#2019 Chevy Equinox
zizzlekwum · 1 year
Stranger In A Not-So-Strange Land
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The BAU struggles to find Reid after he's kidnapped by the unsub. Follows the events of Criminal Minds Season 2 Episode 15 "Revelations."
Trigger Warnings: mentions of drug use
Word Count: 5,808
Tag List: @leftoverenvy @itsmeanobody @ctrljuls @theclassicgaycousin @fatherfigured [if you want to be added to the tag list, please comment or send me an ask]
NOTE: Sorry for the many-month hiatus. It's been a shitshow around here lately. First, I was wicked depressed. Then, I got into a really bad accident and totaled my poor car (it was the other guy's fault and I have finally fully healed). So then I had to fight with insurance to get a rental and then buy a car, which I finally did today (2019 Chevy Equinox, in case you were wondering). So yeah. I'm sorry. I hope you enjoy this chapter, though.
You’re between Morgan and Prentiss in the back of the SUV, your leg bouncing up and down anxiously. You’re mentally berating yourself for not remembering the case sooner, convinced that you’re the reason Reid’s in trouble.
“Hey,” Prentiss says quietly, putting a hand on your bouncing leg. “This isn’t your fault.”
You scoff. “I should’ve remembered.”
“You said the show was on for like fifteen years, right?” she asks, shaking her head.
“Sixteen,” you correct her.
“You can’t possibly remember everything that happened over those sixteen years,” she tells you. You don’t respond, looking up at the roof of the car, willing yourself not to cry. You feel Emily move her arm from your leg to squeeze your hand. Your chest feels like it’s about to burst as your breathing starts to accelerate.
“Hey, hey, Y/N,” Emily says, squeezing your hand again. “Look at me.” You turn your head to face her, biting the inside of your cheek. “You’re okay. JJ and Reid are going to be okay.”
You shake your head, a tear sliding down your cheek. “He’s not,” you choke out. She wraps an arm around you and pulls you closer to her, rubbing your arm as your breathing steadies and determination sets in. You will get Reid back.
When Hotch finally pulls up to Tobias Hankel’s address, you all jump out of the SUV, drawing your weapons and flashlights. Hotch and Gideon move to take the front of the house. You, Morgan, and Prentiss go to follow when an officer stops the three of you. “There’s a barn around back,” he tells Morgan, pointing.
Morgan nods. “Prentiss, Y/L/N, come on.” The three of you hurry around the outside of the house, moving to the barn. Morgan takes the lead with you and Prentiss following close behind. He rushes into the barn, pointing his flashlight forward to illuminate the way.
You can hear your heartbeat pounding in your ears and feel it in your chest. It feels like it’s about to explode out from your chest at any second as you search the barn. Your flashlight lands on the unmoving body of a dead dog and you frown, but continue moving. You come up beside Morgan, who is staring at the a bloody mattress, bits and pieces of a body scattered everywhere. You curse.
“Oh, damn,” Morgan says.
You spin around to see a disheveled JJ pointing her gun at you, her eyes wild.
“JJ, it’s us!” you tell her as Morgan and Prentiss call her name.
“DON’T MOVE!” JJ yells.
“It’s Morgan!” Morgan calls to her. “JJ, it’s Morgan, Y/L/N, and Prentiss! Don’t shoot!” JJ begins to slowly lower her gun. “It’s okay. Are you hurt?”
JJ stares at Morgan as you and Emily approach her, checking her over for injuries. “Tobias Hankel is the unsub,” she says, her voice shaking.
“Yeah, we know,” Morgan says.
“I’ll go call in an ambulance,” one of the officers behind Morgan says.
“Yeah,” Morgan tells him with a nod.
JJ holsters her gun. “We just thought he was a witness.” She looks around at the dead dogs. “I had to kill them.”
“JJ, where’s Reid?” Morgan asks. You bite your cheek, tensing.
“They just… completely tore her apart,” JJ says, looking at the bloody mattress. “There’s nothing even left—”
“JJ, look at me,” Prentiss says firmly. “Look at me. Where’s Reid?”
“Oh, uh, we split up. He said he was going to go around back,” JJ says. You and Morgan turn and run out the back. Morgan motions you to go right as he goes left. Your search leads you into the cornfield, where your flashlight illuminates drag marks in the dirt.
“Morgan!” you yell, bending down to touch the dirt. You hear Morgan’s footsteps as he runs over to you.
“Find anything?” he asks. You gesture to the ground in front of you. Morgan curses.
You and Morgan walk back around the barn to find Prentiss talking to JJ, who is sitting in the back of an ambulance. “Prentiss,” Morgan says. She turns away from JJ and takes a step toward Morgan, who gestures to the cornfield. “We think Reid followed him into the cornfield.”
“I-it looks like somebody was dragged,” you tell her.
She shakes her head and goes to open her mouth when Detective Farraday grabs her attention from behind you. “Hey,” she calls, walking past you to the officer. “What’s going on?”
“The Sheriff two towns over,” Detective Farraday explains. “He just gave directions to a man who fit Hankel’s description. It’s to a motor lodge in Fort Bend.”
“Let’s get Hotch and Gideon,” Morgan says, turning to find them. You hurry after him, nervously rubbing your hands together.
*   *   *   *   *
The motor lodge is a dead end; it appears the unsub asked for directions simply to distract the police. By the time you return to Tobias Hankel’s house, it’s close to noon. You haven’t slept in over a day, but you’re too anxious to feel tired.
You sit around the kitchen table with Prentiss, JJ, Gideon, and Morgan, your leg bouncing nervously. You all turn to face the front door as Hotch leads Garcia inside.
“Welcome to our nightmare,” JJ says. You swallow hard.
“His computer is an extension of his brain,” Gideon tells Garcia. “I need you to dissect it.”
Morgan stands, beckoning her over. “I’ll get you set up. Come on.”
“So nothing new since I left?” Hotch asks as Morgan and Garcia walk into the other room, though it’s more of a statement than a question.
Prentiss sighs. “Well, the good thing is the guy documented practically every second of his life. The bad news is we’re still unpiling.”
“From the looks of it, he hasn’t left this place in years,” JJ says.
“He knew he could pretend to be looking for a hotel and throw us off his trail,” Prentiss says.
Gideon shakes his head. “No, no, no, it’s more than that. The sheriff’s office, the 911 calls. Every time he engages the police and gets away with it, he reassures himself that God’s on his side, not ours.”
You continue reading through the journals, occasionally muttering increasingly-creative profanities under your breath as you continue to find nothing useful. Eventually, Prentiss calls over to you from the other side of the room.
“Hey, I have got a list of Narcotics Anonymous meetings,” she says, holding a piece of paper. “Someone’s name and number is written on it, but this looks to be about twelve years old.”
“Try it,” Gideon says, not turning around. “There are no bad leads.” He reaches up and tears down the wallpaper in front of him, revealing writing on the wall. You and Emily step forward to get a better look.
“The hell is this?” you mutter.
“Is that Latin?” Emily asks.
“‘Honora patrum tuum,’” Gideon reads. He turns around, raising an eyebrow. “‘Honor thy father.’”
You sigh. “So nothing helpful, again.”
“We’ll find him,” Emily tells you.
“Yeah, but what’s Hankel gonna do to him while we’re looking?” You shake your head. You step out of the room and walk down the hall. When you pass the bathroom, JJ spins around, pointing her gun at you.
“Whoa!” you yelp, raising your hands. “Hey, hey, easy! JJ, it’s just me!”
Emily hurries out of the room behind you as JJ lowers her weapon. “Is everything okay?” She notices your raised hands and JJ holstering her weapon. “Are you all right?” she asks JJ.
JJ gives her a pained smile. “Uh, yeah. I’m-I’m sorry,” she tells you. “You scared me.”
You shake your head, lowering your hands. “No, I’m sorry. My bad.”
Emily looks between the two of you, contemplating what to say, before she turns to JJ. “JJ, we’re talking tomorrow morning to some guy who knew Hankel from Narcotics Anonymous. Why don’t you come with us? Get out of the house?”
JJ nods slowly. “Yeah.”
“Okay, great,” Prentiss says. She turns to walk past where you’re still watching JJ, trying to gauge whether or not she’s truly okay.
“Emily.” JJ steps out of the bathroom. You back up so she can face Emily.
“Yeah?” Prentiss turns around.
“How come none of this gets to you?” JJ asks.
Prentiss frowns. “What do you mean?”
“You came off a desk job,” JJ explains, and you suddenly remember flashes of watching Criminal Minds back in your own universe, specifically the ones involving Ian Doyle, but you don’t correct her. “Now suddenly you’re in the field surrounded by mutilated bodies, and… you don’t even flinch,” JJ finishes as Hotch comes up behind Emily.
“She’s right,” Hotch says. “You’ve never blinked.”
Emily shakes her head slowly. “I… guess… maybe I compartmentalize better than most people.”
Hotch goes to say something else but he’s interrupted by Morgan. “Hey guys!” Morgan shouts from outside. “I think I got something!”
The four of you rush out the front door and to the side of the house, where Morgan is clearing away overgrown grass from what looks to be a bulkhead leading to a basement of some sort. You take out your gun and flashlight. Hotch does the same.
Morgan pulls open the wooden door. “Tobias Hankel, FBI!” When there’s no response, Hotch nods at him to descend the stairs. You follow behind him, with Hotch at your heels.
When you reach the bottom step, you realize you’re standing inside an underground freezer, your breath causing a cloud of fog to appear with every exhale. There’s a man slumped over at the other end of the freezer.
“Tobias!” Morgan calls, slowly creeping forward, his gun raised. You follow.
“Guys, he’s blue,” you note as you get closer. “He’s obviously been dead for a while.”
“I think we just found Hankel’s father,” Hotch says.
*   *   *   *   *
The body is quickly transported to the ME’s office, and you go back to reading through the journals. It’s mind-numbing, but you refuse to stop, determined to find something that will help you find Reid. It’s past midnight when Emily tells you to get some rest, and though you try to resist, you can’t argue when she points out that you haven’t slept in almost two days. You grudgingly take your meds and rest your head on the table, closing your eyes. You sleep fitfully, but you do manage to get a couple hours in before you go with Prentiss and JJ to interview the man who knew Tobias Hankel from Narcotics Anonymous. Emily drives with JJ in the passenger seat, and you try not to nod off in the back.
When you get to the man’s house, he’s already outside, working on a red muscle car. “You must be the FBI,” he says as you all exit the SUV. “I’m Mickey Bates.”
“Agent Prentiss, these are Agents Jareau and Y/L/N,” Emily says, introducing the three of you. “We found your information in Tobias Hankel’s house and were wondering if you could tell us a bit about him.”
“Tobias Hankel,” Mickey repeats. “I haven’t thought about that boy in probably ten years.”
“So, you two were in a program together?” JJ asks.
Mickey nods. “He should tell you, but yeah. I was his sponsor. Small town, we all get lumped together. Me, I was just a drunk, but Tobias, he was a whole different sort of animal.”
“What was Tobias’ drug of choice, then?” you ask.
“Dilaudid,” Mickey says.
“Drugstore heroin,” Emily notes.
“He used to cut it with a psychedelic,” Mickey explains. He shakes his head. “That boy was looking to escape as far from reality as he could get. Addicts don’t get excuses, but if someone ever needed to self-medicate, it was that boy.”
“Why is that?” Prentiss asks.
“You know anything about his daddy?” Mickey says.
You, JJ, and Prentiss exchange looks. “We think Tobias Hankel may have murdered his father,” JJ says.
Mickey smiles, nodding. “Good for him.” JJ raises her eyebrows. “You know, Tobias’ mama ran off with another man when he was seven. His dad went Section-Eight, started preaching about sin, end-of-the-world stuff.” Mickey shakes his head. “He beat Tobias silly. He burned a cross in his forehead when Tobias was ten. If Tobias wore a hat, he’d beat him more.”
“Is there anyone Tobias would turn to if he was on the run?” Prentiss asks.
“Far as I know, he never left home,” Mickey says. “You know, honestly, between his habit and the old man, I’m amazed he’s still alive.”
You finish up the conversation before heading back to Tobias Hankel’s house, where Morgan, Hotch, Gideon, and Detective Farraday are still going through the journals.
“There’s something weird going on here,” Morgan says as you walk through the door.
“You think?” the detective says, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
“No, seriously,” Morgan says, holding up one of the journals. “Check this out. This journal is filled with religious ramblings. He notates hour by hour. ‘November 15th, 3:17— if ye offer a sacrifice of peace offering unto the Lord, ye shall offer it at your own will.’ And it goes on and on.”
“That matches what Mickey Bates just told us,” you say. “He said Tobias’ father went total religious nut after the mother left them.”
“Yeah, but then it goes blank for days,” Morgan says.
The detective shrugs. “Maybe he got sick of writing.”
“I think I got it,” Hotch says, looking through another journal.
“What is it?” Gideon asks.
“A journal entry, dated December 6th,” Hotch says. “‘Father’s sick. Wants me to put him down. I say ‘thou shalt not kill,’ he says ‘honor thy father.’ Must pray for guidance.’”
“So he kills his father as an act of mercy,” Gideon says.
“Except this is two months ago,” Hotch says, “and Tobias Hankel’s father had been dead for four months already.”
“That’s exactly it,” Morgan says, putting down the journal in his hand. He gestures to the chair in front of him. “Look at the floor. These scuff marks are fresh. I mean, it’s like two people were moving the chairs constantly, trying to fight for control.”
“So?” Detective Farraday says.
Emily shakes her head. “You don’t think….”
Morgan nods. “This journal matches Charles Hankel’s handwriting, but it was written after he died. Upstairs, Tobias’ bedroom— it’s got junk piled floor to ceiling, but the other bedroom could pass a military inspection.”
“So are you telling me one of Tobias’ personalities was his father?” Detective Farraday asks.
“Well, Tobias was raised with a strict religious code— black and white, right and wrong,” Gideon says. “When his father asked Tobias to kill him, something had to give.”
“His brain couldn’t handle the moral contradiction, so it split into two personalities on order to keep his father alive,” Hotch explains.
JJ shakes her head. “So who is Raphael?”
“My guess— he’s a mediator between the two,” Gideon offers. “Angels have no human emotions. Live or die, they don’t care, as long as it’s God’s will.”
“We need to start profiling Tobias’ father,” Hotch says. “He may be the one who chose where to take Reid.”
“I’ll get Garcia on it,” Morgan says. He walks into the other room, where Garcia is still combing through Tobias’ computer. You follow him. “Garcia, I need you to log into the system as Tobias’ father,” Morgan tells her.
“The system was set up three months ago,” Garcia tells him. “The dad was already dead.”
Morgan puts a hand on her shoulder. “I know that, smarty-pants, but do it for your boy anyway, all right?”
“Okay,” Garcia says, typing on the keyboard.
“Charles Hankel,” you tell her, watching over her shoulder. She hits the enter key, and the many computer screens change from unsuspecting people in their houses to videos of destruction— fires, bombs, tsunamis, riots.
“Whoa,” Garcia says. She starts typing, but suddenly the screens go black.
“What’s going on?” Morgan asks. “What happened?”
Garcia shakes her head. “I… don’t know.” Suddenly, a video feed of Reid pops up on all of the screens.
“Oh my God,” Garcia breathes. You curse.
“Guys!” Morgan yells, poking his head out of the doorway. “Guys! Get in here!”
Everyone rushes into the room. Emily gasps. “He’s been beaten,” she says as you start stimming, rubbing your hands together over and over again.
“Can’t you track him?” JJ asks.
“Hankel’s only streaming this to his home computer,” Garcia says quietly.
“This is for us,” Gideon says. “He knows we’re here.”
“Fuck!” you exclaim.
“I’m gonna put this guy’s head on a stick,” Morgan mutters.
“Why can’t you locate him?” Hotch asks.
“He’s rerouting to a different IP address every thirty seconds,” Garcia explains. “I can’t track him.”
“You really see inside men’s minds?” Tobias asks Reid from off screen. You assume it’s one of his alters speaking, either his father or Raphael. “See these vermin? Choose one to die. I’ll let you choose one to live.”
Reid shakes his head. “No,” he whispers.
There’s a bang. “I thought you wanted to be some kind of savior?” Tobias says.
“You’re a sadist in a psychotic break,” Reid says. “You won’t stop killing. Your word’s not true.”
“The other heathens are watching,” you hear Tobias tell him. “Choose a sinner to die, and I’ll say the name and address of the person who gets saved.” You bite your bottom lip, still rubbing your hands together anxiously.
“I won’t choose who gets slaughtered and have you leave their remains behind like a poacher,” Reid says, shaking his head.
Tobias moves on screen and grabs Reid, standing him up. “Can you really see into my mind, boy? Can you see I’m not a liar?!” Tobias yells. “Choose one to die, and save a life. Otherwise, they’re all dead.” He drops Reid back into his chair.
“All right,” Reid says, his voice shaking. “I’ll choose who lives.”
“They’re all the same,” Tobias says.
“Far right screen,” Reid tells him.
“Marilyn David, 4913 Walnut Creek Road,” Tobias says.
“You got that?” Hotch asks as Garcia types.
“Yeah,” she says. A phone number pops up on the screen and Gideon takes out his cell phone and dials.
“Marilyn David,” he says. “My name is Jason Gideon. I’m with the FBI. You recently asked for tech support on your computer. Someone has hacked into your camera and is watching you. I need you to shut off your computer.”
On the screen, Reid looks up. “Raphael,” he whispers. The feed goes black. Morgan turns and punches the door. You put your hands on your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair.
“So now what?” the officer asks. “Wait for a 911 call and hope we get there in time?”
“There’s nothing we can do,” Hotch says.
*   *   *   *   *
You, Gideon, and Hotch walk into the house of the latest victims in silence.
“Slaughtered,” the detective from Tobias Hankel’s house tells the three of you. “Same as the others. We’ve got roadblocks for a fifteen-mile radius. Every unit’s on the road, but so far nothing.”
“I don’t know how much longer Reid can hold out,” Hotch says.
“We’ll find him,” you whisper, your eyes stinging with unshed tears.
“Who were the victims?” Gideon asks.
“Pam and Mike Hayes,” Detective Farraday says. “He was a local defense attorney.”
“And what bible passage was left?”
“Isaiah 59,” the detective says, holding up a piece of paper in an evidence bag. Hotch takes it from him.
“‘No one calls for justice, no one pleads their case with integrity,’” Hotch reads. “‘They rely on empty arguments. They offer lies. They conceive trouble and give birth to evil.’”
Gideon walks over to the open laptop on the desk across the room. He sits down in the chair in front of it. “Reid,” he says. “If you’re watching, you’re not responsible for this. You understand me? He’s perverting God to justify murder. You are stronger than him. He cannot break you.” Gideon stands up and comes back to you and Hotch.
There’s nothing much for you to do at the scene, so the three of you soon find yourselves back at Tobias Hankel’s house.
“We’re not getting any closer,” Hotch says quietly as you all walk through the front door.
“Reid’s brilliant,” Gideon tells him. “He’ll figure out how to survive.”
“You know, I always take advantage of Reid for his brain,” Hotch says, “but I never actually teach him how to deal with things emotionally.”
Gideon shrugs. “Lead by example.”
“Yeah, and what kind of example is that?” Hotch says. You cover your humorless laugh with a cough.
“He’ll make it,” Gideon says.
You nod. “He will,” you say. You’re not sure who you’re trying to convince, them or yourself. You do know that the episode ends with Reid being rescued, but it’s a lot harder to believe when you’re living it.
You wander over to where Garcia is set up, still going through Tobias’ computer. JJ is already there.
“Any more sign of Reid?” JJ asks.
Garcia shakes her head. “And he just posted the last murder online,” she says quietly. “It’s had over 17,000 hits in the first twenty minutes.”
“I want to see it,” JJ says.
“No you don’t,” Garcia says, shaking her head.
“Don’t tell me what I want and don’t want,” JJ says. Garcia looks at her in shock. “If I can’t watch this… I have no business being in the field.”
“Jayge, it’s not a competition,” Garcia tells her.
“You have nothing to prove,” you add.
“I-I need to see it,” JJ says.
“If you stop being affected by things, you… lose parts of yourself, you know,” Garcia says.
JJ doesn’t meet her eyes. “Show me.”
Garcia sighs and presses a button on her keyboard, standing. “I won’t watch it with you,” she says, leaving the room. You follow her, not wanting to see it, either. You decide to go find Prentiss. She’s in the living room with Morgan, who’s staring at the wall  where you’ve all taped pictures and journal entries.
“We can trace their whole family history,” Morgan says. He shakes his head. “Here we got happy, smiling pictures of Tobias. Report cards, all A’s and B’s. But at eight years old, we got nothing.”
“That’s his mother leaving,” Emily says. “Six months later, on the other side of the board, we have a form from Child Services saying they paid a visit.”
“And then Charles starts keeping journals about punishing sinners and needing to remove the Devil from his son,” Morgan says.
“Which corresponds to Tobias’ drug use,” Emily adds.
“He’s trying to escape,” you say.
“So wherever Reid is, it was Tobias’ choice, not his father’s,” Morgan says.
“How do you figure?” Emily asks.
“Look at these two lives,” he says. “They’re like inverse graphs. One’s getting weaker while the other one’s getting angrier. Tobias would run away, his father would would’ve stood and fought.”
“Okay, but where the hell would he go?” you ask. “The dude barely ever even left his house.”
“So, Tobias uses drugs as an escape,” Prentiss says. “I’ll go back through the journals and see if I can find anything connecting his drug use to a hiding place.”
“I’ll help,” you offer, jumping at the chance to do something.
“Uh, where’s Gideon?” JJ says from behind you.
“He’s upstairs,” you tell her.
“Why? What’s going on?” Morgan asks.
“Hankel just posted the latest murder,” JJ says.
You sigh. “I’ll go tell him.”
After you relay the news to Gideon and Hotch, you find yourself back with Garcia with the rest of the team.
“I don’t understand,” Gideon says. “Why can’t we shut it down?”
“Because I can’t pinpoint his IP address,” Garcia tells him.
“So just remove it once he sends it,” Gideon says.
“The internet doesn’t work like that,” you explain.
Garcia nods. “Once something’s out there, you can never take it back.”
“It must remain. You can’t undo anything,” Gideon mutters, shaking his head. “Can you please do something? Anything? I do not want him thinking he has a pulpit.”
“A virus,” you say, quietly at first, then louder as the ideas forms in your mind. “What if people thought it was a virus?”
Garcia nods, typing away at her keyboard. “I have a list of everyone from the file-sharing chain. I could send out a mass warning that the video is actually a virus. I’m gonna do that, okay.” She turns to you and Gideon. “It’s done.”
You nod. “Good. At least that—” The computer beeps. Garcia spins back around in her chair just as another live video feed of Reid pops up on all of the screens. “He’s okay,” you breathe. You lean over Garcia’s shoulder, getting closer to the screen.
“This ends now,” Tobias says, stepping in front of Reid, who’s still sitting in the chair. His tone of voice tells you that his father’s personality is the one currently in control. “Confess your sins.” He slaps Reid across the face. You and Garcia flinch. “Confess!”
“I haven’t done anything!” Reid cries. Tobias punches Reid in the face. “Tobias, help me,” Reid squeaks.
“He can’t help you,” Tobias says. “He’s weak. Confess!” He slaps Reid across the face again. A tear slides down your cheek. You squeeze Garcia’s shaking shoulder. She puts her hand on top of yours and squeezes back. “Confess your sins,” Tobias says. When Reid doesn’t respond, Tobias yells, pushing the chair over, Reid with it. Reid hits the ground and begins to convulse, gasping.
“Oh my God, he’s killing him!” Garcia gasps. You stare at the screen, unable to look away. Suddenly, Reid stops gasping and convulsing, his head falling backwards with a thud.
“That’s the Devil vacating your body,” Tobias mutters.
“Is-is he…?” Garcia’s voice trails off, unable to finish the sentence.
You shake your head vigorously. “No,” you say. “No, he’s gonna be fine. I know he is, I’ve seen it!” Gideon walks out of the room. At some point, Hotch, Morgan, Prentiss, and JJ end up behind you. You refuse to look away from the screen, mentally willing Reid to move. Suddenly, Tobias rushes back on screen, kneeling next to Reid and starting chest compressions.
“Jason!” Hotch calls from behind you. You continue to stare at the video feed, unblinking, hand in hand with Garcia. You can feel her shaking, but you’re numb.
You finally let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding when Reid gasps, coughing. Garcia gasps, tears streaming down her face. On the screen, Tobias leans backwards as Reid coughs.
“Wait, wait a second,” Emily says, breaking the silence in the room. “When was the video of the last murder posted?”
“9:23,” Garcia tells her.
“And-and what were the time of deaths?” Prentiss says.
“The 911 call came in at 9:04, and the murder must have been minutes after,” Hotch says.
“That’s only a nineteen minute difference,” JJ says.
“That’s not a lot of time,” you say slowly. “Can we use that to narrow down where he might be?”
“How long would it take to post the MPEG?” Morgan asks.
“Two, three minutes, tops,” Garcia says.
“So let’s call it two,” Morgan responds. “You figure a maximum of 60 miles an hour in a residential area. That means Hankel has to be within a seventeen mile radius of the crime scene.”
“Garcia, can we see it on a map?” Hotch asks. Garcia presses a few buttons on the keyboard and pulls up a map of the area, a blue circular overlay denoting the radius of Reid’s possible location.
“Call Farraday,” Gideon says. “I want that area locked down like it’s martial law.”
“Guys,” Garcia says, pulling the video feed back up. Tobias is standing over Reid.
“You came back to life,” Tobias says.
“Raphael,” Reid whispers from the ground.
“There can be only one of two reasons,” Tobias continues, speaking as Raphael.
“I was given CPR,” Reid tells him.
“There are no accidents. How many members are on your team?” he asks.
“Eight,” Reid says.
“‘The seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound,’” Tobias quotes. “‘The first sounding followed hail and fire mixed with blood, and they were thrown to Earth.’”
“He thinks it’s Revelations— the seven archangels versus the seven angels of death,” Hotch says.
“But there are eight of us,” you point out.
Hotch shakes his head. “Seven, if you don’t count Reid. He thinks we’re the angels of death.”
On the video feed, Tobias picks up Reid’s chair and has him sit in it. “Tell me who you serve.”
“I serve you,” Reid says quietly.
“Then choose one to die,” Tobias says.
“Your team members— choose one to die.”
“Kill me,” Reid says, defiant.
“You said you weren’t one of them,” Tobias says.
“I lied,” Reid tells him.
“Your team has seven other members, the seven angels of death,” Tobias says. “Tell me who dies.”
Reid shakes his head. “No.”
Tobias pulls out a revolver from his pocket. He opens the chamber, places a single bullet inside, and spins it before yanking it closed again. He places the end of the revolver against Reid’s forehead. “Choose, and prove you’ll do God’s will.”
“No,” Reid says. Your heart threatens to beat right out of your chest.
You flinch at the click the revolver makes when Tobias pulls the trigger. “Choose,” he says.
Reid doesn’t move. “I won’t do it.”
Another click as Tobias pulls the trigger for a second time and you flinch again. “Life is a choice.”
Another click and another flinch. “Choose.”
“I… I choose… Aaron Hotchner,” Reid says. “He’s a classic narcissist. He thinks he’s better than everyone else on the team. Genesis 23:4— ‘let him not deceive himself and trust in emptiness, vanity, falseness, and futility, for these shall be his recompense.’”
Hotch walks out of the room as Tobias raises the revolver so it’s pointed above Reid’s head. He pulls the trigger and a shot rings out. You follow Hotch out of the room.
“I’m not a narcissist,” he says, flipping through the pages of a bible.
“Come on, look,” Gideon says. “You can’t take anything from that. He’s—”
“That’s not what I’m—”
“—in his right mind—”
“No, stop, stop,” Hotch says. “All right, everybody, right now— what’s my worst quality?” No one says anything. “Okay, I’ll start. I have no sense of humor.”
“You’re a bully,” JJ says.
“I’m a bully,” Hotch repeats.
“You can be a drill sergeant sometimes,” Morgan says.
“Right,” Hotch says.
“You bury all your emotions,” you add. Hotch nods.
“You don’t trust women as much as men,” Prentiss chimes in.
“Okay, good,” Hotch says. “I’m all these things, but none of you said that I ever put myself above the team because I don’t, ever. Reid and I argued about the definition of classic narcissism, and he knew that I would remember that.” He points to the open bible he’s holding. “And he also quotes Genesis, Chapter 23 Verse 4. Read it.”
You take the bible from him, quickly locating the passage. “‘I am a stranger and a sojourner with you. Give me property, for a burial place among you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight.’”
“He wouldn’t get it wrong unless it was on purpose,” Hotch says confidently.
“Tha-that’s right!” you gasp, the clue jogging your memory. “He’s in a cemetery!”
You all rush back to Garcia. “Pull up the map of the seventeen-mile radius again,” Hotch tells her. She does so quickly. “Reid’s in a cemetery.”
You all examine the map quickly. “I don’t see a cemetery,” Prentiss says.
“Call up the first time we saw Reid,” Gideon tells Garcia. She taps a few keys and pulls up the earlier video stream.
“I won’t choose who gets slaughtered and have you leave their remains behind like a poacher,” Reid says in the video.
“Check to see if there are any reports of poaching in the last couple of days,” Hotch says.
“Okay, uh…,” Garcia says, typing on her keyboard. “A farmer reported two sheep being slaughtered on his property.”
“Where are we talking?” Morgan asks.
Garcia zooms in on the map. “Wait, what’s that patch of green there?” JJ asks.
“Marshall Parish,” Hotch says. “I think it’s an old plantation.”
“Wait,” Emily says, “Tobias wrote in his journals about staying clean and keeping away from Marshall.”
“Guys, there’s a cemetery on the grounds,” Garcia says as the computer beeps.
“Let’s go,” Hotch says. You all rush out the door.
*   *   *   *   *
As soon as Morgan shifts into park, you’re jumping out of the backseat and drawing your weapon. You follow Morgan and Prentiss around the back of a small building as Hotch, Gideon, and JJ take the front.
Morgan kicks the door open. “FBI!”
You follow him into a small room, where a fire is still crackling in the fireplace in the corner. Hotch, Gideon, and JJ are in front of you, walking through the front door.
“Clear!” Morgan shouts.
“Clear!” Hotch says.
“Ah! What’s that smell?” Prentiss asks, coughing.
“Let’s spread out,” Hotch commands. “They have to be on foot. Let’s go!”
You turn around and begin walking through the overgrown bushes, your flashlight shining in front of you. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Prentiss do the same. You find a rusted metal gate and walk inside of it, moving past old, weathered gravestones.
Suddenly, you hear a gunshot. “Reid!” you scream, breaking out into a run. You weave between the headstones, heading in the direction of the sound.
“Reid!” you hear Morgan shout.
You run around a corner and find Reid kneeling over Tobias Hankel. “Over here!” you yell to the others, running over to him.
“There he is!” Hotch shouts from behind you.
You rush over to Reid, dropping to your knees beside him. “Are you okay?!” You reach over and hug him before pulling him to his feet as the rest of the team catches up to you.
“I knew you’d find me,” Reid says, throwing his arms around you. After a moment, you take a step back, and JJ surges forward to take your place.
“I am so sorry,” she says quietly, clinging to Reid.
“It’s all right,” Reid tells her. “It wasn’t your fault.”
Gideon grabs Reid’s arm gently. “Let’s get you out of here.”
Reid slowly pulls away. “Can… can I have a second alone?”
“Of course,” Gideon tells him, and the rest of you take a few steps back to give him some space. Reid kneels down next to Tobias’ body, his back to you. After a moment, he stands up and walks over to where the rest of you are waiting. You put a hand on his shoulder as you walk out of the cemetery, finally able to put this behind you.
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mariacallous · 2 years
For now, Alex Lagetko is holding on to his Tesla stocks. The founder of hedge fund VSO Capital Management in New York, Lagetko says his stake in the company was worth $46 million in November 2021, when shares in the electric carmaker peaked at $415. 
Since then, they have plunged 72 percent, as investors worry about waning demand, falling production and price cuts in China, labor shortages in Europe, and, of course, the long-term impact of CEO Elon Musk’s $44 billion acquisition of Twitter. After announcing his plans to buy the platform in April, Musk financed his acquisition with $13 billion in loans and $33 billion in cash, roughly $23 billion of which was raised by selling shares in Tesla. 
“Many investors, particularly retail, who invested disproportionately large sums of their wealth largely on the basis of trust in Musk over many years were very quickly burned in the months following the acquisition,” Lagetko says, “particularly in December as he sold more stock, presumably to fund losses at Twitter.”
Lagetko is worried that the leveraged buyout of Twitter has left Tesla exposed, as interest payments on the debt Musk took on to fund the takeover come due at the same time as the social media company’s revenues have slumped.
But Tesla stock was already falling in April 2022, when Musk launched his bid for Twitter, and analysts say that the carmaker’s challenges run deeper than its exposure to the struggling social media platform. Tesla and its CEO have alienated its core customers while its limited designs and high prices make it vulnerable to competition from legacy automakers, who have rushed into the EV market with options that Musk’s company will struggle to match.
Prior to 2020, Tesla was essentially “playing against a B team in a soccer match,” says Matthias Schmidt, an independent analyst in Berlin who tracks electric car sales in Europe. But that changed in 2020, as “the opposition started rolling out some of their A squad players.”
In 2023, Tesla is due to release its long-awaited Cybertruck, a blocky, angular SUV first announced in 2019. It is the first new launch of a consumer vehicle by the company since 2020. A promised two-seater sports car is still years away, and the Models S, X, Y, and 3, once seen as space-age dynamos, are now “long in the tooth,” says Mark Barrott, an automotive analyst at consultancy Plante Moran. Most auto companies refresh their looks every three to five years—Tesla’s Model S is now more than 10 years old.
By contrast, this year Ford plans to boost production of both its F-150 Lighting EV pick-up, already sold out for 2023, and its Mustang Mach-E SUV. Offerings from Hyundai IONIQ 5 and Kia EV6 could threaten Tesla’s Model Y and Model 3 in the $45,000 to $65,000 range. General Motors plans to speed up production and cut costs for a range of EV models, including the Chevy Blazer EV, the Chevy Equinox, the Cadillac Lyric, and the GMC Sierra EV. 
While Tesla’s designs may be eye-catching, their high prices mean that they’re now often competing with luxury brands. 
“There is this kind of nice Bauhaus simplicity to Tesla’s design, but it’s not luxurious,” says David Welch, author of Charging Ahead: GM, Mary Barra, and the Reinvention of an American Icon. “And for people to pay $70,000 to $100,000 for a car, if you’re competing suddenly with an electric Mercedes or BMW, or a Cadillac that finally actually feels like something that should bear the Cadillac name, you’re going to give people something to think about.”
While few manufacturers can compete with Tesla on performance and software (the Tesla Model S goes to 60 mph in 1.99 seconds, reaches a 200-mph top speed, and boasts automatic lane changing and a 17-inch touchscreen for console-grade gaming), many have reached or are approaching a range of 300 miles (480 km), which is the most important consideration for many EV buyers, says Craig Lawrence, a partner and cofounder at the investment group Energy Transition Ventures.
One of Tesla’s main competitive advantages has been its supercharging network. With more than 40,000 proprietary DC fast chargers located on major thoroughfares near shopping centers, coffee shops, and gas stations, their global infrastructure is the largest in the world. Chargers are integrated with the cars’ Autobidder optimization & dispatch software, and, most importantly, they work quickly and reliably, giving a car up to 322 miles of range in 15 minutes. The network contributes to about 12 percent of Tesla sales globally.
“The single biggest hurdle for most people asking ‘Do I go EV or not,’ is how do I refuel it and where,” says Loren McDonald, CEO and lead analyst for the consultancy EVAdoption. “Tesla figured that out early on and made it half of the value proposition.”
But new requirements for funding under public charging infrastructure programs in the US may erode Tesla’s proprietary charging advantage. The US National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program will allocate $7.5 billion to fund the development of some 500,000 electric vehicle chargers, but to access funds to build new stations, Tesla will have to open up its network to competitors by including four CCC chargers.
“Unless Tesla opens up their network to different charging standards, they will not get any of that volume,” Barrott says. “And Tesla doesn’t like that.”
In a few years, the US public charging infrastructure may start to look more like Europe’s, where in many countries the Tesla Model 3 uses standard plugs, and Tesla has opened their Supercharging stations to non-Tesla vehicles. 
Tesla does maintain a software edge over competitors, which have looked to third-party technology like Apple’s CarPlay to fill the gap, says Alex Pischalnikov, an auto analyst and principal at the consulting firm Arthur D. Little. With over-the-air updates, Tesla can send new lines of code over cellular networks to resolve mechanical problems and safety features, update console entertainment options, and surprise drivers with new features, such as heated rear seats and the recently released full self-driving beta, available for $15,000. These software updates are also a cash machine for Tesla. But full self-driving features aren’t quite as promised, since drivers still have to remain in effective control of the vehicle, limiting the value of the system.
A Plante Moran analysis shared with WIRED shows Tesla’s share of the North American EV market declining from 70 percent in 2022 to just 31 percent by 2025, as total EV production grows from 777,000 to 2.87 million units.
In Europe, Tesla’s decline is already underway. Schmidt says data from the first 11 months of 2022 shows sales by volume of Volkswagen’s modular electric drive matrix (MEB) vehicles outpaced Tesla’s Model Y and Model 3 by more than 20 percent. His projections show Tesla’s product lines finishing the year with 15 percent of the western European electric vehicle market, down from 33 percent in 2019.
The European Union has proposed legislation to reduce carbon emissions from new cars and vans by 100 percent by 2035, which is likely to bring more competition from European carmakers into the market. 
There is also a growing sense that Musk’s behavior since taking over Twitter has made a challenging situation for Tesla even worse.
Over the past year, Musk has used Twitter to call for the prosecution of former director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci (“My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci”), take swings at US senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders over government spending and inflation, and placed himself at the center of the free speech debate. He’s lashed out at critics, challenging, among other things, the size of their testicles. 
A November analysis of the top 100 global brands by the New York–based consultancy Interbrand estimated Tesla’s brand value in 2022 at $48 billion, up 32 percent from 2021 but well short of its 183 percent growth between 2020 and 2021. The report, based on qualitative data from 1,000 industry consultants and sentiment analysis of published sources, showed brand strength declining, particularly in “trust, distinctiveness and an understanding of the needs of their customers.”
“I think [Musk’s] core is rapidly moving away from him, and people are just starting to say, ‘I don’t like the smell of Tesla; I don’t want to be associated with that,’” says Daniel Binns, global chief growth officer at Interbrand.
Among them are once-loyal customers. Alan Saldich, a semi-retired tech CMO who lives in Idaho, put a deposit down on a Model S in 2011, before the cars were even on the road, after seeing a bodiless chassis in a Menlo Park showroom. His car, delivered in 2012, was number 2799, one of the first 3,000 made.
He benefited from the company’s good, if idiosyncratic, customer service. When, on Christmas morning 2012, the car wouldn’t start, he emailed Musk directly seeking a remedy. Musk responded just 24 minutes later: “...Will see if we can diagnose and fix remotely. Sorry about this. Hope you otherwise have a good Christmas.”
On New Year’s Day, Joost de Vries, then vice president of worldwide service at Tesla, and an assistant showed up at Saldich’s house with a trailer, loaded the car onto a flatbed, and hauled it to Tesla’s plant in Fremont, California, to be repaired. Saldich and his family later even got a tour of the factory. But since then, he’s cooled on the company. In 2019, he sold his Model S, and now drives a Mini Electric. He’s irritated in particular, he says, by Musk’s verbal attacks on government programs and regulation, particularly as Tesla has benefited from states and federal EV tax credits.
“Personally, I probably wouldn’t buy another Tesla,” he says. “A, because there’s so many alternatives and B, I just don’t like [Musk] anymore.”
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northiowatoday · 5 months
Two Iowans dead in auto crash
DECATUR COUNTY – Two Iowans were killed when a driver ran a stop sign and t-boned a pickup truck. According to the Iowa State Patrol, the accident took place Friday, May 10, 2024. At 7:40 PM that evening in Decatur county, a 2019 Chevy Equinox driven by 55-year-old Robin Ann Reaves of Urbandale was traveling northbound on Lineville Road and failed to stop at the intersection at Highway 2. The…
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fahrni · 1 year
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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I’m getting more and more excited about writing code full time at work. I’m sure that won’t last but I’m going to enjoy every minute of it while I can. 😃
I ran into issues getting my git SSH keys to work earlier in the week and while I find that frustrating it was also a nice challenge to fix. I’m up and running and ready to break some stuff! 👍🏼
I hope you enjoy your coffee and the links.
Sarah Burns • The Irish Times
Irish singer Sinéad O’Connor has died at the age of 56, her family has announced.
The 80’s was my era of music and I most certainly remember Nothing compares 2 U, it was a big hit.
The thing that really struck me is, she was 56 years old. As I age my mortality has occupied more of my thoughts than I care to admit, but there you go.
God speed. ❤️
Jacob Zinkula • Business Insider
ChatGPT creator says AI advocates are fooling themselves if they think the technology is only going to be good for workers : ‘Jobs are definitely going to go away’
Emphasis is mine. I’ve not used ChatGPT but we’re pushing into AI hard at WillowTree. It’s such a hot button item at the moment all agencies will have to take it very seriously.
For my daily work I see it as a really smart auto complete. The next evolution in code assistant. It felt like cheating early on but as a developer you still have to validate the output. Did you get valid and good code? It may not work all the time. Yes, it’s fallible but it’s also early days. I am certain I’ll use it at some point to help generate some code.
Give it another 10 years to mature. I’ll be really close to retirement by then and the next next generation can use it to their advantage. 😃
Owen Bellwood • Jalopnik
According to General Motors boss Mary Barra, Chevrolet has backtracked on its plans to completely kill off the Bolt, which has so far seen its sales more than double in 2023. Now, the company is working on a next-generation Bolt, which will join Chevy’s other electric models: the Silverado EV, Blazer EV and Equinox EV.
I found this really encouraging! We need more little EVs in the market and I always thought the Bolt was a nice little car.
Hopefully the next generation gets its fire issues under control.
Oh, the only downside I can think of is Chevy’s insistence on building their entire infotainment system.
Manton Reece
Dave Winer posted a 12-minute audio recording on his blog, addressed to me but applicable to everyone who is creating tools for the social web. Listening to it, I have a bunch of thoughts. In this post, I just want to start with server-to-server ActivityPub, and leave some of the other technologies Dave brings up for later.
Dave Winer has created a bunch of the technologies we rely on everyday in the blogging world; blogs, RSS, and Podcasting delivery. Now he’s trying to unify the mechanism to span posting to multiple social networks and blogging.
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Manton Reece is the creator of Micro.blog — the service I use to publish this site — and is into open standards like MetaWeblog and ActivityPub, so much so Micro.Blog is a Fediverse server by federating with Mastodon.
To see these two chatting about putting something together to bride these systems is nice to see. I see what Dave is proposing as the next version of MetaWeblog, perhaps extended to accommodate new blogging and social network norms.
Perhaps Micropub could serve to do this? I’ve not looked into it but it seems like it could be the way to go?
I have my own opinions on the matter and I’m sure I’ll voice them at some point. In the meantime it’s nice to see this happening and I’m going to keep an eye on it. 👀
Robert Reich
Someone who has tried to overthrow the U.S. government cannot be president.
Mr. Reich is point out what may sound obvious at first but what he’s really saying is it shouldn’t take a conviction to eliminate TFG. We all know he tried to overturn a fair and valid election in 2019. We all know he rallied his supporters to storm the Capitol and try to stop the formality of recording the election results.
He doesn’t need to be convicted. He’s a danger to democracy and the rule of law. That’s disqualifying. ⚖️
leboncoin Engineering Blog
I recall how, when I was a junior developer, I often felt happy and reassured when I was writing software. It felt like a safe place compared to the overwhelming complexities of the world. The simple, deterministic functions, mechanical in their way of working, offered comfort. If you inject an input, it always gives the same output. It’s controllable, manageable, uncomplicated!
If you’re good at what you do eventually someone will notice and give you more to do with greater responsibility. Eventually you’ll be mentoring people and more junior developers will naturally look to you for your experience.
It’s not a bad thing. It’s just what happens and isn’t isolated to software engineering. This happens in all fields.
While I enjoy working with Junior folks there’s also this big part of me that’s ready to sit in the corner and just work on features and bugs, and that’s all. A simplified dev life. 😃
Dean Obeidallah
Barbie not only broke box office records, she destroyed the GOP’s Barbie Boycott
Barbie isn’t a film I plan on seeing but it sounds like the GOP is once again up in arms over cultural issues dealt with in the film.
I hope it breaks all the records. 🎬
Tony • arcadeblogger.com
I was visiting my family in the Chicago suburbs recently, when my niece mentioned she saw “some TRON thing” sitting on a curb while she was riding her bike through the neighbourhood.
As a teen I remember well the arcade in Exeter. It was called the Quarter Slot. Ahhh, good times. Anywho, I will never forget the Tron game — not the one mentioned in the article — because there were two guys who spent a crazy amount of time playing it and taking copious notes on how to beat every level.
Yes, those were the days.
James Surowiecki • Fast Company
Threads has one big advantage over Twitter: Zuckerberg understands advertising
If Threads can pull people away from Twitter — I mean, ahem, X — does that help to extinctify the ailing bird?
Who knows. Musk is crazy rich so I’d imagine he can keep it afloat for a very long time.
All I want to know is when will he be selling Twitter.com and for how much? It would make for a great Mastodon instance. 🐘
Ryan Erik King • Jalopnik
The Alpine F1 Team is currently competing at each race weekend with the odds slightly stacked against them. The Renault power unit used by the French factory team is believed to be 30 horsepower behind their rivals. Under normal circumstances, Alpine would be told simply to improve on their own, but there’s currently a freeze on engine development. The FIA, the sport’s governing body, wants to allow Alpine to catch up.
Alpine is kind of what remains of the Renault team and it seems like they’re going backwards.
I’d love to see them move closer to the front of the pack but they continue to be one of the “back of the pack” teams with flashes of brilliance on rare occasion.
Formula One is an extremely tough sport to compete in. Teams with extremely deep pockets can buy great engineering and dedicate huge resources to land their teams in victory lane. It also makes the races really boring. 😃
Here’s hoping Renault is given a chance to fix their horsepower issue ahead of next season. At this point I suppose it doesn’t matter much.
I’m a Haas supporter myself. It’s the only American team on the grid so why not support them? They also have Guenther Steiner who is the most entertaining of all the Principals in F1. 😃
Oh, by the way! Since you’re an American team why not use American built power? I mean, you run Ford motors Stuart Haas Racing, why not work with them on an amazing F1 power unit? I’d love to see that! Don’t let Red Bull be the only team doing it!
Who else is looking forward to the next season of Drive to Survive?
Tim Hardwick • MacRumors
Apple has become the target of a £785 million ($1 billion) class action lawsuit on behalf of over 1,500 developers in the UK over its App Store fees, reports TechCrunch.
Unfortunately this is pocket change for Apple. I don’t make much as a developer of apps for Apple devices but to those who do giving up 15 to 30% of revenue is a big deal.
Even if Apple allow for third party stores or payment processors they’re still going to charge their fee. Might as well keep the App Store as it is and be done with it.
Daring Fireball
Translation From Hostage Code to English of X Corp CEO Linda Yaccarino’s Company-Wide Memo
I mean, if Yaccarino isn’t actually asking for help to get out now I suppose she will be in six months to a year because Space Karen won’t agree with her about something and drive her insane or sack her.
Just let Twitter fade away, sell off the domain, and let’s move forward with the open web.
Janis Mara • berkeleyside.org
Peet’s is widely credited with transforming the industry — after all, the three founders of Starbucks learned much of their craft from founder Alfred Peet — but there’s much more to it than that.
I’d always known Peet’s was a big influence in the coffee world but I had no idea how much of an influence it really was.
This story is a fun read about one employees view from the inside. ☕️
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tittagrace · 2 years
Chevy volt range 2012
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He could tell us everything we needed to know about the Chevy Equinox or the Malibu in under 10 minutes. Why deter us from buying a car we knew we wanted? This puzzled me for months, but eventually, I figured it out: for a salesperson (commissioned or not), time is money. There was another big hitch with the Volt: the way they were sold When we arrived, the first thing our salesperson tried to do after we told him we wanted to test it out was. When my wife and I were planning to buy one, we started at our local Chevrolet dealer, which had several on the lot. It’s been rumored for more than a year that Chevrolet is working on a plug-in crossover replacement for the Volt, which is more in line with market trends than a four-seater sedan.īut there was one other big hitch with the Volt: the way they were sold. Most major carmakers have released plug-in hybrids like the Volt (or soon will), showing what a trailblazer it really was.
Earlier this year, Ford said it would be discontinuing most of its car lineup in favor of trucks and crossovers, and GM is doing something similar.īut my experience with the Volt convinced me that plug-in hybrids are the major stepping stone for owners between traditional gas-powered cars and full EVs like the Tesla Model 3.
This is probably the primary driver of the Volt’s cancellation. So why kill it? The Volt is a sedan, and demand for four-door cars has been falling marketwide. But even if the range had been shorter, the Volt’s hybrid status eliminates that electric car range anxiety because she could have stopped at a gas station in a pinch. The rated range of 53 miles for a full charge of electricity held up, allowing my wife to drive her 50-mile round trip commute entirely on electricity. But with some minor behavior changes - like plugging it in at night to charge up the battery - you can save money and the environment. If you like, you can drive it like a normal car and never plug it in at all. And, unlike full-electric vehicles, it’s easy to loan to people who are unfamiliar with the quirks of electric cars. Unlike Teslas, which run on electricity alone, the Volt is a “plug-in hybrid” that has a smaller battery pack, but it also packs a gasoline engine that starts up when the battery runs out of juice. We hardly noticed the switchover between electric and gasoline propulsion. The technology in the car is astonishing. I bought a second-generation Volt in 2016, and before it was totaled in a crash (there were no serious injuries), my then-wife and I put more than 18,000 all-electric miles on the car, with just shy of 2,000 gasoline miles on the clock. For the Volt, which received so much attention when it launched, it’s natural that its boosters would claim every sale as a victory, while nothing would satisfy those who think of it as a “ Government Motors” boondoggle. Deliveries eventually grew to more than 20,000 units per year in both 20, putting the Volt on par with what Porsche has predicted for sales of its upcoming Taycan electric car. In 2011, its sales goal was 10,000, but Chevy only sold 7,671. Though the Volt’s sales numbers fell short of the original projections, it was hardly a failure. In 2012, President Obama promised to buy one when he left office, and talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh repeatedly bashed both Obama and GM for the Volt, saying that “nobody wants it” and criticizing the $7,500 federal EV tax credit. The Volt has always been a political football. The Volt is sentenced to death in March 2019
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gatetonki · 2 years
2016 equinox oil filter location
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#2016 equinox oil filter location how to#
#2016 equinox oil filter location install#
I'm lucky enough to have a lift, if you don't, and you're laying on the ground, well good luck. All right, so we're underneath the vehicle now. So, I'm going to wait on it, but I wanted to show you it. You can look down inside here, all the way down there, that's the oil filter, it's going to be much easier to get from down bottom. I'm just going to pull it up, leave it like this for now. Cool, so right here's the oil dipstick, this is how you're going to check your oil when you're done, okay? It's pretty basic, but I'm just going to state it. If you put it right here, you trying closing the hood, it's not going to close. You just close the hood and then drive away, that could become an issue. We can put this someplace else, and you do your thing and maybe your friend, or whatever, calls you, and you walk away and you forget if you added oil. But anyway, dexos approved, 5W-30 oil, okay? We'll set this right here, that way there we can't forget to put oil in it. It's a Chevrolet, so they recommend a very special oil for this, you don't want to use regular 5W-30, you can look into why, I'm sure you can find it all over the internet, and they'll tell you about it. It's very important that the oil you use is dexos approved. It tells us what kind of oil we need to use. All right, so one of the first things that we want to do, once we pop the hood, we're going to take the oil cap, we want to take a look at it. If you need any parts, or instructional videos, you can always check us out at.
#2016 equinox oil filter location how to#
It's going to be very simple, I want to be the guy that shows you how to do it. The oil filter removes debris and contaminants from the oil before it is recirculated through the engine.Hey friends, it's Len here at 1A Auto, today we're working on a 2015 Chevy Equinox, we're going to be doing a quick oil change. The engine oil in your 2015 Chevy Equinox contains metal shavings sediment particles soot and a wide range of other contaminants. Oil Filter Change Chevrolet Equinox 2010-2017 LT 24L 4 Cyl.Ĭheck if this fits your Chevrolet Equinox. Remove Oil Cap - Take off the oil fill cap. Remove Filter - Position drain pan and remove the oil filter. Verify that the item fits your car.Ĩ Theres 2 black tabs that holds the cabin air filter in place. A Genuine part is a part in the auto manufacturers original box with their logo on the box. 7 You should see the cabin air filter inside thats held in place by a black rectangular box inside. Where is the oil filter located on a 2013 chevy equinox - Chevrolet Cars Trucks question. Oil filter location 02 Chevy S10 Extreme 43. I also show you how to reset the oil life monitor. On the other side 5qts for FWD and 6 qts for AWD with a 20L engine are recommended with 5W30. Get your 2015 Chevy Equinox oil filter replacement at Hare Chevy in Indianapolis. How to change your Chevy Equinox 24 liter 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Oil filter Change. Replace Cap - Put the oil fill cap back on the engine.
#2016 equinox oil filter location install#
The oil type used is 0w20.ĭIY How To Install Cabin Filter 2010 2013 Chevy Equinox GMC Terrain Chevrolet Equinox Cabin Air Filter Replacement 2010 2015 Equinox. Need oil filter location for 2013 equinox. Replace Filter - Add oil to the new oil filter and insert it. The oil capacity of 2018 2019 Chevy Equinox models is quite similar to 2020 2021 ones. The basic purpose of the oil filter is to remove those pollutants so your engine can run more smoothly and decrease the likelihood of internal damage or other costly repairs. Getting Started - Prepare for the repair. Using royal purple 5W-30 and a Wix PS-7000 filter. Equip cars trucks SUVs with 2015 Chevrolet Equinox Oil Filter from AutoZone.Ĭheck if this fits your Chevrolet Equinox. A quick video providing the location and explanation of how to take off the 2016 Chevy Equinox oil filter without the special tool. Oil filter location - need oil filter location for 2013 equinox. Add Oil - Determine the correct oil type and add oil. 2015 at 0545 PM about the 2013 Chevrolet Equinox. New New Shop New Pre-Order Your Next Vehicle Buy Online with Clicklane Sell Us Your Car.Īn oil filter is a maintenance part that should be replaced at each oil change but problems inside the engine or excess debris may clog it. 792 gph 132 gpmGPHGasket Inside Diameter. We have the best products at the right price. Find Oil Drain - Locate the oil drain plug underneath the vehicle. 2018 Equinox Diesel 2017 Bolt EV gets the most usage 2016 Colorado Durmax Green Diesel Tune 2015 Cruze Diesel 05 liberty CRD Limited - suncoast TC GDE Turbo GDE TCM Tune 2gen OEM filter head stant 195 tsat Autoandart Window Fix New TB kit 190k Geordi. It is 42quarts for FWD and 53qts for AWD with a 15L engine. Open the Hood - How to pop the hood and prop it open.Ĭhange The Oil On A 2016 Chevrolet Equinox 9 Insert your finger or tool to pry the cabin air filter away from the tabs. 2001 STONEY CREEK RD NOBLESVILLE IN 46060.
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longwindow · 2 years
Dodge dart 2016
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This head turning 2016 Dodge Dart Sedan fits your budget at Call or Text For Price.
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purpleform · 5 years
TOP 5 Selling Compact Crossovers SUVs in USA 2019 | CRV - RAV4 - Rogue -…
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Equinox SUV for sale at Westside Chevrolet has all the additional feature like numerous radar and camera-based adaptive technologies, forward collision warning with the help of distance indicator, low-speed automatic braking, lane keeping assist, blind spot monitoring and rear cross traffic alert.
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autoshopin · 7 years
2018 Chevrolet Equinox vs. 2017 Honda CR-V Comparison Review
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carpartland · 4 years
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noah44jacob · 5 years
2019 Chevy Equinox Redesign, Specs, Release and Price Rumor
2019 Chevy Equinox Redesign, Specs, Release and Price Rumor
2019 Chevy Equinox Redesign, Specs, Release and Price Rumor
2019 Chevy Equinox Redesign, Specs, Release and Price Rumor – 2019 Chevy Equinox is superb family car including numerous advantages and luxurious inside. Some functions can be found inside the pleasure of the new car. The high quality of new cars may also be quite fascinating. You can pick as being an excellent car.
2019 Chevy Equinox…
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autosmotor-blog · 6 years
The 2019 Chevy Equinox Coming Soon, Here are The Full Detail
The 2019 Chevy Equinox Coming Soon, Here are The Full Detail
After a current redesign, it appears rather clear that 2019 Chevy Equinoxwill not include larger modifications The existing generation of the renowned crossover exists for regarding a year. Still really fresh, it truly does not require adjustments presently. The 3rd generation can be found in very early 2017. Prior to the existing design, 2 generations were generated between 2005 and also 2017.…
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allcarlovers-blog · 6 years
2019 Chevy Equinox Colors, Price And Reviews
2019 Chevy Equinox Colors, Price And Reviews
2019 Chevy Equinox Colors, Price And Reviews – The Chevy Traverse is actually a small crossover SUV which happens to be provided in numerous toned levels. Individuals are L, LS, LT and The best trims. The 2019 Equinox should not be much not the same as the 2018 product year. The sole enhancements which can be envisioned are, probably, a few new exterior colors and new color combos in the cabin.…
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caroim-blog · 7 years
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2019 Chevy Equinox Overview, the Incredible SUV Comer
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superautoreviews · 7 years
2019 Chevy Equinox Reviews, Price, Interior
New Post has been published on https://autocartrend.com/2019-chevy-equinox-reviews-price-interior/
2019 Chevy Equinox Reviews, Price, Interior
2019 Chevy Equinox Reviews, Price, Interior – The 2019 Chevy Equinox will be a new age group for the future with a lot of characteristics and improvements. According to gossips, the corporation has offered to turn this SUV design to be the greatest within its class. Once we check out the former product which when released can reply to buyer needs, our company is assured that it is straightforward for Chevrolet to create anything amazing for this particular future technology. Of course, the latest Equinox should be completed with a brand new perspective and Chevrolet can do everything they can to be a director within the SUV section.2019 Chevrolet Equinox Spy photo
2019 Chevy Equinox Exterior
2019 Chevy Equinox Price
The scene away from auto will be the first thing we are going to notify. You can find rumors proclaiming that this automobile will likely be presented with excellent body design along with a great look at. You will be more confident and get pride when driving this vehicle on the streets. The existing document suggests that 2019 Chevy Equinox utilizing premium quality supplies and durable and lightweight bodywork to offer.
2019 Chevy Equinox Specs
The car’s design impacts from your truck so somewhat as if the truck is essentially an SUV. The new could be more complete with new technological innovation in Microsoft windows and headlamp. Equinox has the far better presence through fog lighting. Consequently, you do not have to worry about driving this car from the rainwater or snowfall.
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2019 Chevy Equinox Interior
2019 Chevy Equinox Interior
2019 Chevy Equinox has an extremely eye-catching design because Chevrolet wished to retain the satisfaction and reliability of your shop. In addition to the external part, this automobile may also be created with higher specifications inside the design in the cabin as well as the engine. It features a functional couch using a higher-good quality leather and can provide the greatest convenience for half a dozen travelers. Additionally, it comes with a sporty and stylish seem that makes it like a car for each day use or perhaps a household car.
2019 Chevy Equinox Engine Specs
2019 Chevy Equinox Engine
Predicted how the 2019 Chevy Equinox would maintain the engine utilized in the last model, this means that the latest vehicle should go by using a 2.4-liter engine ability, but there will be little modest changes that might be supplied. It would opt for a several-tube so that it will be better than their competitors. The ability in the machine is related but will provide approximately 182 hp. Sports design may be unveiled as a particular edition using a 3.4-liter V6 engine that produces a lot more than 308 hp.
2019 Chevy Equinox Release Date And Price
2019 Chevy Equinox Reviews
The brand new 2019 Chevy Equinox even offers a higher standard burglar alarm system with airbags inside the seat, LATCH for kids, feel the monitor for traveling gear, internet connections and more together with the price of the automobile is approximated at about $ 25,000.
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