#2020 koushiros compassion
izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure: (2020) {Reboot} ~ J.P.N Version ~ Ep. 42 featuring DUO{s}: 2020!Taichi & 2020!Koushiro {KouTai} / {Taishiro} {in background} 2020!Koushiro & Gerbemon (as Friendship) ~ MOMENTS & Interactions {as Friendly/Supportive} + Koushiro's {Canonical} Character Traits / Patterns
"Koushiro-kun, You've shown me your DEDICATED SOUL {Tamashi} for Science."
(Politely responding but sounding clearly grateful) "N-no, if it wasn't for your invention... It's {also} all thanks to you."
{Koushiro makes the request for Gerbemon to focus on Gerbemon's "desired research", "without being HAUNTED by 'revenge'"};
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"...Koushiro-han?" - Kabuterimon, hesitant voice reflecting a clear concern for Kabuterimon's partner's thoughts, in this moment;
{after earlier, with Koushiro, clearly reflecting on the concept of 'revenge'};
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"You evolved when YOU THOUGHT you should TAKE after Koushiro-kun?" - Gerbemon, in happy surprise - Searchmon evolving, Crest of KNOWLEDGE on its Back
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IMGs all by @izzyizumi​ / @koushirouizumi​ {DO NOT re-post} {PLEASE ASK TO USE} {DO NOT remove caption}
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koushirouizumi · 4 months
[Index] Koushiro{u} Izumi {DigiAdvs} Scenes (J.P.N Ver.)
{This is still actively being worked on; Please be patient as I continue to add more!!}
Because I got tired of not being able to immediately refer to scenes without having to use piles of caps / etc.
{More to be added shortly!!}
NOTE/DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS SERIES. I do not make $$$ off my posts. This is being posted for Reference. Please actively support the series via any official means in your location{s} as well!!
Ep02: Koushiro + rapid Maths Calculations {+Moments; with Jou} Ep05: Inside the Battery; Interests + Adoption {+ Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep10: Koushiro Guides Mimi Out The Maze {+Friendly; with Mimi} Ep13: Koushiro stands to signal support for Taichi’s decision {Friendly} Ep18: Koushiro and Yamato discuss their Crests {+Friendly; with Yamato} Ep20; vs. Etemon Arc (Near-End); Koushiro assisting Taichi Ep21: Hosoda!Koushiro; Communicating from Vademon’s Dimension? {+Moments; with Taichi} [+Taichi’s Monologuing that follows in relation] Ep24: Searching for Crest; & Vademon’s Dimension {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep24: Koushiro’s laptop + “Cosmic Power”?? activates communication with Taichi Ep24; Koushiro regains Inquisitive Heart + “I Want to Know!” {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep24: Koushiro Snaps Awake {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep28 vs Tri. Kyousei: Motimon/Tentomon’s “Bond” {“Kizuna”} with Koushiro Ep28: The Gate sequence {+Friendly, with Taichi} + Part 2 Ep28: Ending moment; Taichi with hand on Koushiro’s shoulder Ep29 x Tri. Soushitsu x 2020 Ep59: Motimon / Tentomon Parallels Ep30: Koushiro {physically} intervening to defend Jou / Pushed from Bridge Ep31: Koushiro’s Polite{ness} +(J.P.N) speech {+Familial; with Mrs. Izumi} Ep31: Koushiro’s Excuses + Adopted!Koushiro Scene {+Familial; with Mrs. Izumi} Ep31: Koushiro’s Bad/bland jokes + Adopted!Koushiro  {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep31: Koushiro’s Guilt + Adopted!Koushiro & Izumi’s concern + Taichi’s worry Ep36: “Just leave your computer behind!” {+Familial; with Izumis} + “Let’s BELIEVE in Koushiro, in our son.” - Mr. Izumi, to Mrs. Izumi [Koushiro sets up Gennai’s “barrier”; Izumis discover Tentomon] Ep36: Koushiro sets off to help the fight; Izumis send him off with love Ep38: the Adoption reveal / “It’s not wrong for you to be obsessed with Computers!” Ep38: Koushiro & Izumis Figure Out the Prophecy {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep39: Koushiro Displaying Compassion for Parents {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep45: Yamato & JouMi Leave the Group {+Moments; with Yamato & Chosen} Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc (Start); Koushiro showing concern for Yagamis Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc; +Andromon; Fake-Fights {+Friendly; with Taichi} Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc; Taichi’s Confession {+Friendly; with Taichi} Ep50: Koushiro (Totally Not) Showing off Skills {with Adv!Chosen; & Taichi} Eps 52~53: “Why WON’T YOU LET ME FIGHT?!?” {+Interaction, with Taichi} Ep52: vs. Piemon; crying out for Jou + teary-eyed {+Friendly; with Jou} Ep53: (Near End) Koushiro’s realizations {+Friendly; with Tentomon} + Tentomon: “But that’s what I like about you” Ep53: (Near End) Adventure Lore about The Crests
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Digimon Astrology Journey - Independent women: Sora & Mimi
For references, more understanding and background, make sure to read my posts about basic Astrology 101! Part 1 | Part 2. 
A fire Sun/Moon placement combined with a strong Taurus placement... Look out for Femme Fatales! They have a natural beauty, are bold, sensual, strong and creative. Sora and Mimi both have all of that, even though they have very different personalities. Most likely because Sora’s Rising placement balances out her Sun and Moon with compassion and caring protectiveness while Mimi’s big three is here to be a princess and to live for the applause whenever she feels like. 
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See it like this: Sora takes care with passion, Mimi wants to be passionately taken care for every once in a while. 
The important stuff
Sora Takenouchi, March 21st 1988 (around 11AM)
Sun: Aries (fire-cardinal) 
Moon: Taurus (earth-fixed)
Rising: Cancer (water-cardinal) 
Mimi Tachikawa, July 24th 1989 (around 11.30PM)
Sun: Leo (fire-fixed) 
Moon: Aries (fire-cardinal) 
Rising: Taurus (earth-fixed)
Charts and analyses under read more!
Beware!: I calculated their birthdays by assigning them a Sun and Moon placement. All of this is NOT CANON! It’s inspired by/based on the canon. I use these analyses and their headcanon birth charts as a reference/character sheet for -as an example- my own fanfiction. Of course be my guest to use these for your own, but remember it’s just someone else’s (in this case it being my) headcanon ;) Some credit, a reblog or a like when used is appreciated. 
Sora Takenouchi - March 21st 1988
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We do know in Our War Game, Taichi gave her that hairpin for her birthday in the Spring break between 5th and 6th grade (for her 12th birthday). Conclusion: she probably has her birthday somewhere between March 20th and April 6th (even when it’s not canon? I once read that her birthday is not canon even though the movie implies her birthday is around that time…). Meaning two things: she is either an Aries Sun or a Pisces Sun. I went for the Aries Sun, because I feel like the Pisces is too ‘dreamy’ for her. Her Sun however is on the thin line between Pisces and Aries (even better: if she was born around midnight on the same day, she would have been a Pisces!). So she is an Aries, but her Aries Sun will probably be highly influenced by Pisces.
An Aries Sun is independent, determined and has a strong physical appearance. These Suns NEED sport or some kind of physical and practical activity to feel good, which in Adventure turns into Sora’s absolute and passionate love for soccer. The determination and independency can be seen in DA episode 26 when she stands up against her mother because of soccer even though her knee is hurt. However, that independency and determination is more often towards or for the sake of others, for example when Sora takes off on her own to secretely help her friends. This probably comes from her Sun placement close to Pisces, making her more compassionate and sensitive than any other Aries Suns. And it’s due to her Rising placement. 
Intermezzo: Reboot 2020 Sora is more of an Aries than her original counterpart. I know the character building in the Reboot isn’t that good -or even not existing at all-, but looking through the Astro-glasses, I do see some character. Reboot Sora fits perfectly in this chart!
Sora is a Cancer Rising. Cancer Risings are, even more than the Cancer Suns, protective of others. Cancer Risings tend to see everything or otherwise WANT to see everything. They’re not nosy, they just want to check on you and make sure you’re safe, healthy and happy. This is in fact Sora in a nutshell. 
Taking care of others is their priority number one and that’s exactly what Sora does all the time. Cancer is often called the mother of the Zodiac, a title she is given every once in a while. In Tri episode 10 (Confession pt 1) Meiko says “You’re just like a mom”, and Meiko is someone who doesn’t know Sora for that long. Even she sees, feels and experiences it, making Sora a natural mom-like protector. 
And even though that motherly role is not something what she wants to achieve, it comes natural to Sora. There are more DigiDestined with Cancer placements, but somehow it’s Sora who they call a mom all the time. Her Aries Sun makes her passionate and determined, while her Cancer Rising makes her care and protect. This Aries-Cancer dynamic gives her a mom-like character you can’t get around. 
Sora’s first reaction after Meiko calls her a mom is annoyance and a way of denying and is most likely her Aries-Cancer dynamic. Cancers have a hard shell and they like to keep it that way. Aries can say and feel things before thinking it through. Her face and reaction is a mix of that Cancer’s shell, not wanting to admit she is a mom, and Aries’ impulsiveness, an immediate and bold reaction. (However, it could also be her Moon speaking.)
Cancer Rising makes her sensitive, protective and caring. Place it next to her Aries Sun and she is a bold and independent person with a strong emotional touch. Put her Moon in Taurus next to all of that and she becomes a perceptive human being.
Taurus Moons are highly disciplined, can be somewhat stubborn and crave stability. They like to show others they have everything under control, all the while their bodies extremely react to stress, making Taurus Moons very emotional and (inwardly) reactive people. This could be the explanation why Sora is having such a hard time putting her feelings into words or even doesn’t want to talk about her emotions at all, even when she has these very strong, physical and intuitive feelings and emotions from time to time. So whenever she does have her words ready, she won’t say it, because she thinks about the other first. It’s likely for Sora to bottle everything up and when she can’t hold it any much longer, it will all come out at once. 
With her Mars placement in Capricorn -making her ambitious, feel responsible and act thoughtful- on top of it all, she might has the tendency to overwork herself and go into these downward spirals. Especially when she feels -in both her work and private live- like she can not mean anything to others. This is likely due to her MC = Midheaven (career and calling) in Pisces which makes Sora humble and very ambitious in helping others. And here it comes: preferably through sports or art! Maybe that’s why she is suddenly drawn into Ikebana. And I feel like she isn’t an ordinary fashion designer, but someone who wants to help others feel good through her designs. 
Also a Taurus Moon can make one very traditional, which is the case with Sora. In Adventure she caves more into standing up against her mother, which is more of the Aries-Taurus dynamic: stubborn and determined. Later on, especially in Kizuna, it turns into working with her mother which could be the Cancer-Taurus dynamic. And When she chooses for herself in Kizuna, she’s fully into her big three, using them all three equally. Well, if that isn’t growing up… No shit she was the first one to lose her partner (which I still think is so sad…).
Mimi Tachikawa - July 24th 1989
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To me, Mimi is WITHOUT A DOUBT a Leo Sun. And also without a doubt a Taurus Rising! Making her a very very very fierce lady. With an extra emphasize on lady. Her Aries Moon makes her even more bold.
As you can see, her Leo Sun placement is on the thin line with Cancer, which means Cancer influences her Leo Sun and makes her more caring towards others whenever it’s needed. But: the Leo Sun is charismatic and can have a big ego. This is pointed out by Koushiro in Tri episode 6 (Determination pt 2). That ego could make Mimi chose for herself and the people that affect her directly in a certain situation first. Her Taurus Rising and Aries Moon will probably emphasize that even more. Let me be clear: that’s not a bad thing! It’s a good thing knowing what you want and need. And Mimi is a good at that! In comparison to Sora, Mimi is way better in letting others know what she really thinks and feels. In that same episode, just a view seconds before Koushiro puts her in her place, she says she is “sick of Palmon and the others being critisized”. Mimi is honest and sincere, of course she has the Crest of Sincerity/Purity! 
Leo Suns tend to be bossy, they like to boss around and delegate, something we see Mimi is very good at in the series. When she acts and dresses like a princess in Adventure episode 25, in the second arc of Tri (Determination) with her ‘Daters café’, even in the DA: 2020 reboot twice (episodes 6 and 37). She is a princess and a queen, but let’s not forget she can be an awefully good leader and Mimi is an amazing entrepreneur foremost! 
Whatever you think of Leo Suns, they are organized, can be very inspirational, work hard and are very creative. As an entrepreneur myself I can tell that those are the traits you have to possess if you want to make it into the business world. Mimi with her Leo Sun is all up for that! Seeing her starting up her own business in Kizuna is so suiting for her and with this amazing birth chart, it MUST be her calling. Even her Midheaven is in Capricorn, which makes her ambitious, hard working and possibly a tough business woman! She is very practical and needs to immediately act, do stuff. 
As for her Taurus Rising, funny thing with this placement is they can have these explosive tantrums, something we could see with Sora too. However, Sora gets angry and passionate after she bottled things up for too long. Mimi on the other hand just passionately rants when she thinks and feels is the right thing to do. Again I refere to the specific moment in Tri, but there are probably a lot more of these moments. Mimi is such a sweet girl, but in the end, she wants it her way and she will get it. She is stubborn, not to listen to any bullshit you have to say. She can be easily bored due to the Leo-Aries dynamic. Though to be clear, she isn’t shallow. Mimi just has a filter for bullshit and won’t budge easily, due to her Mercury in Leo too. However, when you do say something that moves her in whatever kind of way, she will act on that and makes sure it will work for her. This could partially be her Venus in Virgo, making her have the ability to be more critical to and reflective on her own values.   
Back to Mimi’s Taurus Rising which wants security just like Sora’s Moon placement, but in case of the Rising placements Mimi finds that security more in materialistic comfort. Mimi likes to possess stuff and things. Clothes, accessories, plants, designer furniture, cute home decoration and more. Flying business class? Definitely her Taurus Rising in combination with her Leo Sun. Her Aries Moon makes her impulsive and that Moon in combination with all of the above makes her buy new things and stuff on impulse. Good thing the girl is rich!  
Mimi’s Aries Moon was a placement I had to put some thought in, but I knew she had a fire Moon. In the end, Aries fits the bill. Aries Moons make act quick and impulsive which lead them straight into action. They have a need for independency, which makes Mimi’s Leo Sun more bold and independent. The Leo-Aries dynamic makes Mimi a natural leader, her Taurus-Leo dynamic makes her a sensual leader and her Aries-Taurus dynamic a inspirational leader. She is a leader, she just needs to make sure she doesn’t become too bossy. And she has to pay attention to not let her emotions rule her actions, which is very common with Aries Moons. 
Mimi is a badass woman, but let’s not forget she has a soft side too. Again, Mimi’s Leo Sun will likely be influenced by Cancer, making her Leo Sun more protective towards others. Her Moon in her 12th House could imply she needs more alone time than others -and herself included- think. Her Venus in Virgo in her 5th House makes her more devoted and dedicated towards relationships, making her a caring and devoted friend (and lover). We see her devotion towards her own value and others in the Dark Masters arc in Adventure, when she makes a decision based on her own values and what she thinks is important to do. Mimi is not afraid to act and therefore she is beautiful and very strong! 
Her Venus in Virgo love-wise could also mean she is held back when it comes to love and relationships. Not because she’s insecure, but because she is picky and very critical when it comes to her partners! Hahaha, can you imagine Mimi breaking things of with someone, because he or she or they doesn’t meet up to her standards? Because I definitely can.
For an end note on both girls: People with a Taurus placement (mainly a Taurus Sun, but I’m using the freedom of intepretation rn) in the Big three are often called ‘natural beauties’. I think that’s very accurate with these two gorgeous anime ladies, don’t you agree??
Also bonus: strong, very caring and loving friendship between these two that can go the distance <3
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o-w-quinlan · 3 years
Digimon Adventure: (2020) Final Thoughts
Considering I stopped reviewing this series episode by episode months ago, they’re more positive thoughts than you’d expect, though still not all that positive.
To summarize, this is an entertaining series with plenty of individual good aspects and great episodes that nevertheless leaves me cold as a whole. Much as I enjoyed following it week to week, I can’t say I recommend this series to anyone but hardcore Digimon fans, or hardcore fans of the wider “monster” genre.
It felt appropriate to start with this, considering a focus on action was what the initial interviews promised, and they delivered in spades. It wasn’t perfect or too consistent, there were several times when the Digimon not evolving when they could just broke any tension the fights had, but this series had some of the best fights in any Digimon anime. Anything in the first 3 episodes, Greymon/MetalGreymon vs MetalTyranomon, SkullKnightmon vs Greymon and Garurumon, Mugendramon vs DoneDevimon, Mugendramon vs WarGreymon, Millenniumon vs the dragons, Omegamon vs Abbadomon Core… all of them among the best things the franchise has to offer in terms of action scenes, which after so many series where fights were solved by having a protagonist Digimon evolve and one-shotting the enemy, comes as a breath of fresh air (to be fair, this series also had a lot of that, but it had actual great fights to compensate).
Another thing promised in interviews was the use of Digimon from all over the franchise, and not only did they deliver, but they also included plenty of references to the “null canon” to enrich the experience for the most hardcore fans. The series made sure to constantly emphasize the savage nature of the Digital World, bringing back the Tamers worldbuilding of Digimon consuming weaker Digimon in hopes of achieving evolution. Along the way we saw a lot of allies fighting back against this status-quo, from things as overt as Leomon organizing a resistance or Petaldramon protecting weaker Digimon from the all-consuming Entmon, to less dramatic stuff like weak Digimon settling down to live together, or the mere presence of a restaurant where everyone can rest for a while of the hardships of their world.
The biggest flaw here was in how the series handled its antagonists. With very few exceptions, every single enemy Digimon in the series lacked dialog, whereas nearly every single ally Digimon could speak normally, and this disparity cheapened the whole thing, because instead of coming across as “this mentality is normal for this world”, it came across as just your normal “everyone lived together in harmony until the villains attacked”, which is very much not what the series was telling us.
That brings us to the next point: the lack of personality for most villains. I joked elsewhere that Minotaurmon from episode 19 was the most compelling villain of the series, and that’s not completely a joke. Almost every single villain of the week was flat, plenty of the “main” villains were lacking in dialog (Algomon in the first few episodes, Nidhoggmon, Millenniumon) or turned mindless halfway through (Devimon, DarkKnightmon). Negamon/Abbadomon in the final episodes managed to benefit from this by being the embodiment of an “instinct”, but in general this meant a mook-of-the-week like Minotaurmon managed to be a highlight among the villains simply by having dialog and non-trivial desires.
But what of the protagonists? The popular opinion is that everyone is far blander than they were in the original series, and I agree. But rather than comparing it with the first series, let’s look at what it had to offer to us. Where in other Digimon series, the backstories and issues of the protagonists and their reactions to what’s going on around them make for most of the drama, in this series the drama comes from the villains trying to destroy everything, and for the most part that means the protagonists only need to be distinct and charming on their own, no necessity to create conflict between them. There is an overall character arc for all of them, though: accepting and interiorizing their new duties towards the world they had ended up stranded on, getting to know and love the Digital World. Was this well done? Not really.
Taichi and Takeru, for example, were so much the embodiment of the stock shonen hero that accepting their place in this new world didn’t really reveal anything about them we hadn’t already seen from their first few appearances.
Jou got stuck as an unfunny punchline 90% of the time, to the point of damaging his few “serious” moments in some of his focus episodes. His development of becoming assertive was compelling in theory, but it got muddled with so many unfunny and uncomfortable hotsprings jokes that the impact was lost.
Hikari started as an even more blatant plot-device “mysterious character” than she was in the original series, before unconvincingly changing to cheerful little girl afterwards (the whiplash between her in episode 33 and her in episode 34 was something else), and only really managing to settle into a compelling character in her last focus episode (58, defending the Digitamas from the Bakemon and SkullBaluchimon, which to be fair is a great episode and probably the best showcase for Hikari as a character in any product or continuity).
Koushiro was mostly fine, although we all remember the several times the series seemed to promise it might do something with him (his uneasiness when his family was mentioned, or that line about having to “face the darkness of his past” in the HerakleKabuterimon episode) that ended up being nothing.
Mimi is the fan-favorite, being charming in nearly all her appearances and having some of the best focus episodes, and it’s mostly deserved. If there’s anything I criticize from her, it’s that her focus episodes don’t really add up to anything.
Yamato was fine, started out as a stock shonen rival before becoming the single most chill “lone wolf” in any Digimon series, probably because of what I said before of the conflict between the protagonists no longer being the source of drama. He gets a slow development of caring only for his brother to starting to care for other Digimon for the sake of Sora and Gabumon to caring about the Digital World just as much as everyone else.
Sora was made fun of by a certain section of the fandom for having the worst focus episodes early on, and I agreed, but having finished the series I can’t get rid of the impression that her focus episodes, while perhaps not that good on their own, when taken as a whole explore her character the best of any other. Yeah, this mostly means exploring her compassion (these are not very multi-dimensional characters), but they deepen and deepen both her impact on the Digimon she saves and how she is impacted in turn by them, moving her away from saving others through her combat prowess to saving others by empathizing with the grief of another caring soul, and by the end I honestly ended up considering her my favorite character (despite none of her episodes making it to my list of favorites).
As for the Digimon… it’s following in the footsteps of other Digimon Adventure products by not really having much of interest for the Digimon themselves except for Tailmon.
Overall, for the most part the main characters were decent, but besides Mimi and ultimately also Sora, I don’t think they’re very memorable. All of them start out promising, but never really improved from that promising start (again, except for Sora).
And now we get to the biggest problem of the series: Pacing. I’ve seen it stated elsewhere that this series was more episodic than most (any?) other Digimon series before it, and part of the backlash it got was from not being as serialized as fans expected it to be. This isn’t exactly true. From episode 16 (Eyesmon) to episode 24 (DoneDevimon), this series was as serialized as any other Digimon series has ever been, with nonstop escalation that demanded you keep watching it week after week. Then, from 25 to 35 (Angewomon) or 36 (BlitzGreymon), it pulled slightly back from that never-ending escalation, but was still pretty serialized. It was only afterwards that it became heavily episodic, and by that point it wasn’t expectations set up by previous series that hurt it in the eyes of the fandom, it was expectations set by this series itself in its first half.
Not that the episodes themselves were bad. Honestly, I found myself significantly more entertained by the episodic later half of the series than the serialized first half. Maybe it was because they didn’t feel the need to convince me they were the most exciting, tense thing I had ever seen when they were clearly not (hello, Mamemon episode), or maybe it was that there were more than just endless fights to them, but I normally ended up those episodes entertained and satisfied, whereas with a lot of episodes from Eyesmon to BlitzGreymon, I mostly just felt frustrated after watching them. I agree with the criticism that, when seen as a whole, breaking momentum so hard for so long after months of never-ending escalation wasn’t the right choice, but when seen week after week, I can’t see this change of approach as that bad of a thing.
I think that sums up the series for me. On a weekly basis, it’s pretty entertaining. It’s when seen as a whole that the problems really become clear. There’s been some speculation in the past few weeks of how much the current situation in the world might have impacted the series, but ultimately, I have to judge what actually happened, and I can’t help the impression that this series ultimately left me with nothing of substance after it was all said and done. Like, I enjoyed this more than, say, Appli Monsters, but Appli Monsters have things that stick with you after it’s over. Not so much here, unless you’re a hardcore fan that loves the Omegamon lore this added (which I am, btw; love that Omegamon lore). I don’t think I can recommend this series to anyone who isn’t a hardcore Digimon fan, or at least a hardcore fan of the wider “monster” genre.
One thing I’m grateful to this series for, though, it’s the commercial boost it has given the rest of the franchise. I’m not going to credit it for all the successes it currently has, after all the Card Game would have fell off by now if it wasn’t genuinely well-done and the Vital Bracelet happened because of years of the virtual pet division progressively building up its audience after it had nearly died off, but it’s undeniable they wouldn’t have sold as well without this anime advertising the franchise week after week. Next week, we’ll have the first episode of Digimon Ghost Game, the first time since 2001 that we have a Digimon series being immediately succeeded by another. If that isn’t a sign of how well the franchise is doing right now, I don’t know what is.
Favorite Episodes: 1 (Tokyo Digital Crisis), 6 (The Targeted Kingdom), 12 (Lilimon Blooms), 20 (The Seventh One Awakens), 32 (Soaring Hope), 42 (King of Inventors, Gerbemon), 49 (The God of Evil Descends, Millenniummon), 56 (The Gold Wolf of the Crescent Moon), 58 (Hikari, New Life)
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
Digimon Adventure 2020 Ep 13 Reaction
A strange blend of “things that feel wonderfully nostalgic” and “suddenly, Star Wars (with bees).”
Man, Toei is having a field day with taking inspiration from other franchises lately!  One moment I’m grinning at the nostalgic “hey Koushiro, I’ll hit your tablet to make it work!” jokes and the traditional Digital World jungle setting.  The next, I’m like...
Giant... bee... space... ship?  Captured natives?  Disposing of the heroes in the garbage compactor?  I can’t decide if this is amazing and fun, or if I’m more in the “wait, wut” camp!
But first of all, THESE KIDS ARE GIVING ME HEART ATTACKS FLYING ON BIRDRAMON WITH A LOG SEAT.  Like, of course someone fell!  Good god, how are these children surviving this stuff?  Are they made of steel?!
ANYWHO, we see more of Sora’s compassion in this ep.  She insists on helping the (really freaking cute) Funbeemon, even after they’ve saved Jyou-
Speaking of Jyou for a sec- Jesus, kid.  First, he’s air sick. Then, he falls from waaaaay up high.  THEN, he gets captured...  THEN!  He’s thrown in the garbage compactor.  THEN!!!!  He doesn’t have the sense to move out from under the chute?!?!?!  THEN HE CRIES TO GOMAMON (WHO IS! NOT THERE!!!!) FOR A HUG BECAUSE HE IS COLD!  THEN HE DOESN’T MOVE WHEN SORA WARNS HIM TO AND ALMOST GETS CRUMBLED WITH A WALL.  THEN GOMAMON SURFS IN ON A WAVE OF FISH, AND I AM DEAD, AND THEN THEY HUG AND I CRY, and I swear they gave the pair’s likability entirely to Gomamon, like Gomamon is overflowing with the goodness and lovability of at least three characters.  AND THEN JYOU IS PANICKING BECAUSE THEY ARE SURROUNDED!  AND THEN JYOU FALLS AGAIN, AND GOMAMON LANDS ON HIS TUM AND HE GOES OOOOF!  AND THEN THEY BACK SORA UP AGAIN AS SHE TRIES TO HELP DIGIMON BECAUSE HE!  IS!  A GOOD DISASTER CHILD!
I’d say something like, “Are you okay, Jyou?”  But we all know the answer.  What a mess!  Like, THIS ISN’T EVEN YOUR EPISODE, GET IT TOGETHER!
ANYWAY, this ep showcases Sora’s compassion a second time, and we have it direct from Sora that she is personally choosing to take up responsibility for not only saving earth, but the digimon, too.  She’s doing it out of compassion, but...  Kiddo, please be careful.  That’s a lot on anyone’s shoulders.  I wonder if we’ll see the fatigue that loving that much tends to cause in the reboot, like we did in Adventure?  I’m definitely interested in how the series handles this as time goes on.  Sora was so good in this ep, but I’m also hoping these are seeds to explore the downside of having such a huge heart and the willpower to carry through!
(Hopefully I don’t sound like I’m complaining!  I thought this was a great episode for Sora, soooo much better than her intro episode.  I’m just personally interested in this topic, and I always hope for more character exploration.)
 And I found the mutual respect between Sora and Yamato so, so interesting.  You know...  We all know that Taichi and Yamato simultaneously respect each other and butt heads throughout all of the original Adventure material.  Over time, we see that Yamato actually respects Taichi so damned much that he gets personally offended when Taichi is “faltering,” from Yamato’s perspective.  
But Yamato has always treated Sora respectfully, and we are seeing that in this ep in such a huge way.  He was able to foresee what Sora would want to do, based on the Neamon incident.  This time, instead of fighting it...  He offers his own plan (get captured on purpose to rescue Jyou and Gomamon) and follows her... slap-dash two step plan without question to rescue the remaining captives.  And after he does his part, he just...  Just waits for her to get her end done, knowing that the power balance is all off (adult vs perfect form).  This indicates how much he respects Sora, but also how he’s stepped up since trying to go his own way a few times already in the Reboot.
And I’m just saying, if someone was going to inspire this level of trust in me, personally...  Well, I’d go with Sora, too.  Good choice, Yams.
(Yamato I think is the closest we have to a fully-fleshed character so far, with both good points, bad points, and a ton to respect about him despite everything.  Although Gomamon is the only one who is somehow getting away with being a pure, flawless ball of perfection).
AND THE NEXT EP IS KOU-CHAN!  HOW WILL I MAKE IT TO NEXT SUNDAY!  I’M SO, SO READY!  I wonder why Koushiro has “an older model tablet,” according to Mimi (who would certainly know!).  Ugh, I loved Mimi leaning over to see Koushiro’s tablet, KOUSHIRO SO SO SMOL.  And another note, Taichi and Agumon’s in-sync hive mind bit at the end?  God, I love it.
It kind of makes me assume that there’s sentimental value to Koushiro’s tablet!  Or maybe he’s so attached to it because he’s placing so much of his self worth in his abilities, which he can’t utilize without the tablet?  Ie, without the tablet, I’m worthless...  But then, in that case, it would make sense for him to use the latest tech!  Hmm...  Maybe he just can’t afford it?  Or is there something else here...
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izzyizumi · 1 year
{Preview of a Thing I'm Working On} (If I can get This to Mix Properly...) [For Now Though!]
"Taichi-SAN..." - Koushiro, Adv #48 "TAICHI-sAN...." - Koushiro, Adv: #02
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izzyizumi · 1 year
{Preview of a Thing I've Been Working On!} (Mix by Me) {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
[This is a FAN-MADE MIX DigiAdvs (C) T.o.e.i A.n.i.m.a.t.i.o.n]
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(Koushiro when 2020 Koushiro Thinks Taichi is Dead.) {Cap by Me} (Please ASK to Use!)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
{DigiAdv Ep 48} x {DigiAdv: (2020) Ep 02 end} (Japanese version) ~ Koushiro’s Compassion (towards Taichi) ~ Koushiro’s (Canonical) Character Traits [Cross-Canon Medias]
“TAICHI-SAN...” - Adv 48, Mugendramon Arc
(Quietly muffled, as if almost outright sobbing {but hiding it} at the thought Taichi’s dead) “...TAICHI-SAN!!... ...” (Trails off)
{Clipped by Me} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove caption} (Please ASK to Use) [Disclaimer: I Do NOT own DigiAdvs / DigiAdv ( C ) Toei]
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure x tri. x Kizuna x 2020 ~ J.P.N Version featuring Character (+DUO/SHIP/O.T.P) Koushiro[u] Izumi (+Taichi Yagami); [KOUTAI] / (TAIKOU) / {Taishiro[u]} + Koushiro & Tentomon; (as Friends); + IZUMI Family (as Adopted) ~ Important Quotes ~ (Common) Character Traits ({+Awkward} Grinning or HAPPINESS) ~ Parallels (across all Adventure{s}-relevant medias)
“You look more EXCITED than you’ve ever BEEN before.”
“You look really HAPPY about something.”
“I understand how much you LOVE this” - Motimon as he patiently listens to Koushiro, (rambling about the benefits of Oolong);
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“All WE WANT is for YOU to BE HAPPY.” - Mrs Izumi
(My Interpretation): {“Are YOU HAPPY?”}
“YES, I AM.” - Koushiro[u] Izumi, in every possible Universe, Likely
{Bonus Gifs + Original commentary under the ‘
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“YES, I AM.” - Koushiro[u] Izumi, in every possible Universe, Likely
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My Commentary: You cannot convince me otherwise; because Koushiro Izumi “WILL” “make it through” any and every Universe, Timeline (& new medias).
gifs by izzyizumi, {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove caption} {Please ASK to Use} {usage of gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.}
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS SHIPs/PERSONAL PREFERENCE. However, it can also be semi-canon Compliant, despite this; please remember + RESPECT this when interacting please tag only with the ship name[s] and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you!} (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship!!) {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a Block}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} A.M.V. ~ “{TSUKI} no [Uta]” / {MOON}’s [SONG] [As this is technically still a preview, it is Unfinished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro Izumi + Yagami Taichi / KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai / Taishiro (& e.t.c.; as Friendly/Supporting): [+Tentomon; Agumon; Yamato & Chosen (briefly, as Support); Izumis appear w/audio at end] MUSIC (C) Elements Garden / {Sung by}: Kishou Taniyama Digimon Adventure franchise/Series (C) Toei Animation {+Some major Koushiro & Taichi-spoiler[s] for Tri, KIZUNA & 2020} [Tri!Taishiro/Koushiro scenes used mainly/only from: “Kokuhaku” {“Confession”}] [Kizuna scenes used DO SHOW TAICHIs ENDING relevancy, Take Caution!] [DigiAdv 2020 scenes used are from Eps 14; 36; 54 (Taichi); 59 {for now}; Taichi; & Koushiro-relevant {mainly} scenes]
My Commentary:
(Made this literally on a whim?) Time spent: About 5~6 hours total. Total Clips used thus far (in this mostly-finished version): 100.
While this CAN also be read as semi-Canon Compliancy; Please also understand I very much intended this as ship: Koushiro Izumi x Taichi Yagami (namely in a post-Kizuna sense). {The AMV is meant to show their story as an overview, as if they are reflecting on the events they’ve {already} been through} (I’d appreciate if that was respected as you watch.)
I included lyrics in the title links; they are here, with another version here! (The second version contains minimal spoiler relevancy about its originating series’ character who sings this song.) It is highly recommended you read the lyrics to get an understanding before watching this!
Lyrics Short Preview:
The song that can never be sung by anyone else within this whole galaxy, The song about who I truly am, (I will sing it) only for you
“Am I somewhat different from OTHERS…?”
NOTE: If you do not see video above, Keep checking back here, as sometimes the player hasn’t loaded properly! (If an AMV I’ve made has been down for an extended period of time, Please let me know!)
Taichi and - ALSO - Koushiro’s stories are important to every Adventure{s}-based series, and I’m showing why I believe so by using this A.M.V.!
{Lyrics Long Preview}:
The song that can never be sung by anyone else within this whole galaxy, The song about who I truly am, (I will sing it) only for you
“Am I somewhat different from others…?” On the day I noticed that, I swallowed an overwhelming… Uneasiness
Endless... Endless... Endless... “Who ON EARTH AM I, truly?”
It’s okay to cry over (Moonlight... Moonlight... Moonlight...) A past that you can never return to
"FATE” is always Being cruel {to our hearts}
(There is a) half side of the moon that is not shone by the light That darkness supports the light radiating fascinatingly (in the other side)
“You should just always be… yourself like that”
I sing.. I sing.. (They say) “It’s alright now...” We sing... We sing... We sing... “(Look,) everyone is now waiting (for you)”
(We) both coexist {Those} of us are {as} one As if (carried away by) the sand, (They)-- I keep those days living inside of me, And (eventually), they become my strength
As we stare up at the sky, who always looks after the moon (from its back), Now please listen to me, {About}, How (MUCH) I {care about} YOU...
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(Note: replies/Tags that are Positive/respectful OK!)
Former Additional Commentary:
(Also, because 08/03 is Odaiba Memorial Day, too.)
Finished just barely in time (it’s still August 3rd in some places, right??)
FULL Lyrics!:
The song that can never be sung by anyone else within this whole galaxy, The song about who I truly am, (I will sing it) only for you
“Am I somewhat different from others…?” On the day I noticed that, I swallowed an overwhelming… Uneasiness
Endless... Endless... Endless... “Who the hell am I, truly?”
It’s okay to cry over (Moonlight... Moonlight... Moonlight...) A past that you can never return to
Fate is always Being cruel {to my heart}
In those nights when full moon shines the prettiest, (it) gently tells me that, (there is this) half side of the moon that is not shone by the light That darkness supports the light radiating fascinatingly (in the other side)
(With darkness) We can stay as one (With lightness) By existing together I want the strength to embrace this weakness That lumps love and hatred together
“Just the way you are, (I hope you) remain just like that” is what its like hearing from {them}, (whom I call as) {the voice of the moon}
And that’s exactly why I understand How the warmth of those brilliant days has become my (source of) strength (right now)
Thanks to my experience of loss, I come to understand what it is to both “move forward”, And look back I turn everything to a song I sing for my dear life With Darkness.. Whenever I (feel) down With Lightness.. I better hold my chin up
If I can walk towards the future, Even if little by little, that’s enough
I sing.. I sing.. (They say) “It’s alright now...” We sing... We sing... We sing... “(Look,) everyone is now waiting (for you)”
With Darkness.. (We) both coexist With Lightness.. {Those} of us are {as} one As if (carried away by) the sand, (They) disappear I keep those days living inside of me, And (eventually), they become my strength
As we stare up at the sky, who always looks after the moon (from its back), Now please listen to me, singing about How (much) I {care about/love} you...
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure x “Digimon Adventure:” (2020 reboot) ~ Episode 38 (Adventure) vs. Episode 47 (2020) ~ Character Development ~ Comparisons & Parallels + Possible Hints for Future Developments?* (*If 2020 someday gets a sequel, perhaps these parallels could CONTINUE) + Koushiro & Displaying COMPASSION (Across various Series)
(Adventure!Sora, curiously/somewhat gently): “HOW LONG did YOU live in Hikarigaoka*, Koushiro-kun?” {*This was changed to fictional ‘Heighton View Terrace’ in U.S. dub} (In actuality, it’s based off a real location!)
“Why is That?” “I DON’T KNOW...”
(2020!Sora, curiously/gently) “Koushiro-kun, were YOU OK?” (Very Likely Heavily Implied): ‘At home’? {After talking about her mother at home, 2020!Sora peers at Koushiro with an expectant look} (2020!Koushiro) (HESITATING & Nervously):  “MY HOUSE, is, UM...”
(2020!Koushiro) (in reference to Gerbemon’s story about ‘revenge’): “...Some sort of PAIN, that can only be understood by the ones LEFT BEHIND.”
(Mrs. Izumi) (Forlornly): “We had A CHILD of our OWN, once...” “A LITTLE BOY -” “- BUT HE DIED when HE was JUST A BABY.”
(Mrs. Izumi) “All we want is for YOU to be Happy.”
(Mr. Izumi) “You don’t have to CHANGE yourself for US.”
(Koushiro, to Gerbemon):
“...From now on, please focus on your desired research WITHOUT being HAUNTED by revenge.”
Gifs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
Image usage rules + original commentary under the ‘read more’!
(Initially nervous/backing away): {Notably, nervous when Gerbemon maintains heavy eye contact): [to a point of some light stammering in repsonse]
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(Koushiro, at end, reaches out TO Gerbemon...)
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“You evolved when you THOUGHT you should TAKE After Koushiro-kun?”
“From now on, we’ll search Together!”
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{2020!Koushiro, pleasantly, at HOME} (2020 Ending Theme #4) with Tentomon in IZUMI residence’s bathroom
+ (The lyric immediately following with that scene): “Blue skies, the ends of the ocean There’s a Tomorrow that NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT...”
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gifs by @izzyizumi, {DO NOT REPOST} {DO NOT REMOVE CAPTION}
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#digimon#digimon adventure#digimon adventures#digimon adventure 2020#koushiro izumi#koushirou izumi#izumi koushirou#izumi family#gerbemon#koushiro and empathy#koushiro and compassion#empathy is not compassion#adv timeline#digiadv 2020 timeline#digiadv 2020 gifs#digiadv 2020 47#2020 koushiro#koushiro and self acceptance#koushiro vs revenge#autistic koushiro series#autistic koushiro#autistic head canon#(HI do NOT Talk To Me Abt Koushiro Izumi unless you wANT Me to Slam Down Every Single Thing Abt Koushiro Ever EVEN THE SMALLEST DETAILS OK)#(You ppl dont KNOW how long Ive agonized over the single QUICK FLASH of Koushiro absolutely GAPING over a wrecked vehicle in That Ep)#(&THEFACT Those events were near def prE PLANNED bc Soras drama cd track HINTS 'Maybe' 'it all' preseries hAPPENED For rEASONS!!!1!)#(IT DID and NO ONE Can Convince Me OtherWISE AAA ANYWAY Koushiro!! Izumi!!! Is!! A Good!!! Character iN ALL MEDIA ACTUALLY INCLUDING 2020)#(LIKE YES I wish Izumi fam could have shown bUT We Do Not Actually Know if 2020 is THAT Fully done and if there iS a sequel someday wHOAAA)#(ALL Koushiro Izumis across ALL media are More Like Each Other Than You Think bc they are ALL Koushiro Izumi to ME & Im sAYING IT BC I CAN)#(I made these for my head canon that is but they DO apply to the actual series too & anyhow I spend time making these Pls be respectful OK)#(I'm mostly yelling because WOW I LOVE MY FAV but also because Genuinely Koushiros backstory & personality is not THAT hard to grasp in JPN)
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure: [2020 Reboot] ~ Episode 36 Featuring Characters/Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Taichi Yagami [Taichi (“Tai”) Kamiya in US] x Koushiro(u) Izumi [Koushiro (“Izzy”) Izumi in US] [Taishiro(u)] ~ Moments & Interactions + Character Development + Important Dialogues + Parallels (+to previous media{s}/Novel adaptation)
“...I HAVE” --
Gifs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
Image usage rules + Original commentary under ‘read more’!
{Implied by following Visuals}: “{EVERYONE}.”
(Spoken aloud)
“--{and} YOU, AtlurKabuterimon!”
(Because Not Everything Needs To Be Said Aloud to be Understood.)
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- they must NOT be used to spread negativity for the canon/fandom! {INCLUDES: in regards to Adventures AS A WHOLE, Adventure (Original series), 02, Tri, Kizuna, Adventure & 02 movies, Drama CDs, any spinoff materials} - they must NOT be used to promote shipwarring within the fandom - they must NOT be used to attack any Adventures character focused on - IF I SEE YOU DOING THIS I WILL LIKELY BLOCK WITHOUT MERCY {usage may be allowed IF PERMISSION IS ASKED TO USE.}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
{DigiAdv 2020} Ep. 59 ~ 2020!Taichi & Koushiro[u] + Koushiro on the way to Saving Taichi [+Whamon]
“Koushiro... Tentomon...” - Taichi, genuinely concerned
[Full text will be added shortly, check comments!]
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0 notes
koushirouizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure/02/tri ~ Japanese version + Koushiro{u} Izumi ~ Parallels & Comparisons ~ Character Progression{s} ~ Important Quotes & Dialogues + (Instances of) Crying {+Shame, Nervousness, Listlessness} + (Tri) Taichi Defending Koushiro (to Meiko, approaching Meiko directly)
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Further bonus images + Image usage rules under the ‘read more’!
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure vs tri {“Confession”} vs “Adventure:” 2020 (reboot) ~ Comparisons & Parallels ~ Character Development (of {Every!} Koushiro Izumi) ~ Important Quotes + Koushiro Izumi + Displaying Compassion [for Family & Friends, AKA The Chosen] (Across every single Series)
“...But THAT’S what I LIKE about YOU.”
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“But thats STILL Another part of YOU THAT I LIKE.”
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“We wouldn’t BE who we are TODAY!”
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“And for the sake of THOSE WE LOVE, who are WAITING for us BACK ON Earth...”
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gifs by @izzyizumi, {DO NOT REPOST} {DO NOT REMOVE CAPTION}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure / 02 / tri. / Last Evolution: Kizuna / “2020:” (Reboot Series) A.M.V. [Preview] ~ “rob0t” b0y (Robot Boy) [As this is technically still a preview, it is Un-finished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro Izumi + KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai / Taishiro (& side/e.t.c {YamaKouTai)}; as friendly) [+Izumi Family; & Tentomon] MUSIC (C) Linkin Park Digimon Adventure{s} (C) Toei Animation {Some minimal Koushiro-spoiler[s] for Tri & 2020} (mainly Koushiro focus eps) [& Kizuna end credits!Koushiro at end]
{Lyrics + Commentary under the ‘
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Other Digimon Adventure & 02 fans often ask me “why” Koushiro Izumi (known as “Izzy” in the U.S. dub, he’s mainly and very specifically intended as “Koushiro” here - but I love “Izzy” too, so!) is one of my top favorite Chosen Children, (if not my MOST favorite) “even” within his CANON storyline, in all versions of the series. This A.M.V. is probably the closest you’ll get to a ‘full’ answer from me. On a side note, June 18th is actually Autism Pride Day! (Though I was intending this A.M.V. to be for the August 1st anniversary...) As an ‘ActuallyAutistic’ fan-works creator, I’ll be glad if other fans can enjoy this A.M.V. when they ask me “why” I appreciate this character so much, on a personal level.
Because that’s something that can be pretty hard to explain in words, but maybe it shows through at least a little here.
This A.M.V. took about 10 full hours to make in total, and it contains about 117 clips (not including the last couple of clips.) The second to last clip (after the song) contains a scene from Digimon Adventure “2020:” Episode 36 (Un-subbed, I’m adding that later) (which also appears throughout the A.M.V., among the start of “2020:”) The “2020:” ending episodes’ (namely Ep. 66)’s Koushiro scenes relevancy are also used in some spots, though the final battle itself is not seen much outside those. There are some Tri spoilers from the middle and ends of the 3rd & 6th parts, especially, but again, the most major of final battles is not shown frequently (only a single post-battle moment, but it does imply some things.)
(I’m also including a lot of cross-canon ‘Parallels’ I’ve noticed in this Can you note/find them all?)
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You say you're not gonna fight 'Cause no one would fight for you
And you think there's not enough love And no one to give it to And you're sure you've hurt for so long You've got nothing left to lose So you say you're not gonna fight 'Cause no one would fight for you You say the weight of the world Has kept you from letting go And you think compassion's a flaw And you'll never let it show And you're sure you've hurt in a way That no one will ever know But someday the weight of the world Will give you the strength to go Hold on, the weight of the world Will give you the strength to go So hold on, the weight of the world Will give you the strength to go So hold on, the weight of the world Will give you the strength to go Just hold on, the weight of the world Will give you the strength to go...
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