started sounding genuinely panicked that he'd have to broadcast by himself. And in the middle of this, they played a Made-Up Game that based on guessing things about football stadiums, which is Elis James' special source of interest and John's casual one at absolute best, and John still won the game 3-0. Incredible showing. I was so impressed. The cut to a track and came back and he was able to keep broadcasting. It was fine.
Anyway, a few episodes later they did another game that John won so easily that afterward, he offered to play another round but base this one on football players to significantly stack it in Elis' favour, and still took the round easily.
I mean, it definitely makes a difference that Elis James is very, very bad at quick thinking. Elis definitely makes John look quick. I somewhat recently listened to John's first few appearances on the Pappy's podcast, where he got into some back-and-forths with people who are not Elis James, and the difference was noticable, Elis definitely makes John look quick. But even on those Pappy's podcasts, John still sounded fairly quick (impressive, I think, considering that he was clearly very drunk in both of them), just not totally unchallenged as he is on home turf. Quick thinking and ability to accurately size up factors to make a good guess is such a transferable skill. Nick Mohammed has the wildly strong memory skills, and I'm hoping they'll give him a chance to show those off on Taskmaster, but I have to hope that because not every task requires it. While John Robins has skills that I don't have to hope come up in the season, because those are fundamental to almost every Taskmaster task.
So I would like to make it clear that I will not just be enjoying the comedic stylings of John Robins on Taskmaster, I will be backing him like he's my favourite sports team as I believe in his abilities, and will get upset if he doesn't win. Not just if he doesn't win the whole thing, I'll get upset every time he doesn't win a task. Everyone get ready for that. I'm nailing my colours to the mast on that right now. It's going to be an exciting ten weeks.
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
Hello!!! I was reading this post of yours (for my research) and i'm truly wondering how did Byzantine princesses wanted to take a bath?? Do you have a post for that?
I don't but I managed to find a few pieces of information about the general habits of Byzantine bathing and grooming, and particularly that of the empresses and the princesses.
"The wealthy and noble women of the empire were concerned with their looks and Christianity cast no pall on the baths nor the sale of cosmetics and perfumes. (...) Byzantine gardens, therefore, had areas set aside for aromatic flowers from which could be distilled some of the more fragrant oils. (...) Mirrors, tweezers and similar hygiene equipment would have been commonplace in a Byzantine home. (...) Michael Psellos wrote that (Empress) Zoe turned her chambers into cosmetics laboratory in which she created cosmetics and ointments to preserve her beauty well into old age. (...) Byzantine women did not use as heavy cosmetics as their earlier Roman counterparts. (...) For eye liner and darkening eye brows and lashes, kohl was very popular."
Source: http://gretchenbrownauthor.com/2018/04/08/cleanliness-and-hygiene-among-the-byzantines/
"Women washed their hair in special fragranced solutions that naturally lightened it, including saffron, turmeric, fern roots and citrin-colored sandalwood and rhubarb.  The cloths they wrapped their hair in were usually brushed with perfume. People made their own scents at home.  Lotions and creams were made fresh from natural sources and had to be used in a few days. (...) There were many public baths;  the Byzantines - even monks and nuns - bathed frequently. One was expected to bathe twice a week. (...) The Byzantines had a wide variety of cleaning products for bodies and clothes."
Source: https://www.pallasweb.com/deesis/daily-life-in-constantinople.html
"Byzantines in the capital city of Constantinople developed public baths similar to those found in Rome, and public bathing was a daily ritual for many. (...)  Unlike the Romans, who used a lot of makeup and cosmetics, the Byzantines avoided heavy preparations for their skin. Instead, they developed rich perfumes using ingredients obtained in trade from China, India, and Persia, modern-day Iran. Perfume making was developed as an esteemed trade."
Baltoyianni, Chryssanthi. "Byzantine Jewelry." Hellenic Ministry of Culture. http://www.culture.gr/2/22/225/22501/225013/e013intro.html (accessed on July 29, 2003).
Cosgrave, Bronwyn. The Complete History of Costume and Fashion: From Ancient Egypt to the Present Day. New York: Checkmark Books, 2000.
"Let us now place ourselves in the second half of the 11th century, when a Byzantine princess arrives in Italy again; not in Rome but in Venice, although with the same nuptial purpose. This time she is Theodora Doukaina, daughter of Emperor Constantine X Doukas and Eudokia Makrembolitissa (the niece of Patriarch Michael I Cerularius) who is to marry Doge Domenico Selvo. (...) The Byzantine stravaganza of Theodora was reflected not only in the colossal retinue she led or the impressive tiara she wore at the ceremony (the one worn by her brother Michael VII, who had just inherited the imperial throne) but also in her own daily behaviour, which included such whims as bathing in the dew that his servants collected or – and here is what interests us – the refusal to touch food with her hands, so that she made use of a golden fork to prick the bites that her eunuchs had previously cut off."
Source: https://www.labrujulaverde.com/en/2020/06/how-two-byzantine-princesses-scandalized-europe-by-using-a-fork/
"While the Germans like Theophano, many of them thought her odd. The Byzantine empire was known for its luxurious, decadent ways, and Theophano was a product of that 'decadence'. She talked too much, she bathed every day, and, strangest of all, she used a two pronged utensil to bring food to her mouth (aka a fork), instead of eating with her hands like everyone else."
Source: http://www.thathistorynerd.com/2017/07/damn-girl-holy-roman-empress-theophano.html
Check here for a great link with detailed description of Byzantine public baths, how they worked and how they were taken
Peter Damian, the Cardinal Bishop of Ostia, wrote a chapter entitled "De Veneti ducis uxore quae prius nimium delicata, demum toto corpore computruit" ("Of the Venetian Doge's wife, whose body, after her excessive delicacy, entirely rotted away.") about an unnamed Byzantine princess whose manners he considered scandalously lavish and which brought to her a horrible death as a divine punishment. This woman has been mistakenly (since Damian died 1072) identified with Domenico Selvo's wife by later Venetian chroniclers (incl. Andrea Dandolo and Marino Sanuto the Younger) followed afterwards by various modern authors; however since the work in which Damianus' chapter is contained is dated ca 1059 it refers probably to Maria Argyropoulaina who had died a half century before.
From Wikipedia. Irrelevant but Maria Argyropoulaina might be the most modern Greek name I have seen in a medieval woman ever.
When, three days after the wedding, the new empress left her rooms to take her bath in the Palace of Magnaura, the court and the commonwealth gathered in queues behind her in the gardens. And when the empress passed with the servants who showed off the robes, the boxes with the perfumes, walking first, accompanied by three ladies of waiting who held apples decorated with pearls, as a symbol of erotic love, the commonwealth would cheer, the jesters of the court would make inappropriate jokes and the most important officers of the empire would escort the empress all the way to the entrance of the bath, where they waited for her to finish, and escorted her back to her bridal chambers.
Source: From The History of the Byzantine Empire by Charles Diehl, translated by me here.
They don't go into great detail as you see but I guess they are enough to give you an idea. Reminder to check the link I added above about the detailed description of the public baths - it is very interesting!
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foxes-that-run · 10 months
Do you have any thoughts on the California song that leaked a while back? I haven’t seen anyone post about that one but the lyrics are so interesting to me.
Hi anon - I have lots of thoughts and there were some posts when it leaked. Also, when it did Taylor left KC earlier than expected to LA and was not seen for a week.
It dates itself as written in LA during pandemic restrictions with ‘over ridden overseas’ and ‘stuck inside my summer home’. HH was largely written then as was Folklore/Evermore. All 3 are more Haylor than the works before with themes of reflecting on their lives and relationship.
He talks about this period at 22 mins of his Zane Lowe HH interview, he did nothing for 6 weeks, booked a studio and wrote late night talking and sushi then. Then he went to England/Italy and came back to LA. So it’s either written April or November 2020. Also to Zane Lowe, he said for Harry's House he did a lot more writing alone, (1:06) which I think California may be all him.
In terms of the song there are lots of references to flag it’s Taylor, skinny girl/shiny car, ‘it’s you who left a mark’ refers to This Love: “This love left a permanent mark, this love is glowing in the dark” she has a few references to marks in relation to him.
There are a few lyrics I’ll flag:
Kitten scratch - to me, LNT is Harry and Taylor talking by phone during the pandemic. The kitten scratch sounds like they may have met up, or perhaps he means a metaphor of pain caused by talking to her but HH is pretty warm
Hampstead Health in the summertime makes me think it was written after summer. He said to Zane that in that journey from Italy to the UK he thought about who he missed and his work/life balance. He the returned to LA to film DWD.
Summers death left to breath sounds like something ended and festered. While LNT and Sushi are the initial rush of speaking again California has mellowed to wanting to make room to cuddle and has resentment. I think it’s written closer to evermore/Coney Island than Folklore/The 1 & Exile.
Now… unpaid tab in shitty bar. They’re each worth 9 figures+ so that’s not literal, they’ve spent time together in the Bowery Hotel bar.
So after LNT in the March - May period. Harry returned to Europe and drove to Italy and back (20 hours each way) over the period Folklore was released. He said to Zane no one knew where he was. He did something similar in late 2018 in Japan.., after he wrote Falling. He wrote little freak and To be so lonely in that time period.
In November 2020 he returned to LA and started filming Don’t worry darling, it was in the media the day after the Long Pond Sessions were released. The long pond sessions was when it was announced Joe was William Bowery.
To me, California was possibly written in November 2020 in a post travel quarantine.
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kcenvs3000w24 · 7 months
Blog 06: Nature Interpretation Through History
Hi everyone, and welcome to my sixth blog post! The topic we are focusing on this week is nature interpretation through history. There is a lot of information to unpack here, so let’s dive in!
This week’s discussion was based on natural history and the interpretation of it. Natural history involves creating stories and memories based on evidence. Interpretation is needed to give life to past events, as well as remember the importance those events may have had. Interpreters have the ability to enrich their audience by relating historical experiences to their own lives. 
Interpretive writing of natural history has the power to change the world. It has the ability to both persuade and entertain (Beck et al., 2018). An example of this would be Rachel Carson and her novel Silent Spring. Last semester I explored the impact Rachel Carson had on the use of pesticides in the United States in another Environmental Science class here at UofG (ENVS 3020). Through her book, Rachel Carson was able to bring attention to the adverse effects pesticides have on the environment and wildlife (Beck et al., 2018). Through her writing, which she used as an interpretive tool, Rachel was able to influence public perception and reconstructed movements towards protecting the environment. 
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Rachel Carson's novel Silent Spring
"There is no peculiar merit in ancient things, but there is merit in integrity, and integrity entails the keeping together of the parts of any whole, and if these parts are scattered throughout time, then the maintenance of integrity entails a knowledge, a memory, of ancient things. …. To think, feel or act as though the past is done with, is equivalent to believing that a railway station through which our train has just passed, only existed for as long as our train was in it."
The above quotation is from Edward Hyams in the 7th chapter of his book, The Gift of Interpretation. When unpacking this quote, I think of the importance of both the past and present coming together. There is not necessarily significance in things just because they are older, but the real value lies in seeing the bigger picture (both the past and present). In order to maintain integrity, we must consider memories and knowledge of the past. Sometimes we live our lives without thinking or remembering what or who came before us. 
What I have taken away from this quote is to consider the importance previous history and events have on us in our modern day lives. By understanding history, we are able to learn valuable lessons that allow us to make informed decisions in the future. 
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting Cultural and Natural Heritage: For A Better World. SAGAMORE Publishing.
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sapphyreopal5 · 11 days
On September 3rd, Gen posted in her IG story that both Tom & Shep were sick(Mono & viral infection respectively). She is pictured with Shep with masks on at what seems like a doctor's office. She also posts a pic of herself at home with a red & swollen looking undereye. She says she was experiencing a bad allergic reaction to something unknown to her. She said she hasn't suffered from bad allergies before. It's interesting she says that because in 2018 she was singing a different tune for an allergy medication ad. positivexcellence(.)tumblr(.)com/post/760644004803166208/gens-ig-story
You see Anon, this is why I LOVE Tumblr and why I LOVE my Anons like yourself. This ladies and gentlemen is proof that Gen just likes to come up with all kinds of content and depends on YOU all having a short memory. I talked about the said photos and such here along with why I don't think she was actually sick for the Dragon Con. Strange how she suddenly has amnesia for how to get rid of bad allergy face, isn't it?
As you can see here below, Anon did their homework. They found this ad with Zyrtec and Gen as a partner. "As a really busy mom of 3 kids, time is precious to me". As an added bonus... she included the hashtag #ALLERGYFACE in her Instagram post. She even included some tips on getting rid of allergy face. Such are as below (OH and you can read them here on her NowandGen blog, as Anon here was awesome enough to share with me):
small ice packs
eye masks (puts on first thing in the morning)
oh yeah and since this is a Zyrtec ad, probably taking Zyrtec first thing in the morning along with her 4 other morning supplements
Excellent Anon, thank you for sharing this with me. Just hilarious how she needs allergy tips now that her partnership with Zyrtec seemingly expired years ago and wants to come up with more content for her page. And again for reference, here are the photos from her Instastory on 9/3/2024 Anon shared along with what was in my other post I linked to above as well.
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As for you, yet another wonderful Anon ♥, I do not believe everything is adding up to her being sick that week. As you can see above, the dates this Anon here show that there is quite a bit of a discrepancy in the timelines of things. Going from very sick with a 102 fever to working out VERY hard for a "morning booty boost" merely a week later (referencing now this post I made last night) just doesn't add up, now does it? Now of course also from my other post I mentioned before and because I'm a visual person, here are the screenshots talking about the differences in stories going on here for what Gen's ailments apparently were Dragon Con week.
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